Partnership QuaMTO
Partnership QuaMTO
Partnership QuaMTO
Q: A partner cannot demand the return of his share (contribution) a. Who are liable for the settlement of the partnership’s
during the existence of a partnership. Do you agree? Explain your obligations? Explain?
answer. (2012)
A: The two remaining partners, A and B, are liable. When any partner dies
A: YES I agree, he is not entitled to the return of his contribution to the and the business is continued without any settlement of accounts as between
capital of the partnership, but only to the net profits from the partnership him or his estate, the surviving partners are held liable for continuing the
business during the life of the partnership period. If he is a limited partner, business provided that A and B had knowledge or notice of the death of C
however, he may ask for the return of his contributions as provided in Arts. (Art. 1841, 1785, par 2, and Art 1833).
1856 and 1857.
b. What are the creditors’ recourse/s? Explain.
Q: W, X, Y and Z organized a general partnership with W and X as
industrial partners and Y and Z as capitalist partners. Y contributed A: Creditors can file the appropriate actions, for instance, an action for
P50,000.00 and Z contributed P20,000.00 to the common fund. By a collection of sum of money against the “partnership at will” and if there are no
unanimous vote of the partners, W and X were appointed managing sufficient funds, the creditors may go after the private properties of A and B
partners, without any specification of their respective powers and (Art 1816). Creditors may also sue the estate of C. The estate is not excused
duties. A applied for the position of Secretary and B applied for the from the liabilities of the partnership even if C is dead already but only up to
position of Accountant of the partnership. The hiring of A was decided the time that he remained a partner (Art. 1829, 1835, par 2; Testate Estate of
upon by W and X, but was opposed by Y and Z. The hiring of B was Mota v. Serra, G.R. No. L-22825, February 14, 1925). However, the liability
decided upon by W and Z, but was opposed by X and Y. Who of the of C’s individual properties shall be subject to the prior payment of his
applicants should be hired by the partnership? Explain and give your separate debts (Art. 1835, par 3).
reasons. (1992)
Q: Can two corporations organize a general partnership under the Civil
A: A should be hired as Secretary. The decision for the hiring of A prevails Code of the Philippines? (1994 BAR)
because it is an act of administration which can be performed by the duly
appointed managing partners, W and X. B cannot be hired, because in case A: No. A corporation is managed by its board of directors. If the corporation
of a tie in the decision of the managing partners, the deadlock must be were to become a partner, co-partners would have the power to make the
decided by the partners owning the controlling interest. In this case, the corporation party to transactions in an irregular manner since the partners
opposition of X and Y prevails because Y owns the controlling Interest (Art. are not agents subject to the control of the Board of Directors. But a
1801). corporation may enter into a joint venture with another corporation as long as
the nature of the venture is in line with the business authorized by its charter.
Obligations of Partnership/Partners to Third Persons (Tuason & Co., Inc. v. Bolano, 95 Phil. 106)
Q: A, B, and C entered into a partnership to operate a restaurant Q: Can a corporation and an individual form a general partnership?
business. When the restaurant had gone past break-even stage and (1994 BAR)
A: No. A corporation may not be a general partner because the principle of a. Is the dissolution done by Patricia and Priscilla without the
mutual agency in general partnership allowing the other general partner to consent of Pauline or Philip valid? Explain.
bind the corporation will violate the corporation law principle that only the
board of directors may bind the corporation. A: Under Art. 1830 (1) (c), the dissolution by Patricia and Priscilla is valid and
did not violate the contract of partnership even though Pauline and Philip did
Dissolution of Partnership not consent thereto. The consent of Pauline is not necessary because she
had already assigned her interest to Philip. The consent of Philip is not also
Q: Dielle, Karlo and Una are general partners in a merchandising firm. necessary because the assignment to him of Pauline's interest did not make
Having contributed equal amounts to the capital, they also agree on him a partner, under Art. 1813.
equal distribution of whatever net profit is realized per fiscal period.
After two years of operation, however, Una conveys her whole interest b. Does Philip have any right to petition for the dissolution of
in the partnership to Justine, without the knowledge and consent of the partnership before the expiration of its specified term?
Dielle and Karlo. (1995, 1998) Explain. (1995)
a. Is the partnership dissolved? A: NO, Philip has no right to petition for dissolution because he does not
have the standing of a partner (Art. 1813).
A: NO, a conveyance by a partner of his whole interest in a partnership does
not of itself dissolve the partnership in the absence of an agreement. (Art. Q: A, B and C formed a partnership for the purpose of contracting with
1813) the Government in the construction of one of its bridges. On June 30,
1992, after completion of the project, the bridge was turned over by the
b. What are the rights of Justine, if any, should she desire to partners to the Government. On August 30, 1992, D, a supplier of
participate in the management of the partnership and in the materials used in the project sued A for collection of the indebtedness
distribution of a net profit of P360.000.00 which was realized to him. A moved to dismiss the complaint against him on the ground
after her purchase of Una's interest? that it was the ABC partnership that is liable for the debt. D replied that
ABC partnership was dissolved upon completion of the project for
A: Justine cannot interfere or participate in the management or which purpose the partnership was formed. Will you dismiss the
administration of the partnership business or affairs. She may, however, complaint against A If you were the Judge? (1993)
receive the net profits to which Una would have otherwise been entitled. In
this case, P120.000 (Art. 1813). A: NO, as Judge, I would not dismiss the complaint against A because A is
still liable as a general partner for his pro rata share of 1/3 (Art. 1816).
Q: Pauline, Patricia and Priscilla formed a business partnership for the Dissolution of a partnership caused by the termination of the particular
purpose of engaging in neon advertising for a term of five (5) years. undertaking specified in the agreement does not extinguish obligations,
Pauline subsequently assigned to Philip her interest in the partnership. which must be liquidated during the "winding up" of the partnership affairs
When Patricia and Priscilla learned of the assignment, they decided to (Arts. 1829 and 1830, par. 1[a]).
dissolve the partnership before the expiration of its term as they had an
unproductive business relationship with Philip in the past. On the other Q: In 2005, L, M, N, 0 and P formed a partnership. L, M and N were
hand, unaware of the move of Patricia and Priscilla but sensing their capitalist partners who Contributed P500,000 each, while 0, a limited
negative reaction to his acquisition of Pauline's interest, Philip partner, contributed P1 ,000,000. P joined as an industrial partner,
simultaneously petitioned for the dissolution of the partnership. contributing only his services. The Articles of Partnership, registered
with the Securities and Exchange Commission, designated L and 0 as
managing partners; L was liable only to the extent of his capital
contribution; and P was not liable for losses.
A: P280,000. First, deduct the share of P from the profits. P800,000 less
P100,000 is P700,000. Next, get the share of O by following the proportion
that the shares of L, M, N, O is 1:1:1:2, respectively.