The Power Sources of The 9/11 Event

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The power source(s) of the 9/11 event

911keeptalking (London)
Tuesday, May 1 2018
Heinz Pommer
1 Energy

The observed or suspected 9/11 energy sources were:

1. impacting planes
2. burning jet fuel
3. explosives / incendiaries
4. radiation / electromagnetic weapons
5. nuclear process in the rockbed under the Towers

The sum of these energies must be higher than the

energy needed for the Towers' destruction...

...and must also explain the side effects on site !

Energy is measured in Joules

25 g chocolate = 500 kJ

1 million kg of TNT = 1 kt TNT = 4.1 10 Joule
Duration of energy release

biology: several hours

bombs: fractions of a
millisecond (left: 8 kt)
Example 4 of 6: Umbrella (water dome) Explosions

8 kt yield, 1958, depth of detonation: 46 m (sea floor)

A side note: energy & speed

250 m/s

0.25 s drop 2.5 m/s

1% of the speed is absolutely harmless. Why?

energy : speed relation is not linear: E ~ v²

100 times the speed means 10,000 times the energy !

water: smooth or inflexible?

for stone skipping a question

of speed !
Note: neutron speed

Thermal neutron:
A thermal neutron is a free neutron with a kinetic energy of
about 0.025 eV (2.2 km/s)

uranium nuclei: fissible or inflexible ?

for neutrons a question of speed !

Fast neutron:
A fast neutron is a free neutron with a kinetic energy level
close to 1 MeV (14,000 km/s)

Thermal neutron, Fast neutrons,

as needed for fission useless for fission
2 Nature as the best mentor
What business has a bee sitting
directly next to the nozzle of a small fountain ?

It escaped drowning:

the socket holding the

nozzle is the safest place!

It will not be captured by

the water jet – and it will
not be hit by the falling
water droplets

This is an example for a „seemingly impossible“

save place – next to the upshooting material
How does a waterspout fountain work?

Fountain = free fall of an object, which has a

constant initial speed upwards

even the rising water jet is in free fall

after a short time when reaching the

peak the vertical speed is zero; v = 0

water pressure is transformed into

speed and direction (momentum)

constant water pressure in the nozzle

= uniform pattern
3 What did we observe ? 1
North Tower:
pulverized at 10:28

2 3
South Tower: Building 7:
pulverized pulverized
at 09:59 at 5:21 p.m

Thermally Silverstein's
active zones glacier valley
= cooking is discovered
plates later here
Not all see the fountain in the photo above!
Millions of people will exclaim
when seeing this photo:

„That's the proof, Osama bin Laden did it!“

„I see the collapse of a building, the exploding jet fuel

and the (due to the collapse emerging) airpressure
pulverizes everything – that's just the way things must
look like.“

„what-do-I-see“ = „what-explanation-was-given“
4 What did we hear ?
Magma breaks through the rock ceiling (rubble):
Fan-shaped eruption

Shape of
sound track
Magma breaks through the rock ceiling (enclosed):
Jet-like eruption (focused beam)
types of volcanic
gas jet eruptions

Shape of
sound track
Amount of ejected gas estimable, simplyfied:

Base x height of the gas column

roaring gas jets;
Observation (audio sample as video): est. 35,000 m³

– acoustically the roar of the North Tower is not

distinguishable of a focused gas jet eruption !
At the Memorial Pools:

a sort of eruption channel

is artfully displayed in the
Memorial Pools as a pit

Exit field:
approx. 10 m x 10 m

this is no coincidence !

The emperor Nero phenomena:

killing psychopaths love to tell us the truth

as „philanthropists“ in pieces of art !
Silverstein Family Park The emperor Nero phenomena:

killing psychopaths love to tell us

the truth as „philanthropists“ in
pieces of art !

Study done by A&E:

The centre of heat / deformation in

the old WTC 7 was in the area of
the supporting column 79

exactly at that spot a small water
basin is located now, next to the
new WTC 7

the eruption sound of gas jets – ejected and powered

by highly fluid magma chambers from the centre of
the Stromboli volcano – is identical to the eruption
sound heard during the destruction of the North Tower

– we HAVE: violently, vertically upshooting gas jets

5 Silverstein Valley

The understanding of Larry Silverstein's glacier valley

with its "as-if-formerly-molten-rock-formations" is the
key to understand the power source of 9/11 !


the Towers' destruction was a mere SIDE EFFECT of

what happened in the rockbed !

90 % of the energy remained in the earth !

in mid 2017 a professor from France mailed me:
the energy in the rock explains everything !

Exhorted by the university, a sought prohibition of

teaching and exemption from service... but still active
The professor writes about a nuclear PROCESS on 9/11 (not a bomb), nonetheless
he assumes [2017] that Silverstein Glacier Valley is a geological formation
World Trade Center: what Power P was emitted into
the rock during 3 months?

Unite of Energy 1 kt:

= 4,1 10 J

Calculated minimal energy input in

entire WTC surface: 240 kt

(distributed = 80 kt per Tower)

Apple of discord: Silverstein Valley
Formerly semi-liquid granite or glacier valley ?
Apple of discord: Silverstein Valley
Downwelling or leaching process?
Apple of discord: Silverstein Valley
Vitrified vortex or water whirlpool?
Apple of discord: Silverstein Valley
Settling down into the cavity or melt water valley?
Apple of discord: Silverstein Valley
Concrete cover for sealing the ground or new foundations?
Apple of discord: Silverstein Valley
Aquarium originating from 9/11 or >10,000 years old?
Apple of discord: Silverstein Valley

Why where hotspots

discovered in the
glacier valley ?
Apple of discord: Silverstein Valley
Why were hotspots discovered outside the „Bathtub“
(= the protective basin against ground water) ?

Apple of discord: Silverstein Valley
Why do the hotspots fit on a circular area?

Note 1: South Tower: big energy input = high radiation output, small shockwave
Note 2: North Tower: mediate energy input = mediate radiation output, powerful shockwave
Note 3: Building 7: small energy input = low radiation output, tiny shockwave, misfire ?
Apple of discord: Silverstein Valley
Why were three seismic shocks registered? PANIC amidst

Seismic Record at Palisades, NY, 34 km North NO REAL

of the World Trade Center Disaster control level
of the WEAPON !
08:46:26 First impact ML=0.9
12:40 UTC
09:02:54 ML=0.7
Second impact
09:59:04 First collapse
South Tower:
Outflow of steel !
10:28:31 Second collapse
North Tower:
obliterated !

¿ Failed attempt WTC 7 ? ML = 1.3 11:01:07 Further collapse
11:15:04 EDT, Further collapse
15:10 Building 7
11:29:46 EDT remains standing
Further collapse
0 min 10 min 20 min 30 min
Apple of discord: Silverstein Valley
Why stayed the ground hot for three months ?


we are fighting against each other, because we focus

on different fragments of the energetic riddle

– the fragments of information are still in disorder,

distorted or incomplete: they make no sense

1. impacting plane
2. burning jet fuel
3. explosives / incendiaries
4. radiation / electromagnetic weapons
5. nuclear process in the rockbed under the Towers
6 Radiation weapons
1 generation: nuclear fission only
since 1945

2 generation: nuclear fission and fusion
since 1952

3 rd generation: nuclear fission, fusion and reflectors

since 1980 (high neutron / radiation) Minimal Residual Radiation Weapon
„clean“ nuclear MRR weapon
blue: neutron absorber
[boron-10] Radiation converter (emits
yellow: neutron reflector X strong X-ray radiation)
2 stage: nuclear fusion
green: classical explosives
orange: uranium-235 U 1 stage: nuclear fission
red: neutron source
Reflector section (DEW)

4 generation (lab only): laser induced fusion / antimatter
an additional radiation
weapon was present

what would we observe?

Tower 4;
36 m hoc

–25 m
–50 m
Inflaming buildings – yes, but only after the blast !

We have to look for camera fails before the blast !

Timeline of registered energetic field effects Pixel

– EMP shortly before ca. 8:45

the first impact

– Hypoderm burns
(boiled potato jacket effect)

ca. 9:10
– Chopper 4 ("silverfishes"): ca. 9:20 – 9:45
probably interaction of
neutrons in the camera

– Chopper 2 ("silverfishes"
and interference patterns):
probably interaction of
neutrons in the camera

– Camera fails at South Tower

– Inflaming cars at the
South Tower ca. 9:45
ca. 9:57
– Outflowing yellow glowing
metal at the South Tower
7 Playing with numbers, earning public ridicule

The tabooed, simple questions are:

to what height rose the North Tower's fountain?

how much time needed the upshooting material to

hit the ground again?

what speed had the upshooting material at the exit

point on the ground?

what size had the possible eruption channel?

what quantity of gasous material had been ejected

out of the North Tower's eruption channel ?

Anyone who poses (or tries to answer) these questions

will be attacked and ridiculed
Height ?
Speed ?
Gas volume ?

Distance s (t) from peak height: 1 2

s= gt
350 m (observed)
Time of free fall from peak: t= 700 m
8.5 s 9.81 m/s 2

Speed after 8.5 s (free fall): v=gt

300 km/h 9.81 m/s 2 x 8.5 s = 83 m/s
Replaced volume of gas in the Tower's core
(up to the height of plane impact at 350 m):

Volume = base area x height =

35,000 m³

V = 10 m x 10 m x 350 m

Sphere's volume V =

Size of the eruption channel:

Exit field A = 10 m x 10 m

Radius r of the gas sphere, acting

as propellant in the rock:

r = 20 m
Melt cavity created by a nuclear weapon (in granite)

Radius of the chamber

Calculated 9/11 yield, on basis of a

magma chamber with radius r = 20 m
Where is the hole ?
Proposed first design:
by Dimitri Khalezov
Dimitri Khalezov describes
himself as a witness/insider:
a 150 kt yield weapon had
been used – per tower

@ 150 kt yield

Already in 2010 Dimitri

Khalezov published his
9/11 analysis

– and was ridiculed

Where is the crater ?

Sedan Plowshare Krater @ 100 kt yield

Crater: 390 m (width), 100 m (depth)
And nonetheless...

the 100 kt explosion Storax Sedan is even used by

AE911Truth for comparison !

Impulse (momentum) and energetic characteristics fit!

"compare this to a known explosion"

Contents of the video clip:

Impulse and energetic

characteristics are recognized
correctly, however the logical
conclusion is negated

The nuclear weapon Sedan with 100 kt yield is

presented as a „known explosion“ (for comparison)

Already in 2006 Richard Gage

published his 9/11 analysis

– and was ridiculed

The criticism „nutter“ turned up from both sides: from circles close to the
government and from the supporters of the nuclear hypothesis

Richard Gage refers only to Nano-Thermite used as explosive / incendiary

Already in 2010 Dr. Judy
Wood published her
9/11 analysis

– and was ridiculed

Dr. Judy Wood refers to DEW

Direct Energy Weapons, unknown
to the public, which dustified the
She refutes the nuclear hypothesis by using photos
The inner structure of the
South Tower is still
recognizable (core)

One could enter the

South Tower's core
directly through the
eruption shaft

However, down there it

was as hot as in a

Standing structures are

still visible
She refutes the hypothesis of explosives in the Towers

Details see: video clip

Explosives are loud – but the

buildings simply roared
during destruction

Explosives do not cause the

inflammation of cars or buildings
up to a distance of 100 – 200 m

Explosives do not cause sudden

and extreme rust up to a distance
of 500 m
at that time a professor from Sweden mailed me:
Chopper 2's EMP signals explain everything !

Jobless, ridiculed, shunned...

The professor assumes the use [at my view non-existing] 0.3 kt Fourth Generation
Nuclear Weapon (main problem: the rockbed would not turn hot for so long)

This weapon could fire a nuclear plasma jet out of the earth and be effective for
several seconds (before evaporating)

He refers to the [fairly theoretical] work of Andre Gsponer, 2008
415 m
A long lasting nuclear
0.3 kt plasma weapon ?
Does the military have such
weapons ?


The observed fact is just:

a strong and long lasting radiation

source was present

–25 m
–50 m
415 m
A strange weapon
indeed !!!
radiation phenomena up pyroclastic flow of hot dust
to 1 hour prior to collapse after collapse

extreme energy input in no cavity below the Towers, but

the ground (3 months active) a confirmed gas flow from below

no crater howling sounds, unknown origin

seismic activity small, only a dustification of iron and concrete,

small rumble in the ground paper remains intact, molten steel

weapon survives for a sudden inflammation of cars

prolonged period of time and buildings nearby

no lethal radioactive
radiation on place Some futuristic design –
or old technology ?
survivors in the North Tower
–25 m
–50 m
8 Nature – you
explain it all!
an important information
fragment hidden in Gabun!

The uranium deposit

in Mounana was not only
an exceptional natural
nuclear reactor

It was at the same time

also a nuclear fuel breeder!
In the naturally existing highly concentrated uranium ore
a nuclear fission reaction started 2 billion years ago

In the presence of water

fast fission neutrons are
slowed down:

the process starts

Natural reactor With the water evaporated

the process stops:

a natural cycle

Ur Bedrock
ium Sandstone / clay shale

Natural reactor
Natural reactor Oklo (Gabun, Africa)
The biggest of the reactors had a length of 12 m, a width of 18 m and it was
between 20 – 50 cm thick.

This natural reactor was moderated by the flow of (ground) water, which resulted
in a cycle duration of 2 hours: the fission process started, as soon as water was
present and the sandstone contained at least 10% of uranium.
Thee fission
ss o inside
s de the
t e uraninite
ua te heated
eated tthe
e cclay
ay up to a te
pe atu e oof 400
00 °C.


Bed /clay

Can we speed up the process a bit ?
A uranium-thorium sphere with a diameter of 1 m evolves immediately into
a small nuclear breeder (producing nuclear fuel)


1 neutron
Water starts the process!

By such a uranium-thorium sphere one can start open fires, kill people and cattle,
heat up the ground, generate a magma chamber...

... and the sphere may explode after breeding enough U-233
(bred via thorium-232)

Uranium jacket, highly

enriched and in subcritical quantity

Neutron source
(-radiation + beryllium)

wet clay,
serves as neutron reflector

Second breeding jacket of thorium

9 Upside down
2009: a nobel peace price for the vision of a world
„free of nuclear weapons“ – or for a PR lie

reconstruction –
not destruction of
the weapons was
the end result



positioning within
the EU
We citizens do know only that we don't want
these weapons to exist (least of all on our doorstep)

But we cannot tell any more what these nuclear

weapons are really capable of:
1 st – 4 th generation of nuclear weapons

Widespread misapprehension:

Nuclear weapon = „fireball“

you can also get just a vertically upshooting
pressure wave
you can also get just an invisible radiation flash
Pulsating reactors; EMP flashes and
neutron reflection (Tschernobyl effect)
Example 2 (as of 1970):
rotating uranium disk inside the reactor core: 400 MW pulse
60 cm AREA


30 cm




Example 3 (as of 1990):
Fast pulse reactor IBR-2, up to 850 MW per pulse
The devil's trick:

... he has forced a technical mind on us !

... but the 9/11 device was copied from nature !

... how it could work:

if a beryllium-polluted lump of weapons-grade uranium is
activated by an external neutron flash, it will grow hot and
start to melt, thus you will get:

– a highly concentrated [clean] uranium pulp

– a growing reflector layer made of beryllium

– if helium nuclei are present, there will be an

additional nuclear fusion in the reflector ( + Be)

– at an appropriate stretch of way the material acts

also as a moderator: formerly fast [useless] neutrons will
hit the uranium again as thermal neutrons (Tschernobyl effect)
It is not difficult, just a recipe !
Cooking a beef broth you always
have the grease swimming on
top, not the meat / the bone...

Nuclear physics is not magic, but MADE a secret

0 generation: imperfect fission / fusion

– 1 h "cooking" time

– separation of clean uranium and the "grease"

– extreme  radiation ( + Be fusion)

– neutrons reflected & slowed down:

fizzle explosion guaranteed !!!
Our model

Ignition due to the „Tschernobyl effect“ (positive feedback)

The system is under control: Ignition (Fizzle):

fast neutrons escape neutrons are reflected back

neutrons are slow (= thermal,

as required for nuclear fission)

Ignition after reaching the critical distance

(ideal thermal neutron flux)

due to buoyancy: the plasmatic

needle is pushing upwards (liquid dome)
The top winner ...replaces the high-tech model
of 3 rd / 4 generation nukes

length of process: 1 hour 415 m

method of destruction:
hard -radiation + gas eruption

method of containment of the

nuclear fuel: rockbed ... it is after all quite primitive
– but effective
source of -radiation
heliumnuclei + beryllium ... it can be regarded as
relatively "clean" – due to
criticality achieved: the downwelling of the
via uranium-235 propelling charge (uranium)

Ignition (fizzle):
positive feedback of Tower 4;
thermal neutron flux height: 36 m
after downwelling of the
concentrated 0m
uranium pulp –25 m
–50 m
10 Step by step: 9/11
A simple model is presented, which answers the most
important questions coherently and explains:

why is the cavity / the crater missing ?

why were the seismic recordings of low intensity ?

why were there no reports of radioactivity ?

where did all the dust come from ?

why didn't we hear any explosions during the

collapse ?

why did WTC 5 and WTC 6, as well as many cars

parked near Ground Zero suddenly catch fire ?
Interpretation, step 1
planned opening of
the build
ding at 350 m

flushing of the elevator

shafts (e.g. reactor core)

premature ignition (6 s):

Observation neutron stopper (bolt of
boron carbide) extracted
– plane impact
prior to impact
p p
– 6 s before:
exxternal neutron
first explosion
flaash in time
in the basement
(att impact)
– sprinkler

– 6 s after:
second explosion
in the basement
Interpretation, step 2
creating / connecting
the nuclear chimney

uranium sphere activated,

being heating up
optional: rotating neutron
explosions inside reflection disk(s) active
the elevator shafts

boron neutron stopper(s)

remain extra

neutron stopper


neutron stopper
prior to inserted
impact OFF
Interpretation, step 3
steadily increasing
neutron flux (black box)

camera & radio fails /
hypoderm burns

He 9

rock is liquefied slowly,

 high radiation energy
C input
Interpretation, step 4
needed steps for structural
weakening of the building
by cutter charges

in the meantime neutron

Observation reflectors are active /
growing in the molten rock
audio recordings of
explosions at the WTC

He 9

Interpretation, step 5
structural weakening of the
building by a controlled
emical/nuclear meltup
icrowave, Faraday cage)

outflow of liquid metal on top

uprising steam at entrance level

cars start to inflame

nflame suddenly /
radio equipment fails

He 9

Interpretation, step 6
ignition, fizzle reaction;
neutron flash in the tower

– weak earthquake, 10 s prior
to collapse
– strong EMP registered (WTC 1)
– strong interference (WTC 1)
[1 st maxima: 6 seconds]

He 9

Interpretation, step 7
containment of the

nuclear fusion continues

– delay [3 s] after the 1 maxima hard X-ray is emitted and
in the registered EMP interference heats up the building's
(chopper 2) core and the rockbed

– soundless quake
= soundproof channel,
sealed by liquid rock

roaring gas jets;
est. 35,000 m³
Gas eruptions
from below
Radioactivity &
Interpretation, step 20
semi-liquid rock was caving
in (yellow marked vicinity)
and filled the cavities

potholes were discovered

parallel to the old subway
– under the rubble of WTC1/WTC2
a prolonged depression is uncovered brushing of the rocks and
– deepest pothole at 30 m below street pouring concrete on the
level, directly next to the South Tower floor are decontamination
– Silverstein propagandizes the structure efforts
as an old, geological glacier valley
Interpretation, step 20
At 30 m below street level the semi-liquid granite started to sink in
and to fill the cavities of the explosion
Interpretation, step 20
At 30 m below street level the semi-liquid granite started to sink in
– and created Silverstein Valley next to the Twin Towers
Interpretation, step 21
induced eddy currents by
a changing magnetic field

energy release by the Tower

after breakup of the Faraday

– inflammation of cars /
buildings (W
WTC 5/6) and
melting of rubber
r parts

– extreme and
sudden rust
Interpretation, step 22
a specific wavelength can be
absorbed by iron and concrete

destruction of the lattice

structure by hard radiation

a a
– extreme dustification of iron&concrete,
simultanously still intact paper

De e
Level of energy

0 Ae Ground state
Distance (atom's nucleous – bonding electrons)
Interpretation, step 23
focused radiation flash / pulse
(collimator tunnel effect)

eruption shaft closed itself

after the eruption (by debris)
– thermally active zones for three months
(rising steam everywhere, like on a volcano)

– inside the Tower's core still standing structures

were discovered, easily accessible by rope

– isolated pockets of liquid metal

processes of radioactive decay did

release energy for many weeks
Interpretation, step 24
significant residual radiation
inside and near the Bathtub

destruction of the iron lattice

structure on the surface

decontamination efforts
Observation -radiation

– extreme Lead Lead

rusting of new Skin Skin -particle

structures Paper Paper

– camera fails
when filming
in or near
the Bathtub

– seemingly
clean objects
were brushed
and processed
with high-pressure
cleaners (cars / rocks)
Interpretation Observation – above each of the 3 centres of explosion
a water basin has been placed

– Silverstein Valley was sealed and

covered by concrete

the "helping"
and „artistic“
hand is directly
responsible for
the suffering
Interpretation, step 25
radioactive iodine present
(uranium fission product)
presence of uranium and thorium confirmed

Chemistry Table 1, continued 127I

ppm - parts per million minimum maximum mean*
Thorium ppm 5.36 30.7 9.31
Uranium ppm 1.96 7.57 3.29
126I 128I 129I 130I

Observation Figures, 2018 (approx.):

– strong increase in cancers, especially a 2,000 9/11 cancer deaths
pronounced peak of thyroid cancer cases 8,000 9/11 cancer cases
– uranium, thorium and the fission products are 70,000 people need medical
listed in the element analysis care because of 9/11

The image on the left

the water basin next to the

new Building 7;
Silverstein Family Park

Check for small "silver fishes"

pixel failures (full screen mode)

The radioactive cauldron

next to WTC 7
Cancer as a business (2018)
500,000 people exposed
35,000 expected cancer victims

7.3 billion US$ subsidies

11 Censorship and self-censorship

The technique of supressing information is especially

perfidious as self-censorship within groups, which
did engage in a mission to uncover the truth

Lack of knowledge and false statements lead to a

state of complete confusion

If this mix of false statements and lies is propagated

by leading and thoroughly trusted institutions,
the correct interpretation of an event is made
nearly impossible
Example of standard errors / misinformation
partly taken from the Letter, by Dr. Steven E. Jones, 28 Sept 2006

no vertical energy flux / no vertically rising

masses of air over Building 7

the buildings did break up, they did not turn to dust

iron samples not radioactive = no nuclear weapon

no EMP was registered

cancer was caused by toxic fumes only

no crater on site = no nuclear weapon applied

nuclear fusion is impossible at room temperature

No vertical energy flux / no vertically rising
masses of air over Building 7 ?

ca. 1.300 m
WTC-7 H 1.250 m

05:21 p.m. 1.000 m

750 m
500 m

250 m
197 m


The mushroom cloud over building 7 rose within only

60 seconds more that 1 mile into the sky !
The buildings did break up, they did not turn to dust ?

We had extreme dustification !

Iron samples not radioactive = no nuclear weapon ?
The nucleus of iron is among the most stable in nature,
all elements seek to get to a iron/nickel nucleus

Iron scatters neutrons effectively, however it does not

absorb them readily

Cross Sections Thermal cross section (barn) Fast cross section (barn)
Scattering Capture Fission Scattering Capture Fission
Moderator Fe-56 10 2 - 20 0.003 -

54F e 56F e 57F e 58F e

Even after neutron absorption
the resulting isotope is likely
to be stable
55F e

ONE analysis of some iron samples of ONE professor

cannot be the basis for a general 9/11 assessment !
no EMP was registered ?

Chopper 2 registered three strong impulses (WTC1)

Cancer was caused by toxic fumes only ?

The significant peak in thyroid cancer cases is a clear

signature of radioactive iodine (via uranium fission)
Radioactivity was „no issue“ after 9/11 ?

In respect to radioactivity we could observe a special

uptightness of the authorities

Amongst others there were exercises and protective

measures such as the "Ring Of Protection“, temporarily
over 4,000 first responders were deployed to track it


Therefore, a rapid alert system was put into place

which monitored all information about radioactivity
Map of the expected fallout, on basis of the dust cloud
no crater on site = no nuclear weapon applied ?

The crater is created by the extreme pressure of the

explosion, which takes place within one microsecond
(2 nd generation of a thermonuclear device)

If the radiation energy is released slowly, the pressure

wave is diminuished significantly (neutron bomb)
Number of Helium atoms (fusion)




Temperature [10 K]

As a matter of principle a deuterium/tritium fusion can

go on indefinitely, as long as temperature, pressure
and nuclear fuel density are within the needed limits
nuclear fusion at room temperature ?

yes, this is how a standard artificial neutron source works !

7 MeV

Commonly used is a mixture of radium, polonium and americium:

to have a [radioactive] particle source in the laboratory

With Beryllium added, the emitted 5 MeV particles

impact into the Beryllium nucleus = fusion occurs

He 9
Helium: innocuous Be

Beryllium: innocuous
-radiation: useful for the 9/11 meltup 
Although the single impacting particle HAS an energy which
would correspond to a million degree Celsius, all other atoms
only the political will is needed...
... and more courage than the venerated institutions
show in this video (NIST, AIA, universities, ....)

Larry Silverstein planned the

new building 7 since april 2000

Q: Investigation of the Total Collapse

of World Trade Center Building 7 ?

„Volcanic eruption“
in New York

The mindset is crucial for achieving true liberty:

submission leads to slavery !
12 Building 7
no energetic field effects (cars / cameras) ?
no horizontal pyroclastic precursor ?

no vertical updraft / mushroom cloud ?

no long lasting heat input in the ground ?
no radiation shield (artistic water fountain) ?
Closing words
The original presentation [held in Zürich, 2018] also
contained information about nuclear blackmail, capital
fascism, the essence of money and the spirit of evil as a
source of power: these topics will not be presented today.
However, all these things will come to
light – if we assume our responsibility:
both on a personal and on a collective

„We scientists recognize our inescapable responsibility

to carry to our fellow citizens an understanding of the
simple facts of atomic energy and its implications for

„In this lies our only security and our only hope – we
believe that an informed citizenry will act for
life and not death.“
Albert Einstein (1879-1955)
For more information see:

Thank you !

Published under 'U.S. Code Title 17 section 107: FAIR USE Act'.
The views expressed in this article are those of the author only

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