Official Waiver Form For The 2018 DC Tweed Ride
Official Waiver Form For The 2018 DC Tweed Ride
Official Waiver Form For The 2018 DC Tweed Ride
In consideration of the right to participate in the 2018 DC Tweed Ride, the undersigned freely acknowledges the
dangers of participating in a bike tour and fully assumes all risks, including but not limited to collision with
pedestrians, vehicles, other riders, and/or fixed or moving objects, the negligence of other riders, all sponsors or
promoters or drivers, dangers arising from falls, weather conditions, road surfaces, equipment failure, inadequate
safety equipment and personal or property injury which I might sustain. I agree to bear all expenses incurred should
an injury/accident occur. I represent that I am in sound medical condition and have no physical or medical
impairment which would endanger myself or others.
I will observe/obey all bike tour requirements as well as the traffic laws and regulations of the District of Columbia. I
understand that if I leave the route, I am no longer on the bike tour. I also give permission for the use of my name
and/or likeness in any newspaper, broadcast, or other account of this event. Wherefore, as evidenced by my
signature/agreement below, I waive, release, discharge for myself, my heirs, executors and administrators/legal
representatives any and all rights and/or claims which I have, may have or may thereafter accrue to me against the
sponsors and promoters or their agents, officers and employees for any and all claims which
may be sustained by me. I am 18 years of age.
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Signature (at least 18 years of age) Full Name Date
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Emergency Contact: Name & Number
I will observe/obey all bike tour requirements as well as the traffic laws and regulations of the District of Columbia. I
understand that if I leave the route, I am no longer on the bike tour. I also give permission for the use of my name
and/or likeness in any newspaper, broadcast, or other account of this event. Wherefore, as evidenced by my
signature/agreement below, I waive, release, discharge for myself, my heirs, executors and administrators/legal
representatives any and all rights and/or claims which I have, may have or may thereafter accrue to me against the
sponsors and promoters or their agents, officers and employees for any and all claims which
may be sustained by me. I am 18 years of age.
_ _ _ _
Signature (at least 18 years of age) Full Name Date
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Emergency Contact: Name & Number