Employee Attitude Survey

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Employee Attitude Survey

According to a 2006 study by Gerard Seijts and Dan Crim, "...an employee’s attitude toward the
job['s importance] and the company had the greatest impact on loyalty and customer service
then all other employee factors combined.

Measuring Employee Attitude

Organizations are increasingly interested in retaining right talents while targeting for new
talents; measuring employees attitude provides an indication of how successful the organization
is in fostering a conducive environment which nurtures great attitude among employee’s
towards their Job and company .

Because attitude is basically a psychological state, care should be taken in the effort of
quantitative measurement, although a large quantity of resear ch in this area has recently been

The usual measures of employee attitude involve an employee attitude survey with a set of
statements using a Likert Technique or scale. The employee is asked to evaluate each
statement in term of their perception on the performance of the organization being measured

The following are a few typical Questions asked in Employee Attitude Survey

 Please describe your position with the company.

 How long have you worked for this company?
 I have ready access to the information I need to get my job done.
 I am familiar with the mission statement put forth by my department.
 I agree with the mission statement put forth by my department.
 I am involved in decision making that affects my job.
 Management has created an open and comfortable work environment.
 I know my job requirements and what is expected of me on a daily basis.
 I have received the training I need to do my job efficiently and effectively.
 Training is provided to enable me to do my job well.
 Management recognizes and makes use of my abilities and skills.
 I am treated with respect by management and the people I work with.
 I am encouraged to develop new and more efficient ways to do my work.
 Employees work well together to solve problems and get the job done.
 Management is flexible and understands the importance of balancing my work and
personal life.
 I would recommend others to work for this company.
 What changes, if any, do you feel need to made in your department to improve working
 What changes, if any, do you feel need to be made in the company to improve working
The surveys of this type provides an understanding how the employee perceives the
organization. Employee attitude surveys measure your employee's opinions on most of the
aspects of an workplace including:

 Overall satisfaction
 Management/employee relations
 Corporate culture
 Career development
 Compensation
 Benefits
 Recognition and rewards
 Working conditions
 Training
 Staffing levels
 Safety concerns
 Policies and procedures

How to conduct Employee Attitude Survey

AnalyseSurvey survey software is a complete solution for Employee Attitude Survey .

The AnalyseSurvey employee attitude survey solution includes industry standard survey
templates, a platform for hosting survey, collecting responses, and an advanced suite of
analytical tools for analyzing the results.

Building and deploying a employee attitude survey using AnalyseSurvey is very simple, quick
and reliable. AnalyseSurvey survey software does not require any pro gramming skills - all it
takes to design a complete survey is only a few clicks. Responses are automatically computed
and presented in an easy to read graphical format in real time. AnalyseSurvey includes an array
of employee attitude survey templates.
How to Measure Employee Attitudes
By Lyne, George E.

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Article excerpt
How To Measure Employee Attitudes

Attitude surveys can be effective organizational development tools--if you can overcome the
structural problems inherent in their use. Here's a rundown of what to watch for, and a list of tips
for finding out what employees think and what it means for the company.

In the past, "How do employees feel about it?" was seldom a crucial question for top managers.
Traditionally, employee attitudes have been a matter of only casual concern. But today,
employee attitudes are increasingly being recognized as important factors in job satisfaction,
motivation, cooperation, turnover, and performance.

As organizations expand the roles of individual employees, being able to accurately assess
attitudes is critical. To help fill that need, many companies turn to employee attitude surveys.

Much has been written on the use and advantages of employee surveys, and much has been
learned about the design and administration of the questionnaires. Although the process is more
complex than is commonly recognized, three objectives are usually involved: * to assess overall
levels of satisfaction and aspects of the organizational climate in selected segments of the
organization; * to pinpoint sources of employee dissatisfaction; * to plan and devise corrective

If used realistically as part of an organizational development effort, attitude surveys have proven
to be useful and effective tools. Still, long-term results from using employee surveys have been
mixed, and the lasting effects of assessing and modifying attitudes can be disappointing. Many of
the inherent frustrations stem from structural problems in determining what attitudes really are
and how to measure them validly. The tips at the end of this article may offer insights into
overcoming some of the potential underlying biases and problems.

Assessing attitudes

When analyzing and evaluating the problems in assessing attitudes, it is important to establish a
clear understanding of how attitudes are structured. One widely accepted attitude model is shown
graphically in the figure. The model shows that a person's attitude toward any object, event, or
thing is formed by his or her feelings regarding the attributes or features of that object. The
object may have many relevant attributes that influence people, but typically, four to seven
attributes will shape an attitude.

For each attribute of an object, a person will apply some level of belief to that object. For
example, Jim may believe that the company cafeteria (object) has cold food (attribute). In
addition, he will have some degree of like or dislike for each attribute, for example, he dislikes
cold food.

Now let's look at how each attribute contributes to Jim's overall attitude toward the object. That
contribution is a matter of his subjective level of belief that the attribute fits the object,
multiplied by the degree of like or dislike he feels for that attribute. The sum of the products for
all the attributes will determine his overall attitude toward the object.

Interpreting employee responses to items in an attitude questionnaire is a matter of determining

precisely what factors influence the responses and how those responses affect the employee's
actions. Several factors make interpretation difficult.
Unpredictable variables

People's overall levels of job satisfaction are formed by their attitudes toward objects in their
own work areas. There will be few crossover effects between Jim's attitude toward cafeteria
food, for example, and his attitude toward some other object. Thus, his attitude toward each
object on the survey must be measured separately and not inferred from his attitudes toward
other objects. Furthermore, some objects will be more important to his overall level of job
satisfaction than others. Attitudes toward various objects may also differ in strength and in
positiveness or negativeness. …

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