Steve Plimpton Sandia National Labs Sjplimp@sandia - Gov
Steve Plimpton Sandia National Labs Sjplimp@sandia - Gov
Steve Plimpton Sandia National Labs Sjplimp@sandia - Gov
Steve Plimpton
Sandia National Labs
# 2d LJ obstacle flow
dimension 2
boundary p s p
atom style atomic
neighbor 0.3 bin
neigh modify delay 5
# create geometry
# LJ potentials
# define groups
# initial velocities
mass * 1.0
compute mobile flow temp
velocity flow create 1.0 482748 temp mobile
fix 1 all nve
fix 2 flow temp/rescale 200 1.0 1.0 0.02 1.0
fix modify 2 temp mobile
# Poiseuille flow
# 2 obstacles
5th section: define output and run simulation (JPG, PNG, PPM)
# run
timestep 0.003
thermo 1000
thermo modify temp mobile
run 25000
Make a movie
run examples/obstacle/in.obstacle on your laptop
examine and visualize output
Examine screen output
Questions on output?
Common input script errors and debugging
Filename options:
dump.*.% for per-snapshot or per-processor output
read data data.protein.gz
read restart old.restart.*
If/then/else via if command
Insert another script via include command
useful for long list of params
Power tools for input scripts
Filename options:
dump.*.% for per-snapshot or per-processor output
read data data.protein.gz
read restart old.restart.*
If/then/else via if command
Insert another script via include command
useful for long list of params
Looping via next and jump commands
Invoke a shell command or external program
shell cd subdir1
shell my analyze out.file $n ${param}
Invoke Python from your script: doc/Section python.html
pass LAMMPS data to Python, return values in variables
Python function can callback to LAMMPS
Various ways to run multiple simulations from one script
see doc/Section howto 6.4
Example script for multiple runs
eam, eim, meam, adp, etc
Bio and polymers
charmm, class2, gromacs, dreiding, etc
tersoff, bop, airebo, comb, reax/c, etc
dpd, granular, sph, peri, colloid, lubricate, brownian, FLD
gayberne, resquared, line, tri, etc
Categories of pair styles
eam, eim, meam, adp, etc
Bio and polymers
charmm, class2, gromacs, dreiding, etc
tersoff, bop, airebo, comb, reax/c, etc
dpd, granular, sph, peri, colloid, lubricate, brownian, FLD
gayberne, resquared, line, tri, etc
Key point:
computes store results of their calculation
other commands invoke them and use the results
e.g. thermo output, dumps, fixes
Output of computes:
global vs per-atom vs local
scalar vs vector vs array
extensive vs intensive values
Key point:
computes store results of their calculation
other commands invoke them and use the results
e.g. thermo output, dumps, fixes
Output of computes:
global vs per-atom vs local
scalar vs vector vs array
extensive vs intensive values
temp & pressure = global scalar or vector
pe/atom = potential energy per atom (vector)
displace/atom = displacement per atom (array)
pair/local & bond/local = per-neighbor or per-bond info
Many computes are useful with averaging fixes:
fix ave/time, ave/chunk (spatial), ave/atom
fix ave/histo, ave/correlate
Thermo output
Strong or weak scaling, O(N/P) until too few atoms/proc
Parallel performance
Strong or weak scaling, O(N/P) until too few atoms/proc
see doc/units.html
LJ, real, metal, cgs, si
all input/output in one unit system
see doc/Section howto.html 6.16
one or more thermostats (by group)
single barostat
rigid body dynamics
Hybrid models
pair style hybrid and hybrid/overlay
atom style hybrid sphere bond ...
Quick tour of more advanced topics
Aspherical particles
see doc/Section howto.html 6.14
ellipsoidal, lines, triangles, rigid bodies
ASPHERE package
Mesoscale and continuum models
Corase-grained packages mentioned 2 slides ago
PERI package for Peridynamics
USER-ATC package for atom-to-continuum (FE)
USER-SPH, USER-SMD packages for smoothed particle hydro
GRANULAR package for granular media
LIGGGHTS simulator for DEM (external code)
built on top of LAMMPS
Quick tour of more advanced topics
Multi-replica modeling
REPLICA package, see doc/Section howto.html 6.14
parallel tempering, PRD, TAD, NEB
Load balancing
balance command for static LB
fix balance command for dynamic LB
adjusting proc dividers, or recursive coordinate bisection
weighted balancing now an option
Quick tour of more advanced topics
Energy minimization
Energy minimization
doc/Section howto.html
6.10 and 6.19
C-style interface
(C, C++, Fortran,
examples/COUPLE dir
python and
Customizing and modifying LAMMPS
What have people already done with LAMMPS?
authors, titles, abstracts for 1000s of papers