OP Pesticide Paper - PLOS Medicine
OP Pesticide Paper - PLOS Medicine
OP Pesticide Paper - PLOS Medicine
1 Environmental Health Sciences Center and Department of Public Health Sciences, School of Medicine,
a1111111111 University of California Davis, Davis, California, United States of America, 2 Natural Resources Defense
a1111111111 Council, and George Washington University, Washington, DC, United States of America, 3 Department of
a1111111111 Epidemiology, University of North Carolina Chapel Hill, Chapel Hill, North Carolina, United States of America,
a1111111111 4 School of Public Health, University of California Berkeley, Berkeley, California, United States of America,
a1111111111 5 BC Children’s Hospital, Faculty of Health Sciences, Simon Fraser University, Vancouver, BC, Canada,
6 Mailman School of Public Health and Children’s Center for Environmental Health at Columbia University,
New York, New York, United States of America
* ihp@ucdavis.edu
Summary points
Citation: Hertz-Picciotto I, Sass JB, Engel S,
Bennett DH, Bradman A, Eskenazi B, et al. (2018)
Organophosphate exposures during pregnancy • Widespread use of organophosphate (OP) pesticides to control insects has resulted in
and child neurodevelopment: Recommendations
ubiquitous human exposures.
for essential policy reforms. PLoS Med 15(10):
e1002671. https://doi.org/10.1371/journal. • High exposures to OP pesticides are responsible for poisonings and deaths, particularly
in developing countries.
Published: October 24, 2018
• Compelling evidence indicates that prenatal exposure at low levels is putting children at
Copyright: © 2018 Hertz-Picciotto et al. This is an risk for cognitive and behavioral deficits and for neurodevelopmental disorders.
open access article distributed under the terms of
the Creative Commons Attribution License, which To protect children worldwide, we recommend the following:
permits unrestricted use, distribution, and
reproduction in any medium, provided the original • Governments phase out chlorpyrifos and other OP pesticides, monitor watersheds and
author and source are credited. other sources of human exposures, promote use of integrated pest management (IPM)
through incentives and training in agroecology, and implement mandatory surveillance
Funding: This work was supported by Project
TENDR, which has received grants from John of pesticide-related illness.
Merck Fund (https://www.jmfund.org/), Ceres
• Health professions implement curricula on the hazards from OP pesticides in nursing
Trust Fund (https://cerestrust.org/), Passport
Foundation, and the National Institute of
and medical schools and in continuing medical education courses and educate their
Environmental Health Sciences (R13ES026504). patients and the public about these hazards.
As co-Executive Director of Project TENDR, IHP
• Agricultural entities accelerate the development of nontoxic approaches to pest control
received grants from Ceres Trust Fund for work by
Project TENDR to increase awareness of the through IPM and ensure the safety of workers through training and provision of protec-
scientific evidence regarding pesticides and tive equipment when toxic chemicals are to be used.
neurodevelopment and to develop policy
recommendations for reduction of such exposures.
BL, JBS, and SE received support from Project
TENDR provided by the John Merck Fund to attend
Project TENDR meetings where this manuscript
was discussed. The funders had no role in study
who often receive little or no instruction on the use of hazardous substances, are not provided
with personal protective equipment, and/or operate application equipment that is not properly
maintained. Additionally, overuse, misuse, and accidents have led to deaths of schoolchildren,
e.g., in India in 2013, China in 2014, and Bangladesh in 2015, from consumption of meals with
high levels of OP pesticides [4,24,29,30].
As tragic as these acute poisonings are, an OP pesticide exposure in the absence of overt
poisoning does not imply that neurologic damage has not occurred—for both children and
adults [31]). The US EPA concluded in 2016 that the existing epidemiologic literature pro-
vided “sufficient evidence that there are neurodevelopmental effects occurring at chlorpyrifos
exposure levels below that required to cause acetylcholinesterase inhibition” [11]. Such
chronic, low-level exposures are often overlooked or dismissed as benign because neither the
pregnant woman nor the fetus shows clinically visible signs or symptoms. Furthermore, the
developmental deficits do not manifest until months or years later. Indeed, the scientific con-
sensus is that AChE inhibition is uninformative with regard to neurodevelopmental effects in
children and that the toxic effects from chronic, low-level exposure occur at concentrations
too low to inhibit cholinesterase [1,9]. The evidence thus indicates that OP pesticides can inter-
fere with brain development at levels previously thought to be safe or inconsequential.
Hence, AChE inhibition cannot be used as a biomarker to identify neurodevelopmentally
harmful OP pesticide exposures. Reliance on AChE inhibition for regulatory purposes
obscures the serious threat that OP pesticides pose to early brain development and represents
an unscientific and inadequate approach to health risk assessment. In fact, other effects appear
likely to mediate the OP toxicity to neuronal systems that is foundational for childhood behav-
ioral and cognitive deficits. Toxicologic evidence implicates OP pesticides in neuroinflamma-
tion, protein-kinase C receptor signaling, insulin resistance, dopaminergic and glutamatergic
Pesticide regulation
Pesticide regulations vary widely across the globe. As with pesticide usage, no database has
consolidated this information for all countries. Table 1 shows available data on 47 OP insecti-
cides [36] banned by one or more countries, as well as the level of health hazard and the num-
ber of countries that have banned each OP pesticide. The most comprehensive database
available on current governmental regulation of pesticides provides data covering 39 of these
47 OP insecticides, obtained from 106 countries outside the US [37]. Included in this database
are total bans, along with denials of approval, but not restrictions. Of the 106 countries, 81%
have regulated one or more of the 39 OP insecticides [37]. The 28 countries of the European
Union have taken action on the most OP pesticides (33). Additional countries that have
banned more than 10 include the US (26), Cambodia (15), China (15), Saudi Arabia (15),
Guinea (12), Korea (12), Mauritania (12), and Thailand (12). Notably, having regulations in
place does not necessarily mean that they are enforced. Furthermore, some of the most toxic
OP pesticides that are banned across dozens of countries are exported elsewhere, often to
developing countries and sometimes in large quantities, for example, to Costa Rica and Guate-
mala [27]. In Mexico, at least a dozen OP pesticides that are classified as highly hazardous by
the WHO Food and Agriculture Organization are used [38].
Within the US, the EPA regulates pesticides under two overlapping statutes—the Federal
Food, Drug, and Cosmetic Act (FFDCA) and the Federal Insecticide, Fungicide, and Rodenti-
cide Act (FIFRA). Many of the insecticides banned in the US were initially licensed prior to
1970, when required health and safety assessment was minimal and before the US EPA was
formed. As a result of legislation in the 1970s requiring increased health and safety studies, vol-
untary agreements were reached between manufacturers and the EPA to cancel or phase out
registrations for some pesticides, including 18 OP insecticides.
In 1996, the Food Quality Protection Act (FQPA) amended FIFRA and FFDCA by
requiring the EPA to include additional safety factors to protect children because of their
greater exposures and heightened susceptibility [39]. Children have larger body burdens
of pesticides because of greater intake of food, water, and air than adults, per unit of their
body weight; they explore the world through mouthing behaviors; and they frequently
crawl or play on floors where pesticides and other toxic chemicals settle. Heightened sus-
ceptibility during early years arises in part from immature detoxifying enzyme systems,
including paraoxonase 1 (PON1) [7,40,41]. Under the FQPA, the EPA must show that
there is reasonable certainty that no harm will result from aggregate exposure to the pesti-
cide, including all anticipated dietary exposures and all other exposures for which there is
reliable information.
37 Phosphamidon H E H 49 X
38 Phostebupirim7 �� �� �� ��
39 Pirimiphos-methyl7 M M �� ��
40 Profenofos M M H 29 X
41 Propetamphos M H H 28 X
42 Sulfotepp H E H 32 X
6,7 �� �� ��
43 Sulprofos M X
(Continued )
Compound1 Hazard level Number of countries (outside US) Banned OPs in US designated by X. All other OPs on list are
that have banned it2 currently registered for use in the US3
44 Temephos M S H 28 X
45 Terbufos H E H 34
46 Tetrachlorvinphos M H 28
47 Trichlorfon M M H 32
After passage of the FQPA, OP pesticide use across all market sectors declined by over 70%,
from 70 million pounds per year (lbs/yr) in 2000 to about 20 million lbs/yr in 2012 (the most
recent available data) [6]. By 2002, most nonagricultural uses were phased out by agreements
between the EPA and the pesticide manufacturers, based on results of EPA risk assessments
for chlorpyrifos and diazinon showing unacceptably high risks to residents, particularly chil-
dren, from residential pest control [42,43]. The volume of OP pesticides used on foods com-
monly consumed by children, such as fruits, decreased by 57% between 1994 and 2004, from
28 to 12 million pounds (12,701 to 5,443 metric tonnes) of active ingredient applied annually
[44]. This action resulted in dramatic reductions in blood and urine concentrations of OPs
among the US population [45]. However, agricultural OP pesticide use continues to contribute
to exposures for farmworkers, their families [15], and residents in homes, children in schools,
and other bystanders near farmlands [23], as well as to food and drinking water contamination
that affects a broader population.
In 2016, the EPA concluded that exposure to chlorpyrifos—the most commonly used OP
insecticide in the US—from either food or drinking water alone could lead to unacceptably
In 2014, the American Academy of Pediatrics called for pediatricians and governments to rec-
ognize and reduce pesticide exposures through education, pesticide labeling, public health sur-
veillance, and regulatory action [47]. In 2016, an independent group of scientists and health
professionals published the Project TENDR Consensus Statement as a national call to action to
significantly reduce exposures to chemicals—including OP pesticides—that have been identi-
fied as putting children in the US, and likely throughout the world, at increased risk of neuro-
developmental disorders [48]. Project TENDR concluded that the evidence of significant risks
to children’s neurodevelopment from OP pesticide exposure warrants strong regulatory
action. In 2017, a United Nations report on the Right to Food called for changes to agricultural
practices to ensure food that is safe, free from pesticides, and qualitatively adequate [24]. To
achieve the goal of reducing exposures to OP insecticides, we therefore propose an action plan
for governments, public health and medical institutions or organizations, and agricultural
entities. Our recommendations are detailed in Box 1. These steps would markedly reduce pre-
natal and childhood exposures to OP pesticides.
Exemplary actions at various governmental levels have been taken. At the multinational
level the EU chose to not approve close to 200 pesticides, of which over 20 are OPs, and multi-
ple individual countries have instituted bans on OPs such as dichlorvos, methamidophos, and
methyl parathion [37]. In the US, California has taken steps to limit agricultural use of pesti-
cides near schools and childcare facilities when children are present [50], and Hawaii recently
banned the distribution, sale, transport, and use of any pesticide containing chlorpyrifos as an
active ingredient [51].
In reducing OP pesticide usage, toxic effects from substitute or replacement chemicals
require scrutiny. Pyrethroid pesticides have replaced OPs as the main class of insecticides in
residential pest control products, but recent rodent laboratory studies and epidemiologic stud-
ies suggest that prenatal pyrethroid pesticide exposures may also increase the risk of adverse
neurodevelopment and behaviors and negative emotions [13,52–54]. Neonicotinoid pesticides
are now the fastest-growing class of insecticides used on crops in the US [55]; they are
persistent in plants, soil, and water and highly toxic to invertebrates, including endangered
aquatic species, bees, and other beneficial insects [56]. Moreover, the impacts of broad and sys-
temic pesticide use are well documented to have had significant negative ecological conse-
quences affecting terrestrial, aquatic, wetland, marine, and benthic habitats and posing risks to
ecosystem functioning and resilience.
What are the alternatives, if synthetic pesticides other than OPs are also neurotoxic?
Agriculture represents the vast majority of OP pesticide use, which includes both crop and
livestock production. Widespread implementation of IPM is needed to reduce this use. IPM is
a reduced-risk pest management strategy that emphasizes inspection, monitoring, prevention,
and pest control using the least toxic methods including (agri)cultural practices such as inter-
cropping (growing two or more crops in close proximity, which can reduce susceptibility to
disease and pests), crop rotation, and cover crops (to reduce soil erosion and improve soil
health); physical controls such as traps or bug vacuums; habitat management that encourages
beneficial insects; and biological control, such as the release of parasitic wasps to control
aphids, with pesticides used only as a last resort. When used, least-toxic pesticides are chosen
first, such as materials approved for organic farming (e.g., Bacillus thuringiensis to control Lep-
idoptera) [57].
While IPM strategies do not, in principle, forbid the use of OP and other neurotoxic pesti-
cides, these higher-risk materials serve as a last resort and should be applied in a way that pro-
tects human and environmental health. That most crops produced with OP pesticides are also
produced organically provides compelling evidence that OP pesticides are not essential [58].
Some recalcitrant pests may be difficult to manage with less toxic pesticides, which in some
instances may result in lower yields or higher production costs, reducing competitiveness.
Recent research, however, indicates that crop yields from organic and other alternative pro-
duction systems are increasing and in some cases match conventional yields [59]; these
approaches additionally would likely reduce external costs to public health and the environ-
ment [60]. To ensure that farmers are not threatened with rising costs and thinner profit mar-
gins, many agricultural trade and policy organizations recommend increased government
support for extension research and outreach needed to support transitions to less toxic materi-
als [61].
Public health, a second use of OP pesticides, represents a small fraction of their applications.
For example, OP pesticides are used for mosquito and other vector control to prevent vector-
borne diseases such as Zika virus or West Nile virus. We do not recommend abrupt changes in
pest management that would increase the risk of exposure to these viruses. We do advocate
increased funding for better understanding of the ecology and biology of these and other vec-
tors and the diseases they spread and alternative methods to control them without the use of
OP or other neurotoxic pesticides. The historical example of the Mediterranean fruit fly in Cal-
ifornia, a serious invasive agricultural pest, provides a model for application to disease vectors.
In the early 1990s, state officials used helicopters to spray malathion over residential areas
Supporting information
S1 Fig. Average annual tonnes of OP pesticides used in agriculture per 1,000 square km, by
country, 2010–2015. Darker shading indicates greater usage per 1,000 square km. Gray shad-
ing indicates that no data were available during that time period. For countries with data avail-
able for some but not all years during 2010–2015, the available data within that period were
used. Source for US data was [6]; and for all other countries, [5]. Map created with mapchart.
net. OP, organophosphate.
S1 Text. Spanish translation of full article.
S2 Text. Chinese translation of full article.
We are grateful for the support from Maureen Swanson.
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