Safe Squid

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Safesquid configuration from source:

The name SafeSquid®, suggests that it is built out of Squid. However that is
not true! Squid is an excellent Caching Proxy server built by an entirely
different team of people and maintained at
SafeSquid was originally conceived as an add-on plug-in for Squid, with a
simple objective of merely enhancing the filtering capabilities of Squid. The
name SafeSquid therefore seemed quite appropriate then! SafeSquid® is
functionally quite similar to Squid, just the perspective and execution is
different.SafeSquid® basically looks to address, the need of an web-
gateway from the security perspective. SafeSquid® is a complete Content
Filtering Internet Proxy with intrinsic capabilities for filtering malicious
content. SafeSquid® can now be used independently;- or in-conjunction
with Squid, as just a content-filter!
Copy the downloaded safesquid.tar.gz into /usr/local/src/

#cp safesquid-4.2.0-com20-free.tar.gz

Decompress the tar file using command -

#tar -xvzf safesquid-4.2.0-com20-


Creates a directory safesquid in your current working directory

Change directory to SafeSquid


The safesquid directory contains the installation script install.

Run the script


The install script asks you to select one of the following 3 options -

Press “F” if we are doing a Fresh install

Press “U” if we want to Update an existing
Press “A” if we want to Adjust an existing conf
Press “F” for fresh installation
The install script checks for dependencies and displays the status
The output should be similar to -

“Checking Dependencies
/lib/ (0xf6ffa000) => /lib/ (0xf6fea000) => /lib/ (0xf6fe5000) => /lib/tls/i686/
(0xf6fd4000) => /lib/ (0xf6fa0000) => /usr/lib/ (0x00bbb000) => /lib/tls/i686/ (0xf6f7d000) => /lib/tls/i686/ (0xf6e69000) => /lib/ (0×00974000)
/lib/ (0x00b97000) => /usr/lib/
(0x009e7000) => /usr/lib/ (0x00b1e000) => /lib/ (0x009e2000) => /usr/lib/ (0x00afb000) => /lib/ (0xf6e55000) => /lib/ (0x00a11000) => /usr/lib/ (0×00962000)

looks okay
Press any key to continue”

If a missing dependency is reported, you will have to install it before you can continue.
If everything is fine, then press any key to continue

The SafeSquid End-User License Agreement is displayed.

The options are as follows -

Press “B” / “F” to move Back /

Press “S” when you have finished

Read the License Agreement, or press “S” to skip and continue.

The following options are displayed -

Press Y if you find the End-User License

Press A To Read the End-User License Again
Press N if you find the End-User License NOT
and immediately abort the Installation Process

Press “Y” to continue

Here onwards, the install script will ask for about 28 configuration option.
All option pages are self explanatory, and should not require you to make any changes.
To make changes in the default option, press “C”
When you have made the necessary changes, press “S” to continue with the installation.
You can also press “S” on the first option screen, to install with the default option.
(The settings can later be changed by editing the startup.conf file, which you will find
in /opt/safesquid/safesquid/init.d directory.
The changes will take effect the next time Safesquid is restarted.)

The installation starts when you press “S”

The installation will pause a few times to display the status, and for confirmation.
When the installation is complete, the following message is displayed -

Press “S” if you would like to start your

safesquid now
Press any other key to simply exit

Press “S” to start SafeSquid

You should get the following message -

1. safesquid started with PID: 9659 … ssquid is NOT LISTENING on :8080 …

2. safesquid started with PID: 9659 … ssquid is LISTENING on … Process IS

So, your SafeSquid is installed and running.

Now, to access the SafeSquid Interface, point the proxy setting in the browser to the
SafeSquid Server’s IP:PORT, e.g., and access the URL

Note: In case of problems, run the following command


This will check the installed files and directories, and their permissions.
Restart SafeSquid after completion, with this command


How to check the safesquid is running on server:-

SafeSquid is content-control software: software designed to control which websites users

can access. It also provides caching, virus scanning, usage monitoring, bandwidth
control, authentication, and other features.[1] SafeSquid is mainly used by schools,
businesses, and value-added ISPs

The following command will check the safesquid is running on the server
#ps -waux | grep safesquid

How to load between different ISPs with SafeSquid:-

SafeSquid has an option in ‘Network Settings’, to add new interface for outgoing
connection.This is useful in networks where you need to split the load between
different ISPs. It can also be useful to switch different ISPs due to slow net
connection or discontinuity.This can be accomplished by following way:

You wish to -

1. Forward outgoing request of the user group ‘Accounts’ and ‘Finance’ to ISP
whose connection is on interface with IP

2. Forward outgoing request of the user group ‘IT’ and ‘System’ to ISP whose
connection is on interface with IP

Then, in ‘Network Settings’ section, add the following rules under the ‘Interface’
subsection -

Option Value
Enabled true
Comment This rule forwards request to IP
Profile Accounts,Finance

Option Value
Enabled true
Comment This rule forwards request to IP
Profile IT,System

Save settings after creating these rules by clicking on ‘Save settings’ in the top menu.
And also restart the SafeSquid service by giving command


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