Diarrheal Disease (Acute) : Escherichia Coli
Diarrheal Disease (Acute) : Escherichia Coli
Diarrheal Disease (Acute) : Escherichia Coli
Acute diarrheal disease is a common problem in infants and children and its
complications - dehydration and malnutrition - are major causes of morbidity and
mortality in developing countries. Clinically it is useful to distinguish two syndromes
produced by gastrointestinal infection: watery diarrhea and bloody diarrhea. The
leading cause of diarrhea in infants is the rotavirus followed by enteric adenoviruses.
Shigella is most frequently a pathogen in children between 1 to 5 years with bloody
diarrhea. Other bacterial pathogens include campylobacter, salmonella and
Escherichia Coli.
Classification of degree of dehydration
1. Severe dehydration:
If two or more of the following signs,
Lethargic or unconscious
Sunken eyes
Not able to drink or drinking poorly
Skin pinch goes back very slowly
2. Some dehydration:
If two or more of the following signs,
Restless irritable
Sunken eyes
Drinks eagerly, thirsty
Skin pinch goes back slowly
3. No dehydration:
If there are no enough signs to classify as “some” or “severe” dehydration.
Diarrhea can also be classified as:
1) Severe persistent diarrhea: if diarrhea lasts for 14 days or more and
dehydration is present.
2) Persistent diarrhea: diarrhea lasting for 14 days or more and there is no
Dysentery: if there is blood in the stool. Dysentery can be an acute or persistent
diarrhea and it can also be associated with dehydration.
Diagnosis: Clinical.
Stool examination or stool culture may be indicated in children with dysentery or
persistent diarrhea but is not commonly needed for acute watery diarrhea.
Non-Drug Treatment
Since the major morbidity relates to dehydration and malnutrition, emphasis in
management should focus on rehydration and nutrition.
Treatment of acute watery diarrhea depends on the degree of dehydration
1. Treatment Plan A: If no dehydration, treat diarrhea at home.
Counsel the mother on the three rules of home treatment:
Give extra fluid, Continue feeding and Advise the mother when to return.
a. Give extra fluid ( as much as the child will take)
Tell the mother:
- Breastfeed frequently and for longer at each feed
- If the child is exclusively breastfed give ORS or clean water in addition to
breast milk.
- If the child is not exclusively breastfed, give one or more of the following: -
ORS solution, food based fluids (such as soup, rice water, and yoghurt
drinks or clean water).
It is especially important to give ORS at home when the child has been
treated with plan B or plan C during this visit
The child cannot return to a clinic if the diarrhea gets worse.
Teach the mother how to mix and give ORS; give the mother two packets
of ORS to use at home.
Show the mother how much fluid to give in addition to the usual fluid
- Up to two years - 50 to 100 ml after each loose stool
- Two years or more - 100 to 200 ml after each loose stool
Tell the mother to:
Give frequent small sips from a cup
If the child vomits, wait 10 minutes, then continue but more slowly
Continue giving extra fluid until the diarrhea stops
b. Continue feeding
c. Council the mother on when to return.
2. Treatment plan B. Treat some dehydration with ORS in Clinic
Give the recommended amount of ors over 4-hour period
Table II: Amount of ORS to be given during the first 4 hours depending on
the age of the child
Age Up to 4
4 Months up to
12 months
12 months up to
2 years
2 years up
to 5 years
Weight 6 kg 6-10 kg 10-12 kg 12-19 kg
ORS in ml 200-400 400-700 700-900 900-1400
Use the child's age only when you do not know the weight. The
approximate mount of ORS required (in ml) can also be calculated by
multiplying the child's weight (in kg) times 75.
If the child wants more ORS than shows, give more.
For infants less than 6 months who are not breastfed, also give 100-200
ml clean water during this period.
Show the mother how to give ors solution
Give frequent small sips from a cup.
If the child vomits, wait 10 minutes. Then continue, but more slowly.
Continue breastfeeding whenever the child wants.
After 4 hours
Reassess the child and classify the child for dehydration.
Select the appropriate plan to continue treatment.
Begin feeding the child in clinic.
If the mother must leave before completing
Show her how to prepare ORS solution at home.
Show her how much ORS to give to finish 4-hour treatment at home
Give her enough ORS packets to complete rehydration. Also give her 2
packets as recommended in Plan A.
Explain the 3 Rules of Home Treatment:
3. Treatment plan C: treat severe dehydration quickly.
Follow the arrows. If Answer is "Yes", go across. If "No", Go Down
Yes Yes
Start IV fluid immediately. If the child can drink, give ORS by mouth while the
drip is set up. Give 100 ml/kg Ringer's Lactate Solution (or, if not available,
normal saline), divided as follows:
AGE First give 30
ml/kg in:
Then give
70ml/kg in:
(Under 12 months)
1 hour* 5 hours
12 months up to 5 years)
30 minutes* 2 ½ hours
Repeat once if radial pulse is still very weak or not detectable.
Reassess the child every 1-2 hours. If hydration status is not improving, give the
IV drip more rapidly
Also give ORS (about 5 ml/kg/hour) as soon as the child can drink: usually after
3-4 hours (infants) or 1-2 hours (children).
Reassess an infant after 6 hours and a child after 3 hours. Classify dehydration.
Then choose the appropriate plan (A,B, or C) to continue treatment
Can you give
(IV) fluid
is IV treatment
available nearby
(within 30min)
Refer URGENTLY to hospital for IV treatment
If the child can drink, provide the mother with ORS solution and show her how go
give frequent sips during the trip
Are you trained to
use a naso-gastric
(NG) tube for
Start rehydration by tube (or mouth) with ORS solution give 20 ml/kg/ hour for
6 hours (total of 120 ml/kg).
Reassess the child every 1-2 hours:
- If there is repeated vomiting or increasing abdominal distension, give the
fluid more slowly.
- If hydration status is not improving after hours, send the child for IV therapy
After 6 hours, reassess the child. Classify dehydration. Then choose the
appropriate plan (A, B, or C) to continue treatment.
If possible, observe the child at lest 6 hours after rehydration to be sure
the mother can maintain hydration giving the child ORS solution by
Can the child drink?
Refer URGENTLY TO hospital for
IV or NG treatment
1. Severe persistent diarrhoea
Non drug treatment: Treat dehydration before referral
Drug treatment
Vitamin A, 50,000 IU for children less than 6 months of age, 100,000 IU for 6
– 12 months and 200,000 IU for those older than 12 months .
S/Es: diarrhea, vomiting, irritability, drowsiness
C/Is: renal impairment
D/Is: cholestyramine or colestipol reduces its absorption
Dosage forms: Capsule, 25,000 IU, 50,000 IU, 100,000 IU; oral suspension,
150,000 IU/ml(concentrate), 50,000 IU/ml: Tablet, 50,000 IU, 100,000 IU,
200,00 IU; injection, under 200,000 IU/ml
2. Persistent diarrhoea
Non drug treatment: Advice the mother on feeding the child with persistent
Drug treatment
Vitamin A, 50,000 IU for children less than 6 months of age, 100,000 IU for 6
– 12 months, 200,000 IU for greater than 12 months, p.o. single dose
(For S/Es, C/Is, D/Is and Dosage forms, see page above)
3. Dysentery
Drug treatment
Give antibiotic recommended for Shigella in your area for five days.
First line
Trimethoprim sulphamethaxozole, 4 mg/kg + 20mg/kg BID for five
S/Es: headache, mental depression, nausea, vomiting, diarrhea,
hypersensitivity, Stevens Johnson’s syndrome.
C/Is: infants under 6 weeks (risk of kernicterus), jaundice, hepatic
failure, blood disorder, porphyria
Dosage forms: Pediatric tablet, 20mg +100mg; Tablet, 80+ 400mg;
Suspension, 40+200mg; Injection, 80+400mg/5ml ampoule
Nalidixic acid, 2 months to 4 months 62.5 mg P.O.; months up to 12
months 125 mg P.O..; 12 months to 5 years 250 mg P.O. QID for 5
S/Es: Gastrointestinal disturbances
C/Is: Children under 12 years old
Dosage forms: Tablets, 500mg, oral suspension, 300mg/vial
Tampilkan ibu berapa banyak cairan untuk memberi tambahan cairan biasa
intake :
- Sampai dengan dua tahun - 50 sampai 100 ml setelah setiap bangku longgar
- Dua tahun atau lebih - 100 sampai 200 ml setelah setiap bangku longgar
Beritahu ibu untuk :
Berikan sering teguk kecil dari cangkir
Jika anak muntah , tunggu 10 menit , kemudian lanjutkan tapi lebih lambat
Terus memberikan cairan tambahan sampai diare berhenti
b . Lanjutkan makan
c . Dewan ibu tentang kapan harus kembali .
2 . Pengobatan rencana B. Perlakukan beberapa dehidrasi dengan oralit di Klinik
Berikan jumlah yang disarankan ORS lebih dari 4 jam
Tabel II : Jumlah oralit harus diberikan selama 4 jam pertama tergantung pada
usia anak
Usia Sampai 4
4 Bulan hingga
12 bulan
12 bulan sampai dengan
2 tahun
2 tahun sampai
5 tahun
Berat 6 kg 6-10 kg 10-12 kg 12-19 kg
ORS di ml 200-400 400-700 700-900 900-1400
Gunakan usia anak hanya ketika Anda tidak tahu berat . itu
perkiraan gunung ORS yang diperlukan ( dalam ml ) juga dapat dihitung dengan
mengalikan berat badan anak ( dalam kg ) 75 kali .
Jika anak menginginkan lebih banyak oralit daripada menunjukkan , memberi lebih banyak.
Untuk bayi kurang dari 6 bulan yang tidak disusui , juga memberikan 100-200
ml air bersih selama periode ini .
Tampilkan ibu bagaimana memberikan solusi ORS
Berikan teguk kecil sering dari cangkir .
Jika anak muntah , tunggu 10 menit . Kemudian lanjutkan , tapi lebih lambat .
Lanjutkan menyusui kapanpun yang diinginkan anak.
Setelah 4 jam
Menilai kembali anak dan mengklasifikasikan anak untuk dehidrasi .
Pilih rencana yang sesuai untuk melanjutkan pengobatan .
Mulailah makan anak di klinik .
Jika ibu harus meninggalkan sebelum menyelesaikan
Tunjukkan padanya bagaimana mempersiapkan solusi oralit di rumah .
Tunjukkan padanya betapa ORS untuk memberikan pengobatan untuk menyelesaikan 4 jam di
Berikan dia cukup paket oralit untuk menyelesaikan rehidrasi . Juga memberinya 2
paket seperti yang direkomendasikan dalam Rencana A.
Jelaskan 3 Aturan Rumah Pengobatan:
. 3 Pengobatan plan C : mengobati dehidrasi berat dengan cepat .
Ikuti panah . Jika Jawabannya adalah " Ya " , pergi ke seberang . Jika " Tidak" , Turun
Ya Ya
Mulai IV cairan segera . Jika anak dapat minum , berikan oralit melalui mulut sementara
drip sudah diatur . Berikan 100 ml / kg Ringer Laktat Solution ( atau , jika tidak tersedia ,
saline normal) , dibagi sebagai berikut :
AGE Pertama memberikan 30
ml / kg dalam :
kemudian memberikan
70ml/kg di :
(Under 12 bulan )
1 jam * 5 jam
12 bulan sampai 5 tahun )
30 menit * 2 ½ jam
Ulangi sekali jika pulsa radial masih sangat lemah atau tidak terdeteksi .
Menilai kembali anak setiap 1-2 jam . Jika status hidrasi tidak membaik , memberikan
IV drip lebih cepat
Juga memberikan oralit ( sekitar 5 ml / kg / jam ) segera setelah anak bisa minum : biasanya
3-4 jam ( bayi ) atau 1-2 jam (anak-anak ) .
Menilai kembali bayi setelah 6 jam dan anak setelah 3 jam . Klasifikasikan dehidrasi .
Kemudian pilih rencana yang sesuai ( A , B , atau C ) untuk melanjutkan pengobatan
Dapatkah Anda memberi
melalui pembuluh darah
( IV ) cairan
adalah pengobatan IV
tersedia di dekatnya
( dalam 30 menit )
Lihat SEGERA ke rumah sakit untuk pengobatan IV
Jika anak dapat minum , berikan ibu dengan larutan oralit dan tunjukkan padanya bagaimana
memberikan sering teguk selama perjalanan
Apakah Anda dilatih untuk
menggunakan naso - lambung
( NG ) tabung untuk
rehidrasi ?
Mulai rehidrasi dengan tabung ( atau mulut ) dengan larutan oralit memberikan 20 ml / kg / jam
6 jam ( total 120 ml / kg ) .
Menilai kembali anak setiap 1-2 jam :
- Jika ada diulang muntah atau meningkatkan distensi abdomen , berikan
cairan lebih lambat .
- Jika status hidrasi tidak membaik setelah jam , mengirim anak untuk terapi IV
Setelah 6 jam , menilai kembali anak . Klasifikasikan dehidrasi . Kemudian pilih
Rencana yang sesuai ( A , B , atau C ) untuk melanjutkan pengobatan .
Jika memungkinkan , mengamati anak di supaya 6 jam setelah rehidrasi untuk memastikan
ibu dapat mempertahankan hidrasi memberikan solusi ORS anak oleh
mulut .
Dapatkah anak minum?
Lihat SEGERA KE rumah sakit untuk
IV atau NG pengobatan
1 . Diare persisten berat
Pengobatan non obat : Mengobati dehidrasi sebelum rujukan
terapi obat
Vitamin A , 50.000 IU untuk anak-anak kurang dari usia 6 bulan , 100.000 IU selama 6
- 12 bulan dan 200.000 IU untuk orang-orang yang lebih tua dari 12 bulan .
S / Es : diare , muntah , lekas marah , mengantuk
C / Apakah : gangguan ginjal
D / Apakah : cholestyramine atau colestipol mengurangi penyerapan
Bentuk sediaan : Kapsul , 25.000 IU , 50.000 IU , 100.000 IU ; suspensi oral ,
150.000 IU / ml ( konsentrat ) , 50.000 IU / ml : Tablet , 50.000 IU , 100.000 IU ,
200,00 IU ; injeksi , di bawah 200.000 IU / ml
2 . Diare persisten
Pengobatan non obat : Saran ibu menyusui pada anak dengan diare persisten
terapi obat
Vitamin A , 50.000 IU untuk anak-anak kurang dari usia 6 bulan , 100.000 IU selama 6
- 12 bulan , 200.000 IU untuk lebih dari 12 bulan , po dosis tunggal
( Untuk S / Es , C / Is, D / Is dan Dosis bentuk , lihat halaman di atas )
Disentri 3 .
terapi obat
Berikan antibiotik direkomendasikan untuk Shigella di daerah Anda selama lima hari .
baris pertama
Sulphamethaxozole trimethoprim , 4 mg / kg + 20mg/kg BID selama lima
hari .
S / Es : sakit kepala , depresi mental, mual , muntah , diare ,
hipersensitivitas , sindrom Stevens Johnson .
C / Apakah : bayi di bawah 6 minggu (resiko kernikterus ) , sakit kuning , hati
kegagalan , gangguan darah , porfiria
Bentuk sediaan : tablet Pediatric , 20mg +100 mg ; Tablet , 80 + 400mg ;
Suspensi , 40 +200 mg ; Injeksi , 80 +400 mg/5ml ampul
Asam nalidiksat , 2 bulan sampai 4 bulan 62,5 mg PO ; bulan sampai dengan 12
bulan 125 mg P.O. . ; 12 bulan sampai 5 tahun 250 mg P.O. QID selama 5
hari .
S / Es : gangguan gastrointestinal
C / Apakah : Anak-anak berusia di bawah 12 tahun
Bentuk sediaan : Tablet , 500mg , suspensi oral , 300mg/vial