Salem Abo-Zaid: Education
Salem Abo-Zaid: Education
Salem Abo-Zaid: Education
Ph.D. Economics, University of Maryland, College Park, MD, 2011.
Dissertation: “Essays on the Optimal Long-Run Inflation Rate”.
Committee: Prof. Sanjay Chugh (Chair), Prof. John Shea, Prof. Enrique Mendoza.
M.A. Economics, University of Maryland, College Park, MD, 2008.
M.A. Economics, Ben-Gurion University, Beer Sheva, Israel, 2003.
B.A. Economics, Ben-Gurion University, Beer Sheva, Israel, 2001.
Assistant Professor, Department of Economics, University of Maryland, Baltimore County, January
2018- Present.
Assistant Professor, Department of Economics, Texas Tech University, September 2012- January 2018.
Post Doctoral Fellow, Department of Economics, Ben-Gurion University, Beer Sheva, Israel, 2011-2012.
Economist, The Research Department, Bank of Israel, Jerusalem, Israel, 2005-2006.
Economist, The Adva Center, Tel-Aviv, Israel, 2005-2006.
Economist, The Van-Leer Institute, Jerusalem, Israel, 2004-2006.
Editorial Positions
Associate Editor: Journal of Money, Credit and Banking, July 2018-Present.
Research Interests
Primary: Monetary Economics, Macroeconomics, Fiscal Policy.
Secondary: International Economics, Family Economics, Computational Economics.
1. Credit Frictions and Optimal Labor-Income Taxation. Macroeconomic Dynamics, forthcoming.
2. Optimal Monetary Policy and Imperfect Financial Markets: A Case for Negative Nominal Interest
Rates? Economic Inquiry, 2016, Vol. 54, pp. 215-228. (with Julio Garín)
3. Optimal Long-Run Inflation with Occasionally-Binding Financial Constraints. European Economic
Review, 2015, Vol. 75, pp. 18-42.
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4. Optimal Monetary Policy with the Cost Channel and Monopolistically-Competitive Banks. Journal
of Macroeconomics, 2015, Vol. 45, pp. 284-299.
5. Revisions to US Labor Market Data and the Public’s Perception of the Economy. Economics Letters,
2014, Vol. 122 (2), pp. 119-124.
6. Optimal Capital-Income Taxation in a Model with Credit Frictions. B.E. Journal of Macroeconomics
(Advances), 2014, Vol. 14 (1), pp. 147-172.
7. Net Job Creation in the U.S. Economy: Lessons from Monthly Data, 1950-2011. Applied Economics,
2014, Vol. 46 (22), pp. 2623-2638.
8. Optimal Monetary Policy and Downward Nominal Wage Rigidity in Frictional Labor Markets. Jour-
nal of Economic Dynamics and Control, 2013, Vol. 37 (1), pp. 345-364.
9. On Credit Frictions as Labor-Income Taxation. Economics Letters, 2013, Vol. 118 (2), pp. 287-292.
10. Inflation Targeting: a Three-Decade Perspective. Journal of Policy Modeling, 2012, Vol. 34 (5), pp.
621-645. (with Didem Tuzemen)
11. The Trade-Growth Relationship in Israel Revisited: Evidence from Annual Data, 1960-2004. Review
of Middle East Economics and Finance, 2011, Vol. 6 (3), pp. 1-31.
12. Sticky Wages, Incomplete Pass-Through and Inflation Targeting: What is the Right Index to Target?
Journal of Economics and Econometrics, 2010, Vol. 53 (1), pp. 28-58.
Working Papers
1. Credit Constraints and the Government Spending Multiplier. Under Review (with Ahmed Hash-
2. A Fiscal Perspective of Nominal GDP Targeting. Under Review (with Ahmed Hashmiwu & Huiying
Chen )
3. Financing of Firms, Labor Reallocation and the Distributional Role of Monetary Policy. Under Review.
(with Anastasia Zervou )
4. Taxation, Credit Frictions and the Cyclical Behavior of the Labor Wedge. Under Review.
5. The Government Spending Multiplier in a Model with the Cost Channel. Under Review.
6. On the Determinants of Fertility: Evidence from Developing and Developed Countries. Under Re-
7. Altruism, Macroeconomic Aggregates and the Cyclical Behavior of Fertility: Theory and Evidence
from U.S. Data. Under Review.
Work in Progress
1. Consumption Euler Equation Errors: Causes and Implications for Monetary Policy. (with Jan Duras)
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Professional Service
Journal of Money, Credit and Banking (7), European Economic Review, Journal of Economic Dynamics and Con-
trol, Journal of Macroeconomics (5), Macroeconomic Dynamics (3), Applied Economics (5), Journal of Economic
Psychology (3), Economics Bulletin (5), Economic Modelling, Journal of Economic Surveys, The B.E. Journal
of Theoretical Economics, Economic Change and Restructuring, Review of Middle East Economics and Finance,
Journal of Economic Policy Reform, Emerging Markets Finance and Trade (2), Journal of Financial Economic
Policy, Eastern European Economics.
Book Reviews:
Macroeconomics, by Charles I. Jones, 3rd Edition, W. W. Norton & Company.
Macroeconomics, by Olivier Blanchard, 7th Edition, Pearson.
Departmental Service:
Faculty Recruiting Committee (2014–2016).
Graduate Admission Committee (2012–2015).
Texas Tech University
Monetary Theory (Undergraduate): Fall 2015, Spring 2016, Fall 2016, Spring 2017, Fall 2017.
Monetary Theory I (Graduate): Spring 2015, Spring 2017.
Macroeconomic Theory and Policy (Graduate): Fall 2013, Fall 2014, Fall 2015, Fall 2016, Fall 2017.
Monetary Theory II (Graduate): Spring 2013, Spring 2014, Spring 2016.
Intermediate Macroeconomics (Undergraduate): Fall 2012, Fall 2013, Spring 2014, Fall 2014, Spring
University of Maryland
Principles of Macroeconomics: Summer 2008, Winter 2009, Summer 2009, Winter 2010, Summer 2010,
Summer 2011.
Computer Methods in Economics: Summer 2011.
Teaching Assistant: Intermediate Microeconomics, Intermediate Macroeconomics, Principles of Mi-
croeconomics, Intermediate Macroeconomics for Economics Majors.
Ben-Gurion University
Economic Theory-Macro (Graduate): Fall 2011.
Principles of Macroeconomics (Graduate): Spring 2012.
Teaching Assistant: Introduction to Econometrics, Introduction to Statistics.
Professional Membership
Member, American Economic Association, 2011–Present.
Member, Urban Economics Association, 2013–Present.
Western Economic Association International, 2013–Present.
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Nationality: Israel (U.S. Permanent Resident).
Languages: Arabic (Native), Hebrew (Fluent), English (Fluent).
Programming Languages: Matlab, Dynare, LATEX, Stata, E-Views, Maple, MS-Office.