Advance Metering Infrastructure For Smart Grid Using GSM
Advance Metering Infrastructure For Smart Grid Using GSM
Advance Metering Infrastructure For Smart Grid Using GSM
Abstract—In with the proliferation of smart grid research, the survey and variety of malicious theft generated and theft the
Advanced Metering Infrastructure (AMI) has turn into the energy power. These are main disadvantages in the existing
initial ever-present and permanent platform for performing system, so we are going to solve the problem in our
computational operations. On the other hand, due to the proposed system
restricted uniqueness of AMI, such as difficult network
structure, data with privacy sensitivity and smart meter with II. LITERATURE REVIEW
resource constrained mechanism it is an particularly
Rong Jiang, Rongxinglu, et alThe power grid has
challenging issue for the AMI security. Power theft is one of the
most significant concerns connected to the implementation become a necessity in the modern society. Without a stable
strategy of smart grid .The utility companies lose more than and reliable power grid, tens of millions of people’s daily
$15 billion every year due to power theft around the world life will be degraded dramatically. For instance, the India
based on the estimation data gathered. To address this blackout in July 2012 affected more than 60 million people
challenge, in this paper, we talk about the background of AMI (about 9% of the world population) and plunged 20 of
and identify major security requirements that AMI should Indian 28 states into darkness. Indeed, the traditional power
meet. Specifically, an attack tree based threat model is first grid, which is surprisingly still grounded on the design more
offered to demonstrate the power-theft behaviors in AMI. than 100 years ago, can no longer be suitable for today’s
Then, we summarize the current AMI power-theft detection society. With the development of information system and
schemes into three categories, i.e., classification-based, state communication technology, many countries have been
estimation-based and game theory-based ones, and make wide- modernizing the aging power system into smart grid, which
ranging comparisons and discussions on them. In order to is featured with twoway transmission, high reliability, real-
provide a deep understanding of security vulnerabilities and time demand response, self-healing, and security. Within
solutions in AMI and shed light on future research directions. smart grid, Advanced Metering Infrastructure (AMI) gives a
The Household data automatically reading is important in the imperative role which is very closely related with day today
process of power system information. It is also an urgent life of people life. AMI performs advanced functionality in
problem that power industries want to solve because the
the metering system of electricity by utilizing smart meters
exactness and real time of meter data copy have an effect on
instead of using old mechanical meters. This mechanism
the power system information level, management decisions,
and economic benefits. Recently there have been numerous provide two-way communications between energy
reports concerning the automatic energy meter reading. consumers and utility companies.With the AMI, people can
not only read the meter data remotely, but also do some
customized control and implement ¿ne-coarse demand
Keywords—Advanced Metering Infrastructure, Smart grid, response. In 2009, the FBI reported a wide and organized
GSM energy-theft attempt that may have cost up to 400 million
dollars annually to a utility following an AMI deployment.
I.INTRODUCTION In Canada, BC Hydro reports $100 million in losses every
year. There are many losses around $4.5 billion and $5
The existing system has, manual meter reading billion in the various utility companies located around in
systems using electro-mechanical meters are installed within Brazil and India happens due to the theft done in electricity.
the premises of residential or commercial consumers and There is even a video which shows how to crack the meter
data on information consumption are collected on a monthly and cut the electricity bill in half in Youtube.As a result,
basis. Manpower must be hire to go from domestic after energy-theft matters turn into one of the the majority
domestic to read energy consumption, record data and significant concern which exclude the growth of AMI.The
communicate with a receiving module. Use of manual exclusive dispute for theft of energy in AMI calls for the
meters may possibly convert to meter reading mistakes and improvement of successful detection method. Sudhish N
errors of leakage. And there is main factors is vehicle theft, George, Ashna. k existing meter interpretation system in
yearly 60% of energy theft in India according to the recent India are investigated and conducted an widespread reading
978-1-5090-4855-7/17/$31.00 ©2017 IEEE
2017 Third International Conference on Science Technology Engineering & Management (ICONSTEM)
978-1-5090-4855-7/17/$31.00 ©2017 IEEE
2017 Third International Conference on Science Technology Engineering & Management (ICONSTEM)
978-1-5090-4855-7/17/$31.00 ©2017 IEEE
2017 Third International Conference on Science Technology Engineering & Management (ICONSTEM)
We achieved a satisfactorily results using advanced
metering infrastructure using GSM. The result has been
achieved after conducting a number of experiments before
finalizing the design work, this reduced the bottle necks and
we did not face much difficulty in the final integration
process. In general the entire development of the proposed
work was educative and we could gain a lot of experience
by way of doing the proposed work practically. It was
satisfying to see so many theoretical aspects work before us
in real life practice of which we heard through lectures and
of which we have studied in the books.This paper focuses on
advanced metering infrastructure system. This system used
to online EB billing when balance is too low. This system
used for home automation to turning ON/OFF the electrical
appliances by using the GSM. Overloaded electrical
appliances can be automatically turn ON/OFF .Getting the
Fig.5 PCB Layout of Transformer Section buzzer sound when prepaid balance is too low.when any
fault in the supply line from the transformer we can
The following fig.6 represents the Enable /Disable manually turn ON/OFF the transformer by using GSM.
Recording mechanism .in debugging operation.
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vol. 23, no. 9, pp. 1621-1631, 2012.
978-1-5090-4855-7/17/$31.00 ©2017 IEEE