D 6520 - 00 Rdy1mja
D 6520 - 00 Rdy1mja
D 6520 - 00 Rdy1mja
Designation: D 6520 – 00
Copyright © ASTM International, 100 Barr Harbor Drive, PO Box C700, West Conshohocken, PA 19428-2959, United States.
D 6520 – 00
4.3.2 Listed below are examples of organic compounds that the sample and the specific instrumental analysis method used.
can be determined by this practice. This list includes both high Matrix interferences may be reduced by choosing an appropri-
and low boiling compounds. ate SPME adsorbing fiber.
Volatile Organic Compounds (1,2,3)
Pesticides, General (4,5) 7. The Technique of SPME
Organochlorine Pesticides (6)
Organophosphorous Pesticides (7,8)
7.1 The technique of SPME uses a short, thin solid rod of
Polyaromatic Hydrocarbons (9,10) fused silica (typically 1-cm long and 0.11-µm outer diameter),
Polychlorinated biphenyls (10) coated with a film (30 to 100 µM) of a polymer, copolymer,
Phenols (11)
Nitrophenols (12)
carbonaceous adsorbent, or a combination of these. The coated,
Amines (13) fused silica (SMPE fiber) is attached to a metal rod and the
entire assembly is a modified syringe (see Fig. 1).
4.3.3 SPME may be used to screen water samples prior to
7.2 In the standby position, withdraw the fiber into a
purge and trap extraction to determine if dilution is necessary,
protective sheath. Place an aqueous sample containing organic
thereby eliminating the possibility of trap overload.
analytes or a solid containing organic volatiles into a vial, and
5. Principles of SPME seal the vial with a septum cap.
5.1 SPME is an equilibrium technique where analytes are 7.3 Push the sheath with fiber retracted through the vial
not completely extracted from the matrix. With liquid samples, septum and lower into the body of the vial. Inject the fiber into
the recovery is dependent on the partitioning or equilibrium of the headspace or the aqueous portion of the sample (see Fig. 2).
analytes among the three phases present in the sampling vial: Generally, when 2-mL vials are used, headspace sampling
the aqueous sample and headspace (Phase 1), the fiber coating requires approximately 0.8 mL of sample and direct sampling
and aqueous sample (Phase 2), and the fiber coating and the requires 1.2 mL.
headspace (Phase 3): 7.4 Organic compounds are absorbed onto the fiber phase
for a predetermined time. This time can vary from less than 1
~Phase 1! K1 5 CL/Cg (1) min for volatile compounds with high diffusion rates such as
volatile organic solvents, to 30 min for compounds of low
~Phase 2! K2 5 CF/CL (2) volatility such as PAHs.
7.5 Withdraw the fiber into the protective sheath and pull
~Phase 3! K3 5 CF/CG (3) the sheath out of the sampling vial.
where CL, CG and CF are the concentrations of the analyte in 7.6 Immediately insert the sheath through the septum of the
these phases. hot GC injector (see Fig. 3), push down the plunger, and insert
5.1.1 Distribution of the analyte among the three phases can the fiber into the injector liner where the analytes are thermally
be calculated using the following: desorbed and subsequently separated on the GC column.
7.6.1 The blunt 23-gage septum-piercing needle of the
SPME is best used with a septumless injector seal. These are
5.1.2 Concentration of analyte in fiber can be calculated manufactured by several sources for specific GC injectors.
using the following:
CF 5 C0VLK1K2//VG 1 K1VL 1 K1K2VF (5)
6. Interferences
6.1 Reagents, glassware, septa, fiber coatings and other
sample processing hardware may yield discrete artifacts or
elevated baselines that can cause poor precision and accuracy.
6.1.1 Glassware should be washed with detergent, rinsed
with water, and finally rinsed with distilled-in-glass acetone.
Air dry or in 103°C oven. Additional cleaning steps may be
required when the analysis requires levels of µg/L or below.
Once the glassware has been cleaned, it should be used
immediately or stored wrapped in aluminum foil (shiny side
out) or under a stretched sheet of PTFE-fluorocarbon.
6.1.2 Plastics other than PTFE-fluorocarbon should be
avoided. They are a significant source of interference and can
adsorb some organics.
6.1.3 A field blank prepared from water and carried through
sampling, subsequent storage, and handling can serve as a
check on sources of interferences from the containers.
6.2 When performing analyses for specific organic com-
pounds, matrix interferences may be caused by materials and NOTE 1—This figure is Fig. 5, p. 218, Vol 37, Advances in Chroma-
constituents that are coextracted from the sample. The extent of tography, 1997. Used with permission.
such matrix interferences will vary considerably depending on FIG. 1 SPME Fiber Holder Assembly
D 6520 – 00
three or four times, and remove and inspect the new septum.
Pull off and discard any loose particles of septum material, and
reinstall the septum.
7.6.3 The user should monitor the head pressure on the
chromatographic column as the fiber sheath enters and leaves
the injector to verify the integrity of the seal. A subtle leak will
be indicated by unusual shifts in retention time or the presence
of air in a mass spectrometer.
7.7 Ensure that the injector liner used with SPME is not
packed or contains any physical obstructions that can interfere
with the fiber. The inner diameter of the insert should optimally
should be about 0.75 to 0.80 mm. Larger inserts (2 to 4 mm)
may result in broadening of early eluting peaks. SPME inserts
are available commercially and may be used for split or
splitless injection. With splitless injection, the vent is timed to
open at the end of the desorption period (usually 2 to 10 min).
7.8 Injector temperature should be isothermal and normally
10 to 20°C below the temperature limit of the fiber or the GC
FIG. 2 Process for Adsorption of Analytes from Sample Vial with column (usually 200 to 280°C), or both. This provides rapid
SPME Fiber desorption with little or no analyte carryover.
9. Apparatus
9.1 SPME Holder, manual sampling or automated sampling.
9.2 SPME Fiber Assembly.
9.3 SPME Injector Liner, that is, inserts for gas chromato-
9.4 Septum Replacement Device, Merlin or Jade.
FIG. 3 Injection Followed by Desorption of SPME Fiber in 9.5 Vials, with septa and caps, for manual or automation.
Injection Port of Chromatograph For automation, use either 2- or 10–mL vials.
10. Reagents
7.6.2 A conventional GC septum may be used with SPME. 10.1 Purity of Water—Unless otherwise indicated, reference
A septum lasts for 100 runs or more. To minimize septum to water shall be understood to mean reagent water conforming
failure, install a new septum, puncture with a SPME sheath to Type II of Specification D 1193.
D 6520 – 00
10.2 Chemicals, standard materials and surrogates should matrix. Mixing is much less effective for volatiles and is
be reagent or ACS grade or better. When they are not available generally not required.
as reagent grade, they should have an assay of 90 % or better. 13.3 Matrix modification through the addition of salt to the
10.3 Sodium Chloride (NaCl), reagent grade, granular. aqueous phase may be used to drive polar compounds into the
headspace. It has very little effect on nonpolar compounds.
11. Hazards Adding salts to the sample also minimizes matrix differences
11.1 The toxicity and carcinogenicity of chemicals used in when there are sample to sample variations in ionic strength
this practice have not been precisely defined. Each chemical 13.4 Heating the sample is often used to increase the
should be treated as a potential health hazard. Exposure to sensitivity in static headspace; it is much less effective with
these chemicals should be minimized. Each laboratory is SPME. The equilibrium tends to be shifted to the headspace
responsible for maintaining awareness of OSHA regulations rather than to the fiber.
regarding safe handling of chemicals used in this practice. 13.5 Ratio of Liquid to Headspace—With nonpolar ana-
11.2 If using either solvent, the hazard of peroxide forma- lytes, the sensitivity is enhanced when the proportion of liquid
tion should be considered. Test for the presence of peroxide phase is increased. The magnitude of the enhancement depends
prior to use. upon the partition coefficient.
13.6 Vial Size—Larger sampling vials are not effective in
12. Sample Handling increasing the sensitivity if the relative volumes of headspace
12.1 There are many procedures for acquiring representa- and liquid are the same. The precision of measurements is not
tive samples of water. The choice of procedure is site and affected by vial size with direct aqueous sampling. The relative
analysis specific. There are several ASTM guides and practices standard deviation of sampling the headspace is lower with the
for sampling.5 Two good sources are Practices D 3370 and larger vials (>10 mL) than smaller ones (2 mL). Larger vials
Guide D 4448. are easier to fill with solid and semisolid samples.
12.2 The recommended sample size is 40 to 100 mL. More 13.7 Acidity of Sample—When determining acidic com-
or less sample can be used depending upon the sample pounds, such as phenols, or basic compounds, such as amines,
availability, detection limits required, and the expected con- the pH of the sample should be adjusted so that the analytes are
centration level of the analyte. VOA vials of 40-mL capacity in the nonionic state.
are commonly used as sampling containers. Any headspace 14. Quality Control
should be eliminated if volatiles analysis is required.
14.1 Minimum quality control requirements are: an initial
12.3 Sample Storage:
demonstration of laboratory capability; analysis of method
12.3.1 All samples must be iced or refrigerated to 4°C from
blanks; a laboratory fortified blank; a laboratory fortified
the time of collection until ready for extraction.
sample matrix; and, if available, quality control samples. For a
12.3.2 Samples should be stored in a clean, dry place away
general discussion of good laboratory practices, see Guide
from samples containing high concentrations of organics.
D 3856 and Practice D 4210.
12.4 Sample Preservation:
14.2 Select a representative spike concentration (about three
12.4.1 Some compounds are susceptible to rapid biological
times the estimated detection limit or expected concentration)
degradation under certain environmental conditions. If biologi-
for each analyte. Extract according to Section 12 and analyze.
cal activity is expected, adjust the pH of the sample to about 2
14.3 Method blanks must be prepared using reagent grade
by adding HCI. The constituent of concern must be stable
water and must contain all the reagents used in sample
under acid conditions. For additional information, See Practice
preservation and preparation. The blanks must be carried
D 3694.
through the entire analytical procedure with the samples. Each
12.4.2 If residual chlorine is present, add sodium thiosulfate
time a group of samples are run that contain different reagents
as a preservative (30 mg per 4 oz bottle).
or reagent concentrations, a new method blank must be run.
13. Optimizing SPME Sampling Parameters 14.4 All calibration and quality control standards must be
extracted using the same reagents, procedures, and conditions
13.1 Liquid sampling and headspace sampling give approxi- as the samples.
mately the same recovery for volatiles but not for semi- 14.5 Precision and bias must be established for each matrix
volatiles. Semi-volatiles are best extracted with SPME liquid and laboratory analytical test method.
sampling. Headspace sampling is desirable if samples contain 14.5.1 Precision should be determined by splitting spiked
nonvolatile compounds such as salts, humic acids, or proteins. samples or analytes in the batch into two equal portions. The
13.2 Sample mixing is effective in increasing the response replicate samples should then be extracted and analyzed.
of semi-volatile analytes. It reduces the equilibrium time for 14.5.2 Bias should be determined in the laboratory by
the adsorption of the semi-volatile components. Mixing re- spiking the samples with the analytes of interest at a concen-
duces any analyte depleted area around the fiber phase and tration three times the concentration found in the samples or
increases the diffusion of larger molecules from the aqueous less.
15. Procedure
Refer to the Annual Book of ASTM Standards, Vol 00.01, or the ASTM 15.1 Remove samples from storage and allow them to
Homepage on the internet at www.astm.org to find titles of specific standards. equilibrate to room temperature.
D 6520 – 00
15.2 Remove the container cap from the sample container. 16.3 For clean sample matrices, prepare calibration stan-
Make a volumetric transfer of a portion of this sample to either dards by spiking the blank or reagent water with portions of the
a 2- or 10–mL volume septum-capped vial. The volume stock standard solution. Prepare a blank and at least three
transferred depends upon whether SPME extraction is from the calibration standards in graduated amounts in the appropriate
headspace or direct from the sample. For headspace sampling, range. Space the calibration standards evenly in concentration
the nominal volume of sample is 40 % of the vial volume. For from 0 to 20 % greater than the highest expected value.
direct sampling of the liquid, the nominal volume of sample is 16.4 Beginning with the blank or reagent water and working
60 % of vial volume. toward the highest standard, analyze the solutions and record
15.3 If acid neutral or base compounds are of interest, adjust the readings. Repeat the operation a sufficient number of times
the pH to <2 for acid neutral and >11 for base compounds. If to obtain a reliable average reading for each solution.
salt is required to aid in analyte extraction from headspace, add 16.5 Construct an analytical curve by plotting the concen-
approximately 0.1 g NaCl per 1 mL of sample. trations of the standards versus their responses as provided by
15.4 If sample is to be extracted at an elevated temperature, the instrument workstation. Analyze the unknown using the
heat sample to this temperature and hold as required. same procedure and determine the analyte concentration.
15.5 Insert SPME shaft through septum into either head- 16.6 For more complex matrices, matrix modification and
space above sample or directly into sample. standard additions may be employed where analyte recovery
15.6 Depress plunger either manually or automatically and and equilibration with the SPME fiber is matrix dependent.
expose fiber coating to headspace or aqueous sample. The Modifiers should be chosen that enhance the release of analytes
extraction time can vary from 2 to 30 min depending upon from the matrix while reducing the differences between
application. samples and standards. Modifiers for SPME include salts such
15.7 If mixing is required, initiate after plunger is de- as NaCl and non-volatile acids.
pressed. 16.7 Standard additions may be used where matrix modifi-
15.8 Following extraction, retract fiber into protective cation is either not effective or not feasible. Four sample
sheath and remove from vial. aliquots are generally required. Dilute the first aliquot to a
15.9 Inject sheath through GC septum and depress plunger known volume with water. Then add increasing amounts of the
into heated injector insert or liner, desorbing analytes to unknown analyte to the second, third and fourth aliquot before
column. This time is generally less than 2 min. they are diluted to the same volume. Determine the detector
15.10 Analyze desorbed analytes by GC or GC-MS. response of the analyte in each solution and plot versus
quantity added. Extrapolate the resulting curve back to the zero
16. Calibration, Standardization and Analysis response. This intercept with the abscissa on the left of the
16.1 While the recovery of analytes with a SPME fiber is ordinate will be the concentration of the unknown.
relatively low, the degree of extraction is consistent so that
SPME is quantitative with linearity, precision and accuracy. 17. Precision and Bias
16.2 Determine the appropriate SPME extraction fiber and 17.1 Precision and bias cannot be determined directly for
optimize the SPME extraction parameters as described in this practice. Precision and bias should be generated in the
Section 13. Next, select the applicable calibration procedure laboratory on the parameters of concern. Examples of this type
depending upon the complexity of the sample matrix. For of data may be found in the literature for volatile organic
simple or clean sample matrices such as drinking water, compounds and pesticides, see Refs (14) and (4) respectively.
external or internal standard calibration procedures may be
used. For more complex matrices such as certain waste waters, 18. Keywords
the matrix can effect the equilibrium so that quantitation may 18.1 extraction; sample preparation; semivolatile; solid
require matrix modifiers or the method of standard additions. phase microextraction (SPME); water; volatile
(1) Nilsson, T., Pelusio, F., Montanarelle, L., Larsen, B., Facchetti, S., and (5) Boyd-Boland, A.A., Magdic, S., Paawliszyn, J., “Simultaneous Deter-
Madsen, J., “An Evaluation of Solid-Phase Microextraction for Analy- mination of 60 Pesticides in Water by Solid-Phase Microextraction and
sis of Volatile Organic Compounds in Drinking Water.” J. High Resol. Gas Chromatography-Mass Spectrometry,” Analyst, Vol 121, 1996, pp.
Chromatogr. Vol 18, 1995, pp. 617-624. 929-938.
(2) Chai, M., Arthur, C. L., Pawliszyn, J., Belardi, R. P., Pratt, K. F., (6) Young, R., Lopez-Avila. V., Beckert, W.F., “On-line Determination of
“Determination of Volatile Chlorinated Hydrocarbons in Air and Water Organochlorine Pesticides in Water by Solid Phase Microextraction
with Solid-Phase Microextraction.” Analyst, Vol 118, No. 12, 1993, pp. and Gas Chromatography with Electron Capture Detection.” J. High
1501-1505. Resolut. Chromatogr., Vol 19, No. 5, 1996, pp. 247-256.
(3) Penton, Z., “Determination of Volatile Organics in Water by GC with (7) Lopez-Avila, V., Young, R., “On-Line Determination of Organophos-
Solid-Phase Microextraction.” Proc. Water Qual. Technol. Conf. 1994, phorus Pesticides in Water by Solid-Phase Microextraction and Gas
pp. 1027-1033. Chromatography with Thermionic Selective Detection.” J. High Resol.
(4) Gorecki, T., Mindrup, R., Pawliszyn, J., “Pesticides by Solid-Phase Chromatogr.” Vol 20, 1997, pp. 487-492.
Microextraction. Results of a Round Robin Test.” Analyst, Vol 121, (8) Magdic, S., Boyd-Boland, A., Jinno, K., Pawliszyn, J., “Analysis of
1996, pp. 1381-1386. Organophosphorus Insecticides from Environmental Samples Using
D 6520 – 00
Solid-Phase Microextraction,” J. Chromatogr. A, Vol. 736, (1 and 2), croextraction,” J. Chromatogr., A, Vol. 773, (1 and 2), 1997, pp.
1996, pp. 219-228. 249-260.
(9) Johansen, S., Pawliszyln, J., “Trace Analysis of Hetero Aromatic (14) Nilsson, T., Ferrari, R., Fachetti, S., “Inter-Laboratory Studies for the
Compounds in Water and Polluted Groundwater by Solid Phase Quantitative Analysis of Volatile Organic Compounds in Aqueous
Micrextraction (SPME), J. High Resol. Chromatogr., Vol 19, No. 11, Samples,” Anal. Chim. Acta. Vol 356 (2-3), pp. 113-123 (1997).
1996, pp. 137-144.
(10) Potter, D.W., Pawliszyn, J., “Rapid Determination of Polyaromatic General References on SPME
Hydrocarbons and Polychlorinated Biphenyls in Water Using Solid-
Phase Microextraction and GC-MS,” Environ. Sci. Technol. Vol 28, (15) Pawliszyn, Janusz,“ Solid Phase Microextraction, Theory and Prac-
No. 2, 1994, pp. 298-305. tice,” John Wiley & Sons, Inc., 605 Third Avenue, New York, NY
(11) Buchholtz, K.D., Pawliszyn, J. “Optimization of Solid-Phase Mi- 10158-0012, 1997.
croextraction Conditions for Determination of Phenols,” Anal. (16) Penton, Zelda E., “Sample Preparation for Gas Chromatography with
Chem., Vol 66, No. 1, 1994, pp. 160-167. Solid-Phase Extraction and Solid-Phase Microextraction,” Advances
(12) Schaefer, B., Engewald, W., “Enrichment of Nitrophenols from Water in Chromatography, Vol. 37, Brown, B., and Grushka, E. editors,
by Means of Solid-Phase Microextraction,” Fresenius’ J. Anal. Marcel Dekker, Inc. 270 Madison Ave., New York, NY 10016, 1997.
Chem. Vol 352, No. 5, 1995, pp. 535-536. (17) Wercinski, Sue Ann Scheppers,“ Solid Phase Microextraction, A
(13) Pan, L., Chong, M., Pawliszyn, J., “Determination of Amines in Air Practical Guide,” Marcel Dekker, Inc., 270 Madison Avenue, New
and Water Using Derivatization Combined with Solid Phase Mi- York, NY 10016, 1999.
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