Contemporary Marketing
Contemporary Marketing
Contemporary Marketing
Benefits of branding
Product identification
Brand equity: Value of a company or brand name
Global brand: Brand that obtains at least one-third of its earnings from outside its
home country
Band loyalty: consistent preference for one band over all others
New product sales and repeat sales
Positioning bases
Price and quality
Use or application
Product user
Product class
Perceptual mapping:
Attitudes: multi-attribute models
Week 3
The consumer decision journey
Classic journey
New journey
Business Marketing
Marketing of goods and services to individuals and organisations for purposes other
than personal consumption
The key characteristic distinguishing business products from consumer products is intended
use and not physical form.
B-to-B markers use technology to facilitate orders and enhance customer experiences
Through use of smartphones and tablets
Firms use social media attract customer to their website
E-mail marketing, search engine optimization, paid search, and display advertising
Content Marketing
Strategic marketing approach focused on creating and distributing valuable, relevant
and consistent content.
Goal – to attract and retain a clearly defined audience and drive profitable customer
Marketers use social media to increase awareness and build relationships and community
Creating compelling and useful content for customers is key to social media-based
content marketing.
Growth of platforms, such as mobile and streaming video, necessitate development of new
ways to increase campaign effectiveness
Metrics that are useful for increasing the success of a social media campaign
Awareness – attention that social media attracts
Engagement – integrations between brands and audience through comments, retweets,
shares, and searches
Conversion – Occurs when action is taken
Strategic partnership
A strategic alliance is sometimes called a strategic partnership
Sometimes alliance partners are fierce competitors
For an alliance to succeed in the long term, it must build on commitment and trust.
Trust: exists when one party has confidence in an exchange partner’s reliability and
Evaluate Criteria
Quality – refers to technical suitability
Service – includes pre-purchase, post-sale and dependability of supply
Price – business buyers want to buy at low prices
Buying situations
New buy
Purchase of a product for the first time
Modified rebuy
Purchase involving some change in the original good or service
Straight rebuy
Purchase of the same goods or services without looking for new information or
investigating other suppliers
Business ethics
Most companies:
Follow ethical practices
Offer ethics training to employees
Many companies have codes of ethic that guide buyers and sellers
Customer service
Beneficial to have a formal system to monitor customer opinions and perceptions of
the quality of customer service
To ensure superior service, firm must:
Divide customers into groups based on their value
Create policies that govern how service will be allocated among groups
- Convergence of advertising and entertainment industries
- Seen with event marketing, a non-traditional
Experiential for of media
Chaos Scenario: Predicted a mass exodus from the traditional broadcast media due to:
Audience fragmentation
Consumer’s desire to control their information environment
Availability of ad-avoidance technology
Event Sponsorship
Marketer provides financial support to help fund and event.
In return acquires rights to display a brand name, logo, or advertisement on-site at the
Media impressions: Creating a metric to judge sponsorship spending to spending in the
traditional measured media
Leverage: Collateral activity reinforcing the link between a brand and an event
Can measure event social responsibility
Can measure sponsor spillover
Termination cost are the financial cost of ending a relationship (i.e., switching and
opportunity cost, dissolution expenses) and the non-financial costs of ending a
relationship (Loss of reputation, aggravation)
Material benefits included, for example, funders learning from the NPO and receiving
positive publicity from their relationship with it
Non-material benefits, on the other hand, included the belief that the NPO was making
efficient use of its donated funds and that it was having a positive impact on the people
on the people for whom these funds were intended
Communication in this study consists of three subscales, as follows: informing,
providing frequent, relevant and timely information to funders: listening, seeking
information about funders’ needs and motivations: and staff interaction, with staff who
are responsive, knowledgeable and passionate about the NPO
Shared Values are described in terms of statements relating to the participants’
perceptions that an NPO has similar values to themselves
Non-opportunistic behaviour are represented by statements relating to the participants’
perceptions that an NPO has not taken advantage of them in past
What are the implications of Ethical targeting?
Most companies need to follow ethical practices and offer ethics training to employees.
They need to have codes of ethics that guide buyers and sellers.
From definition: Target marketing is when a company targets a specific group of
customers for their product or service group of customers for their product or service
through advertising. The groups are organized together because they have similar
beliefs and values, which leads to common purchasing patterns.
Ethical Target marketing: When business analyse and research consumers to see what
predisposed ways might make an individual purchase a product.
This way they can influence customer through persuading, asking, informing and
Unethical: Focusing on target markets that can easily influenced and manipulated
Truth in advertising:
Deception: Making false or misleading statements in an advertisement
Difficult to determine what is deceptive
Puffery: Using absolute superlatives
Considered legal
Appeal of free gift: Draws a harsh reaction from customers
Emotional appeals: Neither illegal nor unethical
When consumers are able to perceive the persuasive intent from marketers, they tend to
generate coping strategy to resist the persuasive intent
Male: the older age they get, the more scepticism knowledge they get.
Male has more persuasive knowledge/advertising information than female
Males has less scepticism knowledge than female