Name List

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Paper M


University of Calcutta

Discusses the emergence of surnames particu- direction, to formulate uniform practice and
larly with reference to Bengali names. Gives to fall in with the international form. Univer-
an annotated list of derivation. A fairly sity has its advantages and it will help the
exhaustive list of surnames as obtain in foreigners to handle our bibliographies with
Bengalees in general is given for purposes of more ease. Still there are many who oppose
this and they have their reasons as well.


Surnames have probably been a common Surnames and titles or decorations used
feature for some centuries in many count.ries. along with the proper names - generally added
But for bibliographical purposes and for library at the end of the names - are either genealogi-
catalogues surnames have been a knotty prob- calor professional. The former have been in
lem in some of the Indian States, more so in use from generation to generation and are
Bengal. The Western practice has been to generally family names some of which may even
catalogue all books under the author s ! surnames have been personal names. Professional names
followed by the initials of the forenames and in have also been adapted as family names and are
case of a single forename, it is usual to write regularly used as surnames. It has been a
the name in full instead of putting the initial of practice for several centuries to award titles
the forename only. This practice has several to persons who occupy positions of eminence in
advantages for bibliographical and for library intelligence, learning, wealth or riches,
purposes as well. The practice in the East honour etc. Persons who have rendered meri-
for Oriental names was generally to use the torious service to the country have also been
forename of the author instead of his surname. awarded titles which have gone down from
A single instance would illustrate this, e. g. generation to generation and thus got absorbed
William Carey, will be better known under as family names or surnames. Indian history
Carey than William, whereas Ba nk i m Chandra from pre-Moghul days has shown that
Chatterjee will be better known as Ba nk im the ruling Hindu Kings had awarded titles on
Chandra than as Chatterjee. Similarly persons and families for either meritorious
Ravindranath Tagore is better known in Bengal service to the country or for leadership in
as Ravindranath though he is better known as society. This practice has been followed by
Tagore in the Western world. In a public lib- the Pathan and the Moghul rulers and by their
rary in a village or town in Bengal, people successors, the British as well. Even in inde-
will enquire about Bankirn Chandra's books 'and pendent India the Presidential awards on the
not for Chatterjee's books, for Ravi Babu s ! Republic day, like the New Years' Honours of
books and not for Thakurs' or 'I'a go r e s ! books. the English Sovereigns, is just a continuation
In the post independence era there has been a of the old practice of honouring persons fo r
tendency and perhaps a tendency in the right meritorious service to the country. Some of

V 6 N 3 Sep 1959 81

the titles awarded by the Muslim rulers have four sides (of the Capital or of the State)
been adopted as family names and are still was also known by this title. The Punjabi
continuing as such from generation to genera- title of the same category may have a
tion. similar meaning.

Dastidar - Generally meant the Keeper of the

Royal Seals. This indicated the person
under whose signature or Dastkhat, a
Here is a sample of an annotated list of such
royal document wa s despatched.
titular or official terms which has become sur-
names: Deshmukh - Persons who were the Chief Re-
venue or Police Officer of the district.
Baksi - generally signified a Pay Master.
They were respected like the Zamindars.
These persons used to disburse the pay
The Marhati title Deshmukh may also have
of the Army and used to keep all the
an allied meaning.
accounts of the land or jagirs of the
Mansabdars and Jagirdars of the Military Ha Ida r - Signified a lower officer of the
Department. The Kashmiri title of the village or an Assistant Keeper of the
same nomenclature may also have a simi- Accounts. (the owner of a hal or modern
lar meaning. It may be noted that this or current accounts (plough?)).
title like a host of others was bestowed
Hazari - The General of a thousand Army.
irrespective of the religion of the person.
The Marhati title of Hazare may have some
Both Hindus & Moslems have this title in
similarity with this.
common, depending on the ancestors'
vocation under the then ruling chief. Khan - This indicated a class of nobility,
whether of Hindus or Muslims. The
Bharida r Kayastha - This is a Royal Post and
Muslim rulers of Gaud or old Bengal
it was' used as a title of decoration by the
awarded this title to the Hindu Generals in
Hindu rulers. The Pathans & the Muslim
the Army. Khan Sahib indicated additional
rulers also made use of it. Generally the
honour. This title was also bestowed for
Royal treasury was under the charge of
meritorious public work.
this dignitory.
Kanungo - Derived from Arabic Quanun or
Biswas - This was a title bestowed on per- Laws. One who is Master of the Laws.
sons who were reliable and had to be This generally indicated a Revenue
depended on for all the responsible work Officer. The Officer who is to keep a re-
of accounts, receipts and expenditure. cord of all accounts about the land, its
The Keeper of the Stores etc. were also' revenue collection, price of the land,
known under the same title. This is a ownership, transfer etc. In days prior to
common surname used even in the present Todar Mulls' reign, these officers had
day by Hindus including Brhamins and more powers. Settlement Officers in
Muslims alike. Bengal are generally known even in the
Chakladar - These were the Chiefs of the present day as Kanungos or Quanungos.
Chakla. Several pa r ga.nas constituted a Khasnovis - Generally signifies a Private
Chakla. During the time of the Muslim Secretary, a Clerk or an Accounts
rulers the country was divided into Officer.
Chak la s or Circles (Chakras) hence it may
mean a Circle Officer. Krori - Signified persons who would collect
revenue to the extent of one kror (crore
Chaudhuri - Signified one who was in charge or one hundred Iakh ) darn. (40 dams is
of four different forces in the Army, i , e. equal to One Rupee).
the Fleet, the Cavalry, the Infantry and
the Elephant Corps. This also indicated La sk a r - This was a title conferred on fit
one who kept the accounts of the Revenue of persons in the Army.
the State. Sometimes the Zemindar or MandaI - The Chief of the village. Some-
Landlord of the near-about lands on the times this designation meant the person

82 An lib sc

who as a Representative of the Zemindar changer and sometimes one who deals in
(Landlord) used to distribute land and money and jewels.
collect the revenue also. This title is in
vogue in the present day both among Pur Kayastha - This is an old Hindu title
Hindus and Muslims. generally awarded to the Chief Writer of
the Ruler or Kind. (Kayastha is a Writer
Mir-vahar - Generally signified the Chief of of Records, Pur a is Chief.).
the Fleet or the Admiral of the Fleet.
Sometimes the Collector of Custom was Ray, Rajan, Roy - In the days of the Nawabs,
also designed by this term. these titles signified the honour of having
a thousand soldiers under them.
Mullick - During the rule of the Pathan
Kings, noble men of the Court who were Ray Bahadur - Those who weilded an army of
awarded jagirs or zemandaries were de- three thousand strong were thus decorated.
corated with this title. The Punjabi In the British days, this title indicated .
title Malik may be akin to this. respectability. Hindus were decorated
with Ray Bahadur and Muslims with Khan
Majumdar - These persons were employed Bahadur titles.
under the Chief Administrators to keep
the accounts of the revenue receipts and Ray-Rayan (King of Kings) - The Chief Hindu
arrangements etc. They were also re- Officer in the civil side under the Bengal
quired to check the revenue receipts of Nawabs were thus decorated. The early
the Zemindars. This is a common title British rulers also made use of this title
in the present day. upto i 772 A. D.

Munshi - Generally signified a Secreatry. Samaddar - This title denoted persons who
These people used to note down the dispo- were employed by the Government or the
sitions in the law courts and did other Zemindars (Landlords) to inspect and
secretarial work or writing work. This supervise the cultivation in the districts
is also a very common title in the United and also to settle the disputes amongst
Province or Uttar Pradesh and other the cultivator s ,
parts of North India. Sarkar - The Chief person in the village.
Munsiff - It generally implied a person This is a heriditary title and is common
employed by the Landlords to inspect the in the modern times though the family
lands. The present service of Munsiffs may not be holding the former position at
in Bengal signify the cadre of Judicial all. Sometimes the same title denotes a
Officers below the rank of Sub-ordinate professional class such as a clerk or one
Judge. who keeps the accounts as well.

Mustafi - Persons in charge of the Civil Re- Serkhel or Sena Sarkhel - This title signified
cord Office •. They used to examine the a General or i!- Senapati in the army. It is
Civil Revenue Accounts. a heriditary title though none of the present
users of the title have anything to do with
Ohdedar - These were persons employed by
the army as such.
the Sovereign to r ea ri s e the revenue from
the Zemindars or Landlords, when they Sikdar - They were persons entrusted to
failed to pay their dues to the State. Many realise the revenue of the smaller areas
a Ohdedar unsurped Zemandaries'. of the State or Zemindari. In the Moghul
times the Officers of the Provincial Chiefs
Patranavis - The person who controlled the
were known as Sikdars.
Correspondence Department of the State.
They were a class of Officers akin to Singh - Officers of the Army were thus deco-
tho se of a Secratariate. rated.

Poddar or Fotadar - These were people who Tarafdar - This signified the owner of a
used to examine the coins (money). In the portion or taraf of a pargana. These per-
present day, this signifies a money sons had to maintain the peace and collect

V 6 N 3 Sep 1959

the revenue of the taraf or portion of the has been made to make the list as full or as
pargana in their charge. Hence the lord of complete as possible, but there may be some
a portion of a village also had this title. omissions which may have escaped my notice.
It will be found that all the different surnames
Upadhyaya - This title signifies a Brahmin
are not very common and there may be no
who is noted for several qualities of head
authors at all with some of these surnames.
and heart. Generally the name of the
The list has been drawn up with an eye not to
village in which the family lived is added
authorship but to the prevalence of the sur-
to this title and thus the Upadhyayas of
names as they are in Bengal. The following
different villages are distinguished from
publications have been consulted in the drawing
each other, e. g. Bandyopadhyaya,
up of the list of surnames:
Gangopadhyaya, Mukhopadhyaya etc.

Visayee - The Chief of a district in Orissa

was known under this title. Collection of i Vasu (N.). Vanger jatiya itihasa.
revenue, responsibility of administration
and justice were also laid on them.
2 Ghose (5. K.). Vangali jati parichaya

Herein is a list of surnames as it obtains 3 Ghose (S.K.). Articles on Vangali jatir

amongst Beriga Ie e s in general. An attempt parichaya. Va s urna t i (1360-61).

Aai Ambuli Ayan Datta Baital

Achan Anak Baitalik
Achar Anga Babu Baitanik
Acharya Antar Bachal Baiti
Ada Antari Ba c ha r i Bajal
Addy Aon Bachaspati Bajali
Adhairya Apaman Badak Bajpai
Adharya Aratdar Baddi Bajpeyi
Adhikar Arjun Badia Bajti
Adhikari Arobu Badyakar Baju
Adhya Arora Bagal Bak
Adigiri Arosthi Bagale Bakla
Aditya Aru Bagchi Bakse
Agar Arus Bagdi Baksi
Agradani Aryya Bagh Bakti
Ahir As Bagha Bakui
Ai Asa Bagha Bakuli
Aich Asak Bagi Bal
Aikat Ata Bagui Baladhikari
Ain Atar Baguli Balia
Aisa Atarthi Bahan Balial
Aja Atmelya Bahubasi Ba l rka.k
Akali Atta Baidab Ballam
Akradhari Aulia Baidi Ballav
Akrur Avadhut Baidya Ray Balmajumdar
Akure Avagis Baila Balmiki
Ala Avidkari Ba ir a g i Banamunsi
Alamkar Ayakat Bairagya Bandur
Amani Ayan Bais Banduri

84 An lib sc

Bandyopadhyaya Bhabani Bieri Chathati

Banerji Bhade Biswabasu Chatra
Bangabash Bhadra Biewas Chatrapati
Banik Bhaduri Bocha Chatri
Banikya Bhajan Bose Chattakhandi
Bankra Bhakat Brahrna Cha tt a r aj
Bankura Bhalla Brahrnachari Chatterji
Bans Bhaluk Burai Chattopadhyaya
Bansi Bhalukkheko Byabasta Chatui
Bantul Bhandari Byas Chaturmukh
Banu Bhangi Chaturvedi
Banua Bhanja Chatuspati
Bar Bhar Cha
Cha ub e
Bara Bharadube Chabri
::larai Bha r a l i Chachura
Baral Bharrna Chaigi
Ba r a r i Bhatak Chaira
Barat Bhatta Chak
Cha ul i
Bardhan Bhattacharyya Chakhandi
Bareri Bhattak Chaki
Ba r i Bhattasil Chakla
Chak la.da r Chaunare
Ba r ik Bheuli Chaurasi
Barrna Bheurnik Chaklanavis
Ba r o i Bhifu Chakra
Barua Bhirn Chakraburty
Barui Bh is a n Chakraburty Thakur
Barujivi Bhistil Chal
Basab Bhong Chaladar
Basak Bhonr C'ha l iha
Basani Bhose Chalta
Basanta Bhui Ch arn a r
Ba st u Bhuichal Charnham
Ch it i
Basubak Bhuiya Champati
Chob e
Basubati Bhurnija Chan
Basuli Bhurnik Cha nak
Basunia Bh urn ik a Chanda
Batan Bhunja "Cb arid a I
Cb urma r i
Baul Bhup Chandi
Bauri Bhuringa Chandra
Cb.ur a man
Bavali Bhusan Chanduk
Chu r ida r
Baxi Bhut Changri
Chut a r
Bayen Bhuti Chap
Bed Bhutta Chaprasi
Bedajna Bibagi Charal
Bedi Bihar Cha r arn Dab
Beed Bichali Cha r an Dabhai
Beji Bichili Charchari Dafadar
BeIel Bidha Charit Dagar
Beoa Bihari Charui Dagchi
Bera Biki Charvak Dai
Be sk a r i Bina Chat ak Daityari
Betal Bishal Chatang Da iv a jna
Beyal Bishara Chataoala Daiyasi
Bhaban Bishnu Ch at apa r a Dakati

V 6 N 3 Sep 1959 85

Dakhi Deva sa s irna l la Dikshit Garia

Dakshi Devi Dingal. Garu
Dakshina Devjani Dinta Gatait
Da.k s h it De vna t h Dirghangi Gati
Dakua Devraj Dishmukh Gaut arn
Dal Devraya Dishnu Gayen
Dalal Devrayamalla. Diyali Gelgai
Daloi Dewanji Diyasi Gendi
Dalui Deya Doari Ghada
Dam Deyali Dogra Ghakur
Dama Dhak Doi Ghanteswari
Damda Dhala Dol Ghanti
Dan Dhale Dom Ghar
Dandapat Dhali Don Gha r a
Da nd apat h Dh a m Duari Gharui
Dang Dhamali Dugar Ghatak
Dangali Dhan Durlabh Ghat am
Dangani Dha nda Dut Ghatiya
Daniyari Dhangar Dutt Ghatmajhi
Danta Dha n i Dutta Ghatoyali
Dari Dhank Dutta Majumdar Ghatoyari
Dariyali Dhanp Duvedi Ghatpatar
Darji Dhanr Duya Ghatuya
Darkar Dha rrva nt a r i Dva r i Ghedali
Darvesh Dhao a Dv ija Ghenriya
Das Dhap dhap e Ghesera
Das Gupta Dhar
EI Gheset
Das Sa r ka r Dhara
Es Gho r a
Da s Sa r rna Dha r i Ghorali
Dasi Dha r ma r aj Ghorel
Dasri Dhasu Gabur Ghorui
Dastagir Dhauria Gadi Ghosal
Da at ida r Dhavaldev Ga ir ik Khan
Gho s e
Dasu Dhayoa Gaj Ghosh
Datta Dhenki Gajarida r
Datta Gupta Dhepsa Gajendra Ghuku
Daw Dhir Gal Gohel
Dayal Dh iva r Galai
De Dhol Galui Golondaj
De Arnav Dhon Gandak Golui
De Haldar Dhoyan Gandar
De Sa r k a r Dhudhuria Gandha Yanik Gon
Deb Dhuk Ganesh Gona
Deb Mallik Dhukre Gangavasi Gondani
Dedhara Dhul Gangopadhyaya Gode
Dedihidar Dhuli Ganguly Gondol
• Gantait
Dhumar Gorakshi
Deheri Dhuni Gantidar Gorami
Dere Dhurandhar Gara Goswami
Desali Dighal Garai Goyala
Deshmukh Dighapati Ga r an i Gucha
Deuri Digpati Garga Gude
De ut i Diha Ga r ga r i Guha
De va n s i Dihidar Ga r i Guin

86 An lib sc

Guiya Hele Jhumki Kap

Gujya Helen Jit Kapasia
Guli Hema Jon Kapri
Gumtya Hembram Jone Kapudia
Gun Hens Joshi Kapur
Gunraj Hes Jotdar Kapuria
Gunri Hesh Joy Kar
Gupta Hevaram J'ui Kara
Guriya Hoj Juti Karadigar
Guta Hokar Jyoti Ka r a i
Guti Horn Karak
Home Karali
Home Ray Karan
Habar Kabri
Hondol Karanja
Had Kahali
Huduk Karanjai
Hada Kahar
Hudut Karanjain
Hadi Kairi
Huhatait Karar
Hajarika Kaiti
Hui Karaya
Hajra Kaivalya
Hukumdar Karbari
Hakim Kaivartadan
Hunde Karkun
Halamda Kaji
Huntait Karmi
Haldar Kajli
Huta it Karmakar
Hali Kake Karnani
Halsa Kakuti Karori
Haluai lndra
Kal Karpun
Haluikar Indu
Kala Karthi
Hams lshan
Kalamuri Kartik
Harn vi r Ls ha r
Kali Karttik
Handa lshor
Ka.Liridi Kasyap
Handal lshore
Kalsa Kasyapi
Hande Kalya Katha
Ha nd i Jaba Karn a r Kathak
Handle Jadab Karn at Ka tharn
Handol Jaddar Kamila Kathuria
Hangsa Jail Kamot Katu
Hanis Jaj Ka na r Kaur
Hansa Jal Kanchan Kavandha
Han ada Jalan Kanch i Kaveri
Ha.nt a Jaliadas Kandali Kavi
Har Jalkar Kandar Kaviraj
Harbag Jalua Ka nda z i Kayaputra
Hari Jamadar Kangar Kayastha
Ha r-ka r a Jamidar Kanja Bilwa Kayodi
Ha rrn a Jana Kanji Kazi
Harsha Jasu Kanjilal Kedali
Hasi Jayaddar Kanra Kendali
Hati Jel Kanral Kene
Hatui Jela Kanrar Keoda
Hatuya Jethi Kansa Yanik Keora
Hauni J etti Kansari Keot
Hayui Jharnpat i Kantagiri Kerala
Ha z a r I Jhanp Kanu i Keri
Haz r a Jha r ia Kanungo Ketho
Helakata Jharudar Kaora Khada

V 6 N 3 Sep 1959 87

Khadar Khoroi Kund Magh

Khadayit Khosa Kunda Mahabani
Khadiya Khosla r arn i Mahabir
Khagat Khot an Kundu Mahadani
Kha j an c h i Khoyana Kunkri Mahadev
Kha j anj i Khukhu Kunui Mahajani
Khala Khuntia Kura Mahal
Kha ma r i Khu rp ak Kural Mahalanovis
Khalua Khute Ku ra r Mahaldar
Khamaru Khutiya Kuri Mahali
Kha m id Kisku Kurmi Mahanti
Khamkhat Kisori Kusari Mahapa
Kha rn pa i Koa Kush Mahapatra
Khamrui Koan Kuti Mahara
Khan Koanar Kyamilya Mahati
Khana Koar Mahesh
Khanda Koch Ladu Mahili
Khandkar Kodal Laha Mahindar
Khangat Kohali Lahar Mahisal
Khangi Kohil Lahiri Mahisyadar
Khanna Kol Lai Mahiv
Khari sarna Kolai Lakhoyal Mahiva
Khant a Kole Lal Mahur
Khantait Koli Lalbegi Ma inari
Khantua Komar Lalua Maisal
Khaoyal Koria r Lama Maiti
Khaoyas Kor Maitra
Kha r Kotal Maitreya
Khara Kouluva Maitri
Kha r a it Kounch Maity
Latu a
Kharia Koyal Majhi
Kharui Ko ya r i Majhle
Kha s i Koyral Maji
Khaskhel Kshem Majumdar
Khastagir Kshema Makad
Le ha r
Khata Kuar Makal
Khateryari Kuda Makar
Khatta Kuda l Makhal
Khatua Kudar Makud
Khayra Kudrn i Makur
Khede Kuila Mal
Khelo Kuiri Mala
Khere Kuiti Malaha
Khetan Kukri Malas
Khidki Kul Malkhandi
Khila Kulabhi Malla
Khirki Kuli Mallik
Khoda Kulin Malodas
Khodai Kulupi Man
Khoddar Kulvi Mana
Khodel Kumar Mabhi Mandal
Khontan Kumbhakar Machua Mandaleavar
Khor Kumir Madani Ma nda r
Khorel Kuria r Madhu Mandi

88 An lib sc

Mangal Modak Nag Paita

Mani Modayed Nag Chaudhu r i Paitanti
Manik Mogh Na ga Paitya
Mansingh Mohan Nagar Pakde
Mansinha Moi Nageswar Pakhi
Mant han i Moti Naha Pakiya
Mantrani Moira Nai Pakhel
Mantri Moktar Naiya Pakre
Maoi Mookerjee Nama Su d r a Pakshi
Mapa Morayed Narna s r arn i Pal
Map a r u Mormu Narn at a Palai
Ma r a Mosa Namhata Palam
Mardan Mosat Nan Palamdar
Ma r d aria Mot Nanak Palamkhai
Masanti Moti Nandan Palchaudhuri
Masat Moyra Nandani Pali
Maschatak Mridha Nandi Palit
Masel Mucchuddi Napit Pallye
Mastar Muchi Narasundar Palmal
Mata Muchiramdas Naru Palodhi
Matali Muchkanda Naskar Palui
Matap Muda Nath Pam
Math Mudi Nat hak Parn r aj
Mathur Muhuri Natha na th Pancha
Mati Mukhasuddhi Natta Panchadhyayi
Matit Mukherji Natya Panchanan
Matsuti Mukhle Nav ik Panchayet
Mavi Mukhopadhya ya Nayak Panda
Mayur Mukhuti Nayek Pandav
Meda Mukta Neda Pande
Meddil Muktear Negel Pandit
Medesi Mukti Nekda Panigrahi
Meer Mulai Nekra Panja
Meghmala Mulo Nekshe Panji
Meharatri Munda Ner Panna
Meikal Muniyan Neul Pa ra g
Meikap Munshi Neye Pa ra i
Mendu Munuri Niyogi Paral
Mera Mura Nyada Paramanik
rvi euna r Muri Nyara Paramanya
Metiya Murma Pariksha
Metya Musahar Paban Parit
Meyur Mustafi Pachal Pariya
Michir Mustuphi Pachali Parua
Mil Mute Padai Parui
Mindar Mutsuddhi Padit Paruk
Mir Mutuk Paduya Parvat
Mirbahar Padya Parya
Mirvahar Nabalgol Pafde Pasta
Misra Nabik Pafre Patar
Mithai Nabit Pagal Patha
Mitra Nachiketa Paham Pathak
MUter Nadak Paidya Pathar
Mod Nadu Pain Pati

V 6 N 3 Sep 1959 89

Patibar Puran Ray Rud r a Sana

Patil Puri Rud r a Sarma Sana i
Patla Puriya Ruiya Sanatani
Patnai Putanda Ruj Sanbighna
Patnaik Put at unda Rukh Sanchi
Patra Putitundi Sandan
Patranavis Putli Sandar
Patranga Sa
Pattanayak Sabdakar
Raha Sandel
Pattaraj Sabud
Rai Sandesh
Patyinayak Sachdev
Raikar Sandhaki
Pavan Sadasrayi
Raikat Sandhya
Payal Sadel
Rail Sandilya
Payene Sadhukhan
Raja Sanga
Pedeshi Sadhya
Rajak Sani
Pelan Sadya
Rajak Das Sanji
Penko Sagar
Rajen Sanjoal
Phadikar Saha
Rajguru Sankar
Phandiya Saha Chaudhuri
Rojoyad Sank at
Phani Sahai
Rajoyar Sankha
Phanria Sahana
Rajvamsi Sanki
Phoni Sahas
Rakshit Sankrel
Pbu sk i Ram Sahu
Phusti Sai
Pitudi Saidev Santa
Pituri Saigal Sant an
Raria r aj
Pobi Ranbak Sain Santi
Pod Rang Saini Sant r a
Poddar Sainik Sanyal
Poi Saiva Saoyar
Poin Ranu Sajaru Saptatirtha
Pollye Raptan Sajja n Sapui
Polye Sajoyal Sar
Ponchali Sakri Sara
Ponda Raul Sakui Sa r a sw at i
Ponra Sakur Sare
Pora Ray Basuniya Sal Sa r e l
Potuli Ray Goswami Salui Sarengi
Poyel Rayayani Salya Saresh
Prachanda Rayguriya Samaddar Sarka
Prarlhan Raykayet Samadhyayi Sarkar
Prahari Rayul Samajdar Sarkhel
Prajapati Rayun Sa majdva r Sarma
Pramad Rayut Samal Sa r mari
P'r arn an ik Rej Samandesh Sarogi
Pramanya Reja Samanta Saromi
Prasad Rishi Samanya Sa r vabhourna
Pratihar Rittvik Sarna s r arn i Sarvadhikary
Pui Ritu Sammadar -Chaudhu r i Sa r va jna
Puila Rohing Sarn r a i Sasmandal
Puin Rojya Samudra Sastri
Puitundi Roy Samui Sate
Pulai Roychoudhuri Samvandha Sathi
Purakayastha. Rsi San Satik

90 An lib sc

Satjan Silak Taki Trivedi

Sat r a Vi s a r a d Sina Takshak Tundu
Sau Sindha Takta Tung
Saut Singha Talapatra Tunga
Sauta Singhi Talpatra Tyangra
Saute Singtol Talodhi
Sa va j na Sinha Talui Uj
Sayagal Sircar Talukdar Uja
Sayen Sit Tamli Ukil
Seal Siv Das Tant Ulluk
Sehanavis So Tanti Upadhyaya
Sehara Sodar T'ant r a Upala
Semanta Ray Soi Tantrik Utthamini
Sen Som Tantubaya
Sen Gupta Some Tapadar Va cha spat i
Sen Sarma Son 'I'apa n i Vadyakar
Seni Sona Tapni Vahan
Seresthadar So nd a r Tara Vaidi
Seruan Soumandal T'a r afda r Vaidya Ray
Seruyan Srimani Taran Vairagi
Seth Stha npat i Tarat Vais
Sethiya Sthi Tareka Vaital
Settalowar Sthir Taroyal Vaitalik
Setua Su Tarui Va jp a i
Setuya Sudarsan Ta r uya Vajpeyi
Sha Banik Sumandal Tas Valiyal
Sha Banik Sarikb a'n i.dhi Surn ariu Tat Valmiki
Shah Sunsu Tati Varma
Shanda Supkar Tej Vasab
Shanr Sur Tengra Vastu
Shanti Sural Tewari Ved
Sharma Bhatta Surarka Thag Vedajna
Shastri Suri Thakur Vedi
Shende Surul Tham Veskari
Sher Sushil Thanada r Vetal
Sh i Susil Thandar Vihari
Shila Sva r i Thatari Vishal
Sh i.r a Ii Svarnakar Thenta Vishnu
Shounda Swami Theta Viswavasu
Sh r e s ht h i Syakra Thikadar Vyas
Sh r irrga r i Syam Chaudhuri Thokdar Vyavasta
.Shuk la Syam Rai Tindel
Shukla Vaidya Syamal Tior Yadab Tiyadi Yagnik
Shuyali Ta Tiyari Yaj
Si Tada Tiyoda Yaji
Sdddh e sw a r Tadeka Tola Yajnik
Sdkda r Tafildar Topdar Yasu
Sikhda r Tagore Toshak Yogi
Sikli Tai Tridib Yoshi
Sil Takal Tripathi Yui

V 6 N 3 Sep 1959 91

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