Surveying - Ii Lab: S/N Equipment Name Experiments Name Qty. Sun Lab Tech Janak Tacheometry: Tacheometric

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S/N Equipment Name Experiments Name Qty. Sun Lab Janak

Tacheometry : Tacheometric Total Station 1 set 2,50,000/- 1,80,000/-
1 constants, calculating With Stand & Staff
distance and elevations with All Accessories
the help of tacheometer.


S/N Equipment Name Experiments Name Qty. Sun Lab Bellstone

Tests on Cement :
1 Standare consistency of Vicat Needle 1 set 2,500/- 2000.00
cement using Vicat’s Balance 30 kg 1 set 8,500/- 4800.00
apparatus. M. Cylinder 200ml 1 set 200/- 4000.00
Hot Air Oven 12 x 12 1 set 7,500/-
2 Fineness of cement by Sieve Sieve Shaker 12” with 1 set 28,500/- 8600.00 H.O
analysis and Blaine’s air G.I Sieve (7Pec) 200.00 Each
permeability method. Trowel 1 set 500/- 375.00
Brush 1 set 250/-
Hot Air Oven 18 x 18 1 15,500/-
Enamel Tray 18 x 12 5 750/-
Blaine’s Air 1 set 7,500/- 2200.00
Permeability Apparatus
3 Soundness of cement by Le- Le Chatlier mould 1 set 1,600/- 1800.00
Chatelier’s apparatus. Water Bath 1 7,500/- 3800.00
Le Chatlier Flask 1 900/- 575.00
Shrinkage bar Mould 1
(Singal gang) 2,200/- 850.00
Length compactor 1 18,500/-
Cement Auto clave 1 75,000/-
Trowel 1 500/-
Enamel Tray 12 x 10 5 475/-
4 Setting time of cement, Covered in Exp. 1
initial and final.
5 Compressive strength of Cube Mould 70.6mm 12 575/- 495.00
cement. Balance 15 kg 1 8,500/- 4800.00
Cube Vibrating 1 set 28,500/- 20,500.00
M. Cylinder 500 ml 1 400/- 110.00
Trowel 1 500/-
Hot Air Oven 12 x 12 1 7,500/-
Enamel Tray 12 x 10 5 475/-
6 Measurement of specific Le Chatlier Flask 1 900/- 500.00
gravity of cement. 500ml
Specific Gravity bottle 2 650/- 350.00
Balance 1kg 1 8,500/- 2200.00(3kg)
7 Measurement of Heat of Heat of Hydration 1 set 65,000/-
Hydration of cement. apparatus
Tests on Aggregates :
1 Moisture content and bulking Measuring Cylinder 1 set 1,500/-
of fine aggregate. 100, 250, 500, 1000 ml
Tamping Rod 1 400/-
Metal Measure 1 7,800/-
2 Fineness modulus of coarse Set of GI Sieve 300mm
and fine aggregates. dia.
80 mm, 63 mm ,
40mm, 20mm, 1set 3,800/-
12.5mm, 10mm,
4.75mm (7 pec)
Balance 30 kg 1 8,500/-
Enamel Tray 12 x 10 5 475/-
Tests on Concrete :
1 Workability of cement Slum Cone 1 2,200/-
concrete by (a) Slump test Compaction Factor 1 18,500/-
(b) Compaction Flow Table 1 16,500/-
Factor test (c) Flow table Trowel 1 500/-
test. Digital Balance 30 kg 1 8,500/-
2 Compressive strength of Compression Testing 1set 1,25,000/-
concrete by (a) Cube test, (b) Machine 2000 kn
Cylinder test. Electrical Operated
Hot Air Oven 12 x 12 1 7,500/-
Digital Balance 30 kg 1 8,500/-
Tray 12 x 10 5 475/-
Cube Mould 150x 150 12 900/-
Curing Tank 6 Mould 1 55,000/-
Vibrating Table-20” 1 28,500/-
Cylinder Mould 6 3,200/-
3 Indirect tensile strength of Tensile Testing 1 1,25,000/-
concrete-split cylinder test. Machine
4 Modules of rupture of Flexure Testing 1 45,000/-
concrete by flexure test Machine
Beam Mould 6 5,000/-
5 Bond strength between steel Regret Regret
bar and concrete by pull-out
6 Non-destructive testing of Schmidt/Rebound 1 85,000/-
Concrete. Hammer
Ultrasonic pulse 1 set 6,90.000/-
velocity equipment,

S/N Equipment Name Experiments Name Qty. Unit Total

Price Amount
1 To determine the coefficient Stokes law Apparatus 1 set 49,500/- 49,500/-
of drag by Stokes law for
spherical bodies.
2 To study the phenomenon of Pipe friction apparatus 1 set 48,500/- 48,500/-
cavitation in pipe flow.
3 To determine the critical Reynolds Apparatus 1 set 45,500/- 45,500/-
Reynolds number for flow
through commercial pipes.
4 To determine the coefficient Notch Tank Apparatus 1 set 49,500/- 49,500/-
of discharge for flow over a
broad crested weir.
5 To study the characteristics Hydraulic Jump 1 set 1,89,500/- 1,89,500/-
of a hydraulic jump on a Apparatus
horizontal floor and sloping
6 To study the scouring Bridge Model 1 set ------- -------
phenomenon around a bridge
pier model.
7 To study the scouring 1 set ------- -------
phenomenon for flow past a
8 To determine the Centrifugal pump 1 set 48,500/- 48,500/-
characteristics of a
centrifugal pump.
9 To study the momentum Impact of jet apparatus 1 set 45,500/- 45,500/-
characteristics of a given jet.
10 To determine head loss due Minor losses apparatus 1 set 46,500/- 46,500/-
to various pipe fittings.


S/N Equipment Name Experiments Name Qty. Unit Total

Price Amount
1 Begg`s deformeter- 1 set Regret Regret
verification of Muller
Breslau principle.
2 Experimental and analytical Elastically coupled 1 set 30,500/- 30,500/-
study of an elastically beam
coupled beam.
3 Sway in portal frames - 1 set Regret Regret
4 To study the cable geometry 1 set Regret Regret
and statics for different
loading conditions.
5 To plot stress -strain curve 1 set Regret Regret
for concrete.Use of
mechanical and electrical
strain and stress gauges.

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