428XL V5 0 22 User S Manual Vol 1

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User’s Manual
Vol. 1

Ref. No. 0311430 April 11, 2013

Ahead of the Curve SM

To contact Sercel
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428XL User’s Manual Vol. 1

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© 2005 Sercel. All Rights Reserved.

Printed in France.

Sercel, 428XL, 428XLS, AIB, DPG, DSD, DSU1, DSU3, DSU3-428, e-428, eSQC Pro, FDPA428, FDU,
FDU-428, HSU, LandPro Bin, LAUL, LAUL-428, LAULS, LAUX, LAUX-428, LAUXS, Link, LL428,
LLIU, LLX400, LRU, LSI, LSS, LT428, LX, MGA, MRU, MSI, QT428, SGA, TMS428, TMU428, VE432,
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April 11, 2013 3

428XL User’s Manual Vol. 1

Warnings, Cautions, Important Notices, and Notes

Warnings, Cautions, and Important notices throughout this manual
guide you to avoid injury, prevent equipment damage, and determine
equipment use when varying components or configurations exist. Notes
provide tips or additional information.
SERCEL is not responsible for damages or injuries that result from
failure to observe the information provided.

Warnings and Cautions

When a Warning or Caution appears with a lightning-bolt icon, as
shown in this example, this is to indicate a potential hazard that may
lead to bodily injury or even death.

When a Warning or Caution appears with an exclamation-point icon, as
shown in this example, this is to indicate possible equipment damage or
potential risk of misuse and incorrect operation.

Important Notices
Important notices appear in the manual to highlight information that
does not affect the risk of bodily injury, death, or equipment damage,
but is nevertheless important. These notices appear with a stop-sign
icon, as shown in this example.

Note Notes provide tips or peripheral facts and may guide you to
other sources of information.

4 April 11, 2013

428XL User’s Manual Vol. 1

Revision history

Chapters or
Date of
revision Description of revision or reason for change
Nov. 2005 V 1.0 release
Oct. 2006 p. 400, 401 Updated information on raw data.
Dec. 2006 V 2.0 release.
Mar. 2007 p. 678 VE432 Status code 11.
June 2007 p. 396 Updated description of correlation.
Dec. 2007 V 3.0
Chap. 6 - Simultaneous sources, Micro-seismic, Noise Editing
(Enhanced Diversity).
Chap. 9 - VE464.
Chap. 14 - Open Vibrator Controller.
Jan. 2008 p. 216 - Added Pulse test.
p. 394 - Updated “Enhanced Diversity” noise editing.
p. 557 - Reviewed VE464 “Update” function.
Feb. 2008 p. 261, 265 Misprints (correct keywords are correlWith and addPi-
Mar. 2008 p. 348, 361 Tutorial for “SQC Dump” mode.
June 2008 p. 97 - Reviewed Swath setup.
p. 110 - “Collapse survey gaps” option.
p. 573 - Exporting result log files via the Web server.
Aug. 2008 p. 316 Reviewed LSS operating instructions.
Sep. 2008 p. 242 Adjusting T0 shift (Line Download setup).
Feb. 2009 V4.0
Oct. 2009 p. 69 - Server Id.
p. 281, 326 - Dynamic fleet grouping.
p. 343 - Minimum distance between slip-sweep fleets.
p. 565 - DSD status 11.
Nov. 2009 p. 383 - “Ready” message format.
p. 539 - Fleet function in Auto mode.
Mar. 2010 p. 182 Updated FDU-to-FDU2S cabling.

April 11, 2013 5

428XL User’s Manual Vol. 1

Chapters or
Date of
revision Description of revision or reason for change
Dec. 2009 p. 97, 465 - Exporting multiple swaths to distinct directories on
NFS disks.
p. 147, 169, - DSUGPS.
175, 432,
Jan. 2010 p. 282 - Autonomous mode (enabling).
p. 373 - Autonomous mode (description).
p. 564, 565 - DPG and DSD status code 25 (Overrun error).
May 2010 p. 169, 413 Projection type and DSUGPS.
Aug. 2010 p. 312 Reviewed LSS FO/TB delay calibration procedure.
Sep. 2010 p. 242 Adjusting the T0 shift.
Nov. 2010 Release5.0.
Feb. 2011 p. 67 - Unmanned option (patch03, patch06).
p. 151 - Disruption along Transverse requires Field Off/On.
June 27, 2011 p. 122 Right-click on selection button gets traceability for the
whole selection.
Sep. 6, 2011 p. 74 - NAS type option.
p. 175 - 177 - DSUGPS Instrument view and Numeric view.
Dec. 22, 2011 p. 69 - Licences codes.
p. 166 - Marking DSU3-428 line segments.
May 16, 2012 Patch14.
p. 74 - Max number of NFS servers.
p. 155, 180 - “cs” Sensor Type (skipped channel) not compatible
with FDU2S.
p. 285, 295, - Dynamic slip-sweep mode.
p. 487 - Virtual NAS.
June 26, 2012 p. 125 QC bar charts (bar straddling limit marker).
Aug. 7, 2012 p. 430 Go To Waypoint by drag&drop from jPositioning.
Aug. 7, 2012 p. 330 Priority criteria in dynamic fleet grouping.

6 April 11, 2013

428XL User’s Manual Vol. 1

Chapters or
Date of
revision Description of revision or reason for change
Nov. 27, 2012 Patch 17.
p. 71 - OVC licence.
p. 109 - Preferences setup in jLine.
p. 249 - Ready status management.
p. 288 - Reshoot dialogue option.
p. 407 - Enable/Disable TDMA tracking in jPositioning.
p. 467 - Files per Tape (max. 1000000).
p. 502 - Ti, Tj (ms).
Feb. 21, 2013 Patch 19.
p. 114 - LAUX-G with attached GPS receiver in Instrument
Patch 21
p. 169 - Azimuth & Position Accuracy setup.
Mar. 21, 2013 p. 409 Datum Scale Factor stands for Scale Difference.
Apr. 11, 2013 Patch 22.
p. 164 - DSUGPS.

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8 April 11, 2013


Revision history . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .5

1 Introduction
About the 428XL documentation . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .24
Terminology and conventions . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .26
Working with 428XL windows . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .30
Dialog boxes . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .30
Views . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .35
Bar charts . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .37

2 Getting started
Opening a user session . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .40
Connection . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .40
Application Settings . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .42
Server Administration. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .44
The server Administration window . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .44
Registering a new user . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .45
Session manager . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .47
Licence information . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .48
Starting/stopping the 428XL server . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .49
The launcher bar . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .50
Hands-on guide. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .52
428XL User’s Manual Vol. 1 9
April 11, 2013
Table of Contents

System status archive tool (File Packager). . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .60

The crew’s Web site . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 61
The Chat tool . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .64

3 Installation setup
Overview. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .66
Seismic recording instrumentation . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .67
Peripherals . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .72
Export mode . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .74
Mobile Receiver Unit (MRU). . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .76
428XL scalability . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .77
Master/Slave . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .79
Unmanned. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .81

4 Configuration
The main window . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .84
Overview . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .84
Customer Support . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .85
Copyrights . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .85
Identity Card . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .86
The Setup menu . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .88
Crew setup window . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .88
User Info setup . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .92
SEGD setup . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .92
Disk Record setup . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .95
Swath setup . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .97
On Line/Off Line . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .100

5 Line
The main window . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .104
Topographic views . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .107

10 428XL User’s Manual Vol. 1

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Table of Contents

About topographic views . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .107

Sensor view . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .111
Instrument view . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .113
Battery view . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .115
Seismonitor . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .116
Working with graphic views . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .117
Numeric views . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .123
Histogram view. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .125
The Survey setup . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .127
General . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .127
Survey . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .128
Point Code . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .130
Sensor type . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .131
The Layout setup . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .134
General . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .134
Markers . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .135
Auxiliary channels . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .139
Detour . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .141
Mute channels . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .144
The Spread Type setup . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .145
General . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .145
Absolute spreads . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .146
Generic spreads . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .148
The Look setup . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .151
LAU Leakage setup . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .153
Advanced layouts . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .155
Skipped channels . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .155
Logical line mapped with several physical lines . . . . . . . . . . .157
Detour with skipped receiver points . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .159
Snaking layout . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .160

428XL User’s Manual Vol. 1 11

April 11, 2013
Table of Contents

Working with DSU3-428 & DSUGPS links . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .162

DSU3-428 topology . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .162
Acquisition using DSU3 channels . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .163
DSU3-428 in the Survey Setup . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .164
DSU3-428 in the Layout Setup . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .166
DSU3 in the Spread Setup . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .167
DSU3 in the Test Setup . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .168
DSUGPS Setup menu . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .169
DSUGPS firmware upgrading . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .171
DSU Form Line function . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .174
DSU Sensor view . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .174
DSU Instrument view . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .175
DSU Numeric view . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .177
DSU Seismonitor . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .178
DSU3 tilt correction . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .179
Working with ULS field equipment . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .180
Overview . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .180
Deployment . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .181
Survey setup . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .183
Marker setup . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .184
Detour setup . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .189
Auxiliary channel setup . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .197
Test setup . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .197
Checkline . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .197
Radio telemetry. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .198
Radio telemetry equipment . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .198
Instrument Topographic view . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .199
The Radio QC Limit setup . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .200
Frequency management . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .201

12 428XL User’s Manual Vol. 1

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Table of Contents

LRU parameters . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .208

LAUR parameters . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .213
Wakeup/Sleep . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .213
Loop test . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .214
Test functions . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .215
Overview . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .215
Instrument tests . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .218
Sensor tests . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .221
Multiple tests . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .224
Seismonitor . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .225
The Form Line setup. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .226
General . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .226
Line Troubleshooting . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .227
Network Management . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .229
The Synthetic setup. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .231
The Download setup . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .237

6 Operation
The Main Window . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .244
General . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .244
The Operation Table . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .246
The Active Source view . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .248
The Active Acquisition view . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .254
The Operation Report view . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .255
The Process Type setup . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .256
General . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .256
Auxiliary traces . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .263
Impulsive type . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .266
Impulsive Stack . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .267
Correlation Before Stack . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .268
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Correlation After Stack . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .270

Vibroseismic Stack . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .272
How to Generate a Process Type . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .274
The Source Point Setup . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .275
Source point parameters . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .275
To generate a Source Point setup . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .280
Seismic setup options . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .281
Operating Mode . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .281
Automation . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .282
Slip-Sweep . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .284
Dynamic Fleet Grouping . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .286
Guidance . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .286
Look option . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .287
Reshot option . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .288
The Source Type setup . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .289
Sources . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .289
Explosive source parameters . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .290
Vibroseismic source parameters . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .291
The Delay setup . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .295
The Noise Editing setup . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .297
Noise editing parameters . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .297
Noise editing thresholds . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .302
The Observer’s Comment Type Setup . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .304
How to take shots or sweeps. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .305
Blaster shots . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .305
VE432 or VE464 sweeps . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .307
Navigation-driven shooting . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .309
Multiswath . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .310
Shooting with an LSS . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .311

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Flip-Flop sweeps. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .321

Simultaneous sources . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .326
Manual clustering . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .327
Dynamic Fleet grouping . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .329
Slip-sweep. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .334
Theory of operation . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .334
How to implement slip-sweep . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .336
Standard Slip-Sweep mode . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .339
Allowable minimum distance between simultaneous sources .343
Dynamic Slip-Sweep mode . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .345
SQC Dump mode . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .348
SQC Dump mode with VE464 . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .348
SQC Dump mode with VE432 . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .361
Micro-seismic . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .371
Autonomous mode . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .373
Vibrator Guidance . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .378
How to use the Vibrator Guidance option . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .378
The Go To Waypoint command . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .379
Multi-gun Shallow-water shooting mode . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .381
Master/Slave operation . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .384
More About Noise Elimination . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .388
“Spike Editing” method . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .388
Diversity Stack . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .391
Enhanced Diversity . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .393
More About Correlation . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .396
Description . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .396
Data Distribution . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .398

7 Positioning
The main window . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .404

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The Setup menu . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .408

The Datum Type setup . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .408
The Projection Type setup . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .411
Quality Warning setup window . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .413
The Vehicle Identity setup . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .416
The geographical view . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .418
General . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .418
The layer manager . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .422
Background . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .423
GeoZones . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .425
Swath . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .426
Miscellaneous . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .428
Vehicles . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .429
Sources . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .430
Line devices . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .432
The Tracking view . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .434
Graphical tracking view . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .434
Numerical tracking view . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .437
More about the estimated COG position . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .437
Vehicles . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .439
Overview . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .439
Supported vehicle tracking systems . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .440
Customizing tracked vehicles . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .442
Vehicle trackline and history file . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .443
The Alert system. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .444
Emergency . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .444
GeoZone perimeter . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .445
Global alarms . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .446
Excess speed . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .448

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Working with the GIS. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .450

Object labelling . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .450
Attribute colour maps . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .451
Query builder . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .453
Coord converter tool . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .455
Basic Geodesy Glossary . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .456

8 Export
The main window . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .458
File export controls . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .460
Export device indicators . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .460
Auto/Manual . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .462
The Tape Setup menu . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .465
The Functions menu . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .468
NFS disk . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .468
FTP server . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .469
Tape . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .470
Get Device Info . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .472
Playback . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .472
Copy . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .475
Reinit Export . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .476
Recorder activity logs . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .477
Exporting to NAS disks . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .481
Copying exported files . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .486
Exporting to a virtual NAS . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .487
Overview . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .487
Virtual NAS Setup . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .488
NFS mount function . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .490
Virtual NAS status indicator . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .490
Auto/Manual . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .491

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Working with tape drives . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .492

Disk space monitoring . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .493

9 VE464
The main window . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .496
The Vibrator Crew setup . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .498
The Basic Type setup . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .501
Overview . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .501
Linear . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .503
dB/Hz Log, Tn and dB/Octave Log . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .504
Random . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .509
Custom . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .510
Dedicated . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .512
Pulse . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .513
Delay . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .514
Compound . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .515
The Deboost option . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .516
The “Numeric Pilot” option . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .516
Generating a Basic Type setup . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .517
The Acquisition Type setup . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .518
The Radio Management setup . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .522
TDMA . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .522
TracsTDMA . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .523
Raveon . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .526
Analog radio . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .528
The QC Limit setup . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .529
The Sweep Management setup . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .530
The Pattern setup window . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .532
Functions . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .536
Auto/Manual . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .536

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Vibrator Fleet . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .537

Set DSD . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .541
Get DSD . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .543
Set Servo . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .545
Update Custom . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .548
Ready . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .550
Local Acquisition . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .552
Set Config . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .553
Set Guidance . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .554
Get Similarities . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .555
Update Version . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .557
Normal acquisition . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .558
General . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .558
Graphic view . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .559
Numeric view . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .562
DPG/DSD status codes . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .564
Statistics views . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .566

10 Log
The main window . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .570
Editing/saving/loading 428XL parameters . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .576
The Shooting setup . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .578
SPS files . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .581
The SPS format . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .581
Importing an SPS file . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .583
Exporting an SPS file . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .585
Operator reports . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .587
Observer Logs . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .587
APS . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .589
APS Verbose . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .589

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Source COG . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .589

Receiver position history data . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .590
Event log. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .591

11 Plotter
The main window . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .594
The Banner setup . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .597
Selecting the traces to plot . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .603
Plot parameters for production shots . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .606
Processing setup . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .606
Rendering setup . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .610
Format setup . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .610
Test records. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .613

12 VE432
The main window . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .616
The Vibrator Crew setup . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .618
The Basic Type setup . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .621
Overview . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .621
Linear . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .623
dB/Hz Log, Tn and dB/Octave Log . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .624
Pulse . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .629
Random . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .630
Custom . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .631
Compound . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .634
Delay . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .635
Deboost option . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .635
Generating a Basic Type setup . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .636
The Acquisition Type setup . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .637
The Radio Management setup . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .641
The QC Limit setup . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .644
20 428XL User’s Manual Vol. 1
April 11, 2013
Table of Contents

The QC Choice setup . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .645

The T0 Time setup . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .646
The Pattern setup window . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .648
Functions . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .652
Auto/Manual . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .652
Look . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .653
Vibrator Fleet . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .655
Local Acquisition . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .657
Set DSD . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .658
Get DSD . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .659
Radio functions . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .662
Set Servo . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .667
PCMCIA Tools . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .669
Normal acquisition . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .672
General . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .672
Graphic view . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .673
Numeric view . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .676
DPG/DSD status codes . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .678
Statistics views . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .679

13 Other vibrator electronics

The main window . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .682
Working with other vibrator electronics. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .684

14 Open Vibrator Controller

The main window . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .686
The Vibrator Crew setup . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .687
The Acquisition Type setup . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .688
The QC Limit setup . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .690
The Vibrator Fleet setup . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .691
Normal acquisition . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .692

428XL User’s Manual Vol. 1 21

April 11, 2013
Table of Contents

General . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .692
Graphic view . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .692
Numeric view . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .694
Statistics views . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .696

Index . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 699

22 428XL User’s Manual Vol. 1

April 11, 2013

1 Introduction

This chapter includes the following sections:

• About the 428XL documentation (page 24)

• Terminology and conventions (page 26)
• Working with 428XL windows (page 30)

428XL User’s Manual Vol. 1 23

April 11, 2013
1 Introduction
About the 428XL documentation >

About the 428XL documentation

The documentation coming with the 428XL system consists of the
following manuals:
• Installation Manual (0311428): contains an introduction to the
428XL system, installation information, a few instructions for the
operator to get started, and reference information that will help you
select a 428XL configuration tailored to your needs.
• User’s Manual Volume 1 (0311430): this manual, describing the
parameters displayed on the system’s Graphic User Interface (GUI)
and how to use each window.
• User’s Manual Volume 2 (0311431): contains information on logged
data and on interfaces (description of Input/Output formats, including
the SEGD format).
• User’s Manual Volume 3 (0311432): contains reference information
(filter charts, theory of tests, technical data, release notes,
• Technical Manual (0311429): contains maintenance and repair
information, including operating instructions for using the system’s
Before using this manual, you need to install the system by following
the instructions given in the 428XL Installation Manual.
The User’s Manual is automatically loaded from the 428XL CDROM
to your computer’s disk as you load the 428XL software package. Then
it is just one click away at all times, using the Help button available in
every main window. With a PDF file reader (Adobe Acrobat Reader) on
a computer you can view this manual direct from the 428XL CDROM’s
DOC directory.
This manual assumes you are familiar with window-driven systems and
you know how to work with windows, including how to use a mouse
and standard menus and commands, and to open, move, resize, shrink,
restore and close a window.

24 428XL User’s Manual Vol. 1

April 11, 2013
About the 428XL documentation >

To start the server, if required, see Starting/stopping the 428XL server on

page 49 1
To launch the 428XL Graphic User Interface, see Opening a user
session (page 40).

428XL User’s Manual Vol. 1 25

April 11, 2013
1 Introduction
Terminology and conventions >

Terminology and conventions

To use this manual, you need to be familiar with a number of terms that
are described below.

Text box
Index box

List box


Figure 1-1 Dialog box

To press and release a mouse button quickly (left-hand button, unless
otherwise specified).

Command button
A pushbutton that carries out a command (Add, Change, Delete,
Reverse) with the parameters displayed in the text boxes.

Dialog box
A secondary window that provides or requests information within a
main window.

To press and release the left-hand mouse button twice in rapid
succession without moving the mouse.

To move an item on the screen by holding down the mouse button while
moving the mouse. See Drag and Drop (page 37).
26 428XL User’s Manual Vol. 1
April 11, 2013
Terminology and conventions >

A small graphical image used to represent a window. Windows can be
turned into icons or minimized to save room or unclutter the workspace.

Index box
A text box (usually the first box from left to right) showing the
identification number of a row (or set of rows) to be generated in a list
box or selected from a list box.

List box
A box used to display a scrollable list of the rows edited under a text

Mouse buttons
The left-hand button is used to click, double-click, and select an item.
The right-hand button causes a contextual menu to pop up, if any is

Option button
A pushbutton used to post an option menu in which you can select an
option. An option button displays the label of the selected option and a
bar graphic to distinguish it from a command button.

Click to show
available options

Figure 1-2 Option button

428XL User’s Manual Vol. 1 27

April 11, 2013
1 Introduction
Terminology and conventions >

Point (to)
To move the mouse pointer on the screen until it rests on the item you
want to select.

A rectangular box, with a slider in it, used to set or display a value in a
range. A label indicates the current value. A value is selected by
dragging the slider and releasing the mouse button when the desired
value is displayed. Clicking on either side of the slider selects the next
higher or lower value.

Current setting


Figure 1-3

A rectangular box, with a slider and direction arrow graphics in it, used
to scroll the visible area of a window pane or box (see Figure 1-1 on
page 26). The slider indicates the relative position and size of the visible
area. The position is adjusted by dragging the slider or clicking the
direction arrows.

To point to an item in a menu, by dragging the mouse pointer until the
item is highlighted, and release the mouse button.

Text box
An entry box used to enter or display values and/or text for a parameter
within a dialog box (see Figure 1-1 on page 26).

28 428XL User’s Manual Vol. 1

April 11, 2013
Terminology and conventions >

Toggle button
A pushbutton composed of a label preceded by a graphic (circle or
square) with two distinctive states that indicate the set and unset states
of the button.
There are two special cases of toggle buttons.
• Radio button: used to select one option from a number of options.
Each option is represented by a radio button. Each button represents
a mutually exclusive selection (only one radio button can be set at a

Radio buttons
Vib. 1
Vib. 2
Vib. 3

Figure 1-4

• Check button: used to set a number of options. Unlike a radio button,

any number of check buttons can be set at the same time.

Check buttons

Check buttons

Figure 1-5

428XL User’s Manual Vol. 1 29

April 11, 2013
1 Introduction
Working with 428XL windows > Dialog boxes

Working with 428XL windows

Dialog boxes

Conventions used in this section

The following conventions are used in this section:
• m, n, o, p: stand for sequential numbers.
• i: stands for an increment (positive or negative); the + sign is optional.
• v: stands for any allowable value for a parameter.
All other symbols are part of the syntax.

General rules
• Clicking in a text box causes the text cursor (I-beam pointer) to
appear in it, allowing you to type the desired information. To make
corrections, use the BACKSPACE or DELETE key as applicable.
• The CARRIAGE RETURN key is only used to enter two or more text
lines into the same text box,
• In any dialog box, the allowable values for each text box will
automatically show up if you click Add (or Apply if there is no Add
button) whenever the text box is blank.
• Double-clicking in a text box causes its content to be highlighted.
Then, pressing any key erases the content and enters the
corresponding character.
• Clicking on any row in a list box selects the row (its number shows
up in the index box). See the example below.
• Double-clicking on any row in a list box selects the row and causes
the content of the row to show up in the associated text boxes. See the
example below.

Example: Assuming three rows in a list box, with the following content:

30 428XL User’s Manual Vol. 1

April 11, 2013
Working with 428XL windows > Dialog boxes

Text box 1 Text box 2 Content

Index box Text box 1 Text box 2
1 11
2 21 1 11 12
3 31
2 21 22
3 31 32

Figure 1-6

1. Double-clicking in the second row causes its content to appear in

the text boxes:

Text box 1 Text box 2

Double-click 2 21 22

1 11
2 21
3 31

Figure 1-7

2. Clicking in the third row selects it and causes the row number (3)
to appear in the index box:

Text box 1 Text box 2

3 21 22
1 11
2 21
3 31

Figure 1-8

428XL User’s Manual Vol. 1 31

April 11, 2013
1 Introduction
Working with 428XL windows > Dialog boxes

3. Clicking on the Change button updates the third row with the
content of the text boxes:

Text box 1 Text box 2 Content
3 21 22
Index box Text box 1 Text box 2
1 11
2 21 1 11 12
3 21
2 21 22
3 21 22

Figure 1-9

In an index box
• m-n: selects all rows from row m to row n.
• m-: selects all rows from row m to the end of the list.
• -m: selects all rows from the beginning of the list to row m.
• -: selects the whole list.
• m-n/i: selects rows m, m+i, m+2i, m+3i...n
• n-m/-i: selects rows n, n-i, n-2i, m-3i...m

In a text box
• /: means the current value in the list box will not be changed.
• V: means the value V will be applied to the specified row or set of
• V/i or V/+i (or V/-i): means an incremental (or decremental) value
starting from V will be applied to the specified set of rows. (The +
sign is optional).
• /i or /+i (or /-i): means an increment (or decrement) will be applied to
the pre-existing values of the specified set of rows.

32 428XL User’s Manual Vol. 1

April 11, 2013
Working with 428XL windows > Dialog boxes

Add button
Used to create a row or set of rows. You have to enter the new row
numbers in the index box, using the syntax shown in the examples
below (this will not work if the rows already exist in the list box).
• 1: creates row # 1 in the list box.
• 1-5: creates rows # 1, 2, 3, 4, 5.
• 1-8/2: creates rows # 1, 3, 5, 7.
• 7-2/-2: creates rows # 7, 5, 3.

Change button
Used to update a row or set of rows (already existing in the list box) with
the content of one or more text boxes. You have to enter the number of
the row (or the range of rows) to update in the index box, using the
syntax shown in the examples below:
• 1: updates row # 1.
• 1-5: updates rows # 1 through 5.
• 5-: updates all rows from # 5 to the end of the list.
• -5: updates all rows from the first sequential number in the list to # 5.
• -: updates the whole list.
Assuming the list box contains rows # 10, 20, 8, 11, 12, 15, 30 (starting
with 10 and ending with 30):
• -/2: updates rows # 10, 8, 12, 30.
• 10-15/2: updates rows # 10, 8, 12.
• 20-/2: updates rows # 20, 11, 15.
• -15/2: updates rows # 10, 8, 12.

428XL User’s Manual Vol. 1 33

April 11, 2013
1 Introduction
Working with 428XL windows > Dialog boxes

Delete button
Used to delete a row or set of rows from the list box. You have to enter
the number of the row (or the range of rows) to delete in the index box,
using the syntax shown in the examples below:
• 1: deletes row # 1.
• 1-5: deletes row # 1 through 5.
• 5-: deletes all rows from # 5 to the end of the list.
• -5: deletes all rows from the first sequential number in the list to # 5.
• -: deletes the whole list.

Reverse button
Used to reverse the order of a set of rows specified in the index box as
shown in the examples below:

List box List box

Index box before clicking Reverse after clicking Reverse
1-5 12345 54321
3- 12345 12543
-3 12345 32145
- 12345 54321

Apply button
Saves and/or activates the selections made in a main window or a dialog
box. If you wish to generate a file containing the parameters currently
displayed, use the Log main window.

Reset button
Restores the latest values that was saved in the list box when the Apply
button was last used.

34 428XL User’s Manual Vol. 1

April 11, 2013
Working with 428XL windows > Views

Selecting text
You can copy content from a text box to another text box or to a text
editor. To select the text to copy, do the following:
1. With the mouse left button, click before the first character to select
(release the mouse button).
2. Using the scrollbar, scroll through the text until the last character
to select is visible.
3. Press the Shift key and hold it down.
4. With the mouse left button, click on the last character to select.
5. Release the Shift key. As a result, the selected text is highlighted.
Alternately, if all of the text to select is viewed, you can do as follows:
1. Move the mouse pointer to the first character to select.
2. Press the mouse left button and hold it down.
3. Move the mouse pointer to the last character to select.
4. Release the mouse button. As a result, the selected text is

Selecting table rows

You can copy content from a table in a numeric view to a text editor or
to a spreadsheet tool. To select the tables cells to copy, do the following:
1. Click in the first row to select.
2. Press the Shift key.
3. Click in the last row to select. As a result, the selected rows are

428XL User’s Manual Vol. 1 35

April 11, 2013
1 Introduction
Working with 428XL windows > Views

Selecting a graphical area

You can copy content from a graphic view to a setup window. To select
the objects to copy, do the following:
1. Move the mouse pointer to one (e. g. upper-left) corner of the area
to select.
2. Press the mouse centre button and hold it down.
3. Still holding down the mouse button, move the mouse pointer to
the opposite (e. g. lower-right) corner of the area to select.
4. Release the mouse button. As a result, the selected area is

Copy And Paste

The Copy and Paste function allows you to copy content from a dialog
box to another.
1. Select the text, or table cells, or objects to copy:
- To select content from a text box, see Selecting text (page 35);
- To select content from a table, see Selecting table rows (page 35);
- To select content from a graphic view, see Selecting a graphical
area (page 36).
2. Copy the selected content as follows:
- press both Ctrl and C on the keyboard (press Ctrl first).
- or choose Copy from the Edit menu if any.
3. Click in the destination text box, or setup window, or application.
4. Paste the selected content as follows:
- press both Ctrl and V on the keyboard (press Ctrl first).
- or choose Paste from the Edit menu if any.

36 428XL User’s Manual Vol. 1

April 11, 2013
Working with 428XL windows > Bar charts

Drag and Drop

In some windows, you can “drag and drop” graphical objects from a
panel to another, by doing the following:
1. Press the Ctrl key and hold it down;
2. Left-click on the object to select, and hold down the mouse
3. Still holding down the Ctrl key and mouse button, move the
mouse pointer to the desired location;
4. Release the mouse button and Ctrl key.

Bar charts

Figure 1-10

On each chart the horizontal axis is the scale (divided into a number of
bins) for the values to display, and the vertical axis is for the number of
values in each bin. The following values are also shown:
You can zoom in by double-clicking on the bar chart, and zoom out by
double-clicking again on it.
With the mouse pointer resting anywhere on a bar chart, pressing the
mouse right button causes a menu to pop up with three commands.

Show curve
Used to show or hide the Gaussian curve.

428XL User’s Manual Vol. 1 37

April 11, 2013
1 Introduction
Working with 428XL windows > Bar charts

Show grid
Used to show or hide the plot grid.

• Number of bars: This field is used to specify the number of bins you
want to generate in the bar chart.
• Bar labels: This option button is used to select the type of annotation
to be displayed above each bar:
- Percentage of values contained in the bin, with respect to the
whole set of values.
- Number of values contained in the bin.

38 428XL User’s Manual Vol. 1

April 11, 2013

2 Getting started

This chapter is intended for beginners. It describes how to

use the crew’s Server Administration window and Web site,
and briefly teaches a local or remote user how to get
started. This chapter includes the following sections:

• Opening a user session (page 40)

• Server Administration (page 44)
• The launcher bar (page 50)
• Hands-on guide (page 52)
• System status archive tool (File Packager) (page 60)
• The crew’s Web site (page 61)
• The Chat tool (page 64)

428XL User’s Manual Vol. 1 39

April 11, 2013
2 Getting started
Opening a user session > Connection

Opening a user session

To open a user session:
- Double-click on the 428XL Client icon on your
- Wait until the launcher bar appears.
All icons in the launcher bar (except the connection icon and the Help
button) are dimmed until you get connected.
Right-clicking on the “Connection” icon causes a menu
to pop up, prompting the following commands:
• Connection: used to log on to the server. See
Connection (page 40).
• Settings: see Application Settings (page 42).
Figure 2-1
• Packager: system status archive tool (see page 60). Launcher bar

• Exit: used to close the 428XL Client application.

This command is selected by default on a left-click on the connection
icon in the launcher bar. It opens a connection window:

Click here
to connect

Figure 2-2

Advanced Parameters
If your machine uses a Proxy server, click on the Advanced
Parameters tab to set the Proxy configuration.

40 428XL User’s Manual Vol. 1

April 11, 2013
Getting started
Opening a user session > Connection

Choose “Enabled”, then enter the same configuration (Host name and
Port) as in your Web browser (see the Internet connection options in
your browser).

Remote Server
To connect to the server, click on the Remote Server tab, then do the


2 428GUI


Figure 2-3

1. Choose the type of connection: “Local user” if you are opening a

user session on the server computer itself or your PC is attached to
the crew’s local network (172.27.128.x), “Remote user”
2. The Label field is used to enter a name for your connection
profile. Choose a name that will clearly identify your connection
profile (e. g. your name plus the product’s name).
3. In the URL field, type the desired crew address, for example:
- localhost if you are connecting as “Local user” on the server
computer itself, or if you are connecting as an extra
“Local user”.
- http://nnn.nnn.nnn.nnn if you are connecting as an Intranet or
Internet “Remote user”, nnn.nnn.nnn.nnn being the IP address
of the nearest Seismic Gateway (depending on which Seismic
Gateway computer is visible to your computer). If you know the
machine name, you can use it in place of the IP address.
428XL User’s Manual Vol. 1 41
April 11, 2013
2 Getting started
Opening a user session > Application Settings

4. In the Login and Password fields, type your Login name and
password respectively (supplied to you by the Senior Observer).
5. Click Connect. The 428XL launcher bar icons on your desktop
should not be dimmed anymore.

Application Settings

Figure 2-4

Browser settings
Allows you to choose which Web Browser to use. Only the default
option is prompted (e. g. Internet Explorer on a Windows host
computer, FireFox on a Linux host), unless you have installed another

Regional settings
Allows you to choose the Help language (English/Chinese/Russian/

Figure 2-5

42 428XL User’s Manual Vol. 1

April 11, 2013
Getting started
Opening a user session > Application Settings

As you close the 428XL application window by selecting “Exit” from
the connection icon in the launcher bar or clicking the usual close button
in the upper right corner), the system may or may not save the desktop 2
configuration, depending on which option is enabled in the “Desktop”
settings window.

Figure 2-6

• None: with this option enabled, the default window layout is used
each time you open the 428XL application.
• Last session: with this option enabled, the 428XL application opens
with the window layout you were using when you last closed the
launcher bar (with the same user account on the same computer).
• Snapshot: with this option enabled, clicking “Apply” saves the
current window layout on your computer. The windows that were
open at the moment you clicked “Apply” will automatically open,
with the same window layout, each time you next open the 428XL
application with the same user account on the same computer (until
you change your desktop preference option).

Used to change the look of windows.

Figure 2-7

428XL User’s Manual Vol. 1 43

April 11, 2013
2 Getting started
Server Administration > The server Administration window

Server Administration
In this section:
• The server Administration window (page 44)
• Registering a new user (page 45)
• Session manager (page 47)
• Licence information (page 48)
• Starting/stopping the 428XL server (page 49)

The server Administration window

Open a user session (see Connection on page 40) unless this is already
done, and click on the administration tool icon in the launcher bar to
open the Administration window.

Figure 2-8

If you log on with Observer privileges, the Administration window

allows you to start/stop the server, manage user sessions, load a patch
from a remote (client) computer. If you log on with Senior Observer
privileges, it also allows you to register users and manage user
The Debug tab is only intended for SERCEL customer support
engineers and therefore not described in this manual.

44 428XL User’s Manual Vol. 1

April 11, 2013
Getting started
Server Administration > Registering a new user

Registering a new user

A new user cannot log on to a crew’s server unless and until he is
registered on that server. Only a user with Senior Observer role
privileges is allowed to register a remote user. 2
To register a new user, do the following:
1. Click on the Users tab.

Appears only if you log on

with Senior Observer


Figure 2-9 Administration window

1. Right-click in the list of profiles and select New from the menu
that pops up.
- In the “Name” and “Password”
fields, enter the login name and
password you wish to create for
the new user.
- Click OK. As a result, the new
user appears in the list of Figure 2-10
authorized users.
- Choose the desired Password Expiry Date option (either
choose Never or enter the desired expiry date). The Expiry Date
takes effect at 12 a.m. (server local time).

428XL User’s Manual Vol. 1 45

April 11, 2013
2 Getting started
Server Administration > Registering a new user

- From the Role button, choose the privileges you wish to grant to
that user (Guest, or Observer, or Senior Observer permissions).

Role Permissions

• Opening any client window and:

- Viewing the crew’s parameter settings
Guest (changes are of no effect),
- Viewing results, generating reports;
• Website access.

All “Guest” role privileges plus the following:

• Changing the crew’s parameter settings.
• Session administration.
• Changing the installation parameters.

All “Observer” role privileges plus the

Senior Observer following:
• User administration (registering new users).

- Click Apply.
2. Notify the user of the Login name and Password you have created.
Note: After a profile is created, you can change or delete it by right-
clicking on it in the list of profiles and using the menu that pops up.

46 428XL User’s Manual Vol. 1

April 11, 2013
Getting started
Server Administration > Session manager

Session manager
Open the Administration window and then click on the Sessions tab.
This displays a session manager view with a navigation pane showing
all opened sessions. 2
Unless you are logged on to the crew’s server with Observer or Senior
Observer role privileges, you are not allowed to make any changes in
the session manager window.


Click on session to
show details


Figure 2-11 Session manager

Clicking on any session causes detailed information to be displayed

below the navigation pane.
Right-clicking on any session causes a contextual menu to pop up,
prompting the necessary commands for the management of sessions:
To close a session, right-click on it and select “Kill”.

428XL User’s Manual Vol. 1 47

April 11, 2013
2 Getting started
Server Administration > Licence information

Licence information
Open the Administration window and then click on the Licences tab.
This displays information that is not displayed in the Install window
when you enter your licence code (Expiry date, allowed tokens, etc.).

Figure 2-12

Note A message will appear in the Terminal window of the server

computer 24 hours before your software licence expires, but it
is advisable to use the Administration window to check the
expiry date before that.

48 428XL User’s Manual Vol. 1

April 11, 2013
Getting started
Server Administration > Starting/stopping the 428XL server

Starting/stopping the 428XL server

The 428XL server is started automatically when you power up the
server computer.
If you are logged on to the crew’s server with Observer or Senior
Observer privileges, you can stop and restart the server, or reboot or
shut down the computer, by using the buttons available from the Server
tab in the administration window.
• Restart: closes the server application, restarts it and restores your
• Reboot: reboots the computer and restarts the server application.
• Shutdown: closes the server application and turns off the power to
the computer.

Figure 2-13

428XL User’s Manual Vol. 1 49

April 11, 2013
2 Getting started
The launcher bar >

The launcher bar

• The Installation icon is used to set
installation parameters for the server Connection

computer (licences, number of cards in the

Control Module, attached peripherals, source
controllers, etc.). See Installation setup Installation
(page 65).
• The Configuration icon is used to set the
crew’s basic parameters, provide information Line

on the hardware and software configuration Operation

of the system, specify how your SEGD files
must be recorded, and enable/disable Positioning

communications with the Control Module. Export

See Configuration (page 83).

• The Line icon is used for the management of
the field electronics. See Line (page 103)
• The Operation icon is used for the Other Vib

management of shots. See Operation OVC

(page 243).
• The Export icon is used for the management
of your recording media. See Export Plotter

(page 457).
• The Positioning icon is used for viewing
source points, tracking vehicles, etc. See
Positioning (page 403). Website

• The VE432 or VE464 icon opens the

Graphical User Interface for the vibrator
controller. See VE464 (page 495) or VE432 Click to customize
launcher bar
(page 615).
Figure 2-14
• The Log icon is used to save/load setup Launcher bar
parameters, import/export processing support

50 428XL User’s Manual Vol. 1

April 11, 2013
Getting started
The launcher bar >

(SPS) files, export operator reports, and for the management of all
reports. See Log (page 569).
• The Plotter icon is used for monitoring traces on a plotter. See Plotter
(page 593). 2
• The OVC icon opens the Graphical User Interface for the Open
Vibrator Controller. See Open Vibrator Controller (page 685).
• The Chat icon allows you to send messages to the users connected to
the server.
• The Website allows you to download or upload SPS files, report files,
• The Help icon displays help information (same as the Help menu in
each window).
• The Administration icon is intended for a user with Observer or
Senior Observer privileges to register users, manage passwords and
sessions, etc. See Server Administration (page 44).
The launcher bar can be customized:

Click to customize
launcher bar

Figure 2-15

• You can have the launcher displayed vertically

or horizontally by double-clicking on its title
• Use the button at the foot of the launcher bar to
choose which icons you want to be visible.

Figure 2-16

428XL User’s Manual Vol. 1 51

April 11, 2013
2 Getting started
Hands-on guide >

Hands-on guide
This hands-on guide teaches a beginner how to customize a main
window (also referred to as “client window”) in just a few clicks. The
first time you log on to a 428XL server, each main window in the
Graphical User Interface is configured with a default layout. Then, your
customized window layout is automatically saved on your computer as
you close the client window, and recovered when you next open it.
In most main windows, it is for you to decide how many views to show
and where to place them. The GUI may also let you decide which
information to view, and which type (numerical/graphical) of view you
want for this information. The intent of the procedure below is to give
you a glimpse of what you can do to customize each main window,
using the “Line” window as an example.

Customizing windows

1. Open the Line main window (click on the Line icon in

the 428XL launcher bar).
2. On the right-hand border of each toolbar is a down arrow
button. Clicking on that button causes a menu to pop up for you to
choose which buttons you would like to show or hide in the
toolbar. (All options are also available from the menu bar).

Menu bar
(2) Click to
customize toolbars

Undocked toolbar

(3) Move to dock

elsewhere or to undock
(4) More options
(click to choose)

Figure 2-17 Customizing toolbars

52 428XL User’s Manual Vol. 1

April 11, 2013
Getting started
Hands-on guide >

3. Clicking on the left-hand (shaded) border of the toolbar and

holding down the mouse button allows you to move and dock the
toolbar to whichever border you like inside the window. Moving it
outside the window will undock the toolbar (to dock it again,
simply close it by clicking on the button in the upper right corner
of the undocked toolbar).
4. A double-arrow button (>>) appears if more options are available
but the toolbar is too small for all buttons to fit in. Clicking on that
button causes the hidden options to pop up for you to choose
whichever you like.

(5) Expand/collapse

(6) Drag border

to adjust width

(5) Expand/collapse (6) Drag border

vertically to adjust height

Figure 2-18 Window resizing

5. The arrow buttons in the corners of a display pane let you

expand or collapse the pane vertically or horizontally.
6. Adjust the width of each display pane by dragging the vertical
border to the left/right. Likewise, to adjust its height by dragging
the horizontal border upward/downward.
7. To show the different views available, use either the View menu
or toolbar buttons. When you choose to add a view, the new view
pane appears below the currently selected pane.

428XL User’s Manual Vol. 1 53

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2 Getting started
Hands-on guide >

Figure 2-19 Adding view panes

8. To hide any view pane, click on the close button associated with
its tab.
9. If the pane is not large enough for the whole view to fit in, you can
resize the main window and/or use the available scrollbars.

(8) Click to hide


(10) Double-click on tab (9) Vertical

to expand/collapse view scrollbar
Zoom out
View all
(11 Drag tab
to move view

(9) Horizontal

Figure 2-20 Customizing view panes

In graphical views, you can zoom in by pressing the left mouse

button, moving the mouse, then releasing the button. Use the
zoom control buttons to zoom out or go back to the whole view.
10. Double-clicking on the tab of any view pane either expands or
collapses the view.

54 428XL User’s Manual Vol. 1

April 11, 2013
Getting started
Hands-on guide >

11. You can customize the layout of the main window by placing the
different views where you like them: with the mouse pointer
resting on the tab of any view pane, press the left mouse button,
then move the mouse so as to drag the tab to where you would like
the view pane to appear.
Placing tabs side by side will cause the view panes to be cascaded.
Where views are cascaded, you bring any view to the front by
simply clicking on its tab.

Cascaded views

Figure 2-21 Moving view tabs

Also, view panes can be tiled vertically and/or horizontally. With

the example shown in Figure 2-21, dragging the tab to (A) will
split the window vertically and place the view into the left-hand
pane. Dragging the tab to (B) will split the window horizontally
and place the view into the bottom pane. Dragging the tab to (C)
will split the window vertically and place the view into the right-
hand pane (see Figure 2-22).

428XL User’s Manual Vol. 1 55

April 11, 2013
2 Getting started
Hands-on guide >

Figure 2-22 Tiled views

12. Double-clicking on the button in the lower right corner or each

main window enables or disables the automatic updating of the
window. That button is green if automatic updating is enabled, red
otherwise. The automatic update option is also available from the
the Preferences Setup menu, which allows you to adjust the
refresh period of the different views. If you are using an Internet
datalink, you may want to decrease the required bandwidth, by
selecting on longer refresh period. If you are connected to the
local network, you can set the refresh period to the minimum.

(12) Enable/disable
Automatic Update

Figure 2-23 Auto Update Preference setup

13. The blinking of the heartbeat-like indicator at the foot of the

window is indicative of the window being refreshed.

56 428XL User’s Manual Vol. 1

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Getting started
Hands-on guide >

(14) Memory bar

(13) Heartbeat-like

Figure 2-24 Memory Preference setup

14. The Memory tab in the Preferences Setup is used to show or

hide the memory occupation bargraph at the foot of the window,
indicating the memory size occupied by Java views. If the
memory is running out, click on the dustbin icon near the bargraph
to scrap unnecessary data and recover memory space.
15. 428XL messages appear in the “Status Mail” pane at the foot of
the main window. Whether you choose to show or hide that pane,
the orientation of the Mail icon in the toolbar will tell you if any
message is present (the mail icon being raised is indicative of one
or more messages being present). To delete mail messages, right-
click in the Status Mail pane and select “Clear Status” from the
menu that pops up.

Customizing tables
16. Most tables in numeric views can be customized by right-clicking
on any column heading and selecting “Customize” from the menu
that pops up.
17. Any heading appearing in bold style in the Displayed columns
list means that you cannot remove that column (but you can move
it using the up or down arrow button).
18. Any heading appearing in bold style and underlined means you
can neither remove nor move the column (it is always entirely
visible and at the same position in the table). All other columns
can be moved or removed.

428XL User’s Manual Vol. 1 57

April 11, 2013
2 Getting started
Hands-on guide >

(17) Bold means

it cannot be removed
(16) Right-click on
column heading (20) Use to
(19) Click to hide
selected column

(18) Bold and underlined

(neither removed nor moved)

Figure 2-25 Customizing tables

19. Click in either list box to choose which column to show or hide,
then use the double-arrow buttons to move it to the other list box.
20. Use the up or down arrow button to place each column where you
would like it to appear in the table.
21. You can save that table configuration by clicking on Save and
entering a name for it in the dialog box that shows up.
Subsequently, you’ll simply have to select the desired type of
table from the “Select a Preset” option button and click Apply to
recover your preferred arrangement of columns at your
22. You can also change the order of columns by clicking on a column
heading in the table, then dragging and dropping it where you
would like it to appear (unless you are not allowed to move that

58 428XL User’s Manual Vol. 1

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Getting started
Hands-on guide >

(22) Drag and drop

column heading

(23) Drag border
to resize

Figure 2-26

23. To resize a column, simply drag its border to the desired width.
Some columns, however, have a minimum width that you are not
allowed to override.
24. Clicking on a column heading may cause an up or down arrow to
appear in that heading, allowing you to scroll through the table if
more rows can be viewed.

428XL User’s Manual Vol. 1 59

April 11, 2013
2 Getting started
System status archive tool (File Packager) >

System status archive tool (File Packager)

In the event of a problem with your 428XL system, you may want to
archive some log files containing information on the system’s
behaviour, for example in order to send them to SERCEL’s customer
support centre.
To do that, you can use the Packager command
available by right-clicking on the connection icon in the
launcher bar. That archiving tool automatically finds
the files to archive, and compresses them into a single
file in ZIP format.
Figure 2-27
The File Packager uses the configuration instructions
contained in a text file, with .cfg as extension, located in the following
/export/home/user428/Sercel/e-428v ./eHCI/filePackager/filePackager
In the configuration file are three sections:
• baseDir: used to specify which directory to search, if a relative
search path is used;
• packFile: used to specify the name of the ZIP file to create. For
example, /export/home/e-428/logPack.zip will create the
“logPack.zip” archive file in the “/export/home/e-428” directory.
• fileList: used to specify which files to find, with an absolute or
relative search path.
You may want to place the archive file on the crew’s Web site (or copy
it to whatever location you like). To do that:
- Open the configuration file to see which path and file name is
specified in its packFile section.
- Go to the specified directory and move or copy the zip file to the
desired location. See The crew’s Web site (page 61).

60 428XL User’s Manual Vol. 1

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Getting started
The crew’s Web site >

The crew’s Web site

Click on the Website icon in the launcher bar. This opens the Web
browser with the crew’s Website home page open in it. 2


Figure 2-28

Access to all menus except Help is securized. Because the Web site can
be accessed direct from any browser, an authentication box appears on
your first attempt to download or upload files, or see Identity

Figure 2-29

Simply enter the same User Name and Password (which a “Senior
Observer” must have given to you) as you used to open your user
• The Identity Card menu displays information on the server machine
(identification, memory size, sercel products hosted on that machine,
patches installed, etc.).

428XL User’s Manual Vol. 1 61

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2 Getting started
The crew’s Web site >

• The Download menu prompts the list of files contained in the

server’s /export/home/e-428/webServer/base/sercel/publication/
out directory. This may be files from the Log window’s Publication
folder, or a screenshot or whatever other file the Observer may have
placed in that directory for users to download). Selecting a file (by
clicking on it) opens a dialog box asking you if you want to open the
file or save it to your computer’s disk.

Figure 2-30

• The Upload menu allows you to select a file on your computer’s disk
and load it to the server. The file is loaded to the following directory:

62 428XL User’s Manual Vol. 1

April 11, 2013
Getting started
The crew’s Web site >

• The Server logs menu

Figure 2-31

• The Packager menu

• The Help menu displays help about the 428XL Graphic User
Interface (same as the Help button in the launcher bar).

428XL User’s Manual Vol. 1 63

April 11, 2013
2 Getting started
The Chat tool >

The Chat tool

Click on the Chat icon in the launcher bar. This opens a window that
allows you to see who is connected to the 428XL server and send
messages to any of those users.

Type in your
Click to send

Figure 2-32 Chat window

Simply type your message in the text box at the foot of the window,
click in the list box to select the user you want to reach, and then click
on the button in the lower right corner to send the message. This causes
a window to pop up on the user’s computer with your message in it.
To select two or more users, press the Control key while clicking in the

64 428XL User’s Manual Vol. 1

April 11, 2013

3 Installation setup

This chapter describes the Installation setup window. It

includes the following sections:

• Overview (page 66)

• Seismic recording instrumentation (page 67)
• Peripherals (page 72)
• Export mode (page 74)
• Mobile Receiver Unit (MRU) (page 76)
• 428XL scalability (page 77)
• Master/Slave (page 79)
• Unmanned (page 81)

428XL User’s Manual Vol. 1 65

April 11, 2013
3 Installation setup
Overview >

Clicking on the “Install” icon in the 428XL launcher bar
opens a window to be used when you install the system or
whenever you install a new software version, or another type
or vibrator electronics, or if you change the number of LCI-428 units,
After making the desired selections in the “Install” window, click
“Apply”. This reboots the server computer.
The new settings will not take effect until the server computer has
booted up.

In addition, after adding or changing an LCI unit, the system may ask
you to reload LCI software (see 428XL Installation manual).

66 428XL User’s Manual Vol. 1

April 11, 2013
Installation setup
Seismic recording instrumentation >

Seismic recording instrumentation


Figure 3-1 Install window (“Main” tab)

e428 Lite
Choose this option if you are installing a 428Lite box rather than an
LCI-428. See 428XL Installation Manual for hardware installation.

Choose the Unmanned option if the system is configured to use a UPS
and CDU to protect it from power cuts, for example for the
Microseismic operation mode.
This option is not available if the e-428 Lite option is ticked.
If the Unmanned option is ticked, then the Unmanned tab is available.
Click on this tab to set the associated parameters. See Unmanned
(page 81).

428XL User’s Manual Vol. 1 67

April 11, 2013
3 Installation setup
Seismic recording instrumentation >

Instruments On Field
These buttons allow the system to customize the graphic user interface,
depending on the instrumentation to be used. The specific parameters
and/or commands attached to a type of instrument are hidden and
disabled unless and until you choose that type of instrument in this
See DSU3 tilt correction (page 179).

Disk Buffer
The system uses a file repository in which it temporarily stores your
SEGD files until the Export process can accept them.
• Local Disk: the file repository will use the “/var/dump” directory on
the local disk of the server computer.
The files can be arranged in different manners in the repository (see
Backup Settings on page 95).

Choose the number of LCI-428 units you want to use, and enter the
network address of each of them in the associated fields. You can
choose any address from to See Changing
the LCI-428 IP address (page 51) in 428XL Installation Manual.

Figure 3-2

68 428XL User’s Manual Vol. 1

April 11, 2013
Installation setup
Seismic recording instrumentation >

These fields are used to enter the necessary passwords to enable the
software packages you wish to use. If you add or move or remove any
Ethernet interface card, then you may have to request a new licence
code from Sercel. Note that Sercel may deliver temporary licences.
Because you have to enter the e-428 licence code again whenever you 3
reinstall e428 software, be sure to save it (e. g. on a USB stick) and keep
it in a safe place.

Figure 3-3

• e-428 licence: the e-428 Password field is used to enter the licence
code supplied to you by Sercel for your system. Record the “Server
Id” code prompted. You will need that Server Id (or Dongle Id code
for a laptop PC) if, for any reason, you contact Sercel to get a new
licence for your system.
When you contact Sercel to get a password for your system, you have
to provide:
- The 428XL software version.

428XL User’s Manual Vol. 1 69

April 11, 2013
3 Installation setup
Seismic recording instrumentation >

- The identification code of the server computer (the Server Id

code displayed with the Server Id option button);
- The number of additional client computers you want to use,
- The number of traces;
• Plotter licence: the Info... button allows you to see if any licence is
already installed.
When you contact Sercel to get a Plotter licence code for your system,
you have to provide the “lmhost” identification code associated with
the server after e-428 software is installed. To read that code, log in
as user428 on the server, open a Terminal window and type the
The licence for plotters cannot be typed on the keyboard. It may be
supplied to you on a floppy disk, or CD-ROM, or USB stick or any
appropriate medium. You can also download the licence file and save
it to the server computer’s disk (e. g. to the /tmp directory).
To install a plotter licence:
- Insert the medium (CD-ROM, etc.) containing the licence file,
or copy the file to computer’s disk,
- Click on the Browse... button and select the licence file.
- Click on Install. A warning box may appear, asking you if you
wish to install a licence. If you choose to do that and a licence
already exists, you are going to overwrite that licence.
- Note: If the mention “1-jan-0” appears in the warning box, it
should not be understood as an expiry date. Instead, this means
the licence is unlimited.
- Click OK. This installs the plotter licence.
- Wait for a dialog box to appear to say if installation was
- Click Apply. This reboots the server computer.

70 428XL User’s Manual Vol. 1

April 11, 2013
Installation setup
Seismic recording instrumentation >

• Guidance licence: the Guidance Password field is used to enter the

licence code for the VE464 guidance option. When you contact
Sercel to get a Guidance licence code for your system, you have to
- The identification code displayed in the DPG Host Id field;
- The number of vibrators (DSDs) you want to steer. 3
- The Guidance software version.
• OVC Navigation: for OVC users only, enables source navigation
functions (“Ready” indicator in jOperation window’s Active Source
view, fleet position in jPositioning).

428XL User’s Manual Vol. 1 71

April 11, 2013
3 Installation setup
Peripherals >


Figure 3-4

Nb of DPG modules
For VE432 users only: this field is used to specify how many (up to 4)
vibrator controller modules (DPGs) are attached to the system. (For
example, each vibrator fleet you want to use in slip-sweep mode has its
own vibrator controller).

Vibrator type
Choose the type of vibrator electronics you want to use for vibroseismic
sources if any. The following options are available:
• VE464 (SERCEL).
• VE432 (SERCEL).
• OVC: for GEOSVIP, PELTON (VIBPRO) or Force One vibrator
• Other: for any other type of vibrator electronics.
See the wiring of the Blaster connector in 428XL Installation Manual.

Blaster type
Choose the type of blaster used for impulsive sources if any:
• BoomBox

72 428XL User’s Manual Vol. 1

April 11, 2013
Installation setup
Peripherals >

• AWD (Accelerated Weight Drop).
• SGD-S Shooter-Driven (able to supply the shooter position).
• OTHER (any type). With this option, the data from the shooting
system is not processed.
Note If you select the “Connected with LSI” option:
- the indicator LED on FDUs, otherwise used as a test result
indicator, is used to tell the shooter whether he is allowed to
connect/disconnect an LSI between two links.
- you cannot launch a new shot until retrieval of the previous one
is complete, whatever the field equipment and the shooting
method used.
See the wiring of the Blaster connector in 428XL Installation Manual
and “Source Controllers” in User’s Manual Vol. 3.

Number of plotters
Choose the appropriate option (1 or 2) depending on the number of
plotters attached to the system.

Plotter type
Choose the appropriate option (12 inch or 24 inch plotter).
Enter a name for each plotter in the associated “Name” field. The name
will appear in the Plotter main window to identify each plotter.
MAC address: (Media Access Control address). This field is used to
enter the hardware address of the plotter card, in the case of a plotter
with an Ethernet port.

428XL User’s Manual Vol. 1 73

April 11, 2013
3 Installation setup
Export mode >

Export mode
You can record your SEGD files to cartridges and/or export them to
remote disks attached to the local network.

Figure 3-5

Max number of SCSI drives

This option is used for traditional recording to one or up to four
cartridge drives. Use this button to specify how many cartridge drives
may be connected.

Max number of FTP servers

If you wish to export records to an FTP server, use this button to specify
how many FTP servers may be attached to the local network.

Max number of NFS servers

This option allows SEGD files to be exported in real time to one or more
disks simultaneously. Use this button to specify how many (up to 20)
NFS servers may be attached to the file hierarchy, and use the “Type of
NFS Server” button to choose the type of system:
• NAS4000: (TCP protocol) choose this option if you are using the
NAS4000 system (featuring removable disks) from Sercel.
• Other: (UDP) choose this option if you are using the early-design
(Intellique) NAS from Sercel (NAS800, NAS2000, etc.), or a NAS
system other than from Sercel.
Note that if the Unmanned option is selected in the Main tab, then the
maximum number of NFS servers is limited to 2.

74 428XL User’s Manual Vol. 1

April 11, 2013
Installation setup
Export mode >

To attach a remote disk to the local network, see “Peripherals” in 428XL

Installation Manual.

Local network (172.27.128.x.)

Observer NFS
FTP user 3
428XL server
GUI FileZilla

Figure 3-6

To install a NAS disk or a file server, see 428XL Installation Manual.

428XL User’s Manual Vol. 1 75

April 11, 2013
3 Installation setup
Mobile Receiver Unit (MRU) >

Mobile Receiver Unit (MRU)

Figure 3-7

If a tracking box is connected to the computer (i.e. if you wish to

implement the vehicle tracking function), activate the Use MRU
button. As a result you have to do the following:
• From the “GPS Port 1” button, select the serial port to use for the
vehicle tracking function. The “Base Port” button allows you to
choose a second serial port to be used for service messages from the
tracking box.
• From the “Driver Type” button, select the protocol used by the
tracking box.
• Enter the password for the vehicle tracking function into the
“Licence” field (or else communications with the tracking box will
not be allowed).

76 428XL User’s Manual Vol. 1

April 11, 2013
Installation setup
428XL scalability >

428XL scalability
Your system’s capabilities depend on its resources (for example the
server computer’s RAM size) and on how many traces you want to
record, on the operating mode, on the sample rate, etc. The 428XL
Scalability tab allows you to change some default settings in order to
best suit your crew’s requirements.

Figure 3-8 Scaling parameters

• Maximum nb of traces: (4000 by default) Maximum number of

retrieved traces; depends on the server computer’s RAM size.

RAM size 428-Lite (4 GB) Less than 8 GB More than 8 GB

Max. number of
1000 4000 10000

• Maximum open VP: (2 by default, 4 max.). Up to four Vibroseismic

sources can be used alternately (Flip-Flop mode). If you choose the
Work by Acq (page 293) option, the system can start shooting a Source
Point with multiple acquisitions to stack, but suspend it and let the
focus jump to another source and Source Point. In that case, use this
field to tell the system how many (up to 4) Source Points it can leave

428XL User’s Manual Vol. 1 77

April 11, 2013
3 Installation setup
428XL scalability >

• Maximum simult VP: (1 by default). This field is used to tell the

system how many Vibroseismic sources you want to use
simultaneously. The allowable number (up to 4) depends on the
server computer’s RAM size.

RAM size 428-Lite (4 GB) Less than 8 GB More than 8 GB

Max. number of
1 2 4
simultaneous VPs

Note: 428XL software version 2.0 does not allow the use of
simultaneous sources.
• Maximum nb of samples: (12001 by default). The maximum
allowable number of samples depends on the other three parameters.
It is determined by the system as you click on the Compute Samples
button. This allows you to determine the allowable record length (by
multiplying it by the sample rate you want to use).

78 428XL User’s Manual Vol. 1

April 11, 2013
Installation setup
Master/Slave >

Unless you want to use a Master/Slave configuration, choose the
Standalone (default) option.

Figure 3-9

The “Master/Slave” mode allows using up to four separate 428XL

systems synchronized to a “Master” 428XL, if an Ethernet bridge is
provided for the “Master” and “Slave” to communicate with each other.
The different 428XL servers should be set up as follows:
• On the 428XL server to be used as “Master”, choose the Master
option and tick the associated buttons, depending on which “Slave”
systems you want to use (Slave 1 Used, Slave 2 Used, etc.). As a
result, a Master Enable / Master Disable button will be available in
the jOperation window of the a Master system.
• On each “Slave” 428XL system, choose one of the four available
Slave server address options — you must choose a different IP
address on each “Slave” system. This will change the last figure in its
IP address to 2 (or 3, 4, 5) so that is can communicate with the

428XL User’s Manual Vol. 1 79

April 11, 2013
3 Installation setup
Master/Slave >

“Master” server. As a result, a Slave Enable / Slave Disable button

will be available in the jOperation window of each Slave system.
See Master/Slave operation (page 384) for details.

80 428XL User’s Manual Vol. 1

April 11, 2013
Installation setup
Unmanned >

The Unmanned tab is only available if the Unmanned option is
selected in the Main tab.
Use this option if the system is configured to use a UPS and CDU to
protect it from power cuts, for example for the Microseismic operation
mode: the system will periodically check whether SEG-D files keep
being generated and will automatically reboot the server and LCI in the
event of an interruption.
The Unmanned tab has the following parameters:

Figure 3-10

• To set the recurrence rate of the check for new SEG-D files, enter the
desired time in the SEGD files checked every field.
• In Microseismic mode, a “Line Error Recovery” option is available
that causes the system to automatically go to “Field Off,” then “Field
On” in order to reset the field electronics if an error arises.
- The Number of field off / field on sequences parameter allows
you to specify how many (1 to 10) Field Off/On operations are
allowed in order to recover the line in the event of line errors.
- The Line recovery timeout is used to specify the time (60 to
36000 s) between two successive Field Off/On operations.
Note that the maximum allowable time to recover the line
(“Number of field off / field on sequences” × “Line recovery timeout”)
must be less than or equal to the time specified in the SEGD files
428XL User’s Manual Vol. 1 81
April 11, 2013
3 Installation setup
Unmanned >

checked every field, or else a warning will pop up (in that case, you
must increase the value in the “SEGD files checked every” field, or
change the other two parameters).
The status bar in the jOperation window indicates if the Unmanned
mode is off or on.

Figure 3-11

82 428XL User’s Manual Vol. 1

April 11, 2013

4 Configuration

This chapter includes the following sections:

• The main window (page 84)

• The Setup menu (page 88)
• On Line/Off Line (page 100)

428XL User’s Manual Vol. 1 83

April 11, 2013
4 Configuration
The main window > Overview

The main window

In this section:
• Overview (page 84)
• Customer Support (page 85)
• Copyrights (page 85)
• Identity Card (page 86)

The jConfig window serves two main purposes:
• Firstly, it is used to set up some basic parameters at the beginning of
a survey, for instance the sample rate.
• Secondly, it is used to control and initiate communications with the
Line Controller Interface each time the system is switched on.
An additional task is to report on the current hardware and software
configuration of the system, via the Identity Card.

Click to shrink
or expand

Figure 4-1

Note You can shrink/expand the window by clicking in the Activity


84 428XL User’s Manual Vol. 1

April 11, 2013
The main window > Customer Support

Customer Support

Clicking on this button in the 428XL main window opens a box

providing information on how to call the Customer Support
Department for help.
Please note SERCEL Customer Support Hot Line with our dedicated
phone number:
- Outside FRANCE +33 2 40 30 58 88
- In FRANCE 02 40 30 58 88
This allows you to get in touch with our SERCEL Customer Support
Department, at any time and seven days a week, to ask any question
related to the use of your SERCEL equipment.
One of our experienced, english speaking Customer Support Engineers
will make every effort to give you any technical support you need.
The Hot Line includes a vocal mail box for calls outside normal
business hours: just leave a spoken message and we will get back to you
first thing in the morning (including Saturdays and Sundays).
SERCEL is committed to offering you our closest support for the
success of your field operations.

Clicking on this button displays the list of copyrighted
software and libraries used in your 428XL Graphic User

428XL User’s Manual Vol. 1 85

April 11, 2013
4 Configuration
The main window > Identity Card

Figure 4-2

Identity Card
Clicking on this button displays a description of the configuration
of your system (Software version, software patches installed,
passwords, computer configuration, plotter type, hardware
configuration of 428XL Line Controller Interface, etc.).

Figure 4-3

86 428XL User’s Manual Vol. 1

April 11, 2013
The main window > Identity Card

Of particular note is the following information:

- Host I.D.
- Software Version.
- Passwords (and LCI board numbers).
- Maximum number of client user sessions allowed.
- Module Type (428).
The Customer Support Department will solve your problem more 4
quickly if you provide them with a detailed description of the
configuration of your system, using the Identity Card command.

428XL User’s Manual Vol. 1 87

April 11, 2013
4 Configuration
The Setup menu > Crew setup window

The Setup menu

In this section:
• Crew setup window (page 88)
• User Info setup (page 92)
• SEGD setup (page 92)
• Disk Record setup (page 95)
• Swath setup (page 97)

Crew setup window

Note You are not allowed to change these parameters unless and until
the line is turned off.

Figure 4-4

Crew Name
(16 characters). The Crew Name you enter in this field is used along
with the Device Name created by the Export window to record the
Recording Entity Name field in the Tape Label block for Revision 2.1-
compliant SEGD files.

88 428XL User’s Manual Vol. 1

April 11, 2013
The Setup menu > Crew setup window

Sample rate
(1/4, 1/2, 1, 2 or 4 ms)
This option button allows you to specify the sampling interval to be
used on all traces.

Filter Type
(8N_Lin, 8N_Min).
Each 428XL channel has a built-in Digital Signal Processor that
performs high-cut filtering, depending on the option selected in this
setup window.
“N” stands for the Nyquist Frequency, i.e. half the sampling frequency.
The available filters have a -3 dB point at 0.8 times the Nyquist
Frequency, i.e. 0.4 times the sampling frequency:
- 100 Hz @ 4-ms.
- 200 Hz @ 2-ms.
- 400 Hz @ 1-ms.
- 800 Hz @ 0.5-ms.
- 1600 Hz @ 0.25-ms.
They feature a slope of about 370 dB/octave. The pulse response
ringing, however, decays slowly.
The attenuation is at least 120 dB for all frequencies above the Nyquist
Frequency, preventing any aliasing effect.
The 428XL allows the user to choose between:
- linear-phase type or
- minimum-phase type.
The amplitude spectrum does not depend much on the type of filter
(linear or minimum phase), unlike the phase spectrum.

428XL User’s Manual Vol. 1 89

April 11, 2013
4 Configuration
The Setup menu > Crew setup window

Linear Phase
This type of filter is ideal as far as phase considerations are concerned,
as all the frequencies are delayed by the same amount. That delay is set
to zero in the 428XL.
In return, this kind of filter has a pulse response with leading ringing
(“precursors”) as well as lagging ringing (actually, the pulse response is
symmetrical with respect to time 0).

Minimum Phase
The minimum phase type is causal, i.e. its pulse response, much like
analog filters, starts at time 0, peaks and then rings (no ringing prior to
the peak).
The delay, however, somewhat depends on the input frequency.

Default Line Data Rate

(8 or 16 Mbits/s) This option button sets the default data rate for all
acquisition lines. To determine which option to choose, you need to
know which type of field electronics is used.
- The FDU-428 field electronics supports both 8 and 16 Mbits/s
data rates. (Note that the DSU3GPS-428 only supports 16 Mb/s).
- The FDU408 field electronics supports only the 8 Mbits/s
If any FDU408 electronics is deployed and you choose “16 Mbits/s”, it
will not be seen by the system unless you use the The Form Line setup
(page 226) to change the data rate to 8 Mbits/s on those line segments.

Time Management
This option button allows you to choose which clock to use to determine
the time of shots:
• Internal Clock: shot time is synchronized on the server computer’s
clock. This option does not allow Slip-Sweep (page 284) operations.

90 428XL User’s Manual Vol. 1

April 11, 2013
The Setup menu > Crew setup window

• Source Controller: shot time is synchronized on the source

controller (e. g. for explosive operations) connected to one of the
Blaster connectors on the LCI or 428-Lite box. You have to select the
appropriate Blaster connector from the “From Source Controller
Connection” option button.
• GPS: shot time is synchronized on the GPS time from a GPS receiver
attached to the LCI or 428-Lite box. From the “GPS Type” option
button, select which type of GPS receiver is used. The GPS time of
the acquisition TB is recorded in the Extended Header (bytes 877- 4
883). If you want to use DSU3GPS-428 links, select the “Novatel
Propak” GPS type (which allows locking the clock of the LCI-428 to
the OCXO oscillator from the GPS receiver).

Figure 4-5

Post Annotation Logging

If the actual source COG is not available at the moment the SEGD file
is generated, this option determines whether or not the system is
allowed to update this field when the data is available at a later date, that
is after all status messages have been received from all vibrators
(VE464 or VE432 DSDs). If auxiliary traces are used to record vibrator
motion signals, this option enables the position of each vibrator to be
recorded in the Trace Header of those auxiliary traces. See SQC Dump
mode (page 348) or SQC Dump mode with VE432 (page 361).

428XL User’s Manual Vol. 1 91

April 11, 2013
4 Configuration
The Setup menu > User Info setup

User Info setup

An External Header appears in every SEGD file generated by the
system. Selecting “User Info” from the “Setup” menu opens a window
that allows you to enter any extra information not supported by the
standard header (ASCII characters) that you wish to be recorded in the
External Header. It can be left blank if not required.

Figure 4-6

The size allocated to the External Header depends on which options you
choose in the SEGD setup menu.

SEGD setup
If you choose the “Advanced” rather than “Standard” option, you can
choose between the following SEGD format options:

Figure 4-7

92 428XL User’s Manual Vol. 1

April 11, 2013
The Setup menu > SEGD setup

SEGD Level
Depending on which option you choose with this button, the system will
generate records complying with SEGD standard Rev. 1.0 or Rev. 2.1.
Revision 2.1 supports the latest industry techniques and practices,
especially the use of very-high-capacity recording media, and causes a
label (a 128-byte block) to be written at the beginning of each “tape” or
“storage unit”. The term “storage unit” is used indifferently for a
traditional “tape” or a tape-like volume of data on any recording
This option determines the format Revision of not only the SEGD files
but also of the SPS files the system generates. However, this is of no
effect on the SPS files you import: the system automatically interprets
imported SPS files in either format, regardless of the SEGD revision
option selected. See The SPS format (page 581).

Number of Record Channel Sets

You can choose between the following options for the number of
channel sets per record: 16 (Standard), 32 or 64.

External Header Size

You can choose between the following options for the maximum length
(kByte) of the External Header in the SEGD file: 1 or 64 (standard);
1 to 28 in 4-kByte steps (Advanced).
The following information is appended in the External Header header:
- Information from the shooting or navigation system,
- User information from the Config client window’s setup,
- Source comment from Operation client window.

API Producer code

Used (for SEGD Rev. 2.1 files) to specify the organization code of the
storage unit producer, to be recorded in the Tape Label block.
Organization codes are assigned by POSC, which maintains the current

428XL User’s Manual Vol. 1 93

April 11, 2013
4 Configuration
The Setup menu > SEGD setup

list of codes. See info@posc.org or Organization Codes (page 171) in

428XL User’s Manual Vol. 2.

Serial Number
(8 characters) This field is used along with the Current Tape Nb
(page 466) parameter to generate the “Serial Number” field (an ID used
to distinguish the storage unit from other storage units in your archive)
to be recorded in the Storage Unit Label (for SEGD Rev. 2.1 files).

Use External Tape Labels

You can choose this option if you want to enter a name (physical label)
for each tape. Unlike the tape number which is automatically assigned
by the system, External Tape Labels must be entered manually. If you
choose this option, then the system will ask you to enter a tape label
each time you load a tape on a tape drive. See the Export window’s Tape
setup: External Label (only for SEGD Rev. 2.1 files) on page 466.

94 428XL User’s Manual Vol. 1

April 11, 2013
The Setup menu > Disk Record setup

Disk Record setup

The system uses a file repository in which it temporarily stores your
SEGD files until the Export process can accept them (see Disk Buffer on
page 68). The Disk Record setup window lets you choose the way the
system will arrange the files in the SEGD repository.

Figure 4-8

Disk record mode

• The “Standard” mode will save your production files to
“/var/dump/normal” and your test files to “/var/dump/test”.
• The “Advanced” mode may create subdirectories, depending on
which “Backup Settings” option you select.

Backup Settings
The files can be arranged in three different manners:
• Flat: all files are saved to the same directory (/var/dump). Note that
if you are recording multiple swaths to tapes, you are likely to have
data from different swaths being recorded to the same tape, as the
Export process will not allow you to sort the data by swath.

428XL User’s Manual Vol. 1 95

April 11, 2013
4 Configuration
The Setup menu > Disk Record setup

If you choose “Flat” and you are recording multiple swaths to tapes, be
sure the offset of the initial file number for each swath is large enough
in the Swath setup (page 97).

• Swath Name: the swath name (<swathname>) of each swath is used

to create a distinct subdirectory for each swath. Production files are
recorded to “/var/dump/<swathname>/”, e. g. “/var/dump/swath1”,
“/var/dump/swath2”, etc. Test files are recorded to “/var/dump/test”.
Use this option if you want to record to a tape and prevent different
swaths from being recorded on the same tape and therefore mixed.
Naturally, you will not be able to export multiple swaths
concurrently: in the Export window, you will select one “/var/dump/
<swathname>/” directory to export it to tapes, then select another
swath directory and export it to new tapes, etc.
The “Tape Set” parameter in the Swath setup (page 97) allows
concurrently exporting multiple swaths to distinct directories on NFS
• Swath Name and Julian Day: same as with the “Swath name”
option, but for each swath, a subdirectory is created for each julian
day. Production files are recorded to
e. g. “/var/dump/swath1/jdayXXX”, “/var/dump/swath2/jdayXXX”,
etc. Test files are recorded to “/var/dump/test”.

96 428XL User’s Manual Vol. 1

April 11, 2013
The Setup menu > Swath setup

Swath setup
You may have multiple sets of lines to shoot, each set being referred to
as a “swath”. This setup window allows you to create a Swath Type for
each set of lines to shoot.
To make changes to any row in the list box, double-click on it, fill in the
fields above the list, then click Add or Change or Delete, as required.
To save and enable your changes, click Apply. (To revert to the former
settings, click Reset instead). You cannot use Apply if Field On is 4
selected in the Line window.


Figure 4-9

Note that deleting a swath (by clicking Delete) deletes all the objects
(receiver points, source points, etc.) and setups relating to that swath in
the Line, Operation and Positioning windows, but this does not delete
the results in the Log window. You cannot use Delete if Field On is
selected in the Line or Positioning window.

Swath Number
Identification number to be assigned to the set of seismic lines to shoot,
described in The Source Point Setup (page 275) in the Operation
window. Typically, that is the set of receiver positions and source points
depicted in a set of SPS R-, S- and X-files you import via the Log
window. If you want to shoot two or more swaths, create a Swath
Number number for each swath, set it to Active, and see Multiswath
(page 310).

428XL User’s Manual Vol. 1 97

April 11, 2013
4 Configuration
The Setup menu > Swath setup

Swath Name
Used to enter a user-friendly name for this swath.

File Nb
Identification number of the first seismic record SEGD file for this
swath. After the initial number is specified, the system automatically
increments the file number on each seismic record.
The “File number&Swath number” pair is used as an identification key
for updating log files. Therefore, reusing any “File number&Swath
number”pair will erase the shot information previously recorded in log
files with the same identification key.

If you are recording multiple swaths to the same directory (using the
same “Tape Set” with the “Flat” option in the Disk Record setup on
page 95), enter a different initial File Number with a large enough offset
for each swath.

Tape Set
The Tape Setup menu (page 465) in the Export window allows you to
create a distinct Tape Set (set of tape numbers) for each swath, so that
multiple swaths can be exported concurrently to distinct directories on
NFS disks. The Tape Set is only intended for exporting to NFS disks,
not tapes.
Use the “Tape Set” field in the Swath setup to select which Tape Set to
associate with which swath. As a result, a distinct set of tape numbers
will be used to record each swath when your SEGD files are exported
to NAS disks.
You are, however, allowed to use the same Tape Set for different swaths.

98 428XL User’s Manual Vol. 1

April 11, 2013
The Setup menu > Swath setup

You also have to select a Tape Set for test-type SEGD records. Test
records can use the same Tape Set as production records.

Choosing Active from this option button causes a selection tab to be
created for this Swath Number number in the Line window’s Survey
and Spread setups, and in the Operation window. Also, this swath
number will be available in the Log window so that you can select it
when loading an SPS-X file to generate The Source Point Setup 4
(page 275) in the Operation window (since the SPS-X format does not
make provision for a Swath identification parameter). You can set
multiple swaths to Active. See Multiswath (page 310).

Used to enter any comment you like (for example a self-explanatory
description of the swath).

Test File Nb
Identification number of the first test-type SEGD file. After the initial
number is specified, the system automatically increments the file
number on each test record. Use the associated Tape Set dropdown list
button to select a set of tape numbers for test-type SEGD records.

428XL User’s Manual Vol. 1 99

April 11, 2013
4 Configuration
On Line/Off Line >

On Line/Off Line
Clicking “Off Line” inhibits data acquisition and recording, and enables
local functions on the Graphic User Interface. You are then allowed to
make any changes to parameter settings in the “Setup” menu in each
main window.
Clicking “On Line” enables data acquisition and recording. This also
automatically performs a Look function, as well as an instrument test on
the auxiliary traces.

File being exported

Current file number

Number of shots being processed

Number of shots to retrieve

Acquisition length downcount or delay downcount

Figure 4-10

The “Activity” box shows the progress of the data flow, in the form of
traffic lights for each stage in the 428XL. When the process stage is idle,
all three lights are off. Otherwise, the colours should be interpreted as
• The green light means the data stream is being processed or dumped
to the next process stage.
• The orange light comes On if the processor is unable to dump the
data presently being processed to the next stage, for example because
“Manual” instead of “Auto” is activated in the “Export” or “DPG”
main window.
• The red light comes On if the processor is unable to process the
incoming data, or unable to dump the processed data to the next stage
(therefore unable to accept any more data).

100 428XL User’s Manual Vol. 1

April 11, 2013
On Line/Off Line >

The following indicators may appear:

• ACQ (Acquisition progress). At the foot of the ACQ light is a time
counter, preset to the acquisition length value (including any
programmed delay) at the start of each acquisition, that indicates the
time still to elapse before the present acquisition (or delay) is
- The green light means that acquisition is in progress.
- The orange light comes On during the programmed delay, if 4
any, between acquisitions, or if seismonitor in the Line main
window is running.
- The red light means no acquisition can be performed at the
present time (e. g. because there are too many shots to retrieve).
• RTV (Retrieving). The counter at the foot indicates the number of
shots still to be retrieved (max. 2).
- The green light means that the seismic data collected from the
FDUs, and stored in the LAUs, is being retrieved by the retrieval
process (PRM).
- The orange light means that acquisition is complete but it is not
entirely retrieved.
- The red light means retrieval is no longer possible.
• PROC (Processing). The counter at the foot indicates the number of
shots being processed.
- The green light means data is being transferred from the
retrieval process (PRM) to the processing queue, and/or Noise
Elimination and/or Correlation is in progress.
- The orange light means the processing is no longer performed
in real time.
- The red light means no processing can be performed at the
present time.

428XL User’s Manual Vol. 1 101

April 11, 2013
4 Configuration
On Line/Off Line >

• REC (Recording to SEGD repository disk). This indicator is

associated with the file repository in which the system temporarily
stores your SEGD files until the Export process can accept them. It is
red until the first file is recorded. Then it should go off and only turn
green when a file is being recorded to the SEGD repository. This
indicator going orange or red would mean that disk space is running
out. The number of the file being recorded to the SEGD repository
appears at the foot of the indicator.
• EXPORT (Exporting). The number of the file being exported
appears at the foot of the indicator.
- The green light means that a file is being copied from the SEGD
repository to the export target device.
- The orange light comes on if the processor is unable to write to
the export target device, for example if the system is waiting for
a tape device to be ready or a disk to be mounted.
- The red light comes on if the processor is unable to accept any
more data because “Manual” instead of “Auto” is activated. No
file is being exported.
• DPG (if a VE464 or VE432 DPG vibrator controller is installed).
- The green light means that a sweep is in progress.
- The orange light means that no sweep is being taken but the
DPG window is ready.
- The red light means that only local functions are enabled in the
DPG window (the“Manual” mode is selected).

102 428XL User’s Manual Vol. 1

April 11, 2013

5 Line

This chapter includes the following sections:

• The main window (page 104)

• Topographic views (page 107)
• Numeric views (page 123)
• Histogram view (page 125)
• The Survey setup (page 127)
• The Layout setup (page 134)
• The Spread Type setup (page 145)
• The Look setup (page 151)
• LAU Leakage setup (page 153)
• Advanced layouts (page 155)
• Working with DSU3-428 & DSUGPS links (page 162)
• Working with ULS field equipment (page 180)
• Radio telemetry (page 198)
• Test functions (page 215)
• The Form Line setup (page 226)
• The Synthetic setup (page 231)
• The Download setup (page 237)

428XL User’s Manual Vol. 1 103

April 11, 2013
5 Line
The main window >

The main window

The Line client window provides access to all of the test and utility
functions necessary for management of seismic lines and spreads.
The main window gives a graphical or numeric representation of all
field equipment connected to the Line Controller Interface, together
with Sensor and Instrument test results. Selective colour coding is used
to highlight problems that may affect data quality.

Figure 5-1

The View menu allows you to customize the main window by choosing
one or more views to display. Then you can resize your display panes
by dragging the desired border.
For details on how you can arrange the views and toolbars as you would
like them, see the Hands-on guide (page 52).
Line and spread parameters are programmed through the Setup menu.
See The Survey setup (page 127) to describe the survey, and The Layout
setup (page 134) to generate markers.

104 428XL User’s Manual Vol. 1

April 11, 2013
The main window >

When you open the Line window, only the recording unit and the
LAUX-428s attached to it are visible in the default (Field Off) view.
When you go to Field On, all the field electronics connected becomes
alive and can be viewed in the main window. In topographic views, the
amount of graphic details depends on the zoom factor. If you zoom in,
the ends of each FDU or DSU Link are visible (the system uses the Link
properties recorded in each FDU or DSU). The number of channels in a
Link is user-customizable.
FDU/DSU channels can be in one of three states: acquisition
(seismonitor or recording), field update (the database is continually
updated with test results), or idle (no operation in field electronics). 5
You enable the “field update” mode in The Look setup (page 151), by
choosing the “Auto Look” option and selecting the tests you want to do
(Sensor Resistance, Tilt, Leakage). If you do that, all channels go to the
“field update” mode (unless no markers are defined) as soon as you go
to Field On. As a result, the selected tests are performed in real time
and can be viewed.
Whenever a new field unit is laid out, it does not appear in the
topographic view until the spread is formed again. If the spread remains
the same for consecutive shots (VPs) in continuous mode, no spread
forming is performed, so any new unit laid out will not be visible unless
you program an Auto Look between VPs in the Operation main
window’s Look option (page 287) setup. If any Sensor tests are selected,
they are performed too (but if the Resistance value exceeds the specified
limit, e. g. if nothing is connected on the channel input, Tilt and Leakage
tests are not performed, even if they are selected in the Look setup).

Note: simply setting a Delay between two shots or VPs will also
cause a Look to be executed.
While active channels are collecting the data during acquisition, all
passive ones are still in “field update” mode if Auto Look is selected
in the Operation window’s Look option (page 287) setup, and their states
are continually updated on the display if they are in lines that are not
involved in the acquisition. You can see right away if any extra units

428XL User’s Manual Vol. 1 105

April 11, 2013
5 Line
The main window >

have been connected to those lines, or if any sensors or cables (called

paths) are at fault. Any faulty elements, including cables, are displayed
in red.
In case of a disruption along a Line, the Auto Look automatically
rewakes the spread and reroutes the data if necessary. In contrast, a
disruption along the Transverse is not recovered the same way: the Auto
Look will not reform the crashed spread and reroute the data (instead, a
Field Off/Field On is required).
Double-clicking on any error message in the status pane causes the
focus to jump to the unit involved in all other views.
Double-clicking on a unit in a graphic view, or its row in a numeric
view, causes the focus to jump to that unit in all other views.

106 428XL User’s Manual Vol. 1

April 11, 2013
Topographic views > About topographic views

Topographic views
In this section:
• About topographic views (page 107)
• Sensor view (page 111)
• Instrument view (page 113)
• Battery view (page 115)
• Seismonitor (page 116)
• Working with graphic views (page 117) 5
About topographic views
Topographic views provide geographic displays of the results available
from field updates.
Use the View menu or toolbar buttons to choose the type of information
to display:

Figure 5-2

• Information on the survey (“Sensor” topo view).

• Information on field units (“Instrument” and “Battery” topo views).
• Sensor noise level (“Seismonitor” topo view).
Whatever the type of information displayed, the other results are just
one click away.

428XL User’s Manual Vol. 1 107

April 11, 2013
5 Line
Topographic views > About topographic views

(1) (2) (3) (4) (5)

(9) (8) (7) (6)

Figure 5-3 Topographic views

(1) The left-hand pane displays the whole survey. See Zooming
(page 118).
(2) Click on these buttons to expand or collapse the left-hand pane.
Drag the vertical border to resize the two panes.
(3) The right-hand pane displays a magnified view of the area
encompassed in the red frame selected in the left-hand pane. See
Zooming (page 118).

(4) The legend shows the programmed limits for

QC results. With the mouse pointer resting
on any element in the graphic view (Sensors/Seismonitor/
Instrument/Batteries) a tip box appears that shows the
identification of the element and its QC result if any is available,
depending on the choice made with the test option button. The
relevant legend automatically appears as the tip box shows up.
In the graphic view, the tested elements are green if within the
limits, red or blue otherwise. The limits for the sensor tests are

108 428XL User’s Manual Vol. 1

April 11, 2013
Topographic views > About topographic views

adjustable through the Survey Setup menu (using the Apply

Sensors button).
(5) Field On/Field Off button. Use this button
to turn on/off the power supply to the lines.
After you go to Field On, the field equipment connected to the
LCI is visible in the Instrument view (if it is supplied with
power and loaded with the appropriate software version).
(6) Location of the mouse pointer within the graphic pane.
(7) Zoom out button: restores the previous zoom factor.
(8) Reset button: removes zooming.
(9) Status pane: displays status and error messages.
Double-clicking on any error message in the status pane
causes the focus to jump to the unit involved, in all views.
The Preferences setup allows you to choose different view options for
Lines numbers and Receiver positions.

Figure 5-4 Preferences setup

The View Axes option shows or hides the line and stake numbers.
Lines can be displayed in Ascending or Descending Line Number
order or as described in the Survey (page 128) setup.
You can choose not to show survey gaps, if any, by ticking the Collapse
Survey Gap option, in order to save space in graphic views. This only
applies to gaps that are common to all lines.

428XL User’s Manual Vol. 1 109

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5 Line
Topographic views > About topographic views

Figure 5-5 Collapsing survey gaps

The Background color tab allows you to change the background colour
of graphic views.

Figure 5-6

110 428XL User’s Manual Vol. 1

April 11, 2013
Topographic views > Sensor view

Sensor view
This view shows the topographic stakes and the types of sensors in the
(1) (2) (3) (4) (5)

Figure 5-7 Sensor topographic view

(1) Use this button to show or hide the sensor type in the
graphic view. (The selected sensor type number appears
inside the icon).
(2) Use the Sensor QC Type button to select the
type of sensor whose test results you want to
(3) This button looks for the units connected and launches
the Sensor tests selected in the The Look setup
(page 151). See also Sensor tests (page 221).

(4) This option button is used to choose which

type of sensor QC test to launch (with the Go
button) and display.
(5) The Go button provides a shortcut for the test functions
available from the Test Setup menu. (See also Test

428XL User’s Manual Vol. 1 111

April 11, 2013
5 Line
Topographic views > Sensor view

functions on page 215). It launches the selected QC test on the

selected units. (If no units are selected, then the test is performed
on the whole survey). This clears the test results, and the units
are shown in blue until the test is completed and new results are
To select a set of units in the graphic view, see To select one or more
elements (page 117). After you launch a test function on any unit, a grey
background appears on that unit in the graphic view, meaning that the
unit is busy.
The colour of each sensor icon depends on the limits programmed for
the Sensor test selected using the option button (Resistance, Tilt, Noise,
Leakage). To change the Sensor test limits, see Sensor type (page 131)
in the description of The Survey setup.
Sensor icons in the graphic view are shown in:
• Green if within the Sensor test limits.
• Red if out of Sensor test limits.
• Light blue if not tested.
Any mute sensor appears as a blue cross (no sensor is detected).

112 428XL User’s Manual Vol. 1

April 11, 2013
Topographic views > Instrument view

Instrument view
This view shows all the field equipment connected in the survey.
(1) (2) (3)


Figure 5-8 Instrument topographic view

(1) This button looks for the units connected.

(2) This option button is used to choose which

type (Distortion, CMRR, Gain error, Phase
error, Noise, Crosstalk) of instrument QC test to launch (with the
Go button) and display. You do not need to click on Go to get
the results from self-tests (Auto Test option).
(3) The Go button provides a shortcut for the instrument
test functions available from the Test Setup menu. See
also Test functions (page 215). It launches the selected QC test on
the selected units. (If no units are selected, then the test is
performed on the whole survey). This clears the test results, and
the units are shown in blue until the test is completed and new
results are available.

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5 Line
Topographic views > Instrument view

To select a set of units in the graphic view, see To select one or more
elements (page 117). After you launch a test function on any unit, a grey
background appears on that unit in the graphic view, meaning that the
unit is busy.
The buttons in the upper-left corner allow you to highlight or dim some
of the elements for better legibility.

Stakes LSI

Cable path FDU 428XL LAUX

Figure 5-9

For an LCI-G, the icon is slightly different.


Figure 5-10

Right-clicking on any of these buttons brings up a popup menu that

allows you, for example, to get traceability information for the whole
By default, the Instrument graphic view displays the results from self-
tests. The colour code is as follows:
• Green: The unit is identified and its self-test is correct.
• Orange: The unit is identified but no self-test has been performed
(because of a transmission problem).
• Red: The unit cannot be used, or its self-test failed. See
Numeric views (page 123) for details.
• Grey: There is no Marker on the line segment.

(GPS receiver sync OK)

Figure 5-11 LAUX-G with attached GPS receiver (sync OK)

114 428XL User’s Manual Vol. 1

April 11, 2013
Topographic views > Battery view

After connecting a GPS receiver to an LAUX-G and going to Field On,

a red LAUX-G icon is displayed, and the associated tip box reads “GPS
synchronization in progress”, until GPS synchronisation is complete.

Figure 5-12 LAUX-G with attached GPS receiver (sync in progress)

(GPS receiver not synchronized)

Figure 5-13 LAUX-G with attached GPS receiver (sync failed)

Battery view
This view shows the battery-operated units deployed.

Legend Threshod adjust


Figure 5-14 Battery topographic view

With the mouse pointer resting on any battery-operated unit, a tip box
appears, showing the type of the unit, its serial number and its power
supply voltage. The legend at the top of the window shows the
programmed limit for the battery voltage, which is adjustable using the
Threshold slider button.
The icons in the Battery view are shown in green if the battery voltage
is above that threshold, red otherwise.

428XL User’s Manual Vol. 1 115

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5 Line
Topographic views > Seismonitor

The Seismonitor topographic view allows you to view the sensors in
terms of input signal rather than sensor type.
It shows the active spread:
• Active sensors appear as green squares,
• Dead sensors appear as red squares,
• Mute sensors appear as dark blue squares,
• Stakes defined with no sensors appear as yellow crosses.
When the Seismonitor pushbutton is activated, this view also allows
real-time noise monitoring: the level on each receiver is represented
using eight 6-dB steps for both the height and colour (from green to red)
of each receiver icon, depending on the gain selected for Seismonitor.
The red colour step corresponds to the highest step in the level scale.

The scale adjusts itself

according to the gain Used to choose the
chosen seismonitor gain

Used to choose which Used to choose which

sensor types to show or sensor type gain to adjust
hide with the Gain slider button

Figure 5-15

The seismonitor gain is applied to both seismic and auxiliary traces.

The Gain slider button, in conjunction with the Sensor Type option
button, allows you to adjust the Seismonitor gain for each type of

116 428XL User’s Manual Vol. 1

April 11, 2013
Topographic views > Working with graphic views

Note: Naturally, the Sensor noise on radio-type channels is not

viewed in real time. The radio-type channels noise display is
only refreshed each time you use the Look function.

Working with graphic views

To select one or more elements

With the mouse pointer resting on the first unit to be selected, press the
centre button of the mouse. Hold it down while dragging the pointer to
the last unit to be selected, then release it. A red background appears on
the selected units.

Figure 5-16 Selecting elements in graphic views

You can copy the selected area using the Control+ C shortcut (the
message “Copy Ready” should appear at the foot of the window) and
paste it into the Absolute Spread Setup window to create a spread
If you launch a test with the buttons in the upper-right corner of the
graphic pane after selecting a set of units, the test is only performed on
the units selected. The selection is replicated (in the form of an absolute
spread description) in the Test Setup window accessed via the Functions
To select a single unit, use the same method with a sufficient zoom
To unselect, click anywhere in the graphic pane.

428XL User’s Manual Vol. 1 117

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5 Line
Topographic views > Working with graphic views

With the mouse pointer resting anywhere in the graphic pane, press the
left button of the mouse. Drag the mouse pointer slowly in any
direction. This causes an elastic frame to show up that enlarges until you
stop dragging the mouse pointer. Release the mouse button. As a result,
the spread area encompassed in the elastic frame occupies the entire
right-hand pane.

Press mouse left button


Mouse location

Figure 5-17 Zooming

To view a channel’s QC data

With the mouse pointer resting on a receiver position, a tip box appears,
showing the type of the unit, its serial number and the QC result. The
relevant legend automatically appears at the top of the window, showing
the programmed limits for that test.

Only the QC
result chosen
with the option
button is shown.


Figure 5-18 Viewing a channel’s QC data

118 428XL User’s Manual Vol. 1

April 11, 2013
Topographic views > Working with graphic views

Still with the mouse pointer resting on a receiver position, pressing the
right-hand button of the mouse causes a menu to pop up. Selecting
Properties opens a window showing details on the receiver position.
The Properties of an FDU include its identification, status, and all
available QC results. Also in the Properties of an LAUX are its IP
address and Booster power supply voltage (48 V).

Figure 5-19 Viewing Instrument properties

Right-click shortcuts
With the mouse pointer resting on an element in the graphic Instruments
view, the menu that pops up when you press the right-hand button of the
mouse may prompt one or more contextual shortcuts that let you display
or change properties or parameters of the element.
For example, you can turn a receiver position mute without going
through the Setup menu: you simply have to right-click on the desired
position and select “Set Mute” from the menu that pops up. The
relevant setup (e. g. the Layout setup in this example) is automatically
Right-clicking on any of the selection buttons at the top also brings up
the popup menu. This allows you, for example, to get traceability
information for the whole selection.
See also Detour (page 141).

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5 Line
Topographic views > Working with graphic views

Checkerboard view
With many units to be shown in the graphic view, the system may
decide to switch to the checkerboard view mode because there is no
room for all icons.


Transverse path

Figure 5-20 Checkerboard view

In the checkerboard view mode, icons are shrunk so that they can fit in
the graphic pane. Colours are still significant but control units (LAUX,
LAUL) and anomalies are emphasized so that you can spot them easily.
Then you can zoom in to see details.
All the FDUs making up a link are shrunk into a single rectangular icon
whose colour reflects the global QC of the link: faults (shown in red or
orange) take precedence over any other QC values, i. e. the link’s icon
turns red if any one status in the link is at fault.

120 428XL User’s Manual Vol. 1

April 11, 2013
Topographic views > Working with graphic views

Links can be viewed using the Cable Path button in Instrument views.

Detour End of a link


Figure 5-21

The following conventions are used for cable paths:

• Green: OK.
• Orange: Sensed, but a transmit error was encountered.
• Red: A problem was encountered at the end of the cable.
The graphical view of paths helps you isolate any transmission trouble:
if the system finds the transfer time from a unit to the next is
inconsistent, the suspect path is displayed in red and, if the path is
included in the active spread, an alert window pops up when you click
on Go to launch an acquisition.

Viewing details
Double-clicking on a Detour or an FDU (or DSU) opens a detailed view
that allows you to see how many units are included in the Detour or the

Detail Double-click

Figure 5-22

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5 Line
Topographic views > Working with graphic views


Figure 5-23

Field equipment traceability

Right-clicking on a field unit (FDU, DSU, LAUL, LAUX, LAUR, etc.)
and selecting Get Traceability from the shortcut menu that pops up
causes the system to look for history records in the EEPROM memory
of that unit (first, you must go to Field Off then Field On). Right-
clicking on any of the selection buttons at the top also brings up the
popup menu and allows you to get traceability information for the
whole selection.

Figure 5-24

To see the traceability information, select

Look Traceability from the popup menu
on the same unit. This causes a window to
pop up, providing information on
manufacturing and any changes made
afterwards (Printed circuit board release,
list of change notices, Manufacturing date, Figure 5-25

etc.). The traceability data is also available

in the jLog window (Results > Others > Line > SU traceability).

122 428XL User’s Manual Vol. 1

April 11, 2013
Numeric views >

Numeric views
Use the View menu or toolbar buttons to choose which type of data to
Numeric views display the available results in tables.

Drag border
to resize

Click to filter
Use scrollbar to view
hidden columns

Figure 5-26 Sensor numeric view

• Those results which do not fall within the limits specified in the Setup
menu are shown with a red background. If you wish to view only
those results, tick the Error Only option.
• All columns are resizable. Adjust the width if any value fails to fit in.
(With the mouse pointer resting on the border of a column, left-click
and drag the border as required).
• You can show or hide columns by right-clicking in any column
heading and selecting Customize (see Figure 2-25).
• Left-clicking on the heading in any column causes the data in that
column to be sorted in ascending order. Clicking one more time
reverses the order, and so on.
• After you connect a new unit to a line, the unit is added at the top of
the table. The list is not sorted until you click on a column heading.
• The results are cleared each time a test function is launched.

428XL User’s Manual Vol. 1 123

April 11, 2013
5 Line
Numeric views >

Figure 5-27 Sensor numeric view (continued)

Figure 5-28 Instrument numeric view

For an LAUL or LAUX, the “Booster Failure” column shows the status
of the +24 V and -24 V power supplies (a failure is reported if the
voltage is below 24 V) and the “Leakage error” column shows the result
from the leakage test (see LAU Leakage setup on page 153). For an LRU,
leakage cannot be measured.
For an LSI, two rows are displayed.

Figure 5-29 LSI channels

History numeric views allow you to view the Serial number, Line
number, Point number and geographical position of each unit, along
with the date and time when it was last seen (Last Access) and first seen
(Creation Date) in the survey.

124 428XL User’s Manual Vol. 1

April 11, 2013
Histogram view >

Histogram view
Results from Sensor tests and Instrument tests can be displayed in the
form of histograms in Histogram views.

Lower end of
manual scale Upper end

Spec marker

Figure 5-30 Histogram view

Unless you choose the Manual range option, the horizontal scale is
automatically adjusted so that all samples can be shown. If you choose
Manual range, then the associated fields prompt the outermost values
of the horizontal scale, so that you can change them and adjust the scale
manually. (Click Apply to enable your settings).
If any bar straddles a specification limit marker in the bar chart, that part
of the bar which lies outside the specification range may be displayed
in blue (rather than red — because this does not necessarily mean that
there are any results at fault). See Figure 5-31 (page 126).

428XL User’s Manual Vol. 1 125

April 11, 2013
5 Line
Histogram view >

Spec marker

Figure 5-31

See also Bar charts (page 37).

126 428XL User’s Manual Vol. 1

April 11, 2013
The Survey setup > General

The Survey setup

In this section:
• General (page 127)
• Survey (page 128)
• Point Code (page 130)
• Sensor type (page 131)

You open this window by selecting Survey from the Setup menu.

Input fields

List box

Figure 5-32

It is used to provide information about the prospect area where the crew
is working. You access three categories of information using the three
tabs described in detail below: Survey (page 128), Point Code (page 130)
and Sensor type (page 131).
To make changes to any row in the list box, double-click on it, fill in the
fields above the list, then click Add or Change or Delete, as required.
To save the current settings, click Apply All with the lines turned OFF
(Field Off). This activates the choices made with all three tabs. In
contrast, whether the Lines are on or off, you can click Apply Sensor
to activate only the test result limits settings made using the Sensor tab.

428XL User’s Manual Vol. 1 127

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5 Line
The Survey setup > Survey

To revert to the former settings, click Reset instead of Apply.

To determine the crew’s prospect area, you have to specify the start and
end points of the lines, for each swath, together with any gaps caused by
obstacles or whatever. To do that you’ll click on the Survey tab. Note
that a tab is available for each swath name you have created in the
Config window (Swath setup on page 97).

Code Gap Different Point Codes

Figure 5-33 Survey setup

This index box is used to enter line numbers.
Tip: For example, entering 10-60/10 in the “Line” index box will
generate lines 10, 20, 30, 40, 60 in one click on Add.
Line numbers do not need to be arranged in any order. For instance you
may well wish to insert line 70 between lines 30 and 40: click line 30 in
the list box (its number appears in this index box), enter 70 in the index
box and click Add.
It is important, however, to understand that the graphic display in the
main window reflects the Survey setup. In other words, seismic lines
will be shown on the screen in the order in which they appear in this list
box, and not necessarily in the sequence they are laid out on the ground
or connected to the recording instruments. Go to the Preferences setup
(page 109) and select your preferred display option.

128 428XL User’s Manual Vol. 1

April 11, 2013
The Survey setup > Survey

Note: The traces recorded in the SEGD file will be in the same order
as in the Survey setup.
If line numbers are arranged in ascending or descending order, you can
easily reverse the order using the Reverse button as required.

Receiver Section
The Receiver Section field is used to assign a Point Code to each
Receiver Position in each line.
The syntax for the Point Code is p_ (example: p1). The Point Code
determines the type of sensor used. You define Point Codes in the 5
window accessed by clicking on the Point Code tab (see page 130).
On lines that do not use the same point code everywhere, you have to
split the description of the receiver section into as many series of
adjacent stakes with a common point code as necessary.
In the example provided in Figure 5-33 — page 128, stakes 100 to 110
have the same point code (p1) but the series of receiver positions is split
because a gap with no channels is planned between stakes 103 and 106.

100 101 102 103 104 105 106 107 108 109 110 111 112 113 114 115 116 117 118 119 120







This is the graphical display resulting from the above

example of survey description.

Figure 5-34

The stakes must be numbered in ascending order, usually with an

increment of 1 but you can use an increment other than 1.
428XL User’s Manual Vol. 1 129
April 11, 2013
5 Line
The Survey setup > Point Code

Tip: Example with an increment other than 1 for the receiver positions:
entering 100-150p1/10 as a receiver section will generate receiver
positions 100, 110, 120, 130, 140, 150 in one click on Add.
A receiver point may be used in multiple swaths, meaning that two or
more swaths may have a line portion in common. In that case the
description must be consistent in each swath. An example of
compatible receiver section descriptions would be
10:100-200p1 for Swath1
10:150-250p1 for Swath2

Point Code
Some applications require the use of different types of sensors within
the same spread. An example would be a transition zone survey, where
geophones are employed on land and hydrophones in water. See also
Working with DSU3-428 & DSUGPS links (page 162).
You assign a Point Code to a receiver section to specify which types of
sensors to use in that section (see Survey on page 128).
You define Point Codes in this window:

1 s1+s2

Figure 5-35 Point Code setup

Used to enter Point Code numbers. The system will automatically add
the letter “p”. You must define at least one Point Code.
130 428XL User’s Manual Vol. 1
April 11, 2013
The Survey setup > Sensor type

Used to identify the Point Code in plain.

Sensor Type
Syntax: s_ (example: s1+s2).
Used to enter the sensor type or types associated with the point code.
Sensor types are defined in the window accessed by clicking on the
Sensor tab.
See also Advanced layouts (page 155).
Sensor type
When Sensor tests are to be performed, the electrical characteristics will
not necessarily be the same across the entire spread and therefore it may
be pointless to apply the same resistance, tilt (pulse response) and noise
test limits everywhere. Instead, the system allows several sets of limits
to be specified, each one appropriate to a particular sensor type. It is
then sufficient to define the zones in which each type of sensor can be
found, using Survey (page 128), and the system will automatically apply
the relevant limit for each measurement.
See also Working with DSU3-428 & DSUGPS links (page 162).
You can define different sensor types in this window.

Figure 5-36 Sensor setup

428XL User’s Manual Vol. 1 131

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5 Line
The Survey setup > Sensor type

Used to enter Sensor Types numbers. You must define at least one
Sensor Type.

Used to identify the Sensor Type in plain.

Upper and lower limit for the sensor impedance. Any channel with a
sensor impedance falling outside the range specified in the Min and
Max fields is reported at fault in sensor views (and shown in red in
graphic views).

Maximum geophone tilt percentage. Alert threshold in the display of
Sensor Tilt test results.

Maximum RMS noise level. Alert threshold in the display of Sensor
Noise test results.

Alert threshold in the display of Sensor Leakage test results. The
Leakage test measures the global leakage resistance between the
seismic channel and the earth ground.

132 428XL User’s Manual Vol. 1

April 11, 2013
The Survey setup > Sensor type


Figure 5-37
Clicking the button associated with this field causes a list box to pop up
so that you can select the SEGD code of the type of sensor used. This
code has no effect on the performance of the system. It is only written
to tape (byte 21 in block 1 of the Trace Header Extension).

428XL User’s Manual Vol. 1 133

April 11, 2013
5 Line
The Layout setup > General

The Layout setup

In this section:
• General (page 134)
• Markers (page 135)
• Auxiliary channels (page 139)
• Detour (page 141)
• Mute channels (page 144)


Input fields

List box

Figure 5-38

Having defined the lines that will be used in the survey, using The
Survey setup (page 127), it is necessary to provide information for the
central unit to capture the actual layout of those lines, using the layout
setup window.
You open this window by selecting Layout from the Setup menu.
You don’t have to supply the location of each and every element in the
survey: you only have to create a marker (fully identified with its unit
type, serial number, topographic stake number) in each line segment.
This will enable the system to automatically see how your field
equipment is deployed. In this window, you also specify the location of

134 428XL User’s Manual Vol. 1

April 11, 2013
The Layout setup > Markers

auxiliary channels, detours, and inactive channels if any. You also have
to describe all radio telemetry units.

Note: The selection you make by clicking on any row in the list box is
reflected in the main window’s graphic view: the cursor
automatically moves to the selected unit.
To make changes to any row in the list box, double-click on it, fill in the
fields above the list, then click Add or Change or Delete, as required.
To save and enable your changes, click Apply. (To revert to the former
settings, click Reset instead).
After the links are deployed at the planned positions on the ground, you
need to know the exact location of at least one unit (FDU, LAUL,
LAUX or LRU) in each line segment actually connected, so that you
can create a marker for each line segment, by specifying the serial
number of that unit, the associated receiver position and other
parameters described below. After you create the appropriate markers
on each line, in this setup window, the system is able to collect the status
of all units connected, as soon as lines are turned on. Then it will
continually update the view in the main window.

At least one
marker on
each line

Figure 5-39 Marker setup

Tip: To enter a marker, you can drag and drop a unit from the main
window (Instrument graphic view) to the markers list box.

428XL User’s Manual Vol. 1 135

April 11, 2013
5 Line
The Layout setup > Markers

Box Type
As its label suggests, this field is used to choose the type of unit (LCI-
428, LCI-G, LAUX-428, etc.). Select the type actually implemented at
the location chosen as a marker. Note that setting a marker on an
LAUX-428 used as repeater in a Transverse allows displaying it at the
appropriate location in the Line window.

S. N.
Serial number of the unit actually implemented at the location chosen
as a marker.

Line Name
Used to specify the number of the Line the marker is attached to.
Each line should have at least one marker. If the line is composed of
several segments, enter a marker on each segment.
Below are two examples:

Two line segments with a transverse cable used as a detour

Enter one marker for this Enter another marker for

line segment this line segment


Transverse cable

Figure 5-40

136 428XL User’s Manual Vol. 1

April 11, 2013
The Layout setup > Markers

End-to-end line segments with no wireline connection

Enter one marker for Enter another marker
this line segment for this line segment

No wireline
r r
ke ke
ar ar

Figure 5-41

Point Nb
Used to specify the Point Number (i. e. stake number) of the location
used as a marker.

Note: By convention, an LAUL or LAUX assumes the number of the

first topographic stake encountered on its Low side.
(Remember topographic stakes are defined in the Survey

110 111 112 113


To set a marker on this

LAUX, enter 111 as Point

Figure 5-42

Channel Nb
Used to specify the channel number implemented at the location used
as a marker, in the case of a multi-channel unit.

428XL User’s Manual Vol. 1 137

April 11, 2013
5 Line
The Layout setup > Markers

Marker Increment
Typically, the Marker Increment is set to 1, meaning that a receiver
channel is deployed at each stake number.

Line 109 110 111 112 113 114 115

428 r
ke FDU
M xxxx

FDU-428 xxxx 10 112 1

Figure 5-43

To implement a Receiver Position (i. e. a receiver channel) every “n”

stake numbers on a line segment, enter “n” into the Marker Increment
field. See Logical line mapped with several physical lines on page 157.

Typically, the “Reversed” button should be left unticked.
This button is used to reverse the direction of the assignment of receiver
channels to receiver positions over a line segment. See Snaking layout
(page 160).

138 428XL User’s Manual Vol. 1

April 11, 2013
The Layout setup > Auxiliary channels

Auxiliary channels

Figure 5-44 Auxiliary channel setup

The analog signals you want to record as auxiliary traces are fed to some
FDUs, which may be connected direct to the High or Low Line port of
the LCI-428 or LCI-G, or located anywhere in the spread. Use this
window to describe your auxiliary channels.
Tip: To enter an auxiliary channel, you can drag and drop a unit from
the main window (Instrument graphic view) to the list box.
In the topographic view of the spread, all auxiliary channels are
gathered at the record unit position.

Row number in the list box. This identification number is used in the
Instrument tests (page 218) setup to specify which auxiliary channels to

Used to assign a name to the Auxiliary channel (e. g. Pilot). That label
is used in the Operation window to describe the type of processing to
perform to generate an auxiliary trace. See Correl (correlation) With
(page 260).

428XL User’s Manual Vol. 1 139

April 11, 2013
5 Line
The Layout setup > Auxiliary channels

Box Type
Used to choose the type of unit used for this auxiliary channel
(FDU408, FDU-428, FDU2S, etc.). If an AXCUL box is used, choose
the FDU408 type. With a Default Line Data Rate (page 90) at 16 Mb/s,
any line segment including FDU408 channels will not be visible unless
you use The Form Line setup (page 226) to set the data rate to 8 Mb/s on
that segment.

S. N.
Used to enter the Serial Number of the unit used for this auxiliary

Channel Nb
Used to specify the channel number of this auxiliary channel, in the case
of a multi-channel unit.

Used to choose the preamplifier gain for this auxiliary channel. See the
gain code table on page 147.

Input from
• Spread: choose this option if the auxiliary signal is fed to an FDU
within a line in the spread or connected to the LCI. (With this option,
the “Device Nb” field is not used).
• DSD: choose this option if the auxiliary signal is a vibrator motion
signal from a DSD. The associated “Device Nb” field allows you to
specify which DSD enclosure this auxiliary channel is attached to.
You have to enter the “Vib” number from the Fleet function in the
VE464 window or from the Look function in the VE432 window. See
SQC Dump mode (page 348) or SQC Dump mode with VE432
(page 361).
• DPG: this option is used if two or more VE432 vibrator controllers
(DPGs) are attached to the system (for example if vibrator fleets are

140 428XL User’s Manual Vol. 1

April 11, 2013
The Layout setup > Detour

used in Slip-Sweep mode). The associated “Device Nb” field allows

you to specify which DPG enclosure this auxiliary channel is
attached to. You have to enter the “DPG Module” number that is
prompted when you run the Look function in the VE432 window.
With VE432 DPGs working in Slip-Sweep mode, each type of
auxiliary signal supplied by the DPGs must be identified with the
same name for each DPG, in the Label field (e. g. “Pilot”).

Figure 5-45 Auxiliary channels from VE432 DPGs in Slip-Sweep mode

Used to enter any comment you think necessary, for example if the
Label is not self-explanatory.

Use this window to specify the location of detours, if any, between
receiver positions. All units within a detour will be inactive (unused).

Last active channel First active channel

on Low side on High side

Figure 5-46 Detour setup

428XL User’s Manual Vol. 1 141

April 11, 2013
5 Line
The Layout setup > Detour

Below is a typical example where a detour is set between two adjacent

receiver positions.

1068 1069

Last active unit on Low First active unit on

side (enter its Serial No. High side (enter its
Unused unit
into Low S. N. field) Serial No. into High
SN field)

Figure 5-47

To create that detour, you can use the Detour setup window or the
shortcuts available by right-clicking in the Instrument topographical
(1) Right-click on last active unit on the Low side and choose “Set low
box of detour” from the popup menu. A flag should appear on that unit.
(2) Right-click on first active unit on the High side and choose “Set
high box of detour” from the popup menu.

(1) (2)

Denotes low end of


Denotes a

Figure 5-48

142 428XL User’s Manual Vol. 1

April 11, 2013
The Layout setup > Detour

This automatically creates the detour in the setup window (see the
description of each field below). Detours are also visible in the Detour
numeric view.

Low Box Type

Used to specify the Type of the adjacent active unit located ahead of
(on the Low side of) the detour.

Low S. N.
Used to specify the Serial Number of the adjacent active unit located
ahead of (on the Low side of) the detour, meaning that the unit on the
other side is the Low end of the detour.

Low Chann. Nb
In the case of a multi-channel unit, use this field to specify the adjacent
active channel ahead of (on the Low side of) the detour, meaning that
the channel on the other side is the Low end of the detour.

High Box Type

Used to specify the Type of the adjacent active unit located after (on
the High side of) the detour.

High S. N.
Used to specify the Serial Number of the adjacent active unit located
after (on the High side of) the detour, meaning that the unit on the other
side is the High end of the detour.

High Chann. Nb
In the case of a multi-channel unit, use this field to specify the adjacent
active channel after (on the High side of) the detour, meaning that the
channel on the other side is the High end of the detour.

428XL User’s Manual Vol. 1 143

April 11, 2013
5 Line
The Layout setup > Mute channels

Stop Marking
Typically, the Stop Marking button should be left unticked.
This button is only used where a change is required in the automatic
assignment of receiver channels to receiver positions. (See also
Advanced layouts (page 155)).

Mute channels

Figure 5-49 Mute setup

Use this window to specify the location of mute receiver points, if any.
The channel from a mute receiver point is acquired, but its data is
zeroed. In the case of multi-sensor receiver point, all channels are mute.
Tip: To enter a mute receiver point, you can drag and drop it from the
main window (Instrument graphic view) to the list box.

Line Name, Point Number

Used to specify the location of a mute unit.

144 428XL User’s Manual Vol. 1

April 11, 2013
The Spread Type setup > General

The Spread Type setup

In this section:
• General (page 145)
• Absolute spreads (page 146)
• Generic spreads (page 148)

You have to specify the complete acquisition spread to be used for each
and every shot. The programming of these spreads can be done not only
automatically via SPS files in the Log window (see Importing an SPS file
on page 583) but also manually, using the editing tools provided by the
Enter the description of
your spread here

Figure 5-50 Spread type setup

In either case, a shorthand method of defining all of the channels to be

used is available in the 428XL. The concept of a “Generic Spread”
(generic means “Standard”) is especially helpful for manual
programming. The alternative method uses “Absolute Spreads”, which
are more suitable for automated programming.
To define a new spread in the list box, fill in the description,
identification number and label fields, then click Add.

428XL User’s Manual Vol. 1 145

April 11, 2013
5 Line
The Spread Type setup > Absolute spreads

To make changes to any row in the list box, double-click on it, fill in the
fields above the list, then click Add or Change or Delete, as required.
To save and enable your changes, click Apply. (To revert to the former
settings, click Reset instead).

Absolute spreads
An absolute spread is defined in terms of line and stake numbers, for
example: Line 10, from stake 101 to stake 103, then from stake 106 to
stake 115. (It therefore follows that you need to define a completely new
absolute spread every time the acquisition spread moves even by a
single receiver point). Note that a tab is available for each swath name
you have created in the Config window (Swath setup on page 97),
allowing you to enter the description of the spread in each swath.

Gain code


Figure 5-51 Absolute spread setup

Enter a colon (:) between the Line Number and the Receiver positions.
Enter a hyphen (-) to specify a series of Receiver positions.
Enter a comma (,) to specify a gap between two or more Receiver
positions (or to specify series of Receiver positions with different
channel gain codes (e. g. 106-110g1,11-115g2).
To describe another Line or set of Lines, press Return or type a slash
character (/).
The system automatically adds “as” (abbreviation for “Absolute
Spread”) ahead of the Identification Number in the list box. Note that
146 428XL User’s Manual Vol. 1
April 11, 2013
The Spread Type setup > Absolute spreads

each Identification Number is unique, so you cannot reuse the same

spread number in multiple swaths.
Choose the gain code from the table below.
Table 5-1

Gain Code Input scale FDU DSU3-428 & DSU1-428

g1 1600 mV 0 dB 5 m/s²

g2 400 mV 12 dB

Tip: A simple way of creating an absolute spread type consists of

selecting the desired spread in the graphic view with the mouse, 5
copying the selected area and pasting it into the Spread Type setup
window. See Figure 5-16 — page 117.
You can benefit from the extra large acquisition capacity of the 428XL
to speed up shooting, by defining a “Superspread” in the Absolute
Spread setup and using it in the Operation window. The Superspread
itself is an absolute spread that encompasses several successive
absolute spreads. With a Superspread, you save time because after the
Superspread is formed, line forming is not required every time the
active spread moves (unless the Aux descriptor changes). See
Superspread (page 278).


Figure 5-52 Superspread

Note: If you are using DSUGPS links, it is recommended to use a

Superspread so that the DSUGPS units located outside the
active spread can send their GPS data to the central unit.

428XL User’s Manual Vol. 1 147

April 11, 2013
5 Line
The Spread Type setup > Generic spreads

When you are using a Superspread, the Gain code for any given trace
must be the same in all individual spreads making up the Superspread,
and in the Superspread itself (because the acquisition of a trace must be
done with the Gain code specified for that trace in the active individual

Generic spreads
A generic spread describes the pattern of the active channels. The
fundamental difference between an absolute and a generic spread is that
generic definitions are always relative. You may wish to define one
generic spread to be used throughout the life of a crew.
To take a textbook example, a symmetrical split spread could be defined
as a number of lines with 100 stakes, a gap of 2 and then another 100
stakes. There is nothing in the basic definition that says where the
spread should be implemented. If one or more receiver units fall outside
the boundaries or within a gap specified in the Survey Setup, those
channels, will not be implemented.

Generic Line
Generic spread

Generic Line

Generic Line
Generic Line

Figure 5-53

148 428XL User’s Manual Vol. 1

April 11, 2013
The Spread Type setup > Generic spreads



Figure 5-54
The description of generic spreads makes use of Generic Line Types
that you define in this window. When you describe a Generic Line Type
you assign a gain code to a set of channels. See the gain code table

Note: If any receiver units are laid out between receiver points, they
must be described as “Skipped channels (page 155)” or
“detours” in the The Layout setup (page 134).

Note: To skip receiver points, enter rs in the description.

Use brackets to repeat sets of two or more gain codes, with a repetition
factor placed ahead of the leading bracket. Below are two examples:
• 10(g1+g2) will describe 10 pairs of channels where, in each pair, the
1st channel has a 0 dB gain and the 2nd channel a 12 dB gain.

• 10(g1+rs) will describe 10 pairs of channels where, in each pair, the

1st channel has a 0 dB gain and the 2nd channel is skipped.
The system automatically adds the letter "l" ahead of the Identification
Number in the list box.

428XL User’s Manual Vol. 1 149

April 11, 2013
5 Line
The Spread Type setup > Generic spreads



Figure 5-55

When you describe a Generic Spread type you assign a generic Line
Type to a set of lines. Line types are defined in the Generic Line
To skip lines, enter ls in the description.
Use brackets to repeat sets of two or more lines, with a repetition factor
placed ahead of the leading bracket. For example 10(l1+ls) will
describe 10 pairs of lines where, in each pair, the 1st line is L1-type and
the 2nd is skipped.
The system automatically adds “sd” (abbreviation for “Spread
Descriptor”) ahead of the Identification Number in the list box.

150 428XL User’s Manual Vol. 1

April 11, 2013
The Look setup >

The Look setup

You open this window by selecting “Look
Setup” from the Setup menu. The Look
function is used to see if any new units are
connected, so as to display them in the Line
main window.

Auto Look
Figure 5-56
• Disabled: Each LAU will only identify the
connected units when you go to “Field On”
or you click on the “Look” button.
If a disruption arises, only the units encountered on the connected line
segment are re-identified by the LAU.
In the event of a transmission sync error, a red path appears at the
output of the LAU controlling the line segment affected. You have to
launch a manual Look to re-identify the FDUs located between the
LAU and the disruption.
• Enabled (default): This enables the “field update” mode (each LAU
continually looks for any new units connected so as to identify them).

Note: In case of a disruption along a Line, the Auto Look

automatically rewakes the spread and, if necessary, reroutes the
data towards the portion of the line that is connected. In
contrast, a disruption along the Transverse is not recovered the
same way: the Auto Look will not reform the crashed spread
and reroute the data (instead, a Field Off/Field On is required).
On a line segment including an LSI, the automatic look is disabled:
to see new FDUs, you must use manual Look in that case.

428XL User’s Manual Vol. 1 151

April 11, 2013
5 Line
The Look setup >

With Tests
After each Look, whether automatic or manual, the Sensor tests you
choose with these buttons (Resistance, Tilt, Leakage) will be performed
on the FDUs identified.
The Resistance and Tilt tests are selected by default.
In “field update” mode, if the Resistance value exceeds the specified
limit (e. g. with nothing connected on the channel input), the Tilt and
Leakage tests are not performed, even if they are selected in this setup.

152 428XL User’s Manual Vol. 1

April 11, 2013
LAU Leakage setup >

LAU Leakage setup

A leakage sensor circuitry in each LAU senses any leakage arising
between a conductor in the telemetry cable and ground.
The LAU Leakage command available from the Setup menu allows you
to set an alert level. If the leakage current exceeds that alert level, the
LAU reports a fault to the GUI. As a result, the LAU is shown in red in
the Instrument topographic view and a Leakage error appears in the
Instrument numeric view for that LAU.

Tells you which port
Available from is affected Leakage current
Setup menu displayed in red if
exceeding alert level.

Figure 5-57

The “Connections” column in the Instruments graphical view, and the

properties of an LAU (available on a right-click) tell you which port(s)
is (are) powered up, so you can see which port is affected by leakage. In
the case of an LAUX, you can use the Form Line function to enable/
disable its low or high port in order to discriminated between the two
In each LAU, a leakage measurement is taken every 5 seconds, using
the test circuitry shown on the simplified diagram below.

428XL User’s Manual Vol. 1 153

April 11, 2013
5 Line
LAU Leakage setup >

Telemetry pair

+24 V FDU 6.3 V

Sply 2.7 V
-24 V

Telemetry pair

Leakage current
Rsense ADC


Figure 5-58

Note: Leakage between the two telemetry pairs is not revealed by this
test circuitry, but transmission may be lost as a result of such leakage.

154 428XL User’s Manual Vol. 1

April 11, 2013
Advanced layouts > Skipped channels

Advanced layouts
Some fields or options (like “Marker Increment”, “Stop Marking”,
“Reversed”) in the Setup windows make the deployment of 428XL
field electronics extremely flexible. Below are textbook examples of
advanced layouts that can easily be implemented:
• Skipped channels (page 155).
• Logical line mapped with several physical lines (page 157)
• Detour with skipped receiver points (page 159)
• Snaking layout (page 160) 5
Skipped channels
You may want to skip channels because, for example, you want to
increase the receiver spacing without changing the spacing of your
FDUs. In that case, the inactive units laid out between the active
receiver points must be specified as “Skipped Channels” in the Point
Code used, by adding the code “cs” in the Sensor Type field (in the
Survey setup window). Note that this does not work with FDU2S units.

Example with a Marker on an FDU

2 skipped 2 skipped
channels channels
109 110 111
ke FDU
ar xxxx

1 2 skipped s1+cs+cs
FDU xxxx 10 110

Figure 5-59

Note: A distinction must be made between “skipping channels” and

“skipping receiver points”. To skip some receiver points, you

428XL User’s Manual Vol. 1 155

April 11, 2013
5 Line
Advanced layouts > Skipped channels

may use the Spread setup (see page 149) or the Detour setup
(see page 159).

Example with a Marker on an LAUX

The system uses the following rule in interpreting the Point Code:
if an LAUX is used as a Marker, the Sensor Type (e. g. “s1”) specified
in the Point Code is assigned to the first channel encountered on the
“Low” side of the LAUX (if none is found on the Low side, a virtual
channel is assumed).
In the example below, the Point Code will be interpreted by the system
as follows:
• On line 10, using “s1+cs+cs” as a Point Code assigns “s1” to the first
channel encountered on the “Low” side of the LAUX,
• On line 20, using “s1+cs+cs” as a Point Code assigns “s1” to the third
channel on the High side because none is found on the Low side.

2 skipped 2 skipped
channels channels
109 110 111
10 r
ke xxxx

2 skipped 2 skipped
channels channels
109 110 111
20 r
ke yyyy

A virtual channel is assumed on the Low side

LAUX xxxx 10 109 1 2 skipped s1+cs+cs

LAUX yyyy 20 109

Figure 5-60

156 428XL User’s Manual Vol. 1

April 11, 2013
Advanced layouts > Logical line mapped with several physical lines

In the example below, do not use the LAUX as a Marker. Use an FDU
2 skipped 2 skipped
channels channels
109 110 111
10 r
ke xxxx

FDU xxxx 10 109

1 2 skipped s1+cs+cs
Figure 5-61

Logical line mapped with several physical lines

109 110 111 112 113 114 115
428 r
Line ar FDU
M xxxx
428 r
ke FDU
Line ar
M yyyy
428 r
M zzzz nnnn
FDU-428 xxxx 10 109 3
FDU-428 yyyy 10 110 3
FDU-428 zzzz 10 111 3

Figure 5-62

The flexibility of channel assignment in the 428XL allows you to split

a line into several segments laid out side by side (or group several
segments laid out side by side into one logical line). For example, this

428XL User’s Manual Vol. 1 157

April 11, 2013
5 Line
Advanced layouts > Logical line mapped with several physical lines

lets you shorten the receiver spacing without changing the spacing of
your FDUs.
In the Marker setup window, set a marker assigning a known FDU to
a known receiver position on each segment to be grouped, with the same
Line number and the same Marker Increment (chosen to be equal to the
number of segments).
When you go to “Field On”, each split line will act as a single line.
Below is an example where three segments are grouped into one logical
line (or a line is split into three segments).

Note: The segments making up the split line don’t need to be attached
to the same LCI board.
Note: The Marker position can be chosen elsewhere within each line
segment, that is on any FDU belonging in the line segment. For
instance, if it is easier for you to know the position of FDU No.
nnnn, you may just as well set the marker on it rather than FDU
No. zzzz.
Note: If any detour is implemented in a split line, it must be described
in each segment making up the split line.

Line 109 110 111 112 113 114 115 116

r r
ke xxxx ke nnnn
10 ar ar
M r M r
ke yyyy ke
ar ar uuuu
10 M M
er r
ke vvvv
a rk zzzz ar

FDU-428 xxxx FDU-428 nnnn

FDU-428 yyyy FDU-428 uuuu
FDU-428 zzzz FDU-428 vvvv

Figure 5-63

158 428XL User’s Manual Vol. 1

April 11, 2013
Advanced layouts > Detour with skipped receiver points

Detour with skipped receiver points

109 110 111 112 113 114 115

10 r FDU r
ke ke FDU
ar xxxx ar yyyy

FDU-428 xxxx 10 110 1
FDU-428 yyyy 10 114 1

FDU-428 xxxx FDU-428 yyyy

Figure 5-64

To implement this example:

• You have to set two markers (one on either side of the detour);
• In the Detour setup, you must choose the Stop Marking option. This
will actually assign FDU No. yyyy to Receiver Position 114.

428XL User’s Manual Vol. 1 159

April 11, 2013
5 Line
Advanced layouts > Snaking layout

Snaking layout

Line 109 110 111 112 113 114

ke xxxx uuuu
Line yyyy
20 r
nnnn M vvvv
(*) Those FDUs
must be declared
Line with the “Stop
30 r Marking” option
ke FDU
ar zzzz ticked.

LAUX-428 xxxx 10 108 1

FDU-428 vvvv 20 113 1
FDU-428 zzzz 30 109 1

FDU-428 uuuu FDU-428 vvvv

FDU-428 yyyy FDU-428 zzzz

Figure 5-65

An example of “snaking” layout is shown above. In the Detour setup

window, create a detour on each change in the direction of the
assignment of receiver channels to stake positions, each time choosing
the Stop Marking option. In the Marker setup window, be sure there
is a marker on either side of each detour, using the “Reversed” option
where channels are assigned in decreasing order of stake positions.
The Marker position can be chosen elsewhere within each line segment,
that is on any FDU, LAUL or LAUX belonging in the line segment. For

160 428XL User’s Manual Vol. 1

April 11, 2013
Advanced layouts > Snaking layout

instance, if it is easier for you to know the position of FDU No. nnnn,
you may just as well set the marker on it rather than FDU No. vvvv.
The snaking topology cannot be used in place of any secondary


428 428 428
NO YES Transverse
428 428
Figure 5-66

428XL User’s Manual Vol. 1 161

April 11, 2013
5 Line
Working with DSU3-428 & DSUGPS links > DSU3-428 topology

Working with DSU3-428 & DSUGPS links

In this section:
• DSU3-428 topology (page 162)
• Acquisition using DSU3 channels (page 163)
• DSU3-428 in the Survey Setup (page 164)
• DSU3-428 in the Layout Setup (page 166)
• DSU3 in the Spread Setup (page 167)
• DSU3 in the Test Setup (page 168)
• DSUGPS Setup menu (page 169)
• DSUGPS firmware upgrading (page 171)
• DSU Form Line function (page 174)
• DSU Sensor view (page 174)
• DSU Instrument view (page 175)
• DSU Numeric view (page 177)
• DSU Seismonitor (page 178)
• DSU3 tilt correction (page 179)

DSU3-428 topology
Arrow engraved
The channel assignment in the in DUS3 takeout

DSU3 is as follows:
ch1 ch2 ch3
• Channel 1 is assigned to the (V) (I) (C)
Vertical sensor,
• Channel 2 is assigned to the Figure 5-67 DSU3-428 topology
Inline horizontal sensor,
• Channel 3 is assigned to the Crossline horizontal sensor.
For 3C polarity conventions see 428XL User’s Manual Vol. 3.
162 428XL User’s Manual Vol. 1
April 11, 2013
Working with DSU3-428 & DSUGPS links > Acquisition using DSU3 channels

The arrow engraved in the cable takeout overmould points to the

positive direction of the Inline horizontal axis of the DSU3.

Acquisition using DSU3 channels

General features
To work with DSU3 lines, you must enable that option in the Install
DSU3 links can be used jointly with analog-sensor units (FDU, etc.)
within a spread, but a DSU3 line segment (i. e. a portion of line that
includes DSU3 channels and is delimited by two LAUs) should include
only DSU3 channels. The DSU3 is compatible with all 428XL
components and with QC tools (eSQC Pro, eSGA).
DSU3 channels use the same Filter and Sample Rate as FDU channels.
While performing seismic acquisition, the LAU controlling the DSU3
corrects all inherent errors (attributable to the construction or geometry
of the DSU3). It does not correct Tilt errors attributable to planting, nor
does it remove the offset resulting from the tilt angle (that offset is
removed by the central unit).
In order to see if DSU3 units are properly planted, a Tilt test should be
done from time to time (this can be automated with the Auto Look
option; see The Look setup on page 151). The Tilt test will return the tilt
angle of the I- and C-channels, that is the angle between the direction
axis of the channel and the horizontal plane. For 3C polarity
conventions, see 428XL User’s Manual Vol. 3. The results from the Tilt
test are recorded in the Trace Header. This allows corrections to be
made at a later date. See DSU3 tilt correction (page 179).
The Descale Multiplier recorded in the Scan Type Header allows
recorded samples to be converted into mV. See User’s Manual Vol. 3
(Reference Information).
The sensor Sensitivity is recorded in the Trace Header (452 mV/m/s2, or
142 mV/m/s² for Tilt and Gravity tests). See User’s Manual Vol. 2
(SEGD format).

428XL User’s Manual Vol. 1 163

April 11, 2013
5 Line
Working with DSU3-428 & DSUGPS links > DSU3-428 in the Survey Setup

DSUGPS specific features

• If you are using DSUGPS links, it is recommended to use a
Superspread (page 278) so that the DSUGPS units located outside the
active spread can send their GPS data to the central unit.
• Use the DSUGPS Setup menu (page 169) to enter the position of the
GPS reference station attached to the LCI-428, and set accuracy
• 16-Mbps line data rate is supported with no restrictions.
• 8-Mbps line data rate is allowed with the following restrictions:
- either disabling Auto Look (page 151) mode if DSUGPS
connected after last LAUL.
- or keeping Autolook mode if LAUL connected after last
DSUGPS in the line.

DSU3-428 in the Survey Setup

If the system is configured for operation with both FDU and DSU
channels (in the Install window), a distinct setup window is available
for each type of channel.

Figure 5-68

164 428XL User’s Manual Vol. 1

April 11, 2013
Working with DSU3-428 & DSUGPS links > DSU3-428 in the Survey Setup

You have to define three Sensor Types (s1, s2, s3), i. e. one for each
sensor in the DSU3, using the Sensor tab in the Survey Setup window.
The system assigns the Sensor Types as follows:
• s1 is automatically assigned to Channel 1 (Vertical);
• s2 is automatically assigned to Channel 2 (Horizontal, Inline);
• s3 is automatically assigned to Channel 3 (Horizontal, Crossline).
In the “Tilt” (Degrees) and “Noise” (µm/s2) fields, enter the desired
limits for the results of Sensor tests. Note that no Instrument test results
will be available for DSUs that return a Tilt error.
Choose the appropriate SEGD code for each axis. The SEGD code is
not used by the GUI. It is only written to tape (byte 21 in block 1 of the
Trace Header Extension).

Point Code

1 DSU3 channels s1+s2+s3

Figure 5-69

After defining three Sensor Types for a DSU3, define its Point Code as

428XL User’s Manual Vol. 1 165

April 11, 2013
5 Line
Working with DSU3-428 & DSUGPS links > DSU3-428 in the Layout Setup

DSU3-428 in the Layout Setup

You must set a marker on one of the DSU3-428s in each DSU3-428 line
In the case of a logical line made up of N physical split lines, the
Increment should be set to 1 + 3(N – 1). For example:
• 2 physical split lines forming a single line: set the Increment to 4;
• 3 physical split lines forming a single line: set the Increment to 7;
• etc.

109 110 111 112 113 114 115
428 r
Line ar
M DSU3 #xxxx
428 r
Line ar DSU3 #yyyy
428 r
ar DSU3 #zzzz DSU3 #nnnn
DSU3-428 xxxx 10 109 7
DSU3-428 yyyy 10 110 7
DSU3-428 zzzz 10 111 7

Figure 5-70

You cannot use any DSU3 for auxiliary channels. FDUs must be used
for auxiliary channels, even if all seismic channels are DSU channels.

If any DSU3 is included in a detour, all three channels are part of the
166 428XL User’s Manual Vol. 1
April 11, 2013
Working with DSU3-428 & DSUGPS links > DSU3 in the Spread Setup

Snaking layouts are allowed. In the example below, you must set a
Detour with DSU3 No. 4149963 (point No. 1216) as the last active
channel at the Low end of the detour, and DSU3 No. 4151751 (point
No. 1216) as the first active channel at the High end of the detour. Also
you must activate the “Stop Marking” option.

No. 4149963

No. 4151751

Figure 5-71

Note: In the Marker setup, you have to set a marker on Line 160 (for
example assign point No. 1216 to DSU3 No. 4151751), and activate the
“Reversed” option for that marker. See also Snaking layout on page 160.

If a DSU3 is planted at a muted receiver point, all three channels are
mute. The maximum allowable number of mute receiver points is 1024.

DSU3 in the Spread Setup

Use the same syntax as with FDU channels to describe receiver
DSU3-428 channels have a single input scale (gain code G1).
If you are using DSUGPS links, it is recommended to use a Superspread
(page 278) so that the DSUGPS units located outside the active spread
can send their GPS data to the central unit.

428XL User’s Manual Vol. 1 167

April 11, 2013
5 Line
Working with DSU3-428 & DSUGPS links > DSU3 in the Test Setup

DSU3 in the Test Setup

Naturally, the channel electronics and the accelerometers in a DSU3 are
tested as a whole assembly, never as separate functions. Therefore, the
distinction between “Instrument” and “Sensor” tests is not significant
for a DSU. However, because DSU links can be used jointly with FDU
links in a spread, some DSU tests are regarded as Instrument tests and
others as Sensor tests.
The following tests are available for the DSU:
- Sensor tests: Tilt (degrees), Noise (µm/s2).
- Instrument tests: Distortion, Gain/Phase, Crosstalk, Gravity.
DSU3-428 channels have a single input scale (gain code G1).
If the spread you specify in the Test Setup includes both FDU and DSU3
channels, the system only applies the test to the channels that support
that test, with the relevant test limits. For the syntax to be correct in the
Absolute Spread Setup, you have to specify a gain code (e. g.
10:100-150g1) but the system actually uses the gain selected with the
Gain option button.
The limits for DSU3 Instrument test results are contained in files (one
for each allowable sample rate) the format of which is described in
428XL User’s Manual Vol. 2. The Instrument test limits for the DSU3
are distinct from those for the FDU. For the factory-settings of
Instrument test limits, see Specifications in User’s Manual Vol. 3.
The limits for Sensor tests are user-selected in the Survey Setup (see
Sensor on page 164).

168 428XL User’s Manual Vol. 1

April 11, 2013
Working with DSU3-428 & DSUGPS links > DSUGPS Setup menu

DSUGPS Setup menu

Figure 5-72 Base Position tab

The Base Position fields are used to enter the position Easting, 5
Northing and Elevation (metres) of the antenna of the GPS reference
station attached to the LCI-428 and used to lock its clock to the GPS
After choosing the projection in The Projection Type setup (page 411) in
the jPositioning window, go to Off Line in the jConfig window. In the
jLine window, click on Apply in the DSUGPS setup (Figure 5-72) to set
the GPS reference station position (Base Position). Then go to On Line
in jConfig.

Figure 5-73 Accuracy tab

The Accuracy tab allows you to set the maximum allowable Azimuth
(adjustable from 3 to 5°) and Position (1 to 2 m) deviations for
convergence criteria calculations. As a result, the antenna icon of a
DSUGPS will show in yellow in the instrument view if its Azimuth
428XL User’s Manual Vol. 1 169
April 11, 2013
5 Line
Working with DSU3-428 & DSUGPS links > DSUGPS Setup menu

Standard Deviation or Position Standard Deviation exceeds the limit

calculated from your Accuracy settings, otherwise green. See also DSU
Numeric view (page 177).
Use the charts below to determine the appropriate setpoints, depending
on how long you can keep your DSUGPS sensors stationary.
For example, if you set the Azimuth accuracy to 3.5° and the Position
accuracy to 1.5 m, then at least 95% of DSUGPS sensors will achieve
convergence after remaining stationary for 7 hours.

Figure 5-74 Max convergence time vs Azimuth Accuracy setting

(95% of DSUGPS, 7 satellites)

170 428XL User’s Manual Vol. 1

April 11, 2013
Working with DSU3-428 & DSUGPS links > DSUGPS firmware upgrading

Figure 5-75 Max convergence time vs Position Accuracy setting
(95% of DSUGPS, 7 satellites)

DSUGPS firmware upgrading

A “Download” contextual menu is available from the show/hide button
for the DSUGPS links in the instrument view. That menu opens a
“Download DSUGPS” window that allows loading a new firmware
version to all DSUGPS-428 units present in the spread.
Note that prior to using the procedure below you must go to Field Off,
open the jConfig window, go to Off Line, open the Crew Setup and set
the Time Management (page 90) mode to “Internal Clock”, then go to
On line, and then Field On.
To load a new firmware version:
1. In the “Download DSUGPS” dialogue box, click on Select
Download Files.

428XL User’s Manual Vol. 1 171

April 11, 2013
5 Line
Working with DSU3-428 & DSUGPS links > DSUGPS firmware upgrading

Right-click on

Figure 5-76

2. Select the “SEPASApp_1001.mem” file.

Figure 5-77

3. Click on Update DSU3-GPS.

4. In the confirmation box that shows up, click Yes.

172 428XL User’s Manual Vol. 1

April 11, 2013
Working with DSU3-428 & DSUGPS links > DSUGPS firmware upgrading

Figure 5-78 5
5. In the confirmation box that shows up, click OK. Wait until
downloading is complete (the message “End of DSU3-GPS
download function” should appear in the message box).

Figure 5-79

6. Close the window.

7. Go to Field Off. In the jConfig window, go to Off Line, open the
Crew Setup and set the Time Management (page 90) mode to
“GPS” (“Novatel Propak”), then go to On line. Go to Field On in
the jLine window.

428XL User’s Manual Vol. 1 173

April 11, 2013
5 Line
Working with DSU3-428 & DSUGPS links > DSU Form Line function

DSU Form Line function

As usual, the Form Line function is applied to the number of channels
you specify in the “Channels to Form” field. This must be a multiple
of 3 if you apply Form Line to a DSU line segment.

DSU Sensor view

Figure 5-80

174 428XL User’s Manual Vol. 1

April 11, 2013
Working with DSU3-428 & DSUGPS links > DSU Instrument view

DSU Instrument view



Figure 5-81 DSU3-428


Popup menu used

to turn on/off GPS
and load firmware
Red until
DSUGPS LCI clock is
locked to GPS

Figure 5-82 DSUGPS

When using DSUGPS links, a reference GPS (Novatel Propak) receiver

is attached to the LCI. The 10-MHz oscillator signal from that GPS
receiver is used to lock the clock of the LCI to the GPS time. After
power-on, the recording truck (LCI) is displayed in red until the LCI
clock is locked to the GPS clock (this should take less than a quarter of
an hour).

428XL User’s Manual Vol. 1 175

April 11, 2013
5 Line
Working with DSU3-428 & DSUGPS links > DSU Instrument view

Once the DSUGPS units are visible, they are displayed in yellow for at
least 20 seconds, then in green if they achieve the required positioning
accuracy (i. e. convergence is complete, which normally takes less than
24 hours). The colour of the antenna in the DSUGPS icon may be:
• Grey: if GPS is Off and the position is not determined.
• Blue (briefly): on a request for turning GPS on, or if waiting for a
• Red: if GPS is on, but the first convergence calculation is not done or
the process is in one of the following situations:
- tracking too few satellites (less than two) after the first
- or Carrier/Noise ratio (CNo) < 20 dB;
- or second GPS antenna not working (“Bad antenna” status is
“true” in the Numeric view).
• Yellow: if GPS is On, and the position observations are transmitted to
the server so that it can perform the convergence calculation (at least
every 30 minutes). The following three conditions must be met:
- Tracking two or more satellites,
- CNo > 20 dB;
- Both GPS antennas OK.
• Green: if the position is determined with the required accuracy, and
GPS is off (position observations are no longer recorded).
The values or statuses of the data used to control the colour attribute are
visible in the DSU Numeric view (page 177). Naturally, whenever a
DSUGPS is moved to another place in the spread, the new position
needs to be determined. The colour of the icon is updated accordingly,
if located in the active spread, or if a Superspread is used.
Note that the DSUGPS receiver point positions are recorded in SPS files
available from the Log window. See DSUGPS receiver point positions
(page 586).

176 428XL User’s Manual Vol. 1

April 11, 2013
Working with DSU3-428 & DSUGPS links > DSU Numeric view

DSU Numeric view

Figure 5-83

The numeric view has the following specific columns for a DSUGPS:
• Ch Nb: channel number 1 (V) or 2 (I) or 3 (C).
• Receiver Serial Nb: serial number of the GPS card. 5
• Easting, Northing, Elevation, Azimuth: these four columns show
the recorded position, or 0 if the GPS antenna is red (convergence not
achieved, or too few satellites, or CNo < 20 dB; or second GPS
antenna not working).
• EastingStDev, NorthingStDev, ElevationStDev, AzimuthStDev:
standard deviations of observations, used in convergence
calculations. Convergence is achieved if both of the following
conditions are met:
- the position standard deviation is less than 0.75 m, calculated as
the square root of (EastingStDev² + NorthingStDev²)
- and Azimuth Standard Deviation is below the threshold
calculated from the Azimuth Accuracy setting in the DSUGPS
Setup menu (page 169).
• Avg Number Visible Sats: average number of visible satellites.
• Avg Lock Time: The locktime count will max out at 255 seconds for
the SEPAS observation record. If the average it too low (<30) further
investigation might be required to determine the cause for the
continuous loss of lock.
• Avg CNo Antenna 1, Avg CNo Antenna 2: Average Carrier/Noise
ratio of each antenna.
• Start of Recording, End of Recording: start time and end time of
observation recording.
428XL User’s Manual Vol. 1 177
April 11, 2013
5 Line
Working with DSU3-428 & DSUGPS links > DSU Seismonitor

• Number of Records: number of recorded observations.

• Gps state: colour of the DSUGPS icon’s antenna in the Instrument
view. See DSU Instrument view (page 175) for a description of the
colour code.
• Gps On: “true” if the GPS card’s power supply is on, otherwise
• Bad Antenna: status of the second GPS antenna (“false” if the
antenna is OK, otherwise “true”).
• Coordinates StdDev: square root of
(EastingStDev² + NorthingStDev²).
• SPS Record Duration: length of recording in SPS file.
• GPS Recording Duration.

DSU Seismonitor
By default, only the vertical channel is shown.
The Gain slider button, in conjunction with the Sensor Type option
button, allows you to adjust the Seismonitor gain for each type of sensor
(i. e. each channel).

Used to choose which channel

to adjust with the Gain slider

Figure 5-84

You can open a separate view to monitor each Sensor Type. Any
change to the seismonitor gain for a Sensor Type in a window is
replicated in the other windows.

178 428XL User’s Manual Vol. 1

April 11, 2013
Working with DSU3-428 & DSUGPS links > DSU3 tilt correction

DSU3 tilt correction

In the Install window, you can choose to enable or disable correction of
DSU3 traces with the tilt angle recorded during tilt tests. See
Instruments On Field (page 68).
If you choose to enable tilt correction, the correction to each trace is
done using the formula given in User’s Manual Vol. 3 (Reference
If tilt correction is enabled and a DSU3 does not have any tilt test result
available, then the correction is not done on its channels and a warning
message is displayed. 5
If any square root cannot be calculated because the value involved is
negative, the correction is not done and a message is displayed.

428XL User’s Manual Vol. 1 179

April 11, 2013
5 Line
Working with ULS field equipment > Overview

Working with ULS field equipment

In this section:
• Overview (page 180)
• Deployment (page 181)
• Survey setup (page 183)
• Marker setup (page 184)
• Detour setup (page 189)
• Auxiliary channel setup (page 197)
• Test setup (page 197)
• Checkline (page 197)

To work with submersible field electronics (FDU2S), you must enable
that option in the Install window.
ULS line units (FDU2S and LAULS) are reversible, meaning that their
line connectors are used indiscriminately as Low or High ports. ULS
cables, whether with mono-sensor or dual-sensor takeouts, are
reversible too.
FDU2S channels are tantamount to FDU channels, except for Sensor
tests (a Sensor Distortion test is available for FDU2S channels).

Note: Unused channels at standard/ULS junctions are automatically

skipped by the system (they do not need to be entered into the
Detour setup). They are not tested in Instrument tests.
Note: The FDU2S does not support a Point Code with “cs” (skipped
channel) as Sensor Type.

180 428XL User’s Manual Vol. 1

April 11, 2013
Working with ULS field equipment > Deployment

You can insert a submersible segment anywhere in a standard 428XL
telemetry line, using a ULS Adapter (P/N 1P41081653) at either end,
but the following two rules apply at all times:
1. If a line ends with a ULS segment, it must end with an FDU2S
unit so that the outermost receiver point (103 in the example
below) can be acquired.

Unused channel
101 102 103

FDU2S of Line
(cap P/N 512210065)

Unused channel
101 102 103


of Line
(cap P/N 512210065)

Unused channel 103 104

of Line
(cap P/N 512210065)

Figure 5-85

With mono-sensor takeouts, the last channel must be muted if it is

unused, or else errors will appear in the Sensor view. In the
example below, by default the system creates a dummy channel
104 that must be muted.

This channel must Both channels

102 103 are unused
be muted
of Line
(cap P/N 512210065)

Figure 5-86

428XL User’s Manual Vol. 1 181

April 11, 2013
5 Line
Working with ULS field equipment > Deployment

2. Any FDU2S channel that is connected to a standard 428XL unit

(FDU, LAUX, LAUL) is skipped (not used, not tested in
Instrument tests).

This channel is
not used
159 160 161 162


No. 4204531

55-m jumper (512500210)

3-m jumper + ULS adapter
(512500211 + 1P41081653)

Figure 5-87

This channel is This channel is
not used not used
104 105


No. 4205121

Figure 5-88

182 428XL User’s Manual Vol. 1

April 11, 2013
Working with ULS field equipment > Survey setup

Survey setup
To implement mono-sensor takeouts, define a specific Sensor Type for
FDU2S channels if you need one, then do as usual to define a Point
Code and receiver points. As usual, the traces recorded on tape will be
in the same order as in the Survey setup.
To implement dual-sensor takeouts:
- Define a Sensor Type for each type of sensor (for example “s1”
for geophones, “s2” for hydrophones). It is important to specify
a distinct resistance range for each sensor type, in the
“Continuity Min” and “Max” fields, so that the system can
identify the type of sensor connected on each channel by
measuring the resistance across each takeout.
- Define a Point Code using both Sensor Types and the +
operator. For example, you can define p1 as s1+s2. You don’t
need to care about the Low/High orientation of the takeouts: the
system will automatically assign the appropriate sensor type to
each channel, depending on the input resistance measured at
power-on. (A Resistance test is automatically launched when
you go to Field On).

p1 = s1+s2
Low High
(or High) (or Low)

Figure 5-89

- Define the Survey (for example …101-150p1, ...). With a

Pi=Sj+Sk point code, the trace which assumes the Sj type is
recorded first, regardless of the Low/High orientation of the
FDU2S units or the takeouts.

Note: If the system is unable to discriminate between the two takeouts

(because they both fall into the same resistance range), then it
still assigns one sensor type to one channel and the other type to
the other channel, but a Resistance test error appears in the

428XL User’s Manual Vol. 1 183

April 11, 2013
5 Line
Working with ULS field equipment > Marker setup

Sensor view. If the default assignment is not acceptable, you

can change it by making the appropriate changes in the Survey
Note: Because the channel assignment is done when you go to Field
On, any sensors connected subsequently will not have any
channel assigned unless and until you go to Field Off then
Field On again.

Marker setup
You cannot use an LAULS as a Marker, but you can use an FDU2S.
To use an FDU2S as a Marker, you must specify its Serial No. and Line
No. in the Marker setup, as usual, and the receiver Point No. of the
adjacent topographic stake on the LOW or HIGH side of it. You must
also specify which one of its channels is assigned to that topographic
stake, with the following convention:
- The FDU2S port to be used as “Low” port is regarded as channel
No. 1.
- The FDU2S port to be used as “High” port is regarded as channel
No. 2.



1 2 1 2 1 2 1 2 1 2

Figure 5-90

The position of the LAULS is automatically computed by the system:

this will be 101 in the example below (that is the first receiver point
encountered on its Low side, even though the adjacent FDU2S channel
on its low port is assigned to point 102).

184 428XL User’s Manual Vol. 1

April 11, 2013
Working with ULS field equipment > Marker setup

Mono-sensor takeouts

101 102 103 104

ch 1 2 ch 1 2
s1 s1 s1 s1
No. xxxx M

Figure 5-91 (p1 = s1)

Assuming in the example shown in Figure 5-91 you wish to use FDU2S
No. xxxx as a Marker, you must assign Point No. 101 to its channel 1
(or 102 to its channel 2) in the Marker Setup. 5
101 102 103 104
ch 1 2 ch 1 2
s1 s1 s1 s1
No. xxxx M

Figure 5-92 (p1 = s1)

Assuming you wish to use the LAUXS in Figure 5-92 as a Marker, you
must assign Point No. 101 to it (you must specify the receiver Point No.
of the low-side channel encountered on its Low port).

101 102 103

Low High
s1 s1 s1
No. xxxx M No. yyyy No. zzzz

Figure 5-93 (p1 = s1)

Assuming you wish to use the LAUX in Figure 5-93 as a Marker, you
must assign Point No. 101 to it in the Marker Setup (as usual, you must
specify the adjacent receiver Point No. encountered on the Low side of
the LAUX).

428XL User’s Manual Vol. 1 185

April 11, 2013
5 Line
Working with ULS field equipment > Marker setup

As a result in the Instrument view:

- The Low channel of FDU2S No. xxxx is assigned to the sensor
at Point No. 101. Its High channel is skipped because it is
connected to an LAUX
- The Low channel of FDU2S No. yyyy is skipped. Its High
channel is assigned to the sensor at Point No. 102.
- The Low channel of FDU2S No. zzzz is assigned to 103, its
High channel to 104, etc.

Dual-sensor takeouts

101 102 103

ch 1 2
s1 s1 s1
s2 s2 s2 High
No. xxxx M No. yyyy

Figure 5-94 (p1 = s1 + s2 or p1 = s2 + s1)

Assuming you wish to use FDU2S No. xxxx in Figure 5-94 as a Marker,
you must assign Point No. 102 to its channel 2 in the Marker Setup
(you cannot choose point 101 and assign it to channel 1).
As a result in the Instrument view:
- The Low channel of FDU2S No. xxxx is assigned to a sensor at
Point No. 101. Its High channel is assigned to a sensor at Point
No. 102.
- The Low channel of FDU2S No. yyyy is assigned to the other
sensor at Point No. 102. Its High channel is assigned to a sensor
at Point No. 103, etc.

186 428XL User’s Manual Vol. 1

April 11, 2013
Working with ULS field equipment > Marker setup

101 102 103

s1 s1 s1
s2 s2 s2
No. xxxx M No. yyyy No. zzzz

Figure 5-95 (p1 = s1 + s2 or p1 = s2 + s1)

Assuming you wish to use the LAUX in Figure 5-95 as a Marker, you
must assign Point No. 101 to it in the Marker Setup (as usual, you must
specify the receiver Point No. of the adjacent channel encountered on
the Low side of the LAUX).
As result in the Instrument view:
- The Low channel of FDU2S No. xxxx is assigned to a sensor at
Point No. 101. Its High channel is not used.
- The Low channel of FDU2S No. yyyy is not used. Its High
channel is assigned to a sensor at Point No. 102.
- The Low channel of FDU2S No. zzzz is assigned to the other
sensor at Point No. 102. Its High channel is assigned to a sensor
at Point No. 103, etc.

101 102 103

s1 s1 s1
s2 s2 s2
No. xxxx M

Figure 5-96 (p1 = s1 + s2 or p1 = s2 + s1)

Assuming you wish to use the LAUXS in Figure 5-96 as a Marker, you
must assign Point No. 101 to it in the Marker Setup (you must specify
the receiver Point No. of the low-side channel encountered on its Low

428XL User’s Manual Vol. 1 187

April 11, 2013
5 Line
Working with ULS field equipment > Marker setup

Mono/dual sensor transition

p1 = s1 p2 = s1 + s2

101 102 103 104 105

s1 s1 s1 s1 s1
s2 s2


Figure 5-97

No marking problem will arise in the example shown in Figure 5-97.

p1 = s1 p2 = s1 + s2
This channel
should be skipped
101 102 103 104
ch 1 2
s1 s1 s1 s1
s2 s2
No. yyyy No. xxxx


Figure 5-98

In the example shown in Figure 5-98, the system will interrupt the
marking sequence because it can’t assign the “s1” sensor of receiver
point 103. An error message will appear: “Impossible to assign rcv pt
103 to FDU2S xxxx channel: detour needed”.
You have to use the Detour setup to skip the Low channel in FDU2S
No. xxxx, by creating a detour with FDU2S No. yyyy channel 2 as Low
Limit and FDU2S No. xxxx channel 2 as High Limit. See Detour setup
on page 189.

188 428XL User’s Manual Vol. 1

April 11, 2013
Working with ULS field equipment > Detour setup

Detour setup
As usual, to describe a detour you must specify the type and serial
Number of the last active unit on the Low side of the detour and first
active unit on the High side in the Detour Setup window. In addition,
with FDU2S units, you have to use the “Chan Nb” (Channel Number)
field to specify which channel is the last active on the Low side and
which is the first active on the High side. In some cases, the other
channel may be unused.

Last active channel

on Low side
First active channel
on High side

Figure 5-99

The Channel number to specify in the “Chan Nb” field is not the
hardware channel number (stored in the memory of the FDU2S).
Instead, use the following convention:
- The FDU2S port on the Low side is regarded as channel No. 1.
- The FDU2S port on the High side is regarded as channel No. 2.
See the examples below.

428XL User’s Manual Vol. 1 189

April 11, 2013
5 Line
Working with ULS field equipment > Detour setup

Detours with Mono-sensor takeout cables

Last active channel First active channel

on Low side on High side

FDU2S 4204621 1 FDU2S 4204461 2


765 766 channel 767 768

Low ch 1 2 ch 1 2 High
No. 4204621 No. 4204461



Figure 5-100

In the example shown in Figure 5-100:

- The Low channel (No. 1) of FDU2S No. 4204621 is used as the
last active channel at the Low end of the detour. It is assigned to
the sensor located at Point No. 766. The High channel of this unit
is not used.
- The High channel (No. 2) of FDU2S No. 4204461 is used as the
first active channel at the High end of the detour. It is assigned
to the sensor located at Point No. 767. The Low channel of this
unit is not used.

190 428XL User’s Manual Vol. 1

April 11, 2013
Working with ULS field equipment > Detour setup

Last active channel First active channel

on Low side on High side

FDU2S 4204621 2 FDU2S 4204461 2


Both channels
767 are unused 768 769

Low ch 1 2 ch 1 2 High
No. 4204621
No. 4204461


Figure 5-101

In the example shown in Figure 5-101:

- The High channel (No. 2) of FDU2S No. 4204621, assigned to
the sensor located at Point No. 767, is used as the last active
channel at the Low end of the detour.
- The High channel (No. 2) of FDU2S No. 4204461, assigned to
the sensor located at Point No. 768, is used as the first active
channel at the High end of the detour. The Low channel of this
unit is not used.

428XL User’s Manual Vol. 1 191

April 11, 2013
5 Line
Working with ULS field equipment > Detour setup

Last active channel First active channel

on Low side on High side

FDU2S 4204621 2 FDU2S 4204461 1

Both channels Both channels

103 are unused are unused 104

Low ch 1 2 ch 1 2 High
No. 4204621 No. 4204461



Figure 5-102

In the example shown in Figure 5-102:

- The High channel (No. 2) of FDU2S No. 4204621, assigned to the
sensor located at Point No. 103, is used the last active channel at the
Low end of the detour.
- The Low channel (No. 1) of FDU2S No. 4204461, assigned to the
sensor located at Point No. 104, is used as the first active channel at the
High end of the detour.

192 428XL User’s Manual Vol. 1

April 11, 2013
Working with ULS field equipment > Detour setup

Detours with dual-sensor takeout cables

Last active channel First active channel

on Low side on High side

FDU2S 4205191 1 FDU2S 4204395 2



764 765 channel 766
ch 1 2 ch 1 2
Low High
No. 4205191 No. 4204395



Figure 5-103

In the example shown in Figure 5-103:

- The Low channel (No. 1) of FDU2S No. 4205191, assigned to one of
the sensors located at Point No. 765, is used as the last active channel at
the Low end of the detour. The High channel is not used.
- The High channel (No. 2) of FDU2S No. 4204395, assigned to one of
the sensors located at Point No. 766, is used as the first active channel
at the High end of the detour. The Low channel of this unit is not used.

428XL User’s Manual Vol. 1 193

April 11, 2013
5 Line
Working with ULS field equipment > Detour setup

Snaking layout
Snaking layouts are allowed. In the example shown in Figure 5-104 with
mono-sensor takeouts, you must set a Detour with the Low channel
(No. 1) of FDU2S No. 4204395 (point No. 788) as the last active
channel at the Low end of the detour, and the High channel (No. 2) of
FDU2S No. 4204431 (point No. 788) as the first active channel at the
High end of the detour. Also you must activate the “Stop Marking”
In the Marker setup, you have to set a marker on Line 70, for example
assign point No. 786 to the Low channel (No. 1) of FDU2S
No. 4204478, and activate the “Reversed” option for that marker. (Do
not set the marker on the unit used as detour limit).

Last active channel First active channel

on Low side on High side

FDU2S 4204431 1 FDU2S 4204395 2

High channel
785 786 787 788 unused

ch 1 2
No. 4204431
Low High

ch 2 1 ch 1 2
No. 4204478 No. 4204395

FDU2S 4204478 70 786 1 1

Figure 5-104

194 428XL User’s Manual Vol. 1

April 11, 2013
Working with ULS field equipment > Detour setup

In the example shown in Figure 5-105 with mono-sensor takeouts, you

must set a Detour with the Low channel (No. 1) of FDU2S No. 4204431
(point No. 788) as the last active channel at the Low end of the detour,
and the Low channel (No. 1) of FDU2S No. 4204395 (point No. 788) as
the first active channel at the High end of the detour. Also you must
activate the “Stop Marking” option.
In the Marker setup, you have to set a marker on Line 70, for example
assign the Low channel (No. 1) of FDU2S No. 4204395 to point
No. 788, and activate the “Reversed” option for that marker.

Last active channel

on Low side
First active channel
on High side
FDU2S 4204431 1 FDU2S 4204395 1

High channel
785 786 787 788 unused

ch 1 2
No. 4204431
Low High

ch 1 2
No. 4204395
High channel

FDU2S 4204395 70 788 1 1

Figure 5-105

428XL User’s Manual Vol. 1 195

April 11, 2013
5 Line
Working with ULS field equipment > Detour setup

In the example shown in Figure 5-106 with dual-sensor takeouts, you

must set a Detour with the Low channel (No. 1) of FDU2S No. 4204461
(point No. 761) as the last active channel at the Low end of the detour,
and the Low channel (No. 1) of FDU2S No. 4205191 (point No. 761) as
as the first active channel at the High end of the detour. Also you must
activate the “Stop Marking” option.
In the Marker setup, you have to set a marker on Line 70, for example
assign the Low channel (No. 1) of FDU2S No. 4204881 to point No.
761, and activate the “Reversed” option for that marker.

Last active channel First active channel

on Low side on High side

FDU2S 4204461 1 FDU2S 4205191 1

High channel
760 761 unused

ch 1 2
No. 4204461
Low High

ch 2 1 ch 1 2
No. 4204881 No. 4205191
High channel

FDU2S 4204881 70 761 1 1

Figure 5-106

196 428XL User’s Manual Vol. 1

April 11, 2013
Working with ULS field equipment > Auxiliary channel setup

Auxiliary channel setup

FDU2S channels cannot be used as auxiliary channels.

Test setup
Selecting the FDU2S option in the Install window causes a Sensor
Distortion test to be available in addition to usual tests. It is only
applicable to FDU2S channels.
Unused (skipped) channels at the end of a line or at the standard/ULS
transition are not tested in Instrument tests.
The Checkline function is unable to separate the channels of an FDU2S.

428XL User’s Manual Vol. 1 197

April 11, 2013
5 Line
Radio telemetry > Radio telemetry equipment

Radio telemetry
In this section:
• Radio telemetry equipment (page 198)
• Instrument Topographic view (page 199)
• The Radio QC Limit setup (page 200)
• Frequency management (page 201)
• LRU parameters (page 208)
• LAUR parameters (page 213)
• Wakeup/Sleep (page 213)
• Loop test (page 214)

Radio telemetry equipment

The 428XL radio telemetry equipment includes a data acquisition unit
(LAUR-428) and a transceiver unit (LRU).
The LRU (Line Remote Unit) is used as a long range point-to-point
radio relay, or as master transceiver in a radio cell. It can be inserted
anywhere in a spread as an element of the 428XL network to relay the
data transmission on a Line. It connects to any type of 428XL field
electronics (LAUX, LAUL, FDU Link, etc.), except for 100 MHz
Ethernet ports. Built in the LRU is a full performance LAUX.

198 428XL User’s Manual Vol. 1

April 11, 2013
Radio telemetry > Instrument Topographic view

Instrument Topographic view


radio path LAUR

Figure 5-107 Radio instrument view

Any message that is affected by RF communications problems is
transmitted again until it is received properly. The colour of each radio
path (green/orange/red) is determined by the LRU, depending on the
rate of retries for messages from the LAUR, so that you can instantly
see if any radio link is in trouble.
In addition, you can zoom in on an LAUR until its antenna is visible.
The antenna is displayed in green, or orange or red, depending on the
RF power margin of the LAUR and on your alert settings, adjustable
using The Radio QC Limit setup (page 200). See Figure 5-109 (page 200).
You can view detailed information on each LRU, LAUR or radio path
by right-clicking on it and choosing Properties from the contextual
menu that pops up.

Right-click on
radio path

Right-click on

Figure 5-108 Popup menu

428XL User’s Manual Vol. 1 199

April 11, 2013
5 Line
Radio telemetry > The Radio QC Limit setup

The contextual popup menu also prompts the available shortcuts, like
Set Wireless (see LRU parameters on page 208) or Enable/Disable
Radio (see Wakeup/Sleep on page 213).

The Radio QC Limit setup

Choose Radio QC Limit from the Setup menu. This opens a setup
window with two scale boxes that allow you to set two alert thresholds
for monitoring the RF power margin in all the LAUR’s deployed.
The RF power margin (typically at least 27 dB in 428XL radio links) is
calculated as the amount of RF power above the minimum required to
maintain a safe link. It is affected by the link length, terrain
characteristics, atmospheric conditions, local jammers (electric motors,

Red alert setting

LAUR antenna colour
tells you if radio link is

Orange alert

Figure 5-109 Radio QC limit setup

The antenna of each LAUR is displayed in:

• green so long as its RF power margin remains higher than your
Orange alert setting;
• orange if its RF power margin lies between your Orange and Red
alert settings;
• red if its RF power margin drops below your Red alert setting.

200 428XL User’s Manual Vol. 1

April 11, 2013
Radio telemetry > Frequency management

Frequency management

Half-duplex protocol
In the LRU transmission protocol (Half-duplex), time is shared between
transmission of Master-to-Slave messages and transmission of Slave-
to-Master messages.
Master-to-Slave messages are called Network Control Sequences
(NCS), used for synchronization, zero-time transmission and control.
Slave-to-Master messages are called Data Transfer Sequences (DTS),
used for data retrieval, seismonitor and collecting test results. 5
Radio frame
(50 ms) (50 ms)



Figure 5-110

Typically, NCS messages are transmitted every 50 ms. In reply to an

NCS message, the LAUR transmits a DTS message (1.5 to 40 ms long).
The LAUR does not transmit its DTS until and unless its clock is locked
onto that of the LRU.

(Master) (Slave)
Line or
Transverse to
Line or
truck Transverse

Figure 5-111 Radio Relay

428XL User’s Manual Vol. 1 201

April 11, 2013
5 Line
Radio telemetry > Frequency management

Line or DTS
Transverse to (Master)
truck LRU

Line Line
(30 channels max.) (30 channels max.)

Figure 5-112 Radio Line segment cell

Different setups can be implemented, depending on the required data

rate and on the expected transmission range. See 428XL Installation
Manual for details.

Frequency channels
The RF transceiver in the LRU or LAUR uses a single 2-MHz band for
both transmission and reception. That band is selected between 216
MHz and 249 MHz using the “Center Frequency” parameter.
Within the 2-MHz bandwidth, you can choose which channel(s) to use
for NCS and DTS messages, by specifying:
• a Control Channel Frequency for NCS messages,
• one or more Data Channel Frequencies for DTS messages (one for
a radio relay, up to eight for a radio cell).
The necessary bandwidth (0.2 to 0.8 MHz) for a Data Channel depends
on the expected Data Rate (256, 512, 1024 or 2048 kbps). See Figure 5-
113 (page 204).

Note: Because the LRU or LAUR uses a half-duplex protocol, you

can choose the same frequency for the Control Channel and
the Data Channel.

202 428XL User’s Manual Vol. 1

April 11, 2013
Radio telemetry > Frequency management

The LAUR must have the same frequency and data rate settings as the
associated master LRU.
The two LRU units making up a radio relay should have the same
frequency and data rate settings, and the same Cell Number. Each
LAUR should have the same Cell Number and Center Frequency as
its master LRU.

Note: The available frequency band depends on the regional settings

chosen by the user when installing software on the 428XL GUI
and on the FDPA428 terminal. For compliance with Canadian 5
and US communications regulations, the frequency band is
limited to respectively:
• Canada: 217 to 218 MHz and 219 to 220 MHz.
• USA: 217 to 220 MHz (and 216 to 217 MHz by licence prior to
January 01, 2002).

428XL User’s Manual Vol. 1 203

April 11, 2013
5 Line
Radio telemetry > Frequency management

Center Default channel

Freq. Available channels
Control Freq.


- 0.8 - 0.6 - 0.4 - 0.2 +0.4 +0.6 +0.8

Center F. 0.2 MHz Center F.
-1 MHz +1 MHz

Data Channel Freq. # 1

256 k

Center F. - 0.8 - 0.6 - 0.4 - 0.2 +0.2 +0.4 +0.6 +0.8 Center F.
-1 MHz +1 MHz

Data Channel Freq. # 1 Data Channel Freq. # 2

512 k

Center F. - 0.8 - 0.6 - 0.4 - 0.2 +0.2 +0.4 +0.6 +0.8 Center F.
-1 MHz +1 MHz

Data Channel Freq. # 1

1024 k

Center F. - 0.8 - 0.6 - 0.4 - 0.2 +0.2 +0.4 +0.6 +0.8 Center F.
-1 MHz +1 MHz

Data Channel Freq. # 1 Data Channel Freq. # 2

2048 k

Center F. - 0.8 - 0.6 - 0.4 - 0.2 +0.2 +0.4 +0.6 +0.8 Center F.
-1 MHz +1 MHz

Figure 5-113 LRU Relay data channels

204 428XL User’s Manual Vol. 1

April 11, 2013
Radio telemetry > Frequency management

Center Default channel

Freq. Available channels
Control Freq.

- 0.8 - 0.6 - 0.4 - 0.2 +0.4 +0.6 +0.8

Center F. 0.2 MHz Center F.
-1 MHz +1 MHz

DTS Data Channel Freq. # 1

256 k (QPSK)
Center F. - 0.8 - 0.6 - 0.4 - 0.2 +0.2 +0.4 +0.6 +0.8 Center F.
-1 MHz +1 MHz

Data Channel Freq. # 1

1024 k (DQPSK)

Center F. - 0.8 - 0.6 - 0.4 - 0.2 +0.2 +0.4 +0.6 +0.8 Center F.
-1 MHz +1 MHz

Figure 5-114 LAUR data channels

Note that the maximum covered range may be shorter on desensitized
channels (i. e. channels on which the strength of the received signal is
normally decreased by the presence of spurious signals from the 8-MHz
and 33-MHz master oscillators in the LRU). In the table below are the
channels that may be affected by desentization, depending on the
selected Data Rate.

428XL User’s Manual Vol. 1 205

April 11, 2013
5 Line
Radio telemetry > Frequency management

Table 5-2
Centre Freq. Data Rate Desensitization
(MHz) (kb/s) affects on channels
256 & 512 NCS & DTS 221.2
1024 & 2048 DTS 221.1
221.184 221.2
256 & 512 NCS & DTS 229.4
1024 & 2048 DTS 229.3
229.376 229.4
256 & 512 NCS & DTS 233.3
1024 & 2048 DTS 233.2
233.309 233.3
256 & 512 NCS & DTS 237.6
1024 & 2048 DTS 237.5
237.568 237.6
256 & 512 NCS & DTS 245.7
245.760 1024 & 2048 DTS 245.7

TDM (Time Division Multiplex)

The Time Division Multiplex technique allows several LRU relay cells
to use the same bandwidth without any conflict, by assigning distinct
“Subframes” (i. e. time slots) to adjacent cells transmitting in that

206 428XL User’s Manual Vol. 1

April 11, 2013
Radio telemetry > Frequency management

The TDM technique is especially helpful in situations where

neighbouring relay cells are likely to impinge on one another, as is the
• where two series-connected relay cells use the same antenna mast,
• where too few frequency channels are available.
Where the TDM technique is implemented, each relay cell uses a
dedicated “Subframe” (i. e. one radio frame out of two or four) instead
of using every radio frame.


Relay cell 1 Relay cell 2

(transmits on Subframe No. 1) (transmits on Subframe No. 2)

Number of subframes = 2

Subframe No. 1 Subframe No. 2 Subframe No. 1 Subframe No. 2

(50 ms) (50 ms) (50 ms) (50 ms)



Figure 5-115

As a result the “Data rate” is divided by the “Number of subframes”.

428XL User’s Manual Vol. 1 207

April 11, 2013
5 Line
Radio telemetry > LRU parameters

LRU parameters
LRU parameters are available by choosing Set Wireless from the menu
that pops up when you right-click on an LRU in an Instrument view.
An LRU can be set up to be in either Relay mode or Cell mode (Figure 5-
116). In Relay mode, the LRU is either a Master unit communicating to
an LRU Slave unit, or a Slave unit communicating to an LRU Master
unit. No other radio units are allowed. In Cell mode, the LRU is a
Master unit communicating to a cell of LAURs.

Figure 5-116 LRU standard parameters

In either Relay or Cell mode, the User option in the Advanced

Parameters tab allows the user to modify additional parameters. The
Default option displays these parameters, but does not allow the user
to change them (see Figure 5-117).
Click Go (or Apply) to permanently save the RF parameters into non-
volatile memory (flash). This also saves the RF parameters in all
LAURs currently linked in this radio cell.
See the description of each parameter below. See also Radio telemetry
equipment (page 198).

Cell Number
(Allowable range 1 to 31). You must enter a distinct Cell Number for
each LRU radio relay or cell in the 428XL network so that it can be
identified by the 428XL GUI. That is, the two LRUs (Master and Slave)
in a radio relay must have the same Cell Number that is different from
any other Cell Number used in the 428XL network. Likewise, all radio

208 428XL User’s Manual Vol. 1

April 11, 2013
Radio telemetry > LRU parameters

units in a radio cell (LRU Master and LAURs) must have the same Cell
Number, but that Cell Number must be different from any other Cell
Number used in the 428XL network.

Center Frequency
(Allowable range 216.0 to 249.0 MHz, in 0.1-MHz steps). Center
frequency of the 2-MHz band within which to choose the transmission
channels for the radio relay or cell, depending on the frequencies used
by other radio relays or cells and on the desired data rate. See Figure 5-
113 — page 204.
Data Rate
(Available options: 256, 512, 1024, 2048 kbps for Radio Relay, 256
kbps for Radio Cell).
• For a radio relay, the 512 and 2048 options require two data
transmission channels. See Figure 5-113 — page 204.
• For a radio cell, the 256 kbps option requires up to 8 data
transmission channels. See Figure 5-114 — page 205.

428XL User’s Manual Vol. 1 209

April 11, 2013
5 Line
Radio telemetry > LRU parameters

Figure 5-117 Cell Mode Frequency Display

Transmit Power
(Available options: Standard, Low; defaults to Standard).
• Low: Transmit power is 1 mW (0 dBm) for all radio units in this cell.
This option is helpful for tests over a short range.
• Standard: Transmit power is 6 W (38 dBm) for all radio units in this
cell. For standard RF transmission conditions.

Number of Subframes
Available options: 1 or 2. See TDM (Time Division Multiplex) (page 206).

Subframe Number
Available options: 1 to the value specified for the “Number of
Subframes”. See TDM (Time Division Multiplex) (page 206).

210 428XL User’s Manual Vol. 1

April 11, 2013
Radio telemetry > LRU parameters

Where two or more LRU cells are deployed, changing the “Number of
Radio Subframes” and “Subframe Number” parameters in the Line
main window is likely to result in conflicting situations in the relay
cells. Use the FDPA428 instead.

Control Channel (Relay Mode Only)

(Adjustable from Center Freq –0.8 to Center Freq +0.8 MHz in 0.2-
MHz steps; defaults to Center Freq). Center frequency of the 0.2-MHz
channel is used to transmit network control messages (NCS).
Example: if Center Freq = 218 MHz, the list of available Control
frequencies are 217.2, 217.4, 217.6, 217.8, 218.0, 218.2, 218.4, 218.6,
218.8 MHz. See Figure 5-113 — page 204.

Data Channel #1 Frequency (Relay Mode Only)

Center frequency of the 0.2-MHz channel is used to transmit data
retrieval messages (DTS) (Table 5-3). See Figure 5-113 — page 204.
Table 5-3 Data Channel #1 Frequency
Data Rate 256 512 1024 2048
Data From From From From
Channel #1 Center Freq 0.8 Center Freq 0.8 Center Freq 0.5 Center Freq 0.5
Freq to Center Freq +0.8 to Center Freq +0.8 to Center Freq +0.5 to Center Freq +0.5
in 0.2 MHz steps in 0.2 MHz steps in 0.2 MHz steps in 0.2 MHz steps
Default Center Freq Center Freq Center Freq Center Freq
+ 0.1 MHz –0.3 MHz

Data Channel #2 Frequency (Relay Mode only)

Center frequency of the second 0.2-MHz channel is used to transmit
data retrieval messages (DTS), depending on the selected data rate
(Table 5-4). See Figure 5-113 — page 204.

428XL User’s Manual Vol. 1 211

April 11, 2013
5 Line
Radio telemetry > LRU parameters

Table 5-4 Data Channel #2 Frequency

Data Rate 256 512 1024 2048

Data Not required From Center Freq 0.8 Not required From Center Freq 0.5
Channel #2 to Center Freq +0.8 in to Center Freq +0.5 in
Freq 0.2 MHz steps 0.2 MHz steps
Default Center Freq +0.2 MHz Center Freq +0.3 MHz

Where Data Channel #2 Freq is required, the system checks that the
difference between Data Channel #1 Freq and Data Channel #2 Freq is
at least 0.2 MHz at 512 kbits/s and 0.8 MHz at 2048 kbits/s.

Note: The available frequency band depends on the regional settings

chosen by the user when installing software on the 428XL GUI
and on the FDPA428 terminal. For compliance with Canadian
and U.S. communications regulations, the frequency band is
limited to
• Canada: 217 to 218 MHz and 219 to 220 MHz
• USA: 217 to 220 MHz (and 216 to 217 MHz by licence prior to
January 01, 2002).

Control Channel (Cell Mode Only)

Selection that specifies which one frequency is to be used as the control
frequency (NCS). This frequency is used to send messages from the
LRU to the LAURs. See Figure 5-114 — page 205.

Data Channel (Cell Mode Only)

Selection(s) that specify which frequencies (maximum of eight) are to
be used to transmit data retrieval messages (DTS) from LAURs back to
the LRU.

212 428XL User’s Manual Vol. 1

April 11, 2013
Radio telemetry > LAUR parameters

LAUR parameters
LAUR parameters (Figure 5-118) are available by choosing Set
Wireless from the menu that pops up when you right-click on an LAUR
in an Instrument view.
See LRU parameters on page 208 for details on these parameters.

Note: An LAUR is a slave of a master LRU that is configured in Cell

mode. The Cell Number and Center Frequency must be the
same as the master LRU.

Figure 5-118 LAUR Parameters menu

Click Go (or Apply) to permanently save the RF parameters into non-

volatile memory (flash). Thus, if the LAUR is powered off and on
again, the latest modifications are recalled.

Choosing Disable Radio from the contextual menu that pops up when
you right-click on an LRU, and then going to Field Off, causes the LRU
to go to a power-saving mode called Sleep mode. This allows you to put
a whole radio cell to sleep and then wake it back up again. Note that
when you next go to Field On, a slave LRU will not respond until it has
scanned for new control messages (and there is only one scan cycle per
minute in Sleep mode).
The LRU automatically goes to the Sleep mode if it is left idle for
30 minutes.
The “Sleep” status is not saved to the LRU’s non-volatile memory.

428XL User’s Manual Vol. 1 213

April 11, 2013
5 Line
Radio telemetry > Loop test

To wake up the radio cell, right-click on the master LRU and choose
Enable Radio from the popup menu.
Right-clicking on an LAUR and choosing Disable Radio from the
popup menu allows you to put this one LAUR to sleep. Likewise, you
can wake it up individually by right-clicking on it and choosing Enable
Radio from the popup menu.

Loop test

LRU Loop test

Right-clicking on an LRU and choosing Start Loop from the popup
menu allows you to check RF communications between that LRU and
any distant LRU (in Relay mode) or LAURs (in Cell mode). So long as
the LRU is busy with the Loop test, it is displayed in red in the
Instrument Topographic view.

LAUR Loop test

Right-clicking on an LAUR and choosing Start Loop from the popup
menu allows you to check RF communications between that LAUR and
the master LRU.

If communications are established with a distant radio unit, the Loop
test returns the attenuation of the signal (in dB) and rate of retries. This
updates those fields in the Numeric view.
The Loop test is not possible on a distant radio unit that is in Sleep
mode. To wake up the radio unit see Wakeup/Sleep on page 213.

You cannot launch a Loop test if the radio unit is busy (e. g. during
acquisition, seismonitor, etc.).

214 428XL User’s Manual Vol. 1

April 11, 2013
Test functions > Overview

Test functions
In this section:
• Overview (page 215)
• Instrument tests (page 218)
• Sensor tests (page 221)
• Seismonitor (page 225)

You open this window by selecting Test Setup from the Setup menu. It
allows you to create a list of tests to do, choose whether or not to record
the results, and specify which channels to test. For Instrument tests, you
also have to choose the channel gain and record length.

Click and then choose

from pull-down menu that
pops up

List of tests to be
done in sequence

Figure 5-119

Select the desired test (from the Test Type pull-down menu) and
options. Click Add to enter the test into the list box. Click Apply to
activate your changes, then click Go to launch the test.
The results appear in the Numeric and/or Graphic view, whichever is
selected. To interpret the results of a particular test, see the legend at the
foot of the main window (with the appropriate test selected in the
graphic view).

428XL User’s Manual Vol. 1 215

April 11, 2013
5 Line
Test functions > Overview

The settings in the Test Setup window are also used for every test you
launch with the Go button in the graphic view.
Table 5-5 List of tests
Instrument Sensor Sample Rate Gain Filter Type

CMRR User-selected User-selected User-selected
Tilt See Vol. 3
Resistance See Vol. 3
See Vol. 3
Leakage User-selected
Impulse User-selected

Note: For a description of the principle of each test, see 428XL

User’s Manual Vol. 3.

Test Type
Click in this field and choose the desired type of test from the option
button that pops up.

Choose this option if you wish to record the acquisition to a test file.
Size of the record: 4 bytes per sample. (Data is not compressed).

216 428XL User’s Manual Vol. 1

April 11, 2013
Test functions > Overview

Absolute Spread
The Absolute Spread list box is used to specify the lines and receiver
positions to be tested (e. g. 10: 101-105g1),
You have to specify a gain in the Absolute Spread description or else
the syntax would not be correct, but in Instrument tests the gain
actually used (for seismic and auxiliary channels) is the one selected
with the Gain option button in the Test Setup.

Note: With a rectangular spread, there is an easier way of specifying
the lines and receiver positions to be tested: select the desired
units in the graphic view, then choose and start the desired test
with the buttons available in the main window. See To select
one or more elements (page 117).

Note: In Sensor tests, auxiliary channels are not tested (regardless of

whether or not they are included in the spread). In Instrument
tests, auxiliary channels can be tested (you have to specify a list
of aux channels to be tested).
Note: After doing an Instrument test, use the Look function.
Note: If an overscaling arises during the acquisition of the test signal
(in an Instrument or Sensor test), no result is available (N/A)
for that test.

428XL User’s Manual Vol. 1 217

April 11, 2013
5 Line
Test functions > Instrument tests

Instrument tests

a1-a3,a5-a6,a3 11:113-127g1

Figure 5-120 Instrument test setup

Note: For a description of the principle of each test, see 428XL

User’s Manual Vol. 3.
Note: After doing an Instrument test, use the Look function.

Auxiliary Descriptor
The Aux Descr text box is used to specify which auxiliary channels to
test (with the same gain as seismic channels). Use the identification
number assigned to each channel in the Auxiliary channels (page 139)
setup, prefixed with the letter “a”, with a comma as a separator.
Example of description: a1,a2, etc.
The + operator is not allowed. Use a hyphen to specify more quickly a
range of auxiliary channel numbers (e.g. a1-a4 rather than a1,a2,a3,a4).

This option button allows you to choose the preamplifier gain to be used
for the Instrument tests.
See the gain code table (Table 5-1 on page 147).

218 428XL User’s Manual Vol. 1

April 11, 2013
Test functions > Instrument tests

Record Length
Duration of the acquisition.
Table 5-6

Sample rate Record length

(ms) Minimum (sec.) Maximum
0.25 1
0.5 2
See 428XL User’s Manual Vol. 3
1 3 (Specifications).
2 3
4 3

Note: For an Instrument Crosstalk test, the minimum length required

is 5 s @ 2 ms SR for FDUs, 8 s for DSU3s.
Note: To calculate the number of samples per trace, see Trace Data
block (page 32) in 428XL User’s Manual Vol. 2.

Instrument Noise
(Microvolts) During this test, the channel input is shorted via an internal
resistor. Geophones are not connected. The gain, filter type and sample
rate parameters are user-selected.

Instrument Distortion
(dB) During this test, geophones are not connected. The built-in
generator of the FDU is used as input to the channel under test. The
gain, filter type and sample rate parameters are user-selected.

Instrument Crosstalk
(dB) The test includes two sequences: during the first sequence, the test
generator applies a sine wave to the test network in each even FDU. The
ADC converter in each odd FDU measures the resulting voltage across
its own test network. (The test generator in odd FDUs is disabled).

428XL User’s Manual Vol. 1 219

April 11, 2013
5 Line
Test functions > Instrument tests

Conversely, during the second test sequence, the test sine wave is fed to
each odd FDU and the resulting voltage is measured across the test
network in each even FDU.

Note: On the plotter, the test sine wave may appear on adjacent
channels (on either side of an LAU). See User’s Manual Vol. 3.
A minimum test length is required (5 s @ 2 ms SR for FDUs, 8 s for
The gain, filter type and sample rate parameters are user-selected.

Instrument Gain/Phase error

(%) This test returns the maximum error in amplitude and phase.
Geophones are not connected. The built-in generator of the FDU is used
as input to the channel under test. The gain, filter type and sample rate
parameters are user-selected.

Common Mode Rejection

(dB) During this test, geophones are not connected. The built-in
generator of the FDU is used as input to the channel under test. The
gain, filter type and sample rate parameters are user-selected.

Instrument Pulse
This test is used to record the response of the instrument channel to a
pulse (one sample long). Not applicable to a DSU.

(For DSU3 channels only). This test makes it possible to qualify the
complete performance of digital sensor units, by measuring the gravity
acceleration (“g”).

220 428XL User’s Manual Vol. 1

April 11, 2013
Test functions > Sensor tests

Sensor tests

Figure 5-121

The Test Setup window lets you manually launch a Sensor test on the
receivers that you specify in the Absolute Spread list box.
The fault threshold is adjustable by selecting Survey from the Setup
menu, then choosing Sensor (see page 131).

Note: Sensor tests are run automatically when FDUs have no

acquisition to perform. Whenever Sensor tests are launched
automatically, i. e. whenever you turn on the line power, or
when you click on the Look button, or when neither acquisition
nor seismonitor is underway (field update mode or Auto Look
option), the Sample Rate defaults to 2 ms for Resistance and
Leakage tests.
Note: For a description of the principle of each test, see 428XL
User’s Manual Vol. 3.

(ohms) This test allows you to see if geophones are connected. The
Sample Rate is user-selected.

428XL User’s Manual Vol. 1 221

April 11, 2013
5 Line
Test functions > Sensor tests

Sensor Leakage
(Mohms) This test displays the global leakage resistance between the
input conductors of the receiver link and the earth. The Sample Rate is

Note: If the channel Input is left unconnected (or if the resistance

connected exceeds 9999 ohm), the Sensor Leakage test is
irrelevant. In “field update” mode, if the Resistance value
exceeds the specified limit, the Leakage test is not performed,
even if it is selected in the Look Properties setup.

Sensor Noise
(microvolts) In this test the noise picked by the geophones is measured
by performing data acquisition with no Firing Order. The Sample Rate
is user-selected.

(%) The Tilt test is sensitive to a number of faults relating to the sensors.
The test results will be affected by anomalies on cutoff frequencies,
damping, sensitivity, distortion (sticking, friction, etc.) and tilt
(geophone not properly planted).

Note: In “field update” mode, if the Resistance value exceeds the

specified limit, the Tilt test is not performed, even if it is
selected in the Look Properties setup.

Tilt Model
The Tilt Model function is used to store a model of the response to a
pulse on geophones, from a number of geophone arrays known to be in
good repair. The model will be used subsequently in Tilt tests. Because
the samples stored are average values, the higher the number of tested
channels, the closer the model to the theoretical impulse response.

222 428XL User’s Manual Vol. 1

April 11, 2013
Test functions > Sensor tests

If several sensor types are associated with the channels selected for the
Tilt Model test, a model is computed for each sensor type to be used in
further Tilt tests.
In Dual telemetry, separate models are computed for wireline telemetry
and radio telemetry.
For any sensor type that is not associated with the channels selected for
the Tilt Model test, the corresponding saved model is not modified.
Clicking Go connects the channel input to both the built-in generator
and geophones. Then, acquisition is performed and the model is
computed by averaging the responses of all the geophones tested. 5
Sensor Pulse
This test is used to record the response of the seismic channel to a pulse
(one sample long).

428XL User’s Manual Vol. 1 223

April 11, 2013
5 Line
Test functions > Multiple tests

Multiple tests
Rather than launching tests individually, you may want to do a number
of tests in sequence with a single click on Go. You can do that by
creating batches in this setup window.

Figure 5-122

You can create up to 10 test batches, automatically labelled Test 1 to

Test 10 by the system. When you start from scratch, all test batches are
blank. To create a test batch, do the following:
1. Choose a batch name from the Test Setup option button;
2. Choose the first test to do from the Test Type pull-down menu,
choose the desired gain (for an Instrument test), and specify which
channels to test in the Absolute Spread field. Click Add;
3. Likewise, choose the second test to do in sequence, and click
Add, and so on and so forth.
4. If you want to insert a pause between tests, enter the desired
interval (milliseconds) into the Delay Between Tests field;

224 428XL User’s Manual Vol. 1

April 11, 2013
Test functions > Seismonitor

5. Enter the duration (milliseconds) of the acquisition into the

Record Length field. The record length is the same for each test
in the batch.
6. If you want to record the results from each test, tick the Record
Results option.
Click Apply to save and activate your settings.
If you want to repeat a group of consecutive tests a number of times:
1. Click on the last test in the group to repeat;
Choose Control Loop from the Test Type pull-down menu;
In the Loop Line Nb field, enter the index number of the first test
to repeat;
4. In the Nb of Loops field, enter the desired number of cycles;
5. Click Add.
The test batches you create in this setup window are not available from
the test option button associated with the Go button in the main window.

This window allows you to monitor the input signal on the channels you
specify in the Absolute Spread box.

10: 100-500g1
20: 100-500g1
30: 100-500g1
40: 100-500g1

Figure 5-123

428XL User’s Manual Vol. 1 225

April 11, 2013
5 Line
The Form Line setup > General

The Form Line setup

In this section:
• General (page 226)
• Line Troubleshooting (page 227)
• Network Management (page 229)

You open this window by selecting Form Line from the Setup menu.

List of manual power on/

power off commands

Figure 5-124

This window is mainly used for:

• Troubleshooting the line, by going step-by-step with line forming;
• Managing the network in case of multi-path layout.
The typical way of using Form Line is as follows: create a specific
power on/off command by selecting the desired options as explained
below (see Line Troubleshooting on page 227) and clicking on Add. You
can save it by clicking on Apply. Then select a command in the list box
by clicking on it, and launch it by clicking on Go.

Note: After a set of LAUs is powered on/off and channels are

identified by Form Line, all functions can be performed,
including Sensor and Instrument tests, seismonitor and

226 428XL User’s Manual Vol. 1

April 11, 2013
The Form Line setup > Line Troubleshooting

Also note that field update is not done automatically on a segment

powered up by Form Line: click on Look (in the Sensors view) to
collect the field update data.
All the information stored in the Form Line menu is used at line power-
up. This may prevent some LAU ports from being powered up.

Typically, clear Form Line menu entries after you are finished with
Note: If the Form Line menu is not empty as lines are powered up, the
spread is formed step by step. The propagation of power from
LAU to LAU is slower than in the normal mode even if
referenced LAUs are not connected in the spread (due to the
fact that power-up propagation is controlled by software rather
than hardware). An “M” appears on the readout of the LCI-428
or LCI-G line controller (standing for “Manual mode”).

Line Troubleshooting
To investigate a problem on a line segment, you can power down one of
the ports of an adjacent LAUL or LAUX, or power up that port and form
a number of channels (or all) attached to it. Also, you can gradually
power up/down a Transverse. To do that:
1. Use the Serial Number field, and the option button that pops up
as you click in the Box Type field, to specify which unit is
2. From the Orientation option button, choose the port you want to
power up or power off.
3. If you want to power up the port, tick the “Enable” option. If you
want to form all the channels attached to that port, tick the “All”
option, otherwise specify how many channels you want to form in
the Channels to Form field.

428XL User’s Manual Vol. 1 227

April 11, 2013
5 Line
The Form Line setup > Line Troubleshooting

4. Choose the appropriate Speed, depending on which type of

channel is attached to that segment: FDU-428 channels support
both 8 and 16 Mbits/s data rates; FDU408 channels support only
the 8 Mbits/s option (see Default Line Data Rate on page 90).
5. Click Add, then Go.

Forming all channels

With the “All” option in the Channels to Form field, the Form Line
function applies the line power to the selected port. All the channels
attached to that port are identified and displayed graphically.
If an LAU is connected at the end of that series of channels, it is
powered up, identified and displayed graphically too. The line power is
not propagated automatically by this LAU; this must be done using the
Form Line function.
This allows you to go step-by-step with line power up.

Forming a number of channels

If you choose to form only a number of channels, then the Form Line
function applies the line power to the line and the requested channels
are identified and displayed graphically.
If an LAU is connected at the end of the series of channels, it is powered
up, but is neither identified nor displayed. In this mode, you cannot
power up LAUs beyond the selected LAU.

228 428XL User’s Manual Vol. 1

April 11, 2013
The Form Line setup > Network Management

Network Management
In case of multi-path layout, it may be interesting to enable/disable
some paths to control the data path and make it optimum.
To that end, you can use the Form Line menu as described below to
prevent the line or transverse power from being set by some LAUs.
Assuming the configuration below:

R ig
n sv LAUX #22
e Ri g

LAUX #12


LAUX-428 #21
LAUX-428 #11

Figure 5-125

If the network is powered up without any control in the Form Line

setup, the data path may be that of Figure 5-126 or Figure 5-127
(page 230), depending on how hardware line power is relayed.

428XL User’s Manual Vol. 1 229

April 11, 2013
5 Line
The Form Line setup > Network Management

LAUX-428 #22

LAUX-428 #12

LAUX-428 #21
LAUX-428 #11

Figure 5-126 Data Path 1

LAUX-428 #22

LAUX-428 #12

LAUX-428 #21
LAUX-428 #11

Figure 5-127 Data Path 2

In order to enforce the second situation (Data path 2), optimum for data
retrieval, enter a command in the Form Line menu to power off the
Right port of LAUX22 (as a result the LAUX#12 to LAUX#22
secondary transverse is displayed but not used for data transfer).

230 428XL User’s Manual Vol. 1

April 11, 2013
The Synthetic setup >

The Synthetic setup

This setup window allows you to create a virtual spread and use a
synthetic signal as seismic source energy to take virtual shots. For
example, you can take virtual shots on a virtual spread to see if your
setup parameters are consistent.
This window also allows you to do Acceptance tests (in that case, you
must tick the Acceptance Test mode option). See Acceptance tests
(page 263) in 428XL User’s Manual Vol. 3.

2 Selecting an
object to add

1 Navigating

Focus point

3 Adding objects

For acceptance
tests only

Figure 5-128

Creating a virtual spread

1. Use the navigation keys to move the focus point to the left/right or
upward/downward, depending on where you would like to insert
an element into your virtual spread.
2. Click on the desired icon at the top to choose which object to add.

428XL User’s Manual Vol. 1 231

April 11, 2013
5 Line
The Synthetic setup >

3. Click on the appropriate add button, depending on which port you

wish to connect to. The two buttons that add elements on the Low/
High sides also allow you to choose how many elements you want
to add to the element that has the focus. This is an easy way of
replicating line segments.

Transverse (Left)
Add one or more Click to
elements on Low choose how
side many to add

Add on Right

Add on Left side Line (Low) (High)

Add one or more

elements on High

Figure 5-129

4. Clicking on any element in your virtual spread causes its

description to appear in the upper right corner.

Figure 5-130

The example in Figure 5-131 shows how to connect a Right

Transverse with four FDU links in just a few clicks.

232 428XL User’s Manual Vol. 1

April 11, 2013
The Synthetic setup >

focus to
Right Connect an Connect an
Trans- LAUX FDU link
verse Add an FDU link Add two FDU links

Figure 5-131 Example

Synthetic file
In order to simulate shots, you have to load a file containing the
necessary samples to generate the test signal. Use the Browse button to
do that.
The synthetic signal file should contain the description of the signals fed
to Seismic and Auxiliary channels. Three cases may arise:
• A single synthetic signal is described: the same signal is fed both to
Seismic and Auxiliary Channels.
• Two synthetic signals are described: the first one is fed to Seismic
channels and the second is fed to Auxiliary channels (used to simulate
single-source correlation operations).
• Three synthetic signals are described: the first one is fed to Seismic
channels, the second to the first Auxiliary channel, and the third to the
other Auxiliary channels (used to simulate dual-source correlation
See also 428XL User’s Manual Vol. 2.

File Syntax
• Blank lines and lines beginning with # in the first column are ignored.
• Acquisitions are identified with a text line starting with the character
@ (in the first column) followed by a space character and an

428XL User’s Manual Vol. 1 233

April 11, 2013
5 Line
The Synthetic setup >

acquisition number. If there is no @, the signals described are

common to all acquisitions.
• Each synthetic signal described begins with an asterisk (*) in the first
• The signal is made up of a succession of samples and described with
5 sample values per line, each line starting with the sequential
number of the first value in the line (0, 5, 10, 15 etc.), for the sake of
better legibility.
• Each sample is described in the form of a signed integer between -
8388608 and 8388607. The maximum number of samples is 32000,
allowing descriptions of signals with a maximum length of 32000
times the Sample Rate. If the Acquisition Length exceeds the length
of the described synthetic signal, then, after the last sample, the signal
starts again with the first sample (sequential number 0).

Example With Signals Common To All Acquisitions

# Example of file with 3 signals
* Seismic signal with 20 samples
0 0 1 2 3 4
5 5 6 7 8 9
10 10 11 12 13 14
15 15 16 17 18 19
* AUX1 signal with 20 samples
0 0 1 2 3 4
5 5 6 7 8 9
10 10 11 12 13 14
15 15 16 17 18 19
* AUX2 to AUXN signal with 20 samples (N depending on the spread).
0 0 1 2 3 4

234 428XL User’s Manual Vol. 1

April 11, 2013
The Synthetic setup >

5 5 6 7 8 9
10 10 11 12 13 14
15 15 16 17 18 19

Example With Different Signals In Two Or More Acquisitions

# Example of synthetic file with different signal in two acquisitions.
* Seismic signal with 20 samples
0 0 1 2 3 4 5
5 5 6 7 8 9
10 10 11 12 13 14
15 15 16 17 18 19
* AUX signal with 20 samples
0 0 1 2 3 4
5 5 6 7 8 9
10 10 11 12 13 14
15 15 16 17 18 19
* Seismic signal with 20 samples
0 50 51 52 53 54
5 55 56 57 58 59
10 60 61 62 63 64
15 65 66 67 68 69
* AUX signal with 20 samples
0 50 51 52 53 54
5 55 56 57 58 59

428XL User’s Manual Vol. 1 235

April 11, 2013
5 Line
The Synthetic setup >

10 60 61 62 63 64
15 65 66 67 68 69

236 428XL User’s Manual Vol. 1

April 11, 2013
The Download setup >

The Download setup

Typically, you need to use the Download setup after installing a new
release of 428XL software (and patches if any), to update firmware in
LCI-428 boards —or LCI-G— and in the remote field electronics
deployed. You also have to use this setup window if you connect any
unit that does not have the required software version and/or patches.

Figure 5-132

Typical Download procedure

Typically, this setup window should be used as follows:
1. Be sure the 428XL LCI controller (LCI-428 or LCI-G) is powered
up and all remote line interfacing units (LAUX-428, LAUL-428,
etc.) to be upgraded are connected to it. (FDUs and DSUs may be
present but they are not involved).
2. Go to On Line in the Config main window and Field Off in the
Line main window.
3. Click on the Show Reference Release button. This opens a result
window showing the latest software release loaded on the server.

428XL User’s Manual Vol. 1 237

April 11, 2013
5 Line
The Download setup >

The name of the file containing the latest release and patches
appears after each type of unit in the result window.

LAUX428 428.5.x dwnfile.hci428.V5x

LAUL428 428.5.x dwnfile.hci428.V5x

LAUR 428.5.x dwnfile.hci428.V5x

Name of the
428.5.x file to load

Product Patch No.

Version No.

Figure 5-133

4. Click on the Show Units Version button to view the current

version of all line interfacing units deployed (i. e. LCI, and field
electronics other than FDUs and DSUs). Check to see if all units
have the required software version, revision and patches.

LAUX428 #---, version 428.5.x

LAUR #---, version 428.5.x

Serial number
Current software version
& patch No.

Figure 5-134

5. If all LCI boards have the required software release and patches
but you still wish to update them, choose the Force LCI
Download option in the Download setup window.

238 428XL User’s Manual Vol. 1

April 11, 2013
The Download setup >

6. If all field electronics units have the required software release and
patches but you still wish to update them, choose the Force
Download option in the Download setup window.
7. If any LCI or field electronics unit does not have the required
release and/or patches, or you wish to download the release again
anyway, click on the Select Download Files button. This opens a
file selection dialog box that automatically takes you to the
appropriate directory (lcCommon/work). Choose the
dwnfile.hci428.V5x file that was prompted by the Show
Reference Release button at step 3 above.

Figure 5-135

8. Click OK. This causes the name of the selected release file to
appear in the Download setup window. As a result, the Update
LCI and Update Spread buttons are enabled.

428XL User’s Manual Vol. 1 239

April 11, 2013
5 Line
The Download setup >

Software release
file to download

Figure 5-136

9. To update LCI boards, click on the Update LCI button.

10. To update field electronics, do the following:
- From the Box Type option button, choose which type of unit you
want to update, or choose All.
- Either choose the All Boxes option or use the S/N field to specify
the Serial Number of a particular unit you want to update.
- Click on the Update Spread button.
Update commands will be rejected if the power supply of the targeted
remote units is below 10.5 V. The power supply must stay above 10 V
until downloading is complete.

After updating LCI firmware, you have to go to Off Line / On Line in

the Config main window to restart operations.
If you do not update LCI firmware, you only have to go to Field On to
resume operations.
240 428XL User’s Manual Vol. 1
April 11, 2013
The Download setup >

Note 1: It is alright if you directly download a patched software version,

rather than downloading the original release first, then downloading the
necessary patches separately.
Note 2: If, instead of the message “Download completed”, you have the
Erroneous download ...
WARNING: turning units off now may make them unusable if not
properly downloaded.

Do you want to retry another download before units are turned off
(y / n)? 5
- If you choose “y”, then the download procedure is restarted, and
software is downloaded again to those units that are not properly
upgraded. If the above error message (Erroneous download ...)
appears again, then choose “n” rather than retrying, and click on
the Update LCI button again.
- If you choose “n”, then the download procedure is aborted.
Check all connections. Go to Off Line then On Line in the
Config main window. Click on the Update LCI button again.
Note 3: A “Battery failure” error message is generated (logged into the
“dwnreport.hci428” report file) if the update process is aborted, that is:
- if the power supply of any targeted unit lies below 10.5 V before
downloading begins,
- or if the power supply of any targeted unit drops below 10 V
during the download process.
Note 4: See also Field electronics (page 156) in 428XL Installation

428XL User’s Manual Vol. 1 241

April 11, 2013
5 Line
The Download setup >

Adjusting the T0 shift

You can adjust the T0 shift by changing the value of
sgmDELAY_TO_ADVANCE_T0_TIME (default is 50 ms) in the
startupLciT0Delay.txt file contained in the following directory:
Then, use the Download Setup to enable the new value in two steps:
1. Select the dwnfile.hci428.V5xx file and update the line as
- Untick the “Force download” option;
- Click Update Spread.
2. Reset the LCI (by clicking Off Line then On Line in the jConfig
3. Select the dwnfile.hci428.V5xxStartup file (instead of
dwnfile.hci428.V5xx) and update the LCI as follows:
- Tick the “Force LCI download” option;
- Click Update LCI.

242 428XL User’s Manual Vol. 1

April 11, 2013

6 Operation

This chapter includes the following sections:

• The Main Window (page 244)

• The Process Type setup (page 256)
• The Source Point Setup (page 275)
• Seismic setup options (page 281)
• The Source Type setup (page 289)
• The Delay setup (page 295)
• The Noise Editing setup (page 297)
• The Observer’s Comment Type Setup (page 304)
• How to take shots or sweeps (page 305)
• Flip-Flop sweeps (page 321)
• Simultaneous sources (page 326)
• Slip-sweep (page 334)
• SQC Dump mode (page 348)
• Micro-seismic (page 371)
• Autonomous mode (page 373)
• Vibrator Guidance (page 378)
• Multi-gun Shallow-water shooting mode (page 381)
• Master/Slave operation (page 384)
• More About Noise Elimination (page 388)
• More About Correlation (page 396)

428XL User’s Manual Vol. 1 243

April 11, 2013
6 Operation
The Main Window > General

The Main Window

In this section:
• General (page 244)
• The Operation Table (page 246)
• The Active Source view (page 248)
• The Active Acquisition view (page 254)
• The Operation Report view (page 255)


Operation table
(planned shots)

Click to add view

Stacked acquisitions
Shot controls within the selected VP

Resize by
dragging border
Click to close

Figure 6-1 OPERATION client window

The Operation client window takes care of the list of shots, providing
details on those planned, the one in progress, the next to do, and those
done if any. It also provides access to shot controls, lets you view the

244 428XL User’s Manual Vol. 1

April 11, 2013
The Main Window > General

status of the acquisition, and provides information about the progress of

it, i. e. ITB, Transmit Error.
Right-clicking in the empty portion of the shortcut bar and ticking/
unticking the available options allows you to show/hide shortcut

- Tick to show shortcuts

- Untick to hide shortcuts

Figure 6-2

This button allows you to get different views of a table, referred

to as The Operation Table (page 246), which contains the main 6
information for the acquisition of the data, and also allows you to select
which Source Point to shoot, if necessary.
The Setup menu allows you to generate the Operation table. Each
source point in the operation table is associated with a “Process Type”
that determines how the Impulsive or Vibroseismic signal is processed.
In the case of Vibroseismic operations, the Process Type is itself
associated with an “Acquisition Type” that determines which sweep
signal to generate. If stacking is requested, the stacking fold is visible in
the “Active Acquisition” view.
In this manual, the abbreviation “VP” (standing for Vibrator Point) is
understood as a source point, completely defined with the SEGD
parameters appearing in the Operation table (Shot Number, Source
Point Index, Source Point Line, Source Point Nb). It is used
indifferently for Vibroseismic or Impulsive shooting.
For details on how you can arrange the views and toolbars as you would
like them, see the Hands-on guide (page 52).
You can show or hide columns in tables by right-clicking in any column
heading and selecting Customize (see Figure 2-25).
For details on the buttons (Go, Stop, etc.), see The Active Source view
(page 248).

428XL User’s Manual Vol. 1 245

April 11, 2013
6 Operation
The Main Window > The Operation Table

The Operation Table

Available views
Operation Table


Right-click to
Ready choose source

To do

Figure 6-3 Operation table

The Operation Table contains the main information for the acquisition
of the data and allows you to select which Source Point (VP) to shoot.
Different views of that operation table are available (showing all VPs,
or only those to do, or only those done).
Resize the main window, if required, so that all the desired columns can
be viewed, or use the “Customize” menu (popping up if you right-click
on any column heading) to remove unnecessary columns.
The source operation table is created using the The Source Point Setup
(page 275). The Source Point Setup itself may be created by importing
an SPS-X file with the Log window and then manually making changes
if required. For a description of the parameters appearing in the
operation table (except the Source Point Index), see The Source Point
Setup (page 275).
The Source Point Index allows you to do a VP several times if
required: the original value is 1 and that value is automatically
incremented by 1 every time the VP is done again.
Right-clicking on a VP to do in the Operation Table causes a menu to
pop up that allows you to choose which source to use to do that shot.

246 428XL User’s Manual Vol. 1

April 11, 2013
The Main Window > The Operation Table

Then the system uses your settings in The Source Type setup (page 289)
to automatically determine which next VPs to assign to that source.
The indicators ahead of shot numbers should be interpreted as follows:

Indicator Meaning

Shots to do (planned Source Points).

This Source Point has the focus. A Source is assigned to it. The
system is ready to send the Firing Order.
This Source Point has the focus, and acquisition is in progress.
Shot suspended (a number of acquisitions remain to do but the focus
has gone to another Source Point).
Shot done. The data from this Source Point has been logged.
If all necessary parameters have been set in all main windows, then
clicking any row in the table causes the following functions to be
performed automatically in succession:
1- Look function.
2- Spread configuration (Line Forming).
3- Seismonitor function.

428XL User’s Manual Vol. 1 247

April 11, 2013
6 Operation
The Main Window > The Active Source view

The Active Source view

The available sources created with The Source Type setup (page 289)
appear in this view telling you which Source Point is currently assigned
to each source, and allowing you to manually assign another one if

“Ready” status received, VP currently associated with

blocked until you click to accept the source

VP to be associated with
blocked “Ready” status.

Figure 6-4

The indicators in the leftmost column should be interpreted as follows:

Indicator Meaning

Next shot to do with this source.

Shot to do with this Source. The system is ready to send the Firing
This Source has the focus, and acquisition is in progress.
Source unused until you manually assign a VP to it (with the popup
menu available by right-clicking on the source or in the list of shots to

248 428XL User’s Manual Vol. 1

April 11, 2013
The Main Window > The Active Source view

Ready status management

In the “Rdy” (Ready) column is a pushbutton for each source that lets
you choose how to handle the “Ready” status from the blaster controller
or vibrator leader:
• With the pushbutton released, an “R” appears in it when the “Ready”
status is received. The system does not accept it until you click on the
• With the pushbutton depressed, the system automatically accepts the
“Ready” status as soon as it is received.
The “Rdy VP” column tells you which VP (Source Point) will be
associated with the blocked “Ready” status when you click on the
pushbutton, whereas the “Shot #” column tells you which VP is
currently associated with the source.
Right-clicking in the empty portion of the shortcut bar and ticking the
“Ready Mgmt” option shows two shortcut buttons: Freeze all Readys
and Unfreeze all Readys.

Figure 6-5

• Clicking Freeze all Readys releases all pushbuttons (blocks all

• Clicking Unfreeze all Readys depresses all pushbuttons (accepts all

428XL User’s Manual Vol. 1 249

April 11, 2013
6 Operation
The Main Window > The Active Source view

Right-click popup menu

Right-clicking in any row causes a menu to pop up with the following
commands allowing you to manually enable/disable the source:
• Associate VP: opens a dialog box that allows you to specify which
VP (by entering its Shot Number) you want to assign to the source.
This does much the same as the “Start Seismonitor with Vib
Source” command available by right-clicking in the operation table.
After you manually assign a VP to the source, with either of these
commands, the system uses the Increment or Step parameter from
the Sources setup to automatically determine which next VPs to
assign to the source. The Set Increment command available by right-
clicking in the Step column allows changing the Source Point
Increment or Step directly from this view.

Popup menu available by

right-clicking in row

Figure 6-6

• Associate SPL & SPN: does much the same as the Associate VP
command, but rather than entering the Shot Number of the VP you
want to assign to the source, you have to enter its SPL (Source Point
Line) and SPN (Source Point Number). Note that this can also be
done by dragging and dropping a fleet’s icon to a source point in the
jPositioning window.
• Disassociate VP: use this command if, for any reason, you no longer
want to use the source, or you want to put it to standby or to manually
assign another VP to it. For example if you are working in Slip-
Sweep mode and one of the sources has a problem, you can use
Disassociate VP to momentarily stop using that source but continue
with the others. As a result, the remaining VPs that were formerly

250 428XL User’s Manual Vol. 1

April 11, 2013
The Main Window > The Active Source view

assigned to the unused source will be omitted (unless you decrease

the Step parameter in the Sources setup).
• Clean Ready: used to discard the “Ready” status blocked and
recorded in the pushbutton, for example if you do not want to do the
VP associated with it (displayed in the “Rdy VP” column). As a
result, you will have to ask the shooter or vibrator leader to send the
“Ready” status again.
• Set Increment: used to change the Source Point increment step
directly from the Active Source view (the Source Type setup is
updated automatically).

Go pushbutton
Clicking this pushbutton sends the Firing Order. Unless you are using 6
an Impulsive process type, the selected Automation option (Continuous/
Discontinuous/Manual) determines the way of launching the first or
next acquisition for the Source Point selected in the operation table, (see
page 282).

Stop pushbutton
By clicking on Stop, you stop the progress of the acquisition sequence.
You finish the current operation (acquisition or dump). At this point, in
Impulsive mode, you may dump the data to the record process. In other
modes, you can choose either to continue the sequence or do again the
acquisition or end the sequence, using the three pushbuttons (Go,
Cancel, End respectively) prompted:
• by clicking on Go you continue the sequence, i.e. you start over at the
acquisition number highlighted in the acquisition table;
• by clicking on Cancel you skip the remaining acquisitions: the data
from the incomplete Source Point is discarded but the shot number
remains highlighted (i.e. selected) in the table. You only need to click
Go to do it again.

428XL User’s Manual Vol. 1 251

April 11, 2013
6 Operation
The Main Window > The Active Source view

• by clicking on End you record the incomplete Source Point without

the remaining acquisitions. Then clicking Go will start the next
Source Point.

Abort pushbutton
Clicking this pushbutton interrupts the current Source Point after the
current acquisition is complete. This stops the sequence and opens a
dialog box that lets you record the data or cancel the Source Point:
• If you click OK, the current acquisition is recorded to the SEGD file.
Then clicking Go will cause the sequence to continue.
• If you click Cancel, the current acquisition is NOT recorded. The Go,
Cancel, End buttons are prompted and have the same effect as after
clicking Stop.
The Abort pushbutton is legal while waiting for the Time Break.

T. E. indicator
(Transmit Errors) That indicator may appear in the Active Source view
in the event of transmission incidents on the Lines. Those errors are
automatically recovered by the system (the data is successfully
transmitted again) and the seismic data is no way affected. This is
simply indicative of difficult transmission conditions.

ITB indicator

Figure 6-7 Internal Time Break

(Internal Time Break) This indicator appears if the 428XL fails to

receive the Time Break within the TB Window. An ITB is generated

252 428XL User’s Manual Vol. 1

April 11, 2013
The Main Window > The Active Source view

after the “Time Break Window” following the Firing Order has expired,
with an accuracy of +/- 5 ms. See TB Window (page 258).
With a Vibroseismic source, ITB is an abortive error. With an impulsive
source, at the end of the acquisition the GUI asks you if you want to
record the data (click OK) or discard it (click Cancel).

Blaster indicator
In the case of an impulsive-type source with a SHOTPRO, or SGS, or
Boombox, or Macha blaster controller, the Active Source view also
includes a “Blaster” indicator along with Uphole and TB fields. During
acquisition an ASCII message is received from the blaster box (via the
XDEV adapter on the Auxiliary line) containing the Uphole Time and
Time Break values. 6
• Uphole Time: The time the pulse from the blast is detected uphole,
determined by analysis of the Uphole Geophone signal.
• TB: Confirmed Time Break, amount of time that current flow to the
blasting cap was greater than 4 amps. The start of current flow is set
up to start at Time Break in the Shot Pro Encoder.
The Blaster indicator may be:
• red: “No Fire” status code received,
• green: “All OK” status code received,
• orange: No Confirmed Time Break or Uphole Time, or any of the
following Warnings:
- Confirmed Time Break received but no Uphole Time.
- Low battery.
- Uphole Geophone resistance not measured or out of tolerance.
- Cap resistance not measured or out of tolerance.
If the message includes position data ($GPGGA message), the Source
Point position is viewed in the POSITIONING client window.

428XL User’s Manual Vol. 1 253

April 11, 2013
6 Operation
The Main Window > The Active Acquisition view

The Active Acquisition view

The acquisitions to stack, defined with The Process Type setup
(page 256), appear in this view.

Figure 6-8

The indicator ahead of shot number should be interpreted as follows:

Indicator Meaning

Acquisition to do.
Acquisition in progress.
Acquisition done.

254 428XL User’s Manual Vol. 1

April 11, 2013
The Main Window > The Operation Report view

The Operation Report view

The table in the Operation Report view has a row for each shot done.
You can customize the table by right-clicking in any column heading,
selecting Customize and then showing/hiding the desired columns (see
page 57).

Type your
comment here

Figure 6-9 Operation Report view

Selecting a row (shot) in the table and then right-clicking opens a popup
menu that allows you to add, or change, or delete a comment in the
selected row, using the following commands:
• Edit: opens a window (Obs Report comment) with a text box
allowing you to type whatever comment you like (any ASCII
character is allowed except double quotation marks). Clicking Apply
enters the comment into the Comment column on the shot selected
in the table.
• From Setup: prompts the comments created in The Observer’s
Comment Type Setup (page 304). Selecting one of them imports it into
the row selected in the table.
• Edit From Setup: prompts the comments created in The Observer’s
Comment Type Setup (page 304). Selecting one of them opens a
window with a text box allowing you to make whatever changes you
like (this does not change anything in the Setup window). Clicking
Apply enters the comment into the Comment column on the shot
selected in the table.
If you want to change (or delete) a comment, select it and use the Edit
command again to enter the new comment (or blank text). If this is a
preset comment (from the Comment Setup), use Edit From Setup

428XL User’s Manual Vol. 1 255

April 11, 2013
6 Operation
The Process Type setup > General

The Process Type setup

In this section:
• General (page 256)
• Auxiliary traces (page 263)
• Impulsive type (page 266)
• Impulsive Stack (page 267)
• Correlation Before Stack (page 268)
• Correlation After Stack (page 270)
• Vibroseismic Stack (page 272)
• How to Generate a Process Type (page 274)


Figure 6-10

256 428XL User’s Manual Vol. 1

April 11, 2013
The Process Type setup > General

The “Process Type” associated with each shot determines which type of
seismic signal to generate (depending on the associated “Acquisition
Type”) and which type of processing to perform prior to recording the
seismic data acquired.

In each process type setup window, the “Advanced” option prompts an
extra parameter: Refraction Delay (for Impulsive modes) or Listening
Time (for Vibroseismic modes).
Most of the parameters available for the different Process Types you can
create are described below but only the first three are always required.
Refer to the description of each Process Type to see which parameters
you need to set up. See also Auxiliary traces (page 263) and How to 6
Generate a Process Type (page 274).

Firing Order
For the 428XL to transmit the Firing Order and receive the Time Break,
you can choose to attach the source controller to an LCI interface or to
an LAUX-428 unit. Use the “Box Type” option to choose which way to
In the Serial Nb field, enter the Serial Number of the LCI or LAU-428
to use.
If you choose the LCI option, use the Plug option button to choose
which “Blaster” port to use on the LCI.

Record Length
The time (ms) that the data is recorded. In Impulsive modes, this
duration determines the acquisition length (i. e. the length of time that
the seismic data is recorded into LAU acquisition units).
See also Specifications in 428XL User’s Manual Vol. 3.
To calculate the number of samples per trace, see Trace Data block
(page 32) in 428XL User’s Manual Vol. 2.

428XL User’s Manual Vol. 1 257

April 11, 2013
6 Operation
The Process Type setup > General

Listening Time
The time (ms) that the data is recorded (i. e. Record Length), in
Vibroseismic modes. The acquisition length in Vibroseismic modes is
equal to the sweep length plus the Listening Time. (The acquisition
length is the length of time that the seismic data is recorded into LAU
acquisition units).
To calculate the number of samples per trace, see Trace Data block
(page 32) in 428XL User’s Manual Vol. 2.

TB Window
The TB Window is a time interval that starts when the 428XL sends a
Firing Order (FO). During the TB Window the 428XL is waiting for
the TB from the shooting system. If the TB occurs within that interval
then the acquisition starts. If it doesn’t, then the 428XL generates an
Internal TB (ITB) and the acquisition starts. In Vibroseismic operations,
ITB is an abortive error. In impulsive mode, at the end of acquisition the
GUI will ask you if you want to dump the data to the record process.

Note In Radio or Dual telemetry, the TB Window field is used to

adjust the delay between the FO and TB in Dynamite
operations, or the delay between Early TB and TB.
Note If you are using an LSI, the delay between the Firing Order and
the predicted Time Break must be entered in the TB Window

Refraction Delay
(Allowable range: 0 to 64000 ms, precision 500 ms). This parameter is
only available if you choose the “Advanced” option.
The Refraction Delay allows you to insert a delay between the Time
Break received by the 428XL and the beginning of the acquisition.
Using the Refraction Delay, you can shorten the acquisition length, but
this assumes that you know how long it will take for the signal to travel
from the shot point to your spread, or else you may lose data.

258 428XL User’s Manual Vol. 1

April 11, 2013
The Process Type setup > General

Acquisition Index
Sequential number of each individual acquisition in process types
where Stacking is requested.

Acquisition Type
This field is used to associate the Process Type description with one of
the types of acquisition (Acquisition Type number 1 to 32) created for
the VE464 in The Acquisition Type setup (page 518) or for the VE432 in
The Acquisition Type setup (page 637). The Acquisition Type
determines the following:
- the type of (Basic) sweep to be generated by each vibrator in the
fleet or fleets to use;
- the pilot signals to be supplied by the vibrator controller;
- automatic Lift and High-Line pickup options for the vibrators.

Note for VE432 or VE464 users: A noise elimination Threshold

Type (modulo 16) is automatically associated with each
Acquisition Type:
Threshold Type 1  Acq Type 1
Threshold Type 2  Acq Type 2
... ...
Threshold Type 16  Acq Type 16
Threshold Type 1  Acq Type 17
... ...
Threshold Type 16  Acq Type 32

428XL User’s Manual Vol. 1 259

April 11, 2013
6 Operation
The Process Type setup > General

Output option
The Output button allows you to select different operations on the
processed data. It is used, associated with the Add, Change and Delete
buttons, to build the acquisition table.
• None. You have to select it when you don't want to do any operation
on the processed data.
• Dump: This allows you to dump the data to the record process and
the plotter after processing the acquisition. The memory is cleared
afterwards. You need at least one Dump at the end of the table.
• Xdump: You can use this option if you want to request an extra dump
to the record process and the plotter after processing the acquisition,
although that is not the last acquisition. With this option, the
correlation memory is not cleared. Because it increases memory
usage, Extra Dump should only be used with consideration of the
impact on memory resources.

Correl (correlation) With

This field is used to specify which auxiliary channel is the reference
(Pilot) signal for the correlation of seismic channels (a “Pilot” is
synchronous with the Time Break signal, and usually very similar to the
fleet's sweep signal). The VE432 generates analog pilots (up to 4). The
VE464 generates digital pilots (each “Basic” type of sweep can be used
as digital “Pilot”), and also two analog pilots only intended for other
recording systems than the 428XL.
For example, assuming you are using a VE432 and you have created an
auxiliary channel with “Pilot” as label in the Line window, enter “Pilot”
into the Correl With field. This will tell the system where the analog
reference signal is physically connected, for correlating the seismic
channels with that signal. See Label (page 139).
If you are using a VE464 with two or more simultaneous sources (e. g.
in Slip-Sweep mode), do not use any analog pilot.

260 428XL User’s Manual Vol. 1

April 11, 2013
The Process Type setup > General

Using an Aux channel

created in the Line
as Reference for
correlation of seismic
1 Pilot FDU channels Pilot

Figure 6-11 Correlation of seismic channels with Analog pilot

For VE464 users only:

- For correlation with a digital pilot, enter the Label name of the
Basic sweep type you want to use as reference signal, created in
The Basic Type setup (page 501).
Basic sweep type
1 basicLinear1
Figure 6-12 Correlation with “Numeric” pilot

- If you want to use two sources simultaneously, entering the

generic keyword correlWith or addPilot into the “Correl with”
field will cause the system to use The Acquisition Type setup
(page 518) to determine which Basic sweep type to use as
“Numeric Pilot” for each fleet.
The system will
automatically select the
Basic sweep type
number associated with
each fleet, specified in
this field. correlWith
1 1 1 2
2 3 3 4 Generic keyword

Figure 6-13 Two simultaneous sources

Note You cannot use the “Numeric Pilot” option with a 0.25-ms
Sample Rate.

428XL User’s Manual Vol. 1 261

April 11, 2013
6 Operation
The Process Type setup > General

Auto Correlation Peak Time

Used to shift the autocorrelation peak (recorded on two auxiliary
traces). Unless a value other than 1 is entered for the “Auto Correlation
Peak Time” shift, only one half of the correlation wavelet will be
recorded on each of the two auxiliary traces (negative time side of the
peak on one trace and positive time side on the other). Theoretically, the
autocorrelation wavelet is symmetrical with respect to the correlation
peak standing for zero time offset between the correlated signals.
This time shift is applied to the results of cross-correlation and to
similarity tests.

262 428XL User’s Manual Vol. 1

April 11, 2013
The Process Type setup > Auxiliary traces

Auxiliary traces
The Auxiliaries pane allows you to describe the auxiliary traces you
want to record.
The Processing field is used to enter the name of the Auxiliary channel
to record and, if you want it to be correlated with another signal, this
field also allows you to describe the correlation operation to do.
For analog auxiliary channels, enter the Label name created in the Line
window. For signals from the VE464, see Example for VE464 “Numeric”
pilots (page 265).

1 Pilot FDU
1 Pilot FDU Auxiliary channels
Auxiliary Trace
2 Aux2 FDU and processing

2 Aux2*Pilot-
1st Aux Trace in SEGD file ta1 Pilot
2nd Aux Trace in SEGD file ta2 Aux2*Pilot-
3rd Aux Trace in SEGD file ta3 Aux2*Pilot+

Figure 6-14 Analog Auxiliary channels

For an auxiliary channel to be correlated with another, use the * operator

(e. g. Aux2*Pilot). The system will automatically use the second
operand as the reference signal for the correlation operation.
Autocorrelation or cross-correlation will cause two auxiliary traces to
be generated (one trace for the positive time side of the correlation peak,
and another trace for the negative time side). To specify which auxiliary
trace is used to record the positive (negative) time side, append a Plus
(Minus) sign to the description of the trace.
The order in the Auxiliaries list box determines how the auxiliary traces
will appear in the SEGD file and on your plotter output. (See Figure 6-
14 above).

428XL User’s Manual Vol. 1 263

April 11, 2013
6 Operation
The Process Type setup > Auxiliary traces

With the example shown in Figure 6-14 on page 263, the 1st auxiliary
trace in the SEGD file will record the uncorrelated pilot, the 2nd
auxiliary trace (Aux2*Pilot-) will record the negative time side of the
correlation peak, whereas the 3rd auxiliary trace (Aux2*Pilot+) will
record the positive time side.

Example for a VE432 similarity test

- the reference sweep signal is fed to your 1st auxiliary channel
and labelled “Pilot”,
- the ground force signal is fed to your 2nd auxiliary channel and
labelled “ReturnSweep”,
- the sweep signal shifted by radio delays is fed to your 3rd
auxiliary channel and labelled “ReturnPilot”.
Also assuming you want the following signals on your plotter output
and in your SEGD file:
- positive time side of the Autocorrelation wavelet on the 1st
auxiliary trace,
- uncorrelated pilot on the 2nd auxiliary trace,
- positive time side of the cross-correlation of ReturnSweep with
ReturnPilot on the 3rd auxiliary trace.
Then, you have to use the following description in the Auxiliaries pane:

Autocorrelation wavelet
on Aux Trace 1
Uncorrelated pilot ta3 ReturnSweep*ReturnPilot+
on Aux Trace 2 Cross-correlation of
ta1 Pilot*Pilot+ ReturnSweep with
ta2 Pilot ReturnPilot on Aux Trace 3
ta3 ReturnSweep*ReturnPilot+

Figure 6-15 VE432 similarity test Auxiliary traces

264 428XL User’s Manual Vol. 1

April 11, 2013
The Process Type setup > Auxiliary traces

Example for VE464 “Numeric” pilots

To record a “Numeric Pilot” on an auxiliary trace, enter the Label name
of the Basic sweep type you want to record, created in The Basic Type
setup (page 501).

Basic sweep type


1 basicLinear1

3 Aux2*basicLinear1+
basicLinear1 to be recorded on 1st Aux Trace ta1 basicLinear1
Correlation of Aux2 with basicLinear1 on 2nd
and 3rd Aux traces
ta2 Aux2*basicLinear1-
ta3 Aux2*basicLinear1+ 6
Figure 6-16 Recording a “Numeric” pilot on an auxiliary trace

You may want to record the “Numeric Pilot” which is specified in The
Acquisition Type setup (page 518), for each fleet. To do that, use the
generic keyword correlWith (or addPilot). As a result, the system will
automatically select the signal whose Basic Type number appears in the
“Correl with” (or “Add Pilot”) field.


1 1 1 2
2 3 3 4
2 addPilot*correlWith-
For Fleet 1:
- basicLinear1 to be recorded on 1st Aux Trace ta1 correlWith
- Correlation of basicLinear2 with basicLinear1 ta2 addPilot*correlWith-
- basicLinear2 to be recorded on 3rd Aux Trace ta3 addPilot
For Fleet 2:
- basicLinear3 to be recorded on 1st Aux Trace
- Correlation of basicLinear4 with basicLinear3
- basicLinear4 to be recorded on 3rd Aux Trace

Figure 6-17 Recording the “Numeric” pilot associated with each fleet

428XL User’s Manual Vol. 1 265

April 11, 2013
6 Operation
The Process Type setup > Impulsive type

Impulsive type
This type of process is intended for traditional impulsive-source
operations (e. g. explosive).

Figure 6-18

See also:
• Standard/Advanced (page 257)
• Firing Order (page 257)
• Record Length (page 257)
• TB Window (page 258)
• Refraction Delay (page 258)
• Auxiliary traces (page 263)
• How to Generate a Process Type (page 274)

266 428XL User’s Manual Vol. 1

April 11, 2013
The Process Type setup > Impulsive Stack

Impulsive Stack

Figure 6-19

This type of process is used to stack impulsive data (from any kind of
impulsive low energy source, e. g. weight drop) before recording it.
The Acquisition pane allows you to create a list of acquisitions to stack.
On each acquisition in your list, use the Output option to choose
whether to record the stacked data (Dump option) or not (None option).
You have to choose at least one Dump on the last acquisition.
If you choose the Raw option, then you record the data unprocessed at
the end of each acquisition (with no stacking). So at the end of the
sequence you will have one record for each individual acquisition and
another one for the result from the stacking process.

Note Because they increase memory usage, the Raw and Xdump
options should only be used with consideration of the impact on
memory resources.
See also:
• Standard/Advanced (page 257)
428XL User’s Manual Vol. 1 267
April 11, 2013
6 Operation
The Process Type setup > Correlation Before Stack

• Firing Order (page 257)

• Record Length (page 257)
• TB Window (page 258)
• Refraction Delay (page 258)
• Acquisition Index (page 259)
• Output option (page 260)
• Auxiliary traces (page 263)
• How to Generate a Process Type (page 274)

Correlation Before Stack

Figure 6-20

You use this type of process in Vibroseismic operations. As the wording

of the option suggests, correlation will be performed before stacking.

268 428XL User’s Manual Vol. 1

April 11, 2013
The Process Type setup > Correlation Before Stack

The Raw option is used when you want to record each individual
acquisition too. In your SEGD file, you get the stacked correlated data
and also the raw uncorrelated acquisition data.
You need at least one Dump of data for each correlation source at the
end of your table.”D” can be combined with the two sources, for
example D1 to dump the stacked result of the acquisition correlated
with source 1.
The possible single-source or dual-source combinations are: d1, d2,

Note Because they increase memory usage, the Raw and Xdump
options should only be used with consideration of the impact on
memory resources. 6
See also:
• Standard/Advanced (page 257)
• Firing Order (page 257)
• Record Length (page 257)
• TB Window (page 258)
• Auto Correlation Peak Time (page 262)
• Listening Time (page 258)
• Acquisition Index (page 259)
• Acquisition Type (page 259)
• Output option (page 260)
• Correl (correlation) With (page 260)
• Auxiliary traces (page 263)
• SQC Dump mode (page 348)
• SQC Dump mode with VE432 (page 361)
• How to Generate a Process Type (page 274)

428XL User’s Manual Vol. 1 269

April 11, 2013
6 Operation
The Process Type setup > Correlation After Stack

Correlation After Stack

Figure 6-21

This is another way to work with a vibrator. The first operation consists
of stacking the data and, at the end of it, performing a correlation on the
stacked data and recording the result.
All parameters are the same as with the Correlation Before Stack option.
You just have one more column in the description table, to specify the
sign to apply to the acquired data. The sign will be applied to the data
and the Pilot.

Note Because they increase memory usage, the Raw and Xdump
options should only be used with consideration of the impact on
memory resources.
See also:
• Standard/Advanced (page 257)
• Firing Order (page 257)
270 428XL User’s Manual Vol. 1
April 11, 2013
The Process Type setup > Correlation After Stack

• Record Length (page 257)

• TB Window (page 258)
• Auto Correlation Peak Time (page 262)
• Listening Time (page 258)
• Acquisition Index (page 259)
• Acquisition Type (page 259)
• Output option (page 260)
• Correl (correlation) With (page 260)
• Auxiliary traces (page 263)
• SQC Dump mode (page 348) 6
• SQC Dump mode with VE432 (page 361)
• How to Generate a Process Type (page 274)

428XL User’s Manual Vol. 1 271

April 11, 2013
6 Operation
The Process Type setup > Vibroseismic Stack

Vibroseismic Stack

Figure 6-22

With this mode of operation you just do a stack of the acquisitions. As

a result you will record uncorrelated data in your SEGD file.
The Acquisition Type is defined, as is the case for all Vibroseismic
operation modes, in the Vibrator main window.
The Stack Sign is used to specify the sign to apply to the acquired data.
If you choose the Raw option, then you record the data unprocessed at
the end of each acquisition (with no stacking). So at the end of the
sequence you will have one record for each individual acquisition and
another one for the result from the stacking process.
Like for all Vibroseismic modes you must request a Dump at the end of
the acquisition sequence.

Note Because they increase memory usage, the Raw and Xdump
options should only be used with consideration of the impact on
memory resources.

272 428XL User’s Manual Vol. 1

April 11, 2013
The Process Type setup > Vibroseismic Stack

See also:
• Standard/Advanced (page 257)
• Firing Order (page 257)
• Record Length (page 257)
• TB Window (page 258)
• Listening Time (page 258)
• Acquisition Index (page 259)
• Acquisition Type (page 259)
• Output option (page 260)
• Auxiliary traces (page 263) 6
• How to Generate a Process Type (page 274)

428XL User’s Manual Vol. 1 273

April 11, 2013
6 Operation
The Process Type setup > How to Generate a Process Type

How to Generate a Process Type

Select Process Type from the Setup menu.
Use the option button at the top of the Process Type Setup window to
choose the desired type of processing. As a result the relevant
parameters are prompted in the upper pane.
For a process type with multiple acquisitions, build the acquisition table
as follows:
• Click in the Acquisition index box and enter the necessary range of
rows for your acquisition table. For example, to create 8 rows in one
click, enter “1-8” into the index box;
• Select “None” from the “Output” option button,


Figure 6-23

• Click Add,
• For each acquisition in the list box, select the desired “Output” option
(Double-click on the desired acquisition number, select the output
option, then click Change).
After entering all the parameters to define your Process Type, you only
need to enter a process type number and label in the list box at the foot
of the window, and click Add then Apply to save the process type.
To view the parameters of any process type, double-click on it in the list
box. Then you can make any changes needed and click Change, or
Add, or Delete, as required. To save your changes, click Apply.

274 428XL User’s Manual Vol. 1

April 11, 2013
The Source Point Setup > Source point parameters

The Source Point Setup

In this section:
• Source point parameters (page 275)
• To generate a Source Point setup (page 280)

Source point parameters

To open this setup window, select Operation from the Setup menu.
Creating a source point setup consists of generating an “operation table”
containing the characteristics of the successive Shot Points planned.
You can generate this table automatically by loading SPS files to the
database in the Log main window (see Importing an SPS file — 6
page 583). The window below shows an example of operation table.
You can use the Log main window to save the table to a file.

Figure 6-24

A tab is available for each swath which is “Active” in the Config

window’s Swath setup (page 97). The fields in each tab are
automatically populated as you click on Apply in the Log window when
loading SPS-R, -S, -X files. See Multiswath (page 310).

Shot Id.
Shot Point or Vibrator Point sequential number.

428XL User’s Manual Vol. 1 275

April 11, 2013
6 Operation
The Source Point Setup > Source point parameters

Break Point
If you enter “Yes” in the “Break Point” column, for any Shot/VP, then
the spread will not be configured automatically for this source point (so
that you can skip it if required).

Source Line
Source Point Line Number, adjustable in steps of 0.1 between Lines L
and L+1. Used jointly with the Source Receiver field to define the
source location, and displayed as “Source Point Line” in the operation

Source Receiver
Source Point receiver position Number, adjustable in steps of 0.1
between receiver positions RP and RP+1. Used jointly with the Source
Line field to define the source location, and displayed as “Source Point
Nb” in the operation table.
Source Receiver

RP RP+1 RP+2
Source Line


Figure 6-25

Spread Type
Choose one of the Spread Types defined through the “Absolute” or
“Generic” Spread Setup menu, in the “Line” main window.
• With an “Absolute” spread, you have to specify the complete
acquisition spread to be used for each and every shot. When you are
loading SPS files to the database in the Log main window, you
automatically generate an operation table with the Absolute spread.

276 428XL User’s Manual Vol. 1

April 11, 2013
The Source Point Setup > Source point parameters

• A “Generic” spread describes the pattern of active channels. That is

helpful if the programming of the spread is done manually and you
do not want to change the description every time the spread moves.

Spread First Line: first Line Number in the spread, i. e. the Line Number
of the leftmost line in the spread when looking toward the highest
receiver positions; used along with “SFN” to specify the origin of the
spread. Note that the lines are arranged as in the list box in the Line
window’s Survey setup.
• For a generic spread, SFL is entered by the operator.
• For an absolute spread, SFL is automatically computed by the
system. 6
Spread First receiver position Number: lowest Receiver Position in the
spread; used along with “SFL” to specify the origin of the spread.
• For a generic spread, SFN is entered by the operator.
• For an absolute spread, SFN is automatically computed by the

Process Type
Choose one of the Process Types defined through the The Process Type
setup (page 256) menu in the Operation main window. The “Process
Type” you choose will tell the system which type of seismic signal to
generate and which type of processing to perform prior to recording the
seismic data acquired.

Pattern Nb
This field does not appear unless you choose the Guidance option in the
Operating Mode (page 281) setup window. Different types of vibrator
pattern can be defined in the VE432 or VE464 window, each identified
by a “Pattern Number”. This field allows you to specify which type of
428XL User’s Manual Vol. 1 277
April 11, 2013
6 Operation
The Source Point Setup > Source point parameters

vibrator pattern to use for each VP. (For example, you may wish to use
an in-line pattern for some VPs because there is not enough room for a
square pattern). See The Pattern setup window (page 532).

May be used to enter a comment for each VP. Such comments are
displayed in the Operation table and recorded in the User Header in the
SEGD file. If the “User Header” is entered into the list of parameters for
an Observer Report or an SPS text file (using the LOG main window),
then the comments will also be included in the Observer Report or SPS
text file.
Any ASCII character is allowed except double quotation marks (“).

If you want to use a Superspread (an absolute spread that encompasses
several successive spreads), enter its identification number into this
field. You must have created it in the Line main window (see Absolute
spreads — page 146).


Figure 6-26

If you do not want to use a Superspread, leave this field empty.

If you generate your Source Point setup by importing an SPS Relation
file, then, because the SPS format does not have any Superspread field,
the Superspread number defaults to the Spread number (the Spread
number contained in the SPS file is automatically copied to the
Superspread field).

278 428XL User’s Manual Vol. 1

April 11, 2013
The Source Point Setup > Source point parameters

The advantage of using a Superspread lies in that you save time because
after the Superspread is formed, lines don’t need to be formed every
time the active spread moves (unless the Aux descriptor changes).
When you are using a Superspread, the Gain code for any given trace
must be the same in all individual spreads making up the Superspread,
and in the Superspread itself (because the acquisition of a trace must be
done with the Gain code specified for that trace in the active individual

Note If you are using different Process Types for the shots associated
with a superspread, be sure the Aux descriptor is the same in all
of them, or else the spread will need to be formed again every
time a change appears in the Aux descriptor, which takes time.
Note When you are using a Superspread, all the channels included in
the superspread are acquired. The system automatically sorts
them and only records the traces belonging in the active spread,
i. e. that which is actually selected in the Operation table (and
described in the input SPS X file if you are using such a file).
Note If any line is disconnected in the Superspread, an acquisition
error will appear even if the disruption is outside the spread
actually selected.
Note Only the channels from the active spread are viewed by the
Seismonitor function.
Note Channels in the Superspread that do not belong in the active
spread are viewed in brown.
Note If you are using DSUGPS links, it is recommended to use a
Superspread so that the DSUGPS units located outside the
active spread can send their GPS data to the central unit.

428XL User’s Manual Vol. 1 279

April 11, 2013
6 Operation
The Source Point Setup > To generate a Source Point setup

To generate a Source Point setup

Select Operation from the Setup menu.
Use “-” and “/” and comma as shortcuts, in combination with the
command buttons (Add, Change, Delete, Reverse), to generate your
table in a minimum number of steps (see Working with 428XL windows
— page 30).

Shortcut with Add button

In Shot/V.P. Id column:
Inserted between two numbers, those become the limits of the modification, i.
e. 1-6 from 1 to 6.
No change in cells, or step operator, e. g. 1-6/2 (from 1 to 6 every two, only
cells referring to 1, 3 and 5 will be affected.
Only named cells are affected e. g. 1,3,5,7 (cells 1, 3, 5 and 7 will be

In all other columns except Comment.

- , will give you a syntax error.
no change if alone; allows values to be incremented or decremented if it
/ follows a number, e. g. 10.00/-0.05 (on each change of row you will do the
subtraction -0.05).

Any changes you make will not take effect until you click the Apply
The Reset button works like an undo command. It restores the table as
it was before you last clicked on Apply.

280 428XL User’s Manual Vol. 1

April 11, 2013
Seismic setup options > Operating Mode

Seismic setup options

In this section:
• Operating Mode (page 281)
• Automation (page 282)
• Slip-Sweep (page 284)
• Dynamic Fleet Grouping (page 286)
• Look option (page 287)
• Reshot option (page 288)

Operating Mode 6

Figure 6-27

428XL User’s Manual Vol. 1 281

April 11, 2013
6 Operation
Seismic setup options > Automation

To open this setup window, select Options from the Setup menu. Click
on the Operating tab. To enable and save your changes, click Apply.

• Standard: choose this option to work with an Explosive-type source
(dynamite, air gun or any other kind of impulsive energy), or with a
standard Vibroseismic source (single source or flip-flop dual source).
• SQC Dump: if you choose this option, the correlated data is not
recorded; it is only sent to the QC processing tool for monitoring.
Only uncorrelated (Raw) data is recorded (but not sent to the QC
processing tool). To record vibrator motion signals on auxiliary
traces, see SQC Dump mode (page 348) or SQC Dump mode with
VE432 (page 361).
• Micro-seismic: intended for permanent acquisition from a fixed
spread. See Micro-seismic (page 371) for details.
• Shallow: intended for shallow-water operations. See Multi-gun
Shallow-water shooting mode (page 381) for details.
• Autonomous: allows simultaneous-source shooting with sweeps
being launched independently (by pressing the Ready button on the
DSD of each fleet leader). See Autonomous mode (page 373) for


Figure 6-28

To open this setup window, select Options from the Setup menu.Click
on the Operating tab. To enable and save your changes, click Apply.

282 428XL User’s Manual Vol. 1

April 11, 2013
Seismic setup options > Automation

With a Vibroseismic source or Stacked Impulsive source, the progress

of the acquisitions depends on which Automation option you choose.
(With an Impulsive source, the automation option is of no effect).

You are in automatic mode. That means, if you don't have any problem
during acquisitions, you click Go and you are able to shoot
consecutively the SPs or VPs defined in the Operation Table,
respecting the operator-selected delay between acquisitions and SP/
VPs, without any further action until the next Break Point (if any) is
You can click Stop to stop the sequence on completion of the current
operation (acquisition or dump) and click Go to resume the sequence. 6
Note Whenever a new field unit is laid out, it does not appear in the
Line main window’s topographic view until the spread is
formed again. If the spread remains the same for consecutive
shots (VPs) in continuous mode, no spread forming is
performed, so any new unit laid out will not be visible unless
you program a Look between VPs (see Look option on
page 287). If any Sensor tests are selected in the Look setup
menu, they are performed too.

You will do the entire shot point or VP sequence with the specified
delays between acquisitions, and you have to click Go for the next shot
point or VP.
The delay between VPs is not used.
You can click Stop to stop the sequence on completion of the current
operation (acquisition or dump) and click Go to resume the sequence.

428XL User’s Manual Vol. 1 283

April 11, 2013
6 Operation
Seismic setup options > Slip-Sweep

Each acquisition within each shot point must be started manually, by
clicking the Go pushbutton. The Delays Between Acquisitions and
Between VPs are not used.


Figure 6-29

The Delay setup (page 295) lets you set the required minimum time
between any two successive acquisitions to stack and the delay between
successive VPs.

Figure 6-30

Note that Slip-Sweep is automatically disabled if the Dynamic Fleet

Grouping mode is enabled. Also note that Slip-Sweep is not allowed if
the Time Management (page 90) option in jConfig is set at ‘Internal

Standard Mode
This option enables Slip-Sweep operations (for VE432 or VE464 users
only). After a vibrator fleet has started shaking, the Firing Order for the
next sweep is generated as soon as a vibrator fleet is ready and the Slip
Time specified in The Delay setup (page 295) has expired.

284 428XL User’s Manual Vol. 1

April 11, 2013
Seismic setup options > Slip-Sweep

Figure 6-31 Slip-sweep standard mode

Check Min Distance

In Standard Slip-Sweep mode, you may want to let the system check
that, after a fleet has started shaking, no fleet is eligible to shake unless
it is far enough from the fleet currently shaking. The “Check Min
Distance” option makes it possible to specify how far two fleets should
be apart for them to be allowed to shake simultaneously.
Dynamic Mode
If you choose the Dynamic Slip-Sweep mode, The Delay setup
(page 295) window lets you enter different Slip Time setpoints for
different values of the distance between fleets.

Figure 6-32 Slip-sweep Dynamic mode

After a fleet has started shaking, in order to determine which fleet is

next eligible to shake, the system interpolates between your Slip
Time setpoints and calculates the suitable Slip Time for the distance
between each fleet ready to shake and the fleet currently shaking. The
system automatically selects the fleet associated with the shortest
Slip Time as the one eligible to shake after this Slip Time has expired.
For details, see Slip-sweep (page 334).

428XL User’s Manual Vol. 1 285

April 11, 2013
6 Operation
Seismic setup options > Dynamic Fleet Grouping

Dynamic Fleet Grouping

Figure 6-33

Choose this option for seismic recording techniques where you want the
system to built a fleet group dynamically with those fleets which are
ready to shake and far enough apart (see Dynamic Fleet grouping —
page 329). You have to specify:
- Fleet Min Distance: how far apart fleets must be for the system
to allow them to shake simultaneously;
- Min number of Fleets: how many fleets at least should be
included in the group;
- Max number of Fleets: how many fleets at most should be
included in the group.


Figure 6-34

This option (for VE432 or VE464 users only) causes a Latitude

Reference field to appear, used to specify the approximate latitude of
the centre of the spread (e. g. 475035.000 for 47° 50 min 35 s). The
“Latitude Reference” is used to compensate for projection errors, for
locating the seismic crew more precisely. The closer the VPs to this
reference, the higher the guidance accuracy. Within 50 km of this
latitude reference, the effect of projection errors on the guidance
accuracy is negligible. See Vibrator Guidance (page 378).

286 428XL User’s Manual Vol. 1

April 11, 2013
Seismic setup options > Look option

Note After enabling or disabling the Guidance option, you have to

go to Manual in the DPG window and run again the Set DSD
and Vib Fleet functions.

Look option

every n VPs

Figure 6-35

To open this setup window, select Options from the Setup menu. Click
on the Look tab. To enable and save your changes, click Apply.
This Seismic Setup is used for automation of Look and Sensor tests
between shot points.
• The AutoLook option is used to enable or disable automatic
performance of a Look function between shot points. Tick this option
to select the Automatic mode, untick it for the Manual mode
(meaning that you will have to click on the Look button in the Line
main window). The status bar at the foot of the window has a field
that indicates if Autolook is enabled.
• Every: This field is used to specify the recurrence rate of the Look
function if AutoLook is enabled. The selected tests will
automatically be launched after completing the number of shot points
specified in this field.
• With Tests: These buttons allow you to choose one or more Sensor
tests to be performed by the Look function, in Automatic or Manual
428XL User’s Manual Vol. 1 287
April 11, 2013
6 Operation
Seismic setup options > Reshot option

The Resistance and Tilt tests are done jointly: running either of them
also runs the other but, unless its button is activated the results from the
other test are not used.

Note If AutoLook is used, the acquisition cycle time is lengthened

by 0.5 second, plus the time that each test requested takes to
execute, that is:
- plus 1.5 s. if you select the Resistance and/or Tilt test;
- plus 1.5 s. if you select a Leakage test.
Note On a line segment including an LSI, the AutoLook function is
disabled: to see new FDUs, you must use manual Look in that
Note The tests selected in the Look setup use the Gain code selected
in the Line main window’s Test setup. If DSUs are used, it is
important to see if the Gain selected in the Test setup is the
same as that used in the production spread (because switching
the gain is time-consuming and also because it is preferable to
do the Tilt test with the gain used for production). See
Instrument tests (page 218).

Reshot option

Figure 6-36

By default, a warning dialogue box appears whenever you try to do

again any shot that has already been done. Ticking the Disable reshot
question option relieves you of the need to confirm whenever you want
to reshoot (the dialogue box will not be prompted); however, reshooting
gives rise to a notification in the status mail box.

288 428XL User’s Manual Vol. 1

April 11, 2013
The Source Type setup > Sources

The Source Type setup

In this section:
• Sources (page 289)
• Explosive source parameters (page 290)
• Vibroseismic source parameters (page 291)

Select Sources from the Setup menu. This setup window is used to
assign a name to each available seismic source and determine how the
system will select the next shot to do with that source from the operation
table. 6
The Explo option is for all types of impulsive energy (dynamite, air
gun, etc.). The Vibro option is for vibroseismic sweeps. For Explosive
shooting with a blaster controller within a line, see Shooting with an LSS
(page 311).

Figure 6-37

After entering all the parameters to define a type of seismic source, you
only need to enter a source type number in the Nb field, and click Add
then Apply to save the source type.
To view the parameters of any source type, double-click on it in the list
box (at the foot of the Setup window). Then you can make any changes
needed and click Change, or Add, or Delete, as required. To save your
changes, click Apply.

428XL User’s Manual Vol. 1 289

April 11, 2013
6 Operation
The Source Type setup > Explosive source parameters

Explosive source parameters

Figure 6-38

To open this setup window, select Sources from the Setup menu, click
on the Explo tab.

Use this field to enter a self-explanatory name that will identify the
source in plain (e. g. a shooter’s name).

Shooter Nb
Use this field to enter the identification number of the source controller.

Use this field to enter a description of the impulsive source in plain if

Increment Nb
This field is used to specify the increment step to use after a shot is done,
to automatically determine which shot should next get the focus in the
list of shots to do. Typically the increment step is 1. An increment step
other than 1 is especially helpful in multishooter operations.
• With 0 as Increment step, the Shot Number is not incremented after
a shot is done, and no new spread is formed.
• With a Increment step other than 0 (a positive or negative integer),
the number of the next shot to do is computed accordingly, the focus
jumps to that shot, and the new spread is formed.

290 428XL User’s Manual Vol. 1

April 11, 2013
The Source Type setup > Vibroseismic source parameters

Vibroseismic source parameters

To open this setup window, select Sources from the Setup menu and
click on the Vibro tab.

Figure 6-39

Label 6
Use this field to enter a self-explanatory name that will identify the
source in plain (e. g. a vibrator leader’s name).

Fleet Nb
Use this field to enter the identification number of the group of vibrators
to use as the source. To determine which vibrators are included in each
fleet, use the VE464 Vibrator Fleet (page 537) or VE432 Vibrator Fleet
(page 655) function.

Moving: Sequentially
Choose the Sequential option if you wish to take VPs as scheduled in
the operation table.
After a VP is done, with this option, the system will use the increment
step specified in the“Step” field to determine which VP to do with this
source and select it automatically from the list of VPs to do.
If this source is for VPs with multiple acquisitions to stack, you may or
may not have to choose the “Work by Acq” option, depending on
whether or not you want to shift the fleet’s vibrators after each sweep.

428XL User’s Manual Vol. 1 291

April 11, 2013
6 Operation
The Source Type setup > Vibroseismic source parameters

If a “Ready” message is received from a source, with no position

supplied, it only abridges the delay between shots but this does not
indicate the next shot to do.
The “Type of Moving” field is not available if “Dynamic Fleet
Grouping” is enabled in the Seismic setup options (page 281).

Moving: Randomly
Choose the Randomly option if you want to allow the Source Points to
get the focus in any order (e. g. if you are using a “DSD network”) rather
than follow the order determined in the list of shots to do. See
Navigation-driven shooting (page 309).
If this source is for VPs with multiple acquisitions to stack, you may or
may not have to choose the “Work by Acq” option, depending on
whether or not you want to shift the fleet’s vibrators after each sweep.
The “Type of Moving” field is not available if “Dynamic Fleet
Grouping” is enabled in the Seismic setup options (page 281).

This field is used to specify the increment step to use after a VP is done,
if you choose Sequential as Moving option, to automatically determine
which VP should next get the focus in the list of VPs to do. Typically
the step is 1. An increment step other than 1 is especially helpful for
Flip-flop Vibroseismic operations (see Flip-Flop sweeps on page 321).
• With 0 as step value, the Shot Number is not incremented after a VP
is done, and no new spread is formed.
• With a step other than 0 (a positive or negative integer), the number
of the next VP to do is computed accordingly, the focus jumps to that
VP, and the new spread is formed. For an example with a negative
step, see Figure 6-63 on page 324.
The “Step” field is not available if “Dynamic Fleet Grouping” is
enabled in the Seismic setup options (page 281).

292 428XL User’s Manual Vol. 1

April 11, 2013
The Source Type setup > Vibroseismic source parameters

Work by Acq
If this source is for VPs with multiple acquisitions to stack, you may or
may not have to choose the “Work by Acq” option, depending on
whether or not you want to shift the fleet’s vibrators after each sweep.
• Untick “Work by Acq” if the multiple acquisitions are to be stacked
without shifting any vibrator. As a result:
- In the standard mode (no Slip-Sweep), the multiple acquisitions
to stack are done in succession, using the operator-selected delay
between acquisitions (see The Delay setup — page 295), without
interleaving with other VPs.
- If Slip-Sweep is enabled and the acquisitions to stack are taken
without moving any vibrator, the vibrator fleet is implicitly
Ready at the end of each sweep (unless this is the last sweep
within the VP); therefore, it can shake as soon as the Slip Time
has expired. As a result, a VP’s acquisitions will interleave with
those of other VPs.
• Choose the “Work by Acq” option if the multiple acquisitions to
stack require the vibrator fleet to shift after each sweep. As a result:
- In the standard mode (no Slip-Sweep), after a sweep is done, the
focus will pass to the next VP determined with the increment
“Step” value (that may be a suspended VP with still a number of
acquisitions to do). As a result, a VP’s acquisitions will
interleave with those of other VPs.
- With Slip-Sweep enabled, the focus may pass to whichever
vibrator fleet is ready to shake, if it falls inside the VP grabbing
circle, after the Slip Time has expired. As a result, acquisitions
can interleave with those of other VPs. For details on the “VP
Grabbing Radius”, see page 414.

Note To enable the system to open and suspend two or more VPs, see
428XL scalability (page 77).

The very first time any vibrator fleet is reported ready to shake at a
location that falls within the VP grabbing circle around a planned source
428XL User’s Manual Vol. 1 293
April 11, 2013
6 Operation
The Source Type setup > Vibroseismic source parameters

COG position, that fleet is assigned to the first acquisition for that VP.
If the fleet’s position falls within more than one VP grabbing circles, a
dialog box pops up so the operator can choose between the eligible VPs.
The subsequent acquisitions to stack will be done by the same vibrator
fleet when it is next ready to shake within the same circle.

If you want two (or more) VE464 sources to shake simultaneously,
those sources must have the same Cluster number, to be specified in
this field. See SQC Dump mode (page 348).
See also Manual clustering (page 327).
The “Cluster” field is not available if “Dynamic Fleet Grouping” is
enabled in the Seismic setup options (page 281).
Using two simultaneous sources is not allowed with the VE432.
Therefore, you must assign a different Cluster number to each VE432

Use this field to enter a description of the vibroseismic source in plain,
if required.

294 428XL User’s Manual Vol. 1

April 11, 2013
The Delay setup >

The Delay setup

To open this setup window, select Delay from the Setup menu.

Figure 6-40

• “At end of Acq”: use this slider to set the required minimum time
between any two successive acquisitions to stack. This delay is not 6
used if the Manual automation option is selected (see Automation —
page 282).
• “At end of VP” use this slider to set the required minimum time
between any two successive VPs. This delay is only used if the
Continuous option is selected and no Break Point is set on the
selected VP.
Unless the Slip-Sweep mode is enabled, each delay is selectable from
0.0 to 99.0 seconds in 0.5-second steps. If any delay is set to the
maximum (99 seconds), then the system will keep waiting until an
External Go signal is received on the Blaster connector of the LCI.
If the Slip-Sweep (page 284) Standard Mode option is enabled, the
Delay setup window is used to adjust the Slip Time instead, which is
selectable from 1.0 to 99.0 seconds in 0.1-second steps.

Figure 6-41 Slip-sweep standard mode

428XL User’s Manual Vol. 1 295

April 11, 2013
6 Operation
The Delay setup >

The Slip Time is used as follows: after a sweep is started, the Firing
Order for the next sweep will not be generated until a vibrator fleet is
ready to shake and the Slip Time delay has expired.
Note that the Slip Time delay should not be shorter than the desired
listening time.
If the Dynamic Slip-Sweep mode is enabled, the Delay setup allows you
to specify different Slip Times depending on the distance between fleets
(the farther apart the fleets, the shorter the required Slip Time). In the
Delay setup table:
• The Distance in the first row must be 0;
• The Slip Time in the last row must be 0.

Figure 6-42 Slip-sweep Dynamic mode

See Dynamic Mode (page 285) and Slip-sweep (page 334) for details.

296 428XL User’s Manual Vol. 1

April 11, 2013
The Noise Editing setup > Noise editing parameters

The Noise Editing setup

In this section:
• Noise editing parameters (page 297)
• Noise editing thresholds (page 302)

Noise editing parameters

To open this setup window, select “Noise Editing” from the Setup
menu. To enable and save your changes, click Apply.

Figure 6-43

Prior to any processing, an offset correction operation is performed on

each sample:

 A( k , i )
k 1 For details about “n”, see Reference
A( k , i )  A ( k , i )  Information in 428XL User’s Manual Vol. 3

428XL User’s Manual Vol. 1 297

April 11, 2013
6 Operation
The Noise Editing setup > Noise editing parameters

The stack formula is given below as a reminder:

A( k , i )   A( k , i , p)
p 1
A(k) = kth sample
n = number of samples in the acquisition
i = trace index
p = stack index
s = current stack fold

Noise Editing
(see also More About Noise Elimination — page 388).

If you choose this option, then the noise editing function is enabled.
Then you must define the set of parameters which are necessary to
remove impulsive noise using an historical type of editing.

Diversity Stack
If you choose this option, then the Diversity Stack noise elimination
function is enabled. For this type of noise elimination, you are not
required to enter any parameter, apart from the Low Trace Percentage,
Low Trace Value and Nb of Windows.
The energy (E) from each trace is calculated by averaging the squares
of the samples (before correlation). Then each sample is multiplied by
the inverse of the energy previously computed.
At the end of s sweeps (when the VP is complete) each sample stacked
(before correlation) is multiplied by the inverse of the sum of the
inverses of the energies previously computed.
There's no peak editing function for that type of noise elimination.

298 428XL User’s Manual Vol. 1

April 11, 2013
The Noise Editing setup > Noise editing parameters

Enhanced Diversity

Figure 6-44
This also enables the Diversity Stack noise elimination function, but
with this option a different calculation method is used. Rather than
specifying the required number of time windows, you specify the
required Window Length (which lets the system determine the number
of windows). Also, you may want windows to overlap by a certain
amount, which is adjustable with the Overlap Percent parameter.
The energy (E) from each trace is calculated by averaging the squares
of the samples (before correlation). Then each sample is multiplied by
the inverse of the energy previously computed.
At the end of s sweeps (when the VP is complete) each sample stacked
(before correlation) is multiplied by the sum of the inverses of the
energies previously computed.
There's no peak editing function for that type of noise elimination.

If you choose this option, then the noise editing function is disabled, and
no parameters need to be defined.

428XL User’s Manual Vol. 1 299

April 11, 2013
6 Operation
The Noise Editing setup > Noise editing parameters

Editing Type
If you choose this option, then any sample equal to or greater than the
editing threshold will trigger the process which zeroes the samples over
a window length that is selected by the “Zeroing Length” parameter.
Linear-variation taper, over a window selected by the “Zeroing Taper
Length” parameter, is programmed before and after the zeroed portion
in order to prevent discontinuity.

If you choose this option, then every sample equal to or greater than the
threshold will be clipped to the editing threshold value by the noise
editing process.

Nb of Windows
(Allowable range: 1 to 64). Number of noise editing windows.
With the noise elimination function activated, the acquisition length
may be divided into one or more windows (1 to 64).
With “Diversity Stack” noise elimination and the “Correlation Before
Stack” processing option, a single window is used.

Zeroing Taper Length

2n (allowable range for n: 0 to 8). This parameter represents the number
of samples corresponding to the linear-variation taper length before and
after a zeroed window, when the “Zeroing” option is selected for the
“Editing type” parameter.

Zeroing Length
(Allowable range: 1 to 500 milliseconds). Zeroing window length when
a sample exceeds the editing threshold, when the “Zeroing” option is
selected for the “Editing type” parameter.

300 428XL User’s Manual Vol. 1

April 11, 2013
The Noise Editing setup > Noise editing parameters

Threshold Init Value

(Selectable from 0 to -132 in 6-dB steps). Initialization value for all
noise editing thresholds and threshold types in all windows of every
channel, for “Historical” noise elimination.

Low Trace %
(Selectable from 0 to 100%). Criterion for deciding whether a channel
is “Low”. If the number (in percent) of samples which are below the
value specified in the “Low Trace Value” field exceeds the value
specified in the “Low Trace %” field, then the trace is reported as
If a trace is “Low”, threshold update is not performed at the end of the
Low Trace Value
(Selectable from 0 to -132 in 6-dB steps). Upper limit for “Low”
channel detection. If any channel sample is less than or equal to this
limit, then the “low channel detection” process is triggered for the
corresponding channel.

Noisy Trace %
(Selectable from 0 to 100). Criterion for deciding whether a channel is
“noisy”. If the number (in percent, computed with respect to the
acquisition length) of zeroed or clipped samples exceeds the value
specified in the “Noisy Trace %” field, then the trace is considered as
The corresponding trace number is simply reported in the observer's
log. No further action is taken (i.e. normal threshold updating takes

428XL User’s Manual Vol. 1 301

April 11, 2013
6 Operation
The Noise Editing setup > Noise editing thresholds

Noise editing thresholds

Clicking “Manual” isolates the Noise Editing process from the
preceding process stage and enables local functions for the management
of noise editing thresholds. As a result, data acquisition will be
suspended until you click “Auto”.
Clicking “Auto” connects the Noise Editing process to the preceding
process stage and allows data acquisition and processing to be

Figure 6-45

This button is used to enable or disable automatic updating of noise
editing thresholds in the “Historical” noise elimination process.
Choosing “Var.” enables thresholds to be automatically updated.
Choosing “Hold” causes thresholds to remain fixed at the latest value
updated before the “Hold” function was selected.

Clicking “Init.” presets all thresholds (64 windows) on all channels on
all threshold types (up to 16) to the initialization value entered for the
“Historical” noise elimination process.

Clicking “Load” restores the latest noise editing thresholds saved, so
that they can be used as initialization values in the next “Historical”
noise elimination process.

302 428XL User’s Manual Vol. 1

April 11, 2013
The Noise Editing setup > Noise editing thresholds

Clicking “Save” saves all current noise editing thresholds so that they
can be used at a later date in “Historical” noise elimination.
This command should be used prior to turning the power off or prior to
taking a shot with a different geometry which could affect noise editing.
The “Save” command saves:
• the threshold types used after power-on, or after clicking “Init.” or
“Load”, until “Save” is next used,
• the traces used in each threshold type,
• and the 64 windows on each trace (unused windows are initialized at
the threshold initialization value).

428XL User’s Manual Vol. 1 303

April 11, 2013
6 Operation
The Observer’s Comment Type Setup >

The Observer’s Comment Type Setup

Selecting Comments from the Setup menu opens this window that
allows you to incorporate favourite comments of your own. Using this
function, you can easily and faster insert comments into your Obs Log.
These comments are not copied to the SEGD file.

Figure 6-46

Any ASCII character is allowed except double quotation marks (“).

Once you have entered a comment in the upper pane, enter a Number
and Label in the respective text boxes in the lower pane, and click
“Add” (or “Change”, as required) to add the new comment type into
the list box.
The comments you create in this setup are available from the right-click
popup menu in The Operation Report view (page 255) so that you can
choose one and insert it into the report’s “Comment” field.
Click Apply to save your changes.

304 428XL User’s Manual Vol. 1

April 11, 2013
How to take shots or sweeps > Blaster shots

How to take shots or sweeps

In this section:
• Blaster shots (page 305)
• VE432 or VE464 sweeps (page 307)
• Navigation-driven shooting (page 309)
• Multiswath (page 310)
• Shooting with an LSS (page 311)

Blaster shots

Shooting system not supplying the Shooter position

If the shooting system does not supply the position of the blaster, an
audio radio channel is required for the shooter to tell you when he is
ready to shoot and which Source Point to shoot. If this is the first shot
to do with this shooter, you have to right-click on the Source Point in
the Operation table and select the shooter from the pop-up menu. As a
result, the focus passes to that shooter and Source Point in the Active
Source view. Clicking “Go” will send a message to the blaster and
launch the acquisition.
After a shot is done, the system uses the operation table and the
increment “Step” associated with the Source to determine which shot
should next get the focus (appearing in the Active Source view). Then
you only need to click “Go” when the shooter says he is ready, unless
you want to choose another shot (by clicking) and shooter (by right-
clicking) in the operation table.

Shooting system supplying the Shooter position

All available shooters (sources) are displayed without any Shot Point
number being associated to them until the GUI receives a “Ready”
status (together with a GPS position) from the shooting system (SGD-S
or AWD).

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6 Operation
How to take shots or sweeps > Blaster shots

After a “Ready” status is received from a shooter, the system

automatically selects the Shot Point that matches the GPS location, and
the focus goes to the corresponding Source in the Active Source view.
If the “Rdy” pushbutton for that Source name is released, an “R”
appears in it and the “Ready” notification is blocked until you accept it
(by clicking on the pushbutton). Then you just have to click “Go” to
send the firing order to the blaster and launch the acquisition.
If two or more shooters are ready, the system selects the Shot Point
corresponding to the latest “Ready” notification. All available sources
are allowed, so you can choose whichever you like.
If no GPS position is received along with the “Ready” status (e. g.
because of radio interference), then the corresponding source is selected
in the Active Source view but no Shot Point is selected. In that case, you
know which shooter is ready but you have to specify which SP to shoot
(using the right-click popup menu to associate a Source Point with the
shooter). After choosing the Shot Point, click Go to send the firing order
to the blaster and launch the acquisition.
In the case of an “Accelerated Weight Drop” (AWD) source, the stack
number is notified to the shooter, which allows the driver to determine
whether all the acquisitions are completed in a shot point, and whether
he should move to another source point.

306 428XL User’s Manual Vol. 1

April 11, 2013
How to take shots or sweeps > VE432 or VE464 sweeps

VE432 or VE464 sweeps

The Process Type associated with each Source Point in the operation
table is itself associated with an “Acquisition Type” that determines
which sweep signal to generate. The “Active Acquisition” view lets you
see which acquisition is in progress.
In Vibroseismic operations, the way the focus passes from a VP to
another depends on the options you choose in Seismic setup options
(page 281) and The Source Type setup (page 289):
• In the standard mode (no Slip-Sweep, actual vibrator positions not
available), the system relies on the Operation Table and on the
parameters associated with the source (increment “Step”, “Moving”
and “Work by Acq” options) to determine which VP should next get
the focus after an acquisition is done. Up to four sources can be used
alternately (see Flip-Flop sweeps on page 321). With the VE464, up to
four sources can be used simultaneously (see Cluster on page 294).
• If Slip-Sweep is enabled but actual vibrator positions are not
supplied, the system relies on the Operation Table to determine which
VP should next have the focus after an acquisition is done. Stacking
is not allowed. See Slip-sweep (page 334).
• If actual vibrator positions are supplied, VPs are not necessarily done
as scheduled in the Operation Table. When a fleet is ready to shake
and its COG lies in the vicinity of a planned source point to be done
with that fleet, the system automatically selects and highlights the
matching VP in the operation table, regardless of which VP is next
scheduled. See Navigation-driven shooting (page 309).
Below is a reminder of the available methods of starting sweeps
automatically when a fleet is “Ready” at a planned source position. A
vibrator is not “Ready”, and pressing the Ready button on the DSD has
no effect, unless and until its pressure sensor says the pad is down — if
a pressure sensor is used. In the case of a WIFI-networked fleet, the fleet
is not “Ready” until the Leader DSD is notified by WIFI of all the other
DSDs in the fleet having their pads down, and its own pad is down.

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6 Operation
How to take shots or sweeps > VE432 or VE464 sweeps

Source “Moving” option (Source Type setup menu)

Sequentially Randomly
(VE432 or VE464 DSD network)
Standard Slip-Sweep Navigation Navigation & Slip-
(VE432 or VE464) Sweep
- Vib. Fleet Ready. Slip Time expired. - Vib. Fleet Ready - Vib. Fleet Ready
Sweep start Or And And
conditions - Delay between - Source COG - Source COG
Acquisitions or VPs matching planned matching planned VP
expired. VP. And
(See Note 1) (See Note 2) - Slip Time expired.
(See Note 2)

Note (1) In that case, the arrival of the “Ready” status overrides the
operator-selected delay.
Note (2) The VE432 or VE464 “DSD Network” option (see
page 500) allows each vibrator to supply its GPS position.
When a vibrator fleet is ready (pads down) the leader sends a
message containing both the Ready status and the resulting
Centre Of Gravity of the source, calculated from the GPS
position of each vibrator. This enables the system to
automatically select the matching source point in the Operation
Table. This way of shooting is referred to as the source
Navigation-driven shooting (page 309) mode (or more simply
Navigation mode). If the COG falls outside the programmed
circle, then a warning dialog box shows up: click OK if you
choose to accept the source position as it is, Cancel otherwise
(in that case the system will wait for the next fleet to be ready).
Note (3) In the VE432 or VE464 main window, a button is associated
with each fleet, enabling the Fleet Ready status to be relayed
automatically to the Operation window, or blocked until you
choose to let it go.
Note (4) If for any reason you need to redo a sweep, you do not need
to cycle the vibrator pad Up/Down: simply press the Ready
button on the DSD (on the Leader DSD in the case of a WIFI-
networked fleet).

308 428XL User’s Manual Vol. 1

April 11, 2013
How to take shots or sweeps > Navigation-driven shooting

Navigation-driven shooting
(for VE432 or VE464 users only).
If you enable sources to move randomly rather than sequentially (see
Moving: Randomly — page 292) and a GPS receiver is attached to each
DSD, then you can use the “Navigation-driven shooting” (or more
simply “Navigation”) mode.
The “Navigation” mode relies on the “VE432 or VE464 DSD Network”
option that allows the geographical location of a vibrator fleet
(computed by the fleet’s leader and referred to as source COG) to be
relayed to the 428XL system as soon as all the vibrators in the fleet are
ready, with their pads down. Then the 428XL can select the matching
VP (shot point) from its operation table and shoot it automatically. As a
result, VPs can be shot in any order by any fleet.
Note The COG displayed in the Positioning main window is
computed from the status messages sent by the DSDs to the
DPG after sweeping.
The requirements for the Navigation-driven shooting mode are the
- Cable telemetry configuration.
- Single fleet for each VP.
- With the VE432, a single source for each VP.
- Continuous mode activated.
- Planned source geographical positions (from SPS files)
imported into the Positioning window.
- VE432 or VE464 DSD Network option implemented (see
VE432 or VE464 Manual).
See also VE432 or VE464 sweeps (page 307).

428XL User’s Manual Vol. 1 309

April 11, 2013
6 Operation
How to take shots or sweeps > Multiswath

If you have two or more swaths to shoot:
1. Go to Field Off in the Line or Positioning window.
2. Set each swath to use to Active in the Config window’s Swath
setup (page 97).
3. In the Log window, load all the SPS files to use. For each SPS file,
select the appropriate swath number from the drop-down list in
the toolbar and click on Apply. See Importing an SPS file
(page 583).
4. In the Operation window, open your preferred type of view (All
VPs, or VPs to do, etc.) for each swath to shoot.

Figure 6-47

5. In the “Active Source” view, use the Associate VP right-click

shortcut to enter the number of the Swath and the next VP to do
for each source.

Figure 6-48

310 428XL User’s Manual Vol. 1

April 11, 2013
How to take shots or sweeps > Shooting with an LSS

If shots are taken sequentially (see Moving: Sequentially — page 291),

each source will remain associated with the swath you select with the
Associate VP right-click shortcut.
If you are using the “Navigation-driven shooting” mode (see Moving:
Randomly — page 292), then two cases must be distinguished when a
“Ready” is received in the “Active Source” view:
- if the source is already associated with a VP in a swath, then the
source will do a VP in the same swath;
- if the source is not associated with any VP, then the system asks
you to specify which swath to do next.

Shooting with an LSS




Blaster controller
You can connect another
shooting system on the second
Blaster connector

Figure 6-49

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6 Operation
How to take shots or sweeps > Shooting with an LSS

The LSS (Line Shooting System) allows you to use the 428XL
telemetry network rather than a radio link to synchronize a remote
shooting system with the recording truck, for example in situations and
over stretches of land where radio communications are difficult.
Shooting with an LSS does not require any audio communications
between the observer in the recording truck and the shooter. The LSS
consists of an LSI unit associated with an HSU.
• The LSI (Line/Source Interface) allows you to connect a blaster
controller along an acquisition line instead of connecting it to the
control unit’s Blaster connector. It acts as a remote Blaster connector.
• The HSU (Hand-Shake Unit) is used by the shooter to supply the
status of the firing device and the number of the corresponding shot
point to the central unit.
For details on how to connect the HSU to the blaster controller, see
428XL Installation Manual.

Note On a line segment including an LSI, the Autolook function is

disabled: to see new FDUs, you must use manual Look in that
Note Instrument tests on LSI channels need a special procedure (see
Instrument tests on LSI channels on page 318).

Note Neither the LSI nor the HSU can be tested with an LT4208. If
an LSI is encountered on the line segment, it is viewed as two
FDUs on the LT428. The serial number of the LSI is displayed
in the “RCV” field with “LS” as a prefix.
Note The dual-channel FDU inside the LSI cannot be calibrated with
the TMS428 system.

LSS FO/TB delay calibration

With a shooting system connected to an LSS, the shooting system’s
delay between the FO (Firing Order) and PTB (Predicted Time Break)
must be known prior to shooting.

312 428XL User’s Manual Vol. 1

April 11, 2013
How to take shots or sweeps > Shooting with an LSS

This delay must be entered in the “TB Window” field of the “Process
Type” used to shoot (see TB Window on page 258). To calibrate the FO/
TB delay, use the following procedure:
1. Connect the blaster controller to one of the Blaster connectors of
the LCI (use the normal interface cable). Insert the LSI into a line,
and connect the HSU to the LSI.
2. Define an explosive “Process Type” using the connected Blaster
plug, and enter 0 into the TB Window field of this Process Type.
Use the Explo LSI tab in the “Source Type” setup to create a
3. The shooter should send the stack number by pushing the Send
button on the HSU, causing a red arrow to appear in the Active
Source view in the Operation window. The observer should 6
double-click on this red arrow, then the shooter should push the
Arm Set button on the HSU.
4. Click Go in the Operation window to take a dummy shot using the
Process Type created in step 2. A message should appear in the
status pane, displaying the value of the FO/TB delay measured by
the system:
FO / TB delay measured = xxxxxxx micro seconds
5. Enter that value (in milliseconds) into the TB Window field of the
Process Type used for shooting with LSS.
Example: with Shot Pro Encoder Time adj = 0.5 ms, Rad Ref
delay = 1.9 ms and Vertex2000 radio: FO/TB Delay = 1000.583 ms.

Taking a shot with an LSI

1. To enable shooting with LSI units, you must select the “LSI”
option and the type of blaster in the Install main window. See
Blaster type (page 72).
With the LSI option enabled:

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6 Operation
How to take shots or sweeps > Shooting with an LSS

- the indicator LED on FDUs, otherwise used as a test result

indicator, is used to tell the shooter whether he is allowed to
connect/disconnect an LSI between two links.
- you cannot take a shot until retrieval of the previous one is
complete, whatever the field equipment and the shooting method
2. The delay between the Firing Order and the predicted Time Break
is assumed known and invariable. See LSS FO/TB delay calibration
on page 312. It must be entered into the TB Window field (see TB
Window on page 258).
3. Use The Source Type setup (page 289) menu to assign a Shooter
name to the LSI to use, and choose the desired gain for the Uphole
and CTB channels.

LSS shooter 1
LSS shooter 1
LSS shooter 2

Figure 6-50

Until the LSI is inserted into a line, a “No entry” traffic sign is
displayed ahead of it in the Active Source view.

Not connected
LSS shooter 1

Figure 6-51

314 428XL User’s Manual Vol. 1

April 11, 2013
How to take shots or sweeps > Shooting with an LSS

Step-by-step operating instructions

Below is the typical step-by-step procedure for a shooter to insert an
LSI into the spread and for an observer in the recording truck to take a
shot using that LSI.
1. Observer: go to “Field On” (unless already
done) in the Line main window.
2. Shooter: locate the junction of the two FDU links where to insert
the LSI, and check to see if the indicator LED on FDUs is

Blinking Blinking

Figure 6-52 Unplugging is allowed

When FDU indicator LEDs are blinking, disconnect the links and
connect the LSI in between. The “Line OK” indicator should light

Line OK

Figure 6-53 LSI connected

3. Observer: Click on Look in the Line main window to view the

LSI channels connected.
In the Active Source view, the “No entry” sign is replaced by a
red arrow sign meaning that the LSI is present. Be sure the “Rdy”
(Ready) button is activated. This will enable the system to
automatically select the shot point to do when the shooter says he
is ready.

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6 Operation
How to take shots or sweeps > Shooting with an LSS

LSS shooter 1


Figure 6-54

4. Shooter: Dial the Shot Point number, using the knobs on the
HSU. Press the Send button.

Dial Shot Point


Push Send

Figure 6-55

5. Observer: The focus goes to the selected shot point in the

Operation table. The selected source point is displayed in the
Active Source view. When you want to accept the shot point and
allow the shooter to arm the blaster, double-click on the left-hand
status indicator.

to enable arming
25 LSS shooter 1 1 25 1

Shot Point to do

Figure 6-56

6. Shooter: The indicator on FDUs stops blinking. The spread is

When the Observer accepts the shot point as explained in the
previous step, the “Arm enable” indicator should light up on the
HSU. It is important to wait for “Arm enable” to light up for

316 428XL User’s Manual Vol. 1

April 11, 2013
How to take shots or sweeps > Shooting with an LSS

correct synchronization of the Time Break. Then press “Arm set”

on the HSU.

Push “Arm set”

Figure 6-57

7. Observer: In the Active Source view, the status indicator must

have changed from red to yellow. Click Go. This triggers the
firing device. 6
25 LSS shooter 1 1 25 1

Figure 6-58

8. Shooter: The “Arm enable” indicator on the HSU goes out.

After the seismic data is retrieved, the “Disconnect enable”
indicator on the LSI lights up, and FDU indicators are again
blinking, meaning that the shooter can unplug the LSI and move it
to another location if required.

1. The Up-Hole and CTB (Confirmed Time Break) auxiliary traces
from the LSI are acquired with the same Sample Rate and filter
type as seismic traces.
2. You can have both ways of shooting available (via an LSS and via
a radio link) and use whichever is most appropriate, at your own
convenience. In that case, be sure the value used as TB Window
for LSS-fired shots does not give rise to any ITB error for

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6 Operation
How to take shots or sweeps > Shooting with an LSS

radio-fired shots. (If an ITB arises, define a Process Type for LSS-
fired shots and another one for radio-fired shots). Also, remember
that whenever you select an LSI shooter, the Up-Hole and CTB
traces from the LSI are systematically placed ahead of the
Auxiliary traces from the blaster controller connected to the LCI,
and they are recorded as “a1” and “a2” in the SEGD file.
Therefore you have to do as follows:
- In the Layout setup, define the auxiliary channels for radio-fired
shots as “a3” (for Shot Pro “Analog Data” or Macha “UH”
signal) and “a4” (for Shot Pro “TB” or Macha “FTB” signal).
- In the Process Type used in common, define only “a3” and “a4”
in the description of auxiliary traces.
3. The shooter can use the rotary switches on the HSU to send
messages (user-reserved shot point numbers) to the recording
truck if audio communications are totally impossible. For
example, the following code can be adopted:
- 999999: Emergency alert.
- 777777: Shot point not found (Skip Shot Point).
- 555555: Cap test failure, or shot not loaded (Skip Shot Point).
- 333333: Moving up LSI.
- 111111: Technical trouble.
4. See “Source controller formats” in User’s Manual Vol. 3 for the
fields updated with the messages from the source controller.

Instrument tests on LSI channels

LSI channels are not tested through a standard Instrument Test. To
perform an Instrument test on LSI channels, do the following:
1. Enter the two LSI channels as Aux channels (e. g. a1 and a2) in
the Layout - Aux - Setup menu. See page 139. (To find the Serial
Number of the LSI channels, double-click on the LSI icon in the
graphic view, or open an Instrument Numeric view).

318 428XL User’s Manual Vol. 1

April 11, 2013
How to take shots or sweeps > Shooting with an LSS

2. Launch the Instrument test.

More about the Shot Pro blaster controller

You can have both ways of shooting available (via an LSS and via a
radio link) and use whichever is most appropriate, at your own
convenience. In that case, with Shot Pro blaster controllers, the
following points should be borne in mind:
• With LSS-fired shots, the serial line from the Shot Pro Encoder is not
supported. As a result, the Shot Pro Encoder does not return any
ASCII message (for shot point position, TB, UH data) via the serial
ports of the HSU.
• For a radio-fired shot, selecting a Shooter name in the Operation main
window initializes the Shot Pro Encoder (through the serial port of 6
the Encoder). As a result the Encoder assumes the sequential number
of the selected shooter from the shooter list as Shot Pro Encoder
number. Therefore, you must make sure the right Box Id is associated
with it on the Shot Pro Decoder.
• A distinct setting is required for the Encoder and Decoder used for
LSS-fired shots: the Start Code should be different from that used for
radio-fired shots, and the Box Id of the Decoder should be used as
Shot Pro number of the Encoder (e. g. Box Id. = 10 and
Encoder No. = 10).
• The LSI shooter appears at the top (Number 1) position in the list of
shooters in the Operation main window, therefore the first radio
shooter appears as Number 2.

LSI connected LSI not connected

Shooters list Encoder No. Shooters list Encoder No.

LSI shooter 10 Radio shooter 1 1
Radio shooter 1 2 Radio shooter 2 2
Radio shooter 2 3

Figure 6-59

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6 Operation
How to take shots or sweeps > Shooting with an LSS

As a result the shooters list (i. e. the Encoder No.) is shifted every time
you connect or disconnect the LSI, meaning that you have to change the
Box Id of the radio Decoders accordingly, unless you delete the LSI
from the Shooter setup window whenever radio-fired shots are taken.
Therefore, the following rule is recommended: for radio-fired shots,
delete the LSI from the Shooter setup window, regardless of whether the
LSI is connected or not.

320 428XL User’s Manual Vol. 1

April 11, 2013
Flip-Flop sweeps >

Flip-Flop sweeps
What is meant by “Flip-Flop” mode with the 428XL is the use of
multiple sources alternately (not only two, but up to four).

Flip-flop with two sources

A simple textbook example of Source Type setup for flip-flop
operations is shown in Figure 6-60 where two sources (Source1 and
Source2) are alternately generated by two vibrator fleets (respectively
F1 and F2). In this example, no stacking is requested.

1 Source1 2
Source1 2
Source2 2

Source1 1 3 1
Source2 2 4 1

3 1 1 Dump

F1 moving to F1 moving to
VP5 location VP7 location
Source1 VP3 (Acq1) VP5 (Acq1)

F2 moving to
VP6 location
Source2 VP4 (Acq1) VP6 (Acq1)

F1 Ready F2 Ready Expired delay F2 Ready

Figure 6-60 Typical Flip-Flop, no stacking

428XL User’s Manual Vol. 1 321

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6 Operation
Flip-Flop sweeps >

With the above settings, if you right-click on VP3 and choose “Start
Seismonitor with Vib Source1”, and right-click on VP4 and choose
“Start Seismonitor with Vib Source2”, then the system will do VP3
with fleet #1, VP4 with fleet #2, VP5 with fleet #1, and so on.
In the example shown in Figure 6-61 below, the same scheme is used but
two acquisitions are stacked at each VP without shifting the vibrators.

1 Source1 2
Source1 2
Source2 2

Source1 1 3 1
Source2 2 4 1

3 1 2 No Dump
3 2 2 Dump

F1 moving to
VP5 location
Source1 VP3 (Acq1) VP3 (Acq2) VP5 (Acq1)

Source2 VP4 (Acq1) VP4 (Acq2)

F1 F2 Expired Expired F1 Expired Expired

Ready Ready delay delay Ready delay delay

Figure 6-61 Flip-Flop, stacking with no vib shift

With the above settings, if you right-click on VP3 and choose “Start
Seismonitor with Vib Source1”, and right-click on VP4 and choose
“Start Seismonitor with Vib Source2”, then the system will do two

322 428XL User’s Manual Vol. 1

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Flip-Flop sweeps >

stacked acquisitions for VP3 with fleet #1, and then two stacked
acquisitions for VP4 with fleet #2, two stacked acquisitions for VP5
with fleet #1, and so on.
In the example shown in Figure 6-62 below, the “Work by Acq” option
is used. As a result the two acquisitions to stack are not done in
succession: while the vibrators are shifting to the location of the second
acquisition, the system takes an acquisition for another VP.

1 Source1 2
Source1 2
Source2 2
Source1 1 3 1
Source2 2 4 1

3 1 2 No Dump
3 2 2 Dump

F1 moving to
F1 shifting VP5 location
Source1 VP3 (Acq1) VP3 (Acq2) VP5 (Acq1)

F2 moving to
F2 shifting VP6 location
Source2 VP4 (Acq1) VP4 (Acq2) VP6 (Acq1)

F1 F2 Expired F2
Ready Ready delay Ready

Figure 6-62 Flip-Flop with “Work by Acq” option

With the above settings, if you right-click on VP3 and choose “Start
Seismonitor with Vib Source1”, and right-click on VP4 and choose
“Start Seismonitor with Vib Source2”, then the system will do the
428XL User’s Manual Vol. 1 323
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6 Operation
Flip-Flop sweeps >

first acquisition for VP3 with fleet #1, and then the first acquisition for
VP4 with fleet #2 (while a pause icon appears ahead of VP3), and
resume VP3 with fleet #1 (while a pause icon appears ahead of
VP4), resume VP4 with fleet #2, and so on and so forth.

Note To enable the system to open and suspend two or more VPs, see
428XL scalability (page 77).

Note You can use a positive or negative value in the “Step” field.
In the example in Figure 6-63 below, the two source are moving in
opposite directions because a negative “Step” is used for source #2.

In progress
(source #1)

Negative step

1st acq. done

Done To do with
(source #2) source #2

2nd acq. in

Figure 6-63 Negative “Step”

324 428XL User’s Manual Vol. 1

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Flip-Flop sweeps >

Flip-flop with three or four sources

The above simple schemes can be extrapolated to four sources.

Note If you want to use three or four sources with the “Work by Acq”
option, you have to use the Administration window to set the
Maximum open VP parameter (2 by default) to 3 or 4. See
428XL scalability (page 77).

In the example shown in Figure 6-64 below, the system will do only two
VPs out of four because the Step field is set at 4 but only two sources
are used. You still have to choose the first VP to do with source #2
(using the right-click popup menu) and that with source #4.

In progress

1st acq. done

Not used

2nd acq. in
Not used progress

Figure 6-64 Flip-flop, 4 sources, with “Work by Acq” option

428XL User’s Manual Vol. 1 325

April 11, 2013
6 Operation
Simultaneous sources >

Simultaneous sources
For operation modes using simultaneous seismic sources, you can
manually create a fleet cluster specifying which fleets are expected to
shake simultaneously, or let the system automatically build a fleet
group. Each fleet may consist of one or more vibrators.
• Manual clustering (page 327) is suitable for a cluster invariably
consisting of the same vibrators, like for example in SQC Dump mode
(page 348).

Cluster 1 Cluster 2 Cluster 3

Fleet 1

1 4 7
Fleet 2

2 5 8
Fleet 3
3 6 9

Figure 6-65 Manual clustering

• The Dynamic Fleet grouping (page 329) option is suitable for seismic
recording techniques where you want the system to built a fleet group
dynamically with those fleets which are ready to shake and far
enough apart.

Area 1 Area 2 Area 3

1 4 7

2 5 8

3 6 9

Figure 6-66 Dynamic fleet grouping

• The Autonomous mode (page 373) allows simultaneous-source

shooting, with sweeps being launched independently by pressing the
Ready button on the DSD of each fleet leader.
326 428XL User’s Manual Vol. 1
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Simultaneous sources > Manual clustering

Manual clustering
When used with a VE464, the system can record acquisitions from up
to 32 simultaneous sources and generate an SEGD file for each source.
For sources to start shaking simultaneously, the following is required:
• Create the necessary sources in the Source Type setup, and specify
which fleet to use for each source.

Same Cluster
Figure 6-67

- Assign the same Cluster number to all the fleets to use. This will
allow the sources to shake simultaneously.
- Set the Moving option as required. If you choose “Sequential”
then the Step should be equal to the number of sources.
• The shot points you want to do with the simultaneous sources must
have the same Process Type number. To specify the Process Type,
use The Source Point Setup (page 275) setup window.
• You must associate each source with a shot point in the operation
table (using the Start Seismonitor with Vib Source right-click
shortcut in the “All VP” or “VP to do” view, or using the Associate
VP shortcut in the “Active Source” view).
In “Navigation-driven shooting” mode, you set the Moving option to
“Randomly”. In that case, you need to use the Start or Associate
shortcut only once, and you can choose any shot point (the system will
not associate a source with a shot point unless and until it receives a
Ready message from the fleet, and only those sources from which a
Ready message is received will be allowed to start shaking).

428XL User’s Manual Vol. 1 327

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6 Operation
Simultaneous sources > Manual clustering



Figure 6-68

If several sources are used simultaneously but, for any reason, you want
to silence one of them for a number of acquisitions, you simply have to
disassociate it (with the right-click menu in the “Active Source” view).

328 428XL User’s Manual Vol. 1

April 11, 2013
Simultaneous sources > Dynamic Fleet grouping

Dynamic Fleet grouping

The “Dynamic Fleet Grouping” option in the Seismic setup options
(page 281) is intended for seismic recording techniques where you want
the system to built a fleet group dynamically with those fleets which are
ready to shake and far enough apart. This option is associated with three
• If a minimum distance is required between fleets shaking at the same
time, the Fleet Min Distance specifies how far apart fleets must be
for the system to allow them to shake simultaneously. The system
uses the GPS position included in the Ready messages collected from
vibrators to calculate how far apart they are from one another, and
automatically determines the eligible vibrators. The selection process
also has to ensure that vibrators are equally used, and prevent 6
selecting vibrators converging to the same area. Priority is given to
those vibrators that sent a Ready message first.
• The Min number of fleets specifies how many fleets at least should
be included in the group;
• The Max number of fleets specifies how many fleets at most should
be included in the group.
When “Dynamic Fleet Grouping” is enabled, the “Type of Moving”,
“Step” and “Cluster” parameters in the Source Type setup window are
irrelevant, therefore not prompted.

Figure 6-69 Source Type Setup for dynamic fleet grouping

428XL User’s Manual Vol. 1 329

April 11, 2013
6 Operation
Simultaneous sources > Dynamic Fleet grouping

Note that priority is given to the group that has the largest number of
fleets. If two or more groups have the same number of fleets, priority is
given to the group with the oldest age of Ready fleets.

First step: manual selection

Below is an example with 8 vibrators or fleets and the following
- Min Number of Fleets = Max Number of Fleets = 3
- Fleet Min Distance = 250 m.
In the Positioning window, flags indicate which vibrators are ready to
shake (after a Ready message has been received from those vibrators).

Figure 6-70 Positioning window

In the Operation window, when a Ready message is received from a

vibrator or fleet, the system automatically associates a source point (i. e.
a VP) with it. You can also manually associate a vibrator with a source
point by using the right-click popup menu in the Operation table as
usual, or by drag-and-drop of a flag to a source point in the Positioning
So long as no group is available, the Go button is dimmed. To select
which vibrators will start shaking, do the following:

330 428XL User’s Manual Vol. 1

April 11, 2013
Simultaneous sources > Dynamic Fleet grouping

1. Select a vibrator from those ready by clicking in its row in the

Operation table. When a vibrator is selected (e. g. Vib 1 in
Figure 6-71 on page 331), a green arrow appears in the leftmost
column in the Active Source view, and the row’s colour changes
to light blue. The minimum distance from other vibrators that are
ready to shake is displayed in the Dist Min column. The eligible
vibrators (i. e. which are far enough apart from those already
selected) are displayed as green rows (from light green for the
nearest ones to dark green for the farthest ones), meaning that they
can be added to the current selection.


Figure 6-71 Active Source view

2. Select a second vibrator (e. g Vib 7). As a result the Dist Min
column is updated. In Figure 6-72, Vib 4 is no longer eligible
because it is too close (200 m) to Vib 7.



Figure 6-72

428XL User’s Manual Vol. 1 331

April 11, 2013
6 Operation
Simultaneous sources > Dynamic Fleet grouping

3. In this example, the group must include at least (and at most) three
vibrators. Let us assume you select Vib 6 as third vibrator in the
group. As a result, the Go button is undimmed, meaning that the
group is complete. Clicking on Go will cause Vib1, vib 6 and
Vib 7 to start shaking.



You can click on Go

Figure 6-73

Note that if, instead of clicking on Go when the group is complete, you
select one more vibrator, the system dismisses the former group
selection and starts a new one beginning with that vibrator.

Second step: automatic selection

The system waits until a new fleet group can be built and all previous
operations are complete, then it automatically launches the
simultaneous sweeps with the new group.
For each fleet that is ready in the Active Source view, the “Dist Min”
column indicates its minimum distance from any fleet currently shaking
or included in a group currently being built. Each row where that
distance is greater than the specified Fleet Min Distance is displayed in
green (from light green for the shortest separation to dark green for the
longest one).
In Figure 6-74 on page 333, acquisition is in progress with Vib 1, Vib 5
and Vib 9. Note that the Ready flag in the “Rdy” column has been
cleared for these three vibrators.

332 428XL User’s Manual Vol. 1

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Simultaneous sources > Dynamic Fleet grouping

Vib 2 cannot be selected for the next group, although a Ready was
received from it, because its Ready button has been released (Ready is
blocked), and also because it is less than 150 m away from the eligible
vibrators (Vib 4 and Vib 6).
Vib 3 cannot be selected because it did not send any Ready after doing
its latest sweep (shot number 1,628).
Vib 4 can be selected for the next group.

In progress


In progress 6
Too close

In progress

Figure 6-74

Vib 6 can be selected, as it is ready and far enough from Vib 4, but it
will not be selected until its Ready button is clicked (presently its Ready
is blocked).
Vib 7 cannot be selected for the next group because it is too close to the
eligible vibrators (227 m).
No source point is associated with Vib 8 because no Ready was yet
received from it (or it has been disassociated).

428XL User’s Manual Vol. 1 333

April 11, 2013
6 Operation
Slip-sweep > Theory of operation

(For VE432 or VE464 users only). In this section:
• Theory of operation (page 334)
• How to implement slip-sweep (page 336)
• Standard Slip-Sweep mode (page 339)
• Allowable minimum distance between simultaneous sources (page 343)
• Dynamic Slip-Sweep mode (page 345)

Theory of operation
With the slip-sweep option enabled, the system lets a vibrator fleet start
sweeping without waiting for the previous fleet's sweep to be
completed. The system only waits until a delay (Slip Time) specified by
the operator has expired — the estimated time for a given frequency in
the previous sweep to die out — and lets the next vibrator fleet start
sweeping when it is ready, with the appropriate receiver stations
activated. For this technique to work properly, a minimum distance is
required between the fleets shaking simultaneously (see Allowable
minimum distance between simultaneous sources — page 343).
The system cuts the acquisition data flow at the appropriate time-zeroes.
The data appear in SEGD files as individual correlated records.

Fleet 1 sweep Fleet 1 sweep

Slip Time Slip Time
Fleet 2 sweep Fleet 2 sweep
TB Slip Time Slip Time
Fleet 3 sweep

Fleet 2 Fleet 3 Fleet 1 Fleet 2 Fleet 3

Ready Ready Ready Ready Ready

Figure 6-75 VE464 (version 3.0 or above)

334 428XL User’s Manual Vol. 1

April 11, 2013
Slip-sweep > Theory of operation

The “Slip Time” is regarded as the minimum time between a Time

Break (TB) and the next one. Unless the VE464 has to wait for the
Firing Order (for example because no fleet is ready), the time between
two TBs is always minimum and equal to the Slip Time. Vibrators are
not allowed to start sweeping automatically unless they send a Ready

Note With a VE432 or earlier VE464 version (less than 3.0), the
“Slip Time” is the time between a TB and the next FO. After
the Slip Time has expired and the Firing Order is generated, the
time required for the DPG to send the Time Break depends on
the number of T0 codes used to synchronize the vibrators.
With two T0 sync codes, the FO to TB time is about 1.5 s, i. e. T = 2 s
approximately. See the T0 Setup in the VE432 DPG main window
(page 646).
T = time from
Fleet 1 sweep T Fleet 1 sweep
FO to TB
Slip Time T Slip Time T
Fleet 2 sweep Fleet 2 sweep
Slip Time T Slip Time T
Fleet 3 sweep
Slip Time

Fleet 2 Fleet 3 Fleet 1 Fleet 2 Fleet 3

Ready Ready Ready Ready Ready

Figure 6-76 VE432 (or VE464 version less than 3.0)

Each VE432 vibrator fleet you want to use in slip-sweep mode must
have its own vibrator controller (DPG). Since up to four VE432 DPGs
can be attached to the system, you can use up to four fleets in slip-sweep
Slip-Sweep requires a single VE464 DPG, regardless of how many
vibrator fleets are involved.

428XL User’s Manual Vol. 1 335

April 11, 2013
6 Operation
Slip-sweep > How to implement slip-sweep

How to implement slip-sweep

1. To enable the Slip-sweep option see Seismic setup options on
page 281.
2. To set the Slip Time, see The Delay setup (page 295).
3. Use the The Acquisition Type setup (page 518) menu in the DPG
window to create an Acquisition Type (this determines which
type of sweep signal will be generated by the vibrator fleets).
4. Use the Process Type setup menu in the Operation main window
to create a Process Type for each fleet.

Same type for all

acquisitions to stack in
Correlation operation this process type
Same list of auxiliary specific to this process
channels in all type
process types

Stacking fold

Figure 6-77

- You must use the Correlation Before Stack option.

- All the Process Types you want to use must include the same list
of auxiliary channels to acquire. In the example shown in
Figure 6-77, “aux1” and “aux2” should appear in each Process
Type to use. Process Type #1, is set to display “aux1*aux1”
(autocorrelation of “aux1”) on the third auxiliary trace; Process

336 428XL User’s Manual Vol. 1

April 11, 2013
Slip-sweep > How to implement slip-sweep

Type #2, can be set to display “aux2*aux2” (autocorrelation of

“aux2”) on the third auxiliary trace.
- In each Process Type, use a single Acquisition Type for all the
acquisitions to stack.
5. Use the The Source Point Setup (page 275) menu to create a list of
VPs and build an Operation Table. All VPs should use the same
spread (this is easy to achieve by creating a Superspread). Assign
one of the Process Types created at step 4 to each VP, for example
(see Figure 6-80):
VP11 Process Type 1
VP12 Process Type 2
VP13 Process Type 1 6
VP14 Process Type 2
VP15 Process Type 1, etc. .
6. Create a Source name and number for each vibrator fleet to use.
See Vibroseismic source parameters (page 291) for details. If you
choose Sequential as Moving option, choose the appropriate Step
(typically to be equal to the number of fleets used), depending on
how VPs are to be taken in sequence in your operation table.

Figure 6-78

7. Start each source by right-clicking on the first VP to do with it

(e.g. VP11 in the example shown in Figure 6-79) and choose the
appropriate source number from the “Start Seismonitor with Vib
Source”popup menu (e. g. source #2).

428XL User’s Manual Vol. 1 337

April 11, 2013
6 Operation
Slip-sweep > How to implement slip-sweep

Figure 6-79

1st acq. done

Second VP11 acquisition starting with

Source #2 before first VP12 acquisition is
complete with Source #3

Figure 6-80 Slip-Sweep with two sources

You will probably prefer to use the Navigation-driven shooting (page 309)
mode. To do that, you must use the “Randomly” Moving source type
option, rather than “Sequential”, and use the DSD Network (page 500)
option. In that case, Slip-Sweep shots are not necessarily taken in the
order defined in the Operation Table. Instead, the system automatically
selects the planned VP that matches the source location received from

338 428XL User’s Manual Vol. 1

April 11, 2013
Slip-sweep > Standard Slip-Sweep mode

the next vibrator fleet leader that becomes ready (which sends the
Ready signal), regardless of which VP is next scheduled to get the focus
in the Operation Table.

Standard Slip-Sweep mode

In the examples shown in Figure 6-81 and Figure 6-82, each fleet can
start shaking right after the Slip Time has expired.

F1 moving to
VP3 location

Fleet 1 VP1 (Acq1) VP3 (Acq1) VP5 (Acq1) VP7 (Acq1)

Slip Time Slip Time

F2 moving to
Slip Time Slip Time
VP4 location

Fleet 2 VP2 (Acq1) VP4 (Acq1) VP6 (Acq1)

Slip Time Slip Time Slip Time

Figure 6-81 Slip-sweep with sequentially moving source, no stacking

F1 moving to
VP3 location
Fleet 1 VP1 (Acq1) VP1 (Acq2) VP3 (Acq1) VP3 (Acq2)
Slip Time Slip Time Slip Time Slip Time

F2 moving to
VP4 location

Fleet 2 VP2 (Acq1) VP2 (Acq2) VP4 (Acq1)

Slip Time Slip Time Slip Time

Figure 6-82 Slip-sweep with sequentially moving source, stacking (2)

428XL User’s Manual Vol. 1 339

April 11, 2013
6 Operation
Slip-sweep > Standard Slip-Sweep mode

In the example shown in Figure 6-83, each fleet can start shaking when
it is Ready and the Slip Time has expired and its COG matches a
planned source point to be done with that fleet (see VP Grabbing Radius
— page 414), regardless of which VP is next scheduled to get the focus
in the Operation table.

F1 moving to F1 moving to
VP6 location VP8 location

VP1 (Acq1) VP6 (Acq1) VP6 (Acq1)

Fleet 1 F2 moving to
Slip Time Slip Time Slip Time
VP4 location

VP2 (Acq1) VP4(Acq1)

Fleet 2
Slip Time Slip Time F3 moving to
VP5 location
VP3 (Acq1) VP5 (Acq1)
Fleet 3
Slip Time Slip Time

F1 F2 F3 F2 F1 F3 F1
Ready Ready Ready Ready Ready Ready Ready

Figure 6-83 Slip-sweep, randomly moving source, Navigation mode, no stacking

340 428XL User’s Manual Vol. 1

April 11, 2013
Slip-sweep > Standard Slip-Sweep mode

In the example shown in Figure 6-84, you have to choose the Work by
Acq option for each source (see Vibroseismic source parameters —
page 291). Each fleet can start shaking when it is Ready and the Slip
Time has expired and its COG matches a planned source point to be
done with that fleet (see VP Grabbing Radius — page 414), regardless of
which VP is next scheduled to get the focus in the Operation table.

F1 moves to VP1 second

acquisition. location

VP1 (Acq1) VP1 (Acq2) VP4 (Acq1)

Fleet 1
Slip Time Slip Time Slip Time

F2 moves to VP2 second

Fleet 2
acquisition. location
VP2 (Acq1) VP2 (Acq2)
Slip Time Slip Time

VP3 (Acq1) VP3 (Acq2)

Fleet 3
Slip Time Slip Time

F1 F3 F2 F1 F2 F3 F1
Ready Ready Ready Ready Ready Ready Ready

Figure 6-84 Slip-sweep with randomly moving source, Navigation mode, stacking (2)

Note To enable the system to open and suspend two or more VPs, see
428XL scalability (page 77).

428XL User’s Manual Vol. 1 341

April 11, 2013
6 Operation
Slip-sweep > Standard Slip-Sweep mode

In the example shown in Figure 6-85, each fleet will start shaking when
it is Ready and the Slip Time has expired and its COG matches a
planned source point to be done with that fleet (see VP Grabbing Radius
— page 414). Because acquisitions are stacked at the same place, the
fleet is implicitly Ready at the end of each sweep (unless this is the last
sweep within the VP), so it can shake as soon as the Slip Time has

Ready F1 moving to
VP4 location

VP1 (Acq1) VP1 (Acq2) VP4 (Acq1)

Fleet 1 Implicit
Slip Time Slip Time Slip Time

Fleet 2 VP3 (Acq1) VP3 (Acq2)

Slip Time Slip Time

VP2 (Acq1) VP2 (Acq2)

Fleet 3
Slip Time Slip Time

F1 F3 F2 Ready F1
Ready Ready Ready Ready

Figure 6-85 Slip-sweep with randomly moving source, Navigation mode, stacking (2)

342 428XL User’s Manual Vol. 1

April 11, 2013
Slip-sweep > Allowable minimum distance between simultaneous sources

Allowable minimum distance between simultaneous

In Standard Slip-Sweep mode, you may want to let the system check
that, after a fleet has started shaking, no fleet is eligible to shake unless
it is far enough from the fleet currently shaking. The “Check Min
Distance” option in the Seismic Slip-Sweep (page 284) makes it
possible to specify how far two fleets should be apart for them to be
allowed to shake simultaneously.
For example, assuming the four fleets shown in Figure 6-86 and the
Check Min Distance is set to 80 m.

F1 F2 F3 F4
10 m
100 m
100 m
F2 and F3 Ready (Note 2)
(Note 1)
(Note 3)

F4 Ready
F1 sweep (Note 4)
Fleet 1
Slip Time
F3 sweep
Fleet 3
Slip Time
F2 sweep
Fleet 2
Slip Time
F4 sweep
Fleet 4

Figure 6-86

Note 1: In the above example, while F1 is shaking the system is notified

of F2 and F3 being ready,
- F2 is not eligible because the distance between F1 and F2 is less
than 80 m.
- F3 is eligible because it is far enough away (110 m) from F1. It
can start shaking after the Slip Time has expired.
Note 2: After the Slip Time for F3 has expired, F2 is ready, but not
eligible because it is less than 80 m from F1 which is still shaking.

428XL User’s Manual Vol. 1 343

April 11, 2013
6 Operation
Slip-sweep > Allowable minimum distance between simultaneous sources

Note 3: After the F1 sweep is complete, F2 can start shaking as it is far

enough (100 m) from F3.
Note 4: The system is notified of F4 being ready. F4 is eligible because
it is 200 m away from F2, but it will not be allowed to shake until the
Slip Time for F2 has expired.
For each fleet that is ready in the Active Source view, the “Dist Min”
column indicates its minimum distance from any fleet currently
shaking. Each row where that distance is greater than the specified
Check Min Distance is displayed in green (from light green for the
shortest separation to dark green for the longest one).

In progress




Too close

Figure 6-87

344 428XL User’s Manual Vol. 1

April 11, 2013
Slip-sweep > Dynamic Slip-Sweep mode

Dynamic Slip-Sweep mode

The farther apart the fleets, the shorter the required Slip Time. Rather
than always using the same Slip Time, regardless of how far the fleets
are apart (that is the standard Slip-Sweep mode), you may want to use
the Dynamic Mode which allows you to specify different Slip Times
depending on the distance between fleets.

Figure 6-88 Delay setup in Dynamic Slip-sweep mode

By selecting the Dynamic Mode (page 285), you can create a table in the
The Delay setup (page 295) to enter different Slip Time setpoints for
different fleet separations.
After a fleet has started shaking, in order to determine which fleet is
next eligible to shake, the system interpolates between your Slip Time
setpoints and calculates the suitable Slip Time for the distance between
each fleet ready to shake and the fleet currently shaking. The system
automatically selects the fleet associated with the shortest Slip Time as
the one eligible to shake after this Slip Time has expired.
For example, in the chart below the slip time for a fleet separation of
500 m is calculated to be 3 s.

428XL User’s Manual Vol. 1 345

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6 Operation
Slip-sweep > Dynamic Slip-Sweep mode

Figure 6-89

F1 F2 F3 F4
1 2 3 4
300 m 200 m 300 m

F2 and F3 Ready F4 Ready

Fleet 1 F1 sweep
F3 sweep
Fleet 3
F4 sweep
Fleet 4
F2 sweep
Fleet 2

Figure 6-90

346 428XL User’s Manual Vol. 1

April 11, 2013
Slip-sweep > Dynamic Slip-Sweep mode

In the above example, the system is notified of F2 and F3 being ready

after F1 has started shaking, with F2 located 300 m from F1, and F3
located 500 m from F1. Therefore, F3 starts shaking after the calculated
Slip Time (3 s) has expired, because the Slip Time for F2 is longer (9 s).
When the system is notified of F4 being ready, the Slip Time for F2
(located 200 m from F3) is 12 s whereas the slip Time for F4 (located
300 m from F3) is shorter, therefore F4 starts shaking after its Slip Time
(9 s) has expired.
After F4 has started shaking, the Slip Time for F2 (located 500 m from
F4) is calculated to be 3 s. F2 can start shaking after this Slip Time has

428XL User’s Manual Vol. 1 347

April 11, 2013
6 Operation
SQC Dump mode > SQC Dump mode with VE464

SQC Dump mode

Some vibratory seismic techniques require the recording of vibrator
motion signals on each vibrator. The 428XL allows the signals picked
up on the vibrators to be radioed to the central control unit in real-time
(as soon as each sweep is complete), using standard radio telemetry
units (LAUR), so that they can be recorded as auxiliary channels in the
SEGD file. To connect the necessary auxiliary channels, see Vibrator
signal recording (VSR) — page 347 in 428XL Installation Manual.
With the SQC Dump mode enabled, the system will record only
uncorrelated (raw) data. An SEGD file containing the raw data is
generated and recorded for each individual acquisition for a shot point
(VP). Correlated data is only sent to the QC processing tool (eSQC-Pro)
for monitoring, but not recorded. The file supplied to eSQC-Pro has the
same file number as the raw data file for the last acquisition of the VP.
In this section:
• SQC Dump mode with VE464 (page 348)
• SQC Dump mode with VE432 (page 361)

SQC Dump mode with VE464

Below is a tutorial that will guide you through the process of setting up
the SQC Dump mode with the VE464.

1. In the Config window

Choose the Post Annotation Logging option in the Config window’s
Crew setup. With a GPS receiver attached to each DSD, this allows the
position of each vibrator to be recorded in the Trace Header (Extension
block #2, bytes 1 through 20) of the auxiliary traces containing the
vibrator motion signals.

348 428XL User’s Manual Vol. 1

April 11, 2013
SQC Dump mode > SQC Dump mode with VE464

Figure 6-91 6
2. In the VE464 window
Processing techniques making use of the vibrator motion signals
recorded require that you program the VE464 specifically, not to have
all the vibrators doing the same sweep. This is easily done with the
VE464, by creating a distinct fleet for each vibrator and having all fleets
(with the same Cluster number) shaking simultaneously.
For example, assuming you want to take four acquisitions for each shot
point, with four vibrators (therefore four fleets, each including a single
vibrator), and for each acquisition to stack, you want the initial phase of
each vibrator to be as in the table below:
Table 6-1 Textbook example
Vibrator number (= Fleet number)
Acquisition Number
1 2 3 4
1 0° 90° 180° -90°
2 90° 180° -90° 0°
3 180° -90° 0° 90°
4 -90° 0° 90° 180°

428XL User’s Manual Vol. 1 349

April 11, 2013
6 Operation
SQC Dump mode > SQC Dump mode with VE464

2.1 To implement this example, you need four basic signal types. Use
the Basic Type setup (see Figure 6-92 below) to create a “Basic”
signal type (e. g. “linear1”) with 0° phase shift.
- Create another one (linear2) with 90° phase shift, another one
(linear3) with 180° phase shift, and another one (linear4) with
-90° phase shift.
- For each signal type, tick the “Numeric Pilot“ option.

Enter the desired

initial phase for each
signal type.

Figure 6-92

350 428XL User’s Manual Vol. 1

April 11, 2013
SQC Dump mode > SQC Dump mode with VE464

2.2 Use the Acquisition Type setup window to create an Acquisition

Type for each acquisition to stack. For this example, you need four
Acquisition Types, each with four fleets.

1 1 1 2 1 2 2 3
2 2 2 3 2 3 3 4
3 3 3 4 3 4 4 1
4 4 4 1 4 1 1 2

1 1 2 2

1 3 3 4 1 4 4 1
2 4 4 1 2 1 1 2
3 1 1 2 3 2 2 3
4 2 2 3 4 3 3 4

3 3 4 4

Figure 6-93

For each Acquisition Type:

- Assign the appropriate “Basic” signal type to each fleet,
depending on the desired phase shift.
- In the “Correl With” field for each fleet, enter the Basic signal
type number to use as Numeric Pilot. In this example, let us
assume you want to record another pilot signal for each fleet. Its
Basic signal type number must be entered in the “Add Pilot”
field (see Figure 6-93 above).

428XL User’s Manual Vol. 1 351

April 11, 2013
6 Operation
SQC Dump mode > SQC Dump mode with VE464

2.1 Use the Crew setup window to create vibrators and fleets (four
vibrators and four fleets for this example).

Figure 6-94

2.2 Use the Vibrator Fleet function to build the four fleets (in this
example, each fleet includes a single vibrator). Double-click on
the vibrator in each fleet’s list box to set is as “Leader”, and then
Click Go.

Figure 6-95

2.3 Click the Set DSD pushbutton in the control panel. In the list box
showing the DSDs that responded to the Vibrator Fleet function,
select the four vibrators you want to use, and then click Go.

Figure 6-96

352 428XL User’s Manual Vol. 1

April 11, 2013
SQC Dump mode > SQC Dump mode with VE464

3. In the Line window

Open the Layout setup window and click on the the Auxiliary tab.

Vibrator 1 (Fleet 1)

Vibrator 2 (Fleet 2)

Vibrator 3 (Fleet 3)
Vibrator 4 (Fleet 4)

Any other auxiliary signal required,

from FDUs in the spread or
connected to the LCI

Figure 6-97

3.1 Choose the FDUs to use as auxiliary channels to convey signals

from DSDs (vibrator motion signals). Note that you can do that by
right-clicking on the desired FDUs in the topographic view and
selecting the “Set Aux” shortcut from the popup menu.
- For each of them, choose “DSD” from the “Input from” option
- In the associated “Device Nb” field, enter the identification
number of the vibrator (DSD).
3.2 In this example, let us assume you want to record two more
auxiliary signals (Aux17 and Aux18) via two FDUs within a line
or connected to the LCI. For those auxiliary channels, choose
“Spread” from the “Input from” option button.

Note You will not be allowed to take sweeps unless all the auxiliary
channels you create in this setup are actually connected.

428XL User’s Manual Vol. 1 353

April 11, 2013
6 Operation
SQC Dump mode > SQC Dump mode with VE464

4. In the Operation window

4.1 From the Seismic setup menu, choose “SQC Dump”. This
enables the recording of a raw data file for each acquisition. The
correlated data will be sent to eSQC-Pro but not recorded.

Figure 6-98

4.2 Use the Process Type setup window to create a “Correlation

Before” Stack process type.

354 428XL User’s Manual Vol. 1

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SQC Dump mode > SQC Dump mode with VE464


For eSQC-Pro
4 acquisitions

This option enables

the recording of
vibrator motion signals

Figure 6-99

- Enter the description of auxiliary traces, for example an

auxiliary signal from the spread (aux17), autocorrelation of the
“Numeric” pilot signal of each fleet (correlWith*correlWith),
another auxiliary signal from the spread (aux18) and the
additional “Numeric” pilot for each source (addPilot).
- In the “Correl with” field, specify the reference signal
(correlWith) to use for the seismic channel correlation data
intended for eSQC-Pro.
- Choose the “Append Auxes From DSD” option. As a result, in
the SEGD file, the auxiliary traces containing the signals from
the DSDs will be recorded after those described in the Process
Type setup (see the example in Figure 6-103).
- In the “Acquisition” list box, create four acquisitions and choose
the “dump” option on the fourth. Assign the appropriate
“Acquisition Type” to each acquisition (for example Type 1 for
the 1st, Type 2 for the second, etc.).

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6 Operation
SQC Dump mode > SQC Dump mode with VE464

4.3 In the Source Type setup, create four sources and specify which
fleet to use for each source.

Same Cluster

Figure 6-100

- Assign the same Cluster number to the four fleets. This will
allow the four sources to shake simultaneously.
- Set the Moving option as required. If you choose “Sequential”
then the Step should be equal to the number of sources (because
you are using simultaneous sources).
4.4 In the Source Shot setup window, a Shot (VP) number must be
created for each source point (this is typically done by loading
appropriate SPS files in the Log window). Assign the same
Process Type number to all source points.


Figure 6-101

4.5 In the main window, associate a shot point with each source, by
right-clicking in the “All VP” view (or in the “Active Source”
view) and slecting the “Start Seismonitor with Vib Source#”
shortcut (or “Associate VP”). If you are using the “Navigation-

356 428XL User’s Manual Vol. 1

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SQC Dump mode > SQC Dump mode with VE464

driven shooting” mode, you can choose any shot point since the
system will wait for the “Ready” message from each fleet to
determine which shot to do. Click Go.


Figure 6-102

The operator report (also available from the Log window) contains the
detailed indentification of the shot point (VP) and source points the
acquisition relates to. It includes one row for each source point. With
four acquisitions for each VP in this example, the observer report will
include 16 rows for each VP (4 source points × 4 acquisitions).

5. In the Log window

An SPS S output file is available for each source point. With four source
points in this example, four SPS S files are generated for each
acquisition, and the SPS X output file includes four source points for the
same file number.
A source COG file is generated on the last acquisition of each VP.
For the format of those files, see User’s Manual Vol. 2.

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6 Operation
SQC Dump mode > SQC Dump mode with VE464

6. In the SEGD file

The system generates an SEGD file with raw data for each acquisition.
The list order in the Process Type setup determines the order of
auxiliary traces in the SEGD file (see Figure 6-103). With the example
described above, the SEGD file will include 22 auxiliary traces.
SEGD Trace Header
Aux Unit
1 1 1 2
trace Type S. N.
2 2 2 3
1 FDU 5491 (A) 3 3 3 4
2 ve464 1 (B) 4 4 4 1
3 FDU 5072 (C)
4 ve464 2 (D)
1 1
5 FDU 5012
6 FDU 5562
7 FDU 5374
8 FDU 913
9 ve464 3 (F)
10 FDU 5674
11 FDU 5114
12 FDU 1192
13 FDU 5212
14 ve464 4 (H)
15 FDU 523
16 FDU 5293
17 FDU 5133 (I)
18 FDU 3574
19 FDU 3541
20 FDU 1021 (J)
21 FDU 5023
22 FDU 5474

Figure 6-103 Auxiliary traces recorded for the first acquisition

(A) Aux17 from FDU Serial No. 5491 in spread.

(B) “Numeric” Pilot for Fleet 1 (Basic signal Type 1).
(C) Aux18 from FDU Serial No. 5072 in spread.
(D) Additional Pilot for Fleet 1 (Basic signal Type 2).
(E) Appended signals from Vibrator1 (Fleet 1): ref1, plate1, etc.
358 428XL User’s Manual Vol. 1
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SQC Dump mode > SQC Dump mode with VE464

(F) Additional Pilot for Fleet 2 (Basic signal Type 3). Note that the
“Numeric” Pilot for Fleet 2 (Basic signal Type 2) is not repeated
since it is already recorded in the 4th trace.
(G) Appended signals from Vibrator2 (Fleet 2): ref2, plate2, etc.
(H) Additional Pilot for Fleet 3 (Basic signal Type 4). Note that the
“Numeric” Pilot for Fleet 3 (Basic signal Type 3) is not repeated as
it is already recorded in the 9th trace.
(I) Appended signals from Vibrator3 (Fleet 3): ref3, plate3, etc.
(J) Appended signals from Vibrator4 (Fleet 4): ref4, plate4, etc.

7. In the Positioning window

The Positioning window calculates and displays a source COG on the 6
last acquisition of each shot point (VP).

8. FPS files
For each acquisition, a “File Per Source” (FPS) file is generated in this
directory: workspace/result/log.
The FPS file includes vibrator attributes (much like a verbose APS file)
plus the SEGD file number. See User’s Manual Vol. 2.

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6 Operation
SQC Dump mode > SQC Dump mode with VE464

9. In the eSQC-Pro window

Aux Unit
trace Type S. N.

1 FDU 5491 (A)

2 Autocorrelation of Basic signal Type 1
3 FDU 5072 (B)
Basic signal Type 2
5 FDU 5012
6 FDU 5562
Stacked signals from fleet1
7 FDU 5374
8 FDU 913
9 FDU 5491 (A)
10 Autocorrelation of Basic signal Type 2
11 FDU 5072 (B)
12 Basic signal Type 3
13 FDU 5674
14 FDU 5114
Stacked signals from fleet2
15 FDU 1192
16 FDU 5212
17 FDU 5491 (A)
18 Autocorrelation of Basic signal Type 3
19 FDU 5072 (B)
20 Basic signal Type 4
21 FDU 523
22 FDU 5293
Stacked signals from fleet3
23 FDU 5133
24 FDU 3574
25 FDU 5491 (A)
26 Autocorrelation of Basic signal Type 4
27 FDU 5072 (B)
28 Basic signal Type 1
29 FDU 3541
30 FDU 1021
Stacked signals from fleet4
31 FDU 5023
32 FDU 5474

Figure 6-104

After the last (fourth in this example) acquisition for a shot point (VP)
is complete, a file with correlated data is supplied to eSQC-Pro for

360 428XL User’s Manual Vol. 1

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SQC Dump mode > SQC Dump mode with VE432

monitoring, but not recorded. With this example, it includes 32

auxiliary traces). On each VP, a single source is monitored, but the
correlation pilot is different, allowing all the sources to be monitored in

SQC Dump mode with VE432

Below is a tutorial that will guide you through the process of setting up
the “SQC Dump mode” with the VE432.

1. In the Config window

Choose the Post Annotation Logging option in the Config window’s
Crew setup. With a GPS receiver attached to each DSD, this allows the
position of each vibrator to be recorded in the Trace Header (Extension 6
block #2, bytes 1 through 20) of the auxiliary traces containing the
vibrator motion signals.

Figure 6-105

2. In the VE432 window

Processing techniques making use of the vibrator motion signals
recorded require that you program the VE432 specifically, not to have
all the vibrators doing the same sweep within a vibrator group. This is

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6 Operation
SQC Dump mode > SQC Dump mode with VE432

easily done with the VE432, using the Custom (page 631) sweep type
option that allows each vibrator to generate a sweep loaded from a
PCMCIA card.
You only have to record replicas of a custom sweep, shifted as you like
(see Table 6-2) but identified with the same name, on as many PCMCIA
cards as required, then load each card to a DSD.
For example, assuming you wish to take four acquisitions on each shot
point (VP), with four vibrators, and the initial phase of each vibrator for
each acquisition to be as in the table below:
Table 6-2 Textbook example
Acquisition Number
1 2 3 4
1 0 90 90 180
2 90 0 180 90
3 90 180 0 90
4 180 90 90 0

2.1 To implement this example, you have to create the following four
acquisition types in the Acquisition Type Setup window:
• Acq #1: fleet #1: basic #1, Pilot signals: see Figure 6-
• Acq #2: fleet #2: basic #2,
• Acq #3: fleet #3: basic #3,
• Acq #4: fleet #4 : basic #4,

362 428XL User’s Manual Vol. 1

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SQC Dump mode > SQC Dump mode with VE432

1 1 1 2 3 4

1 1 1 2 3 4
2 2 2 3 4 1
3 3 3 4 1 2
4 4 4 1 2 3

Figure 6-106

2.2 Create the following four basic sweeps in the Basic Type Setup

custom sweep#1

1 Basic#1
1 Basic#1
2 Basic#2
3 Basic#3
4 Basic#4

Figure 6-107

• Basic#1: custom sweep#1

• Basic#2: custom sweep#2
• Basic#3: custom sweep#3
• Basic#4: custom sweep#4
To record files to a PCMCIA card, see PCMCIA Tools (page 669).
On the PCMCIA for vibrator #1, store the following files:
• Custom sweep #1: sweep initial phase: 0°
• Custom sweep #2: sweep initial phase: 90°

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6 Operation
SQC Dump mode > SQC Dump mode with VE432

• Custom sweep #3: sweep initial phase: 90°

• Custom sweep #4: sweep initial phase: 180°
On the PCMCIA for vibrator #2, store the following files:
• Custom sweep #1: sweep initial phase: 90°
• Custom sweep #2: sweep initial phase: 0°
• Custom sweep #3: sweep initial phase: 180°
• Custom sweep #4: sweep initial phase: 90°
On the PCMCIA for vibrator #3, store the following files:
• Custom sweep #1: sweep initial phase: 90°
• Custom sweep #2: sweep initial phase: 180°
• Custom sweep #3: sweep initial phase: 0°
• Custom sweep #4: sweep initial phase: 90°
On the PCMCIA for vibrator #4, store the following files:
• Custom sweep #1: sweep initial phase: 180°
• Custom sweep #2: sweep initial phase: 90°
• Custom sweep #3: sweep initial phase: 90°
• Custom sweep #4: sweep initial phase: 0°
On the PCMCIA for the DPG , you can store the following files:
• Custom sweep #1: sweep initial phase: 0°
• Custom sweep #2: sweep initial phase: 90°
• Custom sweep #3: sweep initial phase: 90°
• Custom sweep #4: sweep initial phase: 180°

364 428XL User’s Manual Vol. 1

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SQC Dump mode > SQC Dump mode with VE432

3. In the Line window

Open the Layout setup window and click on the the Auxiliary tab.

Vibrator 1

Vibrator 2

Vibrator 3
Vibrator 4

Pilot2 Analog pilots from DPG via FDUs
Pilot3 connected to the LCI

Figure 6-108

3.1 Choose the FDUs to use as auxiliary channels to convey signals

from DSDs (vibrator motion signals). Note that you can do that by
right-clicking on the desired FDUs in the topographic view and
selecting the “Set Aux” shortcut from the popup menu.
- For each of them, choose “DSD” from the “Input from” option
- In the associated “Device Nb” field, enter the identification
number of the vibrator (DSD).
3.2 In this example, let us assume you want to record four analog pilot
signals (Pilot1, Pilot2, Pilot3, Pilot4) from the DPG via two FDUs
connected to the LCI. For those auxiliary channels, choose
“Spread” from the “Input from” option button.

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6 Operation
SQC Dump mode > SQC Dump mode with VE432

Note You will not be allowed to take sweeps unless all the auxiliary
channels you create in this setup are actually connected.

4. In the Operation window

4.1 From the Seismic setup menu, choose “SQC

Dump”. This enables the recording of a raw
data file for each acquisition. The correlated
data will be sent to eSQC-Pro but not
4.2 In the Process Type setup, create a
“Correlation Before” Stack process type and
choose the “Raw”option to record the raw

Figure 6-109

ta1 Pilot1
ta2 Pilot2
ta3 Pilot3
ta4 Pilot4
For eSQC-Pro Pilot1
4 acquisitions

This option enables

the recording of
vibrator motion signals

Figure 6-110

366 428XL User’s Manual Vol. 1

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SQC Dump mode > SQC Dump mode with VE432

- Enter the description of auxiliary traces: a trace for the Pilot1

signal, another trace for the Pilot2 signal, etc.
- In the “Correl with” field, specify the reference signal (Pilot1)
to use for the seismic channel correlation data intended for
- Choose the “Append Auxes From DSD” option. As a result, in
the SEGD file, the auxiliary traces containing the signals from
the DSDs will be recorded after those described in the Process
Type setup.
- In the “Acquisition” list box, create four acquisitions and choose
the “dump” option on the fourth. Assign the appropriate
“Acquisition Type” to each acquisition (for example Type 1 for
the 1st, Type 2 for the second, etc.). 6
4.3 In Source Type setup, create a source and specify which fleet to

Figure 6-111

4.4 In the Source Shot setup window, a Shot (VP) number must be
created for each source point (this is typically done by loading
appropriate SPS files in the Log window). Assign the same
Process Type number to all source points.

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6 Operation
SQC Dump mode > SQC Dump mode with VE432


Figure 6-112

4.5 In the main window, associate a shot point with the source, by
right-clicking in the “All VP” view (or in the “Active Source”
view) and slecting the “Start Seismonitor with Vib Source#”
shortcut (or “Associate VP”). If you are using the “Navigation-
driven shooting” mode, you can choose any shot point since the
system will wait for the “Ready” message from the fleet to
determine which shot to do. Click Go.
The operator report (also available from the Log window) contains the
detailed indentification of the source point the acquisition relates to. It
includes one row for each acquisition. In this example, the observer
report will include 4 rows for each shot point.

5. In the Log window

An SPS S output file is generated on each acquisition.
A source COG file is generated on the last acquisition of each VP.
For the format of those files, see User’s Manual Vol. 2.

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SQC Dump mode > SQC Dump mode with VE432

6. In the SEGD file

The system generates an SEGD file with raw data for each acquisition.
The list order in the Process Type setup determines the order of
auxiliary traces in the SEGD file (see Figure 6-103). With the example
described above, the SEGD file will include 20 auxiliary traces.

SEGD Trace Header

Aux Unit
trace Type S. N.

1 FDU 5491 (A)

2 FDU 5072 (B)
FDU 3523
FDU 2147
FDU 5012

ta2 Pilot2
6 FDU 5562 ta3 Pilot3
7 FDU 5374 (E) ta4 Pilot4

8 FDU 913 Pilot1

9 FDU 5674
10 FDU 5114
11 FDU 1192
12 FDU 5212
13 FDU 523
14 FDU 5293
15 FDU 5133
16 FDU 3574 Pilot1
17 FDU 3541 Pilot2
18 FDU 1021 Pilot3
(H) Pilot4
19 FDU 5023
20 FDU 5474

Figure 6-113 Auxiliary traces recorded for the first acquisition

(A) Pilot1 from FDU Serial No. 5491.

(B) Pilot2 from FDU Serial No. 5072.
(C) Pilot3 from FDU Serial No. 3523.
(D) Pilot4 from FDU Serial No. 2147.
(E) Appended signals from Vibrator1: ref1, plate1, etc.
(F) Appended signals from Vibrator2: ref2, plate2, etc.
428XL User’s Manual Vol. 1 369
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6 Operation
SQC Dump mode > SQC Dump mode with VE432

(G) Appended signals from Vibrator3: ref3, plate3, etc.

(H) Appended signals from Vibrator4: ref4, plate4, etc.

7. In the Positioning window

In the FPS layer in the Positioning window a circle is displayed around
the planned position of each vibrator, and a smaller circle filled with
green is displayed for the actual position.

8. FPS files
For each acquisition, a “File Per Source” (FPS) file is generated in this
directory: workspace/result/log.
The FPS file includes vibrator attributes (much like a verbose APS file)
plus the SEGD file number. See User’s Manual Vol. 2.

9. In the eSQC-Pro window

After the last (fourth in this example) acquisition for a shot point (VP)
is complete, a file with correlated data is supplied to eSQC-Pro for
monitoring, but not recorded. With this example, it includes 32
auxiliary traces.

370 428XL User’s Manual Vol. 1

April 11, 2013
Micro-seismic >

Selecting the Micro-seismic option in the Seismic setup options
(page 281) window allows the system to do a continuous acquisition
from a fixed spread with no source (passive listening). For example, this
operating mode can be used in shallow-water operations.

Figure 6-114

• If you are using an LCI as control unit, the FO signal (pin T) on its
Blaster port must be wired to the TB signal (pinK) using the Blaster
plug provided. Also, pin L must be wired to ground (pin R). The
precision of the built-in clock can be increased by using the PPS
signal from a GPS receiver, connected via the XDEV2 port of the
LCI. In that case, you have to choose the “GPS” Time Management
(page 90) option in the Configuration window’s Crew setup.
• If you are using a 428-Lite box as control unit, an external Time
Break is required. The acquisition length must be set to be equal to
(or a multiple of) the recurrence rate of the Time Break.
To launch the acquisition, simply click Go. The continuous acquisition
consists of consecutive shots with zero dead-time. No sample is lost
between the last sample in a shot and the first sample in the next one.
As the Spread never changes, a single Process Type is used and a single
row is required in the operation table. After each shot is completed, the
File Number is automatically incremented and an operator report is
generated. The Point Index and Shot Number are not incremented.

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6 Operation
Micro-seismic >

With the Line Error Recovery option activated, the system

automatically goes to “Field Off,” then “Field On” if an error arises (this
resets the field electronics). Acquisition resumes as the system goes to
Field On, regardless of whether or not any dead traces are present.
Offset removal is disabled (this is notified by recording “1” in bytes
873-876 in the SEGD file’s Extended Header).

372 428XL User’s Manual Vol. 1

April 11, 2013
Autonomous mode >

Autonomous mode

The “Autonomous” mode allows simultaneous-source shooting with
sweeps being launched independently. As soon as all vibrators in a fleet
are ready (pads down) at the planned locations, the operator pressing the
Ready button on the Leader DSD starts a sweep on all DSDs without
caring about synchronization with the recording truck. The planned
Vibrator Points can be done in any order.
The interest of using the Autonomous mode is to eliminate the need for
radio communications for starting the sweeps, which makes it
especially suited to difficult radio environments. A radio link is still 6
required, however, but only for the status messages from the vibrators
to the GUI, which can be transmitted during intervals with good radio
The recording unit is set to perform a continuous acquisition consisting
of consecutive shots with zero dead-time. No sample is lost between the
last sample from a shot and the first sample from the next one (like in
Micro-seismic mode).
Note that unless it is attached to a fleet, an Autonomous DSD behaves
like any DSD in “Local” mode (same as after pressing the “Local”
button on the DSD).

This mode of operation requires special seismic data processing
On the Blaster port of the LCI, the FO signal (pin T) must be wired to
the TB signal (pin K) using the Blaster plug provided. Also, pin L must
be wired to ground (pin R).
The LCI must be attached to a GPS receiver so that the seismic samples
can be accurately time-stamped, and each DSD must be set to save the
Force signal locally. Also, each vibrator must use a GPS receiver.
428XL User’s Manual Vol. 1 373
April 11, 2013
6 Operation
Autonomous mode >

Unless a fleet consists of a single vibrator, it must use a WIFI network.

The Autonomous mode neither requires nor allows the use of the
Vibrator Guidance function.

How to use the Autonomous mode

1. On a PC computer, use the VE464 VLI interface to set each DSD
to the Autonomous mode (DSD Setup menu), and enable the
Force local archive option (Options Setup menu).

Figure 6-115 VLI setup

2. Use the 428XL GUI to enable the Autonomous mode. To do that,

you have to select that option in the Operating Mode (page 281)
setup in the Operation window, then notify the DPG by going to
Auto in the VE464 DPG window (if the DPG is already in Auto
mode, go to Manual then Auto).
3. Create a Vibroseismic Stack (page 272) Process Type with a single
acquisition (this allows recording uncorrelated, unstacked data).
In the Source Type setup, choose the “Sequential” Moving option
(See Vibroseismic source parameters — page 291).
4. Load SPS files, using the Log window, to populate The Source
Point Setup (page 275) and the Positioning window.
5. Switch all DSDs to the “Remote” mode (press the “Remote”
button on the DSD).

374 428XL User’s Manual Vol. 1

April 11, 2013
Autonomous mode >

6. For this step, the radio link must be available so that the following
functions can be done, in the VE464 window:
- Set Vib Fleet to assign DSDs to fleets. Note that unless a fleet
consists of a single vibrator, it must use a WIFI network. Set the
“DSD network” option accordingly in The Vibrator Crew setup
(page 498).
- Set DSD to upload sweep-type parameters to the DSDs, and also
the description of the source pattern.
- Set Servo to set the servo control loop parameters in the DSDs;
- and any other function that may be necessary (Get DSD, etc.).
7. Once the DSDs are assigned to fleets and ready to sweep, switch
all DSDs to the “Local” mode (“Local” button on the DSD). 6
8. In the Operation table, select a VP with the Process Type created
in step 3, and click Go to start the continuous acquisition. After
each shot is completed, the File Number is automatically
incremented and an operator report is generated. The Point Index
and Shot Number are not incremented.
9. When the vibrator pad is down —after pressing the Down button,
and the pressure sensor switch, if used, says the pad is down— at
the planned source location, pressing the Ready pushbutton on the
DSD starts a sweep as follows:
- With no WIFI network (a single vibrator in each fleet), pressing
the Ready pushbutton launches a local sweep.
- With a WIFI network, when all vibrators in the fleet have their
pads down (and the Leader DSD is notified by WIFI of all
pressure switches saying all pads are down), pressing the Ready
pushbutton on the Leader DSD launches a sweep on all the
vibrators. As all the DSDs in the fleet are synchronized with the
Leader, they start sweeping at the same time. This is the
recommended way of using the Autonomous mode.
10. After completing a sweep the DSD tries to send a status message
to the recording truck, via the radio link with the DPG, until it is

428XL User’s Manual Vol. 1 375

April 11, 2013
6 Operation
Autonomous mode >

notified of the status being actually received by the DPG. If, for
any reason, the radio path is obstructed for some time, the status
message and the next ones are stored in the DSD and, when the
radio link is available again, they are sent to the DPG in the order
of their occurrence.
11. The VE464 and Positioning windows are updated with the sweep
status messages received, which makes it easy for the operator to
see which shots are done and see if any sweep failed.
The system uses the $GPGGA GPS information from the status
message to find the nearest source point and calculate the COG to
display it in the Positioning window. See Figure 6-116 (page 376) and
Figure 6-117 (page 377) below.

Figure 6-116 VE464 window

376 428XL User’s Manual Vol. 1

April 11, 2013
Autonomous mode >

The “Vp” and “Acq#” columns in the VE464 window’s numeric view
are irrelevant, and therefore dimmed. As usual, double-clicking in any
cell opens a secondary window showing the detailed QC values
contained in the status report from the corresponding DSD. This also
causes a sprite to appear in the Positioning window, indicating the
geographical position of the DSD during the sweep.
Selecting “Get Properties” from the right-click menu on the sprite
causes a Properties window to pop up, containing the Vibrator number,
the status code and the actual position of the vibrator during the sweep.
See Figure 6-117 (page 377).

Figure 6-117 Positioning window

Note that you can look for more information in the APS and APS
Verbose file available from the LOG. window.

428XL User’s Manual Vol. 1 377

April 11, 2013
6 Operation
Vibrator Guidance > How to use the Vibrator Guidance option

Vibrator Guidance
The VE432 or VE464 Guidance option allows each vibrator in a fleet to
be steered to the next location where it is expected to shake: the 428XL
GUI transmits the shake locations to the DPG, which relays them to
each DSD in the fleet. A graphic interface mounted on the vibrator
truck’s dashboard helps the driver steer the vibrator to the next shake
In this section:
• How to use the Vibrator Guidance option (page 378)
• The Go To Waypoint command (page 379)

How to use the Vibrator Guidance option

1. Make sure the Tablet PC is connected to the DSD in each vibrator
truck. See the VE464 User’s Manual for details.
2. In the Operation window’s Operating Mode (page 281) Setup,
choose the Guidance option and supply the central latitude of the
3. In the Positioning window, use the Geodetic setup menu to select
the appropriate Datum and Projection. Click Apply.
4. In the VE432 or VE464 window’s Pattern Setup, define the
necessary vibrator patterns. A Pattern description specifies the
position of each vibrator with respect to the Centre Of Gravity of a
Source Point. See The Pattern setup window (page 532).
5. Use the VE432 or VE464 window’s Vib Fleet button to assign a
DSD, hence a vibrator, to each point in the pattern, for each fleet.
See Vibrator Fleet (page 537). Unless the number of vibrators in
each fleet is consistent with the Pattern setup, the system will not
let you take any sweep. Then, use the Set Guidance function to
transmit patterns, Datum and projection parameters to the DSDs.
6. Be sure a vibrator pattern is assigned to each VP in the Operation
window’s The Source Point Setup (page 275).

378 428XL User’s Manual Vol. 1

April 11, 2013
Vibrator Guidance > The Go To Waypoint command

7. Set the VE432 or VE464 window to the Auto mode;

8. In the Operation window’s Active Source view, right-click on
source and choose Go To Waypoint. In the box that pops up,
enter the VP number of the first source point to be done by the
vibrator fleet. Click the Go To button. (Subsequently, the location
of the next VP will be radioed to each DSD together with the
command to do a VP). See page 379.
9. Still in the Operation window, click Go to take the first sweep.
Each DSD receives the position of the next VP.
10. After a VP is completed, each driver uses the guidance display
tool to steer the vibrator to the next shake location, depending on
its position within the pattern associated with the VP.
11. When all vibrators in the fleet are ready at the shake location, the
sweep can be taken (if the Navigation option is used, the Ready
code from each vibrator allows the VP to be done automatically).

The Go To Waypoint command

In the Operation window’s Active Source view, right-clicking on a
source and choosing Go To Waypoint opens a box that is typically used
to specify the VP number of the first source point to be done by the
associated vibrator fleet’s DSDs.

Figure 6-118

Clicking Go To causes the system to transmit the latitude and longitude

of that source point to the DSDs. Note that this can also be done by
dragging and dropping a fleet’s icon to a source point in the jPositioning
This command can also be used to redirect a fleet back to a VP that was
not done properly. Subsequently, the position of the next VP is

428XL User’s Manual Vol. 1 379

April 11, 2013
6 Operation
Vibrator Guidance > The Go To Waypoint command

contained in the T0_Data code radioed to each DSD to launch a sweep

(see Note below).
You can use the Go To Waypoint right-click menu on several sources
in the Active Source view to steer the associated fleets to different
source points, without interrupting the acquisition cycle (for example,
you can redirect one fleet while another one is shaking).

380 428XL User’s Manual Vol. 1

April 11, 2013
Multi-gun Shallow-water shooting mode >

Multi-gun Shallow-water shooting mode

(See description of
1 2 3 4 5 6 7 each step below)

Waiting Waiting
for TB for TB
(1 s min.) (1 s min.)
Acquisition1 Acquisition2

Air Gun 1
EGO1 TB1 SPS1 (2 s min.) Ready1

Air Gun 2
Ready2 EGO2 TB2 SPS2
Figure 6-119

1. Choose Shallow in the Operation window’s Seismic setup options

(page 281). This sets the system to the continuous acquisition
mode. In the Operation main window, choose the first SP to shoot
(this starts seismonitor).
2. The first Air Gun controller generates the External Go (EGO)
signal. This causes the LCI to wait for a Time Break (TB) signal.
(It will keep waiting for the TB endlessly unless you click on
3. The first Air Gun controller generates the TB at least 1 second
after its External Go. This starts acquisition.
4. The first Air Gun controller transmits its source status (SPS)
message during acquisition.
5. The "Ready" message from the second Air Gun controller can be
transmitted during or after the acquisition.
6. After the acquisition is complete, the second Air gun controller
generates the External Go (EGO) signal, at least 2 seconds
after transmitting its Ready message. This causes the LCI to
wait for a Time Break (TB) signal from the second Air Gun
428XL User’s Manual Vol. 1 381
April 11, 2013
6 Operation
Multi-gun Shallow-water shooting mode >

controller. (It will keep waiting for the TB endlessly unless you
click on Stop).
7. The second Air Gun controller generates the TB at least 1 second
after its External Go. This starts acquisition, and so on and so
All air gun controllers must be connected to the same Blaster connector
on the LCI (see “Connectors and cables” in 428XL Installation
Manual). See also “Source controller interfacing” in 428XL User’s
Manual Vol. 3.
Air Gun Air Gun Air Gun
controller 1 controller 2 controller 3

Figure 6-120

The source (SPS) message must be transmitted before the “Ready”

message. The “Ready” message can be transmitted during or after
In the Active Source view, the “Rdy” pushbutton must be depressed.
This causes the content of the Ready message (future position of gun
boat) to be automatically accepted to select the next shot to do from the
operation table. As a result, the source point information from the
Ready message overrides the continuous progress scheduled in the list
of shots to do.

Figure 6-121

382 428XL User’s Manual Vol. 1

April 11, 2013
Multi-gun Shallow-water shooting mode >

If the “Rdy” pushbutton is released, then the next shot to do is selected

as scheduled in the operation table, in steps determined by in the
“Increment” parameter from the Source Type Setup (see Explosive
source parameters — page 290).

Ready Message
*AIRGUN SEQ#xx,SPLyyyyyyyy.yy,SPNzzzzzzzz.zz<CR><LF>
xx: AirGun Number
yyyyyyyy.yy: Source Point Line
zzzzzzzz.zz: Source Point Number
<CR>: Carriage Return
<LF>: Line Feed
All acquisitions must be done with the same Superspread. No change to
the Superspread is allowed.
The active spread can be changed between acquisitions.

428XL User’s Manual Vol. 1 383

April 11, 2013
6 Operation
Master/Slave operation >

Master/Slave operation
The “Master/Slave” mode allows using up to four separate 428XL
systems synchronized to a “Master” 428XL. For details on cabling, see
Master/Slave configuration (page 66) in the 428XL Installation Manual.
To enable the use of a Master/Slave configuration, you must select the
Master option in the jInstall window on the “Master” system (in the
Master/Slave (page 79) tab), and on each “Slave” system you must select
the Slave option in the jInstall window. As a result, a Master Enable /
Master Disable button is available in the jOperation window of the
Master system, and a Slave Enable / Slave Disable button is available
on each Slave system.
On each Slave system:
• The SPS S, R and X files loaded into the Slave systems must be
consistent with those loaded into the Master system.
• Use the same Operation parameter settings (Process Type, Source
Point) as the Master system.
• In the jConfig window, use the same parameter settings (Sample
Rate, Filter, etc.) as on the Master system, except for the Swath setup.
Click on On Line as usual.
• In the jLine window, use all setup menus as usual and click on Field
On to look for the channels attached to the system.

jOperation window on the Master system

By default, the “Master” process is disabled and the Master 428XL can
be used as a standalone system unless and until the operator clicks on
the Master Enable button in the jOperation window.

384 428XL User’s Manual Vol. 1

April 11, 2013
Master/Slave operation >

Figure 6-122 Master system’s jOperation window

Once the operator has selected Master Enable,

the Master system waits until all Slave systems are ready to shoot, and
controls everything to ensure the TB on each Slave system is
synchronized. If any Slave system is not ready, or if there is a problem
with the parameters of the Master system, no shot or sweep can be
On the Master system, the selection of the Shot or VP to do and the
source to use is done as usual, and the Go and Stop buttons in the Active
Source view work the same way as with a standalone system, i. e.
depending on which Automation option (Continuous/Discontinuous/
Manual) is selected in the Seismic Setup. The Abort button is not
If a shot or sweep is launched but acquisition does not complete
normally on a Slave system (for example because it failed to receive the
TB), the Master system stops the acquisition cycle. Then the operator
can cancel the Shot or VP and select the next one to do.

428XL User’s Manual Vol. 1 385

April 11, 2013
6 Operation
Master/Slave operation >

In order to cancel or end a VP in “Continuous” mode, the operator has

to click on Stop on the Master system. The “Cancel”or “End” command
from the Master system is applied to the Slave systems automatically.
Note that when the operator clicks on a Shot or VP in the operation
table, this not only starts the “Seismonitor” function in the Master
system’s Line window, but also causes each slave system to receive a
command to start “Seismonitor” on its own spread — which allows
looking at the spread prior to doing a shot or VP.

jOperation window on a Slave system

By default, the “Slave” process is disabled and the Slave 428XL can be
used as a standalone system unless and until the operator clicks on the
Slave Enable button in the jOperation window of the Slave system.


Figure 6-123 Slave system’s jOperation window

Once the operator has selected Slave Enable,

only the Slave Disable button remains available. All other commands
are unavailable, and shooting is totally controlled by the Master system.
The Automation option (Continuous/Discontinuous/ Manual) in the
Seismic Setup is ignored.

386 428XL User’s Manual Vol. 1

April 11, 2013
Master/Slave operation >

If anything goes wrong on the Slave system (for example dead traces or
missing auxiliary traces), an error is reported in the jOperation window
of the Master system, or no shot is launched.

jExport window
On each system, use the jExport window as usual (on each shot, each
system generates an SEGD file for the traces from its own spread).

428XL User’s Manual Vol. 1 387

April 11, 2013
6 Operation
More About Noise Elimination > “Spike Editing” method

More About Noise Elimination

In this section:
• “Spike Editing” method (page 388)
• Diversity Stack (page 391)

“Spike Editing” method

The Spike Editing method removes all samples exceeding a special
The traces are processed successively in the order generated by the
acquisition process. Acquisition is performed line by line (from Low to
High receiver positions), starting with the farthest Left line.
The first trace is therefore the farthest in the Low branch, in the farthest
Left line.
When the number of traces increases (roll in), the new traces are
initialized with the value of the “Threshold Init Value” parameter.
When the number of traces decreases (roll out) it is the last ones which
Each trace is divided into several time windows whose length is equal
to Acquisition Length/Nb of Windows.
The maximum number of windows for each trace is 64.
Each window has its own threshold, expressed as a multiple of 3 dB.
Every acquisition with the same length and energy spreading can be
associated with the same threshold type (i.e. if the initial phase only is
different). If acquisition types with different lengths or energy levels are
used, they must be associated with different threshold types.
There may be up to 16 different threshold types.
Two aspects are to be considered in the processing of a trace: removal
of samples exceeding a threshold, and threshold updating.

388 428XL User’s Manual Vol. 1

April 11, 2013
More About Noise Elimination > “Spike Editing” method

Removal of samples exceeding a threshold

Two methods can be used:

With this method, any sample greater than or equal to the threshold
causes a number of samples to be zeroed.
The number of zeroed samples is specified by “Zeroing Length”, and
the zeroing process is brought in and removed gradually, i.e. beginning
and ending with a “linear-variation taper”.
The Taper Length is expressed as a number of samples and equal to a
power of 2.

Clipping 6
Any sample exceeding the threshold is cut down to the value of the

Threshold updating
In each window, the threshold is updated with respect to the highest
sample in the window.
Threshold updating is performed at the end of the noise elimination
process, using the Range parameter (12 dB) as follows (see also
Figure 6-124 on page 390):

Highest sample within D area:

If Threshold-3dB-Range > Highest sample, then Threshold is decreased

Highest sample within C area:

If Thresh -3dB > Highest sample  Thresh-3dB-Range, then Threshold
is unchanged.

Highest sample within B area:

If Threshold > Highest sample  Threshold-3dB, then Threshold is
increased 3 dB.
428XL User’s Manual Vol. 1 389
April 11, 2013
6 Operation
More About Noise Elimination > “Spike Editing” method

Highest sample within A area:

If Highest sample > Thresh and VP's 1st acquisition complete, then
Threshold is increased 3 dB.

B 3 dB B B B
-3 dB
(12 dB)

Thr.-3dB-Range Thr.-3dB Thr> max sample
> max sample > max sample  Thr.-3dB
Thr-3 dB-Range max sample >Thr.
Thr = Thr-3 dB Thr unchanged Thr = Thr+3 dB Thr = Thr+3 dB

Figure 6-124

Special cases
Threshold updating is not performed:
- if the trace is reported “Low”,
- if the “Hold” option is selected, rather than “Var.” (variable),
- if the trace is “dead” (corrupted).
A trace is “Low” if, before noise elimination, the percentage of samples
which are smaller than the specified “Low Trace Value” exceeds the
specified “Low Trace %”.

390 428XL User’s Manual Vol. 1

April 11, 2013
More About Noise Elimination > Diversity Stack

Diversity Stack
The Diversity Stack method is only used with “Correlation After
Stack” process types.
Each trace is divided into several time windows whose length equals:
The maximum number of windows for each trace is 64.
The entire processing is performed before correlation but includes two
parts: before stacking and after stacking.
A(k) = kth sample
n = number of samples in the window 6
i = trace index
j = window index
p = current stack fold

Processing before stack

For each time window in a trace, the energy is calculated:

 A( k )  2

E (i , j , p )  k 1 n

On the first window, the following is calculated:

A  k * ---------------------
E  i j p 

On the subsequent windows, a ramp is applied to the samples:

428XL User’s Manual Vol. 1 391

April 11, 2013
6 Operation
More About Noise Elimination > Diversity Stack

• Computation of the ramp increment (S) for a window:

E  i j p  – E  i j – 1 p 
S  j  = ---------------------------------------------------------

• Processing on the samples:

---------------------------------------------------- where (1 k  n).
E  i j – 1 p  + S  j *k

Assuming the current stack fold is p, when the whole ith trace is
computed the following computation is performed on all the E(i,j,p)
terms for each window:
1 1
--------------------- + ------------------------------
E  i j p  E  i j p – 1 

Processing after stack

Assuming m is the last stacking fold prior to writing to the SEGD file,
the following computation is performed:
On the first window, the following computation is performed:

A( k )  m
p 1 E (i , j , p)

On the subsequent windows, a ramp is applied to the samples:

• Computation of the ramp increment (S) for a window:

1 1
m  m
1 1
p 1 E (i , j , p)

p 1 E (i , j  1, p)
S ( j) 

392 428XL User’s Manual Vol. 1

April 11, 2013
More About Noise Elimination > Enhanced Diversity

• Processing on the samples:

 
 
A( k )  

  
S ( j)  k 

  E (i , j  1, p) 
 P 1 

where (1  k n).
See also More About Correlation (page 396).

Enhanced Diversity
The Enhanced Diversity method is only used with “Correlation After
Stack” process types.
Each trace is divided into a number of time windows, determined by the
specified Window Length:

Number of windows = Acquisition Length-

Window Length
The start time of each window is calculated to achieve the specified
Overlap Percent, which determines the total number of windows.
The entire processing is performed before correlation but includes two
parts: before stacking and after stacking.
A(k) = kth sample
n = number of samples in the window
i = trace index
j = window index
p = current stack fold

428XL User’s Manual Vol. 1 393

April 11, 2013
6 Operation
More About Noise Elimination > Enhanced Diversity

Processing before stack

For each time window in a trace, the energy is calculated:
 A( k )  2

E (i , j , p )  
k 1 n

Except for the first and last windows, a ramp is applied to the samples
in each window. The ramp spans from the midpoint of each window to
the midpoint of the next, as shown below.
1st Overlap Last
window midpoint window midpoint




Figure 6-125

• The samples before the first window midpoint and those after the last
are processed as follows:
E  i j p 

• The samples in between are processed as follows:

- Computation of the ramp increment (S) for a window:
E  i j p  – E  i j – 1 p 
S  j  = ---------------------------------------------------------
- Processing:
---------------------------------------------------- where (1 k  n).
E  i j – 1 p  + S  j *k

394 428XL User’s Manual Vol. 1

April 11, 2013
More About Noise Elimination > Enhanced Diversity

Assuming the current stack fold is p, when the whole ith trace is
computed the following computation is performed on all the E(i,j,p)
terms for each window:
1 1
--------------------- + ------------------------------
E  i j p  E  i j p – 1 

Processing after stack

Assuming m is the last stacking fold prior to writing to the SEGD file,
a ramp is applied to the samples in each window (except for the first and
last windows). The ramp spans from the midpoint of each window to the
midpoint of the next.
• The samples before the first window midpoint and those after the last
are processed as follows:

E  i j p 
• The samples in between are processed as follows:
- Computation of the ramp increment (S) for a window:
m m
 
1 1
--------------------- – ------------------------------
E  i j p  E  i j – 1 p 
p=1 p=1
S  j  = ----------------------------------------------------------------------------------

- Processing:

------------------------------ +  S  j  * k 
E  i j – 1 p 

where (1  k n).
See also More About Correlation (page 396).

428XL User’s Manual Vol. 1 395

April 11, 2013
6 Operation
More About Correlation > Description

More About Correlation

In this section:
• Description (page 396)
• Data Distribution (page 398)

Correlation is achieved in the frequency domain, using the “Fast Fourier
Transform” method. It is performed on a set of data whose length is 2n,
greater than “Pilot length” or “Sweep length”, whichever is the longest,
+ “Investigation length”.
Correlation can be performed on auxiliary traces and seismic traces.
Each trace is correlated as a real vector. The results from the correlation
process begin with positive time result data and end with negative time
result data.

Correlation of auxiliary traces

The following operations are allowed on an auxiliary trace:
• Autocorrelation (e.g. aux1*aux1)
• Cross-correlation (e.g. aux2*aux1)
• Stack (e.g. aux3)
For Autocorrelation or Cross-correlation, the second term in the
expression of the correlation operation stands for the reference wavelet.

Autocorrelation and cross-correlation

Autocorrelation and crosscorrelation processings are identical. Each
correlated trace is recorded on a single trace (either the positive or
negative time side, whichever is specified in the description of the
Auxiliary traces — page 263).

396 428XL User’s Manual Vol. 1

April 11, 2013
More About Correlation > Description

No correlation is performed on an auxiliary trace. Only stacking is
The order in which the result traces are written in SEGD files agrees
with the order of sequences in the description of the processings to be

Correlation of seismic traces

Seismic traces can be correlated with an auxiliary trace (1 Pilot). Each
correlated trace is recorded on a single trace (positive time side).
If a trace is “dead”, then all its samples are zeroed.

428XL User’s Manual Vol. 1 397

April 11, 2013
6 Operation
More About Correlation > Data Distribution

Data Distribution

Pilot length < Sweep length

Seismic trace correlation
Sweep length +
0 record length 2n
Seismic trace
(sweep length + record length)

Aux trace (Pilot) 0

Pilot length
0 2n
Figure 6-126

Auxiliary trace correlation

0 Sweep length + 2n
record length

Aux. trace 0 0

Aux trace (Pilot) 0

Pilot length
Figure 6-127

Raw data or trace stacking

0 Seismic trace Sweep length +
(sweep length + record length) record length

Aux trace

Pilot length
Figure 6-128

398 428XL User’s Manual Vol. 1

April 11, 2013
More About Correlation > Data Distribution

Pilot length = Sweep length

Seismic trace correlation
Sweep length +
0 record length 2n
Seismic trace
(sweep length + record length)

Aux trace (Pilot)


Pilot length
0 2n

Auxiliary trace correlation

Figure 6-129
0 Sweep length + 2n
record length

Aux. trace 0 0

Aux trace (Pilot) 0

Pilot length

Figure 6-130

Raw data or trace stacking

Sweep length +
0 Seismic trace record length
(sweep length + record length)

Aux trace

Pilot length

Figure 6-131

428XL User’s Manual Vol. 1 399

April 11, 2013
6 Operation
More About Correlation > Data Distribution

Pilot length > Sweep length and (Sweep length + Record

Seismic trace correlation
Pilot length +
0 record length 2n
Seismic trace
(sweep length + record length)
0 0

Aux trace (Pilot) 0

Pilot length
0 2n
Figure 6-132

Auxiliary trace correlation

0 2n
Pilot length +
record length

Aux. trace 0 0

Aux trace (Pilot) 0

Pilot length
Figure 6-133

Raw data or trace stacking

Sweep length +
0 record length
Seismic trace
(sweep length + record length)

Aux trace

Pilot length
Figure 6-134

400 428XL User’s Manual Vol. 1

April 11, 2013
More About Correlation > Data Distribution

Pilot length > Sweep length and > (Sweep length + Record
Seismic trace correlation
Pilot length +
0 record length 2n
Seismic trace
(sweep length + record length)
0 0

Aux trace (Pilot)


Pilot length
0 2n
Figure 6-135 6
Auxiliary trace correlation

0 2n
Pilot length +
record length

Aux. trace 0 0

Aux trace (Pilot) 0

Pilot length 2n
Figure 6-136

Raw data or trace stacking

0 Pilot length
Seismic trace
(sweep length + record length)

Aux trace

Pilot length
Figure 6-137

428XL User’s Manual Vol. 1 401

April 11, 2013
6 Operation
More About Correlation > Data Distribution

402 428XL User’s Manual Vol. 1

April 11, 2013

7 Positioning

This chapter includes the following sections:

• The main window (page 404)

• The Setup menu (page 408)
• The geographical view (page 418)
• The Tracking view (page 434)
• Vehicles (page 439)
• The Alert system (page 444)
• Working with the GIS (page 450)
• Coord converter tool (page 455)
• Basic Geodesy Glossary (page 456)

428XL User’s Manual Vol. 1 403

April 11, 2013
7 Positioning
The main window >

The main window

To open the jPositioning main window, click on this icon in the
launcher bar.
The Positioning client window makes use of Receiver and Source SPS
files to generate an image of the spread, possibly superimposed on a
background map, so that you can monitor the progress of a seismic crew
in real time.

Figure 7-1

Vibrator status messages (including vibrator positions if each vibrator is

equipped with a radiopositioning receiver) are used to display actual

404 428XL User’s Manual Vol. 1

April 11, 2013
The main window >

source positions which are compared to expected ones for the purpose
of Quality Control.
The following major features are available:
• Geographical view of your survey, based on the set of source points
and receiver points in it (see SPS files on page 581).
• Geographical view of the instruments deployed. You can turn on/off
the lines (Field On/Off) just like in the Line window.
• Viewing the progress of acquisitions in real time with:
- graphical display of the actual position of vibrators;
- calculation of the actual Centre of Gravity of the source, and
comparison with the planned point;
- predicted position of vibrators, depending on the stacking fold.
• Launching a shot by simply dragging and dropping a source onto a
source point in the graphical view.
• Real-time tracking of vehicles equipped with an MRU tracking
system; broadcasting waypoints to the tracked vehicles.
• Enhancing safety in the crew with a variety of alerts (emergency
alarm, vehicle speed, inclusion/exclusion areas, etc.).
• Requesting and building all sorts of reports and/or histograms on any
object appearing in the window, by simply clicking on the object in
the graphical view.
The View menu allows you to customize the main window by choosing
one or more views to display. For details on how you can arrange the
views and toolbars as you would like them, see the Hands-on guide
(page 52).
A GIS (Geographical Information System) is used to display the
geographical data in a multi-layer manner. The left-hand pane in the
Geographical view (Figure 7-1) reflects the structure of the GIS and
serves as a plot layer manager window for the different drawing layers
that can be plotted in the right-hand pane. See The layer manager
(page 422).

428XL User’s Manual Vol. 1 405

April 11, 2013
7 Positioning
The main window >

A Coord converter tool (page 455) is available from the Window menu.
The following information is displayed in the locator bar at the foot of
the window:
• Coordinates (Easting, Northing, Elevation) of the position the mouse
is pointing to, within the graphical view.
• Line: number of the Line on which the mouse pointer is resting.
• Point Nb: number of the point on which the mouse pointer is resting.
• Distance: Distance between two points selected with the mouse.
If a background map is loaded but not viewed, the map is still active and
used as reference for Source and/or Receiver position views. (The map
remains active until you unload it).

If you have multiple swaths to display, you can show/hide any of them
by double-clicking in the left-hand (layer manager) panel.
With many objects to display in the Instruments graphic view, the
system may switch to the checkerboard view mode because there is no
room for all icons, much like in the Line window. Also, if you zoom out
and objects become so close to one another that you cannot discriminate
between them, the system automatically removes some objects and
optimizes the amount of details as a function of the zoom factor and the
“Spatial filtering” parameter setting in the Preferences menu, which
increases the display speed. See Figure 7-2 on page 407.
In the Preferences Setup menu, the Tacking Views tab allows
specifying a default size for the tracking views, and the Background
color tab is used to choose the background colour. For the other tabs
(Auto Update and Memory) see the Hands-on guide (page 52).

406 428XL User’s Manual Vol. 1

April 11, 2013
The main window >

Figure 7-2
If the VE464 uses two TDMA radio boxes, the “Enable/Disable
TDMA Tracking Mode” right-click menu makes it possible to
discriminate between them, showing the DSDs associated with
TDMA #1 in blue, and those associated with TDMA #2 in orange.

Figure 7-3

428XL User’s Manual Vol. 1 407

April 11, 2013
7 Positioning
The Setup menu > The Datum Type setup

The Setup menu

In this section:
• The Datum Type setup (page 408)
• The Projection Type setup (page 411)
• Quality Warning setup window (page 413)
• The Vehicle Identity setup (page 416)

The Datum Type setup

Figure 7-4

408 428XL User’s Manual Vol. 1

April 11, 2013
The Setup menu > The Datum Type setup

In order to locate a point on the earth you need to know its coordinates
and the geodetic DATUM.
To open this setup window, select Geodetic from the Setup menu and
click on the Datum Type tab. This setup allows you to display Datum
parameters and make any changes needed.
A Datum is defined with the following parameters:

Datum parameters
• Datum Spheroid: datum name.
• Semi-major Axis: allowable range 0.001 to 99999999.999 m.
• Inverse Flattening: allowable range 0.0000001 to 9999.9999999.

Datum Shift parameters

• X, Y, Z Shift: translation from WGS84 datum to the survey datum (in 7
- Shift Dx: allowable range -9999.999 to 9999.999 m.
- Shift Dy: allowable range -9999.999 to 9999.999 m.
- Shift Dz: allowable range -9999.999 to 9999.999 m.
• X, Y, Z Rotation: rotation from WGS84 datum to the survey datum
(in seconds of arc).
- Shift Rx: allowable range -99.999 to 99.999 s.
- Shift Ry: allowable range -99.999 to 99.999 s.
- Shift Rz: allowable range -99.999 to 99.999 s.
• Datum Scale Factor: allowable range 0.0000000001 to
1.1000000000. Note that the Scale Factor stands for the Scale
Difference which is usually expressed in Parts Per Million. For
- if Scale Difference = +3 ppm, then Scale Factor = 1.000003
- if Scale Difference = –3 ppm then Scale Factor = 0.999997

428XL User’s Manual Vol. 1 409

April 11, 2013
7 Positioning
The Setup menu > The Datum Type setup

After entering all the parameters to define a Datum, you only need to
enter an identification number in the Nb field (allowable range 1 to 16),
and click Add then Apply to save the Datum type.
To view the parameters of any Datum type, double-click on it in the list
box (at the foot of the Setup window). Then you can make any changes
needed and click Change, or Add, or Delete, as required. To save your
changes, click Apply.

Note You can define up to 16 Datum types.

You select the Datum type to use through the Projection Type Setup.

410 428XL User’s Manual Vol. 1

April 11, 2013
The Setup menu > The Projection Type setup

The Projection Type setup

Your GPS receivers normally output GPGGA-type messages (Latitude,
Longitude, Altitude above the ellipsoid). The computer has to perform
a projection so that the position can be pinpointed on your survey map.

Figure 7-5

To open the Projection setup window, select Geodetic from the Setup
menu, then click on the Projection Type tab. This setup allows you to
display the projection parameters and make any changes needed.

428XL User’s Manual Vol. 1 411

April 11, 2013
7 Positioning
The Setup menu > The Projection Type setup

The option button at the top (Currently used Projection Type) allows
you to choose which projection type to use.
A Projection Type is defined with the following parameters:
• Datum Type: This option button is used to choose which Datum
Type to attach to the projection. You define Datum types through The
Datum Type setup (page 408).
• Other parameters depending on the kind of projection used (Lambert,
UTM, etc.).
For angular parameters (Central Meridian, Latitude origin, Reference
Latitude, North Latitude, South Latitude, Skew Angle) the format is:
(Degrees, Minutes, Seconds with two decimal places).
Latitude North 16° 4' 56.24" = 160456.24
South 16° 4' 56.24" = -160456.24
Longitude East 120° 1' 2.3" = 1200102.3
West 120° 1' 2.3" = -1200102.3
• Elevation referenced to (Geoidal Model/Local Ellipsoidal Model):
This option button allows you to choose the reference for the Surface
Elevation parameter which may appear in log files (APS, SPS, COG,
- Geoidal Model: with this option, Surface Elevation is equal to
geoidal altitude + altitude correction
- Local Ellipsoidal Model: with this option, Surface Elevation is
equal to:
(geoidal altitude + geoidal separation) + altitude correction

Note The geoidal altitude and separation are extracted from

$GPGGA messages.

412 428XL User’s Manual Vol. 1

April 11, 2013
The Setup menu > Quality Warning setup window

After entering all the parameters to define a Projection, you only need
to enter an identification number in the Nb field (allowable range 1 to
16), and click Add then Apply to save the Projection type. This creates
a “geodeticWkt.e428.xxxx” file in the
“snSol/workSpace/param/positioningServer” directory. That file is
used by the VE464 Guidance software.
To view the parameters of any Projection type, double-click on it in the
list box (at the foot of the Setup window). Then you can make any
changes needed and click Change, or Add, or Delete, as required. To
save your changes, click Apply.
If you are using DSUGPS units, after choosing the projection you must
go to Off Line in the jConfig window and, in the jLine window, set the
GPS reference position in the DSUGPS Setup menu (page 169) by
clicking on Apply in the “Base Position” tab, then go to On Line in 7

Note You can define up to 16 Projection types.

See also Coord converter tool (page 455).

Quality Warning setup window

Selecting “Source Quality Warning” from the “Setup” menu opens a
dialog box used to enter alert thresholds for source positions.

Figure 7-6

Click Apply to save and enable your changes.

428XL User’s Manual Vol. 1 413

April 11, 2013
7 Positioning
The Setup menu > Quality Warning setup window

COG Radius Threshold

(Allowable range: 1. to 99.9 m). Determines the allowable area for the
actual COG around the planned source position. Each planned source
position in the graphic display is represented by a (blue) tolerance circle
the size of which is proportional to the “COG Radius Threshold”
The actual Centre Of Gravity of the source is computed from the GPS
positions contained in the status messages transmitted by the vibrators
making up the source.

VP Grabbing Radius
(Allowable range: 1. to 99.9 m). Used in Navigation mode to determine
the eligible VP, if stacking is used and the fleet has to move after each
sweep within the VP. This parameter determines a larger circle around
the source COG tolerance circle. When a vibrator fleet is located within
the VP grabbing circle and ready to shake, the system chooses the
matching VP from the list of VPs in the Operation main window. See
VE432 or VE464 sweeps (page 307).

VP Grabbing
COG Radius Radius
COG tolerance COG VP grabbing
circle circle

Acq1 Planned source

Centre Of Gravity

Figure 7-7

- For each acquisition, individual vibrator positions as well as the

fleet’s COG are displayed in the main window.
- The estimated COG of the VP is computed again at each
acquisition, using the actual COG of the acquisitions already
done and the predicted COG for the acquisitions still to be done.

414 428XL User’s Manual Vol. 1

April 11, 2013
The Setup menu > Quality Warning setup window

- After the VP is completed, the information about the acquisition

is replaced by the actual COG of the VP.

Note With no stacking (i. e. a single acquisition per VP), the “VP
Grabbing Radius” should be set to be equal to the “COG Radius
Threshold”. Otherwise, if the COG falls outside the COG
Radius Threshold circle but within the VP Grabbing circle, the
operator will not be warned of the COG radial error when the
Ready message appears but only after the VP is done (the alert
threshold associated with the Ready message is determined by
the largest of the two circles).

Vib Position Accuracy Threshold

(Allowable range: 0.0 to 99.9 m). This field is used to specify the
maximum allowable uncertainty on the GPS positions of the vibrators,
i.e. the maximum allowable value of the Horizontal Dilution Of 7
Precision contained in the status messages transmitted by the vibrators
making up the source. If the HDOP exceeds the Threshold specified in
this field, then the position is regarded as “inaccurate”.

About the vibrator position Quality Control

The quality of a vibrator's position is determined using the quality
figure contained in field No. 6 in the $GPGGA message from the GPS
receiver in the vibrator. The quality figure may assume values from 0 to
8. (See NMEA standard version 2.30).
The position is regarded as:
• “missing” for values 0, 6, 7, 8,
• “natural” (straight GPS) for 1,
• “actual” for values 2, 3, 4, 5.
The Horizontal Dilution Of Precision (HDOP) is taken from field No. 8
in the $GPGGA message.

428XL User’s Manual Vol. 1 415

April 11, 2013
7 Positioning
The Setup menu > The Vehicle Identity setup

The Vehicle Identity setup

To open this setup window, select Vehicle Ident from the Setup menu.
This setup allows you to specify which vehicles to track in the
Positioning window and, for each of them, specify the maximum
allowable speed.

Figure 7-8

(Allowable range: 1 to 50). Identity number of a vehicle, defined when
you configure the MRU for the vehicle. (See MRU User's Manual).

Label you wish to assign to the vehicle identified in the Nb text box.

Max Speed
Determines the upper limit of the scale for colour-mapping the speed in
the vehicle’s trackline.

For each vehicle in the list box this option button allows you to specify
whether or not the vehicle should be tracked in geographical views.
(Click in the field, then select the desired option from the button).
If you choose “True”, then MRU messages from that vehicle will be
interpreted. If you choose “False”, then the vehicle is not tracked, its

416 428XL User’s Manual Vol. 1

April 11, 2013
The Setup menu > The Vehicle Identity setup

MRU messages are rejected and no alarm is raised if that vehicle fails
to reply.

First Waypoint
Initialization value of the individual waypoint counter attached to each
vehicle tracked (by default: 1). This determines the waypoint number
that will be assigned to the first waypoint transmitted to any vehicle.
For a given vehicle, the waypoint number is incremented (up to 100)
each time a waypoint is transmitted to the vehicle. It is reset to the
current First Waypoint value in the event of overflow.
If you change the First Waypoint value, the new value will apply to
those vehicles which do not have any waypoint yet and those which
have a waypoint counter at 100.

To create a Vehicle Identity Setup 7

To define a new vehicle in the list box, fill in all the fields as required,
then click Add.
To make changes to any row in the list box, double-click on it, fill in the
fields above the list, then click Add or Change or Delete, as required.
To save and enable your changes, click Apply. (To revert to the former
settings, click Reset instead).

428XL User’s Manual Vol. 1 417

April 11, 2013
7 Positioning
The geographical view > General

The geographical view

In this section:
• General (page 418)
• The layer manager (page 422)
• Background (page 423)
• GeoZones (page 425)
• Swath (page 426)
• Miscellaneous (page 428)
• Vehicles (page 429)
• Sources (page 430)
• Line devices (page 432)


Layer manager
Right-click to
Plot pane view object

Figure 7-9 Geographical view

That is the basic view in the Positioning client window, consisting of:
• a geographical view showing the planned source points and receiver
points imported from SPS files, the actual source points (calculated
COGs), service vehicles equipped with a tracking (MRU) box, the
418 428XL User’s Manual Vol. 1
April 11, 2013
The geographical view > General

sources (Shooters and/or VE464 fleets) created in the Operation

• a layer manager pane containing all the objects that can be viewed.
You can open as many geographical views as you like (using the View
menu). Each is independent and has its own layer manager.
Right-clicking on any object in or above the plot pane and selecting Get
Properties from the menu that pops up opens a secondary window
updated in real time, displaying the properties of the object.

Figure 7-10

Figure 7-11 Report document

• You can use the Export Selected or Export All button to export
some or all of those properties. This generates a report document and
opens a preview window that allows you to save, print or export the
document by choosing whichever output format you like (PDF, XLS,
HTML, TXT, etc.) from its File menu.

428XL User’s Manual Vol. 1 419

April 11, 2013
7 Positioning
The geographical view > General

Graphical tools
spatial query
View All Panning
Zoom in

Undo zoom Zoom Circular spatial

locker query

Figure 7-12 Graphical tools

• Zoom in: after clicking on the Zoom in button, you can zoom in/out
by turning the mouse wheel forward/backward in the plot pane. Also,
you can use the left mouse button as follows: position the mouse in
one corner of the desired area, press the left mouse button and hold it
down, drag the mouse to the opposite corner of the area (this causes
a rubber-band box to appear) and release the button. As a result, the
region enclosed by the rubber-band box is redrawn within the same
view to occupy the entire plot pane.
• Undo zoom: Reverts to the previous zoom factor.
• View All: Zooms out until all objects fit into the plot pane (in one
• Zoom locker: Clicking on this button either locks or unlocks the
zoom-out factor, depending on whether it is already locked or
unlocked. With the zoom locker enabled, all zoom-out clicks will
take you back to the zoom factor you were using at the moment you
enabled it.
• Panning: Clicking the Panning button causes the mouse pointer to
change to a hand when resting in the plot pane. Then you can drag the
focus point in any direction with the mouse.
• Ruler: To read the distance from one point to another picked up in the
plot pane, click on the Ruler button, position the mouse on the first
point, press the left mouse button and hold it down, drag the mouse
to the other point. This draws a straight trackline in between. The
distance between the two points is displayed in a tip box on the first
420 428XL User’s Manual Vol. 1
April 11, 2013
The geographical view > General

point picked up. The latest distance picked up as you release the
mouse button is displayed in the Distance field in the locator bar.

Tip box

Refreshed as you
release mouse button

Figure 7-13 Ruler

• Rectangular or circular spatial query: Draws a rectangle or circle

area over displayed objects. As a result, all visible objects enclosed
by the rectangle or circle are grabbed, and a secondary window
appears, showing the list of grabbed objects and their properties.
Objects in hidden layers, if any, enclosed by the rectangle or circle are

Figure 7-14 Spatial query

- You can use the Export

Selected or Export All button
to export some or all of grabbed
objects. This opens a dialog box
that lets you choose which
properties to export. Figure 7-15

- Clicking Accept generates a report document and opens a

preview window (see Figure 7-11 on page 419) that allows you to
save, print or export the document by choosing whichever output

428XL User’s Manual Vol. 1 421

April 11, 2013
7 Positioning
The geographical view > The layer manager

format you like (PDF, XLS, HTML, TXT, etc.) from its File

The layer manager

In the layer manager (left-hand) pane, the available drawing layers are
grouped into several folders that you can expand or collapse (Source
sets, Vehicles, Miscellaneous elements, Swath, Geographical Zones,
Background maps, Line devices). If any layer is hidden, its name is
dimmed. Each layer has a specific popup menu, available by right
clicking on it, depending on which commands can be applied to that

Layer manager
Plot pane

Double-click to
expand/collapse folder

Double-click or
right-click to
show/hide layer

Figure 7-16 Layer manager

To show or hide any drawing layer, first expand the appropriate folder,
then double-click on the desired layer, or right-click on it and select the
appropriate command (Show Layer / Hide Layer) from the menu that
pops up.
The Rename Layer command lets you enter whatever name you like in
place of the default name.
The Layer Properties command allows you to view and modify the
image properties, for example to change the opacity of the background
or to enable or disable smoothing.
422 428XL User’s Manual Vol. 1
April 11, 2013
The geographical view > Background

The Delete Layer command lets you delete the layer from the layer
manager (e. g. to unload a background map), but this does not delete the
file from your computer’s disk. Not all layers can be deleted.
The arrangement in the layer manager pane determines the way the
layers are stacked (i. e. overprinted) in the plot pane, the bottom folder
being plotted on the background and the top folder on the foreground.
You can move any layer by dragging it up or down to change the
overprinting order. Naturally, you must be aware that a raster file (the
background map) will hide any layer placed below it.

The Background folder is dedicated to background images.

Figure 7-17 Background map

The following file types are allowed:

• Geotiff: raster image with a geographical reference.
• DXF: vectorial data.
• Esri Shapefile: A shapefile stores non-topological geometry and
attribute information for the spatial features in a data set. The
geometry for a feature is stored as a shape comprising a set of vector
coordinates. Because shapefiles do not have the processing overhead
of a topological data structure, they have advantages over other data
sources such as faster drawing speed and edit ability. Shapefiles
handle single features that overlap or that are non-contiguous. They
also typically require less disk space and are easier to read and write.
Shapefiles can support point, line, and area features. Area features are
428XL User’s Manual Vol. 1 423
April 11, 2013
7 Positioning
The geographical view > Background

represented as closed loop, double-digitized polygons. Attributes are

held in a dBASE® format file. Each attribute record has a one-to-one
relationship with the associated shape record.
• Simple Raster file (e. g. jpeg or gif or tif-format file): this type of file
has no geographical reference but the system lets you provide one as
you load such a file.
Right-clicking on any background layer and choosing Layer
Properties from the popup menu opens a dialog that allows you to
change the font and colour of labels if any, and adjust the following
image attributes.

Figure 7-18 Image properties

This slider button controls how much of the background map will show

The Optimal option applies appropriate smoothing for pixels not to be
visible, depending on the zoom factor. The Never option does not apply
any smoothing. The Always option achieves the best smoothing effect
but significantly increases the amount of CPU time consumed by your
Positioning window.

424 428XL User’s Manual Vol. 1

April 11, 2013
The geographical view > GeoZones

You may wish to be alerted if any tracked vehicle (vibrator equipped
with a GPS receiver or other vehicle equipped with a tracking system)
leaves the work area, or gets into quicksands or a boggy or no-
trespassing area, etc. The system will take care of that, using the
inclusion and/or exclusion zones contained in the GeoZones folder to
determine the allowable perimeter.


Figure 7-19 Inclusion/Exclusion zones

After you select Create Exclusion Zone or Create Inclusion Zone

from the popup menu, the mouse pointer changes to an arrow. Then you
can draw a polygon in the plot pane by clicking at each vertex in turn
and closing the polygon with a last click at the first vertex. This adds a
new item into the GeoZone folder. Right-click on it in the GeoZone
folder to rename it as you like.

Create Exclusion Zone

Allows you to define the perimeter of an area that the crew’s vehicles
are not allowed to enter. That perimeter is automatically plotted in red.

Create Inclusion Zone

Allows you to define the perimeter of an area that the crew’s vehicles
are not allowed to leave. That perimeter is automatically plotted in

428XL User’s Manual Vol. 1 425

April 11, 2013
7 Positioning
The geographical view > Swath

Load from file

Allows you to load a DXF-format file depicting the desired perimeter.
Each file you load creates a new item in the GeoZone folder. Only
closed curves are interpreted:
• Red closed curves are interpreted as exclusion zones;
• All other closed curves are by default interpreted as inclusion zones.
Other shapes —if any— included in the file are ignored.

For each swath, a separate layer is automatically created in the Swath
folder, showing the source points, and receiver points included in the
swath, as well as the instruments deployed. You can show/hide one or
more swaths by double-clicking on the relevant folders in the layer

Figure 7-20 Swath layer

Source points
Each planned source position (from the Source SPS file) is represented
by a blue circle. The size of the circle is proportional to the “COG
Radius Threshold” specified through the “Setup” menu.

426 428XL User’s Manual Vol. 1

April 11, 2013
The geographical view > Swath

Source COG
The COG position is represented by a solid
square inside the planned source position blue
circle if there is no radial error, or outside of
it if there is a radial error that is if the
deviation from the planned COG position
exceeds the “COG Radius Threshold”
specified through the Setup menu. Figure 7-21

The solid square denoting the COG may be:

• Green and inside the source blue circle if:
- this is the actual COG position (i.e all vibrator positions have
been received),
- and there is no radial error;
• Red and inside the source blue circle if: 7
- this is the actual COG position (i.e. all vib positions have been
- and one or more vib position standard deviations exceed the
“Vib Position Accuracy Threshold” (specified in the Setup
menu). The COG is therefore regarded as inaccurate.
• Red and outside the source blue circle if:
- this is the actual COG position (i.e. all vib positions have been
- but there is a radial error. In that case a warning box shows up,
displaying the radial error and the Source Point identification, so
that the operator can decide on whether to reposition the
vibrators and take the sweep again, or to continue.
• Blank (not shown) if no position is received from one or more
vibrators (in the event of a malfunction in the GPS receiver or in the
radio link; in that case, no COG is computed).

428XL User’s Manual Vol. 1 427

April 11, 2013
7 Positioning
The geographical view > Miscellaneous

If a VE432 system is used and the SQC Dump operating mode is

enabled in the Operation window, the COG layer is replaced by an FPS
(File Per Source) layer displaying the position of each vibrator.

Note If an “Impulsive” source is used instead of vibrators and the

blaster controller returns a position message ($GPGGA) to the
recording unit (e. g. with a SHOT PRO blaster) then the shot
point position is viewed.

Receiver Points
Each planned receiver position is represented as a yellow + mark.

The Misc folder in the layer manager pane contains the icons for the
recording unit and the base camp.

Drag and drop

to move icon

truck icon

Figure 7-22 Miscellaneous objects layer

By default, if the icon file includes a geographical reference, the icon is

displayed at its exact location in the geographical view, otherwise the
object appears only in the layer manager pane.
You can place the recording unit or base camp icon into the plot pane by
dragging and dropping it from the layer manager pane to the plot pane
(left-click on it in the layer manager while pressing the Ctrl key, then
move the mouse to the desired location in the plot pane and release the
mouse button). Likewise you can move the icon within the plot pane by
dragging and dropping it where you would like it to appear.

428 428XL User’s Manual Vol. 1

April 11, 2013
The geographical view > Vehicles

To place the recording unit or base camp icon at its exact location, right-
click on its folder in the layer manager pane, and select Edit
coordinates from the menu that pops up. This opens a dialog box that
allows you to show or hide the icon (by ticking/unticking the Visible
option), and enter its precise Easting and Northing.

Figure 7-23

Alternatively, you can enter the precise coordinates of the recording unit
or base camp in the Log window (see Editing/saving/loading 428XL
parameters on page 576).

Vehicles 7
If a vehicle tracking system is attached to the server computer, the
Vehicles folder in the layer manager pane contains all the vehicles
equipped with a tracking box (MRU). You can monitor the position of
those vehicles in real time, show/hide their tracklines and also send
waypoints to them by simply dragging and dropping a vehicle’s icon to
the desired location.
See Vehicles on page 439 for details.

428XL User’s Manual Vol. 1 429

April 11, 2013
7 Positioning
The geographical view > Sources

This folder contains all the sources created in the Operation window
that you can use to take shots or sweeps.
A flag (for a vibroseismic source) or human figure (for an impulsive
source) icon associated with each source is available above the plot
pane. Depending on the option selected from the Action button,
dragging and dropping a source icon into the plot pane will simulate a
Ready signal from a fleet or generate a Go To Waypoint command.


Vibroseismic Impulsive source

source shooter

Denotes the
targeted source
Drag and drop
to launch sweep or shot

Figure 7-24 Source layer

You can drag a source icon and drop it onto a planned shot point in the
plot pane to associate it with that shot point and launch a shot just like
a click on Go would do in the Operation window. To do that, select
Ready from the Action button, left-click on the source icon while
pressing the Ctrl key, then move the mouse to the desired planned shot
point and release the mouse button. To help you aim, a small square
with the same colour as the source flag appears inside the targeted
source point circle.
For example, this allows you to redo a sweep without lifting the vibrator
pads. Dragging and dropping the vibroseismic source simulates the
Ready signal sent by the fleet’s leader when all its vibrators have their
pads down. You must have clicked on Go at least once beforehand in
the Operation window. Also, the fleet’s vibrators are assumed

430 428XL User’s Manual Vol. 1

April 11, 2013
The geographical view > Sources

positioned at the shot point, with their pads down. You also have to click
on the fleet’s button in the VE464 orVE432 main window, unless that is
already done, to let its Ready status be relayed to the acquisition system.

Go To Waypoint
If a fleet’s vibrators use the VE464 orVE432 Guidance tool, you can
drag and drop the fleet’s icon to the plot pane to divert the fleet to a
particular source point (for example a source point that was not properly
done). To do that, select Goto Waypoint from the Action button, then
drag and drop the fleet icon to the desired source point. This causes the
system to transmit the latitude and longitude of that source point to the
fleet’s DSDs, just like the Go To Waypoint dialogue box in jOperation
would do.

Drag and drop

to steer to source point

Figure 7-25 Source layer

428XL User’s Manual Vol. 1 431

April 11, 2013
7 Positioning
The geographical view > Line devices

Line devices
The Positioning window has one layer for each of the Line window’s
topographical views (Instrument, Sensors, Battery, Seismonitor). The
Instrument layer displays all instruments, cables, and radio links. Right-
clicking on any object displays its properties just like in the Line
Double-clicking on an instrument or a sensor moves the focus to that
element in all the topographical and numerical views in the Line

Transverse path


Figure 7-26 Line Devices layer (Intruments)

Position accuracy not OK,

GPS on (yellow)
Too few satellites,
GPS on (red)

No position, GPS off


Position accuracy OK,

GPS off (green)

Figure 7-27 DSUGPS receiver points

432 428XL User’s Manual Vol. 1

April 11, 2013
The geographical view > Line devices

Below is the colour code for the DSUGPS icon:

• Grey: GPS is off and position is not determined.
• Blue (briefly): request for turning GPS on, or waiting for a reply.
• Red: GPS is on, but tracking too few satellites (less than two) after
the first calculation.
• Yellow: GPS is on and tracking two or more satellites, or before the
first calculation of position.
• Green: the position is determined with the required accuracy, and
GPS is off.
The Seismonitor layer displays a colour map of the seismic noise level.

Figure 7-28 Line Devices layer (Seismonitor)

428XL User’s Manual Vol. 1 433

April 11, 2013
7 Positioning
The Tracking view > Graphical tracking view

The Tracking view

In this section:
• Graphical tracking view (page 434)
• Numerical tracking view (page 437)
• More about the estimated COG position (page 437)

Graphical tracking view

In the source tracking view are all the details on the Vibrator Point:
positions of vibrators (crosshair), the planned active Vibrator Point, the
predicted COG (orange square, or green if the stacking fold is
achieved), and information about the current VP (Acquisition number/
stacking fold, Device number, Source Point Line, Source Point Number,
Source Point Index).


Choose fleet Planned

to view V1

V3 Fleet

Figure 7-29

The button in the upper left corner allows you to freeze/unfreeze the
view. Preventing the view from being updated may be helpful if you
need time to examine details. Since you can open as many tracking
views as you like (using the View menu), you can enable updating in
another view and still track the active source.
In each view, you can use any of the fleet (flag) buttons available at the
top to choose whichever fleet you would like to be tracked in that view.
If you do not choose any fleet, then the active source is tracked.

434 428XL User’s Manual Vol. 1

April 11, 2013
The Tracking view > Graphical tracking view

The tracking view shows the progress of vibrator positions and source
positions updated as soon as the status messages are received from the
vibrators. The solid square denoting the COG is:
• Orange and inside the source blue circle if:
- this is an estimated COG position (i.e. some vib positions have
not yet been received),
- but the estimation does not lead to any radial error.
• Orange and outside the source blue circle if:
- this is an estimated COG position (some vib positions have not
yet been received),
- and the estimation leads to a radial error (e.g. a status message is
indicating that a vibrator failed to vibrate. Therefore the
estimated COG is computed without the position of this vibrator,
leading to a radial error). 7
Note that COG radial errors are reported in the form of messages in the
mail pane at the foot of the window.

Figure 7-30

Each planned vibrator position is represented as a + mark which

changes from orange (i.e. estimated) to green as the actual position is
received. It turns red if the positions standard deviation exceeds the
“Vib Position Accuracy Threshold” specified through the “Setup”
menu. It is not shown if any of the status codes of the following
malfunctions is encountered:
- no sweep
- no status report
- position message error

428XL User’s Manual Vol. 1 435

April 11, 2013
7 Positioning
The Tracking view > Graphical tracking view

- no GPS position samples

The vibrator positions used in the latest acquisition are annotated
with the vibrator numbers.
The vibrator positions of those previous source points which are OK
(green solid square) are not shown.
Until the status messages are received from all the vibrators making up
the source, the theoretical centre of gravity of the source is estimated
from the vibrator pattern of the previous source point and represented
by a solid orange square. See More about the estimated COG position
(page 437). When status messages are received, the COG is shown as
explained above for the geographical view.
In “Navigation” mode with a Stack Order more than 1:
- For each acquisition within a VP, individual vibrator positions as
well as the fleet’s COG are displayed.
- The estimated COG of the VP is computed again at each
acquisition, using the actual COG of the acquisitions already
done and the predicted COG for the acquisitions still to be done.
- After the VP is completed, the information about the acquisition
is replaced by the actual COG of the VP.

Note When you generate the RAW daily Observer Report, at the end
of the day, the SPS “Source” file in the database is
automatically updated with the actual source COG positions.
(You can use the Log main window to save the updated source
file to an archival medium).
The Elevation reported is the elevation value contained in the $GPGGA
messages from radiopositioning receivers (referenced to the geoidal

436 428XL User’s Manual Vol. 1

April 11, 2013
The Tracking view > Numerical tracking view

Numerical tracking view

You can monitor one or more vehicles in real time by right-clicking on
the vehicle and choosing Numerical Track on from the menu that pops
up. This opens a view pane that continually displays:
• The position of the vehicle (Line name and Receiver Point).
• The distance to the nearest line.
• The vehicle’s speed: the line is displayed in red if the vehicle is

Figure 7-31 7
More about the estimated COG position

Prediction table
The planned source positions (represented by blue circles) are known at
the outset as they are contained in Source SPS files. On the contrary, the
vibrator pattern is not known until all the vib positions of the first
complete pattern have been received.
For example, if 2 acquisitions are taken with 4 vibrators then 8 status
messages will be received, containing 8 vib positions, which will be
used to compute the actual COG but also to set up a prediction table. An
example is shown below.
DSD Number
1 2
V1 dx11, dy11 dx12, dy12
V2 dx21, dy21 dx22, dy22
V3 dx31, dy31 dx32, dy32
V4 dx41, dy41 dx42, dy42

428XL User’s Manual Vol. 1 437

April 11, 2013
7 Positioning
The Tracking view > More about the estimated COG position

The dx,dy values are horizontal and vertical offset distances between
each latest known vibrator position and the latest actual COG position
(green solid square).

Latest actual vib

position dy

Latest actual COG

Figure 7-32

Locating the estimated COG

From the prediction table the dx,dy pair corresponding to the first
vibrator which, in the current pattern, supplied its actual position (green
+ mark) is chosen to locate the estimated COG.
The estimated COG position (orange solid square) is obtained by
adding the selected dx,dy pair (from the prediction table) to the actual
easting and northing (respectively) received for this vibrator.
Then the remaining dx,dy pairs in the prediction table are used to locate
the estimated positions of the other vibrators with respect to the
estimated COG.
The estimated vib pattern is represented by orange + marks.

438 428XL User’s Manual Vol. 1

April 11, 2013
Vehicles > Overview

In this section:
• Overview (page 439)
• Supported vehicle tracking systems (page 440)
• Customizing tracked vehicles (page 442)
• Vehicle trackline and history file (page 443)



Tracking Positio
Way n+Alar
poin m
ts+S GPS
Recording station ervic
e me
(Lab) ssag



Monitoring station

Figure 7-33

Any vehicle equipped with a SERCEL MRU or Racal type tracking unit
can send its position —computed by a radio-positioning receiver— and

428XL User’s Manual Vol. 1 439

April 11, 2013
7 Positioning
Vehicles > Supported vehicle tracking systems

status to a base station, and receive waypoints and/or messages from the
base station. This requires that the base station be equipped with a
tracking box too. For reference information on the necessary
communications scheme, see the MRU or Racal User's Manual. See
also Supported vehicle tracking systems (page 440).
The base station can be the GUI computer in the recording truck
(referred to as “Lab”) or a monitoring station (referred to as “Camp”).
On the base station, whether it be a Lab or Camp station, the Positioning
client window must be open.
Periodically, each tracked vehicle reports its latest position and status to
the base station, which updates the position in the Positioning window’s
graphic pane.

Supported vehicle tracking systems

To track the position of your vibrators and service vehicles, you can use
SERCEL MRU boxes or an equivalent type of tracking box from
• MRU type: To configure an MRU as Vibrator or Service Vehicle, see
the MRU User’s Manual. The message supplied by an MRU includes
the position, the type of unit (Vibrator or Service vehicle) and the
alarm status if any.
• Racal type: By default a Racal-type tracking box is identified as
“Service vehicle”. To identify it as a Vibrator, a serial port must be
modified. The message supplied by a Racal tracking box includes the
position, the type of unit (Vibrator or Service vehicle) and the alarm
status if any, and the type of message encoded as follows
(1 character):
- “E”: Alarm (interpreted as “Vehicle + Alarm”).
- “F”: Interpreted as “Vibrator”.
- Other: Interpreted as “Vehicle”.
An option button in the Installation client window on the computer lets
the user choose which type of tracking box to use.

440 428XL User’s Manual Vol. 1

April 11, 2013
Vehicles > Supported vehicle tracking systems

The tracking box connects to the computer through a serial line (A- and/
or B-port of the computer).

Port A Port A
Waypoint, Service message
Tracking box
Port B Service message Port B

or printer

Figure 7-34

The computer’s A-port:
• Receives the position and alarms from the vehicles.
• Sends waypoints and service messages to the vehicles. 7
• It is also used to send specific commands to the tracking box. For
example, with a Racal tracking box, changing the record unit position
sends the command $PASHS,POS (record unit position). A hardware
switch is required between the port of the computer and that of the
tracking box.
The computer’s A-port is configured as follows:
• With SERCEL (MRU) tracking boxes: 4800 Bauds, 8 data bits, 2
stops bits, no parity.
• With Racal-type tracking boxes: 9600 Bauds, 8 data bits, 2 stops bits,
no parity.

The computer’s B-port receives services messages exchanged by the
Lab and Camp computers.
It is configured as follows:
• With SERCEL (MRU) tracking boxes: 9600 bauds, 8 data bits, 2
stops bits, no parity.

428XL User’s Manual Vol. 1 441

April 11, 2013
7 Positioning
Vehicles > Customizing tracked vehicles

• With Racal-type tracking boxes: 4800 bauds, 8 data bits, 2 stops bits,
no parity.

Note If the A-port is used for another link, the B port can be used in
place of it for the messages to and from the tracked vehicles. In
that case, communications between Lab and Camp computers
cannot be handled by the tracking box.

Customizing tracked vehicles

Right-clicking on the Vehicles folder in the layer manager and selecting
Add Vehicle Group opens a secondary window that allows you to
create vehicle groups and customize the aspect of vehicles in each



Figure 7-35

Each time you add a new group, a subfolder is created in the layer
manager (hence a sublayer in the plot pane). As a result, you can apply
specific actions to the whole sublayer, for example:
- Rename the group;
- Send a request for specific attributes in order to find the
matching vehicles (using the name, or GPS identifier number or
any other attribute as search criterion);

442 428XL User’s Manual Vol. 1

April 11, 2013
Vehicles > Vehicle trackline and history file

- Assign an icon of your own to the vehicles in the group, rather

than using the default icon.

Vehicle trackline and history file

The trackline of each vehicle and also the associated alerts are
automatically saved to an XML log file on the client computer’s disk (in
the Jpos/workspace/history directory) and sorted by julian day. That
file can be imported into any viewing tool accepting XML files.

Real-time display
Right-click on the vehicle’s subfolder in the layer manager pane and
select “Show trace route” from the menu that pops up.
The trackline is displayed as segments the colour of which depends on
the speed of the vehicle.
The speed is mapped with 10 different colours starting from green
(standing for the vehicle’s minimum speed) to red (standing for the
maximum allowable speed specified in the The Vehicle Identity setup on
page 416. A circle appears on the trackline if any alarm is raised.

Playback from history file

Selecting Load History from the File menu allows you to choose a
trackline history file and load it to the Backgrounds folder in the layer
manager pane. Then the trackline can be displayed like any real-time
trackline (with colour-mapped speed and circles on incidents) and
shown/hidden like any other background layer.

428XL User’s Manual Vol. 1 443

April 11, 2013
7 Positioning
The Alert system > Emergency

The Alert system

You can set alert conditions on vehicles by using the setup menu or the
toolbar, or simply right-clicking on a vehicle.
You are notified of any incident in two ways:
• An audible warning plus a visual effect in the geographical view (an
expanding circle around the vehicle that caused the incident). The
colour of the expanding circle depends on the type of incident.
• A tip box popping up as you drag the mouse over any vehicle affected
by an incident.
To dismiss an incident on a vehicle, either double-click on the vehicle
or right-click on it and choose Reset Alert from the menu that pops up.
This may or may not let you get rid of the alert, depending on the type
of incident.
Incidents are saved together with the trackline (meaning that they will
be visible when you play back the trackline).
The following types of incidents are monitored:
• Emergency (page 444)
• GeoZone perimeter (page 445)
• Global alarms (page 446)
• Excess speed (page 448)

The system continually checks for any Emergency alert from the MRU
system (an Emergency alarm is automatically raised if a vehicle’s driver
pushes the Emergency button on the MRU tracking box). This requires
that the Tracking option in the The Vehicle Identity setup (page 416) be
set at “True”.
An Emergency alarm immediately causes a dialog box to show up in the
Positioning window, with the position of the vehicle at the moment the
alarm was raised.

444 428XL User’s Manual Vol. 1

April 11, 2013
The Alert system > GeoZone perimeter

Figure 7-36

• Clicking the Send Help button automatically sends a waypoint to the

nearest three vehicles to that position, allowing for rescue as quickly
as possible. (This also dismisses the alert window).
• If the vehicle does not need any help, simply click Reset Alarm when
you want to dismiss the alert window.

GeoZone perimeter
Inclusion/exclusion zones are created by drawing closed curves in
geographical views or loading DXF files depicting such zones (see
GeoZones on page 425). GeoZones are intended for vehicles equipped 7
with an MRU system, and for all vibrators (with or without an MRU).
A visual alarm is raised (an orange expanding circle around the position
of a vehicle), and a GeoZone perimeter incident is reported, if a vehicle
or vibrator:
- enters an exclusion area;
- leaves an inclusion area.
The visual alarm disappears when the vehicle gets back to the allowable
perimeter, or if you delete the inclusion/exclusion zones affected (or
you double-click on the vehicle).
An inclusion/exclusion zone is active (can give rise to incidents) even
if hidden.

428XL User’s Manual Vol. 1 445

April 11, 2013
7 Positioning
The Alert system > Global alarms

Global alarms
All vehicles and vibrators equipped with an MRU system and for which
the Tracking option in The Vehicle Identity setup (page 416) is set at
“True” can be checked for the following types of incidents: Emergency,
No Reply, No Move, Camp Distance, Lab distance.
The monitoring of all these incidents is optional, except for
“Emergency” alarms. On vibrators, “No move” incidents are ignored.
Clicking on this button in the toolbar opens a dialog box that
allows you to choose which incidents to monitor and adjust the
alert conditions.

Figure 7-37

In the event of an incident on a vehicle, a visual alarm is raised (an

orange expanding circle around the vehicle) and the incident is reported
in the log file. The visual alarm disappears when the situation goes back
to normal (or if you dismiss it by double-clicking on the vehicle).
The type of unit (metres, feet, etc.) for the Distance and Radius fields
is determined in the The Projection Type setup (page 411).

No Reply
Alerts you if the position of a vehicle fails to be refreshed within the
time (seconds) you specify in the Delay field, for instance if no position
message is received from the vehicle.

446 428XL User’s Manual Vol. 1

April 11, 2013
The Alert system > Global alarms

No Move
Alerts you if a vehicle remains at a standstill (i. e. the position is
refreshed but remains within the circle determined by the associated
Distance field) for the time you specify in the Delay field (seconds).
Because of the so-called “noise” on the position, especially with
“straight GPS”, two successive positions from a vehicle can be different
even though the vehicle doesn’t move. The system will only assume the
vehicle is moving if the distance between two successive positions
exceeds the distance (metres) you specify in the Distance field.

Camp Distance
Alerts you if the distance from a vehicle to the “Camp” location exceeds
the distance (metres) you specify in the associated Radius field (i. e. the
position of the vehicle doesn’t fall within the circle determined by that
radius around the Camp location). 7
Lab Distance
Alerts you if the distance from a vehicle to the “Lab” (recording unit)
location exceeds the distance (metres) you specify in the associated
Radius field (i. e. the position of the vehicle doesn’t fall within the
circle determined by that radius around the “Lab” location).

428XL User’s Manual Vol. 1 447

April 11, 2013
7 Positioning
The Alert system > Excess speed

Excess speed
All vehicles equipped with an MRU system and for which the Tracking
option in The Vehicle Identity setup (page 416) is set at “True” can be
checked for speed excess.
Right-clicking on any of those vehicles opens a dialog box that allows
you to set the speed alert conditions for that vehicle. Therefore, you can
set individual speed alert conditions on each vehicle.

Figure 7-38

For each vehicle monitored, the speed is computed as the ratio of the
difference between the last two positions received to the difference
between the times when they are received.
In the event of an “Excess speed” incident on a vehicle, a visual alarm
is raised (an orange expanding circle around the vehicle) and the
incident is reported in the log file. The visual alarm disappears when the
situation goes back to normal (or if you dismiss it by double-clicking on
the vehicle). On vibrators, “Excess speed” incidents are ignored.

Max Speed
Tick this option if you want the vehicle to be checked for excess speed.
Untick to disable monitoring.

Use this field to specify the desired time interval (seconds) between two
speed tests on this vehicle.

448 428XL User’s Manual Vol. 1

April 11, 2013
The Alert system > Excess speed

Use this field to specify the desired speed limit for this vehicle,
expressed in km/hr or miles per hour, depending on the type of unit
selected (see The Projection Type setup on page 411).

Additional Effects
Use the options if you want excess speed incidents to open a dialog box
and/or generate an audible warning for this vehicle.

428XL User’s Manual Vol. 1 449

April 11, 2013
7 Positioning
Working with the GIS > Object labelling

Working with the GIS

In this section:
• Object labelling (page 450)
• Attribute colour maps (page 451)
• Query builder (page 453)

Object labelling
Each object appearing in a geographical view
can be annotated with a tag reporting
whichever of its attributes you choose. Those
tags are updated in real time, and do not
overprint one another. The more you zoom
in, the more tags are visible.
To create a tag and show or hide it, right-click
on the desired folder in the layer manager
pane (Source Point, Source Receiver, COG, Figure 7-39

or Vehicles) and choose Label Properties

from the menu that pops up.
In the example below, vehicles have a label displaying the name and

Figure 7-40

450 428XL User’s Manual Vol. 1

April 11, 2013
Working with the GIS > Attribute colour maps

Attribute colour maps

A Classifier tool is available for the items contained in the Swath layer
(Source Point, Source Receiver, COG).
This allows you to create classes for the different values of an object’s
attribute and have them colour-mapped in a geographical view. You can
choose the number of classes to create and which colours to use for the
colour mapping.
For example, assuming you want to have a colour-map view of the
source average distortion (an attribute available on COGs), then:
1. Right-click on the COG folder in the layer manager pane and
choose Classifier from the menu that pops up. This opens the
Classifier control window.

Figure 7-41

2. From the Feature Property Names option button, choose the

attribute to plot (Average Distortion).
3. From the Bins option button, choose the number of classes to
4. Click on the Start button and select the desired colour for the
lowest value class.
5. Click on the End button and select the desired colour for the
highest value class.
6. Click on Preview to view the result in a Histogram window.

428XL User’s Manual Vol. 1 451

April 11, 2013
7 Positioning
Working with the GIS > Attribute colour maps

Figure 7-42

7. Click on Apply. As a result, the average distortion is colour-

mapped in the COG layer in the geographical view.

Colour-mapped average
distortion in COG layer

Figure 7-43

To remove the colour map effect and go back to the default colour
encoding in the geographical view, right-click on the appropriate folder
in the layer manager and select “Reset Queries and Classification”
from the menu that pops up.

452 428XL User’s Manual Vol. 1

April 11, 2013
Working with the GIS > Query builder

Query builder
A Query Builder tool is available for the items contained in the Swath
layer (Source Point, Source Receiver, COG).
The Query Builder allows you to build any kind of query on displayed
objects on any attributes of an object, with logical operators (Or, And,
Not, etc.), and generate professional reports in PDF, HTML, XCELL
files, etc.
For example, assuming you want to get the list of COGs with an average
distortion greater than 16, then:
1. Right-click on the COG folder in the layer manager pane and
choose Build feature query from the menu that pops up. This
opens the query builder window for COGs.

Save and load back your

queries as you like.

The items matching your query can

be displayed in a geographical view.

Figure 7-44

2. Select the desired attribute from the Property Name list box.

428XL User’s Manual Vol. 1 453

April 11, 2013
7 Positioning
Working with the GIS > Query builder

3. Choose the desired operator.

4. Choose the desired value from the Values list box.
5. Click on Add To Query.
6. If you want to preview the items matching your query in a
geographical view, click on the Create Selection button.
7. Clicking on the Generate Report button opens a secondary
window that lets you choose which attributes to export. Unless
you want to include all, untick those you want to discard by
clicking in the associated Export Enabled button.

Figure 7-45

8. Clicking Accept generates a report document and opens a preview

window (see Figure 7-11 on page 419) that allows you to save,
print or export the document by choosing whichever output
format you like (PDF, XLS, HTML, TXT, etc.) from its File

Figure 7-46

454 428XL User’s Manual Vol. 1

April 11, 2013
Coord converter tool >

Coord converter tool

The coordinates transformation tool available from the Window menu
allows you to convert coordinates from WGS84 to your favourite
geodetic system or the other way round.

Select the
Projection to use
(from those created
in The Projection Type the
Type setup on coordinates to
page 411) convert in the
appropriate fields,
depending on
which way you
want to do the
Click on the appropriate button, depending on
which way you want to do the conversion

Figure 7-47

428XL User’s Manual Vol. 1 455

April 11, 2013
7 Positioning
Basic Geodesy Glossary >

Basic Geodesy Glossary

• Datum: Datum results from taking an ellipsoid and moving its centre
so the ellipsoid matches the geoid very closely in your area of
interest. For example, in Europe, the International ellipsoid is shifted
to fit and called ED50 (European Datum 1950).
For the same location, your latitude and longitude are different on
different Datums. Since your GPS receivers normally output on
WGS84 you need to convert the WGS84 latitude/longitude to a
latitude /longitude on whatever Datum you are surveying on. This is
done by on-line Datum transformation routines in SERCEL software.
This is why you are required to select the appropriate Datum. See The
Projection Type setup (page 411).
• Ellipsoid: An ellipse which has been rotated about an axis (example:
WGS84). The shape of the ellipsoid is chosen to match the geoidal
surface as closely as possible.
• Geoid: An equipotential surface (meaning that the pull of gravity is
equal everywhere along the surface), approximately corresponding to
the Mean Sea Level. A plumb bob always points perpendicular to the
geoid, not to centre of the earth.
• Projection: A projection is a representation of a 3 dimensional plane.
In order to make a section of the ellipsoid into a flat surface, you have
to stretch some parts of the surface and compress other parts. The
amount of compressing/stretching is known as “scale factor”.
The distance you measure in the real world is usually not equal to the
distance measured on the projection.

456 428XL User’s Manual Vol. 1

April 11, 2013

8 Export

This chapter describes the jExport client window. It

includes the following sections:

• The main window (page 458)

• File export controls (page 460)
• The Tape Setup menu (page 465)
• The Functions menu (page 468)
• Recorder activity logs (page 477)
• Exporting to NAS disks (page 481)
• Exporting to a virtual NAS (page 487)
• Working with tape drives (page 492)
• Disk space monitoring (page 493)

428XL User’s Manual Vol. 1 457

April 11, 2013
8 Export
The main window >

The main window

To open the jExport main window, click on this icon in the
launcher bar.
The 428XL automatically saves its shot files to an SEGD repository on
its server computer’s disk. The Export main window is dedicated to the
process of exporting them from the SEGD repository to your archiving
media: disks (NAS, Virtual NAS) and/or tape drives. Each file is not
deleted from the SEGD repository until its has been exported
successfully. The activity of each type of medium is logged in a separate
view (Tape, NFS, FTP).

Figure 8-1

The View menu allows you to open a separate view for each type of
export target (Tape, NFS server, FTP server), showing a table in which
the activity of the export process is logged. For details on how you can
arrange the views and toolbars as you would like them, see the Hands-
on guide (page 52). You can move and resize columns in tables by right-
clicking in any column heading and selecting Customize (see Figure 2-
In the toolbar are indicators showing the status of each device to which
the shot files can be exported. See Export device indicators (page 460).

458 428XL User’s Manual Vol. 1

April 11, 2013
The main window >

The Functions menu is used for local controls of tape drives, mounting/
unmounting NFS disks, making an FTP connection, and for playback.
See The Functions menu (page 468).

428XL User’s Manual Vol. 1 459

April 11, 2013
8 Export
File export controls > Export device indicators

File export controls

In this section:
• Export device indicators (page 460)
• Auto/Manual (page 462)

Export device indicators

In the Install window, you can choose to record your SEGD files to
cartridges and/or export them in real time to one or two disks
simultaneously, or to an FTP server on the local network. See Export
mode (page 74).
In the Export window’s toolbar, an indicator is associated with each
export device you enabled in the Install window. With the mouse
pointer resting on the indicator, a tip box pops up that shows the status
of the export device. Also, the status is shown by the colour of the
indicator light (red/orange/green), as explained in detail below.

Export device
indicators Status tip box

Figure 8-2

Tape drives
Up to 4 tape drives (identified as Device numbers 0 to 6) can be attached
to the SCSI bus. As soon as a tape drive is connected on the bus and
powered up, an indicator light appears in the toolbar in the main
window, displaying its Device number (that is the SCSI address
assigned to the tape drive by the user or the Operating System). The
indicator light is:
• Not shown: if the tape drive is not connected or not powered up;
• Red: if the tape drive is connected and powered up, but no cartridge
is inserted. The indicator turns red when the cartridge is ejected:

460 428XL User’s Manual Vol. 1

April 11, 2013
File export controls > Export device indicators

- manually by the operator,

- or automatically when the number of files on the cartridge (“File
Count” field in the Tape view) matches your Files per Tape
(page 467) setting.
• Orange: if the tape drive is connected and powered up, with a
cartridge inserted (the tape is at the BOT);
• Green: if the tape drive is connected and powered up, with a cartridge
inserted and currently used for recording.
If two or more tape drives are attached to the system and you want to
know which is associated to each Tape indicator (because you do not
know which SCSI address is assigned to each drive), insert a cartridge
into one drive and look at the indicators to see which drive has a
cartridge inserted (or move the mouse pointer to each Tape indicator to
display the status popup).

FTP server and NFS disks

In the main window’s toolbar, an indicator light is associated with each
NFS disk and with the FTP server, if you have selected these options in
the Install window. The colour of the indicator should be interpreted as
• Red: device unmounted or not mounted (NFS connection) or not
accessible (FTP connection). The indicator turns red if the removable
disk is unmounted or the FTP connection is closed:
- manually by the operator,
- or automatically, because of a problem on the network.
• Orange: device mounted (NFS connection) or accessible (FTP
• Green: device mounted (NFS connection) or accessible (FTP
connection), and writing to that device is in progress or enabled.
The disks (NFS devices) are removable but cannot be unmounted while
a file is being written.

428XL User’s Manual Vol. 1 461

April 11, 2013
8 Export
File export controls > Auto/Manual


Click to enable

Figure 8-3

The system takes shots regardless of the status of any tape drive or other
export target, unless and until the SEGD repository disk space is
running out.
Choosing Manual enables the local control functions and causes the
system to stop exporting data (but data acquisition can continue so long
as the SEGD repository disk space is not running out).
For example, you have to go to “Manual” if you want to change the
working mode option (Data/Bypass), or to unload a tape, or to replace
an NFS disk.
Choosing Auto opens a secondary window that allows you to enable
file exports.


Figure 8-4

The available export devices are prompted in the “Devices List” box.
• A removable disk is ready if it is “mounted”.
• An FTP server is ready if connection to it is successful.

462 428XL User’s Manual Vol. 1

April 11, 2013
File export controls > Auto/Manual

• A tape drive is available if:

- its cartridge is blank;
- its cartridge is not blank but the tape is positioned at the end of
the last record. To go to the end of the last record, choose
Manual and use the Playback function (Last Record).
The data is exported from the directory selected in the Dump Directory
field. Note that if you are recording multiple swaths, unless you choose
the “Flat” Backup settings option in the Config window’s Disk Record
setup (page 95) the seismic data is saved to a separate directory for each
swath in the SEGD repository. In that case use the Browse button to
select the swath directory containing the largest volume of data, and
remember you may have to switch to another swath directory at a later
date to empty it, and so on and so forth. You may want to use the “Flat”
Backup settings option to avoid the need to change directory, but in that
case the data is not sorted by swath name and you must wonder if you
agree to having data from different swaths on the same tape.
If you are exporting to NFS disks, you can export records from multiple 8
swaths concurrently. See Multi-swath shots (page 485) for details.
To enable file exports, you simply have to choose “Data” as working
mode, choose (click on) the device you want to export to (in the list
box), and then click on “Go”. To select two devices in the list box, press
and hold down the CTRL key while clicking.

Choosing “Data” enables the normal export function. This is the option
to use for production.
Choosing “Bypass” enables the data to be dumped to the plotter (and
the eSQC-Pro server if any) without recording to tape or exporting. The
system asks you if you really want to go to “Bypass”. To change the
dump directory, you have to go to “Data”.
With the Bypass option, all activity log views remain blank.

428XL User’s Manual Vol. 1 463

April 11, 2013
8 Export
File export controls > Auto/Manual

If two or more tape drives are attached to the system and you choose the
“Simultaneous” option, then the seismic data is recorded on two drives
concurrently (the first two reported “ready”, i. e. visible to the system
and with a cartridge inserted).

Go button
Clicking “Go” inhibits the local control functions and enables the
Export process to copy files from the SEGD repository to the export
targets (tape drives, removable disks or FTP server) you have selected
from the “Devices List” box. If any SEGD file is available, after the
required devices are successfully selected, then it is copied to those
export targets. As a result the indicator of each export target selected
turns green and remains green so long as a file is being written to it.
In the event of an error in the export process, the system automatically
goes to “Manual” and an error message appears in the “Status Mail”
view. The file that was being recorded when the error arose is not
deleted from the SEGD repository.
If any of the export targets you select fails to be accessed, a message
(“Waiting for device ready”) shows up in the “Status Mail” view,
telling you which device gave rise to the error. The data cannot be
exported to any device.
If a cartridge is write-protected, or closed by a double EOF, it cannot be
selected. If any tape drive is required but cannot be selected, one of the
following messages may show up in the “Status” view:
- “Waiting for device ready” (if no cartridge is inserted).
- or “Device # not at end of last record” (if a non-blank cartridge
is inserted).

464 428XL User’s Manual Vol. 1

April 11, 2013
The Tape Setup menu >

The Tape Setup menu

To enable recording to a tape, you must choose the “Tape Drive” option
as “Export Mode” in the Install window.
Selecting Tape Setup from the Setup menu opens a secondary window
with the following parameters:

Figure 8-5

Tape Set 8
If you are shooting multiple swaths, you may want to create a distinct
Tape Set (a set of tape numbers) for each swath. This allows exporting
the different swaths to distinct directories on NFS disks (NAS). Note
that the Tape Set field is only intended for exporting to NFS disks, not
The “Tape Set” field contains the identification number of each Tape
Set. Each Tape Set consists of the tape numbers ranging from the value
specified in the associated “First Tape Nb” field to that specified in the
“Last Tape Nb” field.
The Swath setup (page 97) in the Config window allows you to select
which Tape Set to associate with which swath.
For example, if you are exporting to NAS disks, files from
/var/dump/swath1/jdayXXX/ on the server can be recorded to
swath1/Tape1/jdayXXX/ on the NAS, while files from
/swath2/jdayXXX/ are recorded to swath2/Tape100/jdayXXX/. See
Exporting to NAS disks (page 481) for more information.

428XL User’s Manual Vol. 1 465

April 11, 2013
8 Export
The Tape Setup menu >

First Tape Nb
Used to specify the lowest tape number in the Tape set.

Last Tape Nb
Used to specify the highest tape number in the Tape set.
The First and Last Tape Nb fields determine how many tapes can be
recorded using this set of tape numbers, that is the size of the Tape Set.
Be sure the size is consistent with the amount of production files
expected and the number of files per tape. If you generate more files
than planned in the Tape Set, the system will display a warning in the
Config window, and the Export window will go to Manual. In that case,
exports will be suspended and you will have to create a new Tape Set
and select it in the Config window (in the Swath Setup) to resume

Current Tape Nb
(Allowable range: 0 to 9999).
This field contains the reel tape number recorded in the header block of
the latest SEGD files exported. It is automatically incremented after the
Burst is written on a tape or after the number of files exported reaches
the value specified in the “Files per tape” field. This parameter is still
used (updated and recorded) if you are exporting to NFS disks rather
than tape drives. This makes it easier to copy the files to a tape at a later

Tape Label
(16 ASCII characters max.). Used to enter a user-friendly name for the
reel tape #. This field is not used if you are recording SEGD Rev. 2.1

External Label (only for SEGD Rev. 2.1 files)

This field allows you to specify the physical label of the tape, if it has
one (ASCII characters, 12 max.), to be recorded in the Tape Label

466 428XL User’s Manual Vol. 1

April 11, 2013
The Tape Setup menu >

block. See Use External Tape Labels (page 94) option in the Config
window’s SEGD setup.

User Defined (only for SEGD Rev. 2.1 files)

This field allows you to enter any other information about the tape
(ASCII characters, 14 max.), to be recorded in the Tape Label block.
See Use External Tape Labels (page 94) option in the Config window’s
SEGD setup.

Files per Tape

(Allowable range: 1 to 1000000). Allows you to specify the maximum
number of SEGD files that can be recorded to each tape. This parameter
is still used if you are exporting to NFS disks rather than tape drives (it
is used to update the Tape Number).

Trace Blocking
To improve the system cycle time when recording to a tape drive, you
can shorten the record time by activating the Trace Blocking option.
With that option enabled, several traces are grouped to form a single
block limited to the size (128, or 256 or 512 kilobytes) you choose with
the associated dropdown list button.
A block contains a whole number of traces. Not all blocks will be the
same size. Traces in a block may be part of different channel sets.
Bytes # 20 to 22 in Block # 1 of the General Header of the SEGD record
tell you whether or not traces are recorded in blocked mode: if traces are
recorded in blocked mode, then the value in Bytes # 20-22 is 100000,
otherwise 000000.
Unless you choose the Trace Blocking option, the system will record
traces to tape as individual blocks separated by a gap.
When you play back any record on the 428XL, the system automatically
chooses the appropriate option.

428XL User’s Manual Vol. 1 467

April 11, 2013
8 Export
The Functions menu > NFS disk

The Functions menu

In this section:
• NFS disk (page 468)
• FTP server (page 469)
• Tape (page 470)
• Get Device Info (page 472)
• Playback (page 472) Figure 8-6
• Copy (page 475)
• Reinit Export (page 476)

NFS disk
This setup window allows you to specify the IP address of each external
disk attached to the system, and the directory to which to save your
SEGD files. /mnt/raid /mnt/raid

Figure 8-7

After connecting an external disk, you have enter the IP address of that
disk on the local network, enter the directory path to which to save your
SEGD files on that disk, and then click on the Mount button.
The following IP addresses are allowed:

468 428XL User’s Manual Vol. 1

April 11, 2013
The Functions menu > FTP server

The Mount (Unmount) button attaches (detaches) the specified remote

directory to (from) the file hierarchy of the server computer at a mount
point automatically determined by the system.

Note Prior to removing a disk, click on the associated Unmount

button. Disks cannot be unmounted while a file is being written.

Local network (172.27.128.x.)

Observer NAS

428XL server


Figure 8-8

See also Exporting to a virtual NAS (page 487).

FTP server
To export your SEGD files to an FTP server attached to the local
network, you must choose the “FTP Server” option as “Export Mode”
in the Install window.
Selecting FTP from the Functions menu opens a secondary window
with the following parameters:

Figure 8-9

• In the Login and Password fields, enter the log-in name and
password (the user account) that the FTP user will use to connect to
the FTP server. By default, the user account is userftp (with userftp
as Password). This assumes that the same user account is created on
the FTP server machine.

428XL User’s Manual Vol. 1 469

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8 Export
The Functions menu > Tape

• In the Address field, specify an IP address (172.27.128.xx) for the

machine on which FTP server software (e. g. FileZilla supplied on the
SERCEL CD-ROM) is installed. For example, you can use
• In the Remote directory field, enter the name of the directory to
which the records will be saved on the FTP server machine.

Local network (172.27.128.x.)

FTP user

428XL server
GUI FileZilla

Figure 8-10

Selecting Tape from the Functions menu opens a secondary window
with a list box prompting the tape drives that are ready (i. e. visible to
the system, with a cartridge inserted). After choosing a tape drive (by
clicking on it in the list box), you can use the commands available from
the option button. (Click on Go to launch the command).


Figure 8-11

This function causes a second End of File to be written after the latest
one. (An EOF is automatically written at the end of each record). The

470 428XL User’s Manual Vol. 1

April 11, 2013
The Functions menu > Tape

second EOF is usually interpreted as the end of the tape. This resets the
“File Count” to 0.

Note Two EOF’s in succession are automatically recorded when the

end of tape is sensed in the course of a record or when the file
count reaches the “Files per Tape” count. If simultaneous
recording on two tape drives is selected (see Auto functions
menu) then a double EOF is written on both tape drives.

Tape drives are normally locked by the 428XL application, meaning
that they are not available to any other application. The Release
command allows you to choose a tape drive and release it so that it can
be used by another application, e. g. if you want to use the Copy Media
utility (See 428XL User’s Manual Vol. 3).
When you want to use the tape drive again, choose Reinit Export from
the Commands menu.
Sends a Rewind command to one or more tape drives.

Sends an Unload command to one or more tape drives.

(End Of Media). Used to go to the last filemark.

428XL User’s Manual Vol. 1 471

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8 Export
The Functions menu > Get Device Info

Get Device Info

Figure 8-12

This function is used to display detailed status information about the

available recording media.
Simply click in the list box to select the device to view and then click

Figure 8-13

Selecting Playback from the Functions menu opens a dialog box that
allows you to read an SEGD file from the record device you choose in
the “Source Devices” list box (prompting the list of devices reported
ready), and view it on the plotter or the QC tool, or both, depending on
what you choose with the “Target Devices” buttons.

472 428XL User’s Manual Vol. 1

April 11, 2013
The Functions menu > Playback

Playback from an NFS disk

Figure 8-14

1. If any NFS disk is “mounted”, it appears in the list box. Choose

the device from which to read by clicking on it in the list box.
2. Use the Browse button to open the folder containing the file you
want to read and select it.
3. Click Go.
The record number of the file you are reading is displayed in the NFS
activity log view.

Playback from a tape drive

1. If you are using a tape drive, it appears in the list box if it is visible
to the system and a cartridge is inserted in it. Click in the list box
to choose the tape drive from which to read.


Figure 8-15

2. Choose a read option from option button:

- Last Record: used for a playback of the preceding record. The
tape will be wound back then forward so as to find a header with

428XL User’s Manual Vol. 1 473

April 11, 2013
8 Export
The Functions menu > Playback

a Record Number matching the Record Number of the latest file

recorded. Playback will start as soon as the expected header is
encountered. You can also use this function to position the tape
at the end of the latest record.
- Next Record: used for a playback of the next record. Whatever
the position of the tape, the tape drive will perform a forward
search for the next record header and start the playback as soon
as a header is encountered.
- Forward: the record to be played back is assumed to be located
AFTER the current position on the tape. You have to specify the
desired record number in the “Sequential File Nb” field. The
tape drive will perform a forward search for the header of the
specified record. When the header is encountered, the tape drive
will wind back the tape into the gap preceding the header and
restart forward, to read the header again, and perform playback.
- Backward: the record to be played back is assumed to be located
AHEAD OF the current position on the tape. You have to specify
the desired record number in the “Sequential File Nb” field. The
recorder will perform a backward search for the header of the
specified record, then, when the header is encountered, perform
- Sequential File Nb: if you want to use the Forward or
Backward read option, use this field to specify which file to
read from the tape.

Note The header cannot be read backward. Instead, on each EOF

encountered during the backward search, the next header is read
forward, and the backward search continues until the desired
header is encountered.
3. Click OK.
The record number of the file you are reading is displayed in the Tape
activity log view.

474 428XL User’s Manual Vol. 1

April 11, 2013
The Functions menu > Copy

The Copy function allows you to copy an SEGD file from a disk (not
from the SEGD repository) to another disk or to a tape drive. This
function is dimmed and not available unless and until you go to
If any NFS disk is “mounted” and/or any tape is loaded, it appears in the
“Available Devices” list box.
1. Choose the device from which to read by clicking on it in the
Available Devices list box, and then move it to the Source list
box by clicking on the right pointing arrow button under that list
2. Likewise, select the device to which to write and then move it to
the Target list box.

Use arrow button
to move

Figure 8-16

3. Use the Browse button to open the folder containing the file you
want to copy and select it.
4. Click Go.
The record number of the file you are reading is displayed in the
relevant activity log view.

428XL User’s Manual Vol. 1 475

April 11, 2013
8 Export
The Functions menu > Reinit Export

Reinit Export
In the event of a problem on the SCSI bus or on the network, you can
enable exports again by using Reinit Export, rather than doing “Off
Line/On Line” in the Config window.
If you power up a tape drive after booting up the server computer, or in
the event of fatal error on the SCSI bus, use this command to reset the
SCSI bus.
Also, you have to use Reinit Export when you want to enable exports
to a tape drive again after it has been released for another application
(see Release on page 471).
If you are using an FTP server, you can use Reinit Export to see if the
system successfully connects to it.

476 428XL User’s Manual Vol. 1

April 11, 2013
Recorder activity logs >

Recorder activity logs

The 428XL recording activity is visible in three types of log views.
• In the “Operation” main window, the information logged from the
shots completed is displayed in real time in the “Operation Report”
view while the SEGD file is written to the SEGD repository.
• In the “Export” main window, the log view for each type of export
target displays the information logged while writing to the export
target in real time. See the description of each field below.
• In the “Log” main window, the “Observer Log” view lets you select
some or all of the fields from Operation logs and Export logs, and
build an observer report that you can print and/or export to another
The View menu in the Export window allows you to open a separate
view for each type of export target (Tape, NFS server, FTP server),
showing a table in which the activity of the export process is logged.

Figure 8-17 NFS export log view

428XL User’s Manual Vol. 1 477

April 11, 2013
8 Export
Recorder activity logs >

Figure 8-18 FTP export log view

Figure 8-19 Tape export log view

Swath Id
Identification number of the swath (parameter from the Operation
window). Depending on your Backup Settings (page 95) in the
Configuration window, a subdirectory can be created for each swath in
the SEGD file repository used for temporary storage.

Device Id
Identification number assigned by the Export process to the export

Julian Day
(NFS and FTP export reports only). Depending on your Backup Settings
(page 95) in the Configuration window, a subdirectory can be created
for each Julian Day in the SEGD file repository used for temporary

File #
Identification number of each SEGD file written to the removable disk,
or FTP server, or tape. This field can also display the number of a file
you are playing back.

478 428XL User’s Manual Vol. 1

April 11, 2013
Recorder activity logs >

Tape #
(Tape drive and NFS export reports only). Identification number of the
tape currently used, automatically incremented on writing the first file
after the “File Count” is reset to 0. If you are exporting to NFS disks,
the Tape number is still updated so that files can easily be copied to a
tape at a later date.
If two tape drives or two NFS disks are used simultaneously, two report
rows (one for each export target) are displayed for each SEGD file.

File Count
(Tape drive and NFS export reports only). Number of SEGD files
written to or read from the current tape. This number is automatically
reset to 0 when a double EOF is recorded to a tape (manually or when
the “File Count” matches your “Files per Tape” setting) or when a blank
cartridge is loaded. See The Tape Setup menu (page 465).

Device Name 8
(NFS and FTP export reports only). Automatically determined by the
system. If you are using NFS disks, that is the disk identification
number entered by the user when configuring the NFS disk. See 428XL
Installation Manual.

Server Name
(NFS and FTP export reports only). IP address of the NFS disk or FTP
server machine, entered using the The Functions menu (page 468).

Remote Folder
(NFS and FTP export reports only). Directory to which SEGD files are
exported, on the FTP server or NFS disks, entered using the The
Functions menu (page 468).

428XL User’s Manual Vol. 1 479

April 11, 2013
8 Export
Recorder activity logs >

File Name
(NFS and FTP export reports only). Automatically created by the
system with the “File number” and “segd” as extension.

Time of writing to the removable disk, or FTP server, or tape.

Indicates whether or not the SEGD file was recorded successfully.

Error Text
If an error occurred when recording the SEGD file, this field contains
the error message generated by export target.

SCSI address
(Tape Drive reports only). SCSI address entered by the user on the tape

Tape Label
(Tape Drive reports only). From The Tape Setup menu (page 465).

Files per Tape

(Tape Drive reports only). From The Tape Setup menu (page 465).

Write Retries
(Tape Drive reports only). Number of attempts to write the specified

Trace Blocking
(Tape Drive reports only). From The Tape Setup menu (page 465).

480 428XL User’s Manual Vol. 1

April 11, 2013
Exporting to NAS disks >

Exporting to NAS disks

Below is the typical procedure for exporting shots from a single swath
to a NAS. To export to multiple disks, see Exporting to a virtual NAS
(page 487).
1. In the Install window, set the maximum number of NFS servers
and select the type.

Figure 8-20

2. In the Export window:

- In the (NFS) Disk function window, enter the NAS disk IP
address and click the Mount button. As result, the /mnt/raid
partition of the NAS is automatically attached to the 8
/tmp/diskN (where N may be from 00 to 20) partition on the
428XL server computer. /mnt/raid

Figure 8-21

- In the Tape Setup window, create a Tape Set with a large enough
range of tape numbers to record all the production files.

1 1 1000 1 150
1 1 1000 1 150

Figure 8-22

428XL User’s Manual Vol. 1 481

April 11, 2013
8 Export
Exporting to NAS disks >

3. In the Config window,

- In the Swath setup, create a Swath Number and assigns the Tape
Set (e. g. Tape Set 1) to that swath. Set the initial File Number.



Figure 8-23

- In the Disk Record setup, choose the Standard mode (this will
save production files to /var/dump/normal and test files to

Figure 8-24

4. In the Export window, switch to Auto. Choose the disk you want
to export to, and use the Browse button to select which Dump
directory to export from (select /var/dump).

Disk#1 /var/dump

Figure 8-25

482 428XL User’s Manual Vol. 1

April 11, 2013
Exporting to NAS disks >

As a result of the above settings, all production files and test files will
be recorded automatically to the NAS (production files will be recorded
to /mnt/raid/normal/<tapeNb>/<fileNb> and test files to
If you want to shoot multiple swaths, you can export them concurrently
to distinct directories on the NAS as follows:
1. Use The Tape Setup menu (page 465) to create a distinct “Tape
Set” (set of tape numbers) for each swath.
2. In the Config window:
- In the Swath setup, select which “Tape Set” to associate with
which “Swath”.
- In the Record Disk setup, choose the Advanced mode and the
Swath name option.
3. Go to Auto in the Export window and select /var/dump as Dump
directory. See the example in Figure 8-29 on page 485.

Export mechanism
In the illustrations below, magenta is used to indicate what is populated
by Config, blue to indicate what is populated by the Export process.

Disk Record

jConfig jExport

Figure 8-26

428XL User’s Manual Vol. 1 483

April 11, 2013
8 Export
Exporting to NAS disks >

Single-swath shots
In the two examples below, the “Standard” Disk Record mode is
selected, in the Config window, which is well suited for recording shots
from a single swath. In “Standard” mode, production files are saved to
“/var/dump/normal”, and test files to “/var/dump/test”.
Figure 8-27 shows what is recorded on the NAS if the operator selects
the /var/dump directory when going to “Auto” in the Export window
(the whole /var/dump directory is exported).

Disk Record Selected:

Setup: Standard /var/dump

jConfig jExport

Figure 8-27 Exporting a single swath from /var/dump

Figure 8-28 shows what is recorded on the NAS if the operator selects
the /var/dump/normal directory when going to “Auto” in the Export
window (only production files are exported).

Disk Record Selected:

Setup: Standard /var/dump/normal

jConfig jExport

Figure 8-28 Exporting a single swath from /var/dump/normal

484 428XL User’s Manual Vol. 1

April 11, 2013
Exporting to NAS disks >

Multi-swath shots
In the two examples below, the “Advanced” Disk Record mode is
selected in the Config window, which is well suited for recording shots
from multiple swaths. In “Advanced” mode, choosing the Swath Name
option creates a subdirectory for each swath.
Figure 8-29 shows what is recorded on the NAS if the operator selects
the /var/dump directory when going to “Auto” in the Export window.
This allows exporting two swaths concurrently and also test shots (i. e.
the whole /var/dump directory). The operator does not need to switch
between the different swath subdirectories created on the server.

Disk Record Selected:

Setup: Advanced /var/dump

jConfig jExport

Figure 8-29 Exporting two swaths from /var/dump

Figure 8-30 shows what is recorded on the NAS if the operator selects
the /var/dump/swath1 directory when going to “Auto” in the Export
window. (Only swath1 is exported).

Disk Record Selected:

Setup: Advanced /var/dump/swath1

jConfig jExport

Figure 8-30 Exporting from /var/dump/swath1

428XL User’s Manual Vol. 1 485

April 11, 2013
8 Export
Exporting to NAS disks > Copying exported files

Copying exported files

So long as the disk is attached to the local network, you can copy your
SEGD files to a tape by going to OFF Line in the Config window and
then using the CopyMedia utility (see 428XL User’s Manual Vol. 3), or
using the Copy (page 475) function menu.
After the NAS system is removed, you can connect it to an Ethernet port
on a UNIX workstation and mount the exported (/mnt/raid) directory
at the workstation’s mount point, using the command:
mount <Host name or IP address>:/mnt/raid /<mount point>.
To copy your SEGD files from the NAS system to a tape, you can also
use the Copy+ software tool available from SERCEL on a computer
running on Linux or a personal computer running on WindowsTM,
equipped with an SCSI port. After connecting the NAS system to the
Ethernet port of the computer, you have to specify its IP address (e. g. by doing the following:

Linux host computer

On a computer running on Linux:
• Create an “intellique0” (or intellique1) directory in the tmp
• Under the root account, type the following command in a Terminal
/bin/mount -t nfs -o hard /tmp/intellique0

Windows host computer

On a PC running on Windows:
• Choose Map Network Drive from the Tools menu in the Windows
• Specify the IP address of the NAS disk.
For details, see: “Peripherals” in 428XL Installation Manual and
“Utilities” in User’s Manual Vol. 3.

486 428XL User’s Manual Vol. 1

April 11, 2013
Exporting to a virtual NAS > Overview

Exporting to a virtual NAS

In this section:
• Overview (page 487)
• Virtual NAS Setup (page 488)
• NFS mount function (page 490)
• Auto/Manual (page 491)

In a high channel count survey, to achieve the necessary recording
speed for real-time acquisition, you can group two or more NAS4000
units into a “Virtual NAS”.

Virtual NAS #1

File Num.

Vitual tape File Num.

File Num 2
sw1/tape1/Num.1 5
sw1/tape1/Num.2 8
sw1/tape1/Num.3 11
sw1/tape1/Num.4 etc.
sw1/tape1/Num.6 File Num.
sw1/tape1/Num.7 3
sw1/tape1/Num.8 6
sw1/tape1/Num.9 9
sw1/tape1/Num.10 12
sw1/tape1/Num.11 etc.

Figure 8-31

Those NAS4000 units that are part of a Virtual NAS are used in a round-
robin manner to record shot files with the same tape number. If any
member in the Virtual NAS becomes unavailable (e. g. because it gets

428XL User’s Manual Vol. 1 487

April 11, 2013
8 Export
Exporting to a virtual NAS > Virtual NAS Setup

full), the jExport process automatically elects to write the next file to the
next available member in that Virtual NAS.

Virtual NAS Setup

To open the Virtual NAS setup, select Virtual NAS from the Setup

Figure 8-32 Virtual NAS setup

To enter a NAS4000 into a “Virtual NAS”, click in the Disk Label field
and select a Disk number for this NAS4000, then click Add. (To remove
a disk from the Virtual NAS, select it in the list box and click Delete).
Note that each disk number can be associated with only one virtual
To create a new Virtual NAS, click on Add Virtual NAS. This creates
a new tab, and the lowest formerly unused virtual NAS number is
automatically assigned to the new Virtual NAS. (To delete a Virtual
NAS, click Delete Virtual NAS). Note that you cannot create more
than 10 virtual NAS’s.

488 428XL User’s Manual Vol. 1

April 11, 2013
Exporting to a virtual NAS > Virtual NAS Setup

Figure 8-33

Your changes are not saved until you click Apply. So long as you do not
click Apply, you can restore the previous settings by clicking Reset.
You are not allowed to make any changes to the Virtual NAS setup
unless you switch to Manual in the main window.
Note that the Virtual NAS setup is only available if you select the
NAS4000 type of NFS server in the jIntall Export mode setup. Also,
you must set the Max number of NFS Servers as appropriate.
Whenever you change this maximum number, the Virtual NAS setup is
cleared, and the IP addresses in the NFS mount function (page 490)
dialogue box are cleared too.

Figure 8-34 jInstall setup

428XL User’s Manual Vol. 1 489

April 11, 2013
8 Export
Exporting to a virtual NAS > NFS mount function

NFS mount function

To specify the IP address of each NAS4000 attached to the system, and
the directory to which to save your SEGD files, select Disk NFS from
the Functions menu.

Figure 8-35

This setup window automatically adjusts itself so as to prompt as many

(up to 20) Mount buttons as specified by the Max number of NFS
Servers setting in jInstall.

Virtual NAS status indicator

In the main window, each virtual NAS created in the Virtual NAS setup
window has a status indicator, much like any other NFS disk.

Figure 8-36

The status may be one of these:

• Ready (orange), meaning that one at least of the NAS4000 units
making up the Virtual NAS is mounted.
• Selected (green), meaning that one at least of the NAS4000 units
making up the Virtual NAS is “write selected”.

490 428XL User’s Manual Vol. 1

April 11, 2013
Exporting to a virtual NAS > Auto/Manual

• Not ready (red), meaning that none of the NAS4000 units making up
the Virtual NAS is mounted.


Figure 8-37

All virtual NAS’s that are ready and all NFS disks mounted appear in
the Devices List box. You can select two of them, and click Go, to
export SEGD files to these two devices simultaneously:
• You can select one Virtual NAS and one NFS disk, unless this NFS
disk is part of the selected Virtual NAS.
• You cannot select more than one Virtual NAS.
To mount or unmount disks, go to Manual. and select the NFS mount
function (page 490).

428XL User’s Manual Vol. 1 491

April 11, 2013
8 Export
Working with tape drives >

Working with tape drives

Cartridge insertion
If cartridge insertion fails on a 3490E (MPTAPE Cypress, ECHO,
XCERTA) drive, do the following:
• Go to OFF mode, using the buttons on the tape drive.
• Insert the new tape.
• Wait a little while (until all processes on the tape drive are
completed), then go back to ON mode.

End of tape detection

On a 3490E (MPTAPE Cypress, ECHO, XCERTA) drive, if the
observer attempts to record more than the tape nominal capacity, the
drive fails to diagnose properly the end of tape. No error is issued, thus
allowing record to continue but files are unreadable.
The “Files per Tape” must always be computed in accordance with tape
capacity to avoid this situation.

492 428XL User’s Manual Vol. 1

April 11, 2013
Disk space monitoring >

Disk space monitoring

The Disk Monitoring command available from the View menu
displays information on the used space in partitions in the storage
volume. The disk space information is not only available to the operator
but also used by each process to alert the operator if storage space is
running out.

Figure 8-38 Disk monitoring view

Disk space information is displayed graphically with a bar-graph

(normally green, orange if the used space is reaching a critical size, red
if space is running out) and in numeric form (used space percentage).
The alert thresholds for each partition you want to monitor are
adjustable by selecting Disk Monitoring from the Setup menu.

Figure 8-39 Disk monitoring setup

Monitoring a partition means the used space in that partition is tested

periodically and the operator is alerted if space is running out. The

428XL User’s Manual Vol. 1 493

April 11, 2013
8 Export
Disk space monitoring >

Partition Setup window is used to specify which partitions should be

monitored, and set the refresh rate and alert parameters for each of
By default, three important partitions are monitored (you cannot delete
them from the list of monitored partitions):
• .../workspace/result (partition for results to display in GUI views);
• /var/tmp (partition used for storing log files);
• /var/dump (partition or “mount point” used as SEGD file repository).
You can monitor any other partition mounted (e. g. a removable disk)
by specifying its name (e. g. /var/rmdisk) in the Partition field and
clicking Add.
The Name field allows you to give it a self-explanatory name.
For each partition monitored, the “Warning level (%)” and “Critical
level (%)” fields allow you to adjust the used space percentage that will
cause the bargraph to go orange (for an early warning) or red (for a state
of emergency). For example, to set the red alert level for the /var/tmp
partition to 80%, do the following:
- Click on the /var/tmp row in the list box.
- Type 80 in the “Critical level (%)” field.
- Click “Change”, then “Apply”.
The “Period” button allows you to specify the refresh rate of the test for
used space in each partition. For the three partitions that are monitored
by default, you cannot change the test period. (Because used space in
those partitions depends on the acquisition length, the test period
defaults to the acquisition length).
The Visible button associated with each partition allows you to enable
or disable monitoring (except for the three partitions that are
systematically monitored).

494 428XL User’s Manual Vol. 1

April 11, 2013

9 VE464

This chapter includes the following sections:

• The main window (page 496)

• The Vibrator Crew setup (page 498)
• The Basic Type setup (page 501)
• The Acquisition Type setup (page 518)
• The Radio Management setup (page 522)
• The QC Limit setup (page 529)
• The Sweep Management setup (page 530)
• The Pattern setup window (page 532)
• Functions (page 536)
• Normal acquisition (page 558)
• Statistics views (page 566)

428XL User’s Manual Vol. 1 495

April 11, 2013
9 VE464
The main window >

The main window

The VE464 window is only available if you choose the “VE464”
Vibrator type (page 72) option in the Install window.

To open the VE464 main window, click on this icon in the

launcher bar.
This main window serves as the Graphic User Interface for a VE464
vibrator controller (VE464 DPG). For an introduction to the VE464
system and details on what it is able to do, how it works, how to deploy
it, see the VE464 User’s manual.

Setup toolbar
Function toolbar
Click to show

Click to close view

Figure 9-1

The View menu and the associated toolbar allow you to customize the
main window by choosing one or more views to display. Then you can
resize your display panes by dragging the desired border.
You can show or hide columns in tables by right-clicking in any column
heading and selecting Customize (see Figure 2-25).
The Setups menu and the associated toolbar allow you to customize
sweep signals, set parameters for vibrator fleets and adjust QC

496 428XL User’s Manual Vol. 1

April 11, 2013
The main window >

The Functions menu and the associated toolbar provide local controls
to be used outside of seismic acquisition periods to adjust the
parameters of vibrator DSDs.

428XL User’s Manual Vol. 1 497

April 11, 2013
9 VE464
The Vibrator Crew setup >

The Vibrator Crew setup

Figure 9-2

The Vibrator Crew setup dialog box is used to describe a seismic crew
by creating the list of vibrators available in that crew, that is the list of
vibrator electronics (DSDs) to be controlled by the recorder’s GUI, and
creating the list of vibrator groups (fleets) to build.
To save the description of the crew, click Apply. This updates the status
bar under the function buttons in the main window: an indicator appears
for each DSD incorporated in a fleet, associated with the identification
number of the vibrator (e. g. V1, V2, etc.). The indicator is blank until
you run the Fleet function.
Clicking Apply also clears all the vibrators lists in the dialog boxes that
will open when you click some of the function buttons (Set DSD, Get
DSD, etc.)
As a result, you have to run the Fleet function to update the vibrators
Clicking Reset instead of Apply reverts to the former settings.

Crew Nb
This field is used to enter the crew identification number (1 to 4).
A “DPG” can address only one crew. The crew identification number is
used to preclude any interference with other crews working nearby.

498 428XL User’s Manual Vol. 1

April 11, 2013
The Vibrator Crew setup >

This field is used to specify the identification number (1 to 32) of each
vibrator (i. e. DSD) that the GUI’s VE464 main window has to control.

DSD Type
This option button allows you to choose between two options for each
DSD in the list box:
• “Vibrator”, that is the standard option, to be selected if the DSD is
used to control a vibrator;
• “Slave”, if the DSD is used to control a slave recording system (i. e.
if it is used as a DPG). Using a Master/Slave configuration makes it
possible to record more traces without increasing the number of
vibrators, or to use two recording systems at two distinct places. The
Slave DSD is used in place of a DPG to control the slave recorder: it
generates a Time Break for the slave recorder to start the seismic
acquisition and also a reference pilot signal synchronous with the
Time Break. It does not control any vibrator.
For more details, see the VE464 DPG User’s Manual.
Fleet Id
This field is used to specify the identification number (1 to 32) of each
vibrator group to build.

Radio Nb
Because two TracsTDMA or Raveon radio boxes can be attached to the
DPG, you have to specify which one to use for communications with the
DSDs included in this fleet, by entering either “1” or “2” in this field.
The “Enable TDMA Tracking Mode” option from the right-click menu
in the jPositioning window will show the DSDs associated with
TDMA #1 in blue, and those associated with TDMA #2 in orange.

428XL User’s Manual Vol. 1 499

April 11, 2013
9 VE464
The Vibrator Crew setup >

DSD Network
This button is used to specify whether a “DSD network” is implemented
and enable the Navigation-driven shooting (page 309) mode. The “DSD
network” allows each DSD in a fleet to communicate with the fleet’s
leader via an Ethernet wireless datalink. As a result, when all the DSDs
in the fleet are ready for the next sweep, the fleet's leader is able to
supply the DPG with a “Ready” message containing the geographical
position of the Centre Of Gravity of the fleet, referred to as “Source
COG”. This allows the system to select the Source Point automatically
in the Operation window and display it in the Positioning main window.
Also, as only the “Leader” vibrator needs a time slot to transmit
messages from the whole fleet to the DPG, the capacity of the TDMA
datalink is used more efficiently, allowing a faster refresh rate to be
achieved. See VE464 User’s Manual.

500 428XL User’s Manual Vol. 1

April 11, 2013
The Basic Type setup > Overview

The Basic Type setup

In this section:
• Overview (page 501)
• Linear (page 503)
• dB/Hz Log, Tn and dB/Octave Log (page 504)
• Random (page 509)
• Custom (page 510)
• Dedicated (page 512)
• Pulse (page 513)
• Delay (page 514)
• Compound (page 515)
• The Deboost option (page 516)
• The “Numeric Pilot” option (page 516)
• Generating a Basic Type setup (page 517)
To open the Basic Type setup window, select “Basic Type” from
the Setups menu. Creating a “Basic Type” is the process of
describing a basic signal to be used:
- by the DSDs to generate sweeps for the vibroseismic source
(vibrator control signal),
- and/or by the DPG to generate up to 32 digital (or two analog)
“Pilots” to be used as reference signals for correlation
You can create up to 32 different Basic Types, which can be combined
using the Compound option.
Below are the allowable ranges for the entry fields that may appear in
the Basic Type setup window.
428XL User’s Manual Vol. 1 501
April 11, 2013
9 VE464
The Basic Type setup > Overview

Start Taper 0 to 32000 ms.

End Taper 0 to 32000 ms.
The start and end tapers are used to reduce the side lobes appearing in
the correlation function of the sine wave or pulse. (The ratio of the peak
amplitude to the side lobes is a measure of the quality of the correlation
Initial Phase -180° to +180°.
Amplitude 0 to 100%.
Length 1 to 64 s (only for Random, Custom and Delay type
Ti 2 to 16 values from 0 to 64000 ms (T1 must be 0).
Tj 2 to 16 values from 0 to 64000 ms (T1 must be 0).
Ai 2 to 16 values from -40.00 to +40.00 dB.
Aj 2 to 16 values from 0 to 100%.
Fi 2 to 16 values from 1 to 300 Hz in increasing order
of frequency.
Frequency 1 to 300 Hz (only for Pulse type).

Each basic signal type can be composed of up to 16 segments (32 for

the “dB/Hz Log” and “dB/Octave Log” basic signals).
For details on each basic signal, see below.
See also The “Numeric Pilot” option (page 516).

502 428XL User’s Manual Vol. 1

April 11, 2013
The Basic Type setup > Linear

You define a Linear-type signal through an analytic description. At the
signal start and end times, and possibly at particular times in between,
you have to specify:
• the signal frequency (Hz),
• the signal amplitude (% of requested drive level).


Figure 9-3

The Frequency variation vs. time is linear within each frequency

segment. Frequency segments are defined as follows:
• The first Ti,Fi pair (T1,F1) specifies the initial frequency hence:
T1 = 0 sec., F1 = initial frequency.
• The second Ti,Fi pair specifies the end time of the first segment (T2)
and the signal frequency at this time is F2, etc.
You must define at least two Ti,Fi pairs (i.e. one frequency segment).
Amplitude segments are defined as follows:
• The first Tj,Aj pair (T1,A1) specifies the initial amplitude, hence:
T1 = 0 sec., A1 = initial amplitude.

428XL User’s Manual Vol. 1 503

April 11, 2013
9 VE464
The Basic Type setup > dB/Hz Log, Tn and dB/Octave Log

• The second Tj,Aj pair specifies the end time of the first segment (T2)
and the signal amplitude at this time is A2, etc.
Within each amplitude segment, the amplitude variation vs. time is
The last Tj determines the total signal length. You must define at least
two Tj,Aj pairs (i.e. one amplitude segment).
Ti and Tj may be different both in number and value but the last Ti and
the last Tj must be the same value.

Note See also page 501.

dB/Hz Log, Tn and dB/Octave Log

Note For non-linear sweeps, the slope in dB is the spectrum slope
before correlation, that is assuming the slope of the power
spectrum is NdB (N being the slope value programmed in the
Basic Type setup), the spectrum of autocorrelation will have a
2  NdB slope.

dB/Hz Log
You define a LOG-type signal through a spectral description, by
- the amplitude (dB) of two or more frequency lines in the signal
- the signal amplitude (% of requested drive level) at the start and
end times and possibly at particular times in between.
The Frequency variation vs. time is logarithmic within each
frequency segment. This signal type is used to compensate for the non-
linear response of the ground (HF damping).

504 428XL User’s Manual Vol. 1

April 11, 2013
The Basic Type setup > dB/Hz Log, Tn and dB/Octave Log


Figure 9-4

Each Fi,Ai pair defines a spectrum line at frequency Fi with amplitude

Ai. Fi,Ai pairs are listed in the increasing order of frequency. You must
define at least two spectrum lines. You can specify up to 32 frequency
Amplitude segments are defined as follows:
• The first Tj,Aj pair (T1,A1) specifies the initial amplitude, hence:
T1 = 0 sec., A1 = initial amplitude.
• The second Tj,Aj pair specifies the end time of the first segment (T2)
and the signal amplitude at this time is A2, etc.
Within each amplitude segment, the amplitude variation is linear.
You must define at least two Tj,Aj pairs (i.e. one amplitude segment).
The last Tj determines the total signal length. You can specify up to 32
amplitude segments.

428XL User’s Manual Vol. 1 505

April 11, 2013
9 VE464
The Basic Type setup > dB/Hz Log, Tn and dB/Octave Log

The Frequency is expressed as:

Fe  Fb  t 1 
Fi (t )  Fb   log1   (  1) 
 1   T SegRa 
log 
 SegRa 
• SegRa = Sb/Se = 10(-Ra/10)
• Sb = Slope at the start of the log segment.
• Se = Slope at the end of the log segment.
• Fb = Start frequency.
• Fe = End frequency.
• T = Te-Tb = Basic signal length.
• Rarepresents the attenuation (in dB) within the signal spectrum.

Delta dB values

Fi (Hz) Ai (dB)
8 5
80 10

Ra= 10 - 5 = 5
SegRa = 0.316

Note Choose the Deboost option if the signal is to be used for

Deboost-type processing. See The Deboost option (page 516).
See also page 501.

506 428XL User’s Manual Vol. 1

April 11, 2013
The Basic Type setup > dB/Hz Log, Tn and dB/Octave Log

dB/Octave Log

Frequency Signal
lines amplitude

Figure 9-5

The Ti,Fi fields are used to specify the frequency at the start time and
at the end time (two Ti,Fi pairs are required). A single frequency
segment is allowed.
The Tj,Aj fields are used to specify the amplitude (% of requested drive
level) at the start time, at the end time and, if required, at particular
times in between (at least two Tj,Aj pairs are required). The last Tj
determines the total signal length. You can specify up to 32 amplitude
The “Slope dB/Octave” field is used to specify the slope in dB/oct of the
signal spectrum (“SdB” in the expression below).
The Frequency is expressed as:

n = ---------- + 1
n t n n n
Fi  t  = Fb + ---   Fe – Fb 

428XL User’s Manual Vol. 1 507

April 11, 2013
9 VE464
The Basic Type setup > dB/Hz Log, Tn and dB/Octave Log

Same as dB/Hz Log type (with no Deboost option), except for the
frequency variation which is exponential rather than logarithmic.

lines Signal

Figure 9-6

The Frequency is expressed as:

 Fe 
log 
n  Fb 
 Fe 
log   logSegRa 
 Fb 
 1  1 1 
Fi (t )   Fb n   Fe n  Fb n 

 T  
  

508 428XL User’s Manual Vol. 1

April 11, 2013
The Basic Type setup > Random


Figure 9-7

The “Random” basic signal type allows you to take sweeps that do not
generate resonant frequencies (e. g. the resonant frequencies of
buildings) and also allows two or more vibration sources to be used
simultaneously with minimum interference. The “Random” type
generates a Pseudorandom noise signal based on one of the four
different polynomial sequences selectable from the “Polynomial”
option button:
• 65spoly1: first polynomial with 65535-ms sequence length
• 65spoly2: second polynomial with 65535-ms sequence length
• 8spoly1: first polynomial with 8191-ms sequence length
• 8spoly2: second polynomial with 8191-ms sequence length
The two 8-second polynomial options should only be used with
listening times less than 8 seconds. The polynomial sequences have
been appropriately designed for minimum cross-correlation residual.

428XL User’s Manual Vol. 1 509

April 11, 2013
9 VE464
The Basic Type setup > Custom

You define a Random-type basic signal by specifying:

• the polynomial option,
• the amplitude (dB) of two or more frequency lines in the spectrum,
• the signal length (duration), and start and end tapers.
Frequency segments should be defined as follows:
- The first Fi,Ai pair specifies the initial frequency (F1) and the
initial amplitude (A1). F1 must be 5, 7, 10, 14 or 20 Hz.
- The second Fi,Ai pair specifies the frequency (F2) and the
amplitude (A2) of the signal at the end of the first segment, etc.
You must define at least two Fi,Ai pairs (i.e. one frequency

Note Choose the Deboost option if the signal is to be used for

Deboost-type processing.
See also The Deboost option (page 516).

The Ve464 allows you to define a large variety of different sweeps
(Linear, Logarithmic, TN, Pulse, Random, Compound). You may
however need to use special (Custom) sweeps other than those pre-
determined by the VE464. To create a Custom sweep, you have to use
a tool of your own to create an ASCII text file containing all the samples
required to depict the signal.
For the GUI to be able to select a Custom sweep, you not only have to
load it to DSDs (see the VE464 User’s Manual to do that) and to the
DPG (see Update Custom on page 548), but you also have to use this
setup window to create a list of your Custom sweeps.

510 428XL User’s Manual Vol. 1

April 11, 2013
The Basic Type setup > Custom

Figure 9-8

The Custom Id field is used to enter the identifier name of the custom
sweep file that is or will be stored in the DPG and in the DSDs. (For
your custom sweep file to be interpretable by the VE464, it must include
an “Identifier” tag with a name behind that tag).
Unless that file is present in the DPG’s memory when you launch the
Set DSD function to upload sweep parameters to the DSDs, a warning
will appear to remind you that you must load that file with the Update
Custom (page 548) function.
The signal length is displayed for your information, in the Length field
(this may be helpful if you plan to use this signal in a “Compound”
sweep). After entering an identification number (and possibly a label),
click Add to save the Custom sweep identifier to the list.

428XL User’s Manual Vol. 1 511

April 11, 2013
9 VE464
The Basic Type setup > Dedicated

You may want to program the VE464 specifically, not to have all the
vibrators doing the same sweep. This Setup window allows you to
choose a sweep type for the DPG and different sweep types for DSDs.

Figure 9-9

First you have to use one of the other tabs (Linear, Log, etc.) to create
as many Basic Signal Types as required. Then click on the Dedicated
tab and do the following:
• In the “DPG Basic Type Nb” field, enter the Basic Type Number of
the signal you want the DPG to generate.
• For each DSD in the source, the “DSD Nb” field is used to specify
the position number of the vibrator in the source pattern, which
should not be mistaken for the DSD identification number. For
example, enter “1” if this is the first vibrator in the pattern. See The
Pattern setup window (page 532). In the “Basic Type Nb” field, enter
the Basic Type Number of the signal you want the DSD to generate.
Click the Add button associated with the upper list box, and do the
same until each DSD in the source pattern has the appropriate Basic
Type Number in the list box.
• To save your settings, click the Add button (or Change, as required)
associated with lower list box.

512 428XL User’s Manual Vol. 1

April 11, 2013
The Basic Type setup > Pulse

Note You do not need to change your Dedicated Setup settings if you
replace any vibrator with a spare one (this Setup window is
affected by changes in the source pattern, not by changes in




Time (ms)
0 100 200 300 400 500 600 700 800 900 1000

Figure 9-10

Two parameters are needed to define a pulse-type signal:

- a frequency (F) that determines the pulse width (T) as:
T = 1/F
- an amplitude (% of requested drive level).
A 1-second signal is generated, with the pulse peak centred at
0.5 second.

428XL User’s Manual Vol. 1 513

April 11, 2013
9 VE464
The Basic Type setup > Delay

A Pulse-type signal is needed for two purposes:

• Checking the polarity of the devices in the system.
• In operation, pulse reflection from shallow layers of the ground.


Figure 9-11

The “Delay” basic signal type uses a single entry field (Length,
allowable range 1 to 64 s).
If you wish to delay any basic signal, specify the desired delay time in
the “Length” field. In the lower pane, enter a new number and label and
click Add then Apply. Then use the “Compound” tab to create a new
basic type including that delay. See Compound (page 515).

514 428XL User’s Manual Vol. 1

April 11, 2013
The Basic Type setup > Compound


Figure 9-12

The “Compound” basic signal type allows you to create a basic sweep
signal composed of a combination of two or more basic types. You just
have to enter the number of each of those basic types needed into the
Basic Type field and click Add in the upper pane. In the lower pane,
enter a new number and label and click Add then Apply.
You can use this option to define a signal including a delay time: create
a delay type with the desired delay length, using the Delay option, then
insert it where you would like it to appear in the “Compound” sweep.
The total length should not exceed 64 seconds.

Note The signals will be generated in the order determined in the list

428XL User’s Manual Vol. 1 515

April 11, 2013
9 VE464
The Basic Type setup > The Deboost option

The Deboost option

If you choose the Deboost option for Log or Random type signals, the
428XL will make the necessary computation for the frequency
spectrum shape of the output signals to be the same as that of a linear

Figure 9-13

Note Whether or not the Deboost option is enabled, the VE464

generates the same sweep. This option does not affect the
behaviour of the VE464.

The “Numeric Pilot” option

When the system supplies the basic sweep table to the DPG (a table
containing the description of the basic sweep signals to generate) the
DPG calculates the required numeric values for reference samples. It
can save them as “Numeric Pilots” to files on the recorder’s server
computer so that the recorder can use the samples from those files
where correlation of the seismic data with the pilot signal is requested.
Therefore the system does not need to record any analog pilot on the
auxiliary line (analog pilots are used however if the DPG is attached to
a recording system other than a 428XL).
For each basic signal type you create, you have to tick or untick the
Numeric Pilot option to specify whether or not that signal must be
saved as “Numeric Pilot” so that it can be used as reference in
correlation processes.
In the SEGD file, auxiliary traces containing a “Numeric Pilot” are
distinguished from analog auxiliary signals by Trace Header Extension
block #6 (Byte 1 is set to 0x20). See User’s Manual Vol. 2.
You cannot use the “Numeric Pilot” option with a 0.25-ms Sample Rate.

516 428XL User’s Manual Vol. 1

April 11, 2013
The Basic Type setup > Generating a Basic Type setup

Generating a Basic Type setup

The “Basic Type” setup window allows you to define up to 32 different
basic signal types.
1. Click on the appropriate tab, depending on which mathematical
function you wish to use.
2. In the upper pane, set the parameters as required.
3. In the lower pane:
- The list box shows the list of basic signals already defined, if
- The “Number“ field is used to enter or display a basic signal type
number. Example: “25” refers to basic signal #25 (“bas25” in the
list box).
- The “Label“ field is used to enter or display a more user-friendly
label for the basic signal type. The default label refers to the
mathematical function selected for the basic signal.
- The basic signal # displayed in the “Number” field and defined
with the selections made in the upper pane is added into the list
box when you click the Add button (unless it is already defined). 9
If you double-click any basic type in the list box, then its characteristics
appear in the upper pane. To make changes, click it in the list box, make
the desired changes and click Change or Delete. Clicking Apply saves
your changes.
Any changes to the Basic Type currently used will not be effective until
you use the “Set DSD“ function to initialize the DSDs.

428XL User’s Manual Vol. 1 517

April 11, 2013
9 VE464
The Acquisition Type setup >

The Acquisition Type setup

1 1 1 2
1 1 1 2
1 3 3 4

Figure 9-14

The “Acquisition Type” setup supplies the following information to the

DSDs in a vibrator fleet:
- For each Acquisition Type, the upper pane contains the attributes
of each fleet to use, specifying which sweep signal the DSDs
must generate (two or more fleets can shake simultaneously, not
generating the same sweep signal). Also, for each fleet, you can
choose two signals as “Numeric” pilots to be available for
recording as auxiliary traces, and available as reference signal
for a correlation processing of seismic channels.
- In the lower pane is the list of Acquisition Types created, with
two job options for each of them (baseplate automatic lift, and
synchronization with a 50 or 60 Hz signal);

Acquisition Type & Label

The Acquisition Type field is used to enter an identification number
(1 to 32) for the Acquisition Type. You will need that identification
number when you create a “Process Type” in the “Operation” window
(see The Process Type setup on page 256).
The Label field is used to enter a label (up to 16 ASCII characters) for
the Acquisition Type. A default label is prompted by the system (acq
type #) but you can enter a more user-friendly one.

518 428XL User’s Manual Vol. 1

April 11, 2013
The Acquisition Type setup >

Note A noise elimination Threshold Type (modulo 16) is

automatically associated with each Acquisition Type:
Threshold Type 1 <=> Acq Type 1
Threshold Type 2 <=> Acq Type 2
... ...
Threshold Type 16 <=> Acq Type 16
Threshold Type 1 <=> Acq Type 17
... ...
Threshold Type 16 <=> Acq Type 32

Fleet Number
This field is used to specify the identification number of the fleet to
associate with this Acquisition Type, to be selected from those created
in the The Vibrator Crew setup (page 498). If you want to control two or
more fleets simultaneously, create a row for each of them in the lower
list box.

Basic Type Nb
This field tells the DSDs which sweep signal to generate. Enter one of
the Basic Type numbers created using The Basic Type setup on
page 501).

Correl with
This field allows you to choose a signal (by entering one of the Basic
Type numbers created using The Basic Type setup on page 501) to be
associated as digital pilot with this fleet. As a result, if the keyword
correlWith appears in the description of an auxiliary trace (Figure 6-13
on page 261) or correlation of seismic channels (Figure 6-17 on
page 265), then the system will automatically replace the keyword by
this signal where appropriate.

428XL User’s Manual Vol. 1 519

April 11, 2013
9 VE464
The Acquisition Type setup >

This also causes the selected signal to be available on the DPG’s Analog
Pilots connector (only intended for other recording systems than the

Add (additional) Pilot

This field allows you to choose an additional signal (by entering one of
the Basic Type numbers created using The Basic Type setup on
page 501) to be associated as digital pilot with this fleet. As a result, if
the keyword addPilot appears in the description of an auxiliary trace
(Figure 6-13 on page 261) or correlation of seismic channels (Figure 6-
17 on page 265), then the system will automatically replace the keyword
by this signal where appropriate.
This also causes the selected signal to be available on the DPG’s Analog
Pilots connector (only intended for other recording systems than the

Auto Lift
Select this option if you wish the vibrator baseplate to automatically lift
at the end of the sweep depicted by the acquisition type. The baseplate
will not lift automatically, however, unless and until the Auto Lift
button on the DSD is activated too.

High Line Sync

The High Line Sync function is used to remove the noise radiated by
nearby power lines, by means of the following technique:
- The system generates a 50 or 60 Hz signal, depending on which
option you choose.
- The sweeps are ALTERNATIVELY triggered on the positive-
going and then on the negative-going transitions of the 50 or
60 Hz signal.
- With an even number of sweeps, any high line noise picked up
by the receivers is theoretically removed through the stacking

520 428XL User’s Manual Vol. 1

April 11, 2013
The Acquisition Type setup >

Note High Line synchronization is irrelevant for a pseudo-random

By clicking on the option button, you can choose between three options:
• Free: no synchronization;
• 50 Hz: the system generates a 50 Hz signal, and the T0 time is
alternately synchronized on the low-to-high and then on the
high-to-low transition of that signal;
• 60 Hz: the system generates a 60 Hz signal, and the T0 time is
alternately synchronized on the low-to-high and then on the
high-to-low transition of that signal.

To create a new acquisition type, enter its number in the Acquisition

Type field, select the desired options and signals, and then click Add.
To make changes, click it in the list box, make the desired changes and
click Change or Delete as required.
To save the current list of acquisition types, click Apply. (To revert to
the former list, click Reset instead).

428XL User’s Manual Vol. 1 521

April 11, 2013
9 VE464
The Radio Management setup > TDMA

The Radio Management setup

In this section:
• TDMA (page 522)
• TracsTDMA (page 523)
• Raveon (page 526)
• Analog radio (page 528)

The Time Division Multiple Access (TDMA) channel access method
allows several users to share the same frequency channel by dividing
the signal into different time-slots. The DPG and the DSDs transmit in
rapid succession, one after the other, each using its own time-slot. This
allows the DSDs to share the same radio frequency channel while using
only the part of its bandwidth they require. As a result, unlike with a
conventional radio which may delay messages by a few seconds, if
TDMA is used the messages between the DPG and all the DSDs are
virtually simultaneous.
From the Type Of Radio dropdown list, choose TracsTDMA or
Raveon, depending on which type of radio you want to use for
communications between the DPG and the DSDs.
If you are reading this manual on-line, you can calculate the impact of
of radio parameters on the FO-to-TB delay by clicking this link:
TracsTDMA or Raveon.

522 428XL User’s Manual Vol. 1

April 11, 2013
The Radio Management setup > TracsTDMA


Figure 9-15 TracsTDMA setup

• GPS Correction:
- No correction: straight GPS is used.
- Diff Uncompressed: Choose this option if you want a
TracsTDMA box to broadcast Differential GPS data (RTCM or
RTK), which requires a higher data rate, depending on the GPS
receiver used. This causes the system to automatically allocate
the necessary time slots to DGPS data. You have to specify the
required “Correction rate” (see below). For details, see the 9
VE464 manual.
- Correction rate: number of bits per second for the GPS
correction broadcast (200 to 2000 bits/s). The minimum required
depends on the type of GPS corrections (RTCM, RTK, etc.) and
on the type of receiver. Unless the Correction Rate is set to be at
least equal to the minimum required, the differential corrections
may fail to work.
Typical values are 200 bits/s for conventional differential
corrections and 1600 bits/s for RTK.
If you are reading this manual on-line, you can calculate the
necessary TracsTDMA time slots by clicking here.
• Nb Of Tracs: used to specify the number of TracsTDMA systems
attached to the DPG. Typically, a single TracsTDMA system is

428XL User’s Manual Vol. 1 523

April 11, 2013
9 VE464
The Radio Management setup > TracsTDMA

required, but you may want to use a second one for a higher
recurrence rate of each DSD’s message.
• Tracs power: used to set the output power of the TracsTDMA box
(10 mW, 500 mW, 2 W, 10 W). Typically, the output power is set to
10 W.
• Channel: used to select the Channel number (1 to 9) to use on the
TracsTDMA system, depending on which channels are available (to
create a frequency channel on the TracsTDMA box itself, see the
VE464 manual). If two TracsTDMA boxes are attached to the DPG,
choose a different channel for each.
• Baud rate: this option button allows you to set the Baud rate for the
TDMA datalink on the TracsTDMA box or boxes attached to the
The Baud rate options for the TDMA datalink range from 4800 to
14400. The default setting is 12000. You can change this setting but
it is important to consider the impact of your changes and remember
the Baud rate must be the same on all TracsTDMA boxes (on the
DPG and all DSDs).
See “What is the impact of a higher or lower baud rate?” in the VE464
If you are reading this manual on-line, you can calculate the
necessary TracsTDMA time slots by clicking here.
• Base Id: in the “Base Id 1” field, enter the identification number (001
to 254) of the TracsTDMA box attached to the DPG. (To set the
identification number on the TracsTDMA box itself, see the VE464
If a second TracsTDMA is attached to the DPG, enter its
identification number into the “Base Id 2” field. It is for the user to
ensure the ID number of each TracsTDMA box within the crew is
• Tracking: choose this option if you want DSD positions to be
available from the DB25 “Data” connector on the TracsTDMA box

524 428XL User’s Manual Vol. 1

April 11, 2013
The Radio Management setup > TracsTDMA

attached to the DPG. This option causes the TracsTDMA system to

automatically allocate a time slot to conveying a DSD’s position
towards the DPG. For details, see “Vehicle Tracking” in the VE464
Note that regardless of whether or not this option is selected, DSD
positions are displayed in the Positioning window.
• Repeater: to increase the radio range, you may want to use a
TracsTDMA repeater (rather than decrease the baud rate). Choose
None if no repeater is used on this TracsTDMA channel, otherwise
select the appropriate type of repeater:
- A Single-Frequency repeater uses the same frequency channel
as the TracsTDMA box (therefore a complete cycle for the
transmission of all DSD messages requires twice as many time
- A Dual-Frequency repeater uses another frequency channel for
relaying the DSD messages and so takes up only two extra time
slots. With the “no scan” option, each DSD must be set
manually to talk to the DPG or the repeater, and the “Vibrator
Fleet” function must be used whenever that setting is changed.
With the “scan” option, each DSD scans for the strongest radio
signal and automatically chooses to talk to the DPG or to the
repeater with no need to use the “Vibrator Fleet” function. For
details, see the VE464 manual.
• GPS Base Position: the GPS Base Position button opens a
secondary setup window that lets you enter the coordinates of the
GPS antenna if the TracsTDMA box is used as DGPS reference

428XL User’s Manual Vol. 1 525

April 11, 2013
9 VE464
The Radio Management setup > Raveon

Figure 9-16

- Latitude: degrees (2 digits), minutes (2 digits), seconds (2

digits), fractional part of second, with a minus sign if South.
- Longitude: degrees (3 digits), minutes (2 digits), seconds (2
digits), fractional part of second, with a minus sign if West.
- Elevation: altitude + geoidal separation (metres).
Different messages may appear as you click on Go (see the VE464
User’s Manual).


Figure 9-17 Raveon setup

• GPS Correction: tick this option if you want to broadcast RTCM or

RTK Differential GPS corrections through the Raveon box. This
causes the system to automatically allocate the necessary time slots
to the Differential GPS data. You have to specify the required
“Correction rate” (see below). For details, see the VE464 manual.

526 428XL User’s Manual Vol. 1

April 11, 2013
The Radio Management setup > Raveon

• Correction rate: number of bits per second for the GPS correction
broadcast (200 to 2000 bits/s). The minimum required depends on the
type of GPS corrections (Differential, RTK, etc.) and on the type of
receiver. Unless the Correction Rate is set to be at least equal to the
minimum required, the differential corrections may fail to work.
Typical values are 500 bits/s for conventional differential corrections
and 1000 bits/s for RTK.
If you are reading this manual on-line, you can calculate the
necessary time-slots by clicking here.
• Nb Of Raveon: used to specify the number of Raveon boxes attached
to the DPG. Typically, a single Raveon box is required, but you may
want to use a second one for a higher recurrence rate of each DSD’s
• Power Tx(%): used to set the output power of the Raveon box (100%
stands for 5 W).
• Channel: used to select the Channel number (1 to 6) to use on the
Raveon radio, depending on which channels are available (to create a
frequency channel on the Raveon box itself, see the VE464 manual).
If two Raveon boxes are attached to the DPG, choose a different 9
channel for each.
• Baud rate: this option button allows you to set the Baud rate for the
airlink on the Raveon box or boxes attached to the DPG.
Two Baud rate options are available: 4800 and 9600. The default
setting is 9600. You can change this setting but it is important to
consider the impact of your changes and remember the Baud rate
must be the same on all Raveon boxes (on the DPG and all DSDs).
See “What is the impact of a higher or lower baud rate?” in the VE464
If you are reading this manual on-line, you can calculate the
necessary time-slots by clicking here.
• Repeater: to increase the radio range, you may want to use a Raveon
repeater (rather than decrease the baud rate). In that case, click the

428XL User’s Manual Vol. 1 527

April 11, 2013
9 VE464
The Radio Management setup > Analog radio

Repeater option, and if you want to allow repeaters to be cascaded,

use the Repeater Levels dropdown list to select the desired
maximum number of repeater levels (1 if no cascading).
Different messages may appear as you click on Go (see the VE464
User’s Manual).

Analog radio
Choose Analog from the Type Of Radio button if a conventional
analog radio is used for communications between the DPG and the

Figure 9-18

This setup window allows you to set the transmission power level of the
radio units remotely.
• The Radio Level is adjustable from 3% (min) to 100% (max).
• Radio Transmission Delay: set as required, depending on the radio
model used (see VE464 User’s Manual).
If you are reading this manual on-line, you can calculate the impact of
of radio parameters on the FO-to-TB delay by clicking this link:

528 428XL User’s Manual Vol. 1

April 11, 2013
The QC Limit setup >

The QC Limit setup

Figure 9-19

This dialog box allows you to set alert thresholds for some of the
Quality Control data supplied to the GUI by the DSDs. Any threshold
being overridden will cause the QC data of the DSD to be displayed in
orange in the main window.
• Average Phase Error: Maximum limit (0 to 45 degrees).
• Maximum Phase Error: Maximum limit (0 to 45 degrees).
• Average Distortion: Maximum limit (0 to 50%).
• Maximum Distortion: Maximum limit (0 to 80%).
• Average Ground Force: Minimum limit (0 to 100%).
To save and enable your changes, click Apply. (To revert to the former
settings, click Reset instead).

428XL User’s Manual Vol. 1 529

April 11, 2013
9 VE464
The Sweep Management setup >

The Sweep Management setup

Figure 9-20

To save and enable your changes, click Apply. (To revert to the former
settings, click Reset instead).

Number of T0
Increasing this parameter will increase the delay time between the
Firing Order and the Time Break. See the Sweep Start Timing Diagram
in the VE464 User’s Manual.

In the event of difficult radio transmission conditions (important

interference or jamming), increasing the number of T0 data words
transmitted may give the DSDs a better chance to receive them. The
down side is a possible waste of time as this increases the time delay
between the FO and the TB.
If you are reading this manual on-line, you can calculate the impact of
the number of T0 data words on the FO-to-TB delay by clicking either
of these links, depending on which type of radio is used: Tracs TDMA
or Raveon or Analog.

Data Computation Domain

(“Time” or “Frequency”) This option button is used to specify whether
the DPG should output the vibrator QC data in the Time domain (phase
error, distortion, ground force) or in the Frequency domain (phase
error, ground force).
530 428XL User’s Manual Vol. 1
April 11, 2013
The Sweep Management setup >

Extended QC
If you select this option, QC data can be viewed in real time (i. e. with
Auto activated), using the Get QC function. The average QC results
computed over a complete acquisition are still available.
• If the “Time” domain is selected, the QC is data computed every
0.5 second.
• If the “Frequency” domain is selected, the QC is data computed
every 2.5 Hz.
(If you do not select the Extended QC option, the Extended QC data is
still computed but it cannot be viewed during acquisitions).

Get DSD Status

This option button allows you to choose the moment when each DSD
should transmit its status to the DPG.
With TDMA datalinks, the recommended setting for this option is
“During the sweep”, because this is typically the fastest method (the
DSD will transmit its status during the next sweep rather than in the
interval between two successive sweeps). In the event of difficult radio
transmission conditions (important interference or jamming), you can
try the “At end of sweep” option (this causes each DSD to transmit its
status only in the interval between sweeps, but this may be the fastest
method if too many retries are required).
With analog radio links, the “At end of sweep” option lets you see the
status from each DSD earlier. The “During the sweep” option allows
you to have shorter intervals between sweeps (the system does not have
to wait until the status from each DSD is received).

428XL User’s Manual Vol. 1 531

April 11, 2013
9 VE464
The Pattern setup window >

The Pattern setup window

The pattern setup window allows you to define the geometry of a
Vibrator Point, by specifying the position of each vibrator with respect
to the Centre Of Gravity of the source point. The pattern description is
required for the Guidance function.

Graphic view of Planned

pattern source COG

p2 p1
Drag to adjust
Vib position
p3 p4
Pattern type Number of vibrators
identification in pattern

Numeric description
of pattern

1 0.5 0.5
2 -0.5 0.5
3 -0.5 -0.5
or Feet
4 0.5 -0.5

Figure 9-21

To generate a pattern description, do the following:

1. Use the “Pattern Nb” option button to choose an identification
number for the type of pattern.
2. Use the “Nb of Vib” option button to specify the number of
vibrators in the pattern.
3. Adjust the position of each vibrator in the pattern as required, by
dragging the vibrator point in the graphic view or specifying the
appropriate “delta X” and “delta Y” offset with respect to the
532 428XL User’s Manual Vol. 1
April 11, 2013
The Pattern setup window >

planned COG, in metres or feet (you can select whichever you like
from the “Unit” button).
4. Set the rotation and source line parameters:
• Pattern rotation: (dddmmss.ss) use this field to rotate the pattern as
required. (The vertical axis of the pattern in the graphic view always
points to the true North).
Pattern Pattern
VP geometry
Setup Rotation
True North

p4 VPn
True North p3
p2 p4
(0450000.00) 45°
p1 VPn+1

p1 -60° p1

-60° p4 p4

p2 VPn p2 VPn+1

p3 p3


p2 p3
45° p1
45° VPn+1
p1 p4


Figure 9-22

• Stack distance: distance to the next shake location within a stacked

VP, for each vibrator (i. e. source station spacing).

428XL User’s Manual Vol. 1 533

April 11, 2013
9 VE464
The Pattern setup window >

Stack distance: 12 m , Stacking fold: 3



12 m 12 m

Figure 9-23

With an even stacking fold, the VP is located midway (half the stack
distance) between the two centremost source stations as shown

Stack distance: 12 m , Stacking fold: 4



12 m 6m 6m 12 m

Figure 9-24

• Stack Source Line Bearing: Bearing of the direction in which to

steer each vibrator to its next shake location within a stacked VP.
See the examples below.

534 428XL User’s Manual Vol. 1

April 11, 2013
The Pattern setup window >

Pattern Rotation: 45°, Stack Source Line Bearing: 90°, Stack distance: 12 m , Stack fold: 2

True North 90°

p4 p4
p3 Source
p3 VPn Line
p2 45° p2
p1 p1
p4 p4
12 m
p3 VPn+1 p3
distance p2 p2
p1 p1

Figure 9-25

Pattern Rotation: -60°, Stack Source Line Bearing: 45°, Stack distance: 12 m , Stack fold: 2

True North
p1 p2
-60° VPn+1

p4 9



45° p4

p1 p3




Figure 9-26

428XL User’s Manual Vol. 1 535

April 11, 2013
9 VE464
Functions > Auto/Manual

In this section:
• Auto/Manual (page 536)
• Vibrator Fleet (page 537)
• Local Acquisition (page 552)
• Set DSD (page 541)
• Get DSD (page 543)
• Ready (page 550)
• Set Servo (page 545)
• Update Custom (page 548)
• Set Config (page 553)
• Set Guidance (page 554)
• Get Similarities (page 555)
• Update Version (page 557)


Figure 9-27

Clicking Manual isolates the DPG from the 428XL and enables its
local functions (e.g. local acquisition). As a result:
• data acquisition in vibroseismic operations is suspended until the
DPG is reset to Auto.
• the traffic light of the DPG in the 428XL Activity window turns red.

536 428XL User’s Manual Vol. 1

April 11, 2013
Functions > Vibrator Fleet

Clicking Auto connects the DPG to the 428XL (and checks the DSD
Setup parameters) allowing it to perform data acquisition (if the VE464
window is ready, with consistent parameter settings, and if the Vib Fleet
function has been completed). With Auto activated, DPG local
functions are inhibited; the traffic light of the DPG in the 428XL
Activity window is green during sweeps, orange otherwise.

Vibrator Fleet
A crew may consist of up to 32 groups of DSDs referred to
as “fleets” (one fleet for each vibratory source). The Fleet
function is used to specify which DSDs each fleet includes.
Clicking the Fleet button opens a dialog box with a list box for each
fleet in the crew. (To specify which fleets are to be used in the crew, see
The Vibrator Crew setup on page 498).
Note that if you are using a TracsTDMA radio repeater between the
DPG and DSDs, with the “Dual-Frequency, no scan” option you may
have to change the Frequency channel setting on a DSD, as the source
moves. In that case you have to use the Fleet function each time you
change the Frequency channel manually.
• You must have used the Setup menu's Crew command to create a
crew (a list of DSDs) and describe the fleets to use.
• Unless already done, click the Manual button in the control panel to
isolate the DPG from the recording unit. Note that if you do not want
to go to “Manual”, for example because you do not want to stop
production, only vibrator replacement within existing fleets is
allowed. See About the Update button (page 539) for details.
• All the DSDs you want to address must be in the Remote state (press
the “Remote” key on the DSD).
• You cannot use the Fleet function or button (i. e. it is dimmed) until
the DPG is connected to the computer and powered up
(communication between the two must be established).

428XL User’s Manual Vol. 1 537

April 11, 2013
9 VE464
Functions > Vibrator Fleet

Building your vibrator fleets


DSD Id Radio box used Position in

Number Pattern

Figure 9-28

The left-hand list box (DSDs) prompts the list of DSDs available to the
crew but not assigned to any fleet yet. Using the right arrow button (or
the usual Drag and Drop method), move the vibrators you want to
incorporate into a fleet from the left-hand list box to the desired fleet’s
list box.
The first vibrator (DSD) you enter into a fleet’s list box is assigned to
Position 1 in each source pattern, the second to Position 2, etc. In the
above example, Vibrator No. 3 is assigned to Position 2 in each pattern,
Vibrator No. 2 is assigned to Position 1. See The Pattern setup window
(page 532).
If you want to implement a wireless “DSD network”, you have to
specify which DSD is the Leader in the fleet. Double-clicking on any
DSD in the list enables or disables the use of the Ready button on this
DSD, and also determines which vibrator is the Leader. (An “R”
appears after the DSD number and position of the leader in the list box,
meaning that the use of the Ready button on this DSD is enabled).
Pushing the Ready button on any DSD is of no effect unless the button
is enabled in the Fleet window.
After selecting (highlighting) the desired DSDs in each fleet's list box,
clicking Go will update the status bar displayed under the function
buttons in the main window: a flag appears ahead of each vibrators fleet
in the status bar.

538 428XL User’s Manual Vol. 1

April 11, 2013
Functions > Vibrator Fleet

The vibrator status bar in the

The green colour means the main window is updated
vibrator is ready to be used in
remote control mode

Figure 9-29

• Those vibrators which are ready in each fleet are shown in green.
• If parameters need to be updated in any DSD, this DSD is shown in
blue and the message “DSD#.. Wrong setup DSD table” appears.
(Use the Set DSD function to load the parameters).
• If the Installation or Initialization routine needs to be performed on a
DSD, this DSD is shown in red.
• If any DSD fails to respond, it remains colourless (and it is shown in
regular rather than boldface characters in the Vib Fleet dialogue box).

About the Update button

Whether in “Auto” or “Manual” mode, the Update button at the foot of
the Fleet window allows appending, removing, or replacing one or more
vibrators without affecting the other fleets. You do not have to click Go
(anyway, in “Auto” mode the Go button is dimmed).
Note that The Vibrator Crew setup (page 498) determines which
TracsTDMA or Raveon box is used by which fleet, and only the Fleet
function (clicking on Go rather than Update) determines how many
TDMA time-slots are required for communications with the DSDs in
each fleet. Therefore the Update button works as follows, for each
TracsTDMA or Raveon box:
• You cannot use “Update” to increase how many fleets (each including
one or more vibrators) are controlled by a TracsTDMA or Raveon
box, nor to increase the total number of vibrators used in the whole
set of fleets controlled by that TracsTDMA or Raveon box. For
example, assuming you have 5 fleets and the Fleet function assigns 2
428XL User’s Manual Vol. 1 539
April 11, 2013
9 VE464
Functions > Vibrator Fleet

of them (each including one or more vibrators) to Tracs1 (or

Raveon1), and the other 3 to Tracs2 (or Raveon2). If, for any reason,
you want to swap Tracs1 (or Raveon1) for Tracs2 (or Raveon2), you
cannot use “Update” to do that, since Tracs1 (or Raveon1) is set to
control only 2 fleets.
• “Update” can only be used to replace one or more vibrators (whether
or not the fleet is complete), or to add/remove one or more vibrators
if the fleet is incomplete. The vibrators that respond to the Update
function are shown in bold characters in the list box for the fleet (like
after a click on Go).
• A fleet cannot be used for any acquisition unless and until it is
complete (that is, all the vibrators in the list should appear in bold
characters). Only those fleets in which all DSDs have responded (all
shown in bold characters) are visible to other functions such as
Set DSD, Set Servo, Get DSD, Get QC, etc. There is no way of
using these functions on any DSD that is part of a fleet in which one
or more DSDs failed to respond to the Update (or Fleet) function.

Advantages of using the Update function in “Auto” mode

To increase productivity, you can use the Update button in “Auto”
mode (rather than go to “Manual” and click on Go to launch the Fleet
function), for example:
• to replace a vibrator by a spare one without stopping production;
• or to begin production even though some fleets are not ready yet.
For example, assuming you launch the Fleet function in order to use
four fleets and this reveals only three are complete, you may well want
to begin production, and then you will use Update to include the fourth
fleet when it is ready, provided all DSD parameters are set properly
(remember in Auto mode you are not allowed to use such functions as
Set DSD, Set Servo, etc.).
Another example is illustrated below: Figure 9-30 shows the list box for
each fleet after clicking on Go (all DSDs in bold characters, except
DSD 6 which failed to respond).

540 428XL User’s Manual Vol. 1

April 11, 2013
Functions > Set DSD

DSD 7 DSD 1 p1 DSD 3 p1 DSD 5 p1

DSD 8 DSD 2 p2 DSD 4 p2 DSD 6 p2

Figure 9-30

In the above example:

• The maximum number of fleets that can be controlled by Tracs1 is 3
(rather than 4). Therefore, you cannot use Update to assign any DSD
to Fleet4 unless and until two DSDs are removed from another fleet.
• The maximum number of DSDs that can be used is 6 (rather than 5),
but if no change is made, only fleets #1 and #2 can be used (i. e. only
DSDs #1, #2, #3 and #4).
• The Update button can, for example, be used to:
- update Fleet3 to try again DSD 6, or replace it by another
(unused) DSD, for example DSD 7;
- or update Fleet3 to remove DSD 5 and DSD 6 from it, and then
update Fleet4 to assign two DSDs to it (#7 and #8, or #5 and #6).

This function is used to upload sweep-type parameters from
the DPG to the DSDs you specify. It also uploads the
description of the source pattern.
The sweep parameters are read from the table containing all the
acquisition types (ACQ#) defined in the VE464 window. They are
required in the DSDs for generating the corresponding vibratory
sources. The Set DSD function allows you to have consistent
parameters in all the DSDs to be used for a sweep. Those DSDs which
have inconsistent parameters are shown in blue in the main window's
status bar.

428XL User’s Manual Vol. 1 541

April 11, 2013
9 VE464
Functions > Set DSD

Unless already done, click the Manual button in the control panel to
isolate the DPG from the recording unit.
You cannot launch this function until the Vibrator Fleet (page 537)
function has been used.

How to use the “Set DSD” function

1. Click the Set DSD pushbutton in the control panel. A dialog box
appears with a list box showing all the DSDs that responded to the
Vibrator Fleet function.

The green colour means

the DPG and DSD
acquisitions are matching

Figure 9-31

2. In the list box, select (by clicking) the vibrators you wish to load
parameters to.
3. Click the Go button.

Note With a customized basic signal (Custom option in Basic Type

setup), errors may appear at this stage as the Set DSD function
checks for consistent parameters from the custom file.

542 428XL User’s Manual Vol. 1

April 11, 2013
Functions > Get DSD

This function is used to import and view vibrator parameters
(software version, results from Installation and Identification
routines, etc.) from one or more DSDs you specify.

Unless already done, click the Manual button in the control panel to
isolate the DPG from the recording unit. You cannot launch this
function until the Vibrator Fleet (page 537) function has been used.

How to use the “Get DSD” function

1. Click the Get DSD button. A dialog box appears with a list box
showing the DSDs that responded to the Vibrator Fleet function.

Figure 9-32

2. In the list box, choose (by clicking) the vibrators you wish to get
parameters from.
3. Select the type of units you wish to use to display the results:
Metric (kg, daN, etc.) Imperial (lb, lbf, etc.).
4. Click the Go button.
After all the data from the DSDs have been collected they are viewed in
a table so that comparisons between DSDs can be made easily.

DSD parameters
Running the Get DSD function opens a view pane displaying the
following vibrator parameters from each selected DSD:

428XL User’s Manual Vol. 1 543

April 11, 2013
9 VE464
Functions > Get DSD

Table 9-1 DSD parameters

Parameter Description
Serial# Serial number.
Version Firmware version.
Host Id
Sample rate
Filter Type For archived vibrator motion signals.
Line Filter Used
Reaction Mass 100 to 32767 kg.
Baseplate 1 100 to 32767 kg.
Baseplate 2 100 to 32767 kg.
Hold Down Weight 1000 to 327670 daN.
Hydraulic Force 1000 to 327670 daN.
Mass Polarity Polarity (depending on the wiring)
Valve Polarity of the Reaction Mass, Servo Valve, Torque Motor.
Torque Polarity
Mass Back Gain - Gain of the Mass LVDT and
Valve Back Gain - Valve LVDT (Linear Variable Differential Transformer).
Mass offset - Reaction mass LVDT offset.
Valve offset - Main Valve LVDT offset.
Torque offset - Torque motor current.
Mass Rated Stroke - Active region of LVDT stroke, in percent.
Last Ident
Ident. name
Sweep1 Ident. Results from the two sweeps that were used for the identification
Sweep1 Result process.
Sweep2 Ident.
Sweep2 Result
Servo Gain - Static gain of pilot valve.
Servo Cut Freq. - Pilot valve cut-off frequency.
Servo Damping - Pilot valve damping coefficient.
Oil Compres.
Oil Viscosity
Oil Leakage - Value of leakage between the two chambers of the reaction mass.
Spool Gain - Main valve static gain.
Exit. Ponderation - Gain weighting in the servo control loop.
Min Gv - Minimum Ground Viscosity.
Servo Mode - Servo control type (Filtered or Raw).
Auto Level - Auto Level use.
High Drive - Amplitude level (0 to 100%) for the DSD's DRIVE "H" key.
Low Drive - Amplitude level (0 to 100%) for the DSD's DRIVE "L" key.
Min High Drive - If Auto Level = Yes, Minimum high drive level, in percent.
Min Low Drive - If Auto Level = Yes, Minimum low drive level, in percent.
Pressure Switch - Pressure switch use.
Dither - Mass control signal during idle periods of time.
Analog Radio Level - Transmission power if a traditional radio is used.
GPS Status

544 428XL User’s Manual Vol. 1

April 11, 2013
Functions > Set Servo

Table 9-1 DSD parameters (Continued)

Parameter Description
Radio Id - TracsTDMA or Raveon identification number.
Radio Serial Nb - TracsTDMA or Raveon serial number.
Power (W) - TracsTDMA or Raveon transmission power.
Radio Frequency #1
Radio Frequency #2
Radio Frequency #3
Radio Frequency #4
Radio Frequency #5 Frequency of each TracsTDMA or Raveon channel
Radio Frequency #6
Radio Frequency #7
Radio Frequency #8
Radio Frequency #9
Raveon Rssi Level
Mass Sensor
Plate1 Sensor Status of accelerometers after installation
Plate2 Sensor

Set Servo

This function allows you to set the parameters used in each vibrator's
servo control loop. Clicking Go will set the servo control loop
parameters of all the vibrators you select (highlight) in the list box.

Figure 9-33

Unless already done, click Manual in the control panel to isolate the
DPG from the recording unit.
428XL User’s Manual Vol. 1 545
April 11, 2013
9 VE464
Functions > Set Servo

You cannot launch this function until the Vibrator Fleet (page 537)
function has been used.

Servo Input
This option button determines what to use as input to the servo control:
either the estimated states from the Kalman filter (“Filtered” option) or
raw measurements of baseplate and mass accelerations (“Raw” option).
• Filtered: using this option allows the system to discard non-coherent
measurements on any sensor (baseplate acc., mass acc., valve or mass
LVDTs). Remember that the QC and the usual way of testing the
equipment with external devices always involve the force derived
from raw acceleration measurements. Therefore, in the presence of
vibrator imperfections (e.g. mass rocking & baseplate flexure) a raw
QC can exhibit larger errors than the real performance of the servo
• Raw: with this option, servo control and QC are homogeneous but
the system cannot benefit from the capability of discarding incorrect
measurements. This option is of no effect on a random sweep.

Auto Level
This button allows you to enable or disable the Auto Level function. If
you enable the Auto Level function, then you must specify lower limits
for both High and Low drive levels.
DSDs using the Auto Level function operate as follows:
• The Drive level is decreased for the next sweep if an overload
condition is detected. However the drive level cannot go below the
values of Min High Drive and Min Low Drive.
• The Drive level is increased for the next sweep if no overload
condition is detected. However the drive level cannot exceed the
values of High Drive Level and Low Drive Level.
DSDs not using the Auto Level function will operate only within the
limits of “High Drive Level” and “Low Drive Level”.

546 428XL User’s Manual Vol. 1

April 11, 2013
Functions > Set Servo

Low Drive Level

Lower amplitude, in percent, of drive level. The scale is adjustable from
0 to 100% in 1% steps.
Requirements: Low Drive Level < High Drive Level.

High Drive Level

Upper amplitude, in percent, of drive level. The scale is adjustable from
0 to 100% in 1% steps.

Min Low Drive

This scale appears only if Auto Level is selected.
Low limit of Low Drive Level, in percent. The scale is adjustable from
0 to 100% in 1% steps.
Requirements: Min Low Drive < Low Drive Level.

Min High Drive

This scale appears only if Auto Level is selected.
Low limit of High Drive Level, in percent. The scale is adjustable from
0 to 100% in 1% steps.
Requirements: Min High Drive < High Drive level.

Lift Up Delay
Time interval between the end of a sweep and the moment when a
vibrator's pad will lift if Auto Lift is enabled. Adjustable from 0 to
99 seconds.
If no delay is required, set the Lift Up Delay to 0.

If you choose this option, then the delay for each vibrator in the fleet to
lift up its pad is variable from 0 to the value selected in the Lift Up
Delay field, meaning that not any two vibrators will lift up their pads at

428XL User’s Manual Vol. 1 547

April 11, 2013
9 VE464
Functions > Update Custom

the same time. Not having vibrators lifting up their pads at the same
time results in less noise being generated —and recorded.

Update Custom
This opens a window allowing you to display the list of Custom sweeps
stored in the DPG, and to update that list (you can delete some files and/
or add new ones). You can store a total Custom sweep length of up to
392 seconds (20 files max.) into the DPG. Note that this is a theoretical
allowable length and the actual available size may be lower as a result
of the internal organization of the Flash memory.
To see if the DPG’s memory contains any Custom files, click the Get
button (the Update command is dimmed until you click Get).

List of custom
sweep files
available for you to
load to the DPG

Figure 9-34

For each Custom sweep file found in the DPG’s memory, the list box
displays the “Identifier” field, the “Comment” field and the signal
length (seconds).

Removing a Custom sweep file

If you want to delete any file from the DPG’s memory, click on it in the
lower list box and then click the Delete button. This only removes it
from the list. The file is not deleted until you click Update.
Clicking Erase will delete all Custom files from the DPG’s memory (if
you confirm your choice in the warning box that shows up).

548 428XL User’s Manual Vol. 1

April 11, 2013
Functions > Update Custom

Adding a Custom sweep file

To load a Custom sweep file, do the following:
1. From the Medium option button, choose either “From USB” (if
the file to load is located on a USB stick connected to the DPG),
of “From directory” if the file is stored on the client computer’s
- If you are loading from a USB stick (to be plugged in the DPG’s
USB port), the file to load must be located in its root folder.
- Otherwise, use the Browse button to open the folder containing
the file to load.
2. Click on Scan to find the available custom sweep files. The
system searches the directory displayed in the “Path” field and
reads those files that have “.custom” as extension to the file name.
The “Identifier” field and the comments from those files are
displayed in the upper list box.
3. Select (click) the file to load and then click Add. As a result, the
file is added in the lower list box. (The file is not loaded to the
DPG until you click Update).
Updating the DPG’s memory
After making sure you really want to load the files appearing in the
lower list box to the DPG, i. e. delete those you removed from the list
box, and/or load those you added into it, click Update.

428XL User’s Manual Vol. 1 549

April 11, 2013
9 VE464
Functions > Ready

This function is used to upload radio management parameters to the
DPG and DSDs.

Figure 9-35

Number of Ready Frames

Typically, a single ready message is required. In the event of difficult
radio transmission conditions (important interference or jamming),
repeating the ready message may help.

Early Ready
Using this option requires expertise and careful consideration.
A DSD is not normally allowed to generate a “Ready” message until the
pressure sensor says the vibrator’s pad is down. The Early Ready
option, however, allows the DSD to send its “Ready” message in
anticipation to make up for the communication time required between
the DSD and the DPG, and between the DPG and the GUI, for the T0
data to be received by the DSD and the sweep to start.
Pushing Pad is Pressure “Ready” T0
Down down sensor to data
button On DPG Sweep

Wasted time

Figure 9-36 Normal timing (no Early Ready)

550 428XL User’s Manual Vol. 1

April 11, 2013
Functions > Ready

Pushing “Ready” Pad is Pressure T0

Down to down sensor data
button DPG On Sweep

Early Ready

Figure 9-37 With Early Ready Delay

The Early Ready Delay must be adjusted for the T0 data to arrive right
after the pressure sensor switches On. If the T0 data arrives before the
pressure sensor switches on, the DSD generates a “Lift not ready” status
code (14).
The Early Ready Delay you determine is only suitable for the
configuration you are using to adjust the value.
Whenever you change any of the following, you must readjust the
Early Ready Delay:
• Vibrator;
• Lift mode: Full Up or Half Up; 9
• If you are using a TracsTDMA or Raveon radio (see Time Slot
allocation in VE464 User’s Manual):
- Number of fleets;
- Number of DSDs;
- TracsTDMA or Raveon Baud Rate;
- Differential GPS;
- Tracking (if TracsTDMA).

428XL User’s Manual Vol. 1 551

April 11, 2013
9 VE464
Functions > Local Acquisition

Local Acquisition
This function allows you to check the vibrator equipment
separately, as if it were not connected to the recording unit.
For a local acquisition the DPG may operate alone, or the
DPG and DSDs may operate normally but without being controlled by
the recording unit. In that case the Blast command (Firing Order) is
replaced by a manual start (Go pushbutton).

Unless already done, click the Manual button in the control panel to
isolate the DPG from the recording unit.
You cannot do a local acquisition until the Vibrator Fleet (page 537)
function has been used.

How to use the local acquisition function

1. Click the Local Acquisition function button. A dialog box
appears showing all the DSDs that responded to the Vibrator
Fleet function.

Figure 9-38

2. In the list box, choose (by clicking) the vibrators you wish to use
for the local acquisition. If you do not select any vibrator, then the
DPG will operate alone.
3. In the Basic Type field, enter the type of basic signal you wish to
use. (Basic Types are defined through the Setups menu).
4. Click the option button to choose the execution mode:
- Single: The basic signal is generated once.

552 428XL User’s Manual Vol. 1

April 11, 2013
Functions > Set Config

- Continuous: The basic signal repeats endlessly until you click

the Stop button (which appears at the bottom of the dialog box
if you choose this option).
5. Click the Go button. The local acquisition executes. In Single
mode, the local acquisition ends automatically, without any user
action. In Continuous mode, you must click the Stop button to
interrupt the local acquisition, which will actually stop after the
current acquisition is complete.

Set Config

Figure 9-39
This function allows you to remotely enable/disable some configuration
options in the vibrators (DSDs) you select in the list box.
• The Use pressure sensor option allows you to enable or disable the
use of a pressure sensor on the vibrators (that is a sensor indicating
whether or not the vibrator’s pad is down).
• You can choose to record the Extended QC data and/or one or more
of the following vibrator motion signals: Mass acceleration (Mass
Acc), Baseplate acceleration (Plate Acc), Force, Reference (Ref).
• Use Line filters when storing data: if you choose this option, then
the signals you choose to record on the DSD (using its “Local
Archive” function) will be filtered with the same Linear Phase or
Minimum Phase filter as selected in the Config window (see Crew
setup window on page 88), just like it were a seismic waveform from
a receiver point along a line. This also applies to the waveform
428XL User’s Manual Vol. 1 553
April 11, 2013
9 VE464
Functions > Set Guidance

returned via a DSD’s radio to the recording system by the Get

Similarities (page 555) function.
The signals and QC data will be recorded on the disk you choose with
the Medium option button. This can be the disk of a computer attached
to the DSD (in that case, choose NFS from the option button) or a USB
stick plugged onto the DSD itself (choose USB).
Click Go to upload your option settings to the selected DSDs.

Set Guidance
If vibrator Guidance is enabled, the Set Guidance function must be
used to transmit fleet patterns as well as Datum and projection
parameters to DSDs. Beforehand, you must use The Pattern setup
window (page 532) to create a pattern setup. Also, you must use The
Datum Type setup (page 408) and The Projection Type setup (page 411) to
select the appropriate Datum and projection, and click Apply, in the
Positioning window.


Figure 9-40

Click Go to upload the data to the selected DSDs.

554 428XL User’s Manual Vol. 1

April 11, 2013
Functions > Get Similarities

Get Similarities

Figure 9-41

Radio Similarity tests consist of using the VE464 radio link to feed back
a vibrator motion signal from a DSD to the seismic recorder so that it
can be recorded to an SEGD file together with a reference (Pilot) signal
generated by the DPG. Then you can use the SGA tool to correlate the
two signals from the SEGD file and display the correlation wavelet.
The Radio Similarity function opens a window that lets you
• Choose the signal (Reference, Force, Mass or Plate acceleration,
Filtered Force) to be radioed from a DSD to the DPG. (Select it from
the Signal option button).
• Specify which DSD should return the signal. (Enter its number into
the DSD Nb field). 9
• Choose the DPG reference signal (Return Pilot) to record together
with the signal returned. (Enter the identification number of a
“Numeric Pilot” defined in The Basic Type setup).
Clicking Go causes the DPG to retrieve the signal from the DSD. This
may take some time, depending on the type of radio used, the number
of DSDs, radio settings, etc. The function is not complete until the Go
button is undimmed. Table 9-2 on page 556 gives the approximate time
for transfer between the DSD and the DPG as a function of the Baud rate
and sweep length, with 428XL Sample Rate @ 2 ms and good radio
transmission conditions.
The SEGD file generated is saved to the /var/dump/test/ directory in
the SEGD repository. The file number is determined by the successive
increments from the initial number specified for Test-type files in the
Config window’s Swath setup (page 97).

428XL User’s Manual Vol. 1 555

April 11, 2013
9 VE464
Functions > Get Similarities

Table 9-2 Retrieval time versus Baud Rate @ SR = 2 ms

Approximate retrieval time (seconds)
Baud rate
SL = Sweep Length SL = 10 s
12000 10 + (3 × SL) 40
9600 16 + (4.1 × SL) 57
8000 19 + (4.4 × SL) 63
7200 23 + (4.6 × SL) 69
6000 30 + (5.6 × SL) 86
4800 34 + ( 7.2 × SL) 106

The resulting file is a special SEGD Test-type file in which the “General
Constant” field in General Header block 1 is set to “8” (standing for
VE464, instead of “5” for 428XL) and the Trace Header information
must be interpreted as follows:
• The type of signal is recorded in the Receiver Point Number field (see
Figure 9-42 below).
• The “pilot” signal (Return Pilot) is recorded as Trace number 1.
• The vibrator motion signal returned by the DSD is recorded as Trace
number 2.
• The value (0x20) in the Unit Type field indicates this is a VE464
SEGD Trace Header (extract)

----unit---- ----assembly---- ...

trace exptnb linb ptnb typ s/n ch type s/n ...
1 1 0 1 ve464 0 1 N/A N/A ...
2 2 0 3 ve464 0 1 N/A N/A ...
1 = Return Pilot.
2 = Vibrator Reference.
3 = Vibrator Force.
4 = Vibrator Mass Acceleration.
5 = Vibrator Plate Acceleration.
6 = Vibrator Filtered Force
Figure 9-42 Radio Similarities file Trace Header

For details, see the SEGD file format in 428XL User’s Manual Vol. 2.

556 428XL User’s Manual Vol. 1

April 11, 2013
Functions > Update Version

Update Version
This function allows you to load a new software version to the DPG.
Prior to using this function, you must install the new version or patch on
the 428XL server with the “patcher.sh” command (see Server software
patches on page 150 in the Installation Manual). As a result, the files
required for updating the DPG are available from this directory on the
server computer:
Select the Update.conf file in that directory, using the Browse button,
and then click Go.

Figure 9-43

Wait until updating is complete and then select Reconnect (turn the
VE464 and LCI off then back on).

428XL User’s Manual Vol. 1 557

April 11, 2013
9 VE464
Normal acquisition > General

Normal acquisition
In this section:
• General (page 558)
• Graphic view (page 559)
• Numeric view (page 562)
• DPG/DSD status codes (page 564)

You cannot launch a normal acquisition until the Vibrator Fleet
(page 537) function has been used (each DSD to be used should appear
with a green indicator in the main window's status bar).
When you are ready for a normal acquisition, click the Auto button, in
the main window's control panel. As a result the DPG is waiting for the
Firing Order from the 428XL.
The 428XL will not generate the F O until it receives a Ready status
from the DPG window. When the Ready signal is received from the
vibrator fleet leader, that is when all the desired vibrators are in place
with pads down, it may be retained in the DPG window or automatically
relayed to the recording system, depending on whether the fleet’s button
in the status bar is released or depressed.
When it receives the F O the DPG generates the Time Break to the
selected DSDs. Then the programmed sweeps are taken and all DSDs
in turn transmit their latest status reports, corresponding to one or more
completed sweeps, to the DPG.
The Status and QC data generated by the DPG are relayed to the GUI
via the Ethernet link and stored into a daily file automatically generated
in the Log window and named “normalAcqResult.hci428_0.ddd”
where ddd stands for the julian day when the file was created. (They can
be viewed in the Log main window).
QC and status results are not only saved but also displayed in the VE464
main window which makes it easy to appreciate the quality of a vibrator
558 428XL User’s Manual Vol. 1
April 11, 2013
Normal acquisition > Graphic view

in real time or through statistical post-processing. The results can be

presented in numeric or graphic form.
The colour of the QC data depends on the alert thresholds you set using
the “DSD limits” command in the Setup menu.
The radio link allows the DPG to see if any DSD failed to sweep for any
T0. In that case the DPG will report a 98 status (“no T0 received”).
If the Extended QC option is enabled (see The Sweep Management setup
on page 530), the QC data can be plotted in real time in the results pane
by clicking the Get QC function button. To revert to the normal view,
click the Vibrator Fleet function button.
A button available from the view toolbar allows you to to reset the status
in Normal Acquisition views.

Figure 9-44

Graphic view
The VP and Acq fields respectively display the Vibrator Point number
and Acquisition number the results relate to.
Six bar charts are shown, for the following QC data available in the
status messages from the DSDs: Average Phase, Peak Phase, Average
Distortion, Peak Distortion, Average Ground Force, Peak Ground
A red horizontal line in each chart shows the limit specified in the Setup
menu (“QC Limit“command).

428XL User’s Manual Vol. 1 559

April 11, 2013
9 VE464
Normal acquisition > Graphic view

QC value during this

Average values over
the latest 50 sweeps

Figure 9-45

For each DSD used, each chart shows:

• A green or orange bar showing the QC value for the latest acquisition
completed (identified in the Acq field):
- Green if the QC value is below the limit,
- Orange if it exceeds the limit or an error is reported:
OV for an overload,
W for a warning,
T for a timing error.
F for a file error.

560 428XL User’s Manual Vol. 1

April 11, 2013
Normal acquisition > Graphic view

- If the status code from any DSD is incorrect it is displayed in

place of the corresponding QC value.
• A blue or red bar showing the average QC value over the latest 50
- Blue if the average QC value is below the limit,
- Red if it exceeds the limit.
- If the status code from any DSD is incorrect it is displayed in
place of the corresponding QC value.
For the interpretation of Status codes, see page 564.

428XL User’s Manual Vol. 1 561

April 11, 2013
9 VE464
Normal acquisition > Numeric view

Numeric view
A table is displayed, derived from the QC reports of the latest 50
acquisitions. It shows the status of the DPG (allowing you to see at a
glance if the PPS signal from the GPS receiver is continually available).
Also, for each DSD, the table shows:
• the Vibrator Point number and the Acquisition number,
• the Average/Peak Phase, or Distortion or Ground Force, or the Status
Code, whichever you choose from the QC option button.

Figure 9-46

562 428XL User’s Manual Vol. 1

April 11, 2013
Normal acquisition > Numeric view

The colour of each cell in the table should be interpreted as follows:

• If you choose the Status Code view:
- White background, black writing: QC values are within the
- White background, orange writing:
- status code 1 or 12 appears, QC values are within the limits but
an Overload and/or Warning has been reported.
- or status code 19 appears.
- White background, nothing displayed: no response from the
- Orange background, black writing:
Status codes 1 or 12, or 19 appears, one of the QC values exceeds
the limits, no Overload, and no Warning.
- Orange background, white writing:
Status codes 1 or 12, or 19 appears; one of the QC values exceeds
the limits and an Overload and/or Warning is reported.
- Red background, white writing: if any other status appears. 9
• If you select any of the QC views, the colours should be interpreted in
the same way, but only the selected QC is tested for compliance with
the limit.
For the interpretation of Status codes, see page 564.
Double-clicking in any cell opens a secondary window showing the
detailed QC values contained in the status report from the
corresponding DSD for the corresponding acquisition (see Figure 9-46
on page 562).The following codes may be reported for overloads:
F Raw ground Force reaches hold-down weight.
P Computed Pressure reaches maximum hydraulic pressure.
M Mass position exceeds usable stroke.
V Valve spool position exceeds usable stroke.

428XL User’s Manual Vol. 1 563

April 11, 2013
9 VE464
Normal acquisition > DPG/DSD status codes

E Torque motor current, computed, exceeds maximum allowed

The DSD status reports are logged into the database. They can be
viewed in the Log main window and saved to a file.

DPG/DSD status codes

Status generated by DPG

Status code indicative of

successful sweep

1 OK

19 OK, Small PPS discrepancy.

Status code indicative of


20 Hiline error.

21 Wrong sweep definition.

22 Custom definition error.

25 Overrun error.

27 PPS discrepancy.

564 428XL User’s Manual Vol. 1

April 11, 2013
Normal acquisition > DPG/DSD status codes

Status generated by DSD

Status code indicative of

successful sweep

1 OK, Raw mode.

12 OK, Filtered mode.

19 OK, small PPS discrepancy.

Status code indicative of


2 Sweep aborted by DSD.

10 Sweep aborted by user.

11 Ethernet error between DSD and PC.

13 Discrepancy in DSD and DPG acquisition table.

14 Lift error.

20 Hiline error.

21 Wrong sweep definition.

22 Custom definition error.


Sweep start time expired.

Overrun error.
26 Slave recording unit failed to start (on a slave DSD only).

27 PPS discrepancy.

28 Force level too low.

29 DSD didn't have time to save the previous signal to file.

98 No T0 data received.

99 No T0 data received or no status report.

428XL User’s Manual Vol. 1 565

April 11, 2013
9 VE464
Statistics views >

Statistics views
Whether for statistics on DSDs or on a fleet, the following distinct
views are available: average phase, peak phase, average distortion, peak
distortion, average ground force, peak ground force, Status Codes.
The system calculates the statistical data from the results collected since
it last went to Auto (meaning that your statistics views are lost each
time you go to Auto).
You can choose to view statistical data for each fleet or for each DSD.

Figure 9-47

Figure 9-48

566 428XL User’s Manual Vol. 1

April 11, 2013
Statistics views >

In graphic Statistics views, the results are displayed in the form of a bar
chart for each vibrator (or for each fleet) plus a Vx (or Fleet X) bar chart
in the upper-left corner, showing the mean QC value computed on all
the DSDs (or all fleets).
Unless you choose the Manual range option, the horizontal scale is
automatically adjusted so that all samples can be shown. If you choose
Manual range, then the associated fields prompt the outermost values
of the horizontal scale, so that you can change them and adjust the scale
On each chart the horizontal axis is the scale (divided into a number of
bins) for the QC values (phase or distortion or force), and the vertical
axis is for the number of values in each bin. The following values are
also shown:
• number of sweeps (n)
• mean value (mean).
• standard deviation (SDev), only in the zoom view.
See Bar charts (page 37).

428XL User’s Manual Vol. 1 567

April 11, 2013
9 VE464
Statistics views >

568 428XL User’s Manual Vol. 1

April 11, 2013

10 Log

This chapter includes the following sections:

• The main window (page 570)

• Editing/saving/loading 428XL parameters (page 576)
• SPS files (page 581)
• The Shooting setup (page 578)
• Operator reports (page 587)
• Event log on page 591

428XL User’s Manual Vol. 1 569

April 11, 2013
10 Log
The main window >

The main window

To open the jLog main window, click on this icon in the launcher

Double-click to Navigation pane

expand/collapse View pane

(or right-click and
select open)

Figure 10-1

The Log window performs two important but somewhat unrelated

tasks. One is to provide facilities for handling input and output of text-
based (i.e. non-seismic) data, for example observers' logs, processing
support files, and vibrator QC results. This is often referred to as
“binning in & out”.
The other is to provide a means of setting up the format for printed
copies of the observer's report.
For each shot or VP acquired, the 428XL stores around 100 parameters
in what is termed the “Raw Observer's Log”. These include the date,
time and record number but also a multitude of internal and system-
generated figures.
Where available, source position and quality control measurements are
also logged on a daily basis. Receiver array quality control
measurements form a third category of data, stored in a separate file.

570 428XL User’s Manual Vol. 1

April 11, 2013
The main window >

Some of these parameters are critical, others are of less significance, but
any or all can be selected for output in one form or another. The Log
window therefore provides several predetermined file formats and also
the means of defining customised file-types where necessary. The most
common output file format is of course SPS.
SPS files can also be used to pre-program the 428XL via the Log
window. The SPS-R, -S and -X files are each loaded in turn, and
together with a few additional parameters entered by the observer,
provide a rapid means of setting up the system for production.

The toolbar

Saves content of Used to type in

Opens a text to find in Shooting
selected view to Starts
blank view selected view parameters
named file search

Loads saved Closes all Activates parameters

Swath to which to
file to new views contained in selected
apply parameters
view pane view

Figure 10-2

View panes 10
For details on how you can arrange the views and toolbars as you would
like them, see the Hands-on guide (page 52). Each view behaves like a
simple text editor where the keyboard and usual key combinations for
Cut, Copy and Paste shortcuts are allowed. For example, you may want
to paste table cells from another window into a new view and use the
File menu to save the content. If you want to find any particular
parameter or value in a view pane, simply type it into the Search field
and click the Search button .

428XL User’s Manual Vol. 1 571

April 11, 2013
10 Log
The main window >

The navigation pane

The navigation (left-hand) pane behaves like a file browser box. To
open any folder, double-click on it (or right-click on it and select
“Open” from the menu that pops up). The content is viewed in the right-
hand pane.
The navigation pane provides an image of the system’s database. It is
important to realize what is meant by the term “database” in this
context. It is easy to imagine that all of the system data is somehow
assembled into a single giant list, but this is not quite the case. Stored
under the general banner of “database” are the following:
• All system and survey parameters defined in Setup menus.
• Pre-acquisition position information including source and receiver
coordinates, assuming that these have been supplied.
• All post-acquisition results, for instance Observer's logs, actual
source positions and receiver / source attributes and statistics.
Each set of data is stored in a separate file, but it is not necessary for the
user to know the file or directory name, since the system automatically
keeps track of this itself. Loading a particular data set into the main
window and then choosing Apply instructs the system to locate the
appropriate file and copy the new data to it. Similarly, the navigation
pane gives a straightforward way of extracting a particular set of
information, so that you can export it to whatever you want.

Figure 10-3

572 428XL User’s Manual Vol. 1

April 11, 2013
The main window >

Depending on what you want to do with your result log files, you can
choose either Display or Save from the right-click popup menu:
• Display will open the file in a view page to the right. Then you can
apply filters, i. e. remove any fields (columns) you do not want to
export, and save the file to a disk by choosing Save from the File
• Choosing Save from the right-click popup menu is a quicker way to
save a result log file because this does not open it. Note that filters are
still applied, meaning that if any columns were removed when that
type of file was previously opened, these columns are also discarded
as you save a file this way.
If you have huge log files, choosing Publish all reports and then
downloading from The Web server (page 573) is still a quicker way of
saving them.
The files uploaded or downloaded via the Web server appear in the
Publication folder, with a subfolder (In) containing uploaded files and
another one (Out) containing the files available for downloading.
• You can open any setup or SPS file available from the Web server by
simply expanding the Publication folder, right-clicking on the In
subfolder and choosing Open from the popup menu.
• You can place setup parameters on the Web server for users to 10
download, by simply right-clicking on the Parameters folder and
choosing Publish from the popup menu. Likewise, you can place
reports on the Web server by expanding the Logs folder, right-
clicking on the desired subfolder and choosing Publish all reports
from the popup menu.

The Web server

The Web server provides a quick way of exporting result log files. If
files take too long to open and save in the Log window (because you
have a huge amount of data), choose Publish all reports from the
popup menu, instead of opening them in the Log window, and then use
the Web server as follows:

428XL User’s Manual Vol. 1 573

April 11, 2013
10 Log
The main window >

1. Open the Web server page.


Figure 10-4 Web server home page

2. Choose User Download.

3. In the authentication box that shows up, enter the same User
Name and Password as you used to open your user session.
4. If you want to save any log file (e. g. an SPS file) to a disk, right-
click on the link to that file in the Web page and then choose Save
Link As from the popup menu.

Figure 10-5 Saving a log file via the Web server

5. Enter a file name and choose a folder in the dialog box that shows
up, and then click Save.
Note that you can also display the file in the Web page, by left-clicking
(rather than right-clicking) on the link. Then you can save it by right-
clicking in the page and choosing Save Page As from the popup menu.

574 428XL User’s Manual Vol. 1

April 11, 2013
The main window >

Figure 10-6 File opened in Web page


428XL User’s Manual Vol. 1 575

April 11, 2013
10 Log
Editing/saving/loading 428XL parameters >

Editing/saving/loading 428XL parameters

The Log window allows you to edit all or part of your system and survey
parameters at any moment and save them to a named file so that you can
load them back at a later date, for example if you want to reuse the same
settings or not much different ones.
You can choose to open the Parameters folder (to view the whole set
of setup parameters), or any of its subfolders (to view only the
parameters of a particular client window).

Search Search
field button

Figure 10-7

Opening any folder adds a view pane to the right that allows you to edit
its content. For example you may wish to enter the precise coordinates
of the recording truck in order to place it at the exact location in the
Positioning window (see Figure 10-7).
If you want to find any particular parameter or value, simply type it into
the Search field and click the Search button.
To apply your parameter settings to the system, click in the view pane
and select Apply from the Setup menu (or use this toolbar button ).

576 428XL User’s Manual Vol. 1

April 11, 2013
Editing/saving/loading 428XL parameters >

After you open any folder, you can save its content by clicking
in its view pane, then selecting Save from the File menu (or
from the toolbar). In the dialog box that shows up, enter a name
for the file (in the “File Name” field), choose a directory where to save
it (from the “Save In” option button), and click Save.

To load back a parameter file previously saved, select Load
from the File menu (or from the toolbar). In the file browser
box that shows up, choose the desired file and click Open. This
adds a view pane in the main window (the file name appears in the tab
of that view pane). At this stage, the parameters are only viewed. To
load them to the system, click in the view pane and select Apply from
the Setup menu (or use this toolbar button ). You cannot do that
unless you turn off the lines in the Line window (Field Off).


428XL User’s Manual Vol. 1 577

April 11, 2013
10 Log
The Shooting setup >

The Shooting setup

Selecting “Shooting Setup” from the Setup menu opens a dialog box
that allows you to enter parameters which cannot be derived from an
SPS Relation file (when you generate parameter scripts from an SPS
Relation file). These are the type of gain, the Process Type and the shot
identification number for the first shot in the operation table.

Figure 10-8

This window must be set up prior to any attempt to load SPS IN files.
(Click Apply to save and enable your changes).
The Shooting parameters will be used in generating an absolute spread
(for the Line window) and an operation table (for the Operation
window) from a “Relation” SPS file viewed in the Log window.

Gain Type Nb
You can program gain characteristics that vary as a function of the
distance from the shot point, by defining different zones within circles
around the shot point. Each zone is allocated a channel type.
• Default: This field is used to specify the channel type to be used
outside the widest circle.

578 428XL User’s Manual Vol. 1

April 11, 2013
The Shooting setup >

• Radius: The “Radius” and “Gain Type” fields are used jointly, to
define circular areas around the shot point and associate a Gain Type
(i. e. a preamp gain) to all receiver channels located within the
specified distance from the shot point.
• Gain Type

Gain Code Input scale FDU DSU3-428 & DSU1-428

g1 1600 mv 0 dB 5 m/s²

g2 400 mV 12 dB

Enter the desired distance (1 to 9999 m) in the Radius field and the
desired associated Gain Type (1 or 2), and use Add, Change, Delete as
required to generate a list of different channel type areas.

Note If the Radius / Gain type table is empty, the default channel type
will be used across the entire spread.

Shot Id.
Used to identify the first shot point in the Operation main window's
operation table. You can use one of the option buttons to choose either
the number contained in the “Record Number” field or that in the “Tape
Number” field of the SPS Relation file, or type the desired number in
the text box.
Process Type
Used to specify the Process Type (1 to 16) to use in the operation table.
Process types are defined using the Operation main window’s Setup
If you do not enter any value in this window, then the system will
default to the following settings:
• Gain Type: will automatically default to “1”;
• Shot Id.: the Record Number contained in the Relation file will
automatically be used as first shot number;

428XL User’s Manual Vol. 1 579

April 11, 2013
10 Log
The Shooting setup >

• Process Type: will automatically default to “1”, except for those shot
points for which a Point Code is specified in the “Source” SPS file.
Because it is desirable to be able to specify the process type to be used
for each shot, even though no provision is made for this parameter in
the SPS format, Sercel has adopted the following convention: if zero
is entered here as the “Process Type”, then the value found in the
“Point Code” column in the SPS Source file will be used as the actual
process type to use.
For this reason, it is recommended that when SPS files are loaded, the
sequence: Receiver, Source and Relation (alphabetical order - R, S,
X) be adopted.

Swath Type
Select the swath your settings are intended for. The drop-down menu
prompts all the swath names you have created and set to “Active” in the
Config window’s Swath setup (page 97).

580 428XL User’s Manual Vol. 1

April 11, 2013
SPS files > The SPS format

SPS files
In this section
• The SPS format (page 581)
• Importing an SPS file (page 583)
• Exporting an SPS file (page 585)

The SPS format

The SPS format defines four types of files used to input or output some
of the setup parameters of a seismic data acquisition system:
• Source file (also called SPS S-file) including source positions,
• Receiver file (also called SPS R-file) including receiver positions,
• Relation file (also called SPS X-file) used to relate the S-file and R-
• Text file (also called SPS T-file) including textual information.
Both the initial (Rev. 0) SPS standard and SPS Rev. 2.1 are supported.
For a description of the SPS standard, see 428XL User’s Manual Vol. 2.

Input files 10
For the system to be able to interpret a Rev. 2.1 file, the H00 header in
the input file must contain this character string: SPS 2.1;
H00 SPS format version num. SPS 2.1;

Column 33

Figure 10-9

Output files
The system generates SPS files in accordance with the Revision option
you select in the Crew setup window (page 88).

428XL User’s Manual Vol. 1 581

April 11, 2013
10 Log
SPS files > The SPS format

• If you choose the SEGD Rev 1.0 standard, then the system will
generate SPS files compliant with the initial (Rev. 0) SPS standard;
• If you choose the SEGD Rev 2.1 standard, then the system will
generate SPS files compliant with the SPS Rev 2.1 standard.

Initial (Rev 0) SPS standard

Note the following restrictions as compared with the initial SPS
standard: numerals are required in the Line Name, Point Code and Field
Tape Number fields.

SPS Rev. 2.1

The major changes in SPS Rev. 2.1 are the following:
• Relation record specification updated to accommodate a larger
number of traces (over 10000);
• Geodetic datum updated to reflect WGS84 (rather than WGS72).
• Reference to UKOOA P1/90 (rather than UKOOA P1/84).
If you are loading SPS Rev. 2.1 files with Receiver Positions that have
a decimal part, then the decimal part is discarded. For example,
assuming you import an SPS-R file with Line Name and Point Number
fields that look like “R 1136.50 2092.50 ...” then such a Receiver
Position will be interpreted as Line 1136 and Point Number 2092.

582 428XL User’s Manual Vol. 1

April 11, 2013
SPS files > Importing an SPS file

Importing an SPS file

Always import the SPS files in this order: Receiver, Source, Relation.

Select Load from the File menu (or from the toolbar ).
1. In the file browser box, go to the folder containing the SPS files to
import and then select the file or files to import. If you want to
load the whole SPS data, you can select the three files, using the
usual multiple selection method, and load them in one click. To
load SPS Rev. 2.1 files, see also Input files (page 581).
2. Click on Open. This opens an editor view for each file, containing
the imported data and allowing you to make any changes needed.
Note that on a Windows® computer, you can drag and drop the
files from the Explorer window to the SPS editor panel instead of
using the File menu.
Alternative method: you
can drag and drop the
files from Windows®
(1) Sselect Explorer to the SPS
editor panel
(2) Click to open in

editor view

(3) Click to select

(4) Select swath

(5) Click to apply

Figure 10-10

428XL User’s Manual Vol. 1 583

April 11, 2013
10 Log
SPS files > Importing an SPS file

3. If several views are open, select the one you want to load (click on
its tab). Select the swath the data is intended for. The drop-down
menu prompts all the swath names you have created and set to
“Active” in the Config window’s Swath setup (page 97). Note that
you have to set the swath number manually because it is not
supplied in SPS files.
Swath Number 1

Figure 10-11

4. Choose Apply from the Setup menu (or use this toolbar button
). You cannot do that unless you turn off the lines in the Line
window or in the Positioning window (Field Off). Also,
remember you must set The Shooting setup (page 578) parameters
prior to applying the content of any SPS file to a swath.
5. Repeat steps 3 to 5 for each file to load and each swath to shoot.
Depending on the type of file in the selected view, clicking Apply will
have different effects:
• With a Receiver-type (SPS-R) file, clicking Apply initializes the
planned Receiver positions in the Positioning main window.
• With a Source-type (SPS-S) file, clicking Apply initializes the
planned Source positions in the Positioning main window.
• With a Relation-type (SPS-X) file, clicking Apply builds an Absolute
Spread in the Line main window and sets up the operation table in the
Operation main window’s Source Point setup (page 275).
Remember the parameters specified with the The Shooting setup
(page 578) are also used in generating the operation table.

584 428XL User’s Manual Vol. 1

April 11, 2013
SPS files > Exporting an SPS file

Exporting an SPS file

In the navigation pane, open the Results folder and Logs subfolder.
Open the desired swath folder and then do the following:
1. Right-click on the log file you want to export. Choose Display
and then choose the appropriate SPS output format (S, R or X)
from the menu that pops up, depending on which type of SPS file
you want to create (Source, Receiver, or Relation). This opens an
editor view containing the resulting file and allowing you to make
any changes needed.

(2) Click to select


(1) Right-
click to
or save (3) Click to save

Figure 10-12

2. If several views are open, select the one you want to save (click on
its tab).
3. Select Save from the File menu (or from the toolbar ). In the
dialog box that shows up, enter a name for the file (in the “File
Name” field), choose a directory where to save it (from the “Save
In” option button), and click Save.
Choosing Save from the right-click popup menu is a quicker way to
save an SPS file because this does not open it. Note that filters are still
applied, meaning that if any columns were removed when that type of

428XL User’s Manual Vol. 1 585

April 11, 2013
10 Log
SPS files > Exporting an SPS file

file was previously opened, these columns are also discarded as you
save the file this way.
DSUGPS receiver point positions are recorded in SPS files available
from the “Others” folder.

Figure 10-13 DSUGPS receiver point positions

If files take too long to open in the Log window (because you have a
huge amount of data), choose Publish all reports from the popup
menu, instead of opening them. Then use the User Download menu
from The Web server (page 573).

586 428XL User’s Manual Vol. 1

April 11, 2013
Operator reports > Observer Logs

Operator reports
In this section:
• Observer Logs (page 587)
• APS (page 589)
• APS Verbose (page 589)
• Source COG (page 589)
• Receiver position history data (page 590)

Observer Logs
In the navigation pane, open the Results folder and Logs subfolder.
Open the desired swath folder and then do the following:
1. Right-click on the log file you want to export. Choose Display
and then Observer Log from the menu that pops up. This opens
an editor view containing the resulting file.
2. You can choose which fields to include in the report by clicking
on any column heading and selecting “Customize” from the menu
that pops up. For details, see Customizing tables (page 58). After
customizing the format of a report, clicking on Save will let you
save your options to a named file that you can reuse as a template 10
at a later date (by choosing it from the “Select a Preset” option
button and clicking Apply). To save you changes, click OK.
3. If several views are open, select the one you want to save (click on
its tab).

428XL User’s Manual Vol. 1 587

April 11, 2013
10 Log
Operator reports > Observer Logs

(2) Right-click to

(1) Right-
click to
or save

Figure 10-14

4. Then you can print it out (e. g. using the File menu). If you want
to export it to another program, select Save from the File menu (or
from the toolbar ). In the dialog box that shows up, enter a
name for the file (in the “File Name” field), choose a directory
where to save it (from the “Save In” option button), and click
Choosing Save from the right-click popup menu is a quicker way to
save an observer report because this does not open it. Note that filters
are still applied, meaning that if any columns were removed when that
type of file was previously opened, these columns are also discarded as
you save the file this way.
See also The Web server (page 573).

588 428XL User’s Manual Vol. 1

April 11, 2013
Operator reports > APS

(VE432 or VE464 users only).
Vibrator QC and co-ordinate information can be exported in the form of
SPS-like files to an external computer for the purpose of QC analysis or
to the Positioning main window for geographical display.
The APS option extracts the status figures returned for every sweep by
each vibrator. Any field with invalid data is left blank. Unless the
coordinates supplied by the radiopositioning receiver to the DPG are
already in a projection format, the vibrator coordinates are converted
using the projection selected in the Positioning window. Check to see if
the appropriate projection is selected.
(See the format in 428XL User’s Manual Volume 2).
See also The Web server (page 573).

APS Verbose
(VE432 or VE464 users only). As the name suggests, the verbose
version gives additional information (See the format in 428XL User’s
Manual Volume 2).
See also The Web server (page 573).

Source COG
The following information on the Centre Of Gravity of the source is
logged into a daily file identified by its julian day:
• Identification (Line Number, Point Number, Point index from the
input SPS Source file) of the planned shot points,
• Position and QC status of the computed COG,
• Deviation between planned source positions and actual source COG
The file can be exported in SPS-like format (see 428XL User’s Manual
Vol. 2 for the detailed format).

428XL User’s Manual Vol. 1 589

April 11, 2013
10 Log
Operator reports > Receiver position history data

See also The Web server (page 573).

Receiver position history data

The following information, collected and saved to a history file during
operation, can be viewed and exported:
• Type of field unit identified,
• Date and time when it was last seen,
• Receiver position occupied when it was last seen,
• Geographical position (if supplied) occupied when it was last seen.
(See 428XL User’s Manual Vol. 2 for the detailed format).
See also The Web server (page 573).

590 428XL User’s Manual Vol. 1

April 11, 2013
Event log >

Event log
An event log in which all operator actions are recorded is available. This
provides the user with an objective record of the successive actions over
a production day.
Expand the “Events Viewer” folder, and then choose Open from the
right-click popup menu. This allows you to open different log views,
showing different types of events, depending on which subfolder you
right-click on (Production, Tests, etc.).


Figure 10-15

428XL User’s Manual Vol. 1 591

April 11, 2013
10 Log
Event log >

592 428XL User’s Manual Vol. 1

April 11, 2013

11 Plotter

This chapter includes the following sections:

• The main window (page 594)

• The Banner setup (page 597)
• Selecting the traces to plot (page 603)
• Plot parameters for production shots (page 606)
• Test records (page 613)

428XL User’s Manual Vol. 1 593

April 11, 2013
11 Plotter
The main window >

The main window

The jPlotter client window is dedicated to parameters that define what
is displayed on monitor records and how it appears.

Figure 11-1

PLOTTER software is dedicated to processing the geophysical data

(scaling, filtering, AGC) for plotters. It supports 12'' and 24'' Plotters
(selection should be made in the Install window).
It performs the conversion to graphic data (rasterisation) in order to
print it out.
Whatever the interpolation, the maximum number of samples of each
trace plotted is 14844.

Note Traces are numbered from bottom to top, Aux traces at the top.

594 428XL User’s Manual Vol. 1

April 11, 2013
The main window >

You can choose to display the complete data (or part of it) for every
shot, or display one and the same trace for all shots.
By navigating in the left-hand pane, you can access different setup
menus that allow you to adjust AGC and plot parameters differently
depending on the type of input data (normal shot, Field tests, Instrument
tests). 11
• The “Normal” folder contains your plot parameters for production
shots. It allows you to have special settings for shots with no
processing (in the “Raw” folder) and different settings for shots with
correlated and/or stacked data (in the “Vibro Stack” folder).
• The “Field Test” folder, as the name suggests, contains your plot
parameters for sensor tests (Noise, Tilt, Distortion, etc.).
• Likewise, the “Instrument Test” folder contains your plot parameters
for instrument tests (Noise, Distortion, Gain&Phase, CMRR,
Crosstalk, etc.).
Once the different parameters are programmed and activated (by
clicking on Apply), the system automatically uses the sets of
parameters matching the input data.
The plotter is not connected until you choose “On Line” from the menu
that pops up when you right-click on the plotter’s folder in the left-hand

Figure 11-2

File menu
Using the Load / Save commands available from the File menu, all of
the current parameters that have been set up for the entire window can

428XL User’s Manual Vol. 1 595

April 11, 2013
11 Plotter
The main window >

be saved to or loaded from a named file. This feature can be useful for
storing configurations that have to be used periodically.
Warning: After installing a new software release, do not load any
parameters from files saved with earlier releases.

Plot Again
This button plots the last shot.

Plot Next
This button plots the next shot.

Abort Plot
This button stops the paper feed and cancels the current plot.

596 428XL User’s Manual Vol. 1

April 11, 2013
The Banner setup >

The Banner setup

To open this window, choose Banner from the Setup menu. It allows
you to choose which parameters to import from the seismic record file
and build the banner as you would like it to appear on your plots.
Building blocks

Figure 11-3

In the navigation pane on the left side are a number of folders containing
all the parameters that you can import into a banner. Choosing any of
them, by double-clicking on it (or dragging and dropping it into the
right-hand pane) causes the associated building block to appear in the
right-hand pane.
The right-hand pane is a text editor in which you can:
- Create a new line by pressing the Return key;
- Type any additional text you like;
- Select a text span by clicking before the first character to select,
pressing and holding down the SHIFT key , and then clicking
behind the last character to select (alternatively, you can press
and hold down the mouse left button and drag the mouse over the
text span to select).
- Move or delete text with the usual Cut, Copy & Paste key
combinations (CTRL+X, CTRL+C, CTRL+V).

428XL User’s Manual Vol. 1 597

April 11, 2013
11 Plotter
The Banner setup >

The list box shows the list of existing banner formats. To define a new
banner format, enter its number in the Nb field and then click Add. To
make any changes in the list box, click on the desired row. To save your
changes, click Change (or Add, or Delete).
Double-clicking on a banner format in the list box has it appear in the
text editor so that you can make any changes required. To save your
changes, click Change (or Add, or Delete).
To save the current list of banner formats, click Apply. (To revert to the
former list, click Reset instead).

Global parameters

Parameter Description

Sample Rate Sampling interval (ms)

Type Of Filter
Swath Id
Swath Name
Exploitation mode
Julian day Record day (1 to 366)
Year Record date (year)
Acq. Time
Acq. hour
Acq. minutes
Acq. seconds
e428 Version

598 428XL User’s Manual Vol. 1

April 11, 2013
The Banner setup >

Record parameters

Parameter Description

File nb. File Number

Record Type
Record Length 11
Trace headers
Tape nb. Tape number

Process parameters

Parameter Description

Type of process
Auto cor. peak time Autocorrelation peak time
Max of max aux.
Max of max seismic
Max time values

Line parameters

Parameter Description

Lowest Line Number in the Spread; specifies the origin of the

spread (along with SFN).
Lowest Receiver Position Number in the Spread; specifies the origin
of the spread (along with SFL).
Spread Nb
Type Of Spread
Live seis. traces Active seismic traces
Nb. of Live traces Number of active traces
Dead seis. traces Dead seismic traces
Nb. of dead traces Number of dead traces
Total nb. of traces Total number of traces

428XL User’s Manual Vol. 1 599

April 11, 2013
11 Plotter
The Banner setup >

Nb. of seismic traces Number of seismic traces

Nb. of aux. traces Number of auxiliary traces
Total nb. of samples Total number of seismic samples contained in a block
Blaster Id Blaster Identification Number
Blaster status

Shot parameters

Parameter Description

Shot Nb Shot Number

Source Point Line
Source Point Nb Source Point Number
Source Point Index
Acq. length Acquistion length
Sweep length
Pilot length
Refraction delay
Current Stacking
Stacking Fold
Source Easting
Source Northing
Source Elevation
Type of source
Uphole time
Tb window
User header

600 428XL User’s Manual Vol. 1

April 11, 2013
The Banner setup >

Noise parameters

Parameter Description

Noise EIim. Type Noise EIimination Type (

Threshold var Threshold option (Hold or Variable)
History editing type 11
History range
History taper length
History threshold init
History zeroing
Nb. of windows Number of windows
Low traces percent
Low traces value
Noisy traces percent
Noisy traces value
Low noisy verbose

Plot parameters

Parameter Description

Plot type
Plot Control Type
High cut
High cut filter
Low cut
Low cut filter
Notch filter
Aux. gain
Seismic gain

428XL User’s Manual Vol. 1 601

April 11, 2013
11 Plotter
The Banner setup >

AGC window length

WZ velocity
Inline spacing
Crossline spacing
Release time
Time exponent

602 428XL User’s Manual Vol. 1

April 11, 2013
Selecting the traces to plot >

Selecting the traces to plot

For each type of record (production shots or tests), you can choose to
plot all traces or only groups of traces you specify, or one and the same
trace. To do that, you simply have to create a table containing the
description of each group of traces you would like to plot, for each type
of record:
1. Click on the desired type of record, e. g. the “Raw” subfolder (see
Figure 11-4) in the navigation pane to the left;
2. Enter the desired number of groups into the “Number of groups”
3. Click in the “Group” field. As a result, the system automatically
creates the appropriate number of rows in the table so that you can
define each eligible group as you like with the parameters
described below.
4. Click on Apply.

3. Click to create
1. Choose type of the necessary 2. Specify how many
record rows in table groups you want to

Use these fields to determine the recurrence

rate of the selected group or groups.

Figure 11-4 Selecting the traces to plot

Number of groups
This field is used to tell the system how many groups you want to
describe, so that it can create the necessary number of rows in the table.

428XL User’s Manual Vol. 1 603

April 11, 2013
11 Plotter
Selecting the traces to plot >

As you click in this field, the system automatically creates a row for
each group of traces to describe, depending on what you specify in the
“Number of groups” field.
A button is associated with each group (row), on the left of it, in the
table. You have to tick that button if you want the group to be plotted
when eligible. Its recurrence rate on the printout depends on what you
specify in the fields at the foot of the table, determining “how many”
groups will be plotted and “how often” (every N records).

How many
groups How often

Figure 11-5

Tick this button if you want to plot auxiliary traces.

Sensor code
This field lets you to choose either all the traces specified regardless of
the type of sensor, or only traces with the type of sensor you specify.

Choosing Channel lets you determine the eligible group by specifying
the first trace to plot (“Start at” field), the number of traces to plot
(“Total” field) and the step (“Incr” field) to use in counting the traces.
The same group of traces from all lines will be eligible for plotting.
Choosing Line lets you determine the eligible group by specifying the
first line to plot (“Start at” field), the number of lines to plot (“Total”
field) and the step (“Incr” field) to use in counting the lines. All the
matching traces on the specified lines will be eligible for plotting.

604 428XL User’s Manual Vol. 1

April 11, 2013
Selecting the traces to plot >

Start at
Used to specify the sequential number of either the first trace or the first
line (depending on whether the “Channel” or “Line” option is selected)
eligible in the group.

Total 11
Used to specify either the number of traces from each line or the number
of lines (depending on whether the “Channel” or “Line” option is
selected) eligible in the group.
A button is associated with the “Total” field. If you tick that button, then
system will automatically determine the total number of traces eligible
in the group, depending on what you specify in the other fields. If you
untick the button, then you have to specify how many traces or lines you
want the group to include.

Used to specify the sequential number increment step for counting in
either the traces or the lines (depending on whether the “Channel” or
“Line” option is selected) eligible in the group.

428XL User’s Manual Vol. 1 605

April 11, 2013
11 Plotter
Plot parameters for production shots > Processing setup

Plot parameters for production shots

In this section:
• Processing setup (page 606)
• Rendering setup (page 610)
• Format setup (page 610)

Processing setup
Some of the parameters appearing in the Processing pane are specific to
the kind of data to be plotted. Below is a description of all the
parameters prompted after you click on the Normal folder in the
navigation pane.

Figure 11-6

Choose the desired processing from the “Control” option button, then
set the associated parameters.

For “Normal” shots only. With the AGC processing option, the gain of
each trace is automatically adjusted, depending on the level of the
If you choose this option, the system computes the average sample
value over a time window you have to specify in the associated
“Window Length” field.

606 428XL User’s Manual Vol. 1

April 11, 2013
Plot parameters for production shots > Processing setup

The average value is used to determine a gain that is applied to the

sample at the centre of the window. The system repeatedly updates the
average value as the time window shifts from the time when AGC starts
being applied to the end of the plot.

Geographic AGC
For “Normal” shots only. The Geographic AGC processing option lets
the system compute source-to-receivers distances from the geographic
coordinates available (you do not have to supply the “Inline spacing”
and “CrossLine spacing”).

Note You have to click on Apply after entering SPS data.

Time exponent
(0.00 to 9.00). For “Normal” shots only. If you choose this option, the
same gain is applied to all traces. The gain increases as an exponential
function of the time over the whole trace. You simply have to specify
the value of the exponent.

For “Normal” shots only. If you choose this option, then the system will
look for the maximum sample value on each trace to determine the
appropriate gain to be applied to the whole trace.

Window Length
(100 to 5000 ms). For “Normal” shots only. Time interval over which
the system computes the average value of samples to determine the
AGC gain, if the AGC or Geographic AGC option is used.

Wz Velocity
(Allowable range: 1 to 99999 m/s). For “Normal” shots only. If you
choose AGC or Geographic AGC as a processing to plot the traces, a
“Wz Velocity“field is available that allows you to specify the
propagation velocity of the shot wave. This will enable the system to
428XL User’s Manual Vol. 1 607
April 11, 2013
11 Plotter
Plot parameters for production shots > Processing setup

calculate the time when the AGC should be applied to the traces on the
plotter, deducing it from the source-to-receivers distances.

Note By default the source-to-receiver distance is assumed

determined in metres, therefore the velocity in metres/second.
If the distance is determined in any other unit, then the velocity
you enter should be expressed in the corresponding unit instead
of m/s (the unit must be consistent with SPS data).

Inline spacing
(1.0 to 999.0 m). For “Normal” shots only. Distance between receiver
points (i. e. traces) in each line. Used to determine the time when AGC
should be applied, unless you choose the Geographic AGC option.

CrossLine spacing
(1.0 to 999.0 m). For “Normal” shots only. Distance between lines.
Used to determine the time when AGC should be applied, unless you
choose the Geographic AGC option.

Scaling is used to specify an amplitude gain (dB) for the traces plotted,
to magnify or shrink the traces. Changing the Scaling setting for any
shot will make it more difficult to compare the plot with another shot.

Note Adjust both Scaling and Clipping as required for better

legibility of the plot.
• Seismic: (-144 to 144 dB). Sets the amplitude of seismic traces on the
• Auxiliary: (-144 to 144 dB). Sets the amplitude of auxiliary traces on
the plot.

608 428XL User’s Manual Vol. 1

April 11, 2013
Plot parameters for production shots > Processing setup

For “Normal” shots only. These three buttons allow you to specify a
Low Cut frequency, a High Cut frequency and a Notch filter frequency
for the traces to plot.

Note The three parameters (Low Cut, High Cut, Notch) are not
applied to Auxiliary traces.
• Low Cut: If you wish to set a low-cut filter for the plot, choose Low
Cut and type the desired low-cut frequency (5 to 500 Hz) in the
associated field. If you wish to remove the filter, unselect Low Cut.
• High Cut: If you wish to set a high-cut filter for the plot, choose High
Cut and type the desired high-cut frequency (30 to 500 Hz) in the
associated field. If you wish to remove the filter, unselect High Cut.
• Notch: If you wish to set a notch filter for the plot, choose Notch and
type the desired notch frequency (30.00 to 500.00 Hz) in the
associated field. If you wish to remove the filter, unselect Notch.

Note The Low Cut and High Cut buttons allow you to set up different
types of filters:

Band pass

High cut Low cut Low cut High cut

Figure 11-7

428XL User’s Manual Vol. 1 609

April 11, 2013
11 Plotter
Plot parameters for production shots > Rendering setup

Rendering setup

Figure 11-8

Page setup
Allows you to specify which type of banner to use. This determines the
content of the banner to appear ahead of plots. See The Banner setup
(page 597).

This option button allows you to choose the orientation of plots

Format setup

Figure 11-9

610 428XL User’s Manual Vol. 1

April 11, 2013
Plot parameters for production shots > Format setup

Time Sequential
The traces are plotted along the paper.

Trace Sequential
The traces are plotted across the paper width.
Global rendering for Seismic and Aux
This option lets you customize the global aspect of the plotter output by
means of the parameters below.

You can choose between the following options:


+VA Wiggle +VA

-VA Wiggle -VA

Figure 11-10

(Auto or 1 to 99) Number of traces to plot per inch. Choosing Auto will
adjust the trace spacing as a function of the number of traces.

Note Disproportionate labels may result if you choose “Auto” and

“Time Sequential” with too few traces to plot.

(1 to 10 traces) This button is used to specify the number of traces that
any trace is allowed to overlap. Any trace exceeding the specified
overlapping limit is clipped to that limit.

428XL User’s Manual Vol. 1 611

April 11, 2013
11 Plotter
Plot parameters for production shots > Format setup

Note Adjust both Scaling and Clipping as required for better

legibility of the plot.

• Start: (0 to 64000 ms) Time of the first sample to plot.
• Length: (Auto or 1 to 64000 ms) If you choose Auto, the system will
automatically set the length of the plot to the maximum or to the best,
depending on the record parameters. Otherwise, specify the desired
length for the plot.
• Interpolation: (Auto or 16, 8, 4, 2 1 to 1, or 1 to 2, 4, 8, 16). Number
of dots interpolated by the system for each sample.
If you choose Auto, then the system will automatically set the
interpolation to the best, depending on the record parameters.
Examples: 1 to 4 means that 4 dots are plotted for each sample (this
expands the plot); 4 to 1 means that each dot stands for 4 samples (this
shrinks the plot).

612 428XL User’s Manual Vol. 1

April 11, 2013
Test records >

Test records
If you need specific plot parameters for any type of test, choose the
desired folder in the navigation pane and then set the parameters as you
like. For test records, you have a single processing parameter to set
(Scaling). For other parameters, see Rendering setup (page 610) and
Format setup (page 610).
Sensor tests

Figure 11-11

Instrument tests

Figure 11-12

428XL User’s Manual Vol. 1 613

April 11, 2013
11 Plotter
Test records >

614 428XL User’s Manual Vol. 1

April 11, 2013

12 VE432

This chapter includes the following sections:

• The main window (page 616)

• The Vibrator Crew setup (page 618)
• The Basic Type setup (page 621)
• The Acquisition Type setup (page 637)
• The Radio Management setup (page 641)
• The QC Limit setup (page 644)
• The QC Choice setup (page 645)
• The T0 Time setup (page 646)
• The Pattern setup window (page 648)
• Functions (page 652)
• Normal acquisition (page 672)
• Statistics views (page 679)

428XL User’s Manual Vol. 1 615

April 11, 2013
12 VE432
The main window >

The main window

The jVE432 window is only available if you choose the “VE432”
Vibrator type (page 72) option in the Install window.

To open the VE432 main window, click on this icon in the

launcher bar.
This main window serves as the Graphic User Interface for a VE432
vibrator controller (VE432 DPG). For an introduction to the VE432
system and details on what it is able to do, how it works, how to deploy
it, see the VE432 Installation and Reference manual.

Setup toolbar
Function toolbar
Click to show

Click to close view

Figure 12-1

The View menu and the associated toolbar allow you to customize the
main window by choosing one or more views to display. Then you can
resize your display panes by dragging the desired border.
You can show or hide columns in tables by right-clicking in any column
heading and selecting Customize (see Figure 2-25).
The Setups menu and the associated toolbar allow you to customize
sweep signals, set parameters for vibrator fleets and adjust QC

616 428XL User’s Manual Vol. 1

April 11, 2013
The main window >

The Functions menu and the associated toolbar provide local controls
to be used outside of seismic acquisition periods to adjust the
parameters of vibrator DSDs.


428XL User’s Manual Vol. 1 617

April 11, 2013
12 VE432
The Vibrator Crew setup >

The Vibrator Crew setup

Figure 12-2

The Vibrator Crew setup dialog box is used to create a seismic crew by
building the list of vibrators available in that crew, that is the list of
vibrator electronics (DSDs) seen by the recorder’s GUI, and specifying
how many vibrator fleets will be available.
To save the description of the crew, click Apply. This updates the status
bar under the function buttons in the main window: an indicator appears
for each DSD incorporated in the crew, associated with the
identification number of the vibrator (e. g. V1, V2, etc.). The indicator
is blank until you run the Look and Set DSD or Fleet functions.
Clicking Apply also clears all the vibrators lists in the dialog boxes that
will open when you click some of the function buttons (Set DSD, Get
DSD, etc.)
As a result, you have to run the Look function to update the vibrators
Clicking Reset instead of Apply reverts to the former settings.

Crew Nb
This field is used to enter the crew identification number (1 to 4).

618 428XL User’s Manual Vol. 1

April 11, 2013
The Vibrator Crew setup >

A “DPG” can address only one crew. The crew identification number is
used to preclude any interference with other crews working nearby.

Buttons used to specify the fleets (i. e. sources) to be used in the crew.
For example, activating buttons 1 and 3 will cause two fleets to be
available: fleets 1 and 3.
(To specify the vibrators incorporated in each fleet, see Vibrator Fleet
(page 655).

For each item in the list, this option button allows you to choose the type
of controller: either a DSD or a Slave DPG.
Using a Master/Slave configuration makes it possible to record more
traces without increasing the number of vibrators or to use two
recording systems at two distinct places. The DPG in the Slave
recording truck needs to be configured with DPG-Slave software. As a
result it is seen as a DSD from the Master DPG. The Slave DPG
generates a reference pilot signal synchronous with the Time Break. It
does not control any DSD.
For more details, see The VE432 DPG Installation & Reference

This field is used to specify the identification number (1 to 28) of each
vibrator (i. e. DSD) available to the crew. After specifying any vibrator
number in this field, click the Add button to enter it into the list box.

DSD Network
This button is used to specify whether a “DSD network” is implemented
and enable the Navigation-driven shooting (page 309) mode. The “DSD
network” allows each DSD in a fleet to communicate with the fleet’s
leader via an Ethernet wireless datalink. As a result, when all the DSDs

428XL User’s Manual Vol. 1 619

April 11, 2013
12 VE432
The Vibrator Crew setup >

in the fleet are ready for the next sweep, the fleet's leader is able to
supply the DPG with a “Ready” message containing the geographical
position of the Centre Of Gravity of the fleet, referred to as “Source
COG”. This allows the system to select the Source Point automatically
in the Operation window and display it in the Positioning main window.

620 428XL User’s Manual Vol. 1

April 11, 2013
The Basic Type setup > Overview

The Basic Type setup

In this section:
• Overview (page 621)
• Linear (page 623)
• dB/Hz Log, Tn and dB/Octave Log (page 624)
• Pulse (page 629)
• Random (page 630)
• Custom (page 631)
• Compound (page 634)
• Delay (page 635)
• Deboost option (page 635)
• Generating a Basic Type setup (page 636)

To open the Basic Type setup window, select “Basic Type” from
the Setups menu. Creating a “Basic Type” is the process of
describing a basic signal to be used:
- by the DSDs to generate sweeps for the vibroseismic source
(vibrator control signal),
- and/or by the DPG to generate up to four “Pilots” to be used as
reference signals for correlation processors.
You can create up to 32 different Basic Types, which can be combined
using the Compound option.
Below are the allowable ranges for the entry fields that may appear in
the Basic Type setup window.
Start Taper 0 to 32000 ms.
End Taper 0 to 32000 ms.

428XL User’s Manual Vol. 1 621

April 11, 2013
12 VE432
The Basic Type setup > Overview

The start and end tapers are used to reduce the side lobes appearing in
the correlation function of the sine wave or pulse. (The ratio of the peak
amplitude to the side lobes is a measure of the quality of the correlation
Initial Phase -180° to +180°.
Amplitude 0 to 100%.
Length 1 to 64 s (only for Random, Custom and Delay type
Ti 2 to 16 values from 0 to 64 s (T1 must be 0).
Tj 2 to 16 values from 0 to 64 s (T1 must be 0).
Ai 2 to 16 values from -40.00 to +40.00 dB.
Aj 2 to 16 values from 0 to 100%.
Fi 2 to 16 values from 1 to 250 Hz in increasing order
of frequency.
Frequency 1 to 250 Hz (only for Pulse type).

Each basic signal type can be composed of up to 16 segments (32 for

the “dB/Hz Log” and “dB/Octave Log” basic signals).
For details on each basic signal, see below.

622 428XL User’s Manual Vol. 1

April 11, 2013
The Basic Type setup > Linear

You define a Linear-type signal through an analytic description. At the
signal start and end times, and possibly at particular times in between,
you have to specify:
• the signal frequency (Hz),
• the signal amplitude (% of requested drive level).

Frequency Signal
lines amplitude

Figure 12-3

The Frequency variation vs. time is linear within each frequency

segment. Frequency segments are defined as follows:
• The first Ti,Fi pair (T1,F1) specifies the initial frequency hence:
T1 = 0 sec., F1 = initial frequency.
• The second Ti,Fi pair specifies the end time of the first segment (T2)
and the signal frequency at this time is F2, etc.
You must define at least two Ti,Fi pairs (i.e. one frequency segment).
Amplitude segments are defined as follows:
• The first Tj,Aj pair (T1,A1) specifies the initial amplitude, hence:
T1 = 0 sec., A1 = initial amplitude.

428XL User’s Manual Vol. 1 623

April 11, 2013
12 VE432
The Basic Type setup > dB/Hz Log, Tn and dB/Octave Log

• The second Tj,Aj pair specifies the end time of the first segment (T2)
and the signal amplitude at this time is A2, etc.
Within each amplitude segment, the amplitude variation vs. time is
The last Tj determines the total signal length. You must define at least
two Tj,Aj pairs (i.e. one amplitude segment).
Ti and Tj may be different both in number and value but the last Ti and
the last Tj must be the same value.

Note See also page 621.

dB/Hz Log, Tn and dB/Octave Log

Note For non-linear sweeps, the slope in dB is the spectrum slope
before correlation, that is assuming the slope of the power
spectrum is NdB (N being the slope value programmed in the
Basic Type setup), the spectrum of autocorrelation will have a
2  NdB slope.

dB/Hz Log
You define a LOG-type signal through a spectral description, by
- the amplitude (dB) of two or more frequency lines in the signal
- the signal amplitude (% of requested drive level) at the start and
end times and possibly at particular times in between.
The Frequency variation vs. time is logarithmic within each
frequency segment. This signal type is used to compensate for the non-
linear response of the ground (HF damping).

624 428XL User’s Manual Vol. 1

April 11, 2013
The Basic Type setup > dB/Hz Log, Tn and dB/Octave Log

Frequency Signal
lines amplitude

Figure 12-4

Each Fi,Ai pair defines a spectrum line at frequency Fi with amplitude

Ai. Fi,Ai pairs are listed in the increasing order of frequency. You must
define at least two spectrum lines. You can specify up to 32 frequency
Amplitude segments are defined as follows:
• The first Tj,Aj pair (T1,A1) specifies the initial amplitude, hence:
T1 = 0 sec., A1 = initial amplitude.
• The second Tj,Aj pair specifies the end time of the first segment (T2)
and the signal amplitude at this time is A2, etc.
Within each amplitude segment, the amplitude variation is linear. 12
You must define at least two Tj,Aj pairs (i.e. one amplitude segment).
The last Tj determines the total signal length. You can specify up to 32
amplitude segments.

428XL User’s Manual Vol. 1 625

April 11, 2013
12 VE432
The Basic Type setup > dB/Hz Log, Tn and dB/Octave Log

The Frequency is expressed as:

Fe  Fb  t 1 
Fi (t )  Fb   log1   (  1) 
 1   T SegRa 
log 
 SegRa 
• SegRa = Sb/Se = 10(-Ra/10)
• Sb = Slope at the start of the log segment.
• Se = Slope at the end of the log segment.
• Fb = Start frequency.
• Fe = End frequency.
• T = Te-Tb = Basic signal length.
• Ra represents the attenuation (in dB) within the signal

Delta dB values

Fi (Hz) Ai (dB)
8 5
80 10

Ra= 10 - 5 = 5
SegRa = 0.316

Note Choose the Deboost option if the signal is to be used for

Deboost-type processing. See Deboost option (page 635).
See also page 621.

626 428XL User’s Manual Vol. 1

April 11, 2013
The Basic Type setup > dB/Hz Log, Tn and dB/Octave Log

dB/Octave Log

Frequency Signal
lines amplitude

Figure 12-5

The Ti,Fi fields are used to specify the frequency at the start time and
at the end time (two Ti,Fi pairs are required). A single frequency
segment is allowed.
The Tj,Aj fields are used to specify the amplitude (% of requested drive
level) at the start time, at the end time and, if required, at particular
times in between (at least two Tj,Aj pairs are required). The last Tj
determines the total signal length. You can specify up to 32 amplitude
The “Slope dB/Octave” field is used to specify the slope in dB/oct of the
signal spectrum (“SdB” in the expression below). 12
The Frequency is expressed as:

n = ---------- + 1
n t n n n
Fi  t  = Fb + ---   Fe – Fb 

428XL User’s Manual Vol. 1 627

April 11, 2013
12 VE432
The Basic Type setup > dB/Hz Log, Tn and dB/Octave Log

Same as dB/Hz Log type (with no Deboost option), except for the
frequency variation which is exponential rather than logarithmic.

Frequency Signal
lines amplitude

Figure 12-6

The Frequency is expressed as:

 Fe 
log 
n  Fb 
 Fe 
log   logSegRa 
 Fb 
 1  1 1 
Fi (t )   Fb   Fe  Fb n 

n t n
 T  
  

628 428XL User’s Manual Vol. 1

April 11, 2013
The Basic Type setup > Pulse



Time (ms)
0 100 200 300 400 500 600 700 800 900 1000

Figure 12-7

Two parameters are needed to define a pulse-type signal:

- a frequency (F) that determines the pulse width (T) as:
T = 1/F
- an amplitude (% of requested drive level). 12
A 1-second signal is generated, with the pulse peak centred at
0.5 second.
A Pulse-type signal is needed for two purposes:
• Checking the polarity of the devices in the system.
• In operation, pulse reflection from shallow layers of the ground.

428XL User’s Manual Vol. 1 629

April 11, 2013
12 VE432
The Basic Type setup > Random


Figure 12-8

The “Random” basic signal type allows you to take sweeps that do not
generate resonant frequencies (e. g. the resonant frequencies of
buildings) and also allows two or more vibration sources to be used
simultaneously with minimum interference. The “Random” type
generates a Pseudorandom noise signal based on one of the four
different polynomial sequences selectable from the “Polynomial”
option button:
• 65spoly1: first polynomial with 65535-ms sequence length
• 65spoly2: second polynomial with 65535-ms sequence length
• 8spoly1: first polynomial with 8191-ms sequence length
• 8spoly2: second polynomial with 8191-ms sequence length
The two 8-second polynomial options should only be used with
listening times less than 8 seconds. The polynomial sequences have
been appropriately designed for minimum cross-correlation residual.

630 428XL User’s Manual Vol. 1

April 11, 2013
The Basic Type setup > Custom

You define a Random-type basic signal by specifying:

• the polynomial option,
• the amplitude (dB) of two or more frequency lines in the spectrum,
• the signal length (duration), and start and end tapers.
Frequency segments should be defined as follows:
- The first Fi,Ai pair specifies the initial frequency (F1) and the
initial amplitude (A1). F1 must be 5, 7, 10, 14 or 20 Hz.
- The second Fi,Ai pair specifies the frequency (F2) and the
amplitude (A2) of the signal at the end of the first segment, etc.
You must define at least two Fi,Ai pairs (i.e. one frequency

Note Choose the Deboost option if the signal is to be used for

Deboost-type processing.
See also Deboost option (page 635).


Figure 12-9

To define a “Custom” basic type signal, you just have to specify the
name of a file saved on the vibrator electronics PCMCIA interface,
containing the description of a customized signal of yours.

428XL User’s Manual Vol. 1 631

April 11, 2013
12 VE432
The Basic Type setup > Custom

Note The system will not check to see if you entered a consistent file
name until you run the Set DSD function.
Note You don't have to specify the Length (this field will be updated
by reading the specified file when you run the Set DSD
You have to define the shape of the Custom sweep and create a file
containing the samples required by the VE432 (see the example below)
with a tool of your own, save it as an ASCII, DOS- or UNIX-format file,
and then load it to the DPG. See How to load a Custom sweep file to a
DPG (page 633).
The sweep should be defined with 2000 samples per second, one sample
per line. Each sample should be a floating value in ASCII format, scaled
between -1 and +1.
Comments are allowed, beginning with #.


# Sercel Custom sweep

# file custom1.asc

# 11.03.1999

0.0000001 # start taper.







0.0000001 # end taper

632 428XL User’s Manual Vol. 1

April 11, 2013
The Basic Type setup > Custom

The Hilbert transform of the reference can be supplied too, in the form
of a second column of figures, in a Custom sweep file. (The reference
signal is assumed described in the first column). The two columns are
required for VSR if a Time QC is desired (calculation of phase,
distortion, force). See SQC Dump mode with VE432 (page 361).

How to load a Custom sweep file to a DPG

After creating a Custom sweep file you have to move it to the GUI on
the server computer, via whatever medium is available and appropriate
(CD-ROM, etc.). You may put it into the /tmp directory or any directory
beginning with /users/ (e. g. /users/428XL/ve432/). The file name
should be in DOS format, i. e. 8 characters max for the name, 1 dot, 3
characters max for the extension (e. g. custom1.asc).
To load a custom file to a DPG:
1. Select PCMCIA tools from the Functions menu (see Figure 12-
37 on page 669).
2. Choose the “Load custom file to PCMCIA” option.
3. Use the Browse button to select the file to load.
4. Click Go. The file is transferred to the DPG. The DPG performs
the necessary format conversion and stores the result to the
PCMCIA card without changing the file name.
For example the /users/428XL/ve432/custom1.asc file is saved as
custom1.asc on the PCMCIA card.
Generate a PCMCIA card containing the custom sweep file for each
DSD and each DPG to use. 12

428XL User’s Manual Vol. 1 633

April 11, 2013
12 VE432
The Basic Type setup > Compound


Figure 12-10

The “Compound” basic signal type allows you to create a basic sweep
signal composed of a combination of two or more basic types. You just
have to enter the number of each of those basic types needed into the
Basic Type field and click Add in the upper pane. In the lower pane,
enter a new number and label and click Add then Apply.
You can use this option to define a signal including a delay time: create
a delay type with the desired delay length, using the Delay option, then
insert it at the beginning of a “Compound” sweep (i. e. the delay-type
signal should be the first in the list).

Note The signals will be generated in the order determined in the list

634 428XL User’s Manual Vol. 1

April 11, 2013
The Basic Type setup > Delay


Figure 12-11

The “Delay” basic signal type uses a single entry field (Length,
allowable range 1 to 64 s).
If you wish to delay any basic signal, specify the desired delay time in
the “Length” field. In the lower pane, enter a new number and label and
click Add then Apply. Then use the “Compound” tab to create a new
basic type including that delay. See Compound (page 634).

Deboost option
If you choose the Deboost option for Log or Random type signals, the
428XL will make the necessary computation for the frequency
spectrum shape of the output signals to be the same as that of a linear

Figure 12-12

Note Whether or not the Deboost option is enabled, the VE432

generates the same sweep. This option does not affect the
behaviour of the VE432.
428XL User’s Manual Vol. 1 635
April 11, 2013
12 VE432
The Basic Type setup > Generating a Basic Type setup

Generating a Basic Type setup

The “Basic Type” setup window allows you to define up to 32 different
basic signal types.
1. Click on the appropriate tab, depending on which mathematical
function you wish to use.
2. In the upper pane, set the parameters as required.
3. In the lower pane:
- The list box shows the list of basic signals already defined, if
- The “Number“ field is used to enter or display a basic signal type
number. Example: “25” refers to basic signal #25 (“bas25” in the
list box).
- The “Label“ field is used to enter or display a more user-friendly
label for the basic signal type. The default label refers to the
mathematical function selected for the basic signal.
- The basic signal # displayed in the “Number” field and defined
with the selections made in the upper pane is added into the list
box when you click the Add button (unless it is already defined).
If you double-click any basic type in the list box, then its characteristics
appear in the upper pane. To make changes, click it in the list box, make
the desired changes and click Change or Delete. Clicking Apply saves
your changes.
Any changes to the Basic Type currently used will not be effective until
you use the “Set DSD“ function to initialize the DSDs.

636 428XL User’s Manual Vol. 1

April 11, 2013
The Acquisition Type setup >

The Acquisition Type setup

Figure 12-13

The list box shows the list of existing acquisition types. An

“Acquisition Type” tells the DSDs selected in a vibrator fleet what to
do. To define an Acquisition Type you have to specify:
- the Basic signal type to be used by all DSDs in the fleet,
- the signals (up to four) to be supplied by the DPG through its
Analog Pilot outputs, if required (to be used in the correlation
- two options for the DSDs (baseplate automatic lift, and
synchronization with a picked-up power line signal),
- an acquisition number and label.

Note Acquisition Types are used in defining Process Types in the

“Operation” window.

Acquisition Type & Label

The Acquisition Type field is used to enter an identification number
(1 to 32) for the Acquisition Type. You will need that identification
number when you create a “Process Type” in the “Operation” window
(see The Process Type setup on page 256).

428XL User’s Manual Vol. 1 637

April 11, 2013
12 VE432
The Acquisition Type setup >

The Label field is used to enter a label (up to 16 ASCII characters) for
the Acquisition Type. A default label is prompted by the system (acq
type #) but you can enter a more user-friendly one.

Note A noise elimination Threshold Type (modulo 16) is

automatically associated with each Acquisition Type:
Threshold Type 1 <=> Acq Type 1
Threshold Type 2 <=> Acq Type 2
... ...
Threshold Type 16 <=> Acq Type 16
Threshold Type 1 <=> Acq Type 17
... ...
Threshold Type 16 <=> Acq Type 32

Basic Type Nb
This field is used to specify which Basic (sweep) signal the DSDs
should generate. Enter the desired Basic Type number (defined using
The Basic Type setup on page 621).

Pilot Basic Nb
The DPG can generate up to four Pilots, available on its “Analog Pilot”
outputs, to be used as reference signals for the correlation processor. A
Pilot signal is synchronous with the Time Break signal and usually very
similar to the fleet's sweep signal. The Pilot signals should be fed to
FDUs used as Auxiliary channels on the acquisition system. (See
Installation Manual).
When you create an Acquisition Type, you specify which Pilots the
DPG should generate. You do that by entering the desired Basic Type
number (defined using The Basic Type setup on page 621) into the
necessary fields (p1 to p4).

638 428XL User’s Manual Vol. 1

April 11, 2013
The Acquisition Type setup >

Auto Lift
Select this option if you wish the vibrator baseplate to automatically lift
at the end of the sweep depicted by the acquisition type. The baseplate
will not lift automatically, however, unless and until the Auto Lift
button on the DSD is activated too.

High Line Sync

The High Line Sync option allows you to select a synchronization
signal for the T0 time. Click this button and select the desired option in
the menu that pops up. The three possible options are:
• Free: no synchronization
• Up: T0 synchronized on the transition from the negative to positive
half period of the High Line signal
• Down: T0 synchronized on the transition from the positive to
negative half period of the High Line signal.

Note High Line synchronization is irrelevant for a pseudo-random

This function is used to remove the noise radiated by nearby power
lines, by means of the following technique:
- High Line noise is intendedly picked up and fed to the DPG (see
VE432 Installation Manual).
- The sweeps are ALTERNATIVELY triggered on the positive-
going and negative-going transitions of high line noise.
- With an even number of sweeps, any high line noise picked up
by the receivers is theoretically removed through the stacking
To define a new acquisition type, enter its number in the Acquisition
Type field, select the desired options and basic signals, then click Add.
To make changes, click it in the list box, make the desired changes and
click Change or Delete.

428XL User’s Manual Vol. 1 639

April 11, 2013
12 VE432
The Acquisition Type setup >

To save the current list of acquisition types, click Apply. (To revert to
the former list, click Reset instead).

640 428XL User’s Manual Vol. 1

April 11, 2013
The Radio Management setup >

The Radio Management setup

Vib. 2
Vib. 3
Vib. 10

Figure 12-14

Get DSD Status

This option button allows you to choose the moment when each DSD
should transmit its status to the DPG, and to choose a return signal:
- “During the sweep”: the DSD will transmit its status during the
next sweep rather than in the interval between two successive
sweeps. This allows you to save time, but prevents you from
using a Return Sweep.
- “At end of sweep”: the DSD will transmit its status at the end of
sweeps. Choose this option if you wish to use a Return Sweep.
(The Return Sweep is transmitted by a DSD to the DPG during
sweeps via the radio link).

Return Signal
This button allows you to specify whether to use a Return Sweep signal.
If you tick this option, then you have to specify the vibrator on which
the Return Sweep signal is to be picked up, choose which signal to pick
up as the Return Sweep on this vibrator, and also choose a Return Pilot.
The Return Sweep is transmitted by the DSD to the DPG during sweeps
via the radio link. As a result, if you choose to use a Return Sweep, the
DSD status cannot be transmitted to the DPG during sweeps (see Get
DSD Status option above).

428XL User’s Manual Vol. 1 641

April 11, 2013
12 VE432
The Radio Management setup >

The Return Sweep and Return Pilot are relayed to the central unit via
the DPG's Analog Pilot connector.

Return Sweep On Vib #

Return Sweep refers to a signal sensed on a vibrator's mechanical parts
and transmitted on the radio link to the DPG, for real-time monitoring
of the vibration source on the central unit. You have to click in the list
box to select (highlight) the vibrator to be monitored.

This option button allows you to choose which signal to monitor as
Return Sweep from six possible options:
• Force: Ground force signal
• Macc: Mass acceleration
• Mvel: Mass velocity
• Bacc: Base plate acceleration
• Bvel: Base plate velocity
• Ref: DSD local reference

Return Pilot
If you select a Return Sweep, you have to select a Return Pilot, that is
one of the Pilot signals generated by the DPG, shifted by the radio delay,
so that it can be used as reference signal by the correlation processor.
Choose a Return Pilot from the Pilot signals (P1 to P4) specified in the
The Acquisition Type setup (page 637).

Note For radio similarity tests:

• the Return Pilot should be fed to Auxiliary channel 2.
• the Return Sweep should be fed to Auxiliary channel 3.

642 428XL User’s Manual Vol. 1

April 11, 2013
The Radio Management setup >

Generating a Radio Management Setup

1. Select the appropriate Get DSD Status option.
2. If you want to define a Return Signal:
- Tick the Return Signal option,
- Click in the list box to select (highlight) the vibrator you want to
monitor (choose a vibrator that responded successfully to the
Look function),
- From the Signal option button, select the signal to monitor
(Force/Mass acceleration/etc.),
- Choose a Return Pilot (P1/P2/P3/P4),
3. To save and enable your changes, click Apply. (To revert to the
former settings, click Reset instead).


428XL User’s Manual Vol. 1 643

April 11, 2013
12 VE432
The QC Limit setup >

The QC Limit setup

Figure 12-15

This dialog box allows you to set alert thresholds for some of the
Quality Control data supplied to the GUI by the DSDs. Any threshold
being exceeded will cause the QC data of the DSD to be displayed in
orange in the main window.
• Average Phase Error: 0 to 45 degrees.
• Maximum Phase Error: 0 to 45 degrees.
• Average Distortion:0 to 50%.
• Maximum Distortion: 0 to 80%.
• Average Ground Force: 0 to 100%.
To save and enable your changes, click Apply. (To revert to the former
settings, click Reset instead).

644 428XL User’s Manual Vol. 1

April 11, 2013
The QC Choice setup >

The QC Choice setup

Figure 12-16

To save and enable your changes, click Apply. (To revert to the former
settings, click Reset instead).

Data Computation Domain

(“Time” or “Frequency”) This option button is used to specify whether
the DPG should output the vibrator QC data in the Time domain (phase
error, distortion, ground force) or in the Frequency domain (phase
error, ground force).

Extended QC
If you select this option, QC data computed every 0.5 second, can be
viewed in real time (i. e. with Auto activated), using the Get QC
function. The average QC results computed over a complete acquisition
are still available.
(If you do not select the Extended QC option, the Extended QC data is
still computed but it cannot be viewed during acquisitions).


428XL User’s Manual Vol. 1 645

April 11, 2013
12 VE432
The T0 Time setup >

The T0 Time setup

Figure 12-17

The “T0 time” (or T0 sync code) is a virtual time mark signal
terminating every T0 message (message radioed between the DPG and
The T0 sync code is used for:
- measuring the radio delays,
- allowing the DSDs to start their sweeps at the same time.
See also Radio functions (page 662).
To save and enable your changes, click Apply. (To revert to the former
settings, click Reset instead).

T0 Repeat Times
(Allowable range: 2 to 50).
Specifies the number of T0 data frames in the T0 message. It may be
helpful to send more than 2 T0 data frames to increase the reliability of
the radio link. However, repeating the T0 data frame causes the T0 sync
code (terminating the T0 message) to be delayed with respect to the
transmit start time of the DPG radio. The delay may be:
up to 50x311 ms = 15.5 s at 1800 bits/s (base band transmitter)
up to 50x467 ms = 23.3 s at 1200 bits/s (modem module transmitter).

646 428XL User’s Manual Vol. 1

April 11, 2013
The T0 Time setup >

T0 Mode
(“Normal T0” or “Early T0”) Allows you to set the transmit start time
of the DPG radio between any two consecutive acquisitions.
• In the “Normal T0” mode, the DPG radio is not switched to
transmission until the DPG receives the Firing Order.
• In the “Early T0” mode, the DPG radio is switched to transmission
right after the DSD status report is received, irrespective of the
expected Firing Order for the next acquisition. The time interval
between any two acquisitions is therefore shorter by about 1.7
seconds if the Early T0 mode is used.

FO Window
(Allowable range: 3 to 60 seconds).
Must be specified if the Early T0 mode is selected. Stands for a time
interval, starting right after the DSD status report is received, during
which the Firing Order for the next acquisition is expected.
If no Firing Order is received within the FO window, then the system
will return to the normal T0 mode for the next acquisition.


428XL User’s Manual Vol. 1 647

April 11, 2013
12 VE432
The Pattern setup window >

The Pattern setup window

The pattern setup window allows you to define the geometry of a
Vibrator Point, by specifying the position of each vibrator with respect
to the Centre Of Gravity of the source point. The pattern description is
required for the Guidance function.

Graphic view of Planned

pattern source COG

p2 p1
Drag to adjust
Vib position
p3 p4
Pattern type Number of vibrators
identification in pattern

Numeric description
of pattern

1 0.5 0.5
2 -0.5 0.5
3 -0.5 -0.5
or Feet
4 0.5 -0.5

Figure 12-18

To generate a pattern description, do the following:

1. Use the “Pattern Nb” option button to choose an identification
number for the type of pattern.
2. Use the “Nb of Vib” option button to specify the number of
vibrators in the pattern.
3. Adjust the position of each vibrator in the pattern as required, by
dragging the vibrator point in the graphic view or specifying the
appropriate “delta X” and “delta Y” offset with respect to the
648 428XL User’s Manual Vol. 1
April 11, 2013
The Pattern setup window >

planned COG, in metres or feet (you can select whichever you like
from the “Unit” button).
4. Set the rotation and source line parameters:
• Pattern rotation: (dddmmss.ss) use this field to rotate the pattern as
required. (The vertical axis of the pattern in the graphic view always
points to the true North).
Pattern Pattern
VP geometry
Setup Rotation
True North

p4 VPn
True North p3
p2 p4
(0450000.00) 45°
p1 VPn+1

p1 -60° p1

-60° p4 p4
p2 VPn p2 VPn+1

p3 p3


p2 p3
45° p1
45° VPn+1
p1 p4 12

Figure 12-19

• Stack distance: distance to the next shake location within a stacked

VP, for each vibrator (i. e. source station spacing).

428XL User’s Manual Vol. 1 649

April 11, 2013
12 VE432
The Pattern setup window >

Stack distance: 12 m , Stacking fold: 3



12 m 12 m

Figure 12-20

With an even stacking fold, the VP is located midway (half the stack
distance) between the two centremost source stations as shown

Stack distance: 12 m , Stacking fold: 4



12 m 6m 6m 12 m

Figure 12-21

• Stack Source Line Bearing: Bearing of the direction in which to

steer each vibrator to its next shake location within a stacked VP.
See the examples below.

650 428XL User’s Manual Vol. 1

April 11, 2013
The Pattern setup window >

Pattern Rotation: 45°, Stack Source Line Bearing: 90°, Stack distance: 12 m , Stack fold: 2

True North 90°

p4 p4
p3 Source
p3 VPn Line
p2 45° p2
p1 p1
p4 p4
12 m
p3 VPn+1 p3
distance p2 p2
p1 p1

Figure 12-22

Pattern Rotation: -60°, Stack Source Line Bearing: 45°, Stack distance: 12 m , Stack fold: 2

True North
p1 p2
-60° VPn+1




45° p4

p1 p3



p3 12
Figure 12-23

428XL User’s Manual Vol. 1 651

April 11, 2013
12 VE432
Functions > Auto/Manual

In this section:
• Auto/Manual (page 652)
• Look (page 653)
• Vibrator Fleet (page 655)
• Local Acquisition (page 657)
• Set DSD (page 658)
• Get DSD (page 659)
• Radio functions (page 662)
• Set Servo (page 667)
• PCMCIA Tools (page 669)


Figure 12-24

Clicking Manual isolates the DPG from the 428XL and enables its
local functions (e.g. local acquisition). As a result:
• data acquisition in vibroseismic operations is suspended until the
DPG is reset to Auto.
• the traffic light of the DPG in the 428XL Activity window turns red.
Clicking Auto connects the DPG to the 428XL (and checks the DSD
Setup parameters) allowing it to perform data acquisition (if the VE432
window is ready, with consistent parameter settings, and if the Vib Fleet
function has been completed). With Auto activated, DPG local

652 428XL User’s Manual Vol. 1

April 11, 2013
Functions > Look

functions are inhibited; the traffic light of the DPG in the 428XL
Activity window is green during sweeps, orange otherwise.

The Look DSD function
allows you to select the
DSDs to be used in the active
You must have used the
Setups menu's Crew
command to define a crew (a
list of DSDs). The crew
consisting of all the DSDs
that you “select” through the
Look DSD function is Figure 12-25

referred to as the “active”

crew. “Selecting” a DSD with the Look DSD function means
initializing the radio transmission between the DPG and this DSD and
querying to see if its status is correct.

• Unless already done, click the Manual button in the control panel to
isolate the DPG from the recording unit.
• All the DSDs you intend to select must be in the Remote state (use
the “Remote” key on the DSD).
• You cannot use the Look button (i. e. the button is dimmed) until the 12
DPG is connected to the computer and powered up (communication
between the two must be established).

1. Using the right arrow button, move the vibrators you want to
initialize (those which are to make up the active crew) from the

428XL User’s Manual Vol. 1 653

April 11, 2013
12 VE432
Functions > Look

left-hand list (Available DSDs) to the vibrator list for the desired
DPG controller module.
2. Click the Select button. As a result, a message is radioed to all the
DSDs chosen in the right-hand list box, thus initializing or re-
initializing radio communications between the DPG and those
3. All the DSDs that replied successfully are displayed with boldface
characters in the Look DSD dialog box's vibrator list. In the case
of a multimodule configuration, there is one list for each DPG

The vibrator status bar in the

main window is updated

Figure 12-26

- The vibrator indicators should turn orange, unless the vibrator

parameters need to be loaded.
- The indicator of any vibrator that requires parameters to be
loaded is shown in blue and the message “DSD#.. Wrong setup
DSD table” appears. (Use the Set DSD function to load the
- If the Vib Fleet function has been performed, those DSDs which
are seen by Look and associated with a fleet are shown in green.
- Any DSD that requires the Installation or Initialization routine to
be performed is shown in red.
- Any DSD for which the Look function failed is colorless.
4. If any DSD (Vib xx) fails to reply properly, e. g. because it is not
installed or because of radio-communications problems, then the

654 428XL User’s Manual Vol. 1

April 11, 2013
Functions > Vibrator Fleet

message “No answer from DSD xx Do you want to retry?”

appears in a warning dialog box.

Same as Select button, but those DSDs which were initialized when the
Look DSD function was last executed are not re-initialized, so they
remain “selected”. Therefore, the Append button allows you to add one
or more DSDs to the list of “selected” DSDs without re-initializing the
whole list.

Vibrator Fleet
A crew may consist of up to 4 groups of DSDs referred to as
“fleets” (one fleet for each vibratory source). The Vib. Fleet
function is used to specify the DSDs incorporated in each
fleet. Beforehand, you have to run the Look and Set DSD functions.
Clicking theVibrator Fleet button opens a dialog box with a list box for
each fleet in the crew. (To specify which fleets are to be used in the crew,
see The Vibrator Crew setup on page 618).
Number Position in

Vib. 10 Vib. 2 1
Vib. 12 Vib. 3 R 2

Figure 12-27

The left-hand list box (Available DSDs) prompts the list of DSDs
available to the crew, i. e. those selected by the Look function but not
assigned to any fleet yet. Using the right arrow button (or the usual drag
and drop method), move the vibrators you want to incorporate into a
fleet from the left-hand list box to the desired fleet’s list box.

428XL User’s Manual Vol. 1 655

April 11, 2013
12 VE432
Functions > Vibrator Fleet

If the Guidance option is used, the first vibrator (DSD) you enter into a
fleet’s list box is assigned to Position 1 in each pattern, the second to
Position 2, etc. In the above example, Vibrator No. 3 is assigned to
Position 2 in each pattern, Vibrator No. 2 is assigned to Position 1. See
The Pattern setup window (page 648).
Double-clicking on any DSD in the list enables or disables the use of the
Ready button on this DSD (this also determines which vibrator is the
leader). Pushing the Ready button on any DSD is of no effect unless the
button is enabled in the Fleet window. (An “R” appears after the DSD
number of the leader in the list box, meaning that the use of the Ready
button on this DSD is enabled).
After selecting (highlighting) the
The green colour means the
desired DSDs in each fleet's list vibrator is ready to be used in
box, clicking Go will update the remote control mode

status bar displayed under the

function buttons in the main
window: a flag appears ahead of
each vibrators fleet in the status bar, Figure 12-28
and those vibrators which are ready
in each fleet are shown in green.

Note After enabling or disabling the Guidance option in the

Operation window, you have to go to Manual and run again the
Set DSD and Vib Fleet functions.

656 428XL User’s Manual Vol. 1

April 11, 2013
Functions > Local Acquisition

Local Acquisition
This function allows you to check the vibrator equipment
separately, as if it were not connected to the recording unit.
For a local acquisition the DPG may operate alone, or the
DPG and DSDs may operate normally but without being controlled by
the recording unit. In that case the Blast command (Firing Order) is
replaced by a manual start (Go pushbutton).

Unless already done, click the Manual button in the control panel to
isolate the DPG from the recording unit.
The DSDs that you want to use must be “selected” (see Look on
page 653), with consistent parameters.

How to use the local acquisition function

1. Click the Local Acquisition function button. A dialog box
appears showing the DSDs currently selected in the active crew.

Figure 12-29
2. In the list box, choose (by clicking) the vibrators you wish to use
for the local acquisition. If you do not select any vibrator, then the
DPG will operate alone.
3. In the Basic Type field, enter the type of basic signal you wish to
use. (Basic Types are defined through the Setups menu).
4. Click the option button to choose the execution mode:
428XL User’s Manual Vol. 1 657
April 11, 2013
12 VE432
Functions > Set DSD

• Single: The basic signal is generated once.

• Continuous: The basic signal repeats endlessly until you click the
Stop button (which appears at the bottom of the dialog box if you
choose this option).
5. Click the Go button. The local acquisition executes. In Single
mode, the local acquisition ends automatically, without any user
action. In Continuous mode, you must click the Stop button to
interrupt the local acquisition, which will actually stop after the
current acquisition is complete.

This function is used to upload sweep-type parameters from
the DPG to the DSDs you specify.
The sweep parameters are read from the table containing all the
acquisition types (ACQ#) defined in the VE432 window. They are
required in the DSDs for generating the corresponding vibratory
sources. The Set DSD function allows you to have consistent
parameters in all the DSDs to be used for a sweep. Those DSDs which
have inconsistent parameters are shown in blue in the main window's
status bar.

Unless already done, click the Manual button in the control panel to
isolate the DPG from the recording unit.
The DSDs to which you want to upload sweep type parameters must be
“selected”. See Look (page 653).

How to use the “Set DSD” function

1. Click the Set DSD pushbutton in the control panel. A dialog box
appears with a list box showing the DSDs currently selected in the
active crew (as a result of the Look DSD function).

658 428XL User’s Manual Vol. 1

April 11, 2013
Functions > Get DSD

The orange colour means

the DPG and DSD
Vib. 1 acquisitions are matching
Vib. 2
Vib. 3

Figure 12-30

2. In the list box, select (by clicking) the vibrators you wish to load
parameters to.
3. Click the Go button.

Note With a customized basic signal (Custom option in Basic Type

setup), errors may appear at this stage as the Set DSD function
checks for consistent parameters from the custom file.

This function is used to import and view the vibrator
parameters from one or more DSDs you specify.

Unless already done, click the Manual button in the control panel to
isolate the DPG from the recording unit.
The DSDs that you want to query must be “selected”. See Look
(page 653).

How to use the “Get DSD” function

1. Click the Get DSD button. A dialog box appears with a list box
showing the DSDs currently selected in the active crew (as a
result of the Look DSD function).

428XL User’s Manual Vol. 1 659

April 11, 2013
12 VE432
Functions > Get DSD

Vib. 1
Vib. 2
Vib. 3

Figure 12-31

2. In the list box, choose (by clicking) the vibrators you wish to get
parameters from.
3. Select the type of units you wish to use to display the results:
Metric (kg, daN, etc.) Imperial (lb, lbf, etc.).
4. Click the Go button.
After all the data from the DSDs have been collected they are viewed in
a table so that comparisons between DSDs can be made easily.

DSD parameters
Running the Get DSD function opens a view pane displaying the
following vibrator parameters from each selected DSD:

660 428XL User’s Manual Vol. 1

April 11, 2013
Functions > Get DSD

100 to 32767 kg
100 to 32767 kg
100 to 32767 kg
1000 to 327670 daN
1000 to 327670 daN
Polarity (depending on the wiring) of the
Reaction Mass, Servo Valve, Torque Motor.
Gain of the Mass LVDT and
Valve LVDT (Linear Variable Differential Transformer)
- Reaction mass LVDT offset
- Main Valve LVDT offset
- Torque motor current
- Active region of LVDT stroke, in percent.

Results from the two sweeps that

were used for the identification process.

- Static gain of pilot valve.

- Pilot valve cut-off frequency
- Pilot valve damping coefficient

- Value of leakage between the two chambers of the reaction mass.

- Main valve static gain
- Gain weighting in the servo control loop.
- Servo control type (Filtered or Raw).

- Amplitude level (0 to 100%) for the DSD's DRIVE "H" key.

- Amplitude level (0 to 100%) for the DSD's DRIVE "L" key.
- If Auto Level = Yes, Minimum high drive level, in percent.
- If Auto Level = Yes, Minimum low drive level, in percent.
Figure 12-32

428XL User’s Manual Vol. 1 661

April 11, 2013
12 VE432
Functions > Radio functions

Radio functions
Radio functions are used to measure (Compute Radio
Delay) or manually change (Modify Radio Delay) the
radio delay inherent in radio transmissions between the
DPG and DSDs, or to remotely change the radio output levels of the
DPG and DSDs (Set Radio Parameters).

Figure 12-33

The radio delay is an essential parameter in the correlation process as it

is involved in making the pilot signal synchronous with the sweep
A radio delay is usually measured for a given type of radio transceiver.
The Compute function should therefore be run whenever you use a new
radio type on your DPG and DSDs, but also at regular time intervals to
check the performance of your radio sets. Through the Compute
function, a series of five measurement sequences is run to determine the
radio delay.
The Radio Delay can also be typed on the computer’s keyboard (using
the Modify function) for example because you want to use a value
slightly different from the average radio delay determined by the
Compute function.
The “Set Radio Parameters” tab is used to set the transmission output
level of the radio units of the DPG and DSDs.

• Unless already done, click the Manual button in the control panel to
isolate the DPG from the recording unit.
• Use the Look DSD function to define your active crew.

662 428XL User’s Manual Vol. 1

April 11, 2013
Functions > Radio functions

How to use the “Compute” function

1. Click the Compute Radio Delay tab. The DPG queries the
selected DSDs in succession, via the radio link, based on the
scheme described below. See More about the radio delay
measurement (page 664).
2. After the radio delay is determined, the DPG radio delay assumes
the determined value and, via radio transmissions from the DPG,
all corrections to the extra delay are zeroed in the DSDs. For more
information on this parameter, see More about the radio delay
(page 666).
3. After transmission is complete, the computed radio delay appears
in the “Dpg Radio Delay” field, meaning that the Compute
function is complete.

Transmission faults
If the DPG fails to receive a reply from any DSD (a T0 sync on its return
trip is expected), the warning message “No T0 reception” shows up in
the status pane.
In that case, the DPG will resume the transmission of T0 to this DSD.
If the retry is successful (a reply is received), the function will proceed
normally unless a total of 8 retries have already been done since the
Compute function was initiated, in which case the function is aborted,
as a more severe failure is suspected, and the “Measurement aborted
(radio trans. errors)” warning message shows up.

How to enter a radio delay (“Modify” function) 12

1. Click on the “Modify Radio Delay” tab.

Figure 12-34

428XL User’s Manual Vol. 1 663

April 11, 2013
12 VE432
Functions > Radio functions

2. In the “DPG Radio Delay“field, enter the value of radio delay

that you want to use.
3. Click Go to activate this value.
You cannot enter an individual radio delay for each DSD.

Setting radio parameters

Click on the “Set Radio Parameters” tab.

Figure 12-35

• The Radio Level is adjustable from 3% (min) to 100% (max).

• Number of Ready Frames: typically, a single ready message is
required. In the event of difficult radio transmission conditions
(important interference or jamming), repeating the ready message
may help.
• Radio Transmission Delay: set as required, depending on the radio
model used. See the VE432 manual.
Clicking Go uploads the selected value to all DSDs and Slave DPGs
selected by the Select or Append function (Look DSD), and all DPGs.

More about the radio delay measurement

Measurement principle
Radio delays are measured using the T0 sync code. This signal is the
pseudorandom code transmitted in the T0 message.

664 428XL User’s Manual Vol. 1

April 11, 2013
Functions > Radio functions

Measurement sequences
A measurement sequence may be outlined as follows:
• A T0 message is transmitted from the DPG.
• Upon receiving the T0 sync code, a DSD must transmit this time
mark back to the DPG.
• The same DSD transmits the t2 time to the DPG.
• The DPG determines a solution (D1) for the radio delay through the
following formula:

t1 – t2
D1 = ----------------
t1 = elapsed time between the moment the DPG transmits the T0
and the moment it receives it back from a DSD.
t2 = elapsed time between the moment the DSD receives the T0
from the DPG and the moment it transmits it back to the DPG.
• The measurement sequence is repeated until five measurements (D1,
D2, ..., D5) are available on the DPG, irrespective of the number of
DSDs in the crew. DSDs are queried in ascending order of fleet# and
• If for example the crew consists of six DSDs, the five solutions are
obtained from:
Vib 1 (Fleet 1) D1
Vib 2 (Fleet 1) D2 12
Vib 3 (Fleet 2) D3
Vib 4 (Fleet 2) D4
Vib 5 (Fleet 3) D5
Vib 6 (Fleet 3) not queried
But if there are only two DSDs, the five solutions are obtained from:
Vib 1 (D1)

428XL User’s Manual Vol. 1 665

April 11, 2013
12 VE432
Functions > Radio functions

Vib 2 (D2)
Vib 1 (D3)
Vib 2 (D4)
Vib 1 (D5).

Radio delay, final result

The radio delay is then computed by averaging the five solutions. The
expression of the final result is then:

D1 + D2 + D3 + D4 + D5-
RadioDelay = ---------------------------------------------------------------
(Typical value with standard radios: 500 microseconds approx.)

More about the radio delay

The radio delay may be defined as the time elapsed between the
moment a command intended for a DSD is requested on the DPG and
the moment it starts running on the DSD, that is the propagation time of
a message from the DPG to a DSD via the radio.

System requirements
A record sequence requires that all pilots and sweeps should start at
exactly the same time.
If no provision were made for synchronous start times, a Firing Order
transmitted from the DPG at time t would result in a premature
generation of pilots, or in a delayed generation of sweep start times, due
to the delay introduced by the radio sets.

How the system can generate synchronous pilots and sweeps

Pilots are postponed by a time delay, starting from the T0 sync code, in
order to compensate for the radio delays: all pilot start times are
postponed by a time equal to the radio delay, computed or user-set, to
match the sweep start time (affected by the radio delay) in the DSDs.

666 428XL User’s Manual Vol. 1

April 11, 2013
Functions > Set Servo

Set Servo

This function allows you to set the parameters used in each vibrator's
servo control loop. Clicking Go will set the servo control loop
parameters of all the vibrators you select (highlight) in the list box.

Vib. 1
Vib. 2
Vib. 3

Figure 12-36

Unless already done, click Manual in the control panel to isolate the
DPG from the recording unit.
The DSDs that you want to set must be “selected” (see page 653 - Look
DSD function).

Servo Input
This option button determines what to use as input to the servo control:
either the estimated states from the Kalman filter (“Filtered” option) or
raw measurements of baseplate and mass accelerations (“Raw” option).
• Filtered: using this option allows the system to discard non-coherent
measurements on any sensor (baseplate acc., mass acc., valve or mass
LVDTs). Remember that the QC and the usual way of testing the
equipment with external devices always involve the force derived
from raw acceleration measurements. Therefore, in the presence of
vibrator imperfections (e.g. mass rocking & baseplate flexure) a raw

428XL User’s Manual Vol. 1 667

April 11, 2013
12 VE432
Functions > Set Servo

QC can exhibit larger errors than the real performance of the servo
• Raw: with this option, servo control and QC are homogeneous but
the system cannot benefit from the capability of discarding incorrect
measurements. This option is of no effect on a random sweep.

Auto Level
This button allows you to enable or disable the Auto Level function. If
you enable the Auto Level function, then you must specify lower limits
for both High and Low drive levels.
DSDs using the Auto Level function operate as follows:
• The Drive level is decreased for the next sweep if an overload
condition is detected. However the drive level cannot go below the
values of Min High Drive and Min Low Drive.
• The Drive level is increased for the next sweep if no overload
condition is detected. However the drive level cannot exceed the
values of High Drive Level and Low Drive Level.
DSDs not using the Auto Level function will operate only within the
limits of “High Drive Level” and “Low Drive Level”.

Low Drive Level

Lower amplitude, in percent, of drive level. The scale is adjustable from
0 to 100% in 1% steps.
Requirements: Low Drive Level < High Drive Level.

High Drive Level

Upper amplitude, in percent, of drive level. The scale is adjustable from
0 to 100% in 1% steps.

Min Low Drive

This scale appears only if Auto Level is selected.

668 428XL User’s Manual Vol. 1

April 11, 2013
Functions > PCMCIA Tools

Low limit of Low Drive Level, in percent. The scale is adjustable from
0 to 100% in 1% steps.
Requirements: Min Low Drive < Low Drive Level.

Min High Drive

This scale appears only if Auto Level is selected.
Low limit of High Drive Level, in percent. The scale is adjustable from
0 to 100% in 1% steps.
Requirements: Min High Drive < High Drive level.

Lift Up Delay
Time interval between the end of a sweep and the moment when a
vibrator's pad will lift if Auto Lift is enabled. Adjustable from 0 to
99 seconds.
If no delay is required, set the Lift Up Delay to 0.

This function opens a dialog box that allows you to save a software
release or file to a PCMCIA card, via the PCMCIA card drive available
on a DPG, so that it can be loaded to a DSD.


Figure 12-37 PCMCIA Tools

428XL User’s Manual Vol. 1 669

April 11, 2013
12 VE432
Functions > PCMCIA Tools

You are not allowed to launch any these PCMCIA functions unless you
go to Manual.
Use the Module option button to specify which DPG you want to use to
write to the PCMCIA card (because up to four DPGs may be attached
to the network, for example if you are working in Slip-Sweep mode).
The identification number of a DPG is determined by the system. It is
displayed when you run the Look function.
Choose the desired option and then click Go to launch the function. The
DPG will return a message in the status mail window when the
command is complete. Some commands may take a while to execute, so
be patient.

Load Husky file

This command is only intended for a Husky handheld computer. It is
used to load the latest version of Husky software to the handheld
computer. You have to connect the handheld computer to the DPG
(COM 1 port) and then type the following command (and press Return)
on the handheld computer’s keypad:
Then a message on the handheld computer tells you it is waiting for
(With later handheld models, software is loaded from the SERCEL
CD-ROM via a PC).

Load DPG slave file to PCMCIA

Used to load the latest version of Slave DPG software to a PCMCIA
card. You have to insert a PCMCIA card into the DPG.

Load DSD file to PCMCIA

Used to load the latest version of DSD software to a PCMCIA card. You
have to insert a PCMCIA card into the DPG.

670 428XL User’s Manual Vol. 1

April 11, 2013
Functions > PCMCIA Tools

Used to format the PCMCIA card inserted in the DPG’s drive.

Load DPG file to PCMCIA

Used to load DPG boot ROM software to a PCMCIA card. DPG boot
ROM software may be necessary, for example, if you wish to use a
DVC board in a DPG.

Load custom file to PCMCIA

Used to load a file containing custom sweep samples to a DPG. See
Custom (page 631).


428XL User’s Manual Vol. 1 671

April 11, 2013
12 VE432
Normal acquisition > General

Normal acquisition
In this section:
• General (page 672)
• Graphic view (page 673)
• Numeric view (page 676)
• DPG/DSD status codes (page 678)

The DSDs that you want to use for normal acquisition must be
“selected”. See Look (page 653), with consistent parameters (i. e. each
DSD to be used should appear with a green indicator in the main
window's status bar).
When you are ready for a normal acquisition, click the Auto button, in
the main window's control panel. As a result the DPG is waiting for the
Firing Order from the 428XL.
The 428XL will not generate the F O until it receives a Ready status
from the DPG window. When the Ready signal is received from the
vibrator fleet leader, that is when all the desired vibrators are in place
with pads down, it may be retained in the DPG window or automatically
relayed to the recording system, depending on whether the fleet’s button
in the status bar is released or depressed.
When it receives the F O the DPG generates the Time Break to the
selected DSDs. Then the programmed sweeps are taken and all DSDs
in turn transmit their latest status reports, corresponding to one or more
completed sweeps, to the DPG.
The Status and QC data generated by the DPG are relayed to the GUI
via the Ethernet link and stored into a daily file automatically generated
in the Log window and named “normalAcqResult.hci428_0.ddd”
where ddd stands for the julian day when the file was created. (They can
be viewed in the Log main window).

672 428XL User’s Manual Vol. 1

April 11, 2013
Normal acquisition > Graphic view

QC and status results are not only saved but also displayed in the VE432
main window which makes it easy to appreciate the quality of a vibrator
in real time or through statistical post-processing. The results can be
presented in numeric or graphic form.
The colour of the QC data depends on the alert thresholds you set using
the “DSD limits” command in the Setup menu.
The radio link allows the DPG to see if any DSD failed to sweep for any
T0. In that case the DPG will report a 98 status (“no T0 received”).
For each status report received the DPG checks to see if the DSD and
DPG clock frequencies are the same. If that is not the case it replaces
the current status by a Timing Error (status 19).
If the Extended QC option is enabled (see The QC Choice setup on
page 645), the QC data can be plotted in real time in the results pane by
clicking the Get QC function button. To revert to the normal view, click
the Vibrator Fleet function button.

Graphic view
The VP and Acq fields respectively display the Vibrator Point number
and Acquisition number the results relate to.
Six bar charts are shown, for the following QC data available in the
status messages from the DSDs: Average Phase, Peak Phase, Average
Distortion, Peak Distortion, Average Ground Force, Peak Ground
A red horizontal line in each chart shows the limit specified in the Setup 12
menu (“QC Limit“command).

428XL User’s Manual Vol. 1 673

April 11, 2013
12 VE432
Normal acquisition > Graphic view

QC value during this

Average values over
the latest 50 sweeps

Figure 12-38

For each DSD used, each chart shows:

• A green or orange bar showing the QC value for the latest acquisition
completed (identified in the Acq field):
- Green if the QC value is below the limit,
- Orange if it exceeds the limit or an error is reported:
OV for an overload,
W for a warning,
T for a timing error.
F for a file error.

674 428XL User’s Manual Vol. 1

April 11, 2013
Normal acquisition > Graphic view

- If the status code from any DSD is incorrect it is displayed in

place of the corresponding QC value.
• A blue or red bar showing the average QC value over the latest 50
- Blue if the average QC value is below the limit,
- Red if it exceeds the limit.
- If the status code from any DSD is incorrect it is displayed in
place of the corresponding QC value.
For the interpretation of Status codes, see page 678.


428XL User’s Manual Vol. 1 675

April 11, 2013
12 VE432
Normal acquisition > Numeric view

Numeric view
A table is displayed, derived from the QC reports of the latest 50
acquisitions. For each DSD, the table shows:
• the Vibrator Point number and the Acquisition number,
• the Average/Peak Phase, or Distortion or Ground Force, or the Status
Code, whichever you choose from the QC option button.

Figure 12-39

676 428XL User’s Manual Vol. 1

April 11, 2013
Normal acquisition > Numeric view

The colour of each cell in the table should be interpreted as follows:

• If you choose the Status Code view:
- White background, black writing: QC values are within the
- White background, orange writing:
- status code 1 or 12 appears, QC values are within the limits but
an Overload and/or Warning has been reported.
- or status code 19 appears.
- White background, nothing displayed: no response from the
- Orange background, black writing:
Status codes 1 or 12, or 19 appears, one of the QC values exceeds
the limits, no Overload, and no Warning.
- Orange background, white writing:
Status codes 1 or 12, or 19 appears; one of the QC values exceeds
the limits and an Overload and/or Warning is reported.
- Red background, white writing: if any other status appears.
• If you select any of the QC views, the colours should be interpreted in
the same way, but only the selected QC is tested for compliance with
the limit.
For the interpretation of Status codes, see page 678.
Double-clicking in any cell opens a secondary window showing the
detailed QC values contained in the status report from the
corresponding DSD for the corresponding acquisition (see Figure 12-39
on page 676).The following codes may be reported for overloads:
F Raw ground Force reaches hold-down weight.
P Computed Pressure reaches maximum hydraulic pressure.
M Mass position exceeds usable stroke.
V Valve spool position exceeds usable stroke.

428XL User’s Manual Vol. 1 677

April 11, 2013
12 VE432
Normal acquisition > DPG/DSD status codes

E Torque motor current, computed, exceeds maximum allowed

The DSD status reports are logged into the database. They can be
viewed in the Log main window and saved to a file.

DPG/DSD status codes

1 Normal completion with “Servo Input = Raw”.
2 Sweep aborted by DSD. Hardware malfunction (DVC).
10 User abort.
11 Normal completion, Ethernet error between DSD and PC (can’t
save force to disk).
12 Normal completion with “Servo Input = Filtered”.
13 Discrepancy in DPG and DSD acquisition tables. Use the Set
DSD function to correct the inconsistent table.
14 Lift not ready.
19 Normal, Timing error (indicative of discrepancy between DPG
and DSD clocks)..
20 HiLine error (Master DPG only).
21 Sweep # undefined.
22 Custom error (Custom sweep does not exist on PCMCIA card)
or can not read from PCMCIA card.
25 DPG time-out (Master DPG hardware failure).
26 The Slave recording unit failed to start (on a Slave DPG only).
98 No T0 data received (sweep failed to start, or radio malfunction).
99 No T0 data received or no status report (sweep failed to start or
DPG failed to receive consistent DSD status).

678 428XL User’s Manual Vol. 1

April 11, 2013
Statistics views >

Statistics views
Whether for statistics on DSDs or on a fleet, the following distinct
views are available: average phase, peak phase, average distortion, peak
distortion, average ground force, peak ground force, Status Codes.
The system calculates the statistical data from the results collected since
it last went to Auto (meaning that your statistics views are lost each
time you go to Auto).
You can choose to view statistical data for each fleet or for each DSD.

Figure 12-40


Figure 12-41

428XL User’s Manual Vol. 1 679

April 11, 2013
12 VE432
Statistics views >

In graphic Statistics views, the results are displayed in the form of a bar
chart for each vibrator (or for each fleet) plus a Vx (or Fleet X) bar chart
in the upper-left corner, showing the mean QC value computed on all
the DSDs (or all fleets).
Unless you choose the Manual range option, the horizontal scale is
automatically adjusted so that all samples can be shown. If you choose
Manual range, then the associated fields prompt the outermost values
of the horizontal scale, so that you can change them and adjust the scale
On each chart the horizontal axis is the scale (divided into a number of
bins) for the QC values (phase or distortion or force), and the vertical
axis is for the number of values in each bin. The following values are
also shown:
• number of sweeps (n)
• mean value (mean).
• standard deviation (SDev), only in the zoom view.
See Bar charts (page 37).

680 428XL User’s Manual Vol. 1

April 11, 2013

13 Other vibrator electronics

This chapter includes the following sections:

• The main window (page 682)

• Working with other vibrator electronics (page 684)

428XL User’s Manual Vol. 1 681

April 11, 2013
13 Other vibrator electronics
The main window >

The main window

To open the jVibOther window, click on this icon in the launcher
bar. It is only available if you choose “Other” as Vibrator type
(page 72) in the Install window.

Figure 13-1

This window allows you to set three parameters required for processing
the seismic data, and save each different setting of those parameters as
an “Acquisition Type”. You are required to choose which Acquisition
Type to use when you create a “Process Type” in the Operation main
To create a new Acquisition Type, fill in the fields above the list box,
then click Add. To make changes, double-click on the desired row in the
list box, make the necessary changes and then click Add or Change or
Delete, as required.
To save and enable your changes, click Apply. (To revert to the former
settings, click Reset instead).

Sweep Length
Duration (seconds) of the sweep signal used as seismic source.

682 428XL User’s Manual Vol. 1

April 11, 2013
Other vibrator electronics
The main window >

Pilot Length
Duration (seconds) of the signal used as reference in the correlation
“Sweep Length” and “Pilot Length” are usually equal. For more
information see More About Correlation on page 396.

Threshold Type
The historical noise elimination process makes use of noise elimination
thresholds. The Threshold Type parameter is used to assign a type of
noise elimination threshold to each Acquisition Type (e.g. Threshold
Type #1). Acquisition types with the same length and the same energy
spreading can be associated with the same Threshold Type number.
(The maximum allowable number of Threshold Types is 16 whereas
you can create up to 32 different Acquisition Types).


428XL User’s Manual Vol. 1 683

April 11, 2013
13 Other vibrator electronics
Working with other vibrator electronics >

Working with other vibrator electronics

To work with a vibrator system other than a VE432, you have to choose
that option in the Installation setup window (see Vibrator type on
page 72).
To connect the vibrator electronics to the LCI, see “Connectors and
cables” in the 428XL Installation manual.

684 428XL User’s Manual Vol. 1

April 11, 2013

14 Open Vibrator Controller

This chapter includes the following sections:

• The main window (page 686)

• The Vibrator Crew setup (page 687)
• The Acquisition Type setup (page 688)
• The QC Limit setup (page 690)
• The Vibrator Fleet setup (page 691)
• Normal acquisition (page 692)
• Statistics views (page 696)

428XL User’s Manual Vol. 1 685

April 11, 2013
14 Open Vibrator Controller
The main window >

The main window

The jOVC (Open Vibrator Controller) window is only available if you
choose the “OVC” Vibrator type (page 72) option in the jInstall window.
To open the Open Vibrator Controller main window, click on this
icon in the launcher bar.
This window serves as Graphic User Interface for other vibrator control
electronics than SERCEL’s VE464 or VE432.

Setup toolbar Click to show


Click to close view

Figure 14-1

The View menu and the associated toolbar allow you to customize the
main window by choosing one or more views to display. Then you can
resize your display panes by dragging the desired border.
You can show or hide columns in tables by right-clicking in any column
heading and selecting Customize (see Figure 2-25).
The Setups menu and the associated toolbar allow you to set parameters
for vibrator fleets and adjust QC parameters.
Note that a specific licence code is required in the jInstall window (OVC
Navigation field) to enable source navigation functions (“Ready”
indicator in jOperation window’s Active Source view, fleet position in

686 428XL User’s Manual Vol. 1

April 11, 2013
Open Vibrator Controller
The Vibrator Crew setup >

The Vibrator Crew setup

Figure 14-2

The Vibrator Crew setup dialog box is used to describe a seismic crew
by creating the list of vibrators to be controlled by the recorder’s GUI,
and creating the list of vibrator groups (fleets) to build.
To save the description of the crew, click Apply.
Clicking Reset instead of Apply reverts to the former settings.

Vib Id
This field is used to specify the identification number (1 to 32) of each
vibrator that the GUI’s OVC main window has to control.

Fleet Id
This field is used to specify the identification number (1 to 4) of each
vibrator group to build.


428XL User’s Manual Vol. 1 687

April 11, 2013
14 Open Vibrator Controller
The Acquisition Type setup >

The Acquisition Type setup

Figure 14-3

The “Acquisition Type” setup is used to set the following parameters for
the vibrators in a fleet:

Sweep Length
Duration (seconds) of the sweep signal used as seismic source.

Pilot Length
Duration (seconds) of the signal used as reference in the correlation
“Sweep Length” and “Pilot Length” are usually equal. For more
information see More About Correlation on page 396.

Threshold Type
The historical noise elimination process makes use of noise elimination
thresholds. The Threshold Type parameter is used to assign a type of
noise elimination threshold to each Acquisition Type (e.g. Threshold
Type #1). Acquisition types with the same length and the same energy
spreading can be associated with the same Threshold Type number.
(The maximum allowable number of Threshold Types is 16 whereas
you can create up to 32 different Acquisition Types).

688 428XL User’s Manual Vol. 1

April 11, 2013
Open Vibrator Controller
The Acquisition Type setup >

Acquisition Type & Label

The Acquisition Type field is used to enter an identification number
(1 to 32) for the Acquisition Type. You will need that identification
number when you create a “Process Type” in the “Operation” window
(see The Process Type setup on page 256).
The Label field is used to enter a label (up to 16 ASCII characters) for
the Acquisition Type. A default label is prompted by the system (acq
type #) but you can enter a more user-friendly one.
To create a new acquisition type, enter its number in the Acquisition
Type field and then click Add. To make changes, click it in the list box,
make the desired changes and click Change or Delete as required.
To save the current list of acquisition types, click Apply. (To revert to
the former list, click Reset instead).


428XL User’s Manual Vol. 1 689

April 11, 2013
14 Open Vibrator Controller
The QC Limit setup >

The QC Limit setup

Figure 14-4

This dialog box allows you to set alert thresholds for some of the
Quality Control data that the vibrators supply to the GUI. Any threshold
being exceeded will cause the QC data of the vibrator to be displayed in
orange in the main window.
• Average Phase Error: 0 to 45 degrees.
• Maximum Phase Error: 0 to 45 degrees.
• Average Distortion: 0 to 50%.
• Maximum Distortion: 0 to 80%.
• Average Ground Force: 0 to 100%.
To save and enable your changes, click Apply. (To revert to the former
settings, click Reset instead).

690 428XL User’s Manual Vol. 1

April 11, 2013
Open Vibrator Controller
The Vibrator Fleet setup >

The Vibrator Fleet setup

A crew may consist of up to 32 groups of vibrators, referred
to as “fleets” (one fleet for each vibratory source).
The Vib. Fleet setup displays a list box for each fleet you
created in The Vibrator Crew setup (page 687) so that you can specify
which vibrators are included in it.

Figure 14-5

The left-hand list box prompts the list of vibrators created in The
Vibrator Crew setup (page 687) but not assigned to any fleet yet. Using
the right arrow button (or the usual Drag and Drop method), move the
vibrators you want to incorporate into a fleet from the left-hand list box
to the desired fleet’s list box.
Click Apply to save your settings.


428XL User’s Manual Vol. 1 691

April 11, 2013
14 Open Vibrator Controller
Normal acquisition > General

Normal acquisition
In this section:
• General (page 692)
• Graphic view (page 692)
• Numeric view (page 694)

Clicking Go in the Operation window causes the LCI to generate the
Firing Order. As a result, the Vibrator Control Electronics (VCE) sends
a request to the server for vibrator parameters. After the VCE gets the
parameters from the server, it generates the Time Break. Then the
programmed sweep is taken and the VCE sends its vibrator status and
QC data to the server.
The Status and QC data generated by the VCE are relayed to the GUI
via the Ethernet link.
QC and status results are not only saved but also displayed in the OVC
main window which makes it easy to appreciate the quality of a vibrator
in real time or through statistical post-processing. The results can be
presented in numeric or graphic form.
The colour of the QC data depends on the alert thresholds you set using
the “QC limits” Setup menu.

Graphic view
The VP and Acq fields respectively display the Vibrator Point number
and Acquisition number the results relate to.
Six bar charts are shown, for the following QC data available in the
status messages from the vibrators: Average Phase, Peak Phase,
Average Distortion, Peak Distortion, Average Ground Force, Peak
Ground Force.

692 428XL User’s Manual Vol. 1

April 11, 2013
Open Vibrator Controller
Normal acquisition > Graphic view

A red horizontal line in each chart shows the limit specified in the Setup
menu (“QC Limit“command).

QC value during this

Average values over
the latest 50 sweeps

Figure 14-6

For each vibrator used, each chart shows:

• A green or orange bar showing the QC value for the latest acquisition
completed (identified in the Acq field):
- Green if the QC value is below the limit,
- Orange if it exceeds the limit or an error is reported:
- If the status code from any vibrator is incorrect it is displayed in
place of the corresponding QC value.
• A blue or red bar showing the average QC value over the latest 50
acquisitions: 14
- Blue if the average QC value is below the limit,
- Red if it exceeds the limit.

428XL User’s Manual Vol. 1 693

April 11, 2013
14 Open Vibrator Controller
Normal acquisition > Numeric view

- If the status code from any vibrator is incorrect it is displayed in

place of the corresponding QC value.

Numeric view
A table is displayed, derived from the QC reports of the latest 50
acquisitions. For each vibrator, the table shows:
• the Vibrator Point number and the Acquisition number,
• the Average/Peak Phase, or Distortion or Ground Force, or the Status
Code, whichever you choose from the QC option button.

Figure 14-7

The colour of each cell in the table should be interpreted as follows:

• If you choose the Status Code view:
- White background, black writing: QC values are within the
- White background, orange writing: status code 1 appears, QC
values are within the limits but an Overload and/or Warning has
been reported.
- White background, nothing displayed: no response from the
- Orange background, black writing: status code 1 appears, one of
the QC values exceeds the limits, no Overload, and no Warning.
- Orange background, white writing: status code 1 appears; one of
the QC values exceeds the limits and an Overload and/or
Warning is reported.

694 428XL User’s Manual Vol. 1

April 11, 2013
Open Vibrator Controller
Normal acquisition > Numeric view

- Red background, white writing, if any other status appears.

• If you select any of the QC views, the colours should be interpreted in
the same way, but only the selected QC is tested for compliance with
the limit.
Double-clicking in any cell opens a secondary window showing the
detailed QC values contained in the status report from the
corresponding vibrator for the corresponding acquisition.


428XL User’s Manual Vol. 1 695

April 11, 2013
14 Open Vibrator Controller
Statistics views > Numeric view

Statistics views
Whether for statistics on vibrators or on a fleet, the following distinct
views are available: average phase, peak phase, average distortion, peak
distortion, average ground force, peak ground force, Status Codes.
The system calculates the statistical data from the results collected since
it last went to Auto (meaning that your statistics views are lost each
time you go to Auto).
You can choose to view statistical data for each fleet or for each

Figure 14-8

Figure 14-9

696 428XL User’s Manual Vol. 1

April 11, 2013
Open Vibrator Controller
Statistics views > Numeric view

Figure 14-10

In graphic Statistics views, the results are displayed in the form of a bar
chart for each vibrator (or for each fleet) plus a Vx (or Fleet X) bar chart
in the upper-left corner, showing the mean QC value computed on all
the vibrators (or all fleets).
Unless you choose the Manual range option, the horizontal scale is
automatically adjusted so that all samples can be shown. If you choose
Manual range, then the associated fields prompt the outermost values
of the horizontal scale, so that you can change them and adjust the scale
On each chart the horizontal axis is the scale (divided into a number of
bins) for the QC values (phase or distortion or force), and the vertical
axis is for the number of values in each bin. The following values are
also shown:
• number of sweeps (n)
• mean value (mean). 14
• standard deviation (SDev), only in the zoom view.
See Bar charts (page 37).

428XL User’s Manual Vol. 1 697

April 11, 2013
14 Open Vibrator Controller
Statistics views > Numeric view

698 428XL User’s Manual Vol. 1

April 11, 2013


· baseplate, monitoring, VE432 U1: 640
· mass, monitoring, VE432 U1: 640
· tests U3: 263
Account IM: 174
· Error description (SEGD) U2: 28
· graphic view, normal, OVC U1: 690
· graphic view, normal, VE432 U1: 671
428XL manuals · graphic view, normal, VE464 U1: 557
IM = Installation Manual · index, process type U1: 257
· Length U3: 289
U1 = User’s Manual Vol. 1 · Length (SEGD) U2: 25
· local, VE432 U1: 655
U2 = User’s Manual Vol. 2 · local, VE464 U1: 550
· Nb, APS U2: 162
U3 = User’s Manual Vol. 3 · normal, OVC U1: 690
· normal, VE432 U1: 670
TM = Technical Manual
· normal, VE464 U1: 556
· Number (SEGD) U2: 28
· numeric view, normal, OVC U1: 692
· numeric view, normal, VE432 U1: 674
Numerics · numeric view, normal, VE464 U1: 560
3592 cartridge drive IM: 225 · test, TMS428 TM: 108
3C · type, OVC U1: 686
· polarity, SEGD U3: 277 · type, Process type U1: 257
408ULS · type, VE432 U1: 635
· Handling IM: 356 · type, VE464 U1: 516
428-Lite Acquisition type tables (SEGD) U2: 27
· connectors IM: 509 Action (see Shortcuts)
· installing IM: 66 Active
· installing, operating system IM: 126 · swath U1: 97
· window U1: 98
Abort · test, TMS428) TM: 104
· button, Operation U1: 250 Add
· Plot U1: 594 · button U1: 31
· TMS428 tests TM: 56 · to query U1: 452
Absolute · to quick launch, TMS428 TM: 62
· spread U1: 144 Additional
· Spread, tests U1: 215 · blocks (SEGD general header) U2: 19
Accelerated · effects U1: 447
· weight drop U1: 71 Address

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· 428XL local network IM: 46 · VE432 vib (Look) U1: 653

· Client computer IM: 183 Apply
· FUJI 3x90, changing IM: 215 · All, Survey setup U1: 125
· FUJI 3x90, displaying IM: 216 · button U1: 32
· Intranet IM: 98, IM: 99, IM: 106, · Sensor, Survey setup U1: 125
IM: 114, IM: 115, IM: 122, APS
IM: 123, IM: 129, IM: 136, · File format U2: 159
IM: 163, IM: 169 · report U1: 587
· LCI-428, changing IM: 49 Archiving
· LCI-428, selecting U1: 66 · configuring U1: 72
· LTO, changing IM: 221 · DSUT TM: 171
· MAC U1: 71 · system status U1: 58
· TMS428 TM: 46 Array
Adjusting · Forming (SEGD) U2: 24
· clock, LCI TM: 20 Arrays, sub, number of U2: 92, U2: 142
Administration Assembly
· server U1: 42 · Location (SEGD) U2: 39
Advance II U3: 100 · Serial number (SEGD) U2: 39
Advanced · Type (SEGD) U2: 39
· connection parameters U1: 38 Authorization
· mode, LT428 IM: 379, IM: 390, · granting U1: 43
IM: 392 Auto
· process type U1: 255 · Corr Peak Time U1: 260
Again · Export U1: 460
· Plot U1: 594 · Level, VE432 vib drive U1: 666
AGC · Level, VE464 vib drive U1: 544
· plotter U1: 604 · Lift, VE432 U1: 637
Air · Lift, VE464 U1: 518
· gun (SPS) U2: 78, U2: 126 · Look U1: 149
· pressure psi (SPS) U2: 92, U2: 142 · noise editing U1: 300
Alarm · saving TMS428 reports TM: 62
· Positioning U1: 442 Auto/Manual
Alert · noise editing threshold U1: 300
· system U1: 442 · VE432 U1: 650
Alias filter · VE464 U1: 534
· Frequency at - 3dB point (SEGD) Autocorrelation peak time (SEGD)
U2: 24 U2: 28
· Slope (SEGD) U2: 24 Automatic
Angle from skew (SPS) U2: 74, U2: 86, · Saving, DSUT TM: 161
U2: 122, U2: 136 Automation
Annotation · Continuous, shooting U1: 281
· logging U1: 89 · Discontinuous, shooting U1: 281
Antenna · Look U1: 285
· Height, format U2: 166 · Manual, shooting U1: 282
Append · shooting U1: 280

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Autonomous U1: 636

· mode, enabling U1: 280 · sweep signal, VE464 (Acquisition type)
· mode, using U1: 371 U1: 517
Aux Basic Type
· Channel contents (SPS) U2: 75, · LOG, dB/Hz, VE432 U1: 622
U2: 88, U2: 123, U2: 138 · LOG, dB/Hz, VE464 U1: 502
· Line U1: 137 · LOG, dB/octave, VE432 U1: 625
· Process Descriptor U1: 261 · LOG, dB/octave, VE464 U1: 505
· Traces, number of U2: 25 · Setup, VE432 U1: 619
Auxiliary · Setup, VE464 U1: 499
· channel, description U1: 137 · Taper, VE432 U1: 619
· channels U1: 137 · Taper, VE464 U1: 500
· channels, Comments U1: 139 · Tn, VE432 U1: 626
· channels, deploying IM: 344 · Tn, VE464 U1: 506
· channels, Gain U1: 138 Batteries (Show/hide) U1: 113
· channels, Instrument tests U1: 216 Battery
· trace scaling U1: 606 · GoBook Q200 IM: 307
· trace, description U1: 261 · LED TM: 101
Average · Limit, LT428 IM: 381
· distortion, APS U2: 160 · polarity test (TMS428) TM: 102
· force, APS U2: 160 · test TM: 102
· ground stiffness, APS U2: 160 · voltage limit U1: 113
· ground viscosity, APS U2: 160 Baud
· phase, APS U2: 160 · rate, Raveon radio (VE464) U1: 525
AWD U1: 71 · rate, Tracs TDMA U1: 522
· source line, VE432 U1: 648
B · source line, VE464 U1: 532
Backup Beginner U1: 50
· GoBook Q200 IM: 311 Blaster
· setup U1: 93 · Advance II U3: 100
Backward · connector, LCI-428 IM: 504, IM: 505
· playback U1: 472 · controller, in line IM: 360
Banner · controllers U1: 303
· setup, plotter U1: 595 · id (SEGD) U2: 26
Base · MACHA U3: 107
· Tracs TDMA U1: 522 · SGDS U3: 108
Base scan interval (SEGD) U2: 20 · Shallow Sequencer U3: 105
Baseplate · Shot Pro U3: 101
· acceleration, monitoring, VE432 · signals IM: 506
U1: 640 · status (SEGD) U2: 26
· velocity, monitoring, VE432 U1: 640 · type U1: 70
Basic Blasters
· pilot signal, VE432 (Acquisition type) · interfacing U3: 97
U1: 636 Blocking
· sweep signal, VE432 (Acquisition type) · trace U1: 465

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Blocks in General Trailer U2: 21 · error (SEGD) U2: 38

BoomBox U1: 70 · high limit (SEGD) U2: 38
· wiring IM: 521 · low limit (SEGD) U2: 38
Box · value (SEGD) U2: 38
· type, detour U1: 141 Capacity
Break · Processing U3: 287
· Point U1: 274 Cartridge
Bridge · insertion U1: 490
· radio, ethernet IM: 483 Cartridge drive
Browser · Shock-mount parts IM: 213
· settings U1: 40 Cartridge drive. See Tape drive
Buffer U1: 66 CDU
Build · configuration IM: 85
· feature query U1: 451 Centre
Built-in · button (mouse) U1: 115
· LAUX, upgrading TM: 118 Change
Button U1: 24 · button U1: 31
Bypass Changing
· file exports U1: 461 · LCI-428 U1: 64
Bytes per scan (SEGD) U2: 19 · Serial number (TMS428) TM: 116
· auxiliary, description U1: 137
C · data error overscaling (SEGD) U2: 41
Cable · edited status (SEGD) U2: 42
· BoomBox IM: 521 · filter (SEGD) U2: 41
· calibration TM: 57 · filter response U3: 55
· length, Line IM: 340, IM: 341 · gain control method (SEGD) U2: 23
· Line cable length IM: 340, IM: 341 · gain scale (SEGD) U2: 41
· Macha IM: 520 · increment (SPS) U2: 80, U2: 97,
· path U1: 119 U2: 129, U2: 147
· replacing, LAUL TM: 224 · number (SEGD) U2: 39
· SGD-S Blaster IM: 517 · process (SEGD) U2: 42
· ShotPro IM: 518, IM: 519 · Raveon radio U1: 525
· tester TM: 195 · sample to mV conversion factor
Cables IM: 503 (SEGD) U2: 42
Calibration · Set End Time (SEGD) U2: 23
· clock, LCI TM: 20 · Set Number (SEGD) U2: 33
· DSUT TM: 130 · set number (SEGD) U2: 23
· FDU U3: 127, TM: 94 · Set Starting Time (SEGD) U2: 23
· meter and test cables TM: 57 · set, number of channels in U2: 23
· multimeter, TMS428 TM: 34 · sets per record U1: 91, U2: 20
· TMU428 TM: 121 · skipping U1: 153
Camp · Tracs TDMA U1: 522
· distance to, alarm U1: 445 · type (SEGD) U2: 40
Capacitance · type id (SEGD) U2: 42
· Type Identification (SEGD) U2: 23

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· type, Log shooting setup U1: 576 · resetting IM: 292

Channels, number of (SPS) U2: 75, Code
U2: 87, U2: 123, U2: 137 · Producer U1: 91
Charge COG
· Depth U2: 91, U2: 141 · Easting, format U2: 166
· Length U2: 91, U2: 141 · elevation, format U2: 166
Chat U1: 62 · file, format U2: 166
Check · log file U1: 587
· Line U1: 224 · Northing, format U2: 166
Checkerboard · radius threshold U1: 412
· view U1: 118 · source position (estimated) U1: 435
Circular bearing of H256 (SPS) U2: 74, · status, format U2: 166
U2: 85, U2: 122, U2: 136 · to source deviation, format U2: 166
Cleaning Comments
· Auxiliary channels U1: 139
· boxes IM: 316
· LT428 results IM: 400
· plugs IM: 316, TM: 293
· observer, setup U1: 302
Click U1: 24
· SEGD U2: 31
· right, Line window U1: 117
· setup, Operation window U1: 276
· installing IM: 159
· Mode Rejection U1: 218
· main window U1: 50
· mode, Field (TMS428) TM: 89
· SPS U2: 73, U2: 83, U2: 121,
· mode, Instrument (TMS428) TM: 93
U2: 133
· mode, test network, FDU calibration
Clipping U3: 150
· method (noise elimination) U1: 387
Common mode
· noise editing type U1: 298
· rejection ratio, geophones U3: 242
· plotter U1: 609
· protocol, source controllers U3: 97
· internal U1: 88
· LCI TM: 20
· basic sweep signal, VE432 U1: 632
· time w.r.t. GMT (SPS) U2: 73, U2: 83,
· basic sweep signal, VE464 U1: 513
U2: 121, U2: 134
Cluster U1: 292 Computation Domain, APS U2: 163
CMRR Connecting
· FDU link, TMS428 TM: 70
· geophone string U3: 242
· FDU2S, TMS428 TM: 71
· Instrument (TMS428) TM: 93
· LAUL, TMS428 TM: 72
· Instrument test U1: 218
· LAULS, TMS428 TM: 73
· test record result recovery U3: 123
· LAUX, TMS428 TM: 74
· test, FDU U3: 180
· LAUXS, TMS428 TM: 80
· test, Field (TMS428) TM: 89
· LAUXS-428, TMS428 TM: 78
· test, Sensor U3: 202
· LT428 IM: 370
CN3e IM: 290
· TMS428 device under test TM: 69
· Getting started IM: 371
· installing LT428 software IM: 296
· crew Web site U1: 59
· network address IM: 284

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· opening a session U1: 38 Copying

Connector (see Replacing) · files to tape U1: 484
Connectors IM: 503 CopyMedia U3: 16
· 428-Lite Break-Out Box IM: 509 Copyrights U1: 83
· Blaster1 IM: 504 Correction
· Blaster2 IM: 505 · factor, FDU calibration U3: 128,
· FDU Input IM: 511 TM: 94
· FDU2S takeoutt IM: 515 · rate, DGPS (Raveon) U1: 525
· LAUL · rate, DGPS (Tracs TDMA) U1: 521
XDEV IM: 509, IM: 512 Correlation
· LAUL-428 IM: 512 · After Stack, process type U1: 268
· LAUX · After stack, theory of U1: 389,
LINE IM: 513 U1: 391
Power IM: 513 · Before Stack, process type U1: 266
TRANSVERSE IM: 513 · data distribution U1: 396
XDEV IM: 514 · Frequency domain U3: 232
Consumption · more about U1: 394
· port, TMS428 TM: 105 · pilot, choosing U1: 258
Continuity · Time domain U3: 232
· test limit U1: 130 Correlator, noise supp (SPS) U2: 77,
Continuous U2: 91, U2: 125, U2: 141
· shooting U1: 281 Corrosion IM: 357
Control CRC errors U3: 249
· type (SPS) U2: 77, U2: 91, U2: 125, Create
U2: 141 · selection U1: 452
· unit serial number (SEGD) U2: 41 Crew
· unit type (SEGD) U2: 41 · name U1: 86
Controller · name, Comment (SPS) U2: 75,
· source, time management U1: 89 U2: 87, U2: 123, U2: 137
Conversion · number, VE432 U1: 616
· sample to mV U2: 42 · number, VE464 U1: 496
Converting · setup U1: 86
· coordinates U1: 453 · VE464 vibrators U1: 496
· samples to mV U3: 235 · vibrators, OVC U1: 685
Coord. status final/prov (SPS) U2: 78, · vibrators, VE432 U1: 616
U2: 92, U2: 126, U2: 142 Crossline
Coordinate location (SPS) U2: 73, · spacing, AGC U1: 606
U2: 83, U2: 121, U2: 133 Crosstalk
Coordinates · Instrument test U1: 217
· converting U1: 453 · Instrument, FDU U3: 183
Copy · test record result recovery U3: 124
· and Paste U1: 34 Crosstalk test
· function (Export window) U1: 473 · DSU3 U3: 218, U3: 228
· tape, file U3: 16 CT400 TM: 195
Copy+ software tool U3: 21 Custom

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· basic sweep signal, VE432 U1: 629 Datum U1: 454

· basic sweep signal, VE464 U1: 508 · type, setup U1: 406
· sweep file, VE432 (how to load) Datum Type setup
U1: 631 · Datum U1: 454
· sweep, loading to VE464 DPG U1: 546 · Ellipsoid U1: 454
Customer · Geoid U1: 454
· support U1: 83 Day
Customizing · of year (SPS) U2: 79, U2: 95,
· TMS428 tests TM: 81 U2: 127, U2: 145
Cut off · of Year, APS U2: 163
· error (SEGD) U2: 38 Dead seis traces, number of U2: 25
· high limits (SEGD) U2: 38 Deboost
· low limit (SEGD) U2: 38 · basic sweep signal, VE432 U1: 633
· value (SEGD) U2: 38 · basic sweep signal, VE464 U1: 514
Cygwin IM: 191 Default
· Channel type, Log U1: 576
D Delay
· at end of Acq. U1: 293
DAC · at end of VP U1: 293
· Common-Mode resistance, FDU · basic sweep signal, VE432 U1: 633
calibration U3: 150 · basic sweep signal, VE464 U1: 512
· line current correction, FDU calibration · lift up, VE432 U1: 667
U3: 141 · lift up, VE464 U1: 545
· rough current correction, FDU · no-move alarm U1: 445
calibration U3: 135 · radio, measuring, VE432 U1: 662
Damp coeff, natural freq. (SPS) U2: 76, · radio, VE432 U1: 660
U2: 124 · refraction, process type U1: 256
Damping coeff, natural freq (SPS) · setup, Operation window U1: 293
U2: 89, U2: 139 · speed alarm U1: 446
Data Delete
· archive, DSUT TM: 171 · button U1: 32
· Bypass U1: 461 Deploying
· computation domain, VE432 vib QC · field equipment IM: 313
U1: 643 Depth
· computation domain, VE464 vib QC · charge U2: 91, U2: 141
U1: 528 · towing U2: 92, U2: 142
· record sorting order (SPS) U2: 70, Descale Multiplier (SEGD) U2: 23
U2: 118 Description
Data rate · absolute spread U1: 144
· Line U3: 287 · Auxiliary channels U1: 137
· Transverse U3: 287 · Channels (Aux), Instrument tests
Date U1: 216
· of survey (SPS) U2: 73, U2: 82, · Channels (tests) U1: 215
U2: 121, U2: 132 · Generic Line U1: 147
· SEGD U2: 28 · Generic spread U1: 148

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· of grid units (SPS) U2: 73, U2: 84, · buffer U1: 66

U2: 121, U2: 135 · record, setup U1: 93
· of survey area (SPS) U2: 73, U2: 82, · space, monitoring U1: 491
U2: 121, U2: 132 Disk space
· Receiver section U1: 127 · DSUT TM: 143
· Survey U1: 126 Display
Desensitization IM: 421, U1: 203 · mode, LT428 IM: 398
Desktop U1: 41 · Traces per inch U1: 609
Detect Distance
· end of tape U1: 490 · no-move alarm U1: 445
Detection · simultaneous sources U1: 283
· fiber, TMS428 TM: 106 Distortion
Detour U1: 139 · Instrument test U1: 217
· skipped receiver points U1: 157 · Sensor test U3: 207
Deviation, COG to source, format · test record result recovery U3: 116
U2: 166 · test, FDU U3: 177
Dialog box U1: 24 · test, TMS428 TM: 93
Digital Distortion test
· pilot, additional U1: 518 · DSU U3: 217, U3: 227
· pilot, choosing U1: 517 Distortion, APS U2: 160
· pilot, correlation U1: 258 Diversity
· Sensor Unit, deploying IM: 322 · enhanced (theory of) U1: 391
Directories · stack U1: 296
· DSUT TM: 143 · stack (theory of) U1: 389
Disable Dongle IM: 197, U1: 67
· radio U1: 211 Double-click U1: 24
Disassembling Download
· DSU TM: 214 · DSUGPS firmware U1: 169
· FDU TM: 209 · from crew Web site U1: 60
· FDU2S TM: 268 · setup (firmware) U1: 235
· LAUL TM: 225 DPG
· LAULS TM: 272 · number of U1: 70
· LAUR TM: 249 · Slave, VE432 U1: 617
· LAUX-428 TM: 231 · Slave, VE464 U1: 497
· LAUX-G TM: 237 · status code, VE464 U1: 562
· LAUXS TM: 243, TM: 278 DPG Hosd Id U1: 67
· LRU TM: 257 Drag U1: 24
· TFOI TM: 364 Drag and drop
· TFOI-G TM: 353 · base camp U1: 426
· TREP-428 TM: 264 · recording unit U1: 426
Discharge · source (Positioning) U1: 428
· ESD protection TM: 18 Drilling
Discontinuous · tool, DSU-428 IM: 325
· shooting U1: 281 Drive
Disk · level, APS U2: 160

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· level, high, VE432 U1: 666 · firmware upgrading U1: 169

· level, high, VE464 U1: 545 · GPS Base Position station IM: 60
· level, low, VE432 U1: 666 · in Line window U1: 160
· level, low, VE464 U1: 545 · in Positioning window U1: 430
· tape, install U1: 72 · Instrument view U1: 173
· transfer to U3: 287 · instrument view U1: 173
Drive. See Tape drive · Setup menu U1: 167
Driver · specifications U3: 284
· graphic, Linux IM: 202 · SPS positions U1: 584
· Get, VE432 U1: 657 · Archiving TM: 171
· Get, VE464 U1: 541 · Getting started TM: 146
· Network, Navigation U1: 306 · Installation, hardware TM: 131
· network, VE432 U1: 617 · installation, software TM: 136
· network, VE464 U1: 498 · Log-in TM: 146
· reference signal, VE432 U1: 640 · password TM: 146
· setting, OVC U1: 690 · Repair assistant TM: 164, TM: 166
· setting, VE432 U1: 656 · Repair log file TM: 166
· setting, VE464 U1: 539 · Running tests TM: 156
· status code, VE464 U1: 562 · Specifications TM: 128
· VE432 status, get U1: 639 · Statistics TM: 169
· VE464 status, get U1: 529 · Test report TM: 172
DSP · Test sequence editor TM: 154
· DRAM & DPR test TM: 100 Dump
DSU · Output button U1: 258
· Deploying IM: 322 · to SQC U1: 280
· disassembly instructions TM: 214 Dump stacking fold (SEGD) U2: 28
· Re-assembly instructions TM: 217 Duplicating, tape, file U3: 16
· tests TM: 177 Duplication, sample U3: 249
DSU1-428 DXF format U1: 421
· test specifications U3: 298 Dynamic
DSU3 · grouping, fleets U1: 284
· theory of tests U3: 211
· tilt correction U1: 177
· trace correction formula U3: 261
DSU3-428 e428 software
· in Line window U1: 160 · licence U1: 67
· test specifications U3: 298 Earth
· tester (DSUT428) TM: 127 · ground resistor, FDU calibration
DSU3BV-428 U3: 156
· deploying IM: 329 Easting, COG, format U2: 166
· specifications U3: 284 Edit menu
· acquisition U1: 162 Editing
· deploying IM: 328 · Noise U1: 296
· number of windows (noise) U1: 298

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· Spike U1: 386 · port, testing (TMS428) TM: 110

· system parameters (Log) U1: 574 · radio bridge IM: 483
· type (noise) U1: 298 Event
· Zeroing Length (noise) U1: 298 · log viewer U1: 589
· Zeroing Taper Length (noise) U1: 298 Excitation Overload, APS U2: 163
Effect Expanded file number (SEGD) U2: 21,
· speed alert U1: 447 U2: 22
Electrostatic Explosive
· discharge TM: 18 · source type setup U1: 288
Elevation Explosive (SPS) U2: 78, U2: 126
· antenna height, format U2: 166 Exponent, subscans U2: 23
· COG, format U2: 166 Exponential
· reference U1: 410 · basic sweep signal, VE432 U1: 626
Ellipsoid U1: 454 · basic sweep signal, VE464 U1: 506
Ellipsoidal · time, plotter U1: 605
· model U1: 410 Export
Emergency · Auto/Manual U1: 460
· alarm U1: 442 · client window U1: 455
Enable · enabled U1: 452
· instruments U1: 66 · mode U1: 72
· radio U1: 211 Exporting
Enabled · LT428 results IM: 401
· export U1: 452 · SPS files U1: 583
End · to NAS U1: 479
· colour map scale U1: 449 Exports
· line plug IM: 339 · configuring U1: 72
· of media U1: 469 Extended
· of tape, detecting U1: 490 · channel set number (SEGD) U2: 24,
End-of-line plug IM: 339 U2: 33
EOF U1: 468 · Channel Sets/Scan Types (SEGD)
EOM U1: 469 U2: 21
Error · file number (SEGD) U2: 33
· leakage U1: 151 · header (SEGD) U2: 25
· only, TMS428 report TM: 63 · header blocks (SEGD) U2: 21
· recovery, Micro-seismic U1: 370 · header flag (SEGD) U2: 24
Errors · header length (SEGD) U2: 20
· CRC U3: 249 · QC, VE432 vib U1: 643
· DSUT TM: 181 · QC, VE464 vib U1: 529
ESD TM: 18 · receiver line number (SEGD) U2: 34
eSQC Pro IM: 33 · receiver point number (SEGD) U2: 35
Esri format U1: 421 · Record Length (SEGD) U2: 21
Estimated Extender
· source COG U1: 435 · TFOI, connecting IM: 336
Ethernet External
· port, identifying IM: 50 · header (SEGD) U2: 31

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· header blocks (SEGD) U2: 21 · computer system(s) (SPS) U2: 73,

· header length (SEGD) U2: 20 U2: 83, U2: 121, U2: 133
· label U1: 464 · electronics, upgrading U1: 235
· tape label U1: 92 · electronics, upgrading via XDEV
IM: 152
· on/off U1: 107
F · record increment (SPS) U2: 80,
Factor to metre (SPS) U2: 73, U2: 85, U2: 97, U2: 129, U2: 147
U2: 121, U2: 135 · record number (SPS) U2: 80, U2: 97,
Farthest U2: 129, U2: 147
· Rcv Nb, LT428 IM: 388 · tape number (SPS) U2: 80, U2: 97,
FDPA428 U2: 129, U2: 147
· connecting IM: 441 · test limits, LT428 IM: 382
· operating guide IM: 443 · test, automation U1: 285
FDU · test, LT428 IM: 392
· Calibration U3: 127 · update U1: 149
· connector, replacing TM: 284 · update mode U1: 103, U1: 219,
· disassembly instructions TM: 209 U1: 220
· INPUT connector IM: 511 Field Units (see Instruments)
· Input polarity IM: 511 File
· Max number between LAUs IM: 341, · count (SEGD) U2: 28
IM: 342 · duplicating U3: 16
· Number in link, LT428 IM: 407 · Header block (SEGD) U2: 19
· Number in link, TMS428 TM: 122 · Load/Save U1: 593
· Power supply IM: 340 · menu (TMS428) TM: 55
· reassembly instructions TM: 210 · number (SEGD) U2: 19, U2: 33
· unit type (SEGD) U2: 39 · number, recording U1: 96
FDU2S · packager U1: 58
· Disassembly instructions TM: 268 Files
· Input polarity IM: 515 · per tape U1: 465
· Re-assembly instructions TM: 269 · per tape (SEGD) U2: 28
· Takeout connector IM: 515 Filter
FDU-428 · alias Hz, dB pnt, slope (SPS) U2: 75,
· deploying IM: 317 U2: 87, U2: 123, U2: 137
· test specifications U3: 296 · low Hz, dB pnt, slope (SPS) U2: 75,
Feature U2: 88, U2: 123, U2: 138
· property names U1: 449 · LT428 IM: 379
Fiber · notch Hz, -3 dB points (SPS) U2: 75,
· detection, TMS428 TM: 106 U2: 123
Fibre Optics · notch Hz, -3dB points (SPS) U2: 88,
· allowable loss TM: 342 U2: 138
· connector, replacing TM: 392 · playback U3: 43
· repairs TM: 341 · response, channel U3: 55
· splices, number of TM: 342 · servo control, VE432 U1: 665
· TFOI, connecting IM: 336 · servo control, VE464 U1: 544
Field · type U1: 87

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· type (SEGD) U2: 28 · SEGD, Rev 2.1 U2: 45

Filters · Source
· plotter U1: 607 controllers U3: 97
Firing · SPS, initial U2: 65
· Order (FO), process type U1: 255 · SPS, Rev. 2.1 U2: 111
Firmware · SPS-like U2: 159
· updating U1: 235 · synthetic file U2: 57
· updating, TMS428 TM: 56 · version num. (SPS) U2: 73, U2: 82,
· updating, via XDEV IM: 152 U2: 121, U2: 132
· upgrading (TMS428) TM: 112 Forward
· version, reading (TMS428) TM: 111 · playback U1: 472
First Fourier
· Notch Frequency (SEGD) U2: 24 · Transform U3: 232
· Timing Word (SEGD) U2: 33 Frequency
· waypoint U1: 415 · domain U3: 232
Fleet · LRU IM: 418, U1: 199
· cluster U1: 325 · Nyquist U1: 87
· group, dynamic U1: 284 From channel (SPS) U2: 80, U2: 97,
· Ready U1: 291 U2: 129, U2: 147
· VE464 vibrator, crew U1: 497 From receiver (SPS) U2: 80, U2: 98,
· vibrator, APS format U2: 160 U2: 129, U2: 148
· vibrator, VE432 crew U1: 617 FTP
Floppy disk · exporting U1: 459
· specifications (SPS) U2: 70, U2: 71, · server U1: 72
U2: 118, U2: 119 · server setup U1: 467
FM4 plug assembly · server, installing on PC IM: 271
· SRHRF cable TM: 309 FUJI 3x90
· ST+ cable TM: 298 · address, changing IM: 215
· WPSR cable TM: 322 · address, displaying IM: 216
FO Window Functions
· VE432 U1: 645 · Test U1: 213
Folders · VE432 U1: 650
· DSUT TM: 143 · VE464 U1: 534
· ground, monitoring, VE432 U1: 640
· Overload, APS U2: 163
Force, APS U2: 160 Gain
Form · Auxiliary channels U1: 138
· Line, LT428 IM: 387 · code U1: 145
· Transverse, LT428 IM: 395 · code, absolute spread U1: 144
Format · error, Instrument test U1: 218
· APS U2: 159 · geophone string U3: 241
· code (SEGD) U2: 19 · Instrument tests U1: 216
· instrument test limit U2: 53 · LT428 IM: 379
· SEGD U2: 15 · Preamplifier, 0 dB, FDU calibration
U3: 131

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· Preamplifier, 12 dB, FDU calibration · alarm U1: 443

U3: 160 Get
· Seismonitor U1: 114 · Similarities, VE464 U1: 553
· shooting setup, Log U1: 576 · VE432 DSD U1: 657
· test record result recovery U3: 117 · VE432 DSD status U1: 639
· test, FDU U3: 173 · VE464 DSD U1: 541
· test, TMS428 TM: 93 · VE464 DSD status U1: 529
Gain test Getting started
· DSU U3: 216, U3: 226 · 428XL GUI U1: 37
Gap U1: 127 · DSUT TM: 146
· between receiver sections U1: 134 · FDPA428 IM: 443
General · LT428 IM: 371
· Header block 1 (SEGD) U2: 19 · TMS428 TM: 49
· Header block 2 (SEGD) U2: 21 Giga Transverse IM: 37
· Header block 3 (SEGD) U2: 22 · DSU IM: 324
· Header Block Number (SEGD) U2: 21, GIS U1: 448
U2: 22 Global
· LT428 parameters IM: 375, IM: 379 · rendering, plotter U1: 609
· Trailer blocks, number of U2: 21 Go
Generate · starting a shot U1: 249
· report U1: 452 · to waypoint U1: 377
Generic · Topographic view U1: 109, U1: 111
· spread U1: 146 GoBook IM: 305
· spread, description U1: 148 · connecting IM: 370
Geodetic datum · Getting started IM: 371
· parameters (SPS) U2: 73, U2: 84, · Q200 IM: 369
U2: 121, U2: 134 GoBook Q200
· spheroid (SPS) U2: 73, U2: 84, · Backup IM: 311
U2: 121, U2: 134 · Battery IM: 307
Geographic · installing IM: 308
· AGC U1: 605 · quick guide IM: 305
Geographic (see Topographic) · Reinstalling IM: 312
Geoid U1: 454 · resetting IM: 306
Geoidal GPS
· model U1: 410 · differential corrections, Raveon radio
Geophone U1: 524
· arrangement U3: 243 · differential corrections, Tracs TDMA
· number per trace U3: 240 U1: 521
· parallel U3: 241 · time management U1: 89
· series U3: 241 Grabbing
· strings U3: 240 · VP U1: 412
Geophysical contractor (SPS) U2: 73, Graphic
U2: 83, U2: 121, U2: 133 · driver, Linux IM: 202
Geotiff format U1: 421 · view, normal acquisition, OVC
Geozone U1: 690

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· view, normal acquisition, VE432 · language U1: 40

U1: 671 · send, emergeny alarm U1: 443
· view, normal acquisition, VE464 Hide
U1: 557 · layer (Positioning) U1: 420
· view, Positioning window U1: 416 High
Graphic view (see Topographic) · box, detour U1: 141
Graphics · channel, detour U1: 141
· how to select U1: 34 · Line, sync, VE432 U1: 637
Gravity · Line, sync, VE464 U1: 518
· test U1: 218 · SN, detour U1: 141
Gravity test, DSU U3: 224 · VE432 drive level U1: 666
Grid · VE464 drive level U1: 545
· coord. at origin (SPS) U2: 74, U2: 85, High-cut
U2: 122, U2: 135 · filter, plotter U1: 607
· origin (SPS) U2: 74, U2: 85, U2: 122, · playback filter U3: 44
U2: 135 Hilbert
Ground · transform, VE432 U1: 631
· earth resistor, FDU calibration U3: 156 Histogram
· force, monitoring, VE432 U1: 640 · view U1: 123
· stiffness, APS U2: 160 Historic
· TMS428 TM: 35 · editing type (SEGD) U2: 27
· viscosity, APS U2: 160 · range (SEGD) U2: 27
· wing nut, replacing TM: 284 · taper length (SEGD) U2: 27
Group · threshold Init value (SEGD) U2: 27
· geophone string U3: 245 · zeroing length (SEGD) U2: 27
Guest Historical
· privileges U1: 44 · Noise Editing U1: 296
Guidance History
· overview U1: 376 · Line window U1: 122
· set, VE464 U1: 552 Hold/Var U1: 300
· vibrator, enabling U1: 284 Hot
· Line U1: 83
H Hour of day (SEGD) U2: 19
· installing IM: 45 I
HDOP, APS U2: 163 Icon U1: 25
Header ID
· external, size U1: 91 · VE464 vibrator U1: 497
Header record · vibrator, VE432 U1: 617
· description (SPS) U2: 82, U2: 132 Identity
· specification (SPS) U2: 72, U2: 120 · card U1: 84
Height Identity Card U1: 59
· antenna, format U2: 166 Immersible
Help TM: 59 · electronics IM: 350

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Impedance · LT428 software, CN3e IM: 296

· geophone string U3: 241 · LT428, GoBook IM: 308
Importing · patch (client) IM: 187
· SPS files U1: 581 · patch (server) IM: 148
Impulse · Redhat, client IM: 161
· Sensor test U3: 205 · Redhat, server IM: 94, IM: 110
Impulsive · server software IM: 140
· process type U1: 264 · TMS428 hardware TM: 35
· Stack process type U1: 265 · TMS428 software TM: 37
Inactive · TMS428 software new release TM: 40
· units (detour) U1: 139 · Vehicle tracking box IM: 278
Increment Instrument
· LT428 Rcv num IM: 378 · Code (I) tables (SPS) U2: 75, U2: 123
· Marker U1: 136 · Code (SPS) U2: 80, U2: 97, U2: 129,
· Shot U1: 288 U2: 147
· VP to do U1: 290 · Crosstalk U1: 217
Index FDU U3: 183
· Distortion U1: 217
· box U1: 25
· Gain error U1: 218
· Source Point U1: 244
· Noise U1: 217
· Phase error U1: 218
· replacing TM: 290
· Pulse test U1: 218
Init · test limits U2: 53
· Thresh U1: 300 · test limits, LT428 IM: 383
Initialization, DSUT hardware TM: 147 · test record recovery U3: 113
Inline · test specifications U3: 296
· spacing, AGC U1: 606 · tests U1: 216
Input · tests, CMRR (FDU) U3: 180
· resistance, FDU calibration U3: 135 · tests, Distortion (FDU) U3: 177
· servo control loop, VE432 U1: 665 · tests, FDU U3: 168
· servo control loop, VE464 U1: 544 · tests, Gain&Phase U3: 173
Inserting · tests, LT428 IM: 391
· cartridge U1: 490 · tests, Noise U3: 170
Install · tests, Offset U3: 172
· window U1: 64 · tests, Pulse (FDU) U3: 186
Installing · tests, Resistance U3: 168
· 428-Lite IM: 66 Instrument tests
· Client software IM: 159, IM: 179 · Crosstalk
· DSUT hardware TM: 131 DSU3 U3: 218, U3: 228
· DSUT software TM: 136 Instruments
· Ethernet plotter IM: 207 · Colour U1: 111
· FDPA428, GoBook IM: 308 · Show/hide U1: 111
· FTP server on PC IM: 271 Interfacing
· Handheld PC software IM: 279 · source controller U3: 97
· hardware IM: 45 Internal
· laser link IM: 469 · ADC, testing (TMS428) TM: 104

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· clock U1: 88 L
· time break (SEGD) U2: 27
Interpolation U1: 610 Lab
· sample U3: 249 · distance to, alarm U1: 445
Intranet Label
· address, configuring IM: 98, IM: 99, · external U1: 464
IM: 106, IM: 114, IM: 115, · properties U1: 448
IM: 122, IM: 123, IM: 129, · tape, external U1: 92
IM: 136, IM: 163, IM: 169 Landscape
IP address · plotter U1: 608
· 428XL local network IM: 46 Language
· Client computer IM: 183 · help U1: 40
· Intranet IM: 98, IM: 99, IM: 106, Laser Link IM: 465
IM: 114, IM: 115, IM: 122, · Installing IM: 469
IM: 123, IM: 129, IM: 136, · Specifications IM: 481
IM: 163, IM: 169 Last
· LCI-428, changing IM: 49 · record, playback U1: 471
· TMS428 TM: 46 Lat. Long
Irregular · initial line (SPS) U2: 74, U2: 85,
· LT428 layout IM: 390, IM: 392 U2: 122, U2: 136
· scale factor (SPS) U2: 74, U2: 85,
U2: 122, U2: 135
J Lat. of standard parallel(s) (SPS) U2: 73,
jConfig window U1: 81 U2: 85, U2: 121, U2: 135
jExport window U1: 455 Latitude
jInstall window U1: 63 · reference, vibrator guidance U1: 284
jLine window U1: 101 LAU tests
jLog window U1: 567 · Transmission TM: 106
jOperation window U1: 241 · XILINX loading TM: 101
jOVC U1: 683 LAUL-428
jPlotter window U1: 591 · cable replacement TM: 224
jPositioning window U1: 401 · connectors IM: 509, IM: 512
Julian · deploying IM: 335
· day, backup setup U1: 94 · disassembly instructions TM: 225
Julian day (SEGD) U2: 19 · Power supply IM: 340
jVE432 window U1: 613 · reassembly instructions TM: 226
jVE464 window U1: 493 · spacing IM: 340, IM: 341
jVibOther window U1: 679 LAULS
· Disassembly instructions TM: 272
· Re-assembly instructions TM: 274
K Launch
Kit · quick, TMS428 tests TM: 62
· tools TM: 206 Launcher
· bar, customizing U1: 49
· icons U1: 48

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LAUR U1: 196 · Line port, TMS428 TM: 105

· disassembly instructions TM: 249 · Sensor test U1: 220
· reassembly instructions TM: 250 · test U3: 197
LAUR-428 IM: 412 · Test circuitry (LAU) U1: 151
LAUX · Test limit U1: 130
· in TMS428 test system IM: 35 · test, Field (TMS428) TM: 90
LAUX-428 · value (SEGD) U2: 38
· connectors IM: 513, IM: 514 LED
· deploying IM: 335 · Run, testing (TMS428) TM: 103
· disassembly instructions TM: 231 LED test
· Power supply IM: 340 · DSU TM: 177
· reassembly instructions TM: 232 Length
LAUX-G IM: 37 · pilot, other vibrator systems U1: 681
· disassembly instructions TM: 237 · pilot, OVC U1: 686
· GPS receiver for DSUGPS IM: 324 · record (SEGD) U2: 28
· reassembly instructions TM: 238 · record, process type U1: 255
· TFOI-G strain-relief TM: 400 · sweep, other vibrator systems U1: 680
LAUXS · sweep, OVC U1: 686
· Disassembly instructions TM: 278 · time, plotter U1: 610
· Re-assembly instructions TM: 279 · Zeroing (noise) U1: 298
LAUXS-428 · Zeroing Taper (noise) U1: 298
· disassembly instructions TM: 243 Level
· reassembly instructions TM: 244 · alert, used disk space U1: 492
Layer · auto, VE432 vib drive U1: 666
· rename (Positioning) U1: 420 · auto, VE464 vib drive U1: 544
· show/hide (Positioning) U1: 420 Licence
Layout · client IM: 197, U1: 67
· LT428 IM: 379 · information about U1: 46
· setup U1: 132 · LT428 IM: 371
LCI · Plotter IM: 198, U1: 68
· oscillator, adjusting TM: 20 · VE464 Guidance IM: 199, U1: 69
LCI-428 Lift
· address, selecting U1: 66 · up delay, VE432 U1: 667
· installing IM: 53 · up delay, VE464 U1: 545
· IP address, changing IM: 49 Limit
· repairing TM: 21 · instrument test U2: 53
· replacing U1: 64 Limits (see Test limits)
LCI-G IM: 37, IM: 324 Line
· installing IM: 52 · check U1: 224
Leak · data rate U3: 287
· testing TM: 292 · end plug IM: 339
Leakage · Error Recovery U1: 370
· error U1: 151 · Generic U1: 147
· error (SEGD) U2: 38 · mapping to a logical line U1: 155
· limit (SEGD) U2: 38 · name (SPS) U2: 79, U2: 80, U2: 93,
U2: 97, U2: 98, U2: 127,
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U2: 129, U2: 143, U2: 147, LLX400. See Laser Link
U2: 148 LLX400. See Laser link
· name, APS U2: 160, U2: 169 Load
· name, COG, format U2: 166 · Thresh U1: 300
· Nb Inc, LT428 IM: 378 Loading
· number U1: 126 · Custom sweep (VE464 DPG) U1: 546
· number format (SPS) U2: 74, U2: 86, · DSUT software TM: 136
U2: 122, U2: 136 · system parameters U1: 575
· port, leakage test (TMS428) TM: 105 · TMS428 software TM: 37
· port, transmission test (TMS428) Local
TM: 107 · acquisition, VE432 U1: 655
· power polarity (TMS428) TM: 110 · acquisition, VE464 U1: 550
· sequence number, SPS U2: 121, · disk U1: 66
U2: 133 · ellipsoidal model U1: 410
· skipping U1: 148 · network IM: 39
· socket, replacing TM: 285 · oscillator, testing (TMS428) TM: 106
· splitting U1: 136 · user U1: 39
· Test, LT428 IM: 376 LOG
· troubleshooting U1: 225 · dB/Hz, VE432 U1: 622
LINE connector · dB/Hz, VE464 U1: 502
· LAUX IM: 513 · dB/octave, VE432 U1: 625
Line Tester · dB/octave, VE464 U1: 505
· operating guide IM: 367 Log
Linear · file, DSU repair TM: 166
· basic sweep signal, VE432 U1: 621 · files, compressing IM: 157
· basic sweep signal, VE464 U1: 501 Log in
· Phase U1: 88 · connecting to server U1: 38
· phase filter U3: 56 · DSUT TM: 146
Link · installing server software IM: 141
· FDU-428, examples IM: 320 · name U1: 40
· Number of FDUs, update (LT428) Logging
IM: 407 · post-annotation U1: 89
· Number of FDUs, update (TMS428) Logging in
TM: 122 · first time IM: 196
Linux Logical
· graphic driver IM: 202 · line mapping U1: 155
List Login IM: 174
· box U1: 25
Long. of central meridian (SPS) U2: 74,
U2: 85, U2: 122, U2: 135
· time U1: 256
· Automatic U1: 285
· connectors IM: 509
· automatic U1: 149
· installing IM: 66
· manual U1: 149
· installing, operating system IM: 126
· properties U1: 149
Live seis traces, number of U2: 25 · sensors U1: 109, U1: 111

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· test (TMS428) TM: 111 · Position IM: 375, IM: 377

· VE432 DSD U1: 651 · Rcv Nb IM: 378
Look&Feel U1: 41 · Sensor Type Nb IM: 379
Loop LT428
· LRU U1: 212 · connecting IM: 370
· servo control, VE432 U1: 665 · Exec Line Test IM: 376
· servo control, VE464 U1: 544 · Exec Transverse Test IM: 376
Loss · Field test IM: 392
· Fibre Optics repairs TM: 342 · Getting started IM: 371
Low · Instrument test IM: 391
· box, detour U1: 141 · main menu IM: 374
· channel, detour U1: 141 · operating guide IM: 367
· SN, detour U1: 141 · Power-on IM: 371
· stacks, number of U2: 42 · results IM: 398
· Trace U1: 299 · running Line tests IM: 384
· Trace Percentage (SEGD) U2: 27 · running Transverse tests IM: 394
· Trace Value U1: 299 · Save Rcv Tilt model IM: 390
· Trace Value (SEGD) U2: 27 · Self-test IM: 373
· VE432 drive level U1: 666 · Set general parameters IM: 375,
· VE464 drive level U1: 545 IM: 379
Low-cut · Set LT position IM: 375, IM: 377
· Filter frequency (SEGD) U2: 24 · Set Test Limits IM: 375, IM: 381
· Filter slope (SEGD) U2: 24 · Tap test IM: 376, IM: 404
· filter, plotter U1: 607 LTO address, changing IM: 221
· Playback filter U3: 44 LXIU. See Laser link
LP traceability, DSU TM: 166 LXIU-400. See Laser Link
LRU IM: 412
· Desensitization IM: 421, U1: 203 M
· disassembly instructions TM: 257
· Frequency IM: 418, U1: 199 MAC address U1: 71
· Half-duplex IM: 417 MACHA U3: 107
· reassembly instructions TM: 258 Macha
· Sleep U1: 211 · wiring IM: 520
· Time Division Multiplex U1: 204 Macha blaster U1: 71
LSI IM: 29, IM: 360 Maintenance
· Instrument tests U1: 316 · field electronics TM: 205
· Shooting U1: 309 · Field equipment TM: 20
· TB widow calibration U1: 310 · TCXO on LCI board TM: 20
LSS IM: 29 Management
· channel Instrument tests U1: 316 · sessions U1: 45
· Instrument tests U1: 316 · time U1: 88
· Shooting U1: 309 Manual
· TB window calibration U1: 310 · Export U1: 460
LT · Look U1: 149
· Line Nb IM: 377 · noise editing U1: 300
· scale, Line window U1: 123

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· shooting U1: 282 Micro-seismic

Manual/Auto · enabling U1: 280
· noise editing threshold U1: 300 · usage U1: 369
· VE432 U1: 650 Min
· VE464 U1: 534 · High Drive, VE432 U1: 667
Manufacturer’s · High Drive, VE464 U1: 545
· code (SEGD) U2: 19 · Low Drive, VE432 U1: 666
· serial nb (SEGD) U2: 19 · Low Drive, VE464 U1: 545
Map grid Minicom IM: 157
· easting (SPS) U2: 79, U2: 94, Minimum
U2: 127, U2: 144 · Phase U1: 88
· northing (SPS) U2: 79, U2: 94, · phase filter U3: 76
U2: 127, U2: 144 Minute of day (SEGD) U2: 19
Mapping Mode
· line U1: 155 · display, plotter U1: 609
Marker · LT428 display IM: 379
· FDU2S channels U1: 182 · operating U1: 279
· increment U1: 136 Model
· Line Layout setup U1: 133 · ellipsoidal U1: 410
Marking, stop U1: 142 · geoidal U1: 410
Mass Monitoring
· acceleration, monitoring, VE432 · disk space U1: 491
U1: 640 Monoline U1: 155
· overload, APS U2: 163 Mounting
· velocity, monitoring, VE432 U1: 640 · parts IM: 70
· warning, APS U2: 162 Mouse
Master · Buttons U1: 25
· Ethernet radio bridge IM: 487 · buttons U1: 25
· oscillator, LCI TM: 20 · Centre button U1: 115
Master/slave Move
· cabling IM: 64 · alarm U1: 445
· operation U1: 382 MRU
Max · configuring U1: 74
· number of FDUs IM: 341, IM: 342 Multi-component
· number of traces U3: 289 · recording (SPS) U2: 75, U2: 88,
· of max, Aux (SEGD) U2: 28 U2: 123, U2: 138
· of max, Seis (SEGD) U2: 28 Multi-DPG configuration IM: 56
· speed U1: 446 Multi-gun U1: 379
· speed, scale U1: 414
MDR IM: 275 · calibration, TMS428 TM: 34
Media Multimodule IM: 58
· copy U3: 16
Meter · tests U1: 222
· calibration TM: 57
Multi-screen IM: 203
· reset TM: 56

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· channel U1: 142 · move U1: 445

· reply U1: 444
N No. sub arrays, nom depth (SPS) U2: 92,
U2: 142
Name Noise
· crew U1: 86 · Editing U1: 296
· feature, colour map U1: 449 · editing, setup U1: 295
· Log in U1: 40 · elimination type (SEGD) U2: 27
· plotter U1: 71 · Instrument test U1: 217
· property, query builder U1: 451 · Sensor test U1: 220
· user U1: 59 · Test limit U1: 130
NAS IM: 33 · test record result recovery U3: 115
· archiving system U1: 73 · test, FDU (Instrument) U3: 170
· exporting to U1: 479 · test, Field (TMS428) TM: 89
· Rescue mode IM: 244 · test, Instrument (TMS428) TM: 92
NAS system IM: 231 · test, Sensor (FDU) U3: 191
· connecting IM: 233 Noise test
· IP address on user network IM: 237 · DSU U3: 215, U3: 225, TM: 178
· reinstalling IM: 241 Noisy
· shock-mount parts IM: 232 · stacks, number of U2: 42
· user network IM: 240 · Trace % U1: 299
NAS4000 · trace percentage (SEGD) U2: 27
· cabling IM: 252 Nominal towing depth U2: 92, U2: 142
· shock-mount parts IM: 250 Normal
Navigation · acquisition OVC U1: 690
· option U1: 307 · acquisition, VE432 U1: 670
· shooting mode U1: 306 · acquisition, VE464 U1: 556
Nb · mode, LT428 display IM: 379
· Sensor/Rcv Pt, LT428 IM: 379 Normalization
Network · plotter U1: 605
· DSD, Navigation U1: 306 Northing, COG, format U2: 166
· VE432 DSD U1: 617 Notch U1: 607
· VE464 DSD U1: 498 · frequency (SEGD) U2: 24
Networking · playback filter U3: 44
· 428XL local network IM: 46 Num
· Client computer IM: 183 · Sensor Type, LT428 IM: 379
· TMS428 TM: 46
Number of
Next · Auxes (SEGD) U2: 25
· Plot U1: 594 · blocks of General Trailer (SEGD)
· record, playback U1: 472 U2: 21
NFS · channel sets per record (SEGD) U2: 20
· disk setup U1: 466 · channels (SPS) U2: 75, U2: 87,
· server U1: 72 U2: 123, U2: 137
NFS disk · channels in this channel set (SEGD)
· exporting to U1: 459 U2: 23
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· dead Seis traces (SEGD) U2: 25 O

· DPG modules U1: 70
· FDUs between LAUs, max IM: 341, Observer
IM: 342 · comments, setup U1: 302
· FDUs in link, LT428 IM: 407 · privileges U1: 44
· FDUs in link, TMS428 TM: 122 · reports U1: 585
· geophones per trace U3: 240 ODU IM: 484
· live Seis traces (SEGD) U2: 25 Off
· plotters U1: 71 · Line U1: 98
· sample skew 32 byte extensions Offset
(SEGD) U2: 20 · removing U3: 238
· samples in trace (SEGD) U2: 25 · test U3: 172
· samples per trace U2: 32 · test, Sensor U3: 193
· samples per trace (SEGD) U2: 34 · to coord. location (SPS) U2: 73,
· Seis traces (SEGD) U2: 25 U2: 83, U2: 121, U2: 133
· splices, Fibre Optics TM: 342 On
· stacks low (SEGD) U2: 42 · Line U1: 98
· stacks noisy (SEGD) U2: 42 Only
· subscans exponent (SEGD) U2: 23 · errors, TMS428 report TM: 63
· traces (SEGD) U2: 25 Open
· traces, max U3: 289 · session U1: 38
· vibrators in pattern, VE432 U1: 646 · Test plan TM: 55
· vibrators in pattern, VE464 U1: 530 · test report, TMS428 TM: 68
· windows (SEGD) U2: 27 Operating
· windows, noise editing U1: 298 · mode U1: 279
Numeric Operation
· pilot, additional U1: 518 · table U1: 244
· pilot, choosing U1: 517 Optical Fibre
· pilot, correlation U1: 258 · TFOI, connecting IM: 336
· view, Line window U1: 121 Option
· view, normal acquisition, OVC · button U1: 25
U1: 692
· view, normal acquisition, VE432
· Navigation U1: 307
U1: 674
· Slip-sweep U1: 282, U1: 332
· view, normal acquisition,
VE464,VE464 U1: 560
· code U2: 171
Nunits, len, width (SPS) U2: 76, U2: 77,
U2: 89, U2: 90, U2: 124, U2: 125,
· LT428 IM: 386
U2: 139, U2: 140 · pattern, VE432 U1: 647
Nut · pattern, VE464 U1: 531
· wing, replacing TM: 284 · plotter page U1: 608
NVIDIA IM: 205 · test, LAUL (TMS428) TM: 109
Nyquist U1: 87 Oscillator
· local, testing (TMS428) TM: 106
· Master (LCI) TM: 20

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Output · tools, VE432 U1: 667

· Dump U1: 258 Peak
· stack U1: 258 · distortion, APS U2: 160
· Xdump U1: 258 · force, APS U2: 160
OVC U1: 683 · phase, APS U2: 160
Overload, APS U2: 163 Peg (see Topographic stake)
· monitoring, used disk space U1: 492
P Periodical verification, DSUT TM: 130
Page Peripherals IM: 201
· setup, plotter U1: 608 · Install setup U1: 70
Parallel Permission U1: 44
· geophone U3: 241 Phase
Parameters · angle (SEGD) U2: 22
· loading (Log) U1: 574 · Control (SEGD) U2: 22
· saving (Log) U1: 574 · error (Instrument test) U1: 218
· saving/loading IM: 145 · Linear U1: 88
· system, editing U1: 574 · Minimum U1: 88
Parts · test, FDU U3: 173
· DSU-428, spare TM: 214 · test, TMS428 TM: 93
· FDU, spare TM: 208 Phase test
· LAUL-428, spare TM: 223 · DSU U3: 216, U3: 226
· LAUX-428, spare TM: 230 Phase, APS U2: 160
· LAUXS-428, spare TM: 243 Pilot
Password · basic signal, VE432 U1: 636
· DSUT TM: 146 · digital, additional U1: 518
· expiry date U1: 43 · digital, choosing U1: 517
· opening a session U1: 40 · digital, correlation U1: 258
Paste U1: 34 · length, other vibrator systems U1: 681
Patch · length, OVC U1: 686
· client IM: 187 Pilot length (SEGD) U2: 28
· server IM: 148 Ping IM: 50
Path Planting
· colour U1: 119 · tool, DSU3BV-428 IM: 333
Pattern · tool, DSU-428 IM: 327
· number, creating, VE432 U1: 646 Plate Warning, APS U2: 162
· number, creating, VE464 U1: 530 Playback
· orientation, VE432 U1: 647 · filters U3: 43
· orientation, VE464 U1: 531 · record U1: 470
· setup, VE432 U1: 646
Plot U1: 608
· setup, VE464 U1: 530
· abort U1: 594
· vibrator, choosing U1: 275
· Again U1: 594
PC · Next U1: 594
· Handheld, installing IM: 279
PCMCIA · AGC U1: 604

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· banner U1: 595 · 3C U3: 277

· ethernet, installing IM: 207 · battery, test (TMS428) TM: 102
· general IM: 33 · FDU input IM: 511
· licence IM: 198, U1: 68 · FDU2S takeout IM: 515
· mode, display U1: 609 · SEGD U2: 20
· name U1: 71 · test, FDU (TMS428) TM: 91
· number of U1: 71 · test, line power (TMS428) TM: 110
· parameters U1: 604 · trace U3: 42
· processing U1: 604 Port
· scaling U1: 606 · consumption, TMS428 TM: 105
· type U1: 71 · switching test (TMS428) TM: 109
Plug · voltage, testing (TMS428) TM: 103
· cleaning IM: 316, TM: 293 Portrait
· process type, FO U1: 255 · plotter U1: 608
Plug, FM4 Pos. proc. contractor (SPS) U2: 73,
· SRHRF cable TM: 309 U2: 83, U2: 121, U2: 133
· ST+ cable TM: 298 POSC U2: 171
· WPSR cable TM: 322 Positioning
Point · contractor (SPS) U2: 73, U2: 83,
· Code, FDU2S channels U1: 181 U2: 121, U2: 133
· Number (Marker) U1: 135 · layers U1: 403
Point (to) U1: 26 Post-annotation
Point Code · logging U1: 89
· DSU channels U1: 163 Post-plot date of issue (SPS) U2: 73,
· FDU channels U1: 128 U2: 82, U2: 121, U2: 132
· SPS U2: 79, U2: 93, U2: 127, Power
U2: 143 · connector, LAUL-428 IM: 512
Point Depth (SPS) U2: 79, U2: 93, · connector, LAUX IM: 513
U2: 127, U2: 143 · polarity, line (TMS428) TM: 110
Point Index · requirements IM: 51
· SPS U2: 79, U2: 80, U2: 93, U2: 97, · socket, replacing TM: 287
U2: 127, U2: 129, U2: 143, · test, LAU TM: 101
U2: 147 Power supply
Point Index, APS U2: 160, U2: 169 · field electronics IM: 340
Point Index, format U2: 166 Power-off
Point number · Line, LT428 IM: 387
· COG, format U2: 166 Power-on
· SPS U2: 79, U2: 80, U2: 93, U2: 97, · Line, LT428 IM: 387
U2: 127, U2: 129, U2: 143, · LT428 IM: 371
U2: 147 · test, LT428 IM: 387
Point number, APS U2: 160, U2: 169 · Transverse, LT428 IM: 395
Point record Power-up
· description (SPS) U2: 93, U2: 143 · TMS428 TM: 50
· specification (SPS) U2: 79, U2: 127 P-P bar/m,prim/bubble (SPS) U2: 92,
Polarity U2: 142

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Preamplifier · test plan, TMS428 TM: 61

· 0 dB gain, FDU calibration U3: 131 Property
· 12 dB gain, FDU calibration U3: 160 · name, query builder U1: 451
Pressure Protocol
· sensor, enabling, VE464 U1: 551 · source controllers U3: 97
Pressure Overload, APS U2: 163 Pseudorandom
Prestack within field units (SEGD) · basic sweep signal, VE432 U1: 628
U2: 27 · basic sweep signal, VE464 U1: 507
Preview Pulse
· colour mapped attributes U1: 449 · basic sweep signal, VE432 U1: 627
Printer IM: 33 · basic sweep signal, VE464 U1: 511
Privileges U1: 44 · Instrument test U1: 218
Process · Sensor test U1: 221
· Type setup, generating U1: 272 · test, FDU U3: 186
· type, Log shooting setup U1: 577
· type, overview U1: 254 Q
· Type, SEGD U2: 27
Q200 IM: 369
· Type, setup U1: 275
· Backup IM: 311
Processing · Battery IM: 307
· capacity U3: 287 · connecting IM: 370
· Crossline spacing, plotter U1: 606 · Getting started IM: 371
· filter, plotter U1: 607 · installing IM: 308
· Geographic AGC, plotter U1: 605 · quick guide IM: 305
· Inline spacing, plotter U1: 606 · Reinstalling IM: 312
· Normalization, plotter U1: 605
· plotter U1: 604
· choice, VE432 vib U1: 643
· Time, exponential U1: 605
· choice, VE464 vib U1: 528
· Window length (AGC) U1: 605
· data (How to view) U1: 116
· Wz velocity, plotter U1: 605
· extended, VE432 vib U1: 643
Producer · extended, VE464 vib U1: 529
· code U1: 91 · limits, OVC U1: 688
Project code and description (SPS) · limits, VE432 vib U1: 642
U2: 74, U2: 86, U2: 122, U2: 136 · limits, VE464 vib U1: 527
Projection U1: 454 QT-400 IM: 365
· type (SPS) U2: 73, U2: 84, U2: 121, Quadrant bearing of H256 (SPS) U2: 74,
U2: 134 U2: 86, U2: 122, U2: 136
· type, setup U1: 409
· zone (SPS) U2: 73, U2: 84, U2: 121,
· COG radius threshold U1: 412
U2: 135
· Control IM: 33
Projection Type setup · Vib position accuracy U1: 413
· Projection U1: 454 · warning setup U1: 411
Properties Quality Control
· in graphic view, Line U1: 117 · check records (SPS) U2: 78, U2: 126
· Look, Line U1: 149
· object label U1: 448
· add to U1: 452

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· builder U1: 451 Re-assembling

Quick · DSU TM: 217
· Launch, TMS428 tests TM: 62 · FDU2S TM: 269
· tester, QT-400 IM: 365 · LAULS TM: 274
· LAUXS TM: 279
R Reassembling
· FDU TM: 210
R,S,X file quality control (SPS) U2: 78, · LAUL TM: 226
U2: 126 · LAUR TM: 250
Radio · LAUX-428 TM: 232
· bridge, ethernet IM: 483 · LAUX-G TM: 238
· delay, measuring, VE432 U1: 662 · LAUXS TM: 244
· Delay, VE432 U1: 660 · LRU TM: 258
· delay, VE432 U1: 664 · TFOI TM: 373
· management, VE432 vib U1: 639 · TFOI-G TM: 357
· management, VE464 vib U1: 520 · TREP-428 TM: 265
· telemetry, deployment IM: 411 Reboot
· telemetry, setting up U1: 196 · server U1: 47
Radius Receiver
· alarm, distance to camp U1: 445 · code (Rx) tables (SPS) U2: 76,
· alarm, distance to recording unit U2: 124
U1: 445 · index (SPS) U2: 80, U2: 98, U2: 129,
· shooting setup, Log U1: 577 U2: 148
Random · line number (SEGD) U2: 34
· basic sweep signal, VE432 U1: 628 · point easting (SEGD) U2: 36
· basic sweep signal, VE464 U1: 507 · point elevation (SEGD) U2: 36
· Lift up delay, VE464 U1: 545 · point index (SEGD) U2: 34
Rate · point northing (SEGD) U2: 36
· refresh U1: 54 · point number (SEGD) U2: 34
· sample U1: 87 · point, skipping U1: 147, U1: 157
Raveon radio · position history U1: 588
· setup U1: 524 · section U1: 127
Raw · section, marking U1: 134
· Impulsive Stack process type U1: 265 · Tilt model, LT428 IM: 390
· process type, Correlation U1: 267 · Type Layout, LT428 IM: 379
· servo control, VE432 U1: 666 Record
· servo control, VE464 U1: 544 · disk, setup U1: 93
· Vib Stack process type U1: 270 · identification (SPS) U2: 79, U2: 80,
Rcv U2: 127, U2: 129
· Nb Increment, LT428 IM: 378 · identification, APS U2: 160, U2: 169
Read · identification, COG, format U2: 166
· traceability, FDU (TMS428) TM: 96 · Instrument tests U1: 214
· traceability, LAU (TMS428) TM: 115 · last, playback U1: 471
· user info (TMS428) TM: 112 · length (SEGD) U2: 28
Ready · length, Intrument tests U1: 217
· fleet U1: 291 · length, process type U1: 255

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· next, playback U1: 472 · setup, plotter U1: 608

· test result recovery U3: 113 Repair
· type (SEGD) U2: 20 · assistant, DSU TM: 164, TM: 166
Record length U3: 289 · LCI-428 TM: 21
· SEGD U2: 20 · log file, DSUT TM: 166
Recovering Repairing
· instrument test records U3: 113 · SRHRF cable TM: 303
Recovery · ST cable TM: 294
· line error, Micro-seismic U1: 370 · ST+ cable TM: 294
Redhat · WPSR cable TM: 303
· installing, client IM: 161 Repeater
· installing, server IM: 94, IM: 110 · LAUX-428, Marker setup U1: 134
Reference · Raveon radio U1: 525
· DSU3, DSUT TM: 131, TM: 158 · Tracs TDMA U1: 523
· latitude, vibrator guidance U1: 284 · Transverse IM: 339
· resistors, calibration U3: 129 Replacing
· signal, VE432 DSD U1: 640 · cable, LAUL TM: 224
· voltage, calibration U3: 129 · cable, TFOI TM: 363
· voltage, FDU (TMS428) TM: 94 · cable, TFOI-G TM: 352
· voltage, FDU calibration U3: 131 · connector, Fibre Optics TM: 392
Refraction · FDU connector TM: 284
· delay, process type U1: 256 · ground wing nut TM: 284
· delay, SEGD U2: 26 · indicators TM: 290
Refresh · LCI-428 U1: 64
· rate U1: 54 · Line & Trans sockets TM: 285
Registering · Power socket TM: 287
· user U1: 43 · TFOI board TM: 368
Reinstalling · XDEV sockets TM: 288
· TMS428 software TM: 40 Reply
Relation record · alarm U1: 444
· description (SPS) U2: 97, U2: 147 Report
· specification (SPS) U2: 80, U2: 129 · APS U1: 587
Release · COG U1: 587
· tape drive U1: 469 · errors only (TMS428) TM: 63
Remote · generate, query U1: 452
· Observer U1: 585
· connection to server, Linux IM: 190
· publishing
· connection to server, Windows
IM: 191
· network IM: 40, IM: 41, IM: 42 reports U1: 571
· receiver position U1: 588
· user U1: 39
· test, TMS428 TM: 66
· user, installing IM: 179
Rename Repository U1: 66
· layers (Positioning) U1: 420 Rescue
Rendering · NAS system IM: 244
· global, plotter U1: 609 Reset
· button U1: 32

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· Meter TM: 56 · Line tests, LT428 IM: 384

· queries and classification U1: 450 · Tests
· Tester Unit TM: 56 DSUT TM: 156
Resetting · tests, TMS428 TM: 64
· CN3e IM: 292 · Transverse tests, LT428 IM: 394
· GoBook Q200 IM: 306 RVT300 IM: 275
Reshoot U1: 286
Reshot U1: 286 S
· error (SEGD) U2: 37 S N (serial number)
· high limit (SEGD) U2: 37 · detour U1: 141
· input, FDU calibration U3: 135 Sample
· low limit (SEGD) U2: 37 · conversion to mV U3: 235
· Sensor test U1: 219 · int. Record Len. (SPS) U2: 75,
· test network, FDU calibration U3: 144 U2: 123
· test, FDU U3: 168 · int., Record Length (SPS) U2: 87,
· test, Field (TMS428) TM: 91 U2: 137
· test, Instrument (TMS428) TM: 92 · interpolation U3: 249
· test, Sensor U3: 194 · Rate U1: 87
· value (SEGD) U2: 37 · Rate, LT428 IM: 379
Response, Channel filter U3: 55 · skew extensions, number of U2: 20
Restart · skew, SEGD U2: 33
· to mV conversion factor U2: 42
· server U1: 47
Retrieval Sample Rate
· SEGD U2: 25
· Wireline telemetry U1: 99
Return Samples
· in trace, number of U2: 25
· Pilot, VE432 U1: 640
· per trace, number of U2: 32, U2: 34
· signal, VE432 DSD U1: 639
· sweep, VE432 vib U1: 640 Save
Reverse · Rcv Tilt Model, LT428 IM: 390
· Thresh U1: 301
· button U1: 32
Reversed Saving
· automatic, TMS428 reports TM: 62
· Marking option U1: 136
· results, LT428 IM: 401
· system parameters U1: 575
· SEGD U1: 91
Saving, automatic
Revision Number (SEGD) U2: 21
· DSUT TM: 161
· tape U1: 469
· installation settings U1: 75
· click, Line window U1: 117
· button U1: 26
Role U1: 44 · factor (SPS) U2: 74, U2: 85, U2: 122,
Run U2: 135
· LED, testing (TMS428) TM: 103 · histograms U1: 123
· TMS428 tests TM: 56 Scaling
Running · plotter U1: 606

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Scan Type Self-test

· Header (SEGD) U2: 23 · LAU (TMS428) TM: 100
· Number (SEGD) U2: 33 · LT428 IM: 373
· per record (SEGD) U2: 20 Senior
Scrollbar U1: 26 · Observer, privileges U1: 44
Sealing TM: 292 Sensor
Searching · Coulour code U1: 109
· LT428 results IM: 400 · Leakage test U1: 220
Second · Noise test U1: 220
· Notch Frequency (SEGD) U2: 24 · num/Rcv pnt, LT428 IM: 379
· of minute (SEGD) U2: 19 · Pulse test U1: 221
SEGD · Resistance test U1: 219
· 3C polarity U3: 277 · Seismonitor U1: 223
· Code U1: 131 · sensitivity (SEGD) U2: 40
· format U2: 15 · show/hide U1: 109
· format, Rev 2.1 U2: 45 · test limits U1: 129
· revision, choosing U1: 91 · tests U1: 219
· setup U1: 90 · tests, CMRR U3: 202
· Trace Blocking U1: 465 · tests, Distortion U3: 207
Seis traces, number of U2: 25 · tests, FDU U3: 191
Seismic · tests, Impulse U3: 205
· datum (SPS) U2: 79, U2: 94, U2: 127, · tests, Leakage U3: 197
U2: 144 · tests, Look U1: 150
· instrument header records (SPS) · tests, Noise (FDU) U3: 191
U2: 87, U2: 137 · tests, Offset U3: 193
· receiver header records (SPS) U2: 89, · tests, Resistance U3: 194
U2: 139 · tests, Tilt U3: 200
· setup, Operation U1: 279 · Tilt model U1: 220
· source header records (SPS) U2: 90, · Tilt test U1: 220
U2: 140 · Type, FDU2S channels U1: 181
· trace scaling U1: 606 · Type, LT428 IM: 379
Seismonitor U1: 114 Sensor Type
· DSUT TM: 159 · DSU channels U1: 162
· gain U1: 114 · FDU channels U1: 129
· Sensor test U1: 223 · Number (sensor tests) U2: 36
Select U1: 26 · SEGD code U2: 35
· VE432 vib (Look) U1: 651 Sequence
Selecting · Line, SPS U2: 121, U2: 133
· test, DSUT TM: 154
· graphical objects U1: 34
· in graphic view U1: 115 Sequencer
· table cells U1: 33 · Shallow U3: 105
· text U1: 33 Sequential
· traces to plot U1: 601 · time, plotter U1: 609
Selection · trace, plotter U1: 609
· create U1: 452 Serial
· number, changing (TMS428) TM: 116

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· number, detour U1: 141 SGD-S

· number, tape U1: 92 · Blaster cable IM: 517
Series SGDS U3: 108
· geophones U3: 241 SGS
Server · shooting system U1: 71
· administration U1: 42 SH geophone IM: 321
· connectors IM: 71 Shallow
· FTP U1: 72 · mode, enabling U1: 280
· log on to U1: 38 · Sequencer U3: 105
· NFS U1: 72 Shallow-water U1: 379
· software, installing IM: 93, IM: 140 Shapefile U1: 421
· start/stop U1: 47 Shock
Server ID IM: 197, U1: 67 · mount parts IM: 70
Servo Shock-mount
· input, VE432 U1: 665 · Cartridge drive IM: 213
· input, VE464 U1: 544 · NAS system IM: 232
· setting, VE432 U1: 665 · NAS4000 IM: 250
· setting, VE464 U1: 543 Shooter U1: 303
Session Shooting U1: 303
· manager U1: 45 · LSI IM: 360
· opening U1: 38 · LSS IM: 29, U1: 309
Set · Navigation mode U1: 306
· channel, number per record U1: 91 · setup, Log U1: 576
· DSD, OVC U1: 690 · system U1: 70
· Guidance, VE464 U1: 552 · system, connecting IM: 57
· Servo, VE432 U1: 665 · systems, interfacing U3: 97
· Servo, VE464 U1: 543 Shortcut
· tape U1: 96 · Line window U1: 117
· tape, creating U1: 463
· VE432 DSD U1: 656
· tests TM: 59
· VE464 DSD U1: 539
Sets, channel U2: 20
· automation U1: 280
Settings · Depth, charge len. (SPS) U2: 78,
· browser U1: 40 U2: 126
· help U1: 40 · depth, charge len. (SPS) U2: 91,
Setup U2: 141
· Crew, OVC U1: 685 · Id U1: 273
· DSUT TM: 152 · Id, Log shooting setup U1: 577
· Observer comments U1: 302 · increment U1: 288
· VE432 Crew, vibrators U1: 616 · Nb, APS U2: 162
· VE464 Crew, vibrators U1: 496 · number (SEGD) U2: 25
SFL · starting U1: 249
· Spread First Line U1: 275 ShotPro
SFN · install U1: 70
· Spread First Number U1: 275 · interfacing U3: 101

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· wiring IM: 518, IM: 519 · e428, licence U1: 67

Show · Handheld PC, installing IM: 279
· layer (Positioning) U1: 420 · installing, GoBook IM: 308
Shutdown · installing, TMS428 TM: 37
· server U1: 47 · New release TM: 46
Signal · patch (client) IM: 187
· return sweep, VE432 U1: 640 · patch (server) IM: 148
Similarities · updating U1: 235
· VE464, radio U1: 553 · version (SEGD) U2: 28
Similarity Software, installing
· test, radio, VE432 U1: 640 · CN3e IM: 296
Simultaneous mode U3: 287 · server IM: 140
Single Soil, drill method (SPS) U2: 78, U2: 91,
· mode, recording specifications U3: 287 U2: 126, U2: 141
Size Source
· external header U1: 91 · aux nb (SEGD) U2: 28
· vert. stk fold (SPS) U2: 77, U2: 125 · code (Sx) tables (SPS) U2: 77,
Size, vert. stk fold (SPS) U2: 90, U2: 140 U2: 125
Skew, sample, number of extensions · COG file, format U2: 166
· control, LSS IM: 29, IM: 360
U2: 20
· controller, in line IM: 360
Skip · controller, time management U1: 89
· channel U1: 153 · easting (SEGD) U2: 28
Skipping · elevation (SEGD) U2: 28
· lines (spread description) U1: 148 · Explosive U1: 288
· receiver points U1: 147 · Line U1: 274
· receiver points (detour) U1: 157 · line bearing, VE432 U1: 648
Slave · line bearing, VE464 U1: 532
· 428XL U3: 98 · Line Number (SEGD) U2: 22
· Ethernet radio bridge IM: 487 · northing (SEGD) U2: 28
· VE432 DPG U1: 617 · Point Index U1: 244
· VE464 DPG U1: 497 · Point Index (SEGD) U2: 22
Slave. See Master/Slave. · Point Number (SEGD) U2: 22
Sleep · point setup, generating U1: 278
· LRU U1: 211 · point, setup U1: 273
Slip · Receiver U1: 274
· time U1: 332 · Set Number (SEGD) U2: 22
· time, selecting U1: 293 · type, setup U1: 287
Slip-sweep IM: 56, U1: 332 Source controllers U3: 97
· enable U1: 282 Space, disk
· mode used (SEGD) U2: 28 · DSUT TM: 143
Snaking U1: 136 Spacing
· DSU U1: 165 · crossline (AGC) U1: 606
· FDU U1: 158 · DSU3 IM: 342
· FDU2S U1: 192 · FDU IM: 341
Software · inline (AGC) U1: 606

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· LAU IM: 341 SPS-like file format U2: 159

Spare SQC
· DSU-428 parts TM: 214 · dump to U1: 280
· FDU parts TM: 208 · dump, VE432 U1: 359
· LAUL-428 parts TM: 223 · dump, VE464 U1: 346
· LAUX-428 parts TM: 230 SQC Dump mode U1: 346
· LAUXS-428 parts TM: 243 SRHRF cable
Spatial · splicing TM: 303
· filtering, Positioning window U1: 404 SSMon
· query U1: 419 · software, installing IM: 287, IM: 302
Specifications ST cable
· 428XL U3: 281 · splicing TM: 294
· DSUT TM: 128 ST+ cable
· Instrument tests U3: 296 · splicing TM: 294
· laser link IM: 481 Stack
· TMS428 TM: 31 · Correlation after, process type U1: 268
Speed · Correlation before, process type
· alarm U1: 447 U1: 266
· maximum U1: 446 · distance, VE432 U1: 647
· maximum, scale U1: 414 · distance, VE464 U1: 531
Spike · Impulsive, process type U1: 265
· editing U1: 386 · Output button U1: 258
Splicing · Vibroseismic, process type U1: 270
· SRHRF cable TM: 303 Stacking Fold
· ST+ cable TM: 294 · SEGD U2: 27
· WPSR cable TM: 303 Stacking Fold, APS U2: 163
Split Stacks, number of
· line U1: 136 · Low U2: 42
Spread · Noisy U2: 42
· absolute U1: 144 Stake (see Topographic stake)
· generic U1: 146 Standard
· layout conventions IM: 346 · process type U1: 255
· number (SEGD) U2: 25 Start
· setup U1: 143 · colour map scale U1: 449
· SFL U1: 275 · time, plotter U1: 610
· SFN U1: 275
· Superspread U1: 276
· 428 server U1: 47
· Superspread, Line window U1: 145
· DSUT428 TM: 146
· type U1: 274
· FDPA428 IM: 443
· type (SEGD) U2: 26
· LT428 IM: 371
SPS · TMS428 TM: 49
· exporting U1: 583
Static correction (SPS) U2: 79, U2: 93,
· format, initial U2: 65
· importing U1: 581
U2: 127, U2: 143
· Rev. 2.1 U2: 111 Statics U3: 249
· Sercel (over 10000 traces) U2: 108 Statistics

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· DSUT TM: 169 · backup setup U1: 94

· OVC U1: 694 · first line (SEGD) U2: 25
· VE432 U1: 677 · first number (SEGD) U2: 25
· VE464 U1: 564 · name U1: 96
Status · number U1: 95
· codes, VE432 DPG and DSD U1: 676 · type U1: 578
· codes, VE464 DPG and DSD U1: 562 Sweep
· VE432 DSD, get U1: 639 · basic signal, VE432 (Acquisition type)
· VE464 DSD, get U1: 529 U1: 636
Step · basic signal, VE464 (Acquisition type)
· negative U1: 322 U1: 517
· Vibroseismic source U1: 290 · freq start, end (SPS) U2: 77, U2: 125
Stiffness (ground), APS U2: 160 · frequency start,end (SPS) U2: 91,
Stop U2: 141
· button, Operation U1: 249 · length (SEGD) U2: 28
· Marking U1: 142 · length, other vibrator systems U1: 680
· on error, TMS428 TM: 62 · length, OVC U1: 686
Stopping · return signal, VE432 U1: 640
· 428 server U1: 47 · slip time U1: 332
Strain-relief · slip, enable U1: 282
· TFOI-428 IM: 337 · type, length (SPS) U2: 77, U2: 91,
· TFOI-G TM: 400 U2: 125, U2: 141
Streamer cable number (SEGD) U2: 24 Switching
String · port (TMS428) TM: 109
· gain, geophone U3: 241 Sync
· group, geophone U3: 245 · high line, VE432 U1: 637
· impedance, geophone U3: 241 · high line, VE464 U1: 518
· wiring, geophones U3: 246 Syntax (see Description)
Subarrays, number of U2: 92, U2: 142 Synthetic
Submersible · file format U2: 57
· electronics IM: 350 · file syntax U1: 231
Subscan exponent U2: 23 · Signal type U1: 231
Superspread U1: 276 System
· shooting U1: 70
· Line window U1: 145
· tools, troubleshooting IM: 157
· customer U1: 83
Surface T
· elevation, reference U1: 410 T0
· elevation, SPS U2: 79, U2: 127 · mode, VE432 U1: 645
Surface elevation · Repeat Times, VE432 U1: 644
· SPS U2: 94, U2: 144 · setup, VE432 U1: 644
Survey Table
· description U1: 126 · how to select U1: 33
· setup U1: 125 · operation U1: 244
Swath Tap

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· test, LT428 IM: 376, IM: 404 Terminal

Tape · Linux IM: 157
· copy U3: 16 Test
· drive IM: 33 · acceptance U3: 263
· drive address · Automatic U1: 285
FUJI 3x90, displaying IM: 216 · cable calibration TM: 57
· drive, install U1: 72 · customizing (TMS428) TM: 81
· Label U1: 464 · functions U1: 213
· label (SEGD) U2: 28 · functions, FDU U3: 163
· label, external U1: 92 · generator, FDU calibration U3: 135
· Number U1: 464 · Instrument, FDU U3: 168
· number of files U1: 465 · limit
· number, SEGD U2: 28 battery U1: 113
· set U1: 96 Continuity U1: 130
· set, creating U1: 463 Leakage U1: 130
· setup, Export window U1: 463 Noise U1: 130
· type, format, density (SPS) U2: 75, Sensor U1: 129
U2: 87, U2: 123, U2: 137 Tilt U1: 130
Tape drive · limit file format U2: 53
· address · limits, LT428 IM: 375, IM: 381
3592 IM: 225 · multiple U1: 222
FUJI 3x90, changing IM: 215 · network, Resistance, FDU calibration
LTO IM: 221 U3: 144
· exporting to U1: 458 · record result recovery U3: 113
· installing IM: 213 · Record, type (SEGD) U2: 25
· interface card IM: 76 · Running, DSUT TM: 156
· supported IM: 214 · running, TMS428 TM: 64
Tape/disk identifier (SPS) U2: 73, · Sensor, FDU U3: 191
U2: 82, U2: 121, U2: 132 · sequence editor, DSUT TM: 154
Taper · setup U1: 213
· length start, end (SPS) U2: 77, U2: 91, · shortcut (Topographic view) U1: 109,
U2: 125, U2: 141 U1: 111
· VE432 U1: 619 · Spread U1: 215
· VE464 U1: 500 · System, TMS428 IM: 35
TB Test plan
· window, process type U1: 256 · TMS428 TM: 60
· window, SEGD U2: 25 Test report
Tb to T0 time (SEGD) U2: 27 · DSUT TM: 172
TB window Test system
· LSS U1: 310 · TMS428 TM: 29
TCXO, LCI board TM: 20 Tested
TDMA U1: 520 · Line Nb, LT428 IM: 378
· channel, Tracs TDMA U1: 522 Tester
Template · cable TM: 195
· TMS428 tester TM: 49 · reset TM: 56

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· box U1: 26 · listening U1: 256

· how to select U1: 33 · management U1: 88
TFOI · Sequential, plotter U1: 609
· board, replacing TM: 368 · SPS U2: 79, U2: 95, U2: 127,
· cable TM: 363 U2: 145
· connecting IM: 336 · Start, plotter U1: 610
· disassembly instructions TM: 364 Time break
· reassembly instructions TM: 373 · SEGD U2: 26
TFOI-G IM: 37 · window, SEGD U2: 33
· cable TM: 352 Time, APS U2: 163
· disassembly instructions TM: 353 TMS428 IM: 35, TM: 29
· reassembly instructions TM: 357 · Connecting an FDU link TM: 70
· strain-relief TM: 400 · Connecting an FDU2S TM: 71
Third Notch Frequency (SEGD) U2: 24 · Connecting an LAUL TM: 72
Threshold · Connecting an LAULS TM: 73
· COG radius U1: 412 · Connecting an LAUX TM: 74
· Hold/Var (SEGD) U2: 27 · Connecting an LAUXS TM: 80
· Init U1: 300 · Connecting an LAUXS-428 TM: 78
· Init Value, noise editing U1: 299 · customizing tests TM: 81
· Load U1: 300 · FDU calibration U3: 128
· Save U1: 301 · firmware update TM: 56
· type tables (SEGD) U2: 27 · Grounding TM: 35
· type, other vibrator systems U1: 681 · installation TM: 35
· type, OVC U1: 686 · main window TM: 54
· updating (noise elimination) U1: 387 · software, installing TM: 37
Tilt · specifications TM: 31
· correction, enable U1: 66, U1: 177 · Templates TM: 49
· error (SEGD) U2: 37 · Test plan TM: 60
· limit (SEGD) U2: 37 · test reports TM: 66
· Model U1: 220 TMS428 specifications
· test U1: 220, U3: 200 · Electrical TM: 33
DSU TM: 178 · Environmental TM: 34
· Test limit U1: 130 · Physical TM: 34
· test, Field (TMS428) TM: 90 TMU428 TM: 30
· test, theory U3: 221, U3: 230 · Calibration TM: 121
· value (SEGD) U2: 37 · FDU calibration U3: 128
Tilt angle Tn
· DSU3 trace correction formula U3: 261 · basic sweep signal, VE432 U1: 626
Time · basic sweep signal, VE464 U1: 506
· delay, FTB-SOD (SPS) U2: 75, Tn, VE432 U1: 626
U2: 88, U2: 123, U2: 138 Tn, VE464 U1: 506
· Division Multiplex, LRU U1: 204 To channel (SPS) U2: 80, U2: 97,
· domain, correlation U3: 232 U2: 129, U2: 147
· exponential, plotter U1: 605 To receiver (SPS) U2: 80, U2: 98,
· Interpolation U1: 610 U2: 129, U2: 148
· Length, plotter U1: 610

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Toggle · SEGD U2: 33

· button U1: 27 Traceability
Toolbar · DSU LP board TM: 166
· tests TM: 59 · FDU, read (TMS428) TM: 96
Tools · FDU, write (TMS428) TM: 96
· maintenance, field electronics TM: 206 · field equipment U1: 120
· Meter and test cables calibration · LAU, read (TMS428) TM: 115
TM: 57 · LAU, write (TMS428) TM: 115
· PCMCIA, VE432 U1: 667 Traces
· Reset Meter TM: 56 · max number of U3: 289
· Reset Tester Unit TM: 56 · per inch U1: 609
· SRHRF cable splicing TM: 303 · total number of U2: 25
· ST+ cable splicing TM: 294 Traces, number of
· ST+ FM4 plug replacement TM: 298 · Aux U2: 25
· STSR FM4 plug replacement TM: 322 · Dead seis U2: 25
· TMS428 TM: 56 · Live seis U2: 25
· USB key management IM: 157 · Seismic U2: 25
· WPSR cable splicing TM: 303 Tracking
· WPSR FM4 plug replacement TM: 322 · box, installing IM: 278
Topographic · Positioning window U1: 432
· stake U1: 109 · VE464 U1: 522
· view U1: 105 · vehicle setup U1: 414
Total number of traces (SEGD) U2: 25 Tracs TDMA
Towing depth U2: 92, U2: 142 · Baud rate U1: 522
Trace Trailer, general U2: 21
· auxiliary, description U1: 261 Trans
· blocking U1: 465 · socket, replacing TM: 285
· data block U2: 32 Transfer
· edit (SEGD) U2: 33 · to drive, spec U3: 287
· Low U1: 299 Transform
· Noisy percentage U1: 299 · Hilbert, VE432 U1: 631
· Number (SEGD) U2: 33 Transmission
· number of samples in U2: 25 · Line port (TMS428) TM: 107
· polarity U3: 42 · test IM: 396
· selecting, plot U1: 601 · test, Line (LT428) IM: 388
· Sequential, plotter U1: 609 · Transverse port (TMS428) TM: 107
Trace Header · troubleshooting U1: 119
· Extension (SEGD) U2: 33 Transverse
· Extension Block 1 (SEGD) U2: 34 · connector, LAUX IM: 513
· Extension block 2 (SEGD) U2: 36 · data rate U3: 287
· Extension block 3 (SEGD) U2: 37 · port, transmission test (TMS428)
· Extension block 4 (SEGD) U2: 38 TM: 107
· Extension block 5 (SEGD) U2: 38 · test, LT428 IM: 376
· Extension block 6 (SEGD) U2: 39 Transverse (LT428) IM: 396
· Extension block 7 (SEGD) U2: 41 TREP-428
· Extensions (SEGD) U2: 24, U2: 34

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· connecting IM: 339 Update

· disassembly instructions TM: 264 · field U1: 103, U1: 149, U1: 219,
· reassembly instructions TM: 265 U1: 220
Troubleshooting · VE464 vib fleet U1: 537
· DSU TM: 163 Updating
· Line U1: 225 · firmware U1: 235
· tools, system IM: 157 · firmware (TMS428) TM: 112
· Transmission U1: 119 · firmware, via XDEV IM: 152
Type · Number of FDUs in link, (LT428)
· blaster U1: 70 IM: 407
· box, detour U1: 141 · Number of FDUs in link, (TMS428)
· Model, Polarity (SPS) U2: 75, U2: 76, TM: 122
U2: 77, U2: 87, U2: 89, U2: 90, · TMS428 firmware TM: 56
U2: 123, U2: 124, U2: 125, Upgrade
U2: 137, U2: 139, U2: 140 · firmware (TMS428) TM: 112
· of process (SEGD) U2: 27 Upgrading
· of source (SEGD) U2: 25 · built-in LAUX TM: 118
· plotter U1: 71 · field electronics U1: 235
· TMS428 firmware TM: 56
U · via XDEV, field electronics IM: 152
ULS technology IM: 30 · time (SEGD) U2: 26
· deployment IM: 350 · time (SPS) U2: 79, U2: 94, U2: 127,
· Handling IM: 356 U2: 144
· in Line window U1: 178 Upload U1: 60
Uninstalling UPS
· client software IM: 200 · configuration IM: 79
· patch (client) IM: 187
· patch (server) IM: 148
· opening a session U1: 39
· server software IM: 146
· key IM: 157
· serial number (SEGD) U2: 39
· type (SEGD) U2: 39
· account IM: 174
· info U1: 90
· how to select U1: 115
· interface table, DSUT TM: 150
· spacing X, Y (SPS) U2: 76, U2: 77,
· local IM: 39
U2: 89, U2: 90, U2: 124,
· name U1: 59
U2: 125, U2: 139, U2: 140
· registering U1: 43
Unload · remote IM: 40, IM: 41, IM: 42
· tape U1: 469
Unmanned · LAU (TMS4028) TM: 111
· configuration IM: 78
· installation parameters U1: 79
· option, enabling U1: 65 V
Unselect V12 IM: 209
· in Line topographic view U1: 115

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VA (plotter) U1: 609 · QC limits, VE432 U1: 642

Values · QC limits, VE464 U1: 527
· query builder U1: 452 · Radio management, VE432 U1: 639
Valve Overload, APS U2: 163 · Radio management, VE464 U1: 520
Var/Hold U1: 300 · signals, recording IM: 345
VE432 · T0, VE432 U1: 644
· connecting IM: 56 · type U1: 70
· DPG, connecting IM: 56 · type (SEGD) U2: 22
· functions U1: 650 · VE464 Fleet function U1: 535
· Version, APS U2: 163 Vibroseis (SPS) U2: 77, U2: 125
VE464 View
· connecting IM: 55 · Graphic, OVC (normal acquisition)
· functions U1: 534 U1: 690
Vehicle · Graphic, VE432 (normal acquisition)
· Tracking box IM: 278 U1: 671
Velocity · Graphic, VE464 (normal acquisition)
· baseplate, monitoring, VE432 U1: 640 U1: 557
· Histogram U1: 123
· mass, monitoring, VE432 U1: 640
· menu, TMS428 TM: 57
· plotter U1: 605
· numeric, Line window U1: 121
· Numeric, OVC (normal acquisition)
· APS report U1: 587
U1: 692
Veritas IM: 209 · Numeric, VE432 (normal acquisition)
Version U1: 674
· firmware, reading (TMS428) TM: 111 · Numeric, VE464 (normal acquisition)
Vertical U1: 560
· datum description (SPS) U2: 73, · topographic, line U1: 105
U2: 84, U2: 121, U2: 134 Vigor
· Stack (SEGD) U2: 24 · installing, operating system IM: 133
Vib Viscosity (ground), APS U2: 160
· position accuracy U1: 413 Voltage
· position Easting, APS U2: 160 · port (TMS428) TM: 103
· position elevation, APS U2: 160 · reference, FDU (TMS428) TM: 94
· position Northing, APS U2: 160 · reference, FDU calibration U3: 131
· Status Code, APS U2: 162
Vibrator · grabbing radius U1: 412
· drive level (APS) U2: 160 · Id U1: 273
· fleet (APS) U2: 160 · to do, increment U1: 290
· guidance U1: 376
· guidance, enabling U1: 284
· deployment IM: 345
· number (APS) U2: 160
· enable U1: 280
· pattern setup, VE432 U1: 646
· Hilbert transform, VE432 U1: 631
· pattern setup, VE464 U1: 530
· VE432 U1: 359
· QC choice, VE432 U1: 643
· VE464 U1: 346
· QC choice, VE464 U1: 528
· QC limits, OVC U1: 688

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Warnings Year (SEGD) U2: 19
· DSUT TM: 181
Water Z
· depth (SPS) U2: 79, U2: 94, U2: 127,
U2: 144 Zeroed
· gun (SPS) U2: 78, U2: 126 · channel U1: 142
Watertightness TM: 292 Zeroing
Waypoint · Length (noise) U1: 298
· first U1: 415 · method (noise elimination) U1: 387
Weathering thickness (SPS) U2: 78, · noise editing type U1: 298
U2: 91, U2: 126, U2: 141 · Taper Length (noise) U1: 298
Wiggle U1: 609 Zoom
· Line window U1: 116
· Length, AGC U1: 605
· menu, TMS428 TM: 57
· Number of (noise) U1: 298
· TB U2: 25
· TB, process type U1: 256
· nut, replacing TM: 284
Wireless IM: 490
WPSR cable
· splicing TM: 303
· traceability, FDU (TMS428) TM: 96
· traceability, LAU (TMS428) TM: 115
· user info (TMS428) TM: 112
Wz Velocity, AGC U1: 605

· connector, LAUL IM: 509, IM: 512
· connector, LAUX IM: 514
· socket, replacing TM: 288
· upgrading field electronics IM: 152
· Output button U1: 258
· test, Line ( LT428) IM: 388
· test, Transverse (LT428) IM: 396

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