Quantum Mechanics in Rigged Hilbert Space Language
Quantum Mechanics in Rigged Hilbert Space Language
Quantum Mechanics in Rigged Hilbert Space Language
s in
Rigged Hilbert Spa
e Language
Submitted in partial fulllment of the
requirements for the degree of
tor of Philosophy
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ument preparation system developed by Leslie Lamport as a spe
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1 Introdu
tion 1
1.1 A Brief History of the Rigged Hilbert Spa
e . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 3
1.2 Harmoni
illator . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 5
1.3 A Rigged Hilbert Spa
e of the Square Barrier Potential . . . . . . . . . . . . 9
1.4 S
attering o the Square Barrier Potential . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 12
1.5 The Gamow Ve
tors of the Square Barrier Potential Resonan
es . . . . . . . 15
1.6 Time Reversal . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 19
1.7 Synopsis . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 20
2 Mathemati
al Framework of Quantum Me
s 23
2.1 Linear Spa
es . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 25
2.1.1 Introdu
tion . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 25
2.1.2 Linear Spa
es and S
alar Produ
t . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 25
2.1.3 Linear Operators . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 28
2.1.4 Antilinear Fun
tionals . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 32
2.2 Topologi
al Spa
es . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 34
2.2.1 Introdu
tion . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 34
2.2.2 Open Sets and Neighborhoods . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 34
2.2.3 Separation Axioms . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 37
2.2.4 Continuity and Homeomorphi
es . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 38
2.3 Linear Topologi
al Spa
es . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 39
2.3.1 Introdu
tion . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 39
2.3.2 Cau
hy Sequen
es . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 41
2.3.3 Normed, S
alar Produ
t and Metri
es . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 43
2.3.4 Continuous Linear Operators and Continuous Antilinear Fun
tionals 45
2.4 Countably Hilbert Spa
es . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 49
2.4.1 Introdu
tion . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 49
2.4.2 Dual Spa
e of a Countably Hilbert Spa
e . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 53
2.4.3 Countably Hilbert Spa
es in Quantum Me
s . . . . . . . . . . . 54
2.5 Linear Operators on Hilbert Spa
es . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 56
2.5.1 Introdu
tion . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 56
2.5.2 Bounded Operators on a Hilbert Spa
e . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 57
2.5.3 Unbounded Operators on a Hilbert Spa
e . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 62
xii Contents
Jim looked at the trash, and then looked at me, and ba
k at the
trash again. He had got the dream xed so strong in his head that he
ouldn't seem to shake it loose and get the fa
ts ba
k into pla
again, right away. But when he did get the things straightened around,
he looked at me steady, without ever smiling, and says:
\What do dey stan' for? I's gwyne to tell you. When I got all wore
out wid work, en wid de
allin' for you, en went to sleep, my heart
wuz mos' broke bekase you wuz los', en I didn' k'yer no mo' what
ome er me en de raf'. En when I wake up en ne you ba
k agin,
all safe en soun', de tears
ome en I
ould a got down on my knees
en kiss' yo' foot I's so thankful. En all you wuz thinkin 'bout wuz
how you
ould make a foul uv ole Jim wid a lie. Dat tru
k dah is
trash; en trash is what people is dat puts dirt on de head er dey fren's
en makes 'em ashamed."
Then he got up slow, and walked to the wigwam, and went in
there, without saying anything but that. But that was enough. It
made me feel so mean I
ould kissed his foot to get him to
take it ba
It was fteen minutes before I
ould work myself up to go and
humble myself to a nigger{but I done it, and I warn't ever sorry for
it afterwards, neither. I didn't do him no more mean tri
ks, and I
wouldn't done that one if I'd a knowed it would make him feel that
1.1 A Brief History of the Rigged Hilbert Spa
e 3
This dissertation is about the des
ription of Dira
kets, Lippmann-S
hwinger kets and
Gamow ve
tors in Rigged Hilbert Spa
e language. The Dira
kets are the state ve
iated to any element in the spe
trum of an observable. The Lippmann-S
hwinger kets
are the eigenkets of the Hamiltonian that are relevant in s
attering theory. They
to the monoenergeti
\in" and \out" s
attering states. The Gamow ve
tors are the kets
that represent the state ve
tor of a resonan
e. Our main goal is to show that the Rigged
Hilbert Spa
e is the most suitable formalism to des
ribe these kets. Rather than working in
an abstra
t fashion, examples shall be used to illustrate this des
ription. The two examples
we shall mainly use are the harmoni
illator and the square barrier potential.
In this dissertation, no experimental data is dis
ussed. We shall rather fo
us on the
methods, the ideas and prin
iples in terms of whi
h su
h data
an be interpreted and un-
derstood. We shall use the S
hrodinger equation subje
t to dierent boundary
onditions as
a model for the des
ription of the data. Dierent boundary
onditions upon the S
equation will yield Dira
kets, Lippmann-S
hwinger kets or Gamow ve
tors. Although su
a model involves an idealization, this is probably the best way to understand what these
state ve
tors are.
We should note that the RHS is not an interpretation of Quantum Me
s, but rather
the most natural,
ise and logi
language to formulate su
h heuristi
as Dira
kets, Lippmann-S
hwinger kets or Gamow ve
About the same time, von Neumann published the theory of dire
t integral de
tions of a Hilbert spa
e indu
ed by a self-adjoint operator [4℄ (also valid for more general
ases). This spe
tral theory was
loser to
al Fourier analysis, and represented an
improvement over former von Neumann's spe
tral theory [2℄.
I. Gelfand always thought that von Neumann's spe
tral theory was not the whole story
of the theory of linear operators dened on innite dimensional ve
tor spa
es. Prompted by
the theory of distributions, he and his s
hool introdu
ed the Rigged Hilbert Spa
e (RHS).
Starting out with this RHS and von Neumann's dire
t integral de
omposition, they were
able to prove the so-
alled Nu
lear Spe
tral Theorem [5℄ (also known as the Gelfand-Maurin
Theorem). This theorem provides a more thorough information on the spe
tral properties
of an operator and treats the
ontinuous and the dis
rete spe
trum on the same footing.
One of the aspe
ts of Dira
's formalism, the
ontinuity of the elements of the algebra
of observables, was dis
ussed in the early 1960's in Refs. [6, 7℄. If two operators of the
algebra of observables satisfy the
al (Heisenberg)
ommutation relation, at least one
of them
annot be
ontinuous (i.e., bounded) with respe
t to the Hilbert spa
e topology. In
Refs. [6, 7℄, it is shown that there are subdomains of the Hilbert spa
e that
an be endowed
with topologies that make those operators
ontinuous; the largest of these subdomains is
the S
hwartz spa
In the 1960's, some physi
ists [8, 9, 10℄ independently realized that the RHS provides a
rigorous mathemati
al rephrasing of all of the aspe
ts of Dira
's formalism. In parti
the Nu
lear Spe
tral Theorem restates Dira
basis ve
tor expansion along with the Dira
bras and kets within a mathemati
al theory. Later on, other authors
ame to the same
lusion [11℄. Nowadays the RHS is textbook material [12, 13, 14, 15, 16, 17, 18℄.
During the past few years, the RHS has emerged as the natural mathemati
al language
in the theory of s
attering and de
ay (
f. Refs. [19, 20, 21, 22℄ and referen
es therein). The
RHS has also proved to be very useful in other areas of theoreti
al physi
s su
h as in the
tion of generalized spe
tral de
ompositions of
maps [23, 24℄. In fa
t, it
seems that the RHS is the best known language to deal with s
attering and de
ay in a
onsistent way. This is the very reason why we are using it here.
The S
hrodinger equation is the dynami
al equation that governs the behavior of a
quantum system. Thus any attempt to show that the RHS
ontains the mathemati
methods needed by Quantum Me
s should show that the natural framework for the
solutions of the S
hrodinger equation is the RHS. We re
all that none of Refs. [19, 20, 21, 22℄
took the S
hrodinger equation as the dynami
al equation. The obje
tive of this dissertation
is to obtain the Dira
, Lippmann-S
hwinger, and Gamow kets as solutions of the S
equation subje
t to dierent boundary
onditions, and to show that these solutions fall in
the RHS rather than just in the HS [25, 26, 27℄.
In the end, the results of this dissertation will allow us to draw a very important
lusion: the RHS is the natural language to deal with s
attering and de
1.2 Harmoni
illator 5
omputed for every element of the Hilbert spa
e H, but only for those ' 2 H that also belong
to D(A). Similarly, the un
ertainty (1.2.6)
annot be
omputed for every element of H, but
just for those ' 2 D(jAj) [28℄. If we take as physi
al states those normalizable fun
tions for
h physi
al quantities su
h as the expe
tation value (1.2.5) and the un
ertainty (1.2.6)
an be
omputed, then it is
lear that not every square normalizable fun
tion (i.e., every
element of H)
an represent a physi
al state. As we shall see, the natural spa
e of physi
wave fun
tions is a subspa
e of H, be
ause all physi
al quantities
an be
omputed for
its elements. Further, has all the ni
eties of Dira
's formalism.
For example, let us
onsider the harmoni
illator. The algebra of the harmoni
ontains the observables position Q and momentum P . These observables are dened
as linear operators over the Hilbert spa
e H, and they fulll the Heisenberg
[P; Q℄ = P Q QP = i~I : (1.2.7)
It is well known that Eq. (1.2.7) implies that either P or Q is an unbounded operator. This
implies that either P or Q
annot be dened on the whole Hilbert spa
e|they are, in fa
dened on
ertain dense subdomains D(P ) and D(Q) on whi
h P and Q are self-adjoint.
Therefore, the expression P Q QP is not dened on the whole Hilbert spa
e. Moreover,
e D(P ) and D(Q) do not remain stable under the a
tion of P and Q, the expression
P Q QP is only dened on those ' 2 H su
h that ' 2 D(Q), ' 2 D(P ), P ' 2 D(Q) and
Q' 2 D(P ). Therefore, the Heisenberg
ommutation relation (1.2.7) is not dened on the
whole of H, but only on a subspa
e of it. We re
all that Eq. (1.2.7) leads to the Heisenberg
ertainty relation:
' P ' Q : (1.2.8)
Now, if we want the expe
tation values of H , P and Q,
('; A') ; A = H; P; Q ; (1.2.9)
the un
ertainties of H , P and Q,
' A ; A = H; P; Q ; (1.2.10)
and the Heisenberg un
ertainty relation (1.2.8) to be well dened, then the square normal-
izable wave fun
tion ' must be not only in H, but also in D(P ), D(Q), D(H ), D(jP j),
D(jQj), D(jH j).
e, a subdomain of H where all of the physi
al quantities (1.2.7)-(1.2.10)
an be
omputed is needed. Clearly, should be stable under the a
tion of P , Q and H . It seems
that the best
andidate for is given by the interse
tion of the domains of all the powers
of P , Q and H ,
= D(An) : (1.2.11)
The spa
e in Eq. (1.2.11) is the maximal invariant subspa
e of the algebra of the harmoni
illator. On , all physi
al quantities su
h as expe
tation values and un
an be
1.2 Harmoni
illator 7
omputed. Algebrai
relations su
h as the Heisenberg
ommutation relation are well dened
on . In parti
ular, the Heisenberg un
ertainty prin
iple is well dened on .
The spe
trum of the Hamiltonian of the harmoni
illator is dis
rete, and its eigen-
tors are square normalizable (a
tually, they are elements of ). This means that, as far
as the eigenve
tors of H are
erned, there is no need to go beyond the Hilbert spa
H. However, the spe
trum of the position and momentum observables is
ontinuous, and
ides with the set of real numbers. Following the pres
ription (1.2.1), we asso
iate an
tor jpi to ea
h of the elements p of the (
ontinuous) spe
trum of P ,
P j pi = pj pi ; 1 < p < +1 : (1.2.12)
ording to (1.2.2), a wave fun
an be expanded by these eigenkets,
Z +1
'= dp jpihpj'i : (1.2.13)
Obviously, the kets jpi are not in the Hilbert spa
e|a larger linear spa
e is needed to
ommodate them. It happens that those jpi a
quire meaning as antilinear fun
over the spa
e . That is, jpi 2 , where represents the set of antilinear fun
over the spa
e . Similar
onsiderations hold for the position operator Q,
Qjxi = xjxi ; jxi 2 ; 1 < x < +1 : (1.2.14)
Z +1
'= dx jxihxj'i ; ' 2 : (1.2.15)
In this way, the Gelfand triplet
H (1.2.16)
of the harmoni
illator arises in a natural way. The Hilbert spa
e H
omes from the
requirement that the wave fun
tions must be square normalizable. The subspa
e is the
set of physi
al wave fun
tions, i.e., the wave fun
tions on whi
h any expe
tation value,
any un
ertainty and any
an be
omputed. The dual spa
ontains the
eigenkets asso
iated to the
ontinuous spe
trum of the observables of the algebra. These
eigenkets are dened as fun
tionals over the spa
e , and they
an be used to expand any
' 2 as in Eq. (1.2.13) or Eq. (1.2.15).
These ideas will be elaborated in Chapter 3, where the Rigged Hilbert Spa
e of the
illator is
ted.2 The harmoni
illator will be studied from a dierent
point of view to that used in textbooks on Quantum Me
s. The standard approa
to the harmoni
illator is to start out with the (position) S
hrodinger realization of the
algebra of operators, i.e., one takes for granted the well-known dierential expressions for
Q, P and H . From these expressions one derives, for instan
e, the Heisenberg
Chapter 3 is a substantial improvement of and an extension to Ref. [29℄.
8 1 Introdu
relation. One
an also derive that the Hamiltonian has a
ountable number of eigenval-
ues whose
orresponding eigenve
tors are given by the Hermite polynomials. The above
riptions of Dira
's formalism are also assumed, although it is not mentioned that the
Hilbert spa
e mathemati
annot in
orporate them. In this dissertation, we shall not take
for granted the position realization of the algebra of the harmoni
illator, but rather
derive this realization from algebrai
assumptions. We shall just assume some algebrai
relations to be fullled by the operators P , Q and H , namely the Heisenberg
[P; Q℄ = P Q QP = i~I ; (1.2.17)
and the expression of H in terms of P and Q,
1 2 ! 2 2
H= P + Q : (1.2.18)
2 2
We shall make an additional essential assumption: the existen
e of an eigenve
tor 0 of the
energy operator,
H0 = 1=2 ~! 0 : (1.2.19)
From this algebrai
starting point, we shall derive rst that H possesses a
ountable number
of eigenvalues ~w(n + 1=2), n = 0; 1; 2; : : :,
orresponding to some eigenve
tors n . The
linear spa
e spanned by the n will be
alled . This linear spa
e will be equipped with
two dierent topologies: the usual Hilbert spa
e topology, whi
h generates the Hilbert spa
H from , and a stronger, nu
lear topology, whi
h generates the spa
e from . This
lear topology will make the elements of the algebra
ontinuous operators. On
e is
ted, we shall
t and therewith the Rigged Hilbert Spa
e of the harmoni
H : (1.2.20)
The eigenkets jpi and jxi will be
ontinuous antilinear fun
tionals over , i.e., they will be
elements of . The eigenket equations Qjxi = xjxi, P jpi = pjpi will nd their mathemat-
al setting as fun
tional equations over . The statement of the Gelfand-Maurin Theorem
will be given, whi
h will guarantee the existen
e of a
omplete set of generalized eigenve
tors of the position and momentum operators. It will be shown that this theorem is the
al statement that justies the heuristi
basis ve
tor expansions (1.2.13)
and (1.2.15). We shall derive the S
hrodinger representation of the harmoni
illator. In
this representation, the standard expressions for P , Q and H in terms of dierential oper-
ators will be obtained. The position realization of the RHS (1.2.20) by spa
es of fun
and distributions will be also obtained. The spa
e will be realized by the S
hwartz spa
S (R ), and will be realized by the spa
e of tempered distributions S (R ) . Thus the
position realization of the RHS (1.2.20) will read
S (R ) L 2 (R ) S (R ) : (1.2.21)
The eigenve
tors n of H will be realized by the Hermite polynomials.
1.3 A Rigged Hilbert Spa
e of the Square Barrier Potential 9
Therefore, we shall give a proper mathemati
al framework for the operations that the
s of the harmoni
illator seems to need, and we will throw light onto the problem
of how the S
hrodinger realization of the algebra of operators of the harmoni
be singled out. The important point is that this realization, whi
h is introdu
ed ad ho
the literature,
an be derived from proper algebrai
assumptions within the RHS formalism.
The time dependent solution of Eq. (1.3.1) is obtained by Fourier-transforming the time
independent solution of Eq. (1.3.3),
'(t) = dE e iEt=~ '(E ) : (1.3.4)
If the spe
trum of the Hamiltonian has a
ontinuous part, and if the energy E belongs
to this
ontinuous part of the spe
trum, then the
orresponding eigenket jE i that solves
Eq. (1.3.2) is not square integrable, i.e., jE i is not an element of the Hilbert spa
e. As in
ase of the harmoni
illator, the Hilbert spa
annot handle these non-normalizable
kets, whereas the RHS formalism
The main short
oming of the RHS formalism is that it does not provide a pres
t the spa
es , , or the eigenkets jE i. The general statement of the Nu
tral Theorem [5℄ just assures the existen
e of the eigenkets jE i, and assumes the spa
, to be given beforehand. Therefore, a systemati
edure to
t the RHS
10 1 Introdu
The pro
edure to
t the RHS of the square barrier potential is as follows. First, we
write down the time independent S
hrodinger equation in the radial position representation:
hrjH jE i hhrjE i = E hrjE i ; (1.3.5)
where h is the following S
hrodinger dierential operator:
~2 d2
h + V (r ) ; (1.3.6)
2m dr2
and 8
< 0 0<r<a
V (r ) = V0 a < r < b (1.3.7)
0 b<r<1
is the square barrier potential. By applying the Sturm-Liouville theory (Weyl theory) [30℄
to the time independent S
hrodinger equation (1.3.5), we obtain a domain D(H ) on whi
the dierential operator h is self-adjoint. This domain indu
es the self-adjoint Hamiltonian
H . The next step is to
ompute the Green fun
tions (i.e., the resolvent) of H , the spe
of H (whi
h in our example is [0; 1)), and the unitary operator U that diagonalizes H . The
operator U allows us to obtain the energy representation of the Hilbert spa
e and the dire
integral de
omposition indu
ed by the Hamiltonian. The dire
t integral de
omposition is
not enough for the purposes of Quantum Me
s. The reasons why the dire
t integral
omposition (i.e., the Hilbert spa
e methods) is not enough for the purposes of Quantum
s are the same as in the
ase of the harmoni
(i) The expe
tation values and the un
ertainties of the Hamiltonian in any physi
al wave
tion should be well dened.
(ii) Algebrai
operations should be well dened. Sin
e D(H ) is not stable under the
tion of H , the powers of H are not well dened on all of the elements of H. Hen
e, a
subdomain in
luded in D(H ) that remains stable under the a
tion of H and all of its
powers is needed,
H n : 7 ! ; n = 0; 1; 2; : : : (1.3.8)
(Obviously, if Eq. (1.3.8) holds, then the expe
tation values and the un
ertainties of H in
any ' of are well dened.)
(iii) For ea
h E 2 Sp(H ), there is a Dira
ket jE i su
h that the eigenequation (1.3.2)
and the Dira
basis ve
tor expansion (1.3.3) hold. The kets jE i are dened in terms of the
1.3 A Rigged Hilbert Spa
e of the Square Barrier Potential 11
After realizing that the Hilbert spa
e is not suÆ
ient to a
ount for (i)-(iii), we
the RHS
H (1.3.10)
of the square barrier potential. This RHS a
ounts for (i)-(iii), be
ause of the following
(1) The spa
e is stable under the a
tion of H (this will give (1.3.8)). On the spa
, all algebrai
operations involving the Hamiltonian H are well dened. In parti
ular, the
tation values of the Hamiltonian in any element of are well dened. The elements
of are represented by well-behaved fun
tions, in
ontrast to the elements of the Hilbert
e, whi
h are represented by sets of equivalent fun
tions that
an vary arbitrarily on any
set of zero Lebesgue measure. As in the example of the harmoni
illator, we
lude that
not every element of the Hilbert spa
an be a physi
ally a
eptable wave fun
the elements of fulll all the
onditions to be a wave fun
(2) The ket jE i, as dened by (1.3.9), is a well-dened antilinear fun
tional on , i.e.,
jE i 2 . In the energy representation, jE i a
ts as the antilinear S
hwartz delta fun
Moreover, jE i is an eigenve
tor of H as in Eq. (1.3.2). To see this, we have to re
all that in
RHS language, Eq. (1.3.2) means that
hH'jE i = E h'jE i ; 8' 2 : (1.3.11)
The a
tion of H
an be extended to the kets jE i in as follows:
h'jH jE i = hH'jE i ; 8' 2 : (1.3.12)
ause H is
ontinuous on , the operator H is a uniquely dened extension of H . Using
the denition (1.3.12), we rewrite Eq. (1.3.11) as
h'jH jE i = E h'jE i ; 8' 2 : (1.3.13)
Omitting the arbitrary ' in this equation leads to
H jE i = E jE i ; (1.3.14)
h is the same as Eq. (1.3.2). (Note that in Eq. (1.3.14) we have denoted the a
tion of
the Hamiltonian on the ket jE i by H and not just by H . We shall use this notation in
order to stress that the Hamiltonian is a
ting on ve
tors that lie outside the Hilbert spa
(3) Any element of
an be expanded in terms of the eigenkets jE i as in Eq. (1.3.3).
From (1)-(3) it follows that, when
ontinuous spe
trum is present, the natural framework
for the solutions of the S
hrodinger equation is the Rigged Hilbert Spa
e rather than just
the Hilbert spa
12 1 Introdu
hrodinger equation
+ ! H .
The Hilbert spa
e H is needed to in
orporate the requirement that the wave fun
tions are
square integrable. Moreover, H singles out the s
alar produ
t used to
ompute probability
amplitudes. The spa
e is needed to in
orporate the Dira
kets asso
iated with the
tions of the time independent S
hrodinger equation subje
t to boundary
The spa
e is needed to in
orporate the wave fun
tions on whi
h the Dira
kets a
t as
ontinuous antilinear fun
tionals and for whi
h all the algebrai
operations and all the
tation values are well dened.
We are now going to see that the RHS formalism is also able to in
orporate the boundary
onditions of a s
attering system. In essen
e, the RHS
an a
ommodate the Lippmann-
hwinger equation.3 To illustrate this, we shall use the example of s
attering o the square
barrier potential.
Loosely speaking, we send a beam of prepared initial in-states 'in towards the square
barrier potential. After the
ollision takes pla
e, 'in be
omes 'out . We then measure the
probability to nd a nal out-state out . The amplitude of this probability is given by
( out ; 'out ) =( out ; S'in ) ; (1.4.1)
where S is the S -matrix. The
al understanding is that the initial in-state 'in and
the nal out-state out are asymptoti
forms of the so-
alled in-state '+ and out-state
in the remote past and in the distant future, respe
tively. In terms of these, the probability
amplitude (1.4.1) reads
( ; '+ ) : (1.4.2)
The asymptoti
states 'in and out are related to the \exa
t" states '+ and by the
Mller operators,
+ 'in = '+ ; (1.4.3a)
out = : (1.4.3b)
It is
ustomary to split up the (total) Hamiltonian H into the free Hamiltonian H0 and the
potential V ,
H = H0 + V : (1.4.4)
For a mathemati
al approa
h to the Lippmann-S
hwinger equation in terms of RHSs of Hardy fun
The potential V is interpreted as the intera
tion between the
omponents of the initial
prepared states, for instan
e, the intera
tion between the in-going beam and the target.
The initial in-state 'in and the nal out-state out evolve under the in
e of the free
Hamiltonian H0 , whereas the in-state '+ and the out-state evolve under the in
of the (total) Hamiltonian H .
Therefore, the dynami
s of a s
attering system is governed by the S
hrodinger equation
t to
ertain boundary
onditions. These boundary
onditions spe
ify what is \in"
and what is \out." The Lippmann-S
hwinger equation for the in- and out-kets jE i has
those \in" and \out" boundary
onditions built into it,4
jE i = jE i + E H1 i V jE i : (1.4.5)
The wave fun
tions '+ are usually
alled in-states, whereas the wave fun
alled out-states. O
asionally, we shall
all the observables (or out-observables),
ause they are determined by the registration apparatus. In order to grasp the meaning
of this terminology, let us
onsider the matrix element ( ; '+ ). This s
alar produ
t is the
amplitude of the probability to observe the out-state in the in-state '+ ,
P'+! = j( ; '+ ) j 2 : (1.4.10)
e is determined by the property that we want to measure, it stands to reason that
all it observable and denote it by a spe
symbol. In order to stress the distin
between states and observables, the probability (1.4.10) may be written as
P'+! = Tr(P W'+ ) ; (1.4.11)
where Tr stands for tra
e and
W'+ j'+ih'+ j ; (1.4.12)
P j ih j : (1.4.13)
The Lippmann-S
hwinger equation will be studied in Chapter 5 within the example of the
square barrier potential. We shall rst write Eq. (1.4.5) in the radial position representation,
Next, we shall obtain the Lippmann-S
hwinger eigenfun
tions hrjE i. The
ontinuation of
these eigenfun
tions to
omplex values of the energy, that we denote by hrj(E i) i, will
be used to dene the a
tion of the Lippmann-S
hwinger kets:
Z 1
h j i := lim
'+ E+ !0
dr h'+ jrihrj(E + i)+ i ; '+ 2 ; (1.4.15a)
Z0 1
h jE i := lim
dr h jrihrj(E i) i ; 2 + : (1.4.15b)
This denition needs a
omment. The a
tion of the Lippmann-S
hwinger kets is dened
as the limits in Eq. (1.4.15) in order to keep tra
k of the i boundary
onditions. The
i boundary
onditions just mean that we are approa
hing the
ut (i.e., the spe
trum of
H ) either from above (+i) or from below ( i). Therefore, the a
tion of the Lippmann-
hwinger kets jE i should be viewed as the limit of the integrals in Eq. (1.4.15) when
tends to 0.
onditions under whi
h the ket (1.4.15a) is well dened are in general dierent to
those under whi
h (1.4.15b) is well dened. Sin
e these
onditions determine the spa
e of
wave fun
tions on whi
h the kets a
t, the spa
e on whi
h the in-ket jE +i a
ts is dierent
1.5 The Gamow Ve
tors of the Square Barrier Potential Resonan
es 15
from the spa
e + on whi
h the out-ket jE i a
ts. Although the pre
ise form of the spa
will not be given, we shall provide a list of ne
onditions that must be satised
by the elements of . For the sake of deniteness, we shall assume sometimes that those
es are, in the energy representation, subspa
es of spa
es of Hardy
lass (see also [31℄).
e the Lippmann-S
hwinger kets are
ted, the
omplex basis ve
tor expansions
of the states '+ and of the observables follow:
Z 1
'+ = dE jE + ih+ E j'+i ; (1.4.16a)
Z0 1
= dE jE ih E j i : (1.4.16b)
We will also
t the Mller operators and the S-matrix, and express the matrix element
(1.4.2) in terms of the in- and out-Lippmann-S
hwinger kets,
Z 1
( ; '+ ) = dE h jE iS (E )h+E j'+i : (1.4.17)
This expression will be used later to derive the
omplex basis ve
tor expansion generated
by the Gamow ve
We remark that the RHS (1.3.10) was
alled a RHS of the square barrier potential and
not the RHS of the square barrier potential, be
ause dierent boundary
onditions upon
the S
hrodinger equation yield dierent RHSs for the same potential. The spa
e of
Eq. (1.3.10) is neither + nor , be
ause in
orporates neither the \in" nor the \out"
onditions of the s
attering o the square barrier potential [32℄.
Although a resonan
e has a nite lifetime, it is otherwise assigned all the properties
that are also attributed to stable parti
les, like angular momentum,
harge, spin, parity and
other parti
le labels. For example,
onsider [34℄ the bombardment of stable Pb206 nu
lei by
a beam of parti
les whose energy is peaked around 5.4 MeV. The
ross se
tion for +Pb206
attering has an in
redibly sharp resonan
e whose width is of the order of 10 18 eV. For
times (after the +Pb206 s
attering has taken pla
e) mu
h less than 138 days, there will
be nu
lei in the target that have all the
al and physi
al properties asso
iated with
the atomi
numbers Z = 84, A = 210, and we
all these nu
lei Po210 . The probability
to nd Po210 is not stationary, however, but de
reases exponentially with a
ay time of 138 days. For times short
ompared to 138 days, Po210 is to all intends an
leus. In fa
t, we in
lude it (and the rest of unstable nu
lei) in the periodi
of elements along with the stable nu
In parti
le physi
s the situation is the same (
f. for instan
e [35℄). Unstable parti
les are
listed along with the stable ones in the Parti
le Data Table [36℄ and attributed values for the
mass, the spin and the width (or lifetime). Thus, stable parti
les dier from the unstable
ones by the value of their width, whi
h is zero in the
ase of stable parti
les and dierent from
zero in the
ase of unstable ones. Hen
e, phenomenologi
ally, unstable parti
les are not less
fundamental than the stable ones, whi
h are, a
ording to
urrent experimental eviden
only the proton, the ele
tron, the photon, the neutrinos and possibly the graviton.
ally, stable and unstable parti
les are usually treated on a dierent footing.
The reason is that an unstable parti
le, unlike a stable one,
annot be des
ribed within the
Hilbert spa
e formalism. However, there are some theoreti
al models that treat stable and
unstable parti
les on the same footing. For instan
e, in the eightfold way of Gell-Mann and
Ne'eman [37℄ many multiplets
ontain both stable and unstable parti
les|no fundamental
tion between stable and unstable parti
les is made.
ause resonan
es are parti
les with a nite lifetime|not just peaks in the
tion|a state ve
tor des
ription for resonan
es is needed. The Gamow ve
tors are the
natural state ve
tors of resonan
es [27℄. The des
ription of resonan
es by Gamow ve
allows us to interpret them as autonomous experimentally de
aying physi
al systems.
The energy eigenfun
tion with
omplex eigenvalue was originally introdu
ed by Gamow
in his paper on -de
ay of atomi
lei [38℄, and used thereafter by a number of authors
(see for example, Refs. [39, 40, 41, 42, 43℄ and referen
es therein). The real part of the
omplex eigenvalue is asso
iated with the energy of the resonan
e, and the imaginary part is
iated with the inverse of the lifetime. The Gamow eigenfun
tions have an exponentially
aying time evolution, in a
e with the exponential law observed in de
ay of
tive nu
lei [44, 45, 46, 47℄. The Gamow eigenfun
tions are obtained as solutions of
the S
hrodinger equation subje
t to the purely outgoing boundary
ondition. This
was introdu
ed by Siegert [48℄.
Gamow's treatment is merely heuristi
though, and it
annot be made rigorous in the
Hilbert spa
e theory, be
ause self-adjoint operators on a Hilbert spa
an only have real
eigenvalues. Re
all however that Dira
's bra-ket formulation of Quantum Me
s was
also heuristi
and without mathemati
al justi
ation until the RHS formulation of Quantum
1.5 The Gamow Ve
tors of the Square Barrier Potential Resonan
es 17
s was suggested [8, 9, 10℄. During the past few years, it has be
lear that
the RHS mathemati
s also asserts the legitima
y of Gamow's proposition (
f. Refs. [19, 20,
21, 22℄ and referen
es therein). In RHS language, the Gamow ve
tors are eigenve
tors of
the dual extension of the self-adjoint Hamiltonian. This extension
an surely have
omplementary approa
h to resonan
es started with Breit and Wigner, who des
a resonan
e by means of the Breit-Wigner distribution [50℄. (Curiously enough, this distri-
bution had been independently introdu
ed ve years earlier by Fo
k [51℄.) Now, if a ve
is to obey the exponential de
ay law and also to
orrespond to the Breit-Wigner distribu-
tion, then this distribution must be nonzero over the full energy real line (see Ref. [52℄ and
es therein). Be
ause the spe
trum of the Hamiltonian is bounded from below, say
[0; 1), the Breit-Wigner distribution then has to be dened also at energies that do not
belong to the physi
al spe
trum [52℄. This seems to imply that the exponential de
ay law
is in
ompatible with the Breit-Wigner distribution, be
ause the Breit-Wigner distribution
leads to the exponential law only when is dened over the full energy real line ( 1; 1)
rather than just over the physi
al spe
trum [0; 1). However, it has been shown that even
though the spe
trum of the Hamiltonian is [0; 1), the Breit-Wigner distribution
an be
dened on the full energy real line by means of RHSs of Hardy fun
tions [20℄, and hen
e the
Breit-Wigner distribution yields the exponential law. The essential ingredient to do so is the
alled van Winter's theorem [53℄. This theorem allows us to pie
e together the physi
trum, whi
ides with [0; 1), and the support of the Breit-Wigner distribution,
ides with ( 1; 1).
Thus, there are two ways of des
ribing a resonan
e: the Gamow ve
tors, whi
h are
eigensolutions of the S
hrodinger equation subje
t to a purely outgoing boundary
and the Breit-Wigner distribution, whi
h arises from the resonan
e pole of the S -matrix. It
is the major goal of this dissertation to show that the energy representation of the Gamow
tors is given by the Breit-Wigner distribution. The square barrier potential will be used
to illustrate this point.
The Gamow ve
tors of the square barrier potential will be
ted in Chapter 6.
The Gamow eigenkets will be dened as the solutions of a homogeneous integral equation
of the Lippmann-S
hwinger type. If we denote the Gamow ket asso
iated to the
energy zR = ER i R =2 by jzR i, then jzR i satises the following integral equation:
jzR i = z H1 + i0 V jzR i : (1.5.1)
R 0
This equation was introdu
ed (in a dierent language) by A. Mondragon6 et al. in Ref. [40℄.
It is well known that the poles of a s
attering system
ome in pairs, i.e., if zR = ER i R =2
tors of the dual extension of self-adjoint operators with
omplex eigenvalues in the RHS were
ally studied for the rst time in the redu
tion of SO(2,1) with respe
t to its non
t sub-
group [49℄.
I am indebted to Prof. Alfonso Mondragon for his
areful and patient explanations on Eq. (1.5.1).
18 1 Introdu
is a pole of the S -matrix, then zR = ER + i R =2 is also a pole of the S -matrix. The Gamow
tor asso
iated to the pole zR is denoted by jzR+ i, and satises the following integral
jzR+i = z H1 i0 V jzR+i : (1.5.2)
R 0
In Chapter 6, we will solve the integral equations (1.5.1) and (1.5.2) in the radial position
representation. In this representation, these integral equations are equivalent to the time
independent S
hrodinger equation subje
t to a purely outgoing boundary
ondition. The
e spe
trum is then singled out by this purely outgoing boundary
ondition. As
we shall see, this is the same resonan
e spe
trum as that dened by the poles of the S -
matrix [27℄. The Gamow kets will be shown to be generalized eigenve
tors of the Hamiltonian
omplex eigenvalues:
H jzR i = zR jzR i ; jzR i 2 + ; (1.5.3a)
H jzR+ i = zR jzR+ i ; jzR+ i 2 : (1.5.3b)
Next, we shall
ompute the energy representation of these Gamow ve
tors. We shall
two energy representations. One energy representation will be asso
iated to the physi
trum, whi
h is [0; 1) in our example. The other energy representation will be asso
to the support of the Breit-Wigner distribution, whi
h is ( 1; 1). We will show that the
[0; 1)-energy representation of the Gamow ve
tors is the
omplex delta fun
tion, and that
its ( 1; 1)-energy representation is given by the Breit-Wigner distribution.
e the Gamow kets are
ted, we shall see that their time evolution is governed
by a semigroup [20℄. More pre
isely, we shall see that the time evolution of jzR i
an be
dened only for positive values of time, whereas the time evolution of jzR + i
an be dened
only for negative values of time:
e iH t=~j zR i = e izR t=~ jzR i = e iERt=~ e Rt=(2~) jzR i ; for t > 0 only ; (1.5.4a)
e iH t=~ jzR + i = e izR t=~ jz + i = e iER t=~ e R t=(2~) jz + i ;
R R for t < 0 only : (1.5.4b)
Therefore, the Gamow ve
tors that we shall
t have all the properties that are
demanded from a resonan
e state:
1. They are eigenve
tors of the (dual extension of the self-adjoint) Hamiltonian with
omplex eigenvalues. These eigenvalues are also poles of the S -matrix.
2. They
orrespond to the Breit-Wigner amplitude in the ( 1; +1)-energy representa-
3. Their time evolution is governed by a semigroup, and obeys the exponential de
The Gamow ve
tors will be used also as basis ve
tors. The expansion generated by
the Gamow ve
tors will be
alled the
omplex basis ve
tor expansion. We shall see that
1.6 Time Reversal 19
the Gamow ve
tors do not form a
omplete basis system. An additional set of Dira
orresponding to the energies that lie in the negative real axis of the se
ond sheet of the
Riemann surfa
e will be added to
omplete them. As we shall see, the expansion of an
in-state '+ 2 reads
Z 1 1
'+ = jE iS (E )h+E j'+idE 2i rn jzn ih+zn j'+i ; (1.5.5)
0 n=0
where zn = En i n =2 represents the n-th resonan
e energy of the square barrier potential,
and rn represents the residue of the S -matrix S (E ) at zn . In Eq. (1.5.5), the innite sum
ontains the resonan
ontribution, whereas the integral is asso
iated to the ba
As we said above, the Gamow ve
tors have a semigroup time evolution. This semigroup
time evolution expresses the time asymmetry built into a de
aying pro
ess. Some authors
h as Fonda et al. [52℄, Cohen-Tannoudji et al. [54℄, or Goldberger and Watson [55℄ have
alled this time asymmetry the irreversibility of a de
aying pro
ess. In re
ent years, many
authors using various languages have
laimed that time asymmetry is a feature of the time
evolution of any
losed quantum systems (not just of a resonan
e pro
ess). For instan
Gell-Mann and Hartle have introdu
ed the time asymmetry of
losed quantum systems in
terms of de
e histories [56℄. Haag uses the
ept of event [57℄. Bohm, Antoniou,
and Kielanowski use the preparation-registration arrow of time [58℄. Although we shall not
uss time asymmetry in this dissertation, we would like to mention that, for this author,
the time asymmetry of a
losed quantum system is built into the propagators (for more on
this see Ref. [32℄, where the arrow of time of Quantum Ele
s is dis
1.7 Synopsis
The organization of this dissertation is as follows:
In Chapter 2, we review the mathemati
al methods of the Rigged Hilbert Spa
e. The
tures (linear spa
es), the topologi
al stru
tures (topologi
al spa
es), and their
ombinations (linear topologi
al spa
es) are introdu
ed in a pedestrian way. The
Hilbert spa
es, whi
h are the
lass of linear topologi
al spa
es almost ex
lusively used in
Quantum Me
s, are studied in more detail. At the end of Chapter 2, the Hilbert spa
al methods used in this dissertation are presented.
In Chapter 3, we
t the RHS of the harmoni
illator.8 This system is stud-
ied from a dierent point of view to that used in Quantum Me
s textbooks. Instead
of assuming that the position and momentum operators are given by the multipli
and derivative operators, we shall make three simple algebrai
assumptions: the Heisen-
ommutation relation, the expression of the Hamiltonian in terms of the position
and momentum operators, and the existen
e of an eigenve
tor of the Hamiltonian. From
these algebrai
assumptions, we shall
t the RHS of the harmoni
illator and the
hrodinger representation of the algebra of the harmoni
In Chapter 4, we
t a RHS of the square barrier Hamiltonian by means of the
Sturm-Liouville theory. This theory provides the dire
t integral de
omposition of the Hilbert
e. From this dire
t integral de
omposition, we shall
t the RHS.
In Chapter 5, we turn to the des
ription of the Lippmann-S
hwinger equation within the
RHS formalism. First, the Lippmann-S
hwinger eigenfun
tions will be
omputed. We shall
dene the Lippmann-S
hwinger eigenkets in terms of the Lippmann-S
hwinger eigenfun
tions and see that they are dened on dierent spa
es of wave fun
tions. The Lippmann-
hwinger kets will be used as basis ve
tors to expand the wave fun
tions. As well, the
Mller operators and the S -matrix are expli
In Chapter 6, we
t the Gamow ve
tors of the square barrier resonan
es. First,
ompute the resonan
e energies as poles of the S -matrix. The integral equation of
A. Mondragon et al. for the Gamow ve
tors will be translated into the RHS language. The
Gamow eigenfun
tions in the position representation are obtained as the solutions of the
time independent S
hrodinger equation subje
t to the purely outgoing boundary
These eigensolutions will be asso
iated to
ertain eigenfun
tionals (Gamow kets). The
[0; 1)-energy representation of the Gamow eigenfun
tion will be related to the
delta fun
tion, and the ( 1; 1)-energy representation of the Gamow eigenfun
tion will
be related to the Breit-Wigner amplitude. The semigroup time evolution of the Gamow
tors will also be
omputed. The Gamow ve
tors will be used as basis ve
tors. We
shall see that the Gamow ve
tors do not form a
omplete basis|an additional set of kets
needs to be added in order to obtain a
omplete basis. The time asymmetry of the purely
outgoing boundary
ondition will be dis
losed. To nish the
hapter, we shall elaborate on
the exponential de
ay law of the Gamow ve
In Chapter 7, we study the behavior of resonan
es under the time reversal operation. We
hapter is a substantial improvement of and an extension to Ref. [29℄.
1.7 Synopsis 21
shall study the standard time reversal operator and also a non-standard one, whi
h yields
a doubling of the RHS.
Chapter 2
al Framework of
Quantum Me
In this
hapter, we review the mathemati
al methods of the Rigged Hilbert Spa
e. The
tures (linear spa
es), the topologi
al stru
tures (topologi
al spa
es), and their
ombinations (linear topologi
al spa
es) are introdu
ed in a pedestrian way. The
Hilbert spa
es, whi
h are the
lass of linear topologi
al spa
es almost ex
lusively used in
Quantum Me
s, are studied in more detail. At the end of this
hapter, the Hilbert
e mathemati
al methods used in this dissertation are presented.
2.1 Linear Spa
es 25
An expression of the form 1 '1 + 2 '2 + + n 'n, where the 's are in C and the ''s
in , is
alled a linear
ombination of the ve
tors '1 ; '2 ; : : : ; 'n. The ve
tors '1 ; '2 ; : : : ; 'n
are said to be linearly dependent if there exist numbers 1 ; 2 ; : : : ; n, not all zero, for whi
1 '1 + 2 '2 + + n 'n = 0. If the equation 1 '1 + 2 '2 + + n 'n = 0 holds only for
1 = 2 = = n = 0, then the ve
tors '1 ; '2 ; : : : ; 'n are
alled linearly independent. A
e is said to be nite dimensional or, more pre
isely, n-dimensional if there are n and
not more than n linearly independent ve
tors in . If the number of linearly independent
tors in is arbitrarily large, then is said to be innite-dimensional. Every system of
n linearly independent ve
tors in an n-dimensional spa
e is
alled a basis for .
If '1 ; '2 ; : : : ; 'n is a basis for an n-dimensional spa
e and ' is an arbitrary ve
tor in
, then '; '1; '2; : : : ; 'n are linearly dependent, so that
' + 1 '1 + 2 '2 + + n 'n = 0 ; (2.1.9)
for some ; 1 ; 2 ; : : : ; n not all zero. Then 6= 0, for otherwise we should have
1 '1 + 2 '2 + + n 'n = 0 ; (2.1.10)
where 1 ; 2 ; : : : ; n are not all zero, whi
ts the supposition that the ve
'1 ; : : : ; 'n are linearly independent. But, if 6= 0, it follows from (2.1.9) that
' = 1 '1 + 2 '2 + + n 'n ; (2.1.11)
where i = i =. This representation of the element ' is unique. Thus, every ve
tor ' in an
n-dimensional spa
an be uniquely represented in the form (2.1.11), where '1 ; : : : ; 'n is
a basis for . The numbers 1 ; : : : ; n are
alled the
oordinates of the ve
tor ' relative to the
basis '1 ; : : : ; 'n. Noti
e that when the ve
tors are added, their
relative to a xed basis are added and, when a ve
tor is multiplied by any number, all the
oordinates are multiplied by that number.
Clearly the ve
tors ~a; ~b; : : : in the three-dimensional spa
e R 3 fulll the relations (2.1.1)-
(2.1.8). The set of
omplex innitely dierentiable
ontinuous fun
tions whi
h vanish rapidly
at innity (
alled the S
hwartz spa
e) also fullls these relations. One often says that the
t ve
tor spa
e stru
ture dened by the above rules is realized by other mathemati
ts, if these obje
ts appear to us more \real" than the \abstra
t" ve
tors. Thus if
one feels more familiar with fun
tions one may prefer the \realization" of by a spa
e of
tions over the spa
e itself.
In physi
s, the abstra
t mathemati
al obje
ts are realized by obje
ts with a physi
interpretation. Thus, a physi
ist's realization of a linear spa
e is not by other more familiar
or more interesting mathemati
al obje
ts, but by physi
al obje
ts. In parti
ular, in quantum
s, the elements of the spa
e will be the mathemati
al images of pure physi
al states
h will be
alled state ve
tors. Thus, a ve
tor stru
ture is \realized" by a
rete spa
whose elements are interpreted as the physi
al states of a quantum system.
For the purposes of Quantum Me
s, a linear spa
e is a set with very little math-
al stru
ture. We will equip it with another stru
ture by dening a s
alar produ
This notion is again a generalization of the dot produ
t in R 3 .
2.1 Linear Spa
es 27
Denition A linear spa
e is
alled a s
alar produ
t spa
e (or Eu
lidean spa
e or pre-Hilbert
e) if for ea
h pair of ve
tors '; 2 we
an dene a
omplex number ('; ) satisfying
the following properties:
(SP1) ('; ) = ( ; ') 8' ; 2 (the overline denotes
onjugation) ; (2.1.12)
(SP2) ('; 1 + 2 ) = ('; 1 ) + ('; 2 ) ; 8 '; 1 ; 2 2 ; 8 ; 2 C ; (2.1.13)
(SP3) ('; ') 0 ; and ('; ') = 0 i ' = 0 : (2.1.14)
This fun
tion is
alled a s
alar produ
t and ('; ) is
alled the s
alar produ
t of the
elements ' and .
The usual s
alar produ
t in R 3 ; (~a; ~b) = ~a ~b
learly fullls the
onditions (2.1.12)-(2.1.14)
with all numbers being real instead of
As in R 3 , one
alls two ve
tors ' and orthogonal if
('; ) = 0 : (2.1.15)
With the s
alar produ
t dened by (2.1.12)-(2.1.14) one denes the norm k'k of a ve
' by p
k'k = + ('; ') : (2.1.16)
The norm of a ve
tor is an extension of the notion of length of a ve
tor in R 3 . For any
tor dierent from the zero ve
tor one
an always dene a ve
tor ^ = =k k, whi
has the property k ^k = 1 and whi
h is
alled a normalized ve
Sometimes one needs in a ve
tor spa
e a more general notion than the s
alar produ
the bilinear Hermitian form.
Denition A
omplex-valued fun
tion h('; ) of two ve
tor arguments is a Hermitian form
if it satises
h('; ) = h( ; ') ; (2.1.17)
h('; ) = h('; ) ; (2.1.18)
h('1 + '2 ; ) = h('1 ; ) + h('2 ; ) : (2.1.19)
If in addition h satises
h('; ') 0 (2.1.20)
for every ve
tor ', then h is said to be a positive Hermitian form . A positive Hermitian form
alled positive denite if from h('; ') = 0 it follows that ' = 0. Thus a Hermitian form
fullls (2.1.12) and (2.1.13), but not the
ondition (2.1.14) for a s
alar produ
t. However, a
positive denite Hermitian form is a s
alar produ
Positive Hermitian forms, whi
h are not ne
essarily s
alar produ
ts, satisfy the Cau
hwartz-Bunyakovski inequality:
jh('; )j2 h('; ')h( ; ) : (2.1.21)
28 2 Mathemati
al Framework of Quantum Me
dimensional spa
es with a topology (linear topologi
al spa
es dened in Se
tion 2.3) there is
a large
lass of operators that
an be dened on the whole spa
e, the
ontinuous operators.
In general this is not the
ase and the denition of A + B and AB is more
ated and
involves questions on the domains and on the ranges of the operators.
For every linear operator A dened on the whole spa
e , one
an dene an operator
Ay on the elements in for whi
(Ay ; ') := ( ; A') ; 8' 2 : (2.1.28)
The operator Ay is
alled the adjoint operator of A. An operator for whi
h Ay = A is
self-adjoint or Hermitian.1
In the general
ase, an operator A need not to be dened on the whole spa
e but only
ertain subset D(A) of .
Denition Let ; be two linear spa
es and let D(A) be a subspa
e of . A mapping
A : D(A) ! is
alled a linear operator if
A(' + ) = A' + A ; 8 ; 2 C and 8 '; 2 D(A) ; (2.1.29)
and is
alled an antilinear operator if
A(' + ) = A' + A ; 8 ; 2 C and 8 '; 2 D(A) : (2.1.30)
D(A) is the domain of A and R(A) = fA' j ' 2 D(A)g is the range of A.
Let Ai : D(Ai ) ! (i = 1; 2) be two linear operators with domains D(Ai ). Then
A1 + A2 is a linear operator with domain D(A1 ) \ D(A2 ) dened as
(A1 + A2 )(') := A1 ' + A2 ' (2.1.31)
for every ' in D(A1 ) \ D(A2 ). In the same way, Ai is the operator dened on D(Ai) as
(Ai)(') := Ai ' (2.1.32)
for ea
h ' 2 D(Ai ). The produ
t of A1 and A2 is dened as
(A1 A2 )(') = A1 (A2 ') (2.1.33)
for the ve
tors ' in su
h that ' is in D(A2 ) and A2 ' is in D(A1 ). With these operations
of addition and multipli
ation by s
alars, the set of all linear operators mapping into
form a ve
tor spa
We will usually use the term Hermitian if we do not want to distinguish between the mathemati
isely dened notions self-adjoint, essentially self-adjoint, and symmetri
. We will present all these
epts in Se
tion 2.5 along with the pre
ise denition of the adjoint operator.
30 2 Mathemati
al Framework of Quantum Me
Of spe
ial interest are the zero operator, denoted 0, and the unit operator or identity
operator, denoted I , whi
h are dened by
0' = 0 ; I' = ' ; (2.1.34)
for every ' 2 . Note that 0 on the left side of the rst equation is the zero operator, while
0 on the right is the zero ve
tor in (2.1.3).
The denition of linear operators was inspired by the properties of transformations on
the three-dimensional spa
e. Linear operators on a ve
tor spa
e may be thought of
as analogous to transformations on the three-dimensional Eu
lidean spa
e, but they
also have other physi
al interpretations. In parti
ular, in quantum physi
s they represent
al observables.
Very important notion for quantum physi
s is that of an eigenvalue and an eigenve
of an operator in a ve
tor spa
Denition A nonzero ve
tor 2 is
alled an eigenve
tor of the linear operator A if
A = with 2 C: (2.1.35)
alled the eigenvalue of A
orresponding to the eigenve
tor .
For a given operator A, there may be many (perhaps innitely many) dierent eigen-
tors with dierent eigenvalues. There may also be n (nite or innite) many dierent
tors with the same eigenvalue . In this
ase, is
alled n-fold degenerate. In a
nite dimensional spa
e every linear operator (matri
es) has at least one eigenve
tor. In
an innite dimensional spa
e this is in general not fullled. For instan
e, the operator
dierentiation i dxd dened on the Hilbert spa
e L2 (R ) has no eigenve
tor belonging to
L2 (R ).
If A is a Hermitian operator dened on a s
alar produ
t spa
e, then eigenve
tors and
eigenvalues have the following properties:
1. All eigenvalues are real.
2. If '1 and '2 are eigenve
tors of A with eigenvalues 1 and 2 , respe
tively, and if
1 6= 2 , then '1 and '2 are orthogonal to ea
h other, i.e., ('1 ; '2 ) = 0.
In quantum physi
s, an operator represents an observable of a physi
al system. Its eigen-
values then represent the numbers whi
h are obtained in a measurement of this observable.
In the nite dimensional
ase (and in some spe
ial innite dimensional
ases), the eigen-
tors of a Hermitian operator
an be used to expand any state (wave fun
tion) in terms of
them. In the innite dimensional
ase, this expansion will need the
ept of a generalized
tor and a generalized eigenvalue (see Se
tion 3.5).
Denition An operator B is
alled the inverse of an operator A if BA = AB = I . The
operator B is denoted by A 1.
2.1 Linear Spa
es 31
tion of linear operators dened on the whole linear spa
e forms a new algebrai
ture, where the algebrai
operations of sum of two operators, produ
t of a number with
an operator and produ
t of two operators are dened by (2.1.27). This algebrai
ture is
alled an asso
iative algebra. An asso
iative algebra
an also be dened abstra
tly without
any referen
e to linear operators by the following denition:
Denition A set A is an (asso
iative) algebra with unit element i
(A1) A is a ve
tor spa
(A2) For every pair A; B 2 A, a produ
t AB 2 A is dened su
h that
(AB )C = A(BC ) ; (2.1.38)
A(B + C ) = AB + AC ; (2.1.39)
(A + B )C = AC + BC ; (2.1.40)
(A)B = A(B ) = AB : (2.1.41)
(A3) There exists an element I 2 A su
h that
IA = AI = A ; 8A 2 A : (2.1.42)
(AB )y = B y Ay ; (2.1.44)
(Ay )y = A ; (2.1.45)
Iy = I ; (2.1.46)
where A; B 2 A and ; 2 C .
From the denition (2.1.27) of the sum and the produ
t of two operators and the produ
of an operator with a number, and from the denition (2.1.28) of the adjoint operator, one
an see that the set of linear operators fullls all the axioms (A1)-(A4) of a -algebra.
Thus the set of linear operators dened on the whole ve
tor spa
e forms a -algebra.
A subalgebra of this algebra is
alled an operator -algebra. It
an be shown that in a
ertain sense every -algebra
an be realized as an operator -algebra in a s
e (generalization of the Gelfand-Naimark-Segal re
tion theorem). In Quantum
s, physi
al systems are assumed to be des
ribed by operator algebras.
A set X1 ; X2 ; : : : ; Xn of elements of A is
alled a set of generators, and A is said to be
generated by the Xi (i = 1; 2; : : : ; n) i ea
h element of A
an be written as
X n
A =
I +
i X i +
ij Xi Xj + : : : ; (2.1.47)
i=1 i;j =1
i ;
ij ; : : : 2 C .
Dening algebrai
relations are relations among the generators
P (Xi) = 0 ; (2.1.48)
where P (Xi) is a polynomial with
ients of the n variables Xi . An element
B 2 A, X X
B = bI + bi Xi + bij Xi Xj + : : : ; (2.1.49)
where b; bi ; : : : 2 C , is equal to the element A in (2.1.47) i (2.1.49)
an be brought into
the form (2.1.47) with the same
i ;
ij ; : : : by the use of the dening relations
If F satises
F (' + ) = F (') + F ( ) ; 8'; 2 ; 8; 2 C ; (2.1.50)
then F is
alled an antilinear fun
tional. If F satises
F (' + ) = F (') + F ( ) ; 8'; 2 ; 8; 2 C ; (2.1.51)
then F is
alled a linear fun
tional. (If is a real spa
e there is no distin
tion between
linear and antilinear fun
tionals.) A linear or antilinear fun
tional is thus a spe
ase of
a linear or antilinear operator between two linear spa
es (see (2.1.29) and (2.1.30)) if the
e is the spa
e of
omplex numbers C .
A fun
tional is also the analog of a
omplex-valued fun
tion F (x) of a real variable x
varying on R , F : R ! C , only now the variable is not a real number x 2 R but a ve
' 2 . We will
onsider here antilinear fun
tionals rather than linear fun
tionals (in the
al literature one usually
onsiders linear fun
An example of an antilinear fun
tional on a s
alar produ
t spa
e is given by
F : ! C
' ! F (') = ('; ) ; (2.1.52)
where is a xed element in and ('; ) is the s
alar produ
t of with ', where ' varies
over . Be
ause of this example and be
ause in the general
ase we want to
onsider a
tional to be a generalization of the s
alar produ
t, one uses for the antilinear fun
F (') the Dira
's bra-ket symbol (see referen
e [1℄)
F ( ') h'j F i : (2.1.53)
We shall use the two notations
urrently. Dira
kets will be given a mathemati
meaning as antilinear fun
tionals (whi
h in addition are
ontinuous, notion that will be
dened in Se
tion 2.2).
Any two antilinear fun
tionals F1 and F2 on a linear spa
e may be added and multiplied
by numbers a
ording to
(F1 + F2 )(') = F1 (') + F2 (') ; ; 2 C ; (2.1.54)
or, using the notation (2.1.53),
h'jF1 + F2i = h'jF1i + h'jF2i : (2.1.55)
The fun
tional F1 + F2 dened by (2.1.54) is again an antilinear fun
tional over . Thus,
the set of antilinear fun
tionals on a ve
tor spa
e is a linear spa
e itself. This spa
alled the
onjugate spa
e or dual spa
e (more pre
isely, the algebrai
dual or algebrai
onjugate spa
e) of the spa
e and is denoted by alg .
34 2 Mathemati
al Framework of Quantum Me
Denition A sequen
e of points '1; '2; : : : ; 'n; : : : 2 is said to
onverge to ' 2 if for
every open set O with ' 2 O there exists a positive integer N = N (O) su
h that 'n 2 O
for all n > N (O).
This denition means that beginning from a large enough N the elements of the sequen
are as
lose to ' as we desire.
2.2 Topologi
al Spa
es 35
Example Let be the set of real numbers R . The meaning of the
e of the
e fyn g, written as limn!1 yn = x (or yn ! x), is the following: the open sets O
ontaining x in the previous denition are given by
U (x) fy 2 R j jx y j < ; > 0g : (2.2.4)
Then, a
ording to the denition of
e, for every U (x) there exists an N su
h that
for all n > N , yn 2 U (x), i.e., jx ynj < . This is the well-known denition of
of a sequen
e of real numbers. The open sets U (x) in (2.2.4) are
alled neighborhoods of x.
The generalization of the
ept of a neighborhood to a topologi
al spa
e is the following:
Denition If is a topologi
al spa
e and ' 2 , a neighborhood (hereafter abbreviated
nhood) of ' is a set U whi
ontains an open set O
ontaining ' (that is, ' 2 O U ).
tion U' of all nhoods of ' is the nhood system at '. Nhoods need not be open
but we shall only use systems of open nhoods, i.e., U 2 U' whi
h also are in .
an easily see that a sequen
e f'ng1 n=0
onverges to an element ' i ea
h nhood
of '
ontains every point of the sequen
e whose index is larger than some positive integer
depending on the given nhood. Thus, it is a generalization of the notion of
e for
real numbers.
Denition A subset S is said to be a topologi
al subspa
e of if S is given the
S = fS \ O j O 2 g : (2.2.5)
To des
ribe a given topology, we do not need to know the whole
tion of open sets:
it is enough to know a proper sub
Denition A base B of a topology on is a sub
tion of su
h that every open
set O is a union of some open sets in B, i.e., ea
h O 2
an be given as
O = B ; B 2 B : (2.2.6)
Thus, given a base B we generate all the open sets (and therefore we des
ribe the
ompletely) taking all possible unions of sets in B. In mu
h the same way that a
base des
ribes the whole
tion of open sets, a nhood system
an be
ompletely des
by a nhood base.
Denition A nhood base (or a system of basi
nhoods) at ' in the topologi
al spa
e is a
tion B' taken from the nhood system U' , having the property that ea
h U 2 U'
ontains some V 2 B' . On
e a nhood base at ' has been
hosen (there are many to
from, all produ
ing the same nhood system at ') its elements are
alled basi
36 2 Mathemati
al Framework of Quantum Me
Obviously, the nhood system at ' is itself a nhood base at '. In the topologi
al spa
of the real numbers R , the open set (2.2.4) is a nhood of x and fU (x); > 0g is a system
of basi
nhoods at x. But also
Bx = fU1=m (x) j m = 1; 2; : : :g (2.2.7)
is a system of basi
nhoods at the point x 2 R whi
onsists of a
ountable number of
nhoods. For the real numbers we know that a sequen
e fyn g is already
onvergent to a
point x, yn ! x, i for every m 2 N , jx yn j < m1 for all positive integers n greater than a
ertain natural number N = N (m) depending on m. Thus, the
ountable system of nhoods
(2.2.7) denes already the
e in R and denes the topology
In general, a topologi
al spa
e does not need to have a
ountable system of (basi
nhoods at ea
h of its points. But there are many spa
es whi
h have this property.
Denition A spa
e is said to satisfy the rst axiom of
ountability if it has a
system of basi
nhoods at ea
h of its points. We also
alled these spa
es rst
Most of the spa
es in whi
h we are interested satisfy the rst axiom of
The most important feature of this kind of topologies is that we
an des
ribe them
pletely using
e on sequen
es (that is, spe
ifying whi
h sequen
onverge to
h points).
Using the above denitions one
an prove that in a topologi
al spa
e a system of
nhoods U' at a point ' has the properties:
(N1) If U 2 U' ; then ' 2 U ; (2.2.8)
(N2) If U; V 2 U' ; then U \ V 2 U' ; (2.2.9)
(N3) If U 2 U' ; then there is a V 2 U' su
h that U 2 U for ea
h 2 V ; (2.2.10)
(N4) If U 2 U' ; and U V then V 2 U' ; (2.2.11)
and furthermore;
(N5) O is open i O
ontains a nhood of ea
h of its points : (2.2.12)
Conversely, if in a set a
tion U' of subsets of is assigned to ea
h ' 2 so as
to satisfy (2.2.8)-(2.2.11) and if we dene \open" using (2.2.12), the result is a topology on
(i.e., a
tion of subsets of satisfying (2.2.1)-(2.2.3)) in whi
h U' is a nhood system
at ', for ea
h ' 2 . Therefore, whenever nhoods have been assigned to ea
h point in a set,
satisfying the properties (2.2.8)-(2.2.11), the topology is
ompletely spe
ied. This means
that we
an equivalently des
ribe a topology (that is, to des
ribe the
epts of nearness,
e,...) using as starting point the open sets or the nhood systems at
h point. Obviously, one
an also des
ribe the topology
ompletely assigning a system of
nhoods to ea
h point.
A given set
an be equipped with various topologies. Dierent topologies on the
same set lead to dierent meanings of nearness,
e,... If is equipped
with two dierent topologies, say with 1 and 2 , and if 1 2 , then 1 is
2.2 Topologi
al Spa
es 37
than 2 and the
e with respe
t to 1 weaker than the
e with respe
to 2 . Correspondingly, 2 is
alled ner than 1 and the
e with respe
t to 2 is
alled stronger than with respe
t to 1 . Sin
e every U 2 1 is also in 2 , it follows from the
denition of
e that every strongly
onvergent sequen
e is also weakly
an arrive at the same topology in a spa
e (i.e., the same system of open sets)
starting from two dierent systems of nhoods. For example, in dening the natural topology
on the real line we
an, on the one hand, take as nhoods the open intervals (2.2.4) with
real 's and, on the other hand, take the nhoods (2.2.7) with rational 's. As mentioned
above, both systems of nhoods des
ribe the same topology. In general, we will
all two
dierent systems of nhoods equivalent, if they lead to the same topology. The following
ondition is both ne
essary and suÆ
ient for the equivalen
e of two given nhood
systems fU g and fV g: every nhood U
ontains a nhood V , and every nhood V
ontains a
nhood U .
A topology
an also be des
ribed in terms of
losed sets. To introdu
e this notion, we
rst need the following denition:
Denition Let (; ) be a topologi
al spa
e and let S . ' 2 is
alled an adheren
point of S if for every U 2 U' , then U \ S =
6 ;.
In parti
ular, every point of the set S is an adheren
e point. There are two possibilities
for the adheren
e points of a set S :
1. There exists a nhood of ' (the adheren
e point) whi
ontains only a nite number
of points of S . We are not interested in this
2. Every nhood of the adheren
e point '
ontains an innite number of distin
t points
of S . Then ' is
alled a limit point of S .
A limit point ' of S may or may not belong to S . A set S is said to be
losed if it
all of its adheren
e points. If a set S is not
losed one obtains the
losure S of S by adjoining
to S those of its adheren
e points whi
h do not already belong to it. Thus the
losure S of
S is the
tion of all adheren
e points of S . The
losure of any set S is
losed, and S is
losed i S = S . The
epts of open and
losed set are dual to ea
h other. In fa
t, a set
M is
losed (i.e., M = M ) i its
omplement M is open.
Denition A set D in a topologi
al spa
e is
alled dense in if D = . A topologi
e is separable i has a
ountable dense subset.
The real line is separable, sin
e the rational numbers are dense in R , and most of the
es used in Quantum Me
s are separable.
meaning of separation of two points ' and in . These
onditions will allow us to
\distinguish" between two dierent points of the spa
e using only the topology.
Denition A topologi
al spa
e is a T0 -spa
e (or, the topology on is T0 ) if whenever
' and are distin
t points in , there is an open set
ontaining one and not the other.
A topologi
al spa
e is a T1 -spa
e if whenever ' and are distin
t points in , there
is a nhood of ea
h not
ontaining the other.
is said to be a T2 -spa
e (also
alled Hausdor) if whenever ' and are distin
t points
of , there are disjoint open sets U and V in with ' 2 U and 2 V .
Every T2 -spa
e is T1 , and every T1 -spa
e is T0 . In a T1 -spa
e, every nite set is
In a T2 -spa
e, every
onvergent sequen
e has exa
tly one (unique) limit point. For this
reason, the minimum that we will require of our topologies is that they be Hausdor spa
But often we will make even stronger separation demands on our spa
Denition A topologi
al spa
e is said to be regular if whenever S is
losed and ' is not
in S , then there are disjoint open sets U and V with ' 2 U and S V .
We dene a T3 -spa
e to be a regular T1 -spa
A topologi
al spa
e is normal if whenever S and P are disjoint
losed sets in , there
are disjoint open sets U and V with S U and P V .
A normal T1 -spa
e will be
alled T4 .
Roughly speaking, in T3 - and T4 -spa
es we
an \distinguish" (or \separate") points
from sets and sets from sets, respe
tively. Every T4 -spa
e is T3 , and every T3 -spa
e is T2 .
Most spa
es we shall
onsider will be T4 . The
lass of T4 -spa
es in
lude all metrizable
and therefore all lo
onvex spa
es whose topology is given by a
ountable number
of seminorms. These in
ountable normed spa
ountable Hilbert spa
es, and, in
ular, normed and s
alar produ
t spa
es. The denition of these kinds of spa
es will be
given is Se
tion 2.4.1. All the spa
es that we shall use in Quantum Me
s for the spa
of a rigged Hilbert spa
e H will be
ountable Hilbert spa
es and therefore T4 .
2.2.4 Continuity and Homeomorphi
An important notion that depends upon the topology is the notion of a
ontinuous mapping.
Intuitively, a map f is
ontinuous at a given point ' if the images of the points
lose to
' are
lose to f ('). Thus the
ept of
ontinuity is derived from that of nearness, and
therefore is given by the topology.
Denition Let (; ) and ( ; ) be two topologi
al spa
es and f : ! . Then f is
ontinuous at ' 2 i for ea
h nhood V of f (') in , there is a nhood U of ' in su
that f (U ) V . We say f is
ontinuous on i f is
ontinuous at ea
h ' 2 .
an use the open sets to des
ontinuous maps on the whole spa
e. A map
2.3 Linear Topologi
al Spa
es 39
of fun
tions (e.g., the S
hwartz spa
e). In physi
s, these abstra
t mathemati
al entities are
used to des
ribe some stru
tures in nature. For example, topologi
al groups (in parti
parameter or Lie groups) are the mathemati
al image of symmetry transformations of the
registration apparatuses (dete
tor) relative to the preparation apparatuses (a
Linear topologi
al spa
es and their algebras of linear operators provide the mathemati
framework to des
ribe the states and the observables of quantum physi
s, respe
For the
ombination of a topologi
al stru
ture with the algebrai
ture, the following
denition is an example of the general pro
edure des
ribed above.
Denition A set is
alled a linear topologi
al spa
e (l.t.s.) or a topologi
al ve
tor spa
(t.v.s.) if
(LT1) is a linear spa
e : (2.3.1)
(LT2) is a topologi
al spa
e : (2.3.2)
(LT3) The algebrai
operations are
ontinuous : (2.3.3)
the absolute value dened in Se
tion 2.2.2. In a similar manner, the
omplex numbers C
an be also
onsidered as a l.t.s.
A useful
ept in R is that of a bounded set. A set S R is bounded if there exists an
M > 0 su
h that jxj < M for all x 2 S . The generalization of this notion to an arbitrary
l.t.s. is:
Denition A subset B of a l.t.s. is said to be bounded if for every nhood of zero U (0)
there exists a > 0 su
h that B U (0). U (0) = f' j ' 2 U (0)g, the set obtained by
multiplying ea
h element of U (0) by , is
alled a multiple of U (0).
Roughly speaking, a set is bounded if every nhood of zero has a multiple that swallows
it up. By using the nhoods of R in Se
tion 2.2.2, one
an show that this denition agrees
with the above denition of boundedness of S R .
It is easy to see that if 1 and 2 are two topologies on a l.t.s. and if 1 2 , then
every set B whi
h is bounded with respe
t to the ner topology 2 is also bounded with
t to the
oarser topology 1 .
Denition A sequen
e f'ng1n=0 of elements in a l.t.s. is
alled Cau
hy if for every nhood
U of the zero element there exists a natural number N = N (U ), depending only on U , su
that 'n 'm 2 U for all n; m > N .
onvergent sequen
e is Cau
hy, but the
onverse is not always true, i.e., a Cau
e need not
onverge to a point in the spa
e. In the l.t.s. of the real numbers R , a
e is Cau
hy i it is
onvergent to some (unique) real number. In the l.t.s. of rational
numbers Q this is not the
ase, sin
e there are Cau
hy sequen
es of rational numbers whi
do not
onverge to any rational number (for example, any sequen
e of rational numbers
onverging to ).
Denition A l.t.s. is
omplete (more pre
isely, sequentially
omplete) if every
hy sequen
e has a limit in .
42 2 Mathemati
al Framework of Quantum Me
This denition means that in a sequentially
omplete spa
e we always get to a point in
the spa
e whenever we follow a sequen
e of elements that be
ome more and more
lose to
h other. When the same set is endowed with two dierent topologies we usually say that
the spa
e is -
omplete, if we want to emphasize whi
h topology we are
In general, we seek spa
es that are
omplete. This is why if a l.t.s. is not
omplete it by adjoining all the limit elements of Cau
hy sequen
es to it. Then, the
omplete spa
an be viewed as a dense subspa
e of its
Note that the fun
tion i (usually
alled an embedding) is not onto (if so, would already
be a
omplete spa
e). The
ompletion of a spa
e is unique up to a linear homeomorphism
h leaves pointwise xed. As an example, R is a
ompletion of Q .
Completeness is a very important requirement in mathemati
s. Without it one
not prove existen
e theorems nor dene derivatives or integrals. In physi
annot be established dire
tly from physi
al observation be
ompleteness involves an
innite number of entities (Cau
hy sequen
es) and all physi
al observations involve only a
nite number of states. Thus, it
annot be \dedu
ed" dire
tly from experiments and only
the overall su
ess of a mathemati
al theory
an show whi
ompletion|more pre
ompletion with respe
t to whi
h topology|is preferable for quantum physi
We have given above only the denition of sequential
ompleteness, whi
h is suÆ
when the topology is fully des
ribed in terms of the
e of sequen
es (that is, when
the topology satises the rst axiom of
ountability). If the spa
e is not rst
annot be dened in terms of Cau
hy sequen
es. It has to be dened in
terms of nets, whi
h we do not want to introdu
e here. With this more general denition of
ompletion, every l.t.s.
an be
ompleted in the sense of the above denition, the
is unique (up to a linear homeomorphism) and the spa
an be
onsidered as a dense
e of its
ompletion. The spa
e of the Rigged Hilbert Spa
e H will
always be
hosen to satisfy the rst axiom of
ountability. Therefore, it
an be
using Cau
hy sequen
es. The spa
e will in general not be rst
ountable, and its
ompletion must be
ted using the general denition.
e any metrizable spa
e (a
lass that in
ludes s
alar produ
t spa
es, normed spa
ountably normed spa
es) is rst
ountable (see Se
tion 2.3.3), we
omplete it by
using Cau
hy sequen
es. Vaguely speaking, the
ompletion is a
omplished in the follow-
ing way: two Cau
hy sequen
es ('1 ; '2 ; '3 ; : : :) and ( 1 ; 2 ; 3 ; : : :) in are
equivalent if beginning from a large enough term their elements are more and more
to ea
h other. More pre
isely, ('1 ; '2 ; '3 ; : : :) ( 1 ; 2 ; 3 ; : : :) i for every U 2 U0 there
is a positive integer N (U ) su
h that 'n m 2 U for all n; m > N . We denote by
[('1 ; '2 ; : : : ; 'n ; : : :)℄ the set of sequen
es whi
h are equivalent to ('1 ; '2 ; : : : ; 'n; : : :). On
2.3 Linear Topologi
al Spa
es 43
where d is the metri
on the in
omplete spa
e and d
will be the metri
on the
e. Finally, we dene the map i : !
as i(') = [('; '; : : : ; '; : : :)℄, i.e., the elements
' of the in
omplete l.t.s. are represented in
by the innite rows ('; '; '; : : :). In
the end, i is a 1:1, linear,
ontinuous mapping and i() is dense in
. Moreover, we
extend other algebrai
operations on to
in the same way we extended the sum and
the produ
ts by s
alars. For example, we
an extend a s
alar produ
t on to
via the
([f'n g1
n=0 ℄; [f n gn=0 ℄)
:= nlim
1 (' ; )
!1 n n
where ( ; )
is the s
alar produ
t on
and ( ; ) is the s
alar produ
t on .
A linear spa
e equipped with a norm k k is usually denoted by (; k k), and it is
alled a normed spa
e. From (2.3.10) and (2.3.11), it follows that k0k = 0.
44 2 Mathemati
al Framework of Quantum Me
With the use of the norm we
an spe
ify a system of nhoods at 0 to dene a topology,
alled the norm topology. We dene the nhoods of the zero element by
U(0) = f' j k'k < g ; > 0 : (2.3.13)
Then the nhoods of any are dened by
U ( ) = + U (0) = f' j k' k < g : (2.3.14)
The system of nhoods at zero
U0 = fU(0) j > 0g (2.3.15)
provides a topology for the normed spa
e (; k k). Equipped with this topology, (; k k)
is a l.t.s. In pla
e of (2.3.15), one
hoose a
ountable system of nhoods at zero
W0 = fU1=m (0) j m = 1; 2; :::g : (2.3.16)
an show that the systems of nhoods (2.3.15) and (2.3.16) are equivalent, i.e., they
yield the same topology. In parti
ular, this means that every normed spa
e satises the rst
axiom of
In the l.t.s. (; k k) , we
an give a meaning to the topologi
al notions we have dis
above (
e of sequen
ompleteness,...). For example, a
ording to the general
denition given in Se
tion 2.3.2, a sequen
e f'n g1 n=0 is Cau
hy if for every U (0) in (2.3.13)
there exists an N = N (U ) su
h that for all n; m > N , 'n 'm 2 U (0). This means
that for every > 0 there exists a natural number N = N () su
h that for all n; m > N ,
k'n 'mk < . This is the denition of Cau
hy sequen
es that one usually nds in tra
on normed spa
es. As in the general
ase, a normed spa
e is
omplete if every
hy sequen
onverges to an element in . If a normed spa
e (; k k) is not
then it
an be
ompleted. A
omplete normed spa
e is
alled a Bana
h spa
Now, given a s
alar produ
t ( ; ) on a linear spa
e we
an dene the norm provided
by the s
alar produ
t as p
k'k := + ('; ') ; 8 ' 2 : (2.3.17)
It is easy to see that (2.3.17) is a well dened norm that satises the requirements (2.3.10)-
(2.3.12) if the s
alar produ
t satises (2.1.12)-(2.1.14). Therefore, we
an make a s
t spa
e a l.t.s. by using the system of nhoods at zero (2.3.15) or (2.3.16) with k k
dened by (2.3.17). Although a s
alar produ
t always des
ribes a norm (through (2.3.17)),
onverse is not always true. Therefore a s
alar produ
t spa
e is always a normed spa
but the
onverse does not ne
essarily hold.
Denition A s
alar produ
t spa
e is
alled a Hilbert spa
e if it is
omplete with respe
t to
the topology generated by the norm given by the s
alar produ
t as in (2.3.17). We shall
usually denote a Hilbert spa
e by H.
Thus a Hilbert spa
e is the
ompletion of the s
alar produ
t spa
e of Se
tion 2.1.2 with
t to the topology given by the system of nhoods (2.3.15) or (2.3.16) . Sin
e the Hilbert
2.3 Linear Topologi
al Spa
es 45
e has been so important in mathemati
s and physi
s, a s
alar produ
t spa
e (in whi
one does not introdu
e any topology) is often
alled a pre-Hilbert spa
e. Every pre-Hilbert
e be
omes a Hilbert spa
e when we
omplete it with respe
t to the topology given by
(2.3.15) with (2.3.17). It is worthwhile noting that the Hilbert spa
e topology is not the
only topology for whi
h one
omplete a s
alar produ
t spa
e . In Se
tion 2.4 we will
uss other dierent topologies that
an be introdu
ed on .
Denition A real-valued fun
tion d, dened for ea
h pair of elements ', of a set , is
alled a metri
if it satises
(M1) d(' + ) d('; ) + d(; ) ; 8 '; ; 2 : (2.3.18)
(M2) d('; ) = d( ; ') ; 8 '; 2 : (2.3.19)
(M3) d('; ) 0 ; d('; ') = 0 ; and d('; ) > 0 if ' 6= : (2.3.20)
A set provided with a metri
alled a metri
e and d('; ) is
alled the distan
between ' and .
Let V ('; ) be the set of all elements 2 su
h that d('; ) < . Then, the
U' = fV ('; ) j > 0g (2.3.21)
is a system of basi
nhoods at ' that generate a topology on . Endowed with this topology,
a metri
e is a l.t.s. A topologi
al spa
e is
alled metrizable if its topology
an be dened
by a metri
d. Every metrizable spa
e is rst
ountable, sin
e the system of nhoods
fV ('; 1=n) j n = 1; 2; : : :g (2.3.22)
is equivalent to (2.3.21). A metrizable spa
e is also T4 .
The real numbers and the
omplex numbers are both metrizable spa
es, the metri
given by
d(x; y ) := jx y j ; x; y 2 R (2 C ) : (2.3.23)
If we are given a norm k k dened on a linear spa
e, we
an dene a metri
iated to
it by d('; ) = k' k. Therefore, normed and s
alar produ
t spa
es are metrizable, and
their topology as metrizable spa
ides with the topology dened by the norm or by
the s
alar produ
kets, Lippmann-S
hwinger kets and Gamow ve
tors will be represented by
uous antilinear fun
tion of
ontinuous antilinear fun
tionals on a l.t.s. , i.e., the set
= fF : ! C j F is antilinear and
ontinuousg ; (2.3.25)
alled the
onjugate of , the topologi
al dual of , or the adjoint of .
e depends, as all topologi
al notions do, on the parti
ular topology that has been
hosen. The
onjugate spa
e is a linear spa
e under the usual sum of two fun
and multipli
ation of a fun
tional by a
omplex number. Sin
e the elements of must
ontinuous, the topologi
al dual is always a subspa
e of the algebrai
dual dened in
tion 2.1.4. A topology
an also be assigned to to make it a l.t.s.
Example If (; k k) is a Bana
h spa
e, an antilinear fun
tional F on is
ontinuous i
the quantity
kF k := sup jFk'('k)j (2.3.26)
'2; '6=0
is a nite real number. kF k is
alled the norm of the antilinear fun
tional F . One
prove that (2.3.26) is indeed a well dened norm that satises (2.3.10)-(2.3.12). Moreover,
the adjoint spa
e of a Bana
h spa
e is a Bana
h spa
e itself when we dene the norm
of a fun
tional by (2.3.26). An antilinear fun
tional F over a Bana
h spa
e is bounded i
there exists a positive
onstant K su
h that
jF (')j K k'k ; 8 ' 2 : (2.3.27)
e a Bana
h spa
e is rst
ountable, F is
ontinuous i F is bounded. In fa
t, kF k in
(2.3.26) is the minimum of the real numbers K that satisfy (2.3.27).
The adjoint H of a Hilbert spa
e H, that in parti
ular is a Bana
h spa
an be
ted in a similar fashion and
an be endowed with the norm topology generated by
(2.3.26). On
e this is done, the following important theorem holds:
Theorem (Riesz-Fre
het) For every H-
ontinuous antilinear fun
tional F on a Hilbert
e H there exists a unique ve
tor fF 2 H su
h that
F (g ) = (g; fF ) ; 8g 2 H; (2.3.28)
and su
h that kfF kH = kF kH .
The Riesz-Fre
het theorem provides a one-to-one
ontinuous linear mapping of H onto
: H ! H
F ! fF ; (2.3.29)
2.4 Countably Hilbert Spa
es 49
that preserves the norms of the spa
es. Therefore, a Hilbert spa
e and its adjoint are
es (
f. Se
tion 2.1.2). This is usually abbreviated as
H ' H : (2.3.30)
In general, two l.t.s. and are
alled isomorphi
if there exists a one-to-one mapping
h of onto whi
h is linear and
ontinuous and su
h that its inverse is
ontinuous. The
mapping h is
alled an isomorphism.2 Thus an isomorphism is a mapping that preserves
the linear topologi
al stru
ture of the spa
es. Two isomorphi
es are, from a linear
al point of view, the same, and are usually identied,
' : (2.3.31)
When and are normed spa
es, a linear mapping h of onto is an isomorphism i
there are positive
onstants K1 and K2 with
K1 k'k kh(')k K2 k'k : (2.3.32)
Two isomorphi
es are usually
alled isometri
ontinuous linear operator A dened on the whole of a l.t.s. ,
A : ! ; (2.3.33)
an be extended into by
h'jAF i := hA'jF i ; ' 2 ; F 2 : (2.3.34)
The dual extension A dened by (2.3.34) is a well dened linear operator on
A : ! : (2.3.35)
h fulll the dening
onditions (2.1.12)-(2.1.14) of the s
alar produ
t. From these s
ts one
an dene the norms
k'kp := ('; ')p ; p = 1; 2; : : : (2.4.2)
an also dene a
ountably set of arbitrary norms k'kp not ne
essarily given by s
ts. In this
ase, the spa
e is
ountably normed. The s
alar produ
ts (norms)
in a
ountably Hilbert (normed) spa
e must be related to ea
h other. This relation makes
these norms mat
h ea
h other in the sense given by the following denitions:
Denition Let k k1 and k k2 be two norms dened on the same linear spa
e . These
two norms are
omparable if for every ' 2 there exists a
onstant C > 0 su
h that
k'k1 C k'k2 ; 8 ' 2 : (2.4.3)
The norm k k1 is
alled weaker than the norm k k2 and k k2 is
alled stronger than
k k1. Two norms are equivalent if there exist two
onstants C and D su
h that
k'k1 C k'k2 ; k'k2 Dk'k1 ; (2.4.4)
for every ' 2 .
Every sequen
e that is Cau
hy with respe
t to the stronger norm is also Cau
hy with
t to the weaker norm. If two norms are equivalent, a sequen
e is Cau
hy with respe
to one of the norms i it is Cau
hy with respe
t to the other norm.
Denition Two n=1 whi
h is
norms are
ompatible i every sequen
e f'n g1
hy with respe
t to both norms and whi
onverges to 0 with respe
t to one of them,
onverges to 0 with respe
t to the other norm.
Let k k1 and k k2 be two
omparable and
ompatible norms on a linear spa
e su
that k k1 is weaker than k k2 . We
omplete with respe
t to the norm k k1 to
obtain a
omplete normed spa
e 1 . Similarly, we
omplete with respe
t to the norm
k k2 to obtain 2. We then have
1 2 : (2.4.5)
If k k1 and k k2 are equivalent, then both
ompletions yield the same spa
1 = 2 : (2.4.6)
Denition A spa
e is a
ountably Hilbert spa
e (or a
ountably s
alar produ
t spa
e) if
an in
reasing denumerable number of s
alar produ
('; ')1 ('; ')2 ('; ')p (2.4.7)
2.4 Countably Hilbert Spa
es 51
2. if n n!1 ! ' for every ' 2 ;
! then also n' n!1
3. if 'n n!1! ' and n n!1! then 'n + n n!1
!' + :
If a given system of
ountable s
alar produ
ts ( ; )p does not fulll the inequalities
(2.4.7), it
an be repla
ed by a new equivalent system of s
alar produ
ts that has this
property. We just need to dene a new in
reasing sequen
e of s
alar produ
ts as
X p
('; ')0p := ('; ')i ; p = 1; 2; 3; : : : (2.4.13)
The systems of s
alar produ
ts ( ; )0p and ( ; )p yield the same topology. Therefore, the
ondition (2.4.7) does not restri
t the
lass of spa
When the sequen
e of norms in (2.4.8)
annot be dened in terms of s
alar produ
ts, we
all the spa
ountably normed. A
ountably Hilbert spa
e is always
ountably normed,
52 2 Mathemati
al Framework of Quantum Me
but not vi
e versa. At rst glan
e, it may appear that the
lass of
ountably Hilbertp spa
onstitutes a narrow
lass of
ountably normed spa
es, be
ause the norms k'kp = ('; ')p
are only spe
ases of general
tions of norms. However, due to the fa
t that
we are
onsidering denumerable
tions of norms, the dieren
e is mu
h less pronoun
than for the
ase of one norm (Bana
h spa
e) and one s
alar produ
t (Hilbert spa
e). Under
very mild assumptions any initial system of norms k'k0p on p
a given
ountably normed spa
an be repla
ed by another system of norms k'kp = ('; ')p dened by some s
ts without altering the topology on the spa
e. We will always
onsider that this is
Example An important example of
ountably Hilbert spa
e is the S
hwartz spa
alled the spa
e of test fun
tions. We
onsider the set S (R ) of fun
tions '() : R ! C whi
are innitely dierentiable and the derivatives k '(x)=xk of whi
h tend to 0 as x ! 1
faster than any power of 1=jxj, for k = 0; 1; 2; : : : The norms that dene the topology are
k q '(x)
k'k p = sup x
; p = 0; 1; 2; : : : (2.4.14)
The norms (2.4.14) and the s
alar produ
ts (2.4.15) lead to equivalent topologies on S (R ).
Therefore, S (R ) is a
ountably Hilbert spa
Example The linear spa
e K (a) of all innitely dierentiable fun
tions '(x) that vanish
whenever jxj > a
an be made a
ountably normed spa
e by dening the norms
d '(x)
k'kp := sup
; p = 0; 1; 2; : : : (2.4.16)
ountably Hilbert (normed) spa
e is
alled Fre
het or an F-spa
e if it is
omplete with
t to the topology generated by the sequen
e of s
alar produ
ts (norms). To nd a
p to be
omplete, we denote
essary and suÆ
ondition for a
ountably Hilbert spa
by n the
ompletion of relative to the norm k'kn = ('; ')n . Then n is a Hilbert
e. Sin
k'k1 k'k2 k'kn ; (2.4.18)
we have (
f. Eq. (2.4.5))
1 2 : : : n : : : : (2.4.19)
an prove that is
omplete with respe
t to the topology given by the nhoods (2.4.9)
i 1
= n : (2.4.20)
We shall always assume that our
ountably Hilbert spa
e is Fre
het, i.e., it fullls (2.4.20).
In Se
tion 2.2.2 we saw that dierent systems of nhoods in a topologi
al spa
an lead
to equivalent topologies. The question arises whether the topology in a
ountably normed
e is really not equivalent to the topology given by one single norm. On the one hand,
every normed spa
e (; k k) is a
ountably normed spa
e: one has just to
hoose a
system of norms k kp, p = 1; 2; : : :, su
h that k kp is equivalent to k k for every p. On
the other hand, given a
ountably normed spa
e , whose topology is given by the innite
e of norms
k k1 k k2 k kp ; (2.4.21)
its topology is equivalent to the topology given by a single norm k k i there is only a nite
number of non-equivalent norms in the sequen
e (2.4.21). Therefore, the essential dieren
between a normed spa
e and a
ountably normed spa
e is that in the latter the topology is
given by an innite number of non-equivalent norms.
holds for every ' 2 . This means that an antilinear fun
tional is
ontinuous (bounded)
with respe
t to the sequen
e of norms (2.4.8) i it is
ontinuous (bounded) with respe
t to
one norm in this sequen
e. Therefore, the dual spa
e of a
ountably Hilbert spa
an be
written as (
ompare to Eq. (2.4.20))
= n :
an introdu
e a topology in the linear spa
e in various ways. For instan
e, one
an take as the nhoods of zero in the sets
UW ('1 ; '2 ; : : : ; 'n ; ) = fF 2 j jF ('k )j ; 1 k ng : (2.4.25)
Here '1 ; '2 ; : : : ; 'n are elements of , and is an arbitrary positive number. The topology
generated by these nhoods is
alled the weak topology on the spa
e and is denoted by
W . Along with the weak topology one
t the strong topology, whose nhoods of
zero are dened by
US (B ; ) = F 2 j sup jF (')j < ;
where B is any bounded set in (
f. Se
tion 2.3.1), and > 0. We denote the strong
topology by S . As the names indi
ate, the strong topology is a
tually stronger than the
weak topology, i.e., W S .
onsider, nally, the adjoint spa
e of . In this spa
e also, one
an dene
dierent topologies. We shall only
onsider a topology built from the strongly bounded sets
in (that is, bounded with respe
t to S ). With ea
h S -bounded set B and ea
h number
> 0 we asso
iate the set
U (B; ) = 'e 2 j sup j'e(F )j < : (2.4.27)
F 2B
We take the
tion of all sets U (B ; ) for a system of nhoods at zero in . With this
topology the se
ond adjoint is isomorphi
to the original
ountably normed spa
e ,
i.e., ' . A l.t.s. for whi
h ' is
alled re
exive. Thus any
ountably Hilbert
e is re
exive. In parti
ular, every Hilbert spa
e is also re
exive (
f. Eq. (2.3.30)).
that the elements of the algebra of observables are
ontinuous operators and all algebrai
operations are allowed. This is the reason why we need a sequen
e of s
alar produ
Therefore, we
onsider the
ase of a linear spa
e in whi
h, in addition to a sequen
of s
alar produ
ts (2.4.7), there is also another s
alar produ
(; ) : 7! C
' 7! ( ; ') (2.4.28)
dened on it. In prin
iple the s
alar produ
t (2.4.28) is unrelated to the other s
ts (2.4.7) that generate a
ountably Hilbert spa
e topology . To make the s
t (2.4.28) and the sequen
e (2.4.7) mat
h ea
h other, we assume that (2.4.28) is a
ontinuous mapping. Thus, in addition to (2.1.12)-(2.1.14), we demand that
'n n!1! ' implies ('n; ) n!1
! ('; ) ; 8 2 :
We are now going to show that whenever a primary s
alar produ
t (2.4.28) is
with respe
t to the topology generated by a denumerable sequen
e of s
alar produ
ts, we
an in
lude this s
alar produ
t as the rst element of that sequen
e without altering the
From (2.4.29) we
an see that the linear fun
F : 7 ! C
' 7 ! F (') = ( ; ') (2.4.30)
and the antilinear fun
F : 7 ! C
' 7 ! F (') = ('; ) (2.4.31)
are -
ontinuous. Sin
e any
ontinuous fun
tional on a
ountably Hilbert spa
e is
bounded, there is a norm k kq and a
onstant C > 0 su
h that
jF (')j C k'kq ; jF (')j C k'kq ; j( ; ')j C k kq k'kq : (2.4.32)
We now dene the sequen
e of s
alar produ
('; )00 := ('; ) ; (2.4.33)
('; )p := C ('; )p+q 1 ; p = 1; 2; : : : (2.4.34)
The new sequen
e of s
alar produ
ontains the original s
alar produ
t as the zeroth
element, satises
('; ') ('; ')00 ('; ')01 ('; ')0p ; (2.4.35)
and generates the same topology as the original s
alar produ
ts ('; ')p do.
56 2 Mathemati
al Framework of Quantum Me
Therefore, we
an always assume that the s
alar produ
t (2.4.28) is already the zeroth
alar produ
t of the sequen
('; ')0 ('; ')1 ('; ')p (2.4.36)
of s
alar produ
ts that will dene the topologies on . We are mostly interested in two
topologies indu
ed by the s
alar produ
ts (2.4.36) on . The rst topology is generated by
the nhoods of zero given by
Um (0) = f' j k'k0 < g ; m = 1; 2; : : : (2.4.37)
This is the Hilbert spa
e topology (
f. Se
tion 2.3.3) and is denoted by H . The se
topology is the
ountably Hilbert spa
e topology , whose nhoods of zero are given by
Up;m (0) = f' j k'kp < g ; p = 0; 1; 2; : : : ; m = 1; 2; : : : (2.4.38)
If we
omplete the linear spa
e with respe
t to these two topologies, we obtain the
of spa
H: (2.4.39)
H is obtained by adjoining to the limit elements of H-Cau
hy sequen
es whereas is
obtained by adjoining to the limit elements of -Cau
hy sequen
es. The algebrai
is -dense in and H -dense in H, and the
ountably Hilbert spa
e is
H -dense in H. The se
ond in
lusion in (2.4.39)
omes from the fa
t that every -Cau
e is also H -Cau
hy be
ause fUm (0)g fUp;m (0)g (and then H ), but not vi
In appli
ations to physi
s, the s
alar produ
ts (2.4.36) are introdu
ed in order to obtain
a topology so that all the elements of the algebra of observables are
ontinuous. They
are dened in terms of the (primary) s
alar produ
t and the algebra of observables. For
example, the
ountable number of s
alar produ
an be dened as
('; )p ('; Ap ) ; p = 0; 1; 2; : : : ; A 2 A ; (2.4.40)
where ( ; ) is the (primary) s
alar produ
t that des
ribes the probabilities. The quantities
j('; )pj = j('; Ap )j = j('; )j have also an interpretation, namely the probability to
nd the property represented by ' in the transformed state = Ap . Therefore, the
alar produ
ts ('; )p, and therewith the topology and the spa
e , depend upon the
ular system under study.
the Hilbert spa
e topology leads to the Hilbert spa
e H (see Se
tion 2.4.3). Therefore, any
an be viewed as an operator dened on the domain of the Hilbert spa
e H.
This will allow us to apply the Hilbert spa
e methods to these operators. Some of these
methods will be very useful in the Rigged Hilbert Spa
e theory.
kAk := sup
kAf k : (2.5.9)
f 2H;f 6=0 kf k
an prove that (2.5.9) is a well dened norm that satises the
onditions (2.3.10)-
(2.3.12). The spa
e L(H) be
omes a Bana
h spa
e when the norm of its elements is dened
by (2.5.9).
In Se
tion 2.1.2 we gave a preliminary denition of the adjoint of an operator. Now we
give a more thorough denition.
Denition Let A be a bounded operator on a Hilbert spa
e H. The adjoint operator Ay
of A is dened on the elements g for whi
h there exists a z 2 H fullling
(Af; g ) = (f; z ) (2.5.10)
for every f 2 H. The adjoint is then dened by Ayg = z. Thus (2.5.10)
an be restated as
(Af; g ) = (f; Ayg ) ; 8f 2 H ; 8g 2 D(Ay ) : (2.5.11)
2.5 Linear Operators on Hilbert Spa
es 59
for some xed
tions of ve
tors fei gNi=1 and fhi gNi=1 in H. The range of this operator is
the nite dimensional subspa
e spanned by the ve
tors fhi gNi=1 . The operator A in (2.5.16)
alled a nite rank operator. Every nite rank operator is
The spe
trum Sp(A) of a
t operator A is a dis
rete set having no limit points
epts perhaps = 0. Further, any nonzero 2 Sp(A) is an eigenvalue of nite multipli
(i.e., the
orresponding spa
e of eigenve
tors is nite dimensional).
A self adjoint
t operator, i.e., a
t operator A su
h that (Af; g ) = (f; Ag )
for every f; g 2 H, has a parti
ularly simple stru
ture. If A is a
t self adjoint operator,
then one
hoose an orthonormal basis e1 ; e2 ; : : : in H whi
onsists of eigenve
tors of
A, Aen = n en . The eigenvalues 1 ; 2 ; : : :
orresponding to the eigenve
tors e1 ; e2 ; : : : are
real and
onverge to zero as n ! 1, i.e., limn!1 n = 0. Conversely, every operator A
h is dened in terms of some orthonormal basis e1 ; e2 ; : : : ; by Aen = n en , where the
n are real numbers and limn!1 n = 0, is self adjoint and
An operator A is positive-denite if (Af; f ) 0 for every ve
tor f 2 H. The eigenvalues
of a positive-denite operator are either positive or equal to zero. A
t operator diers
from a positive-denite operator only by an isometri
tor, i.e., the following theorem
Theorem Let A be a
t operator on a Hilbert spa
e H. Then A has the form
A = U jAj ; (2.5.17)
where jAj is a positive-denite
t operator, and U is a partial isometry on the range
of jAj.
2.5 Linear Operators on Hilbert Spa
es 61
The en are the eigenve
tors of the operator jAj in the de
omposition (2.5.17)
to the eigenvalues n, i.e., jAjen = n en . The hn are given by hn = Uen . (In parti
ular, the
en and the hn are the elements of two orthonormal basis in H, and 1 ; 2 ; : : : are positive
numbers that tend to zero as n ! 1). Conversely, every series of the form (2.5.18), in
h en , hn , n have the aforementioned properties, denes a
t operator.
The requirement that the eigenvalues n (of the operator jAj appearing in the de
position A = U jAj of a
t operator A) tend to zero is too weak. We now
operators that satisfy more stringent
Denition A
t operator A = U jAj is
alled Hilbert-S
hmidt if P1n=1 2n < 1, where
the n are the eigenvalues of the operator jAj.
Therefore, an operator is P
of Hilbert-S
hmidt type i admits a de
omposition of the form
(2.5.18) su
h that the series 1 2
n=1 n
onverges. One
an also see that in orderPan operator
A be of Hilbert-S
hmidt type, it is ne
essary and suÆ
ient that the series 1 n=1 kAen k
onverge for at least one orthonormal basis e1 ; e2 ; : : : in H.
An even more restri
tive requirement that the operator A be Hilbert-S
hmidt is that it
be a nu
lear operator.
Denition A
t operator is
alled nu
lear (or tra
lass) if P1n=1 n < 1, where
the n are the eigenvalues of the operator
P1 jAj appearing in the de
P1 A = U jAj.
e the
e of the series n=1 2n follows from the
e of n=1 n , every
lear operator is of Hilbert-S
hmidt type.
It is
lear that anPoperator A is nu
lear i it admits a de
omposition of the form (2.5.18)
h that the series 1 n=1 n
onverges. The nu
lear operators will serve in the denition of
lear spa
es (
f. Se
tion 2.6), whi
h are the most important
lass of l.t.s. used in Quantum
The tra
e of an operator is a generalization of the usual notion of the sum of the diagonal
elements of a matrix. For any positive operator A 2 L(H) we dene
Tr(A) := (en ; Aen ) ; (2.5.19)
where fen g is an orthonormal basis of H. The number Tr(A) is
alled the tra
e of A and
is independent of the orthonormal basis
hosen. When Tr(A) is nite, then A is
alled an
operator with nite tra
e. If A is a positive-denite
t operator, then A is nu
lear i
62 2 Mathemati
al Framework of Quantum Me
Denition Let A and B be two operators dened on H. Let D(A) be the domain of A and
D(B ) the domain of B . A is said to be an extension of B if D(B ) D(A) and Af = Bf
for every f 2 D(B ). In this
ase we shall write B A. One may also
all B the restri
of A to D(B ).
For some operators A there is a natural way of dening an extension A. One takes a
hy sequen
e ffn g in D(A). If the sequen
e fAfn g is also Cau
hy, and if one denotes
by f and g the limits of ffn g and fAfn g respe
tively, it is natural to dene Af = g . Sin
f is not ne
essarily in D(A), one may dene an extension A of A by applying the above
edure to all Cau
hy sequen
es ffn g in D(A) whi
h are su
h that fAfn g is also Cau
However, this
tion makes sense only if the element g is independent of the
e of
a parti
ular Cau
hy sequen
e ffn g
onverging to f , i.e., if whenever ffng and ffn0 g are two
hy sequen
es in D(A)
onverging to the same limit f and fAfn g and fAfn0 g are also
hy, then limn!1 Afn = limn!1 Afn0 . An operator A verifying this
ondition is said
to be
losable, and the extension A is
alled the
losure of A. An operator A is said to be
losed if A = A.
Closedness is a weaker
ondition than
ontinuity sin
e, if an operator A on H is
uous, then
lim fn = f ; fn 2 D(A) ;
2.5 Linear Operators on Hilbert Spa
es 63
implies that the sequen
e fAfn g
onverges, while if it is only
losed, then the
of the sequen
e ffn g D(A) does not imply the
e of the sequen
e fAfn g.
The spe
tral notions for a bounded operator
an be generalized to the unbounded
when the operator is
Denition Let A be a
losed operator on a Hilbert spa
e H. A
omplex number is in the
resolvent set, Re(A), of A if I A is a bije
tion from D(A) onto H with a bounded inverse.
The denitions of spe
trum, dis
rete spe
trum and
ontinuous spe
trum are the same for
unbounded operators as they are for bounded operators. We will sometimes refer to the
trum of non
losed, but
losable operators. In this
ase we always mean the spe
of the
The adjoint of an unbounded operator A
an be dened in a similar way to the bounded
ase whenever the domain of A is dense in H.
Denition Let A : H ! H be a linear operator (not ne
essarily bounded) on a Hilbert
e H whose domain D(A) is a dense linear subspa
e of H. The domain D(Ay) of the
adjoint operator Ay is the set of all ve
tors f 2 H for whi
h there exists a z 2 H fullling
(f; Ag ) = (z; g ) (2.5.22)
for every g 2 D(A). Then, by denition, Ayf = z . Sin
e D(A) is dense, the ve
tor z is
uniquely determined and Ay is well dened. We then write (2.5.22) as
(Ayf; g ) = (f; Ag ) ; 8g 2 D(A) ; 8f 2 D(Ay) : (2.5.23)
The adjoint operator is always
losed. The relation between an unbounded operator A
and its adjoint Ay
an be more
ated than for the bounded
Denition An operator A on H is
alled symmetri
if D(A) is dense in H and (Af; g) =
(f; Ag ) for every f , g 2 D(A). This means that a densely dened operator is symmetri
A Ay . A is
alled self-adjoint if D(A) is dense in H and A = Ay. A is
alled essentially
self adjoint (e.s.a.) if A is self adjoint.
If A is a symmetri
operator, then A is
losable and A = Ayy. An e.s.a. operator has
a unique self adjoint extension that
ides with its adjoint. Physi
al observables are
assumed to be represented by e.s.a. operators.
Evidently, any self adjoint operator is e.s.a., and any e.s.a. operator is symmetri
. In
t, an operator A (not ne
essarily bounded) is
i A A = Ayy Ay ; (2.5.24)
e:s:a: i A A = Ayy = Ay ; (2.5.25)
self adjoint i A = A = Ayy = Ay : (2.5.26)
64 2 Mathemati
al Framework of Quantum Me
The spe
trum of a self-adjoint operator is always a
losed subset of the real axis.
In Quantum Me
s, the elements A of the algebra of observables A are dened on
some linear s
alar produ
t spa
e ( ; ( ; )), and are required to fulll (A'; ) = ('; A )
for every ', 2 (i.e., they are required to be symmetri
). These operators are usually
unbounded. When this is the
ase, they
annot be extended to the whole Hilbert spa
H (whi
h is the
ompletion of with respe
t to the Hilbert spa
e topology) due to the
following theorem:
1 df (x)
P : f (x) ! (2.5.28)
i dx
are not bounded on L2 (R ; dx). Therefore, the
ommutation relation
[Q; P ℄ = QP P Q = iI (2.5.29)
is not dened for every element in the Hilbert spa
e. However, the a
tions of P and Q
an be restri
ted to the S
hwartz spa
e S (R ), that is in
luded in the domains of P and Q.
On this subdomain both P and Q are bounded (
ontinuous) with respe
t to the topology
generated by the s
alar produ
ts (2.4.15). On S (R ), the
ommutation relation (2.5.29) is
well dened and all algebrai
operations are allowed. This will serve as a motivation for
a physi
ist to
onsider using
ountably Hilbert spa
es su
h as S (R ) rather than just the
Hilbert spa
e L2 (R ; dx).
2.6 Nu
lear Rigged Hilbert Spa
es 65
whereP' 2 n, fek g and fhk g are orthonormal systems in n and m , respe
tively, k > 0
and 1 k=1 k < 1.
an extend the
ept of nu
learity to a
ountably normed spa
e. However, this
generalization does not lead to an extension of the
lass of spa
onsidered: in any nu
ountably normed spa
e it is possible to dene a sequen
e of s
alar produ
ts in su
h a way
that the spa
e be
omes a nu
ountably Hilbert spa
e without altering its topology.
lear spa
es posses
ertain properties that make them suitable for the purposes of
Quantum Me
s. Here we list the most relevant:
1. Any
losed subspa
e of a nu
lear spa
e is nu
66 2 Mathemati
al Framework of Quantum Me
2. If is a nu
ountably Hilbert spa
e, then the strong and the weak topology3 on
3. If is nu
lear, then the strong and weak topologies on (whi
h were dened in
tion 2.4.2)
4. A nu
lear spa
e is separable (i.e., it
ontains a dense
ountable subset).
5. A nu
lear spa
e is
omplete with respe
t to the weak
6. A Hilbert (or a Bana
h) spa
e is nu
lear only if it is nite dimensional.
There is a number of
ountably Hilbert spa
es that are nu
lear. For example, the
hwartz spa
e S (R ) (see Se
tion 2.4.1) is nu
lear with respe
t to the topology generated
by the s
alar produ
ts (2.4.15). The spa
e K (a) of Se
tion 2.4.1 is also nu
limn!1 F ('k ) = F (') for every fun
tional F on . By strong
e we mean the
e with
t to the
ountably Hilbert topology generated by the s
alar produ
ts (2.6.1).
2.6 Nu
lear Rigged Hilbert Spa
es 67
and for every n the mapping T nn+1 is nu
lear. Now the spa
e is the union of an in
hain of Hilbert spa
es (see Se
tion 2.4.2)
n; 1 2 n ; (2.6.15)
where n n . We denote by T nn+1 , for n < 1, the operator adjoint to T nn 1 . This
operator is also nu
lear. In order to
t the
hains (2.6.14) and (2.6.15), we note that
there is a value n for whi
h the operator Tn , mapping n into H, is nu
lear. Then the
mapping T n of H into n is also nu
lear. Without loss of generality we may suppose that
n = 1. We now denote H by 0 , and the mappings T1 and T 1 by T 10 and T 0 1 , respe
We thereby obtain the sequen
e of spa
es (2.6.12).
Example We dene the s
alar produ
t on S (R ) by
Z +1
('; ) = '(x) (x)dx : (2.6.16)
Completion of S (R ) with respe
t to this s
alar produ
t yields the Hilbert spa
e L2 (R ; dx).
e S (R ) is nu
lear and the s
alar produ
t (2.6.16) is
ontinuous with respe
t to the
topology on S (R ), then the triplet
S (R ) L2 (R ; dx) S (R ) (2.6.17)
is a (nu
lear) Rigged Hilbert Spa
e. The spa
e S (R ) is
alled the spa
e of tempered distri-
butions. The \plane waves" eix may be
onsidered as elements of S (R ) . The fun
iated to ea
h plane wave eix is dened by
Z 1
h'jFi h'j i :=
eix '(x) eix dx : (2.6.18)
It is easy to see that jF i is a well dened
ontinuous antilinear fun
tional on S (R ).
Chapter 3
The Rigged Hilbert Spa
e of the
In this
hapter, we
t the RHS of the harmoni
illator. This system is studied
from a dierent point of view to that taken in Quantum Me
s textbooks. Instead
of assuming that the position and momentum operators are given by the multipli
and derivative operators, we shall make three simple algebrai
assumptions: the Heisen-
ommutation relation, the expression of the Hamiltonian in terms of the position
and momentum operators, and the existen
e of an eigenve
tor of the Hamiltonian. From
these algebrai
assumptions, we shall
t the RHS of the harmoni
illator and the
hrodinger representation of the algebra of the harmoni
3.1 Introdu
tion 71
terms of dierential operators will be obtained. The realization of the RHS (3.1.1) by spa
of fun
tions and distributions is also des
ribed in Se
tion 3.6. The spa
e will be realized
by the S
hwartz spa
e S (R ), and by the spa
e of tempered distributions S (R ) . Thus
the RHS (3.1.1) will be realized in the position representation by
S (R ) L2 (R ; dx) S (R ) : (3.1.2)
Therefore, we shall provide a proper mathemati
al framework for the operations that
are needed in physi
s, and we will throw light onto the problem of how the S
realization of the algebra of operators
an be singled out. The important point is that
this realization, whi
h is introdu
ed ad ho
in the literature,
an be derived from proper
assumptions within the RHS formalism.
In order to
t the spa
e , we make the elements of A a
t on the eigenve
tor of
(3.2.4). The representation of A by linear operators on obtained in this way is
alled the
ladder representation. The pro
edure to nd the ladder representation is well known and
will be sket
hed only very brie
y. One denes
1 ! i
a := p Q+ p P ; (3.2.5)
2 r~ ! ~
1 ! i
a := p
y Q p P ; (3.2.6)
2 ~ ! ~
1 1
N := ay a = H I: (3.2.7)
!~ 2
These operators
learly fulll, as a
e of (3.2.3),
('; a ) = (ay '; ) ; 8 '; 2 ; (3.2.8)
('; N ) = (N'; ) ; 8 '; 2 : (3.2.9)
Eq. (3.2.1) implies that a and ay fulll
[a; ay ℄ = a ay ay a = I : (3.2.10)
Assumption (3.2.4) implies that there exists a ' 6= 0 in , su
h that
N' = ' : (3.2.11)
From (3.2.9) and (3.2.11) it follows that
(' ; ' ) = (' ; N' ) = (N' ; ' ) = (' ; ' ) : (3.2.12)
Therefore, = , i.e., is real. From the
ommutation relation (3.2.10), it then follows
N (a' ) = ay a a' = (a ay I )a' = a(ay a I )'
= a(N I )' = a( 1)' = ( 1)a' : (3.2.13)
This implies that either a' is an eigenve
tor of N with eigenvalue ( 1) or a' = 0.
Further, from (3.2.8) and from the
ommutation relation (3.2.10) it follows that
kay'k2 = ('; aya' ) + ('; I') = ka'k2 + k'k2 6= 0 ; (3.2.14)
6 0. In addition, equation
e ' is dierent from the zero ve
tor. This means that ay ' =
(3.2.10) implies that
N (ay ' ) = ( + 1)ay' ; (3.2.15)
i.e., ay' is an eigenve
tor of N with eigenvalue ( + 1).
74 3 The Rigged Hilbert Spa
e of the Harmoni
We now start with the eigenve
tor ' , whi
h was assumed to exist, and su
dene the ve
' m = am ' m = 0; 1; 2; 3; : : : (3.2.16)
e a
ording to (3.2.13) ea
h appli
ation of a lowers the eigenvalue by 1, we have
N' m = ( m)' m ; m = 0; 1; 2; : : : (3.2.17)
This means that ' m = am ' , m = 0; 1; 2; : : :, are eigenve
tors of N with eigenvalue
( m) unless ' m is the zero ve
tor. We shall now show that after a nite number of
steps m0 , the ve
tor ' m0 is the zero ve
' m0 = am0 ' = 0 : (3.2.18)
To prove this statement, we
ulate the s
alar produ
t of (3.2.16) and (3.2.17)
(' m ; N ' m ) = ( m) (' m ; ' m ) = (' m ; aya' m ) = ka' m k2 : (3.2.19)
If ' m 6= 0, then (3.2.19) leads to
( m) = kka' mk
' m k 2 : (3.2.20)
e the norm of a non-zero ve
tor is always positive, equation (3.2.20) implies that
( m) 0 whenever ' m 6= 0. Now, if ' m were dierent from zero for every
m = 1; 2; : : : , then m 0
ould not be fullled, sin
e is a xed real number.
Therefore, there must exist an m0 2 N su
h that
' m 6= 0 for m < m0 ; (3.2.21)
' m0 = a' (m0 1) = 0 : (3.2.22)
This proves (3.2.18).
After normalization, we denote the last non-zero ve
tor by
0 (m0 1) : (3.2.23)
k' (m0 1)k
From 0 (for whi
h a0 = 0) one denes the sequen
e of ve
1 = p1 ay0
1 y2
2 = p (a ) 0
:::: :: :::::
n = p (ay )n 0
:::: :: ::::: (3.2.24)
These ve
tors have the following properties:
3.2 Algebrai
Operations 75
1. They are eigenve
tors of the number operator N and of the Hamiltonian H
Nn = nn ; n = 0; 1; 2; : : : (3.2.25)
Hn = ~! (n + 1=2)n n = 0; 1; 2; : : : (3.2.26)
2. For every n, there exists a n+1 that is dierent from the zero ve
3. The a
tions of ay and a on the sequen
e (3.2.24) are given by
p p
ay n = n + 1n+1 ; an = nn 1 : (3.2.27)
Equation (3.2.26) is usually interpreted by saying that the energy of the harmoni
is quantized and
annot take any arbitrary value. Equation (3.2.27) means that if we start
with an eigenstate n of H
orresponding to the eigenvalue En = ~! (n +1=2), appli
ation of
the operator ay yields an eigenve
tor asso
iated with the eigenvalue En+1 = ~! (n+1=2)+~! ,
and appli
ation of a yields, in the same way, the energy En 1 = ~! (n + 1=2) ~! . For this
reason, ay is said to be a
reation operator and a an annihilation operator: their a
tion on
an eigenve
tor of H makes an energy quantum ~! appear or disappear.
The spa
e of the ladder representation of A is the linear spa
e spanned by the eigen-
tors 0 ; 1 ; : : : ; n ; : : : of (3.2.24), i.e., is the set of all (nite) linear
= n n ; (3.2.28)
where n 2 C and M is a natural number whi
h is arbitrarily large but nite. In we have
the s
alar produ
t ( ; ) for whi
h (3.2.3), (3.2.8) and (3.2.9) holds. With respe
t to this
alar produ
t, the ve
tors n are orthogonal and normalized,
(n ; m ) = Ænm : (3.2.29)
all the set of ve
tors fng an algebrai
orthonormal basis for the spa
e .
The set
an be also viewed as the linear spa
e of all sequen
es of the form
(0 ; 1; : : : ; M ; 0; 0; : : :) n n ; (3.2.30)
where n 2 C . The algebrai
operations of this linear spa
e are dened
omponentwise: let
= (0 ; 1 ; : : : ; M1 ; 0; 0; : : :) n n (3.2.31)
' = (0 ; 1 ; : : : ; M2 ; 0; 0; : : :) n n (3.2.32)
76 3 The Rigged Hilbert Spa
e of the Harmoni
The right hand side of the equation (3.2.39) means that every 2
an be uniquely written
as a nite linear
r0 + r1 + + rM (3.2.40)
of elements rn = n n 2 Rn that are orthogonal to ea
h other (i.e., (rn ; rm ) = 0 if n 6= m).
3.3 Constru
tion of the Topologies 77
an be
ompleted by adding to it all the limit points of Cau
hy sequen
es. In this
ase, the
omplete spa
an be viewed as a dense set of the
omplete spa
e (
f. Se
tion 2.3.2).
We shall introdu
e two dierent topologies on , the Hilbert spa
e topology and a
lear topology. Completion with respe
t to ea
h topology will lead to the spa
e H and ,
tively. These two topologies will be fully des
ribed by the denition of
of sequen
es (i.e., they are rst
where the n are the eigenve
tors (3.2.24) of N . The sequen
e (3.3.7) is H -Cau
hy, be
for any positive integers n; m (m > n without loss of generality)
X kik2 m
X 1
mk = ! 0:
2 = (3.3.8)
(i + 1)2 i=n+1
(i + 1)2 n;m!1
Its topology is given by the pres
ription (3.3.5) for sequen
hn n!1! h , khn hk n!1
!0: (3.3.13)
an be proven that the spa
e H dened by (3.3.12) is
omplete with respe
t to the
topology dened by (3.3.13).
A ve
tor h 2 H given by (3.3.10) is uniquely determined by the sequen
e of
h (0 ; 1 ; : : : ; n ; : : :) ; (3.3.14)
where rn = n n . This sequen
e is not arbitrary, but it must fulll (3.3.11). In fa
t, it
be shown that the norm (3.3.3) of any h 2 H is given by
khk 2 = jnj2 : (3.3.15)
80 3 The Rigged Hilbert Spa
e of the Harmoni
If h and g are in H, then it
an be shown that the series (3.3.25)
onverges and that this
alar produ
t is well dened. Therefore, H is a linear s
alar produ
t spa
e that is
with respe
t to the topology H generated by this s
alar produ
t, i.e., H is a Hilbert spa
e every element 2 is given by a nite sequen
e of the form
= (r0 ; r1 ; : : : ; rM ; 0; 0; : : :) (3.3.26)
that obviously satises (3.3.11), the spa
e is a subset of H. The algebrai
(3.3.22), (3.3.24) and (3.3.25) on H
learly extend the operations (3.2.33), (3.2.34) and
(3.2.35) on . We
an see that is dense in H with respe
t to this topology. In fa
t, every
element 1 X
h (0 ; 1 ; : : : ; n; : : :) n n (3.3.27)
of H is the H -limit of a sequen
e of elements of with the form
n (0; 1 ; : : : ; n; 0; 0; : : :) i i : (3.3.28)
The right hand side of (3.3.29) is usually
alled the Hilbertian dire
t sum or orthogonal
t sum of the Rn be
ause the spa
es Rn are orthogonal to ea
h other, sin
e (rn ; rm ) = 0
for n 6= m, where rn 2 Rn and rm 2 Rm .
An example of an element of H is the sequen
1 1 1 X n
z (1; ; ; : : : ; ; : : :) (3.3.30)
2 3 n n=0
82 3 The Rigged Hilbert Spa
e of the Harmoni
z is the H -limit element of the Cau
hy sequen
e (3.3.7), be
ause for every n in (3.3.7)
1 1
k zk =
X kik2 =
X 1
!0: (3.3.32)
(i + 1)2 i=n+1
( i + 1)2 n!1
Summarizing, we started with the linear s
alar produ
t spa
e of nite linear
nations of the eigenve
tors n . In this spa
e, we introdu
ed the topology H through the
meaning of sequen
e (3.3.5). The spa
e was not
omplete with respe
t to
H , i.e., there were Cau
hy sequen
es of elements of that did not have a H -limit element
in . was
ompleted to a spa
e H by adjoining to it all limit elements of H -Cau
es. Thus, the Hilbertian dire
t sum was obtained by
ompleting the algebrai
sum with respe
t to H :
= Rn 7 ! H
ompletion 7 ! H= Rn : (3.3.33)
A : ! ; (3.3.34)
The domain is
of the parti
ular physi
al system (i.e., of the parti
ular alge-
bra of observables) upon
onsideration. The
tion of this domain for the harmoni
illator is the subje
t of the next se
3.3 Constru
tion of the Topologies 83
In order to
t expli
itly, let us see whi
h of the innite sequen
es that are
elements of H, i.e., that fulll (3.3.11), are also elements of . A sequen
' = (r0 ; r1 ; : : : ; rn ; : : :) ; rn 2 Rn ; (3.3.41)
is an element of i it is the limit point of the sequen
n = (r0 ; r1 ; : : : ; rn ; 0; 0; : : :) (3.3.42)
of elements of with respe
t to , i.e., i
k n 'kp ! 0 ; for every p = 0; 1; 2; : : : (3.3.43)
Equation (3.3.43) is equivalent to
(( n '); (N + I )p( n ')) ! 0 ; for every p = 0; 1; 2; : : : ; (3.3.44)
h is equivalent to
X 1
(ri ; (N + I )pr i) = (i + 1)pkri k2 n!1
! 0 ; for every p = 0; 1; 2; : : : (3.3.45)
i=n+1 i=n+1
Therefore, ' is the -limit point of a -Cau
hy sequen
e of elements of i it fullls
(3.3.45). Then the spa
e is given by
X 1
= f' = n n j n 2 C ; (n + 1)pjn j2 < 1 for every p = 0; 1; 2; : : :g : (3.3.46)
n=0 n=0
Obviously, is a linear spa
e under the algebrai
operations inherited from H.
If we denote the
ompletion of with respe
t to ea
h norm k kp of (3.3.36) by p, for
every p = 0; 1; 2; : : :, then it
an be shown that
= p : (3.3.47)
is also
alled the -dire
t sum of the spa
es Rn, that is denoted by
= Rn : (3.3.48)
This -dire
t sum has been
ted by
ompleting the algebrai
t sum with respe
to the topology
= Rn 7 !
ompletion 7! Rn : (3.3.49)
The operators in the algebra of observables
an be extended to (
f. Se
tion 3.3.5).
These extensions will be proven to be
ontinuous with respe
t to and the spa
e will
be proven to remain stable under the a
tion of the operators of the algebra. Therefore, all
operations will be allowed. This is, in fa
t, the very reason why we have introdu
the spa
e .
3.3 Constru
tion of the Topologies 85
n 2 and for whi
h A n H-
onverges. The domain D(A) of A is the set of elements for
h the above pro
an be applied. Evidently, the
losure of an operator extends
the operator itself. Thus, in
e to the relation
H (3.3.54)
between the spa
es, we have the relation
AA (3.3.55)
between the operators. However, in general, D(A) 6= H. This means that there are elements
h in H on whi
h A is not dened, i.e., kAhk = 1.
As an example, we
onsider the operator N . This operator
an be extended from to
larger subdomains of H. But N
annot be extended to the whole of H. For instan
e, the
tion of N
annot be extended to the Hilbert spa
e element
1 1
z (1; ; : : : ; ; : : :) (3.3.56)
2 n+1
n (1; 12 ; : : : ; n +1 1 ; 0; : : :) n!1
! z;
N n (0; 1; 12 ; 32 ; : : : ; n +n 1 ; 0; : : :) n!1
! (0; 1; 12 ; 23 ; : : : ; n +n 1 ; : : :) ;
This extension, however, is not dened for every element of the Hilbert spa
e, but only for
those h 2 H for whi
h kAhk < 1. Therefore, the operators of A
annot be extended to the
whole of H and their extensions are not H -
ontinuous. The domains of the extensions of
the operators of A are, in general, dierent for dierent operators, and do not remain stable
under the a
tion of the extensions. In order to avoid domain questions, we need the spa
. This spa
e is the largest subspa
e of H on whi
h all the extensions of the operators are
well dened and that remains stable under the a
tion of these extensions. From now on, we
3.3 Constru
tion of the Topologies 87
will always
onsider the domain of the operators to be . We will denote the (Hilbert spa
extension of P , Q, H : : : to also by P , Q, H : : : These extensions are also symmetri
(A'; ) = ('; A ) ; 8'; 2 ; (3.3.61)
where A
an be P , Q or H .
an be shown that the operator H is not only symmetri
but also essentially self-adjoint
(e.s.a.) (
f. Se
tion 2.5.3), i.e., it
an be shown that
H = Hy : (3.3.62)
In fa
t, it
an be proven (see referen
e [65℄) that the requirement that H has at least one
tor (see (3.2.4)) is equivalent to the requirement that H is e.s.a.:
There exists a 'E su
h that H'E = E'E i H = H y : (3.3.63)
We remark that either of these requirements leads to a representation of A whi
h integrates
to a representation of the group generated by P , Q and I (Weyl group): the requirement
that H is e.s.a. be
ause of the Nelson theorem (see [65℄) and the requirement that H has
one eigenve
tor be
ause it leads to the ladder representation, and ladder representations are
always integrable.
e N = 1=(~! )H 1=2I , N is also e.s.a. That is,
Ny = N : (3.3.64)
As a
e of the fa
t that P and Q are elements of the Lie algebra of the Weyl group,
it follows that P and Q are also e.s.a. by a theorem of Nelson and Stinespring (see [66℄).
That is,
Py = P ; Qy = Q : (3.3.65)
H + I is, ex
ept for some
onstant fa
tors, the Nelson operator, and is also e.s.a.
In our example, one
an easily see that N is e.s.a. without invoking the Nelson theorem.
an be easily proved by using one of the
riteria of essentially self-adjointness:
Lemma: An operator A is e.s.a. if (A + I ) 1 is
ontinuous and has a dense domain in
The spe
trum (
f. Se
tion 2.5) of (N + 1) 1 is 1=(n + 1), n = 0; 1; 2; : : : Consequently,
it is a
ontinuous operator. Its domain is dense in H. Therefore, N is e.s.a. As a
e, N + I is e.s.a. Further, (N + I )p is e.s.a.1 for every p = 1; 2; : : :
The extensionPof any operator A of A from toP is
ted as follows: given
any element ' = 1 n=0 n n of , the sequen
e n = i=0 i i of elements of
That (N + I )p is e.s.a.
an be proved in many ways. It also follows from the fa
t that (N + I )p is an
element in the enveloping algebra of a group representation (see referen
e [66℄).
88 3 The Rigged Hilbert Spa
e of the Harmoni
To prove that ay is -
ontinuous we use a lemma (see Appendix 3.7.4) that states
that for every norm k kp of (3.3.36) there is a real
onstant < 1 su
h that
( ; a(N + I )pay ) ( ; (N + I )p+1 ) ; 8 2 : (3.3.67)
Let n ! 0 as n ! 1. Then k nkp ! 0 for every p = 0; 1; 2; : : :,
( n ; (N + I )p n) ! 0 for every p = 0; 1; 2; : : : (3.3.68)
To show that ay n !0, we have to show that
kay n kq ! 0 (3.3.69)
for every q = 0; 1; 2; : : :, i.e., that
(ay n ; (N + I )q ay n ) = ( n ; a(N + I )q ay n) ! 0 (3.3.70)
for every q = 0; 1; 2; : : : By (3.3.67)
( n; a(N + I )q ay n ) ( n ; (N + I )q+1 n) : (3.3.71)
By (3.3.68) the right hand side of (3.3.71) tends to zero for every q = 0; 1; 2; : : :, and
onsequently also the left hand side, whi
h proves (3.3.70). Then ay is
The proof of the -
ontinuity of a is analogous.
We remark that the
e of kay 'n kq ! 0 as n ! 1 for a xed q follows from
e of k'n kq+1 ! 0. Therefore it is important to have a
ountably innite
rather than a nite number of norms; in the
ase of a nite number of norms, ay is not a
ontinuous operator, sin
e the topology generated by a nite number of norms is equivalent
to the topology generated by one norm. In parti
ular, this implies that ay
annot be a
ontinuous operator with respe
t to the Hilbert spa
e topology.
We have shown that a and ay , and therewith the elements of the algebra of observables,
are -
ontinuous operators on the linear topologi
al spa
e . Their -
ontinuous exten-
sions to are then unique. We denote the -extensions of the operators a, ay , P , Q,
3.4 The RHS of the Harmoni
illator 89
2. F is H -
fn ! f =) F (fn) C! F (f ) :
The adjoint spa
e H of H is the
tion of all H -
ontinuous antilinear fun
tionals over
H. The spa
e H
an be endowed with a linear stru
ture if the sum of two fun
tionals and
the multipli
ation of a fun
tional by a number are dened as in (3.4.5).
From the relation H, it
an be shown that
H : (3.4.9)
3.4 The RHS of the Harmoni
illator 91
In the bra-ket notation, the identi
ation F (H) fF is written as jF (H) i jfF ) or even
as jF i jf ). However, for the
lass of -
ontinuous fun
tionals F the symbol h'jF i (the
tion of the fun
tional F at the point ') is equal to ('; F ) (the s
alar produ
t of ' and
F ) only if F 2 H . That is,
h'jF i = h'jF (H) i = ('; F ) only if F F (H) 2 H : (3.4.18)
From Eqs. (3.4.9) and (3.4.16), it follows that
H : (3.4.19)
This triplet of spa
es is the Rigged Hilbert spa
e (RHS) or the Gelfand Triplet for the
In the spa
e , one
an introdu
e various topologies and therewith various meanings of
e (
f. Se
tion 2.4.2). An example is the weak topology, that is denoted
by or by W (
f. Se
tion 2.4.2). This topology leads to a meaning of sequen
that is analogous to the weak
e in H: a sequen
e of fun
tionals fF
onverges (weakly) to a fun
tional F with respe
t to if
i ! h'jF i ; for every ' 2 : (3.4.20)
However, this notion of sequen
e does not spe
ify the weak topology
i.e., is not rst
e is equipped with the topology , we
t its dual spa
e, that is
denoted by . The elements of are the -
ontinuous antilinear fun
tionals 'e on
, i.e., the mappings 'e from into C that satisfy
1. 'e is linear,
'e(F1 + F2 ) = 'e(F1 ) + 'e(F2 ) ; 8F1 ; F2 2 and 8; 2 C ; (3.4.21)
or in bra-ket notation
hF1 + F2j'ei = hF1j'ei + hF2 j'ei : (3.4.22)
2. 'e is
ontinuous with respe
t to .
The spa
e is also a linear topologi
al spa
e if addition and multipli
ation are dened
hF j'e1 + 'e2i = hF j'e1i + hF j'e2i (3.4.23)
and the (weak)
e is dened by
! 'e , hF j'e
i ! hF j'ei for every F 2 :
an prove that to ea
h element ' 2 there
orresponds an antilinear
tional 'e in dened by
'e(F ) = F (') ; (3.4.25)
3.4 The RHS of the Harmoni
illator 93
The basis system fullling (3.5.1)
an be
hosen somewhat arbitrarily. But it is
hoose it in su
h a way that the parti
ular physi
al problem under
onsideration takes its
simplest mathemati
al form. For example, if one des
ribes a three-dimensional rigid body
with moment of inertia tensor I, then it is useful to
hoose the basis system fei g su
h that
ei I ej = I(j) Æij ; (3.5.3)
i.e., to
hoose the fei g to be eigenve
tors of the (rank 2) tensor I. Every ve
tor v 2 R 3
be expanded with respe
t to this basis system of eigenve
tors of I,
v= ei vi ; (3.5.4)
where the vi = ei v are the
oordinates (or
omponents) of the ve
tor v with respe
t to the
basis fei g of eigenve
tors of the symmetri
tensor I.
In analogy to the three-dimensional spa
e R 3 , one introdu
es a system of basis ve
in a general linear spa
e . If is an N -dimensional linear spa
e, then there are N linearly
independent ve
tors fei gNi=1 that form an orthonormal basis system for . We denote these
basis ve
tors ei also by jei ). The s
alar produ
ts of the elements of the basis system are
written in one of the following ways:
ei ej (ei ; ej ) (ei jej ) = Æij ; i; j = 1; 2; : : : ; N : (3.5.5)
As the basis system for the spa
e , it is often extremely
onvenient to
hoose the eigen-
tors of an operator A whi
h represents an important observable (most frequently one
3.5 Basis Systems, Eigenve
tor De
omposition and the Gelfand-Maurin Theorem 95
hooses the energy operator H , the position operator Q or the momentum operator P ).
Therefore, one seeks a set of basis ve
tors ei 2 whi
h also fulll
Aei = ai ei (3.5.6)
for some ai 2 C. These eigenve
tors are often labeled by their eigenvalues ai and denoted
ei jai ) : (3.5.7)
an be proven that if A is a Hermitian operator on an N -dimensional spa
e , then there
exists an orthonormal basis system of eigenve
tors of A,
Ajai ) = ai jai ) ; i = 1; 2; : : : ; N ; (3.5.8)
(ai jaj ) = Æij ; i; j = 1; 2; : : : ; N ; (3.5.9)
h that every ve
tor ' 2
an be written as
'= jai)(aij') : (3.5.10)
This result is the spe
tral theorem for a Hermitian operator A dened on a nite dimensional
alar produ
t spa
e . Eq. (3.5.10) is
alled the spe
tral de
omposition of the ve
tor ' or
the eigenve
tor expansion of ' with respe
t to the basis system fjai )g. The
omplex numbers
'i (ai j') (3.5.11)
are the
omponents of the ve
tor ' with respe
t to the basis fjai )g. The set of ai 's (whi
are real if A is Hermitian) is
alled the spe
trum of A.
In general, the dimension of the linear spa
e is not nite. In this
ase, the above result
annot be applied, and a proper generalization to the innite dimensional
ase is needed.
In this innite dimensional
ase, there are two possibilities depending on the spe
trum of
the observable upon
onsideration. When the possible measurements of an observable are
elements of a dis
rete set of numbers, then only a dis
rete set of eigenvalues is ne
In this
ase, only an innite dimensional generalization of (3.5.8)-(3.5.10) is needed. How-
ever, there seem to be observables in physi
s whose possible measurements are elements of
ontinuous set of numbers (e.g., the momentum and position
an, in many
ases, take
any real value). In this se
ase, we need not only the innite dimensional general-
ization of (3.5.8)-(3.5.10) but also the
ontinuous innite dimensional generalization. This
generalization is the Dira
basis ve
tor expansion (
f. [1℄) or, in mathemati
al terms, the
Gelfand-Maurin Theorem (
f. [5℄). This theorem is valid under
onditions on the
e . Sin
e the eigenve
tor de
omposition is essential in quantum physi
s, we will only
onsider spa
es for whi
h this theorem holds.
To explain the Gelfand-Maurin Theorem in detail requires mu
h more mathemati
These mathemati
s are provided in Se
tion 3.5.2. In this se
tion, we just give an intuitive
statement, whi
an be a
epted in analogy to (3.5.10).
96 3 The Rigged Hilbert Spa
e of the Harmoni
onsider the
ases of an innite dis
rete number of eigenvalues and a
ontinuous set
of eigenvalues in parallel. The self-adjoint operator with dis
rete spe
trum will be
H . Its spe
trum will
onsist of the innitely many real eigenvalues En , n = 0; 1; 2; : : : The
self-adjoint operator with
ontinuous spe
trum will be denoted by Q.2 The spe
trum of
Q will be the
ontinuous interval of real numbers [m; M ℄. Then the (heuristi
) spe
theorem asserts:
There exists a system of eigenve
tors, jEn) in the dis
ase and jxi in the
H jEn) = En jEn ); n = 0; 1; 2; : : : ; (3.5.12)
Qjxi = xjxi; 1 < m x M < +1; (3.5.13)
h that every ' 2
an be expanded in terms of these eigenve
' = jEn)(Enj'); (3.5.14)
' = dxjxihxj'i ; (3.5.15)
and ' = 0 if and only if all its
omponents are zero, i.e., (En j') = 0 for all En or hxj'i = 0
for all x.3 A system of eigenve
tors jEn ) or jxi with these properties is
omplete or a
basis system. The jxi are
alled kets, the hxj are
alled bras and the hxj'i are
alled bra-kets
(see [1℄). The bra-ket hxj'i is a generalization of the usual s
alar produ
Thus the spe
tral theorem asserts the existen
e of a
omplete system of eigenve
tors of
a self-adjoint operator. (En j') or hxj'i are
alled the
oordinates or
omponents of ' with
t to the basis system fjEn)g or fjxig. They
an be thought of, in analogy to the
N -dimensional
ase stated in Eq. (3.5.11), as the s
alar produ
ts of the eigenve
tors with
the ve
tor '
(En j') = (jEn ); ') ; (3.5.16)
hxj'i = (jxi; ') : (3.5.17)
Thus the (En j') are the dis
rete innite dimensional generalization of the 'i in (3.5.11),
and the hxj'i are the
ontinuous innite dimensional generalizations of the 'i .
Whereas the jEn ) are proper eigenve
tors, i.e., they are normalizable, the jxi are not.
This is why the jxi are
alled generalized eigenve
tors or eigenkets and denoted by
kets j i, in
ontrast to the normalizable eigenve
tors jEn), that are denoted by round-
kets j ). Though we
an manipulate the
orner-kets as if they were proper eigenve
For instan
e, H
an be the Hamiltonian for the harmoni
illator and Q the position operator for the
The simple nondegenerate form (3.5.14), (3.5.15) is valid if the operator A (H or Q) is
, i.e., if
there exists an f 2 su
h that fAn f f(n) g spans the entire spa
e . This means that any ' 2
an be
written as ' = n f(n)
(n) , where
(n) are
omplex numbers. Degenerate spe
tra, whi
h o
ur when more
than one quantum number is needed, will be dis
ussed in Se
tion 3.7.2.
3.5 Basis Systems, Eigenve
tor De
omposition and the Gelfand-Maurin Theorem 97
ally there is an important dieren
e between the dis
rete basis ve
tors jEn ) and
ontinuous basis ve
tors jxi: the jEn ) are in while the jxi are in , the spa
e of
ontinuous antilinear fun
tionals over . Further, (En j') is indeed the s
alar produ
t of
the normalized ve
tor jEn) with ', whereas hxj'i is the a
tion of the fun
tional jxi at the
tor '.
If an operator H has dis
rete spe
trum En , n = 0; 1; 2 : : :, then all the
tors jEn ) enter into the dis
rete basis ve
tor expansion (3.5.14) and there are no
other eigenve
tors that enter into this basis ve
tor expansion. If an operator Q has a
ontinuous spe
trum, then in general|and this depends upon the properties of the spa
|there are more generalized eigenve
tors of Q (i.e., more kets whi
h fulll (3.5.13)) than
appear in the eigenve
tor expansion (3.5.15). Whereas the dis
rete eigenvalues of a self-
adjoint operator are always real, the generalized eigenvalues of a self-adjoint operator need
not be real. They
an be real or
omplex, and even if they are real, they do not ne
belong to the spe
trum, i.e., appear in the integral (3.5.15). However, for a self-adjoint
operator there is always a real subset of the set of generalized eigenvalues su
h that the set
orresponding eigenve
tors is
The most general form of the spe
tral theorem for an operator A representing a physi
observable is a
ombination of (3.5.14) and (3.5.15)
'= jai )(aij') + dajaihaj'i ; (3.5.18)
where the sum runs over the dis
rete spe
trum of A and the integral runs over the
trum of A.4 This is the
ase for the Hamiltonian of the hydrogen atom. It is possible
that some or all of the values ai appearing in the sum also appear in the integral. In that
ase, they are
alled dis
rete eigenvalues embedded in the
ontinuous spe
trum. If this
happens for ak , then jak ) is still orthogonal to all the jai in
luding jak i
(ak jai = 0 ; (ak jak i = 0 : (3.5.19)
To see that the
oordinates (En j') are indeed what their notation indi
ates, namely the
alar produ
t of the ve
tor ' with the basis ve
tor jEn), we
ulate the s
alar produ
t of
(3.5.14) with the eigenve
tor jEm ):
(jEm ); ') = (jEm ); jEn))(En j') : (3.5.20)
The nu
lear spe
tral theorem for an arbitrary self-adjoint operator a
tually does not assert (3.5.18)
but rather (3.5.43) with a general measure d(x), and it does not say anything about the spe
tral measure
d(x) in addition to the assertion of its existen
e. However, all operators used in this dissertation are of the
ial kind that either d(x) = (x)dx with (x) a positive smooth measurable fun
tion (su
h operators
are said to have an absolutely
ontinuous spe
trum) or d(x) = i Æ (x xi )dx (these are the operators
with dis
rete spe
trum), or they have both an absolutely
ontinuous and a dis
rete spe
trum. So (3.5.18),
after a normalization
hange (3.5.45), is the most general form used in this dissertation.
98 3 The Rigged Hilbert Spa
e of the Harmoni
e jEm ) and jEn) are eigenve
tors of the same Hermitian operator H ,
(jEm ); jEn)) = 0 if En 6= Em : (3.5.21)
For En = Em we normalize them
(jEn); jEn )) = k jEn) k2 = 1 : (3.5.22)
ombine (3.5.21) and (3.5.22) and obtain
(jEm ); jEn)) = (Em jEn ) = ÆEn Em = Ænm ; n; m = 0; 1; 2; : : : : (3.5.23)
Thus, the eigenve
tors of the self-adjoint operator H have the property (3.5.5) as required
for orthonormal basis ve
tors. Inserting (3.5.23) into (3.5.20) one obtains
(jEm ); ') = Æmn (En j') = (Em j') : (3.5.24)
This identity between the operator H and the weighted sum of proje
tion operators jEn )(En j
alled the spe
tral resolution of the self-adjoint operator H with a dis
rete spe
The s
alar produ
t of any two elements '; 2
an be written in terms of the
nents of these ve
tors along the basis ve
tors jEn ) as
X 1
( ; ') = ( jEn)(En j') = (En j ) (En j') : (3.5.28)
n=0 n=0
3.5 Basis Systems, Eigenve
tor De
omposition and the Gelfand-Maurin Theorem 99
h fullls (3.5.33), we say that is realized by the spa
e of rapidly de
reasing innite
We now turn to the
ontinuous spe
ase and repeat the above
onsiderations for
ase. We
ulate the s
alar produ
t of ' with the generalized eigenve
tor jxi 5 using
Eq. (3.5.15) Z +1
(jxi; ') = dy (jxi; jy i) hy j'i ; (3.5.35)
where we have assumed that the
ontinuous spe
trum runs over the whole real line (whi
is the
ase for e.g. the position operator Q of the harmoni
illator). Using the denition
hxjyi (jxi; jyi) ; (3.5.36)
Eq. (3.5.35)
an be rewritten as
Z +1
(jxi; ') = dy hxjy ihy j'i : (3.5.37)
In analogy to the N -dimensional
ase (3.5.10), hxj'i is the
omponent of the ve
tor ' along
the dire
tion of the basis ve
tor jxi, while (jxi; ') is the \s
alar produ
t" of ' with the basis
tor jxi. This analogy also suggests that the
omponent of ' along jxi should be given
by the \s
alar produ
t" of ' with jxi, i.e., it should be of the form hxj'i (jxi; '). Then,
one would have Z +1
hxj'i = dy hxjy i hy j'i : (3.5.38)
omponents hy j'i are fun
tions of the
ontinuous variable y in the same way as the s
ts (En j') are fun
tions of the dis
rete variable En . Equation (3.5.38) therefore says
that the mathemati
al quantity hxjy i has the property that it maps the fun
tion '(y ) =
hyj'i by integration into '(x) = hxj'i, its value at the xed point x. There is no well-
behaved (or even a lo
ally integrable) fun
tion hxjy i whi
h has the property (3.5.38).
Quantities like hxjy i, whi
h are dened by integration, are
alled distributions or gener-
alized fun
tions (see, for example, [67℄). The distribution hxjy i dened by (3.5.38) is
the Dira
delta fun
tion (though it is not a fun
tion). It is denoted in analogy to (3.5.23)
hxjyi = Æ(x y) : (3.5.39)
Æ (x y ) is the
ontinuous analog to ÆEn Em : the Krone
ker delta is usually dened by (3.5.2),
but it
ould as well have been dened as the fun
tion that maps any sequen
e f(En j')g by
summation into (Em j'), the m-th
omponent of the sequen
(Em j') = ÆEm En (En j') : (3.5.40)
More pre
isely, we should say that we
ulate the value (jxi; ') of the fun
tional jxi at the ve
' 2 .
3.5 Basis Systems, Eigenve
tor De
omposition and the Gelfand-Maurin Theorem 101
Dening the Krone
ker delta by (3.5.40) gives a
learer analogypto (3.5.38).
The jxi are not dimensionless. They have the dimension 1= dim(dx). For example, if
dx has the dimension
m, then hx0 jxi has the dimension
m 1 , and jxi has the dimension
m 1=2 .
The eigenve
tors jEn) are normalized a
ording to (3.5.23). The normalization (3.5.39)
for the generalized eigenve
tors jxi is
alled Æ -fun
tion normalization.
Instead of the generalized eigenve
tors with Æ -fun
tion normalization (3.5.39), one
hoose generalized eigenve
tors of Q with a dierent normalization. One
an dene a
new set of generalized eigenve
tors by
where d(x) = (x) dx. In order for the new
omponents of ' (the fxj'i) to be the s
t of ' with the new eigenve
tors jxg , i.e., in order that
fxj'i = d(y) fxjyg fyj'i ;
Thus, when the integration
ontains the weight fun
tion (x), the generalized eigenve
normalization will
ontain the fa
tor 1 (x).
The most appropriate
e for (x) depends upon the property of the operator Q and
its relation to the other operators of the problem. The
e (x) = 1 is not always the
onvenient. For instan
e, it may be
onvenient to
hoose (x) in su
h a way that the
measure d(x) in (3.5.43) is invariant under some important symmetry transformation of
the physi
al system.
The s
alar produ
t of ' 2 with 2 is given in the notation of (3.5.38) by
Z +1
( ; ') = h j 'i = dx h jxi hxj'i : (3.5.47)
102 3 The Rigged Hilbert Spa
e of the Harmoni
but for whi
h there exists no fun
tion (x) whi
h is the limit element of that sequen
Z +1
k n k 2 = dx j n(x) (x)j2 ! 0 as n ! 1 : (3.5.57)
1 Riemann
In order to obtain a
omplete spa
e of fun
tions with respe
t to the s
alar produ
(3.5.53), one has to repla
e the Riemann integrals in (3.5.56) and in (3.5.57) by Lebesgue
integrals. Then, for any sequen
e of (Lebesgue) square integrable fun
tions n (x) satisfying
Z +1
k n m k2 = dx j n (x) m (x) j2 ! 0 as n; m ! 1 ; (3.5.58)
1 Lebesgue
there is always a (Lebesgue) square integrable fun
tion (x) satisfying
Z +1
k n k2 = dx j n(x) (x)j2 ! 0 as n ! 1 : (3.5.59)
1 Lebesgue
The (
omplete) spa
e of Lebesgue square integrable fun
tions is denoted by L2 (R ). Just
like the spa
e of innite square summable sequen
es, the spa
e L2 (R ) of square integrable
tions is a realization of the Hilbert spa
The elements of the spa
e of physi
al states ' are required, in addition to be square
normalizable, to be su
h that the operator Q and all of its powers be well dened on every
' 2 . Then one must have
Z +1
k k
Qp ' 2 = (Qp '; Qp ') = dx x2p j'(x)j2 < 1 ; p = 0; 1; 2; : : : (3.5.60)
Thus, the fun
tions '(x) that belong to the realization that fullls (3.5.60) must de
faster than any power of 1=x. If other operators are also to be dened everywhere on ,
onditions will have to be imposed on the
omponents hxj'i of ' 2 . Consequently,
the realization of by a spa
e of fun
tions must be a subset of L2 (R ).
For instan
e, we
an dene a linear operator P on the spa
e by giving a pres
for its a
tion on ea
h fun
tion '(x) whi
h realizes a ve
tor ' 2 . Let this operator be
dened by
hxj'i ! hxjP 'i := 1i dx hxj'i (3.5.61)
for every ' 2 . We also dene, a
ording to (3.5.13), the operator Q on by
hxj'i ! hxjQ'i := x hxj'i (3.5.62)
for ea
h ' 2 . If we demand that Qp and P p, p = 0; 1; 2; : : :, are well dened at every
' 2 , then the fun
tions '(x) must be innitely dierentiable, rapidly de
reasing fun
i.e., in addition to (3.5.60) the '(x) must be in C 1 (R ) and must satisfy
Z +1 p
d '(x) 2
k k
P p' 2 = (P p'; P p') = dx
< 1 ; p = 0; 1; 2; : : : (3.5.63)
104 3 The Rigged Hilbert Spa
e of the Harmoni
e) spe
trum of the operator is not dis
rete in general, but has a
ontinuous part (
f. Se
tion 2.5.3). For example, P and Q in (3.5.72) and (3.5.73) ea
h has a
ontinuous spe
ides with the real line. When the spe
trum of an operator has a
part, the spe
tral de
ompositions (3.5.71) and (3.5.76) are no longer valid be
ause there are
no ve
tors in the Hilbert spa
e that are eigenve
orresponding to eigenvalues in the
ontinuous part of the spe
trum. In order to extend (3.5.71) and (3.5.76) to the
ase where
the spe
trum has a
ontinuous part, we need the Gelfand-Maurin Theorem whi
h is stated
formalism is the way physi
ists handle
ontinuous spe
trum. For instan
e, the
operators P and Q, as dened in (3.5.72) and (3.5.73), have a
ontinuous spe
trum that
overs the whole real line but do not have any eigenve
tor in H. Nevertheless, physi
following Dira
, always asso
iate an eigenket to ea
h element of the
ontinuous spe
trum of
P and of Q,
P j pi = pj pi ; p 2 R ; (3.5.77)
Qjq i = q jq i ; q 2 R ; (3.5.78)
and use the assumption that these eigenve
tors form a \
omplete" system in the sense that
every '
an be written as
Z +1
' = dp jpihpj'i ; (3.5.79)
Z +1
' = dq jq ihq j'i : (3.5.80)
When we omit ' in (3.5.79) and in (3.5.80), we obtain the resolution of the identity
Z +1
I = dp jpihpj ; (3.5.81)
Z +1
I = dq jq ihq j : (3.5.82)
However, the kets jpi and jq i are not in the Hilbert spa
e, and the eigenvalues p and q are
not proper eigenvalues. The eigenkets
orresponding to elements in the
ontinuous spe
of an operator a
quire mathemati
al meaning as generalized eigenve
orresponding to
generalized eigenvalues in the sense of the following denition:
Denition Let A be a -
ontinuous operator on and A its dual extension to . A
generalized eigenve
tor of the operator A
orresponding to the generalized eigenvalue is
an antilinear fun
tional F 2 su
h that
F (A') = F (') ; 8' 2 ; (3.5.83)
or in bra-ket notation
hA'jF i = h'jAF i = h'jF i : (3.5.84)
3.5 Basis Systems, Eigenve
tor De
omposition and the Gelfand-Maurin Theorem 107
Let us assume that A has a generalized eigenve
tor in the Hilbert spa
e, i.e., F f in
equation (3.5.84) is an element of H. Then (3.5.84) reads
(A'; f ) = ('; Ayf ) = ('; f ) (3.5.88)
for every ' 2 . Sin
e is H -dense in H, (3.5.88) implies that
A F Ayf = f : (3.5.89)
Thus, a generalized eigenve
tor whi
h is also an element of the Hilbert spa
e is an ordinary
tor of the Hilbert spa
e adjoint operator
orresponding to the same eigenvalue.
To avoid
ations whi
h are inessential for our main purposes and inappli
able for
the parti
ular problem of the one-dimensional harmoni
illator, we restri
t ourselves here
Denition An operator A dened on a subdomain D(A) of a Hilbert spa
e H is
there exists a ve
tor f 2 D(A) su
h that fAk f g1
k=0 spans the entire Hilbert spa
For instan
e, the operators P and Q in (3.5.72) and (3.5.73) are
ause the sets
fQk 0 ; k = 0; 1; 2; : : :g (3.5.90)
fP k 0 ; k = 0; 1; 2; : : :g ; (3.5.91)
where 0 is the zero-th Hermite polynomial, both span H.
If A has a
ontinuous spe
trum, the spe
tral de
omposition (3.5.76) is not possible in the
Hilbert spa
e. However, a generalization of (3.5.76),
alled the Gelfand-Maurin Theorem or
the Nu
lear Spe
tral Theorem, is possible in the Rigged Hilbert Spa
Theorem (Gelfand-Maurin Theorem or Nu
lear Spe
tral Theorem) Let H be
a Rigged Hilbert Spa
e and A a
, e.s.a., -
ontinuous operator. Then, for ea
h in
the spe
trum of A, there exists a generalized eigenve
tor F ji,
A ji = ji ; 2 Sp(A) ; (3.5.92)
108 3 The Rigged Hilbert Spa
e of the Harmoni
hA'ji = h'jAji = h'ji ; 8' 2 : (3.5.93)
Furthermore, there is some uniquely dened positive measure d() on Sp(A) su
h that for
every '; 2 Z
( ; ') = d()h jihj'i ; (3.5.94)
hj'i = h'ji : (3.5.95)
Furthermore, if f () is a well-behaved fun
tion on Sp(A), then
( ; f ( A ) ') = d()h jihj'if () (3.5.96)
If we set = ' in (3.5.94), we see that if all the
omponents hj'i of the spe
omposition of ' with respe
t to the operator A vanish, then k'k = 0, i.e., ' = 0.
ause of this property, the set of generalized eigenve
tors ji o
urring in (3.5.92) is
omplete in analogy to the
ompleteness of the system of ordinary eigenve
tors in a
Hilbert spa
In general, an e.s.a. operator has more generalized eigenve
tors than those that appear in
the spe
tral de
omposition (3.5.94). In parti
ular, a generalized eigenvalue may be
The spe
tral de
omposition provided by the Gelfand-Maurin theorem needs not be
unique and it is also valid in many
ases when is not a nu
lear spa
The statement of the Gelfand-Maurin Theorem is still too general for the purposes of
Quantum Me
s. For the
ases of physi
al interest, the measure d() that appears in
this theorem has a dis
rete and an absolutely
ontinuous part, i.e., it
an be written as
d() = (i )Æ ( i ) + ()d : (3.5.97)
Eq. (3.5.98) is the form in whi
h the Gelfand-Maurin theorem is used in physi
s be
it is pre
isely the Dira
basis ve
tor expansion. This expansion treats the elements of the
rete spe
trum and the elements of the
ontinuous spe
trum of the operator A on the
same footing: there is always an eigenve
orresponding to ea
h element of the spe
of the operator. If this element belongs to the dis
rete spe
trum, then the
eigenket is an ordinary eigenve
tor (i.e., it is square normalizable). If the element is in the
ontinuous part of the spe
trum, then the
orresponding eigenket is a generalized eigenve
3.6 Gelfand-Maurin Theorem Applied to the Harmoni
illator 109
(i.e., it is a fun
tional). It is worthwhile noting that the spe
tral de
omposition (3.5.98) is
only valid for elements ; ' in the spa
e , but not for every element h in the Hilbert spa
The Gelfand-Maurin Theorem provides a mathemati
al rephrasing of several formal
expressions used in Quantum Me
s. For instan
e, omission of in (3.5.98) leads to
the spe
tral de
omposition of any wave fun
tion ' 2 ,
'= ji)(ij') + djihj'i : (3.5.99)
In the same way, we
an obtain the spe
tral resolution of the identity operator
I= ji)(ij + d jihj (3.5.100)
The eigenve
tors jn) are proper eigenve
tors, i.e., jn) 2 , rather than generalized eigenve
tors, i.e., elements of . These eigenve
tors form a basis system for , i.e., every ' 2
an be written as 1
'= jn)(nj') ; (3.6.3)
where the
omponents (nj') 2 C satisfy
(n + 1)p j(nj')j2 < 1 (3.6.4)
for every p = 0; 1; 2; : : :
where d(x) and d(p) are measures on Sp(Q) and Sp(P ), respe
It is well known that the spe
trum of both P and Q is the real line. However, it is not
so widely known that the derivation of this is far from being trivial (see [68℄ and referen
therein). The approa
h of a physi
ist is usually the reverse of the one des
ribed here, namely
a physi
ist nds the dening assumptions (3.2.1)-(3.2.4) of the harmoni
illator from the
tra of Q and P , whi
h are
tured from experimental data to be the real line. We
shall derive these spe
tra in the present se
tion. We will see that d(x) = dx, Sp(Q) = R ,
d(p) = dp and Sp(P ) = R . We shall see that the set of generalized eigenvalues of Q (of
P ) agrees with the spe
trum of Q (of P ) when we
hoose for the spa
e in the RHS
ountably Hilbert spa
e dened by the
ountable number of s
alar produ
ts (3.6.5).
However, sin
e the set of generalized eigenvalues depends upon the
e of the spa
e ,
hoose a dierent
ountably Hilbert spa
e and obtain also
omplex generalized
eigenvalues of the essentially self-adjoint operator Q (or P ).
We begin by examining for whi
h values x 2 C the equation
Q jxi = xjxi (3.6.12)
an be fullled, i.e., for whi
omplex numbers x the equation
hQ'jxi = h'jQjxi = xh'jxi (3.6.13)
holds for every ' 2 . Sin
e every ' 2
an be expanded in terms of the basis of
tors n = jn) of H as in (3.6.3), it will be suÆ
ient to know for whi
h x the
(njQ jxi = x(njxi (3.6.14)
holds for every jn).
From (3.2.5), (3.2.6) and (3.2.27) it follows that
Qjn) = (a + ay)jn)
~ pn jn p
= 1) + n + 1jn + 1) : (3.6.15)
Taking the \s
alar produ
t" of this equation with jxi we obtain
~ p p
(njQ jxi = ( n (n 1jxi + n + 1(n + 1jxi) : (3.6.16)
Equation (3.6.16) is mathemati
ally well dened even though we used the term \s
t" of Qjn) with jxi, whi
h is not well dened sin
e jxi 2 . The pre
meaning of (3.6.16) is as follows: sin
e jn) 2 , so is ' Qjn), be
ause Q leaves
invariant. Therefore, we
onsider the value of the fun
tional jxi Fx 2 at
112 3 The Rigged Hilbert Spa
e of the Harmoni
the point ' 2 , Fx(') = h'jFx i. A
ording to (3.4.25), this is related to the value
of the fun
tional ' 2 at the point Fx 2 by
Fx (') = '(Fx ) ; (3.6.17)
or in bra-ket notation
h'jFx i = hFx j'i hFx j'i ; (3.6.18)
where the identi
ation 3 ' ' 2 was used. Returning to ' Qjn) = Qn,
(3.6.18) is written as
hxjQjn) = hxjQn i = hQnjxi = (njQjxi : (3.6.19)
This is the quantity that appears on the left hand side of (3.6.16). The quantities
(n 1jxi and (n + 1jxi are similarly dened by
hoosing ' = jn 1) and ' = jn + 1)
On the other hand, taking the s
alar produ
t of (3.6.12) with jn), (more pre
isely, the
tion of the fun
tional Q jxi at jn)) we obtain
(njQ jxi = x (njxi : (3.6.20)
Comparing (3.6.16) with (3.6.20) yields
~ p p
x (njxi = n(n 1jxi + n + 1(n + 1jxi ; (3.6.21)
or with n + 1 = m,
pm(mjxi = 2! p
x(m 1jxi m 1(m 2jxi : (3.6.22)
e Eq. (3.6.15) is valid for n = 1; 2; : : : ; Eq. (3.6.22) is valid for m = 2; 3; : : : For n = 0
(m = 1), we obtain instead of (3.6.15)
s s
~ p ~
Qj0) = 0 + 1 j0 + 1) = j1) ; (3.6.23)
2! 2!
and instead of (3.6.22) r
p 2!
1 (1jxi = x (0jxi : (3.6.24)
Thus we see that (3.6.22) is a re
e relation for (mjxi: if (0jxi is known, we
determine (1jxi by (3.6.24) and then determine (2jxi by (3.6.22). With (1jxi and (2jxi we
an determine (3jxi by (3.6.22), and so on.
To nd out what the transition
ients (mjxi are, we introdu
y x (3.6.25)
3.6 Gelfand-Maurin Theorem Applied to the Harmoni
illator 113
fn (y ) 2n n! ; (3.6.26)
h is dened for all x su
h that (0jxi 6= 0 (if (0jxi = 0, then by (3.6.22) and (3.6.24)
(njxi = 0 for all n). Then from (3.6.22) it follows that
r s s
m 2 m 1
f (y ) = y fm 1 (y ) f (y ) ; (3.6.27)
2m m! m 2m 1 (m 1)! 2m 2 (m 2)! m 2
fm (y ) = 2yfm 1 (y ) 2(m 1)fm 2 (y ) (3.6.28)
From (3.6.24) we have
f1 (y ) = 2yf0 (y ) ; (3.6.29)
and from (3.6.26)
f0 (y ) = 1 : (3.6.30)
Equations (3.6.28)-(3.6.30) are the re
e relations for the Hermite fun
tions and have
solutions for any
omplex number y . Thus for any
omplex value x there is a solution
(njxi of the re
e relation (3.6.22). Sin
e Q is an e.s.a. operator, the (Hilbert spa
trum of Q must be real (
f. Se
tion 2.5.3). Therefore the generalized eigenvalues that
appear in the integral de
omposition (3.6.10) must be real, and we need to
onsider only
the solutions fm (y ) for y 2 R .
For real values of y , the solutions fm (y ) of (3.6.28)-(3.6.30) are the Hermite polynomials:
2 dn (e y )
fn (y ) = Hn (y ) = ( 1)n ey : (3.6.31)
dy n
Thus from (3.6.26) we
an obtain the transition
ient (njxi for every real value of x for
h (0jxi is dened. We restri
t ourselves to those solutions of (3.6.22) for whi
h (0jxi is
nite, be
ause j(0jxij2 , the probability for obtaining the value x in a measurement of Q in
the ground state 0 = j0 )(0 j, is assumed to be nite.
Combining (3.6.25), (3.6.26) and (3.6.31), we have
! r
(njxi = p n (0jxiHn x (3.6.32)
2 n! ~
for 1 < x < +1.
e every ' 2
an be expanded as
'= jn)(nj') ; (3.6.33)
the jxi
an be dened at ea
h ' by
hxj'i = hxjn)(nj') : (3.6.34)
114 3 The Rigged Hilbert Spa
e of the Harmoni
The quantities hxj'i '(x) are
alled the position wave fun
tions or the wave fun
tions in
the position representation. The quantities hxjn) n(x) are
alled the energy eigenfun
tions, sin
e they fulll
hxjH jn) = En hxjn) : (3.6.35)
ause of Eq. (3.6.34), the energy eigenfun
tions hxjn)
an be viewed also as \transition
elements" between the x- and the n-representation.
If we
onsider the expansion
n = d(x) jxihxjn) (3.6.36)
of the energy eigenve
tors n in terms of the eigenkets of Q as a fun
tional a
ting on the
generalized eigenve
tor Fx0 = jx0 i 2 , x0 2 Sp(Q), then a
ording to (3.6.18) we obtain
from (3.6.36) Z
n (Fx0 ) = hx jni =
e 0 d(x) hx0 jxihxjn i : (3.6.37)
Thus d(x) hx0 jxi must be the Dira
measure, i.e., the distribution dened by (3.6.37) must
have the property of the Dira
d(x) hx0jxi = dx Æ (x0 x) : (3.6.38)
We now
ulate the s
alar produ
t of n = jn) and m = jm) using (3.6.36)
Æmn = (m ; n ) = (mjn) = d(x) (mjxi hxjn) : (3.6.39)
Comparing (3.6.41) with the orthogonality relations for the Hermite polynomials,
Z +1
1 y 2 H (y )H (y )
p dy e m n = Ænm ; (3.6.42)
and taking into a
ount that the Hermite polynomials are only orthogonal polynomials if
iated with the interval 1 < y < +1 and the weight e y2 (one
an dene Hn(y ) by
(3.6.42) and derive (3.6.28)-(3.6.30) for real y ) we
! (!=~)x2
d(x) j(0jxij = dx
2 e (3.6.43)
3.6 Gelfand-Maurin Theorem Applied to the Harmoni
illator 115
Sp(Q) = fx j 1 < x < +1g : (3.6.44)
If we agree to normalize the generalized eigenve
tors su
h that
hx0jxi = Æ(x0 x) ; (3.6.45)
then a
ording to (3.6.38)
d(x) = dx : (3.6.46)
From (3.6.43) and (3.6.46) we
! (!=~)x2
j(0jxij 2
e : (3.6.47)
We now repeat for the operator P the pro
edure that we have gone through for the
operator Q. The generalized eigenve
tors of P will be denoted by jpi:
P j pi = pj pi : (3.6.50)
The a
tion of P on jn) is, using (3.2.5), (3.2.6) and (3.2.27),
P jn) = i (a ay )jn)
~! p p
= i njn 1) n + 1jn + 1) : (3.6.51)
If we apply the fun
tional jpi 2 on the ve
tor P jn) 2 and use (3.6.50), we obtain
~! p p
phpj n ) = i nhpjn 1) n + 1hpjn + 1) ; (3.6.52)
or r
~! p n (n p
p( n j pi = i 1j pi n + 1(n + 1jpi : (3.6.53)
116 3 The Rigged Hilbert Spa
e of the Harmoni
Therefore, the eigenve
tors jn) of the energy operator H for the harmoni
illator have
the very parti
ular property that the transition
ients (3.6.49) between these ve
and the x-basis have the same fun
tional form as the transition
ients (3.6.58) between
these ve
tors and the p-basis ex
ept for a phase fa
By the same argument as above for the operator Q, we
lude that the spe
trum of
P is
Sp(P ) = fp j 1 < p < 1g ; (3.6.59)
and that if we normalize the generalized eigenve
tors jpi a
ording to
hp0jpi = Æ(p0 p) ; (3.6.60)
then the measure d(p) is the Lebesgue measure on the real line,
d(p) = dp : (3.6.61)
The transition
ients hpjn) in
Z +1
jn) = dp jpihpjn) (3.6.62)
alled the energy wave eigenfun
tions in the momentum representation and are denoted
bn (p) hpjn) : (3.6.63)
Also, for any arbitrary ve
tor ' the transition
'b(p) = hpj'i (3.6.64)
3.6 Gelfand-Maurin Theorem Applied to the Harmoni
illator 117
in Z +1
'= dp jpihpj'i (3.6.65)
alled the momentum wave fun
tion or the wave fun
tion in the momentum representation
of '. We have used the notation 'b(p) = hpj'i instead of the notation '(p) = hpj'i be
the fun
tion 'b(p) of p is in general dierent to the fun
tion '(x) = hxj'i of x. Therefore, to
onfusion, we label the two dierent fun
tions 'b(p) and '(x) by two dierent symbols.
On the other hand, the mathemati
al obje
t hxjpi appears when we take the s
alar produ
of Z +1
n = dp jpihpjn) (3.6.70)
with hxj (or, more pre
isely, we
onsider n as a fun
tional a
ting on the generalized eigen-
tor jxi 2 , x 2 Sp(Q), and use (3.6.70)):
Z +1
hxjn) = dp hxjpihpjn) : (3.6.71)
In (3.6.69) and (3.6.71), hxjn) and hpjn) are given by (3.6.49) and (3.6.58), respe
The Hermite polynomials have the property
Z +1
2 ei 2 =2 H ( ) ;
in e =2 Hn ( ) = d p e n (3.6.72)
1 2
p w
where = p~pw and = ~ x. Inserting (3.6.49) and (3.6.58) into this relation, it follows
that Z +1
( n j pi = dx p (njxi ; (3.6.73)
1 2 ~
or taking the
Z +1 ixp=~
hpj n ) = dx p hxjn) : (3.6.74)
1 2 ~
Comparing (3.6.74) with (3.6.69), we nd that the hpjxi are given by
hxjP j'i = ~i dx hxj'i : (3.6.79)
In the same way using (3.6.75) one obtains
Therewith, we have shown that the operators Q and P are \realized" in the spa
e of position
wave fun
tions hxj'i = '(x) by the multipli
ation operator
Q'(x) = x'(x) (3.6.81)
and by the dierentiation operator
P '(x) = '(x) ; (3.6.82)
i dx
tively. These are the standard expressions that are usually assumed to represent
the position and momentum operators. We have derived them here 2
from the Heisenberg
ommutation relation [P; Q℄ = i~I , the relation H = 21 P 2 + !2 Q2 , and the additional
assumption of the existen
e of an eigenve
tor of H .
We shall now derive the position representation of the energy operator H , i.e., we shall
ulate the matrix element hxjH jn). In this position representation, the energy eigenvalue
Hn = En n (3.6.83)
alled the time-independent S
hrodinger equation. The Hamiltonian for the harmoni
illator is given by
1 ! 2 2
H = P2 + Q : (3.6.84)
2 2
Let us take the matrix element of H between hxj and jn) (or, more pre
isely, the a
tion of
of the fun
tional hxj at the point H jn)):
hxjH jn) = 21 hxjP 2jn) + !2 hxjQ2jn) : (3.6.85)
From (3.6.66),
hxjQ2 jn) = x2 hxjn) : (3.6.87)
Inserting (3.6.86) and (3.6.87) into (3.6.85), we have for the matrix element of the energy
d2 ! 2 2
hxjH jn) =
2 dx2
h x j n ) +
x hxjn)
~2 d2 ! 2 2
= + x hxjn) : (3.6.88)
2 dx2 2
Therefore, the S
hrodinger representation of the eigenvalue equation (3.6.83) reads
d2 ! 2 2
+ x n(x) = En n (x) ; (3.6.89)
2 dx2 2
where hxjn) = n (x) is given in terms of the n-th Hermite polynomial as in (3.6.49).
Eq. (3.6.89) is the time-independent S
hrodinger equation. This equation, that is usu-
ally taking as the starting point in the study of the harmoni
illator, has been derived
here from the algebrai
assumptions (3.2.1)-(3.2.4).
So far we have dis
ussed the a
tion of the operators Q, P and H on the wave fun
'(x) = hxj'i without spe
ifying the parti
ular properties of these fun
tions. We shall now
show that as a
e of the properties of the spa
e , it follows that the position
realization of is the S
hwartz spa
e S (R ) (
f. Se
tion 2.4.1):
e the spa
e remains stable under the a
tion of the algebra of observables,
remains stable under the a
tion of any power of P and Q. This means that the quantities
Z +1
('; Qn ') = dx xn j'(x)j2 < 1 ; n = 0; 1; 2; : : : ; (3.6.90)
Z +1
('; P m ') = ( i~)m dx '(x) '(x) < 1 ; m = 0; 1; 2; : : : ; (3.6.91)
1 dxm
Z +1
n m
('; Q P ') = ( i~) m dx '(x) xn m '(x) < 1 ; n; m = 0; 1; 2; : : : (3.6.92)
1 dx
must be well dened for every ' 2 . This implies that the fun
tions '(x) = hxj'i in the
realization spa
e must be innitely dierentiable and that the fun
tions and their derivatives
must de
ay at innity faster than any power of x. Therefore, '(x) 2 S (R ). Moreover, the
topology on is equivalent to the topology on S (R ). To show that equivalen
e, we re
that the topology on is des
ribed by the following pres
ription for sequen
a sequen
e 'k 2
onverges to ' 2 if
k'k 'kp ! 0 ; p = 0; 1; 2; : : : ; (3.6.93)
where k'kp = ('; (N + I )p). In the realization of , the
onditions (3.6.93) are equivalent
to the following: a sequen
e 'k (x) = hxj'k i, whi
h is the realization of the -
3.6 Gelfand-Maurin Theorem Applied to the Harmoni
illator 121
e 'k ! ',
onverges mto '(x) = hxj'i if the xn dxd m 'k (x)
onverge uniformly on
Eq. (3.6.66) states that the position operator is realized by the operator of multipli
by x
Q ! x; (3.6.102)
and Eq. (3.6.88) states that the energy operator is realized by the dierential operator
d2 ! 2 2
H ! + x : (3.6.103)
2 dx2 2
The realization of the spa
e for the harmoni
illator given by the asso
3 ' ! '(x) = hxj'i 2 S (R ) (3.6.104)
between the ve
tor ' and its \
omponents" hxj'i = '(x) establishes an equiva-
e between two Rigged Hilbert Spa
es, the RHS of the harmoni
H (3.6.105)
and the RHS of S
hwartz spa
e fun
S (R ) L2 (R ; dx) S (R ) : (3.6.106)
This realization is
alled the S
hrodinger (position) representation or the x-representation.
We stress that the S
hrodinger representation
ould not be derived from the Heisenberg
ommutation relation
[P; Q℄ = i~I (3.6.107)
and the relation
1 2 ! 2 2
H= P + Q (3.6.108)
2 2
alone, but required an additional assumption: the operator H has at least one proper
tor in the spa
e of states.
It is usually very useful to show the realizations of the abstra
t mathemati
al obje
(RHS, operators, fun
tions, eigenve
tors) through a diagram. For instan
e, the position
representation of the operator Q is visualized by the following diagram:
x-representation diagram for the operator Q
Q; ' 2 H 3 jxi
l l l l l l
x; '(x) = hxj'i 2 S (R ) L2 (R ; dx) S (R ) 3 hx0 jxi = Æ(x x0)
On the top line of the diagram (3.6.109), we have the abstra
t obje
ts. On the bottom line,
we have the x-realizations of all these abstra
t obje
ts: Q is realized by the multipli
3.6 Gelfand-Maurin Theorem Applied to the Harmoni
illator 123
operator, ' is realized by the position wave fun
tion '(x), by the S
hwartz spa
e S (R ), H
by the Hilbert spa
e of square integrable fun
tions L2 (R ; dx), by the spa
e of tempered
distributions S (R ) and jxi by the Dira
delta fun
tion Æ (x x0 ).
In a similar way, we
t the position representation diagram for the momentum
operator P ,
x-representation diagram for the operator P
P; ' 2 H 3 j pi
l l l l l l
i~ dxd ; '(x) = hxj'i 2 S (R ) L2 (R ; dx) S (R ) 3 hxjpi = epixp=~
As in the diagram (3.6.109), the top line of (3.6.110)
ontains the abstra
t mathemati
ts and the bottom line
ontains their x-realizations.
The x-diagram for the energy operator reads
x-representation diagram for the operator H
H; ' 2 H 3 jni
l l l l l l (3.6.111)
~2 d2 2
2 dx2 + !2 x2 ; '(x) 2 S (R ) L2(R ; dx) S (R ) 3 n(x)
The momentum representation leads to similar
onsiderations. The operator P is realized
by the multipli
ation operator (see Eq. (3.6.67))
P 'b(p) = p'b(p) ; (3.6.112)
and the operator Q by the dierentiation operator (see Eq. (3.6.80))
~ d
Q'b(p) = 'b(p) : (3.6.113)
i dp
The spa
e is realized by the S
hwartz spa
e of fun
tions 'b(p). In the p-representation,
the generalized eigenve
tor jxi is realized by the exponential fun
3 jxi ! hpjxi = p 1 e ipx=~ ; (3.6.114)
2 ~
and the eigenve
tor jpi by the Dira
delta fun
3 jpi ! hp0jpi = Æ(p0 p) : (3.6.115)
124 3 The Rigged Hilbert Spa
e of the Harmoni
As a
e of (3.6.114),
Z +1 Z +1
'b(p) = hpj'i = dx hpjxihxj'i = dx p
e ixp=~ '(x) ; (3.6.116)
1 1 2 ~
Therefore, we
an transform from the position representation '(x) into the momentum
representation 'b(p) using (3.6.95) and (3.6.116). Note that Eqs. (3.6.95) and (3.6.116) show
that the x- and the p-representation are related by the Fourier transform.
an also
t diagrams similar to those
ted for the position represen-
tation. For instan
e, the p-representation of the position operator leads to
p-representation diagram for the operator Q
Q; ' 2 H 3 jxi
l l l l l l
i dp ; 'b(p) = hpj'i 2 S (R ) L2(R ; dp) S (R ) 3 hpjxi = p21~ e ipx=~
For the momentum operator we have:
p-representation diagram for the operator P
P; ' 2 H 3 j pi
l l l l l l
p; 'b(p) = hpj'i 2 S (R ) L2 (R ; dp) S (R ) 3 hp0jpi = Æ(p0 p)
Finally, the p-representation diagram for the energy operator reads
p-representation diagram for the operator H
H; ' 2 H 3 jn)
l l l l l l
~2 !2 d2 + 21 p2 ; 'b(p) 2 S (R ) L2 (R ; dp) S (R ) 3 hpjn) = bn(p)
2 dp2
For the sake of
ompleteness, we re
all the energy representation '(n) = (nj'i. In this
representation, the variable n En is dis
rete, and the realization of the ve
tors ' are given
3.6 Gelfand-Maurin Theorem Applied to the Harmoni
illator 125
by sequen
es of
omplex numbers '(n) = (nj'i rather than by fun
tions. The Hilbert spa
H is realized by the sequen
e of square integrable fun
tions (3.3.51) and the spa
e by the
e of rapidly de
reasing sequen
es (3.3.52). The matrix elements of the operators H , Q
and P are
(njH jm) = En Ænm ; (3.6.120)
~ p p
(mjQjn) = n Æm;n 1 + n + 1 Æm;n+1 ; (3.6.121)
and r
~! pn Æ p
(mjP jn) = i m;n 1 n + 1 Æm;n+1 ; (3.6.122)
tively. In this representation, these operators are visualized as innite matri
es whose
entries are given by the equations (3.6.120)-(3.6.122).
3.6.4 Summary
In the pre
eding se
tions, we have
ted the Rigged Hilbert Spa
e for the one-
dimensional harmoni
illator. We started out with the algebra of observables A generated
by P , Q and H . These operators fulll the algebrai
1 2 w2 2
[P; Q℄ = i~I ; H= P + Q : (3.6.123)
2 2
The elements of A were assumed to be symmetri
operators dened on a linear spa
e ,
(A'; ) = ('; A ) ; '; 2 ; A 2 A; (3.6.124)
where ( ; ) is the s
alar produ
t that provides the probabilities. This spa
e was assumed
to remain stable under the a
tion of the elements of A. We made the
ial additional
assumption that the operator H has at least one eigenve
tor7 0 in the spa
e ,
H0 = ~!0 : (3.6.125)
From this one eigenve
tor we dened the ve
These eigenve
tors span the linear spa
e . With respe
t to the s
alar produ
t on , the
tors jn) are orthonormal to ea
h other,
(njm) = Ænm : (3.6.128)
The spa
e was
ompleted to the Hilbert spa
e H using the topology generated by the
norm p
k'k = ('; ') : (3.6.129)
The (
omplete) Hilbert spa
e H is
X 1
H = f' = jn)(nj') j j(nj')j2 < 1g : (3.6.130)
n=0 n=0
The operators in the algebra of observables were extended from into larger subdomains of
H. However, these extensions are not
ontinuous with respe
t to the Hilbert spa
e topology,
and the domains do not remain stable under the a
tion of the operators. In order to nd
ommon invariant subdomain for the algebra A that is endowed with a topology that
makes these observables
ontinuous operators, we introdu
ed the sequen
e of s
alar produ
('; )p = ('; (N + I )p ) ; p = 0; 1; 2; : : : (3.6.131)
ompletion of with respe
t to the topology generated by these s
alar produ
ts is the
X 1
= f' = jn)(nj') j (n + 1)p j(nj')j2 < 1 ; p = 0; 1; 2; : : :g : (3.6.132)
n=0 n=0
The elements of the algebra A were extended
ontinuously into . The spa
e remains
stable under the a
tion of these extensions and all these extensions are
ontinuous with
t to the topology on . Therefore, all the algebrai
ulations needed in physi
involving the elements of the algebra of observables are allowed.
The operators P and Q are essentially self-adjoint8 and have a
ontinuous spe
ides with the real line. In order to asso
iate an eigenve
tor to ea
h element of the
trum of these operators, we introdu
ed the adjoint spa
e and
ted the RHS
H : (3.6.133)
In this RHS, the Gelfand-Maurin Theorem holds. This theorem assured the existen
e of a
omplete system of generalized eigenve
tors of Q
Q jxi = xjxi ; jxi 2 ; (3.6.134)
As a
e of H being essentially self-adjoint.
3.6 Gelfand-Maurin Theorem Applied to the Harmoni
illator 127
h that any ' 2 was expanded in terms of these generalized eigenve
tors of Q,
Z +1
'= dx jxihxj'i : (3.6.135)
Eq. (3.6.135) is the mathemati
al rephrasing of the heuristi
basis ve
tor expansion.
Using the spe
tral de
omposition (3.6.135), we derived the x-realization of the abstra
' by fun
tions '(x) in the S
hwartz spa
3 ' ! '(x) = hxj'i 2 S (R ) : (3.6.136)
In parti
ular, to every eigenve
tor jn) of H there
orresponds a fun
tion hxjn) = n (x),
jn) ! hxjn) = n(x) ; (3.6.137)
given in terms of the Hermite polynomials. The x-representation of the operator Q is the
ation operator
Q' ! x'(x) ; (3.6.138)
the x-representation of the operator P is given by the dierentiation operator
P' ! ~i dx '(x) ; (3.6.139)
and the x-representation of the Hamiltonian is
~2 d2 ! 2 2
H' ! 2 dx2
x '(x) : (3.6.140)
The realization of given by the asso
iation between the ve
tor ' and its \
omponents" '(x) yields the realization of the abstra
H (3.6.141)
by the RHS of S
hwartz spa
e fun
S (R ) L2 (R ; dx) S (R) : (3.6.142)
The generalized eigenve
tor jxi of Q is realized by the Dira
delta fun
3 jxi ! hx0 jxi = Æ(x0 x) 2 S (R ) ; (3.6.143)
and the generalized eigenve
tor jpi of P by the exponential fun
representation is only one of the many possible representations of (3.6.123), and that it is
the additional assumption (3.6.125) whi
h singles out the S
hrodinger representation among
all the possible representations.9
From a mathemati
al point of view, the RHS formulation extends the Hilbert spa
formulation and justies the mathemati
ally undened operations that physi
ists are a
tomed to in their
ulations. In parti
ular, using the Rigged Hilbert Spa
e formalism we
are able to reprodu
e the main features of the Dira
be the spe
tral de
omposition of ' 2 provided by the Gelfand-Maurin Theorem. The
quantity hj'i whi
h appears in this spe
tral de
omposition may be regarded as a
tion of the real variable 2 Sp(A), i.e., we
an dene
'() : Sp(A) 7! C
7 ! '() := hj'i : (3.7.2)
(In this se
tion, we shall write '() when we want to speak about a fun
tion and '() when
we want to speak about the value of this fun
tion at a parti
ular point ). If we write
('; ') = d() h'ji hj'i = d() jhj'ij2 ; (3.7.3)
Sp(A) Sp(A)
we immediately realize that '() in (3.7.2) must be a square integrable fun
tion with respe
to d(). We shall denote the spa
e of fun
tions fullling (3.7.3) as L2 (Sp(A); d()). The
alar produ
t on L2 (Sp(A); d()) is dened as
('(); ())L2 := d() '() () : (3.7.4)
There are several equivalent forms of the assumption (3.6.125):
(a) The assumption that H is essentially self adjoint.
(b) The assumption that P , Q, and I are the generators of a group, the Weyl group (subgroup of the
symmetry group of non-relativisti
e-time, the Galilei group).
3.7 A Remark Con
erning Generalizations 129
If ', 2 , we have
('(); ())L2 = d() h'ji hj i = ('; ) : (3.7.5)
Thus the mapping ' $ '() that takes ' 2 H into the fun
tion '() 2 L2(Sp(A); d())
preserves the s
alar produ
('; )H = ('(); ())L2 : (3.7.6)
Further, this mapping is obviously linear, be
ause hj' + i = hj'i + hj i for
; 2 C . Thus, this mapping
an be represented by means of a linear operator U y su
Uy : 7 ! L2 (Sp(A); d())
' 7 ! U y ' = '( ) : (3.7.7)
e U y preserves s
alar produ
ts, U y is an isometry (
f. Se
tion 2.5.2). Moreover, it
be proved that the image of by U y is dense in L2 (Sp(A); d()). Therefore, U y has a
unique extension to H. This extension (whi
h we also denote by U y ) is a unitary operator
from H onto L2 (Sp(A); d()),
Uy : H 7 ! L2 (Sp(A); d())
f 7 ! U yf : (3.7.8)
It is important to remark that the equation f () = hjf i, i.e., the statement that the value
of the fun
tion f () at the point equals the a
tion of the fun
tional hj at f , holds only
when f is an element of . For a general f in H, the
orresponding U y f f () has no
meaning as a fun
tion, but only as a
lass of equivalen
e of fun
tions whi
h dier on a set
of zero Lebesgue measure.
an endow U y with a topology by transporting the topology of into U y via
U . Sin
e is assumed to satisfy the rst axiom of
ountability, so does U y . Therefore, we
an transport the topology on into U y by using the notion of sequen
Then, we say that 'n () ! '() with respe
t to i 'n ! ' with respe
t to . With this
denition, all topologi
al properties are transferred from into U y by means of U y . In
ular, U y is a -
omplete nu
lear spa
e, and it is -dense in L2 (Sp(A); d()), i.e.,
for any f () 2 L2 (Sp(A); d()) there exists a sequen
e of fun
tions f'n()g1 n=1 in U su
that Z
d() j'n() f ()j2 n!1 !0: (3.7.9)
Our next step is to extend the operator U y on to an operator U on . This operator
is dened by
hU y'jU F i := h'jFi ; ' 2 ; F 2 : (3.7.10)
130 3 The Rigged Hilbert Spa
e of the Harmoni
U is a well dened linear operator from into (U y ) . To show this, we just need to
prove that U F is a
ontinuous antilinear fun
tional on U y . The antilinearity follows
from the denition (3.7.10), and the
ontinuity from the fa
t that if U y 'n ! U y ', then
U = (U y ) (3.7.13)
and both spa
es have the same linear topologi
al stru
In summary, we have
ted a realization of the RHS
H (3.7.14)
A; ' 2 H 3 ji
# # Uy # Uy # U # (3.7.16)
U y AU; U y ' = '() 2 U y L2 (Sp(A); d()) 3 U ji
The top line of the diagram (3.7.16)
ontains the abstra
t mathemati
al obje
ts, and
the bottom line
ontains their realizations.
An abstra
t RHS and its realization are equivalent Rigged Hilbert Spa
es|there is no
linear topologi
al property that distinguishes one from the other. This suggests the following
of ' 2 is a \
ontinuous innite dimensional" generalization of the Hilbert spa
e spe
omposition of a
t self-adjoint operator. However, there are some dieren
between these two spe
tral de
ompositions. The
ontent of (3.7.18) is that any ve
tor in
an be written in terms of the generalized eigenve
tors of A. Therefore, the eigenve
tors of
A form a \system of generators" for the spa
e . This system of generators is not a basis
for in the usual Hilbert spa
e sense for the following reasons:
1. The ve
tors ji do not, in general, belong to or to H.
One-to-one, onto, with
ontinuous inverse.
132 3 The Rigged Hilbert Spa
e of the Harmoni
In the Hilbert spa
e spe
tral de
omposition (3.7.19),
n is the dis
ient (or weight)
for en . The
an be viewed as the n-th
omponent of ' with respe
t to the basis en . In the
RHS spe
tral de
omposition (3.7.20), '() = hj'i is the
ient (or weight)
for ji. For a xed 2 Sp(A), '() = hj'i
an be viewed as the \-th"
omponent of '
with respe
t to the system of generators ji.
The de
omposition (3.7.19) leads to a realization of the P Hilbert spa
e H by the spa
of sequen
es f
n g of
omplex numbers having the property 1 n=0 j
n j < 1. Analogously,
(3.7.20) leads to a realization of the spa
e by the spa
e of fun
tions '().
The Gelfand-Maurin Theorem allows us to spe
trally de
ompose the s
alar produ
t of
any two ve
tors ', 2 as
( ; ') = d() h'jihj i : (3.7.21)
In analogy to (3.7.21), we also spe
trally de
ompose the a
tion of any fun
tional F at a
tor ', Z
h'j F i = d() h'jihjF i : (3.7.22)
e, quantities of the type hjF i are distributions that are well dened only as a kernel
of integration whenever we write the a
tion of a fun
tional F as an integral operator. As
an example, the fun
tional jxi that asso
iates to any ' 2 S (R ) the value of the fun
tion at
the point x,
jxi : S (R ) 7 ! C
' 7 ! h'jxi := '(x) ; (3.7.23)
an be written as an integral operator:
Z +1
h'jxi = dx h'jx0 ihx0 jxi : (3.7.24)
The fun
tional jxi in (3.7.23) is the S
hwartz delta fun
tional, whereas the distribution
hx0 jxi in (3.7.24) is the Dira
delta fun
hx0jxi = Æ(x0 x) : (3.7.25)
Therefore, the Dira
delta fun
tion appears when we spe
trally de
ompose the a
tion of the
hwartz delta fun
tion as an integral operator.
3.7 A Remark Con
erning Generalizations 133
This theorem gives the mathemati
al formulation of the famous Dira
ture if the
starting point is a pre
isely dened algebra of observables.
The mathemati
al task that has to be a
omplished if one starts out with a well de-
ned algebra is to nd a
ommuting system and its spe
trum. The problem of
determining when a system is
omplete is far from trivial. Already for the simplest
ases of
enveloping algebras of group representations the number of
ommuting observables is not
independent of the parti
ommuting system.
The problem of the physi
ist is usually the reverse. From the experimental data one
nds out how many quantum numbers are required, and what their possible values are.
This gives a minimum number of operators for the
ommuting system be
the \matrix elements" of the Ak 's
ulated from the properties of this algebra must agree
with the experimental values of the
orresponding observables.
((N + 2I ) ; (N + I )q (N + 2I ) ) (3.7.44)
= [((N + I ) ; (N + I )q (N q
+ I ) ) + ( ; (N + I ) )
+((N + I ) ; (N + I )q ) + ( ; (N + I )q (N + I ) )℄
= [( ; (N + I )q+2 ) + ( ; (N + I )q )
+( ; (N + I )q+1 ) + ( ; (N + I )q+1 )℄
4( ; (N + I )q+2 ) ; (3.7.45)
where we have used Eqs. (3.7.36)-(3.7.37) in step (3.7.43), Eq. (3.7.42) in step (3.7.44) and
Eq. (3.7.40) in the last step.
Consequently, (3.7.35) has been shown to be fullled also for p = q + 1 and, therefore,
it is true for any integer p.
Chapter 4
A Rigged Hilbert Spa
e of the Square
Barrier Potential
In this
hapter, we
t a RHS of the square barrier Hamiltonian. In order to do it, we
shall use the Sturm-Liouville theory. This theory provides the dire
t integral de
of the Hilbert spa
e. From this dire
t integral de
omposition, we shall
t the RHS.
4.1 Introdu
tion 139
The time dependent solution of Eq. (4.1.1) is obtained by Fourier-transforming the time
independent solution (4.1.3),
'(t) = dE e iEt=~ '(E ) : (4.1.4)
If the spe
trum of the Hamiltonian has a
ontinuous part, and if the energy E belongs
to this
ontinuous part of the spe
trum, then the
orresponding eigenket jE i that solves
Eq. (4.1.2) is not square integrable, i.e., jE i is not an element of the Hilbert spa
It is the purpose of this
hapter to show that the Rigged Hilbert Spa
e is the mathe-
al framework that supports the above formal manipulations. We will show that the
expansion (4.1.3) is not valid for every element of the Hilbert spa
e H, but only for those '
that belong to the spa
e of wave fun
tions H. We will also show that the kets jE i
be understood mathemati
ally as
ontinuous antilinear fun
tionals over the spa
e of wave
tions , i.e., jE i 2 .
140 4 A Rigged Hilbert Spa
e of the Square Barrier Potential
H jE i = E jE i ; (4.1.8)
h is the same as Eq. (4.1.2). (Note that in Eq. (4.1.8) we have denoted the a
tion of
the Hamiltonian on the ket jE i by H and not just by H . We shall use this notation in
order to stress that the Hamiltonian is a
ting on ve
tors that lie outside the Hilbert spa
The statement of the Nu
lear Spe
tral Theorem [5℄ only assures the existen
e of the
generalized eigenve
tors jE i, but it does not say how to
t them or how to
the spa
e , whi
h is assumed to be given beforehand. In this
hapter, we provide an
example of a Hamiltonian with
ontinuous spe
trum where all the quantities are expli
ted. As mentioned above, this example is the three-dimensional square barrier
potential. We shall use the Sturm-Liouville theory (Weyl theory) [30℄ to nd the RHS of
this potential.
By applying the Sturm-Liouville theory to the S
hrodinger equation of the square barrier
potential, we will obtain a domain D(H ) on whi
h the Hamiltonian is self-adjoint. The Green
tions, the spe
trum, and the unitary transformation that diagonalizes our Hamiltonian
will be also
omputed. The diagonalization of the Hamiltonian will allow us to obtain the
energy (spe
tral) representation and the dire
t integral de
omposition of the Hilbert spa
ed by our Hamiltonian. We will see why this dire
t integral de
omposition is not
enough for the purposes of Quantum Me
s and why the RHS is ne
essary. Next, we
t the spa
e . The RHS
H (4.1.9)
of the square barrier potential will follow. Dira
kets will be a
ommodated as elements of
, and the S
hwartz delta fun
tional will appear in the energy (spe
tral) representation of
the triplet (4.1.9). The Nu
lear Spe
tral Theorem will be proved, and it will be shown that
this theorem is just a restatement of the (heuristi
) Dira
basis ve
tor expansion (4.1.3).
4.2 Sturm-Liouville Theory Applied to the Square Barrier Potential 141
ally, all the information about the dierential operator h provided by the
Sturm-Liouville theory (resolvent, spe
trum, spe
tral representation,...) is obtained from
the generalized eigenvalue equation
~2 d2
h(r; E ) = + V (r) (r; E ) = E(r; E ) ; E 2 C ; (4.2.7)
2m dr2
with various boundary
onditions. As mentioned in the introdu
tion, the \monoenergeti
eigensolutions of (4.2.7) are not in general square integrable, i.e., they are not in the Hilbert
e. Those \monoenergeti
" eigensolutions will be asso
iated to antilinear fun
FE 2 by Z 1
FE (') dr '(r)(r; E ) : (4.2.8)
These fun
tionals are generalized eigenve
tors of the Hamiltonian H ,
H FE = EFE ; (4.2.9)
or more pre
h'jH jFE i = hH'jFE i = E h'jFE i ; 8' 2 : (4.2.10)
From a physi
al point of view, Eq. (4.2.7) is the time-independent S
hrodinger equation.
Dierent boundary
onditions imposed upon it yield either Dira
kets, Lippmann-S
kets or Gamow kets.
where AC 2 [0; 1) denotes the spa
e of fun
tions whose derivative is absolutely
f. Appendix 4.4.1). Condition (4.2.11a) just means that the wave fun
tions are square nor-
malizable. Condition (4.2.11b) assures that the a
tion of h on any f (r) is square integrable.
Condition (4.2.11
) is the weakest
ondition suÆ
ient for the se
ond derivative of f (r) to
be well-dened. In our example, this
ondition implies that f (r) and f 0 (r) are
at r = a and at r = b. Equation (4.2.11d) sele
ts, among all the possible possible boundary
onditions that provide a domain on whi
h the dierential operator h is self-adjoint (see
Appendix 4.4.1), the self-adjoint extension needed in physi
The reason why we
hoose (4.2.11d) is the following: in physi
s [1, 54, 72, 73℄, the set
of boundary
onditions imposed on the S
hrodinger equation (4.2.7) always in
(0; E ) = 0 ; (4.2.12a)
(r; E ); and 0 (r; E ) are
ontinuous at r = a and at r = b : (4.2.12b)
Condition (4.2.12b) is implied by (4.2.11
), so we just need to re
over (4.2.12a). This is why
we impose (4.2.11d).
The set of
onditions (4.2.11) leads to the domain
D(H ) = ff (r) j f (r); hf (r) 2 L2 ([0; 1); dr); f (r) 2 AC 2 [0; 1); f (0) = 0g : (4.2.13)
hoosing (4.2.13) as the domain of our formal dierential operator h, we dene a linear
operator H by
(Hf )(r) := hf (r) = + V (r ) f (r ) ; f (r ) 2 D (H ) : (4.2.14)
2m dr2
The pro
edure to
ompute the Green fun
tion of our operator (4.2.14) is explained in [30℄
(see also [74℄). For the sake of
ompleteness, we in
lude in Appendix 4.4.2 the statement
144 4 A Rigged Hilbert Spa
e of the Square Barrier Potential
of the theorem that is used to
ulate G(r; s; E ). The expression of the Green fun
will be given in terms of eigenfun
tions of the dierential operator h subje
t to dierent
onditions (
f. Theorem 1 in Appendix 4.4.2).
We shall
onsider three regions of the
omplex plane and
ompute the Green fun
for ea
h region separately. In all our
ulations, we will use the following bran
h of the
square root fun
p : fE 2 C j < arg(E ) g 7 ! fE 2 C j =2 < arg(E ) =2g : (4.2.19)
The eigenfun
tion e(r; E ) satises the S
hrodinger equation (4.2.7) and the boundary
e(0; E ) = 0 ; (4.2.21a)
e(r; E ) 2 AC 2 ([0; 1)) ; (4.2.21b)
e(r; E ) is square integrable at 0 : (4.2.21
The boundary
onditions (4.2.21)
an be written as
e(0; E ) = 0 ; (4.2.22a)
e(a 0; E ) = e(a + 0; E ) ; (4.2.22b)
e0 (a 0; E ) = e0 (a + 0; E ) ; (4.2.22
e(b 0; E ) = e(b + 0; E ) ; (4.2.22d)
e0 (b 0; E ) = e0 (b + 0; E ) ; (4.2.22e)
e(r; E ) is square integrable at 0 ; (4.2.22f)
and lead to
8 q 2m q
2m Er
2 Er ~2
< e e 0<r<a
> ~
q q
2m (E V0 )r 2m (E V0 )r
e(r; E ) =
e1 (E )e
~ 2 + 2 (Eq)e
e J ~2 a<r<b (4.2.23)
: e 2m2 Er 2m2 Er
3 (E )e ~ J
+ e4 (E )e ~ b < r < 1:
The fun
tions Je1 Je4 are su
h that e(r; E ) satises the boundary
onditions (4.2.22), and
their expressions are given in Eq. (4.4.12) of Appendix 4.4.2.
4.2 Sturm-Liouville Theory Applied to the Square Barrier Potential 145
e r ; E ) satises the S
The eigenfun
tion ( odinger equation (4.2.7) and the boundary
e r ; E ) 2 AC 2 ([0; 1)) ;
( (4.2.24a)
e r ; E ) is square integrable at 1 :
( (4.2.24b)
The boundary
onditions (4.2.24)
an be written as
e a 0; E ) = (
( e a + 0; E ) ; (4.2.25a)
e 0 (a 0; E ) =
e 0 (a + 0; E ) ; (4.2.25b)
e b 0; E ) = (
( e b + 0; E ) ; (4.2.25
e 0 (b 0; E ) =
e 0 (b + 0; E ) ; (4.2.25d)
e r ; E ) is square integrable at 1 ;
( (4.2.25e)
and lead to
8 q
2m Er q
2m Er
< A
e1 (E )e
~2 A
+ e2 (E )e ~2
2m2 (E V0 )r 2m2 (E V0 )r
e r; E ) =
> q
e3 (E )e ~ A
+ e4 (E )e ~ a<r<b (4.2.26)
: 2m Er
e ~2 b < r < 1:
The fun
tions Ae1 Ae4 are su
h that (e r ; E ) satises the boundary
onditions (4.2.25), and
their expressions are given in Eq. (4.4.13) of Appendix 4.4.2.
Region <(E ) > 0, =(E ) > 0
When <(E ) > 0, =(E ) > 0, the expression of the Green fun
tion is
> p22m=~2 (r;E ) + (s;E ) r < s
< m=~2 E 2iJ4 (E )
G(r; s; E ) = ~2 (s;E ) + (r;E ) r > s
<(E ) > 0; =(E ) > 0 : (4.2.27)
: p22m=
m=~2 E 2iJ4 (E )
The eigenfun
tion (r; E ) satises the S
hrodinger equation (4.2.7) and the boundary
ditions (4.2.21),
8 q
> sin( 2m Er ) 0<r<a
< ~2q q
2m 2m
(r; E ) = J1(E )eiq ~2 (E V0)r + J2(Eq)e i ~2 (E V0 )r
a<r<b (4.2.28)
> 2m 2m
: J3(E )ei ~2 Er + J4(E )e i ~2 Er b < r < 1:
The fun
tions J1 J4 are determined by the boundary
onditions (4.2.22), and their ex-
pressions are listed in Eq. (4.4.16) of Appendix 4.4.2.
146 4 A Rigged Hilbert Spa
e of the Square Barrier Potential
The eigenfun
tion + (r; E ) satises the S
hrodinger equation (4.2.7) and the boundary
onditions (4.2.24),
8 q q
> + (E )ei 2~m2 Er + + (E )e i 2~m2 Er
A A 0<r<a
< 1 q 2 q
2 i 2~m2 (E V0 )r
m (E V )r
+ (r ; E ) = i
+ (E )e ~2
0 +
+ 4 (E )e a<r<b (4.2.29)
> q
: i 2m2 Er
e ~ b < r < 1:
The fun
tions A+1 A+4 are determined by the boundary
onditions (4.2.25), and their
expressions are listed in Eq. (4.4.17) of Appendix 4.4.2.
Region <(E ) > 0, =(E ) < 0
In the region <(E ) > 0, =(E ) < 0, the Green fun
tion reads
> p22m=~2 (r;E ) (s;E ) r < s
< m=~2 E 2iJ3 (E )
G(r; s; E ) = ~2 (s;E ) (r;E ) r > s
<(E ) > 0; =(E ) < 0 : (4.2.30)
: p22m=
m=~2 E 2iJ3 (E )
The eigenfun
tion (r; E ) is given by (4.2.28). The eigenfun
tion (r; E ) satises the
hrodinger equation (4.2.7) and the boundary
onditions (4.2.24),
8 q q
i 2~m2 Er 2m
< 1 (E )e q A
+ 2 (E )e i ~2 Er q
(r ; E ) = A i 2~m2 (E V0 )r i 2~m2 (E V0 )r
3q( E ) e A
+ 4 ( E ) e a<r<b (4.2.31)
: i 2~m2 Er
e b < r < 1:
The fun
tions A1 A4 are su
h that (r; E ) and its derivative are
ontinuous at r = a
and at r = b. Their expressions are listed in Eq. (4.4.19) of Appendix 4.4.2.
trum of H
We rst
ompute the spe
trum Sp(H ) of the operator H by applying Theorem 4 of Ap-
pendix 4.4.3 (see also [30℄). Sin
e H is self-adjoint, its spe
trum is real. This spe
is the subset of the real line on whi
h the Green fun
tion fails to be analyti
. This non-
ity of G(r; s; E ) will be built into the fun
tions ij (E ) that appear in Theorem 4 of
Appendix 4.4.3.
From the expression of the Green fun
omputed above, it is
lear that the subsets
( 1; 0) and (0; 1) should be studied separately. We will denote either of these subsets by
Subset =( 1; 0)
We rst take from Theorem 4 of Appendix 4.4.3 to be ( 1; 0). We
hoose a basis
for the spa
e of solutions of the equation h = E that is
ontinuous on (0; 1) and
ally dependent on E as
8 q
2m Er q
2m Er
e1 B
( E ) eq
~2 + e2 ( B
E ) e ~2
1 (r; E ) = e3 (E )e 2~m2 (E V0 )r + e4 (E )e
2m (E V0 )r
~2 a < r < b (4.2.32a)
> q
: 2m
e ~2 Er b < r < 1;
2 (r; E ) = (
e r; E ) : (4.2.32b)
The fun
tions Be1 Be4 are su
h that 1 (r; E ) and its derivative are
ontinuous at r = a and
at r = b. Their expressions are listed in Eq. (4.4.29) of Appendix 4.4.3.
e(r; E ) = Je3 (E )1 (r; E ) + Je4 (E )2 (r; E ) ; (4.2.33)
h along with Eq. (4.2.20) leads to
" #
G(r; s; E ) = p
2m=~2 1
1 (r; E ) +
J e4 (E )
(r; E ) 2 (s; E ) ;
2m=~2 E 2 J e3 (E ) 2
r < s ; <(E ) < 0 ; =(E ) 6= 0 : (4.2.34)
2 (s; E ) = 2 (s; E ) ; (4.2.35)
an write Eq. (4.2.34) as
" #
G(r; s; E ) = p
2m=~2 1
( r ; E ) ( s; E ) +
Je4(E ) (r; E ) (s; E ) ;
1 2
2m=~2 E 2 Je3(E ) 2 2
The fun
tions ij (E ) are analyti
in a neighborhood of = ( 1; 0). Therefore, the interval
( 1; 0) is in the resolvent set Re(H ) of the operator H .
Subset = (0; 1)
Now we study the
ase = (0; 1). In order to be able to apply Theorem 4 of Ap-
pendix 4.4.3, we
hoose the following basis for the spa
e of solutions of h = E that is
ontinuous on (0; 1) and analyti
ally dependent on E :
1 (r; E ) = (r; E ) ; (4.2.39a)
8 q
os( 2m Er ) 0<r<a
< 2
~q q
2 (r; E ) = i 2~m2 (E V0 )r i 2~m2 (E V0 )r
C1 (E )e q + 2 (Eq)e C a < r < b (4.2.39b)
> i 2~m2 Er i 2~m2 Er
: C3(E )e + C4 (E )e b < r < 1:
The fun
tions C1 C4 , whose expressions are given in Eq. (4.4.30) of Appendix 4.4.3, are
h that 2 and its derivative are
ontinuous at r = a and at r = b.
Eqs. (4.2.29), (4.2.31) and (4.2.39) lead to
+ (r; E ) =
C4 (E ) (r; E ) + J4(E ) (r; E ) (4.2.40)
1 2
W (E ) W (E )
and to
(r ; E ) =
C 3 (E ) (r ; E ) J3 (E ) (r ; E ) ; (4.2.41)
1 2
W (E ) W (E )
W (E ) = J4 (E )C3 (E ) J3 (E )C4 (E ) : (4.2.42)
By substituting Eq. (4.2.40) into Eq. (4.2.27) we get to
G(r; s; E ) = p
2m=~2 1 C4(E ) (r; E ) + J4(E ) (r; E ) (s; E ) ;
2m=~2 E 2iJ4 (E )
W (E ) W (E ) 2 1
From Eqs. (4.2.49) and (4.2.50) we
an see that the measures 12 , 21 and 22 in Theorem 4
of Appendix 4.4.3 are zero and that the measure 11 is given by
1 E2 Æ + + (E + i) dE
11 ((E1 ; E2 )) = lim lim 11 ( E i) 11
Æ!0 !0+ 2i E1 +Æ
Z E2
1 2m=~2 1
= p dE ; (4.2.51)
E1 4 2m=~ E J3 (E )J4 (E )
150 4 A Rigged Hilbert Spa
e of the Square Barrier Potential
h leads to
1 2m=~2 1
(E ) 11 (E ) =
2m=~2 E jJ4(E )j2 ; E 2 (0; 1) : (4.2.52)
represents the un
ertainty of the observable H in the state '. Sin
e (4.2.68) and (4.2.69)
are only dened when ' is an element of D(H 2 ) D(H ), not every element of D(H )
be assigned to a \physi
al wave fun
tion," but only those fun
tions that are (at least) in
4.2 Sturm-Liouville Theory Applied to the Square Barrier Potential 153
D(H 2). Therefore, we would like to nd a subdomain in
luded in D(H ) on whi
h the
tation values
('; H n') ; n = 0; 1; 2; : : : ; ' 2 (4.2.70)
are well-dened.
Another important requirement of Quantum Me
s is that algebrai
operations su
as the sum and multipli
ation of two operators are well-dened. In the HS formalism,
these algebrai
operations are not always well-dened be
ause the domains on whi
h these
operators are self-adjoint do not remain stable under their a
tions in general. In fa
h of the trouble of the HS formalism
omes from domain questions. In our
ase, the
domain D(H ) in (4.2.13) does not remain stable under H . We therefore would like to nd
a subdomain in
luded in D(H ) that remains stable under the a
tion of H and all of its
H n : 7 ! ; n = 0; 1; 2; : : : (4.2.71)
an see that if Eq. (4.2.71) holds, then the expe
tation values (4.2.70) are well-dened
for ea
h ' in , i.e., if the domain remains stable under the a
tion of H , then the
tation values of H in any state ' 2 are well-dened.
In Quantum Me
s, it is always assumed that for ea
h E 2 Sp(H ) there is a Dira
ket jE i su
h that
H jE i = E jE i (4.2.72)
and su
h that the Dira
basis ve
tor expansion (4.1.3) holds. Equation (4.2.72) has no
solution in the Hilbert spa
e when E belongs to the
ontinuous part of the spe
trum of the
Hamiltonian. In fa
t, Eq. (4.2.72) has to be related to the equation
h~xjH jE i = E h~xjE i ; (4.2.73)
h in the radial representation reads
h (r; E ) = E (r; E ) ; (4.2.74)
where h is the dierential operator (4.2.5) and (r; E ) is the delta-normalized eigenfun
(4.2.55). Sin
e (r; E ) hrjE i lies outside L2 ([0; 1); dr), i.e.,
Z 1
dr j (r; E )j2 = 1 ; (4.2.75)
1. a dense invariant domain on whi
h all the powers of H and all the expe
tation values
(4.2.70) are well-dened,
2. smooth enough wave fun
tions so that Eq. (4.2.72) holds,
3. Dira
basis ve
tor expansion must follow.
In the dire
t integral de
omposition formalism, there is not enough room for either of these
three requirements. This is why we introdu
e the RHS.
The spa
e D is the largest subspa
e of D(H ) that remains stable under the a
tion of the
Hamiltonian H and all of its powers. It is easy to
k that
D = f' 2 L2 ([0; 1); dr) j hn'(r) 2 L2 ([0; 1); dr); hn'(0) = 0; '(n)(a) = '(n)(b) = 0;
n = 0; 1; 2; : : : ; '(r) 2 C 1 ([0; 1))g : (4.2.78)
onditions '(n) (a) = '(n) (b) = 0 in (4.2.78)
ome from taking the dis
ontinuities of the
potential V (r) at r = a and at r = b into
onsideration (see [10℄).
The se
ond step is to nd a subspa
e on whi
h the eigenkets jE i of H are well-dened
as antilinear fun
tionals. For ea
h E 2 Sp(H ), we asso
iate a ket jE i to the generalized
tion (r; E ) through
jE i : 7 ! C Z 1
' 7 ! h'jE i := '(r) (r; E )dr = (U')(E ) : (4.2.79)
The imposition of
onditions (4.2.81) upon the spa
e D leads to the spa
e of test fun
of the square barrier potential,
Z 1
= f' 2 D j dr j(r + 1)n (h + 1)m '(r)j2 < 1; n; m = 0; 1; 2; : : :g : (4.2.82)
On , we dene the family of norms
k'kn;m := dr j(r + 1)n(h + 1)m '(r)j2 ; n; m = 0; 1; 2; : : : (4.2.83)
The quantities (4.2.83) fulll the
onditions to be a norm (
f. Proposition 1 of Appendix 4.4.4)
an be used to dene a
ountably normed topology on (see [5℄),
! ' i k' 'kn;m !1
' !1 ! 0 ; n; m = 0; 1; 2; : : : (4.2.84)
an see that the spa
e is stable under the a
tion of H and that H is -
f. Proposition 2 of Appendix 4.4.4).
e we have
ted the spa
e , we
t its topologi
al dual as the
e of -
ontinuous antilinear fun
tionals on (see [5℄) and therewith the RHS of the
square barrier potential (for l = 0)
L2 ([0; 1); dr) : (4.2.85)
The ket jE i in Eq. (4.2.79) is a well-dened antilinear fun
tional on , i.e., jE i belongs
to (
f. Proposition 3 of Appendix 4.4.4). The ket jE i is a generalized eigenve
tor of the
Hamiltonian H (
f. Proposition 3 of Appendix 4.4.4),
H jE i = E jE i ; (4.2.86)
h'jH jE i = hH'jE i = E h'jE i ; 8' 2 : (4.2.87)
On the spa
e , all the expe
tation values of the Hamiltonian and all the algebrai
operations involving H are well-dened, and the generalized eigenvalue equation (4.2.87)
holds. As we shall see in the next se
tion, the fun
tions ' of
an be expanded by a Dira
basis ve
tor expansion.
This equation is the Dira
basis ve
tor expansion of the square barrier potential. In fa
when we formally write (4.1.3) in the position representation, we get to (4.2.89).
In Eq. (4.2.89), the wave fun
tion hrj'i is spanned in a \Fourier-type" expansion by the
tions hrjE i. In this expansion, ea
h eigenfun
tion hrjE i is weighted by hE j'i =
'b(E ), whi
h is the value of the wave fun
tion in the energy representation at the point
E . Thus any fun
tion '(r) = hrj'i of
an be written as a linear superposition of the
tions (r; E ) = hrjE i.
Although the Weyl-Kodaira expansions (4.2.59) and (4.2.63) are valid for every element
of the Hilbert spa
e, the Dira
basis ve
tor expansions (4.2.88) and (4.2.89) are only valid
for fun
tions ' 2 be
ause only those fun
tions fulll both
'b(E ) = h'jE i (4.2.90)
h'jH jE i = hH'jE i = E h'jE i : (4.2.91)
Another way to rephrase the Dira
basis ve
tor expansion is the Nu
lear Spe
(Gelfand-Maurin) Theorem. Instead of using the general statement of [5℄, we prove this theo-
rem using the ma
hinery of the Sturm-Liouville theory (see Proposition 4 of Appendix 4.4.5).
The Nu
lear Spe
tral Theorem allows us to write the s
alar produ
t of any two fun
'; of in terms of the a
tion of the kets jE i on '; :
Z 1
('; ) = dE h'jE ihE j i ; 8'; 2 : (4.2.92)
It also allows us to write the matrix elements of the Hamiltonian and all of its powers
between two elements '; of in terms of the a
tion of the kets jE i on '; :
Z 1
('; H n )= dE E n h'jE ihE j i ; 8'; 2 ; n = 1; 2; : : : (4.2.93)
With this topology, the spa
e b is a linear topologi
al spa
e. If we denote the dual spa
b by
b , then we have
U = (U ) =
b : (4.2.96)
If we denote jEb i U jE i, then we
an prove that jEb i is the antilinear S
hwartz delta
tional, i.e., jEb i is the antilinear fun
tional that asso
iates to ea
h fun
tion 'b the
onjugate of its value at the point E (see Proposition 5 of Appendix 4.4.6),
jEbi : b 7 ! C
'b 7 ! h'bjEb i := 'b(E ) : (4.2.97)
Therefore, the S
hwartz delta fun
tional appears in the (spe
tral) energy representation
of the RHS asso
iated to the Hamiltonian. If we write the a
tion of the S
hwartz delta
tional as an integral operator, then the Dira
Æ -fun
tion appears in the integrand of
that integral operator.
It is very helpful to show the dierent realizations of the RHS through the following
H ; '( r ) L2 ([0; 1); dr) jE i position repr:
#U #U # U (4.2.98)
Eb ; 'b(E ) b L2 ([0; 1); dE )
b jEbi energy repr:
On the top line of the diagram (4.2.98), we have the RHS, the Hamiltonian, the wave
tions and the Dira
kets in the position representation. On the bottom line, we have
their energy representation
For the sake of simpli
ity, in this se
tion we label the wave fun
tions in the position and
in the energy representation with the same symbol. With this notation, Eq. (4.2.89) leads
to Z 1
'( r ) = dE '(E ) (r; E ) ; (4.2.100a)
Z0 1
(r ) = dE (E ) (r; E ) : (4.2.100b)
e '(r); (r) 2 L2 ([0; 1); dr), their s
alar produ
t is well-dened,
Z 1
('; ) = dr '(r) (r) : (4.2.101)
Plugging (4.2.100) into (4.2.101), we obtain
Z 1 Z 1 Z 1
('; ) = dE dE 0 '(E ) (E 0 ) dr (r; E ) (r; E 0 ) : (4.2.102)
0 0 0
If we use the Lebesgue measure dE , then the s
alar produ
t (4.2.99)
an be written as
Z 1
('; ) = dE '(E ) (E ) : (4.2.103)
Comparison of (4.2.102) and (4.2.103) leads to
Z 1
dr (r; E ) (r; E 0) = Æ (E E 0) ; (4.2.104)
i.e., the eigenfun
tions (r; E ) are Æ -normalized.
We now
onsider the
ase in whi
h the eigenfun
tions are -normalized. If we use the
measure d(E ) = (E )dE , then the s
alar produ
t of ' and is given by
Z 1
('; ) = ' (E ) (E )(E ) dE ; (4.2.105)
p p
where 'p (E ) := '(E )= (E ) and (E ) := (E )= (E ). If we dene (r; E ) :=
(r; E )= (E ), then Eq. (4.2.100) leads to
Z 1
'( r ) = ' (E ) (r; E )(E ) dE ; (4.2.106a)
Z0 1
(r ) = (E ) (r ; E )(E ) dE : (4.2.106b)
Plugging Eq. (4.2.106) into (4.2.101), we obtain
Z 1 Z 1 Z 1
('; ) = dE dE 0 ' (E ) (E 0 )(E )(E 0 ) dr (r; E ) (r; E 0 ) : (4.2.107)
0 0 0
Comparison of (4.2.107) and (4.2.105) leads to
Z 1
dr (r; E ) (r; E 0 ) = Æ (E E 0) ; (4.2.108)
0 (E )
i.e., the eigenfun
tions (r; E ) are -normalized.
4.3 Con
lusion to Chapter 4 159
The spe
trum of the Hamiltonian H is the positive real semiaxis. For ea
h value E of the
trum of H , we have
ted a Dira
ket jE i that is a generalized eigenfun
tional of
H whose
orresponding generalized eigenvalue is E . In the energy representation, jE i a
ts as
the antilinear S
hwartz delta fun
tional. On the spa
e , all algebrai
operations involving
the Hamiltonian H are well-dened. In parti
ular, the expe
tation values of the Hamiltonian
in any element of are well-dened. Any element of
an be expanded in terms of the
eigenkets jE i by a Dira
basis ve
tor expansion. The elements of are represented by well-
behaved fun
tions in
ontrast to the elements of the Hilbert spa
e whi
h are represented by
sets of equivalent fun
tions that
an vary arbitrarily on any set of zero Lebesgue measure.
Therefore, it seems natural to
lude that a physi
ally a
eptable wave fun
tion is not
any element of the Hilbert spa
e, but rather an element of the subspa
e .
In our quest for the RHS of the square barrier potential, we have found a systemati
method to
t the RHS of a large
lass of spheri
ally symmetri
2. Hilbert spa
e H of square integrable fun
tions on whi
h the formal dierential operator
3. A domain D(H ) of the Hilbert spa
e on whi
h the formal dierential operator is
6. Subspa
e of D(H ) on whi
h all the expe
tation values of H are well-dened and on
h the Dira
kets a
t as antilinear fun
The operators H0 and H1 are sometimes
alled the minimal and the maximal operators
iated to the dierential operator h, respe
tively. The domain D(H1 ) is the largest
domain of the Hilbert spa
e L2 ([0; 1); dr) on whi
h the a
tion of the dierential operator
an be dened and remains inside L2 ([0; 1); dr). Further, H0y = H1 .
The self-adjoint extensions of H0 are given by the restri
tions of the operator H1 to
domains determined by the
onditions (see [30℄, page 1306)
f (0) + f 0 (0) = 0 ; 1 < 1: (4.4.6)
4.4 Appendi
es to Chapter 4 161
If we dene
e := E; (4.4.11a)
Qe := (E V0 ) ; (4.4.11b)
W (e; kJe3 (E ) :
e ) = 2e (4.4.14)
If we dene
k := E; (4.4.15a)
Q := (E V0 ) ; (4.4.15b)
then the fun
tions J (E ) of Eq. (4.2.28) are given by
1 iQa k
J1 (E ) = 2
e sin(ka) +
os(ka) ;
1 iQa k
J2 (E ) = 2
e sin(ka)
os(ka) ; (4.4.16b)
1 ikb Q iQb Q
J3 (E ) = 2
e 1+
e J1 (E ) + 1
e J2 (E ) ;
iQb (4.4.16
1 ikb Q iQb Q
J4 (E ) = 2
e 1
e J1 (E ) + 1 +
e J2 (E ) ;
iQb (4.4.16d)
2. for ea
h Borel fun
tion G dened on the real line and vanishing outside ,
U D(G(H )) = f[fi ℄ 2 L2 (; fij g) j [Gfi ℄ 2 L2 (; fij g)g (4.4.22)
(UG(H )f )i (E ) = G(E )(Uf )i (E ); i = 1; 2; E 2 ; f 2 D(G(H )) : (4.4.23)
The theorem that provides the inverse of the operator U is (
f. Theorem XIII.5.14 of
Ref. [30℄)
Theorem 3 (Weyl-Kodaira) Let H , , fij g, et
., be as in Theorem 2. Let E0 and E1
be the end points of . Then
1. the inverse of the isometri
isomorphism U of E ()L2 ([0; 1); dr) onto L2 (; fij g) is
given by the formula
Z 1 !
(U 1 F )(r) = lim lim Fi (E )j (r; E )ij (dE ) (4.4.24)
0 !E0 1 !E1 0
i;j =1
where F = [F1 ; F2 ℄ 2 L2 (; fij g), the limit existing in the topology of L2 ([0; 1); dr);
2. if G is a bounded Borel fun
tion vanishing outside a Borel set e whose
losure is
t and
ontained in , then G(H ) has the representation
Z 1
(G(H )f )(r) = f (s)K (H; r; s)ds ; (4.4.25)
where 2 Z
K (H; r; s) = G(E )i (s; E )j (r; E )ij (dE ) : (4.4.26)
i;j =1 e
The spe
tral measures are provided by the following theorem (
f. Theorem XIII.5.18 of
Ref. [30℄):
Theorem 4 (Tit
hmarsh-Kodaira) Let be an open interval of the real axis and O
be an open set in the
omplex plane
ontaining . Let 1 , 2 be a set of fun
tions whi
form a basis for the solutions of the equation h = E , E 2 O, and whi
h are
ontinuous on
(0; 1) O and analyti
ally dependent on E for E in O. Suppose that the kernel G(r; s; E )
for the resolvent (E H ) 1 has a representation
8 P
i;j =1 ij (E )i (r ; E )j (s; E ) r<s
G(r; s; E ) = (4.4.27)
: P2 +
i;j =1 ij (E )i (r ; E )j (s; E ) r > s;
4.4 Appendi
es to Chapter 4 165
for all E in Re(H ) \ O, and that fij g is a positive matrix measure on asso
iated with H
as in Theorem 2. Then the fun
tions ij are analyti
in Re(H ) \ O, and given any bounded
open interval (E1 ; E2 ) , we have for 1 i; j 2,
R E2 Æ
ij ((E1 ; E2 )) = limÆ!0 lim!0+ 21i E1 +Æ [ij (E i) ij (E + i)℄dE
= limÆ!0 lim!0+ 21i EE12+ÆÆ [ij+ (E i) ij+ (E + i)℄dE :
are norms.
166 4 A Rigged Hilbert Spa
e of the Square Barrier Potential
Proof It is very easy to show that the quantities (4.4.31) fulll the
onditions to be a
k' + kn;m k'kn;m + k kn;m ; (4.4.32a)
k'kn;m = jj k'kn;m ; (4.4.32b)
k'kn;m 0 ; (4.4.32
If k'kn;m = 0; then ' = 0 : (4.4.32d)
The only
ondition that is somewhat diÆ
ult to prove is (4.4.32d): if k'kn;m = 0, then
(1 + r)n (h + 1)m '(r) = 0 ; (4.4.33)
h yields
(h + 1)m '(r) = 0 : (4.4.34)
If m = 0, then Eq. (4.4.34) implies '(r) = 0. If m = 1, then Eq. (4.4.34) implies that 1 is
an eigenvalue of H whose
orresponding eigenve
tor is '. Sin
e 1 is not an eigenvalue of
H , ' must be the zero ve
tor. If m > 1, the proof is similar.
Proposition 2 The spa
e is stable under the a
tion of H , and H is -
Proof In order to see that H is -
ontinuous, we just have to realize that
kH'kn;m = k(H + I )' 'kn;m
k(H + I )'kn;m + k'kn;m
= k'kn;m+1 + k'kn;m : (4.4.35)
We now prove that is stable under the a
tion of H . Let ' 2 . To say that ' 2 is
equivalent to say that ' 2 D and that the norms k'kn;m are nite for every n; m = 0; 1; 2; : : :
e H' is also in D, and sin
e the norms kH'kn;m are also nite (see Eq. (4.4.35)), the
tor H' is also in .
Proposition 3 The fun
jE i : 7 ! C Z 1
' 7 ! h'jE i := '(r) (r; E )dr = (U')(E ) : (4.4.36)
is an antilinear fun
tional on that is a generalized eigenve
tor of (the restri
tion to of)
Proof From the denition (4.4.36), it is pretty easy to see that jE i is an antilinear
tional. In order to show that jE i is
ontinuous, we dene
M(E ) := sup j (r; E )j : (4.4.37)
4.4 Appendi
es to Chapter 4 167
jh'jE ij = jU'(E )j
dr '(r) (r; E )
Z 01
dr j'(r)jj (r; E )j
0 Z 1
M(E ) dr j'(r)j
Z0 1
= M(E ) 1+r
(1 + r)j'(r)j
Z 1 1=2 Z 1 1=2
M(E ) dr
(1 + r)2
dr j(1 + r)'(r)j2
0 0
Z 1 1=2
= M( E ) dr k'k1;0
0 (1 + r)2
= M(E )k'k1;0 ; (4.4.38)
the fun
tional jE i is
ontinuous when is endowed with the topology.
In order to prove that jE i is a generalized eigenve
tor of H , we make use of the
(4.2.78) and (4.2.81) satised the elements of ,
h'j H j E i = hH'jE i
Z 1
= dr + V ( r ) '( r ) ( r ; E )
0 2m dr2
" #1
~2 d'(r ) ~2 d (r; E ) 1
= (r ; E ) + '( r )
2m dr 0
2 m dr 0
Z 1 2 2
~ d
+ dr '(r) + V (r ) (r ; E )
0 2m dr2
= E h'j E i : (4.4.39)
Similarly, one
an also prove that
h'j ( H ) n j E i = E n h'j E i : (4.4.40)
e ' and belong to , the a
tion of ea
h eigenket jE i on them is well-dened,
h'jE i = 'b(E ) ; (4.4.47a)
hE j i = b(E ) : (4.4.47b)
Plugging Eq. (4.4.47) into Eq. (4.4.46) and Eq. (4.4.46) into Eq. (4.4.45), we get to Eq. (4.4.43).
The proof of (4.4.44) is similar:
('; H n ) = (U'; UH n U 1 U )
= (Z;
b Eb n b)
Proof Sin
h'bjU jE i = hU 1'bjE i
= hZ'jE i
= '(r) (r; E )dr
= 'b(E ) ; (4.4.49)
the fun
tional U jE i = jEb i is the antilinear S
hwartz delta fun
Chapter 5
attering o the Square Barrier
In this
hapter, we turn to the des
ription of the Lippmann-S
hwinger equation within the
RHS formalism. The Lippmann-S
hwinger eigenfun
tions will be
omputed rst. We shall
dene the Lippmann-S
hwinger eigenkets in terms of these eigenfun
tions and see that they
t on dierent spa
es of wave fun
tions. The Lippmann-S
hwinger kets will be used as
basis ve
tors to expand the wave fun
tions. The Mller operators and the S -matrix will be
It is so hard to be good!
Thales of Miletus
5.1 Introdu
tion 173
hrodinger equation
+ ! H .
The Hilbert spa
e H was needed to in
orporate the requirement that the wave fun
tions be
square integrable. The spa
e was needed to in
orporate the Dira
kets asso
iated to the
tions of the time independent S
hrodinger equation subje
t to
ertain boundary
onditions. The spa
e was needed to in
orporate the wave fun
tions on whi
h the Dira
kets a
t as
ontinuous antilinear fun
tionals. The spa
e was identied with the spa
e of
ally preparable wave fun
tions, be
ause in all of the algebrai
operations and all of
the expe
tation values are well dened.
In this
hapter, we
onsider the problem of s
attering o the square barrier potential.
Loosely speaking, we send a beam of prepared initial in-states 'in towards the square barrier
potential. After the
ollision takes pla
e, the in-state 'in be
omes 'out . We then measure
the probability to nd a nal out-state out . The amplitude of this probability is given by
the following s
alar produ
( out ; 'out ) =( out ; S'in ) ; (5.1.1)
where S is the S -matrix. The
al understanding is that the initial in-states 'in and
the nal out-states out are asymptoti
forms of the so-
alled in-state ve
tor '+ and out-
state ve
tor in the remote past and in the distant future, respe
tively. In terms of these,
the probability amplitude (5.1.1)
an be written as
( ; '+ ) : (5.1.2)
The asymptoti
states 'in and out are related to the \exa
t" states '+ and by the
alled Mller operators:
+ 'in = '+ ; (5.1.3a)
out = : (5.1.3b)
Along with the (total) Hamiltonian H , it is
ustomary to
onsider another \free" Hamil-
tonian H0 , whi
h is assumed to dier from H by the (square barrier) potential V ,
H = H0 + V : (5.1.4)
The potential V represents the intera
tion between the
omponents of the initial prepared
states, for instan
e, the intera
tion between the in-going beam and the target. The
174 5 S
attering o the Square Barrier Potential
understanding is that the initial in-state 'in and the nal out-state out evolve under the
e of the free Hamiltonian H0 , whereas the in-state '+ and the out-state evolve
under the in
e of the (total) Hamiltonian H .
The dynami
s of a s
attering system is therefore governed by the S
hrodinger equation
t to
ertain boundary
onditions. These boundary
onditions spe
ify what is \in"
and what is \out."
The Lippmann-S
hwinger equation for the in- and out-kets jE i has the s
onditions built into it. As we shall see, the Lippmann-S
hwinger equation tells
us what is \in" and what is \out" by spe
ertain analyti
al properties of its solutions.
The analyti
al properties satised by the in-ket jE + i (or, equivalently, by the wave fun
h'+jE +i) are dierent to those satised by the out-ket jE i (or, equivalently, by the wave
tion h jE i). In in
orporating these two dierent types of boundary
onditions into
a RHS framework, we will end up
ting two dierent RHSs:
H : (5.1.5)
On our way, we will also
t the Mller operators and the S-matrix, and we will
express the matrix element (5.1.2) in terms of the in- and out-Lippmann-S
hwinger kets:
Z 1
( ; '+) = dE h jE iS (E )h+E j'+i : (5.1.6)
This expression will be used to derive the
omplex basis ve
tor expansion in Chapter 6.
In Eq. (5.2.8), the quantities hrjE i are eigenfun
tions of the formal dierential operator h0 ,
~2 d2
h0 hrjE i = hr j E i = E hr j E i ; (5.2.9)
2m dr2
whereas the quantities hrjE i are eigenfun
tions of the formal dierential operator h satis-
fying proper boundary
onditions (that we will spe
ify later),
~2 d2
hhrjE i = + V (r ) hr j E i = E hr j E i : (5.2.10)
2m dr2
In the absen
e of potential, the Lippmann-S
hwinger eigenfun
tions tend to the free Hamil-
tonian eigenfun
lim hrjE i = hrjE i : (5.2.11)
V0 !0
The generalized eigenve
tors jE i of H0 and the eigenfun
tions hrjE i of h0 are related by
Z 1
h'j E i = dr h'jrihrjE i : (5.2.12)
176 5 S
attering o the Square Barrier Potential
The generalized eigenve
tors jE i of H and the eigenfun
tions hrjE i of h are related by
Z 1
h j i = lim
'+ E+!0
dr h'+ jrihrj(E + i)+ i ; '+ 2 ; (5.2.13a)
Z0 1
h jE i = lim
dr h jrihrj(E i) i ; 2 + : (5.2.13b)
The wave fun
tions '+ are usually
alled in-states, whereas the the wave fun
tions are
alled out-states. However, we shall
all the observables (or out-observables), be
they are determined by the registration apparatus. In order to grasp the meaning of this ter-
minology, let us
onsider the matrix element ( ; '+). This s
alar produ
t is the amplitude
of the probability to observe the out-state in the in-state '+ . Sin
e is determined by
the property we want to measure, it stands to reason that we
all it observable and denote
it by a spe
The a
tion of the Lippmann-S
hwinger kets is dened as the limits in (5.2.13). We are
now going to elaborate on that denition.
The dieren
e between the in-states and the observables is re
ted not only in the
notation, but also in the fa
t that they belong to dierent subspa
es of the Hilbert spa
The reason for this is the following:2 the boundary
onditions built into the Lippmann-
hwinger equation for the in-ket jE +i (or, equivalently, for the eigenfun
tion hrjE +i) are
dierent to the boundary
onditions for the ket jE i (or, equivalently, for the eigenfun
hrjE i). Sin
e the boundary
onditions determine the spa
e of test fun
tions on whi
h the
kets a
t, the in-ket jE +i a
ts on a spa
e , and the out-ket jE i a
ts on a spa
e + ,
h is dierent to .
The dieren
e in the boundary
onditions for the in- an out-kets is built into the i of
Eq. (5.2.1). The meaning of the i is that we are approa
hing the
ut (i.e., the spe
of H ) either from above (+i) or from below ( i). Therefore, the a
tion of the Lippmann-
hwinger kets jE i should be viewed as the limit of the a
tion of
ertain kets j(E i) i
that have meaning when 6= 0,
j(E i)i !!
jE i : (5.2.14)
If we want this limit pro
ess to be well-dened, the following integrals should be well-
dened: Z 1
h'+j(E + i)+ i = dr h'+jrihrj(E + i)+ i ; '+ 2 ; (5.2.15a)
Z0 1
h j(E i) i = dr h jrihrj(E i) i ; 2 + : (5.2.15b)
Thus the a
tion of the Lippmann-S
hwinger kets, that has to be viewed as the limit of the
tion of the kets (5.2.15) when tends to zero, would be dened by
h'+jE +i = lim
h'+j(E + i)+ i ; '+ 2 ; (5.2.16a)
h jE i = lim
h j(E i) i ; 2 + : (5.2.16b)
For a mathemati
al approa
h to this question in terms of RHSs of Hardy fun
tions see Ref. [31℄.
5.2 Lippmann-S
hwinger Equation 177
In addition, we would like our spa
es to be stable under the a
tion of the Hamiltonian.
This is why we should also impose the following
Z 1
(E + i)n h j(E
'+ + i)+ i= dr hH n'+ jrihrj(E + i)+ i ; '+ 2 ; (5.2.17a)
Z0 1
(E i)n h j(E i) i = dr hH n jrihrj(E i) i ; 2 + ; (5.2.17b)
for every n = 0; 1; 2; : : : In the position representation, the
onditions (5.2.17) should lead
to restri
tions in the asymptoti
behavior of the wave fun
tions '+ (r) and (r). In the
energy representation, the
onditions (5.2.17) should lead to analyti
al properties of the
wave fun
tions 'b+ (E ) and b (E ).
The pre
tion between the
onditions satised by '+ (r) ( (r)) and those
satised by 'b+ (E ) ( b (E )) is still an open problem. Our guess is that 'b+ (E ) will be the
limit value of a Hardy
lass fun
tion from below, and that b (E ) will be the limit value of a
lass fun
tion from above (
f. Appendix 5.5.2 for the denition and general properties
of Hardy
lass fun
S (E ) =
J (E ) : (5.2.24)
J+ (E )
From Eq. (5.2.21) it follows that the in- and out-eigenfun
tions are proportional to ea
+ (r; E ) = S (E ) (r; E ) : (5.2.25)
It is worthwhile noting that the boundary
ondition that singles out the in- and out-
hwinger eigenfun
tions is their asymptoti
behavior at innity as fun
of r (see Eqs. (5.2.19e) and (5.2.19f)). That asymptoti
behavior is transfered into the
energy representation as a
ertain analyti
al property of the eigenfun
tion (r; E ) as a
tion of E . Sin
e the boundary
onditions satised by the elements of the spa
e of
test fun
tions are related to the boundary
onditions satised by the eigenfun
tions of the
hrodinger equation, it seems reasonable to expe
t that the boundary
onditions that
single out the '+ (r) and the (r) are related to their asymptoti
behavior, and that
this asymptoti
behavior is transfered into the energy representation as a
ondition on the
al properties of the wave fun
tions 'b+ (E ) and b (E ).
G(r; s; E ) = p
2m=~2 J4(E ) 2iJ4(E )C3 (E ) (r; E ) J3(E ) (r; E ) (s; E ) ;
2m=~2 E J3 (E ) W (E ) 1
W (E ) 2 1
(r ; E ) =
J4(E ) +(r; E ) : (5.2.36)
J3(E )
1 (s; E ) =
J4(E ) (s; E ) ; (5.2.37)
J3(E ) 1
Eq. (5.2.34) leads to
2m=~2 1 h i
G(r; s; E ) = p 2 i J3 ( E ) C4 ( E ) 1 ( r ; E )1 ( s; E ) + J3 ( E ) 2 ( r ; E )1 ( s; E )
2m=~2 E W (E )
<(E ) > 0; =(E ) > 0 ; r > s ; (5.2.38)
and Eq. (5.2.35) leads to
2m=~2 1 h i
G(r; s; E ) = p 2iJ4 (E )C3 (E )1 (r; E )1 (s; E ) + J3 (E )2 (r; E )1 (s; E )
2m=~2 E W (E )
<(E ) > 0; =(E ) < 0 ; r > s : (5.2.39)
The expression of the resolvent in terms of the basis 1 ; 2
an be written as (see Theorem 4
in Appendix 4.4.3)
G(r; s; E ) = ij+ (E )i (r; E )j (s; E ) ; r > s: (5.2.40)
i;j =1
The operator U+ 1 transforms from the energy representation into the position representa-
The expressions (5.2.51) and (5.2.55) provide the eigenfun
tion expansion of any wave
tion in terms of the Æ -normalized eigensolutions + (r; E ) of the Lippmann-S
The unitary operator U+
an be also looked at as a sort of generalized Fourier transform
ts the position and the energy representations. The eigenfun
tions + (r; E )
be viewed as \transition elements" between the r- and the E -representations.
Thus we have
ted the dire
t integral de
omposition of the Hilbert spa
e asso
ated to the eigenfun
tion + (r; E ) of the Lippmann-S
hwinger equation,
H 7 ! U+ H H = b H(E )dE
Sp(H )
f 7 ! U+ f ffb(E )g; f 2 D(H ) ; fb(E ) 2 H(E ) : (5.2.56)
In Eq. (5.2.56), the Hilbert spa
es H, Hb and H(E ) are the same as in Eq. (4.2.64).
5.2 Lippmann-S
hwinger Equation 183
G(r; s; E ) = p
2m=~2 J3(E ) 2iJ3(E )C4 (E ) (r; E ) + J4(E ) (r; E ) (s; E ) ;
2m=~2 E J4 (E ) W (E ) 1
W (E ) 2 1
From Eqs. (5.2.67) and (5.2.68) we
an see that the measures 12 , 21 and 22 in Theorem 4
of Appendix 4.4.3 are zero and that the measure 11 is given by
1 E2 Æ +
+ (E + i) dE
11 ((E1 ; E2 )) = Ælim lim (E
!0 !0+ 2i E1 +Æ 11
i) 11
Z E2
1 2m=~2
= p dE ; (5.2.69)
E1 2m=~2 E
h leads to
1 2m=~2
(E ) 11 (E ) = p ; E 2 (0; 1) : (5.2.70)
2m=~2 E
In order to Æ -normalize, we dene
(r; E ) := (E ) (r ; E ) ; (5.2.71)
5.3 Constru
tion of the Lippmann-S
hwinger Kets and Dira
Basis Ve
tor Expansion 185
h is the eigensolution of the Lippmann-S
hwinger equation (5.2.8) that is Æ -normalized,
and p
fb(E ) := (E )fe(E ) ; fe(E ) 2 L2 ((0; 1); (E )dE ) : (5.2.72)
The unitary operator that Æ -diagonalizes the Hamiltonian is,
Z 1
fb(E ) = (U f )(E ) = drf (r) (r; E ) ; f (r) 2 L2 ([0; 1); dr) : (5.2.73)
The inverse operator of U is given by (see Theorem 3 of Appendix 4.4.3)
Z 1
f (r ) = (U 1 fb)(r ) = dE fb(E ) (r; E ) ; fb(E ) 2 L2 ((0; 1); dE ) : (5.2.74)
Therefore, we have
ted a unitary operator
U : D(H ) L2 ([0; 1); dr) 7 ! D(Eb) L2 ((0; 1); dE )
f 7 ! fb = U f (5.2.75)
that transforms from the position representation into the energy representation. The oper-
ator U diagonalizes H . The operator U 1 transforms from the energy representation into
the position representation.
The expressions (5.2.73) and (5.2.74) provide the eigenfun
tion expansion of any wave
tion in terms of the Æ -normalized eigensolutions (r; E ) and the dire
t integral de
position of H asso
iated to the observables.
ii.) They are su
h that the limit in Eq. (5.3.8) makes sense.
iii.) They satisfy (5.2.17b) for every n = 0; 1; 2; : : :
By means of the unitary operator U , whi
h was
ted in Se
tion 5.2.5, we
obtain the energy representation of the spa
e + ,
U + = b +jR+ : (5.3.9)
For the sake of deniteness, we shall assume that
b +jR+ = S \ H+2 jR+ ; (5.3.10)
where H+2 is the spa
e of Hardy fun
tions from above (
f. Appendix 5.5.2).
The out-ket is also a generalized eigenve
tor of H ,
h j H j E i = hH j E i = E h j E i ; 8 2 + : (5.3.11)
The Dira
basis ve
tor expansion indu
ed by the out-ket reads
Z 1
h Ej i = dr h E jrihrj i; 2 + ; (5.3.12a)
Z 1 0
hr j i = dE hrjE ih E j i ; 2 + : (5.3.12b)
The proof of Eq. (5.4.11) is as follows: Let 2 + and '+ 2 . Sin
e and
'+ belong, in parti
ular, to the Hilbert spa
e L2 ([0; 1); dr ), we
an let the unitary
operator U a
t on both of them,
( ; '+ ) = (U ; U '+ ) : (5.4.12)
The ve
tors U and U '+ belong to L2 ([0; 1); dE ). Therefore,
(U ; U '+ )=
Z 1
dE U ( )(E )(U )( )
'+ E : (5.4.13)
From Eq. (5.4.5) it follows that
(U '+)(E ) = S (E )(U+ '+ )(E ) : (5.4.14)
190 5 S
attering o the Square Barrier Potential
(U ; U '+ )=
Z 1
dE U ( )(E )S (E )(U+ '+)(E ) : (5.4.15)
e 2 +, we are allowed to write
(U )(E ) = h jE i : (5.4.16)
e '+ 2 , we are allowed to write
(U+'+ )(E ) = h+ E j'+ i : (5.4.17)
Substitution of (5.4.16) and (5.4.17) into (5.4.15) leads to (5.4.11).
A similar argument to that used to prove Eq. (5.4.11)
an be used to prove that
Z 1
( out ; S'in ) = dE h out jE iS (E )hE j'ini : (5.4.18)
Many formal identities follow from Eqs. (5.4.11) and (5.4.18). For instan
hE j S j E 0 i = h E j E 0 + i = S ( E ) Æ ( E E 0 ) ; (5.4.19)
Z 1 Z 1
dr hE jrihrjE 0i = dr h E jrihrjE 0 i = Æ (E E0) ; (5.4.20)
0 0
and Z 1
dr h E jrihrjE 0+ i = S (E )Æ (E E 0) : (5.4.21)
The \proof" of these identities follows the pattern of Se
tion 4.2.9.
Self-Adjoint Extension
The rst step is to dene a linear operator on a Hilbert spa
orresponding to the formal
dierential operator
~2 d2
h0 : (5.5.1)
2m dr2
The Hilbert spa
e that is in the RHS of the free Hamiltonian is realized by the spa
L2 ([0; 1); dr) of square integrable fun
tions f (r) dened on the interval [0; 1). The same
5.5 Appendi
es to Chapter 5 191
edure that was used to nd the domain of the total Hamiltonian
an be applied to the
free Hamiltonian,
D(H0) = ff (r) j f (r); h0f (r) 2 L2 ([0; 1); dr); f (r) 2 AC 2 [0; 1); f (0) = 0g : (5.5.2)
On D(H0 ) the formal dierential operator h0 is self-adjoint. In
hoosing (5.5.2) as the
domain of our formal dierential operator h0 , we dene a linear operator H0 by
~2 d2
H0 f (r) := h0 f (r) = f (r) ; f (r) 2 D(H0 ) : (5.5.3)
2m dr2
Resolvent and Green Fun
The expression of the free Green fun
tion G0 (r; s; E ) is be given in terms of eigenfun
of the dierential operator h0 subje
t to
ertain boundary
onditions (
f. Theorem 1 in
tion 4.4.2).
Region <(E ) < 0, =(E ) 6= 0
For <(E ) < 0, =(E ) =
6 0, the free Green fun
tion (see Theorem 1 in Se
tion 4.4.2) is
given by
< p 22m=m=~~2 2 E e0(r;E)2e 0(s;E) r<s
G0 (r; s; E ) = <(E ) < 0 ; =(E ) 6= 0 : (5.5.4)
: p 22m=m=~~2 2 E e0(s;E)2e 0(r;E) r>s
The eigenfun
tion 0 (r; E ) satises the S
hrodinger equation (5.5.5) and the boundary
ditions (4.2.21), r
0 (r; E ) = sin( 2 Er) ; 0 < r < 1 : (5.5.9)
The eigenfun
tion 0+ (r; E ) satises the equation (5.5.5) subje
t to the boundary
(4.2.24), q
0+ (r; E ) = ei ~2 Er ; 0 < r < 1 : (5.5.10)
The eigenfun
tion 0 (r; E ) is given by (5.5.9). The eigenfun
tion 0 (r; E ) satises the
equation (5.5.5) and the boundary
onditions (4.2.24),
i 2~m2 Er
0 (r; E ) =e ; 0 < r < 1: (5.5.12)
trum of H0
ompute the spe
trum Sp(H0 ) of the operator H0 by applying the method used in
tion 4.2.4 to
ompute the spe
trum of H .
Subset =( 1; 0)
We rst take from Theorem 4 of Se
tion 4.4.3 to be ( 1; 0). We
hoose a basis for
the spa
e of solutions of the equation h0 = E as
2m Er
e1 (r; E ) = e ~2 ; (5.5.13a)
e 0 (r ; E ) :
e2 (r; E ) = (5.5.13b)
e0 (r; E ) = e1 (r; E ) e2 (r; E ) ; (5.5.14)
h along with Eq. (5.5.4) leads to
2m=~2 1
G0 (r; s; E ) = p [e1 (r; E ) e2 (r; E )℄ e2 (s; E ) ; r < s ; <(E ) < 0 ; =(E ) 6= 0 :
2m=~2 E 2
5.5 Appendi
es to Chapter 5 193
e2 (s; E ) = e2 (s; E ) ; (5.5.16)
an write Eq. (5.5.15) as
2m=~2 1 h i
G0 (r; s; E ) = p e1 (r ; E )
e2 (s; E )
e2 (r ; E )
e2 (s; E ) ;
2m=~2 E 2
r < s ; <(E ) < 0 ; =(E ) 6= 0 : (5.5.17)
On the other hand, by Theorem 4 in Se
tion 4.4.3 we have
G0 (r; s; E ) = ij (E )ei (r; E )ej (s; E ) r < s: (5.5.18)
i;j =1
The fun
tions ij (E ) are analyti
in a neighborhood of = ( 1; 0). Therefore, the interval
( 1; 0) is in the resolvent set Re(H0 ) of the operator H0 .
Subset = (0; 1)
In this
ase, we
hoose the following basis for the spa
e of solutions of h0 = E :
1 (r; E ) = 0 (r; E ) ; (5.5.20a)
2 (r; E ) =
os( Er) : (5.5.20b)
that transforms from the position representation into the energy representation. The opera-
tor U0 diagonalizes the free Hamiltonian in the sense that Eb U0 H0 U0 1 is the multipli
operator. The inverse operator of U0 is given by (see Theorem 3 of Se
tion 4.4.3)
Z 1
f (r) = U0 1 fb(r ) = dE fb(E ) 0 (r; E ) ; fb(E ) 2 L2 ((0; 1); dE ) : (5.5.42)
The operator U0 1 transforms from the energy representation into the position representa-
The expressions (5.5.39) and (5.5.42) provide the eigenfun
tion expansion of any square
integrable fun
tion in terms of the eigensolutions 0 (r; E ) of h0 . One
an easily see that
lim U = U0 : (5.5.43)
V0 !0
The quantities (5.5.48) fulll the
onditions to be a norm (the proof is almost identi
al to
the proof of Proposition 1 of Se
tion 4.4.4) and
an be used to dene a
ountably normed
topology 0 on 0 (see [5℄),
' !1 ! ' i k' 'k0n;m !1 ! 0 ; n; m = 0; 1; 2; : : : (5.5.49)
an see that the spa
e 0 is stable under the a
tion of H0 and that H0 is 0 -
(the proof is almost identi
al to the proof of Proposition 2 of Se
tion 4.4.4).
e we have
ted the spa
e 0 , we
t its topologi
al dual 0 as the
e of 0 -
ontinuous antilinear fun
tionals on 0 (see [5℄) and therewith the RHS of the
free Hamiltonian
0 L2 ([0; 1); dr) 0 : (5.5.50)
For ea
h E 2 Sp(H0 ), we asso
iate a ket jE i to the generalized eigenfun
tion 0 (r; E )
jE i : 0 7 ! C Z 1
' 7 ! h'jE i := '(r) 0 (r; E )dr = (U0 ')(E ) : (5.5.51)
The ket jE i in Eq. (5.5.51) is a well-dened antilinear fun
tional on 0 , i.e., jE i belongs to
0 (the proof is almost identi
al to the proof of Proposition 3 of Se
tion 4.4.4). The ket
jE i is a generalized eigenve
tor of the free Hamiltonian H0 (the proof is almost identi
al to
the proof of Proposition 3 of Se
tion 4.4.4),
H0jE i = E jE i ; (5.5.52)
h'jH0jE i = hH0'jE i = E h'jE i ; 8' 2 0 : (5.5.53)
e the Fourier transform is an isometry on L2 (R ), we
lude that H+2 and H2 are
losed subspa
es of L2 (R ), and hen
e Hilbert spa
es. Sin
e L2 (R ) = L2 (R + ) L2 (R ),
where stands for orthogonal dire
t sum, we have
L2 (R ) = H+2 H2 : (5.5.68)
A theorem due to van Winter [53℄ establishes that a Hardy fun
an be re
by its boundary values on the semi-axis R + . Whether the re
overed fun
tion is an element
of H+2 or H2 is to be determined by means of the Mellin transform. Thus, if we
all H++ 2
the spa
e of boundary values on R + of the fun
tions in H+2 and H2 + the spa
e of boundary
values on R + of the fun
tions in H2 , we have the following bije
H+2 = H++
2 ; (5.5.69a)
H2 = H2 + ; (5.5.69b)
where the image of any f (x) 2 H2 by is a fun
tion whi
h is equal to f (x) for x 2 R +
and is not dened for negative values of x.
The following are among the other interesting properties of Hardy fun
tions [80℄:
i.) Let us dene the Hilbert transform for an L2 (R ) fun
tion f as
Z 1
f (t)
Hf (x) = 1 P dt ; (5.5.70)
1t x
where P denotes the Cau
hy prin
ipal value. The Hilbert transform is linear and its image
also lies in L2 (R ). A square integrable
omplex fun
tion f (x), with real part u(x) and
imaginary part v (x), belongs to H2 if and only if
Hu = v and Hv = u : (5.5.71)
In parti
ular, a Hardy fun
annot be either real or purely imaginary on the whole real
ii.) From i.), we immediately see that f (x) 2 H2 if and only if its
f (x) 2 H2 .
iii.) Hardy fun
tions vanish at innity. More pre
isely, they behave for large values of
jzj as 1=pz (
f. [79℄).
iv.) Some Hardy fun
tions on C admit analyti
ontinuation beyond the real axis to
C . We may
onsider the fun
tions f (x) 2 L2 (R ) su
h that there is a positive number
with the property that ejxjf (x) 2 L2 (R ). Then, the Fourier transforms of these fun
are Hardy fun
tions on C , and they admit an analyti
ontinuation beyond the real axis to
a strip of width . This means that if ejxj f (x) 2 L2 (R ), its Fourier transform is analyti
on fz 2 C ; < Im z < 1g and if ejxj f (x) 2 L2 (R + ), its Fourier transform is analyti
on fz 2 C ; 1 < Im z < g (
f. [82℄).
v.) A fun
tion whi
h is simultaneously Hardy on both the upper and lower half planes
would be obviously entire, and, as a
e of above
ondition iii), is also bounded.
5.5 Appendi
es to Chapter 5 201
e, Liouville theorem asserts that su
h a fun
tion is
onstant. A
onstant fun
annot be square integrable unless it is zero almost everywhere. However, there exist entire
tions that are also Hardy either on the upper or the lower half plane.
vi.) It is now
lear that the spa
es H+2 and H2 have a trivial interse
tion. However, the
es of fun
tions whi
h are restri
tions of Hardy fun
tions to the positive semiaxis R +
have a nontrivial interse
tion. Moreover, the interse
tion H++
2 \H2 is dense in L2 (R + ) [83℄.
It don't bring you
Well I know it ain't been roses lately
Baby it's just been thorns
And no matter what we do
Nothing seems to
Love has always been my shelter
For you it's been a storm
But for awhile I thought
We'd almost beat the rain
Now there's a hole here in my po
Where all my dreams have gone
Falling out like so many ni
and dimes
And last of all you
You'd always been my good lu
I should've known that lu
Is a waste of time
Cause it don't bring you love if you don't love
And it don't bring you time if you ain't got time
And it don't bring you strength baby if you ain't strong
And it don't bring you kindness if you ain't kind
Now there's a whole lot in life to be unsure of
But there's one thing I
an safely say I know
That of all the things that nally desert us
Pride is always the last thing to go
But it won't bring you love if you don't love
And it won't bring you time if you ain't got time
And it won't bring you strength baby if you ain't strong
And it won't bring you kindness if you ain't kind
And now I wish you only the roses without the thorns
And I hope your dreams are always within rea
And I wish you shelter baby from all your storms
They s
ared you but they never seemed to tea
That I
an't bring you love if you don't love
And I
an't bring you time if you ain't got time
And I
an't bring you strength baby if you ain't strong
And I
an't bring you kindness if you ain't kind
And I
an't bring you kindness if you ain't kind
( 1; 1)-energy representation (i.e., in the representation asso
iated to the support of the
Breit-Wigner amplitude), the Gamow ve
tor is represented by the Breit-Wigner amplitude.
We shall also obtain the time evolution of the Gamow ve
tors, whi
h is given by a semigroup.
Therefore, the Gamow ve
tors have all of the properties that are demanded from a
e state:
1. They are eigenve
tors of the Hamiltonian with
omplex eigenvalues.
2. They
orrespond to the Breit-Wigner amplitude in the energy representation.
3. Their time evolution is given by a semigroup, and obeys the exponential de
ay law.
The organization of this
hapter is as follows. In Se
tion 6.2, we
ompute the resonan
energies as poles of the S -matrix. In Se
tion 6.3, we introdu
e the integral equation that
is satised by the Gamow ve
tors. Next, we
ompute the Gamow eigenfun
tions in the
position representation as the solutions of the time independent S
hrodinger equation with
omplex eigenvalues subje
t to a purely outgoing boundary
ondition. These eigensolutions
will be asso
iated to
ertain eigenfun
tionals (Gamow kets). The [0; 1)-energy represen-
tation of the Gamow eigenfun
tion will be related to the
omplex delta fun
tion, and the
( 1; 1)-energy representation of the Gamow eigenfun
tion will be related to the Breit-
Wigner amplitude. In Se
tion 6.4, the Gamow ve
tors will be used as basis ve
tors. We
shall see that the Gamow ve
tors do not form a
omplete basis|an additional set of kets
needs to be added in order to obtain a
omplete basis. The time evolution of the Gamow
tors is
omputed in Se
tion 6.5. Se
tion 6.6 deals with the time asymmetry behind the
purely outgoing boundary
ondition. Se
tion 6.7 studies the exponential de
ay law of the
Gamow ve
S (E ) =
J (E ) ; E > 0 : (6.2.1)
J+ (E )
As it stands, this expression is valid only for positive energies. As we said in Se
tion 6.1,
the S -matrix resonan
es are asso
iated to the poles of the analyti
ontinuation of S (E )
into the whole
omplex plane. Sin
e S (E ) is not a single-valued fun
tion, it is
to write the S -matrix as a fun
tion of the momentum k before we perform the analyti
S (k ) =
J (k ) ; k > 0 : (6.2.2)
Here the momentum k is given by r
k= 2 E: (6.2.3)
6.2 S-matrix Resonan
es 207
Eq. (6.2.3) provides a Riemann surfa
e in a natural way. The analyti
ontinuation of the
numerator and the denominator of S (k) yield two analyti
tions J (k). Therefore, the
ontinuation of S (k) is analyti
ept at its poles. These are pre
isely the zeros of the
denominator of S (k) (see [85℄),
J+ (k ) = 0 ; (6.2.4)
where now k is
omplex. From Eqs. (4.4.16d) and (5.2.23a) it follows that the equality
(6.2.4) is equivalent to the following:
Q iQ(b a) k Q iQ(b a) k
(1 )e sin(ka) +
os(ka) + (1 + )e sin(ka)
os(ka) = 0 :
k iQ k iQ
The solutions of (6.2.5) are the (S-matrix) resonan
es of the square barrier potential. Equa-
tion (6.2.5) has a denumerable innite number of
omplex resonan
e energy solutions. These
ome in pairs ER i R =2 (see Figure 6.2 of Appendix 6.9). The pole ER i R =2 is
iated with the de
aying part of the resonan
e, and it is lo
ated on the lower half-plane
of the se
ond sheet of the two-sheeted Riemann surfa
orresponding to the square root
mapping (see Figure 6.2a of Appendix 6.9). The pole ER + i R =2 is asso
iated with the
growing or formation part of the resonan
e, and it is lo
ated on the upper half-plane of the
ond sheet of the Riemann surfa
e (see Figure 6.2b of Appendix 6.9). In the momentum
plane, this pair of energy poles
orresponds to a pair of poles Re(k) iIm(k) in the lower
half of the k-plane that are mirror images of one another with respe
t to the imaginary axis
(see Figure 6.1 of Appendix 6.9).
The width of the resonan
es in
reases as the energy in
reases, and therefore their lifetime
R = ~= R de
reases. The resonan
es whose energies are below the top of the barrier E = V0
lose to the real axis. As E keeps in
reasing the resonan
es move away from the real
axis towards innity. The square barrier potential poles never
orrespond to a bound or a
virtual state, i.e., they do not lie in the imaginary axis of the momentum plane. The square
barrier potential poles are always simple (
f. [86℄ for an example of a barrier with double
In order to distinguish ea
h of the denumerable innite number of resonan
e poles, the
aying resonan
e energies of the square barrier potential will be denoted by
zn = En i
; n = 1; 2; : : : ; (6.2.6)
whereas the growing resonan
e energies will be denoted by
zn = En + i n
; n = 1; 2; : : : (6.2.7)
orresponding momentum poles will be denoted respe
tively by
kn = Re(kn ) i Im(kn ) = zn ; n = 1; 2; : : : ; (6.2.8)
and by p
kn = Re(kn ) i Im(kn ) = zn ; n = 1; 2; : : : (6.2.9)
208 6 Gamow Ve
tors of the Square Barrier Potential Resonan
This equation was introdu
ed (with a dierent notation) by A. Mondragon et al. in Ref. [40℄.
The +i0 in Eq. (6.3.1) means that we are working with the retarded free Green fun
h has a purely outgoing boundary
ondition built into it. The retarded free Green
tion is analyti
ontinued a
ross the
ut into the lower half plane (of the se
sheet of the Riemann surfa
e), where the
omplex number zR is lo
ated. Therefore, as
A. Mondragon has pointed out, Eq. (6.3.1) should be written as
jzR i = Elim
!zR E H0 + i0
V jE i : (6.3.2)
The notation in this equation expresses better the fa
t that we rst have to
ompute the
retarded free Green fun
tion (E H0 + i0) 1 and then
ontinue it a
ross the
ut into the
lower half plane.1 The minus sign in jzR i means that the de
aying Gamow ve
tor will be
dened as an antilinear fun
tional over the 2 +.
As we said above, the integral equation (6.3.1) has a purely outgoing boundary
built into it. To be more pre
ise, Eq. (6.3.1) in the position representation is equivalent to
the time independent S
hrodinger equation subje
t to the
ondition that far away from the
potential region the solution behave as a purely outgoing wave.
As we saw in Se
tion 6.2, to ea
h de
aying pole zR = ER i R =2 of the S -matrix there
orresponds a growing pole zR = ER + i R =2. We now asso
iate a growing Gamow ve
This also shows that a
onsistent notation will always have
ipping of signs like '+ 2 , 2 + ,
. This
ipping of signs
omes from the fa
t that we perform analyti
ontinuations from the upper (lower)
rim of the
ut, whi
h is labeled by +i0 ( i0), into the lower (upper) half plane, whi
h is labeled by C
(C + ).
6.3 The Gamow Ve
tors 209
jzR +i to the pole of the S -matrix at zR . The integral equation satised by jzR + i should
jzR +i = z H1 i0 V jzR +i = Elim
!zR E H0 i0
V jE i : (6.3.3)
R 0
ontrast to Eq. (6.3.1), Eq. (6.3.3) has a purely in
oming boundary
ondition built into
it. That is, Eq. (6.3.3) in the position representation is equivalent to the time independent
hrodinger equation subje
t to the
ondition that far away from the potential region the
solution behave as a purely in
oming wave.
like we have imposed also a purely outgoing boundary
ondition upon the growing Gamow
tions hrjzR + i. However, sin
e kR is
omplex, the fun
tion eikR r is not always an
outgoing wave. In fa
t, it is an outgoing wave only when Re(kR ) is positive, i.e., when we
are working with the de
aying Gamow ve
tor hrjzR i, and it is an in
oming wave only when
Re(kR ) is negative, i.e., when we are working with the growing Gamow ve
tor hrjzR + i. This
means that working with the momentum kR rather than with zR will allow us to obtain the
aying and the growing Gamow ve
tors at the same time.
The purely outgoing boundary
ondition (6.3.6d) is often written as
du(r; zR )
lim ikR u(r; zR ) = 0 ; (6.3.8)
r!1 dr
u(r; zR ) = hrjzR i : (6.3.9)
an easily
k that (6.3.8) is equivalent to (6.3.6d).
If we impose the
onditions (6.3.6a)-(6.3.6
) upon the general solution of Eq. (6.3.5), we
obtain that, up to a normalization fa
tor, the solution has the form
< sin(kR r ) 0<r<a
(r; zR ) (r; kR ) = J1 (kR )e iQ R r + J2 (kR )e iQR r a<r<b (6.3.10)
J3(kR)eikRr + J4(kR )e ikRr b < r < 1 ;
where r r
2 2m 2m
QR = kR 2 V0 = 2 (zR V0 ) : (6.3.11)
~ ~
The eigensolution (6.3.10), whi
h does not satisfy the purely outgoing boundary
yet, is equal to the analyti
ontinuation of the regular solution (r; E ) of Eq. (5.2.22). In
Eq. (6.3.10), there is no restri
tion on the values that zR
an take, i.e., before imposing
the purely outgoing boundary
ondition zR
an be any
omplex number. If we now impose
(6.3.6d) upon the eigensolution (6.3.10), then the
ient J4 (kR ) = i=2 J+(kR ) must be
zero. Sin
e this
ondition is the same as the
ondition (6.2.4) for the
omplex poles of the
S -matrix, the set of generalized
omplex eigenvalues zR must in
lude the set of S -matrix
e poles. We now show that these two sets of solutions are the same.
The boundary
onditions (6.3.6)
an be written in terms of the
ients of (6.3.10)
J1eiQRa + J2e iQRa = sin(kR a) (6.3.12a)
iQR (J1 e iQ R a J2e ) = kR
os(kR a)
iQ R a (6.3.12b)
J3e = J1e + J2e
ik R b iQ R b iQ R b (6.3.12
ikR J3 e R = iQR (J1 e R J2 e R ) :
ik b iQ b iQ b (6.3.12d)
Writing this set of linear equations as a matrix equation we obtain
0 10 1 0 1
sin(kR a) 0 eiQR a e iQR a 1 0
C B J3 C = B 0 C :
B kR
os(kR a) 0 iQR e iQ R a iQR e iQ R a C B C B C
0 ik
e R b iQ
e R b e R A J1 A 0 A
iQ b (6.3.13)
0 ikR eikR b iQR eiQR b iQR e iQR b J2 0
6.3 The Gamow Ve
tors 211
This is a homogeneous system of four equations with four unknowns. The system has a
non-trivial solution i the determinant of the
ients is equal to zero,
sin(kR a) 0 eiQR a e iQR a
os(kR a) 0 iQR eiQR a iQR e iQR a = 0 : (6.3.14)
0 e Rb
ik eiQR b e iQR b
0 ikR eikR b iQR e iQ R b iQR e iQR b
omputations show that the
ondition (6.3.14) is the same as the
(6.2.5). Thus the set of generalized eigenvalues of the time independent S
hrodinger equation
t to purely outgoing boundary
onditions is the same as the set of S -matrix poles.
As we mentioned earlier, the solutions of (6.2.5)
ome in pairs of a growing and a de
pole. We have denoted those poles by zn and zn and their
orresponding momenta by kn
and kn . The eigenfun
tion asso
iated to zn = En i n =2 is the de
aying Gamow ve
in the position representation, whose radial part, up to a normalization fa
tor, is
> 1 sin(k r ) 0<r<a
< J3 (kn )
> n
un(r; zn ) un(r; kn) = J31 (knn ) eiQn r + JJ32 ((kknn )) e iQn r
J (k )
a<r<b (6.3.15)
: ikn r e b < r < 1:
The eigenfun
tion asso
iated to zn = En + i n =2 is the growing Gamow ve
tor in the position
representation, whose radial part, up to a normalization fa
tor, is
> 1
< J3 ( kn )
> sin( kn r) 0<r<a
un (r; zn ) un(r; kn ) = JJ31 (( kknn )) e iQn r + JJ23 (( kknn )) eiQn r a<r<b (6.3.16)
: ik r
e n b < r < 1:
Form equations (6.3.10), (6.3.15) and (6.3.16) it follows that the Gamow eigenfun
tions are
proportional to the analyti
ontinuation of the regular solution,
un(r; kn) =
J (kn) (r; kn) ; (6.3.17a)
un(r; kn ) =
J ( kn ) (r; kn) : (6.3.17b)
There is an extensive literature on the normalization of Gamow ve
tors (
f. [40℄ and refer-
es therein). We shall not treat this problem here, although we would like to mention
that the normalization proposed by A. Mondragon et al. [40℄ seems to be the most suitable.
The eigenfun
tions un (r; zn) of the dierential operator h are obviously not square in-
tegrable, i.e., they do not belong to the Hilbert spa
e L2 ([0; 1); dr). In order to
an eigenket jzn i of the Hamiltonian H asso
iated to the eigenfun
tion un (r; zn), we follow
the pattern of Se
tion 5.3. The Gamow ket jzn i asso
iated to the eigenfun
tion un(r; zn ) is
dened by
jzn i : + 7 ! C Z 1
7 ! h jzn i := dr (r)u(r; zn) : (6.3.20)
Under the assumptions made upon the elements of + , the fun
tion jzn i is a well-dened
antilinear fun
tional. It is easy to show that the fun
tion jzn i is a generalized eigenve
of H with
omplex eigenvalue zn ,
H j z n i = zn j z n i ; (6.3.21)
or more pre
h jH jzn i = znh jzn i ; 8 2 + : (6.3.22)
In a similar vein, we
an dene a ket jzn + i asso
iated to the eigenfun
tion un(r; zn ),
jzn +i : 7 ! C Z 1
' 7 ! h' jzn i :=
+ + +
dr '+ (r)u(r; zn ) ; (6.3.23)
and prove that this is a well dened antilinear eigenfun
tional of the Hamiltonian H with
omplex eigenvalue zn ,
h'+jH jzn +i = zn h'+jzn +i ; 8'+ 2 : (6.3.24)
Appendix 5.5.2. We shall show that in the [0; 1)-energy representation the Gamow ve
ts as the antilinear
omplex delta fun
tional2 multiplied by a normalization fa
tor. In the
( 1; 1)-energy representation, the Gamow ve
an be asso
iated to the Breit-Wigner
amplitude multiplied by a normalization fa
First, we dene the antilinear
omplex delta fun
tional jzbn i,
jzbn i : b +jR+ 7 ! C
b 7 ! h b jzb i := e (zn ) ; (6.3.25)
dr r r zn
= An zn b( )
= An zn ; h b jb i 8 b 2 b j
+ R+ ; (6.3.30)
where in the last step we have used the denition (6.3.25). This proves Eq. (6.3.27).
For a great deal of information about the antilinear
omplex delta fun
tional and its representations,
the reader is referred to [87℄.
214 6 Gamow Ve
tors of the Square Barrier Potential Resonan
If we write the a
tion of jzbn i as an integral operator, the kernel of integration is the
omplex delta fun
Z 1
h b jzbn i = dE An Æ (E zn ) b (E ) : (6.3.31)
We are now going to study the relation between the
omplex delta fun
tion and the
Breit-Wigner amplitude. We shall show that
j i = Anjzbn i ; (6.3.32)
E zn
where is the dual extension of the fun
tion , and is the fun
tion that takes any fun
of E zn i
b + into its restri
tion to the positive real line (
f. Appendix 5.5.2). The fun
tional j 1
of Eq. (6.3.32) is asso
iated to the Breit-Wigner amplitude by
j E 1 z i : b + 7 ! C
n Z 1
1 1 A
b 7 ! h b j
1 1 i := dE 2i E z 1 b (E ) ;
E zn 1 n
where An is the normalization fa
tor of Eq. (6.3.27). We shall
all the fun
tional dened
by Eq. (6.3.33) the Breit-Wigner fun
tional. By Tit
hmarsh theorem [80℄, the Breit-Wigner
tional is a well dened antilinear fun
The key property that will be used to prove (6.3.32) is that the fun
tions b of b + jR+ are
boundary values of Hardy fun
tions from above. In order to build the ground of that proof,
we rst show the relation between the [0; 1)-energy representation and the ( 1; 1)-energy
b ; b +jR+ L2 ([0; 1); dE ) (b +jR+ ) [0; 1) energy repr:
" "
1b ; b + H+2 b + ( 1; 1) energy repr:
where H+ is the spa
e of Hardy fun
tions from above. It is worthwhile noting that although
we have denoted the fun
tions 1 b and b by a dierent symbol, they are indeed the same
tion. More pre
isely, they are dierent \pie
es" of the same fun
tion. In parti
ular, the
value of their analyti
ontinuation at a
omplex number z is the same,
1 b (z ) = b (z ) : (6.3.35)
Obviously, the fun
tions e and 1eenjoy an analogous property,
1 e (z ) = e (z ) : (6.3.36)
The reason why we use a dierent symbol for dierent \pie
es" of the same fun
tion is that
the the proof on the
tion between the Breit-Wigner amplitude and the
omplex delta
tion be
omes more apparent:
6.3 The Gamow Ve
tors 215
e ( ) = 21 Z 11 1 e ( )
1 zn
dE (6.3.37)
E zn
1 E :
The right hand side of this equation equals the a
tion of the
omplex delta fun
at multiplied by An ,
h jj 1 i = A h jz i ; 8 2 j + ;
E zn
n bb n
b b
(6.3.43) +R
integration into the lower half-plane of the se
ond sheet of the Riemann surfa
e, where the
aying resonan
e poles are lo
ated (see Figure 6.3a of Appendix 6.9). Using the results
that appear in [88℄, we
an write (6.4.1) as
Z 1 1
; '+ = h jE iS (E )hE +j'+idE 2i rn h jzn ih+znj'+i ; (6.4.2)
0 n=0
where rn denotes the residue of the S -matrix at zn . The integral in Eq. (6.4.2) is done on
the negative real semiaxis of the se
ond sheet of the Riemann surfa
e. The series in (6.4.2)
an be shown to be
onvergent [88℄. Omitting in (6.4.2), we get the
omplex basis ve
expansion for the states,
Z 1 1
'+ = jE iS (E )h+E j'+idE 2i rn jzn ih+zn j'+i : (6.4.3)
0 n=0
In Eq. (6.4.3), the innite sum
ontains the resonan
ontribution, while the integral
is interpreted as the ba
ontribution. Needless to say, the Gamow ve
tors in
Eq. (6.4.3) are dened up to a normalization fa
Similarly, we obtain the
omplex basis ve
tor expansion for the observable [88℄, but
now we deform the
ontour of integration into the upper half-plane of the se
ond sheet of
the Riemann surfa
e, where the growing resonan
e poles are lo
ated (see Figure 6.3b)
Z 1 1
= j iS (E )hE j idE + 2i
E+ rn jzn + ih zn j i: (6.4.4)
0 n=0
In this equation, rn denotes the residue of S -matrix at zn . The integration in (6.4.4) is
performed on the negative real semiaxis of the se
ond sheet of the Riemann surfa
e. The
series in (6.4.4) has been shown to be
onvergent [88℄.
= jJ4j2e n =~(t+r=vn )
; r > b; (6.6.5)
that we
all in
oming de
aying probability density, and of (6.6.2)
we interpret by saying that we have a purely outgoing probability density
ondition for the
aying part of the resonan
For the growing part of the resonan
e, the probability densities (before imposing J4 = 0)
are the absolute value square of (6.6.3)
oming (r ; zn ; t) = juin
oming (r ; zn ; t)j = jJ3j2e2Im(kn)r+ n t=~
growing growing 2
= jJ3j2e n =~(t+r=vn ) ; r > b ; (6.6.7)
that we
all the in
oming growing probability density, and of (6.6.4)
outgoing (r ; zn ; t) = juoutgoing (r ; zn ; t)j = jJ4j2e 2Im(kn )r+ nt=~
growing growing 2
= jJ4j2e n =~(t r=vn ) ; r > b ; (6.6.8)
that we
all the outgoing growing probability density. For this growing part, the
J4 = 0 leads to the
lusion that in the growing stage of a resonan
e only waves with
purely in
oming probability density are allowed.
In short, the purely outgoing boundary
ondition (6.3.6d) must be read as purely outgoing
(in phase or in probability density) only for the de
aying part of the resonan
e and as purely
oming (in phase or in probability density) for the growing part of the resonan
Experimentally, the probability of nding the de
aying state parti
le around r0 , that is,
ounting rate of the dete
tor, is not dened for all times t: a resonan
e must be rst
prepared before the system
an de
ay. The time at whi
h the preparation of the resonan
is nished and at whi
h the de
ay starts
an be
hosen arbitrarily (we
hoose it to be 0). For
example, the parti
le emitted by an -unstable nu
leus travels at speed v = R =(2~Im(k))
and rea
hes the point r0 at the time t(r0 ) = r0 =v . For times less than t(r0 ), the parti
222 6 Gamow Ve
tors of the Square Barrier Potential Resonan
is not there yet, and therefore the
ounting rate measured by a dete
tor pla
ed at r0 is zero
for times t < r0 =v . Whatever would have been
ounted by the dete
tor before the instant
t(r0 ) at r0
annot be
ted with the de
aying state. Thus the theoreti
al probability
to dete
t a resonan
e at r0 should be zero for t < r0 =v . This is an instan
e of the time
asymmetry built into a de
aying pro
Experimentally as well, the de
ay of unstable systems usually follows the exponential
law (
f. Refs. [44, 45, 46, 47℄).
The Hilbert spa
annot a
ommodate either the time asymmetry of Pr0 (t) [89℄ or
the exponential de
ay law [90℄. To a
ount for these two features, we should use the Rigged
Hilbert Spa
e. In the RHS formulation, the Gamow ve
tors have an asymmetri
evolution given by a semigroup e iH t=~ (
f. Se
tion 6.5 above), whi
h a
ounts for the time
asymmetry of a resonant pro
ess. The behavior of the semigroup evolution is in
ontrast to
the time-symmetri
Hilbert spa
e time evolution, whi
h is given by a group.
We are going to show that the exponential de
ay law holds if we
onsider only the
e (Gamow ve
ontribution to the probability (6.7.1). In Se
tion 6.4, we used
the Gamow ve
tors as basis ve
tors to expand the normalized in-state '+ in terms of the
kground and the resonan
ontribution (see Eq. (6.4.3)). In order to
ompute the n-th
ontribution to the probability (6.7.1), we approximate '+ by the Gamow ve
by negle
ting the ba
kground term and the
ontribution of the rest of the resonan
es in
u (r ; z )
'+ (r; ; ) ' nD (r; ; ) = n n Y0;0 (; ) : (6.7.2)
Thus the n-th resonan
ontribution to the probability is
Pr0 (t) ' d
r2 drjhr; ; j D ij2
n (t) : (6.7.3)
r 0
The time evolution of the n-th Gamow ve
tor is given by
D iH t=~ D i(En t i n =2)t=~ D ;
n (t) =e n =e n (6.7.4)
and therefore
hr; ; j D i=e i(En i n =2)t=~ un (r ; zn ) Y (; ) :
n ( t) 0;0
Inserting (6.7.5) into (6.7.3) yields
Pr0 (t) ' je n =(2~)t
j 2 drjun(r; zn)j2
Z r0
= e n t=~
drj2iNn j2 jei(Re(kn ) iIm(kn ))r 2j
Z r0 +r0
= e n t=~
j2Nnj 2 dre2Im(kn )r
2Im(kn )r0
= e n t=~
j2Nnj2e2Im(kn)r0 e 2Im(kn )
6.8 Con
lusion to Chapter 6 223
where we have used the approximation r0 small in the next to the last step. Therefore,
Equation (6.7.7) represents the n-th resonan
ontribution to the
ounting rate measured
by a dete
tor pla
ed at r0 . This
ounting rate rea
hes its maximum at t = r0 =vn , and
reases exponentially as time goes on. Therefore, the n-th Gamow ve
tor (resonan
ontribution to the probability Pr0 (t) follows the exponential de
ay law.
Im k
Re k
E (first sheet)
E (second sheet)
E (second sheet)
E (first sheet)
E (first sheet)
E (second sheet)
E (second sheet)
E (first sheet)
Figure 6.3: Deformation of the path of integration into the se
ond sheet of the energy
Riemann surfa
e; (a) for the de
aying states and (b) for the growing states.
Chapter 7
The Time Reversal Operator in the
Rigged Hilbert Spa
In this
hapter, we study the behavior of resonan
es under the time reversal operation. We
shall study the standard time reversal operator and also a non-standard one, whi
h yields
a doubling of the RHS.
7.1 Introdu
tion 229
The a
tion of e iH t on jzR i for t < 0 and on jzR + i for t > 0 is, however, not dened. Thus
the Hilbert spa
e group evolution splits into two semigroups. This splitting is a
of the
e of and the properties of Hardy fun
tions. The
e of Hardy fun
tions is
related to a
ondition, and therefore the splitting is also related to
ausality. The
230 7 Time Reversal Operator in the Rigged Hilbert Spa
splitting of the group of evolution into two semigroups shows the irreversible
ter of a
e [52, 54, 55℄.
In his study of the representations of the Poin
are group extended by time reversal and
parity, Wigner found four dierent possibilities (
f. Table I of Appendix 7.4 and Refs. [61,
62℄). The rst possibility is the standard one, but the other three imply a doubling of the
e that supports the representation. J. F. Cari~nena and M. Santander
ted the
tive representations of the Galilei group extended by time inversion and parity [63℄.
They also found four possibilities for the
ase with mass. As for the Poi
are group, the
ase does not yield a doubling of the spa
e that supports the representation,
while the other three do yield a doubling. Bohm [64℄ has studied the latter time reversal
(T = I = 1) in the relativisti
ase, whi
h yields a doubling. One of our goals is to
t an analog to this doubling in the non-relativisti
ase for s-waves (j = 0).
In the next se
tion, we dis
uss the ee
t of the time reversal operator on Gamow ve
tors in the standard
ase. This standard
ase is labeled by T = I = 1 (see Table I of
Appendix 7.4). In Se
tion 7.3, we study the the
ase T = I = 1 (see Table I of Ap-
pendix 7.4) and present the idea of time reversal doubling. In Appendix 7.4, we review some
general aspe
ts of the time reversal operation.
For s waves (j = 0), the standard
e of the time reversal operation is T = I = 1 (see
Table I of Appendix 7.4). Therefore, in the energy representation the time reversal operator
AT a
ts as the
onjugation C . Sin
e the mapping C transforms any fun
tion of E
into its
onjugate, we have
C : H2 \ S R+ 7 ! H2 \ S R+ : (7.2.2)
Moreover, one
an show that this map is
Our next goal is to dene time reversal operators AT on . These operators should
be equivalent to C and the equivalen
e should be given by U . Their denition is:
AT := Uy C U : (7.2.3)
This denition makes the following diagram:
H2 \ S R+ C
! H2 \ S R+
Uy # # Uy (7.2.4)
These operators have the following properties:
1. AT are
ontinuous antilinear mappings from onto .
2. They
an be extended to (
ontinuous) antiunitary mappings from Ha
onto itself.
3. Their adjoints are given by
h iy
y y
AT = U C U = Uy C U = AT ; (7.2.5)
that is, they are adjoint to ea
h other.
4. They are inverse to ea
h other,
AT + AT = U+y CU U y CU+ = I ; on ; (7.2.6)
AT AT + = U y CU+ U+y CU = I ; on + : (7.2.7)
Consider now a densely dened
ontinuous antilinear operator A on H with the following
property: there are two RHSs H and H su
h that Ay maps
ontinuously into . Then, A
an be extended by
ontinuity to using the following
h jAF i := hAy jF i = hF jAy i ; 8F 2 ; 8 2 : (7.2.8)
Thus A is a weak
ontinuous antilinear mapping from into . The proof of this goes
tly as the proof for the linear
ase [93℄.
232 7 Time Reversal Operator in the Rigged Hilbert Spa
It is straightforward to apply this denition to the time reversal operator, after making
the identi
ation = , = , A = AT , and Ay = AT . Thus, we have the following
ontinuous antilinear extensions:
AT : 7 ! : (7.2.9)
These extensions are one-to-one, onto mappings with
ontinuous inverses, and they indeed
extend AT as originally dened in (7.2.3).
We now obtain the images of Lippmann-S
hwinger kets and of the Gamow ve
tors by
AT . To this end, let us
onsider two arbitrary ve
tors ' 2 .1 Their wave fun
tions in
the energy representation are given by
'b (E ) = h E j' i = (U ' )(E ) 2 H2 \ S R+ : (7.2.10)
Using the denition of AT we obtain
h'jAT jE i = hE jAyT 'i = C 'b(E ) = 'b(E ) = h'jE i ; (7.2.11)
that is,
AT jE i = jE i : (7.2.12)
Take now the Gamow ve
tors jzR i and jzR + i. Then
h'+jAT +jzR i = h zR jAyT +'+i = C 'b+(zR ) = 'b+(zR ) = h'+jzR+i ; (7.2.13)
that is,
AT + jzR i = jzR + i : (7.2.14)
AT jzR + i = jzR i : (7.2.15)
Next, we study the a
tion of the standard time reversal operator on the time evolution
semigroups. We know that eiHt + + if t > 0. Then,
AT + eiHt AT '+ = U+y CU eiHt U y CU+ '+
= U+y CeitE CU+ '+
= U+y e itE U+ '+
= ei( t)H '+ ; '+ 2 ; t > 0 : (7.2.16)
Analogously, if t < 0, we have that eiHt . Then
AT eiHt AT + ' = ei( t)H ' ; ' 2 + ; t < 0 : (7.2.17)
AT + U+y (t)AT = U y ( t) ; t > 0 ; (7.2.18a)
AT U y (t)AT + = U+y ( t) ; t < 0 : (7.2.18b)
In this
hapter, we shall denote the observables by ' in order not to repeat the formulas twi
7.2 The Standard Time Reversal Operator (T = I = 1) 233
We see that the operators AT transform one semigroup into the other. The extension of
these formulas to the dual spa
es yields
ould expe
t that the operators AT are the same operator restri
ted to dierent
subdomains. That is true. As a matter of fa
t, their extensions to Ha
The proof of this statement is rather simple. Write
A2T + = U+y CU y
U+ CU : (7.2.20)
e U = U0
y, one has
A2T + =
y : (7.2.21)
The S operator is given by
S =
+ ; (7.2.22)
and its adjoint is given by
Sy =
: (7.2.23)
U0 SU0 1 = U0SU0y = S (E ) (= S (E + i0) ; E> 0) ; (7.2.24)
we have that
y = (U
U0 S y U0
y)y = S (E ) : (7.2.25)
0 SU0
It is not diÆ
ult to show that C is a
ontinuous antilinear bije
tion from onto ,
C = : (7.3.7)
Thus C
an be
ontinuously extended to the dual spa
C ( ) = () : (7.3.8)
As an operator on Ha
C 2 , the square of C is proportional to the identity,
C 2 = I = T I ; (7.3.9)
where I represents the identity on Ha
C 2 .
In order to
larify the notation, we repla
e the supers
ript signs by r, with r = +; .
That is, we shall write r , and so on. This notation makes it
lear that the signs above are
independent of the signs below.
Let us dene the operators
U := U
I ; (7.3.10)
where I is the identity on C 2 . We
an write these operators as
U = U 0 ; (7.3.11)
0 U
and their adjoints as
Uy = U1 = Uy 0 : (7.3.12)
0 Uy
It is
lear that U maps Ha
C 2 onto L2 (R + )
C 2 . Using those operators, we
an dene
the following spa
r := Uy r : (7.3.13)
Clearly, the spa
es r are subspa
es of Ha
C 2 . It is obvious that
r=+ =
; (7.3.14a)
r= =
0 : (7.3.14b)
The operators U and their respe
tive inverses Uy
an be
ontinuously extended to the dual
We are now in a position to introdu
e the time reversal operators for our T = I = 1
e. They
an be dened as
AT := Uy C U : (7.3.15)
These two operators have similar properties to those satised by AT . We list here these
properties without proofs, sin
e these proofs do not dier mu
h from those for AT :
236 7 Time Reversal Operator in the Rigged Hilbert Spa
1. AT are
ontinuous antilinear mappings from r onto r , respe
ontinuously extended to antilinear mappings between the respe
tive duals.
2. They are adjoint to ea
h other,
AyT = AT : (7.3.16)
3. As operators on Ha
C 2 , they are antiunitary. In addition, they are inverse to ea
AT +AT = I ; (7.3.17a)
AT AT + = I : (7.3.17b)
determine the a
tion of AT on those eigenkets. We start with the following denition,
h has its origin in (7.2.8):
hjAT jE ; ri = hE ; rjAyT i ; 2 r : (7.3.21)
From (7.3.15) we obtain
AT = A 0 AT
: (7.3.22)
T 0
Let us write
= ' ; (7.3.23)
where ' ; 2 . We shall study separately the
ases r = . Take rst r = +. Then
h E ; r = +jAT i = (h E j; 0) ATy '
= h E jAT i
= h jAT jE i
= h jE i
= (' ; ) jE i
= h jE ; r = i : (7.3.24)
This and Eq. (7.3.21) yield
AT jE ; r = +i = jE ; r = i : (7.3.25)
The signs appear as the
ient of jE ; r = i in Eq. (7.3.25) only if we make the
e AT = Uy C U+ . The
e AT = Uy C U+ repla
es the signs in (7.3.25) by plus.
Now take r = . An analogous
ulation to (7.3.24) yields
AT jE ; r = i = jE ; r = +i ; (7.3.26)
where the signs have the same origin as in the
ase r = +. The
e AT = Uy C U+
es them by minus.
The next step is to dene the Gamow ve
tors and to obtain their images under time
reversal. The Gamow ve
tors jzR i and jzR+ i
an be used to dene the following Gamow
tors for our T = I = 1
jzR ; r = +i := 0R ; z i (7.3.27a)
jzR ; r = i := jz i ; (7.3.27b)
jzR ; r = +i := jzR0 i ;
+ (7.3.27
jzR ; r = i := jz+i :
+ 0 (7.3.27d)
238 7 Time Reversal Operator in the Rigged Hilbert Spa
The Gamow ve
tors (7.3.27a) and (7.3.27b) are generalized eigenve
tors of the operator
I with generalized eigenvalue zR , while the Gamow ve
tors (7.3.27
) and (7.3.27d) are
generalized eigenve
tors of H
I with generalized eigenvalue zR . One
an also show that
AT +jzR ; r = +i = jzR+ ; r = i ; (7.3.28a)
AT +jzR ; r = i = jzR+ ; r = +i ; (7.3.28b)
AT jzR+ ; r = +i = jzR ; r = i ; (7.3.28
AT jzR+; r = i = jzR ; r = +i : (7.3.28d)
The overall signs on the right hand side of Eqs. (7.3.28
) and (7.3.28d)
orrespond to the
AT = Uy+ C U : (7.3.29)
For the
AT = Uy+ C U ; (7.3.30)
the overall signs on the right hand side of Eqs. (7.3.28
) and (7.3.28d) are the opposite.
Now, we obtain the a
tion of the time reversal operator on the time evolution semigroups.
The time evolution semigroups are dened on the dual spa
es (r ) as
W(t) := U(t)
I = U(t) 0
: (7.3.31)
0 U (t)
The operator W+ (t) is well dened on (r+ ) for t > 0 only, while W (t) is well dened on
(r ) for t < 0 only. From Eqs. (7.2.19) it follows that
AT +W+ (t)AT = W ( t) ; t > 0 ; (7.3.32a)
AT W (t)AT + = W+ ( t) ; t < 0 : (7.3.32b)
This result has been obtained for the
e of AT as in (7.3.29). If we made the
(7.3.30), a minus sign would appear on the right hand side of Eqs. (7.3.32). As mentioned
above, we prefer the
e (7.3.29), be
ause we want Eqs. (7.3.32) to not have that minus
time displa
ement by t time reversal time displa
ement by t time reversal : (7.4.2)
If we denote the time reversal operator by C , a possible denition would be C (t) = ( t).
However, this kind of operation is obviously linear. The need for an antilinear time reversal
operation has been ni
ely shown by Wigner in the following terms:
Consider a system whose Hamiltonian has a
omplete set of eigenve
tors 'n (for
e, the Harmoni
illator, the bound states of the Hydrogen atom, or any
system formed by the bound states of the Hamiltonian, if any). Then, any state
tor '
an be expanded by those eigenve
' =
X an 'n ; (7.4.3)
H'n = E n 'n : (7.4.4)
The operations (7.4.2) yield the identity if and only if:
time displa
ement by t time reversal = time reversal time displa
ement by t :
Let us apply these operations to ' in (7.4.3). If we assume that the time reversal
operator C is linear, then
C' =
an C'n : (7.4.6)
e [H; C ℄ = 0, C'n is also an eigenve
tor of the Hamiltonian with the same eigen-
value En. Therefore, time displa
ement by t on (7.4.6) gives
X an e iEn t C'n : (7.4.7)
ording to the rule in (7.4.5), this should be equal to the result of performing rst
the time displa
ement by t on '
X an eiEn t 'n ; (7.4.8)
and then the time reversal operation C , whi
h (assuming that C is linear) leads to
X an eiEn t C'n : (7.4.9)
This result does not
ide with the expression given by (7.4.7). However, they do
ide if C is dened as an antilinear operator.
240 7 Time Reversal Operator in the Rigged Hilbert Spa
e we have shown that the time reversal operator must be antilinear, we study its
tion in the energy representation. In this representation, the Hamiltonian H a
ts as the
ation operator. If (E ) is a wave fun
tion in the energy representation, then the
tion of the time reversal operator on it is dened by
C (E ) := (E ) ; (7.4.10)
where we have
hosen the
onjugation as the time reversal operator (as Wigner
does). Time displa
ement by t on (7.4.10) gives
e iEt (E ) : (7.4.11)
If we apply time reversal to (7.4.11), whi
h is now equivalent to perform the
onjugation operation, we obtain
eiEt (E ) : (7.4.12)
Finally, time displa
ement by t on (7.4.12) gives
e iEt eiEt (E ) = (E ) : (7.4.13)
e, the time reversal operator C dened by (7.4.10) fullls the above rule (7.4.2) and is
antilinear. Obviously,
C ( (E; t)) = C (e iEt (E )) = eiEt (E ) : (7.4.14)
an look at eiEt (E ) as the result of applying time displa
ement by t on (E ).
Therefore, eiEt (E ) is what should be identied with the (E; t) (or t (E )) that
appears in the literature. Note that (E; t) = eiEt (E ) = [e iEt (E )℄ = [ (E; t)℄ .
The same
an be argued in the position representation, where time reversal is given by
Ce (~x) = (~x) : (7.4.15)
However, in the momentum representation, the time reversal operator, whi
h we denote
by C 0 , a
ts as
C 0 '(p~) = ['( p~)℄ ; (7.4.16)
e the time reversal
hanges ~p for p~.
In order to show it, let (~x) be a wave fun
tion in the position representation. Then
orresponding wave fun
tion in the momentum representation is given by
b (p~) F (p~) := 21
1 Z
e i~p~x (~
x) d~
x: (7.4.17)
where F and hat denote the Fourier transform. The Fourier transform takes the time
reversal operator in the position representation into the time reversal operator in the
momentum representation,
C0 = FCF 1 :e (7.4.18)
7.4 Appendix 10: Time Reversal 241
(C 0 )(p~) = e b
(F C F 1 )(p~)
= eZ
(F C )(p~)
= e
1 1 e i~p~x(C )(~x) d~x
2 1
= 21
1 Z
e i~p~x (~
x) d~
b 1
= [ ( p~)℄ ; (7.4.19)
h proves Eq. (7.4.16).
Consider now an arbitrary representation supported by the Hilbert spa
e H. Let U be
the unitary operator that transforms from the position into that arbitrary representation.
Analogously to (7.4.18), we dene the time reversal operator AT on H as
e 1 U C
AT := U CU e (~
x) : (7.4.20)
If we denote T := AT , (t) := e itH , and
all H 0 = U 1 HU the Hamiltonian in the
position representation, then
AT (t) = AT e iHt
= e 1 e iHt
= e 1 e iHt U(~
U CU x)
e iH t (~
= U Ce x)
iH 0t
= Ue (~x)
= eiHt U C
e (~x)
= iHt
e U CU e 1
= eiHt AT
= (AT )( t)
= T ( t) : (7.4.21)
Thus AT (t) = T ( t), whi
h generalizes the equation C (~x; t) = (~x; t).
However, this is not the whole story. As mentioned above, Wigner [61, 62℄ realized that,
ting proje
tive representations of the Poin
are group extended by time inver-
sion and parity, new possibilities exist. These new possibilities are not independent of the
representation of the parity and imply a doubling of the spa
e supporting the representa-
tion. We do not want to dis
uss this
tion here. Instead, we present a table with
the four possibilities (see Table I below). The four possibilities are
terized by two
parameters, whi
h also appear among the parameters that
terize the representations
of the extended Poin
are group.
Consider the spa
e, time, and total inversion operators on a Hilbert spa
e H, whi
h we
denote respe
tively by UP , AT and AI . The operator UP is unitary, while AT and AI are
242 7 Time Reversal Operator in the Rigged Hilbert Spa
antiunitary. From the nature of the
orresponding physi
al operations, it follows that the
operators UP2 , A2T , and A2I must be proportional to the unit operator. Sin
e UP is unitary,
hoose its phase su
h that
UP2 = I ; (7.4.22)
while su
h a normalization is not possible for the antiunitary AT or AI . In fa
t, the antiu-
nitarity and the asso
iative law of the group multipli
ation di
tate that the squares of AT
and AI must ne
essarily equal either +1 or 1:
A2T = T I ; T = 1 ; (7.4.23a)
A2I = I I ; I = 1 : (7.4.23b)
Moreover, the phase of AI
an be
hosen su
h that
AI = UP AT : (7.4.24)
Corresponding to the values that T and I
an take, there exist four extensions of the
ontinuous symmetry group. Barring the existen
e of any additional
onditions, all four are
possible, and Wigner [61℄ has derived these four
lasses of proje
tive representations of the
extended Poin
are group. The results are summarized in the following table:2
Table I
( 1)2j ( 1)2j 1 C
( 1)2j ( 1)2j 1 0 0 C
0 1 C 0
( 1)2j ( 1)2j 1 0 0 C
0 1 C 0
( 1)2j ( 1)2j 1 0 0 C
0 1 C 0
In this table, j refers to the spin of the parti
le under
onsideration, while C is the well
known (2j + 1)-dimensional matrix whose entries are
; = ( 1)j + Æ; , j ; j .
In these representations, the
ontinuous spa
e-time transformations Ug , as well as any other
known observables su
h as the internal symmetry generators B , have the following form:
Ug = Ug 0 ; B= B 0 : (7.4.25)
0 Ug 0 B
In the non-relativisti
ase, J. F. Cari~nena and M. Santander have obtained a totally analogous result
for the Galilei group (in the
ase with mass) [63℄.
7.4 Appendix 10: Time Reversal 243
The representation spa
e of the extensions of the spa
e-time symmetry group by P and
T is therefore redu
ible under the restri
ted symmetry transformations and observables.
From Table I we see that only the
ase for whi
h T = I = ( 1)2j leads to no doubling
of the spa
e of the mi
system under inversions. This is the only
ase dis
ussed in
quantum eld theory, and quantum elds have so far been
ted only for
lass of the four
lasses of proje
tive representations of the extended Poin
are group [94℄.
In the three other
ases, the restri
ted spa
e-time symmetry transformation is doubled
after the time reversal operator is adjoined|the time reversal doubling. In these
the two subspa
es that are left invariant under Ug and B remain invariant also under UP ,
albeit they have opposite relative parity in the two
ases for T I = 1. In these two
ases, the two subspa
an in fa
t be distinguished by their parity eigenvalue, and to
the extent that we asso
iate mi
systems with irredu
ible representations of the
symmetry group, the two subspa
es would des
ribe parti
les with the same mass and spin
but opposite parity. This, however, is not the situation for the extended group
by T = I = ( 1)2j for whi
h the relative parity of the two subspa
es of states is +1. It is
lass of proje
tive representations whi
h have been used in Ref. [64℄, be
ause for these
representations a label r
an be introdu
ed, a two-valued parameter, whi
h was used in
Ref. [64℄ to distinguish between the spa
e of prepared states and the spa
e of time reversed
registered observables. These two subspa
es (have the same parity and) remain irredu
under Ug and B . From Table I it is
lear that AT
hanges the value r.
Chapter 8
In this last
hapter, we present the
lusions of the dissertation.
lusions 247
The RHS language has been used to des
ribe Dira
kets, Lippmann-S
hwinger kets and
Gamow ve
tors in a
onsistent way. We have seen that the mathemati
al image of those
ts should be the following:
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