Passport and Passport Agent Services Regulation

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DoD 1000.21-R, April 1997

DoD 1000.21-R, April 1997






C1.1. Purpose 6
C1.2. Definitions 6
C1.3. Policy 8
C1.4. Responsibilities 9
C1.5. Use of Passports 15
C1.6. Validity of Passports 17
C1.7. Determination of Passport and Visa Requirements 17
C1.8. Alien DoD Personnel and Alien Family Members 17
C1.9. Stateless Aliens 18


C2.1. Applying for a Passport (with or without visa(s)) 19

C2.2. Applying for a Visa 25
C2.3. Completion of DD Form 1056, "Authorization to Apply for a No-Fee Passport and/or 28
Request for Visa"
C2.4. Processing Passport and/or Visa Applications 31


C3.1. Passport Agent Nominations 36

C3.2. Passport Agent Designation Procedures 36
C3.3. Reglar Fee Passport Applications 38


C4.1. Quality Checks 39

C4.2. Control 39
C4.3. Distribution 41
C4.4. Disposition 42


C5.1. Required DoD Form 46

C5.2. Required DoS Forms (DPS Forms) 46
C5.3. Required DoD and DoS Publications 47

DoD 1000.21-R, April 1997

Figure Title Page

C2.F1. Passport and/or Visa Appication Assembly 20

C2.F2. Incoming Distribution (Passport and/or Visa Applications) 21
C2.F3. DD Form 1056, "Authorization to Apply for a "No-Fee" Passport and/or Request for 34
Visa," for Service Member
C2.F4. DD Form 1056, "Authorization to Apply for a "No-Fee" Passport and/or Request for 35
Visa," for Family Member
C3.F1. Sample Agent Appointment and/or Cancellation Request 37
C3.F2. Military Office of Responsibility (OPR) 38

DoD 1000.21-R, April, 1997


(a) DoD Directive 1000.21, "DoD Passport and Passport Agent Services," July 9, 1992
(b) United States Department of State Passport Agent's Manual
(c) DoD 4500.54-G, "Foreign Clearance Guide (FCG)," January 1992, authorized by
DoD Directive 4500.54, May 1, 1991
(d) Title 22, Code of Federal Regulations, Part 51, "Passports," current edition
(e) Section 1543 of title 18, United States Code
(f) Modification of the March 25, 1991 Memorandum of Agreement (MOA) between
the Department of Defense and Department of State, October 15, 1996
(g) Joint Federal Travel Regulations (JFTR), Volume 1, "Uniformed Service
Members," current edition
(h) Article 136, Uniform Code of Mlitary Justice
(i) Section 936 of title 10, United States Code
(j) Section 2903 of title 5, United States Code
(k) Memorandum of Agreement (MOA) between the Department of Defense and
Department of State, August 13, 1993

DoD 1000.21-R, April 1997



This Regulation implements DoD Directive 1000.21 (reference (a)) and establishes
DoD and Department of State (DoS) policies and procedures for obtaining no-fee
passports and/or visas and administration of Passport and Passport Agent Services.
This Regulation is used in conjunction with the DoS Passport Agent's Manual
(reference (b)) and the Department of Defense Foreign Clearance Guide (FCG)
(reference (c)). It provides instructions and control of forms required for passports
and/or visa applications and prescribes the use for DD Form 1056, "Authorization to
Apply for a No-Fee Passport and/or Visa." It specifies DoS and DoD policy and
procedural guidance on the acquisition, issuance, and use of passports and/or visas for
official travel.


C1.2.1. Passport Agent. A person authorized and empowered by the Secretary of

State, the DoD Executive Agent (for DoD Passport and Passport Agent Services), or
the Secretaries of the Military Departments to accept passport applications and perform
passport services to include administering oaths for passport purposes (22 CFR
51.21(c), reference (d)).

C1.2.2. DoD Executive Agent. The Head of a DoD Component delegated to

administer a function or service for others in the Department of Defense on behalf of
the Secretary of Defense. Reference (a) designates the Secretary of the Army as
Executive Agent for Passport and Passport Agent Services. The Administrative
Assistant to the Secretary of the Army acts for the Secretary of the Army in executing
the Secretary of the Army's responsibilities as the Executive Agent.

C1.2.3. DoD Foreign Clearance Guide (FCG) (Reference (c)). A reference

document containing detailed information on special travel areas, foreign country
entrance requirements, and overseas commanders' requirements on visits within their
area of command.

C1.2.4. DoD Passport Agent Services. Includes, but is not limited to, processing
passport agent designations, duties, training, and responsibilities.

DoD 1000.21-R, April 1997

C1.2.5. DoD Passport Services. Includes, but is not limited to processing

applications for no-fee passports and visas and distribution and control of no-fee
passports and visas.

C1.2.6. Installation. A grouping of facilities, located in the same vicinity, which

support particular functions where passport agents operate and provide passport
services to DoD personnel and family members. For purposes of this regulation, the
term installation is used as a generic term used to identify a military base, post, camp,
depot, etc.

C1.2.7. Minor Child. For passport purposes, a minor is an unmarried person

under the age of 18.

C1.2.8. Office of Primary Responsibility (OPR). The designated office

responsible for compliance with governing passport and visa regulations and
directives, issuance of implementing instructions, and management of passport services
within each of the Military Departments.

C1.2.9. Official Travel. Authorized travel and assignment solely in connection

with official business of the Department of Defense and the U.S. Government at
Government expense.

C1.2.10. Passport. An internationally recognized travel document attesting to the

identity and nationality of the bearer. A passport indicates that its bearer is entitled to
receive the protection and assistance of the diplomatic and consular offices of their
country while abroad. In essence, it is a request on the part of the issuing government
that officials of foreign governments permit the bearer to travel or sojourn in their
territories and afford them lawful aid and protection.

C1.2.10.1. U.S. Passports as Government Property. The U.S. passport is an

official document of the U.S. Government. It remains at all times the property of the
United States and must be returned to the Government upon demand. It may not be
altered, mutilated, or changed in any manner, except as authorized and changed by
DoS Passport Services or its agencies, or by a consular post abroad upon proper
authorization from DoS Passport Services. Anyone who mutilates or makes an
unauthorized change of a passport is subject to criminal penalties (18 U.S.C. 1543,
reference (e)).

C1.2.10.2. No-Fee Passports. Passports issued to DoD personnel and their

family members carrying out official duties. The no-fee passport carries an

DoD 1000.21-R, April 1997

endorsement that identifies the bearer is an agent of the U.S. Government proceeding
abroad on official travel. This endorsement is unique to no-fee passports. Passports
are provided by the Government at Government expense; hence, no-fee to the passport
applicant. The types of no-fee passports provided for official travel are: diplomatic
(black), official (maroon), and no-fee regular (blue and/or green). No-fee passports
are normally valid for 5 years.

C1.2.11. Regional Passport Agencies. A network of the DoS agencies

established within 14 geographical areas that issues fee passports to the general
public. All no-fee (blue and/or green) passport applications must be processed at the
Washington Regional Passport Agency. The only exception is the DoS agency in
Honolulu. The Honolulu Region consists of American Samoa, the Federated States of
Micronesia, Guam, Hawaii, and the Northern Mariana Islands (Saipan, Rota, and
Tinian). Passport agents must verify with the DoS Regional Agency in their area
whether dependent passports can be processed on a case by case situation based on an
emergency. A complete listing of regional territories and agency addresses can be
found in the DoS Passport Agent's Manual. The Washington Regional Passport
Agency is the only agency authorized to issue official and diplomatic passports.

C1.2.12. Visa. A stamp or impression placed on a page of a valid passport by a

foreign embassy or consulate empowered to grant permission, as of the date issued, for
the applicant to enter and remain in that country for a specific period of time. (Period
of validity varies by country.)


It is DoD policy under the MOA (reference (f)) to:

C1.3.1. Designate only U.S. citizens as passport agents.

C1.3.2. Designate, in writing, DoD employees to serve as DoD passport agents.

C1.3.3. Specify, in writing, the functions and responsibilities of civilian and/or

Military personnel serving as DoD passport agents, consistent with reference (f).

C1.3.4. Ensure that designated passport agents:

C1.3.4.1. Perform all services required by the DoS for the acceptance of
passport applications in accordance with the DoS Passport Agent's Manual, the FCG
(reference (c)), periodic supplemental instructions issued by the DoS Passport

DoD 1000.21-R, April 1997

Services, and other DoD Component supplemental instructions as approved by the

DoD Executive Agent.

C1.3.4.2. Comply with and maintain this regulation, the DoS Passport
Agent's Manual (reference (b)) and reference (c).

C1.3.4.3. Decline the processing of regular fee passport applications, unless

specifically approved by the Department of Defense and the DoS in writing. (See
Chapter 3., section C3.3.)

C1.3.5. Distribute, upon request, DoS-supplied passport information, materials,

and forms, as may be required.

C1.3.6. Ensure that DoD personnel:

C1.3.6.1. Traveling abroad, on official business, are in possession of the

proper no-fee passport (either diplomatic, official or no-fee regular) and appropriate
visa(s); are briefed that passports are the property of the U.S. Government, not to be
used for personal travel; and are briefed that passports shall be surrendered to the
Government on demand by an authorized representative of the U.S. Government.

C1.3.6.2. Safeguard passports as sensitive items.


C1.4.1. As delegated by the DoD Executive Agent for Passport and Passport
Agent Services, the Administrative Assistant to the Secretary if the Army, shall:

C1.4.1.1. Administer DoD Passport and Passport Agent Services.

C1.4.1.2. Designate, in writing, individual DoD passport agents.

C1.4.1.3. Obtain names of individuals from all DoD Components who will
serve as points of contact to disseminate information on Passports and Passport Agent

C1.4.1.4. Provide passport agent training programs consistent with DoD and
DoS guidelines, and the DoS Passport Agent's Manual. (See Chapter 3., section C3.3.)

DoD 1000.21-R, April 1997

C1.4.1.5. Annually, review DoD Passport and Passport Agent Services with
the DoS Components' points of contact (POCS) and the Military Departments' OPR

C1.4.1.6. Annually, review DoD Passport and Passport Agent Services with
the DoS; and maintain liaison with DoS on policies about Passports and Passport Agent

C1.4.2. For the DoD Components requiring passport agents, the Heads of the
DoD Components (less the Military Departments), shall:

C1.4.2.1. Establish Passport and Passport Agent Services that conform to the
requirements contained in the DoS Passport Agent's Manual, DoD guidelines, and the

C1.4.2.2. Inform travelers en route to, or traveling through, DoD-designated

high or potential security threat countries of the DoD travel security policy,
specifically as it relates to the use of and requirements for passports.

C1.4.2.3. Designate, in writing, passport agents in accordance with the

guidelines in this Regulation.

C1.4.2.4. Ensure passport agents are fully trained before assumption of

duties and, upon designation, are available to serve a minimum of 1 year.

C1.4.2.5. Maintain an adequate supply of DoS and DoD publications and


C1.4.2.6. Designate, in writing, a POC to issue policy and guidance for that
Component's role in the DoD Passport and Passport Agent Services program. The
POC serves as that DoD Component's focal point for obtaining, reviewing, and
providing information to the DoD Executive Agent.

C1.4.2.7. Nominate only permanently assigned DoD civilian employees

and/or Military personnel to become passport agents.

C1.4.2.8. Request authorization to accept fee passport applications, only in

very unusual circumstances. Requests for exception to DoS policy must be forwarded
through the Service OPR to the DoD Executive Agent. The DoD Executive Agent
will coordinate the request with DoS. See Chapter 3., section 3.3., for submission.

DoD 1000.21-R, April 1997

C1.4.3. The Secretaries of the Military Departments shall:

C1.4.3.1. Designate an OPR to serve as that Military Service's focal point for
obtaining, reviewing, and providing information to the DoD Executive Agent.

C1.4.3.2. Provide a representative from their respective OPR to annually

review their Passport and Passport Agent Services at a place specified by the DoD
Executive Agent.

C1.4.3.3. Designate passport agents in writing. (See Chapter 3.)

C1.4.4. The U.S. Army Service Center for the Armed Forces shall:

C1.4.4.1. Receive and execute DoD passport applications.

C1.4.4.2. Receive passports from the DoS for the DoD Components.

C1.4.4.3. Process visa requests for the DoD Components.

C1.4.4.4. Return passports to the DoD Components' passport agents.

C1.4.4.5. Assist DoD alien family members in obtaining visas for official

C1.4.4.6. Respond to passport agents inquiries on passport or visa processing.

C1.4.4.7. Serve as liaison with the DoS on procedural and/or policy matters
relating to passport services.

C1.4.5. The Major Military Commands Outside the U.S. shall:

C1.4.5.1. Coordinate directly with U.S. Embassies and Consulates to

establish procedures for obtaining passports and visas for official travel of DoD
personnel and their family members.

C1.4.5.2. Designate, in writing, passport agents and/or military couriers.

Agents and/or couriers may accept and process passport and visa applications in
accordance with instructions issued by their servicing U.S. Embassy and/or Consulate,
the overseas command and this Regulation.

C1.4.6. The Installation and/or Activity Commanders shall:

DoD 1000.21-R, April 1997

C1.4.6.1. Ensure personnel on official travel are informed of passport and

visa requirements, as specified by the FCG.

C1.4.6.2. Provide command emphasis on efficient passport and visa

application processing to avert port call delays and adverse effects on mission

C1.4.6.3. Ensure subordinate commands and activities designate in writing

authorizing officials to sign DD Form 1056, "Authorization to Apply for a No-Fee
Passport and/or Request for Visa." A copy of the designation shall be kept on file by
installation passport agents.

C1.4.6.4. Ensure all passport agents are trained in their duties and
responsibilities as prescribed in the DoS Passport Agent's Manual and governing

C1.4.7. The DD Form 1056 Authorizing Official shall:

C1.4.7.1. Verify applicants listed on the DD Form 1056 are authorized

official travel status (awaiting orders) and therefore are authorized to apply for and use
a no-fee passport and visa for official travel.

C1.4.7.2. Advise applicants that regular-fee passports cannot be used in place

of no-fee passports, nor can no-fee passports be used in place of regular-fee
passports. Countries can deny entry or detain travelers if their passport does not
indicate their actual travel status.

C1.4.7.3. Prepare or oversee the preparation of DD Form 1056.

C1.4.7.4. Authenticate DD Form 1056 with their signature in Item 16.

C1.4.7.5. Direct applicants to the proper passport agent for completing and
processing passport applications.

C1.4.8. The Passport Agent shall:

C1.4.8.1. Comply with this Regulation, appropriate Military Service

guidance, and the DoS Passport Agent's Manual (reference (b)). Maintain the current
edition of the FCG and be on the mailing list for changes and/or updates.

DoD 1000.21-R, April 1997

C1.4.8.2. Maintain a file copy of agent approval issued by the Military

Service OPR.

C1.4.8.3. Prepare DD Form 1056 when a no-fee passport and/or visa is

required. See Chapter 2., section C2.3., for information on the use and processing of
DD Form 1056.

C1.4.8.4. Ensure DD Form 1056 is accurately completed and properly

authenticated. If serving as the DD Form 1056 Authorizing Official, verify applicant's
official travel status.

C1.4.8.5. Require each passport applicant to complete a DoS passport


C1.4.8.6. Establish the identity of the passport applicant and record

identification in accordance with Chapter 7 of the DoS Passport Agent's Manual
(reference (b)). Establishing identity and recording this information is the most
important function of the passport agent.

C1.4.8.7. Review citizenship evidence, Chapter 5 of reference (b).

C1.4.8.8. For personal security reasons, do not process passport photographs

in which Military, or Military-like, uniforms or clothing are being worn by the

C1.4.8.9. Execute passport applications in accordance with Chapter 9 of

reference (b).

C1.4.8.10. Assemble and post passport and/or visa application packets for
mailing to the designated processing office each duty day. (See Chapter 2., Figure

C1.4.8.11. Assist applicants in preparing visa applications when the forms

must be completed personally by the applicant.

C1.4.8.12. Coordinate short notice requests for passports with United States
Army Service Center for the Armed Forces (USASCAF).

C1.4.8.13. Maintain a suspense control system for passport and visa


DoD 1000.21-R, April 1997

C1.4.8.14. Trace applications status as required, via message, telefax or

phone call.

C1.4.8.15. Take corrective action, within 48 hours, on application

discrepancy letters received from an OPR or the DoS.

C1.4.8.16. Maintain accountability of passports when not currently issued to

individual applicants for official travel.

C1.4.8.17. Cancel and or destroy no-fee passports when they are no longer
needed. (See Chapter 4., subsection C4.4.5.and subsection C4.4.6.)

C1.4.8.18. Advise applicants:

C1. How and where to obtain birth certificates. A DoS

Information Sheet M-343, "Notice to Applicant Concerning Birth Records," shall be
provided to each applicant that contains a form for their use in obtaining birth
records. Normally, applicants receive better service from vital statistics offices when
Information Sheet M-343 is used.

C1. When and where to apply for passports.

C1. That DoD personnel and their family members should

complete passport applications and receive necessary passport and/or visa(s) before
departing their installation.

C1. That it takes 45 to 60 days for passport and/or visa


C1. That the passport agent shall receive the passport and is
responsible for passport delivery to each applicant. Normally, passports will not be
sent directly to a leave address or ports of embarkation. However, on short notice
movements an exception to policy may be granted by the OPR. Applicants must be in
possession of both passport and visa(s) before travel arrangements may be processed.

C1. Of the responsibilities in subsection C1.4.10., below.

C1. That the passport must be signed in black ink, immediately

upon receipt.

C1. That the passport is for official travel purposes only.

DoD 1000.21-R, April 1997

C1. That the passport is the property of the U.S. Government

and may be recalled at any time by proper authority.

C1.4.9. The Installation, Activity, and/or Unit Commander shall: Maintain

control and/or accountability of no-fee passports issued to assigned personnel. No-fee
passports must be maintained in a secure manner and issued to individuals as needed
for official travel only. Upon completion of travel, no-fee passports shall be
maintained in the unit for safe-keeping. Units must return passports to the passport
agent for cancellation and/or destruction once they are no longer required or expire.

C1.4.10. Applicant must:

C1.4.10.1. Establish his and/or her identity to the passport agent's


C1. Military personnel and their family members authorized a

military identification card must present their identification cards.

C1. DoD civilian personnel, and their family members, must

present DoD civilian identification cards, if available, or other acceptable documents
in accordance with Chapter 7, DoS Passport Agent's Manual (reference (b)).

C1. A parent's identification card must be shown whenever a

parent signs and/or executes an application for a minor child under age 13. A parent,
legal guardian, or person in loco parentis, whether a U.S. citizen or not, must
personally appear and execute an application for a child less than 13 years of age. If a
legal guardian or person in loco parentis executes an application on behalf of a child,
under age 13, documentation of guardianship or a notarized statement from the parent
or legal authority giving them permission to execute the application on behalf of the
child must be shown to the passport agent.

C1.4.10.2. Applicants must submit proper evidence of U.S. citizenship with

each passport application in accordance with Chapter 3, of reference (b).


C1.5.1. No-fee passports are used by eligible DoD personnel and their family
members while on official travel to countries requiring passports. Each family
member must obtain a separate no-fee passport regardless of his or her age. Family

DoD 1000.21-R, April 1997

members must have no-fee passports in their possession before port call. No-fee
passports are issued for a specific purpose and may be used only under the conditions
or restrictions specified. To expedite passport processing, all members of the Armed
Forces and family members should have a certified copy of their birth certificate with a
raised seal or a previously issued passport.

C1.5.1.1. DoD personnel and family members assigned within the United
States, each must obtain a regular-fee passport for personal travel abroad. Visas
required for personal travel are the responsibility of the traveler.

C1.5.1.2. While outside the United States, no-fee passports may be used for
incidental personal travel between foreign destinations providing the foreign
government concerned accepts no-fee passports for personal travel. If the foreign
government does not accept no-fee passports for personal travel, travelers must obtain
regular-fee passports at their own expense.

C1.5.2. To enhance the travel security of DoD personnel and family members on
official orders to and/or from high or potential physical threat countries by commercial
conveyance (bus, train, plane) or private auto, the Department of Defense has
authorized the option of allowing these travelers to obtain and use (in addition to their
official or diplomatic passport) the regular-fee (tourist (blue and/or green)) passport.
This option is exercised for security reasons only, and is not to be considered a
requirement. Travelers wishing to obtain regular-fee passports in addition to their
official, diplomatic, or no-fee regular passport are responsible for obtaining their own
regular-fee passports and required visas.

C1.5.2.1. Reimbursement for passports and visas obtained under these

conditions is authorized by the Joint Federal Travel Regulations (JFTR U4525 and
JFTR U5212) (reference (g)). Payment is made upon submission of paid receipts
and/or canceled checks submitted with the travel voucher.

C1.5.2.2. Individuals traveling solely by the Air Mobility Command or

charter are not reimbursed for regular-fee passports, unless U.S. Government
transportation became available on short notice (i.e., after commercial travel
arrangements had been made and passport purchased), or priority of travel is
sufficiently high to require backup travel arrangements.

C1.5.2.3. Reimbursement for regular-fee passports for personal travel is not


C1.5.3. Military officers in grade O-7 and above are authorized to apply for and

DoD 1000.21-R, April 1997

use no-fee passports when on official travel outside the continental United States
regardless of the requirements outlined in the FCG.


C1.6.1. A passport is valid only when signed by or for the bearer in the proper

C1.6.2. Unless specifically limited to a shorter validity period, no-fee passports

are valid for 5 years from date of issue.


C1.7.1. The FCG is the authority for travel clearance, passport, and visas
requirements for DoD personnel and their family members to enter foreign countries
on official business. DoS uses the FCG in approving the issuance of no-fee passports.

C1.7.2. Reassignment orders will include passport and visa requirements in the
special assignment instructions. DoS makes final determination on the type of no-fee
passport to be issued for overseas assignments based on the FCG, traveler's duty
assignment, and destination shown on DD Form 1056 and official orders.


C1.8.1. Alien family members are not eligible to obtain and use U.S. passports.
These individuals must apply for and obtain passports from the countries in which they
claim citizenship.

C1.8.2. DoD personnel and family members who are not U.S. citizens must
maintain a current passport from the country in which they claim citizenship.

C1.8.3. Individuals are responsible for documentation required for departing or

entering the United States on official travel. Entry to and exit from the United States
of alien family members is strictly a matter between the individual, the U.S.
Immigration and Naturalization Service (INS), and the DoS. Individuals must work
with the INS to ensure proper documentation for departure from and return to the
United States.

C1.8.4. Alien DoD personnel and family members should contact their local

DoD 1000.21-R, April 1997

passport agents, who will contact USASCAF or OPR to obtain information on the
current visa requirements.

C1.8.5. For official travel only, USASCAF or appropriate OPR shall obtain
required visas for valid alien passport, provided the alien is within the United States.
Passports must be current and must be valid for at least 1 year. For further
information on passport validity, the individual should contact a Consulate or the
Embassy of the nation concerned.

C1.8.6. Alien personnel outside the United States should contact the U.S.
Embassy or Consulate to obtain visa requirements.

C1.8.7. Application processing time for alien visas varies by country. Initiate
applications immediately after assignment confirmation. Passport agents must follow
procedures in Chapter 2. when assembling alien visa applications. Only use
accountable mail when forwarding alien passports for visa processing. Forward a
applications in accordance with Figure C2.F2.


C1.9.1. Stateless aliens and aliens whose countries are without Consular or
Diplomatic representation in the U.S. must contact the INS office to obtain proper
travel documents.

C1.9.2. Valid reentry permits or other alien travel documents used instead of a
foreign passport must be sent to USASCAF or appropriate OPR with a completed DD
Form 1056. The USASCAF or appropriate OPR obtains visas from the embassies.

DoD 1000.21-R, April 1997



C2.1.1. When to Apply for a Passport

C2.1.1.1. Permanent Change of Station (PCS)

C2. DoD personnel requiring no-fee passports should apply

immediately, but not later than 14 days after reassignment notification. Personnel
should not wait for orders to be published before submitting passport applications. A
memorandum of intent, instruction, or message may be submitted to avoid delays.
Applications for diplomatic passports, however, may not be issued until orders or
written assignment instructions are submitted.

C2. Family members of military personnel should apply within

14 days of the Service member electing to serve a "with dependents" tour.
Applications should not be delayed because they are waiting for orders to be published
or for approval of family travel.

C2. Family members of DoD civilians should apply with their


C2.1.1.2. Temporary Duty (TDY and/or TAD). DoD personnel should

apply as soon as travel requirements are identified.

C2.1.1.3. Overseas. DoD personnel who acquire new family members

while abroad or have passports that will expire before their scheduled return to the
United States must apply for new passports through their installation and/or activity to
the servicing Embassy or Consulate.

C2.1.2. How to Obtain a No-Fee Passport

C2.1.2.1. Each DoD personnel and family member must submit a DD Form
1056 and supporting documents as part of their passport applications for official
travel. DD Form 1056 should be completed by the appropriate office handling travel
arrangements. In addition to the DD Form 1056, the "DoS Application for Passport,"

DoD 1000.21-R, April 1997

(DSP Form 11) or "Application for Passport by Mail," (DSP Form 82) must be
completed by the applicant.

C2.1.2.2. Passport agent must properly assemble applications and mail.

(See Figures C2.F1. and C2.F2.).


DoD 1000.21-R, April 1997


C2. All no-fee (blue and/or green) passport applications must be

processed at the Washington Regional Passport Agency. Passport agents must
forward all passport applications to the addresses indicated above. The only
exception is the DoS agency in Honolulu. The Honolulu Region consists of American
Samoa, the Federated States of Micronesia, Guam, Hawaii, and the Northern Mariana
Islands (Saipan, Rota, and Tinian). Passport agents must verify with the DoS
Regional Agency in their area whether dependent passports can be processed on a case
by case situation based on an emergency.

C2. Official and diplomatic passports are processed only by the

Washington Regional Passport Agency.

C2.1.2.3. No-fee passports and visas for travel in conjunction with routine
operations and/or missions are processed as follows:

C2. Check the FCG before completing item 11, DD Form 1056.
DoD/DoS will issue passports only for those countries listed in the FCG as having a
passport requirement. Commander should project travel requirements as far in

DoD 1000.21-R, April 1997

advance as possible to allow personnel sufficient time (4 weeks minimum) to obtain

passports using routine processing procedures. Extra time must be allocated if visa(s)
are required.

C2. For actual travel requirements with no firm itinerary,

departure date or for units with missions that involve unscheduled travel to several
destinations (such as Explosive Ordnance Detachments), item 11, DD Form 1056 must
list the country and/or countries in their area of responsibility where the FCG requires
a passport or visa. Item 12, DD Form 1056 must be left blank. Include a projected
date of travel in item 14. Indicate in item 17, DD Form 1056, whether a visa is or is
not required at the time of application.

C2.1.2.4. Passport Processing for Group and/or Unit Movements.

Generally, passports and/or visas are not required for group and/or unit movements.
In the event a requirement exists, a project officer should be appointed. The project
officer will not be a passport agent, but may be a DD Form 1056 authorizing official.
The project officer must contact USASCAF, DSN 227-9221, commercial (703)
697-9221, or appropriate OPR immediately for instructions on processing the group
and/or unit's passport and/or visa applications.

C2.1.2.5. Passport Processing for Foreign Area Officers (EAO), Personnel

Exchange Programs (PEP) and Cadet Troop Leadership Training Programs (CTLT).
Use the same procedures for completion of the DD Form 1056, except as follows:

C2. Official travel or PCS orders must accompany each

application. Orders must show a no-fee passport is necessary, listing the name of each
destination requiring a passport and/or visa. (These countries must also be listed in
item 11, DD Form 1056.) If not listed on the applicant's orders, consult with the
applicant for other documentation that will provide a listing of countries.
Correspondence from the sponsor or Defense Attach Office (DAO) is acceptable to
augment orders that do not have the specific destinations listed.

C2. Item 14, DD Form 1056, must indicate the date the applicant
will depart for PCS/TDY/TAD.

C2. Item 17, DD Form 1056, must indicate "Visas Not Required"
or "Visas Required." Whether or not to include the name of the applicant's program;
e.g., FAO, PEP, CTLT, etc., is optional.

C2. Family members are entitled to passports and/or visa

required for PCS assignments. Family members are not authorized to receive official

DoD 1000.21-R, April 1997

passports based upon their projected travel requirements (while accompanying their
sponsor), unless documentation is presented showing that the family member will
utilize Government transportation or be paid per diem while traveling.

C2.1.3. Where to Apply for a Passport

C2.1.3.1. In the United States, DoD personnel and family members apply
through installation and/or activity passport agents.

C2.1.3.2. When no passport agent is available, passports may be applied for

or information obtained from:

C2. Clerk of a Federal or State Court authorized by law.

C2. Certain designated Post Office Clerks.

C2. DoS Passport Agencies. The locations of the DoS Regional

Passport Agencies are provided in the DoS Passport Agent's Manual (reference (b)). If
not available, information can be obtained from the Post Office, USASCAF or
appropriate OPR.

C2. A special postage service fee and an execution of application

fee can be charged for each application made to a passport agent not on a military
installation and/or activity.

C2. Outside the United States, applicants should request

instructions from their personnel office or the nearest U.S. Embassy or Consular Post.

C2.1.4. Identification of Applicant. Applicants must establish their identity to

the satisfaction of the passport agent. Chapter 1., subsection C1.4.10., outlines
documents required for the proper identification of DoD personnel. Establishing the
identity of the applicant and recording this information on the application form is the
most important function of the passport agent.

C2.1.5. Evidence of Citizenship

C2.1.5.1. Applicants must submit proper evidence of U.S. citizenship with

each passport application.

C2. A previously issued U.S. passport is the primary means for

satisfying this requirement. Applicants born in the United States who cannot submit a
passport, may submit a certified copy of their birth certificate, issued under the seal of

DoD 1000.21-R, April 1997

the official custodian of their birth records, as a primary proof of citizenship. Birth
certificates must have the date the certificate was filed in the registrar's office to be
acceptable proof.

C2. A person born abroad, who claims U.S. citizenship at birth

may submit his or her Certificate of Citizenship issued by the INS.

C2. Refer to Chapter 3, DoS Passport Agent's Manual (reference

(b)) for specific information on the types of documentation that are acceptable to
verify citizenship.

C2.1.5.2. For readiness reasons, DoD civilian and Armed Forces personnel
should keep acceptable evidence of U.S. citizenship (certified copy of birth certificate
with raised seal or previously issued passport) on hand to enable them to apply for
passports on short notice. Obtaining certified copies of documents from the official
custodian of records can be a time-consuming process, especially if residing in an
overseas location.

C2.1.6. Passport Photographs. Submit two recent identical photographs (within

6 months) with each passport application. Visa requests may require additional
photos. Photographs are accepted only at the time of application. Passport photos
may be color or black and white, taken in normal street attire, without a hat or dark
lens glasses. Uniforms, work clothing, T-shirts, and multicolored sports shirts are
unacceptable. The servicing or most convenient military photo lab provides photo
service for no-fee passports. See Chapter 5 of reference (b) for additional

C2.1.7. Assembly of Passport and/or Visa Applications DD Form 1056 and

Related Documents). Applications must be assembled consistently to avoid delays.
Assemble in the order listed in paragraph C2.1.7.1., below, and secure by one staple in
the upper left comer of DSP Form 11/DSP Form 82 or DSP Form 19. Do not use
paper clips as they will not keep the packet together during shipping and handling.
Attention to detail will avoid applications from being returned for discrepancies.
Refer to figure C2.F1. for the content and proper assembly of applications. From top
to bottom, the assembly sequence for an application is as follows:

C2.1.7.1. Within the United States forward application in accordance with

Figure C2.F2.

DoD 1000.21-R, April 1997

C2. DSP Form 11 (Passport Application) with photo stapled to

designated spot with four staples (one vertically in each comer, do not damage facial

C2. Second photo directly behind DSP Form 11. This photo
should be placed facing forward, upside down. This is the photo that will be affixed
to the passport. Be careful not to damage facial features.

C2. If the application is for a diplomatic passport, a copy of the

sponsor's PCS orders or written assignment intent, instructions, or message must be

C2. Citizenship evidence (e.g., previously issued passport or

other acceptable birth and/or citizenship evidence) opened, so it can be easily read.

C2. See Figure C2.F1. for assembly procedures.

C2.1.7.2. Outside the United States, the passport agent and/or military
courier will follow the assembly procedures issued by the servicing U.S. Embassy or


C2.2.1. Visa, Application Requirements. Requirements and processing time vary

for each country. They may vary within a country according to whether travel is for
official, diplomatic, or personal reasons, and length of stay. Use the FCG (reference
(c)) to determine visa requirements, number of photos needed, and any additional
documentation. Reference (c) is updated and published quarterly. It is the most
accurate resource book available for guidance.

C2.2.1.1. Within the United States, USASCAF or the appropriate OPR

obtains visas for official travel and stocks most visa application forms. Questions on
visas for official travel may be referred to USASCAF, RM. 1B872, ATTN: JDHQ-TP
(Visa Section), Washington, DC 20310-3111; DSN 225-7100; Commercial (703)

C2.2.1.2. Outside the United States, applicants will comply with instructions
from both U.S. and foreign Embassies or Consulates, as necessary.

C2.2.2. Visa Application Procedures

DoD 1000.21-R, April 1997

C2.2.2.1. Within the United States, OPRs will obtain the required visas for
no-fee passports after DoS Passport Services issues the no-fee passport.

C2. If an applicant requires a no-fee passport and visa, assemble

the visa documents as shown in item 4, Figure C2.F1. Attach photographs to a copy
of DD Form 1056 as shown in item 5, and mail the assembled passport applications as
shown in Figure C2.F2. Visas are obtained based on information provided on DD
Form 1056. Passport agents must allow for mail delays or express mail to ensure
overnight arrival.

C2. If an applicant has a no-fee passport with 6 months validity

remaining (after departure date), and requires only the issuance of visas, passport
agents will attach the passport with visa documents and photographs to a copy of the
DD Form 1056, and mail them along with the original and one copy of the DD Form

C2. A group of 19 or more passports requiring the same visa

action must be accompanied by a letter of transmittal listing the names and
destinations, including itinerary, of the group (transmittals speed up processing time).

C2. Passports will be returned with visas to the address indicated

on DD Form 1056, item 13.

C2. For planning purposes, allow 30 days for visa processing.

If both a passport and visa are required the total processing time may run 60 days.
Multiple visas may require additional time.

C2.2.2.2. Outside the United States, applicants shall follow instructions from
their Major or Combatant Commands and Embassies or Consulates.

C2.2.3. Visa Denials

C2.2.3.1. If a host country denies a visa to any DoD personnel or family

member because of exclusionary policies, or for reasons other than qualifications or
ability, take the following actions:

C2. Within the United States, OPRs will notify the Office of the
Under Secretary of Defense for Policy (OUSD)(P).

DoD 1000.21-R, April 1997

C2. Outside the United States, the organization that processes

the visa request will send a message directly to the OUSD(P).

C2.2.3.2. Address OUSD(P) messages to report the denial of visas to:

"SECDEFWASH DC/IUSDP:ADMIN." Use the following message format for:

C2. DoD personnel:

C2. Applicant's full name, grade, and social security


C2. Applicant's present assignment and location.

C2. Country that denied visa.

C2. Date of visa denial.

C2. Date of visa application.

C2. Reason for visa denial, if known. Report the basis of

denial if the denial is based on an exclusionary policy.

C2. Family members:

C2. Applicant's full name and relationship to sponsor.

C2. Sponsor's full name, grade, and social security number.

C2. Present assignment and location of sponsor.

C2. Present location of family member.

C2. Country that denied visa.

C2. Date of travel approval (state whether approved travel

is concurrent or nonconcurrent).

C2. Date of visa application.

C2. Date of visa denial.

DoD 1000.21-R, April 1997

C2. Reason for visa denial, if known. Report the basis of

the denial if the denial is biased on an exclusionary policy.

C2.2.3.3. When completed, the message will be "FOR OFFICLAL USE




C2.3.1. DD Form 1056 certifies applicants are on authorized travel and entitled to
no-fee passports. It is the authority for the DoS to issue no-fee passports. DD Form
1056 is required for each application. The same DD Form 1056 is used to request
visas. DD Form 1056 is also submitted with no-fee passports requiring amendments,
corrections, extensions or additional visa pages.

C2.3.2. The following personnel are not authorized to travel on no-fee passports
and therefore are not eligible to be issued DD Form 1056:

C2.3.2.1. Retired DoD employees, and their family members, traveling to

foreign countries to take up residence, even if Government transportation is
authorized. The only exception is if retired personnel are family members of other
DoD personnel traveling on official change of station orders. In this case, DD Form
1056 may be issued if travel authorizes the retired member to accompany their sponsor.

C2.3.2.2. DoD employees, and/or family members, traveling for personal

reasons, such as vacation or leave, or any reason not considered official travel.

C2.3.2.3. Civilian contract employees.

C2.3.2.4. Employees of Government Agencies and Bureaus other than the

Department of Defense.

C2.3.3. Instructions for Completing DD Form 1056 (See Figures C2.F3. and

C2.3.3.1. The authorizing official completes DD Form 1056 using the

following guidelines before processing the application for no-fee passports and visas:
(Failure to properly complete the forms will result in processing delays and/or the
rejection of the application.)

DoD 1000.21-R, April 1997

C2. Type all entries except for item 16.

C2. Enter all dates with the month typed as a three letter
abbreviation, DD/MMM/YR (e.g., 1 JUN 95).

C2. Item 1. Enter the date. The date in item 1 should be 10

working days before the date of departure in item 14.

C2. Item 2. Enter the DoD Component sponsoring the travel.

(For example: Army, Air Force, Office of the Secretary of Defense (OSD), Chairman
of the Joint Chiefs of Staff, or other applicable DoD Component.)

C2. Item 3. Enter the applicant's full name (Last, First, and
Middle) and relationship to sponsor, if applicant is a family member. When initiating
applications for more than one family member, forms should be numbered as 1 of 3, 2
of 3, etc., so that they can be processed together.

C2. Item 4. Enter the applicant's date of birth using the format
DD/MMM/YR (e.g., 1 Jun 95).

C2. Item 5. If born in the United States or the U.S. territories

(e.g., Guam, U.S. Virgin Islands, Puerto Rico, etc.), enter the State or territory in
which born. If born outside the United States or the U.S. territories, enter the country
of birth.

C2. Item 6. Complete if the applicant is a family member

accompanying DoD personnel (referred to as sponsor), otherwise check block.

C2. Item 7. Enter the civilian grade or military rank and grade.
If the applicant is a family member, enter sponsor's grade or rank; e.g., CPT/O-3,
SSG/E-6, GS-11.

C2. Item 8. Enter sponsor's social security number.

C2. Item 9. Enter applicant's complete current home address,

area code, and telephone number.

C2. Item 10. Enter an interim address where applicant may be

contacted after departing their permanent duty station. Indicate leave/TDY/TAD and,
if possible, include dates. Also, include the passport agent's identification code.

DoD 1000.21-R, April 1997

C2. Item 11. Enter the name of the country or countries

applicant is traveling to (do not list regions). List countries in the sequence of travel
and include stopover countries where passport and visas are required. Do not use
mailing addresses or names of installations or cities unless required by the FCG
(reference (c)).

C2. Item 12. Enter the name of the special assignment, or "not
applicable." Do not list the type of passport to be issued. Based on the assignment
identified in this block, the DoS will determine what type of passport will be issued.

C2. If the assignment is to Attaché, Military Assistance

Advisory Group, Security Assistance Liaison, or other special advisory group or
assignment that will govern type and need for a passport, enter that information.

C2. If the position to be occupied is the Chief or Deputy

Chief of the Special Assignment Activity, enter this information. Also, include the
name of the incumbent (if known), and give the date the assignment is expected to
end. For family members, enter information on sponsors assignment as above.

C2. Item 13. Enter the military address of the installation

passport office or central port call office. Include commercial and Defense Switched
Network (DSN) telephone numbers from which the passport will be controlled and
issued. Building, room numbers, and phone numbers are necessary if the application
requires express mail delivery to meet the travel date. Post office box addresses are
not acceptable. When DD Form 1056 is issued overseas for family members located
in the United States, enter the installation passport agent or central port call office
responsible for arranging unaccompanied travel. The address shown must be clear
and complete.

C2. Item 14. This date is critical for DoS processing. Enter
the confirmed port call/TDY date. If this date changes, immediately submit an
updated DD Form 1056 to reflect the new dates.

C2. Item 15. Enter proposed length of stay. Visa and

passport requirements vary with the length of stay in some countries, as do visa
lengths, which may prevent early application.

C2. Item 16. Enter the complete address, including office

symbol, city, and State of the authorizing official. Commercial, and DSN telephone
numbers must be shown. The signature and date of the authorizing official is

DoD 1000.21-R, April 1997

mandatory. The first copy of the DD Form 1056 must contain an original signature of
the authorizing official.

C2. Item 17. Used for special remarks or instructions.

Indicate whether VISA REQUIRED or VISA NOT REQUIRED. Overseas agents
and/or military couriers, indicate the U.S. Embassy or Consulate serving your
installation, address as follows: POUCH-FRANKFURT, POUCH SEOUL, etc. If
additional space is required, enter "see continuation sheets" and type the remaining
information in the remarks section.

C2.3.3.2. Suspense Control. Record suspense data in items 18 through 29

of DD Form 1056. This data enables passport agents, USASCAF or appropriate OPR
to track applications.

C2. Upon receipt of passport, record the passport number, date

of issue, and expiration date in items 22 through 29.

C2. Applicants sign or initial in the remarks section (item 22) as

receiving the passports. If mailed, enter type of mail and date mailed.

C2. When sending a valid passport for "VISA ONLY" complete

items 22 through 29. This information is found inside the passport's front cover.

C2. List all documents mailed with the application in the

remarks section (item 30); e.g., DSP Form 11, DSP Form 82, DSP Form 19, previous
passport, certified birth certificate, etc.

C2. Copies of DD Form 1056 will be mailed and/or maintained

as follows:

C2. Mail original and three copies with the application


C2. Retain a copy in suspense to be used as a tracking

document until the passport is received.


C2.4.1. There are three types of service provided by DoS for processing official,
diplomatic or any no-fee passport application requiring a visa. The DoS determines
which service an application requires. If passport agents send no-fee applications, not

DoD 1000.21-R, April 1997

requiring visas, to any of the other 13 DoS Regional Passport Agencies, they should
verify that the office will accept no-fee passport applications and check for any unique
procedures that should be followed.

C2.4.1.1. Routine. Application are considered routine if received and data

entered by the DoS more than 30 workdays before the estimated date of departure
without special circumstances; e.g., multiple visas. Based on the large volume of
applications received at DoS, data entry may require 2 to 4 working days. Passport
agents must allow for mail delivery time if express mail is not used.

C2. Normal processing for no-fee passports are 30 workdays, 45

days with a visa, and 60 days for multiple visas at the time they are data entered into
the DoS system.

C2. DoD personnel normally receive PCS assignment

notification in sufficient time to allow for routine passport processing. These passport
applications generally will not receive expeditious processing.

C2.4.1.2. Expedite. Travel required in less than 30 workdays or special

circumstances exist with regard to visas required.

C2. Passport applications requiring less than 30 workdays

processing time plus postal delivery time must be accompanied by a memorandum of
justification signed by a general officer or SES equivalent. The only exceptions are
for applications initiated where no general officer or equivalent exists. In these cases,
applications may be signed by the installation commander.

C2. The memorandum for expeditious processing must

contain an original signature, identify the originating agency, and provide the agency's
mailing address. It must also clearly state that a general officer or SES equivalent is
not assigned and/or available because of leave and/or TDY. Forward expedite
requests to addresses indicated at Figure C2.F2.

C2. Requests must be dated and contain the following

information: traveler's last name, first name and middle initial, date of birth,
commercial telephone number with the area code of the travel approving official
signing the correspondence, date traveler was tasked for the Temporary Duty Tour
(TDY) or PCS, why it is imperative that the applicant travel on the date indicated,
justification for late submission, and the date required.

DoD 1000.21-R, April 1997

C2. Applications requiring expeditious processing should be

express mailed to maximize processing time.

C2.4.1.3. Walk-through. For applicants directed to travel within

time-frames that make it impossible for expedited procedures to be used, walk-through
service is available. Walk-through processing is limited, used only to support travel
justified by critical, emergency circumstances. These circumstances must be verified
by the applicant's organization and a memorandum of justification prepared in
accordance with subparagraph C2., above. The installation and/or activity
passport agent must coordinate this with USASCAF or appropriate OPR.

C2.4.2. Visa processing is prioritized according to the estimated date of travel.

Visas cannot be processed any faster than allowed by the foreign embassies. Average
processing time per visa is 5 working days. In some instances, newly issued passports
must be returned to the applicant and signed before foreign embassies will process
them for visas. This will further increase processing time. Because foreign
embassies issue the visas, expedite memorandums are unnecessary except in extremely
time-sensitive and/or emergency cases.

DoD 1000.21-R, April 1997

Figure C2.F3. DD FORM 1056 (Service Member)

DoD 1000.21-R, April 1997

Figure C2.F4. DD FORM 1056 (Family Member)

DoD 1000.21-R, April 1997



The DoD Executive Agent for Passport and Passport Agent Services has authority to
approve nominations of DoD civilian and military personnel to serve as passport agents
at military installations and/or activities. The following applies to candidates
nominated as passport agents:

C3.1.1. Nominees must be U.S. citizens.

C3.1.2. Nominees must be available to serve at least 1 year.

C3.1.3. Nominees must be in the pay grade E-4 or above for military personnel or
GS-4 or above for civilian personnel.


C3.2.1. Outside the United States. Personnel under the UCMJ Article 136
(reference (h)), 10 U.S.C. 936 (reference (i)), 5 U.S. C. 2903 (reference j)), and those
designated as passport agents and/or military couriers by the commander will accept
and process passport applications as instructed by the commander of a Major or
Combatant Command.

C3.2.2. Within the United States

C3.2.2.1. The Executive Agent has redelegated to the Military Departments

the authority to approve or disapprove their own passport agent appointments. When
forwarding agent designation memorandums, the Military Departments will use the
authority line "For the DoD Executive Agent."

C3.2.2.2. Nomination format is at Figure C3.F1. All required information

must be completed. Both the nominee and authorizing official must sign the
memorandum. Each nomination will include verification of U.S. citizenship. The
original and three copies must be forwarded through the Service OPR to the DoD
Executive Agent. Addresses are at Figure C3.F2. A copy of the approved agent
nomination must be maintained by the authorizing official.

DoD 1000.21-R, April 1997


DoD 1000.21-R, April 1997



Passport agents will decline to accept applications for regular-fee passports except in
unusual circumstances and only after written approval by the DoD Executive Agent
and DoS. Exceptions will be forwarded through the Service OPR to the DoD
Executive Agent. Include the following information:

C3.3.1. Passport agent's name and location.

C3.3.2. The number of regular-fee applications the passport agent wishes to


C3.3.3. Justification for the request.

C3.3.4. The nearest passport agent authorized to accept regular-fee passport


DoD 1000.21-R, April 1997



C4.1.1. Passport and Visa Applications. To prevent processing delays, passport

agents must ensure all requirements are met. Passport agents shall carefully screen
each application, once assembled, to provide a quality check. The DoS/OPR shall
notify passport agents of incomplete or incorrect applications. Applications are held
in the DoS/OPR suspense for 30 days pending the receipt of missing or corrected
documents. Failure to respond by the suspense date results in suspended applications
being canceled by the DoS. Once canceled, the agent must resubmit a new
application. Following the DoS and the DoD guidelines, along with attention to
detail, will help avoid delays.

C4.1.2. Correction or Amendment of Passports

C4.1.2.1. Within the United States, return no-fee passports containing errors
or omissions as soon as possible or within 30 days after issuance, in accordance with
paragraph C4.3., (Distribution), with original and three copies of DD Form 1056, and a
Passport Amendment and/or Validation Application (DSP Form 19). Show correction
desired in item 17, DD Form 1056, and the DSP Form 19 and forward all supporting
documents required to verify corrections: e.g., birth certificate if the birth date is
incorrect. It takes 20 to 30 days to receive corrected passports.

C4.1.2.2. In overseas areas, follow instructions from Commanders of Major

or Combatant Commands and send the passport to one of the following offices:

C4. The servicing Passport Service Center or Office, (which will

forward it to the U.S. Consulate Office or Embassy), or directly to:

C4. The U.S. Consulate Office or Embassy.


C4.2.1. The No-Fee Passport as Government Property

C4.2.1.1. A U.S. no-fee passport is an official document of the U.S.

Government and remains at all times-the property of the U.S. Government. A no-fee

DoD 1000.21-R, April 1997

passport shall be surrendered to an authorized representative of the U.S. Government

upon demand. Authorized representatives of the U.S. Government are authorized to
confiscate official no-fee passports upon notice of stop movement actions.

C4.2.1.2. Passports shall not be altered, mutilated, or changed in any manner,

except as authorized and changed by DoS Passport Services, its agencies, or by a
consular post abroad upon proper authorization from DoS Passport Services. Anyone
who mutilates or makes an unauthorized change of a passport is subject to criminal
penalties (18 U.S.C. 1543 reference (e)).

C4.2.2. Safeguarding No-Fee Passports. Commanders shall ensure that no-fee

passports issued to persons within their command are kept current and safeguarded as

C4.2.2.1. Personnel in overseas areas with duty requiring passports shall be

checked periodically to ensure their passports are in order. Applications for renewal
shall be submitted when passports have not more than 12 months and not less than 7
months validity remaining. Personnel must not be within 6 months of their date of
eligibility to return from overseas.

C4.2.2.2. When DoD personnel and their family members complete travel
abroad and return to the United States, passports shall be turned into the gaining
installation or activity for safekeeping. The appropriate office handling travel
arrangements shall establish procedures to ensure that personnel returning from
overseas areas are counseled concerning this obligation. Installations and/or activities
are authorized to retain passports for future official travel. Personnel being separated
and/or discharged from the overseas command and immediately returning to the United
States are authorized to retain their passports for future proof of citizenship. DoD
personnel and family members must be counseled that an official passport may not be
used for personal travel.

C4.2.2.3. If travel is canceled, the installation and/or activity shall safeguard

the passport until the individual departs on PCS and/or TDY or until the passport
expires. Expired no-fee passports must be canceled in accordance with subsection
C4.4.5. of this chapter.

C4.2.2.4. When not in use, passports shall be safeguarded by installations

and/or activities in a secure manner, as deemed appropriate by the commander. As a
minimum, passports and/or passport applications must be secured in a locked office
when not in use by or under the direct supervision of an authorized person. Passports

DoD 1000.21-R, April 1997

and passport applications must be handled and stored under conditions adequate to
prevent unauthorized persons from gaining access.


C4.3.1. Mailing Instructions

C4.3.1.1. Passports, passport applications, and/or visa applications shall be

sent first-class through the U.S. postal system, commercial (overnight) express
company, or an official courier within the United States, or the U.S. territories.
Passports may be mailed to an Army or Air Force Post Office or Fleet Post Office.
Passports shall not be sent by international mail. In foreign countries, DoS pouch
service may be used. Applications submitted within 30 workdays of the estimated
departure requiring expeditious processing should be sent by express mail.

C4.3.1.2. Passport agents shall determine where to send passport applications

depending upon whether the application includes visa requirements and depending
upon which DoS Regional Passport Agency services their location.

C4. All applications submitted for no-fee diplomatic, official,

and no-fee (blue and/or green) passports that require visas shall be mailed to the
appropriate OPR or DoS, Passport Services, ATTN: ARMY LIAISON (SUITE 350),
1111 19th Street, NW, Washington, DC 20036-3603. See restrictions on
international mail in subparagraph C4.3.1.1., above.

C4. All applications for no-fee (blue and/or green) passports not
requiring visas shall be mailed to the DoS Regional Passport Agency within their
area. Passport agents must verify that the DoS Regional Agency will accept no-fee
passport applications. Refer to the DoS Passport Agent's Manual (reference (b)) for
the exact address of the Regional Passport Agency within your area. If a Regional
Passport Agency processes the application, all correspondence or tracer requests will
be submitted between the requesting activity and that agency. Do not send
information copies to OPRS.

C4. Applications for no-fee passports for employees of DoD

Non-Appropriated Fund Instrumentality's and their family members shall be mailed to
19th Street, NW, Washington, DC 20036-3603 for processing.

C4.3.2. Distribution and Receipt of Passports

DoD 1000.21-R, April 1997

C4.3.2.1. DoS Passport Agencies, USASCAF, and Military Service OPRs

shall mail completed passports directly to the passport agent address in Item 13, DD
Form 1056.

C4.3.2.2. Upon receipt of completed passports and visas, agents shall inspect
for accuracy and completeness.

C4. If no discrepancies are found, passports shall be secured

until the authorized time of travel.

C4. If discrepancies are found, follow the procedures for

correction or amendment of passports in Chapter 4., subsection C4.1.2.


C4.4.1. Cancellation of Travel. Immediately notify USASCAF or appropriate

OPR by message or telefax if travel is canceled after a passport application is
submitted. Provide applicant's name, sponsors name (if family members are
involved), destination, date and place of passport application and a copy of the DD
Form 1056. If the passport has been received before cancellation of travel, the
passport agent is responsible for maintaining the passport in a secure manner until
needed. Review passports for correctness; then file.

C4.4.2. Procedures for Inquiring the Status of No-Fee Passports

C4.4.2.1. When DD Form 1056 is completed, the suspense control enables

passport agents to monitor applications. When passports are received no earlier than
10 workdays before the planned departure date, and there is no known reason for a
delay, the passport agent should initiate the following tracer actions:

C4. No more than 10 workdays before planned departure date,

the passport agent may request a status by sending a message to USASCAF
PENTAGON WASH DC/JDHQ-TPH, telefax (DSN) 223-3730, (COM) (703)
693-3730, appropriate OPR or the DoS Regional Passport Agency. Only USASCAF
or appropriate OPR is authorized to contact DoS Passport Services, Washington, DC,
or Foreign Embassies regarding the status of passports and visa applications. Status
requests should not be generated until 10 workdays before departure, because many
visas cannot be processed until 30 (or fewer) days before the date of arrival in a

DoD 1000.21-R, April 1997

country. Final processing, therefore, cannot be executed before the 30 (or fewer) day

C4. When initiating a tracer through message centers, all

the information from items 1, 3, 4, 7, 8, 11, 12, 14, 15, and 17 of DD Form 1056 (this
information must be exactly as it appears on the submitted DD Form 1056) and the
name and telephone numbers (DSN and commercial) of the passport agent initiating
the tracer are mandatory.

C4. When initiating a tracer by telefax, the passport agent

shall transmit a copy of the DD Form 1056.

C4.4.2.2. No earlier than 10 workdays before departure date, passport agents

should telephonically inquire the status of applications. If applications require
multiple (three or more) visas, agents should wait for 15 workdays before the planned
departure date before making inquiries. This applies if the applicant's signature is
required by the embassy prior to issuing a visa.

C4.4.2.3. Passport agents at selected installations and/or activities possess

limited access to the DoD computer database that provides them an immediate status
check on all applications they have submitted for processing.

C4.4.2.4. Individual applicants are not authorized to execute tracer actions.

All requests for tracers must come from the passport agent of record.

C4.4.3. If a Passport is not Received Before Planned Departure Date

C4.4.3.1. If it is known that a passport cannot be obtained before the

applicant's departure from the losing installation, the passport agent or central port call
office must:

C4. Verify address and telephone number in item 10, DD Form


C4. Ensure DoD personnel understand that if family member

passports are not received before the port call date, military personnel must depart as

C4. Advise the DoD personnel and family members that they are
not to report to the Aerial Port of Embarkation without no-fee passports (and visas, if

DoD 1000.21-R, April 1997

applicable). They will not be allowed to board the aircraft without a passport and
visa, if required.

C4.4.3.2. If passports are not received by the passport agent by the departure
date, the passport agent should contact USASCAF or appropriate OPR. Personnel
should not, under normal circumstances, be allowed to outprocess and/or depart
without the required passport.

C4.4.4. Lost or Stolen Passports

C4.4.4.1. Domestic Locations. See DoS Passport Agent's Manual (reference


C4.4.4.2. Overseas Areas. Contact the servicing passport center or direct

inquiries to the nearest U.S. Embassy or Consulate.

C4.4.5. Cancellation of Passports

C4.4.5.1. All valid no-fee passports, when no longer needed, must be

canceled. The following procedures apply: Do not cancel passports, valid or
expired, when submitting for a new passport of the same type. DoS will cancel and
return (if requested) passports in connection with new applications. Do not cancel a
valid passport when submitted as evidence of citizenship with an application for a
different type passport; e.g., (the MOA reference (k)) applicant requests issuance of a
second official passport.

C4. Family member and no-fee regular passports: If the bearer

of a valid no-fee regular or family member requests cancellation for reasons other than
the issuance of a new passport, cancel and return to the bearer. Military personnel,
DoD civilians, and family members stationed within the United States must have their
passports canceled when separating from the Military and/or Government Service.
Additionally, passports must be canceled when individuals are assigned to positions
not requiring passports. Personnel, including family members, separating from
overseas must comply with instruction issued by the overseas command.

NOTE: A DSP 19 (Passport Amendment and/or Validation Application) is not

required for family member passports unless the passport is being destroyed, (see
subsection C4.4.6, below).

C4. Official passports: A DSP Form 19 must be completed if

the bearer of a valid official passport requests cancellation for reasons other than the

DoD 1000.21-R, April 1997

issuance of new passport of the same type. Passport agents must forward the DSP 19
in accordance with the DoS Passport Agent's Manual (reference (b)).

C4. Diplomatic Passports: A DSP 19 must be completed if the

bearer of a valid diplomatic passport requests cancellation for reasons other than the
issuance of a new passport. Passport agents must forward the diplomatic passport
along with the DSP 19 in accordance with reference (b). Indicate if the applicant
desires the canceled passport returned.

C4.4.5.2. If no new passport of any type is being requested, cancel the

passport (other than diplomatic) with a rubber stamp bearing the word "CANCELED"
(letters should be approximately 1 inch high). If the passport is not machine-readable,
place the stamp diagonally across the descriptive data page. If the passport is
machine-readable, place the stamp diagonally across the secretary's message page
directly opposite the data page. Invalidate the machine-readable code at the bottom of
the data page by punching two holes, about one inch apart, through the coded data.

C4.4.6. Destruction of Passports. Passport agents processing unclaimed

passports (attempts to locate the bearer have failed) may destroy the passports.
Destruction should be accomplished by shredding and/or burning. Destruction
procedures applies to family member and official passports only. Diplomatic
passports must be returned to the DoS with a completed DSP Form 19.

DoD 1000.21-R, April 1997



DD Form 1056 is submitted for all DoD personnel and family members applying for a
no-fee passport and visas. See Chapter 2. for the proper use of this form. This
Regulation prescribes Form 1056. The DoD Executive Agent is the proponent for this


C5.2.1. The DoS forms listed below are authorized by the DoS Passport Agent's
Manual (reference (b)) and are prescribed by this Regulation for use by all DoD
Components. Military passport agents will use these forms for processing passports
and passport applications. Detailed use of these forms is provided in reference (b) and
on the reverse of some of the forms.

C5.2.1.1. Form DSP 10A, "Birth Affidavit"

C5.2.1.2. Form DSP 11, "Passport Application"

C5.2.1.3. Form DSP 19, "Passport Amendment/Validation Application"

C5.2.1.4. Form DSP 63, "Affidavit Regarding Change-of Name"

C5.2.1.5. Form DSP 64, "Statement Regarding Lost or Stolen Passport"

C5.2.1.6. Form DSP 71, "Affidavit of Identifying Witness"

C5.2.1.7. Form DSP 82, "Application for Passport by Mail"

C5.2.1.8. Form DSP 1832, "Passport Application Transmittal"

C5.2.1.9. DSP Form M-343, "Notice to Applicant Concerning Birth Records"

C5.2.2. The DoS shall supply the Department of Defense the necessary stock of
DSP Forms. All DoS forms are available through normal publications channels. If
additional forms are needed, contact the appropriate OPR. Questions concerning DoS

DoD 1000.21-R, April 1997

forms may be directed to Director, General Services Branch, Bureau of Consular

Affairs, 2201 C Street, NW, Washington, DC 20520. In overseas areas, forms may
be obtained from U.S. Consular Offices or Embassies.


C5.3.1. The DoS Passport Agent's Manual (reference (b)), should be provided to
each DoD military passport agent when he or she is designated. Copies of reference
(b) are available through the Service OPRs.

C5.3.2. The DoD FCG (reference (c)), is the authority for travel clearance
requirements and identification for DoD personnel and their family members to enter
foreign countries on official business. Reference (c) consists of a General Information
Book, 4 Regional Books, and a classified supplement that encompasses every
geographical location of the world. A blue plastic cover binder is available upon
request. Reference (c) should be accessible to passport agents. See Chapter 1.,
section C1.7., for the use of reference (c). Reference (c) is continuously updated by
electronic messages (ICN--Interim Change Notice) and by changes (FCCN--Foreign
Clearance Change Notices) printed on a quarterly basis. Reference (c) is not available
through the normal publication distribution channels. To obtain a copy write to:
Defense Mapping Agency (DMA), ATTN: OCIJ,D67, 4600 Sangamore Road,
Bethesda, MD, 20816-5003. FAX: DSN 287-3095, Commercial (301) 227-3095.
Allow 4 weeks for delivery. Telephone inquiries may be addressed to the Defense
Mapping Agency at DSN: 287-2495, Commercial (301) 227-2495 (choose option
six). Requests must contain the following:

C5.3.2.1. Be on official letterhead.

C5.3.2.2. Specify the initial issuance and automatic distribution of the

general information and regional booklets. Also, state whether the classified
supplement is required. If the classified supplement is required, the availability of
proper classified storage must also be stated in the request.

C5.3.2.3. Number of copies. Specify whether blue plastic binder is required.

C5.3.2.4. A short justification of the requirement.

C5.3.2.5. DMA account number or a request to open an account.

C5.3.2.6. Name and telephone number of a point of contact.

DoD 1000.21-R, April 1997

C5.3.2.7. Complete mailing address of where reference (c) is to be sent (no

personal names).


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