Intelligent Fabric: Inspired by Pine Cones
Intelligent Fabric: Inspired by Pine Cones
Intelligent Fabric: Inspired by Pine Cones
P. Sasikumar, D.TT
B.Tech, Final Year
Department of Textile Technology
Jaya Engineering College
Chennai- 602024
S.Vijayalakshmi, D.TT
B.Tech, Final Year
Department of Textile Technology
Jaya Engineering College
Chennai- 602024
Today it's needed to adopt a different approach to textiles; fabrics have to be regarded
not only as a surface, to be interpreted graphically, but as a material to all purposes, with its
own intrinsic structure and performance. In the sector of smart textiles there are a large number
of designs and products.
In this way the present innovation in the field of smart textile is the pine cone effect on
the fabric which is greatly influenced by changing temperature of the atmosphere where the
structure of the fabric gets open or closed. This effect is similar to that of the pine cone which is
closed while on trees and after they drop they gradually open, allowing their seeds to be
released which influenced the scientists to work out on the pine cone effect which is studied in
this article.
Globally it is known that the days when the weather alters quickly it is difficult to dress
to match the changing temperature. But here is the smart clothing which makes it all
unnecessary. A new smart-fabric which is derived from the properties of pinecones, the fabric
adapts to changing temperatures by opening up when warm and shutting tight when cold just like
a pinecone's scales do in nature, and is just one of the emerging developments in field of
Biomimetics is the concept of obtaining ideas from nature and mimicking them to
develop a new design and product. This isn’t a new thing as many of the inventions are
influenced by biomimetics like the flying machine based on birds, water repellent fabrics based
the behavior of leaves of lotus, etc,. And the smart fabric which is dealt is inspired by the
behavior of pine cone.
The pine cone effect is a technology designed to offer a solution to the discomfort
sensations caused by the moisture which is build up due to the changing temperature in
clothing. It is impossible to predict the Indian temperature, humidity and activity level so that to
accommodate in a selection of clothing to ensure comfort.
There may be the other ways for producing ventilating or insulating fabrics by adding or
removing layers of clothing, addition of garment parts or by introducing ventilating features to
the garments but the limited availability of space and the wearer’s ability makes discomfort
sensations, to overcome this the pine cone effect is employed in clothing which is advantageous
over others.
Pine cones in the trees are seemed to be closed but when they fallout from the tree it
gets opened to release the seeds. The scales of the pine cone gets open as they are made up of
two layers of stiff fibres running at different directions.
As the cone dries out, the scales inside gets expanded more than outside, causing the outer scales
to bend outwards, releasing the seeds inside which is the principle used in the smart fabric.
Fig 1. Pine cone when damp Fig 2. Pine cone when dry
As the water absorbent material is used, when the fibre absorbs the sweat is gets swelled
as the clothing is cut into flaps these bends backwards due to swelling where the mechanism of
pine cone is reversed to obtain this (i.e.) pine cone closes themselves when damp and opens up
when dry which is reversed in case of fabrics where they open in case of dampness and closes in
case of dryness.
The fabrics functioning like a pine cone, promise to absorb moisture before you feel it,
while at the same time providing insulation when in it is needed. But performance and comfort
wear are not only the areas where the new pine cone textile technology can be utilized. It has
application in the following also,
The underarm sweat stains may soon be the thing of past all with the
fabrics that biomimic the response of pine cone of humidity. This is achieved
when those fabrics render moisture, as in perspiration the fabric swells
reducing the porosity of its fibres. Which means the less air can circulate
through the fabric when it is most needed to quickly dry the perspiration. Fig4. Underarm sweat
The pine cone fabrics have an interesting social function besides preventing damp
patches under the arms. Having the clothing changing its colour when it gets humid could be
quite fun and is almost a fashion statement.
When a person is met and finds them attractive, the human body nature is to get heated,
so as per the pine cone fabrics it gets a curly surface due to sweat where the structure of the
fabric gets opened. So when you have an inner layer of different colour of the outer layer, the
color of the fabric changes.
Meantime, if someone of the opposite sex looks our way and their clothes start switching
color like a chameleon, and probably it is at the cutting edge of fashion.
The technological world is in need of a huge range of smart textile goods for better and
comfort of mankind, how are such developments likely to be achieved? An UK based Centre for
Biomimetic and Natural Technologies and the University of Bath is finding the solutions for
producing the pine cone effect on the fabric and there are researches which are carried out in
MMT Textiles Ltd., by biomimickinng the secret of pine cone.
The article has the concept of pine cone effect on fabrics with examples and principle.
Wide range of application of the garment with pine cone effect was studied highlighting the main
role players in this technology who are driving towards the realization of truly intelligent and
smart textiles for the near future.
Thus it is now the turn of us to make India also actively participate in the world
technological race and contribute for comfortable tomorrow.