ParalellUniverse2003 Max Tegmark PDF
ParalellUniverse2003 Max Tegmark PDF
ParalellUniverse2003 Max Tegmark PDF
By Max Tegmark
Universes Not just a staple
of science fiction,
other universes are
a direct implication
of cosmological observations
ly many other inhabited planets, including not just one but in- speeds, quantum superpositions, curved space, and black holes.
finitely many that have people with the same appearance, name Over the past several years the concept of a multiverse has joined
and memories as you, who play out every possible permutation this list. It is grounded in well-tested theories such as relativity
of your life choices. and quantum mechanics, and it fulfills both of the basic criteria
range of our telescopes are other regions of space that mologists used the microwave background to rule out a finite
are identical to ours. Those regions are a type of parallel spherical geometry. Hot and cold spots in microwave back-
universe. Scientists can even calculate how distant these ground maps have a characteristic size that depends on the cur-
universes are, on average. vature of space, and the observed spots appear too small to be
■ And that is fairly solid physics. When cosmologists consider consistent with a spherical shape. But it is important to be sta-
theories that are less well established, they conclude that tistically rigorous. The average spot size varies randomly from
other universes can have entirely different properties and one Hubble volume to another, so it is possible that our universe
laws of physics. The presence of those universes would is fooling us— it could be spherical but happen to have abnor-
explain various strange aspects of our own. It could even mally small spots. When cosmologists say they have ruled out
answer fundamental questions about the nature of time the spherical model with 99.9 percent confidence, they really
and the comprehensibility of the physical world. mean that if this model were true, fewer than one in 1,000 Hub-
ble volumes would show spots as small as those we observe.
4 × 1026 METERS
1 2
3 4
4 particles
24 arrangements
The same argument applies to our universe, which has space
2 × 10–13 METER
10118 particles
210 arrangements
8 × 1026 meters
80 1025
Size of Universe
FLAT 1017 Y DA
20 UR
0 1013
20 5 2 1 0.5 0.2 107 108 109 1010 1011
Angular Scale (degrees) Sphere Radius (light-years)
COSMOLOGICAL DATA support the idea that space continues beyond the or infinite (center). (One caveat: some cosmologists speculate that the
confines of our observable universe. The WMAP satellite recently discrepant point on the left of the graph is evidence for a finite volume.) In
measured the fluctuations in the microwave background (left). The addition, WMAP and the 2dF Galaxy Redshift Survey have found that space
strongest fluctuations are just over half a degree across, which on large scales is filled with matter uniformly (right), meaning that other
indicates— after applying the rules of geometry— that space is very large universes should look basically like ours.
The lesson is that the multiverse theory can be tested and tween our bubble and its neighbors is expanding faster than you
falsified even though we cannot see the other universes. The key could travel through it. Your descendants will never see their
is to predict what the ensemble of parallel universes is and to doppelgängers elsewhere in Level II. For the same reason, if cos-
specify a probability distribution, or what mathematicians call mic expansion is accelerating, as observations now suggest,
a “measure,” over that ensemble. Our universe should emerge they might not see their alter egos even in Level I.
as one of the most probable. If not— if, according to the multi- The Level II multiverse is far more diverse than the Level I
verse theory, we live in an improbable universe— then the the- multiverse. The bubbles vary not only in their initial conditions
ory is in trouble. As I will discuss later, this measure problem but also in seemingly immutable aspects of nature. The prevail-
can become quite challenging. ing view in physics today is that the dimensionality of spacetime,
the qualities of elementary particles and many of the so-called
Level II: Other Postinflation Bubbles physical constants are not built into physical laws but are the
IF THE LEVEL I MULTIVERSE was hard to stomach, try outcome of processes known as symmetry breaking. For in-
imagining an infinite set of distinct Level I multiverses, some stance, theorists think that the space in our universe once had
perhaps with different spacetime dimensionality and different nine dimensions, all on an equal footing. Early in cosmic histo-
physical constants. Those other multiverses— which constitute ry, three of them partook in the cosmic expansion and became
a Level II multiverse— are predicted by the currently popular the three dimensions we now observe. The other six are now un-
theory of chaotic eternal inflation. observable, either because they have stayed microscopic with a
Inflation is an extension of the big bang theory and ties up doughnutlike topology or because all matter is confined to a
many of the loose ends of that theory, such as why the universe three-dimensional surface (a membrane, or simply “brane”) in
is so big, so uniform and so flat. A rapid stretching of space long the nine-dimensional space.
ago can explain all these and other attributes in one fell swoop Thus, the original symmetry among the dimensions broke.
[see “The Inflationary Universe,” by Alan H. Guth and Paul J. The quantum fluctuations that drive chaotic inflation could
Steinhard; Scientific American, May 1984; and “The Self-Re- cause different symmetry breaking in different bubbles. Some
producing Inflationary Universe,” by Andrei Linde, November might become four-dimensional, others could contain only two
1994]. Such stretching is predicted by a wide class of theories rather than three generations of quarks, and still others might
of elementary particles, and all available evidence bears it out. have a stronger cosmological constant than our universe does.
MAX TEGMARK (sphere); SARA CHEN (graphs)
The phrase “chaotic eternal” refers to what happens on the very Another way to produce a Level II multiverse might be
largest scales. Space as a whole is stretching and will continue through a cycle of birth and destruction of universes. In a sci-
doing so forever, but some regions of space stop stretching and entific context, this idea was introduced by physicist Richard C.
form distinct bubbles, like gas pockets in a loaf of rising bread. Tolman in the 1930s and recently elaborated on by Paul J. Stein-
Infinitely many such bubbles emerge. Each is an embryonic Lev- hardt of Princeton University and Neil Turok of the University
el I multiverse: infinite in size and filled with matter deposited by of Cambridge. The Steinhardt and Turok proposal and related
the energy field that drove inflation. models involve a second three-dimensional brane that is quite
Those bubbles are more than infinitely far away from Earth, literally parallel to ours, merely offset in a higher dimension [see
in the sense that you would never get there even if you traveled “Been There, Done That,” by George Musser; News Scan, Sci-
at the speed of light forever. The reason is that the space be- entific American, March 2002]. This parallel universe is not
Evidence ∞ 5
Number of Large Time Dimensions
mological constant were much larger, the universe would have classical worlds is the Level III multiverse.
blown itself apart before galaxies could form. Everett’s many-worlds interpretation has been boggling
Although the degree of fine-tuning is still debated, these ex- minds inside and outside physics for more than four decades.
amples suggest the existence of parallel universes with other val- But the theory becomes easier to grasp when one distinguishes
Quantum Dice
IMAGINE AN IDEAL DIE whose randomness
is purely quantum. When you roll it, the
die appears to land on a certain value at
random. Quantum mechanics, however,
predicts that it lands on all values at
once. One way to reconcile these
contradictory views is to conclude that
the die lands on different values in
different universes. In one sixth of the
universes, it lands on 1; in one sixth, on 2,
and so on. Trapped within one universe,
we can perceive only a fraction of the full
quantum reality.
= =
game Tetris while in college. In another universe, he went on to be- quantum level, there are 10 to the 10118 universes with temper-
come a highly paid software developer. In our universe, however, atures below 108 kelvins. That is a vast number, but a finite one.
he wound up as professor of physics and astronomy at the Uni- From the frog perspective, the evolution of the wave func-
versity of Pennsylvania. Tegmark is an expert in analyzing the tion corresponds to a never-ending sliding from one of these 10
cosmic microwave background and galaxy clustering. Much of his to the 10118 states to another. Now you are in universe A, the
work bears on the concept of parallel universes: evaluating evi- one in which you are reading this sentence. Now you are in uni-
dence for infinite space and cosmological inflation; developing in- verse B, the one in which you are reading this other sentence.
sights into quantum decoherence; and studying the possibility Put differently, universe B has an observer identical to one in
that the amplitude of microwave background fluctuations, the di- universe A, except with an extra instant of memories. All pos-
mensionality of spacetime and the fundamental laws of physics sible states exist at every instant, so the passage of time may be
can vary from place to place. in the eye of the beholder— an idea explored in Greg Egan’s
1994 science-fiction novel Permutation City and developed by have. Accordingly, mathematicians commonly say that they
physicist David Deutsch of the University of Oxford, indepen- discover mathematical structures rather than create them.
dent physicist Julian Barbour, and others. The multiverse There are two tenable but diametrically opposed paradigms
framework may thus prove essential to understanding the na- for understanding the correspondence between mathematics
ture of time. and physics, a dichotomy that arguably goes as far back as Pla-
to and Aristotle. According to the Aristotelian paradigm, phys-
Level IV: Other Mathematical Structures ical reality is fundamental and mathematical language is mere-
T H E I N I T I A L C O N D I T I O N S and physical constants in the ly a useful approximation. According to the Platonic paradigm,
Level I, Level II and Level III multiverses can vary, but the the mathematical structure is the true reality and observers per-
fundamental laws that govern nature remain the same. Why ceive it imperfectly. In other words, the two paradigms disagree
stop there? Why not allow the laws themselves to vary? How on which is more basic, the frog perspective of the observer or
about a universe that obeys the laws of classical physics, with the bird perspective of the physical laws. The Aristotelian par-
no quantum effects? How about time that comes in discrete adigm prefers the frog perspective, whereas the Platonic para-
steps, as for computers, instead of being continuous? How digm prefers the bird perspective.
about a universe that is simply an empty dodecahedron? In the As children, long before we had even heard of mathemat-
Level IV multiverse, all these alternative realities actually exist. ics, we were all indoctrinated with the Aristotelian paradigm.
A hint that such a multiverse might not be just some beer- The Platonic view is an acquired taste. Modern theoretical
fueled speculation is the tight correspondence between the physicists tend to be Platonists, suspecting that mathematics de-
worlds of abstract reasoning and of observed reality. Equations scribes the universe so well because the universe is inherently
and, more generally, mathematical structures such as numbers, mathematical. Then all of physics is ultimately a mathematics
vectors and geometric objects describe the world with remark- problem: a mathematician with unlimited intelligence and re-
able verisimilitude. In a famous 1959 lecture, physicist Eugene sources could in principle compute the frog perspective— that
P. Wigner argued that “the enormous usefulness of mathemat- is, compute what self-aware observers the universe contains,
ics in the natural sciences is something bordering on the mys- what they perceive, and what languages they invent to describe
terious.” Conversely, mathematical structures have an eerily their perceptions to one another.
real feel to them. They satisfy a central criterion of objective ex- A mathematical structure is an abstract, immutable entity
istence: they are the same no matter who studies them. A the- existing outside of space and time. If history were a movie, the
orem is true regardless of whether it is proved by a human, a structure would correspond not to a single frame of it but to the
computer or an intelligent dolphin. Contemplative alien civi- entire videotape. Consider, for example, a world made up of
lizations would find the same mathematical structures as we pointlike particles moving around in three-dimensional space.
c d
In four-dimensional spacetime— the bird perspective— these do not reside in the same space but exist outside of space and
particle trajectories resemble a tangle of spaghetti. If the frog time. Most of them are probably devoid of observers. This hy-
sees a particle moving with constant velocity, the bird sees a pothesis can be viewed as a form of radical Platonism, assert-
straight strand of uncooked spaghetti. If the frog sees a pair of ing that the mathematical structures in Plato’s realm of ideas or
orbiting particles, the bird sees two spaghetti strands inter- the “mindscape” of mathematician Rudy Rucker of San Jose
twined like a double helix. To the frog, the world is described State University exist in a physical sense. It is akin to what cos-
by Newton’s laws of motion and gravitation. To the bird, it is mologist John D. Barrow of the University of Cambridge refers
described by the geometry of the pasta— a mathematical struc- to as “π in the sky,” what the late Harvard University philoso-
ture. The frog itself is merely a thick bundle of pasta, whose pher Robert Nozick called the principle of fecundity and what
highly complex intertwining corresponds to a cluster of parti- the late Princeton philosopher David K. Lewis called modal re-
cles that store and process information. Our universe is far alism. Level IV brings closure to the hierarchy of multiverses, be-
more complicated than this example, and scientists do not yet cause any self-consistent fundamental physical theory can be BRYAN CHRISTIE DESIGN (left ); ALFRED T. KAMAJIAN (a–d)
know to what, if any, mathematical structure it corresponds. phrased as some kind of mathematical structure.
The Platonic paradigm raises the question of why the uni- The Level IV multiverse hypothesis makes testable predic-
verse is the way it is. To an Aristotelian, this is a meaningless tions. As with Level II, it involves an ensemble (in this case, the
question: the universe just is. But a Platonist cannot help but full range of mathematical structures) and selection effects. As
wonder why it could not have been different. If the universe is mathematicians continue to categorize mathematical struc-
inherently mathematical, then why was only one of the many tures, they should find that the structure describing our world
mathematical structures singled out to describe a universe? A is the most generic one consistent with our observations. Sim-
fundamental asymmetry appears to be built into the very heart ilarly, our future observations should be the most generic ones
of reality. that are consistent with our past observations, and our past ob-
As a way out of this conundrum, I have suggested that com- servations should be the most generic ones that are consistent
plete mathematical symmetry holds: that all mathematical struc- with our existence.
tures exist physically as well. Every mathematical structure cor- Quantifying what “generic” means is a severe problem, and
responds to a parallel universe. The elements of this multiverse this investigation is only now beginning. But one striking and