Eco 407
Eco 407
Eco 407
In order for developing countries to catch up economically with the developed ones at
the early state of development, a process of rapid productivity growth and structural change is
needed. This involves industrial policy to encourage the development and growth of specific
manufacturing sector of the economy during the early catch-up stage. Yet it has been far from
a universal success story across developing countries. In fact, there were only a few countries
have made the successful transition, such as Japan and South Korea during the 1960s and
1980s. Corruption and rent-seeking behaviour have often been blamed for these failures, yet
such studies ignore the pervasiveness of rent-seeking in all modern economies. Corruption
tends to be a structural feature of all developing countries. While all developing countries
suffer from rent-seeking, the major differences between successful late-developers and those
countries have not performed as well, are the rent outcomes produced by rent-seeking
In short run, banks make loans when creditworthy customers have demand for loans and it is
not constrained by reserves or reserves ratio. Money supply is determined at the same time with
every new lending is made and it can be expanded or contracted. However, banks might ease
lending standards and issue more loans than their customers can actually pay back. This raises
instability in the banking system. Therefore, central bank exists primarily to ensure that the
payments system in the monetary system is stable by supplying reserves to the banking system
if the banking system as a whole cannot meet its reserve requirements.
From firm’s point of view, its decision for investment is determined by the interest rate.
For example, if the rate of the interest rate is higher than firm’s investment return, then
firm will save money to get the overall higher return.
Also, changes in interest rates affect the public's demand for goods and services and,
thus, aggregate investment spending. A decrease in interest rates lowers the cost of
borrowing, which encourages businesses to increase investment spending. Lower
interest rates also give banks more incentive to lend to businesses and households,
allowing them to spend more.
First, a rise in the wage rate increases the costs of firms producing the commodity, forcing
them to raise their selling prices. As the price of the product rises consumers will buy less of it and
less output will be produced and sold. This means that less labour will be used.
Second, since a rise in wages makes labour more expensive relative to capital, firms will
substitute capital for labour. This means that less labour will be used to produce whatever output the
firms in the industry sell.
In Orthodox view, the labour market is always in equilibrium, meaning that the demand for and
supply of labour are always equal. Firm’s demand for labour decrease when real wages increase.
More labour supplies because they agree to work longer hours or because more workers enter the
A decrease in real wages will cause a reduction in employment, workers will refuse to work at the
new real wage rate and quit the job. Thus, even with lower costs paid on workers, it does not
necessarily result into an increase in overall aggregate output since workers are voluntarily
This view is associated with the neoclassical thought which suggest that
unemployment is voluntary and it is the phenomenon of the supply-side. In their
view, unemployment happens because of 2 main reasons.
One is that people not prefer to work after estimating the real wage rate. It
states that individual may reject the job because of overestimating the future
price level or expectation of inflation rate and which causes the cyclical
fluctuation of the unemployment. There is no need for government intervention
because the market depends on decision of workers to work or not. However,
this theory looks nonsense, only few workers care and know about the inflation.
Furthermore, empirical studies showed that people quit the job when
unemployment is low and following and it is involuntary for workers to quit their
job during the recession (2008 ). Moreover in Keynesian theory, the negative
impact of high wage only occur when high wage cut too much profit of firm,
otherwise it may create more job. All these conservations and evidences
contradict to the mainstream views.
In Canada and many other developed countries, the risk is not of higher wages rising
unemployment; it is rather of stagnating wages causing household demand to remain
depressed or grow only sluggishly, thereby deterring businesses from investing·.·.(tracy)
The statement is supported by the Keynesian views of the demand side of the
unemployment. In their perspective, unemployment is the result of the insufficient
of aggregate demand as well as the productive capacity. Firm will only invest and
product only if there is enough expenditure in the society. Consumption is depend
on the propensity of consume, higher the value is, the higher the aggregate
demand and lower unemployment rate. Also, the value of propensity of consume
basically depends on the real wage. If company redistribution toward wage rather
profit and keep the same productivity, the aggregate demand will increase as well
as the employment, since household have more budgets to consume. Thus, we
see that the high wage will generate high employment. As long as the positive
impacts of high wage overcome the negative impacts of investment, the high wage
will stimulate the growth of the economic development. And firm is also beneficial
for the overall increase of the consumption then they will voluntarily increase the
investment and hire more labour.