Oncology Letters 2014
Oncology Letters 2014
Oncology Letters 2014
Research Center on Infection Diseases, National Institute of Public Health, Cuernavaca, Morelos 62100;
Epidemiology and Health Services Research Unit, National Institute of Social Security, Cuernavaca,
Morelos 62450; 3Laboratory of Peptides and Proteins, Department of Biochemistry, Faculty of Medicine,
National Autonomous University of Mexico, Mexico City 04510; 4Biomedical Cancer Research Unit,
Basic Research Subdirection, National Institute of Cancer, Mexico City 14080, Mexico
DOI: 10.3892/ol.2014.2195
Abstract. The present study aimed to analyze sera proteins in the control group. In summary, the present study identified
in females with cervical intraepithelial neoplasia, grade III two proteins whose expression was elevated in females with
(CIN III) and in healthy control females, in order to identify a CIN III, suggesting that they could be used as biomarkers
potential biomarker which detects lesions that have a greater for CIN III. However, further investigations are required in
probability of cervical transformation. The present study order to assess the expression of A1BG and C3 in different
investigated five sera samples from females who were Human pre‑malignant lesions.
Papilloma Virus (HPV) 16+ and who had been histopatho-
logically diagnosed with CIN III, as well as five sera samples Introduction
from healthy control females who were HPV‑negative. Protein
separation was performed using two‑dimensional (2D) gel Cervical cancer is the third most common type of cancer in
electrophoresis and the proteins were stained with Colloidal the female population worldwide. Globally, cervical cancer
Coommassie Blue. Quantitative analysis was performed using is considered to be the seventh most common type of cancer,
ImageMaster 2D Platinum 6.0 software. Peptide sequence with 530,232 cases reported in 2008. More than 85% of
identification was performed using a nano‑LC ESIMS/MS cases occur in developing countries (1). Latin America and
system. The proteins with the highest Mascot score were the Caribbean have a very high incidence of cervical cancer.
validated using western blot analysis in an additional 55 sera The World Health Organization reports 33,000 new cases
samples from the control and CIN III groups. The eight per year (2,3). At present, in Mexico, cervical cancer is the
highest score spots that were found to be overexpressed in second most common cause of cancer‑associated mortality
the CIN III sera group were identified as α‑1‑B glycoprotein in females, and there is a population of 40.06 million 15‑year
(A1BG), complement component 3 (C3), a pro‑apolipoprotein, old females who are at risk of developing cervical cancer.
two apolipoproteins and three haptoglobins. Only A1BG and It is estimated that each year, 13,960 females are diagnosed
C3 were validated using western blot analysis, and the bands with cervical cancer and that 4,476 succumb due to the
were compared between the two groups using densitometry disease (4). Cervical cancer develops due to persistent infec-
analysis. The relative density of the bands of A1BG and C3 tion with the oncogenic Human Papilloma Virus (HPV),
was found to be greater in all of the serum samples from the which progresses into an intraepithelial lesion, then into
females with CIN III, compared with those of the individuals invasive cervical cancer.
The majority of patients are diagnosed at an advanced stage
of cervical cancer, losing the most important window for treat-
ment. This cancer is preceded by precursor lesions which have
Correspondence to: Dr Julieta Ivone Castro‑Romero, Research been classified into three progressive degrees, termed cervical
Center on Infection Diseases, National Institute of Public Health, intraepithelial neoplasia (CIN) I‑III by Richart (5,6), while the
Avenida Universidad 655, Colonia Santa María Ahuacatitlán, Bethesda classification system divides the precursor lesions
Cuernavaca, Morelos 62100, Mexico into low‑grade squamous intraepithelial lesions (LSILs) and
E‑mail: jcastro@insp.mx high‑grade squamous intraepithelial lesions (HSILs) (7). HSILs
have been proposed to be the true precursors to squamous cell
Key words: cervical cancer, HPV, CIN III, complement C3, A1BG cervical carcinoma. A number of studies have reported that
persistent HSILs develop into carcinomas in 40‑100% of cases,
while LSILs show spontaneous regression (8,9).
The most common diagnostic method that is used to detect confirmed via colposcopy and histopathology, using the
these lesions is based on the cytology and histopathology of Bethesda criteria. Colposcopic and histopathologic analyses
the cervical tissues and cells. The Papanicolaou (PAP) smear, were performed by two specialists from the Colposcopy Unit
also known as the PAP test, is a low‑cost method that is easily at the IMSS and two pathologists form the Pathology Unit at
accessible, with 50% sensitivity and high susceptibility to the IMSS. In addition, positivity for HPV 16 was confirmed
intra‑ and inter‑individual variability (10,11). This technique using polymerase chain reaction (PCR) analysis (Table I).
has many limitations, with false negative results often reported Only the serum samples from the females who were diagnosed
(20‑30%) due to sample manipulation and contamination (12). with CIN III were included in the present study. The inclu-
The introduction of liquid‑based cytology has contributed to sion criteria for the control group were: (i) a negative hybrid
a reduction in the efficiency problem associated with sample capture test; (ii) a normal PAP test; and (iii) no apparent injury
processing; however, validation in terms of sensitivity and through gynecological physical examination. For the control
specificity still presents deficiencies (10,11,13). Liquid‑based and case groups, the inclusion criteria also included not having
cytology enables the detection of low‑ and high‑grade dysplasia. had a HPV vaccine, not having taken oral contraceptives in the
Despite not being a definitive diagnostic method, liquid‑based previous six months and not having received chemotherapy.
cytology does determine the presence of a lesion, as well as
its topography, extension and severity. It also allows direct Blood sample processing. Blood samples (3 ml) were
biopsies to be taken for further histopathological analysis (14). obtained using venipuncture in Vacutainer ® SSTTM tubes
In the last few years, there has been a trend toward iden- (Becton‑Dickinson, Mexico City, Mexico) with separator gel
tifying novel molecular biomarkers using proteomic tools and were left at room temperature for 1 h. Samples were then
that enable the identification of early lesions that have the centrifuged at 1,300 x g for 15 min. The serum was stored
greatest risk of malignant transformation. These types of tools at ‑80˚C in 100 µl aliquots until processed. Serum aliquots
allow the screening of proteins on a larger scale and from (10 µl) in triplicate from each patient were passed through
different biological samples, including serum, plasma, cells a high‑affinity column to remove albumin and immuno-
and tissues. They also allow the identification of molecules globulin G (IgG) using a commercial kit (ProteoSeek™ 162
expressed at very low concentrations (fentomoles) with high Albumin/IgG removal kit; Pierce Biotechnology Inc.,
sensitivity and specificity (15,16). Biofluids, including serum Rockford, IL, USA). Other interfering substances, including
and plasma, are the main source of biomarkers due to their low detergents, salts, lipids, nucleic acids and phenolic acids, were
cost, ease of collection, non‑invasive collection and their easy removed from the samples using the Two‑dimensional (2D)
processing (17,18). Clean Up kit (GE Healthcare; Little Chalfont, UK). Serum
A number of studies have investigated novel biomarkers protein quantification was performed using the 2D Quant kit
in the serum (19‑22), plasma (23‑25) and tissue (26‑31) from (GE Healthcare).
patients with early cervical lesions and/or cervical cancer,
using proteomic tools. A large number of proteins have been 2D gel electrophoresis (2D‑GE). A total of 200 µg protein
identified that show differential expression between samples (in triplicate) was mixed with rehydration buffer [8 M urea,
from healthy females and those from females with different 2% CHAPS (Roche Diagnostics GmbH, Mannheim, Germany),
types of intraepithelial lesions or cervical cancer. However, 0.5% IPG2 buffer (pH 3‑10; GE Healthcare), 0.002% bromo-
none of the proteins comply with the characteristics required phenol blue and 0.56 M dithiothreitol (DTT; Sigma‑Aldrich,
for a specific marker, according to international requirements, Munich, Germany)] in a final volume of 250 µl. To each tube,
which would be useful for the detection of lesions that have 1 µl IPG2 buffer and 0.00056 g DTT was added. Isoelectric
a greater probability of being transformed into cancer. At focusing was performed using an Ettan™ IPGphor™ unit
present, the markers under validation are Ki67, pINK4A, using 13‑cm strips (GE Healthcare). The rehydration time was
MIB‑1 and ProExC (32‑34). The present study aimed to inves- 14 h at a constant current of 50 mA per strip. The voltages
tigate a marker in the serum of females infected with HPV and used for isoelectric focusing were 500, 1,000 and 8,000 V/h.
the histopathological diagnosis of advanced CIN (CIN III). The strips were then equilibrated in buffer [50 mM Tris‑HCl
(pH 8.8; Sigma‑Aldrich), 6 M urea, 30% Glycerol, 2% SDS
Materials and methods (Sigma‑Aldrich), 0.002% bromophenol blue (Sigma‑Aldrich)
and Milli‑Q™ water (Millipore Milli-Q lab water system;
Patients and biological samples. The present study is a Millipore, Billerica, MA, USA)] supplemented with DTT
descriptive and transversal pilot study on serum samples from (50 mg/5 ml) for 15 min. The strips were then equilibrated
a population of Mexican females. A total of 10 samples (five with iodoacetamide (125 mg/5 ml; GE Healthcare) for the
controls and five cases) of blood were obtained from females same duration of time. Protein separation was performed using
aged between 28 and 65 years who were recruited from the SDS‑PAGE in two dimensions on gradient gels of 7.5‑20% at
Hospital General Regional del Estado de Morelos (IMSS; a constant voltage of 150 V for 5.5 h. Gels were stained with
Cuernavaca, Mexico) who fulfilled the inclusion criteria and Colloidal Coomassie Blue G‑250 (Bio‑Rad, Hercules, CA,
accepted to donate a blood sample under informed consent. USA), as described previously (34). Subsequent to staining,
The present study was reviewed and approved by the Ethics the gels were scanned using LabScan™ 5.0 (GE Healthcare).
Committee of the IMSS and the IRB from the Instituto Digital images were used for detection and analysis using
Nacional de Salud Pública (Cuernavaca, Mexico). The inclu- ImageMaster 2D Platinum 6.0 software (GE Healthcare).
sion criteria for the cases were: (i) a positive Hybrid Capture The selected spots were identified using electrospray ioniza-
test; (ii) an abnormal PAP test; and (iii) CIN III lesion diagnosis tion time‑of‑flight mass spectrometry (ESI‑TOF‑MS). In
ONCOLOGY LETTERS 8: 939-947, 2014 941
Table I. Characteristics of the individuals in the case and control groups who were included for 2D‑gel analysis.
Age capture
Sample Number (years) PAP test test Colposcopy Histopathology HPV type
Control group
1 C1‑IMSS 38 Normal cytology (‑) Nda Nda Nd
2 C2‑IMSS 41 Normal cytology (‑) Nd Nda Nd
Nda, not done due to ethical considerations and lack of medical indication. HPV, Human Papilloma Virus; IMSS, Hospital General Regional del
Estado de Morelos Del Estado de Morelos; PAP, Papanicolaou; Nd, not done due to negative hybrid capture test; HSIL, high‑grade squamous
intraepithelial lesion; CIN III, cervical intraepithelial neoplasia, grade III.
brief, protein spots were excised from the Coomassie‑stained UPLC column (1.7 µm, 75 µmx100 mm; Waters Corporation)
2D gels and destained using 50% (v/v) methanol and 5% (v/v) for peptide seperation, using a linear gradient to 40% B over
acetic acid (Mallinckrodt, Baker Inc., Paris, KY, USA) for a 30 min period, at a flow rate of 0.3 µl/min. The column was
12 h. The destained gels were then washed with deionized then washed for 10 min with 98% mobile phase B.
water, soaked for 10 min in 100 mM ammonium bicarbonate The mass spectrometer was calibrated using an NaCl
(Sigma‑Aldrich), cut into small pieces, completely dehydrated solution and operated in ESI positive V‑mode at a resolution
using 100% acetonitrile (Mallinckrodt, Baker Inc.) and of 10,000 full width at half height. Spectra were acquired in
vacuum‑dried. In‑gel digestion was performed through adding the automated mode using data‑dependent acquisition (DDA).
30 µl modified porcine trypsin solution (20 ng/ml; Promega Fibrin peptide B solution (100 fmol/µl) was infused through
Corporation, Madison, WI, USA) to 50 mM ammonium bicar- the reference sprayer of the NanoLockSpray source at a flow
bonate followed by overnight incubation at room temperature. rate of 500 nl/min and was sampled at 30 sec intervals during
Peptides were extracted using 50% (v/v) acetonitrile and 5% the acquisition. MS survey scans of 1 sec over the m/z range
(v/v) formic acid (Mallinckrodt, Baker Inc.) twice for 30 min 300‑1,600 were used for the peptide detection followed by two
with sonication. The extract volumes were reduced using MS/MS scans of 2 sec each (m/z, 50‑2,000) of detected precur-
evaporation in a vacuum centrifuge and were adjusted to 20 µl sors. Collision energies were automatically adjusted based
using 1% (v/v) formic acid. on the ion charge state and the mass. The five most intensive
precursor ions were interrogated per MS/MS switching event.
Liqu id ch romatog r aphy t a ndem ma ss sp e ct rom- Dynamic exclusion for 60 sec was used in order to minimize
etry (LC/MS/MS). Mass spectrometric analysis of the multiple MS/MS events for the same precursor.
tryptic peptides was performed using an integrated
nano‑LC ESI MS/MS system (Synapt G2 High Definition Data processing and protein identification. DDA raw data files
mass spectrometer; Waters Corporation, Milford, MA, USA) were processed and converted to pkl files using ProteinLynx
equipped with a NanoLockSpray™ ion source. The instrument Global Server software, version 2.4 (Waters Corporation). Pkl
was coupled online to a NanoAcquity Ultra Performance liquid files were subsequently database‑searched using the Mascot
chromatograph (UPLC; Waters Corporation). The binary search algorithm (version 1.6b9; Matrix Science, London,
solvent system used was 2% acetonitrile in Milli‑Q water UK). The specific genome was not available; thus, searches
with 0.1% formic acid (mobile phase A) and 98% acetonitrile were performed using the human subset of the National
in Milli‑Q water with 0.1% formic acid (mobile phase B). Center for Biotechnology Information non‑redundant database
Samples were concentrated and desalted through injection into (NCBInr; http://www.ncbi.nih.gov). Trypsin was used as a
a Symmetry C18 UPLC trapping column (5 mm, 180x20 mm; specific protease and one missed cleavage was allowed with
Waters Corporation) and washed with 100% mobile phase A mass tolerances of 50 ppm and 0.05 Da for the precursor and
at a flow rate of 15 µl/min for 3 min. Next, the trap column fragment ion, respectively. Variable modifications included
was switched in‑line (coupled) with the analytical BEH C18 methionine oxidation and glutamine‑asparagine deamination.
Peptide matches with Mascot scores exceeding the 95% level using the Hybrid Capture II kit (Digene), according to the
of confidence were accepted as correct matches. The threshold manufacturer's instructions, which detects the following
score was 48 for P<0.05. HPV oncogenic types: 16, 18, 31, 33, 35, 39, 45, 51, 52, 56,
58, 59 and 68 (37). Positive samples were used for viral
Western blot analysis for α‑1‑B glycoprotein (A1BG) and typification using PCR analysis. In brief, extraction and
complement component 3 (C3). The serum samples used purification of DNA was performed using the Genomic
for western blot analysis were obtained from a group of DNA Purification kit (Fermentas, Burlington, ON, Canada)
55 females participating in the HPV Detection Service at the according to the manufacturer's instructions. DNA integrity
IMSS. This group of females underwent a Pap smear and a was determined through amplifying a 450‑bp fragment of
hybrid capture test. If the Pap smear showed any alterations, the constitutive GAPDH gene using the following oligo-
the participants also underwent colposcopic and histo- nucleotide sequences: Forward, 5'‑ACC ACA GTC CAT
pathologic analysis. For the western blot analysis, the control GCC ATC AC‑3' and reverse, 5'‑TCC ACC ACC CTG TTG
group (n=30) included females with a normal Pap smear and CTG TA‑3'. Verification of the presence of the HPV L1
a negative hybrid capture test, while the case group (n=25) gene was performed using PCR amplification of a 450‑bp
included females with an abnormal Pap smear, positive fragment using the MY11 (5'‑GCM CAG GGW CAT AAY
hybrid capture test and a diagnosis of CIN III using colpos- AAT GG‑3') and MY09 (5'‑CGT CCM ARR GGA WAC
copy and histopathology. In addition, in the case group, the TGA TC‑3') oligonucleotide sequences. DNA samples which
HPV type was identified using PCR (HPV 16, 56%; HPV 58, amplified the HPV L1 fragment were analyzed using restric-
8%; HPV 33, 8%; HPV 18, 4%; and unidentified, 24%). A tion fragment length polymorphism to typify the HPV (38).
total of 20 µg total protein from the serum was separated The samples were digested with four restriction endonucle-
using unidimentional 10% SDS‑PAGE and transferred to ases (Rsa1, Acc I, Dde I and XbaI), and incubated at 30˚C for
polyvinylidene fluoride membranes (GE Healthcare). The 2 h. The band profile was visualized on 6% polyacrylamide
membranes were blocked for 1 h in 0.1% Tween 20 and gels. SiHa and CasKi cells were used for the DNA positive
5% non‑fat dry milk in Tris‑buffered saline (TBS) at room control, while water was used as a negative control. Viral
temperature. Primary antibodies against mouse monoclonal type confirmation was determined through sequencing using
Ig‑G anti‑human A1BG (clone 51A6) and mouse monoclonal specific oligonucleotides for each viral type.
Ig‑G anti‑human complement C3 (clone 2898) (Santa Cruz
Biotechnology, Inc., Santa Cruz, CA, USA) were diluted Results
1:2,000 and 1:1,000, respectively in 0.1% Tween 20 and 5%
non‑fat dry milk in TBS. The membranes were then incubated Sample characteristics. Serum protein profiles were analyzed
with the primary antibodies overnight at 4˚C. Membranes in samples from females in the control group (n=5) and those
were subsequently washed with 0.1% Tween 20 in TBS and diagnosed with CIN III through histopathological analysis
incubated with polyclonal goat anti‑mouse IgG‑horseradish (n=5). The individuals in each group fulfilled their respective
peroxidase secondary antibodies (Santa Cruz Biotechnology, inclusion criteria. The range of ages, diagnosed oncogenic
Inc., Santa Cruz, CA, USA) for 1 h at a dilution of 1:2,000. HPV infection, viral type and histological and cytological
Peroxidase activity was visualized using colorimetry with diagnoses are shown in Table I, which demonstrates the
3,3',5,5'‑tetramethylbenzidine (Invitrogen Life Technologies, homogeneity of the analyzed samples. All of the females in
Carlsbad, CA, USA). Subsequent to immunodetection, the control group were found to have a normal PAP result
membranes were washed twice with TBS and stained with and were negative for oncogenic viruses, while those in the
0.1% Coommassie R‑250 (GE Healthcare), which was used case group had an abnormal PAP result, were positive for
as a loading control, according to the method described by oncogenic virus HPV 16 and had a confirmed diagnosis of
Welinder and Ekblad (36). Densitometric quantification of CIN III. The average age of the individuals in in the control
the western blots was determined using Image J software and case groups was 42.6 and 45.4 years, respectively, with
(National Institutes of Health, Bethesda, MA, USA). the two groups having a similar median age (41 and 42 years,
Even though the haptoglobins and apolipoproteins respectively).
identified by spectrometry showed higher scores than the
complement C3 and A1BG, only the latter was analyzed. 2D‑GE. The serum from the individuals in the case and
This was due to the evidence that, in 2008, Barba de la control groups was analyzed in triplicate using 2D SDS‑PAGE
Rosa et al (20) had shown increases in serum haptoglobins and the differential expression was assessed using
in females with different degrees of cervical cancer lesions. ImageMaster 2D Platinum 6.0 software (GE Healthcare).
There is also little information with regard to the possible The program detected 337 spots that belonged to the healthy
role of C3 and A1BG in this type of cancer, particularly in group and 516 spots that belonged to the cases diagnosed
precursor lesions. with CIN III. Matching between the groups resulted in
189 matches common to the two groups. Eight spots were
Detection and typification of viral DNA. Cervical cells selected for further identification (Fig. 1). The parameters
were obtained using endocervical curettage and collected used for the selection of these spots were that the spots were
in transport medium (HC2 DNA Collection Device; Digene, present in 8‑11 gels, and that they were only present in the
Gaithersburg, MD, USA). Samples were transported and case group and not in the control group, indicating a constant
stored at ‑20˚C until use. The presence of infection with presence of the spot. These spots were excised from the gels,
oncogenic types was determined through hybrid capture digested and identified using ESI‑TOF‑MS analysis.
ONCOLOGY LETTERS 8: 939-947, 2014 943
Figure 1. Two dimensional gel electrophoresis map of a serum sample from a patient with cervical intraepithelial neoplasia, grade III stained using Colloidal
Coomassie Blue G‑250. The white arrows indicate spots that were differentially expressed between the control and case groups. The numbers indicate the spot
number assigned by Image Master Software (GE Healthcare, Little Chalfont, UK). pI, isoelectric point.
Figure 2. (A) Western blots detecting the protein expression of C3 and A1BG in 20 µg total protein in serum obtained from females in the control group (n=30)
and those with CIN III (n=25). Specific antibodies were used to detect A1BG and C3 at a dilution of 1:2,000 and 1:1,000, respectively. (B) Densitometry
analysis using Image J v 1.45. CBB staining was used as a loading control. Data are presented as the mean ± standard deviation. P<0.05 was considered to
indicate a statistically significant difference. A1BG, α‑1‑B glycoprotein; C3, complement component 3; CBB, Coommassie Brilliant Blue; CINIII, cervical
intraepithelial neoplasia, grade III.
LC‑ESI‑MS‑MS analysis. The eight spots selected from the 2D Table II shows the proteins that were sequenced from the eight
gels were identified using ESI‑TOF‑MS analysis. The peak of the spots, which correspond to the A1B319 glycoprotein, C3, one
mass of the peptide was compared to that in the NCBInr database. pro‑apolipoprotein, two apolipoproteins and three haptoglobins.
Table II. Proteins analyzed using ESI‑TOF‑MS and identified using the Mascot search algorithm.
Bold text denotes the possible candidate proteins specific for cervical intraepithelial neoplasia, grade III. aFrom SwissProt database; bdata
are presented as the experimental value (predicted value). ESI, electrospray ionization; TOF, time‑of‑flight; MS, mass spectrometry; MW,
molecular weight; pI, isoelectric point.
Western blot analysis. Fig. 2A shows a representative western different signaling pathways associated with cell proliferation,
blot of the expression of A1BG and C3 in the serum of the death and metabolism. It is well established that the number
females diagnosed with CIN III (n=25) and those in the healthy of proteins expressed in a cell at a particular time does not
control group (n=30). Fig. 2B shows densitometry analysis of correspond with the total number of activated genes. Thus,
the corresponding bands from the two groups. The relative it is necessary to detect the profile of the proteins expressed
density of the A1BG and C3 protein bands was observed to at specific times and under particular conditions in healthy
be greater in the serum samples of the females with CIN III, subjects and those with particular pathologies. Furthermore,
compared with those in the control group. For C3, statistical the protein profiles of the serum, plasma, tissue, urine and
analysis revealed that the expression values for the individuals other human fluids may be modified as a result of acute or
in the control and CIN III groups were 3.1±0.85 and 8.0±1.17 chronic diseases, either due to proteins produced by infectious
(t=5.7; P≤0.05), respectively. For A1BG, the expression values agents, including viruses, bacteria and fungi, or due to altera-
were 2.8±0.40 and 4.5±0.68 in the control and CIN III groups tions at the genetic level. The identification if these protein
(t=4.3; P≤0.05), respectively. profiles has enabled the identification of biomarkers for
certain pathologies, which may be used for disease prevention,
Discussion diagnosis and follow‑up (39). Certain biomarkers have been
approved by the Food and Drug Administration for certain
Proteins are encoded by the genes that constitute the human types of cancer (40).
genome, and they are directly responsible for regulating Cervical cancer is a pathology whose causal agent is HPV,
cellular function through the activation or inactivation of which modifies the intracellular biology of the host during
ONCOLOGY LETTERS 8: 939-947, 2014 945
infection and through its integration into the genome. In addi- fragments may be good candidates for prognostic tools (48).
tion, HPV induces an immune response on local and systemic The cause of this reduction is unknown; however, it may be
levels. A number of these changes are reflected in the expres- the result of infection with HPV or the Epstein Barr virus,
sion profiles of certain proteins in the tissue, plasma, serum and which are prevalent in this type of cancer in males (49), and
cervical mucus of the infected patients. Our group has been whose proteins may be attacking the immune system (50,51).
interested in investigating these profiles in the serum, plasma However, this hypothesis has yet to be elucidated.
and cervical mucus of females with different pre‑malignant These contradictory findings suggest that complement
lesions and cervical cancer. The present study utilized proteins may be differentially regulated, depending on the type
proteomic tools to investigate serum proteins in females diag- and origin of the cancer, thus further research is required. A
nosed with CIN III compared with healthy females. previous study suggested that not only are there certain proteins
The present study identified eight proteins with an with a high variability under normal conditions, including
increased expression in the serum of patients with CIN III haptoglobin (0‑40 mg/ml), lysozyme (0.01‑0.1 mg/ml) and
lesions compared with healthy females. These eight proteins C‑reactive protein (0,01‑0,3 mg/ml), but also those that have a
included A1BG, C3, a pro‑apolipoprotein, two apolipoproteins low variability, including albumin, which has a coefficient of
and three haptoglobins. The serum expression of A1BG and variation (CV) of 9%, as well as transferrin 410 (CV, 14%), C3,
C3 was confirmed using western blot analysis in 25 females (CV, 17%), α‑1 acid glycoprotein (CV, 21%), α 2‑macroglobulin
with CIN III and 30 control individuals. The remaining six (CV, 20%), transthyretin fragment (CV, 28.3%) and β‑chain
proteins were not analyzed in this manner, as previous studies α 2‑HS‑glycoprotein (CV, 29,7%) (52), which may be impor-
have demonstrated their overexpression in the serum (20) and tant for determining the state of health of an individual. It is
plasma (22) of females with different grades of intraepithelial important to determine whether the changes in the expression
lesions and cervical cancer. In the present study, western blot of C3 and A1BG identified in the present study, are capable of
analysis revealed that A1BG and C3 were overexpressed in providing insight into the changes that occur throughout the
all of the females in the CIN III group compared with those progression of cervical lesions, prior to their transformation
in the control group, suggesting that these two proteins may into cervical cancer.
participate in the regulation of a pre‑malignant lesion‑induced A1BG is a protein found in the serum and plasma whose
immune response or may be involved in carcinogenesis. function has yet to be elucidated. A1BG shows homology to the
However, further studies using other types of methodologies immunoglobulin family, through its duplication and its nucleic
are required to investigate this hypothesis. Similar findings acid sequence (53). A1BG is present in normal adult plasma
were reported by Jeong et al (24) who analyzed plasma at a concentration of 22 mg/dl (54). However, the biological
samples from six healthy females compared with six females function of A1BG has yet to be elucidated and it has been
with squamous cell carcinoma (SCC) and identified that A1BG found to be elevated in certain types of cancer (19). A1BG
and C3 were overexpressed using 2D‑GE analysis. has been reported to be elevated in the serum of patients with
This increased expression of C3 was also confirmed and endometrial cancer and cervical cancer (19), as well as patients
validated in this study in a group of females diagnosed with with cervical squamous cell carcinoma (24,54). These findings
cancer in situ. However, the present study identified that C3 suggest that A1BG may be involved in cervical carcinogenesis;
overexpression was present in earlier disease stages. Thus, it thus. elucidating its function is important.
is important to elucidate the point at which C3 expression is Haptoglobins are glycoproteins which are capable of
initiated in order to determine whether this increase is associ- binding hemoglobin and are secreted by hepatic cells in
ated with the presence of HPV during the infection stage and response to different stimuli and function as iron transporters
whether it may be useful as a biological marker. and recyclers. Haptoglobin concentration depends on the level
C3 is a key protein in the complement cascade and its of hemoglobin and the greater the hemoglobin concentration,
expression is essential for the activation of all three comple- the lower the concentration of haptoglobins (55). It has been
ment pathways (41). It is involved in the immune system and reported that iron favors the growth of cancer cells and that
has a key role in destroying invasive microorganisms and it preferentially accumulates in cancer cells compared with
cleaning up dead and apoptotic cells. The complement system normal cells (56).
is one of the most highly conserved cellular systems (42). Thus, it has been suggested that haptoglobins may be
Complement proteins act as zymogens, which are transformed potential markers for patients with ovarian, lung (57) and
into enzymes and activate complement proteins or different colon cancer (58). However, the role of haptoglobins in
receptors. Elevated concentrations of complement proteins cervical cancer has yet to be elucidated, particularly as the
have been found in the serum of patients with ovarian difference in the expression of these proteins in females with
cancer (43), hepatitis C‑associated hepatocellular cancer (44), different lesion grades (low grade, high grade and cancer)
pancreatic cancer (45), small cell renal carcinoma (46) and is very discreet as the lesions progress (20), suggesting that
SCC (24). In 1980, through simple immunodiffusion assays, haptoglobins may not be good candidate biomarkers for this
Pulay et al (47) demonstrated that the average level of C3 pathology. The present study found that three isoforms of
increases with the progression of cervical cancer lesions up haptoglobins were expressed in the individuals in the healthy
to stage III, but diminishes by stage IV (48). In contrast to control group, as well as those with CIN III, and that there was
these previous findings, fragments of C3 and C4 A/B have no significant difference in their expression between the two
been reported to be reduced in the plasma of patients with groups. Apolipoprotein (APO) C‑III is a transporter molecule
SCC of the penis, and this reduction was found to become for high density lipoproteins which regulates different cellular
more evident as the disease progressed, suggesting that these proteins involved in oxidation, apoptosis, cellular recognition
and transport (59). Apolipoproteins have been associated with 13. Snijders PJ, Heideman DA and Meijer CJ: Methods for HPV
detection in exfoliated cell and tissue specimens. APMIS 118:
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