Lesson Plan (Reading) : Teacher: Course Book (Name/unit/page) : Date and Time: Room: Main Topic (Language)

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Lesson Plan (reading) Commented [A1]: A main topic for each lesson is

essential. Whether the lesson lasts for one hour

or three hours, there should be one main ESL
Teacher: Yovanny Motolinia Oropeza Course book (name/unit/page): Ingles III (apuntes)/Unit 2/Page 136-139 topic. For example, the main topic could be
prepositions of place, modal verbs, the Simple
Date and time: Room: Past, pronunciation, etc.
Virtually anything that English language
learners need to learn to communicate
effectively could be the main topic of the
Main topic (language) lesson.
If you have a long period of time and you want
Irregular pasts to cover two or more main topics, then you will
need two or more parts to your plan, or two or
more separate plans. Each part or plan must
have all five elements.
Skill focus
Predicting content Commented [A2]: Skills:
Reading for gist Skimming. To get the general idea of what a text is about (to
Reading for detail find the overall meaning), our eyes focus briefly on a few
words per line, perhaps headings, or the first and last
Guessing new words sentences in a paragraph (2-3 minutes)

Scanning. We can a text to find a particular piece of

information. We can practice scanning with our learners by
asking questions about specific small details and giving short
Main Lesson Aims Subsidiary Aim time limit of 5-10 minutes to search the answer.
1. Students will better interpret and discuss rules and Students will be familiarized with some vocabulary related with accidents
Commented [A3]: The term “aims” be reserved for long-
regulations and warning signs/notices, as well as to express such as burn, fires, cuts falls etc. term goals such as provide the justification or reason for
obligation. teaching second language and the “objectives” be only used
for short-term goals, such as many reasonably by achieved in
2. Students will give advice and precautions for a certain the classroom lesson or sequence lesson.
situations and accidents. Teacher approach is something which is (or should be)
largely governed by the long-term aims of the course. Thus
the long-term aim of the course dictates the teacher’s
approach, but not the content of any particular lesson.

We can think of aims as broad general statements of

what students are expected to learn. Aims are often more ...
Teacher Aims
1. To implement a creative lesson plan with interesting activities adhered to the syllabus.
2. To motivate my students to learn English using technological tools.
3. To capture their attention.

Assumed knowledge
1. Simple past

Class profile and Timetable Fit

The class is made up of 12 students 5 girls and 7 boys all the students have a pre-intermediate and at the beginning of the course they hated
the English, in contrast now they show a high interest to communicate and learn expressions, in addition there are 3 students that belong to
other grade but due the scarcity of teachers they are in the group I attend (third grade).

Teacher aids Preparation

1. Eight flash cards Draw the flash cards (se stages 1 and 3) and prepare a set of eight story
2. Story trips strips for each group of eight learners (see stage 2)
Anticipated Problems and Solutions

Students Teacher

Problems Solutions Problems Solutions

1 The students may have some Let them know that step by step they 1 Making sure that we stick to
troubles pronouncing the are going to learn the correct the plan
words. pronunciation and that I will be there
to assist them anytime.
2 Students may not have good Select students that have that ability 2 Maxing sure that the focus of
skills for drawing. and form groups with at least one the lesson is maintained
person who are good in English to throughout the whole lesson
work collaborative.
3 The students might not Provide them with enough examples 3 Make sure that the lesson flows Refer to our plan throughput the
understand the when we are to achieve a better understanding. smoothly lesson
dealing with obligation and
when we are dealing with
Commented [A4]: Write a question about a
detail that is three-quarters of the way
through the text for ESL beginning reading
For advanced level ESL students, ask a "gist"
question. This is something that the students
have to deduce from the reading passage.
Focus question :
Be sure to write the focus question on the board
so that all students can see it. ...
Stage Interaction Time Procedure Objective /purpose of stage Commented [A5]: Objectives
Objectives help to limit the scope of the lesson
and help to provide focus. The number of
objectives will vary depending on the length of
the lesson and the main topic, but will probably
Warm up range between two and five objectives.
Even the best ESL lesson plans cannot and
T↔S should not cover every aspect of an ESL or EFL
Warm ups.docx topic. ...
Commented [A6]: Warmers and Lead-ins
Both warmers and lead-ins are activities used by
teachers at the beginning of a lesson to create a
positive atmosphere for learning. There is, however, a
1. Show the class the first flashcard. Ask the class to describe the It is a good idea to introduce some difference between warmers and lead-ins. While
picture. Use the picture to introduce the words crocodile, jaws, hole, key words before the learners read. warmers are not necessarily related to the topic of the
lesson and are used to “wake up” students and make
river, and riverbank. You do not have to introduce all the them interested in English and motivated to
Lead in new vocabulary – just the important learn, lead-ins actually introduce the theme of the
Put the learners in pairs to discuss what they think will happen next. words which are essential for the lesson and are used to activate schemata, the ...
Collect suggestions from the class. main meaning. If the learners can Commented [A7]: Lead-ins
T↔S have a go at predicting the story A lead-in introduces the theme of the lesson. While
before they read, this will help them warmers are not necessarily related to the topic of the
35 WAYS TO understand the story. It does not lesson, lead-ins introduce the topic of the lesson.
INTRODUCE YOUR LESSON AND 18 MORE LEAD IN.docx matter if their predictions are right or Lead-ins actually introduce the theme of the lesson
wrong: what is important is that they and are used to activate schemata, the student’s
have had a chance to think about the prior knowledge or experience of the topic. They
events in the story. may also include activities to check Knowledge,
preview or pre-teach some language points. ...
2. When we read a story or a narrative
with a sequence of events, the most
basic and important thing to
understand is what happened and in
what order. This reordering activity
focuses on getting the learners to
understand the events in the story
well enough to work out their

Read for gist

Put learners in group of eight. Give each learner a story trip. (Give them
out in muddled order.) Ask them to read out their story trip in turn.

They should decide on the order of events in the story and arrange
themselves in the order of the story. (If you do not have enough space
for learners to move around, you can group learners in fours, sitting
round a desk and give two strips to each learner, or give one set of story
trips to each pair and ask them to lay out the story trips on the desk and
arrange them in order.)
3. Put up the flashcards on the board in order. Ask the learners to check The flash cards serve two purposes:
the order of their story trips with the order of the pictures. Go through 1 They show the learners the correct
with the whole class, reading out a story strip for each picture. order of events and help them to
Check comprehension check their own understanding. 2 The
pictures will help the learners
understand any events which were
not clear to them before.
4. put up the questions: This activity get the learners to read
for detail. These details help learners
Why did the crocodile need help? understand the story more completely
How did the man get out of the crocodile’s jaws? and in more in depth. The questions
Why was the dog clever? Why was the man foolish? deal with cause and effect: why
events happened and what the results
Read for detail
Ask learners to check in pairs, then go through the answers together as a were. This can be more difficult for
class. learners to understand than
understanding the order of events, so
they will need to read more carefully
to answer the questions.

5. read again some parts of the text containg words the learners are likely
not to know, for example:

The crocodile grabbed the man

“I’ll help you”, she barked
Guess words
The dog dived into the river
They dragged the man onto the riverbank

Ask learners to try to mime the actions. Explain any problems, showing
with gestures what the words mean
6. Give the learners some gap fill sentences and ask them to complete This activity practices focusing on
them with the verbs in the past tense. accuracy of form when using the
Language focus
simple past, which will help learners
when they come to write the story,
A man ___________________ to cross a river adding to and elaborating them with
A crocodile ______________ him and __________ to pull him to his hole phrases they remember from the
The man _____________ “help, help” story.
A dog _________________ the man’s shouts
She ________________ in and ____________ the crocodile
They _________________ the man onto the river bank
The crocodile _______________ his jaws to say “thank you”
The man ____________ of into the tress and the dog ___________him

Ask the learners to copy the eight pictures in the form of a strip cartoon. This activity gives some flexibility for
learners to interpret in their own way.
Ask them to write a sentence below each picture telling the story and to Weaker learners can simply retell the
add their own speech and thought bubbles to the pictures. story using the framework in the
Transfer previous activity to help them. Commented [A8]: This phase is going to try to get the
Stronger learners can be more students to use this particular topic in a realistic way.
creative, adding phrases and ideas of
their own, and using their imagination
to create the thought bubbles.

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