Hydro08 Final Programm

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6th - 8th November 008



Hydropower plants
in the context
of the climatic change
sponsored by


The Venue
The conference venue will be near the city of Vienna at the Conference Center of
Laxenburg (Schlossplatz 1, A-2361 Laxenburg). The scientific program will consist
of invited lectures, plenary lectures and a workshop about numerical simulation in
Hydraulic Engineering. A social program will be organized. Special arrangments for
accompanying persons are possible.

Today we have an intensive discussion about the climatic change all over the world.
In the near future many efforts will be undertaken to reduce the CO2 output in any
field of our life. Hydropower contributes today a big part to reach these goals for the
future. The production of clean energy supplied by Hyropower Plants is substantially
and important. Nevertheless it is necessary to develop the existing potential either by
building new Hydropower plants or to refurbish the old existing ones. Both scenarios
will have opportunities to reach the goals of reducing the CO2 output for the future.

Main topics
n New projects and refurbishment (Pump storage, planning, design, …)
n Design and numerical calculation of hydraulic components
n Production methods and materials
n Power production and plant management, climatic scenarios
n Small Hydro
n Sustainability and social impacts of Hydropower plants, administration practices

Scientific Committee
n Prof. Dr. Christian BAUER
Institute for Thermodynamics and Energy Conversion
n Prof. Dr. Paul LINHARDT
Institute for Testing & Research in Materials Technology

Vienna University of Technology
ITE – Institute for Thermodynamics and Energy Conversion
Getreidemarkt 9 / E302
A-1060, Vienna, Austria / Europa
Tel: + 43-1-58801-30201
Fax: +43-1-58801-30299
Email: office@viennahydro.com
Web: http://www.viennahydro.com

More Information
Further information on the conference (news, actual program, evening receptions,
conference fees, online-registration, exhibition, hotel reservation) will appear on
the conference website.
Please let us know your interest in this conference and return the reply form.
We will keep you informed by email. If you cannot attend the conference please
pass this leaflet along to a colleague.

What are the conference languages?

The conference languages are English and German.
Simultaneous translation will be provided!

Is there a Shuttle bus to the conference?

We have organized a Shuttle bus from the Center of Vienna to the conference.
The Shuttle bus will leave on the opposite road side of the Opera house. It will
bring you directly to the conference. The Shuttle bus is free of charge and included
in your conference fee.


Where to stay?
The company AUSTROPA Interconvention has been assigned to handle the room
reservations. All hotels are situated in a walking distance.

Is there a social program?

YES! Like every conference, we organize a sozial program on both evenings,
which is included in the registration for the participants.

Who should attend?

A wide range of people involved in different parts of hydro power business are
­taking part at this conference. This includes following:
n University Professors and Academic Researchers
n Business Development Specialists and Managers
n Electrical System Planners
n Electricity Supply Regulators
n Equipment Maintenance Personnel
n Equipment Manufacturers/Suppliers
n Engineers
n Financiers/Lenders/Insurers
n Government Representatives Seeking Additional Electric Capacity
n Hydro Generation Managers
n Legislative Specialists
n Maintenance and Operations Supervisors
n Owners of Hydroelectric Assets
n Plant Managers and Superintendents
n Project Managers, Developers and Consultants
n Public Information Specialists
n Representatives of Countries with Hydropower Potential
n Safety Specialists
n Service Contractors
n Technologists

How often does this conference take place?

The conference we are preparing is the 15th one of an event, organized biannual
and therefore we are looking back over a long period of successful seminars.

What are the aims of this conference?

We would like to bring experienced experts together who are working in this field
for an active experience-exchange.

Wednesday, November 26 th 2008
08.00am - 09.30am Registration at the conference-office
09.30am - 11.45am Opening session
11.45am - 12.00am Opening of the exhibition

01.30pm - 03.00pm Session A1 Session B1
03.00pm - 03.30pm Coffee break Workshop
03.30pm - 05.20pm Session A2 Session B2
07.00pm - 11.00pm Evening program at the Schönbrunn Palace

Th u rs da y, N o v em b er 2 7 th 2 0 0 8
09.00am - 10.30am Session A3 Session B3
10.30am - 11.00am Coffee break
11.00am - 12.30am Session A4 Session B4
01.30pm - 03.00pm Session A5 Session B5
03.00pm - 03.30pm Coffee break
03.30pm - 05.00pm Session A6 Session B6
07.00pm - 12.00pm Welcome reception at the „Heurigen“

Fri d a y, N o ve m be r 2 8 th 2 0 0 8
09.00am - 10.50am Session A7 Session B7
10.50am - 11.20am Coffee break
11.20am - 12.40am Session A8 Session B8
12.40am - 01.10pm End of conference

C o n f e re n c e S essions

WEDNESDAY 2 6 Nove m b e r, m o r n i n g : P l enary

Conference Opening
Dr. E. Doujak, Institute for Thermodynamics and Energy Conversion, Vienna
­University of Technology, Vienna, AUSTRIA
Opening Address
Prof. C. Bauer, Institute for Thermodynamics and Energy Conversion, Vienna
­University of Technology, Vienna, AUSTRIA
Opening Address
Prof. P. Linhardt, Institute for Testing and Research in Materials Technology,
Vienna University of Technology, Vienna, AUSTRIA
Opening Address
Dr. S. Burtscher, Institute for Testing and Research in Materials Technology,
­Vienna University of Technology, Vienna, AUSTRIA
Keynote Address
Dr. H. Schröfelbauer, Chairman of the Managing Board, VERBUND-Austrian
­Hydropower AG, Vienna, AUSTRIA
Keynote Address
„Research Tendencies on Mini and Large Hydro Turbines in Canada”
Prof. Claire Deschênes, LAMH - Laboratoire de Machines Hydrauliques, Université
Laval Québec (Québec), CANADA

WEDNESDAY 2 6 Nove m b e r, a f t e r n o o n : S E S S I O N A 1
Design and numerical calculation of hydraulic components

Optimization of power plant equipment with numerical methods

H. Benigni, H. Jaberg, P. Meusburger, J. Schiffer, Institute for Hydraulic Fluid Ma-
chinery, TU Graz, Graz, AUSTRIA

How much complexity does your CFD simulation need?

M. Sick, R. Grunder, M. Sallaberger, Andritz VA TECH HYDRO, Zürich, SWITZER-
LAND; A. Gehrer, Andritz VA TECH HYDRO, Graz, AUSTRIA; E. Parkinson, Andritz

Application of chosen CFD techniques for flow analysis through the axial flow
hydraulic turbines
M. Kaniecki, Z. Krzemianowski, The Szewalski Institute of Fluid-Flow Machinery
of the Polish Academy of Sciences, Gdansk, POLAND

Basic information for a reliable judgment of old Hydropower Plants

N. Enzinger, S.J. Heber, H. Cerjak, Graz University of Technology, Institute for
Materials Science, Welding and Forming, Graz, AUSTRIA; N. Gubeljak, J.Predan,
University of Maribor, Faculty of Mech. Eng., Maribor, SLOVENIA; J. Mayrhuber,
Verbund Austrian Hydro Power, Vienna, AUSTRIA

WEDNESDAY 2 6 Nov e m b e r, a f t e r n o o n : S E S S I O N B 1
Power production and plant management, climatic scenarios

New role of pumped storage hydro plants for balancing of Wind and
Renewable Microsystems
G. Brauner, Institut für Elektrische Anlagen und Energiewirtschaft, Vienna Univer-
sity of Technology, Vienna, AUSTRIA

Investigation of pumped-storage schemes considering mode changes

between turbine and pumping operation
R. Klasinc, M. Larcher, Institute of Hydraulic Engineering and Water Resources
Management, Graz University of Technology, Graz, AUSTRIA; A. Predin,
M. ­Kastrevc, Faculty of Mechanical Engineering, University of Maribor, Maribor,

Water, Energy and Climate: Greenhouse Gas Emission from

Tropical Hydropower Reservoirs
M. Aurélio dos Santos, L. Pinguelli Rosa, Energy Planning Program/COPPE/UFRJ,
Rio de Janeiro, BRAZIL; B. Matvienko, E. Sikar, M. Bento Silva, Construmaq São
Carlos, São Carlos, São Paulo, BRAZIL; E. Oliveira dos Santos, IVIG/COPPE/UFRJ,
Rio de Janeiro, Rio de Janeiro, BRAZIL; C.H. Eça D’Almeida Rocha, Insterdiscipli-
nary Atmospheric Program/COPPE/UFRJ, Rio de Janeiro, BRAZIL; A.M. P.B. Junior,
Chemistry Engineering Program/COPPE/UFRJ, Rio de Janeiro, BRAZIL

Greenhouse gases from Boreal Hydroelectric reservoirs: 15 years of data?

A. Tremblay, L. Varfalvy, Hydro-Québec Production, Montréal, Québec, CANADA

C o n f e re n c e S essions

WEDNESDAY 2 6 Nove m b e r, a f t e r n o o n : S E S S I O N A2
Design and numerical calculation of hydraulic components

Geometrical and dynamical flow conditions at the bucket exit of a Pelton

t­ urbine
Zh. Zhang, Grimsel Hydro, KWO, Innertkirchen, SWITZERLAND

Technical Development in GERLOS II Project

T. Ries, Andritz VA TECH HYDRO, Linz, AUSTRIA; P. Hassler, Verbund Austrian
Hydro Power, Vienna, AUSTRIA; H. Fuchs, M. Gerhold, R. Kirchengast, Andritz
VA TECH HYDRO, Weiz, AUSTRIA; G. Vullioud, Andritz VA TECH HYDRO, Vevey,

Nozzles and jet deflectors for Pelton turbines

K. Käfer, Institute for Thermodynamics and Energy Conversion, Vienna University
of Technology, Vienna, AUSTRIA

MPS Simulation of a Jet Interference of PELTON Turbine

Y. Nakanishi, Department of Mechanical Engineering, Kanagawa University,
Rokkakubashi, Kanagawa-ku, Yokohama-city, JAPAN; T. Fujii, Design & Engineering
Dep., Voith Fuji Hydro K.K., Tanabeshinden, Kawasaki-ku, Kawasaki-city, JAPAN

Correlation between Sand Led Erosion of Pelton Buckets and Efficiency Losses
in High Head Hydropower Schemes
T.R. Bajracharya, Department of Mechanical Engineering, Pulchowk Campus, Insti-
tute of Engineering, Tribhuvan University, NEPAL

WEDNESDAY 2 6 Nove m b e r, a f t e r n o o n : S E S S I O N B2
New projects and refurbishment

Pump Storage Plant project Koralpe - analysis and description

G. Berger, KELAG, Klagenfurt, AUSTRIA

Pump Turbine Limberg II - Mechanical Design Features

F. Ibetsberger, T. Drabek, Voith Siemens Hydro Power Generation GmbH&Co. KG,
St. Pölten, AUSTRIA

New storage pumps for more intensive use of older power plants
G. Penninger, T. Drabek, Voith Siemens Hydro Power Generation GmbH&Co. KG,
St. Pölten, AUSTRIA

Start-up and the first operational experience of Pelton Turbine in Back Pressure
K. Hirtenlehner, Vorarlberger Illwerke AG, Schruns, AUSTRIA

NDT-operating experience in acceptance testing of components for hydro-power

plants in the instance of Kopswerk II
F. Salzmann, Vienna University of Technology, Institute for Testing & Research in
Materials Technology, Vienna, AUSTRIA

THUR SDAY 2 7 Novem b e r, m o r n i n g : S E S S I O N A3

Design and numerical calculation of hydraulic components

Numerical Analyses for Modernization of Electrical Machines

S. Lahres, T. Hildinger, Voith Siemens Hydro Power Generation GmbH&Co.
KG, Heidenheim, GERMANY; D. Emmrich, Dresden University of Technology,
­Department of Electrical Machines and Drives, Dresden, GERMANY

Problems and solutions with thermo-mechanical stresses in stator cores for

large bulb-type generators
E. Binder, K. Dorfmeister, J. Schernthanner, Verbund Austrian Hydro Power,
­Vienna, AUSTRIA; J. Schönauer; Andritz VA TECH HYDRO, Weiz, AUSTRIA

The Design and Testing of a “Fish Friendly” Axial Flow Runner in a Vaneless
D. de Montmorency, Rapid-Eau Technologies Inc., Cambridge, Ontario, CANADA

Component safety factors in the construction of Hydropower Plants

R. Huber, Vienna University of Technology, Institute for Testing & Research in
Materials Technology, Vienna, AUSTRIA

C o n f e re n c e S essions

THU R SDAY 2 7 Novem b e r, m o r n i n g : S E S S I O N B3

P ower production and plant management, climatic scenarios

Chances and risks of climate changes for water power in Austria

J. Hackl, Verbund - Austrian Hydropower AG, Vienna, AUSTRIA

Possible Impacts of Climate Change on Hydropower Generation in Austria

H.P. Nachtnebel, University of Natural Resources and Applied Sciences, Vienna,

Managing a Complex Multi-Purpose Hydropower Federal Facility

J. R. Mahar, Operations Project Manager, Bonneville Lock and Dam, Corps of
­Engineers, USA

Karahnjukar Hydropower Project Climate Change Impacts

S.M. Gardarsson, H.O. Andradottir, C. Ruesch, University of Iceland, Engineer-
ing Research Institute, Department of Environmental and Civil Engineer-
ing, ­Reykjavik, ICELAND; Ó.G.B. Sveinsson, Head Research and Surveying,
­Landsvirkjun Power, Reykjavik, ICELAND;

THU R SDAY 2 7 Novem b e r, m o r n i n g : S E S S I O N A4

Design and numerical calculation of hydraulic components

Innovative stop logs for old weirs – modular design of floating stop logs
J. Mayrhuber, H. Bozic, Verbund Austrian Hydro Power, Vienna, AUSTRIA;
K.H. Rusch, G. Klapper, KÜNZ GmbH, Hart, AUSTRIA;

Numerical calculation of the flow- and load-coefficient for the design of weirs
and gates
E. Doujak, Institute for Thermodynamics and Energy Conversion, Vienna
­University of Technology, Vienna, AUSTRIA

Hydropower Plant Rheinfelden - Model investigation on wheeled gate

R. Klasinc, J. Schneider, Institute of Hydraulic Engineering and Water Resources
Management, Graz University of Technology, Graz, AUSTRIA; K.H. Rusch, KÜNZ
GmbH, Hart, AUSTRIA; I. Bilus, University of Maribor, Maribor, SLOVENIA

Trashrack cleaning: the past, the present, the future

W. Radhuber, Ziviltechniker für Maschinenbau, Klagenfurt, AUSTRIA

THUR SDAY 2 7 Novem b e r, m o r n i n g : S E S S I O N B4
New projects and refurbishment

Evaluation of AAR affected Powerplant exposed to turbine vibration or earthquake

V. Gocevski, Hydro-Québec, Montréal, Québec, CANADA

The Evolution of the Design Basis for the New Upper Reservoir - Taum Sauk
Pump Storage Project
P.C. Rizzo, J. Osterle, Paul C. Rizzo Associates, Inc., Monroeville, PA, USA;
T. Hollenkamp, C. Giesmann, AmerenUE, St. Louis, MO, USA;

Developing a RCC Mix Design and Testing Program, Re-Build of the New Upper
Reservoir, Taum Sauk Pump Storage Project
P.C. Rizzo, L. Gaekel, C. Rizzo, Paul C. Rizzo Associates, Inc., Monroeville, PA, USA;
S. Nichols, Fall Line Testing and Inspection LCC, Monroeville, PA, USA

Installation of GF-UP pressure pipes under difficult conditions

O. Vogler, HOBAS Rohre GmbH, Klein St. Paul, AUSTRIA

THUR SDAY 2 7 Novem b e r, a f t e r n o o n : S E S S I O N A5

Design and numerical calculation of hydraulic components

Refurbishment Program at Tiszalök HPP

K. Lakatos, University of Miskolc, Dept. of Fluid & Heat Engineering, Miskolc-
Egyetemváros, HUNGARY

Part Load Draft Tube Pressure Pulsations in High Specific Speed Francis
­Turbines: The Designer‘s Approach
N. Habertheurer, L. Chapuis, Andritz VA TECH HYDRO, Linz, AUSTRIA

Flow in symmetrical three-leg manifolds under swirl flow conditions -

Experimental and numerical studies
D. Mayr, Verbund - Austrian Hydro Power AG, Deutschfeistritz, AUSTRIA

The selection of a Francis turbine as a direct drive for a centrifugal pump:

from the idea to the design
H. Götsch, M. Linser, Engineering Services, TIWAG – Tiroler Wasserkraft AG, Inns-
bruck, AUSTRIA; K. Käfer, Institute for Thermodynamics and Energy Conversion,
Vienna University of Technology, Vienna, AUSTRIA

C o n f e re n c e S essions

THU R SDAY 2 7 Novem b e r, a f t e r n o o n : S E S S I O N B5

New projects and refurbishment

Danube Hydropower Plant Aschach: Overhaul of the machine group

R. Kellner, J. Mayrhuber, Verbund - Austrian Hydropower AG, Vienna, AUSTRIA

Refurbishment of the Aschach Hydropower Plant - Challenge and benefit

D. Sadnik, D. Radulovic, ANDRITZ AG, Graz, AUSTRIA

The Hydropower Plant Brigl & Bergmeister - A rehabilitation and upgrading

after more than 80 years of operation
R. Faast, E. Walch, Andritz VA TECH HYDRO, Linz, AUSTRIA; A. Warnecke,
­WARNECKE Consult, CEO, Steyregg, AUSTRIA

Upgrade of a 4.4 MW Hydroelectric facility with zero-head hydrokinetic turbines

placed in the tailrace
W.F. Krouse, M.R. Stover, Hydro Green Energy, LLC, Houston, Texas, USA; A. Provo,
Project Manager, ConceptsNREC, USA;

THU R SDAY 2 7 Novem b e r, a f t e r n o o n : S E S S I O N A 6

New projects and refurbishment

Technically robust solutions for wave and tidal current power generation at
Voith Siemens Hydro Power Generation
J. Weilepp, Voith Siemens Hydro Power Generation GmbH&Co. KG, Heidenheim,

Technical Development in SIHWA Tidal Power Plant Project

L. Losbichler, E. Wurm, Andritz VA TECH HYDRO, Linz, AUSTRIA

Three Dimensional Calculation and Optimisation of Thrust Bearings

M. Bottenschein, Voith Siemens Hydro Power Generation GmbH&Co. KG,
­Heidenheim, GERMANY; C. Ettles, Independent consultant, GERMANY

Extended bearing and ventilation measurements – lessons learned

M. Lang, J. Schönauer, Andritz VA TECH HYDRO, Weiz, AUSTRIA

THUR SDAY 2 7 Novem b e r, a f t e r n o o n : S E S S I O N B 6
Small Hydro

The costs of small-scale Hydropower production: Impact on the development

of existing potential
G. Aggidis, E. Luchinskaya, Lancaster University, Department of Engineering,
Lancaster, ENGLAND; B. Rothschild, Lancaster University, Department of Econom-
ics, Lancaster University Management School, Lancaster, ENGLAND; D. Howard,
Centre for Ecology and Hydrology, Lancaster Environment Centre, Lancaster,

Towards “Olganos” Small Hydro parks at the Macedonian vermion mount

V.G. Stergiopoulos, ASPETE, Higher School of Pedagogical and Technological
Education, Athens, GREECE; A.V. Stergiopoulou, Agricultural University of Athens,
Athens, GREECE; G.V. Stergiopoulos, 3GIS Specialist, Athens, GREECE

Does climate change affect even SHP?

B. Pelikan, President of the European Small Hydropower Association (ESHA),

Report of a Micro Hydropower Plant implementation in the Hinterland of

S. Naipal, Anton de Kom University of Suriname, Paramaribo, SURINAME,
E. Doujak, Institute for Thermodynamics and Energy Conversion, Vienna
University of Technology, Vienna, AUSTRIA

FRIDAY 28 Novembe r, m o r n i n g : S E S S I O N A 7
Production methods and materials

Reneval of the anti-corrosion protection of the pressure piplines at the Pump

Storage Power plant Häusern of Schluchseewerk AG
T. Huber, Schluchseewerk AG, Freiburg, GERMANY; E. Rainer, Engineering
­Services, TIWAG – Tiroler Wasserkraft AG, Innsbruck, AUSTRIA

Pelton runner with high erosion caused by glacier sediment: assessment and
first measures
R. Maldet, Engineering Services, TIWAG – Tiroler Wasserkraft AG, Innsbruck,

C o n f e re n c e S essions

The development of similar welding consumable for welding steel grades

GX4CrNiMo 16-5-2
J. Tösch, N. Friedrich, F. Winkler, Böhler Welding Austria GmbH, Kapfenberg,

Transmission of Large Torques with Mechanical Expansion Bolts

H. Allemann, N. Schneider, P&S Vorspannsysteme AG, St.Gallenkappel,

Fatigue testing of bearing compound materials on realistic conditions

R. Koring, ECKA Granules Essen GmbH, Bearing-Technologies, Essen, GERMANY

FR IDAY 2 8 November, m o r n i n g : S E S S I O N B 7
P ower production and plant management, climatic scenarios

Condition Monitoring Systems – A key fort he optimization of Life Cycle Costs,

Theory & Practice using Hydropower Plants as an example

A New Approach to Using the Classic Gibson Method to Measure Discharge

A. Adamkowski, W. Janicki, The Szewalski Institute of Fluid-Flow Machinery,
Polish Academy of Science, Gdansk, POLAND

Integrated Vibration, Process Monitoring at Hydropower Plant Momina Klisura,

M. Hastings, Brüel & Kjær Vibro, Nærum, DENMARK; A. Schübl, Brüel & Kjær
Vibro GmbH, Vienna, AUSTRIA

Transit time flow measurement in open channels

O. Betz, systec Controls Mess- und Regeltechnik GmbH, Puchheim, GERMANY

Hydro Enterprise Condition Asset Management System

R. Nowicki, GE Energy Germany GmbH, Neu-Isenburg, GERMANY

FRIDAY 28 Novembe r, m o r n i n g : S E S S I O N A 8
Sustainability and social impacts of Hydropower plants,
­a dministration practices

Environmentally Considerate Lubricants and todays legislation

P. Laemmle, P. Rohrbach, Panolin AG, Madetswil, SWITZERLAND

Actual run-off river projects of AHP – Nussdorf, Leoben, Werfen/Pfarrwerfen

H. Harreiter, Verbund - Austrian Hydro Power AG, Vienna, AUSTRIA

Improve Millerton Lake Flood Control Operations and Increase Water Supply
A. Buelna, United States Bureau of Reclamation (USBR), Fresno, California, USA

Ecological boundary conditions for the appproval of a Hydropower Plant

with special consideration to the EU water directive – state of the art
P. Jäger, Amt der Salzburger Landesregierung, Abteilung 13: Naturschutz, Referat
Gewässerschutz, Salzburg, AUSTRIA

FRIDAY 28 Novembe r, m o r n i n g : S E S S I O N B 8
Power production and plant management, climatic scenarios

The Angara cascade Hydropower development scheme in Siberia and prelimi-

nary estimation of the design flood of Motyginskaya Hydropower Plant under
the influence of ice jam
C.A. Alvarado Ancieta, ILF Beratende Ingenieure ZT GesmbH, Innsbruck, AUSTRIA

Optimisation approach of turbine type selection process for the new small hy-
dropower projects
H. Dzafo, D. Fazlic, Generation Department, JP Elektroprivreda BiH, Sarajevo, BOS-

The Modernization of Automatic Control facilities of Hydraulic Generators

O-G. Kwon, D-H. Paik, Y-J. Kwon, Y-C. Song, Energy Business Department, Korea
Water Resources Corporation (K-water), Daejeon, KOREA

Minas Gerais state evaluation potential of application the CDM in Small Hidro-
energy resources
G.L. Tiago Filho, C. Fernandes Nunes, Universidade Federal de Itajubá – UNIFEI,

Wo r k s h o p

F l o w3 D and its applicatio n –

e x perience and ­examples
Together with the German company “CFD Consultants GmbH” and the
„Institute of Hydraulic and Water Resources Engineering / Technical University
of Munich“ our Institute organizes this year the first time an additional workshop
on Computer Fluid Dynamics at Hydraulic and Water Resources Engineering.
A presentation of the software FLOW-3D as well as practical examples and the theo-
retical background will be given.

Main topics:
Simulation of Free Surface Flows in Hydraulic Engineering
1. Basic equations (2D/3D) and implications of specific assumptions and
2. Discretisation, discretisation errors, implications on hydraulics
3. Simulation case studies

WEDNESDAY 26 November - 01.30pm till 05.00pm

For regular conference participants : free of charge
For all other participants: € 150.–

Side Events

Evening reception at the Schönbrunn Palace

The program for the first evening is a special guided tour through the
­S chönbrunn Palace.
This tour will give you a picture of the different stylistic eras of the imperial mon-
archy and the lives of the palace’s inhabitants.
The address is:
You will see the state rooms and private apartments of
Schloss Schönbrunn
Franz Joseph and Sisi.
A - 1130 Wien/Vienna
For further information about the Palcace and his history go Fon +43-1-811 13 239
to: Ë www.schoenbrunn.at Fax +43-1-811 13 333

Evening Dinner at the Heurigen.

The program for the second evening will be a dinner in a traditional wine-
restaurant called “Heuriger“.
The best way to reach the “Heurigen”-restaurant is by public transport. There is a
bus line 35A into the direction of “Salmannsdorf/Neustift” and has its stop, called
“Neustift am Walde”, in front of the restaurant. For those
who are not so familiar with the transport system in The address is:
Vienna we will organize a meeting point and will lead Fuhrgassl - Huber
you there. Neustift am Walde 68
Further information A - 1190 Wien/Vienna
you can find at the homepage of the “Heurigen” Fon +43-1-440 1 405
Ë www.fuhrgassl-huber.at Fax +43-1-440 2 730


E x h i b i t i o n a t t he 15 th International ­ Conference
o n ­ Hy d ro p o w e r P lants
The Institute for Thermodynamics and Energy Conversion / Research group :
Fluid-Flow Machinery at the Vienna University of Technology in Austria organizes
the 15th International Conference on Hydropower Plants from November 26th to
November 28th 2008. This conference will be a good opportunity to meet a lot of
experts from all over the world who are engaged in the field of hydropower.
An accompanying exhibition, which is located close to the conference hall will be
integrated part of the conference.

Following exhibition package for a price of € 1.500.– is available:

n 1 x exhibition spac e (approx. 6 m²)
n 2 x conference fees for regular participants
n additional conference proceedings
n inclusion of the company (including logo) in our homepage as well as in
­f urther announcements (Please register as soon as possible, that we can
­announce your participation!)
Larger exhibition space is also possible on request!
We would be appreciated to welcome you at our conference here in Vienna.
Our contact address:
Vienna University of Technology
Institute for Thermodynamics and Energy Conversion
RG Fluid-Flow
Getreidemarkt 9/302
A-1060 Vienna / Austria
Phone: +43 1 58801 30515 (oder 30201)
FAX: +43 1 58801 31399
Email: eduard.doujak@tuwien.ac.at

We would like to invite all companies working in the field
of hydropower to participate.

Several companies used the last conference to present their

products and fields of expertize. So participating with a
booth at this event could bost your business.

The following companies have allready assured their

­participation for the exhibition:

to prague

Shuttle bus
from Opernring (opposite the Opera)
To laxenburg: Wed. (26.11.) at 7.45am
Thur. (27.11.) at 8.00am
Fri. (28.11.) at 8.00am
back to Vienna:
public postbus 66 Wed. (26.11.) at 5.30pm
V ienna Thur. (27.11.) at 5.00pm
from Südtiroler Platz
to Laxenburg/Franz-Josefs-Platz Fri. (28.11.) at 1.30pm
Information: www.vor.at A

ten to bratislava
. pöl
to St A1 S1
Airpor t

Exit Wr. Neudorf



to graz


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