Leadership On The Other Side

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Leadership On The Other Side

Bill Easum
Notes by Dave Kraft

The nature of our times calls for a different type of leader. We are
entering a world so complicated and so fast paced that it requires something
far different from the singular world-class leader. No rules, just clues. Many
modern leaders sense a need to reinterpret the ministry in light of what is
happening today. Leadership means asking people to give up old values that
have served them well. The way people receive and process knowledge is
changing. Leaders are leaving ministry and giving up on any hope of having a
thriving church and the primary reason is the absence or loss of personal
mission in life from God that is bigger than their own lives. Your personal
mission and that of your organization should match. Leaders need to
surrender to something bigger than their own lives.

The good leaders have a holy discontent with the status quo. Think of
leadership as an art rather than a science. In the thriving church of the
future the primary role of every leader will be to provide an environment in
which people can grow to be disciples who grow other disciples. The
emerging world needs leaders of leaders, not leaders of followers.
Leaders disciple other leaders instead of collecting followers. Leaders
grow leaders who grow other leaders. This is the heart of leadership on
the other side. Leaders feel passionately about a few core issues. Leaders
have to have an intense passion about the core issues and an amazing
flexibility with everything else. Every authentic leader I have known has a
deep, burning passion to change the way things are instead of just taking
care of people. To the new leaders, meaning is conveyed through experience.
The need to merge the depths of our mental and emotional sensibilities. The
difference between changing lives and taking care of people.

Most of our seminaries teach us to be theologians, chaplains, and managers

instead of spiritual leaders. There is a need to place as much and even more
emphasis on experience as on information. In a world ruled by speed, the
longer it takes a church to make a decision, the less accurate and effective
that decision is. Trying to revitalize a church without changing the
leadership style is useless. To be out of control is normal. If you like things
nice and neat, you’re in for a night of fright or a whale of a migraine.
People are looking for guides who will travel with them, not experts. These
new leaders make intuitive, instinctive calls that flow from their vision and
just do it. It is a bias toward action more than a bias toward reflection.
Instead of a classic, homiletical style, these pastors have a good sense of
storytelling and, more importantly, life application. The ability to
constantly innovate “on the fly” will be essential for these leaders” Five
things are essential to innovate on “the fly” 1) Imagination, 2) curiosity, 3)
Retooling, 4) Using wild cards when they come, 5) using symbols and
metaphors. Listen to your instincts, not your critics. Cultivate “a beginners
mind.” People with a bag of preconceived ideas will not do well. The art of
story and picture will emerge as primary forms of communication. People
will not be convinced and brought to faith as much through logic as through
the heart and personal experience. “Transition is supersonic change at the
edge of chaos that phases from incremental to exponential” Leonard Sweet.
Life on the other side is: Up-front, in-your-face, multidimensional, open to
interpretation, unpredictable, and above all an extremely exciting ride. PM
are mentored more by their peers than by their parents. As a result, they
are intensely tolerant of a vast variety of viewpoints and gods. PM have
tried almost everything and found it wanting. That is why they are on this
desperate search for experience. All things, including their biological
families, have proved to be charlatans. Inclusion is at the core of their
creed. The only thing they’re closed about is closed mindedness.

Christianity began as a relational, rather than a propositional religion. PM

have as a base for their respect for leadership and authority , gifts, and
demonstrated competence, authentic relationships and inner character
rather than being academic and credential based. Seldom are laity thought
of as God’s servants in ministry. “Church Work” has replaced mission and
ministry. Pastors spend much of their time driving from one hospital to
another. Prayer concerns in churches are almost totally consumed by prayers
for the sick. The church is not a hospice where no one ever gets well. We are
not in the health business. The church is a training ground for growing
spiritual giants.
Many churches have confused DNA with genes. Our DNA is made up of
various genes. The DNA is to become embedded in every person of the
church. It must resonate deep down in the gut of the majority of the

The primary role of the lead pastor is to be the keeper of the DNA and
insure that it is embedded throughout the church. Jesus didn’t just take
care of people; he grew people. All leaders must ask not, What must I do
today, but whom will I mentor today? Leaders grow people and lead leaders.
The role of any effective lead pastor will be that of identifying, equipping,
and placing other leaders into leadership so that they can go and do the
same with others who will go and do the same with others, and so forth. The
role of any effective leader is to embed the DNA throughout the church
through the lives of those who are changed and grown by their contact with
them. I’ll do it because I’ve never done it that way before. “For Mission’s
sake, what if Christians were to renounce Christianity and become
disciples of Jesus? Leonard Sweet.

In the institutional church, job descriptions replace calling and degrees

proven competency. Shouldn’t we see to it that more people are in mission
than meetings, and more time is spent on spiritual matters than
administrative issues? Spiritual directors (mentors?) are interpreters of
experience, not delivers of information. Help others interpret what they
feel God wants them to do with their lives and then equip them to live out
their lives on behalf of the body of Christ. Such guidance is given without
force or prodding. Spiritual guidance (mentoring?) is the conscious and
deliberate attempt to accompany other people on their journey to and in
God…and in the process, share what we have learned as we have made our
own journey. Spiritual directors don’t feel responsible for the spiritual
journeys of the people they are directing. Ministry will not be filling out
forms and going to meetings. It will be bottom-up and personal, not top-down
and programmatic. If it is not impossible, God is not in it. People seeking
guidance are looking for direction more than answers. Run over by God’s
presence. PM focus more on reaching an area than on building an
institutional church. They are not tied to any one denomination. The goal is
spiritual not institutional-to win an entire city to Jesus Christ. As PM pursue
experiential and mystical spirituality, they will also have a deep need for
solid theology. Heresy is again becoming one of the major concerns of
Christians. Those on the way to the other side without habitual spiritual
disciplines in place probably will not make it through to the other side as
effective disciples. Everything I know about leadership screams for us to go
as deep in our spirituality as is possible, to be more and do less.
So much is happening that no one person or group is in control. Functioning
more as a web of connections than a world of boxes and lines. Permission-
giving leaders are willing to take on mean-spirited people and transform
them or ask them to leave. You can’t live with cancer in the body. We need to
insure that each person is discipled before being placed into leadership. The
worst thing to do with an organization in a fast moving world is to try to
control what is happening. The healthy organization is flexible and does not
have a central point of authority. Accountability is more important than
control. The concept of multiple lead pastors with the same DNA but
different genes. Feelings are back. Community is essential. Intangibles are
more important than concrete facts, intuition is more valuable than
knowledge and women have enough domination. Permission-giving can’t reach
its potential in a traditional voting-based congregation. Pastors have to give
up control of ministry and begin equipping others for ministry. In the past
few decades most members have opted out of any form of personal spiritual
development. They mostly sit and soak. Church leaders must from doers to
equippers, from teachers to facilitators and from bosses and employers to
team players. Being nice is often nothing more than a lack of compassion for
people. Church leaders are robbing people of their spiritual birthright when
they allow dysfunctional people to bully the church. Before renewal can
begin, some person or group usually has to leave the church.

1. Modernity not only a failure but a sin
2. Biblical narrative theology better than systematic theology
3. Difference between being missional and doing evangelism
4. Networks replacing denominations
5. From program driven to community driven
6. From giving data to giving experience
7. Senior pastor to ministry team
8. Autonomous self is out
9. Church health instead of church growth
Reverting back to an institutional-driven, machine-oriented, propositional
faith would be the greatest tragedy and travesty I can imagine.
The churches with the clearest and most focused beliefs and values are
reaching the most pre-Christian (PM) people. Edutainment is now one of the
mainstays of people born after 1965.
Now people find community and identity in the stories shared by their fellow
travelers. Now it is advancing the kingdom by getting multiple denominations
to work together around a mission too big for one denomination to achieve on
its own. Does the ministry the mystery of the East, the integrity of the
ancient and the high tech of the West. The emphasis upon denominationally
accredited professionals is being replaced by an emphasis on people with
personal authenticity, spiritual integrity, and effective leadership.

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