Unsteady MHD Natural Convection From A Heated Vertical Porous Plate in A Micropolar Fluid With Joule Heating, Chemical Reaction and Radiation Effects
Unsteady MHD Natural Convection From A Heated Vertical Porous Plate in A Micropolar Fluid With Joule Heating, Chemical Reaction and Radiation Effects
Unsteady MHD Natural Convection From A Heated Vertical Porous Plate in A Micropolar Fluid With Joule Heating, Chemical Reaction and Radiation Effects
DOI 10.1007/s11012-010-9321-0
Abstract The effects of Joule-heating, chemical re- of numerical results is presented graphically and dis-
action and thermal radiation on unsteady MHD nat- cussed.
ural convection from a heated vertical porous plate in
a micropolar fluid are analyzed. The partial differential Keywords Unsteady flow · Natural convection ·
equations governing the flow and heat and mass trans- Micropolar fluid · MHD · Suction/injection ·
fer have been solved numerically using an implicit Radiation
finite-difference scheme. The case corresponding to
vanishing of the anti-symmetric part of the stress ten-
sor that represents weak concentrations is considered. 1 Introduction
The numerical results are validated by favorable com-
parisons with previously published results. A para- Micropolar fluids are fluids of microstructure. They
metric study of the governing parameters, namely the represent fluids consisting of rigid, randomly oriented
magnetic field parameter, suction/injection parameter, or spherical particles suspended in a viscous medium,
radiation parameter, chemical reaction parameter, vor- where the deformation of fluids particles is ignored
tex viscosity parameter and the Eckert number on the (e.g. polymeric suspensions, animal blood, liquid crys-
tals). In order to describe accurately the behavior of
linear velocity, angular velocity, temperature and the
such fluids, the geometry and intrinsic motion of indi-
concentration profiles as well as the skin friction coef-
vidual material particles have been taken into account,
ficient, wall couple stress coefficient, Nusselt number
and the angular velocity field of rotation of particles
and the Sherwood number is conducted. A selected set
and the conservation of the angular momentum are
added in the theory of micropolar fluids discussed by
Eringen [1]. In this case, many classical concepts such
A.J. Chamkha ()
Manufacturing Engineering Department, The Public
as the symmetry of the stress tensor or absence of cou-
Authority for Applied Education and Training, ple stresses are no longer existed. Owing to its rela-
Shuweikh 70654, Kuwait tively mathematical simplicity, the micropolar fluids
e-mail: achamkha@yahoo.com model has been widely used in lubrication to investi-
R.A. Mohamed · S.E. Ahmed
gate the polymer solutions in which the Newtonian lu-
Department of Mathematics, South Valley University, bricant is blended with small amount of long-chained
Qena, Egypt additives. So far, there have been many studies fo-
S.E. Ahmed cusing on one- and two-dimensional non-Newtonian
e-mail: sameh_sci_math@yahoo.com bearings by the micropolar fluids model [2–8]. For
example, Roy et al. [6] presented an analysis of un- medium with time-dependent suction. Abd El-Naby et
steady mixed convection flow over a vertical cone with al. [15] employed an implicit finite-difference method
suction or injection. A non-similarity formulation was to study the effect of radiation on MHD unsteady free-
used to solve this problem. They found that the action convection flow past a semi-infinite vertical porous
of the buoyancy force shows an overshoot in the ve- plate when the effect of viscous dissipation is ignored.
locity profiles near the wall for lower Prandtl numbers Jordan [16] studied the effects viscous dissipation on
but for higher Prandtl numbers the velocity overshoot MHD unsteady free convection over vertical porous
is not observed and the magnitude of the overshoot in- plate.
creases with buoyancy parameter but decreases with Mansour and Gorla [17] investigated the effects of
the increase in time. Chamkha et al. [7] made a study Joule heating on unsteady natural convection from a
of the free convection flow over a truncated cone em- heated vertical plate in a micropolar fluid. They lim-
bedded in a porous medium saturated with pure or ited their investigation to the case of concentrated par-
saline water at low temperatures. Also, a non-similar ticle flows in which the microelements close to the
formulation was used to solve the problem. It was wall are not able to rotate while neglecting the ef-
found that the variation of the heat transfer is very fects of suction and injection. The main objective of
large over the whole range of the temperature parame- this paper is to study the effects of suction/injection,
ter. A boundary-layer analysis was presented by Man- Joule heating, chemical reaction and thermal radiation
sour et al. [8] for combined heat and mass transfer on unsteady natural convection from a heated verti-
characteristics of a micropolar fluid flowing past a ver- cal porous semi-infinite plate in a micropolar fluid.
tical cylinder. The case of vanishing of the antisymmetric part of the
On the other hand, magneto-hydrodynamic (MHD) stress tensor which represents weak concentrations is
free convection of a viscous fluid along a heated semi- considered. The present study represents a generaliza-
infinite wall has been studied to understand the behav- tion to the work of Abd El-Naby et al. [15], Jordan [16]
ior of fluid motion in many applications in MHD elec- and Mansour and Gorla [17].
trical power generation, geophysics, astrophysics, etc.
In addition, numerous investigations have been real-
ized in the presence of a magnetic field; for example, 2 Problem formulation
Elbashbeshy [9] studied the effect of the temperature-
dependent viscosity and thermal diffusivity on MHD Consider unsteady heat and mass transfer by MHD
natural convection flow along a vertical plate. Gane- natural convection flow of an electrically-conducting
san and Rani [10] solved the unsteady free convection viscous micropolar fluid along a semi-infinite vertical
flow over a vertical cylinder. However, neither of these porous plate coinciding with the plane y = 0, where
papers [9, 10] takes into account the viscous dissipa- the flow is confined to y > 0. At t = 0, the plate and
tion effect. In MHD flows and heat transfer involv- the fluid are at the same temperature T∞ (free stream
ing high temperatures, the effect of radiation cannot temperature), while at time t > 0, the plate is subjected
be ignored. El-Hakiem [11] studied unsteady MHD to a uniform magnetic field of strength β0 in the direc-
oscillatory flow on free convection-radiation through tion normal to the surface. The effect of viscous dissi-
a porous medium with a vertical infinite surface that pation in the energy equation is considered and the in-
absorbs the fluid with a constant velocity. Ghaly [12] duced axial magnetic field is assumed to be negligible
employed symbolic computation software Mathemat- compared with the applied magnetic field β0 because
ica to study the effect of radiation on heat and mass the magnetic Reynolds number is assumed to be small.
transfer over a stretching sheet in the presence of a The effect of Hall currents is not taken into account.
magnetic field. Raptis et al. [13] studied the effect of All fluid properties are considered to be constant ex-
radiation on two-dimensional steady MHD optically cept the density variation which induces the buoyancy
thin gray gas flow along an infinite vertical plate taking force in the linear momentum equation.
into account the induced magnetic field. Israel-Cookey The fluid considered is non-gray because the ab-
et al. [14] researched the influence of viscous dissipa- sorption coefficient is dependent on the wave length.
tion and radiation on unsteady MHD free-convection Equation (1) below represents the conservation of ra-
flow past an infinite heated vertical plate in a porous diative transfer in a unit volume for all wave length,
considering an optically thin fluid exchanging radia- ation due to gravity; β is the coefficient of thermal ex-
tion with an isothermal flat plate (see [15, 16]): pansion; βc is the coefficient of concentration expan-
∞ sion; K is the thermal conductivity; ρ is the density
∇.q̄r = 4 Kλ (T ) [ebλ (T ) − ebλ (Tw )] dλ, (1) of the fluid; σ0 is the fluid electrical conductivity; υ is
0 the kinematic viscosity; Cp is the specific heat at con-
stant pressure, D is the mass diffusion coefficient, kc is
where q̄r is the radiation flux vector, Kλ (T ) is the
the chemical reaction coefficient, k, γ , and j are the
mean absorption coefficient and ebλ is the Planck’s
vortex viscosity, spin gradient viscosity, dimensionless
function (see Cogley et al. [18]). Equation (1) can be
vortex viscosity parameter and micro-inertia per unit
simplified if ebλ and Kλ (T ) = Kλw are expanded in
mass, respectively and T∞ and C∞ are the free stream
Taylor series around the average value of the porous
temperature and concentration, respectively.
plate temperature Tw for small (T − Tw ) to give
The initial and boundary conditions for this prob-
∇.q̄r = 4(T − Tw ), (2) lem are
t ≤ 0; u = 0, v = 0, σ = 0, T = T∞ ,
C = C∞ ,
= Kλw (∂ebλ /∂T )w dλ. (3) t > 0; u = 0, σ = 0, T = Tw ,
C = Cw at x = 0,
Under the above assumptions and the Boussinesq ∂u (9)
approximation, the problem under investigation is t > 0; u = 0, v = −v0 , σ = −n , T = Tw ,
governed by following system of equations: C = Cw at y = 0,
∂u ∂v t > 0; u = 0, σ = 0, T → T∞ ,
+ = 0, (4)
∂x ∂y C → C∞ as y → ∞.
∂u ∂u ∂u
+u +v In (9), v0 the normal velocity at the plate which is
∂t ∂x ∂y
positive for suction and negative for blowing. In ad-
∂ 2u dition, n is a constant such that 0 ≤ n ≤ 1. The case
= υ(1 + ) + gβ(T − T∞ ) + gβc (C − C∞ )
∂y 2 n = 0, which indicates σ = 0, represents concentrated
particle flow in which the microelements close to the
∂σ σ0 β02
+ υ − u, (5) wall surface are unable to rotate. The case n = 1/2 in-
∂y ρ dicates to the vanishing of antisymmetric part of the
∂σ ∂σ ∂σ γ ∂ 2σ k ∂u stress tensor and denoted weak concentrations. The
+u +v = − + 2σ , (6) case n = 1 is used for the modelling of turbulent
∂t ∂x ∂y ρj ∂y 2 ρj ∂y
boundary-layer flows.
∂T ∂T ∂T
+u +v The dimensionless variables are defined as follows:
∂t ∂x ∂y
2 gβT 1/3 gβT 1/3
1 K ∂ 2T ∂u σ0 β02 2 X=x , Y = y ,
= + υ(1 + ) + u υ2 υ2
Cp ρ ∂y 2 ∂y ρ
(gβT )2/3 u
− 4(T − Tw ), (7) τ =t , U= ,
υ 1/3 (υgβT )1/3
∂C ∂C ∂C ∂ 2C 1/3
+u +v = D 2 − kc (C − C∞ ). (8) v υ
∂t ∂x ∂y ∂y V= , N =σ ,
(υgβT )1/3 (gβT )2
Here, t is time; u and v are the velocity components T − T∞
associated with the direction of coordinates x and y θ= , T = Tw − T∞ ,
Tw − T ∞
measured along and normal to the vertical plate, re- 2/3
spectively; σ is the angular velocity; T is the temper- 1 υgβ 2/3 σβ 2 υ2
Ec = √ , M= 0 ,
ature; C is the species concentration, g is the acceler- Cp T μ gβT
υ 1/3 1 υ4 τ > 0; U = 0, N = 0, θ = 0,
R = 4 , B= , φ = 0 as Y → ∞,
(gβT )2/3 j gβT
Cp μ k where, V0 = v0 /(υgβT )1/3 is the dimensionless
Pr = , = ,
K μ suction/blowing parameter.
In technological applications, the skin-friction co-
υ υ 1/3
Sc = , γ = kc , efficient, the couple stress coefficient at the wall, the
D (gβT )2/3
Nusselt number and the Sherwood number are im-
gβc (C − C∞ ) C − C∞ portant quantities that are of practical interest. These
A= , φ= . (10)
gβ(T − T∞ ) C w − C∞ quantities are respectively given by:
where R is the radiation parameter, Ec is the Eckert ∂U
CF X = [1 + (1 − n)] . (17)
number, M is the magnetic field parameter, Pr is the ∂Y Y =0
Prandtl, Sc is the Schmidt number, γ is the chemical
CW X = . (18)
∂Y Y =0
reaction parameter and B is the micropolar material
Upon substitution of the expressions in (10) into X ∂θ
NuX Gr−1/3 = − . (19)
(4)–(8), one may write the dimensionless governing θW ∂Y Y =0
equations as follows: ∂φ
ShX Gr−1/3 = −X . (20)
∂U ∂V ∂Y Y =0
+ = 0, (11)
∂X ∂Y
∂U ∂U ∂U 3 Method of solution
+U +V
∂τ ∂X ∂Y
The system of partial differential equations (11)–
∂ 2U ∂N
= (1 + ) + Aφ + θ + − MU, (12) (15) with initial and boundary conditions (16) was
∂Y 2 ∂Y
solved for the dependent variables U, V , N, θ and φ
∂N ∂N ∂N as functions of X, Y and τ . The steady-state condi-
+U +V
∂τ ∂X ∂Y tion was assumed to approach when ∂U/∂τ, ∂N/∂τ,
∂ N ∂U ∂θ/∂τ, ∂φ/∂τ approach zero in the unsteady state
= λ 2 − B + 2N , (13) problem, already formulated in the previous section.
∂Y ∂Y
Successive steps in time can then be regarded as suc-
∂θ ∂θ ∂θ
+U +V cessive approximations towards the steady-state so-
∂τ ∂X ∂Y lution. The solution was obtained by numerical in-
1 ∂ 2θ ∂U 2 tegration and the integrations were carried out on
= + Ec (1 + ) + MU 2
the time-dependent form of the equations by the
Pr ∂Y 2 ∂Y
finite-difference method as explained by Mansour and
− R(θ − 1), (14) Gorla [17]. The spatial domain under investigation
∂φ ∂φ ∂φ 1 ∂ 2φ was restricted to a finite dimension. Here, the height
+U +V = − γ φ. (15) of the plate Xmax was assumed to be 1. The boundary-
∂τ ∂X ∂Y Sc ∂Y 2
layer thickness Ymax was taken as 8. The linear ve-
The dimensionless initial and boundary conditions locity, angular velocity temperature and concentration
are given by fields are obtained for τ = 0.08003, 0.16006, . . . , ∞
and these computations are for a 40 × 40 grid and for
τ ≤ 0; U = 0, V = 0, N = 0, θ = 0, φ = 0, B = 0.1, λ = 1.0 while τ = 10−3 . The values for
τ > 0; U = 0, N = 0, θ = 0, B and λ were chosen because they are representative
φ = 0 at X = 0, of the micropolar fluids as indicated by Mansour and
∂U Gorla [17].
τ > 0; U = 0, V = −V0 , N = −n ,
∂Y (16) To obtain the solution independent of the grid size,
θ = 1, φ = 1 at Y = 0, several computational runs were performed to obtain
4.1 Validation of the results The starting point of the angular velocity depends on
the skin-friction coefficient so it starts from different
The numerical values thus obtained for U, N, θ and values at the wall then it decreases to zero far away
φ are presented. An examination of complete results from the surface. The solute concentration in the fluid
for τ = 0.08003, 0.16006, . . . , 12 revealed little or no starts from the value of 1 at the wall then decreases
change in U, N, θ and φ after τ = 12 for all com- to zero far away from the surface. All these profiles
putations. Thus, the results for τ = 12 are essentially are depicted in Figs. 2–33 and are consistent with the
the steady-state values. A comparison of the present boundary conditions of the problem given by (16).
results with those reported earlier by Abd El-Naby Figures 2–5 display the effects of the wall suc-
tion/blowing parameter V0 on the linear velocity pro-
et al. [15] and Jordan [16] for impermeable surface
files U , angular velocity profiles G, temperature pro-
is presented in Fig. 1. This comparison shows good
files T , and the concentration profiles C, respectively.
agreement between the results.
Imposition of fluid suction (V0 > 0) at the plate sur-
face is found to decrease the fluid linear velocity
4.2 Effects of different parameters on flow, heat and
while increasing the fluid angular velocity, tempera-
mass characteristics
ture and solute concentration. However, imposition of
fluid wall injection (V0 < 0), the exact opposite behav-
In order to get a clear insight of the physical prob-
ior is predicted in which the linear velocity increases
lem, numerical results are displayed with the help of
while the angular velocity, temperature and concentra-
graphical illustrations. The results are given through tion decrease.
a parametric study showing the influence of sev- Figures 6–9 illustrate the influence of the wall suc-
eral non-dimensional parameters, namely, the suc- tion/blowing parameter V0 on the distributions along
tion/injection parameter V0 , magnetic field parameter the plate of the local skin-friction coefficient CF X ,
M, Eckert number Ec, thermal radiation R, chemical local wall couple stress coefficient CW X , local Nus-
reaction parameter γ . The reference case for the re- selt number NuX Gr−1/3 and the local Sherwood num-
sults is X = 1, n = 0.5, B = 0.1, Ec = 2.0, M = 1.0, ber ShX Gr−1/3 , respectively. It is predicted that as the
Pr = 0.7, Sc = 0.6, A = 1, γ = 1.0, R = 0.02. In gen- wall suction/blowing parameter V0 increases, the local
eral, the velocity of the fluid start from zero at the wall skin-friction coefficient decases while the local wall
and increases until it reaches a maximum value then couple stress coefficient, local Nusselt number and
decreases to zero far away from the plate. The tem- the local Sherwood number increase. In addition, as
perature of the fluid starts from the value of 1 at the the distance X increases, the local skin-friction coef-
wall then decreases to zero far away from the surface. ficient and the local Nusselt and Sherwood numbers
Fig. 2 Velocity profiles for various values of V0 Fig. 4 Temperature profiles for various values of V0
Fig. 10 Velocity profiles for various values of M Fig. 13 Skin-friction coefficient for various values of M
Fig. 11 Angular velocity profiles for various values of M Fig. 14 Wall couple stress coefficient for various values of M
Fig. 12 Temperature profiles for various values of M Fig. 15 Nusselt number for various values of M
Fig. 16 Velocity profiles for various values of Ec Fig. 19 Velocity profiles for various values of γ
Fig. 17 Temperature distributions for various values of Ec Fig. 20 Concentration profiles for various values of γ
Fig. 18 Nusselt number for various values of Ec Fig. 21 Skin-friction coefficient for various values of γ
Fig. 22 Wall couple stress coefficient for various values of γ Fig. 25 Velocity profiles for various values of
5 Conclusions
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