Encyclopedia of Cigarette Tricks Toc
Encyclopedia of Cigarette Tricks Toc
Encyclopedia of Cigarette Tricks Toc
9 Chapter 0 0ntrod(ction
9 0. The Cigarette: !istory, op(larity, Technical )ecrets
3* 00. The Cigarette 6ct: Circ(s and 2otion ict(res, The King of the )okers, The
@o(a"e, The A(een of the )okers, @irka, =lorence and )elika, 6n Bnkno>n 5eni(s,
The 2an >ith a !(ndred Cigarette, =rakson, The 2an 4ith the 5lo"es, =ran$Klint,
-ecadence, =(t(re, and resent
** 000. iliography
%1 Chapter 00
%1 0. The rinciple ositions for !olding the Cigarette penly
%1 $ The )oker osition
%1 $ The )haking osition
% $ The 2o(th osition
%3 00. The rinciple ositions for !olding the Cigarette Concealed in the !and
%3 6. The ack of the !and To>ard the )pectators
%3 $ The Th( 5rip
%* $ a. The Con"entional 2ethod
%7 $ . The Keith Clark 2ethods * 2ethods
%9 $ c. A(antitati"e 2ethod
D# $ The =inger inch
D1 $$ The =inger 5rip
D $$ The =inger !old
D3 $$ The Trans"ersal =inger !old
D* $$ The Th( !old
D* . The al To>ard the )pectators
D* $ The ack Th( 5rip
D% $$ Keith Clark 2ethods % 2ethods
DD $ The ack inch
DD $$ Keith Clark 2ethods 3 2ethods
D7 $ The ack 5rip
D+ 000. osition for Keeping the Cigarette Concealed in the 2o(th