Micros Very Small Bios Life Logos Study of : Introduction To Microbiology Microbiology "Micrographia" (Book)

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Some key takeaways from the document are that microbiology is the study of microorganisms, microbes can be beneficial, opportunistic, or pathogenic, and the historical developments from early microscopists to current applications and technologies.

Some important discoveries and theories in the history of microbiology mentioned are Robert Hooke discovering cells, Anton van Leeuwenhoek observing microorganisms, Carolus Linnaeus developing binomial nomenclature, Rudolf Virchow proposing the cell theory of biogenesis, Louis Pasteur providing evidence against spontaneous generation and for biogenesis, and the development of genetics and molecular biology.

Some examples of emerging infectious diseases mentioned are invasive group A Streptococcus, anthrax, E. coli O157:H7, carbapenem-resistant Klebsiella pneumoniae, methicillin-resistant Staphylococcus aureus, West Nile encephalitis, bovine spongiform encephalopathy, Ebola hemorrhagic fever, and hantavirus pulmonary syndrome.

Notes of Operario. M.

(BMLS - 4A/3I)
MLS 322 A Lecture : Prelims

Microbiology Robert Hooke (1665, England)
↳ study of very small living organism seen - “Micrographia” (book)
only with the use of a microscope - Only used the compound microscope
↳ Microorganisms/Microbes and discovered cells (in the cork)
Micros = very small - History of cell – The Beginning of Cell
Bios = life Theory
Logos = study of… ↳ “all living things are composed of cells”
- 1978, “Little boxes” or “Cells” --- cellar
● Infection
● Disease
Anton van Leeuwenhoek
Pathogens → pathogens almost swept the (1673, 1723, Delf, Holland)
whole human race - First to observe and demonstrated live
Why study?
(Animalcules – Archaic microscopic
70%: Beneficial Aspects
● normal microbiota
- Single-lens microscope (magnifying)
● decomposers
- Discovered his own fecal sample
● industrials (food & beverage) probiotics
↳ Giardia lamblia (protozoa)
● produces of O2 (algae)
- Letters to the Royal Society of London –
● food chain
governs body of knowledge and
● microbial ecology
● genetic engineering
● pharmaceuticals (antibiotics)
20%: Opportunistic Pathogens
1700’s Focus:
10%: Pathogenics Organisms
● Plants & animal life
(infectious diseases & microbial intoxication)
● Attempts for categorization of microbes

Carolus Linnaeus (Swedish Botanist)

- Binomial nomenclature:
genus & specific epithet (species)
- “Systema Naturae” (1735)
- Are italicized (computer) or underlined
- Are “Latinized” and used worldwide
- May be descriptive or honor a scientist:
Scopes: ○ Staphylococcus aureus
● General ○ Escherichia coli
● Medical ↳ Theodore Escherich
● Agricultural - colon / large intestine
● Sanitary
Carl Woese
● Industrial
- system of classification based on
● Microbial physiology & Genetics
cellular organization of organisms
● Environmental


Notes of Operario. M. (BMLS - 4A/3I)
MLS 322 A Lecture : Prelims

Spontaneous Generation / Abiogenesis:

- That living organisms arise from non- John Needham (1745-1748)
living matter - Put boiled nutrient broth into covered
- “Vital Force” – importance of oxygen to
life; forms life

Aristotle’s Hypothesis:

Decaying spontaneous Living

action of nature
Jan Baptista van Helmont recipe for mice:
Nutrient broth heated, Teemed with microorganisms
Dirty a few In 21 days, cooled then placed in / microbial growth
+ grains of = sealed flask
shirt or Adult Mice
Lazzaro Spallanzani
Manure + Decaying/Rotten Flesh = Flies & Maggots - Showed that fluids heated in sealed
sewage & Garbage = Rats flasks did not contain microbes

Biogenesis: (Rudolf Virchow)

- Alternative Hypothesis: Production of
new living organisms/organelles that
the living organisms arise from pre-
existing life


Francesco Redi (Italian physician, 1668)
Rudolf Virchow / Theodor Schwann / Matthias
- Gave a series of blow
Schleiden (1839-1858)
- 1st real experiment to dispute
- Cell Theory = Omnis cellula e cellula :
“All cells come from cells”
- Rudolf Virchow proposed the theory of

1860 : Paris Academy of Sciences offered a prize for any

experiment that would help resolve the conflict
1864 : Pasteur claimed the prize

Louis Pasteur (1864)


1st : 3 Sealed Jars No maggots

2nd : 3 jars covered No maggots and no flies inside

with fine net (only at the top of the net)

3rd : 3 open jars Maggots appeared after flies

Notes of Operario. M. (BMLS - 4A/3I)
MLS 322 A Lecture : Prelims

- Microbes are present in the air and can - Spoilage bacteria could be killed heat
contaminate sterile solutions but air that was not hot enough to evaporate
alcohol in wine.
- Pasteurization
↳ (low) heating to kill microorganisms
but not to destroy proteins w/o boiling
↳ application of higher heat for a short


itself does not create microbes. (no

⇒Diseases were thought to be caused by:

● Demons
● evils spirits
● wrath of God
⇒Hard for people to believe that diseases were caused by

② Germ Theory of Disease

- to prove that the cause are microbes
- Germ is a general term of bacteria,
fungi, etc.
1835 : Agostino Bassi discovered a
- Conclusion: There’s no such life force in silkworm disease caused by a fungus
air & organisms do not arise by
1865 : Pasteur discovered another
spontaneous generation in this matter
silkworm disease caused by a
Nutrient broth placed in Free from 1840’s : Ignaz Semmelweis advocated
long necked-flasks, heated, microorganisms / no
bacterial growth
disinfection (handwashing to
then sealed
prevent the spread of Puerperal
Fever / Childbirth Fever
1860’s : Joseph Lister used phenol (toxic, kills
bacteria) to prevent surgical wound
● Pasteur’s Work infection
● Germ Theory of Disease
● Vaccination 1876 : Robert Koch provided experimental
● Antimicrobial Drugs steps, Koch’s Postulates, used to
prove that a specific microbe causes
① Pasteur’s Work a specific disease
- Microbes are responsible for:
Microbial Etiology of Important Diseases
● fermentation
established Koch:
● spoilage of food
● Vibrio cholerae ➨cholera
- Vinegar (HAc) is produced when
● Mycobacterium tuberculosis ➨
bacteria ferments ethanol in wine.
● Bacillus anthracis ➨Anthrax
Notes of Operario. M. (BMLS - 4A/3I)
MLS 322 A Lecture : Prelims

Benefit of knowing: we know what and/or how THE BIRTH OF MODERN CHEMOTHERAPY

to treat them Chemotherapy

Exceptions to Koch’s Postulates: - use of chemical drugs to treat
1. Many healthy people carry pathogens something or a condition
but do not exhibit symptoms of the
Chemotherapeutic Agents
- used to treat infectious disease can be
2. Some microbes are very difficult or synthesized or natural (antibiotics)
impossible to grow on artificial media.
3. To induce a disease from a pure culture, Antibiotics
the experimental animal must be - are chemicals produced by bacteria and
fungi that inhibit or kill other microbes
susceptible to the pathogen.
4. Certain diseases develop only when an
1910 : Paul Ehrlich developed a synthetic
opportunistic pathogen invades a
arsenic drug, Salvarsan*, to treat
weakened host. syphilis

③ Vaccination 1930’s : Salvarsan (arsphenamine) were

- to provide immunity (protection) synthesized but not produced by
1796 : Edward Jenner inoculated a person
with cowpox virus resulting to 1928 : Alexander Fleming (bacteriologist)
protection from smallpox* discovered the first antibiotic,
* only virus has been eliminated
** Vaccination from vacca (cow) * considered to offer salvation from syphilis
*** Pasteur finished Henner’s works (arsenic derivative)
**** Attenuated- alive but extremely weakened ** Before this discovery, the only known
***** Antibody will react to the antigen who chemical in Europe’s medical arsenal was an
cause the disease extract from the bark of a South American Tree,
Quinine, which had been used by Spanish
Europe ➞ America (smallpox)
conquistadors to treat malaria
*** Penicillium chrysogenum ( new name) /
America ➞ Europe (Syphilis) Penicillium notatum (old name) ➞fungus (mold)
**** 1940’s : penicillin was tested & produced
***** Hormones & enzymes can be drugs
Notes of Operario. M. (BMLS - 4A/3I)
MLS 322 A Lecture : Prelims

1901 : von Behring Diphtheria antitoxin

1902 : Ross Malaria transmission
● Bacteriology
● Mycology 1905 : Koch TB bacterium
● Parasitology
1908 : Metchnikoff Phagocytes
● Virology
● Phycology 1945 : Flemming, Chain, Florey Penicillin
● Genomics, the study of an organism’s
1952 : Waksman Streptomycin
genes, have provided new tools for
classifying microorganisms 1969 : Delbrück, Hershey, Luria Viral replication

Immunology 1987 : Tonegawa Antibody genetics

- study of immunity
1997 : Prusiner Prions

Rebecca Lancefield (1933) MICROBES AND HUMAN WELFARE

- proposed and used immunology to Bioremediation
identify bacteria according to serotypes - bacteria degrade organic matter in
sewage & detoxify pollutants (eg. oil,
Vaccines & Interferon are being investigated to mercury)
prevent and cure viral diseases
Biological Insecticides
Paul Berg (1960’s) - microbes that are pathogenic to insects
- introduced Recombinant DNA by are alternatives to chemical pesticides
inserting animal DNA into bacterial DNA - Bacillus thuringiensis (hahs toxic
resulting in the production of an animal abilities) infections are fatal in many
protein insects but harmless to other animals,
humans & plants
Recombinant DNA / Genetic Engineering
- involves microbial genetics & molecular Modern Biotechnology:
biology Genetic Engineering
- a biotechnological technique
Using Microbes:
George Beadle & Edward Tatum (1942) Bacteria & Fungi can produce a variety of
- showed that genes encode a cell’s proteins (vaccines, enzymes)
Gene Therapy
Oswald Avery, Colin MacLeod, & Maclyn - replacement of missing/defective genes
McCarty (1944)
- showed that DNA was the hereditary Genetically Modified Bacteria
material - used to protect crops from insects &
Francois Jacob & Jacques Monod (1961)
- discovered the role of mRNA in protein
Flora, Microflora
Selected Nobel Prizes in Physiology / Medicine: - microbes were once classified as plants

Notes of Operario. M. (BMLS - 4A/3I)
MLS 322 A Lecture : Prelims

- new term for microbes Carbapenem-Resistant Klebsiella pneumoniae

Normal Microbiota / Normal Flora ● Pneumonia
- normally present in & on the human ● Meningitis
body ● UTI
- prevents growth of pathogens since ● Wound infections
they occupy the area ● Blood infections
- produces growth factors (folic acid & - LA-2011
vitamin K) - COLISTIN (50 yr old drug) is one of the
antibiotics of last resort for the
Resistance treatment of CRKP
- ability to ward off diseases
- factors: Methicillin-Resistant Staphylococcus aureus
○ skin (MRSA)
○ stomach acid - Boils & abscesses resembling infected
○ antimicrobial chemicals bug bites, but can also present as
pneumonia or flu-like symptoms
Disease - VANCOMYCIN is the reference standard
- results when a pathogen overcomes the for the treatment of systemic infection
harsh resistance caused by MRSA

** Both are transmitted via contact

** Affects elderly, immune-compromised
Invasive group A Streptococcus (1995)
- rapidly growing bacteria
- cause extensive tissue damage
- necrosis (“eats” fascia to flesh)

- Bacillus anthracis
- Veterinarians and agricultural workers
(at risk)

Escherichia coli O157:H7*

- Enterotoxigenic E. coli
- leading cause of diarrhea** worldwide

* strain of the organism

O - somatic antigen
H - flagellar antigen
** always deadly due to dehydration of
electrolytes & minerals
*** hamburger

Notes of Operario. M. (BMLS - 4A/3I)
MLS 322 A Lecture : Prelims

VIRAL: Acquired Immunodeficiency Syndrome (AIDS)

West Nile Encephalitis - Human Immunodeficiency Virus (HIV)
- West nile virus (Uganda) - Sexually-transmitted disease
- Pandemic identified in 1981
Bovine Spongiform Encephalopathy - infecting 40 million (14,000 new
- “Mad Cow Disease” infections daily)
- Prions (infectious protein)
- also causes Creutzfeldt-Jakob Disease

Ebola Hemorrhagic Fever

- Ebola Virus
● Fever
● Hemorrhaging
● Blood Clotting

Hantavirus Pulmonary Syndrome

- Hantavirus
- cause hemorrhagic fever
- U.S. (1995) : a disease with respiratory
symptoms was seen
- Hantavirus Sin Nombre Virus (U.S.,
carried by rats)

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