Christophe Charle - Birth - of - The - Intellectuals
Christophe Charle - Birth - of - The - Intellectuals
Christophe Charle - Birth - of - The - Intellectuals
The substantive “ intellectuels ” appeared in France in the 1890s' and was largely
diffused thanks to the polemics around the Dreyfus affair (“ manifeste des intellectuels ”
published after the famous J’accuse by Zola on January 13th 1898 in L’Aurore), not only
in France but also with longer or lesser delay in whole Europe and even in America
(North and South)(Drouin 1994). Two exceptions existed to this large diffusion of the
new concept : Germany and Russia where existed former and kin notions Intelligenz and
intelligentsia already used as social or political denominations (Muü ller 1971). Previous
uses of the English equivalent “ intellectuals ” are attested too before the 1890s but they
seem to have been too rare to know a broad social circulation (Williams 1976). In the
same way, in America, “ intellectuals ” became a common notion only in connection with
newspapers commentaries on the Dreyfus affair (Bender 1987).
To understand this new terminology with a European or even international diffusion it
is necessary to remind the issues of this historical moment. What was at stake in this
crisis was not only a political problem but the affirmation of a new group, defender of
universal values against the reason of State (Charle 1990). These values justified that
writers, artists, scholars, students, members of liberal professions and so on, intervened
on a collective basis in the political debate, although they were not themselves, for the
main part, professional politicians. The other specificity of this moment is that, in other
countries, this same cause or other similar ones favoured the intervention of
intellectuals, but generally on various patterns and with different content. Even if social
sciences have debated since that period at a theoretical level, trying to find universal
characteristics underlying this new vocabulary (Shils 1972), the emergence of
intellectuals cannot be assimilated to the apparition of a new social group as some
historians or sociologists suggest it (Perkin 1989, Bell 1973). Therefore it is necessary to
treat the specifities of meaning of intellectuals, intellectuels, Intellektuelle, intellettuali,
intelectuales, and so on in each specific geographical and historical context.
Southern Europe
In Spain as in Italy, the local equivalent of intellectuels seem to be in use also in the
1890s in connection or even before the Dreyfus case. The French example was very
influent for the Spanish and Italian intellectuals because French cultural influence in the
two peninsule wass already very strong since the French Revolution and because the
inner social and political situations of Spanish and Italian intellectuals present some
analogies with the French context : as their French homologues they share a general
impression that their countries go through a deep crisis (economic backwardness,
military defeat in Spain, emigration, social riots and parliamentary corruption in Italy)
which implie some sort of public intervention to find some issue. The strong
anticlericalism and antimilitarism, the link between intellectuals and extreme left
movements, the emergence of a new nationalism in both countries recall too the French
debates of the turn of the century (Serrano C & Salauü n S 1988). Obvious Differences exist
too : the weaker public audience of intellectuals depending on the cultural backwardness
of popular classes (analphabetism) and the persistence of a large sector of opinion
hostile to the cultural inheritance of Enlightenment among Catholics very influent in
both countries and an overproduction of laureati in Italy than other advanced countries
in Europe which could explain a strong comitment of academics in extremist parties
(Barbagli M., 1974, 1982, Michels R, 1921).
Despite of the specificities of the different parts of Europe, the different types of
intellectuals emerging all along the last century, illustrate some sort of convergence at a
transnational level. The most significative of the European cultural way is that each
national debate has some European echo from Russia to France or even Britain.
Antiintellectualism which was so present in England and Germany before the First world
war seems to decline somewhat since the mobilization of all types of intellectuals
(scholars as well as writers or journalists) in the union sacreé e for propaganda or
practical applications devoted to National Defense confered them a new importance in
all political contexts. After the First world war the democratization in both Britain and
Weimar Germany places intellectuals in a political context wear similar to the French
one. The growing influence of left parties, of marxist ideas, of international issues
(communism, fascism, pacifism, fear for a new war) gave birth to transnational debates
among European intellectuals (or even American if the case of New York intellectuals
may be included). This does not mean that the specific national traditions are forgotten.
Even if notions like Intellektuelle or intelligentsia are more used than before in the
German or English public debate, they never obtained the general influence which they
enjoyed in France, Italy or Spain (Stark 1984, Bering 1987). Even innovative sociologists
such as Karl Mannheim continued to use in general the older vocabulary to express their
new conceptions of a free-floating intelligentsia (freischwebende Intelligenz, Geistige :
Mannheim 1927). R. Michels’ contribution on Intellectuals in the Encyclopedia of Social
Sciences (1932) is rather focussed on the past and presents a rather pessimistic view of
this category assimilated to an unstable or range social group. The anti-intellectualism of
the Nazi movement and Regime and the large emigration of progressist or Jewish
intellectuals out of Germany and Central Europe stopped for a long period this timid
convergence with the Latin tradition of intellectuals.
Another effect of the political transformations of the interwar period is the changing
meaning of the Russian equivalent of intellectuals i.e. intelligentsia. In the Soviet
vocabulary intelligentsai was denied any political autonomy and reduced to a
professional group in charge of functional activities defined by the political authorities.
The end or the decay of the different fascist or communist regimes in the second half of
th Twentieth Century gave a new actuality to the oppositional notion of intellectuals in
particular in Central and Eastern Europe (the “ dissenters ” which recall the XIXth-
century meaning of intelligentsia). In Southern Europe, in Africa, Asia or Latin America
where revolutionary intellectuals or militants for the Human Rights rejuvenated the
XIXth-century European tradition of oppositional intellectuals wether in its marxist,
leninist or social-democratic version or in its dreyfusard and humanist variant. The
importance of young intellectuals (students for example) in a lot of emerging countries
during the decolonization phase reminds also of the similar national movement in
Germany, Italy or Center-east Europe before 1848.
All these convergences explain why the historical notion of intellectuals continues to be
at the centre of many historical, sociological or philosophical works or reflexions trying
to find general or transhistorical definitions of this term. To precise all these debates
would ask a broad picture of the main currents of social and historical sciences in so far
as each specific definition of intellectuals by actual theoreticians or historians is linked
to their general conceptions of history and society.
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Christophe Charle professor of Contemporary history at Paris-I-University (Pantheé on-