Lesson Plan (Reading) : Teacher: Course Book (Name/unit/page) : Date and Time: Room: Main Topic (Language)
Lesson Plan (Reading) : Teacher: Course Book (Name/unit/page) : Date and Time: Room: Main Topic (Language)
Lesson Plan (Reading) : Teacher: Course Book (Name/unit/page) : Date and Time: Room: Main Topic (Language)
Assumed knowledge
1. Simple past
Students Teacher
Put learners in group of eight. Give each learner a story trip. (Give them
out in muddled order.) Ask them to read out their story trip in turn.
They should decide on the order of events in the story and arrange
themselves in the order of the story. (If you do not have enough space
for learners to move around, you can group learners in fours, sitting
round a desk and give two strips to each learner, or give one set of story
trips to each pair and ask them to lay out the story trips on the desk and
arrange them in order.)
3. Put up the flashcards on the board in order. Ask the learners to check The flash cards serve two purposes:
the order of their story trips with the order of the pictures. Go through 1 They show the learners the correct
with the whole class, reading out a story strip for each picture. order of events and help them to
Check comprehension check their own understanding. 2 The
pictures will help the learners
understand any events which were
not clear to them before.
4. put up the questions: This activity get the learners to read
for detail. These details help learners
Why did the crocodile need help? understand the story more completely
How did the man get out of the crocodile’s jaws? and in more in depth. The questions
Why was the dog clever? Why was the man foolish? deal with cause and effect: why
events happened and what the results
Read for detail
Ask learners to check in pairs, then go through the answers together as a were. This can be more difficult for
class. learners to understand than
understanding the order of events, so
they will need to read more carefully
to answer the questions.
5. read again some parts of the text containg words the learners are likely
not to know, for example:
Ask learners to try to mime the actions. Explain any problems, showing
with gestures what the words mean
6. Give the learners some gap fill sentences and ask them to complete This activity practices focusing on
them with the verbs in the past tense. accuracy of form when using the
Language focus
simple past, which will help learners
when they come to write the story,
A man ___________________ to cross a river adding to and elaborating them with
A crocodile ______________ him and __________ to pull him to his hole phrases they remember from the
The man _____________ “help, help” story.
A dog _________________ the man’s shouts
She ________________ in and ____________ the crocodile
They _________________ the man onto the river bank
The crocodile _______________ his jaws to say “thank you”
The man ____________ of into the tress and the dog ___________him
Ask the learners to copy the eight pictures in the form of a strip cartoon. This activity gives some flexibility for
learners to interpret in their own way.
Ask them to write a sentence below each picture telling the story and to Weaker learners can simply retell the
add their own speech and thought bubbles to the pictures. story using the framework in the
Transfer previous activity to help them. Commented [A8]: This phase is going to try to get the
Stronger learners can be more students to use this particular topic in a realistic way.
creative, adding phrases and ideas of
their own, and using their imagination
to create the thought bubbles.
Homework S
Would you like to travel
to other country?