Putty Cygwin Tutorial
Putty Cygwin Tutorial
Putty Cygwin Tutorial
By Ben Meister
Written for CS 23, Winter 2007
This tutorial will show you how to set up and use PuTTY to connect to CS Department computers
using SSH, and how to install and use the Cygwin X-Windows Server to run graphical applications
over the PuTTY connection.
Part 1. PuTTY
Start by downloading PuTTY (not PuTTYTel, but PuTTY, as seen above). You’ll want to save this
file in an easily accessible location. I personally recommend the desktop, so that you’re just a
double-click away.
Now, let’s begin! Double-click the PuTTY icon, and the PuTTY Configuration window will appear:
In this first portion of the tutorial, we will run PuTTY as a simple SSH client, without the use of X
forwarding for graphical applications (that comes in the second part of the turorial). For now, we’ll
just connect with a text console.
When you start PuTTY in the future, you’ll see that your profile is saved.
Double-click a profile to
connect to it.
Tip: You can quickly connect to a host for “just one time” by entering its host name, and
clicking Open. However, if you are going to connect to a machine often, it’s best to save
a profile.
If you have a personal firewall, click “Allow” if it asks you whether or not putty.exe should connect
to the Internet.
When you connect, you’ll receive the following message box, since you’re connecting to the
machine for the first time.
Since you do trust this machine, click Yes. You will not see this dialog box on subsequent
Next, you will see the “login as” prompt: enter your CS user name, and press Enter. The system will
then ask you for your password: enter it, and press Enter once more. You will then be presented
with the shell prompt, at which you can enter commands to be executed on the remote computer.
(Here I have used the ls command as an example.) When you are finished, type exit and press
enter to log out.
Part 2. Cygwin/X
In this part of the tutorial, we will set up the Cygwin X-Windows Server, and enable PuTTY’s X11
Forwarding Capability to run graphical applications over the network.
To begin, let’s install Cygwin. Download the setup.exe and run it. You will see this screen:
In this case, we will
select “Install from
Cygwin Setup needs a place to
save the files it downloads to
install Cygwin. Here, I’ve chosen
“c:\Downloads\Cygwin” as a
place to save these files. You
may choose to burn them to a CD
in case you ever have to install
Cygwin again. Once Setup is
completed, the files can be
deleted if you do not wish to save
Cygwin Setup will now download the list of mirrors. If you have a personal firewall, click “Allow”
if it asks you whether or not setup.exe should connect to the Internet. Select a mirror, then click
Next to continue.
Select a mirror to
download Cygwin from.
Try to select one that’s
close to you. Some are
faster than others. Here,
I’ve selected
ftp://mirrors.kernel.org .
You may install any packages you like. For now, we’ll leave it at the default, except for a slight
change: let’s tell Cygwin to install all of X11.
1. Scroll to the
bottom of the
list, and you’ll
see X11.
I’d personally suggest scrolling up in the list and installing the Devel packages as well (by the same
method), as this will allow you to compile and run many UNIX programs on your Windows
computer. If you would like to use emacs, xemacs, or vi/vim locally on your Windows computer,
install the Editors packages. Additional packages can be installed later by re-running Setup.exe.
Cygwin will now download and install the selected packages.
The Cygwin download and installation can take an extremely long time, especially if you’re off-
campus or on a slow Internet connection, or if you’re installing a lot of packages. This might be the
time to run over to Thayer Dining Hall!
Question: Cygport.sh (or some other shell script) seems to be taking forever! Setup has been
working on this one script for over 20 minutes!
When this is the case, it may mean that the script (or a component called by the script) entered an
infinite loop. You’ll need to close the appropriate process, so that the installation can continue.
Press CTRL-ALT-DELETE on your keyboard, and click “Task Manager”. Go to the Processes tab.
Click the “CPU” column twice, so that processes are sorted in descending CPU Usage order. Now
find the process that’s using all of the CPU (most likely bash.exe or similar), select it, and end it by
clicking “End Process.”
Use Task Manager
to end the
offending process.
If Cygwin setup
stalls at a shell
script (.sh)…
N.B.: System Idle Process is a normal part of the system, and should not be terminated, regardless
of the amount of CPU it’s using or its “CPU Time”. The System Idle Process is simply an
accounting mechanism Windows uses to track unused CPU time. It doesn’t actually
“consume” CPU time.
Personally, I find these N.B.: When they say “Start Menu”,
icons to be useful, as I use they’re referring not to the program
Cygwin frequently. group (which is always created), but
However, they’re not to a quick shortcut at the top of the
essential, so adjust this to Start Menu itself, like this:
your taste.
Click Finish.
Congratulations! You’ve just installed Cygwin! On the next page, we’ll configure Cygwin and
PuTTY, and start running X apps over the network!
We need to setup the start-up script and shortcut that you’ll use to access Cygwin’s X-Server. To do
this, our travels take us to C:\cygwin\usr\X11R6\bin. Go there, and you’ll find a batch file called
The default version of the script automatically starts an xterm (local bash shell prompt) when it
loads. Let’s modify this, so that we can start the X-server independently of the xterm.
Tip: There are many X-windows applications that you can run locally on your system, all
found in the Cygwin-X folder on your Start Menu. However, to run any of these, you’ll
need to start the X-Server. The edit we are about to perform allows you to do this
without having to start an xterm each time.
Make a copy of the file in the same directory, and rename it (I recommend “startxnosh.bat”).
Now, right-click the file, and click Edit to open it in Notepad.
Click Edit.
Right-click and then…
Towards the bottom of the file you’ll find a line that says
“%RUN% xterm -e /usr/bin/bash –l”
Let’s comment this out (so that the statement doesn’t execute) by placing the word REM before it.
Let’s make a shortcut to our new batch file, so we can access it easily. Right-click the file, and
under the “Send To” menu, click “Desktop (create shortcut)”.
You’ll probably want to rename it, so that you’ll know what it is later.
Start the X-Server by double-clicking on the new icon, An X icon should appear in the tray.
If you have a personal firewall, click “Allow” if it asks you whether or not XWin.exe should connect
to the Internet/act as a server.
Now, let’s configure PuTTY. We want to enable X11 forwarding for our profile, so that we can
access graphical applications via SSH.
Start PuTTY. Select the profile you created earlier, and click “Load”.
You’ll notice that PuTTY recalls the parameters you entered earlier.
Now, under SSH in the tree on the left-hand side, click X11.
The following screen appears.
Check the box that says “Enable X11 Forwarding”, then go back to the Session panel (click Session
at the top of the tree on the left).
Click Save to
save your
Click Save.
You’ve just installed the Cygwin X-Server, configured it, and configured PuTTY for X forwarding!
Tip: Would you like X11 forwarding to be enabled automatically for new session profiles?
Load the “Default Settings” profile, and enable X11 forwarding in the same way! Save
the profile, and from now on, every session profile you create will have X11 forwarding
enabled automatically!
Using Cygwin and PuTTY Together:
Before you start PuTTY, start the X-Server by double-clicking it’s icon on the desktop.
Double-click a profile to
connect to it.
Once you’re connected to a host, you can now start graphical applications!
Tip: As you know, when you start an application from the text console, it seizes control of it, and
it doesn’t return control to the shell until it’s done. The same is true for graphical
applications — the difference is that they are only “done” when they have exited and their
window is closed. Naturally, we want to use multiple graphical applications at the same
time, plus have the SSH console available for quick jobs. The way we do this is we start the
graphical application in the “background” by adding the ampersand (&) to the end of the
command line. For instance, to start Firefox, one would type:
firefox &
Even though we are starting the application in the “background”, we’re really just starting it
as another process. Its window appears on our screen, and we can then use Firefox at the
same time as other applications.
Tip: Running X applications over the network is quite bandwidth-intensive. If you are off
campus or running highly-graphical applications, it may take a few moments for the screen
to refresh.
When you’re finished using PuTTY and any other X-Windows applications, you can close the X-
Server by right-clicking its tray icon and clicking Exit.
This is referring to X-
Windows programs only.
Closing the X-Server
will not close your screen
or Windows
This dialog says there are 0 clients connected (which means that no programs are using the X-
Server at the moment). Thus, it is safe to close the X-Server. If it were to say that there are clients
connected, that would mean that an X-Windows application is still running, and that the X-Server
should not be closed until these applications are closed (perhaps you have an application minimized
in the taskbar).
The End