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a r t i c l e i n f o a b s t r a c t
Article history: The most common household coffee-brewing method in Italy makes use of a stove-top coffee maker
Received 20 December 2007 known as moka. This device uses the steam pressure, produced by the water contained in an auto-
Accepted 13 May 2008 clave-type aluminum kettle heated by an external source, to force upwards water itself through a roasted
Available online 24 May 2008
and ground coffee bed contained in a funnel-shaped filter. Despite its well-established usage, the moka
has never been the subject of detailed analysis, which led to a series of unclear descriptions or misinter-
Keywords: pretations concerning its functioning, such as the consolidated misbelieve that standard atmosphere boil-
ing point temperature is needed to drive the water out. The detailed measurement of the
thermodynamics of the moka, described here, sheds light on its actual behaviour. It is shown that extrac-
tion commences at pretty low temperatures and depends on the initial amount of dry air in the kettle.
Remarks on the time decreasing value of the coffee bed permeability are also drawn. A correct under-
standing of the extraction phenomenon, together with considerations on the coffee chemistry, serves
the purpose of assessing possible ways to improve the quality of moka product.
! 2008 Elsevier Ltd. All rights reserved.
1. Introduction tana, cafetera de rosca, cafetera de fuego or italiana and its use is
spread almost like in Italy [5–7], and Portugal where it is known
The most popular household coffee-brewing method in Italy is as cafeteira italiana.
that performed by using an inexpensive stove-top coffee maker in- This ingenious device uses the steam pressure, produced by the
vented by the aluminum technologist Alfonso Bialetti in 1933 [1,2]. water contained in an autoclave-type aluminum kettle heated by
This coffee maker was industrially produced and commercialized, an external source (gas or electrical stove), to force upwards the
by the Inventors son Renato from 1946, with the trademark same water through a roasted and ground coffee bed contained
denomination of ‘‘Moka Express”, but, nowadays, it is simply in a funnel-shaped filter. The beverage is conveyed through appro-
known as moka. In its original version, moka consists of two octag- priate tubing into an upper vessel, screwed and sealed by a rubber
onal conoids, which can be regarded as the very epitome of Italian gasket to the base kettle. The end of the brewing operation is usu-
household hardware, and in this version has racked up sales of ally announced by noisy mixture of boiling water and its vapour
more than 105 million units since market launch [1], with an ac- flowing from the upper tube, to indicate water depletion [8,9].
tual production of 4 million pieces per year [3]. During the Undoubtedly, a relevant part of the success of the moka coffee
1970s, the moka attracted the attention of several designers which maker has been played by the word ‘‘Express” in its trademark
reinvented the shape without remarkably affecting the overall pro- denomination. In facts this word evokes the worldwide well-
portion, and by the 1980s stainless steel started to parallel alumi- known espresso coffee brew, which is prepared by very different
num as moka construction material [4]. coffee machine and it is also organoleptically very different from
Due to its low cost and easy-to-handle characteristics, moka is moka coffee brew.
used, albeit not extensively, also in others countries where is also Italian espresso is a beverage prepared on request from roasted
known as stove-top espresso or often misnamed mocha or moca. and ground coffee beans by means of hot (90 ± 5 "C) water pressure
An exception is represented by Spain where it is known as napoli- (9 ± 2 bar) applied for a short time (30 ± 5 s) to a compact roast and
ground coffee cake (6.5 ± 1.5 g) by a percolation machine, to obtain
a small cup of a concentrated foamy elixir [8].
* Corresponding author. Tel.: +39 040 558 3503.
Unfortunately, the main factors controlling the coffee extraction
E-mail addresses: (L. Navarini), (E.
Nobile), (F. Pinto), (A. Scheri), in the moka, such as the thermodynamic relationship between
(F. Suggi-Liverani). water pressure and temperature, the Darcys law of linear filtration
1359-4311/$ - see front matter ! 2008 Elsevier Ltd. All rights reserved.
L. Navarini et al. / Applied Thermal Engineering 29 (2009) 998–1004 999
a a 140
Temp TI0 3
120 Temp TI1
100 Temp TI2
Temperature [°C]
Temp TI3
Pressure [bar]
80 Pressure
40 1
20 0.5
0 0
0 50 100 150 200 250 300 350
time [s]
b 2.4
120 Temp TI0
Temp TI1
110 Temp TI2
Temperature [°C]
Temp TI3 1.9
Pressure [bar]
b 80
200 250 300 350
time [s]
Fig. 3. In-tank temperature histories: (a) whole experiment; (b) detailed view of
the late phase of extraction.
Pressure [bar]
2 regression for each experiment, as illustrated in Fig. 4. The function
80 used is
60 m ¼ "a þ aebs ; ð1Þ
Temperature [°
Table 1
Temperatures of in-tank water during extraction
measured pressure 3 a 140
Temp TI2 3
120 computed vapour pressure
computed air pressure 120 Temp TC10
2.5 Water flowed 2.5
100 computed (air + vapour) pressure
100 Pressure
Water flowed [g]
Pressure [bar]
Pressure [bar]
80 2
1.5 1.5
60 60
Temperature [°
40 1 1
20 0.5 0.5
0 0 0 0
0 50 100 150 200 250 300 350 0 50 100 150 200 250 300 350
time [s] time [s]
Fig. 6. Pressure contribution of dry air and saturated vapour.
b 130 3
Temp TI2
120 Temp TC10
IF-97 tables. Fig. 6 depicts a representative experiment, and it 2.5
Water flowed
shows that very good agreement exists between our assumptions 110
and measured pressure. This reveals the major contribution of 2
Pressure [bar]
dry air in leading the extraction, and it will be the subject of further
detailed analysis. 90 1.5
Temperature [°
3.2. Aqueous extract 80
The funnel-shaped filter has 50 cm3 capacity and is filled with
15 g of coffee. Coffee true density is 1190 kg/m3 [15], thus the cof- 60
fee bed filling ratio is 0.244. The first drop of aqueous extract is
sensed by TC10 probe after the funnel has been completely filled 50 0
250 260 270 280 290 300
by water, completing the imbibition phase. This happens when an time [s]
approximative amount of 40 g of water has flowed out of the lower
tank. This can be noticed in Fig. 7, when TC10 probe experience a Fig. 7. (a) Aqueous extract temperature at the exit of the coffee bed; (b) detailed
sudden temperature variation due to the contact with the aqueous
extract. In the imbibition phase no pressure drop is sensed, partly
because the water flow is low, and partly because in this phase the Table 2
coffee matrix presents low resistance to water penetration. During Temperatures of aqueous extract
imbibition and extraction phases the coffee undergoes chemical
Heat flux Initial Final Mean
transformations due to the interaction with water, which substan-
Mean Std. Mean Std. Mean Std.
tially chance its properties [16,17]. The coffee bed water invasion,
during the imbibition phase, induces the solubilization of more sol- 400 W 63.0 2.0 95.8 2.9 78.8 1.5
uble and low molecular weight compounds, as well as more vola- 600 W 61.8 2.5 97.7 2.4 80.5 1.3
120 2 4. Conclusions
Temp measured
115 In this paper, an experimental study of a stove-top coffee ma-
Temp saturation 1.8
ker, known as moka, has been described. Despite its quite simple
Pressure manufacture and functioning, it has been shown that the thermo-
Temparature [°C]
Pressure [bar]
dynamic behaviour of the moka device is complex in comparison to
other coffee-brewing methods.
1.4 The brewing process of moka has been divided into two phases.
In the regular extraction phase liquid–solid extraction occurs,
100 which presents time-varying temperature and water flow rate. In
this phase extraction is driven by increasing air–vapour pressure
95 above the water level in the lower tank of the device. The pressure
1 increase is due not only to time increasing flow rate, but also to a
90 non constant rheological behaviour of the coffee cake, whose per-
0 5 10 15 20 meability decreases with time as the coffee undergoes chemical
coffee bed thickness [mm]
reactions, which in turn decrease its porosity. Moreover, the stove
Fig. 8. Temperature profiles in the coffee bed at 120 g of water flowed. heating power, which is usually constant during the process, ex-
ceeds the actual requirement in the final stages of the extraction,
when a little fraction of water is still in the tank and consequently
its heat capacity diminish, resulting in pressure and flow rate aug-
3 300
mentation. An analysis of pressure contributions has highlighted
Water flow the role played by dry air in the overall phenomenon, which is
2.5 ∆P 250 not negligible as believed by many. The quantity of dry air can
∆ P [bar]
Permeability influence both temperature and flow rate, thus affecting final ex-
Permeability [mD]
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extraction, Industrie delle Bevande 22 (1994) 227–230. (in Italian). bed compaction in espresso type extraction, in: Proceedings of the 16th ASIC
[15] P. Singh, R. Singh, S. Bhamidipati, S. Singh, P. Barone, Thermophysical Colloquium, Kyoto (Japan), Association Scientifique Internationale du Café,
properties of fresh and roasted coffee powders, J. Food Process Eng. 20 (1) Paris (France), 1995, pp. 413–421.
(1997) 3150. [18] L. Odello, Moka: l’altro volto del caffé made in Italy, L’Assaggio 19 (2007) 43–
[16] D. Rivetti, L. Navarini, R. Cappuccio, A. Abatangelo, F. Suggi Liverani, Effect of 49. (in Italian).
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