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(JAR) Scales:
Design, Usage, Benefits and Risks

Lori Rothman
Merry Jo Parker
Just-About-Right „JAR… Scales:
Design, Usage, Benefits,
and Risks
Lori Rothman and Merry Jo Parker

ASTM Stock Number: MNL63

ASTM International
100 Barr Harbor Drive
PO Box C700
West Conshohocken, PA 19428–2959

Printed in the U.S.A.

Library of Congress Cataloging-in-Publication Data
Rothman, Lori
Just-about-right 共JAR兲 scales: design, usage, benefits, and risks / Lori Rothman and Merry Jo Parker 关sponsored by Com-
mittee E18 on Sensory Evaluation兴.
p. cm. — 共ASTM international manual series; MNL 63兲
“ASTM stock number: MNL63.”
Includes bibliographical references.
ISBN 978-0-8031-7010-0
1. Consumers—Research—Statistical methods—Handbooks, manuals, etc.
2. Consumer goods—Evaluation—Statistical methods—Handbooks, manuals, etc.
3. Quality of products—Handbooks, manuals, etc. I. Parker, Merry Jo, II. ASTM Committee E18 on Sensory Evaluation of
Materials and Products. III. Title.
HF5415.3.R6786 2009
658.8⬘34015195—dc22 2008041327
Copyright © 2009 ASTM International, West Conshohocken, PA. All rights reserved. This material may not be reproduced
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Printed in Bridgeport, NJ
February 2009

When we volunteered for this assignment, we did not know that it would take 10⫹ years to complete. Or that this document
would become Manual 63. Originally conceived as a Standard Guide, the completed document was more than 200 pages in
length. Several comments were received during the subcommittee ballotting process that the document was too large to be a
Standard Guide; thus the idea for a Manual was born. Our goal was to create THE definitive document on Just About Right
scales in an easily understood, practical format and we think we have succeeded. Please tell us if you think otherwise.

Lori Rothman
Kraft Foods
801 Waukegan Road
Glenview, IL 60025

Merry Jo Parker
Food Perspectives
2880 Vicksburg Lane North
Plymouth, MN 55447

This manual is dedicated to our hardworking colleagues at ASTM E18.04.26.

This manual represents the fruits of more than 10 years of labor by a wide range of individuals associated with ASTM
International Committee E18. Through the years, E18 committee members helped ‘grow’ the manual, from setting the scope and
creating the outline to writing the chapters themselves. Countless versions were edited by the E18.04.26 task group members;
each and every editing session made the document more cohesive and compelling. We are particularly grateful to the case study
authors, who worked with a common data set to produce the fantastic array of statistical options presented. Many of those
authors ventured from their comfort zones, working with novel techniques to showcase them in a format easily read and
understood. Task force members evaluated and edited these case studies, making sure that each technique was fairly presented
with all its pros and cons. Janya Walsh provided the first draft of the Bibliography. A special ‘thank you’ goes to Bill Raynor of
Kimberly Clark for reviewing all the statistical case studies. Tom Carr of Carr Consulting and Greg Stucky of Insights Now also
deserve special recognition for their contributions. Richard Popper of P&K provided enormously helpful specific feedback on
the entire document, an invaluable contribution. Scott Orthey of ASTM was our cheerleader extraordinaire, particularly as we
became close to publishing. Thanks to the 共changing兲 officers of E18 for their continual support and encouragement and to the
publication staff of ASTM International, especially Kathy Dernoga and Monica Siperko. Finally, the editors thank each other for
their continued dedication, dogged persistence and friendship. Neither of us could have done it alone.

Lori Rothman
Kraft Foods
801 Waukegan Road
Glenview, IL 60025

Merry Jo Parker
Food Perspectives
2880 Vicksburg Lane North
Plymouth, MN 55447

Preface iii
Dedication iv
Acknowledgments v

Structure and Use of Just-About-Right Scales 1

A. Graphical Data Display 14
B. Graphical Scaling 16
C. Percent Difference from Norm and Percent Difference
from Just Right 18
D. The Mean 23
E. Mean Direction and Mean Absolute Deviation 25
F. Mean versus Scale Mid-Point 27
G. Methods for Determining Whether JAR Distributions
are Similar Among Products 共Chi-Square, Cochran-
Mantel-Haenszel 共CMH兲, Stuart-Maxwell, McNemar兲 29
H. A Proportional Odds/Hazards Approach to JAR Data 38
I. Student’s t-Test—Analysis of Variance of Two Samples 42
J. Analysis of Variance 共ANOVA兲 44
K. Thurstonian Ideal Point Modeling 46
L. Penalty Analysis or Mean Drop Analysis 50
M. Using Grand Mean versus JAR Mean to Create Penalties
in Penalty Analysis 54
N. A Regression-Based Approach for Testing Significance
of JAR Variable Penalties 57
O. Bootstrapping Penalty Analysis 63
P. Opportunity Analysis 67
Q. PRIMO Analysis 71
R. Chi-Square 75
S. Biplots, Correspondence Analysis, and Principal
Components Analysis 82
T. Correlation 86
U. Regression 88
V. Preference Mapping from JAR Data Using Tree-Based
Regressions 90
W. Application of JAR Data to Preference Mapping Using
Dummy Variables 94
X. Collecting Intensity and Hedonic Information Separately 102
Y. Designed Experiments 104
Z. Ideal Scaling 106

Bibliography 110
MNL63-EB/Feb. 2009

Structure and Use of Just-About-Right Scales

Lori Rothman1 and Merry Jo Parker2

Introduction • optimum, n—amount or degree of something that is

most favorable to some end.
Just-about-right 共JAR兲 scales are commonly used in con-
sumer research to identify whether product attributes are Significance and Use
perceived at levels that are too high, too low, or just about Quantitative data obtained from consumers are often used
right for that product. While at first glance this type of scal- to aid product development. Types of quantitative data col-
ing may appear simplistic, the process of developing and lected may include hedonic or acceptability measures, pref-
analyzing JAR scales is complex. In this manual, the history erence measures, attribute intensity or strength measures,
of JAR scale usage, the mechanics of JAR scale construction, and just-about-right 共JAR兲 measures.
inappropriate and appropriate uses of JAR scales, benefits While hedonic and attribute intensity scales provide dis-
and risks of use, and case studies that illustrate the many tinct classes of information, JAR scales are intended to com-
methods for data analysis of these scales are reviewed. Alter- bine intensity and acceptability to relate the perceived
natives to JAR scales are also included. Finally, a summary strength of specific attributes to the respondent’s theoretical
and conclusions are presented. optimum.
This manual covers the application, construction, Market researchers have used JAR scales routinely since
analysis, and interpretation of just-about-right 共JAR兲 scales the 1960s 关3,4兴, although they were not always referred to as
for use in testing with consumers. Defined as bipolar labeled JAR scales. More recently 关5兴, JAR scales have been used in
attributes scales, JAR scales measure levels of a product’s at- conjunction with preference or acceptance measures as a di-
tribute relative to a respondent’s theoretical ideal level. agnostic tool to understand the basis for these hedonic re-
These scales have an anchored midpoint of “just about right” sponses, with the aim of providing information concerning
or “just right” and endpoints anchored to represent intensity which product attributes to adjust and in which direction
levels of the attribute that are higher and lower than ideal. 共increase or decrease兲. In this way, JAR scales provide guid-
The ideal point model 关1兴 will serve as the conceptual base ance to the product developer.
for JAR scale interpretation. Because JAR scales combine attribute strength and ap-
This model is one of several available; however, it is not propriateness in one scale, questionnaire length can be mini-
practical to cover all aspects of ideal point modeling nor to mized. JAR scales should be easily interpretable by respon-
consider other conceptual frameworks, such as preference dents when the attributes themselves are easy to understand
unfolding 关2兴 in this manual. 共salty, dark, tight, and so forth兲.
This manual was developed by members of Task Group JAR scales are not without controversy as to their use-
E18.04.26, which is part of the ASTM Committee E18 on fulness and validity in market and product development
Sensory Evaluation and is intended for sensory and market guidance research. As with all other types of quantitative
research professionals responsible for consumer testing and scales, JAR scales have issues and limitations regarding their
interpretation of consumer data. The scope of the task group usefulness and interpretability: the ability of respondents to
was to develop a practical manual that covers the execu- understand the attribute endpoint and interval labels, num-
tional aspects of JAR scales 共construction, placement, and ber of scale points, physical representation of the scale on
analysis兲 and identifies and discusses issues of validity and the questionnaire 共horizontal or vertical orientation兲, and
interpretation. the psychological issues common to scaling tasks in general
This manual does not discuss in detail psychological or 关6兴.
psychophysical processes related to scaling, basic practices In addition, JAR scale data collection may be specifi-
in consumer testing, or general statistical principles. cally hampered by the researcher’s ability to construct bipo-
Terminology lar scales for the attributes of interest and demand charac-
teristics of the task 共decoding and recording an attribute’s
For definitions of terms relating to sensory analysis, see Ter- strength and acceptability at the same time兲, which may
minology E253, and for terms relating to statistics, see Ter- prove difficult for some respondents.
minology E456. Another important limitation concerns the validity of
Definitions of Terms Specific to this Manual: data obtained using JAR scales when it is suspected that the
• bipolar scale, n—a scale where the end anchors are se- responses are a result of cognitive rather than sensory pro-
mantic opposites, for example, “not nearly sweet cessing within the respondent. For example, a respondent
enough” to “much too sweet,” and there is an implied or may like a dessert’s flavor profile “as is,” but when asked, she
anchored neutral mid-point. may rate it as “too sweet” because she believes that sweet
• just-about-right scale, n—bipolar scale used to measure foods are “bad.”
the level of an attribute relative to an assessor’s ideal A number of statistical techniques are available for ana-
level, having a midpoint labeled “just about right” or lyzing data from JAR scales; they range from simple to very
“just right.” complex. The statistical analysis of JAR scale data should be
Kraft Foods, 801 Waukegan Road, Glenview, IL 60025.
Food Perspectives, 2880 Vicksburg Lane North, Plymouth, MN 55447.

Copyright 2009 by ASTM International www.astm.org

Fig. 1—Examples of Scale Types

chosen to match the objective of the portion of the research cause to question the order effect of one upon the other 关22兴.
that concerns the JAR scales. Examples of objectives are By 1999, JAR scales were reported to be widely used for
listed in Table 1. product guidance.3 However, their use and interpretation re-
mains a controversial topic in sensory science 关23兴, partly be-
History of Jar Scale Usage cause of the type of judgments the respondents must make.
The genesis of JAR scaling is not well documented in pub- Mechanics of JAR Scale Construction
lished marketing or sensory research literature. A probable
origin can be found in the attitude-measurement scaling Questionnaire Development Using JAR Scales–When devel-
methodologies developed by L. L. Thurstone and Rensis Lik- oping a questionnaire that will contain JAR scales, the re-
ert in the 1920s and 1930s 关7,8兴. Thurstone contributed a dif- searcher should consider what other scale types to include
ferentiated attitude scale along a continuum, and Likert at- and their relative locations on the questionnaire. These will
tached numbers to the levels of meaning to that scale. The depend on the overall test objective and how the data will be
Likert scale 共five-point scale from “strongly agree” to used. A typical questionnaire for a consumer test may in-
“strongly disagree” with a “neutral” center point兲 is still clude hedonic as well as JAR responses. While it is possible
widely used today. to construct a questionnaire consisting solely of JAR scales,
It was not until the 1950s with the advent of Osgood’s without a concomitant collection of hedonic information
concept of “semantic space” and the development of “se- the researcher will be unable to relate JAR scale data to he-
mantic differential scaling” that semantic opposites 共bipolar donic ratings. If the researcher wishes to understand respon-
scales such as “good-bad,” “weak-strong,” “soft-hard,” or dent ratings of attribute strength, intensity scales may be in-
“rough-smooth”兲 began to appear in measurement scales. cluded on the questionnaire along with JAR scales.
These scales add three components of judgment: evaluative, Alternatively, descriptive data from a trained panel may be
potency, and activity that are used to measure attitudes and collected separately and examined with the JAR scale rat-
certain aspects of a product. In 1957, Osgood published his ings.
findings on the quantification of connotative semantic
meaning in The Measurement of Meaning 关9兴. Semantic dif- Issues Related to Scaling
ferential scales, however, are continuous and, unlike JAR Scale Type–Sometimes known as “directionals,” JAR scales
scales, do not identify the “ideal point” for an individual. are constructed as bipolar category or continuous line
It is unclear as to when and who began using the unique scales, with a midpoint labeled Just Right or Just About
middle anchor of “just about right.” Early references to dis- Right. In the case of a category scale, responses are limited to
cussions regarding the middle “ideal point” category date as the number of points chosen for the scale; responses for con-
far back as the 1950s 关3,10–12兴. In 1972, Moskowitz pre- tinuous scales are theoretically infinite 共see Fig. 1兲.
sented the idea of using JAR scales and self-designed ideals Number of Scale Points–If used as a category scale, the
in the optimization of perceptual dimensions in food 关13兴. By minimum number of scale points for a JAR is three. Because
the early 1980s, the use of scales with the center anchored the center point of the scale is the respondent’s optimum
with “just right” were reported by others 关14–16兴. 共ideal兲 point, the number of scale points is always odd. The
From the 1980s to the present, sensory research on the scale is “balanced” in that there are an equal number of
use of JAR scaling continues. Of particular interest has been points on either side of the midpoint anchor. While there is
the relationship between JAR scales and hedonic and inten- no absolute maximum, in practice, the number of scale
sity scales, preferences, and consumption patterns. A num- points is rarely greater than nine, unless a continuous line
ber of authors have proposed the use of JAR scales as an al- scale is used. There may be a law of diminishing returns as-
ternative to hedonic scaling for determining the ideal level of sociated with large numbers of scale points 关24兴. Although
an ingredient 关16–20兴. Others, however, either did not find three is the minimum number of points, many researchers
agreement between JAR and hedonic scores 关21兴 or found are uncomfortable with only three points because of “end
Moskowitz H. R., “On the Analysis of Product Test Results: The Relation Among Liking, Sensory and Directional Attributes,” unpublished, http://www.mji-

Fig. 2—Examples of Number of Scale Points

avoidance” 关24兴, which can force respondents to the center of the end and center points 关23兴. When presented as a category
the scale. A 1999 ASTM International survey4 of sensory pro- scale, the scale points are presented as being equidistant
fessionals revealed that 52 % of those responding use a five- from each other, although this may not be true psychologi-
point JAR scale exclusively and 32 % use more than one type cally. For example, the psychological distance between
of JAR scale depending on the respondents and test objec- “somewhat too salty” and “much too salty” may be perceived
tives. Respondent qualifications may lead one toward a spe- as greater than the distance between “just right” and
cific number of points, for example, when testing with young “slightly too salty.” Scales that incorporate true equal inter-
children, researchers may use three-point JAR scales to sim- val spacing can be developed using Thurstonian methods
plify the task 关24兴 共see Fig. 2兲. 关26兴. When selecting the appropriate scale anchors, several
Anchors–The midpoint of a JAR scale is reserved for the approaches may be used. One approach is to use terms with
rating Just About Right or Just Right. Some researchers feel clearly defined and understood semantic opposites that are
that the midpoint should be labeled Just Right, which im- consistent with the makeup of the product and general con-
plies that any deviation from “ideal” should be captured by a sumer recognition. When dealing with the fit of a garment,
point outside of the center; other researchers feel that Just for example, “too tight” and “too loose” are generally ac-
Right entails too strong a commitment on the part of the re- cepted as semantic opposites, as are “too thin” and “too
spondent 关24兴, so the center choice is rephrased Just About thick” when dealing with food texture. “Too sweet” and “too
Right. The scale end points are anchored in either direction sour,” on the other hand, would not be considered semantic
from the scale midpoint with additional labeling of points as opposites. The lack of opposites occurs for the chemical
desired by the researcher. One side of the scale is the “less senses of olfaction, taste, and trigeminal, where zero or no
than just right” side, while the other is the “greater than just intensity is a common occurrence for some products. Where
right” side. Some researchers have demonstrated greater no semantic opposite exists, one approach is to use the same
scale reliability as a function of additional anchoring 关25兴, attribute term on both sides of “just about right” 共“not sweet
while others suggest that word anchors may not represent enough,” “too sweet,” see Fig. 3兲. Another approach is to use
equal spacing between points and avoid anchoring all but generic terms as scale anchors, such as “too weak” and “too

Fig. 3—Attribute Examples

This survey was conducted in 1999 by the E18.04.26 Just About Right task group Vice Chair Merry Jo Parker. The survey was sent to all E18 members and was
posted on Sensory.org. There were 77 responses to this survey.

strong,” and “not enough” and “too much/many.” The spe- Single Attributes–Single attributes refers to scales with
cific attribute would be positioned above the scale, as illus- the same adjective on both end points 共“too sweet,” “not
trated in Fig. 3. sweet enough”兲. The research aim is to select attributes
Degree-of-Change Scale–The degree-of-change scale uses whose intensity increases on one continuum, avoiding com-
alternate instructions to the respondent and different an- plex terms that relate to multiple sensory properties of the
chors from the typical JAR scale to change the scale from be- product or that may have more than one meaning to respon-
ing evaluative to action oriented. Instead of being instructed dents. Such terms include “creamy,” “rich,” and “chewy.”
to provide an opinion as to the degree of saltiness 共“not “Creamy” can relate to product appearance 共color, opacity兲,
nearly salty enough” to “much too salty”兲, the respondent is flavor 共cream, dairy兲, feel in mouth 共smooth, thick兲, or some
asked how he would change the saltiness of the product. An combination. One exception would be when the research
example of a nine-point degree-of-change scale would in- goal is to understand consumer use of a complex term com-
clude the question: pared to terms used by a trained panel for descriptive analy-
How would you change the saltiness of this product?
sis, or if prior studies have confirmed consumer use of the
The responses are:
term, in which case use of the complex term is acceptable.
• Decrease it extremely
Another exception may be to use the term in more than one
• Decrease it very much
location on the questionnaire with a specific modifier, such
• Decrease it moderately
as “creamy appearance” or “creaminess in the mouth.” If
• Decrease it slightly
• Leave it the same complex attribute scales are included, additional simpler
• Increase it slightly terms may be included on the questionnaire to understand,
• Increase it moderately during analysis, whether and how the simpler terms relate to
• Increase it very much the more complex terms. An example would be to include
• Increase it extremely “cloudiness,” “dairy flavor,” “thickness,” and “smoothness”
Pokorny and Davidek 关27兴 present a similar scale for at- along with “creaminess” to understand how the former
tribute optimization. It has been suggested that this scale terms contribute to the latter. Keep in mind that such re-
may be easier for the respondent to understand than a typi- search necessitates an increase in questionnaire length.
cal JAR scale as it is action oriented.5 While the modes of There are other ways to understand complex attribute terms,
analysis for these scales do not differ from those for JAR including combining results of descriptive analysis with the
scales, the psychological processes involved with use of such data from the complex term JAR scale.
scales are not known and have not been thoroughly re- Combined Attribute Scales–Combined attribute scales
searched. Therefore, researchers are encouraged to proceed denote scales whose endpoint anchors differ. These are prob-
with caution. lematic in JAR scale construction and should be avoided, ex-
cept in cases in which there is a clearly defined semantic op-
Issues Related to Attributes posite 共“too loose”/“too tight”兲. Combined attribute scales
Attribute Selection–Attributes for questionnaire inclusion require assumptions about the relationship between those
should be easily understood by respondents 共common lan- attributes that may or may not be true and eliminate the pos-
guage兲; technical or industrial jargon should be avoided sibility that both qualities vary independently from “just
共“too rheopectic”兲. Terms should be as specific as possible to about right.” Consider the following combined attribute
avoid confusion; for example, the attribute “amount of scales:
chocolate” in chocolate ice cream that contains chocolate • Too sour-JAR-Too sweet
chips may confuse the respondent as to whether the re- • Too soft-JAR-Too rough
searcher is asking about the strength of chocolate flavor in
• Too dry-JAR-Too greasy
the base ice cream, the number of chocolate chips, or some
A literal reading of these attribute scales reveals the fol-
combination of the two. Other terms that connote multiple
lowing assumptions:
meanings or sensory modalities such as “hot” or “spicy”
• A product that is “not sour enough” is “too sweet,”
should be avoided or explained further on the questionnaire
• A product that is “not soft enough” is “too rough,” and
共“heat/burn felt in the mouth,” “strength of spice flavor”兲.
Source of Attributes–The proper selection of attributes is • A product that is “too dry” cannot also be “too greasy.”
central to obtaining usable results. Users of JAR scales de- Although these relationships may be true for a given
velop a list of product attributes that are of interest to the re- product, they are not recommended for use in JAR scales ex-
searcher. The source of these attributes may include those cept in situations in which the assumption is true. An ex-
that have been shown to be important based on prior prod- ample of such a scale would be “too loose” to “too tight,”
uct testing 共including information obtained from descriptive where, in fact, something that is not “too loose” or “just
panels兲, perceived characteristics of key ingredients, at- right” is “too tight.” An alternative to combined JAR scales
tributes that are suspected of interacting with other ingredi- would be the use of two scales; in the first example, one scale
ents, or attributes taken from product advertising or claims. ranging from “too sweet” to “not sweet enough” and a second
Additionally, qualitative research or other techniques 共focus scale ranging from “too sour” to “not sour enough.” While
groups 关28兴 repertory grid 关29兴, or free choice profiling 关30兴 this procedure will increase the length of the questionnaire,
may be used to elicit attributes from respondents before test- it is far better to have additional questions than to collect
ing. data that are not interpretable.
Private communication.

Attributes with Negative or Positive Connotations– researchers who group all attribute liking questions together
Attributes with inherent negative connotations should be before any intensities or JAR scales.
used with caution. Respondents may find it difficult to rate
coffee or chocolate as “not bitter enough” or salad dressing
Appropriate/Inappropriate Use of JAR Scales
as “not sour enough” because of a perception that “less is bet- JAR scales are appropriately used when the objective is to
ter,” and the JAR scale may lose its usefulness. Alternative understand the respondents’ reactions to the intensity or
procedures exist for handling inherently negative attributes. strength of specific attributes, compared to the level that
These include respondents rating attribute intensity levels they believe would be “ideal.” These scales are particularly
with subsequent analysis to determine impact on overall lik- useful when product component levels have not been varied
ing, relating descriptive data to acceptability, or direct he- systematically, when testing competitive products or for
donic comparison of products with differences in the at- single prototype evaluation. In these cases, respondents can-
tribute of interest. Similarly, attributes with positive not respond directly to changing component levels via their
connotations 共natural, blended兲, particularly those with no hedonic responses. When samples are varied in an experi-
clear or direct association with specific sensory attributes of mental design 关43兴, JAR scales may not be necessary. In these
the product, should not be used with JAR scales. systematic studies, the researcher is often interested in di-
Number of Attributes–In most cases, several attributes rect intensity or strength measurements by respondents to
are studied in a single test for a variety of reasons: to provide demonstrate the impact of the variable ranges on the prod-
direction for multi-attribute products, to identify attributes uct. The “optimal” product will be inferred from modeling
that have an impact on acceptability if their intensities are overall liking 共see p. 8, Designed Experiments兲, and JAR
not “just right,” to avoid using combined attribute scales, scales may provide no additional benefit. It has recently been
and to ensure all of the key attributes are included to avoid demonstrated, however, that JAR data may be used to pre-
misattribution of perceptions 共see p. 7, Misattribution of Per- dict optimal ingredient levels within the sensory space of a
ceptions兲. The overall length of the questionnaire and the designed experiment and thus may be a useful tool in this re-
number of attributes to be included should be considered to gard 关32兴.
avoid issues of respondent psychological and sensory fa- JAR scales are not intended for use with trained panels
tigue. Redundant attributes should not be included 共such as because the trained panel is used as an unbiased instrument
scales “not thin enough” to “too thin” and “not thick enough” for scaling attribute intensities, not for judging whether the
to “too thick,” for example, where “thick” and “thin” could be intensities are too high or too low.
considered as semantic opposites兲 unless one purpose of the
research is to identify redundant attributes.
Benefits of Use
JAR Scales Provide Formulation Guidance
Location of JAR Scales on the Questionnaire JAR scales are particularly useful in situations in which
JAR scales are typically located on the questionnaire after product attributes cannot be varied systematically. JAR
hedonic ratings such as overall liking or liking of specific scales will provide guidance as to which product attributes
product attributes. Some researchers, however, place the are at an “ideal” level and which are not. When an attribute is
overall liking subsequent to the liking ratings of specific not JAR, the JAR scale can provide information as to the di-
product attributes; in these cases, the JAR attributes would rection of possible change.
precede the overall liking question. Gacula et al. 关31兴 found Through the use of JAR scales, one response can repre-
JAR data to be statistically uncorrelated with liking data, sent the combination of attribute strength and hedonic judg-
suggesting that JAR scales can be placed prior to overall lik- ment that can be combined to provide directional informa-
ing on the consumer ballot. It is common practice to have the tion for product formulation or optimization 关24兴. If, for
order of the JAR scales roughly coincide with respondents’ example, a tested product received a low hedonic score and
sensory experience of the product: for example, in the case of was rated “too salty” by 50 % of respondents 共and it had been
food items, appearance attributes, then aroma attributes, inferred or determined that salt level impacted the hedonic
then flavor attributes, then oral texture attributes. In the case score兲, the researcher would most likely lower the salt level
of nonfood 共for example, facial tissue兲, the order might be prior to subsequent testing. In this way, information from
appearance, feel by hand, aroma, and feel in use, followed by JAR scales provides actionable guidance for product
specific usage attributes. If intensity and JAR scales are in- development.
cluded on the same questionnaire, it is common practice
that respondents answer all questions relating to the same JAR Scales Are Easily Understood
attribute, whether intensity or JAR, before moving to the Another benefit is that respondents easily understand the
next attribute, to ensure respondent focus and avoid confu- scale itself, assuming that the JAR scale has been designed
sion or fatigue. For example, it would be better to have the correctly and the attributes are properly chosen. The scale is
attributes ordered such as sweet flavor strength, sweet flavor also generally understood by other stakeholders in or clients
JAR, salty flavor strength, and salty flavor JAR as opposed to of the organization conducting the research, making results
sweet flavor strength, salty flavor strength, sweet flavor JAR, easy to communicate.
and salty flavor JAR. Some researchers additionally include
specific attribute liking questions. In this case, a commonly Additional Benefits of Using JAR Scales
used question order would be attribute liking; attribute JAR scales may also assist in defining or identifying con-
strength; attribute JAR, for example sweetness liking; sweet- sumer segments in which segmentation is based on a prod-
ness strength; and sweetness JAR. There are, however, some uct’s “ideal” sensory profile. If JAR scale data are bimodal 共a

product is rated both “too cheesy” and “not cheesy enough”兲, Expectation Errors–A respondent may react to an at-
one hypothesis is that respondents differ in their ideal at- tribute based on expectations, as opposed to perception. An
tribute levels indicating the possibility of sensory-based con- example would be a rating of “not salty enough” to a hot dog
sumer segments. Bimodal responses could also point to an that contained less than average salt. The level of salt may
issue with the specific type or character of the attribute actually be “just right” for the respondent, but she may rate it
共Swiss versus cheddar cheese, for example兲 and the need for as “not salty enough” because her expectation is for a saltier
subsequent reformulation. Issues associated with bimodal hot dog. Depending upon the test objective, the addition of a
responses may be more easily identified with JAR scales than concept or positioning statement to the test may reduce this
with other scale types, such as intensity scales. effect 共“Now hot dogs with less salt!”兲.
Contrast Effects–A contrast effect occurs when a respon-
JARS Aid in Understanding Which Attributes dent rates an attribute based on prior products evaluated,
Impact Liking thereby exaggerating differences between products. For ex-
When used in conjunction with liking scales, JAR scales have ample, a respondent may receive an extremely large product,
the potential to aid in understanding which attributes have followed by a moderately large product. The first product
the greatest impact on liking; additional information on might be rated “too large,” with the second product being
which end of the JAR scale to avoid 共too strong or too weak兲 rated as “too small,” because of the contrast between the first
can also be determined. Researchers can use this informa- and second products received. Served monadically, the sec-
tion to prioritize which attributes to adjust during reformu- ond product might be rated “just about right.” This could
lation, and how to adjust them. Additionally, attributes that lead to an inappropriate “fix” of the product by the developer.
are not JAR but which have no impact on product accep- Combating contrast effects typically involves rotating the or-
tance can be ignored. der of product evaluations. However, this presupposes that
the contrast effects “balance out” over evaluation order,
JAR Scale Data Analyses Range from Simple to which may or may not be true. A total avoidance of contrast
Complex effect would involve pure monadic product evaluation,
With a variety of methods available to analyze JAR scales, which is generally not a cost-effective option. However, ex-
ranging from simple graphical representation to complex amination of data by position served could aid in interpreta-
statistical methods, researchers can customize the analysis tion. Additionally, having the samples spaced equally apart
depending upon project objectives, level of expertise, the in terms of expected attribute strength is desirable. For ex-
amount of statistical resources available, and objectives of ample, in a set of low-sodium samples, including one sample
the project. at a more typical sodium level will tend to lessen the rated
Risks of Use saltiness differences among the lower sodium samples and
thus should be avoided.
Risks Common to All Scales Context Effects–Similar to contrast effects, context ef-
Attribute scaling involves the assignment of numbers to fects refer to the influence of the specific set of samples in-
quantify sensory experience 关24兴. The following serves as a cluded within the evaluation framework, even when balanc-
brief review and reminder that many of the risks associated ing the sample serving orders. This effect typically occurs
with JAR scale usage are common to all scaling techniques. after evaluating several samples that are of similar attribute
Potential remedies are also mentioned for each risk. See strength; while the respondent may not experience sensory
Lawless and Heymann 关24兴 for a more thorough discussion specific fatigue, the attribute level in question may seem
of scaling risks. more “normal” or “average” than it would if experienced in a
Halo/Horns–With this risk, the respondent assumes that different set of samples. Consider a set of reduced salt prod-
an overall positive or negative impression extends to the rat- ucts; samples rated earlier in the evaluation may be rated as
ing of subsequent attributes, whereby high product accept- “not salty enough,” while samples served later in the order
ability may lead to false ratings of “just about right.” In this may be rated more “just about right,” as the respondents
case, the respondent may wish to avoid the cognitive disso- frame of reference shifts more towards less salty products as
nance that may result from seemingly disparate ratings. being “typical” within the set. This would occur regardless of
Similarly, if the respondent does not like the product overall, the evaluation order, as all of the samples would have re-
assigning a positive rating on any attribute may be difficult. duced salt. Similarly, if a set of samples all with very high
While we assume that respondents separate liking of a prod- sugar content were evaluated, after a number of sample
uct from attribute evaluations, the inherent nature of JAR evaluations, the sweetness might not “stand out” as much as
scales implies a degree of affective response that may make it had in the prior samples. Potential remedies for this risk
halo/horns a bigger risk for JAR scales than for other types of include limiting the number of product evaluations in one
scales. Analyzing JAR scales in conjunction with liking data session or including a wide range of attribute levels so that
can aid in differentiating the halo/horns effect from attribute the context for the attribute encompasses “all” reasonable
imbalances that affect liking. levels. This last remedy, however, may not be practical for
Relevance–An attribute that has low relevance in the re- most research studies.
spondent’s evaluation criteria set may receive a rating of Range/Frequency–The relative spacing and frequency of
“just about right” simply because it is unimportant, a way stimulus/attribute levels within a product test may result in
out of needing to make a determination. Prior knowledge or context effects that produce biases in category scales 关33兴.
research can help to minimize the inclusion of irrelevant at- Models for these biases have been described 关34兴. Centering
tributes. bias may occur when products with different intensities of

an attribute are evaluated in one test 关14兴. “Just about right” der study and deciding which attributes need to be included
scales are not exempt from centering and frequency biases. on the questionnaire.
When this occurs, the respondent may rate the intermediate
strength product as “just about right,” misrepresenting the Risks Unique to JAR Scales
true optimum strength. Alternately, within a given stimulus Because JAR scales are intended to combine intensity and
range, bias in determining the “just right” stimulus or at- acceptability to relate the perceived strengths of specific at-
tribute level may occur when more samples are presented on tributes to the respondents’ theoretical optimum, there are
one side of the stimulus range 关35兴. In that case, the bias additional risks unique to JAR scales that researchers should
would have respondents rate as “just right” samples at the consider. Potential remedies for each risk are included.
more heavily represented end of the range. Parducci and Per- Cognition Versus Perception–Respondent confusion of
rett 关33兴 also discuss the tendency among respondents to use perception with cognition can happen when an attribute car-
different parts of the scale with equal frequency. Johnson ries negative connotations. Examples may include attributes
and Vickers 关36兴 have confirmed methods suggested by Poul- such as “salty” or “sweet,” which may have negative health
ton 关34兴 and McBride 关14兴 to avoid the centering bias. When connotations. A respondent may rate a product as “too salty”
possible, common sense would dictate that attribute intensi- or “too sweet” because the respondent believes that ingredi-
ties be equally spaced, in an attempt to counteract the fre- ents that cause sweet and salty tastes are “unhealthy;” how-
quency bias. While “just about right” scales are not exempt ever, this product may in actuality be preferred to a less
from biases common to all attribute scales, careful attention sweet or salty product by the same respondent. In this case,
to the range and frequency of attribute intensities in the pro- the JAR scale would not have provided valid direction for
spective products, coupled with a prior awareness of the pos- product development. Understanding the relationship be-
sibility of such biases, will assist in robust data collection tween attribute skews and overall liking would be helpful in
and evaluation. teasing out this misperception, as there may be no impact on
Attribute Interpretation–It is assumed that the respon- overall liking associated with the attribute skew. Another ex-
dent interprets the attribute as the researcher intends. Mis- ample occurs when nonsensory judgments are considered
understanding of the attribute by the respondent may lead to along with the attribute in question. For example, a respon-
false conclusions concerning the acceptability of attribute dent may rate the tongue burn of a mouthwash as “too
intensities or a bimodal distribution of responses. For ex- strong;” however, that level of burn may be associated with
ample, a product may be rated as “too bitter” because re- efficacy. In this case, a reduction in burn may result in a re-
spondents may confuse bitterness with sourness or astrin- duction in perceived efficacy. The inclusion of efficacy rat-
gency. This could lead to unnecessary reformulation. Or ings would be appropriate in helping to understand this
respondents may not like a particular flavor character, even trend.
though the flavor level may be appropriate. Consider a prod- Never Enough “Just About Right” Attributes–There are
uct with a bimodal distribution of “not fruity enough” and some attributes that respondents typically rate as “not
“too fruity” because the fruit note, while moderate in enough” on JAR scales, such as inclusions like nuts in choco-
strength, is “unpleasant.” In this case, some respondents late bars or ice cream, toppings like pepperoni on a pizza, or
would rate the fruity note as “too strong” because of its un- characterizing flavors such as “cheesy.” This may lead to an
pleasantness, while others would rate it as “too weak” be- effect, similar to that discussed previously, in which JAR rat-
cause there is not enough “pleasant fruity taste.” In fact, a ings are given based on cognition versus perception. Increas-
bimodal response distribution in JAR scales may be an indi- ing the component in question may, in fact, decrease product
cation of misinterpretation of an attribute. Care should be acceptability, as the increased component may lead to flavor
used in reaching this conclusion, however, because a bimo- or texture imbalance. Linking the JAR ratings with hedonic
dal response distribution may also indicate the presence of measures may help identify attributes in which this effect ex-
consumer segments 共see p. 8, Consumer Segments and JAR ists.
Ratings兲. A bimodal response distribution may also indicate Respondent Biases–Respondents may assume that at
differential sensitivity in attribute detection among respon- least one product under evaluation is “just about right” or
dents. that it is unlikely that all products are “too strong” or “too
Misattribution of Perceptions–The lack of opportunity to weak”’ on some attribute, when in reality, that may be the
rate an attribute that is important to the respondent can lead case. They may assume that a product that is well liked is
to misattribution, whereby perceptions not explicitly mea- “just about right” on all attributes. Or, a respondent may as-
sured result in perceptions being expressed in one or more sume that if she rates a product as “just about right” on all
unintended attributes. An example of this may occur if a re- attributes, then he/she shall like it more than a product that
spondent perceives a product as being too sweet and too sour she rated as “too high” or “too low” on one or more at-
in which the only relevant attribute on the ballot is sweetness tributes. Including a sufficient number of respondents in the
JAR. In this case, the respondent may be confused; if she research will lessen the impact of this effect.
rates the product “too sweet” she might be afraid that the Attribute Interdependence–For JAR data to be action-
product will be inferred to be “not sour enough.” To combat able, the researcher should understand how formulation ele-
this, she rates the product as being “too salty” to capture the ments interact to influence attribute ratings. For example, a
sourness strength, making this rating subconsciously or per- researcher may have several alternative solutions to the
haps second guessing her perception. Although this may be problem of a “too sweet” product, including adjusting the
an extreme example, it illustrates the necessity of thoroughly sweetness, sourness, saltiness, texture, or flavor system as a
understanding the perceptible attributes of the product un- whole. Not understanding these interactions may limit the

developer’s ability to respond appropriately to data obtained formulated to satisfy respondents who found the product
from JAR scales. Additionally, making changes to one at- not “just about right.” These reformulations may not take
tribute to move it closer to “just about right” may move an- into account the effect of the reformulations on those re-
other attribute away from optimum. Moskowitz 关37兴 created spondents who originally rated the attribute as “just about
models for product optimization using liking scores gener- right” or who liked the attribute strength in earlier evalua-
ated from an array of products that constituted an experi- tions. There are statistical methods of accounting for this po-
mental design. The predicted optimal product did not gener- tential issue 共see Appendix P and Appendix Q case studies兲.
ate estimated mid-point JAR scale values 共“just about right”兲 Consumer Segments and JAR Ratings–Lawless and Hey-
for many product attributes. Similarly, when the data were mann 关24兴 suggest that JAR scale ratings may mislead prod-
reverse engineered to set JAR scales to scale midpoints 共opti- uct developers to conclude that a homogeneous population
mal attribute levels兲, the estimated product profile was not exists where one does not. Consider the case in which two
that of the optimal product. Apart from the fact that these groups of respondents rate a product as “just about right;”
results were derived from mathematical formulas 共although one of the groups thinks the product is strong and the other
the original data were obtained via experimentation兲, it is group thinks the product is mild, although both believe the
possible that the disparities in reaching optimal overall ac- level is just about right. The solution for this risk would be to
ceptability versus optimal individual attribute levels is due include intensity or strength evaluation along with the JAR
to what Moskowitz et al. 关23兴 referred to as “Contradictions scale ratings. However, knowing that there are consumer
and Trade-offs.” When respondents rate a product on a num- segments that vary in perception as opposed to acceptability
ber of JAR scale attributes, each attribute is considered sepa- would likely not affect a decision concerning the product. It
rately. However, when altering the formulas in response to is true, however, that without the inclusion of intensity or
respondent input, there are often trade-offs between respon- strength ratings, respondents’ perceptions of attribute levels
dents’ desires and formulation constraints. The result is that are not known.
some attributes may not be delivered at the target level. A Effect of JAR Scale Inclusion on Hedonic Ratings–There
thorough understanding of the interactions between the is some evidence 关22,39兴 that the inclusion of JAR scales on
product components and anticipated changes during refor- the same questionnaire with hedonic scales may alter overall
mulation will aid in lessening the number of off-target at- liking ratings compared to those ratings generated in the ab-
tributes. sence of JAR scales. This effect did not appear when intensity
Respondents May Not Know Their Ideal Attribute Level– scales were included 共as opposed to JAR scales兲, using the
Some researchers question if the respondent really knows same attributes. Subsequent researchers 关40,41兴 did not find
his or her ideal level of an attribute. It is possible that a re- this same effect consistently. The effect of JAR scale inclu-
spondent may think that he would prefer a darker product, sion on hedonic scaling needs further study.
but if such a product were delivered, it might be “too dark” Remedies for the Risks–While the prior sections on risks
even if the other product attributes remain unchanged. One may make a researcher cautious in using JAR scales, these
remedy for this risk is to understand, through prior con- risks can be minimized through judicious ballot construc-
sumer testing history, which attributes are prone to these ef- tion, data analysis and interpretation, and taking the steps
fects. recommended in each risk section.
Relating Responses to Level of Change Desired–A devel- Alternatives to JAR Scales
oper may incorrectly assume that a large number of “too
much” responses suggests a larger decrease in an ingredient Even with cautious questionnaire construction, careful data
than a smaller number of “too much” responses, or that a analysis, and interpretation, not all researchers will feel
larger number of “too much” responses suggests a larger im- comfortable using JAR scales for product testing; alterna-
pact on overall liking or preference than a smaller number of tives exist that obviate the need for JAR scales. Examples of
“too much” responses. It is difficult, if not impossible, to re- analysis of data sets that use alternatives to JAR scales are
late the level of adjustment to the distance of the attribute included in Appendixes X, Y, and Z.
from “just right” 关38兴. Collecting Intensity and Hedonic Information as Separate
Temporal Aspects of Product Testing–The amount of Scales–The information obtained from JAR scales can be ap-
product evaluated and the time period over which a product proximated by collecting data from a series of products in
is evaluated may influence the JAR scale ratings. An attribute which attribute strength levels and attribute liking are col-
may be “just right” when consuming a small amount of prod- lected for each product. The attribute intensities can be re-
uct, but may prove to be “too strong” or “too weak” when gressed on the attribute 共or overall兲 liking scores. In this way,
consuming a full serving or with continued exposure. Or, a the attribute intensity level that is associated with the high-
product may have a strong initial impact, but be more bal- est attribute 共or overall兲 liking can be determined 关42兴
anced over a typical consumption pattern. These aspects of Designed Experiments–Designed experiments may be
product testing should be considered when examining the used to optimize a single product attribute or to optimize si-
data from JAR scales. Additionally, products that are not well multaneously multiple product attributes that may interact
blended 共such as fat-free or reduced fat products兲 may have with one another. For a single attribute, a series of products
flavor “spikes” causing responses on both sides of “just is prepared that systematically varies a formulation or pro-
right.” These aspects of product testing should be considered cessing variable that would be expected to vary the perceived
when examining data from JAR scales. intensity of the attribute. At a minimum, overall liking is col-
Effect of Product Reformulation on Subsequent Respon- lected, although many researchers also collect attribute
dent Ratings–Based on JAR scale data, products may be re- strength and attribute liking ratings. Data are analyzed to

identify optimal attribute strength and formulation variable. sis as well as what the method purports to determine; a re-
There are a number of experimental designs that are used quirements section, which specifies the type of data needed;
from a simple design with four samples to very complex de- a “how to” section, which describes the mechanics of the
signs with a large number of samples 关43兴. analysis; a results and conclusions section, which discusses
Ideal Scaling–In place of attempting to gauge attribute the results of the analysis when applied to the case study
intensity and acceptability in one scale, ideal point modeling data; a pros and cons section, which underscores benefits
involves separating out the hedonic component of the re- and caveats associated with the analysis; and finally, a rec-
sponse from the intensity evaluation 关41兴. In essence, the re- ommendation section, which discusses when the method
spondent is asked how strong the attribute is on an intensity should be used 共if at all兲.
scale, followed by how strong they would like that attribute
to be. The flow of questions would therefore be: Description of the Dataset Parameters
• How sweet is this product? 共intensity scale of choice兲 These data are from a five-sample sequential monadic test
• How sweet is your ideal product? 共intensity scale of with N = 119. The data from three samples were used for the
choice兲 analyses. Sample 170 is bimodally distributed for overall lik-
Mean product attribute ratings are then compared to ing, Sample 896 is normally distributed, and Sample 914 is
the mean “ideal” product attribute ratings, which serve as not fully bimodal but is also not normal.
product benchmarks and provide product developers with The samples are variations of the same type of product.
direction. A comparison of the responses to these two ques- Attribute descriptions were changed to generalize the
tions gives an indication of the direction in which the at- product, but the liking and JAR data are related to the same
tribute should be moved and, to some extent, the magnitude attributes. Figure 4 outlines the dataset attributes and scale
of the desired shift. It is postulated that the greater the dis- anchors.
tance between the perceived and ideal intensities, the greater
the change that must be made to adjust the attribute. Methods of Analysis Involving Only the JAR Scales
Asking liking of the strength of the attribute may pre- Graphical Methods–These methods involve visual examina-
cede these questions. In this case, the flow of questions tion only:
would be: • Graphical data display 共see Appendix A兲.
• How much do you like or dislike the “attribute” of this • Graphical scaling 共see Appendix B兲.
product? Nongraphical Methods–These methods require computa-
• How “attribute” is this product? tion:
• How “attribute” should this product be? • Percent difference from norm and percent difference
Response to the prior liking question, if asked, may sug- from just right 共see Appendix C兲.
gest the significance of the discrepancy between the per- • The mean 共see Appendix D兲.
ceived and ideal intensities with respect to product accep- • Mean directional and mean absolute deviation 共see Ap-
tance and may provide product developers with a broader pendix E兲.
picture of product performance. When using this technique, • Mean versus scale midpoint 共see Appendix F兲.
it is possible that respondents may rate the ideal level of cer- • Cochram-Mantel-Haenszel 共CMH兲, Stuart Maxwell, Mc-
tain attributes as unrealistically high or low, which may lead Nemar, and Chi-square 共see Appendix G兲.
to erroneous reformulation. • Proportional odds/hazards model 共see Appendix H兲.
• t-tests 共see Appendix I兲.
Data Analysis Techniques • Analysis of variance 共ANOVA兲 共see Appendix J兲.
• Thurstonian ideal point modeling 共see Appendix K兲.
There are a number of methods available to the researcher
for analysis of JAR scale data and several for analyzing data Methods of Analysis Involving Data
with alternatives to JAR scales. As with any scaling tech- Relationships
nique, proper analysis is critical for drawing appropriate The following methods relate JAR to data obtained from
conclusions from the data. While analysis of JAR scale data other scale types, most commonly liking measures.
ranges from simple to very complex, the interpretation of • Penalty or mean drop analysis 共see Appendix L兲.
such data should be considered carefully. • Adding significance measures to penalty analysis 共see
Data Analysis of JAR Scales–When choosing a method Appendixesdevand O兲.
for JAR scale analysis, it is important to consider what spe- The case studies, Appendix N and Appendix O, provide
cific question共s兲 the researcher wants to answer. As a first several methods for testing the significance of an observed
step, the researcher should consider whether the question共s兲 mean drop 共in other words, they determine whether the dif-
to be answered involves only the JAR data or whether the ference in mean scores among those rating the product “just
question is based on relationships between JAR and other about right”⬙ and those rating the product “too weak” 共for ex-
data, such as product acceptability. Table 1 lists commonly ample兲 is statistically significant兲. Neither case study re-
used methods for JAR scale data analysis in two columns de- quires that the response data be normally distributed be-
pending upon whether the question and subsequent analysis cause they directly approximate the variability of the mean
method involves only JAR data or the relationship between drops; however, interval level data is required.
JAR and other data. The specific question that each method The first case study, Appendix N, transforms the JAR
of analysis intends to answer is also included. Each method variable to dummy variables, and then creates a regression
for analysis is presented in the same format: an introduction model for each variable. The regression coefficients from
and objective section, which gives background for the analy- these models are taken to be unweighted penalties. The case

TABLE 1—Methods for analysis of JAR Scale Data.

study then provides four methods of significance testing of • Opportunity analysis 共see Appendix P兲.
these coefficients. Three of the four methods use a t-test on • Product improvement analysis 共PRIMO兲 共see Appendix
the coefficient, calculating the coefficient standard error ei- O兲.
ther directly from the model or using a jackknife or boot- • Chi square 共see Appendix R兲.
strap procedure. The method based directly on the model is • Factor analysis and biplots 共see Appendix S兲.
termed “parametric.” The other two methods are termed
“semi-parametric” and derive from leave-one-out cross- Methods of Analysis Involving Correlation and
validation 共jackknife兲 or bootstrap resampling of the data. Regression
The fourth method presented is the percentile bootstrap, The following case studies use correlation or regression
which is nonparametric and produces a confidence interval analysis to relate the consumers’ JAR ratings to overall lik-
that is used to determine significance. ing. Although all of the case studies 共except the case study
The second case study, Appendix O, provides a single that only covers correlation兲 share regression analysis as
method of significance testing. This method is similar to the their data analysis technique, the approaches are very differ-
semi-parametric bootstrapping method in the first case ent from each other. They differ in the assumptions they
study; however, it uses bootstrap resampling directly on the make concerning the statistical properties of the JAR data
mean drops and not on the regression coefficients. Both the and, more basically, in the questions they answer concerning
jackknife and bootstrap require some programming skill to the relationship of the JAR ratings to overall liking. The
implement, but the results are straightforward to use. All the methods cannot be used interchangeably. The objective of
presented methods of estimating the variance are well each analysis shall be considered to select an approach that
grounded in modern statistical theory and should be of inter- meets the needs of the researcher.
est to researchers interested in adding significance tests to The first case study uses correlation analysis to relate
their penalty analyses. the JAR data to overall liking. Correlation is a widely used

Fig. 4—Date Set Attributes and Scale Anchors

and familiar statistical technique. It is, however, limited in analysis may be a solution. However, there exist other widely
the depth of information it can provide concerning the rela- available, easy-to-use techniques that can reveal more about
tionship of JAR data to overall liking, and it is among the the nature of the JAR/liking relationship.
most restrictive in terms of the assumptions it makes about The second case study uses standard regression analysis
the nature of JAR scale data. Correlation analysis assumes to relate the JAR data to overall liking. Like correlation
that JAR ratings are interval scale data arising from, at a analysis, regression analysis is a familiar and widely avail-
minimum, a unimodal, symmetric probability distribution. able technique. Regression makes the same assumptions
Further, correlation assumes that the relationship between concerning the nature of JAR data as correlation. However,
the JAR ratings and overall liking can be adequately summa- regression has several advantages over correlation. It pro-
rized using a straight line. All of these assumptions are sus- vides predicted liking ratings based on the JAR scale ratings
pect. However, the wide availability of software that can per- and all of the JAR scales can be analyzed simultaneously.
form correlation analysis and its ease of use and More importantly, the simple linear regression model can be
interpretation make it a seemingly desirable technique. extended to fit curvilinear relationships between the JAR rat-
When using correlation analysis, each JAR scale is analyzed ings and overall liking. These curvilinear relationships come
separately. Correlation analysis does not reveal how impor- closer to the expectation that overall liking should be higher
tant it is to be JAR. However, correlation analysis reveals if it at the middle of a JAR scale and they are capable of revealing
is worse to be above JAR than it is to be below JAR or vice if it is better to be on one side of JAR than the other.
versa. If the correlation is positive then it is worse to be “Not Other, more sophisticated, regression techniques avoid
Enough”. If the correlation is negative it is worse to be “Too the assumptions that JAR scales produce data that are inter-
Much”. If that is the only goal of the analysis, correlation val scale, unimodal, and symmetric. For example, the third

case study uses multivariate adaptive regression splines by a practical discussion covering JAR scale construction in-
共MARS兲 analysis to relate JAR ratings to overall liking. cluding number of scale points, identification and place-
MARS selects the JAR variables that are significantly related ment of scale anchors, attribute selection, and location on
to overall liking and determines the cost associated with be- the ballot. A section on appropriate and inappropriate uses
ing above or below the JAR level for specific attributes. Un- of JAR scales followed. An extensive review of benefits and
like penalty analysis that uses a collapsed three-point JAR risks was then presented, including risks that are common to
scale, MARS uses the information from all of the JAR scale all scales as well as those risks that are unique to JAR scale
categories. Beyond determining if it is better to be on one usage. Alternatives to JAR scales were included for the re-
side of JAR than the other, MARS estimates how much over- searcher that chooses other means of obtaining product di-
all liking is decreased by not being JAR. One drawback to agnostic information. Finally, over 25 methods for analysis
MARS is that the software required to perform the analysis is of JAR scale data were presented in the form of case studies
not widely available. using raw data from a common dataset. The case studies, all
Another limitation of MARS 共and all of the other tech- in similar format, described the objective, requirements,
niques discussed thus far兲 is that they assume the JAR rat- computations, output, and interpretation of each method,
ings are independent of each other. This is seldom the case. followed by a section on pros and cons with a final recom-
In almost all product categories, many sensory attributes mendation on usage. These case study analyses ranged from
rise and fall either together or opposite each other and, simple graphical representations to complex computations
therefore, are intercorrelated. The fourth case study over- that required advanced statistical knowledge or specialized
comes this limitation. Partial least squares 共PLS兲 regression software or both. Case studies for alternatives to JAR scales
with dummy variables possesses all of the advantages of were presented as well, although these are based on unique
MARS but does not require that the JAR attributes be inde- datasets.
pendent of each other. Although the output of a PLS regres- The case studies demonstrated that, with proper analy-
sion can be difficult to interpret, the approach provides as sis and interpretation, JAR scales provide actionable guid-
much, if not more, information about the relationship be- ance for product development.
tween the JAR ratings and overall liking while making the
fewest assumptions about the nature of the JAR data. References
A previously mentioned regression case study presents 关1兴 Ennis, D. M., Analytic Approaches to Accounting for Indi-
two related techniques: proportional odds model 共POM兲 and vidual Ideal Points, IFPress, Vol. 8 No. 2, 2005, pp. 2–3.
proportional hazards model 共PHM兲. Although both are a 关2兴 Moskowitz, H. R., Munoz, M. S., and Gacula, M. C., View-
type of regression analysis, they deliver results more similar points and Controversies in Sensory Science and Consumer
to ANOVA than standard regression. Rather than focusing
Product Testing, Food & Nutrition Press, Inc., Trumbull, CT,
on predicting overall liking, POM and PHM provide overall
2003, pp. 416–430.
tests for differences among the test samples and pair-wise
关3兴 Coombs, C. H., A Theory of Data, John Wiley & Sons, Inc.,
comparisons to determine which samples are significantly
New York, 1964.
different from each other. Both approaches take into ac-
count the ordinal nature of JAR scale data, but neither gives 关4兴 Kruskal, J. B., “Multidimensional Scaling by Optimizing
any special treatment to the middle “JAR” category on the Goodness of Fit to a Nonmetric Hypothesis,” Psychometrika,
scale. If statistical comparisons of the test products are the Vol. 29, 1964, pp. 1–27.
primary objective of the analysis, POM and PHM could be 关5兴 Schutz, H. G., “Consumer DataSense and Nonsense,” Food
considered. While these methods are regression based, their Quality Preference, Vol. 10, 1999, pp. 245–251.
objective of differentiating products’ JAR distributions 关6兴 Riskey, D. R., “Use and Abuses of Category Scales in Sensory
places them in Table 1 under “Questions Involving Only JAR Measurement,” J. Sens. Stud., Vol. 1, 1986, pp. 217–236.
Data,” specifically under the question, “Are the distributions 关7兴 Likert, R., “A Technique for the Measurement of Attitudes,”
of JAR scores similar between products?” Arch. Psychol., 1932, p. 140.
• Correlation 共see Appendix T兲 关8兴 Thurstone, L. L., “Attitudes Can Be Measured,” Am. J. So-
• Regression 共see Appendix U兲 ciol., Vol. 33, No. 4, 1928, pp. 529–552.
• MARS 共see Appendix V兲 关9兴 Osgood, C. E., Suci, G. J., and Tannenbaum, P. H., The Mea-
• Partial least squares dummy 共PLS兲 共see Appendix W兲. surement of Meaning, University of Illinois Press, Urbana, IL,
1957, pp. 155–159.
关10兴 Coombs, C. H., “Psychological Scaling Without a Unit of Mea-
Data Analysis for Methods Alternative to JAR surement,” Psychol. Rev., Vol. 57, 1950, pp. 145–158.
Scales 关11兴 Jones, L. V., Peryam, D. R., and Thurstone, L. L., “Develop-
• Collecting intensity and hedonic information separately
ment of a Scale for Measuring Soldiers’ Food Preferences,”
共see Appendix X兲.
Food Res., Vol. 20, 1955, pp. 512–520.
• Designed experiment 共See Appendix Y兲.
关12兴 Gridgeman, N. T., “A Comparison of Some Taste-Test Meth-
• Ideal point scaling 共see Appendix Z兲.
ods,” J. Food Sci., Vol. 16, 1961, pp. 171–177.
Summary and Conclusions 关13兴 Moskowitz, H. R., “Subjective Ideals and Sensory Optimiza-
tion in Evaluating Perceptual Dimensions in Food,” J. Appl.
This manual has provided an in-depth look at JAR scales, in- Psychol., Vol. 56, 1972, p. 60.
cluding their application, construction, and analysis. After 关14兴 McBride, R. L., “Range Bias in Sensory Evaluation,” J. Food
an introductory section, a brief history of the origin and evo- Technol., Vol. 17, 1982, pp. 405–410.
lution of JAR scale usage was presented. This was followed 关15兴 Frijters, J. E. R., and Rasmussen-Conrad, E. L., J. Gen. Psy-

chol., Vol. 107, 1982, pp. 233–247. pp. 73–80.

关16兴 Booth, D. A., Thompson, A., and Shahedian, B., “A Robust, 关30兴 Tang, C., and Heymann, H., “Multidimensional Sorting, Simi-
Brief Measure of an Individual’s Most Preferred Level of Salt larity Scaling and Free-Choice Profiling of Grape Jellies,” J.
in an Ordinary Foodstuff,” Appetite: J. Intake Res., Vol. 4, Sens. Stud., Vol. 17, No. 6, 2002, pp. 493–509.
1983, pp. 301–312. 关31兴 Gacula, M. C., Jr., Mohan, P., Fuller, J., Pollack, L., and Mosk-
关17兴 McBride, R. L., and Booth, D. A., “Using Classical Psycho- owitz, H.R., “Questionnaire practice: What happens when
physics to Determine Ideal Flavor Intensity,” J. Food Tech- the JAR scale is placed between two “overall” acceptance
nol., Vol. 21, 1986, pp. 775–780. scales?”J. Sens. Stud., Vol. 23, 2008, pp. 136–147.
关18兴 Connor, M. T., and Booth, D. A., “Preferred Sweetness of a 关32兴 Lovely, C., and Meullenet, J. F., “A Comparison of Statistical
Lime Drink and Preference for Sweet Over Non-Sweet Approaches for the Optimization of Strawberry Yogurt Formu-
Foods,” Appetite, Vol. 10, 1988, pp. 25–35. lation,” 7th Pangborn Sensory Science Symposium, 2007.
关19兴 Sheperd, R., Farleigh, C. A., Land, D. G., and Franklin, J. G., 关33兴 Parducci, A., and Perrett, L. F., “Category Rating Scales: Ef-
“Validity of Relative-to-Ideal Rating Procedure Compared fects of Relative Spacing and Frequency of Stimulus Values,”
with Hedonic Rating,” in Progress in Flavor Research, 4th J. Exp. Psychol. Monogr., Vol. 89, 1971, pp. 427–452.
Weurman Flavor Research Symposium, Elsevier Science
关34兴 Poulton, E. C., “Models for Biases in Judging Sensory Magni-
Publishers, Amsterdam, 1984, pp. 103–110.
tude,” Psychol. Bull., Vol. 86, 1979, pp. 777–803.
关20兴 Vickers, Z., Holton, E., and Wang, J., “Effect of Ideal-Relative
关35兴 Riskey, D. R., Parducci, A., and Beauchamp, G. K., “Effects of
Sweetness on Yogurt Consumption,” Food Quality Prefer-
Context in Judgments of Sweetness and Pleasantness,” Per-
ence, Vol. 12, No. 8, 2001, pp. 521–526.
cept. Psychophys., Vol. 26, 1979, pp. 171–176.
关21兴 Epler, S., Chambers, E., IV, and Kemp, K., “Just About Right
关36兴 Johnson, J., and Vickers, Z., “Avoiding the Centering Bias or
Scales are Not Useful for Measuring Sweetness in Lemonade,”
Range Effect when Determining an Optimum Level of Sweet-
J. Sens. Stud., Vol. 13, 1998, pp. 191–198.
ness in Lemonade,” J. Sens. Stud., Vol. 2, 1987, pp. 283–292.
关22兴 Earthy, P. J., MacFie, J. H., and Duncan, H., “Effect of Ques-
关37兴 Moskowitz, H. R., Food Concepts and Products: Just In Time
tion Order on Sensory Perception and Preference in Central
Development, Food & Nutrition Press, Inc., Trumbull, CT,
Location Trials,” J. Sens. Stud., Vol. 12, 1997, pp. 215–237.
关23兴 Moskowitz, H. R., Munoz, M. S., and Gacula, M. C., View-
关38兴 Moskowitz, H. R., “Just About Right 共JAR兲 Directionality and
points and Controversies in Sensory Science and Consumer
Product Testing, Food & Nutrition Press, Inc., Trumbull, CT, the Wandering Sensory Unit in Data Analysis Workshop: Get-
2003. ting the Most Out of Just-About-Right Data,” Food Quality
关24兴 Lawless, H. T., and Heyman, H., Sensory Evaluation of Food— Preference, Vol. 15, 2004, pp. 891–899.
Principles and Practices, Chapman and Hall, New York, 1998. 关39兴 Popper, R., Rosenstock, W., Schraidt, M., and Kroll, B. J.,
关25兴 Bendig, A. W., and Hughes, J. B., II, “Effect of Amount of Ver- “The Effect of Attribute Questions on Overall Liking Ratings,”
bal Anchoring and Number of Rating-Scale Categories Upon Food Quality Preference, Vol. 15, 2004, pp. 853–858.
Transmitted Information,” J. Exp. Psychol., Vol. 40, No. 2, 关40兴 Popper, R., Schraidt, M., and Kroll, B. J., “When Do Attribute
1953, pp. 87–90. Ratings Affect Overall Liking Ratings,” presented at the 6th
关26兴 Kim, W., Ennis, D., and O’Mahony, M., “A New Approach to Pangborn Sensory Sciences Symposium, Harrogate Inter-
Category Scales of Intensity II: Use of d⬘ Values,” J. Sens. national Center, York, 7–11 Aug. 2005.
Stud., Vol. 13, 1998, pp. 251–267. 关41兴 van Trip, H., Punter, P., Mickartz, F., and Kruithof, L., “The
关27兴 Pokorny, J., and Davidek, J., “Application of Hedonic Sensory Quest for the Ideal Product,” J. Food Quality Preference,
Profiles for the Characterization of Food Quality,” Die Nahr- 2007.
ung, Vol. 8, 1986, pp. 757–763. 关42兴 Moskowitz, H. R., “Learning from the Competition Through
关28兴 Stewart, D. W., Shamdasani, P. N., and Rook, D. W., Focus Category Appraisal: One Practitioner’s Keys to Faster and
Groups: Theory and Practice, 2nd ed., Thousand Oaks Califor- More Efficient Product Development,” Food Service Tech-
nia: Sage Publications, 2007. nol., Vol. 1, No. 2, 2001, pp. 103–118.
关29兴 Baxter, I. A., and Jack-Schroder, M. J. A., “The Use of Reper- 关43兴 Gacula, M. C., Jr., Singh, J., Bi, J., and Altan, S., Statistical
tory Grid Method to Elicit Perceptual Data from Primary Methods in Food and Consumer Research, 2nd edition, Aca-
School Children,” Food Quality Preference, Vol. 9, 1999, demic, San Diego, CA, 2009.
MNL63-EB/Feb. 2009

Appendix A: Graphical Data Display

Colleen Conley1

Introduction and Objectives Results and Conclusions

The graphical data display method provides a visual com- Example 1共a兲 Graph of Frequency Distributions 共grouped by
parison of JAR data across products and attributes, or both. JAR scale category兲 comparing response patterns for three
The objective of this method is to provide a method to visu- products.
ally assess the distribution of JAR data. This is a descriptive/ From the graphics above 82 % 共84/ 102兲 of the assessors
summarization method, not an inferential one. scored flavor of Product 896 “About Right,” whereas only 62
% 共63/ 102兲 scored flavor of Product “About Right” and only
44 % 共45/ 102兲 scored Product 914 “About Right.”
This method requires the frequency distributions for each Alternatively, bar graphs can be used as illustrated be-
attribute for each product, and an application with bar low, showing actual number of responses given in each cat-
graph capabilities. egory for all three products on the same graphic. It is easy to
see in the graphic below that product 896 was considered
“How to” “About Right” in flavor by the most assessors 共N = 84兲, while
Summarize the distribution of the data in a frequency table product 914 was thought to have “Not Enough” flavor by 48
for each product by attribute combination. Graph these assessors and “About Right” by 45 assessors.
summaries using either bar charts or cumulative bar charts Pros and Cons
of the frequencies. Both can be grouped either by scale cat-
egory or by product as shown in the two examples below. The This method provides a succinct visual summary, and is in-
bar charts can also be displayed in a product X attribute grid. tended for use as a summary method comparing multiple
products/attributes. It is not a formal technique for testing
Case Study Data Examples hypotheses.
The examples below use the flavor attribute for products Recommendation
170, 896, and 914. Figures 1共a兲 and 1共b兲 display the fre-
quency distribution grouped by scale category and by prod- This method is recommended for all JAR scale data as an ini-
uct, respectively. Figure 2 displays a cumulative bar chart. tial evaluation tool.

Director, Sensory Science, Flavor Technology R&D, Solae Company, LLC, P.O. Box 88940, St. Louis, MO 63188.

Copyright 2009 by ASTM International www.astm.org

Fig. 1—共a兲 Flavor JAR frequencies. 共b兲 Flavor JAR percent 共%兲 responses.

Fig. 2—Flavor JAR.

MNL63-EB/Feb. 2009

Appendix B: Graphical Scaling

Anne Goldman1 and Jagoda Mazur1

Introduction and Objective criteria included a requirement for a “Just Right” of 艌70 %
and a Net Effect 共Difference兲 艋20 %.
Graphical scaling is a technique for presenting the results for
a JAR scale analysis that graphically illustrates any imbal-
Results and Conclusions
ance around the “Just Right” scale point. The ratings show that all three products scored below the
Requirements 70 % “Just Right” criterion for size, and products 170 and
914 did not meet that criteria for flavor. The Net Effects plot
The percentage of respondents on both the “Not Enough” clearly shows that sample 914 lacks flavor. Although Product
and “Too Much” sides of “Just Right” are summed up, for 914 met the 70 % hurdle for color, the Net Effects suggest
each product and attribute. that there may be room for improvement by making the
product a bit darker.
“How to” The actual ratings also reveal polarization of responses
Subtract the proportion of responses on the “Not Enough” for Size for all three products and may suggest existence of
side of the scale from the proportion on the “Too Much” side more than one consumer segment in the sample. Due to po-
of the scale. The difference 共the Net Effect兲 indicates the larization, the Net Effects do not provide clear direction for
magnitude and direction of differences among test samples, product changes for Size, as they are located below the 20 %
and can be graphed for illustration of the product differ- Net Effect criterion in this example. Sample 170 scored
ences. slightly below the 70 % criterion for Flavor; however, the
“Not Just Right” responses are similar for each end of the
Case Study Data Example scale, again not giving obvious guidance for improvement.
This example uses the Size, Color, Flavor, Texture, and Pros and Cons
Stickiness ratings for products 170, 896, and 914. The data
have been collapsed to a three-category scale, as illustrated The benefits of using this method include ease of calculation,
in Table 1, and the differences plotted in the right hand col- visual presentation, and the simplicity of examination and
umn of Graph 1.1 This discussion assumes that the a priori interpretation of one summary statistic. In cases where the
data on each side of “Just Right” are aggregated, the Net Ef-
fects may not be representative of the magnitude of differ-
TABLE 1—Distribution of responses „% of re- ences among products, because information on the degree
spondents… for the three products. of “Not Enough” or “Too Much” are lost. Other disadvan-
% Sample 170 Sample 896 Sample 914
tages of this method are that if the JAR data are bimodally
Size “Too Small” 24 22 28 distributed owing to consumer segments 共which may have
“Just Right” 36 39 31 different expectations concerning product intensities兲, the
“Too Large” 40 39 41 results may be misleading in that Net Effects may be artifi-
Color “Not Enough” 11 1 21 cially low. Another caveat revolves around the assumption
“Just Right” 83 96 79 that if a product is reformulated to address the skew on one
“Too Much” 6 3 0 side of “Just Right” that this would not cause a skew on the
Flavor “Not Enough” 16 5 53 other side of “Just Right.” In color for product 914, for ex-
“Just Right” 62 82 44 ample, if the color were reformulated to be darker, would
“Too Much” 23 13 3
some of the respondents currently rating the product “Just
Texture “Too Thin” 13 9 4
“Just Right” 82 88 75
Right” now rate the color too dark?
“Too Thick” 5 3 21 Recommendation
Stickiness “Not Enough” 4 1 11
“Just Right” 79 85 80 The graphical scaling for JAR scale data is recommended as
“Too Much” 17 14 9 a presentation component of a JAR analysis, but is not rec-
ommended as a stand-alone method of analysis.

Applied Consumer and Clinical Evaluations, 2575 B. Dunwin Dr., Mississauga, ON L5L3N9.

Copyright 2009 by ASTM International www.astm.org

Fig. 1—Actual “Just Right” ratings and net “Just Right” scores.
MNL63-EB/Feb. 2009

Appendix C: Percent Difference from Norm

and Percent Difference from Just Right
Gloria A. Gaskin1 and Joni L. Keith1

Introduction and Objective category scale兲 and perform a significance test to deter-
mine if the number of response at the two ends are sig-
The Percent Difference from Norm analysis determines if nificantly different using a binomial or chi-square test
the % JAR responses meet or exceed an established norm. If against an expected value of 50 %. The total sample size
they do not, it also determines the direction of the imbal- is the number of observations that are not “Just About
ances of the JAR scale responses. The Percent Difference Right.” The confidence level of the test will commonly
from “Just Right” analysis does not rely on an established be a value such as 90 % or 95 %. The critical value can be
norm, but compares the non-JAR responses to those in the determined using a binomial table, or a statistical func-
“Just About Right” category. If a significant difference is tion. Excel offers the CRITBINOM function.
found, the non-JAR responses are compared to each other. If a difference is found between the extremes on the
The analysis is conducted on one product-attribute combi- “Just About Right” scale, the product should be changed
nation at a time, but there is no limit as to how many prod- towards the end which has the fewer responses.
ucts or attributes may be analyzed.
Example from Case Study Data
Requirement The following tables 共Tables 1–3兲 demonstrate the method
for the Flavor, Color, and Size attributes from products 170,
These analyses require the base size 共n兲 and marginal fre- 896, and 914 from the case study data. In each case, the norm
quency distribution for each JAR scale attribute and product is assumed to be 70 % “Just About Right” or better. The col-
to be analyzed. umns in each table include
“How to” 1. the product code,
2. the observed JAR value,
There are two approaches to utilizing this technique depend- 3. does the observed JAR meet the criterion,
ing upon whether a normative value for the desired “Percent 4. the number of ratings below the “Just About Right”
Just Right” has been established. value,
5. the number of ratings above the “Just About Right”
Analysis A: Percent Difference from Norm used value,
when a normative value for percent just right has 6. the sum of columns 5 and 6,
been established 7. the larger of columns 5 and 6,
1. Determine the “norm” JAR% responses to be used in the 8. the binomial critical value 共the 95 % confidence level in
analysis, e.g., 70 %; this example兲,
2. Is the actual JAR% equal to or greater than the estab- 9. the result of the comparison of columns 7 and 8,
lished norm? 10. the conclusion from that comparison.
3. a. If yes, no further analysis is required; if the JAR% is Results and Conclusions from the Percent
less than the established norm, continue with the Difference from Norm analysis
b. Sum the number of responses at each end of the JAR Results of the case study using the Percent Difference from
scale 共e.g., 1 + 2 and 4 + 5, when using a centered 5-point Norm analysis indicate that Product 914 does not have

TABLE 1—Attribute: Flavor, option A.

1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10
Are 1 and 2
0.05 different
Product JAR Is JAR⬎ = Critical than 4 and 5
Code „n, %… 70 %? 1 and 2 4 and 5 Sum „or n… Maxa Value at p = 0.05? Conclusions
170 63 No 16 23 39 23 27 No
Percent 61.76 15.69 22.55 Product 914
896 84 Yes 5 13 18 13 14 N/A, JAR⬎ = does not
70 % have enough
Percent 82.35 4.90 12.75 flavor;
increase the
914 45 No 54 3 57 54 37 Yes
flavor of
Percent 44.12 52.94 2.94 Product 914
Larger of 1 + 2 or 4 + 5
Bush Brothers and Company, 1016 E. Weisgarber Road, Knoxville, TN 37909.

Copyright 2009 by ASTM International www.astm.org

TABLE 2—Attribute: Flavor, option A.

1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10
Are 1 and 2
0.05 different
Product JAR Is JAR⬎ = Critical than 4 and 5
Code „n, %… 70 %? 1 and 2 4 and 5 Sum „or n… Maxa Value at p = 0.05? Conclusions
170 85 Yes 11 6 17 11 14 N/A, JAR⬎ = All products
70 % considered
Percent 83.33 10.78 5.88 JAR; no
896 98 Yes 1 3 4 3 N/A N/A, JAR⬎ = action
70 % necessary
Percent 96.08 0.98 2.94
914 81 Yes 21 0 21 21 16 N/A, JAR⬎ =
70 %
Percent 79.41 20.59 0.00
Larger of 1 + 2 or 4 + 5

enough flavor 共p = 0.05, n = 57 关54 共not enough flavor兲 versus 3 where trials is equal to n, as above, probability គs is 0.5 and
共too much flavor兲兴. For the attribute Color, all of the products alpha is 0.05.
were considered just about right in color based on a JAR% of If a difference is found between the total of the extreme
70% or more. For the attribute Size, Product 170 was found categories and the number of JAR responses and if the num-
to be much too large 共p = 0.05, n = 65 关24共“Not Large ber of JAR responses is less than or equal to the total of all
Enough”兲 versus. 41 共“Much Too Large”兲兴. Product 896 also other responses, proceed to Analysis A, Step 3b, to assess if
was found to be much too large in size 共p = 0.05, n = 62 the extreme categories are different from one another and if
关22共“Not Large Enough”兲 versus 40 共“Much Too Large so, in which direction.
Example from Case Study Data
Analysis B: Percent Difference from “Just Right” The following tables 共Tables 4–6兲 demonstrate the method
used when a normative percent “Just Right” for the Flavor, Color, and Size attributes from products 170,
has not been established 896, and 914 from the case study data. The columns in each
This analysis determines if the non-JAR responses on the table include
“Just About Right” scale 共1, 2, 4, 5 on a centered 5-point cat- 1. the product code,
egory scale兲 are significantly different from the number of re- 2. the number of non-JAR ratings,
sponses in the JAR category, for a given attribute and prod- 3. the observed JAR value,
uct,. 4. the base size,
1 Determine n, the base size, which is the total of all re- 5. the binomial critical value 共the 95% confidence level in
sponses. this example兲,
2. Total the number of responses in the non-JAR categories 6. the result of the comparison of columns 2 and 3,
of the “Just About Right” scale 共1 + 2 + 4 + 5兲. 7. the logical conclusion from that comparison,
Compare the number of responses in the non-JAR categories 8. a textual summary of the conclusion.
to the number expected in a binomial distribution of the
same total size having a binomial proportion of 0.5. Use a
Results and Conclusions from Option B
table of the binomial distribution to look up the critical value Results of the case study using Analysis B, indicate
for the alpha= 0.05 level when n is equal to the base size cal- that Product 914 does not have significantly more JAR
culated in step1, and p, the binomial proportion, is 0.5. The responses than the combined data from the combined
critical value may also be determined by using the following extreme categories 共p = 0.05, n = 102 关57 共“Not
function in Excel: CRITBINOM共trials, probabilityគs, alpha兲 Enough” flavor兲 versus 45 共“Just About Right” in fla-

TABLE 3—Attribute: Size, option A.

1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10
Are 1 and 2
0.05 different
Product JAR Is JAR⬎ = Critical than 4 and 5
Code „n, %… 70 %? 1 and 2 4 and 5 Sum „or n… Maxa Value at p = 0.05? Conclusions
170 37 No 24 41 65 41 41 Yes Reduce the
Percent 36.27 23.53 40.20 size of
896 40 No 22 40 62 40 39 Yes Products 170
Percent 39.22 21.57 39.22 and 914
914 32 No 28 42 70 42 44 No
Percent 31.37 27.45 41.18
Larger of 1 + 2 or 4 + 5

TABLE 4—Attribute: Flavor, option B.

1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8
0.05 Are 1,2,4,5 different Is JARⰇ than
Product Sum Critical than JAR at all others at
Code 1,2,4,5 JAR „or n… Value p = 0.05? p = 0.05? Conclusions
170 16+ 23 63 102 62 Yes Yes
Percent 38.24 61.76 But not large Same conclusion
enough. Go to as in Option A
Option A
896 5 + 13= 84 102 62 Yes Yes Same conclusion
18 as in Option A; No
Percent 17.65 82.35 No further adjustments in
analysis flavor necessary
914 54+ 3= 45 102 62 No No Same conclusion
57 as in Option A
Percent 55.88 44.12 Go to Option A

vor兲兴. Consequently, further analysis was necessary. ent from the total of the combined extreme categories
Proceed to Step 3b in Option A. Utilizing Option A, it for all of the products 共p = 0.05兲. Additionally, the
is discovered that Product 914 does not have enough number of JAR responses for all products was less
flavor 共p = 0.05, n = 57 关54 共“Not Enough Flavor”兲 ver- than the total of all other responses. This necessitates fol-
sus 3 共“Too Much Flavor”兲兴. lowing with Option A. Hence, the results are consistent
For the attribute Color, all of the products were con- with using Option A only. Product 170 was found to be
sidered just about right in color based on their JAR % much too large 共p = 0.05, n = 65 关24 共“Not Large Enough”兲
which in all cases was significantly larger than the to- versus 41 共“Much Too Large”兲兴. Product 896 also was
tal of the combined extreme categories 共p = 0.05兲. For found to be much too large in Size 共p = 0.05, n = 62 关22
the attribute Size, the JAR % was significantly differ- 共“Not Large Enough”兲 versus 40 共“Much Too Large”兲兴.

TABLE 5—Attribute: Color, option B.

1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8
0.05 Are 1,2,4,5 different Is JARⰇ than
Product Sum Critical than JAR at all others at
Code 1,2,4,5 JAR „or n… Value p = 0.05? p = 0.05? Conclusions
170 11+ 6= 85 102 62 Yes Yes In all cases, same
17 conclusions as in
Percent 16.67 83.33 No further Option A.
896 1+3+4 98 102 62 Yes Yes
Percent 3.92 96.08 No further
914 21+ 0= 81 102 62 Yes Yes
Percent 20.59 79.41 No further

TABLE 6—Attribute: Size, option B.

1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8
0.05 Are 1,2,4,5 different Is JARⰇ than
Product Sum Critical than JAR at all others at
Code 1,2,4,5 JAR „or n… Value p = 0.05? p = 0.05? Conclusions
170 21+ 41 37 102 62 Yes No In all cases, same
=65 conclusions as in
Percent 63.73 36.27 Go to Option A Option A.
896 22+ 40 40 102 62 No No
Percent 60.78 39.22 Go to Option A
914 28+ 42 32 102 62 Yes No
Percent 68.63 31.37 Go to Option A

Fig. 1—Just about right scale: Percent difference from norm 共flowchart for options A and B兲.

Pros and Cons mine the direction for optimization. 共See Fig. 1.兲
This technique does not, by itself, indicate how much of
These analyses cover two situations. If a norm is established,
a physical change in an attribute is necessary in order to op-
Analysis A may be utilized. When a norm JAR % has not es-
tablished, Analysis B may be used. When the responses are timize the product. Neither does this analysis include the ef-
imbalanced, this analysis enables the researcher to deter- fect that other attribute, including Overall Liking, may have

on a particular attribute. These analyses will also suffer mine if it meets that norm and how the product should be
when the JAR values are multi-model in the target popula- modified to meet that norm. When a norm has not been es-
tion. tablished, the second method can be used to evaluate the de-
Recommendation viation from the “Just About Right” value and suggest how
the product can be modified to improve the “Just About
These methods are recommended when the goal is to under- Right” score. Neither method is designed to compare prod-
stand the JAR ratings for a particular product/attribute com- ucts.
bination. When a norm has been established, it will deter-
MNL63-EB/Feb. 2009

Appendix D: The Mean

Lori Rothman1

Introduction and Objectives 2.93 for Thin/Thick appears to be close enough to 3.0 to indi-
cate that the thickness is “Just About Right.” At a mean of
The objective of the mean analysis is to determine if, on aver- 3.36, the Flavor appears to be “Too Strong,” while a mean of
age, the product scores “Just About Right,” or whether there 3.13 for Stickiness may indicate that the product is “Too
is a skew of “Too Much” or “Not Enough” of an attribute. Sticky.” The mean of 2.87 for Color probably indicates that
This method of analysis uses only the JAR data. While calcu- the product is “Too Light.”
lation of the JAR means is completed individually for each
product, these means can be compared 共see Appendixes I Pros and Cons
and J兲. Determining whether the mean is statistically differ-
ent from the scale midpoint is discussed in Appendix F. The benefits of using the scale means include ease of calcula-
tion and the simplicity of examination and interpretation of
Requirements one summary statistic.
The benefits of this analysis are outweighed by the
To conduct an analysis of the mean, the raw data scores for
flawed conclusions that can result from this simplistic ap-
each respondent and product for the attributes of interest
proach. Consider the scale mean of 3.0 for size, which im-
are needed.
plies that the size is “Just Right.” Examination of the distri-
“How to” bution of scores for this attribute indicates a large degree of
bimodality, with 32 % of respondents rating the sample as
Each mean score is calculated by summing up the raw data “Too Large” and 31 % rating the sample as “Too Small.” How
values for each attribute/product combination, and then di- can the sample be considered “Just Right” for size, when
viding the sum by number of responses for that attribute/ nearly two thirds of respondents rate it otherwise? It is this
product combination. The mean is then compared to the failure to account for the distribution of responses that make
“Just About Right” value. For example on a symmetric use of the mean unsuitable for JAR scale analysis.
5-point scale, ranging from 1 to 5, the sample mean would be Another limitation is the use of “eyeball” judgments
compared to the “Just About Right” value of 3. about whether the mean is “close enough” to the scale mid-
Example From Case Study Data point when concluding that the attribute is “Just About
Right.” These judgments often neglect the variability and
Figure 1 displays the frequency distribution and mean of the skewness about the mean. While the mean of 3.36 appears to
JAR ratings for five attributes on product code 458. be solidly in the “Too Strong” area, how confident is the re-
Results and Conclusions searcher that the mean of 2.87 clearly indicates that the
sample is “Too Light.”
The JAR score means for sample 458 for the attributes Size, A third caveat revolves around the finding of a skew in
Color, Amount of Flavor, Thin/Thick, and Stickiness were the data, for example, in the case of the Flavor of sample 458
calculated and are given below. Interpreting the sample having a mean of “Too Strong.” If the researcher makes the
mean for each attribute, a mean of 3.0 for Size implies that Flavor less strong in response to this finding, what will hap-
the average rating for Size is “Just About Right.” A mean of pen to the respondents who rated the product initially as

Fig. 1—Frequency distributions and JAR score means for sample 458.
Kraft Foods, 801 Waukegan Rd., Glenview IL 60025.

Copyright 2009 by ASTM International www.astm.org

“Just Right?” Will they then rate it “Too Weak” after the refor- the data are bimodal, this assumption is violated, making
mulation? Thus, examination of the mean alone does not this an inappropriate analysis. JAR data can be bimodal, in
consider what happens after the skew is adjusted. the presence of consumer segments, which may have differ-
Yet a fourth limitation is that the finding of a difference ent expectations concerning product attribute intensities.
from the “Just About Right” value does not, by itself, indicate Recommendation
that the product was not well liked, nor does it indicate the
effect that the difference has on Overall Liking. Finally, using The use of the mean rating for JAR scale data is recom-
only the mean implies an assumption of normality with a mended only when combined with additional information
known variance, i.e., a bell shaped curve on the responses. If such as examination of the data distribution.
MNL63-EB/Feb. 2009

Appendix E: Mean Direction and Mean

Absolute Deviation
Veronika Jones1

Introduction and Objectives Example from Case Study Data

The mean directional and mean absolute deviations are sta- Table 1 provides a detailed example of the computations for
tistics that can be used to summarize and check the balance Flavor ratings for Code 170 by subjects 49–52. Column 4 of
of JAR data. The JAR data are analyzed separately for each that table displays the ratings, Column 5 subtracts 3, the
product and each attribute. “Just About Right” value for that scale, and Column 6 dis-
The mean directional deviation is the average signed dif- plays the absolute value of that difference. Table 2 summa-
ference of the ratings from the “Just About Right” value. On a rizes the calculations for the Size, Color, Flavor, Thin/Thick,
5-point JAR scale, the mean directional ranges from −2 to +2 and Stickiness attributes for products 170, 896, and 914.
共“Just Right” =0兲. Scores that are closer to −2 indicate that
respondents thought that attribute was “Too Low.” Scores Results and Conclusions
that are closer to +2 indicate that respondents thought that
the attribute was “Too High.” The mean direction deviation From the mean scores shown in Table 2, we can draw the fol-
is a simple shift of the mean, covered in Appendix D. lowing conclusions.
The mean absolute deviation summarizes the spread of • Size: There was not much difference between the
the ratings about the “Just About Right” value. On a 5-point samples and they were close to “Just Right,” though they
scale, the mean absolute deviation ranges from 0, when all may all be slightly too large.
judgments are “Just About Right” to+ 2, when all judgments • Color: Sample 896 was closer to “Just Right” than the
are at one or the other extreme end of the scale. Unlike per- other samples. Sample 914 was too light.
cent “Just-Right” scores, absolute deviations can be calcu- • Flavor: Sample 896 was closer to just right than the
lated for each individual and the mean absolute deviation other samples; sample 914 was the farthest from “Just
analyzed by any of the standard parametric statistical proce- Right.” Sample 914 did not have enough flavor.
dures. • Thin/Thick: Sample 896 was the closest to Just Right;
The mean absolute deviation summarizes the average sample 914 was the farthest from “Just Right.” Sample
distance to the “Just About Right” value while the mean di- 914 was too thick and the other two samples were
rectional deviation summarizes the average direction the at- slightly too thin.
tribute is from the “Just About Right” value 共i.e., “Too Low or • Stickiness: There was not much difference between the
Too High”兲. samples; sample 896 was slightly closer to just right than
the other two samples. Sample 914 was slightly not
Requirements sticky enough and samples 170 and 896 were slightly too
To calculate the mean directional and absolute values you sticky.
must have the distribution of the JAR scores for each • Product Comparisons
product/attribute combination. • Sample 896 was the closest to just right for all of the
attributes compared to the other two samples.
“How to” • Sample 914 was the farthest from just right for most
attributes. It was too light, it did not have enough fla-
Mean Directional Deviation vor, it was too thick and it was not sticky enough.
1兲 Compute the mean score. • Sample 170 was nearly “Just Right” but it was not as
2兲 Subtract the “Just About Right” value for the scale. satisfactory to respondents as sample was 896.

Mean Absolute Deviation Pros and Cons

1兲 Subtract the “Just About Right” value from each score.
2兲 Compute the absolute value of each difference This analysis provides a measure of the spread around the
3兲 Average the absolute values over assessors. “Just About Right” value and the direction of the average de-

TABLE 1—Example of directional deviation and absolute deviation scores for respondents 49-52
for Amount of Flavor JAR.
Resp. # Serve Code # Amount of Flavor Directional dev. Absolute dev.
49 4 170 4 1 1
50 4 170 2 −1 1
51 4 170 3 0 0
52 4 170 5 2 2

Fonterra Reserch Center, Private Bag 11 029, Dairy Farm Road, Palmerston North, New Zealand.

Copyright 2009 by ASTM International www.astm.org

TABLE 2—Mean directional and mean absolute scores for example data set.
Size Color Flavor Thin/Thick Stickiness

Sample Directional Absolute Directional Absolute Directional Absolute Directional Absolute Directional Absolute
170 0.22 0.75 −0.05 0.17 0.07 0.42 −0.08 0.18 0.14 0.22
896 0.24 0.73 0.02 0.04 0.09 0.19 −0.07 0.13 0.14 0.16
914 0.10 0.82 −0.21 0.21 −0.56 0.62 0.17 0.25 −0.03 0.21

viation from that value. The latter can be used to suggest di- Recommendation
rections for improvements.
A potential limitation of the deviation statistic is the This analysis is useful in summarizing the average shift and
two-step computation required for the deviation statistic. spread from the “Just About Right” value on a JAR scale.,
While that may be trivial in packages such as SAS, SPSS, R, However, it does not provide any statistical means to judge
and JMP, it requires extra programming in systems such as
the differences among products or the inherent variability in
Excel. This analysis could be improved by a graphical dis-
the measures.
MNL63-EB/Feb. 2009

Appendix F: Mean versus Scale Mid-Point

Sandra Pitts1

Introduction and Objective TABLE 1—Mean Scores for five products for
This method describes a statistical procedure to compare a
five JAR attributes. N = 102. Mean scores in
single mean to its JAR scale mid-point. It will determine if a bold are significantly different from the mid-
product attribute is perceived to be significantly different scale point of 3.0, at ␣ = 0.05.
from the ideal. When an attribute is significantly different Amount of Thickness
from the mid-point, conclusions can also be made about the Product Code Size Color Flavor Thin/Thick Stickiness
direction of the difference. 170 3.2 3.0 3.1 2.9 3.1
This analysis is designed to compare a single product/ 458 3.0 2.9 3.4 2.9 3.1
523 3.2 2.9 3.2 2.9 3.1
attribute combination to its center-point, and is not appro-
896 3.2 3.0 3.1 2.9 3.1
priate for the comparisons across products or attributes.
914 3.1 2.8 2.4 3.2 3.0
Comparisons among multiple products in the same test are
limited to statements as to how they each relate to the JAR
scale mid-point or “Ideal” value. Note that the “Ideal” value
refers to the JAR scale mid-point, and is not related to a spe- TABLE 2—t-test comparison of JAR mean
cific gold standard product. scores versus scale mid-point for five prod-
ucts for five attributes „p-values by
Requirements attribute….
The method requires the individual JAR ratings of each as- Amount of Thickness
sessor. It is assumed that the scale values are coded as con- Product Code Size Color Flavor Thin/Thick Stickiness
secutive integers 共e.g., 1 through 5 for the commonly used 170 0.026 0.227 0.329 0.059 0.004
458 1.000 0.001 0.000 0.163 0.023
symmetrical 5-point JAR scale兲.
523 0.106 0.134 0.001 0.004 0.001
“How to” 896 0.015 0.320 0.049 0.070 0.001
914 0.347 0.000 0.000 0.001 0.551
First, examine the frequencies of distribution of the raw JAR
data for each product. If the data appear approximately uni-
modal for each product, proceed with the analysis. Other- Product 523 could be considered “Just About Right” for
wise, when the data appear bimodal, consider an alternate Size and Amount of Color, and was perceived to be “Too
analysis. High” in Flavor Intensity, and “Too Thin” and “Too Sticky” as
Subtract the scale mid-point value from the raw data compared to the “Ideal.”
共e.g., 3.0 on a 5-point 1–5 scale兲. Analyze these data using a Product 896 could be considered “Just About Right” for
one-sample, two-tailed t-test at the desired confidence level Amount of Color and Thickness, and was perceived as “Too
共e.g., 95 %兲. The analysis may be performed using Excel, Large,” “Too High” in Flavor Intensity, and “Too Sticky” as
SAS, MiniTab, SPSS, or another general statistical software compared to the “Ideal.”
package with t-test capabilities. Product 914 could be considered “Just About Right” for
Case Study Data Examples Size and Stickiness, and was considered Too Low in Color,
“Too Low” in Flavor Intensity, and “Too Thick” as compared
The tables below summarize the mean scores and the -p val- to the “Ideal.”
ues from a one-sample t-test for all of the attributes and
products in the Case Study. For each attribute-product com- Pros and Cons
bination, the individual ratings were compared to the JAR This is a simple analysis to perform, and can provide guid-
mid-point of 3.0. Recall that lack of significance does not ance to product development on how directional changes to
prove equivalence, only that the data are not sufficient to re- a product attribute might increase its acceptability. This
ject the hypothesis of equivalence. method is reasonable to use when there is no established
Results and Conclusions norm for the expected percentage of “Just About Right” re-
See Tables 1 and 2. Product 170 could be considered “Just This method assumes a normal distribution of re-
About Right” for Amount of Color, Amount of Flavor and sponses. Distribution of responses should be examined be-
Thickness, and was perceived to be “Too Large” in Size and fore performing this procedure 共i.e., review the frequencies
“Too Sticky” as compared to the “Ideal.” of distributions either as a table of numerical values or as a
Product 458 could be considered “Just About Right” for histogram兲; if there is a bimodal distribution, then a simple
Size and Thickness, and was perceived to be “Too Low” in test of the mean is generally not appropriate 共see Appendix
Color, “Too High” in Flavor Intensity, and “Too Sticky” as D兲.
compared to the “Ideal.” Comparison of the means to the scale mid-point pro-
Compusense Inc., 679 Southgate Drive, Guelph ON, Canada N1 G 4S2.

Copyright 2009 by ASTM International www.astm.org

vides directional guidance on product changes; additional quired in order to compare two or more products.
data are required to draw conclusions about the absolute
amount of change for the specified attribute to increase con-
sumer acceptability. This method of analysis is recommended when there is only
This method does not allow direct comparisons among JAR data available from a unimodal population, to allow
samples; additional analyses 共see Appendix J兲 would be re- comparison of individual product attributes to the “Ideal.”
MNL63-EB/Feb. 2009

Appendix G: Methods for Determining

Whether JAR Distributions are Similar Among
Products „Chi-Square, Cochran-Mantel-
Haenszel „CMH…, Stuart-Maxwell, McNemar…
Carl Fritz1

General Introduction and Objectives the CMH and Stuart-Maxwell methods that is used for two
products and exactly two response categories 共e.g. “Just
The following methods can each be used to determine Right” and “Not Just Right” or “Too Thick” and “Not Too
whether JAR score distributions are similar among a set of Thick”兲. The test statistics for the CMH, Stuart-Maxwell, and
products: McNemar tests are identical for the situation where there are
• Chi-square method two products and two scale categories.
• Cochran-Mantel-Haenszel 共CMH兲 method 关1兴, 关2兴 These methods are appropriate for either complete
• Stuart-Maxwell method 关3兴 block designs, where each assessor evaluates a sample of
• McNemar method 关4兴 each product or for unblocked designs where each assessor
The chi-square method and CMH method are the most evaluates a sample共s兲 of a single product. The hypothesis be-
general of the four methods listed above. Both methods can ing tested are, for the most part, general. More powerful
be used for comparing JAR score distributions among any techniques, such as ordinal logistic regression, may be ap-
number of products for any number of JAR scale categories. propriate for specific hypotheses; see Table 1.
The chi-square method differs from the other three methods
with respect to the design of the consumer test for which it
All four of the methods require that the distributions of re-
can be used. The use of the chi-square method requires inde-
sponses by category be available.
pendence among the assessors’ responses. This limits the
use of the chi-square method to situations where different Cochran-Mantel-Haenszel „CMH… Method
groups of assessors evaluate each product.
The CMH, Stuart-Maxwell, and McNemar methods are The Cochran-Mantel-Haenszel 共CMH兲 method can be used
all appropriate when the assessors evaluate all of the prod- for determining whether there are statistically significant
ucts. These methods provide an increased level of power differences in JAR score distributions among two or more
over the chi-square method by taking advantage of the posi- products when each product has been evaluated by each as-
tive correlation that typically exists among an individual as- sessor. It tests the homogeneity of the JAR scale across prod-
sessor’s ratings on two or more products evaluated during ucts, after controlling 共blocking兲 for the differences among
the same consumer test. the assessors.
The CMH method can be used to test the equality of JAR
score distributions for multiple products using JAR scales Objectives of the Analysis
with mulitple categories. The Stuart-Maxwell method is a The CMH method tests either the null hypothesis that there
special case of the CMH method and is used to compare JAR are no differences in the distributions of JAR scores across
score distributions of two products for JAR scale with mul- the products or the null hypothesis that there is no difference
tiple categories. The McNemar method is a special case of in mean JAR scores across the products.

TABLE 1—Summary of methods for comparing JAR distributions

among products.
2 Products 3 or More Products

3 or More 3 or More
2 JAR Scale JAR Scale 2 JAR Scale JAR Scale
Test format Method Categories Caterories Categories Caterories
Each assessor CMR X X X X
evaluates all products Stuart-Maxwell X X
McNemar X
Different assessors Chi-square X X X X
evaluate each product

Statistical Consultant, 15 Crammer Lane, Hillsborough, NJ 08844.

Copyright 2009 by ASTM International www.astm.org

Hypothesis 1: General Association Example 2

This form of the CMH tests the null hypothesis that the dis-
Frequency of responses
trubtion of JAR scores is the same across all products after
adjusting for differences between raters. It treats the JAR “Not Enough” “Just Right” “Too Much”
scale as an unordered 共nominal兲 scale. The alternative hy- 共1兲 共2兲 共3兲 Mean
pothesis of general association is that at least one of the Product A 5 60 35 2.3
products differs on at least one of the JAR scale categories. Product B 20 60 20 2.0
This form of the test should be used when the researcher Product C 35 60 5 1.7
wants to determine whether the distributions of JAR scores
differ among the products without stating the specific pat-
Requirements for the Analysis
tern of differences. The null hypothesis will be rejected if the
To use the CMH method for analyzing data from JAR scales,
distribution of responses for one product is sufficiently dif-
the individual JAR scores from each assessor for each prod-
ferent than the distribution of responses for another product
uct must be available. Each product included in the analysis
regardless of whether the mean responses for the products
must have been evaluated by each assessor. Additionally, like
are different.
its continuous counterpart, the Randomized Complete
Hypothesis 2: Different Mean Responses Block design, the validity of this analysis requires that cer-
tain additivity or homogeneity requirements are met.
This form of the CMH tests the null hypothesis that the mean
JAR scores are constant across the products. The alternative
hypothesis is that at least one of the products has a different Details of the Analysis
mean score from the rest. This form of the test is used when Several commercially available statistical computer pro-
the researcher wishes to test the equality of the weighted or grams such as SAS 关5兴 and JMP can be used to perform the
unweighted means. analysis for the CMH methods. There are no simple formu-
Either one or both of the alternative hypotheses could las for hand calculation available for computing the CMH
be of interest to the researcher in a particular study. It is ap- statistics, and the use of a computer program is recom-
propriate to test both alternative hypotheses in the same mended. The mathematical details that are necessary to ex-
study if the researcher is interested in both hypotheses. plain the formulas that are used in the CMH methods can be
The following examples may help the researcher under- found in Refs. 关1兴, 关2兴, and 关5兴.
stand the distinction between the two alternative hypoth- To conduct the CMH tests, assign a numerical code to
eses. In both examples, the “Not Enough,” “Just Right,” and each category of the JAR scale. If the scale contains more
“Too Much” categories of a 3-point JAR scale are coded as 1, than three categories, the analyses can be performed one of
2, and 3, respectively. Example 1 illustrates a situation where two ways: 1兲 using all of the original scale categories, or 2兲 by
there are differences among the products in the number of combining the categories on each side of the midpoint to cre-
responses in each of the JAR scale categories, but there are ate a three-category scale 共e.g., “Too Little,” “Just Right,”
no differences in mean responses among the products. “Too Much”兲.
When testing the null hypothesis of no general associa-
tion, the analysis treats the JAR categories as nominal data
Example 1 values, so any numerical or text codes can be used for the cat-
egories as long as each category is assigned a different code.
Frequency of responses
When testing the null hypothesis of common means
“Not Enough” “Just Right” “Too Much” across the products, the numerical values assigned to the
共1兲 共2兲 共3兲 Mean scale levels are used to order the levels. Additionally, for
Product A 10 80 10 2.0 simple means, the values are used to form the means them-
Product B 15 70 15 2.0 selves. Often the values are assigned as ordered integers. For
Product C 20 60 20 2.0 a 3-point JAR scale, two common approaches are to assign
codes of 兵1, 2, 3其 or 兵−1 , 0 , 1其 to the “Not Enough,” “Just
In Example 1, the null hypothesis of identical frequency Right,” and “Too Much” categories, respectively. For a
distributions would be rejected. There are statistically sig- 5-point JAR scale, a researcher could use either 兵1,2,3,4,5其 or
nificant differences among the products in the distribution 兵−2 , −1 , 0 , 1 , 2其 as codes for the categories. Optionally, other
of responses across the JAR scale categories 共p ⬍ 0.0001兲, but forms of optimal weights 共e.g., ridit weights兲 may be avail-
there are no significant differences among products in the able in the statistical analysis program. Details of these scor-
mean responses. For details on how to perform the CMH ing methods are beyond the scope of this document.
test, see the case study examples on the following pages. The assessors’ responses can be summarized in an r by c
Example 2 illustrates a situation where there are statisti- contingency table where r = number of products 共rows兲 and c
cally significant differences in both the mean responses = number of scale categories 共columns兲. The body of the con-
among the products and in the number of responses in each tingency table shows the frequency of responses for each
of the scale categories. scale category for each product 共see below兲.

c = 3 columns CMH
“Not Enough” “Just Right” “Too Much” Alternative Hypothesis DF Value p-value
共1兲 共2兲 共3兲
Row Mean Scores Differ 2 24.53 ⬍0.0001
Product A 5 60 35
General Association 4 29.94 ⬍0.0001
r = 3 rows Product B 20 60 20
Product C 35 60 5 Attribute= JAR Amt. Frequency
Product 1 2 3 Total
The CMH statistic for testing the hypothesis of general 170 16 63 23 102
association follows a chi-square distribution with degrees of 896 5 84 13 102
freedom= 共products-1兲 ⫻ 共columns-1兲. The CMH statistic for 914 54 45 3 102
testing the hypothesis of differences in mean responses be-
tween the products follows a chi-square distribution with CMH
degrees of freedom= products-1.
Alternative Hypothesis DF Value p-value
Row Mean Scores Differ 2 63.98 ⬍0.0001
Case Study Data Examples General Association 4 77.77 ⬍0.0001
For analysis of the case study data, the 5-point JAR scale was
collapsed to three categories by combining the two catego- Attribute= JAR Thin/Thick Frequency
ries on the “Not Enough” side of the midpoint and by com- Product 1 2 3 Total
bining the two categories on the “Too Much” side of the mid-
point. 170 13 84 5 102
The following program statements can be used in the 896 9 90 3 102
SAS software program to perform the CMH methods: 914 4 77 21 102

proc freq; CMH

by attribute;
tables product * category / norow Alternative Hypothesis DF Value p-value
nocol nopercent;
Row Mean Scores Differ 2 23.73 ⬍0.0001
tables assessor * product *
category/ cmh noprint; General Association 4 29.70 ⬍0.0001
Attribute= JAR Stickiness Frequency
The first “tables” statement creates a summary table Product 1 2 3 Total
that shows the frequency of responses in each category for
each product. The second “tables” statement performs the 170 4 81 17 102
CMH tests for general association and for differences in 896 1 87 14 102
mean responses. 914 10 82 9 102

Results CMH
Attribute= JAR Size Frequency Alternative Hypothesis DF Value p-value
Product 1 2 3 Total Row Mean Scores Differ 2 7.51 0.023
170 24 37 41 102 General Association 4 11.13 0.025
896 22 40 40 102
The CMH analysis can also be done with the JMP soft-
914 28 32 42 102
ware program by requesting a contingency table analysis
within the “Fit Y By X” platform. Variables that represent the
products and the JAR attributes should be defined as either
Alternative Hypothesis DF Value p-value nominal or ordinal variables in order for the analysis to pro-
Row Mean Scores Differ 2 0.174 0.916 duce the correct test.
General Association 4 1.691 0.792
Conclusions from the Analysis
Attribute= JAR Color Frequency There are no statistically significant differences among the
three products in the distributions of the assessors’ scores on
Product 1 2 3 Total the JAR scale for the size attribute. For the color, amount of
170 11 85 6 102 flavor, thickness, and stickiness attributes there are statisti-
896 1 98 3 102 cally significant differences between at least two of the prod-
ucts in the distributions of JAR scores and in the mean re-
914 21 81 0 102
sponses. For the four attributes where significant differences

were found, a recommended follow-up analysis would be to or more products when the products are all evaluated by the
repeat the CMH method for subsets of two products at a time same group of assessors. If each product is evaluated by a
to determine which pairs of products have significantly dif- different group of assessors, then this method is not appro-
ferent distributions of scores. This approach is equivalent to priate and a chi-square method or more general technique,
using the Stuart-Maxwell method as a follow-up procedure such as an ordinal regression should be used.
to the CMH method for determining whether the distribu-
tions of scores differ between two products. Stuart-Maxwell Method
The Stuart-Maxwell method can be used to compare the dis-
Benefits of the Analysis tribution of JAR scores from two products when each asses-
The CMH method allows the researcher to determine sor evaluates each product. For example, the researcher may
whether there are significant differences in JAR score distri- want to know whether there is a difference between two
butions among two or more products. Other approaches products in the proportion of scores in the “Too Much” cat-
such as the McNemar test and the Stuart-Maxwell test are egory or in the “Just Right” category. The Stuart-Maxwell
only suitable for testing for differences in distributions be- method is a special form of the more general CMH method
tween two products. The CMH method allows the researcher discussed above 关b兴.
to analyze data from JAR scales having more than three cat-
egories. The McNemar test requires that the data be com- Objectives of the Analysis
bined into two categories. The CMH method provides more The null hypothesis of the Stuart-Maxwell method is that the
power 共i.e., a higher probability that a statistically significant JAR score distributions for two products are identical. The
difference is found when one of the alternative hypotheses alternative hypothesis is that there is a difference in the dis-
are true兲 than the chi-square method when the same asses- tribution of JAR scores between two products. If there are
sors evaluate all products by taking advantage of the positive more than two products, the Stuart-Maxwell method can be
correlation that typically occurs when individual assessor’s used as a follow-up test after the Cochran-Mantel-Haenszel
rate two or more products during the same test session. 共CMH兲 method has determined that there are differences in
the JAR score distributions among the products. In this situ-
Caveats ation, the Stuart-Maxwell method is used to determine
The CMH method is not available in some statistical analysis which pairs of products have significantly different JAR
computer programs. If the CMH method is not available, an score distributions.
alternative approach is to use the Stuart-Maxwell test to ana-
lyze two products at a time. Use of the CMH method is lim- Requirements for the Analysis
ited to complete block test designs where each assessor To use the Stuart-Maxwell method, both products must have
evaluates all of the products in the test. been evaluated by the same assessors. The data must first be
arranged in a table that lists the number of assessors that
Recommendations gave the same rating on the JAR scale to Product A and Prod-
The CMH method is appropriate for determining whether uct B and the number of assessors that gave different ratings
there are differences in JAR score distributions among two to Product A and Product B as shown below.

Rating on Product B
Rating on Product A “Too Little” “Just Right” “Too Much” Totals
“Too Little” n11 n12 n13 n1
“Just Right” n21 n22 n23 n2
“Too Much” n31 n32 n33 n3
Column Totals n.1 n.2 n.3

n11 ⫽ number of assessors that gave the rating “Too Little” to both products,
n12 ⫽ number of assessors that gave a rating of “Too Little” to Product A and a rating of “Just Right” to Product
n1. ⫽ number of assessors that gave the rating “Too Little” to Product A
n.1 ⫽ number of assessors that gave the rating “Too Little” to Product B

Details of the Analysis

First, calculate the difference in the number of ratings in each scale category 共e.g., “Too Little,” JAR, “Too Much”兲 between the
two products as follows:

d1 = n1. − n.1 d2 = n2. − n.2 d3 = n3. − n.3

Next, compute the test statistic:


0.5共n12 + n21兲d32 + 0.5共n13 + n31兲d22 + 0.5共n23 + n32兲d12

␹2 =
2兵0.25共n12 + n21兲共n13 + n31兲 + 0.25共n12 + n21兲共n23 + n32兲 + 0.25共n13 + n31兲共n23 + n32兲其
Then, compare ␹2 to a value from the chi-square table with 2 degrees of freedom 共df兲 at the desired significance level.
Note: The above formula for ␹2 is specific to the situation where the JAR scale contains three categories. If the JAR scale
contains more than three categories, computation of the test statistic requires inversion of a matrix. The formula for computing
the test statistic in this case is given in the reference for Stuart 共1955兲. Since the Stuart-Maxwell method is a special case of the
CMH method, an alternative approach is to use a statistical computer program that performs the CMH method.

Case Study Data Example

Attribute= JAR Amt. Flavor

Rating on Product 896

Rating on Product 170 “Too Little” “Just Right” “Too Much” Totals
“Too Little” 3 11 2 16
“Just Right” 1 60 2 63
“Too Much” 1 13 9 23
Column Totals 5 84 13

d1 = 16 − 5 = 11 d2 = 63 − 84 = − 21 d3 = 23 − 13 = 10

共1/2兲共11 + 1兲102 + 共1/2兲共2 + 1兲共− 21兲2 + 共1/2兲共2 + 13兲112

␹2 = = 16.62
2兵共1/4兲共11 + 1兲共2 + 1兲 + 共1/4兲共11 + 1兲共2 + 13兲 + 共1/4兲共2 + 1兲共2 + 13兲其

The test statistic 16.62 is greater than the critical value of for computing the test statistic without the use of a com-
13.82 from a chi-square distribution table with 2 degrees of puter.
freedom at the 0.001 significance level. This indicates that
there is a statistically significant difference between prod- Caveats
ucts 170 and 896 in the JAR scale distributions for amount of The Stuart-Maxwell method is not available by name in most
flavor. common statistical analysis computer programs. However,
since the Stuart-Maxwell method is a special case of the
Conclusion from the Analysis CMH method, any software program that performs the
The conclusion that there is a statistically significant differ- CMH method will provide the Stuart-Maxwell method as
ence in JAR score distributions for amount of flavor between well. As with the CMH method, this method also requires
Product 170 and Product 896 does not tell the researcher certain homogeneity assumptions to be valid.
how the JAR score distributions differ. The researcher can
often determine how the distributions differ simply by look- Recommendations
ing at the table of frequencies. In this example, product 896 The Stuart-Maxwell method can be used to compare the JAR
received more scores than product 170 in the “Just Right” score distributions of two products when the products are all
category 共84 versus 63兲. A follow-up analysis that may be of evaluated by the same group of assessors. If each product is
interest to the researcher is to combine the responses in the evaluated by a different group of assessors, then this method
“Too Little” and “Too Much” categories and use the is not appropriate and a chi-square method or more general
McNemar method to determine whether there is a difference technique such as an ordinal regression should be used.
in the number of “Just Right” and “Not Just Right” responses
between the two products. This follow-up analysis will tell
McNemar Method
the researcher whether or not a significantly higher propor- The McNemar method can be used for determining whether
tion of assessors gave ratings of “Just Right” to one product there are differences in JAR score distributions between two
than the other. products when data from the JAR scale have been combined
into two categories. The McNemar method is appropriate
Benefits of the Analysis when both products have been evaluated by the same asses-
The Stuart-Maxwell method allows the researcher to deter- sors.
mine whether there is a significant difference in JAR score
distributions between two products in the situation where Objectives of the Analysis
the JAR scale contains three or more categories and each as- The null hypothesis tested by the McNemar method is that
sessor evaluated both products. Another approach, the Mc- the proportions of JAR scores in the two categories are equal
Nemar test, requires that the data be combined into two cat- for the two products being compared. The alternate hypoth-
egories. The Stuart-Maxwell method provides more esis is that the proportions for the two products are different.
precision than the chi-square method for testing situations The McNemar method is typically used to determine
where the same assessors evaluate all products. When the whether there are differences in the JAR score distributions
JAR scale contains three categories, formulas are available between two products when ratings on the JAR scale have

been combined into two categories in one of the following proc freq;
ways: by attribute;
• “Too Little” and “Too Much” ratings combined to create tables product * category /
the categories “Just Right” and “Not Just Right” agree;
• “Too Little” and “Just Right” ratings combined to create
exact mcnem;
the categories “Too Little or Just Right” and “Too Much”
• “Just Right” and “Too Much” ratings combined to create run;
the categories “Too Little” and “Just Right or Too Much”
The McNemar test can be used as a follow-up test after a The “agree” option provides the McNemar test. The
statistically significant outcome from either the Cochran “mcnem” keyword in the “exact” statement provides the ex-
Mantel Haenszel 共CMH兲 method or the Stuart-Maxwell act test based on the cumulative binomial distribution.
method in order to determine how the distributions of Since the McNemar method is a special case of the CMH
JAR scores differ between two products. method, the McNemar test can also be done with the JMP
software program by requesting a contingency table analysis
within the “Fit Y By X” platform. Variables that represent the
Requirements for the Analysis products and the JAR attributes should be defined as either
To use the McNemar method, both products must have been
nominal or ordinal variables in order for the analysis to pro-
evaluated by the same assessors. The data must first be ar-
duce the correct test. In the output window, refer to the re-
ranged in a table that lists the number of assessors that gave
sults for the CMH test 关7兴.
the same rating on the JAR scale to Product A and Product B
The McNemar method can also be performed with the
and the number of assessors that gave different ratings to
SPSS software program by choosing either of the following
Product A and Product B as shown below. The example be-
two menu paths:
low shows the data arrangement when the scale values have
• Analyze / Descriptive Statistics/ Crosstabs/click the “Sta-
been combined to create the two categories “Just Right” and
tistics” button and choose “McNemar” or
“Not Just Right.”
• Analyze / Nonparametric Tests / 2 Related Samples / se-
Rating on Product B lect the box labeled “McNemar”

Rating on Product A “Just Right” “Not Just Right” Case Study Data Example
“Just Right” n11 n12 In the following example, the McNemar test is used as a
follow-up test to the Stuart-Maxwell method for the at-
“Not Just Right” n21 n22
tribute “JAR Amt. Flavor” to determine whether there is a
difference between Products 170 and 896 in the distribution
of JAR ratings when the ratings are combined into the two
n11 ⫽ number of assessors that gave the rating
categories “Just Right” and “Not Just Right.” Please refer to
“Just Right” to both products
the section of this document that describes the Stuart-
n12 ⫽ number of assessors that gave the rating
Maxwell method for details on the Stuart-Maxwell method.
“Just Right” to Product A and the rating
Attribute= JAR Amt. Flavor
“Not Just Right” to Product B
n21 ⫽ numberof assessors that gave the rating Rating on Product 896
“Just Right” to Product B and the rating
“Not Just Right” to Product A Rating on Product 170 “Just Right” “Not Just Right”
n22 ⫽ number of assessors that gave the rating “Just Right” 60 3
“Not Just Right” to both products
“Not Just Right” 24 15

Details of the Analysis 共兩3 − 24兩 − 1兲2

To determine whether the number of responses in the two ␹2 = = 14.81
categories differs significantly between the two products, 3 + 24
first calculate the McNemar test statistic: The test statistic 14.81 is greater than the tabled value of
10.83 from the chi-square distribution with 1 df at the 0.001
significance level.
共兩n12 − n21兩 − 1兲2
␹2 = .
n12 + n21 Conclusion from the Analysis
There is a statistically significant difference between Prod-
Then, compare ␹2 to a table of the chi-square distribution uct 170 and Product 896 in the proportion of assessors that
with 1 df at the desired significance level. rated the products “Just Right” for Amount of Flavor.
Note: When n12 and/or n21 are small 共say, n12 + n21 ⬍ 10兲,
then the McNemar test statistic ␹2 is not well approximated Benefits of the Analysis
by the chi-square distribution. A two-tailed exact test based The McNemar method allows the researcher to determine
on the cumulative binomial distribution is recommended in- whether there is a significant difference in JAR score distri-
stead 共see SAS code below兲. butions between two products when JAR scale values have
The following program statements can be used in the been combined into two categories and each assessor has
SAS software program to perform the McNemar method: evaluated both products. The McNemar method provides

more precision than the chi-square method for testing situa- JAR scale category
tions where the same assessors evaluate all products. The “Too Little” “Just Right” “Too Much” Totals
computation of the McNemar test statistic is easily done
Product A n11 n12 n13 n1.
without a computer.
Product B n21 n22 n23 n2.
Product C n31 n32 n33 n3.
Column Totals n.1 n.2 n.3 n..
One disadvantage of the McNemar method is that the analy-
sis accommodates only two scale categories per product. As where n11 = number of assessors that gave the rating
with the CMH method, this method also requires certain ho- “Too Little” to Product A n1.= number of assessors that
mogeneity assumptions to be valid. rated Product A n.1 = sum of the number of ratings of
“Too Little” for all products n.. = sum of the number of
Recommendations ratings in all JAR categories for all products
The McNemar method is recommended for use when two
Details of the Analysis
products are being compared, the JAR scale have been col-
Most statistical software programs have the capability of
lapsed to two categores and each assessor has evaluated a performing the chi-square test. If the appropriate computer
sample from both products. If each product is evaluated by a software is not available, the calculations needed to perform
different group of assessors, then this method is not appro- the chi-square test can easily be done by hand as follows
priate and a chi-square method or more general technique 1. Compute the expected number of responses in each JAR
such as an ordinal regression should be used. scale category for each product:

Chi-square Method 共ni.兲共n.j兲

eij =
The chi-square method is appropriate when each assessor
eij = expected number of responses in category j for the
evaluates only one product and the researcher wishes to
ith product
compare the distribution of JAR scores across two or more 2. Compute the test statistic by using the observed number
products. of responses and expected number in each JAR scale
category for each product as shown below. The sum is
Objectives of the Analysis taken over all products and all scale categories:
The chi-square method can be used to test the null hypoth- 共observed − expected兲2 共nij − eij兲2
esis that there are no differences in the distributions of JAR ␹2 = ⌺ =⌺
expected eij
scores among the products. The alternative hypothesis is
that at least one product is different from the others on this 3. Compare ␹2 to the critical value from a table of the chi-
JAR scale. For example, one product may have a higher pro- square distribution at the desired significance level with
portion of scores in the “Just Right” category than another degrees of freedom equal to 共number of products− 1兲
product. ⫻ 共number of scale categories− 1兲 共for chi-square table,
see Appendix B of Ref. 关8兴兲.

Requirements for the Analysis Case Study Data Examples

This analysis method requires that the assessors’ ratings are Attribute= JAR Amt. Flavor
independent. This usually implies that a different group of
assessors evaluates each product. Note that it may be pos- Number of responses in each category
sible to structure the testing so that assessors’ ratings of mul- 共expected values in parentheses兲
tiple products behave as if they are independent 共for in- Product Too Little Just Right Too Much Totals
stance, by separating the evaluations of products by a long 170 16 63 23 102
enough period of time that assessors will not recall their 共25兲 共64兲 共13兲
prior evaluations兲. 896 5 84 13 102
To use the chi-square method it is not necessary to have 共25兲 共64兲 共13兲
the assessors’ individual responses available. It is only neces-
914 54 45 3 102
sary to know the total number of responses in each category
共25兲 共64兲 共13兲
of the JAR scale for each product as shown below.
Totals 75 192 39 306

共16 − 25兲2 共63 − 64兲2 共23 − 13兲2

Test statistic = + +
25 64 13
共23 − 13兲2
+ ¯ +
= 80.17

Next, compare the test statistic to the critical value 共63 − 73.5兲2 共39 − 28.5兲2 共84 − 73.5兲2
from a table of the chi-square distribution at the Test statistic = + +
73.5 28.5 73.5
desired level of significance with degrees
of freedom equal to 共No. of products− 1兲 共18 − 28.5兲2
⫻ 共No. of JAR scale categories used in the analysis− 1兲. 28.5
The test statistic 80.17 above is greater than the tabled = 10.74
value of 18.47 from the chi-square distribution with
共three products− 1兲 ⫻ 共three scale categories− 1兲 The test statistic 10.74 is greater than the tabled value
= 4 degrees of freedom at the 0.001 significance level. of 7.88 from the chi-square distribution with 1 df
共for chi-square table, see Appendix B of Ref. 关8兴. 共2 products− 1兲 ⫻ 共2 scale categories− 1兲 at the 0.005
Since this test indicates that there is a statistically sig- significance level.
nificant difference in the JAR score distributions among the
three products, the researcher may then want to do a Conclusions from the Analysis
follow-up test to determine whether there is a significant dif- There is a statistically significant difference in JAR scale dis-
ference in the JAR score distributions between products 170 tributions for Amount of Flavor among the three products 共p
and 896. The first step is to create a subtable for Products 170 ⬍ 0.001兲.
and 896. Then compute the expected number of responses Based on the first follow-up analysis, the JAR scale dis-
for each product in each JAR scale category. tributions for Products 170 and 896 are significantly differ-
ent 共p ⬍ 0.005兲.
Number of responses in each category Based on the second follow-up analysis where JAR scale
共expected values in parentheses兲 categories were combined, there is a statistically significant
Product “Too Little” “Just Right” “Too Much” Totals difference in the proportion of “Just Right” ratings between
products 170 and 896.
170 16 63 23 102
共10.5兲 共73.5兲 共18兲
Benefits of the Analysis
896 5 84 13 102 The chi-square method allows the researcher to determine
共10.5兲 共73.5兲 共18兲 whether there are significant differences in JAR score distri-
Totals 21 147 36 204 butions between any number of products for any number of
JAR scale categories in situations where assessors’ ratings of
the products are independent. When significant differences
共16 − 10.5兲2 共63 − 73.5兲2 共23 − 18兲2 in JAR scale distributions are found, follow-up analyses can
Test statistic = + + be done using the chi-square method to explore those differ-
10.5 73.5 18
ences further. The chi-square method is available in most
共13 − 18兲2 statistical software programs, but the computations needed
+ ¯ +
18 to carry out the method can easily be done without the use of
a computer if the appropriate software is not available.
= 11.54
Some researchers use the chi-square method instead of the
The test statistic 11.54 is greater than the tabled value CMH, Stuart-Maxwell, or McNemar methods to test for dif-
of 10.60 from the chi-square distribution with 2 df ferences in JAR score distributions between two or more
共2 products− 1兲 ⫻ 共3 scale categories− 1兲 at the 0.005 products, regardless of whether the assessors each evaluate
significance level. only one product or all of the products. This is generally in-
Finally, suppose the researcher wants to determine valid. The chi-square test requires that the assessors’ ratings of
whether the proportion of responses in the “Just Right” cat- the products be independent. In studies where the same asses-
egory is the same for Products 170 and 896. First, create a sor evaluates more than one product, individual assessor re-
subtable for Products 170 and 896 with the responses for the sponses on multiple products are often positively correlated.
“Too Little” and “Too Much” categories combined 共see be- The CMH, Stuart-Maxwell and McNemar methods take this
low兲. Then compute the expected number of responses for correlation into account, but the chi-square method does
each product in each cateogory. not. For this reason, the CMH, Stuart-Maxwell, or McNemar
methods are more sensitive than the chi-square method
Number of responses in each category when the responses for each assessor are positively corre-
共expected values in parentheses兲 lated. If assessors’ ratings of the products are positively cor-
related, then the p-values from the chi-square method are
Product “Just Right” “Not Just Right” Totals
higher than p-values from the CMH, Stuart-Maxwell, or Mc-
170 63 39 102 Nemar tests. Therefore, when the chi-square test is used in a
共73.5兲 共28.5兲 situation where each assessor evaluates two or more of the
896 84 18 102 products in the study, there is a possibility that differences in
共73.5兲 共28.5兲 the distributions of JAR ratings among products will be de-
clared as non-significant when statistically significant differ-
Totals 147 57 204
ences really do exist.

Recommendations 123–160.
The chi-square method is recommended for comparing JAR 关3兴 Stuart, A. “A Test for Homogeneity of the Marginal Distribu-
score distributions among two or more products in situa- tions in a Two-Way Classification,” Biometrika, Vol. 42,
tions when different groups of assessors evaluate each prod- 1955, pp. 412–416.
uct. In situations when the products are all evaluated by the 关4兴 McNemar, Q., “Note on the Sampling Error of the Difference
same group of assessors, then the CMH, Stuart-Maxwell, or Between Correlated Proportions or Percentages,” Psy-
McNemar methods are recommended instead. chometrika, Vol. 12, 1947, pp. 153–157.
关5兴 SAS Institute Inc., SAS/STAT User’s Guide, Version 6, 4th edi-
tion, Vol. 1, SAS Institute, Inc., Cary, NC, 1989, 943 pp.
关1兴 Mantel, N. and Haenszel, W. J., “Statistical Aspects of the 关6兴 Stone, H. and Sidel, J. L., Sensory Evaluation Practices, 2nd
Analysis of Data from Retrospective Studies of Disease,” Nat. edition, Academic Press, New York, 1993, pp. 88–91.
Cancer Inst., Vol. 22, 1959, pp. 719–748. 关7兴 Fleiss, J. L., Statistical Methods for Rates and Proportions, 2nd
关2兴 Kuritz, S. J., Landis, J. R., and Koch, G. G., “A General Over- edition, Wiley, New York, 1981.
view of Mantel-Haenszel Methods: Applications and Recent 关8兴 Agresti, A., Categorical Data Analysis, 2nd edition, Wiley, New
Developments,” Annu. Rev. Public Health, Vol. 9, 1988, pp. York, 2002.
MNL63-EB/Feb. 2009

Appendix H: A Proportional Odds/Hazards

Approach to JAR Data
Rui Xiong1 and Jean-Francois Meullenet1

Introduction and Background tive odds兲, and determines an average ratio of those cumula-
tive odds between products. Since the model works with
t-tests, ANOVA, and linear regression all assume that the re- odds and ratios of odds, it is traditional to express the model
sponse is measured on an interval scale, so that the differ- in terms of logits 共log-odds兲. The model is fit using maximum
ences between adjacent values have the same meaning likelihood and produces estimates of the average log-odds
across the scale. This assumption is often violated in prac- for each scale point as well as for each product included in
tice, which can lead to inaccurate conclusions. The propor-
the analysis. By default, one product, the control, is always
tional odds and proportional hazards models are ordinal re-
set to zero.
gression models that are only sensitive to the order of the
observations, not the specific values assigned to the catego- The SAS implementation of this model includes a test to
ries. They are used to compare the distributions of JAR determine if the same rating scale was used across the prod-
scores among products and are performed simultaneously. ucts, and, if included, panelists in the study. It is referred to
The proportional odds model 共POM兲 is skew-symmetric, so as a test of equal slopes or of parallelism. This is a generaliza-
that reversing the order of the scale simply changes the sign tion of a test for homogeneity of variances in a t-test. When
of the mean, while the proportional hazards model 共PHM兲 is this is significant, the data do not meet the assumptions for
asymmetric, so that reversing the order of the scale changes this analysis.
both the order and the sign of the estimate.

Requirements Proportional Hazards Model „PHM…

Raw data of respondent/product/attribute combinations are The proportion hazards model, also known as a Cox regres-
required for the analysis. These techniques are compute-
sion model, also considers the odds, but looks at the odds of
intensive and require specialized programs, such as SAS/
being in each category, given that the observation is not in
STAT, SPSS, or R. Additionally, the JAR ratings are assumed
to be independent; however, this practice in often violated. the categories below it, and again estimates the average ratio
of those odds across products. As with the POM, it is tradi-
“How to” tional to use logarithms and to express the results on that
scale. The analysis does not treat the data symmetrically; the
The proportional odds and hazards models are widely used
results depend on the order in which the scale points are
in medicine and life science survey studies. Recently, both
coded. This analysis is most appropriate when the rating can
models have been applied to the sensory field for preference
map 关1兴 and shelf-life studies 关2兴, respectively. These articles be viewed as the result of a progression, as in life data where
or the book by Agresti 关3兴 should be consulted for technical the model originated.
details. The proportional odds and hazards models have the The SAS implementation of this uses the same proce-
same underlying assumption, but they use different link dure as does the POM and similarly includes a parallelism
functions to model ordinal response data. The comparison test.
of POM and PHM is presented in Table 1. The goodness of fit
for both POM and PHM is assessed by the likelihood ratio or
deviance G2. Example from Case Study Data
Proportional Odds Model „POM… The data from the case study were analyzed using PROC Lo-
gistic in SAS/STAT. The following code was used to fit a POM
The proportional odds model 关3兴 models the odds of being at
to the Flavor attribute:
or below each scale point across the products 共the cumula-

TABLE 1—Comparison of the proportional odds and hazards models.

Proportional Odds Model Proportional Hazards Model
Assumption Equal slopes across levels of a response Equal slopes across levels of a
variable response variable
Model 1 ␣k+␤⬘x
P关Y 艋 k兴 = P关Y 艋 k兴 = 1 − e−e
Link function Logit Complementary log-log

Department of Food Science, University of Arkansas, Fayetteville, AR 72704.

Copyright 2009 by ASTM International www.astm.org

TABLE 2—Parameter estimates from the proportional odds model for size.
Parameter Estimate Standard Error Chi-square p-value
Intercept1 −3.048 0.2597 137.769 ⬍0.0001
Intercept2 −1.181 0.1916 37.990 ⬍0.0001
Intercept3 0.359 0.1843 3.799 0.0513
Intercept4 2.564 0.2397 114.426 ⬍0.0001
Sample 458 0.382 0.2544 2.255 0.1332
Sample 523 0.081 0.2543 0.102 0.7495
Sample 896 −0.026 0.2544 0.010 0.9197
Sample 914 0.138 0.2542 0.296 0.5866

Proc logistic data= CaseStudy;

Class Sample 共ref= “ 170” 兲 / param= ref;
Model Flavor= Sample/ link= logit scale= none aggregate;
Title “Proportional odds model for Flavor;”
Contrast “Samples 458” vs “170” Sample 1 0 0 0 /estimate= both;
Contrast “Samples 523” vs “170” Sample 0 1 0 0 /estimate= both;
Contrast “Samples 896” vs “170” Sample 0 0 1 0 /estimate= both;
Contrast “Samples 914” vs “170” Sample 0 0 0 1 /estimate= both;
Contrast “Samples 523” vs “458” Sample −1 1 0 0 /estimate= both;
Contrast “Samples 896” vs “458” Sample −1 0 1 0 /estimate= both;
Contrast “Samples 914” vs “458” Sample −1 0 0 1 /estimate= both;
Contrast “Samples 896” vs “523” Sample 0 −1 1 0 /estimate= both;
Contrast “Samples 914” vs “523” Sample 0 −1 0 1 /estimate= both;
Contrast “Samples 914” vs “896” Sample 0 0 −1 1 /estimate= both;

This code both fits the model 共the “model” statement兲 and performs pairwise comparisons of the products 共the “Contrast”
statements兲. A similar program was used for the other attributes compared in the results sections.
The code for the PHM is quite similar to the code given above, with the only difference being the “link=” specification in the
model statement. Note that the link specification becomes “link= cloglog,” highlighted below:

Proc logistic data= CaseStudy;

Class Sample 共ref= “ 170” 兲 / param= ref;
Model Flavor= Sample/ link= cloglog scale= none aggregate;
Title “Proportional hazards model for Flavor;”
Contrast “Samples 458” vs “170” Sample 1 0 0 0 /estimate= both;
Contrast “Samples 523” vs “170” Sample 0 1 0 0 /estimate= both;
Contrast “Samples 896” vs “170” Sample 0 0 1 0 /estimate= both;
Contrast “Samples 914” vs “170” Sample 0 0 0 1 /estimate= both;
Contrast “Samples 523” vs “458” Sample −1 1 0 0 /estimate= both;
Contrast “Samples 896” vs “458” Sample −1 0 1 0 /estimate= both;
Contrast “Samples 914” vs “458” Sample −1 0 0 1 /estimate= both;
Contrast “Samples 896” vs “523” Sample 0 −1 1 0 /estimate= both;
Contrast “Samples 914” vs “523” Sample 0 −1 0 1 /estimate= both;
Contrast “Samples 914” vs “896” Sample 0 0 −1 1 /estimate= both;

Results and Conclusions 7.132 共DF= 12兲 with p = 0.849, indicating that the propor-
tional odds model adequately fitted the data. The parameter-
For the JAR attribute Size, the chi-square 共␹2兲 for testing the ization used in the SAS system is one that leaves out the pa-
equal slopes assumption was 7.6 with p-value of 0.814,
rameter for the baseline 共Sample 170 in this case兲 with which
which was not significant with respect to a chi-square distri-
each sample is compared. Hence, a positive parameter esti-
bution with 12 degrees of freedom 共DF兲 at a significance
level 共␣兲 of 0.05. This suggested that the parallelism assump- mate 共␤兲 in Table 2 means that Sample 170 was “larger” in
tion was satisfied. The likelihood ratio 共deviance兲 G2 was size than the compared sample, while a negative estimate

TABLE 3—Estimates of parameters and odds ratios from the proportional odds model for Color.
Standard Odds Wald Chi-
Effect Estimate Error Ratio square p-value
Intercept1 −6.629 1.0450 40.246 ⬍0.0001
Intercept2 −2.431 0.3266 55.393 ⬍0.0001
Intercept3 3.458 0.3926 77.568 ⬍0.0001
Sample 458 vs 170 0.575 0.4208 1.777 1.867 0.1718
Sample 523 vs 170 0.091 0.4408 1.095 0.043 0.8363
Sample 896 vs 170 −0.713 0.4653 0.490 2.347 0.1255
Sample 914 vs 170 1.124 0.4008 3.078 7.869 0.0050
Sample 523 vs 458 −0.484 0.4156 0.6164 1.355 0.2444
Sample 896 vs 458 −1.288 0.4547 0.276 8.020 0.0046
Sample 914 vs 458 0.549 0.3639 1.732 2.279 0.1311
Sample 896 vs 523 −0.804 0.4642 0.448 2.999 0.0833
Sample 914 vs 523 1.033 0.3947 2.810 6.850 0.0089
Sample 914 vs 896 1.837 0.4415 6.278 17.311 ⬍0.0001

means that Sample 170 was “smaller” in size. The p-value for chi-square/McNemar tests. The interpretation of param-
the chi-square statistic is used to test whether the difference eters is usually done using odds ratios. For example, the odds
between the compared sample and the baseline sample is ratio of 6.278 共=e1.837, 1.873 was the parameter estimate兲 for
significant. Since all the p-values were much greater than ␣ Samples 914 versus 896 共Table 3兲 means that the odds of con-
= 0.05 共Table 2兲, all the Samples were not significantly differ- sumer rating sample 914 as “Too Light” in color was 6.278
ent in size from sample 170. Overall, the effect of products times the odds for Sample 896, so consumers rated sample
was not significant 共␹2 = 3.273, DF= 4, p-value= 0.513兲 at ␣ 914 lighter in color than Sample 896.
= 0.05. This suggested that all the products had a similar dis- When the parallelism test is significant, this means that
tribution of Size scores. there is differences between the codes beyond a simple mean
For the JAR attribute color, the parallelism 共equal shift. This suggests that the analyst consider alternative
slopes兲 assumption was not met for POM 共␹2 = 15.900, DF= 8, models to determine if the same conclusions hold. In this
p-value= 0.044兲 at ␣ = 0.05, but was met at ␣ = 0.01. This typi- case the parallelism assumption was not significant for PHM
cally can occur when one or more of the products is more 共␹2 = 14.014, DF= 8, p-value= 0.081兲 at ␣ = 0.05. The overall ef-
variable than the remaining products. The overall effect of fect of products was significant 共␹2 = 16.875, DF= 4, p-value
products was then significant 共␹2 = 19.944, DF= 4, p-value = 0.002兲 at the significance level of 0.05, suggesting that some
= 0.0005兲, implying that some of the products have different products have different distributions for Color JAR scores.
mean log-odds. The products which were significantly differ- The parameter estimates for PHM are provided in Table 4.
ent in color can be identified using the included contrasts. Like POM, a positive parameter estimate for PHM 共Table 4兲
We used a Bonferroni correction to account for the 10 mul- means that Sample 170 was “Darker” in color than the com-
tiple tests, testing each pairwise comparison at ␣ = 0.05/ 10 pared sample, while a negative estimate means that sample
= 0.005. 170 was “Lighter” in color. The p-values show that Samples
The parameter estimates and odds ratios between all 914 versus 170, 914 versus 523, and 914 versus 896 were sig-
pairs of the samples were obtained from contrasts and are nificantly different from each other 共␣⬘ = 0.005兲, respectively.
presented in Table 3. The p-values in Table 3 were used to test Sample 914 had “Lighter Color” JAR scores than Samples
if a pair of samples was significantly different at ␣⬘ = 0.005. 170, 523, and 896. By comparing Tables 3 and 4, the results
For example, the p-value for the pair of Samples 458 and 170
was 0.1718⬎ ␣⬘ = 0.005, indicating that the two samples were
not significantly different in color 共i.e., meaning the JAR
TABLE 4—Parameter estimates from the pro-
score distributions were similar not that the products were
portional hazards model for Color.
identical in color兲. The p-values for the pairs of Samples 896
versus 458 and 914 versus 896 were 0.0046 and ⬍0.0001, re- Standard Wald Chi-
Effect Estimate Error square p-value
spectively, which indicated that Sample 896 was signifi-
Intercept1 −6.654 1.0138 43.078 ⬍0.0001
cantly different in color from Samples 458 and 914. As men-
Intercept2 −2.539 0.2106 145.381 ⬍0.0001
tioned above, the signs of parameter estimates can be used to Intercept3 1.099 0.1384 62.957 ⬍0.0001
determine the directional difference between two products. Sample 458 vs 170 0.477 0.2323 4.213 0.0401
Sample 896 was overall significantly darker in color than Sample 523 vs 170 0.059 0.1960 0.092 0.7618
Sample 458 because of the negative parameter estimate of Sample 896 vs 170 0.011 0.1937 0.003 0.9569
−1.288, while Sample 914 was significantly lighter in color Sample 914 vs 170 1.076 0.2943 13.377 0.0003
than Sample 896 because of the positive estimate of 1.837. As Sample 523 vs 458 −0.417 0.2339 3.185 0.0743
result, sample 896 was significantly darker in color than Sample 896 vs 458 −0.466 0.2326 4.021 0.0449
Samples 458 and 914, and other pairs of samples were not Sample 914 vs 458 0.599 0.2979 4.050 0.0442
Sample 896 vs 523 −0.049 0.1964 0.062 0.8032
significantly different in color. The contrasting method pro-
Sample 914 vs 523 1.017 0.2944 11.928 0.0006
vided for the POM in the SAS LOGISTIC procedure is an-
Sample 914 vs 896 1.066 0.294 13.115 0.0003
other advantage over the two-stage test procedure like the

from both POM and PHM were different. In this case, we and 896. Sample 914 had significantly lower JAR flavor
trusted the results from PHM because the parallelism as- scores than other samples, while Sample 458 had signifi-
sumption was met at ␣ = 0.05 for PHM but not for POM. A cantly higher flavor scores than Samples 170 and 914. For
disadvantage of PHM is that it does not provide odds ratios the JAR attribute Thin/Thick, only Sample 914 had signifi-
for the interpretation of parameters cantly higher JAR scores than all other samples.
For the JAR attribute flavor, the parallelism assumption Pros and Cons
was satisfied for POM 共␹2 = 20.425, DF= 12, p-value= 0.06兲 at
␣ = 0.05. The overall effect of products was significant 共␹2 The primary benefit of these models is that normal distribu-
= 105.198, DF= 4, p-value= 0.0001兲, indicating that the prod- tions of data are not required. A secondary benefit in the SAS
ucts were not from the same population for flavor. The implementation is the built-in test of the equal slopes 共paral-
p-values show that Sample 914 had significantly lower JAR lelism兲 assumptions. If the parallelism assumption is met,
flavor scores than all other samples because of the positive the overall product effect can be assessed; if this is signifi-
estimates, while Sample 458 had significantly higher JAR cant, differences between product pairs can be assessed.
flavor than Samples 170, 896, and 914. When the parallelism assumptions are not met, the
For the JAR attribute Thin/Thick, the equal slopes as- analysis can be compromised. This is on the level of failing
sumption was met for POM 共␹2 = 13.171, DF= 8, p-value the homogeneity test in an ANOVA. When this occurs, the
= 0.106兲 at ␣ = 0.05. The overall effect of products was signifi- analyst should either try an alternate model or identify and
cant 共␹2 = 27.096, DF= 4, p-value⬍ 0.0001兲 at the significance correct the offending codes. When the parallelism assump-
level of 0.05, suggesting that not all products had similar dis- tion for POM fails, it is recommended to use the propor-
tributions of their respective thin/thick scores. The p-values tional hazards model. When neither model is appropriate,
together with the signs of the parameter estimates show that the general multinomial logistic model should be consid-
only sample 914 had significantly higher JAR thickness ered.
scores than all other Samples and other samples were not Recommendations
significantly different from each other.
For the JAR attribute Stickiness, the parallelism as- These analyses are recommended as a means to determine
sumption was met for POM 共␹2 = 10.129, DF= 12, p-value whether similar JAR distributions exist between products
= 0.605兲 at ␣ = 0.05, but the overall effect of products was not when the data are not normally distributed.
significant 共␹2 = 8.511, DF= 4, p-value= 0.075兲 at the signifi-
cance level of 0.05. There was no sufficient evidence to con-
clude that all the products did not come from the same distri- 关1兴 Meullenet, J.-F., Xiong, R., Hankins, J. A. R., Dias, P., Zi-
bution of stickiness scores. vanovic, P., Monsoor, M. A., Bellman-Homer, T., Liu, Z., and
Conclusions from the Analysis Fromm, H., “Preference Modeling of Commercial Toasted
White Corn Tortilla Chips Using Proportional Odds Model,”
For both size and stickiness, there was no evidence that the Food Quality Preference Vol. 14, No. 7, 2003, pp. 603–614.
distributions of the JAR scores for the various products were 关2兴 Gimenez, A. M., Gambaro, A., Varela, P., Garitta, L., and
different. Hough, G., “Use of Survival Analysis Methodology to Esti-
For Color, Flavor, and Thin/Thick attributes, there were mate Shelf-life of “alfajor”,” Proceeding of 2003 Pangborn
significant differences among the samples. Sample 914 had Sensory Evaluation Meeting, Boston, MA.
significantly lower JAR Color scores than Samples 170, 523, 关3兴 Agresti, A., Categorical Data Analysis, Wiley, New York, 1990.
MNL63-EB/Feb. 2009

Appendix I: Student’s t-Test—Analysis of

Variance of Two Samples
Merry Jo Parker1

Introduction and Objectives Sample 914 and Sample 170. There were no significant dif-
ferences among the samples in size. The mean score ratings
The Student’s t-test is a statistical method for comparing the for 914 suggest that it is too light in color, too weak in flavor,
mean JAR scores of two product samples. The results of the and too thick. For stickiness, the mean score ratings for 170
t-test determine whether or not the means of two samples of
is higher than 914, suggesting that 170 may be too sticky.
data are significantly different.
共See Table 2.兲
Pros and Cons
To conduct a t-test analysis, the distribution of data from
each panelist for each product is needed. Data are required The scales of size, stickiness, color, and thickness are repre-
to be normally distributed with homogeneous variance. sentative of why caution should be exercised when using the
“How to” Student’s t test to analyze JAR scales. Student’s t test analysis
assumes that the data are normal in distribution and are ho-
When each panelist has rated both samples on the same JAR mogeneous in variance. The distribution of scores for size is
scale, the test is a typical paired t-test, discussed in most in- not normal; it is bimodal, indicating a varied range of opin-
troductory statistics texts. When different groups of respon-
ions on the ideal size of the product resulting in no clear di-
dents rate the two products, the appropriate test is the two-
rection for change. Likewise, Student’s t-test analysis indi-
sample t-test. It is recommended that the data be tested for
normality before applying this test. If that test fails, a sign- cated a significant difference between Sample 914 and 170
test or Wilcoxin-Mann-Whitney test should be used in place for stickiness, thickness, flavor, and color. If the researcher is
of the paired t-test and two-sample t-test, respectively. The only using Student’s t test to analyze the JAR scores, the con-
Student’s t test is meant to be used when there are only two clusion would be that Sample 914 should have a darker color
samples. If there are more, then the analyst should perform a and thinner consistency. The JAR distribution of scores indi-
Randomized Complete Block 共RCB兲 Analysis of Variance cates that Samples 170 and 914 both have high “Just About
共paired data兲 or a one-way ANOVA 共independent samples兲, Right” ratings, i.e., 75 % and higher, for each of these at-
followed by pairwise comparisons between the codes. In the tributes. The question is, even though these samples are sta-
RCB analysis, the subjects would be the blocks, and the tistically significantly different, i.e., the JAR scores for
products would be the treatments.
Sample 914 are high, should these attributes really be
Example changed?

In the example below, Samples 170 and 194 are compared on Recommendation
the Size, Color, Flavor, Thick/Thin, and Stickiness scales.
Table 1 displays the marginal counts and means for both T test analysis can be an effective method for evaluating the
samples on each attribute. Note that the individual differ- mean differences between two samples using JAR scales.
ences are required. In this example, tests of normality are However, it should always be used in combination with an
not included.
evaluation of the score distributions. A bimodal distribution
Results and Conclusions may indicate subgroups within the population that is being
tested, or it may indicate panelist inability/confusion with a
The t-tests suggest that there are significant differences in
color, amount of flavor, viscosity, and stickiness between

TABLE 1—Marginal data and means.

Size Color Flavor Amt Thick/Thin Stickiness

Size 170 914 170 914 170 914 170 914 170 914
1 = “ Too Low” 3 9 0 0 2 6 0 0 0 2
2 = “ Somewhat Too Low” 21 19 11 21 14 49 12 4 5 8
3 = “ Just About Right” 37 32 85 81 63 44 85 77 80 83
4 = “ Somewhat Too High” 33 37 6 0 21 3 5 21 16 9
5 = “ Too High” 8 5 0 0 2 0 0 0 1 0
Means 3.22 3.10 2.95 2.79 3.07 2.43 2.93 3.17 3.13 2.97

Food Perspectives, 2880 Vicksburg Lane, Plymouth, MN 55447.

Copyright 2009 by ASTM International www.astm.org

TABLE 2—Summary of paired t-test calcula-

tions and results.
⌺d ⌺d2 Mean d S t共df=101兲 p-value
Size 12 170 0.12 1.29 0.92 ⬍0.05
Color 16 28 0.16 0.50 3.15 ⬍0.01
Flavor amt. 64 128 0.63 0.93 6.79 ⬍0.01
Thick/Thin −25 37 0.25 0.55 4.48 ⬍0.01
Stickiness 17 49 0.17 0.68 2.45 ⬍0.05
MNL63-EB/Feb. 2009

Appendix J: Analysis of Variance „ANOVA…

Merry Jo Parker1

Introduction and Objectives normal; it is bimodal, indicating a range of opinions on the

ideal size of the product, resulting in no clear direction for
Analysis of Variance 共ANOVA兲 is a statistical method for change. Likewise, ANOVA analysis indicated a significant
studying differences between the mean scores of samples. difference between Sample 914 and both 170 and 896, which
ANOVA takes into account variance from different sources. were at parity, for stickiness, thickness, flavor, and color. If
When used to analyze “Just About Right” 共JAR兲 scales, the the researcher is only using ANOVA to analyze the JAR
source of variance is most often treatments and judges, so a scores, the conclusion would be that the Overall Liking for
two-way ANOVA is used. Sample 914 could be improved if it were to have a darker
color, stronger flavor, and be thinner. Note, however, that all
Requirements these products had high 共⬎75 % 兲 “Just About Right” scores
To conduct an ANOVA analysis, the distribution of data from for these attributes. The business question then becomes, “Is
each panelist for each product is needed. Data should be nor- it worth the cost to improve Product 914?”
mally distributed with homogeneous variance. Recommendation
“How to” ANOVA analysis can be an effective method for evaluating
When the data are from dependent samples 共e.g., each panel- mean JAR scale differences; however, the distribution of the
ist judges two or more of the products on the attributes兲 the JAR responses should always be evaluated prior to interpret-
data should be analyzed using a Randomized Complete ing the ANOVA. A bimodal distribution may indicate sub-
Blocks 共RCB兲 ANOVA. When the data are from independent groups within the population that is being tested, or it may
indicate panelist inability/confusion with a scale.Appendix
samples 共e.g., each panelist judges only one sample兲 the data
Raw Data „condensed… followed by ANOVA tables.
can be analyzed using a one-way ANOVA. Additional covari-
ates 共day of testing, order of presentation, etc.兲 can also be Size 170 914 896
included in the analysis.
The computational details are beyond the scope of this 1 = “ Much Too Small” 3 9 3
document and will not be covered here. Please consult a sta- 2 = “ Too Small” 21 19 19
tistical textbook for details. Likewise, the data preparation 3 = “ Just About Right” 37 32 41
tends to be dependent on the particular statistical package 4 = “ Too Large” 33 37 30
being used for the analysis and will not be considered here. 5 = “ Much Too Large” 8 5 9
Generally these analyses require individual level data. Means 3.22 3.10 3.23
Sum of Mean of
Five JAR attributes for samples 170, 896, and 914 have been D.F. Squares Squares F-value p-value
analyzed. The marginal data and analysis summaries are
presented in the Appendix, while the conclusions are given Samples 2 1.026 0.513 0.66 0.5178
below. Judges 101 139.114 1.377 1.77 0.0003
Results and Conclusions Error 202 156.974 0.777
Total 305 297.114 0.974
The ANOVA results indicate that there were significant dif- Std. Error 0.087
ferences in color, amount of flavor, thickness, and stickiness 共SEM兲
between Sample 914 and the other two samples 共170 and
896兲. There were no significant differences among the Tukey’s HSD 5 % = 0.293*
samples in size. Samples 170 and 896 were similar to each No Significant Differences
other for all five attributes. The mean score ratings for 914
*Tukey’s HSD is the difference needed between the means
suggest that it is too light in color, too weak in flavor, and too
thick. For stickiness, the mean score ratings for 170 and 896 of 170, 914, and 896 for a sample to be significantly
are higher than 914, suggesting that they may be too sticky. different from another sample for this attribute.

Pros and Cons Color 170 914 896

The scales of size, stickiness, color, flavor, and thickness are 1 = “ Much Too Light” 0 0 0
representative of why caution should be exercised when us- 2 = “ Too Light” 11 21 1
ing ANOVA to analyze JAR scales. ANOVA analysis assumes 3 = “ Just About Right” 85 81 98
that the data are normal in distribution and are homoge-
4 = “ Too Dark” 6 0 3
neous in variance. The distribution of scores for size is not
Food Perspectives, 2880 Vicksburg Lane, Plymouth, MN 55447.

Copyright 2009 by ASTM International www.astm.org

Color 170 914 896 Sum of Mean of

D.F. Squares Squares F-value p-value
5 = “ Much Too Dark” 0 0 0
Means 2.95 2.79 3.02 Samples 2 3.765 1.882 13.79 0.000
Judges 101 25.637 0.254 1.86 0.0001
Sum of Mean of Error 202 27.569 0.136
D.F. Squares Squares F-value p-value Total 305 56.971 0.187
Samples 2 2.725 1.363 13.8 0.000 Std. Error 0.036
Judges 101 17.451 0.173 1.75 0.0004 共SEM兲
Error 202 19.941 0.099 Tukey’s HSD 5 % = 0.123*
Total 305 40.118 0.132
Significant Differences= 170 versus 914 and 896 versus
Std. Error 0.031 914
*Tukey’s HSD is the difference needed between the means
Tukey’s HSD 5 % = 0.105* of 170, 914, and 896 for a
Significant Differences= 170 versus 914 and 896 versus sample to be significantly different from another sample
914 for this attribute.
*Tukey’s HSD is the difference needed between the means
Stickiness 170 914 896
of 170, 914, and 896 for a sample to be significantly
different from another sample for this attribute. 1 = “ Not Nearly Sticky Enough” 0 2 0
2 = “ Not Sticky Enough” 5 8 1
Amount of Flavor 170 914 896 3 = “ Just About Right” 80 83 88
1 = “ Much Too Weak” 2 6 0 4 = “ Too Sticky” 16 9 12
2 = “ Too Weak” 14 49 6 5 = “ Much Too Sticky” 1 0 1
3 = “ Just About Right” 63 44 83 Means 3.13 2.97 3.13
4 = “ Too Strong” 21 3 12
Sum of Mean of
5 = “ Much Too Strong” 2 0 1
D.F. Squares Squares F-value p-value
Means 3.07 2.43 3.08
Samples 2 1.673 0.837 4.33 0.0144
Sum of Mean of Judges 101 24.605 0.244 1.26 0.0833
D.F. Squares Squares F-value p-value Error 202 38.993 0.193
Samples 2 28.046 14.023 43.83 0.000 Total 305 65.271 0.214
Judges 101 50.291 0.498 1.56 0.0042 Std. Error 0.043
Error 202 202 64.621 0.320 共SEM兲
Total 305 305 142.958 Tukey’s HSD 5 % = 0.146*
Std. Error 0.056 Significant Differences= 170 versus 914 and 896 versus
共SEM兲 914
Tukey’s HSD 5 % = 0.188* *Tukey’s HSD is the difference needed between the means
Significant Differences= 170 versus 914 and 896 versus of 170, 914, and 896 for a
914 sample to be significantly different from another sample
for this attribute.
*Tukey’s HSD is the difference needed between the means

of 170, 914, and 896 for a sample to be significantly

different from another sample for this attribute.

Thinness/Thickness 170 914 896

1 = “ Much Too Thin” 0 0 1
2 = “ Too Thin” 12 4 8
3 = “ Just About Right” 85 77 90
4 = “ Too Thick” 5 21 3
5 = “ Much Too Thick” 0 0 0
Means 2.93 3.17 2.93
MNL63-EB/Feb. 2009

Appendix K: Thurstonian Ideal Point

Jeannine Delwiche1

Introduction and Objectives Requirements

Thurstonian ideal point modeling allows one to compare the The only requirement for analysis is that data be categorical.
JAR ratings of multiple products to a theoretical ideal prod- To minimize data distortion due to transformation, it is rec-
uct. It compares the probabilistic distribution of a product ommended that ratings be collected on categorical scales.
against the probabilistic distribution of the ideal.
“How to”
To conduct this analysis, the response frequencies for each
When thinking about the ratings of an ideal product, re- category by product and scale are determined. One typically
searchers tend to conceptualize an ideal product as always looks at one scale at a time for more than one product, but it
receiving a rating of “Just Right” 共Fig. 1兲. is also possible to look at several scales for one product. One
However, a respondent’s product perceptions as well as inputs the frequency data 共how often each category of the
his definition of the ideal product may vary over time. Even scale was selected for each product for a given scale兲, and a
in the absence of product variation, JAR scale ratings for a few other details 共number of scales, number of products, and
truly “ideal” product would therefore approximate a normal number of scale categories兲.
distribution 共Fig. 2兲. Results and Conclusions
Considering JAR ratings as distributions rather than ab-
solute points can lead to the following situations: A product The output for “size” is shown below in Fig. 6.
could have a distribution similar to that of the ideal product, First listed is the “Relative Boundaries” of the scale,
but with a mean that deviates significantly from the ideal 共as which indicates the actual size of the intervals subjects are
in Fig. 3兲. Chi-square analysis reveals that the two distribu- using. Beneath this is the “Ratings Means,” which is simply
tions below are significantly different. the mean value of the ratings. This is followed by the “Scale
On the other hand, a highly variable product could have Means,” which are, as mentioned earlier, means in units of
a mean “Just Right” rating, and yet not be ideal because of d⬘, measured from the ideal point. Next is the “Variance-
“heavy tails” 共Fig. 4—notice the mean is greatly depressed兲. covariance matrix for scale means,” and the values on the di-
Chi-square analysis again reveals a significant difference be- agonal are the variance associated with each product 共for
tween the two distributions. that scale兲. From the scale means 共in d⬘兲 and their associated
Thurstonian ideal point modeling allows one to com- variance, one can use another function of the IFPrograms™,
pare multiple products to a theoretical ideal product. It com- “Comparing d⬘ values,” to see if products differ from one an-
pares the probabilistic distribution of a product against the other significantly. The results from this analysis are sum-
probabilistic distribution of the ideal. IFPrograms™ pro- marized in Table 1.
vides the estimation of scale means relative to the ideal mean The final line gives the “Ideal 共or Reference兲 Proportions
for each scale. These means are in units of d⬘, measured from for Each Category.” These values can be subsequently used
the ideal point. In addition, the program gives relative scale in chi-square analyses, comparing each product distribution
boundaries, ideal product proportions for each category for relative to the ideal product distribution. For the “Expected
each scale, and the variance-covariance matrix of the scale Values,” one uses the ideal proportions multiplied by the
means. number of observations. The output from these analyses is
It is necessary to elaborate on what is meant by the “esti- summarized in Table 2.
mation of scale means” and “relative scale boundaries.” The first step is to compare the d⬘ values of the samples
While rating scales are generally assumed to have equal in- 共Table 1兲. Samples 170 and 896 are not significantly different
terval spacing, 共Fig. 5, top兲, respondents often use the scales from one another, based upon chi-Square analysis per-
as though they were unequally spaced 共Fig. 5, bottom兲, spe- formed by IFPrograms™ of d⬘ and their corresponding vari-
cifically, the end categories of the scale are used less often ance. However, compared to samples 170 and 896, sample
than the other points. The ratings, therefore, are more ordi- 914 is significantly lower in amount of flavor and stickiness,
nal than interval in nature, which is a violation of parametric and significantly higher in amount of salt and thickness.
statistics 关1兴. Thurstonian ideal point modeling is able to ac- However, the samples show no significant difference in size.
count for these psychological effects, and converts the rating The next step is to compare the JAR distributions of
values that are based upon a number system without equal each sample to the JAR distribution for the “ideal” sample
intervals to true scale values that are based upon a number 共Table 2兲. None of the samples differs significantly from the
system with equal intervals. These scale values are given in ideal size; only sample 914 differs significantly from the ideal
terms of d⬘ and can be determined not only for the ideal dis- for amount of flavor and salt, both samples 896 and 914 dif-
tribution, but also for the rated product共s兲. fer significantly from the ideal for thin/thickness, and both
Firmenich, Inc., PO Box 5880, Princeton, NJ 08543.

Copyright 2009 by ASTM International www.astm.org

Fig. 1—JAR distribution for a constant ideal product.

Fig. 2—JAR distribution for an ideal product distribution.

samples 170 and 896 differ significantly from the ideal for having too much stickiness and not enough thickness.
stickiness. Overall, it is sample 914 that deviates the most
from the ideal, tending towards too large a size, and too
Pros and Cons
much flavor, salt, and thickness. Sample 170 is closest to the The benefit of this analysis is that by using probabilistic
ideal, tending towards too much flavor and having some- modeling, the variant nature of the ideal product is ac-
what too much stickiness, but not differing from the ideal counted for. The determination of the ideal distribution pro-
size, amount of salt, and thickness. Sample 896 shows inter- vides a way to determine reasonably the expected values of
mediate results, not differing from the ideal in size and the ideal product category frequencies and the ability to per-
amount of salt, but tending towards too much flavor and form chi-square analyses. It allows differentiation between
samples that do not differ from the distribution of the ideal

Fig. 3—Comparisons of JAR distribution for ideal vs too much.

Fig. 4—Comparisons of JAR distribution for ideal vs heavy tailed.

Fig. 5—Equal and unequal interval scale boundaries.

Fig. 6—Output of IFProgram™ JAR scale analysis 共Thurstonian ideal point modeling兲 for “size” attribute.

TABLE 1—Comparison of d⬘ values of samples’ JAR ratings.

Attribute 170 896 914 Chi-square p-value
Size 0.323a 共0.022兲 0.354a 共0.022兲 0.133a 共0.022兲 1.30 0.52
Amount of Flavor 0.192a 共0.027兲 0.257a 共0.029兲 −1.473b 共0.033兲 61.23 ⬍0.01
Amount of Salt −0.057a 共0.022兲 0.001a 共0.023兲 0.491b 共0.023兲 7.96 0.02
Thin/Thickness −0.373a 共0.037兲 −0.331a 共0.039兲 0.750b 共0.040兲 20.63 ⬍0.01
Stickiness 0.588a 共0.042兲 0.613a 共0.039兲 −0.100b 共0.038兲 8.45 0.01
In each row, means with the same superscript are not significantly different from one another 共p ⬍ 0.05兲

TABLE 2—Comparison of JAR distributions to “Ideal” sample JAR distributions.

Chi-sq= 4.90 Chi-sq= 6.23 Chi-sq= 8.80
Product vs Ideal p ⬍ 0.298 p ⬍ 0.182 p ⬍ 0.066
170 896 914 Ideal
Too little 3 3 9 5.8
Somewhat too little 21 19 19 26.6
Just Right 37 40 32 37.1
Somewhat too much 33 31 37 26.6
Too much 8 9 5 5.8

Amount of Flavor
Product vs Ideal Chi-sq= 9.07 Chi-sq= 9.06 Chi-sq= 139.54
p ⬍ 0.059 p ⬍ 0.060 p ⬍ 1 ⫻ 10−1
170a 896a 914a Ideal
Too little 2 0 6 0.7
Somewhat too little 14 5 48 14.2
Just Right 63 84 45 72.1
Somewhat too much 21 12 3 14.2
Too much 2 1 0 0.7

Amount of Salt
Product vs Ideal Chi-sq= 3.34 Chi-sq= 6.25 Chi-sq= 16.33
p ⬍ 0.502 p ⬍ 0.181 p ⬍ 0.003
170 896 914a Ideal
Too little 16 15 14 17.2
Somewhat too little 26 25 10 21.6
Just Right 27 19 25 24.3
Somewhat too much 15 30 22 21.6
Too much 18 13 30 17.2

Product vs Ideal Chi-sq= 4.94 Chi-sq= 10.99 Chi-sq= 26.29
p ⬍ 0.294 p ⬍ 0.027 p ⬍ 0.00002
170 896 914 Ideal
Too little 0 1 0 0.1
Somewhat too little 13 8 4 7.7
Just Right 84 90 77 86.5
Somewhat too much 5 3 21 7.7
Too much 0 0 0 0.1

Product vs Ideal Chi-sq= 13.00 Chi-sq= 11.00 Chi-sq= 7.19
p ⬍ 0.011 p ⬍ 0.027 p ⬍ 0.126
170a 896a 914a Ideal
Too little 0 0 2 0.4
Somewhat too little 4 1 8 7.4
Just Right 81 87 82 86.2
Somewhat too much 16 13 9 7.4
Too much 1 1 0 0.4
Unequal sums of observed & expected frequencies. Significant p-values are in bold.

product from those that only have a similar mean. One draw- for targeted consumer segments. It is especially effective
back of this technique is that Thurstonian ideal point model- when there is extensive historical JAR data on a product and
ing cannot be conducted by hand or with the use of a simple consumer segment共s兲 that can be used to determine the ideal
spreadsheet. Another is the somewhat difficult framework distribution.
involved in presenting this approach.
Recommendation References
This method is recommended for JAR scale analysis when- 关1兴 O’Mahony, M., Sensory Evaluation of Food, Marcel Dekker,
ever one wishes to compare a product共s兲 to the ideal product Inc., New York, 1986.
MNL63-EB/Feb. 2009

Appendix L: Penalty Analysis or Mean Drop

Mary Schraidt1

Introduction and Objectives mean would result in “double counting” the impact on some
of the respondents. 共See Fig. 1.兲
Penalty analysis or Mean drop analysis is a method for deter- A minimum percentage skew for “Not Just Right” is of-
mining if respondents’ “Just About Right” ratings for a spe- ten employed as a means of eliminating smaller, less impact-
cific attribute are associated with a drop in some hedonic or ful attributes from consideration. This cutoff may depend on
choice measure, most commonly Overall Liking. Penalty/ the consumer base size, but is typically around 20 %. When
Mean drop analysis is conducted on “Just About Right” data the base size is larger, percentages less than 20 % may well be
to determine if those who do not find a particular attribute reliable and can be plotted. Some researchers suggest a
“Just About Right” rate it lower for Overall Liking on that at- minimum criterion for the overall base size⫻ percentage of
tribute than those who find the same attribute JAR. Penalty/ the skew as 20.
Mean drop analysis is not a formal method for determining The following is a guideline for interpreting the magni-
drivers of liking, but is an effective tool for linking attribute tude of a particular penalty for Overall Liking.
performance to Overall Liking. Attributes which a large percentage of consumers are
critical of and which have large penalties can be found in the
Requirements upper right quadrant of a plot, providing a quick summary of
the most concerning diagnostic problems for that product.
In order to conduct penalty analysis, the respondent’s indi- Examples
vidual Overall Liking rating and ratings on the JAR at- Sample 170: This sample receives a very slightly con-
tributes of interest are required; the analysis is typically per- cerning penalty for Too Much Flavor.
formed for each product⫻ attribute combination. Typically Implication—slightly reduce flavor. The too large skew
the data are collapsed into three categories “Too High,” “Just was a very slightly concerning penalty as it received a −0.02.
About Right,” and “Too Low,” irrespective of the number of Although there is a skew for being Too Small, the pen-
scale points. alty analysis shows this imbalance is positive. 共See Fig. 2.兲
Sample 458: This sample receives slightly concerning
“How to” penalties for Too Much Flavor and Too Sticky.
Implication—slightly reduce flavor and stickiness.
The following example illustrates the use of penalty analysis
Although there are skews for being Too Large and Too
of a single JAR rating on Overall Liking. First, ratings are
Small, the penalty analysis shows these imbalances are posi-
grouped into “above JAR,” “at JAR,” and “below JAR.” Then
tive. 共See Fig. 3.兲
the mean Overall Liking rating is calculated for each group.
Sample 914: This sample receives concerning penalties
The following table presents hypothetical results:
for Too Thick and Not Enough Flavor, and a very slightly
Percentage of concerning penalty for Not Enough Color.
Overall Flavor Strength Respondents Overall Liking Mean Implication—reduce thickness and increase flavor.
Although there are skews for being Too Large and Too
“Too Weak” 21% 6.0 Small, the penalty analysis shows these imbalances are posi-
“Just About Right” 55% 7.6 tive. 共See Fig. 4.兲
“Too Strong” 24% 4.8 Sample 896: This sample has no concerning penalties.
共see Fig. 5.兲
The penalties 共mean drops兲 are calculated as the differ- Implication—no further refinement for this product.
ences between the mean liking of each non-JAR group and Sample 523: This sample receives a slightly concerning
the mean of the JAR group. penalty for Too Much Flavor. 共see Fig. 6.兲
Implication—slightly reduce flavor.
“Too Weak” 6.0 “Too Strong” 4.8 Although there are skews for being Too Large and Too
“Just About Right” 7.6 “Just About Right” 7.6 Small, the penalty analysis shows these imbalances are posi-
Drop −1.6 Drop −2.8
Additions to Penalty Analysis
These values 共−1.6/ −2.8兲 are plotted versus the percent-
age giving each response 共21 % and 24 %, respectively兲. Note The total penalties may also be included along with penalty
that for the “Overall Liking Mean” in the above table, it is rec- analysis. This involves multiplying the percent skew by the
ommended to use the Overall Liking mean of those respon- penalty for each JAR attribute. A simple ranking of these to-
dents that rated the attribute “Just About Right” and not the tal penalties may help the researcher prioritize which at-
Overall Liking sample mean. Using the overall liking sample tributes to consider adjusting.
Peryam and Kroll, 6323 N. Avondale, Chicago, IL.

Copyright 2009 by ASTM International www.astm.org

Fig. 1—Penalty plot with negative and positive penalties.

Pros and Cons clear action to be taken in the case of equal bimodal data and
associated penalties 共such as equal penalties for “opposite”
Benefits of penalty analysis include easily interpretable data findings of “too salty” and “not salty enough”兲. Penalty analy-
or graphs that link specific product attributes in need of ad-
sis does not provide the level of adjustment that needs to be
justment with the impact their being not “just right.” Penalty
undertaken to correct an attribute, thus the guidance is ap-
analysis also separates attributes into those that appear to
have impacted Overall Liking from those that have gener- proximate. Another caveat associated with penalty analysis
ated “complaints,” those attributes that consumers say are is that the penalties ignore the potential impact on future at-
not just right, but whose current level has in reality, not im- tribute adjustment among respondents originally rating the
pacted liking. product “just right” for the specified attributes. Finally, al-
Caveats associated with penalty analysis include un- though the penalties and subsequent product improvement

Fig. 2—ASTM mean drop analysis-total. #170.


Fig. 3—ASTM mean drop analysis-total. #458.

Fig. 4—ASTM mean drop analysis-total. #914.


Fig. 5—ASTM mean drop analysis-total. #896.

Fig. 6—ASTM mean drop analysis-total. #523.

recommendations are considered individually, product at- Recommendation

tributes may not change in isolation; altering the level of
Penalty analysis is recommended when the researcher wants
some attributes may change the perception of other at- to understand which attribute skews were associated with
tributes not under consideration. lower Overall Liking and in what direction to adjust them.
MNL63-EB/Feb. 2009

Appendix M: Using Grand Mean versus

Mean of the Proportion of Respondents Who
Scored the Product JAR
Dave Plaehn,1 Gregory Stucky, David Lundahl, and John Horne

Introduction mean you will be using a target that is lower than the actual
product potential. Additionally when there is high skewness
The object of traditional penalty analysis is to try to deter- in mean scores, it is possible that the grand mean will be
mine the effect “Too Much” or “Too Little” of a product at- lower than the mean of one of the two subgroups 共scale
tribute has on overall product liking. These product at- ends兲. In these cases using the grand mean will show the re-
tributes have been called “Just-About-Right” or JAR searcher a positive penalty score which would lead them to
variables, they are discrete and the middle value corre- an erroneous conclusion.
sponds to a consumer response of “Just About Right.” There Figure 1 shows when using the grand mean when the
are two different approaches in determining the so-called properties of respondents are in a typical distribution, that it
penalties. Both are examined here. may be likely to conclude that having more respondents in
Conclusion “too low” would improve the product score. Although it
would improve the grand mean, it would only improve it to
Calculate the penalty from the JAR subgroup rather than the the mean of the subgroup. At that point a calculation of the
Grand Mean. There is a mathematical evidence that shows weighted penalty would begin to show negative penalty.
that calculating from the Grand Mean may cause the re- Thus you would end up optimizing towards the mean of the
searcher to make erroneous conclusions in some situations. “too low” subgroup rather than the mean of the JAR sub-
Reasons group, thus not adhering to the assumptions of the scale.
In most cases where the scale is being used “normally”
The objective of penalty analysis is to identify those product by consumers, the two methods will give extremely similar
attributes that are contributing to a lower product liking results. However, as more skewness in subgroup means oc-
score 共or purchase intent score兲. The critical assumption of cur and the Grand Mean scores become increasingly lower
the JAR scale is that respondents should score the attribute than the JAR mean, the Grand Mean method has a greater
JAR when the attribute is at a point where improving it won’t potential to show results that would make the researcher
improve the product liking score. With that assumption in draw an erroneous conclusion.
place the liking mean score for the respondents who scored In those situations then where the Grand Mean is higher
JAR will be higher than the liking score for the respondents than the JAR mean, calculating the penalty from the grand
who do not score the product JAR. Thus it is expected that mean may be a viable option, however in these cases there is
the mean score of the respondents in JAR will be higher than clear evidence that the JAR scale is being misinterpreted or
the mean score of all respondents combined 共Grand Mean兲. misused by the respondents 共see section on caveats兲. Thus in
Penalty analysis results show the researcher the relative these situations, although statistically one could say the
amount that the product score is being reduced by the re- grand mean is a more appropriate option, from a psychology
spondents who think an attribute is not just about right. and scale usage standpoint, the validity of the data for “typi-
Therefore if you calculate the penalty based on the grand cal” interpretation is very low.

Fig. 1—Most common means distributions with possible proportion distributions. Comparison of Grand Mean and JAR mean weighted
InsightsNow, Inc., Corvallis, OR 97333.

Copyright 2009 by ASTM International www.astm.org

Mathematics ␮ − ␮ = 0 = plo ⴱ penGrandlo + pJAR ⴱ penGrandJAR

This section details the exact mathematics to allow those + phi ⴱ penGrandhi 共3b兲
who want to conduct a detailed review of their methods. On the other hand, subtracting ␩JAR from both sides of Eqs
Let N be the total number of respondents, Y be a N ⫻ 1 共2a兲 and 共2b兲, and noting that penJARJAR = penJAR共c+1兲/2 = 0,
respondent “Liking” vector, and X be a N ⫻ 1 vector of JAR gives

冉兺 冊
responses. Assume X has c categories, 1 , 2 , . . . , c, where c is
odd, and the middle 共JAR兲 level 共c / 2 + 1兲 is the “Just-About- c c

Right” level. Let ni be the number of occurrences of the re- ␮ − ␩JAR = pi ⴱ ␩i − ␩JAR = 兺 p ⴱ 共␩ − ␩
i i JAR兲
sponse i in X. Thus, N = 兺ini. Let nlo be the number of people i=1 i=1

giving the JAR response below the JAR level, nhi be the num- c
ber of people giving the JAR response above the JAR level
and nJAR = n共c+1兲/2. Then, nlo = 兺1艋i⬍共c+1兲/2ni and nhi
= 兺 p ⴱ penJAR = 兺
i i
pi ⴱ penJARi

= 兺共c+1兲/2⬍i艋cni. Let ␮ be the mean of Y, the so-called “grand = p⬘ · penJAR 共4a兲

mean.” Let ␤i be the mean liking for those respondents hav-
ing a JAR response i共X = i兲 for i = 1 , 2 , . . . , c. In a similar man- and
ner, define ␤lo, ␤hi, and ␤JAR. Then note that the grand mean,
␮ − ␩JAR = plo ⴱ penJARlo + pJAR ⴱ penJARJAR + phi ⴱ penJARhi
␮, is a weighted average of sub-means. Specifically,
= plo ⴱ penJARlo + phi ⴱ penJARhi 共4b兲
␮= 兺
N i=1
ni ⴱ ␤i 共1a兲
Let the “weighted penalties” for the latter approach be de-
fined as penគ wtJARi = p*i penJARi. Similarly define
penគ wtJARlo and penគ wtJARhi. Then from Eqs 共4a兲 and 共4b兲,
␮ = ␩JAR + 兺
pen គ wtJARi 共5a兲
␮ = 共nlo ⴱ ␤lo + nJAR ⴱ ␤JAR + nhi ⴱ ␤hi兲 共1b兲
N and
Let pi = ni / N, for i = 1 , 2 , . . . , c, and plo = nlo / N, phi = nhi / N and ␮ = ␩JAR + pen គ wtJARlo + pen គ wtJARhi 共5b兲
pJAR = nJAR / N. Let p be the vector whose elements are pi and
␤ be the vector whose elements are ␤i, then the above equa- To get equations similar to those of Eqs 共5a兲 and 共5b兲 for the
tions can be rewritten as case where the penalties are determined by subtracting the
grand mean, it is necessary to define the weighted penalties
c as penគ wtGrandi = pi ⴱ penGrandi / pJAR. Similarly define
penគ wtGrandlo and penគ wtGrandhi. Then, from Eqs 共3a兲 and
␮= 兺 p ⴱ ␤ = p⬘ · ␤
i i 共2a兲
共where · stands for vector dot product or matrix multiplica-
tion兲 and
0= 兺 p ⴱ penGrand ⇒ − penGrand
i i 共c/2+1兲

␮ = plo ⴱ ␤lo + pJAR ⴱ ␤JAR + phi ⴱ ␤hi 共2b兲 = 兺

pi ⴱ penGrandi ⇒ p共c/2+1兲 ⴱ 共␮ − ␩共c/2+1兲兲

There are two different ways of determining penalties. In

one method the penalties are calculated by subtracting the = 兺 pi ⴱ penGrandi ⇒ pJAR ⴱ 共␮ − ␩JAR兲
grand mean 共␮兲 from the “group” means. In the other ap- i⫽共c/2+1兲

proach the JAR mean 共␩JAR兲 is subtracted from the group

means. Let penGrandi = ␤i − ␮ and penJARi = ␤i − ␩JAR, for all
= 兺
pi ⴱ penGrandi ⇒ ␮ = ␩JAR
i, be the respective types of penalties for the two approaches
associated with the X response i. Similarly, define
penGrandlo, penGrandJAR, penGrandhi, penJARlo, penJARJAR,
+ 兺
pJAR i⫽共c/2+1兲
pi ⴱ penGrandi ⇒ ␮ = ␩JAR
and penJARhi. Let penGrand be the vector whose elements
are penGrandi. Similarly, define penJAR. If ␮ is subtracted + 兺 pen គ wtGrandi 共6a兲
from the above equations, using the fact that 兺ipi = 1 and plo i⫽共c/2+1兲

+ pJAR + phi = 1, then Similarly,

␮−␮=0= 冉兺 冊 c

pi ⴱ ␤i − ␮ = 兺

pi ⴱ 共␤i − ␮兲
␮ = ␩JAR + 共pen គ wtGrandlo + pen គ wtGrandhi兲
Comparing Eqs 共6a兲 and 共6b兲 with Eqs 共5a兲 and 共5b兲, it must
be that

= 兺 p ⴱ penGrand = p⬘ · penGrand
i i 共3a兲 兺 pen គ wtJARi = 兺 pen គ wtGrandi 共7a兲
i⫽共c/2+1兲 i⫽共c/2+1兲

and and

pen គ wtJARlo + pen គ wtJARhi = pen គ wtGrandlo degree that the respondents who thought that the extremely
hard product was just right, would be expected to greatly
+ pen គ wtGrandhi 共7b兲
change their opinion.
For Further Consideration If there is bimodal distribution of the % of respondents,
there is clearly segmentation and it is possible that the prod-
Based on the assumptions of JAR scale use, the following uct will not succeed unless altered to one extreme or the
“rules” should be carefully considered. other.
If the % of respondents in a single tail is higher than the If the mean scores are highly skewed or are bimodal the
% of respondents in the JAR, a penalty analysis will not give attribute is suspect that the interpretation and use of the
“predictable” values. For example if 70 % of the respondents
scale should be brought into question. When this occurs
said a product was too hard, then the action a company
penalties of zero or positive penalties will occur.
would take would be to make it softer to such a substantial
MNL63-EB/Feb. 2009

Appendix N: A Regression-Based Approach

for Testing Significance of JAR Variable
Dave Plaehn1 and John Horne1

Introduction and Objectives element of a by ai or a共i兲. For a matrix, A, let the element of
the ith row and jth column be represented by A共i , j兲 or Aij. Let
Traditional penalty analysis attempts to relate JAR variable A共: , j兲 or Aj be the jth column of A and let A共i , : 兲 be the ith row
responses to overall liking or some other “reference” vari- of A. Assume all vectors are column vectors and that the in-
able. No variance estimates are calculated around the penal- ner or dot product of two vectors a and b is given by a⬘b,
ties or mean drops, and as a result, significance testing is not
done. Consequently, this method does not give any gauge of ⬘
where “ ” represents vector or matrix transpose, and it is as-
sumed that a and b have the same number of elements. Simi-
reliability or importance of the results. Focus is often placed larly denote the regular matrix product by “adjacency.” Let
on large penalties that are also associated with a large pro- “⬅” mean “is defined as.”
portion of respondents; 20 % of respondents on a given side
of a “Just About Right” point 共e.g., “Too Much” or “Too JAR Variable Score Recoding
Little”兲 is frequently used as a minimum standard of impor- To create a “sensible” regression model between a JAR vari-
tance. able and a reference variable such as liking, the JAR variable
We propose a regression-based approach to better un- must be somehow transformed. A simple approach is to
derstand which penalties are important for a given product. change the JAR variable categories, or a combination of
This approach recodes JAR variable scores into indicator those categories, into dummy or indicator variables. For-
共dummy兲 variables in order to address the non-linear nature mally, let y be a column vector of the reference variable and
of the typical JAR variable scale 共the middle category as “Just let x be an associated vector of JAR variable responses. As-
About Right” and the other categories as some degree of “Too sume x has c categories where c is odd and that the category
Much” or “Too Little”兲. Regression coefficients resulting 共c + 1兲 / 2 is the “just about right” category. Transform x ac-
from the indicator variables are analogous to mean drops of cording to
the reference variable. Significance testing can be done on
these coefficients parametrically by using the standard error X̃共i,j兲 = 1 ⇔ x共i兲 = j else X̃共i,j兲 = 0 共1兲
estimates from the regression model itself; semi-
parametrically by using standard error estimates from The columns of X̃ are linearly dependent 共if you know all but
methods such as jackknife and bootstrap; or non- 1 of the columns of X̃ you can calculate the remaining col-
parametrically, for example, by forming “confidence inter-
umn兲 and, consequently, X̃ cannot be used for ordinary least-
vals” from the distribution of a large number of bootstrap
squares regression 共OLS兲. To remedy this, remove the “Just
samples. All of these methods are presented below. While
some parts of this approach can be used to test multiple About Right” column from X̃ and call the new array X:
products and attributes simultaneously, we will consider
only one JAR variable/product combination at a time. Along X共:,j兲 = X̃共:,j兲, 1 艋 j ⬍ 共c + 1兲/2
the way we will prove that the regression coefficients from
ordinary least-squares 共OLS兲 regression are identical to the
traditional penalties assuming the so-called JAR mean is X共:,j兲 = X̃共:,j + 1兲, 共c + 1兲/2 ⬍ j 艋 c 共2兲
used to determine the penalties. The effect of removing the “Just About Right” column is that
Requirements for the Analysis the regression model intercept becomes an estimate of the
mean of the reference variable for those respondents giving
The analysis requires the individual raw liking 共or other ref- the “Just About Right” response 共the “JAR mean”兲.
erence variable兲 scores and the individual JAR variable
scores for each variable/product combination. JAR variable Make the Model
scores must be transformed to indicator variables. A statisti- One can now create the regression model. The regression
cal package that implements regression models is required. equation is given by
A package that also implements cross-validation, jackknife,
and bootstrap is useful. c−1

“How to”
y = ␤0 + X␤ + ␧ = ␤0 + 兺 X共:,j兲␤ + ␧
j 共3兲

Notation where ␤0 is the model intercept, ␤ is a vector of regression

Let vectors and matrices be represented by bold lower and coefficients and ␧ is a vector of model errors. Taking the
upper case letters, respectively. If a is a vector, denote the ith mean of Eq. 共3兲 gives
InsightsNow, Inc., Corvallis, OR 97333.

Copyright 2009 by ASTM International www.astm.org

c−1 where MSE= mean squared error= 共1 / N兲兺␧2i is an estimate

␮y = ␤0 + 兺p␤
j j 共4兲
of ␴2 and the number of respondents is N and

where ␮y is the mean of y and pj is the mean of X共: , j兲, the ␤j

proportion of respondents giving the JAR variable response j t= . 共9兲
or j + 1 as the case may be 共see Eq. 共2兲兲. It is further assumed
that this is a “least squares” type of model and that, conse-
Because the columns of X are orthogonal 共Xi⬘Xj = 0 for i ⫽ j兲
quently, 兺␧i = 0. As mentioned above, ␤0 is the model esti-
an “ANOVA-like” approach could also be taken since the
mate of the so-called JAR mean, the reference variable mean model sums of squares can be partitioned among the
of those respondents rating the product “Just About Right.” dummy variables.
The other coefficients, ␤j, are typically negative and are
thought of as “penalties” 共mean drops兲. In fact, an equation Semi-parametric Method 1: Standard Error
analogous to Eq. 共4兲 holds for traditional or count-based Estimates from Jackknife
penalty analysis. Let ␮j be the reference variable mean for Another approach to calculating coefficient standard error is
those respondents giving the JAR variable response j and let to use model cross-validation 关1兴 in conjunction with the
p̃j be the proportion of respondents giving that response. So, jackknife procedure. Cross-validation is a model validation
technique that attempts to estimate how well a model will
predict “new” samples. The data are partitioned into M seg-
p̃j = mean共X̃共:,j兲兲 and ␮j = y⬘*X̃共:,j兲/ 兺 X̃共i,j兲
共5兲 ments of equal or nearly equal size according to some user-
defined scheme. For each segment, a regression sub-model
First note that ␮y is just the weighted average of the ␮j, i.e., is calculated based on all the data except that of the given
segment. Consequently, M sub-models are made providing
c M sets of regression coefficients.
␮y = 兺 p̃ ␮
j j 共6兲
The variance that these coefficients form around the ap-
plicable coefficient from the same model on the original
dataset is used to form the standard errors. However, be-
Let ␮JAR ⬅ ␮共c+1兲/2 and ␤˜ j ⬅ ␮j − ␮JAR, the “penalty” from the cause the number of data rows in each sub-model is smaller
JAR mean. By subtracting ␮JAR from both sides of Eq. 共6兲, than the total number of data rows, a correction factor is
making substitutions, etc., one can show used that adjusts the variance up based on the number of
cross-validation segments. The standard error estimate for
␤j using this approach, assuming equal partition sizes 关2兴, is
␮y = ␮JAR + 兺
p̃j␤˜ j 共7兲 given by

Note that the elements of p and p̃ are the same except p has
no element corresponding to the “Just About Right” category
共see Eq. 共2兲兲. If OLS is the regression approach then it can be
STDERR共␤j兲 = 冑 M−1
M m=1 兺

共 ␤ j共m兲 − ␤ j兲 2 共10兲

shown that ␤0 = ␮JAR and ␤j = ␤˜ j if 1 艋 j ⬍ 共c + 1兲2, ␤j = ␤˜ j+1 if 共c

where: ␤j is the coefficient for the jth indicator variable from
+ 1兲 / 2 ⬍ j 艋 c 共see Appendix兲.
the original data, ␤j共m兲 is the coefficient for the jth variable
Significance Testing for Regression from the mth cross-validation sub-model, and M is the num-
Coefficients ber of sub-models. Hypothesis testing for this approach uses
the same t-statistic described in Eq. 共9兲 above. Only the
Conducting a “model-based” penalty analysis as given above method for arriving at the standard error estimate differs.
allows for significance testing of the regression coefficients
and, consequently, gives a measure of the reliability and vari- Semi-parametric Method 2: Standard Error
ability 共via confidence intervals兲 of the results. Four different Estimates from Bootstrap
approaches to significance testing are provided below. They Still another approach for estimating standard errors
are divided into three groups: parametric, semi-parametric, around regression coefficients is bootstrap re-sampling. The
and non-parametric. The hypothesis being tested in each bootstrap method re-samples the original data with replace-
case is whether or not a given coefficient differs from 0 共H0兲. ment. All bootstrap samples will have the same size as the
original data. By generating a large number of bootstrap
Parametric Method: Standard Error Estimates from samples, each observation is about as likely to contribute to
a Regression Model the final variance as is each other observation.
If the errors ␧i are independent and normally distributed The estimated standard error for the bootstrap ap-
with variance ␴2, then the model coefficients are normally proach is as follows:

distributed and may be tested for statistical significance us-
ing the standard error estimate 共STDERR共·兲兲 from OLS re- B
gression and a t-test. These have the following form:
兺 共␤
j共b兲 − ␤ j兲 2
STDERR共␤j兲 = 共11兲
STDERR共␤j兲 = 冑MSE共X⬘X兲jj−1 共8兲 B−1

where: ␤j is the coefficient for the jth indicator variable from those JAR attributes with very few respondents on one side
the original data, ␤j共b兲 is the coefficient for the jth variable or the other. The outlier standard error from the jackknife
from the bth bootstrap sample, and B is the number of boot- approach in Fig. 1共A兲 was associated with a single respon-
strap models or samples. Again, this is an alternative method dent rating Product #896 as too light in color. There was no
for estimating standard errors and once we have those, we evidence from these analyses that one or another of these
can proceed with hypothesis testing using the t-statistic in methods leads to systematically larger or smaller standard
Eq. 共9兲. errors.

Nonparametric Method: Confidence Intervals from
Bootstrap Sample Distributions
All of the above approaches have a parametric component.
Benefits and Risks of the Analysis
The model-based approach presented here can be seen as a
They rely on the assumption that the individual errors, ␧i
natural extension of traditional penalty analysis. As the case
from the model are independent and normally distributed.
study shows, the penalties and penalty-weights are identical
When this assumption is violated, non-parametric ap-
when OLS is used as the regression approach 共see Appen-
proaches should be substituted. An example of a non-
dix兲. The benefit of the model-based approach is that it pro-
parametric approach to significance testing of regression co-
vides the analyst with significance testing and confidence in-
efficients is the percentile bootstrap 共see, for example,
tervals for the penalties.
Wilcox, 关3兴兲. In this approach, confidence intervals around
A further benefit of the dummy variable approach in
the coefficients from the regression model are determined by
combination with analyzing one JAR-variable-product com-
rank-ordering the bootstrap coefficients and finding the ap-
bination at a time is that the columns of the dummy variable
propriate percentiles in these distributions. These intervals
array 共X兲 are orthogonal. Consequently, there are no issues
are bounded by the B共␣ / 2兲 + 1 and the B − B共␣ / 2兲 rank-
of collinearity and ill-conditioning. Thus, one need not be
ordered bootstrap regression coefficients. As with other con-
concerned with using OLS regression, which is commonly
fidence interval approaches, if this interval does not include
available in statistical packages.
zero, the coefficient is concluded to be significantly different
Each of the four methods used to test the significance of
from zero. Because this approach does not rely on any other
JAR variable penalties has some associated benefits and
distributions of random variables 共e.g., t兲 to do hypothesis
risks in their own right. The parametric approach is the sim-
testing, it operates completely independent of any assump-
plest to use from a computational standpoint, but is not ap-
tions of normality.
propriate if the individual errors from the model are not nor-
Examples from Case Study Data mally distributed. The jackknife and bootstrap approaches
are computationally similar, although the bootstrap may re-
There were five products and five JAR variables in the case quire more computing resources as it generates more
study data set. JAR variables were transformed to two indi- samples. A possible benefit of the bootstrap approach is that
cator variables each, with “Too Little” 共categories “1” and because of the larger number of samples, the coefficients
“2”兲 represented in one of the indicators and “Too Much” may be more likely to follow normal distributions than the
共categories “4” and “5”兲 represented in the other. smaller number of coefficients generated from the jackknife
OLS was used as the regression approach on each JAR approach. Further, when full cross-validation is used in the
variable independently. Overall Liking was the reference jackknife approach, the likelihood that a single sub-sample
variable. No respondents rated the color of Product #914 as will be replicated multiple times is quite high. This leads to a
“Too Dark.” As a result, there was no variation in the indica- more non-continuous distribution of coefficients. Both of
tor variable for this side of this JAR variable and only 49 re- these characteristics can be seen in Fig. 2. Both sets of coeffi-
gression coefficients were calculated from 25 共5 products cients do not differ significantly from normal, but the boot-
⫻ 5 JAR variables兲 separate models. Of these coefficients, 16 strap coefficients conform to the normal distribution better
were associated with JAR variables where more than 20 % of than the much smaller number of jackknife coefficients. The
respondents rated a particular product as having “Too jackknife coefficients also follow a non-continuous distribu-
Much” or “Too Little” of the respective attribute. Diagnostics tion. While there are 102 coefficients generated in the ex-
from traditional penalty analysis and all four of the above- ample shown in Fig. 2, there are only 15 unique coefficients
described methods are shown in Table 1 for these 16 coeffi- 共i.e., only 15 unique sub-samples were generated from the
cients. Identical conclusions were drawn from all four meth- leave-one-out cross-validation approach兲. The problem of
ods. Penalties associated with “Flavor Too Strong” in having a non-continuous distribution of jackknife coeffi-
Products #458 and #523 along with “Flavor Too Weak” and cients can be remedied by increasing the size of the cross-
“Too Much Thickness” in Product #914 were consistently validation segments 共i.e., leave-d-out, where d ⬎ 1兲. However,
significant across methods 共p ⬍ 0.05, boldface in Table 1兲. increasing the size of the cross-validation segments also re-
“Flavor Too Strong” in Product #170 was likewise significant duces the number of sub-models, and consequently reduces
at p ⬍ 0.1 across all four methods 共90 % bootstrap confidence the number of coefficients that the jackknifed estimates of
interval −1.75 to −0.01兲. standard errors are based upon.
Standard errors, for the three methods that utilized When neither the jackknife nor the bootstrap coeffi-
them, were likewise in similar ranges and followed nearly cients follow a normal distribution, the non-parametric ap-
identical distributions across all 49 coefficients tested 共Fig. proach should be used as it avoids any distributional as-
1兲. Most of the variance that did exist between the standard sumptions. The percentile bootstrap approach presented
errors calculated by the various methods was found among here is but a single example of the nonparametric ap-

TABLE 1—Diagnostics from model-based penalty analysis on case study data.

Traditional Model-based 5% Boot
Penalty „OLS… confidence
Normal deviate Jackknife Bootstrap
Attribute % resp JAR Mean Mean Drop ␤0 ␤j SE „p-value… SE „p-value… SE „p-value… LL UL
Product 170
Too Small Size 23.5% 5.541 0.251 5.541 0.251 0.580 共0.666兲 0.579 共0.665兲 0.571 共0.661兲 −0.859 1.374
Too Large Size 40.2% 5.541 −0.199 5.541 −0.199 0.502 0.692 0.516 共0.700兲 0.509 共0.696兲 −1.198 0.810
Too Strong Flavor 22.5% 5.952 −0.909 5.952 −0.909 0.522 共0.085兲 0.513 共0.079兲 0.504 共0.074兲 −1.910 0.067
Product 458
Too Small Size 31.4% 5.297 0.234 5.297 0.234 0.421 共0.580兲 0.443 共0.599兲 0.439 共0.595兲 −0.647 1.076
Too Large Size 32.4% 5.297 0.339 5.297 0.339 0.418 共0.419兲 0.402 共0.401兲 0.394 共0.391兲 −0.442 1.106
Too Strong Flavor 32.4% 5.984 −1.348 5.984 −1.348 0.349 „⬍0.001… 0.362 „⬍0.001… 0.347 „⬍0.001… −2.028 −0.668
Product 523
Too Small Size 24.5% 5.811 0.229 5.811 0.229 0.458 共0.618兲 0.487 共0.639兲 0.476 共0.631兲 −0.710 1.151
Too Large Size 39.2% 5.811 0.339 5.811 0.339 0.403 共0.403兲 0.393 共0.390兲 0.384 共0.379兲 −0.415 1.097
Too Strong Flavor 21.6% 6.333 −1.561 6.333 −1.561 0.400 „⬍0.001… 0.402 „⬍0.001… 0.395 „⬍0.001… −2.335 −0.786
Product 896
Too Small Size 21.6% 6.500 −0.182 6.500 −0.182 0.512 共0.723兲 0.469 共0.699兲 0.457 共0.692兲 −1.082 0.718
Too Large Size 39.2% 6.500 −0.400 6.500 −0.400 0.431 共0.356兲 0.446 共0.372兲 0.441 共0.367兲 −1.267 0.459
Product 914
Too Small Size 27.5% 6.438 0.134 6.438 0.134 0.546 共0.807兲 0.548 共0.807兲 0.543 共0.806兲 −0.927 1.219
Too Large Size 41.2% 6.438 0.086 6.438 0.086 0.495 共0.862兲 0.525 共0.870兲 0.520 共0.869兲 −0.922 1.111
Too Light Color 20.6% 6.531 −0.102 6.531 −0.102 0.514 共0.843兲 0.567 共0.857兲 0.556 共0.854兲 −1.247 0.931
Too Weak Flavor 52.9% 7.556 −1.796 7.556 −1.796 0.378 „⬍0.001… 0.367 „⬍0.001… 0.364 „⬍0.001… −2.491 −1.082
Too Much Thickness 20.8% 7.091 −2.139 7.091 −2.139 0.448 „⬍0.001… 0.433 „⬍0.001… 0.422 „⬍0.001… −2.964 −1.314
Traditional Penalty %resp 共percentage of respondents rating a product on a given side of JAR scale兲
JAR Mean 共mean OAL of respondents who rated a product as JAR on a given attribute兲
Mean Drop 共difference between JAR mean and mean OAL of respondents who related a product on a given side of
JAR scale兲
Model-based OLS ␤0 共intercept, analogous to JAR mean兲; ␤j 共tested coefficient 共analogous to mean drop兲
Normal deviate SE 共standard error estimate from OLS model兲; p-value 共based on two tailed t-test, approx. 100 degrees of freedom兲
Jackknife SE 共standard error estimate from jackknife with full crossvalidation兲; p-value 共based on two-tailed t-test, approx.
100 degrees of freedom兲
Booststrap SE 共standard error estimate from bootstrap, B = 10,000兲; p-value 共based on two-tailed t-test, approx. 100 degrees of
5% boot confidence LL 共lower bound of 95 % Cl, associated with 251st rank ordered bootstrap sample兲
UL 共upper bound of 95 % Cl, associated with 9,750th rank ordered bootstrap sample兲

proaches available. Other approaches are described by indicators are better if the overall model error is the only
MacKinnon 关4兴 and Wilcox 关3兴. consideration, fewer indicators may be better from an inter-
pretative standpoint.
How Many Indicator Variables?
Some questions remain regarding the number of indicator Limits of the Analysis
variables 共J兲 that should be formed from a single JAR vari- With the exception of parametric approach, there are no
able. As described above, when a JAR variable has c catego- easy-to-use mechanisms to conduct the analytic methods
ries, J has a maximum of c − 1. Overall model error will often described here. The analyst must either have access to ad-
be lower 共i.e., the model will have higher predictive ability兲 vanced statistical or mathematical software and know how
as J approaches c − 1. However, there may be some benefits to to use it to produce the appropriate jackknife or bootstrap
interpretation if fewer indicator variables are used. “Tradi- estimates, or have access to a programmer versed in these
tional” penalty analysis divides “non-just-About-Right” re- methods. Additionally, if there are many products and/or
sponses into two categories. If the incidence in either cat- JAR variables, the method could be time consuming, unless
egory is less than a certain threshold 共often 20 % of a program was made to “loop” through the various combina-
respondents兲, the penalty associated with that category is tions.
deemed unimportant. Similar conclusions can be drawn, Lastly, the method considers only one JAR variable per
from this regression-based approach if each JAR variable is product at a time, as opposed to “in concert.” Relative impor-
transformed into two indicators, rather than four or more. tance of JAR variables can thus only be assessed indirectly.
Additionally, indicator variables within JAR variables and Appendix: Proof of the Equivalence of
respondents must be mutually exclusive from one another. Traditional Penalties „Relative to the JAR
The more indicator variables a single JAR variable is trans- Mean… and OLS Regression Coefficients
formed into, the more sparse the data and the greater the op-
portunity to conclude that potentially important attributes As stated above, it can be shown that Eqs. 共4兲 and 共7兲 are
are not statistically significant. Therefore, even though more equivalent when OLS is the regression method. Let X and y

Fig. 1—Cumulative distributions of standard errors calculated by the standard normal deviate jackknife and bootstrapping methods. 共A兲
Cumulative distributions of all 49 standard errors from the analysis of 5 products and 5 JAR variables; 共B兲 Cumulative distributions of 28
standard errors where the percentage of respondents exceeded 10% on one side of a JAR variable.

冤 冥 冤冥
be as above. It is customary in OLS to add a column of ones N n1 n2 n4 n5 N␮y
to the regressor matrix so as to “capture” the model inter- n1 n1 0 0 0 n 1␮ 1
cept. So let X1 = 关1NX兴 where is a N ⫻ 1 column vector of 1
and N is the number of respondents. Then the OLS model X1⬘ X1 = n2 0 n2 0 0 and X1⬘ y = n2␮2
coefficients are given by n4 0 0 n4 0 n 4␮ 4

n5 0 0 0 n5 n 5␮ 5
= 共X1⬘ X1兲−1X1⬘ y 共12兲 共13兲

Let nj = 兺i=1 X̃共i , j兲 be the number of respondents giving the
JAR variable response j and let n共c+1兲/2 = nJAR, where c is the In general, X1⬘ X1 is symmetric, with the first column and the
number of JAR variable categories. It follows then that N diagonal both equal to
= 兺cj=1nj. Breaking Eq. 共12兲 into “piece” one can show for c = 5
共5-point JAR variable scale兲:

Fig. 2—Normal probability plots of coefficients for a selected indicator variable in the case study data. 共A兲 coefficients from jackknife
samples 共M-102兲; 共B兲 coefficients from bootstrap samples 共B⫽10,000兲.

关N n1 n2 ¯ n共c+1兲/2−1 n共c+1兲/2+1 ¯ nc兴⬘

␤0 = A共1,:兲X1⬘ y =
nJAR 冉
N␮y −

n i␮ i 冊
冉 冊
and with the remaining entries 共excepting, of course, the first
1 兺 in i␮ i
row兲 being 0, due to the orthogonality of X. X1⬘ y extends,
similarly. It turns out then that


n i␮ i

冤 冥
= ␮JAR 共16兲
1 −1 −1 −1 −1
n1 + nJAR and for 1 艋 j ⬍ 共c + 1兲 / 2

−1 1 1 1
n1 1
1 −1 1
n2 + nJAR
1 1
␤j = A共j,:兲X1⬘ y =
− N␮y +

n i␮ i
共X1⬘ X1兲−1 =

−1 1 1
n4 + nJAR
1 + n j␮ j 冉 nj + nJAR
n5 + nJAR
−1 1 1 1 1
n5 = 共− nJAR␮JAR − nj␮j
+ ␮j共nJAR + nj兲兲
In general, 共X1⬘ X1兲−1 is symmetric and, setting A ⬅ 共X1⬘ X1兲−1
= ␮j − ␮JAR . 共17兲

−1 Similarly, if j ⬎ 共c + 1兲 / 2, then
Ai1 = for 1 ⬍ i 艋 c
nJAR ␤j−1 = ␮j − ␮JAR . 共18兲

1 c+1
A11 = Aij = for 1 ⬍ i,j ⬍ 关1兴 Stone, M., “Cross-validatory Choice and Assessment of Statis-
nJAR 2
tical Prediction,” J. Roy. Stat. Soc., B, Vol. 36, pp. 111–133.
关2兴 Busing, F., Meijer, E., and Van der Leeden, R., “Delete-m
N − 兺i⫽j,共c+1兲/2ni nj + nJAR c+1 Jackknife for Unequal m,” Stat. Comput., Vol. 9, 1999, pp.
Ajj = = for 1 ⬍ j 艋 c,j ⫽ 3–8.
nj nj 2
关3兴 Wilcox, R., Applying Contemporary Statistical Techniques,
共15兲 Academic Press, San Diego, 2003.
关4兴 MacKinnon, J. G., “Bootstrap Methods in Econometrics,”
Calculating the coefficients, then Econ. Rec., Vol. 82, 2006, pp. s2–s18.
MNL63-EB/Feb. 2009

Appendix O: Bootstrapping Penalty Analysis

Rui Xiong1 and Jean-Francois Meullenet1

Introduction and Objectives ized statistical software, which can be written in statistical
packages such as SAS and R.
Bootstrapping penalty analysis is a method that allows you
to perform statistical testing on the results of a penalty
“How to”
analysis, using a technique called bootstrapping to estimate A bootstrap analysis generates hundreds of samples from
variances and covariances. Recall that the purpose of pen- the original data, performs the penalty analysis on each
alty analysis is to identify attributes that appear to have a sample, and then aggregates the results of the individual
strong impact on Overall Liking, on a product-by-product penalty analyses to assess the variability of the estimates in
basis.. However, there are no significance procedures to test the original complete data. Each bootstrap sample is a ran-
the significance of each attribute’s effect on Overall Liking. dom sample of size N, with replacement, from the original
The bootstrap method, is a well-established computer-based sample of size N. In large samples, that mean each observa-
Monte Carlo technique for determining an estimate for the tion will only occur in about 2 / 3 of the bootstrap samples.
standard errors, confidence intervals, biases, and prediction The process of estimating the standard error of a mean
errors. drop is illustrated in Fig. 1. The data set in Fig. 1 contains ten
Requirements for the Analysis pairs of overall liking scores and JAR flavor scores. Mean
drops for “Too Little” and “Too Much” categories were calcu-
This technique requires the raw data on the JAR and overall lated according to penalty analysis for each bootstrap
attributes for each product. It additionally requires special- sample.

Fig. 1—Scheme for bootstrapping penalty analysis with bootstrap replications of B⫽10,000.
Department of Food Science, University of Arkansas, Fayetteville, AR 72704.

Copyright 2009 by ASTM International www.astm.org

Fig. 2—Histogram of the mean drops for “Too Much” flavor for sample 170 with bootstrap replications of 10,000.

The boostrap estimate of variance of the mean drop is

estimated by the variance of the mean drop across the boot-
strap samples. When there are B bootstrap samples, the
mean drop and its standard error are computed using the
following formula:
兺i=1 si*
Bootstrap estimate of mean: s̄b =

ˆ b=
Bootstrap estimate of standard error: se 冑 兺共si* − s̄b兲2
where s*i is the mean drop for the ith bootstrap sample, B is
the number of bootstrap samples or replications, s̄b is the
bootstrap estimate of the mean, and seˆ b is the standard error
of the mean. The bootstrap estimate of the mean is some-
what biased. The bias can be removed using the following
s̄b⬘ = 2sn − s̄b
where sn is the estimate of the mean from the original data
set, and s̄b⬘ is the adjusted bootstrap estimate of the mean.
The number of bootstrap samples 共B兲 is at least 100 and of-
ten several thousands. In practice, B is either chosen based

Fig. 3—Penalty analysis for sample 170. Fig. 4—Comparison of penalty and bootstrapping penalty

TABLE 1—Penalty and bootstrapping penalty analyses for Sample 170.

Penalty Analysis Bootstrapping Penalty Analysis

% of Mean % of Adj. Mean Standard

Panelists Drop Panelists Drop Error t-value p-valuea
“Too small” Size 23.53 0.25 23.76 0.25 0.57 0.44 0.6586
“Too large” Size 40.20 −0.20 40.59 −0.2 0.51 −0.39 0.6994
“Too strong” Flavor 22.55 −0.91 22.77 −0.92 0.5 −1.82 0.0711
Two-tailed test was used for p-value 共n = 101兲

TABLE 2—Penalty and bootstrapping penalty analyses for Sample 458.

Penalty Analysis Bootstrapping Penalty Analysis

% of Mean % of Adj. Mean Standard

Attribute Panelists Drop Panelists Drop Error t-value p-valuea
“Too small” Size 31.37 0.23 31.37 0.24 0.44 0.54 0.5895
“Too large” Size 32.35 0.34 32.35 0.34 0.39 0.87 0.3853
“Too strong” Flavor 32.35 −1.35 32.35 −1.34 0.35 −3.87 0.0002
Two-tailed test was used for p-value 共n = 101兲

TABLE 3—Penalty and bootstrapping penalty analyses for Sample 523.

Penalty Analysis Bootstrapping Penalty Analysis

% of Mean % of Adj. Mean Standard

Attribute Panelists Drop Panelists Drop Error t-value p-valuea
“Too small” Size 24.51 0.23 24.51 0.23 0.48 0.48 0.6357
“Too large” Size 39.22 0.34 39.22 0.34 0.39 0.87 0.3876
“Too strong” Flavor 21.57 −1.56 21.57 −1.57 0.39 −3.98 0.0001
Two-tailed test was used for p-value 共n = 102兲

TABLE 4—Penalty and bootstrapping penalty analyses for Sample 896.

Penalty Analysis Bootstrapping Penalty Analysis

% of Mean % of Adj. Mean Standard

Attribute Panelists Drop Panelists Drop Error t-value p-valuea
“Too small” Size 21.57 −0.18 21.57 −0.19 0.46 −0.4 0.6891
“Too large” Size 39.22 −0.40 39.22 −0.40 0.44 −0.91 0.3629
Two-tailed test was used for p-value 共n = 102兲

TABLE 5—Penalty and bootstrapping penalty analyses for Sample 914.

Penalty Analysis Bootstrapping Penalty Analysis

% of Mean % of Adj. Mean Standard

Attribute Panelists Drop Panelists Drop Error t-value p-valuea
“Too small” Size 27.45 0.13 27.45 0.14 0.54 0.26 0.79294
“Too large” Size 41.18 0.09 41.18 0.09 0.52 0.16 0.86934
“Too light” Color 20.59 −0.10 20.59 −0.11 0.55 −0.2 0.83873
“Too weak” Flavor 52.94 −1.80 52.94 −1.79 0.37 −4.87 ⬍0.00001
“Too much” Thickness 20.59 −2.14 20.59 −2.14 0.42 −5.05 ⬍0.00001
Two-tailed test was used for p-value 共n = 100兲

on prior experience, or a moderate B is selected and B is in- Results and Conclusions

creased until the distribution of mean drops stabilizes.
In this case study, the bootstrap distributions for each mean
Example using Case Study Data drop were approximately normally distributed, so a t-test
This example uses the mean drops in overall liking for the was used to test the significance of each of the mean drops..
JAR attributes which had more than 20 % in the non-Jar cat- Figure 2 display an example histogram of the bootstrap val-
egory in that code. 10,000 bootstrap samples were selected, ues for the “Too Much” mean drop on the flavor attribute for
although 1000 would have been sufficient. Sample 170 The results from bootstrapping penalty analysis

and Thin/Thick reported for Samples 896 and 914 had a sig-
TABLE 6—Comparison of five samples.
nificant impact on OAL.
Observed OAL
Sample Size Color Flavor Thin/Thick Stickiness Mean Conclusions from the Analysis
170 䊐 䊐 䊐 䊐 䊐 5.52 • According to the bootstrapping penalty analysis, none of
458 䊐 䊐 ⫻ 䊐 䊐 5.47 the five attributes 共Size, Color, Flavor, Thin/Thick, Sticki-
523 䊐 䊐 ⫻ 䊐 䊐 6.00 ness兲 had a significant impact on liking scores. The re-
896 䊐 䊐 䊐 䊐 䊐 6.30 sults imply that the JAR attributes evaluated did not cap-
914 䊐 䊐 ⫻ ⫻ 䊐 6.56 ture the sensory weaknesses of this product.
䊐 stands for being JAR or no significant effect on OAL • For Sample 458, a significant proportion of consumers
⫻ stands for not being JAR and having a significant effect on OAL found the flavor to be too strong and this was detrimen-
tal to OAL for these consumers.
• For Sample 523, the flavor was also found by some con-
are presented in Table 1. Figure 3 summaries the penalty
sumers to be too strong and this had a significant nega-
analysis of three mean drops for code 170. It is apparent
tive impact on OAL.
from Table 1 that the mean drops were not statistically sig-
• None of the JAR attribute scores were found to signifi-
nificant at a significance level of 0.05, so the data are insuffi-
cantly affect the OAL scores for Sample 896.
cient to conclude that these drops have a strong effect on on
• The Thin/Thick and Flavor attributes were not found to
Overall Liking 共OAL兲.
be JAR for Sample 914. Being too thick and too weak in
Table 2 summarizes the penalty and bootstrapping pen-
flavor had a significant negative impact on OAL. This
alty analyses for Sample 458. Similar to Sample 170, more
sample was, however, the most liked product.
than 20 % of panelists rated size and flavor as not being JAR.
Only the “Too Strong” flavor rating had a decreased mean Pros and Cons
drop. The other attributes had mean increases. Since they
are less than JAR, one would have expected a decrease in Bootstrapping penalty analysis determines the influence of
Overall Liking associated with these attributes not being JAR attributes on overall liking by identifying the attributes
JAR. The statistical tests confirm that only “Flavor Too for which the mean drops on overall liking are significant.
Strong” had a significant impact on Overall Liking, while the The precision of a bootstrap analysis estimate depends on
other two are not significant. how many times the data the original data are randomly
Table 3 presents the analyses for Sample 523, P-values bootstrapped.
for “Too Small” and “Too Large” size were 0.64 and 0.39, re- This technique requires specialized software or pro-
spectively, indicating that the mean drops did not signifi- gramming skill and may require a statistical consultant.
cantly differ from zero. As with sample 458, Overall Liking Recommendations
decreases significantly 共p ⬍ 0.001兲 when the assessors judged
the flavor to be “Too Strong.” This method is recommended as an enhancement to penalty
Table 4 summarizes the analysis for Sample 896. None analysis for JAR scales when the analyst wishes to have the
of the attributes have a significant effect on Overall Liking. capability to test the significance of an observed mean drop.
Finally Table 5 presents the analyses for Sample 914. A References
“Too Weak” flavor rating was associated with a significant
mean drop as was the “Too Thick” rating 共p ⬍ 0.0001兲. 关1兴 Efron, B., The Jackknife, the Bootstrap, and Other Resampling
Table 6 summarizes the individual product analyses re- Procedures, SIAM Publications, Philadelphia, 1982.
ported above.. Size, color, and stickiness were either at a JAR 关2兴 Tukey, J. W., “Bias and Confidence in Not Quite Large
level or simply had no significantly negative impact on Over- Samples,” 共Abstract兲. Ann. Math. Stat., Vol. 29, 1982, p.
all Liking for all samples. The inappropriateness of Flavor 614.
MNL63-EB/Feb. 2009

Appendix P: Opportunity Analysis

Tony Gualtieri1

Introduction and Objectives The analysis can be completed only when both JAR data and
attribute liking data are available for the attributes of inter-
Typical penalty analysis 共see Appendix M兲 assesses the asso- est.
ciation between JAR scale attributes and Overall Liking. It
does not account for the relationship between attribute lik-
“How to”
ing and Overall Liking. Opportunity analysis remedies that Dichotomize the liking scales into two groups: “likers” and
lack with an additional computation to address the potential “dislikers.” As the results are most useful when the two
effect of changing an attribute on consumers who already groups are of equal size, the break-point on a 9-point he-
like the product. The analysis provides simple summaries of donic scale may fall close to 7, and will differ based on prod-
the relationship between overall and attribute liking for that uct category. The same division is used to define attribute lik-
product. This summary scatter plot illustrates the possible ing.
risks 共defined as a decrease in the proportion of product lik- Each hedonic attribute 共e.g., “liking of salt”兲 receives a
ers兲 and opportunities 共defined as an increase in the propor- risk and opportunity score. “Risk” is the percentage of prod-
tion of product likers兲 associated with changing a product’s uct likers who also like the attribute 共the risk being that they
attribute liking. may like the product because they like the attribute兲 and “Op-
Requirements portunity” is the percentage of product dislikers who also
dislike the attribute 共the opportunity being that they may
This analysis requires individual respondents’ scores for dislike the product because of their dislike of the attribute兲.
each JAR scale, attribute liking scale, and Overall Liking. These responses are defined as:

Count of respondents who are both product and attribute likers

Risk = ⫻ 100
Count of all product likers

Count of respondents who are both product and attribute dislikers

Opportunity = ⫻ 100
Count of all product dislikers

A change in a high-risk attribute may result in decreased lik- Example from Case Study Data
ing, while an improvement in a high opportunity attribute
may increase liking. This example summarizes an opportunity analysis of the
The Venn diagram in Fig. 1 illustrates the conceptual Products 170, 896, and 914. Table 1 displays the mean rat-
framework of opportunity analysis. The solid circle repre- ings for each product and indicates the statistical grouping
sents the set of product likers and the dotted circle repre- of the product within an attribute. Table 2 displays the re-
sents the set of the specific attribute acceptors. The intersec- sults of an accompanying penalty analysis. Figures 2–4 de-
tion and compliment of these two sets define four classes of pict the Risk and Opportunity scores for each product.
A. Product Likers / Attribute Dislikers
B. Product and Attribute Likers
C. Product Dislikers / Attribute Likers
D. Product and Attribute Dislikers
Improving the penalized attribute directionally based on in-
dications from penalty analysis may induce members of
class D, the “opportunity group,” to become members of
class B. That is, the people in class D may dislike the product
because of the attribute and fixing the attribute could cause
them to like the product. At the same time, class B, the “risk
group,” may no longer like the product if the attribute, which
they currently like, is changed. They could become members
of class D. Note that classes A and C are assumed to be unaf-
fected by changes in this particular attribute because their
product acceptance does not appear to be based on attribute
liking. A statistical comparison between risk scores can be
made based on McNemar’s test 共see Appendix G兲; however,
because of small sample sizes and multiple-comparison is-
sues, only large differences tend to be significant. Fig. 1—Opportunity analysis.
Kellogg’s, One Kellogg Square, P.O. Box 3599, Battle Creek, MI 49016.

Copyright 2009 by ASTM International www.astm.org

appearance attributes; flavor is both high risk and high op-

TABLE 1—Hedonic liking.
portunity, and texture is high risk and low opportunity 共Fig.
Overall Color Flavor Texture
Product Liking Size Liking Liking Liking Liking
4兲. Based on penalty analysis results, reducing the thickness
170 5.5 b 7.1 b 7.1 a 5.6 c 6.5 b of this product will likely improve liking. There is nothing in
896 6.3 a 7.5 a 7.4 a 6.1 b 7.0 a the opportunity analysis to suggest that altering the thick-
914 6.5 a 5.5 c 5.8 b 6.5 a 6.5 b ness is risky, as long as thickness is related to size and not to
Products within a column with different letters are significantly texture. On the other hand, making the flavor stronger may
different 共p ⬍ 0.20兲. improve liking—the penalty analysis certainly suggests it;
however, caution is advised: the position of this attribute in
the opportunity analysis chart implies high risk along with
Results and Conclusions the high opportunity. Unlike Product 170, the risk group
Product 170 has inconclusive results 共see Fig. 2兲. Flavor, the here is important since the product received the highest
only attribute to receive a penalty, is important both to prod- Overall Liking score and a change in flavor could result in a
uct likers and dislikers and is therefore considered both high lower proportion of product acceptors.
risk and high opportunity. Since this product is least liked,
the risk group is probably less important than the opportu- Summary of Diagnostics
nity group. This implies that reducing the flavor strength is a
Product 170: Reduce flavor strength 共risk is negated by op-
promising strategy.
For Product 896, flavor has the highest opportunity and portunity兲.
the lowest risk 共Fig. 3兲. If improvement is needed, this is the Product 896: Don’t change unless needed; flavor is safer
area to focus on, even though it does not have a penalty for to change than appearance or size.
flavor. It may be that consumers fault the character of the fla- Product 914: Don’t change unless needed: a flavor
vor rather than its intensity. change is risky and probably not warranted; change the ap-
Product 914 has highest opportunity and lowest risk for pearance instead.

TABLE 2—Penalty analysis summary.

Mean Drop in Percent in Not
Product Penalty Overall Liking Right Group Penalty Score
170 “Flavor Too Strong” 0.91 23 20
896 No Major Penalties N/A N/A N/A
914 “Flavor Too Mild” 1.80 53 95
“Too Thick” 2.14 21 45

Fig. 2—Opportunity Analysis. ASTM sample data-Product 170. 共Likers 40 %-top 3 box.兲

Fig. 3—Opportunity analysis. ASTM sample data-Product 896. 共Likers 60 %-top 3 box.兲

Fig. 4—Opportunity analysis. ASTM sample data-Product 914. 共Likers 60 %-top 3 box.兲

Pros and Cons tribute must also be included. This increases the question-
naire length and negates a key benefit of JAR scale usage 共see
The analysis gives researchers a view of the relationships be- Appendix J兲, that attribute intensity and hedonic judgment
tween attributes and their relative impact on Overall Liking. can be combined into one scale.
Opportunity analysis alone does not provide direction for Recommendation
improvement. Instead, it assesses the consequences of mak-
ing attribute changes on overall liking. Therefore, it should Opportunity analysis is recommended in combination with
always be run in conjunction with penalty analysis. One dis- penalty analysis when the researcher is amenable to includ-
advantage of this method is that for every attribute JAR scale ing attribute liking scales as well as JAR scales in the ques-
included in the questionnaire, a scale for liking of the at- tionnaire.
MNL63-EB/Feb. 2009

Appendix Q: PRIMO Analysis

Efim Shvartsburg1

Introduction and Objectives level for improvement. This procedure puts PRIMO Analysis
in the class of Bayesian choice models.
PRIMO 共Product Improvement Opportunity兲 analysis is a
method whose initial step is penalty analysis 共see Appendix Requirements
C兲, followed by the application of Bayesian theory to identify
desired changes in JAR attribute ratings in order to maxi- To conduct PRIMO analysis, raw data for the criterion to be
mize the probability of potential product improvement, ac- improved 共for example, overall liking兲 as well as the JAR at-
cording to a given criterion. The criterion can be either cat- tributes are required.
egorical, such as Top or Top Two Box scale ratings, or
continuous, such as mean Overall Liking. For each attribute, “How to”
this analysis provides a confidence level that the product can
be significantly improved with respect to the chosen crite- The analysis includes three steps:
rion, by altering the current level of the attribute. The result- 1兲 estimating parameters of the Bayesian model for each
ing output is a list of JAR attributes and their respective con- JAR attribute for the product
fidence levels, in descending order, corresponding to the 2兲 finding the optimal attribute decision for each model
potential product improvement. As a result of PRIMO analy- 3兲 rank ordering the optimal decision confidence levels for
sis, researchers gain an understanding on how to alter the each model
product on the attributes that promise a high confidence To estimate parameters of the Bayesian model, the following

Fig. 1—PRIMO analysis for SALTINESS attribute. The dashed line represents the trajectory of possible product movements in decision space.
The solid line represents criterion change along the product trajectory. The dotted line represents “Just About Right” rating change along
product trajectory.

PERT Survey Research, 522 Cottage Grove Road, Bloomfield, CT 06002.

Copyright 2009 by ASTM International www.astm.org

two assumptions about the consumer population are uti- “% Too Low” is shown as the independent variable that de-
lized: fines all other measures of product performance: “% Too
1兲 For each JAR attribute, there exists an underlying psy- High,” “% Just About Right,” and expected criterion value.
chophysical continuous measure 共not necessarily ex- Due to the fact that the penalty for being “Too Low” 共51.8
plicitly specified or known to experimenter兲. %兲 is much greater than the penalty for being “Too High”
2兲 Bayesian utility for this hypothetical measure has a nor- 共18.8 %兲, optimal product positioning is skewed toward “Too
mal distribution. High” dimension. The projected optimal 共in this case, maxi-
In other words, each consumer has a utility for a correspond- mizing Top Two Box Overall Liking rating兲 product would
ing JAR attribute on this underlying psychophysical con- have 58.8% “Just About Right” rating, 34.3% “Too High” and
tinuum. The value of the consumer’s utility for each possible only 6.9 % “Too Low.” The maximum possible value of the
level of an attribute depends on his or her perception of the criterion 共Top Two Box Overall Liking rating兲 is 63.3 %.
attribute, and is independent of the tested product. When the The balanced product is the one that has equal propor-
attribute level is changed, the perception of what is “Just tions of “Too High” and “Too Low” ratings and maximum
Right” or “Too Low” or “Too High” for the consumer remains possible value of “Just About Right” rating. In this case, the
the same. Additionally, the proportions of consumers who projected balanced product has 65.5 % “Just About Right”
find some level of an attribute to be “Too Low” through “Just rating and equal 17.3 % of “Too High” and “Too Low” ratings.
Right” through “Too High” are normally distributed. At the same time, the balanced product has suboptimal crite-
After the parameters of a Bayesian model and the prod- rion level of 61.2 % only.
uct positioning in consumer space are simultaneously esti- The optimal product after consequential adjustment of
mated, ratings for any possible product repositioning can be Saltiness attribute would represent potential improvement
predicted. This allows finding the optimal product position- over the current product with 98 % confidence. This is a con-
ing on any attribute for the specified criterion. fidence level for a one-tailed hypothesis that the projected
As an example, Fig. 1 illustrates the Bayesian decision criterion level 共63.3 %兲 exceeds the current criterion level
space for a hypothetical product for a Saltiness attribute 关1兴. 共54.6 %兲 based on the current sample of 152 respondents.
It is important to emphasize that decision space for each
JAR attribute is one-dimensional, so each product position- Results and Conclusions
ing uniquely defines all related measures: “% Too Low,” “%
Too High,” “% Just About Right,” and expected criterion Application of PRIMO Analysis, using a Mean Overall Liking
value. Any of these measures can be used as the independent criterion, to the data in the case study yielded the following
variable that uniquely defines all other variables. In Fig. 1, results and recommendations:


1 共70%兲 JAR-Size 5.58 100.0 0.0 0.0 TOO HIGH GROUP
2 共68%兲 JAR-Stickiness 5.58 82.5 7.1 10.4 TOO HIGH GROUP
3 共52%兲 JAR-Amt. Flavor 5.52 60.3 27.3 12.4 TOO LOW GROUP
4 共51%兲 JAR-Thin/Thick 5.52 83.5 6.6 9.9 TOO LOW GROUP
5 共50%兲 JAR-Color 5.52 83.6 6.5 9.9 TOO LOW GROUP


1 共86%兲 JAR-Amt. Flavor 5.60 68.6 13.4 18.0 TOO HIGH GROUP
2 共67%兲 JAR-Stickiness 5.53 75.4 9.6 15.0 TOO HIGH GROUP
3 共55%兲 JAR-Color 5.47 79.5 0.4 20.1 TOO HIGH GROUP
4 共52%兲 JAR-Thin/Thick 5.47 75.9 11.6 12.5 TOO LOW GROUP
5 共50%兲 JAR-Size 5.30 36.3 32.4 31.4 TOO HIGH GROUP


1 共97%兲 JAR-Amt. Flavor 6.70 61.0 10.8 28.2 TOO LOW GROUP
2 共64%兲 JAR-Thin/Thick 6.55 79.2 14.2 6.6 TOO HIGH GROUP
3 共57%兲 JAR-Stickiness 6.58 80.1 13.6 6.2 TOO LOW GROUP
4 共56%兲 JAR-Color 6.53 100.0 0.0 0.0 TOO LOW GROUP
5 共50%兲 JAR-Size 6.44 31.4 41.2 27.5 TOO HIGH GROUP



1 共75%兲 JAR-Amt. Flavor 6.36 100.0 0.0 0.0 TOO HIGH GROUP
2 共68%兲 JAR-Size 6.35 31.4 10.1 58.4 TOO HIGH GROUP
3 共56%兲 JAR-Stickiness 6.25 88.6 9.8 1.6 TOO HIGH GROUP
4 共51%兲 JAR-Thin/Thick 6.31 89.2 4.1 6.7 TOO LOW GROUP
5 共50%兲 JAR-Color 6.23 96.1 2.9 1.0 TOO HIGH GROUP



1 共100%兲 JAR-Amt. Flavor 6.33 100.0 0.0 0.0 TOO HIGH GROUP
2 共75%兲 JAR-Stickiness 6.08 87.5 6.6 5.9 TOO HIGH GROUP
3 共59%兲 JAR-Thin/Thick 6.03 85.5 5.6 8.9 TOO LOW GROUP
4 共56%兲 JAR-Color 6.02 79.0 2.3 18.7 TOO HIGH GROUP
5 共50%兲 JAR-Size 5.81 36.3 39.2 24.5 TOO HIGH GROUP

Product 914 is recommended as the best prototype. It is The universal nature of the PRIMO analysis Bayesian
further recommended to increase the strength of flavor. The choice model allows comparisons and optimal choice not
resulting product could achieve a Mean Overall Liking score only between JAR attributes, but also between various prod-
of 6.70 that is better than the current Overall Liking level ucts and criteria. PRIMO analysis is especially useful when
with 97 % confidence. Although Product 523 can be im- dealing with several product prototypes, aiding in the identi-
proved with more than 99.5 % confidence by reducing fication of the prototype with the most potential for improve-
strength of flavor, the resulting product will not achieve an ment. Also, PRIMO analysis provides a natural segue into
Overall Liking score comparable with Product 914. risk analysis by providing confidence levels of successful
Pros and Cons product improvement.
The limitation of PRIMO analysis is an unspoken as-
PRIMO analysis allows researchers to find optimal product
improvement decisions in regard to any product perfor- sumption that attributes are mutually independent and that
mance criterion for which there exists a JAR attribute. It pro- altering one product attribute would not affect other at-
vides researchers with quantifiable recommendations re- tributes’ ratings. This assumption is frequently violated in
garding the attributes that can be improved, the direction of practice. PRIMO analysis evaluates one attribute at a time.
improvement for each attribute, the potential improvement The version of the analysis that simultaneously analyzes all
in terms of criterion of product performance, and the confi- pairs of attributes requires a very large sample size for high
dence level that statistically significant product improve- confidence inferences, which makes it too expensive to
ment could be achieved. implement for practical purposes.

Also, PRIMO analysis requires a special software pro- of a product having the most potential for improvement.
gram, which can be developed using SAS or Excel macros or
purchased from the author.
关1兴 The theory behind the decision space is explained in Decision
Space: Multidimensional Utility Analysis 共Cambridge Studies
PRIMO analysis is recommended for JAR scale analysis in Probability, Induction and Decision Theory兲, Cambridge
whenever the researcher wishes to determine the attributes University Press, 2007.
MNL63-EB/Feb. 2009

Appendix R: Chi-Square
Lynn Templeton1

Introduction and Objectives TABLE 2—Example 2.

The chi-square approach looks at the relationship between
Like Dislike Totals
“Just Right” and hedonic ratings for each product, using Frequencies, “Not 23 22 45
only the data from the “Not Just Right” sections of the scale. Enough”
The objective of using a chi-square analysis is to determine if Frequencies, “Too Much” 16 2 18
Column totals 39 24 63
there are significant differences in liking between respon-
dents that have rated the product differently on the JAR
scales, i.e., to test the null hypothesis that there is no associa-
The following step is to construct a 2 by 2 contingency
tion between the JAR group and overall liking. For example,
table of these four categories. That table might look
one could use the chi-square approach to determine whether
like Table 1.
respondents that rated the product as “Not Sweet Enough”
The formula to calculate the chi-square is as follows:
differed from those respondents who rated the product as
“Too Sweet.”
n p
关Xij − E共Xij兲兴2
n p 冉 Xij −

Requirements ␹2 = 兺兺
i j E共Xij兲
= 兺兺
i j Xi+X+j
To use the chi-square analysis, you must have Overall Liking X++
and JAR ratings for each respondent.
“How to” ␹2 ⫽ chi-square value,
Since this technique compares only the non-JAR groups for Xij ⫽ observed value,
each attribute, the JAR values are discarded, and the remain- E共Xij兲 ⫽ expected values,
ing data are transformed for each judge. The JAR frequency X11 ⫽ is the element in the first row and
data are first collapsed into two categories: 1. “Not Enough” first column of the table,
and 2. “Too Much,” omitting the “Just Right” scores. Like- X1+ and X+1 ⫽ are the corresponding marginal sums,
wise, the hedonic frequency data are collapsed into two cat- and
egories: 1. “Dislike” and 2. “Like,” omitting the “Neither Like X++ ⫽ is the global sum
nor Dislike” responses. The chi-square statistic should be compared against the
Then a record for each judge is created, showing into appropriate critical value from the chi-square table. For the
which JAR and hedonic categories he or she falls. test described here, that critical value for a test at the 95%
level of confidence is 3.84 关1兴. If the test statistic is above
Example that critical value, the difference between the two groups is
significant. Otherwise there is insufficient evidence to reject
JAR frequency: 1. “Not enough” and 2. “Too Much” that hypothesis. The degrees of freedom are calculated as
Hedonic frequency: 1. “Dislike” and 2. “Like” follows: 共n − 1兲 共p − 1兲, with n = number of rows and p
= number of columns. For, Table 1, the degrees of freedom
Judge JAR Hedonic
is 共2 − 1兲 共2 − 1兲 = 1.
1 1 1
共20 − 关共27 ⴱ 53兲/69兲兴2 共7 − 关共27 ⴱ 16兲/69兲兴2
2 1 2 ␹2 = +
共27 ⴱ 53兲/69 共27 ⴱ 16兲/69
3 2 2
4 1 1 共33 − 关共42 ⴱ 53兲/69兲兴2 共9 − 关共42 ⴱ 16兲/69兲兴2
+ + = 0.19
5 1 2 共42 ⴱ 53兲/69 共42 ⴱ 16兲/69
] ] ] Conclusion: Because 0.19⬍ 3.84, which is the critical value
N 1 1 at 95% confidence with 1 degree of freedom 共df兲, we
conclude that there is no relationship between Overall
Liking and the JAR attribute ratings. For Table 1, the
computed chi-square value is 0.19共df= 1兲.
TABLE 1—Example 1.
For, Table 2, the computed chi-square value is of 7.78共df
= 1兲. The critical value of Chi-Square at 5% level of signifi-
Like Dislike Totals
Frequencies, “Not 20 7 27 cance for 1 degree of freedom is 3.84 关1兴.
Enough” Conclusion: Because the computed chi-square value of
Frequencies, “Too 33 9 42 7.78⬎ 3.84, at 95% level of confidence and 1 degree of free-
Much” dom, we can conclude that overall liking and the JAR at-
Column totals 53 16 69
tribute rating are not independent. Examining the table
S.C. Johnson & Son, Inc., 1525 Howard Street, Racine, WI 53403-2236.

Copyright 2009 by ASTM International www.astm.org

TABLE 3—Chi-square, Yates’ corrected chi-square, phi-square, and Fisher’s exact tests summary
results for Size and Color, for samples 170, 458, 523, 896, and 914 of the ASTM data set for JAR
scales, including frequencies.
Overall Liking Overall Liking
Sample Row Row
S#170 Size Like Dislike Totals Color Like Dislike Totals
Frequencies, 14 10 24 Frequencies, 3 5 8
“Not Enough” “Not Enough”
Percent of total 22.95% 16.39% 39.34% Percent of total 21.43% 35.71% 57.14%
Frequencies, 23 14 37 Frequencies, 2 4 6
“Too Much” “Too Much”
Percent of total 37.71% 22.95% 60.66% Percent of total 14.29% 28.57% 42.86%
Column totals 37 24 61 Column totals 5 9 14
Percent of total 60.66% 39.34% Percent of total 35.71% 64.29%
Chi-square 0.09 p = 0.7649 Chi-square 0.03 p = 0.8721
共df= 1兲 共df= 1兲
Yates corrected 0 p = 0.9754 Yates corrected 0.16 p = 0.6873
Chi-square Chi-square
Phi-square 0.00147 Phi-square 0.00185
Fisher exact p, p = 0.4861 Fisher exact p, p = 0.6573
one-tailed one-tailed
two-tailed p = 0.7940 two-tailed p = 1.0000

Row Row
S#458 Like Dislike Totals Like Dislike Totals
Frequencies, 19 10 29 Frequencies, 7 4 11
“Not Enough” “Not Enough”
Percent of total 32.76% 17.24% 50.00% Percent of total 58.33% 33.33% 91.67%
Frequencies, 20 9 29 Frequencies, 0 1 1
“Too Much” “Too Much”
Percent of total 34.48% 15.52% 50.00% Percent of total 0.00% 8.33% 8.33%
Column totals 39 19 58 Column totals 7 5 12
Percent of total 67.24% 32.76% Percent of total 58.33% 41.67%
Chi-square 0.08 p = 0.7797 Chi-square 1.53 p = 0.2165
共df= 1兲 共df= 1兲
Yates corrected 0 p = 1.0000 Yates corrected 0.03 p = 0.8599
Chi-square Chi-square
Phi-square 0.00135 Phi-square 0.12727
Fisher exact p, p = 0.5000 Fisher exact p, p = 0.4167
one-tailed one-tailed
two-tailed p = 1.0000 two-tailed p = 0.4167

Row Row
S#523 Like Dislike Totals Like Dislike Totals
Frequencies, 17 5 22 Frequencies, 7 3 10
“Not Enough” “Not Enough”
Percent of total 28.81% 8.48% 37.29% Percent of total 46.67% 20.00% 66.67%
Frequencies, 28 9 37 Frequencies, 2 3 5
“Too Much” “Too Much”
Percent of total 47.46% 15.25% 62.71% Percent of total 13.33% 20.00% 33.33%
Column totals 45 14 59 Column totals 9 6 15
Percent of total 76.27% 23.73% Percent of total 60.00% 40.00%
Chi-square 0.02 p = 0.8891 Chi-square 1.25 p = 0.2636
共df= 1兲 共df= 1兲
Yates corrected 0.03 p = 0.8595 Yates corrected 0.31 p = 0.5762
Chi-square Chi-square
Phi-square 0.00033 Phi-square 0.08333
Fisher exact p, p = 0.5755 Fisher exact p, p = 0.2867
one-tailed one-tailed
two-tailed p = 1.0000 two-tailed p = 0.3287

Row Row
S#896 Like Dislike Totals Like Dislike Totals
Frequencies, 17 4 21 Frequencies, 1 0 1
“Not Enough” “Not Enough”
Percent of total 28.81% 6.78% 35.59% Percent of total 25.00% 0.00% 25.00%
Frequencies, 28 10 38 Frequencies, 1 2 3
“Too much” “Too Much”
Percent of total 47.46% 16.95% 64.41% Percent of total 25.00% 50.00% 75.00%
Column totals 45 14 59 Column totals 2 2 4
Percent of total 76.27% 23.73% Percent of total 50.00% 50.00%
Chi-square 0.39 p = 0.5298 Chi-square 1.33 p = 0.2482
共df= 1兲 共df= 1兲

TABLE 3— „Continued.兲
Overall Liking Overall Liking
Sample Row Row
S#170 Size Like Dislike Totals Color Like Dislike Totals
Yates corrected 0.1 p = 0.7575 Yates corrected 0 p = 1.0000
Chi-square Chi-square
Phi-square 0.00669 Phi-square 0.33333
Fisher exact p, p = 0.3851 Fisher exact p, p = 0.5000
one-tailed one-tailed
two-tailed p = 0.7506 two-tailed p = 1.0000

Row Row
S#914 Like Dislike Totals Like Dislike Totals
Frequencies, 20 7 27 Frequencies, 15 6 21
“Not Enough” “Not Enough”
Percent of total 28.99% 10.15% 39.13% Percent of total 71.43% 28.57%
Frequencies, 33 9 42 Frequencies, 0 0 0
“Too Much” “Too Much”
Percent of total 47.83% 13.04% 60.87% Percent of total 0% 0%
Column totals 53 16 69 Column totals 15 6 21
Percent of total 76.81% 23.19% Percent of total 71.43% 28.57%
Chi-square 0.19 p = 0.6657 Chi-square na na
共df= 1兲 共df= 1兲
Yates corrected 0.02 p = 0.8888 Yates corrected na na
Chi-square Chi-square
Phi-square 0.0027 Phi-square na
Fisher exact p, p = 0.4401 Fisher exact p, na
one-tailed one-tailed
two-tailed p = 0.7723 two-tailed na

would lead to the conclusion that the “Too Much” group practice. Additionally, in collapsing the scale from 5 points
liked the product more than the “Not Enough” group and the to 2 points, there is a loss of data.
recommendation would be to increase the level of that at-
tribute. Recommendation
The chi-square statistic is an approximation and is not
recommended when any of the cells in the table are ⬍5. In The chi-square approach is recommended for determining
that case, Fisher’s exact test should be used. The exact test whether liking differs among respondents rating the product
confirms the results discussed above. “Not Enough” versus “Too Much.”
Results and Conclusions Appendix
Based on the results shown in Tables 3–6, there are no sig-
The chi-square tests give probability values for the relation-
nificant differences in liking between the “Not Enough” and
“Too Much” for size, color, amount of flavor, thin/thick, and ship between two dichotomous variables. They calculate the
stickiness, and the Overall Liking using the following analy- difference between the data observed and the data expected,
ses: chi-square analysis, Yates’ corrected chi-square, and considering the given marginals and the assumptions of the
Fisher’s exact test. The first recommendation would be to model of independence. The chi-square tests give only an es-
run this data through Fisher’s exact test because chi-square timate of the true chi-square and associated probability
is not an appropriate tool when you have cells ⬍5. After run- value, an estimate which might not be very good in the case
ning the Fisher 共see Table 6兲, there is no significant differ- of the marginals being very uneven or with a small
ence. The recommendation would be not to change any at- value 共⬃ ⬍ 5兲 in one of the cells. In that case,
tributes based on the JAR ratings. Fisher’s exact test is a good alternative for the chi-square.
Pros and Cons However, with a large number of cases the chi-square is pre-
ferred, as the Fisher test is difficult to calculate.
Pros As long as all of the cells 共frequencies per quadrant兲 have
The chi-square test is easy test to execute and interpret. Un- at least a count of 5, then the use of the Pearson chi-square
like other statistical tests, the chi-2 square is a non- for the significance level is appropriate. This requires having
parametric test which makes no assumptions concerning
a big enough base so that you will get at least five per
the form of the original population distribution from which
quadrant; the marginal totals have to be fixed. It is appropri-
the test data are drawn.
ate to use Fisher’s exact test to compute when a table that
Cons does not result from missing rows or columns in a larger
The chi-square test suffers from limitations of small cell table has a cell with an expected frequency of less than 5.
sizes 共⬍5兲. If small cell sizes 共⬍5兲 or near-zero cell frequen- Yates, corrected chi-square is especially recommended
cies, Fisher’s test is required, but Fisher’s test requires that all when the same size is small. 共Table 6 shows these various
marginal totals be fixed, an assumption that is rarely met in approaches.兲

TABLE 4—Chi-Square, Yates’ corrected chi-square, phi-square, and Fisher’s exact tests summary
results for Amount of Flavor and Thin/Thick, for samples 170, 458, 523, 896, and 914 of the ASTM
data set for JAR scales, including frequencies.
Overall Liking Overall Liking
Sample Amount Row Row
S#170 Flavor Like Dislike Totals Thin/Thick Like Dislike Totals
Frequencies, 7 9 16 Frequencies, 7 6 13
“Not Enough” “Not Enough”
Percent of total 18.92% 24.32% 43.24% Percent of total 41.18% 35.29% 76.47%
Frequencies, 12 9 21 Frequencies, 2 2 4
“Too Much” “Too Much”
Percent of total 32.43% 24.32% 56.76% Percent of total 11.77% 11.77% 23.53%
Column totals 19 18 37 Column totals 9 8 17
Percent of total 51.35% 48.65% Percent of total 52.94% 47.06%
Chi-square 0.65 p = 0.4194 Chi-square 0.02 p = 0.8928
共df= 1兲 共df= 1兲
Yates corrected 0.23 p = 0.6344 Yates corrected 0.19 p = 0.6614
Chi-square Chi-square
Phi-square 0.01762 Phi-square 0.00107
Fisher exact p, p = 0.3175 Fisher exact p, p = 0.6647
one-tailed one-tailed
two-tailed p = 0.5148 two-tailed p = 1.0000
Row Row
S#458 Like Dislike Totals Like Dislike Totals
Frequencies, 2 4 6 Frequencies, 6 9 15
“Not Enough” “Not Enough”
Percent of total 5.71% 11.43% 17.14% Percent of total 25.00% 37.50% 62.50%
Frequencies, 14 15 29 Frequencies, 4 5 9
“Too Much” “Too Much”
Percent of total 40.00% 42.86% 82.86% Percent of total 16.67% 20.83% 37.50%
Column totals 16 19 35 Column totals 10 14 24
Percent of total 45.71% 54.29% Percent of total 41.67% 58.33%
Chi-square 0.45 p = 0.5036 Chi-square 0.05 p = 0.8307
共df= 1兲 共df= 1兲
Yates corrected 0.05 p = 0.8269 Yates corrected 0.05 p = 0.8307
Chi-square Chi-square
Phi-square 0.01278 Phi-square 0.0019
Fisher exact p, p = 0.4179 Fisher exact p, p = 0.5818
one-tailed one-tailed
two-tailed p = 0.6657 two-tailed p = 1.0000

Row Row
S#523 Like Dislike Totals Like Dislike Totals
Frequencies, 3 1 4 Frequencies, 7 7 14
“Not Enough” “Not Enough”
Percent of total 11.54% 3.85% 15.39% Percent of total 41.18% 41.18% 82.35%
Frequencies, 10 12 22 Frequencies, 1 2 3
“Too Much” “Too Much”
Percent of total 38.46% 46.15% 84.62% Percent of total 5.88% 11.77% 17.65%
Column totals 13 13 26 Column totals 8 9 17
Percent of total 50.00% 50.00% Percent of total 47.06% 52.94%
Chi-square 1.18 p = 0.2770 Chi-square 0.28 p = 0.5997
共df= 1兲 共df= 1兲
Yates corrected 0.3 p = 0.5867 Yates corrected 0.01 p = 0.9105
Chi-square Chi-square
Phi-square 0.04545 Phi-square 0.0162
Fisher exact p, p = 0.2965 Fisher exact p, p = 0.5471
one-tailed one-tailed
two-tailed p = 0.5930 two-tailed p = 1.0000

Row Row
S#896 Like Dislike Totals Like Dislike Totals
Frequencies, 5 0 5 Frequencies, 5 3 8
“Not Enough” “Not Enough”
Percent of total 29.41% 0.00% 29.41% Percent of total 45.46% 27.27% 72.73%
Frequencies, 8 4 12 Frequencies, 2 1 3
“Too Much” “Too Much”
Percent of total 47.06% 23.53% 70.59% Percent of total 18.18% 9.09% 27.27%
Column totals 13 4 17 Column totals 7 4 11
Percent of total 76.47% 23.53% Percent of total 63.64% 36.36%
Chi-square 2.18 p = 0.1399 Chi-square 0.02 p = 0.8982
共df= 1兲 共df= 1兲
Yates corrected 0.72 p = 0.3960 Yates corrected 0.33 p = 0.5648
Chi-square Chi-square

TABLE 4— „Continued.兲
Overall Liking Overall Liking
Sample Amount Row Row
S#170 Flavor Like Dislike Totals Thin/Thick Like Dislike Totals
Phi-square 0.12821 Phi-square 0.00149
Fisher exact p, p = 0.2080 Fisher exact p, p = 0.7212
one-tailed one-tailed
two-tailed p = 0.2605 two-tailed p = 1.0000

Row Row
S#914 Like Dislike Totals Like Dislike Totals
Frequencies, 33 19 52 Frequencies, 1 3 4
“Not Enough” “Not Enough”
Percent of total 60.00% 34.55% 94.55% Percent of total 4.17% 12.50% 16.67%
Frequencies, 1 2 3 Frequencies, 10 10 20
“Too Much” “Too Much”
Percent of total 1.82% 3.64% 5.46% Percent of total 41.67% 41.67% 83.33%
Column totals 34 21 55 Column totals 11 13 24
Percent of total 61.82% 38.18% Percent of total 45.83% 54.17%
Chi-square 1.09 p = 0.2963 Chi-square 0.84 p = 0.3596
共df= 1兲 共df= 1兲
Yates corrected 0.19 p = 0.6648 Yates corrected 0.13 p = 0.7141
Chi-square Chi-square
Phi-square 0.01983 Phi-square 0.03497
Fisher exact p, p = 0.3229 Fisher exact p, p = 0.3634
one-tailed one-tailed
two-tailed p = 0.5509 two-tailed p = 0.5963

TABLE 5—Chi-Square, Yates’ corrected chi-square, phi-square, and Fisher’s exact tests summary
results for Stickiness, for samples 170, 458, 523, 896, and 914 of the ASTM data set for JAR scales,
including frequencies.
Sample Stickiness Overall Liking
S#170 Like Dislike Totals
Frequencies, “Not 1 2 3
Percent of total 5.00% 10.00% 15.00%
Frequencies, “Too Much” 8 9 17
Percent of total 40.00% 45.00% 85.00%
Column totals 9 11 20
Percent of total 45.00% 55.00%
Chi-square 共df= 1兲 0.19 p = 0.6595
Yates corrected 0.04 p = 0.8502
Phi-square 0.0097
Fisher exact p, p = 0.5789
two-tailed p = 1.0000

S#458 Like Dislike Totals
Frequencies, “Not 4 3 7
Percent of total 15.39% 11.54% 26.92%
Frequencies, “Too Much” 8 11 19
Percent of total 30.77% 42.31% 73.08%
Column totals 12 14 26
Percent of total 46.15% 53.85%
Chi-square 共df= 1兲 0.47 p = 0.4951
Yates corrected 0.06 p = 0.8113
Phi-square 0.0179
Fisher exact p, p = 0.4043
two-tailed p = 0.6652

S#523 Like Dislike Totals
Frequencies, “Not 1 1 2
Percent of total 6.25% 6.25% 12.50%
Frequencies, “Too Much” 5 9 14
Percent of total 31.25% 56.25% 87.50%
Column totals 6 10 16
Percent of total 37.50% 62.50%
Chi-square 共df= 1兲 0.15 p = 0.6963
Yates corrected 0.15 p = 0.6963
Phi-square 0.00952
Fisher exact p, p = 0.6250
two-tailed p = 1.0000

S#896 Like Dislike Totals
Frequencies, “Not Enough” 1 0 1
Percent of total 7.69% 0.00% 7.69%
Frequencies, “Too Much” 6 6 12
Percent of total 46.15% 46.15% 92.31%
Column totals 7 6 13
Percent of total 53.85% 46.15%
Chi-square 共df= 1兲 0.93 p = 0.3352
Yates corrected 0.01 p = 0.9360
Phi-square 0.07143
Fisher exact p, p = 0.5385
two-tailed p = 1.0000

S#914 Like Dislike Totals
Frequencies, “Not 3 7 10
Percent of total 15.79% 36.84% 52.63%

TABLE 5— „Continued.兲
Sample Stickiness Overall Liking
Frequencies, “Too Much” 6 3 9
Percent of total 31.58% 15.79% 47.37%
Column totals 9 10 19
Percent of total 47.37% 52.63%
Chi-square 共df= 1兲 2.55 p = 0.1100
Yates corrected 1.3 p = 0.2551
Phi-square 0.13444
Fisher exact p, p = 0.1276
two-tailed p = 0.1789

TABLE 6—Chi-Square, Yates’ corrected chi-square, phi-square, and Fisher’s exact tests summary
results for Size, Color, Amount of Flavor, Thin/Thick, and Stickiness, for samples 170, 458, 523, 896,
and 914 of the ASTM data set for JAR scales.
Size Color Flavor Thin/Thick Stickiness
Analysis Sample # Value p Value p Value p Value p Value p
Chi-square 共df= 1兲 #170 0.09 0.7649 0.03 0.8721 0.65 0.4194 0.02 0.8928 0.19 0.6595
Yates’ corrected #170 0 0.9754 0.16 0.6873 0.23 0.6344 0.19 0.6614 0.04 0.8502
Phi-square #170 0.00147 0.00185 0.01762 0.00107 0.0097
Fisher exact p, #170 0.4861 0.6573 0.3175 0.6647 0.5789
two-tailed #170 0.7940 1.0000 0.5148 1.0000 1.0000

Chi-square 共df= 1兲 #458 0.08 0.7797 1.53 0.2165 0.45 0.5036 0.05 0.8307 0.47 0.4951
Yates’ corrected #458 0 1.0000 0.03 0.8599 0.05 0.8269 0.05 0.8307 0.06 0.8113
Phi-square #458 0.00135 0.12727 0.01278 0.0019 0.0179
Fisher exact p, #458 0.5000 0.4167 0.4179 0.5818 0.4043
two-tailed #458 1.0000 0.4167 0.6657 1.0000 0.6652

Chi-square 共df= 1兲 #523 0.02 0.8891 1.25 0.2636 1.18 0.2770 0.28 0.5997 0.15 0.6963
Yates’ corrected #523 0.03 0.8595 0.31 0.5762 0.3 0.5867 0.01 0.9105 0.15 0.6963
Phi-square #523 0.00033 0.08333 0.04545 0.0162 0.00952
Fisher exact p, #523 0.5755 0.2867 0.2965 0.5471 0.6250
two-tailed #523 1.0000 0.3287 0.5930 1.0000 1.0000

Chi-square 共df= 1兲 #896 0.39 0.5298 1.33 0.2482 2.18 0.1399 0.02 0.8982 0.93 0.3352
Yates’ corrected #896 0.1 0.7575 0 1.0000 0.72 0.3960 0.33 0.5648 0.01 0.9360
Phi-square #896 0.00669 0.33333 0.12821 0.00149 0.07143
Fisher exact p, #896 0.3851 0.5000 0.2080 0.7212 0.5385
two-tailed #896 0.7506 1.0000 0.2605 1.0000 1.0000

Chi-square 共df= 1兲 #914 0.19 0.6657 na na 1.09 0.2963 0.84 0.3596 2.55 0.1100
Yates’ corrected #914 0.02 0.8888 na na 0.19 0.6648 0.13 0.7141 1.3 0.2551
Phi-square #914 0.0027 na 0.01983 0.03497 0.13444
Fisher exact p, #914 0.4401 na 0.3229 0.3634 0.1276
two-tailed #914 0.7723 na 0.5509 0.5963 0.1789
Note: None of the samples shows a significant association between rows and columns.

关1兴 Fisher, R. and Yates, F., Statistical Tables for Biological, Agri-
culture and Medical Research, Oliver and Boyd, Edinburgh,
1948, Table IV.
MNL63-EB/Feb. 2009

Appendix S: Biplots, Correspondence

Analysis, and Principal Components Analysis
Elizabeth Horn1 and Cindy Ford2

Introduction and Objectives • the relationships among the samples in multidimen-

sional space
• the relationships among the attributes in multidimen-
Multivariate graphical displays, also known as biplots, de- sional space
scribe relationships among “Just About Right” attributes • the degree to which the attributes differentiate the
across samples. Biplots are a visual means to show multidi- products
mensional data relationships. There are many techniques These interpretation hints can be used with most bi-
that can be used to generate the necessary data for biplots, plots:
such as principal components analysis, multidimensional • Many points clustering around the origin 共intersection
scaling, correspondence analysis, and discriminant analy- of the axes兲 suggest slight differentiation among the per-
sis. Two of these methods, correspondence analysis 共CA兲 and ceptions of the samples and their attributes. Conversely,
principal components analysis 共PCA兲, were considered in the further away the attributes and samples are from the
this case study origin, the more one or more samples and attributes are
differentiated from one another.
• The attribute vectors indicate the strength of the rela-
tionship between that attribute and the underlying
• The longer the vector, the stronger the attribute’s rela-
To develop a biplot using CA requires count data 共frequen- tionship with the underlying factor/component.
cies兲 as input, whereas PCA requires interval data. The biplot • Attributes close to one another may be seen as more
of the CA results shows the samples and attributes plotted substitutable by consumers.
together. The first two components 共or groups of highly cor- • Attributes that point in the same direction are seen as
related attributes兲 serve as the axes in the biplot. Research- more similar.
ers then can make interpretations on how attributes relate to • Products that are closer together are seen as more simi-
one another and how sample formulations relate to one an- lar to one another on the attributes.
other. • A product located in the same direction as an attribute
vector is characterized by that attribute. This relation-
ship is stronger for those products positioned away from
the center of the biplot space.
”How to” Analyses contained in this case study considered three
samples—labeled 170, 896, and 914—and five JAR
attributes—Size, Color, Flavor, Thin/Thick 共Thickness兲,
CA describes the relationships between two categorical vari-
and Stickiness 共Texture兲.
ables in a correspondence table 共i.e., a raw crosstabulation of
the variables commonly containing frequency counts兲 in a
low-dimensional space, while simultaneously describing the
relationships between the categories for each variable. The Biplots via Correspondence Analysis
analysis yields coordinates 共x-values and y-values兲 for each
attribute and sample. These coordinates are then plotted in a
two-dimensional space. Before the correspondence analysis can be performed,
PCA functions in much the same manner as CA. The ob- crosstabs resulting in the counts for the JAR attributes were
jective for PCA is to extract two or more underlying compo- obtained for the categories of “Too Much,” “Not Enough,”
nents or “themes” from the data. PCA also yields coordinates and “About Right.” For example, the Color JAR data were the
for each attribute and sample that are then plotted in a two- number of respondents that thought the particular sample
dimensional space. PCA uses means of interval-scaled data had “Too Much Color,” the number that thought there was
to construct the biplot. “Not Enough Color,” and the number that thought the color
Most biplots allow the researcher to determine: was “About Right.”

Decision Analyst, Inc. 604 Avenue H East, Arlington, TX 76011.
The Modellers, LLC 4505 Wasatch Blvd., Salt Lake City, UT 84124.

Copyright 2009 by ASTM International www.astm.org

The count data for each of the three sample formulations are shown below:

Size Thickness Color Flavor Texture

Sample 共n About About About Too About Not About

for each Too Right To Too Right Too Too Right Too Much Right Enough Too Right Too
sample= 102兲 Large Size Small Thick Thickness Thin Colorful Color Drab Flavor Flavor Flavor Sticky Texture Smooth
170 41 37 24 5 84 13 6 85 11 23 63 16 17 81 4
896 40 40 22 3 90 9 3 98 1 13 84 5 14 87 1
914 42 32 28 21 77 4 0 81 21 3 45 54 9 82 10

Note: There were missing data such that the “Too Much,” “Not Enough,” and “Just About Right” counts for a particular attribute may not
add to the total sample size of 102. The original JAR scales were 5-point, fully anchored scales. Scales were recoded into three variables for
each JAR attribute. “Not Enough” was created by collapsing the responses for scale point 1 共“Not Enough”兲 and scale point 2 共“Somewhat
Not Enough”兲. “Just About Right” was scale point 3 共“Just About Right”兲. “Too Much” was created by collapsing the responses for scale
point 4 共“Somewhat Too Much”兲 and scale point 5 共“Too Much”兲. Data sets with many cells that contain zero counts may cause unintended
bias in the biplot results. Using this technique with small sample sizes 共less than 100 respondents兲 is not recommended

Results performed using the singular value decomposition macro in

Excel. The loadings, which are measures of the relationship
The following figure shows a biplot with the 15 attributes of each attribute to each of the two principal components,
共five JAR attributes 关size, color, amount of flavor, thickness, are shown below:
and texture兴 by three variables 关“Too Much,” “Not Enough,”
and “Just About Right”兴兲. This biplot was generated using the Attribute Component 1 Component 2
singular value decomposition and biplot macros for Excel,
Flavor 0.739 −0.188
available from http://www.stat.vt.edu/facstaff/epsmith.html
关1兴. Other software packages, such as SPSS® or SAS®, can Thickness −0.669 −0.159
also produce correspondence analyses and biplots. Color 0.024 0.858
The percent variance explained by the first component Texture −0.016 −0.447
共“Too Drab,” “Too Smooth,” “Not Enough Flavor,” and “Too Size −0.079 −0.063
Thick”兲 was 88.8 %; the variance explained by the second
component 共“Too Colorful,” and “Too Much Flavor”兲 was The higher the magnitude of the loading for an
11.2 %. The second component added little to the interpreta- attribute, the more that attribute describes the
tion of the map. The attributes and products may more ap- component. The sign 共⫹/⫺兲 indicates the direction of
propriately occupy a one-dimensional space. Still, the map the relationship of the attribute to the component. The
may yield insights that are unavailable using other relational first component is described primarily by Flavor and
methods. Thickness. The second component is described
Examining the map, the attribute vectors for “Too Color- primarily by Color and Texture. The percent variance
ful,” “Too Much Flavor,” “Too Thin,” and “Too Sticky” project explained by the first principal component was 99.0 %
in the same direction and are thus considered to be related to 共1.0 % for the second component兲. Thus, the samples
one another. Sample 170 is associated with being too thin, are most differentiated on the first component, which
having “Too Much Flavor,” and “Too Much Color.” Concern- is described most by the concepts of Flavor and
ing the positions of the three samples in the map, Sample
Thickness working in opposition to one another.
914 is perceived to be different from the other two samples,
Using the results from the PCA, a biplot was generated
while Sample 896 and Sample 170 are more similar.
via the biplot macro for Excel.
Biplots via Principal Components Analysis The importance of Flavor and Thickness in discriminat-
ing among the three samples can be seen in the biplot. After
Similar to CA, PCA yields coordinates 共x-values and y-values兲 examining the mean values for the Flavor attribute, we can
for each attribute and each sample. These coordinates are determine that Samples 170 and 896 have “Too Much Fla-
then plotted in a two-dimensional space. vor.” Based on the high mean value for the thickness at-
The means used in the PCA procedure are below: tribute, we can conclude that Sample 914 is “Too Thick”
compared to Samples 170 and 896.
Sample 共n for In this case study, CA and PCA generate biplots that are
each sample= 102兲 Size Color Flavor Thickness Texture different from one another, owing mostly to the type of data
170 3.22 2.95 3.07 2.92 3.14 used in the analyses. PCA relies on interval data 共means兲. Al-
896 3.24 3.02 3.09 2.93 3.14 though the mean describes the distribution of interval data
completely, it may mask subtleties in the JAR data 共which
914 3.10 2.79 2.44 3.17 2.97
may not be truly interval兲 for reasons outlined in Appendix
Note: The original JAR scales were 5-point, fully anchored scales D. However, the PCA map is fairly uncluttered and broad dif-
that ranged from 1 共“Not Enough”兲 to 5 共“Too Much”兲.
ferences among the samples may be easily observed.
Results In contrast, CA uses contingency table data that can
completely describe the nuances of JAR data 共“Not Enough,”
The PCA was conducted using five attributes 共Size, Color, “Just About Right,” “Too Much”兲. This creates three times
Amount of Flavor, Thickness, and Texture兲. The analysis was the number of JAR attributes to be plotted on a map. Inter-

Fig. 1—Correspondence analysis biplot.

Fig. 2—Principal components analysis biplot.


pretation of relationships in the map becomes more chal- The interpretation of the biplots is limited to the
lenging as the number of JAR attributes increases. Plotting samples and attributes that are included. In other words, the
only the “Too Much” variables, only the “Not Enough” vari- spatial relationships might change as different samples or
ables or only the “Just About Right” variables is an alterna- attributes are involved or even if a different scale is used. An-
tive to plotting all three variables on one map. other limitation associated with biplots is legibility. Inclu-
Pros and Cons sion of numerous points creates a cluttered plot that can
hinder interpretation. Also, the traditional biplot technique
The chief benefit to biplots is that each product can be evalu- is purely descriptive in that it only forms a picture of percep-
ated within the context of other product. In contrast to the tions and does not attempt to incorporate preferences or
results produced by other single or bivariate techniques
causality 共i.e., consumers may think that Sample 170 is “Too
共e.g., mean, correlation兲, results yielded by biplot analyses
Colorful,” but is it worth reformulating if Sample 170 has a
allow researchers to identify products that are perceived
low preference or purchase intent among consumers?兲
similarly and attributes that are more associated with one
another. Although most biplot methods yield similar in- Recommendation
sights, the choice of analytic method often depends on the
scaling of the data 共PCA for interval data and CA for The use of biplots, especially those based on CA, is recom-
frequency/contingency table data兲 and the advantages/ mended as a descriptive tool to understand the relationships
disadvantages associated with the particular technique. For between attributes and samples.
example, one of the disadvantages of CA is that the axes do
not have a clear meaning. Interpreting axes in PCA biplots References
can be difficult as well. There also is some disagreement
among experts as to whether the relationships among at- 关1兴 Lipkovich, I., and Smith, E. P., “Biplot and Singular Value De-
tributes and objects 共or samples兲 are interpretable in CA bi- composition Macros for Excel,” http://www.stat.vt.edu/
plots. facstaff/epsmith.html, Blacksburg, VA, 2001.
MNL63-EB/Feb. 2009

Appendix T: Correlation
Amy Takkunen1

Introduction and Objectives closer an r is to −1 or +1, the stronger the linear relationship
between the scales.
Correlation analyses can be used to measure the linear asso-
ciation of JAR scale data to data measured using other types Case Study Example
of scales, e.g., liking scales. The goal of these analyses is to
This example uses the JAR scale and the liking scales for
assess the strength and direction of the relationship between
Products 170, 896, and 914. Table 1 displays the correlation
the JAR scale and the other scale共s兲 of interest for each prod-
and p-value of each JAR scale with its corresponding liking
uct and, possibly, across products.
scale within each product. Table 2 repeats that analysis,
pooling across products.
Results and Conclusions
This analysis requires the raw data, arranged in a table with
one line per assessor by product combination. The assessors Data in Table 1 indicate that, for Product 170, there are no
must have evaluated the sample共s兲 using both the JAR significant linear relationships between JAR scales and lik-
scale共s兲 and the other scale共s兲 of interest. ing scales. For Product 896, there is a weak but significant
negative linear relationship between JAR color and overall
liking, and JAR flavor and Overall Liking. For Product 914,
”How to”
there is a weak but significant positive relationship between
The formula for the correlation coefficient r is given below, JAR color and color liking, and between JAR flavor and fla-
where SXY = the corrected sum of cross products, SXX = the vor liking. There is also a somewhat stronger significant
corrected sum of squares for the Xs 共here, the JAR scale positive relationship between JAR flavor and Overall Liking.
scores兲, and SYY = the corrected sum of squares for the Ys Data in Table 2 indicate that, across products, there is a
共here, the other scale scores兲: significant positive relationship between JAR size and size
liking, and between JAR color and color liking.

Pros and Cons
冑共SXX兲共SYY兲 Calculating correlation coefficients allows the researcher to
evaluate the strength of a linear relationship between a JAR
scale and other scales used by the same assessors on the
Most statistics programs, as well as Microsoft Excel, include same products.
procedures to calculate this statistic. This statistic has n A limitation of this analysis is its use of a linear relation-
− 2 degrees of freedom, where n is the number of assessors. ship when the relationship between the JAR scale and the
If the calculated r-value is larger than the correlation table Liking scale is expected to be highest in the middle of the
r-value for the chosen alpha level, the correlation between scale and lowest at the ends. It is not hard to demonstrate
scales is considered to be statistically significant. Correla- that there can be a perfect association between the JAR and
tion coefficients range −1 and +1. Positive values of r indi- liking that has a correlation of zero. This problem can be cir-
cate that as the JAR score goes up, so does the score on the cumvented by alternate encodings of the JAR scale 共e.g.,
other scale. Negative r-values indicate that as the JAR score change 兵1,2,3,4,5其 to 兵−2 , −1 , 0 , −1 , −2其兲 or by breaking the
goes up, the score on the other scale goes down. An r close to JAR scale up into two scales, each of which is unidirectional
0 means that there is no relationship between the scales. The 共i.e., “Too Weak” to “Just About Right” and “Just About

TABLE 1—Correlation of JAR scales with other scales by product.


170 896 914

Scales Compared r p r p r p
JAR Size, Liking Size −0.15 NS −0.06 NS −0.04 NS
JAR Color, Liking Color 0.04 NS 0.09 NS 0.23 0.02
JAR Flavor, Liking Flavor 0.07 NS −0.12 NS 0.23 0.02
JAR Size, Liking Overall −0.04 NS −0.03 NS −0.03 NS
JAR Color, Liking Overall 0.02 NS −0.22 0.02 0.02 NS
JAR Flavor, Liking Overall 0.05 NS −0.19 0.05 0.33 0.001
NS= Not significant

General Mills, 9000 Plymouth Avenue North, Minneapolis, MN 55427.

Copyright 2009 by ASTM International www.astm.org

TABLE 2—Correlation of JAR scales with other Right” to “Too Strong,” but these should be considered care-
scales. fully.
Scales Compared r p Recommendation
JAR Size, Liking Size 0.99 ⬍0.01
JAR Color, Liking Color 0.99 ⬍0.01 Correlation analysis is not recommended unless it has been
JAR Flavor, Liking Flavor −0.78 NS demonstrated 共via graphical examination of liking versus
JAR Size, Liking Overall −0.56 NS
JAR data or other analysis兲 that the relationship between the
JAR Color, Liking Overall −0.41 NS
JAR Flavor, Liking Overall −0.64 NS JAR scale and liking is linear兲. Where such data are not avail-
able, it is recommended to re-code the scale, as discussed
NS= Not significant
MNL63-EB/Feb. 2009

Appendix U: Regression
Joseph E. Herskovic1

Background and Introduction are 5-point “Just About Right” scales. The input contains
main effects only and is based on the raw data 共not means兲.
Many of the other techniques in this guideline treat the effect The output is summarized in the following printout:
of JAR scales on the overall rating one scale at a time. Regres-
*** Stepwise Regression ***
sion analysis allows the researcher to evaluate the joint ef-
fects of the scales levels on overall response. The stronger the Coefficients:
relationship between a JAR scale and the overall response, Value Std. Error t value Pr共⬎兩t兩兲
the more important that “Just-Right” attribute is in explain- 共Intercept兲 8.8216 0.6614 13.3372 0.0000
ing the liking attribute, even after controlling for the other JAR.Flavor −0.3615 0.1235 −2.9278 0.0036
attributes. JAR.Stickiness −0.5656 0.1814 −3.1173 0.0019
The regression can be either non-parametric 共ordinal兲
or parametric 共ordinary regression兲 and the JAR scales can Residual standard error: 1.946 on 505 degrees of freedom
have either a linear or non-linear effect on the response. The Multiple R-Squared: 0.03731
examples below use linear regression because of ease of use F-statistic: 9.785 on 2 and 505 degrees of freedom, the
and widespread availability in many statistical packages. p-value is 0.00006771
The more general approaches require more statistical so-
phistication. Of the five attributes entered into the equation, only two
Regression analysis can be done for the entire data set had a significant effect on overall liking: Flavor 共negative兲
共all samples combined兲 or for each individual sample. Con- and Stickiness 共negative兲. Thus, it is recommended that the
ducting the analysis on all samples combined gives a general researcher further investigate these attributes and pay less
overview of how the “Just Right” attributes work together to attention to the other three 共Size, Color, and Thickness兲.
explain liking. This analysis can be conducted using either Note that the sign 共positive or negative兲 yields clues as to how
the individual respondent data or product mean scores. to reformulate. If the sign is positive, then in these product
samples more is better 共up to a certain point, of course兲.
Likewise, If the sign is negative, then less is better.
These approaches generally require the individual level data Individual Product Models
for the overall rating scale and the attributes of interest. The above analysis was done without segmenting by sample.
Often the researcher wants to know the importance of sen-
Example Analysis sory attributes on specific test samples. This involves the
same stepwise regression analysis separately for each
All data from example data set were used in these analyses. sample of interest.
Both an overall model and single sample analyses were fit-
ted. For simplicity, the examples did not include terms to ad- Sample 170
just for the repeated measures on each panelist. This means
that the significance tests are rather conservative, and may
miss some significant effects. In each case a stepwise linear Value Std.Error t value Pr共⬎兩t兩兲
regression approach was used to select the terms to be in- 共Intercept兲 8.1163 1.4669 5.5328 0.0000
cluded in the models. JAR.Stickiness −0.8277 0.4625 −1.7895 0.0766

Residual standard error: 2.173 on 100 degrees of freedom

Results and Conclusions Multiple R-Squared: 0.03103
F-statistic: 3.202 on 1 and 100 degrees of freedom, the
All Samples Combined p-value is 0.07656
For the current data set, the regression of Overall Liking on
the five attributes of Size, Color, Amount of Flavor, Thick/ Comments: Only Stickness has a significant 共negative兲
Thin, and Stickiness was fit. Note that Overall Liking is a effect on overall liking Note that the coefficient 共−0.8兲 is both
9-point scale and all scales on the right side of the equation larger and less reliable than that Stickiness coefficient in the
overall regression.

Sensory ConAgra Foods, Inc. Six ConAgra Drive Omaha, NE 68102-5094.

Copyright 2009 by ASTM International www.astm.org

Sample 458 Two ways of analyzing the data were demonstrated here:
the entire data set and each individual sample, both using
Coefficients: raw data. A more thorough analysis would include a test for
Value Std. Error t value Pr共⬎兩t兩兲 product⫻ attribute interactions to determine if there is any
共Intercept兲 9.6205 1.2640 7.6114 0.0000 benefit in evaluating individual product models. This analy-
JAR.Flavor −0.7467 0.2229 −3.3497 0.0011 sis also treats the center point of a JAR scale 共the “Just-
About-Right” point兲 as another point on the intensity con-
JAR.Stickiness −0.5270 0.2958 −1.7815 0.0779
tinuum, affording it no special significance.
Residual standard error: 1.645 on 98 degrees of freedom There are other ways to analyze these data. For example,
one can use “indicator” variables to evaluate the joint effect
Multiple R-Squared: 0.1189
of deviating from the JAR values. Additionally, as mentioned
F-statistic: 6.614 on 2 and 98 degrees of freedom, the earlier, a more careful analysis could include dummy vari-
p-value is 0.00202 ables to capture some of the individual variability in using
the scales. Further, the response can be treated as an ordinal
Comments: As with the joint model, only Flavor and response, dropping the requirement that the panelist have
Stickiness have significant effects on Overall Liking. As with an interval-level response.
the previous example, the coefficients are both larger and
less reliable than the joint regression. Pros and Cons
The researcher can continue conducting this analysis Regression measures provide the benefit of simultaneous
for each of the samples to determine the most important sen- analysis of all product attributes, resulting in an understand-
sory attributes to investigate. ing of those that have the most impact on overall liking. Re-
From the regression data, we can determine that prod- gression analysis provides predicted overall liking ratings
uct liking is most sensitive to the amount of flavor and the based on JAR scale ratings. Curvilinear relationships can be
stickiness of the products. The other attributes, Size, Color, modeled using these techniques, a distinct over correlational
and Thickness, did not have a strong effect after controlling analysis. Regression techniques are widely available in most
for Flavor and Stickiness 共within the range tested here兲 and software packages.
should be of secondary importance in product development Regression techniques assume that the data are unimo-
efforts. dal and provide interval-level information; in practice, these
assumptions may not be true. While widely available, these
Discussion analyses require some statistical sophistication on the part
As was demonstrated here, it can be the case that only a few of the analyst.
of the attributes have a direct effect on the output, while the Recommendation
rest of the attributes have little impact once the direct at-
tributes have been accounted for. This implies that the ef- It is recommended that regression analysis be considered
fects of these other attributes may be indirect and may be re- when there are multiple attributes that can affect the overall
alized through their impact on the other attributes. response and the research is interested in untangling which
Untangling “what causes what” requires some substantive attributes have direct effects on the response and which do
understanding of the attributes and product use in the field. not.
MNL63-EB/Feb. 2009

Appendix V: Preference Mapping from JAR

Data Using Tree-Based Regressions
Jean-Francois Meullenet1 and Rui Xiong1

Background and Objectives Example From Case Study Data

In this example, MARS was applied to each of the Products
Penalty analysis offers a method to consider the individual 170, 458, 596, 823, and 914 individually. This provides an op-
effects of JAR ratings on Overall Liking 共OAL兲, but does not timum regression for each product’s Overall Liking 共OAL兲 in-
provide a way to assess the impacts of simultaneous changes dividually
in JAR ratings on Overall Liking. Standard multiple regres-
sion is of limited use in this situation because of its strong
Results and Conclusions
assumptions of linearity. For Sample 170, the “best fit” MARS regression equation was
A form of non-parametric regression, which we will re- as follows:
fer to as “tree-based” regression, removes that assumption
and allows you to determine the combinations of the JAR OAL = 5.515 共R2 = 0,n = 101兲
ratings that have the strongest impact on Overall Liking.
The coefficient of determination R2 = 0 means that there was
There are wide variety of “tree-based” regressions pack-
no predictive relationship between the JAR variables and
ages available, such as CART, MARS, KnowledgeSeeger, and
OAL, indicating that the JAR attributes 共Color, Size, Flavor,
SPSS AnswerTree, as well as free implementations such as
Thin/Thick, Stickiness兲 in this case did not significantly af-
part in R. This example will use MARS 共multivariate adap-
fect the OAL. The predicted OAL mean was 5.5150, which
tive regression splines兲 as its example 关1兴. This is commercial
was actually identical to the observed mean 共OAL= 5.5149兲.
software, sold by Salford Systems 共http://www.salford-
This sample was the second least preferred product, imply-
systems.com/兲 关2兴.
ing that the JAR attributes tested were unable to explain the
Requirements for the Analysis low OAL scores obtained for this product.
For Sample 458, MARS gave the following “best fit” re-
This analysis requires raw data arranged in a table, with one gression equation:
row for each rater by product combination. Each row should
have both the liking and JAR ratings for a particular product OAL = 6.048 − 0.946BF1 − 1.197BF2 共R2 = 0.2,n = 101兲
where the two basis functions were BF1 = max共0 , Flavor-3.0兲
“How to” and BF2 = max共0 , 3.0-Thin/ Thick兲 共max共x1 , x2兲 is interpreted
as the maximum value of the two elements x1 and x2兲. BF1
This is a computer intensive procedure and we will only give = max共0 , Flavor-3.0兲 split the flavor JAR scale at 3 共the JAR
an overview of the method. Tree-based functions typically score兲 into two scale regions: region of 1 to 3 and region of 3
proceed by examing each of the predictors in the whole set in to 5. BF1 is constant over the region of 1 to 3, but linearly in-
turn. For each variable it will use each of its levels to find a creased over the region of 3 to 5. Since the regression coeffi-
split that will make the resulting subgroups most different. It cient 共−0.946兲 is negative OAL score decreased by 0.946 per
keeps the best split overall of the variables and recursively unit change in BF1. This relationship between the flavor and
repeats the process on each of the subgroups until the result- OAL is shown in Fig. 1共a兲. This indicates that a “Too Strong”
ing subgroups are too small. Many of the tree programs fit flavor was more detrimental to the OAL than a “Too Weak”
each subgroup with a simple mean, but MARS goes further flavor. Similarly, BF2 = max共0 , 3.0-Thin/ Thick兲 split the JAR
and fits a linear regression on the splitting variable within scale into two regions 共Fig. 1共b兲兲. Over the region of 3 to 5, the
the subgroups. effect of Thin/Thick on OAL is roughly constant, but the OAL
A general MARS model for a single response and a vec- scores decreased at a rate of 1.197 共−1.197 was the regression
tor of predictors may take the following form: coefficient for BF2兲 as the Thin/Thick scores increased from
1 to 3. This meant that being “Too Thin” was more detrimen-
tal to OAL than being “Too Thick.” Other JAR attributes
Y = ␤0 + ␤1BF1共X兲 + ␤2BF2共X兲 + ¯ + ␤MBFM共X兲 + ␧ 共Color, Size, and Stickiness兲 had no predictive effects on
OAL. The observed and predicted means of Overall Liking
where Y is the response variable 共e.g., Overall Liking兲 X is the scores were 5.4653 and 5.4650, respectively. Since the re-
vector of predictors 共such as Size, Color, Flavor, Salt, Thin/ gression intercept 共6.048兲 could be interpreted as the poten-
Thick, Stickiness, etc兲, BFk denotes the kth basis function, a tial maximum OAL mean score if all the attributes were JAR,
function of all of the splits that lead to one of the final sub- the difference 共0.583兲 between the regression intercept
groups, and M is the number of basis functions included in 共6.048兲 and the predicted mean 共5.4650兲 of the OAL scores
the final model. The regression coefficients ␤k are estimated can be explained as the average potential improvement in
by minimizing the sum of squared residuals ␧. This can be OAL scores if the thin/thick and flavor were adjusted to be
used on either individual products or on multiple products. “Just About Right.”
Department of Food Science, University of Arkansas, Fayetteville, AR 72704.

Copyright 2009 by ASTM International www.astm.org

Fig. 1—Contribution to overall liking from flavor 共a兲 and thin/thick 共b兲.

For sample 523, MARS estimated the best regression two MARS models were fitted separately over the regions of
equation to be: 1 to 3 and the region of 3 to 5 for stickiness. It was found that
stickiness had no predictive value for OAL over the region of
OAL = 6.445 − 1.024BF1 − 1.1587BF2 共R2 = 0.22,n = 102兲 1 to 3, but had a significantly negative impact on OAL over
where the two standard basis functions were BF1 the region of 3 to 5. By combining these two models, the fol-
= max共0 , Flavor-3.0兲 and BF2 = max共0 , Stickiness-3.0兲. The lowing regression equation was obtained:
predicted relationships between OAL and Flavor/Stickiness
are displayed in Fig. 2. It is evident from the figure that both OAL = 6.523 − 1.52BF1 共R2 = 0.01,n = 102兲
flavor and stickiness significantly decreased OAL over the re- where the only standard basis functions was BF1
gion of 3 to 5 in the rates of 1.024 and 1.159, respectively, but = max共0 , Stickiness-3.0兲. The relationship between OAL and
did not have a significant influence on OAL over the region of the JAR variable is illustrated in Fig. 3共b兲. The observed and
1 to 3. This suggested that reducing the intensity of flavor predicted means of overall liking scores were 6.3039 and
and stickiness from being “Too High” to being JAR would in- 6.3144, respectively. Results like those in Fig. 3共a兲 could oc-
crease average consumer OAL score up to 6.445. The ob- cur if there is significant noise in the data; consumer scoring
served and predicted means of Overall Liking scores were 6.0 of the sample is not consistent and/or the JAR variables are
and 5.991, respectively. highly correlated.
For Sample 896, the “best fit” MARS regression equa- For sample 914, the “best fit” MARS regression equation
tion was as follows: was as follows:
OAL = 7.949 − 1.446BF1 共R2 = 0.01,n = 102兲
OAL = 7.730 − 1.638BF1 − 2.928BF2 − 2.305BF3
where one standard basis functions was BF1
− 1.202BF4 共R2 = 0.35,n = 100兲
= max共0 , Stickiness-2.0兲. The relationship between OAL and
Stickiness is presented in Figure 3共a兲. The figure shows that where the four standard basis functions were BF1
BF1 split the Stickiness scale at the point of 2. This means = max共0 , Thin/ Thick-3.0兲, BF2 = max共0 , 3.0-Thin/ Thick兲,
that the OAL mean score was lower at the JAR score of 3 than BF3 = max共0 , Flavor-3.0兲 and BF4 = max共0 , 3.0-Flavor兲. The
at the score of 2, which was not expected. This deviation observed and predicted means of Overall Liking scores were
from the JAR score of 3 could be due to the noise in data, so 6.5600 and 6.5603, respectively. The relationships between

Fig. 2—Contribution to overall liking from flavor 共a兲 and stickiness 共b兲.

Fig. 3—Contribution to overall liking from stickiness: 共a兲 with one model fit and 共b兲 with two-models fit.

OAL and thin/thick and flavor are given in Fig. 4. The OAL did not significantly contribute to OAL scores. To compare
mean was the highest at the JAR score of 3 and decreased consumer preference to the samples, the plot of observed
over either side of the JAR score. This figure suggests that means versus predicted means of OAL scores for all the
there was a disagreement between two segments of consum- samples are presented in Fig. 5. The predicted means were
ers. Some consumers found the product to be too thin while nearly identical to the observed mean with R2 = 0.99. It was
others found it to too thick. However, being too thick seemed
apparent that the overall acceptance order of the samples
slightly more detrimental to OAL than being too thin. Simi-
was 914艌 896艌 523艌 170艌 458. Of the five samples, Sample
larly for Flavor, one group of consumers found the flavor to
914 was the most liked sample, whereas Sample 458 was the
be too strong while another group found the flavor to be too
weak. Overall, a weak flavor had a more negative impact on least liked. However, no useful information was contained in
OAL than a too strong flavor. the JAR data to explain the weaknesses of Sample 170. The
A comparison of all the samples was done by tabulating potential improvements varied from sample to sample.
the results from the above data analysis for each individual Sample 914 had the largest potential improvement of 1.170,
product 共Table 1兲. The table clearly shows that size and color which means that the OAL mean score could be potential im-

Fig. 4—Contribution to overall liking from think/thick 共a兲 and flavor 共b兲.

TABLE 1—Comparison of the samples.

Observed Predicted Potential
Sample Size Color Flavor Thin/Thick Stickiness OAL Mean OAL Mean Improvement
170 䊊 䊊 䊊 䊊 䊊 5.5149 5.5150 0
458 䊊 䊊 ⫻ ⫻ 䊊 5.4653 5.4650 0.583
523 䊊 䊊 ⫻ 䊊 ⫻ 6.0000 5.9909 0.454
896 䊊 䊊 䊊 䊊 ⫻ 6.3039 6.3144 0.209
914 䊊 䊊 ⫻ ⫻ 䊊 6.5600 6.5603 1.170
䊊 stands for no predictive effect on OAL
⫻ stands for detrimental effect on OAL due to not being JAR
Potential improvement is the potential improvement in OAL mean score by adjusting contributing JAR attributes to JAR levels

• Sample 896 had only one attribute 共Stickiness兲 not being

JAR that contributed to lowering OAL and it was the sec-
ond most preferred sample. Being too sticky decreased
• Sample 914 had two out of five attributes 共Thin/Thick
and Flavor兲 not being JAR and it was the most liked
sample. Consumers tended to disagree about the prod-
uct weaknesses.

Pros and Cons

The tree-based regression approaches, such as MARS analy-
sis, allows the researcher to examine the joint effect of the
JAR ratings on Overall Liking. The MARS regression inter-
cept estimates the maximum OAL mean that a sample could
achieve if the attributes were adjusted to JAR levels.
The limitations of these approaches are three-fold.
Fig. 5—Comparison of observed and predicted means of overall
liking scores.
These include conceptual complexity of the results, the re-
quirement for specialist software, often expensive, and the
need for larger sample sizes. Additionally, as presented, the
proved by 1.170 by improving flavor and stickiness to JAR program treats the JAR scales as being continuous, rather
levels. than ordinal.
Conclusions from the Analysis
• According to MARS, the JAR attributes 共Size, Color, Fla- Recommendation
vor, Thin/Thick, Stickiness兲 evaluated for sample 170 did
not seem to explain the OAL scores. This sample had the This method is recommended for JAR scale regression
second lowest OAL mean score of all the five samples analysis when the researcher wishes to understand the joint
tested. action of multiple attributes on “Overall Liking” under con-
• Sample 458 was found to have only two attributes 共Fla- ditions that the independent variables are not correlated
vor and Thin/Thick兲 not being JAR that contributed to with each other and the number of independent variables is
determining OAL. Too strong flavor and being too thin larger than the number of observations. Additionally, it is
were detrimental to OAL. It was the least preferred recommended to analyze the products individually.
sample. References
• Sample 523 had only two attributes 共Flavor and Sticki-
ness兲 not being JAR that contributed to determining 关1兴 Friedman, J., “Multivariate Adaptive Regression Splines,”
OAL. A “Too Strong Flavor” and being “Too Sticky” had Annu. Stat., Vol. 19, 1991, pp. 1–141.
negative impacts on OAL. 关2兴 MARS, MARS User’s Guide, Salford Systems, 2001.
MNL63-EB/Feb. 2009

Appendix W: Application of JAR Data to

Preference Mapping Using Dummy Variables
Rui Xiong1 and Jean-Francois Meullenet1

Objectives column compares the drops, and the third column compares
the asymmetry.
The dummy variable approach is a regression method that To use this technique, the analyst needs to recode the
can be applied to map relationships between JAR and liking data to explode each of the JAR variables into a larger set of
scores. The approach models the relationship between JAR dummy variables. This typically requires some program-
and liking variables, estimates the mean drop of Overall Lik- ming to perform. These dummy variables are subsequently
ing 共OL兲 as a function of JAR scores and determines the driv- supplied to a regression program. As mentioned earlier, we
ers of liking. The dummy variable approach is a very flexible are using regression in the general sense, which can include
method that can be performed either for individual products ordinary least-squares, partial least-squares, multivariate
or for all products to determine the effects of JAR attribute least-squares, and ordinal regression 共proportional odds,
scores on Overall Liking. probit, and proportional hazards兲.
It is used to assess the statistical significance of mean
Requirements for the Analysis differences among treatment groups with an adjustment
made for initial differences on one or more covariates. When
Individual respondent data for each attribute/product com- analysis of covariance applies to relating Overall Liking to
bination are required and the number of observation must JAR variables, the covariance analysis model is expressed as
be at least twice as large as the number of predictive vari-
ables. A statistical package that implements regression and p
partial least-squares 共PLS兲 models is required.
Yij = ␮i + 兺␤
ikXijk + ␩ij + ␧ij 共i = 1,2 . . . ,t;j = 1,2 . . . ,m兲
“How to”
Penalty analysis is a graphical technique that provides a list
of critical product characteristics that most negatively im- where the response variable Yij is the Overall Liking score
pact product liking. However, penalty analysis has many pit- given by the jth consumer for the ith product; ␮i is the mean
falls. It is not a regression-based method, ignores correla- of the response variable for the ith product; independent
tions among product characteristics, and cannot be used to variable Xijk is the JAR score given by the jth consumer for
predict consumer overall acceptance from JAR data. In addi- the kth JAR variable of the ith product; t, m, and p are the
tion, the mean drop estimated by penalty analysis for a spe- numbers of products, consumers, and JAR variables used in
cific attribute is not an estimate of the “true” mean drop on the test, respectively; ␤ik is the regression coefficient for the
overall liking. A dummy variable approach with two models kth JAR variable and the ith product; ␩ij and ␧ij are the ran-
共analysis of covariance or partial least-squares regression兲 is dom effect term and residual for the jth consumer and the ith
proposed as an extension to penalty analysis. product, respectively. This model 共Eq 共1兲兲 is unable to cor-
rectly describe the non-linear relationship between the re-
Regression Analysis with Dummy Variables sponse variable 共Yij兲 and covariates 共Xij1 , Xij2 , . . . , Xijp兲 be-
cause the JAR scale has its “best/ideal” score in the middle
Regression analysis with dummy variables is a method that 共Fig. 1共a兲兲 of the scale. Take a 5-point JAR scale 共1 to 5兲 as an
subsumes both ordinary regression and analysis of variance. example. The best/ideal score, also called the JAR score, is 3.
It does this by transforming the each JAR rating, with, say, k As the scores of a JAR variable 共Xijk兲 are away from the JAR
categories into up to k indicator or dummy variables, prefer- score over both sides/regions 共“Too Little” region and “Too
ably independent. As an example, consider the following en- Much” region兲, consumer acceptance scores 共Yij兲 would be
coding for a k = 3 JAR scale 共see Table 1兲. expected to drop or stay constant 共Fig. 1兲. It is possible that
This example converts a three-level JAR scale into three the drop rates over both regions of the JAR score may be dif-
nominally independent 共uncorrelated兲 variables 共Z1 – Z3兲. ferent. To describe this phenomenon, two dummy variables
The dummy variable Z1 captures the usual mean. The 共Zijk1 and Zijk2兲 are introduced to represent each original JAR
dummy variable Z2 compares the JAR value with the average variable 共Xijk兲. The presentation scheme is provided in Table
of the non-JARs. If this variable is used to predict a liking 1. Over the region 共1 to 3兲 of Xijk, Zijk1 changes from −2 to 0,
variable, It would measure the difference between liking and Zijk1 is 0 over the region 共3 to 5兲. In contrast, Zijk2 is 0 over
when the attribute is at the JAR value and liking is not at the the region 共1 to 3兲 and changes from 0 to 2 over the region 共3
JAR value 共the average penalty兲. Finally Z3 compares the lik- to 5兲. If the drop rates over the two regions are the same, Zijk1
ing when the attribute is “Too High” with the liking when the and Zijk2 are combined into a single dummy variable Zijk
attribute is “Too Low.” When used as a response in a regres- = Zijk1 − Zijk2 to represent Xijk.
sion model comparing several products or attributes, the Using dummy variables instead of the original JAR vari-
first column is constant and non-informative, the second ables, the new model is given by
Department of Food Science, University of Arkansas, Fayetteville, AR 72704.

Copyright 2009 by ASTM International www.astm.org

formed and tested using an F-test. For example, if it is as-

TABLE 1—Example dummy variables for a
sumed that the effect of each dummy variable on the re-
3-point JAR scale.
sponse is the same 共common slope兲 for all products, then the
Response Z1 Z2 Z3 model 共Eq 共2兲兲 becomes

“Too Low” 1/3 −1 / 2 −1

“Just About Right” 1/3 1 0
“Too High” 1/3 −1 / 2 1 Yij = ␮i + 兺 共␣
k1Zijk1 + ␣k2Zijk2兲 + ␩ij + ␧ij

共i = 1,2 . . . ,t;j = 1,2 . . . ,m兲 共3兲


Yij = ␮i + 兺 共␣
ik1Zijk1 + ␣ik2Zijk2兲 + ␩ij + ␧ij This model 共Eq 共3兲兲 is called the reduced model because it
contains only a subset of the variables used in the full model.
The F-test is used to determine which model 共full model or
共i = 1,2 . . . ,t;j = 1,2 . . . ,m兲 共2兲 reduced model兲 fits the data. The testing hypotheses are
where the pair 共Zijk1, Zijk2兲 are dummy variables for the origi- given below:
nal JAR variable Xijk; ␣ik1 and ␣ik2 are regression coefficients
for the kth pair of dummy variables, respectively. For each
H0: the reduced model 共Eq 共3兲 in this case兲 fits
pair of regression coefficients 共␣ik1, ␣ik2兲, the sign 共⫹兲 of ␣ik1
must be opposite to the sign 共⫺兲 of ␣ik2, as shown in Fig. 1共b兲.
The same signs of ␣ik1 and ␣ik2 indicate that the original JAR
variables 共Xij1 , Xij2 , . . . , Xijp兲 are highly correlated with one Ha: the full model 共Eq 共2兲 in this case兲 fits
another or there is noise in the data. As such, this covariance
Reject H0 if the calculated F ⬎ F␣,t−1,N−t, where the F-value is
analysis model 共2兲 is appropriate for mapping relationships
calculated by
between JAR and liking variables only if the original JAR
variables 共Xij1 , Xij2 , . . . , Xijp兲 are independent of each other
共Fig. 1共b兲兲. Correlation coefficients can be used to check the 共SSER − SSEF兲/共DFR − DFF兲
independence between JAR variables. A stepwise method F= 共4兲
共such as backward elimination兲 can apply to this model for
selection of important variables. If Eq 共2兲 is appropriate, the where SSER and SSEF are the sum of squares of errors for
term 共␣ij1Zijk1 + ␣ij2Zijk2兲 is always either zero or negative. A the reduced and full models, respectively; DFR and DFF are
zero mean of the terms 共␣ij1Zijk1 + ␣ij2Zijk2兲 共j = 1 , 2 , . . . , m兲 the degrees of freedom for the reduced and full models, re-
across all consumers indicates that there is no significant re- spectively. Similarly, an F-test can be used to test if a pair or
lationship between the kth JAR variable and the response some pairs of dummy variables have the same effect on the
共OL兲, whereas a negative mean can be explained as the esti- response for all products.
mate of the mean drop on Overall Liking due to the kth JAR For a JAR scale, it is usually important to determine if
variable not being JAR for the ith product. Since Eq 共2兲 in- the drop rates over two JAR regions 共“Too Little” region and
cludes all dummy variables involved, it is usually called the “Too Much” region兲 are the same, which forms the following
full model. Based on the full model, many hypotheses can be testing hypotheses:

Fig. 1—Examples of linear regression models using the original variable 共a兲 and dummy variables 共b兲 to map relationships between JAR and
hedonic scores.

H0: ␣ik1 = − ␣ik2, or 兩␣ik1兩 principal components and is less than or equal to p number
of the original variables; ␤0 is the regression intercept; ␤k is
= 兩␣ik2兩 for all pairs of dummy variables the regression coefficient for the kth PC; ␧j is the residual for
the jth consumer. If the original JAR variables are used for
Ha: ␣ik1 ⫽ − ␣ik2, or 兩␣ik1兩 preference mapping of Overall Liking for each product 共not
all products兲, principal components 共PCs兲 are calculated as
⫽ 兩␣ik2兩 for at least some pairs of dummy variables
Under the null hypothesis 共H0兲, the model 共Eq 共2兲兲 can be
PCjk = ak1Xj1 + ak2Xj2 + . . . + akpXjp
simplified as
共j = 1,2, . . . ,m;k = 1,2, . . . ,s兲 共8兲
p p

Yij = ␮i + 兺␣
ik1共Zijk1 − Zijk2兲 + ␩ij + ␧ij = ␮i + 兺␣
ik1Zijk + ␩ij where akl 共k = 1 , 2 , . . . , s; l = 1 , 2 , . . . , p兲 is the loading for the
kth PC and the lth original JAR variable 共Xl兲; Xjl is the score
given by the jth consumer for the lth JAR variable. As dis-
+ ␧ij 共i = 1,2 . . . ,t;j = 1,2 . . . ,m兲 共5兲
cussed previously, non-linear relationships between the
where Zijk = Zijk1 − Zijk2 共see Table 1兲. By using the above F-test original JAR variables and the response 共OL兲 cannot be ap-
共Eq 共4兲兲, the full 共Eq 共2兲兲 and reduced 共Eq 共5兲兲 models can be propriately described by a linear regression model 共such as
compared to determine if the two drop rates over the two PLS or PCR兲 using the original variables. Dummy variables
JAR regions are the same for all pairs of dummy variables can be used in PLS or PCR models to estimate these non-
simultaneously. Similarly, an F-test can be used to test if the linear relationships, and principal components 共PCs兲 using
drop rates are the same only for a pair or some pairs of dummy variables are calculated as
dummy variables or if all products have the same means. If
PCjk = 共bk11Zj11 + bk12Zj12兲 + 共bk21Zj21 + bk22Zj22兲 + . . .
other factors 共such as gender, age, etc.兲 are of interest, they
can be added to the models. Once the final model is deter- + 共bkp1Zjp1 + bkp2Zjp2兲 共j = 1,2, . . . ,m;k = 1,2, . . . ,s兲
mined, the mean score of Overall Liking for each individual 共9兲
product can be predicted by
where the pair 共bkl1, bkl2兲 共k = 1 , 2 , . . . , s; l = 1 , 2 , . . . , p兲 repre-
sents the loadings for the kth PC and the lth pair of dummy
Ȳi = ␮i + 兺 共␣
ik1Z̄ik1 + ␣ik2Z̄ik2兲 共i = 1,2 . . . ,t兲 共6兲 variables 共Zl1, Zl2兲 which represents the lth JAR variable 共Xl兲.
By substituting PCjk in Eq 共9兲 into the PLS model 共Eq 共7兲兲, we
where Ȳi is the predicted mean score of Overall Liking for the obtain the following PLS model using p pairs of dummy vari-
ith product; Z̄ik1 and Z̄ik2 are the means of dummy variables
Zijk1 and Zijk2 across consumers for the ith product and the Yj = ␥0 + 共␥11Zj11 + ␥12Zj12兲 + 共␥21Zj21 + ␥22Zj22兲 + . . .
kth JAR variable, respectively; ␣ik1Z̄i.k1 and ␣ik2Z̄ik2 are de- + 共␥p1Zjp1 + ␥p2Zjp2兲 + ␧j 共j = 1,2, . . . ,m兲 共10兲
fined as the estimates of the mean drop on Overall Liking due
to the kth JAR variable being “Too Little” and being “Too where ␥0 is the regression intercept which can be interpreted
Much,” respectively. As was pointed out previously, as the estimated mean of Overall Liking for the product if all
兺k=1 共␣ik1Z̄ik1 + ␣ik2Z̄ik2兲 艋 0 is always true if the model fits the JAR attributes are JAR; 共␥l1, ␥l2兲 are regression coefficients
p for the lth pair of dummy variables 共Zl1, Zl2兲, respectively. If
data appropriately. For the ith product, 兺k=1 共␣ik1Z̄ik1
the scheme in Table 1 is used for each pair of dummy vari-
+ ␣ik2Z̄ik2兲 = 0 holds only if Z̄ik1 = Z̄ik2 = 0 for all k 共k ables, regression coefficient ␥l1 should be positive, while ␥l2
= 1 , 2 , . . . , q兲, which means that all attributes of the ith prod- should be negative, which means that the response 共OL兲 has
uct are JAR. its maximum at the JAR score. Since not all variables in Eq
Partial Least-Squares Regression with 共9兲 have equal influences on the response 共OL兲, those unim-
Dummy Variables portant or insignificant variables to the response need to be
removed from the PLS model. The jackknife optimization
In sensory evaluation, it is often found that some variables method is one of popular methods to remove unimportant
are highly correlated with each other. This correlation or de- variables from PLS models or select important variables for
pendence between variables violates the independence as- PLS models. The PLS models using q 共q 艋 p兲 important pairs
sumption for covariance analysis models, so analysis of co- of dummy variables are given by
variance is no longer valid. Partial least-squares 共PLS兲
regression or principal component regression 共PCR兲 are of- Yj = ␥0⬘ + 共␥11 ⬘ + ␥12
⬘ Zj11 ⬘ 兲 + 共␥21
⬘ Zj12 ⬘ + ␥22
⬘ Zj21 ⬘ 兲
⬘ Zj22
ten used to handle this kind of collinearity problems. For a ⬘ Zjq1
+ . . . + 共␥q1 ⬘ + ␥q2
⬘ Zjq2
⬘ 兲 + ␧j 共j = 1,2, . . . ,m兲 共11兲
single response, PLS regression models for each individual
product can be expressed as ⬘ , ␥l2
where ␥0⬘ is the regression intercept, the pair 共␥l1 ⬘ 兲 are re-
gression coefficients for the lth important pair of dummy
Yj = ␤0 + ␤1PCj1 + ␤2PCj2 + . . . + ␤sPCjs + ␧j ⬘ , Zl1
variables 共Zl1 ⬘ 兲. A pair of dummy variables is defined to be
important or significant if at least one of a pair of dummy
共j = 1,2, . . . ,m;s 艋 p兲 共7兲
variables is selected into the PLS model by the jackknife or
where the response variable Yj is the OL score given by the other optimization method. Important pairs of dummy vari-
jth consumer for this product; PCjk is the score of the kth ables imply that the intensities of the corresponding JAR at-
principal component for the jth consumer; s is the number of tributes are not “Just About Right,” while unimportant pairs

TABLE 2—Example dummy variables for a 5-point JAR scale.

JAR Rating Z1 Z2 Z3 Z4 Z5

1 共“Too Low”兲 1/5 −1 / 4 −1 / 2 1 0

2 共“Slightly Low”兲 1/5 −1 / 4 −1 / 2 −1 0
3 共“Just About Right”兲 1/5 1 0 0 0
4 共“Slightly High”兲 1/5 −1 / 4 1/2 0 −1
5 共“Too High”兲 1/5 −1 / 4 1/2 0 1

Variable Interpretation
Z1 Average rating
Z2 Average difference between JAR and non-JAR values
Z3 Average difference between “High” and “Low” values
Z4 Difference between “Too Low” and “Slightly Low” values
Z5 Difference between “Too High” and “Slightly High” values

of dummy variables can be interpreted as having no signifi- paired t-test described by Snedecor and Cochran 关1兴 for com-
cant effect on Overall Liking or as the attribute to be at a JAR paring two correlated variances can be used to test if RMSER
level. When the paired regression coefficients 共␥l1 ⬘ , ␥l1
⬘ 兲 are and RMSEF are significantly different at a significance level
not equal for an important pair of dummy variables, the JAR ␣. The t value for the paired t-test is computed as

attribute is more detrimental to OL over one JAR region than
another. The PLS model 共Eq 共11兲兲 is called the F-model 共or N−2
t = rFR
pseudo full model兲 because it includes all important pairs of 1 − r2FR
dummy variables. Based on this F-model, various null hy-
potheses can be formed and tested just as for the covariance F−1
where rFR =
analysis models. For example, if the null hypothesis is that 冑共F + 1兲2 − 4r2F
the two drop rates 共in absolute values兲 over the two JAR re-

冉 冊
gions are the same for all important pairs of dummy vari-
ables in Eq 共11兲 simultaneously 共i.e., H0: ␥l1 ⬘ = −␥l1
⬘ = ␸l1⬘ for all s2R DFR RMSER 2
F= = 共14兲
important pairs, l = 1 , 2 , . . . , q; see Eq 共5兲兲, then a pair of two s2F DFF RMSEF
dummy variables can be combined into one single dummy
N is the number of observations; r is the correlation coeffi-
⬘ = Zl1
variable 共Zl1 ⬘ − Zl1
⬘ 兲 and Eq 共11兲 becomes cient between the residuals for F- and R-models; S2R and S2F
⬘ + ␸2⬘ Zj2
Yj = ␸0⬘ + ␸1⬘ Zj1 ⬘ + . . . + ␸q⬘Zjq
⬘ + ␧j 共j = 1,2, . . . ,m兲 are standard deviations of the residuals for R- and F-models,
respectively; DFR and DFF are the degrees of freedom for the
R- and F-models, respectively, and they are calculated as the
where ␸0⬘ , ␸1⬘ , ␸2⬘ , . . . , ␸q⬘ are regression coefficients for Eq difference between the number of observations and the
共12兲. This PLS model 共Eq 共12兲兲 is called the R-model 共pseudo number of principal components in the PLS model. If com-
reduced model兲 because it contains only a subset of the all puted t-value is equal to or greater than the table t-value
dummy variables used in the above F-model 共Eq 共11兲兲. Simi- 共one-tailed test, degree of freedom DF= N − 2兲 at ␣, RMSER is
larly, if the null hypothesis of interest is that the two drop significantly larger than RMSEF, suggesting that F-model
rates are the same only for the first important pair of dummy fits the data best. If the computed t-value is less than the table
variables 共Zj1⬘ , Zj2
⬘ 兲, the PLS model is given by t-value at ␣, RMSER is not significantly larger than RMSEF,
suggesting that the R-model fits the data equally as well as
⬘ + 共␾21
Yj = ␾0⬘ + ␾1⬘ Zj1 ⬘ + ␾22
⬘ Zj21 ⬘ 兲 + . . . + 共␾q1
⬘ Zj22 ⬘ Zjq1
⬘ + ␾q2
⬘ Zjq2
⬘ 兲 the F-model. Once the final PLS model is determined, the
+ ␧j 共j = 1,2, . . . ,m兲 共13兲 mean score of overall liking for the product can be predicted
where ␾0⬘ , ␾1⬘ , ␾2⬘ , . . . , ␾q⬘ are regression coefficients for Eq
共13兲. The PLS model 共共13兲兲 is another R-model. Unlike the Ȳ = ␥0⬘ + 共␥11
⬘ Z̄11
⬘ + ␥12
⬘ Z̄12
⬘ 兲 + 共␥21
⬘ Z̄21
⬘ + ␥22
⬘ Z̄22
above analysis of covariance, however, there is no F-test
available for testing the F-model and R-model. The root ⬘ Z̄q1
+ . . . + 共␥q1 ⬘ + ␥q2
⬘ Z̄q2
⬘兲 共15兲
mean square error 共RMSE兲 statistic can be used to assess
which model is more appropriate. If RMSE values are “sub- ⬘
where Ȳ⬘ is the predicted mean score of overall liking; Z̄ik1
stantially” different between F- and R-models, the F-model is ⬘ are the means of dummy variables Zjk1 and Zjk2 for
and Z̄ik2
more appropriate. Otherwise, the R-model is more appropri- the kth JAR variable, respectively; ␣ik1Z̄ik1 and ␣ik2Z̄ik2 are
ate. Because F- and R-models fit the same data, the residuals defined as the estimates of the mean drop on Overall Liking
from the two models are correlated with each other. In addi- due to the kth JAR variable being “Too Little” and being “Too
tion, RMSER 共RMSE for R-model兲 is at least equal to or Much,” respectively. When all attributes of the product are
greater than RMSEF 共RMSE for F-model兲 because the JAR, the intercept ␥0⬘ is equal to the predicted mean score of
R-model uses fewer dummy variables than the F-model. A overall liking. When at least one or some attributes are not

TABLE 3—Example dummy variables for a 7-point JAR scale.

Jar Rating Z1 Z2 Z3 Z4 Z5 Z6 Z7

1 共“Too Low”兲 1/7 −1 / 6 −1 / 3 1 0 −1 / 2 0

2 共“Low”兲 1/7 −1 / 6 −1 / 3 0 0 1 0
3 共“Slightly Low”兲 1/7 −1 / 6 −1 / 3 −1 0 −1 / 2 0
4 共“Just About Right”兲 1/7 1 0 0 0 0 0
5 共“Slightly High”兲 1/7 −1 / 6 1/3 0 −1 0 −1 / 2
6 共“Low”兲 1/7 −1 / 6 1/3 0 0 0 1
7 共“Too Low”兲 1/7 −1 / 6 1/3 0 1 0 −1 / 2

Variable Interpretation
Z1 Average rating
Z2 Average difference between JAR and non-JAR values
Z3 Average difference between “High” and “Low” values
Z4 Linear Trend over “Too Low” and “Slightly Low” values
Z5 Linear Trend over “Too High” and “Slightly High” values
Z6 Curvature in the “Low” values 共Deviation from a linear trend兲
Z7 Curvature in the “High” values 共Deviation from a linear trend兲

JAR, the intercept is larger than the predicted OL mean Thick and Stickiness, which was highly significantly
score. The difference between the intercept and the pre- different from zero with p ⬍ 0.0001, and the remaining cor-
dicted OL mean score can be interpreted as the total/overall relation coefficients were less than ±0.12. Since some of the
mean drop due to not being JAR or as the maximum poten- five JAR variables were correlated with each other, the inde-
tial improvement margin on OL if the attributes that are not pendence assumption for analysis of covariance was some-
JAR are modified to be JAR. what violated. In this case, it is more appropriate to use a
Similarly to penalty analysis, important dummy vari- PLS model than a covariance analysis model. The following
ables in a PLS model can initially be selected according to section will focus only on use of PLS models with dummy
the pre-specified percent of consumers 共e.g., 20 %兲 who rate variables to map relationships between JAR and liking vari-
the attribute not to be JAR and then the jackknife optimiza- ables for each individual sample.
tion method applied to select the final important dummy
variables. To compare with penalty analysis, it is recom- Partial Least-Squares Regression With Dummy
mended that dummy variables with 20 % or more consumers Variables
scored be used in the PLS model. Five pairs of dummy variables for the five original JAR vari-
The results of the Analysis ables were created using the scheme for a 5-point JAR scale
in Table 1. PLS regression models using the five pairs of
Correlation Analysis dummy variables were separately fitted by the Unscrambler
Correlation analysis is important for determining which software program 共Unscrambler, version 7.5, CAMO, Nor-
model 共covariance analysis or PLS model兲 is appropriate for way兲 to the data for each individual product. The jackknife
preference mapping between JAR and hedonic scores. This optimization method was applied to the PLS models to iden-
is because covariance analysis requires the independence as- tify important pairs of dummy variables to Overall Liking.
sumption on JAR variables. Correlation coefficients among The fitted PLS models with significant dummy variables are
the five original JAR variables 共Size, Color, Flavor, Thin/ presented in Table 3. For Sample 170, the jackknife method
Thick, and Stickiness兲 are presented in Table 2. The maxi- found that only one important pair of dummy variables 共Z51,
mum correlation coefficient was −0.4043 between Thin/ Z52兲 representing Stickiness significantly affected OL. For

TABLE 4—Scheme for using two dummy variables „Z1 and Z2… or one dummy variable 共Z兲 to rep-
resent one JAR variable 共X兲 on a 5-point or 7-point JAR scale.
5-Point JAR Scale 7-Point JAR Scale

X Z1 Z2 Z X Z1 Z2 Z
1 −2 0 −2 1 −3 0 −3
2 −1 0 −1 2 −2 0 −2
3 0 0 0 3 −1 0 −1
4 0 1 −1 4 0 0 0
5 0 2 −2 5 0 1 −1
6 0 2 −2
7 0 3 −3

TABLE 5—Correlation coefficients between JAR variables.

Size Color Flavor Thin/Thick Stickiness
Size 1 0.0004 −0.0040 −0.0039 0.0947a
Color 1 0.0255 −0.1115a 0.0163
Flavor 1 −0.0280 0.0648
Thin/Thick 1 −0.4043b
Stickiness 1
Significant at p ⬍ 0.05;
Significant at p ⬍ 0.0001 共n = 102兲.

the pair 共Z51, Z52兲, regression coefficient of 1.2692 共it stands For Sample 458, three important pairs of dummy vari-
for the absolute value hereafter兲 for Z52 means that the OL ables 共Z31, Z32兲 for Flavor, 共Z41, Z42兲 for Thin/Thick, and 共Z51,
mean score decreased in the rate of 1.2692 per unit increase Z52兲 for Stickiness significantly affected OL 共Table 3兲 because
in stickiness over the region of 3 to 5, whereas regression co- at least one of two paired regression coefficients was not
efficient for Z51 was zero, indicating that the OL mean score zero. For the Flavor attribute, regression coefficients for the
was not affected by Z51. The combined effects of the pair of pair 共Z31, Z32兲 were 0 and 0.6716, respectively, suggesting
dummy variables 共Z51, Z52兲 for stickiness on OL are graphi- that “Too Strong” flavor had a negative impact on OL, while
cally presented in Fig. 2. The figure shows that the OL mean “Too Weak” had no impact. “Too Strong” flavor was rated by
score was constant at 5.7436 共regression intercept兲 over the 32 % of consumers, whereas “Too Weak” flavor by only 6 %.
JAR region of 1 to 3 for stickiness, and dropped linearly over
The estimated mean drop on OL was 0.283 共=0.6716*0.4216,
the JAR region of 3 to 5, implying that “Too Sticky” was more
where 0.4216 was the mean of Z32兲 due to the “Too Strong”
detrimental to OL than “Not Sticky Enough.” The estimated
flavor. For the Stickiness attribute, 4 % and 14 % of consum-
mean drop on OL for this sample was 0.224 共=1.2692*0.1765,
ers rated the sample “Not Sticky Enough” and “Too Sticky,”
where 0.1765 was the mean of Z52; see Eq 共15兲兲 due to the
respectively. The PLS model shows that only dummy vari-
product being “Too Sticky.” The regression intercept was
able Z52 for Stickiness significantly decreased the OL mean
5.7436, indicating that the potential maximum mean score
was 5.7436 if all JAR attributes were overall “Just About score, suggesting that “Too Sticky” texture was detrimental
Right.” Although the PLS model did not give very good pre- to OL. The estimated mean drop on OL was 0.161
diction to the OL scores for individual consumers 共low R 共=0.7837*0.2059, where 0.2059 was the mean of Z52兲. For the
value in Table 3兲, it predicted well the observed OL mean Thin/Thick attribute, the two regression coefficients 共0.8586
score 共Table 3兲 for sample 170. As far as consumers were con- and 0.8737兲 for Z41 and Z42 were significantly different from
cerned, 17 % of consumers rated this product “Too Sticky” zero. Since the regression coefficient of 0.8737 for Z42 was
and 1 % of consumers “Not Sticky Enough.” Like penalty slightly larger than the regression coefficient of 0.8586 for
analysis, if only attributes for which 20 % or more consum- Z41, the paired t-test 共Eq 共14兲兲 was conducted to test whether
ers found the attribute intensity not to be JAR were initially the two regression coefficients were the same or not. It was
selected into the PLS model, no attributes would be found by found that there was no significant difference in RMSE value
the jackknife method to have significant effects on OL. between F-model 共containing Z32, Z41, Z42, Z52兲 and R-model

TABLE 6—Results from PLS models using dummy variables for the five samples.
170 458 523 896 914

% of % of % of % of % of
JAR Attribute Panelists Estimate Panelists Estimate Panelists Estimate Panelists Estimate Panelists Estimate
Intercept 5.7436 6.1246 6.4828 6.5282 7.4183
Size Z11 24 0 32 0 25 0 22 0 27 0
Z12 40 0 32 0 39 0 39 0 41 0
Color Z21 11 0 13 0 11 0 1 0 21 0
Z22 6 0 1 0 5 0 3 0 0 0
Flavor Z31 16 0 6 0 5 0 5 0 53 0.8151
Z32 23 0 32 −0.6716 22 −0.8067 13 0 3 0
Thin/Thick Z41 13 0 16 0.8586 15 0.7670 9 0 4 0
Z42 5 0 9 −0.8737 3 0 3 0 21 −1.2391
Stickiness Z51 4 0 7 0 2 0 1 0 10 1.1624
Z52 17 −1.2692 20 −0.7837 16 −0.9864 14 −1.5249 9 0
R 0.24 0.47 0.46 0.30 0.53
RMSE 2.13 1.52 1.54 1.82 1.77
N 102 101 102 102 101
Observed OL mean 5.52 5.48 6.00 6.30 6.51
Predicted OL mean 5.52 5.47 6.00 6.30 6.55
Rank of preference 4 5 3 2 1
Potential Improvement 0.224 0.655 0.483 0.228 0.868

共containing Z32, Z4 = Z41 − Z42, and Z52兲 at ␣ = 0.05, suggesting

no significant difference between the two regression coeffi-
cients. It was concluded that “Too Thin” and “Too Thick” tex-
tures statistically decreased OL at the same rate and that the
R-model was more appropriate for sample 458 than the
F-model. The results from the R-model are presented in Fig.
3共a兲, which was made to look like the graphical presentation
of the results from penalty analysis. The figure is the plot of
the mean drop on OL versus percent of consumers who rated
the product not to be JAR. For a dummy variable, overall
mean drop on Overall Liking is the product of the regression
coefficient by the mean of the dummy variable across con-
sumers. Figure 3共a兲 shows that “Too Strong” flavor caused
the most mean drop on OL, while “Too Thick” texture the
least mean drop for this sample. Although the drop rates for
“Too Thin” and “Too Thick” were the same, “Too Thick” tex-
Fig. 2—Effect of stickiness on overall liking for sample 170. ture dropped more OL mean score than “Too Thin” texture
because more consumers scored the product “Too Thick”

Fig. 3—The results from the final PLS models: 共a兲 for sample 458, 共b兲 for sample 523, 共c兲 for sample 896 and 共d兲 for sample 914.

than “Too Thin.” This sample was the least liked product in Stickiness兲 significantly affecting OL. “Too Strong” fla-
terms of the predicted OL mean scores. vor and “Too Sticky” texture were more detrimental to
For sample 523, the jackknife method selected three im- OL than “Too Weak” flavor and “Not Sticky Enough” tex-
portant pairs of dummy variables 共Z31, Z32兲 for Flavor, 共Z41, ture, respectively. Although the drop rates for “Too Thin”
Z42兲 for Thin/Thick, and 共Z51, Z52兲 for Stickiness 共Table 3兲. and “Too Thick” were the same, “Too Thick” texture re-
The regression coefficients suggested that “Too Strong” fla- sulted in a greater drop in OL than “Too Thin” texture.
vor had more negative influence on OL than “Too Weak” fla- • For Sample 523, Flavor, Thin/Thick, and Stickiness sig-
vor, “Too Thick” texture was more detrimental to OL than nificantly decreased the OL mean score. “Too Strong”
“Too Thin” texture, and “Too Sticky” texture was also more flavor, “Too Thin,” and “Sticky” textures had more nega-
detrimental to OL than “Not Sticky Enough” texture. The tive impact on OL.
mean drop plot 共Fig. 3共b兲兲 shows that more consumers rated • “Too Sticky” texture had significantly negative contribu-
“Too Strong” flavor for this sample and “Too Strong” flavor tion to overall liking of Sample 896.
resulted in a greater drop of OL than “Too Thick” or “Too • “Too Strong” flavor of Sample 914 was more detrimental
Sticky” texture. to OL than “Too Weak” flavor. Being “Too Thin” and “Not
For Sample 896, only one important pairs of dummy Sticky Enough” significantly decreased the OL mean
variables 共Z51, Z52兲 was found by the jackknife method for score. This sample was the most liked product.
Stickiness 共Table 3兲. Dummy variable Z51 had no significant
Benefits from the Analysis
effect on OL, but dummy variable Z52 significantly decreased • The dummy variable method is flexible in that it can be
OL 共Table 3兲. This implies that “Too Thick” texture was detri- used with many regression models. If the JAR variables
mental to OL. The mean drop plot 共Fig. 3共c兲兲 shows that 14 % are independent of each other, dummy variables are
of consumers rated the product “Too Sticky,” which dropped used with covariance analysis models. If JAR variables
the OL mean score by 0.224. are correlated with each other, dummy variables are
For Sample 914, the jackknife method determined three used with PCR or PLS regression models for mapping
important pairs of dummy variables 共Z31, Z32兲 for Flavor, relationships between JAR and liking variables.
共Z41, Z42兲 for Thin/Thick, and 共Z51, Z52兲 for Stickiness 共Table • The method also provides a tool to perform various hy-
3兲. By comparing the regression coefficients for each pair of pothesis tests.
dummy variables, it was found that “Too Weak” flavor had • Like penalty analysis, it uses a similar graphical presen-
more negative influence on OL than “Too Strong” flavor, tation of relationships between JAR and liking variables,
“Too Thick” texture was more detrimental to OL than “Too but unlike penalty analysis it is a regression method,
Thin” texture, and “Not Sticky Enough” texture was also which can estimate the “true” mean drop of OL.
more detrimental to OL than “Too Sticky” texture. The mean • The difference between the regression intercept and ac-
drop plot 共Fig. 3共d兲兲 shows that 53 % of consumers rated the tual OL mean score indicates the average potential im-
flavor of this sample “Too Strong” and “Too Strong” flavor provement margin if the product is modified to be JAR.
dropped the OL mean score by 0.479, 21 % of consumers
scored the texture of the product “Too Thick” with an esti- Caveats from the Analysis
mated mean drop of 0.255, and 10 % of consumers scored The drawback of this method is that there is no single soft-
the texture to “Not Sticky Enough” with an estimated mean ware program to implement it.
drop of 0.138. Figure 3 also shows the trends that the mean
drops on OL increased as the percent of consumers in- Recommendations
creased because the means of dummy variables are depen-
Correlation analysis of JAR variables is recommended be-
dent on the number of consumers who rated the variables
fore selecting a model to determine whether the indepen-
not to be JAR. It is evident from Table 3 that sample 914 had
dency assumption is met. If the assumption is met, it is rec-
the highest regression intercept 共7.4183兲 and predicted OL
ommended to use covariance analysis model with dummy
mean score 共6.55兲. This sample was the most liked product,
variables because the effects of treatments/products, con-
with the actual OL mean score of 6.51.
sumer panelists and other factors on OL can be tested simul-
Conclusions from the Analysis taneously. Otherwise, principal components-based regres-
• Sample 170 was found to have only one attribute 共Sticki- sion models 共such as PLS or PCR models兲 with dummy
ness兲 not being JAR. Being “Too Sticky” significantly variables are recommended.
dropped the OL mean score, while being “Not Sticky References
Enough” had no significant effect on OL. This sample
was the least liked product of the five samples tested. 关1兴 Snedecor, G. W., and Cochran, W. G., Statistical methods, The
• Sample 458 had three attributes 共Flavor, Thin/Thick and Iowa State University Press, Ames, Iowa, 1976.
MNL63-EB/Feb. 2009

Appendix X: Collecting Intensity and

Hedonic Information Separately
Gloria A. Gaskin1 and Joni L. Keith1
This example utilizes attribute intensity data rather corresponds to an increase of only 0.048 points in Overall
than “Just About Right” data in conjunction with Overall Liking.
Liking in order to determine attribute intensities that A visual representation of the relationship
maximize Overall Liking. For this example, previously pub- between Overall Liking 共1 = “ Dislike Extremely”,
lished data were utilized 关1兴. 9 = “ Like Extremely”兲 and Roasted Garlic Intensity 共Int兲
By relating Overall Liking to attribute intensities on an 共1 = “ Not at All”, 9 = “ Extremely”兲 for Product C 共Code 998兲
attribute-by-attribute basis and on a product-by-product is shown in the frequency scatterplot in Figure 1. As
basis, information is gained regarding the drivers of Over- Roasted Garlic Intensity 共Int兲 increases, Overall Liking in-
all Liking. Simple linear regression can be used to deter- creases.
mine an equation relating Overall Liking to attribute inten- To further utilize this method, a multiple regression
sity 共Overall Liking= b0 + b1Attribute Intensity兲. model may be built using the significant intensity at-
The slope b1 measures importance. High values of b1 tributes generated by the simple regression analysis 共Table
indicate an important attribute, while low values of b1 in- 1兲. Significant parameters from multiple regression may be
dicate an attribute that is less important in predicting Over- plotted on a 3D contour plot to determine the locations
all Liking 关2兴. where Overall Liking is maximized.
From Table 1 below for Product C the attribute Both Roasted Garlic Intensity 共Int兲 共1 = “ Not at All”, 9
Roasted Garlic Intensity 共Int兲 significantly affects Overall = “ Extremely”兲 and Chunkiness Intensity 共Int兲 共1 = not at
Liking 共p 艋 0.05兲. The regression model shows that a one- all, 9 = extremely兲 significantly impacted Overall Liking as
point increase in Roasted Garlic Intensity corresponds to shown in Table 1 and were selected for inclusion in a mul-
an increase of 0.293 points in Overall Liking. In contrast, tiple regression model. A plot of the model is shown in
Flavor Strength Intensity 共Int兲 for Product C is insignificant Figure 2. Overall Liking for Product C is maximized by
共p ⬎ 0.05兲. A one-point increase in Flavor Strength Intensity keeping Chunkiness Intensity 共Int兲 low while increasing
Roasted Garlic Intensity 共Int兲.

TABLE 1—Product Example „Product C, Code 998….

Significant at
Attribute Slope: b1 p 艋 0.05
Q#21. ROASTED GARLIC INT 0.29265 Yes
Q#19. TOMATO FLAVOR INT 0.28156 Yes
Q#9. COLOR INT 0.24536 Yes
Q#23. HERB FLAVOR INT 0.11060 No
Q#25. SWEETNESS INT 0.10147 No
Q#31. HEAT 共SPICE兲 INT 0.06557 No
Q#27. SALTINESS INT −0.00365 No
Q#36. CHUNKINESS INT −0.43286 Yes

Bush Brothers and Company, 1016 E. Weisgarber Road, Knoxville, TN 37909.

Copyright 2009 by ASTM International www.astm.org

Fig. 1—Frequency scatterplot 共Pangborn JAR workshop data 46v*1727c兲. Include condition: v5⫽998. Q#1. Overall liking⫽5.7167⫹0.2927*x.

Fig. 2—3D contour plot 共Pangborn JAR Workshop Data 46v*1727c兲. Include condition: v5⫽998. Q#1. Overall liking⫽4.7118⫹0.2311*x

Recommendation References
关1兴 Popper, R., “Workshop Summary: Data Analysis Workshop:
This technique is appropriate when multiple products are Getting the Most Out of Just-About-Right Data,” Food Qual-
being evaluated outside of a design of experiments; i.e., ity Preference, Vol. 15, 2004, pp. 891–899.
关2兴 Moskowitz, H. R., “Learning from the Competition through
where variables have not been systematically varied.
Category Appraisal: One Practitioner’s Keys to Faster and
More Efficient Product Development,” Food Service Technol.,
Vol. 1, No. 2, 2001, pp. 103–118.
MNL63-EB/Feb. 2009

Appendix Y: Designed Experiments

Merry Jo Parker1 and B. Thomas Carr2

Objective SUGAR LEVEL →

ACID LEVEL ↓ 50 g 28 g 6g

The objective of a designed experiment is to determine the 4.5 g Sample 1 Sample 2 Sample 3
optimal level of a variable or combination of variables within 2.5 g Sample 4 Sample 5 Sample 6
the experimental range tested. Designed experiments obvi- 0.5 g Sample 7 Sample 8 Sample 9
ate the need for JAR scales because there is a direct link be-
tween the experimental variables and consumer response. All other product attributes levels are held constant.
Experimental variables are generally product ingredients or Only the above attributes are varied per the design. The
components. analysis of the data from this design would identify the
optimum levels of each attribute tested.

Requirements Results
Average Overall Liking ratings of the test products are pre-
One or more experimental variables are chosen and prod- sented in the table below.
ucts are produced in accordance with the appropriate statis-
tical design. For analysis, only the mean liking scores for
ACID LEVEL ↓ 50 G 28 G 6G
each product are required along with the associated variable
levels. 4.5 G 6.2 6.4 5.2
2.5 G 6.5 6.7 5.1
”How to” 0.5 G 5.8 5.3 4.4

• Test products are defined by systematic variations in in- A second-order polynomial response-surface model
gredients and/or process settings. was fit to the data. Overall Liking is the dependent,
response variable. Sugar Level and Acid Level are the
• The results are valid within the experimental ranges cho-
independent, predictor variables. The form of the
sen in advance of a study.
regression equation is:
• Experimental design is typically used when the number
of potential variables is small or when one knows which
Liking = B0 + B1共Sugar兲 + B2共Acid兲 + B11共Sugar兲2
factors affect product characteristics that are important
to consumers. + B22共Acid兲2 + B12共Sugar兲共Acid兲,
• This method can assist R&D in optimizing levels of in- where “Liking” = Overall Liking, “Sugar” = Sugar Level,
gredients and process settings. “Acid” = Acid Level and the Bi’s are the regression
coefficients whose values are estimated using
Example regression analysis.
The resulting regression model is:

A researcher wants to determine the optimum levels of sugar Liking = 3.38 + 0.10共Sugar兲 + 0.88共Acid兲 − 0.00124共Sugar兲2
and citric acid in a product being developed. An experimen-
− 0.138共Acid兲2
tal design is being utilized to determine the optimum levels
of each attribute. High, medium, and low levels of each at- 共the 共Sugar兲 共Acid兲 cross-product term was not statistically
tribute have been provided. significant兲. The model explains 95 % of the variability in
Overall Liking. A graphical representation of the results,
Attribute called a contour plot, is presented below. The plot illustrates
Levels Sugar Acid the location of the optimal levels of sugar 共42 gm兲 and acid
High 50 g 4.5 g 共3 gm兲. The plot also illustrates how sensitive consumers are
to deviations from the optimal levels. Note that because the
Medium 22 g 2g
optimal variable levels are predicted based on the products’
Low 6g 0.5 g hedonic ratings, the use of JAR scales is obviated. 共See Fig.
The following is an example of a two-variable, For more information on design and analysis of experi-
three-level factorial design that could be used for the mental design see Gacula et al. 关1兴, Meilgaard et al. 关2兴, and
consumer research. Myers and Montgomery 关3兴.
Food Perspectives, 2880 Vicksburg lane, Plymouth, MN 55443.
Carr Consulting, 1215 Washington Ave., Suite 203, Wilmette, IL 60091.

Copyright 2009 by ASTM International www.astm.org

Fig. 1—Contour plot of overall liking by sugar and acid levels.

References tion Techniques, 4th edition, CRC Press, Boca Raton, FL,
关1兴 Gacula, Jr., M. C. and Singh, J., Bi, J., Altan, A., Statistical
关3兴 Myers, R. H. and Montgomery, D. C., Response Surface Meth-
Methods in Food and Consumer Research, 2nd edition, Aca-
demic, San Diego, CA, 2009. odology: Process and Product Optimization using Designed Ex-
关2兴 Meilgaard, M., Civille, G. V., and Carr, B. T., Sensory Evalua- periments, John Wiley & Sons, New York, 1995.
MNL63-EB/Feb. 2009

Appendix Z: Ideal Scaling

Anne Goldman1 and Jagoda Mazur1

Objective Background
The objective of this research was to measure the com-
In place of attempting to gauge attribute intensity and ac- petitive performance of Product A against three other choco-
ceptability in one scale, ideal point modeling involves sepa- late brownie brands 共B, C, and D兲. The four products were
rating out the hedonic component of the response from the rated on structural intensity scales for appearance, texture,
intensity evaluation. The “Ideal” product ratings are com- and flavor attributes for the icing and the cake components
pared to the actual ratings. Attribute liking can be used to of this product. In addition, they were rated for hedonic
supplement findings from this technique. questions using a 9-point hedonic scale 共“Dislike
“How to” Extremely”—“Like Extremely”兲. At the very end of the test-
ing session 共this can also be done before product ratings兲,
In using this method, mean attribute data and “Ideal” at- consumers completed an “Ideal” questionnaire for an
tribute data are required for each product/attribute combi- “Ideal” brownie.
nation of interest. Attribute liking data may also be collected. Below is an example of the “Ideal” question related to
It is postulated that the greater the distance between the per- overall flavor:
ceived and ideal intensities, the greater the change that must
be made to “fix” the attribute. Response to the prior liking
question, if asked, may suggest the significance of the dis-
1. The overall flavor of this chocolate brownie is…
crepancy between the perceived and ideal intensities with re-
spect to product acceptance.
Example 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9
Very Very
The following is an example of using the “Ideal” rating tech- weak strong
nique for evaluating the product diagnostics of four brands
of chocolate brownies A, B, C, and D.

TABLE 1—Diagnostic ratings for the four products.

Product A Product B Product C Product D Ideal
Size 6.0a 6.5a 5.4b 5.1b 6.0a
Amount of surface nuts 5.5a 4.7b 4.4b 4.3b 5.7a
Amount of chocolate icing 5.9a 5.7a 4.2c 5.0b 5.8a
Color of chocolate icing 6.8ab 7.1a 4.9c 6.5b 7.2a
Smoothness of chocolate icing 7.5a 7.0ab 4.4d 6.4c 7.4a
Shininess of chocolate icing 5.0b 5.0b 2.6d 4.0c 6.1a
Color of the cake 7.5a 6.6b 4.5c 4.8c 6.9b

Texture of the Chocolate Icing

Firmness 4.8c 5.8b 6.7a 5.6b 4.3c
Smoothness 6.9a 6.5ab 4.6c 6.2b 7.6a
Meltability 5.3a 4.7b 3.7c 4.5b 5.8a

Texture of Cake
Moistness 7.0b 6.0c 4.0d 6.1c 7.6a
Crumbliness 3.3a 2.8a 2.9a 3.0a 3.3a
Chewiness 5.5c 6.3b 6.9a 6.1b 5.3c
Stickiness while chewing 3.9c 5.0b 5.9a 5.3b 3.7c

Flavor of Cake
Overall sweetness 5.4b 5.4b 5.6b 6.1a 4.9c
Overall chocolate flavor 6.2a 5.8ab 4.5c 5.6b 7.2a
Nut flavor 4.7b 3.6c 3.2c 3.4c 5.3a
Overall flavor 共naturalness兲 5.8a 5.1b 3.3c 5.0b 8.3a
Overall flavor balance 6.2a 5.8b 4.1c 5.4b 7.9a
Freshness 7.4a 6.6b 4.5c 6.4b 8.7a
Note: Average scores in a row per flavor set followed by different letters are significantly different 共p ⬍ 0.05兲. 共Suggested color scheme:
Green= parity to Ideal, within row, Blue= score significantly lower than Ideal, Red= score significantly higher than Ideal.兲

Applied Consumer & Clinical Evaluations, 2575 B. Dunwin Dr., Mississauga, ON L5L3N9.

Copyright 2009 by ASTM International www.astm.org

Fig. 1—Meeting the ideal for appearance dimensions.

2. The overall flavor of the “Ideal” chocolate brownie for this product. Product A met the “Ideal” for the appear-
should be… ance of size, amounts of surface nuts and chocolate icing,
smoothness, firmness, and meltability of the chocolate icing,
1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 as well as crumbliness, chewiness, and stickiness of the cake.
Very Very However, product A was rated too low for shininess of choco-
weak strong late icing, moistness of the cake, and the majority of flavor
dimensions. Product A was also perceived as being too sweet
and too dark for color relative to the “Ideal.” The superior
Results performance of Product A for product diagnostics, relative
Results are presented in Table 1 and in Figs. 1–3. They show to the other three brands, was also reflected by the highest
that Product A performed better than the other three prod- scores for overall opinion and liking of appearance.
ucts based on hedonic scores and as shown by a number of The only other brand which was rated above 6.0 for
product ratings that satisfied the consumer’s “Ideal” ratings “Overall Opinion” was Product B. This product met the

Fig. 2—Meeting the ideal for texture flavor.

“Ideal” for a series of appearance attributes including processing for the respondent than JAR scales because the
size, amount of chocolate icing, color of chocolate icing, ideal intensity and the actual intensity are scaled separately.
smoothness of chocolate icing, color of the cake, and Obtaining attribute liking may assist in postulating the rela-
crumbliness. The other two products both performed tionship between the difference from “Ideal” and overall lik-
very poorly based on hedonic ratings and failed to ing.
meet the “Ideal” for all attributes except for the crumbl-
iness. Disadvantages
This technique assumes that consumers know their ideal
Benefits level of an attribute. It further assumes that reformulation
This method allows for easy visual assessment of the “Ideal” will improve the Overall Liking of the product. However,
and the product attribute ratings. It may require less mental without a link between the attribute and Overall Liking, this

Fig. 3—Meeting the ideal for flavor dimensions.

may be a false assumption. The method does not provide the Recommendation
amount of the proposed attribute change, other than using
This is a good alternative method to JAR scales in that the
the difference between ideal and actual intensity as a gauge. mental work of simultaneously judging the ideal and actual
Similar to data obtained from JAR scales, the data may show attribute intensities are separated. However, it suffers from
evidence of bimodality as responses may suggest both lower many of the same pitfalls as other methods of JAR scale
and higher than “Ideal” direction. analysis,
MNL63-EB/Feb. 2009

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Lori Rothman is a Section Manager for Kraft Foods in the Department of Perceptual and
Applied Quantitative Sciences and Innovative Applications, a part of
Research and Development. For the past 14 years, Lori has worked
in the area of consumer research, conducting both quantitative
and qualitative studies for many of the Kraft brands. Lori has a B.S.
degree from Cornell University in Nutritional Sciences and an M.S.
degree from the University of California, Davis in Food Science. At
Davis, Lori researched the language of basic tastes and its transfer to
novel tastants with trained panelists. Prior to joining Kraft Foods, Lori
worked for Philip Morris (now Altria), researching the sensory impact of flavor degradation in
carbonated beverages, for Kellogg’s, where she managed the Sensory Evaluation and Shelf
Life departments and for Brach’s Candies at the inception of its Product Performance group,
where she built a state of the art sensory laboratory including shelf life testing chambers
and computerized panel evaluation booths. Lori has authored a number of publications in
refereed and industry journals and is a frequent speaker at universities and conferences. Lori
is a longstanding professional member of the Institute of Food Technologists and its Sensory
Evaluation Division as well as ASTM International where she cochairs the Accceptance
Preference Task Group. She is an active reviewer for the Journal of Quality and Preference
and has authored a chapter on “Just About Right Scales” for the book Consumer Led Food
Product Development published in 2007.

Merry Jo Parker has over 25 years experience in applying sensory principles and practices to
consumer research. In 2008 she retired as the founder, owner and CEO
of Food Perspectives Inc., a guidance research and consumer insights
consulting and testing firm. Founded in 1990, Food Perspectives has
clients across the United States from Fortune 500 companies to small
emerging companies. Food Perspectives works with product guidance
and marketing consumer insights professionals offering a variety of
research techniques, ranging from fieldwork to complete research
services that include test design, interpretation and consulting.

Prior to founding Food Perspectives Inc. Ms. Parker was, an independent consultant, a Senior
Scientist at General Mills Inc. and Research Scientist at Sandoz Nutrition focusing on product
development and consumer research on nutritional, food service and retail food products.

Ms. Parker received Bachelors and Masters Degrees in Food Science from the University
of Minnesota with an emphasis in sensory science. She has been a member of ASTM
since 1999 and serves as the Chairman for the ASTM Subcommittee on Fundamentals of
Sensory. In 2007 Ms. Parker co-chaired the 7th Pangborn Sensory Science Symposium. This
symposium is considered the most important international scientific gathering for sensory
and consumer scientists with over 900 attendees from 54 different countries. She has also
been a long standing professional member of the Institute of Food Technologies and IFT’s
Sensory Evaluation Division.

ISBN: 978-0-8031-7010-0
Stock #: MNL63

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