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Journal of tourism

[Issue 15]


Danka Curaković
University of Novi Sad, Faculty of Science, Department of geography, tourism and hotel management, 21000,
Ivana Šikora
University of Novi Sad, Faculty of Science, Department of geography, tourism and hotel management, 21000,
Vuk Garača
University of Novi Sad, Faculty of Science, Department of geography, tourism and hotel management, 21000,
Nevena Ćurčić
University of Novi Sad, Faculty of Science, Department of geography, tourism and hotel management, 21000,
Svetlana Vukosav
University of Novi Sad, Faculty of Science, Department of geography, tourism and hotel management, 21000,

The subject of research in this paper is the degree of consumer satisfaction with hotel services in Novi Sad, Serbia.
The aim is to determine the extent to which their quality meets customer needs and preferences in order to apply
these results to improve the quality of services. Methodology used in this research included a survey method,
research of primary and secondary materials, statistical methods and synthetic, comparative, descriptive method.
The research was conducted in hotels and B&B hotels in Novi Sad. For the purpose of this paper was conducted
field research in the July-August 2011 and September-October 2012. The results obtained in this study indicate a
high level of guest satisfaction with the most of services, but also the lower level than expected in terms of quality
of food and drink. The research results can be used by hotel managers in order to improve and adapt hotel services
to market needs, as well by students.

Key words: consumer satisfaction, hotel services, research.

JEL Classification: L80, L83.

high quality of the hotel product is an essential tool for

INTRODUCTION achieving guest satisfaction (Vukosav Ćurčić, 2009,
pp.139-154). The main business objective is satisfied,
and then the loyal customer who re-elected the same
The success of the hotel business is directly linked hotel, pays less attention to the price and transfers
to customer’s satisfaction with hotel services. The positive experiences to other potential guests.
consumer satisfaction is a business philosophy that Measuring the degree of satisfaction of hotel services
seeks to create value for customers, provides and allows us to understand the strengths and weaknesses
manages their expectations and demonstrates the ability of the hotel product and then improve its performance.
to meet their needs. One of the most important elements According to the authors (Kosar and Rašeta 2005) the
for quality assurance in the hotel is the knowledge of degree of pleasure of the hotel guests can also be
the needs and desires of guests (Radosavljevic, 2007). viewed through the levels of the attractive quality of
Those who are able to quickly understand and meet the hotel products that would, if it is reached, generate
needs of users generate higher profits and better market enthusiasm among guests, and thus ensure their loyalty.
position. Developing direct relationships and Needs of the guests are changeable and they need to
knowledge of the wants, needs and expectations of be constantly monitored in order to facilitate their
service users is provided by a high degree of certainty analysis and ensure the effective management of
in terms of the shaping of quality hotel product. The change in the performance of the hotel product.

Journal of tourism
[Issue 15]

However, it is wrong to believe that they should have performance of the product, and that satisfaction occurs
the best products in all aspects of product services. The when a product or service is better than expected, and
real goal is to find criteria that will create diversity in disappointment when the performance of the products
relation to competition and ensure loyalty to certain or services are worse than expected. According to
groups. Blešić et al. (2009, pp.93-110) concepts such as
In this paper, after reviewing the literature on expected value, perceived value and customer
customer satisfaction, customer satisfaction with hotel satisfaction should play a crucial role in management
services will be analyzed in hotels in Novi Sad, and decisions, while short-term and financially oriented
based on that will be determined the level of goals would be rejected.
satisfaction for each service in hotels. At the end of the Satisfaction can be determined by subjective
survey results will be presented and the conclusion is (users’ needs, emotional state) or objective factors (the
based on the results. characteristics of the product or service). Numerous
studies have examined the characteristics of hotel
THE CONSUMER SATISFACTION products that customers say are important. For
example, Atkinson (1988, pp.12-14) found that the
Despite many attempts to measure and explain purity, safety, "value for money" and friendly staff
customer satisfaction, consensus on its definition has determine the degree of satisfaction of hotel guests.
not been achieved yet (Giese and Cote, 2000). User Others authors state that it is quick service, convenience
satisfaction is usually defined as a value assessment of of location, comfort, employees’ behavior, timeliness.
certain products and services (Gundersen, Heide and According to Choi and Chu (2001, pp.213-217) the
Olsson, 1996, pp.72-81). It is the result of a process, quality of staff, quality of rooms and the value you get
which contradicts the results of expectations and for a price are the top three factors in determining guest
perceptions before and after consuming the product satisfaction. According to Hokanson (1995, p.16) there
(Oliver, 1980, pp.460-469). Oliver (1980, pp.460-469) are battalions factors that affect customer satisfaction
further states that the level of satisfaction is the as shown in Figure 1.
difference between the expected and the perceived

Quality service
Friendly staff Kindless staff

Helpfull staff Educational staff

Accurency of
Fast service billing

Clear calculation Timeliness of payment

Total customer
Good value Competitive price

Figure 1. Factors that affect customer satisfaction

Source: Adapted to Hokanson (The Deeper You Analyse, The More You Satisfy Customers, Marketing News, 1995).

Numerous studies show that customer satisfaction messages. Satisfied customers will likely share their
has a direct and indirect impact on business results. experiences with other people, most likely with six to
According to Hoyer and MacInnis (2001) satisfied ten people (Ćurčić, 2010)¹1. Equally so, unsatisfied
customers are the foundation of any successful business users will their bad experiences tell to dozens of people.
due to customer satisfaction leads to repeat purchases, Also, many users do not complain. Finally, if it is
customer loyalty and positive brand advertising. believed that dealing with customer satisfaction is
According to Zairi (2000, pp.331-335), numerous expensive we should realize that finding new customers
studies dealing with user satisfaction carry similar costs 25% more.

On this base it was formed. "Rule 3-33" which reads: "For every three people who are prone to have
positive opinion on your company, comes 33 persons who has negative " (Smith, 2002). The problem is that the
dissatisfaction of consumers rapidly expanding and isn’t addressed to the company or the responsible persons, but
to close environment (friends, acquaintances and relatives) (Ćurčić, 2010).

Journal of tourism
[Issue 15]

However, achieving the satisfaction of the user to relate the method to operating results (sales,
does not guarantee the survival on the market. Bowen complaint analysis, customer retention index etc.).
and Chen (2001, pp.213-217) suggest that it is not
enough just to have a satisfied customer. It must be an RESEARCH METHODOLOGY
extremely satisfied customer. This is why customer
satisfaction has lead to their loyalty. Thus, Bansal and
Gupta (2001, pp. 3-25) suggest that building customer The best known and most used direct methods are:
loyalty is no longer a choice, but the company’s only the Critical Incident Technique, Problem Detection
way to build a sustainable competitive advantage. Also, System, Pims, Customer Satisfaction Serey, Kano
by Djurić et al. (2004) the buyer who is just "happy" is model and Servqual method (Milisavljević, 2009).
often loyal just a little and enthusiastic customers are Estimation of the guest satisfaction in hotels is
truly loyal. Likely to be, the chances that completely important if we want to understand users' views of hotel
satisfied customer will go back to buy something before services. Every customer has different expectations in
the customer who is satisfied to some extent are ten terms of hotel services. In this analysis, we focused on
times higher. Business Strategy of the renowned the hotels and B&B hotels in Novi Sad, as
companies aims to not only meet, but exceed the representative objects for accommodation. We used the
expectations of supply (Kosar and Rašeta, 2005). In this survey method which we distributed in Serbian and
regard, the authors further state that this is possible only English at the hotel reception. Poll guaranteed
through achieving an attractive quality of the hotel anonymity to guests and hotels. The survey was
product. User satisfaction with hotel services is directly conducted during July and August in 2011 and
related to the quality of hotel services. September and October 2012. The survey was
Quality of service is estimated according to its participated by two examiners. Depending on the
consumption where the degree of satisfaction is accommodation facilities at the hotel reception is
subjective (Sekulović, 2009). User satisfaction depends divided proportional to the number of questionnaires.
on how the provided service responded comparing to The first part of the questionnaire included socio-
the expectations of the users. According to Kolter demographic features of the respondents (country of
(2006) if the provided service does not reach the origin, gender, age, education level, occupation and
expectations of the consumer, the consumer is not economic standard), while the second part refers to the
satisfied. If the provided service is reached main aspects related to the services that are available to
expectations, the customer is satisfied, and if it exceeds guests (booking accuracy, timeliness reception,
the expectations of the consumer is delighted. accommodation, quality and variety of food, hygiene,
logoff, availability and kindness of the staff, etc.).
Range of grades for the quality of services in the second
part of the questionnaire ranged from 1 to 5 where
grade 1 describes the service as "bad", grade 2 "not
Achieving and maintaining a competitive bad", grade 3 "good", grade 4 "very good" and grade 5
advantage in the marketplace depends primarily from "excellent." There were distributed 458 questionnaires
the ability of service providers to anticipate and meet (258 in 2011 and 200 in 2012). The study included a
customer needs. In order to discover the desires and population that has used the services in hotels at least
expectations of service users we use different methods. one whole day. The sample included all hotel guests
Customer satisfaction measurement is a starting point over 18 years, of both sexes, all levels of education,
in planning further activities of the company. Thus, for different nationalities and monthly salaries. Due to the
example, it would be unfair to offer new services to lack of cooperation of hotel management and a small
consumers who are not satisfied with the services that number of guests in hotels during the summer months,
were previously used, because first of all it is necessary the number of completed questionnaires is 171 of
to remove the previous problem to preserve the trust which 150 is done correctly.
(Sekulović, 2009).
Measuring customer satisfaction aims to identify DESCRIPTION OF THE SAMPLES
the needs and expectations of consumers, consumer
impressions of service delivery, eventual failures, the
effects of company’s policies, the process of The research was conducted in all restaurants in the
continuous quality improvement. However, they can all hotel-type accommodation in Novi Sad. The total
be summarized in one basic goal and that is to monitor number of objects covered by the research is 20, of
the attitudes and perceptions of service users about the which 11 buildings include hotels, and Bed & Breakfast
quality of the hotel product and the choice of an facilities include 9. Of 11 hotels two were categorized
adequate system, which will provide feedback on the with five, one with four, five with three star hotel, one
user experience. with two and two hotels with one star. Of the nine B&B
Methods of measuring customer satisfaction can hotel, three hotels are categorized with four, three and
be direct, with active participation of the users, who are two stars. The research was conducted in the following
referred to the degree of their satisfaction or indirect, facilities: Park, Leopold, Sajam, Novi Sad, Vojvodina,
based on the use of certain indicators, which are used Center, Traveler, Elite, Alexander, Aurora, Stari

Journal of tourism
[Issue 15]

krovovi, Epicentar, Prezident, Gymnas, Master,

Beautique Hotel Arta, Panorama, Zenit, Rimski and

Figure 3. Educational structure

Figure 2. Age structure RESEARCH RESULTS
On the basis of the data 55% of the total number of
the guests are foreigners most of whom came from Research results related to the quality of hotel
Austria, Germany, Australia, Canada, Italy and the UK. services are divided into five main units formed on the
According to the gender structure of the respondents in basis of time and unfolding of services: services a guest
the sample were 57% male and 43% female. On the checks into a hotel, the quality of rooms, quality of
Chart 2, it can be seen that the majority of these staff, food and beverage service and guest checking out
respondents 31.7% are between 26 and 35 years old, with the overall grade given value for money. Average
and practically the same group of respondents by scores of service are shown in Tables 1, 2, 3, 4 and 5.
number are between 18 and 25 years of age, with a total
share of 29.3%. The least number of respondents is in Table 1. Questions about the quality of check-in
the oldest age group between 56 and 65 years, service
accounting for 9.7% and those older than 65, present in Questions Average
the sample with 12.2%. Educational structures of the 1. Accuracy of reservation 4,9435
respondents is shown in Chart 3, which shows that even 2. Timeliness and efficiency of check- 4,6839
46.2% of the respondents have finished college, 22.6% inservice
high school, 18.2% higher school, 11% master's or
doctoral degree and 2% respondents have completed Services of a guest checks into a hotel that included
primary school. The largest number of respondents the accuracy and timeliness of the reservation and the
makes the active population that is represented with efficiency of admission were evaluated with 84.7% of
66.5%, followed by students with 20.4%, 6.1%, respondents as excellent, with 9.4% as a very good
pensioners, students and business owners to be 3.5%. score, with 2.9% of subjects with good grades and 3%
The number of respondents who did not want to talk respondents with poor mark. This group of services
about the income level is 48.5%, while 18.6% of together with services, check out guests valued the
respondents have up to 300 euros monthly income, highest grades (Table 1).
17.8% more than 900 euros monthly income, between
300 and 600 euros monthly income is 11.6 % of Table 2. Questions about the quality of rooms
respondents and 3.5% between 600 and 900 euros. Questions Average value
1. Clean and comfort room 4,7550
2. Appropriate room furniture 4,6819
3. Beds comfort 4,4158
4. Cooling / heating room 4,4511
5. Hygiene in the rooms 4,6293

Analysis of the results of questionnaires related to

the set of questions that are related to the quality of the
equipment in the rooms and the quality of hygiene in
the rooms shows that 70% of respondents rated the
service as excellent, 18,7% as very good grades, 7.3%
as good, 2.5% rated ''not bad'' and 1.5% gave poor
mark. Since the poll was conducted during the summer
months guests paid special attention to the district

Journal of tourism
[Issue 15]

cooling rooms that are in this group of services A guest checking out of the hotel service, and the
evaluated with the lowest grade (Table 2). overall value of the consideration received for the given
money are rated as excellent by 78.2% of respondents,
Table 3. Questions about the quality of staff with a very good grade in 19.1% of subjects and with a
Questions Average poor grade in 2.7% of subjects. (Table 5).
value Overall interior, exterior, hygiene in public areas
1. The kindness and helpfulness of the staff 4,7889 and the availability of other facilities is at 4,4452. The
on the reception desk
2. Speed of service, courtesy and
percentage of respondents who rated the service as
friendliness of staff excellent is 67.6%. As very good grade these services
3. Availability of staff 4,4682 are rated at 19.2%, a good grade 8.5%, not too bad 3.5%
4. Communication in a foreign language 4,5684 and bad grade at 1.2% of respondents.
with staff
5. Availability management in solving 4,5589 LIMITATIONS AND DIRECTIONS FOR FUTURE
The quality of staff is at 79.2% of guests rated as
excellent, 17.8% of respondents rated very good
grades, 2.1% rated good grades and 0.9% rated poor As in all the researches, in this there are also few
mark, which indicates that the quality of the staff is restrictions on who should be screened. First, the
research was conducted during the summer months
highly valued. Effectiveness and quality of staff in the
city type of hotel comes to the fore, which can when hotels attendance in Novi Sad was considerably
sometimes make up for some other minor flaw in the less than, for example, during the spring and fall. This
has resulted in a lower number of respondents guests.
property (Ćurčić, 2001).
The grade of management access in solving Second, the questionnaires were printed in Serbian and
English, which limited the guests of other nationalities
problems can be seen as arbitrary or average score
obtained by the respondents on the basis of a general to respond, or to understand the questions good, which
impression because all the respondents rated the could affect the accuracy. These obstacles could have
been avoided by earlier informing about overbooking
service, without having the direct contact with the
management (Table 3). and geographical origin at the hotel management.
Third, the lack of cooperation of hotel management
regarding the acceptance of the questionnaires has
Table 4. Questions about the quality of food and
resulted that in some hotels guests were involved in
beverage services
Questions Average value small numbers in the research.
1. Quality of food 4,2054
2. Food diversity 4,1989 CONCLUSION
3. Quality of drinks 4,3961
4. Drinks diversity 4,4057
5. Serving speed and friendly F&B 4,6012 Measuring customer satisfaction is a form of
staff market research. Continuous measurement of
satisfaction is necessary to evaluate and improve the
With the lowest assessments evaluated the quality existing range, and in order to ensure market position.
and the diversity of food and beverage as follows: Preservation of existing service users, reaching or
57.3% of the group's services as excellent assessment, overcoming their demands is much more profitable
29.5% very good grade, good grade 9.1%, 2.4% gave than winning new ones. Achieving the desired level of
not so bad score and 1.7% of respondents gave a bad customer satisfaction enables the origination of loyal
score. Given that a number of hotels (Bed & Breakfast) customers.
includes only bed and breakfast, and tourists, especially Depending on the degree of fulfillment of desires
in city hotels, used mainly the bed and breakfast, we and expectations, hotel service users can feel
cannot talk about comprehensive evaluation of quality completely dissatisfaction, pleasure or delight. If a
food and beverage services (Table 4). However, this minimum degree of fulfillment of their expectations is
fact should be kept in mind when speaking of Serbia as not achieved, the customer will feel dissatisfaction, and
a destination of the rich and top quality cuisine. if the features and high quality services exceeded his
expectations, the users will feel the excitement.
Table 5. Questions about quality of check-out With simplification, the results of socio-
service demographic characteristics indicate that the average
Quality Average value
guest at the hotel in Novi Sad is a foreigner, a man 35
1. Timeliness and accuracy of the 4,7854
service check-out process years old, college graduate and employed. With the
2. Completeness and accuracy of 4,7346 analysis of socio-demographic characteristics,
accounts individually at each hotel, there would be more precise
3. Value for money 4,3511 data which would contribute to a more detailed market
segmentation, and hence quality service.

Journal of tourism
[Issue 15]

The analysis of the research results indicates a high services of reception and check guests rated as the best,
degree of pleasure among the users of hotel services in and the services of the quality and variety of food and
hotels in Novi Sad. Based on the obtained results all drinks rated as the lowest.
types of hotel services are highly rated, with the


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