Lab 2 Three-Phase Transformer
Lab 2 Three-Phase Transformer
Lab 2 Three-Phase Transformer
EN5001 - Electrical Machines
Laboratory 2
Kevin Cubas
Alonso Moquillaza
Jose Narro
2018 - 2
1. Introduction:
The transformer are static machines the are used to change the voltage (V) and the
intensity (I) values in case used in the transport and distribution lines to raise or reduce
the voltage values. The transformer it is responsible for transforming energy levels to
one to another voltage level using electromagnetic interaction.
Now a days the most useful transformers are the three-phase circuit, because are
economic to replace. In this experience the team test and the polarity and connection
of the transformers.
2. Objective
2.1. Master the testing method for determination of 3-phase transformer polarity.
2.2. Master the testing method for determination of 3-phase transformer connection.
4. Experinces
4.1. Determination of Polarity
(1) Determine the polarity between different phases
● Use multimeter to measure the value of resistor of the windings. The high
voltage winding must have higher value. Use A, B, C, X, Y, Z to label high
voltage winding terminals. And use a, b, c, x, y, z to label the low voltage
● Complete the connection based on the following figure 1. A, X terminals are
connected to U, V terminals respectively, Y and Z is short circuited.
● Apply ac voltage of 50% U N to A and X terminals.
● Measure the following voltage value: U BY , U CZ , U BC , if
| | | |
U BC = |U BY − U CZ | , then the labels are correct; if U BC = |U BY + U CZ | , then
the labels are not correct. The head and tail label for either phase B or phase C
would be changed.
● Then repeat the previous steps for phase B with applied voltage, and then
determine the rest phase head and tail labels.
*Figure2. Schematic connection diagram for Determination of the polarity for high and low
voltage windings.
Measurements (V) Calculated (V) Error (%)
U CZ = 114.6
V U Cc = 79.1
V U Cc = 79.1
U cz = 35.5V
Y/Y—12 Connection
② Apply voltages.
Y/Y—6 Connection
② Apply voltages.
4.3.4. Calculate UBy 、UCz、UBC,and compare the calculated values with the
4.3.5. If the calculated values of UBb、UCc、UBc are equal to the measurements,
then connection is correct, which is Y/Y—6.
Y /△—11 Connection
4.4.4. Calculate UBb 、UCc、UBc,and compare the calculated values with the
Such as the values of measurements and calculated voltage are almost the same, we can
asseverate that it configuration correspond to Y /△—11
4.5. Y /△—5 connection phasor group check
Y /△—5 Connection
② Apply voltages.
4.5.4. Calculate UBy 、UCz、UBz,and compare the calculated values with the
If the calculated values of UBb、UCc、UBc are equal to the measurements,then
connection is correct, which is Y /△—5.
Such as the values of measurements and calculated voltage are almost the same, we can
asseverate that it configuration correspond to Y /△—5.
❏ To implement a three-phase transformer, 3 single-phase transformers can be used because if a
fault occurs, the repair cost will be lower.
❏ It is important to know the values of the primary and secondary windings of each connection
since it is thus possible to determine the voltage and see the margin of error of each
❏ For this configuration Y has a better performance on the high voltage side and the neutral