Hydro08 Final Programm
Hydro08 Final Programm
Hydro08 Final Programm
Hydropower plants
in the context
of the climatic change
sponsored by
The Venue
The conference venue will be near the city of Vienna at the Conference Center of
Laxenburg (Schlossplatz 1, A-2361 Laxenburg). The scientific program will consist
of invited lectures, plenary lectures and a workshop about numerical simulation in
Hydraulic Engineering. A social program will be organized. Special arrangments for
accompanying persons are possible.
Today we have an intensive discussion about the climatic change all over the world.
In the near future many efforts will be undertaken to reduce the CO2 output in any
field of our life. Hydropower contributes today a big part to reach these goals for the
future. The production of clean energy supplied by Hyropower Plants is substantially
and important. Nevertheless it is necessary to develop the existing potential either by
building new Hydropower plants or to refurbish the old existing ones. Both scenarios
will have opportunities to reach the goals of reducing the CO2 output for the future.
Main topics
n New projects and refurbishment (Pump storage, planning, design, …)
n Design and numerical calculation of hydraulic components
n Production methods and materials
n Power production and plant management, climatic scenarios
n Small Hydro
n Sustainability and social impacts of Hydropower plants, administration practices
Scientific Committee
n Prof. Dr. Christian BAUER
Institute for Thermodynamics and Energy Conversion
n Prof. Dr. Paul LINHARDT
Institute for Testing & Research in Materials Technology
Vienna University of Technology
ITE – Institute for Thermodynamics and Energy Conversion
Getreidemarkt 9 / E302
A-1060, Vienna, Austria / Europa
Tel: + 43-1-58801-30201
Fax: +43-1-58801-30299
Email: office@viennahydro.com
Web: http://www.viennahydro.com
More Information
Further information on the conference (news, actual program, evening receptions,
conference fees, online-registration, exhibition, hotel reservation) will appear on
the conference website.
Please let us know your interest in this conference and return the reply form.
We will keep you informed by email. If you cannot attend the conference please
pass this leaflet along to a colleague.
Where to stay?
The company AUSTROPA Interconvention has been assigned to handle the room
reservations. All hotels are situated in a walking distance.
Wednesday, November 26 th 2008
08.00am - 09.30am Registration at the conference-office
09.30am - 11.45am Opening session
11.45am - 12.00am Opening of the exhibition
01.30pm - 03.00pm Session A1 Session B1
03.00pm - 03.30pm Coffee break Workshop
03.30pm - 05.20pm Session A2 Session B2
07.00pm - 11.00pm Evening program at the Schönbrunn Palace
Th u rs da y, N o v em b er 2 7 th 2 0 0 8
09.00am - 10.30am Session A3 Session B3
10.30am - 11.00am Coffee break
11.00am - 12.30am Session A4 Session B4
01.30pm - 03.00pm Session A5 Session B5
03.00pm - 03.30pm Coffee break
03.30pm - 05.00pm Session A6 Session B6
07.00pm - 12.00pm Welcome reception at the „Heurigen“
Fri d a y, N o ve m be r 2 8 th 2 0 0 8
09.00am - 10.50am Session A7 Session B7
10.50am - 11.20am Coffee break
11.20am - 12.40am Session A8 Session B8
12.40am - 01.10pm End of conference
C o n f e re n c e S essions
WEDNESDAY 2 6 Nove m b e r, a f t e r n o o n : S E S S I O N A 1
Design and numerical calculation of hydraulic components
Application of chosen CFD techniques for flow analysis through the axial flow
hydraulic turbines
M. Kaniecki, Z. Krzemianowski, The Szewalski Institute of Fluid-Flow Machinery
of the Polish Academy of Sciences, Gdansk, POLAND
WEDNESDAY 2 6 Nov e m b e r, a f t e r n o o n : S E S S I O N B 1
Power production and plant management, climatic scenarios
New role of pumped storage hydro plants for balancing of Wind and
Renewable Microsystems
G. Brauner, Institut für Elektrische Anlagen und Energiewirtschaft, Vienna Univer-
sity of Technology, Vienna, AUSTRIA
C o n f e re n c e S essions
WEDNESDAY 2 6 Nove m b e r, a f t e r n o o n : S E S S I O N A2
Design and numerical calculation of hydraulic components
Correlation between Sand Led Erosion of Pelton Buckets and Efficiency Losses
in High Head Hydropower Schemes
T.R. Bajracharya, Department of Mechanical Engineering, Pulchowk Campus, Insti-
tute of Engineering, Tribhuvan University, NEPAL
WEDNESDAY 2 6 Nove m b e r, a f t e r n o o n : S E S S I O N B2
New projects and refurbishment
New storage pumps for more intensive use of older power plants
G. Penninger, T. Drabek, Voith Siemens Hydro Power Generation GmbH&Co. KG,
St. Pölten, AUSTRIA
Start-up and the first operational experience of Pelton Turbine in Back Pressure
K. Hirtenlehner, Vorarlberger Illwerke AG, Schruns, AUSTRIA
The Design and Testing of a “Fish Friendly” Axial Flow Runner in a Vaneless
D. de Montmorency, Rapid-Eau Technologies Inc., Cambridge, Ontario, CANADA
C o n f e re n c e S essions
Innovative stop logs for old weirs – modular design of floating stop logs
J. Mayrhuber, H. Bozic, Verbund Austrian Hydro Power, Vienna, AUSTRIA;
K.H. Rusch, G. Klapper, KÜNZ GmbH, Hart, AUSTRIA;
Numerical calculation of the flow- and load-coefficient for the design of weirs
and gates
E. Doujak, Institute for Thermodynamics and Energy Conversion, Vienna
University of Technology, Vienna, AUSTRIA
THUR SDAY 2 7 Novem b e r, m o r n i n g : S E S S I O N B4
New projects and refurbishment
The Evolution of the Design Basis for the New Upper Reservoir - Taum Sauk
Pump Storage Project
P.C. Rizzo, J. Osterle, Paul C. Rizzo Associates, Inc., Monroeville, PA, USA;
T. Hollenkamp, C. Giesmann, AmerenUE, St. Louis, MO, USA;
Developing a RCC Mix Design and Testing Program, Re-Build of the New Upper
Reservoir, Taum Sauk Pump Storage Project
P.C. Rizzo, L. Gaekel, C. Rizzo, Paul C. Rizzo Associates, Inc., Monroeville, PA, USA;
S. Nichols, Fall Line Testing and Inspection LCC, Monroeville, PA, USA
Part Load Draft Tube Pressure Pulsations in High Specific Speed Francis
Turbines: The Designer‘s Approach
N. Habertheurer, L. Chapuis, Andritz VA TECH HYDRO, Linz, AUSTRIA
C o n f e re n c e S essions
Technically robust solutions for wave and tidal current power generation at
Voith Siemens Hydro Power Generation
J. Weilepp, Voith Siemens Hydro Power Generation GmbH&Co. KG, Heidenheim,
THUR SDAY 2 7 Novem b e r, a f t e r n o o n : S E S S I O N B 6
Small Hydro
FRIDAY 28 Novembe r, m o r n i n g : S E S S I O N A 7
Production methods and materials
Pelton runner with high erosion caused by glacier sediment: assessment and
first measures
R. Maldet, Engineering Services, TIWAG – Tiroler Wasserkraft AG, Innsbruck,
C o n f e re n c e S essions
FR IDAY 2 8 November, m o r n i n g : S E S S I O N B 7
P ower production and plant management, climatic scenarios
FRIDAY 28 Novembe r, m o r n i n g : S E S S I O N A 8
Sustainability and social impacts of Hydropower plants,
a dministration practices
Improve Millerton Lake Flood Control Operations and Increase Water Supply
A. Buelna, United States Bureau of Reclamation (USBR), Fresno, California, USA
FRIDAY 28 Novembe r, m o r n i n g : S E S S I O N B 8
Power production and plant management, climatic scenarios
Optimisation approach of turbine type selection process for the new small hy-
dropower projects
H. Dzafo, D. Fazlic, Generation Department, JP Elektroprivreda BiH, Sarajevo, BOS-
Minas Gerais state evaluation potential of application the CDM in Small Hidro-
energy resources
G.L. Tiago Filho, C. Fernandes Nunes, Universidade Federal de Itajubá – UNIFEI,
Wo r k s h o p
Main topics:
Simulation of Free Surface Flows in Hydraulic Engineering
1. Basic equations (2D/3D) and implications of specific assumptions and
2. Discretisation, discretisation errors, implications on hydraulics
3. Simulation case studies
WEDNESDAY 26 November - 01.30pm till 05.00pm
For regular conference participants : free of charge
For all other participants: € 150.–
Side Events
E x h i b i t i o n a t t he 15 th International Conference
o n Hy d ro p o w e r P lants
The Institute for Thermodynamics and Energy Conversion / Research group :
Fluid-Flow Machinery at the Vienna University of Technology in Austria organizes
the 15th International Conference on Hydropower Plants from November 26th to
November 28th 2008. This conference will be a good opportunity to meet a lot of
experts from all over the world who are engaged in the field of hydropower.
An accompanying exhibition, which is located close to the conference hall will be
integrated part of the conference.
We would like to invite all companies working in the field
of hydropower to participate.
to prague
Shuttle bus
from Opernring (opposite the Opera)
To laxenburg: Wed. (26.11.) at 7.45am
Thur. (27.11.) at 8.00am
Fri. (28.11.) at 8.00am
back to Vienna:
public postbus 66 Wed. (26.11.) at 5.30pm
V ienna Thur. (27.11.) at 5.00pm
from Südtiroler Platz
to Laxenburg/Franz-Josefs-Platz Fri. (28.11.) at 1.30pm
Information: www.vor.at A
ten to bratislava
. pöl
to St A1 S1
Airpor t
to graz