Doh Summer Immersion Program: Ngipin
Doh Summer Immersion Program: Ngipin
Doh Summer Immersion Program: Ngipin
Met with DTTB Dra. Kristel Agapito, MD. The nurses, midwives, medtech, dentist and all
of the staff at Penablanca RHU in Camasi, Penablanca Cagayan. We were oriented and
toured in the RHU.
Courtesy call with the mayor of Penablanca, Hon. Washington Taguinod.
Started in helping admit patients. Take their height, weight, and BP, asked for patient
details and chief complaint.
Went to the birthing center and get a glimpse of the process and we were taught how to
check for the cervical dilation using the graph.
Assigned to the dental room and helped in organizing patient info and dispensing
antibiotics and pain reliever. Eeery Tuesday was a Free Dental Check Up and Bunot
Went to Cabbo Health Center in Penablanca and helped and observed in immunization
of pediatric patients.
Dra. Kristel Agapito taught us dose computation and also taught us in checking whether
a patient has appendicitis or cholecystitis.
Observed and helped in the Maternal Health checkup of pregnant patients in Cabbo
Health Center.
I met Dra Kristel Agapito, M’aam Irene the nurse, Mam Twinkle, the medtech and all other
staffs. I also met my fellow DOH scholars who are incoming 3rd yr medical students. We were
oriented in what we are going to do in RHU Penablanca. The nurse also gave us a tour. We met
up with Mayor Washington Taguinod for a courtesy call. We then helped in admitting patients, in
bp taking and asking patients their chief complaints. We also went to the birthing center wherein
we were taught how to check for the cervical dilation using graph.
DAY 2 AUGUST 14, 2018
We were assigned at the dental room wherein we helped in organizing the records of
patients, in dispensing pain reliever (mefenamic) and antibiotic (amoxicillin) and patient
counseling. We helped in admitting patients and bp, temperature taking and weight and height
DAY 3 August 15, 2018
We were first in the RHU in Camasi and we helped in admitting patients, weight and height
measurement and bp and temperature taking. Then we went to Cabbo, a barangay in Penablanca
wherein we observed in the immunization of pediatric patients. Dra Agapito also taught us how to
compute the dose. When we got back to Camasi RHU, Dra Agapito taught us how to check for
signs and symptoms of a patient suspected of appendicitis. It was then revealed that the patient
has most probably a disease called cholecystitis.
DAY 4 AUGUST 16, 2018
We went to Cabbo Health Center wherein we did patient admission and bp taking. We
also observed Dra. Agapito in handling maternal patients. She did the maneuvers and
monitored the fetal heartbeat using dopplers. We also checked the patients height and weight
asked their chief complain took their temp. We also learned how to compute dose of the drugs
for pediatric patients who have fever and cough. We were also able to observe the med tech in
getting the blood type.