Mix Design
Mix Design
Mix Design
Mix deslgn
This chapter deals with all aspects of asphalt mix 4.6 Volumetric Characteristics 49
design including mix properties, selection of materials'
4.6.1, General 49
volumetric design and testing of asphalt mixtures.
4.6.2 Bulk Density 49
The design of specialised mixes such as open graded
4.6.3 Maximum Density 50
asphalt, stone mastic asphalt, fine gap graded asphalt,
4.6.4 Voids in Mineral Aggregate (VMA) 50
recycled mixes and other special applications are also
4.6.5 Air Voids 50
4.6.6 Binder Content 51
4.6.7 Voids Filled with Binder (VFB) 51
4.1 lntroduction 41 4.6.8 Binder Film Thickness 51
4.1,.1, General 41
4.1..2 Design Process 41 4.7 Mix Stiffness 51
4.1.3 Australian Provisional Guide to
4.7.1 General 51
Asphalt Mix Design 42
4.7.2 Resilient Modulus Test 52
4.5.1 General 46
4.5.2 Marshall Compaction 47 4.13 Open Graded Asphalt 58
4.5.3 Hubbard-Field Compaction 47
4.5.4 Gyratory Compaction 47
4.5.5 Preparation of Slabs and Large Samples 47 4.14 Stone Mastic AsPhalt 58
4.5.6 Compaction to Refusal Density 48
4.5.7 Workability 48
4,15 Fine Gap Graded AsPhalt 58
4.16 Recycled Asphalt 58
References 60
Appendices 62
A4.1 Combined Aggregate Particle Size
Distribution (Rothfuchs Method) 62
A4.2 Adjustment of Mix Designs 63
4.1 lntroduction _Procedures for
designing asphalt mixes have been
generally developed around testing of dense graded
4.1.1 General mixes and determination of optimum binder content,
although most tests can be used for other mix types
The process of asphalt mix design involves the choice
with suitable interpretation of results)
of aggregate fype, aggregate grading, binder type, and
determination of a binder content that will optimise
Selection of mix type and component materials
the engineering properties in relation to the desired
behaviour in service. Selection of mix type for particular performance con-
Asphalt mix performance is also influenced by manu- ditions will set the parameters for aggtegate grading,
facturing and construction standards. The manner in binder type, volumetric properties, and the general
which the basic building blocks of materials, design, performance characteristics of the mix.
manufacture and construction impact on the ultimate Selection of materials must be appropriate to the
properties and performance of an asphalt mix are mix type and performance environment.
illustrated in Figure 4.1.
Recipe criteria
Recipe criteria may be used to define some or all of the
4.1.2 Design Process
components and characteristics of an asphalt mix
lsphalt mix design involves the following basic steps where characteristics of the mix cannot be readily
that are similar in concept, regardless of the actual defined or optimised by conventional tests. Such cri-
tests and procedures used: teria can also be used for simple mixes for use in
- 1. selection of mix type; minor applications. Examples include:
2. selection of component materials; r setting grading parameters for open graded mixes,
3. combination of aggregates to meet target grading; gap graded mixes, stone mastic asphalt, ultra thin
4. selection of target binder content or range; mixes and other special mix rypes
5. mixing and compaction of asphalt mix to a density . setting binder content ranges for the preceding mix
that is representative of in-service conditions; rypes
6. measurement of volumetric properties of compacted . setting the binder rype or additives in any mix rype
mix; where particular attributes are desired
7. mechanical testing of compacted samples; . using mixes of similar composition to those that
8. verification of design properties on samples of manu- have been determined to perform satisfactorily in
factured asphalt, if required; practice
9. selection of job mix. . cold mixes.
\ In many cases, volumetric properties and mechani- design concepts used in Australia are similar to
cal performance tests may still be determined to ensure "Superpave". The main difference in the Australian
compliance with voids targets or other criten) procedure is the adoption of locally developed, more
affordable, equipment for compaction and mechanical
Preparation and compaction of trial mixes testing of asphalt.
A variety of methods of sample preparation and com- An outcome of the implementation of new volumet-
paction for laboratory testing of asphalt mixes are ric design procedures in Australia is that the Modified
used as described in Section 4.5. Hubbard-Field Method has been totally discontinued
t In most cases, trial mixes are prepared that combine from use, although its description is included here to
aggregates with different proportions of binder to enable interpretation of references contained in older
allow selection of a binder content that optimises the documents.
desired volumetric properties. If these are not met at a The Marshall Method of compaction and mechani-
suitable binder content, the source or proportions of cal testing is still used in many locations due to its sim-
aggregates may be altered and the process of sample plicity, although gradually being replaced by gyratory
preparation and compaction is repeated. compaction and other mechanical tests.
In some cases, design properties of asphalt mixes
Volumetric properties may be verified by mechanical tests on samples of
Volumetric proportions and characteristics are the plant manufactured or field materials before adoption
basis of asphalt mix design and largely determine the of a job mix. Such testing should not be confused with
in-service performance of the mix. process control and assurance testing of asphalt pro-
For many applications, the asphalt mix design pro- duction referred to in Chapter 5.
cess ends at this
Job Mix
Mechanical testing The final selected mix is called the job mix (or nomi-
Ideally the mechanical properties of asphalt in-situ are nated mix).
required for pavement design purposes. In-situ con- The job mix will nominate the type and source of
ditions will vary with a range of factors including components, target grading and binder content, and
temperature, loading time, stress conditions and volumetric properties of the mix. These are used as the
degree of compaction. Reproduction of in-situ srress basis for manufacturing process control. Production
conditions in the laboratory is difficult, hence simpli- tolerances allow for variations in the mix composition
fied tests have been introduced which may indicate due to changing feed rates, raw material fluctuations,
certain aspects of the in-situ behaviour. sampling and testing limitations, etc.
Procedures for the mechanical testing of asphalt In many cases, manufacturing process control is
mixtures may be considered in three groups: applied to grading and binder content onlS although
. fundamental tests for stiffness and deformation some agencies also require volumetric testing, and pos-
resistance, and fatigue: sibly some mechanical testing, to monitor consistency
- repeated load indirect tensile test of production (see Chapter 6).
- repeated load dynamic creep test Any change in the type or source of components, or
- repeated flexural bending significant variation in the proportion of any com-
simulative tests for deformation resistance and ponent, generally requires redesign of the mix and
other properties: determination of a new job mix.
- wheel tracking test
- moisture sensitivity 4,1.3 Australian Provisional Guide to
empirical tests for design of asphalt mixes:
Asphalt Mix Design
- Marshall test
- Modified Hubbard-Field test The "selection and design of asphalt mixes: Ausrralian
A major objective of asphalt R&D programs in provisional guide" was published by Austroads in
Australia and overseas in recent times has been the 1997 (revised 1,998) as APRG Reporr No.18. It repre-
development and implementation of simple fundamen- sented the outcome of ten years of co-operative
tal and simulative tests for characterisation of asphalt research by the Australian road agencies and asphalt
mixes to supplement or replace empirical tests that did industry to develop performance based methods for
not directly relate to road performance. In Australia, the characterisation of asphalt mixes.
this has resulted in the implementation of new design The provisional status of the guide recognises the
procedures as described in Section 4.1.3. extent of change and the tentative nature of some
In the USA, research programs have resulted in aspects of performance criteria. That provisional sta-
the implementation of "Superpave". The volumetric tus will change as greater confidence is developed in
Mix 5 specimens at Mix specimens at
3 binder contents design bitumen content
Conditionl hatl50C
Conditionl hatl50C
At x compaction cycles
use of the test procedures and interpretation of results. 4.2 Asphalt Mix Behaviour
The aim of the guide is a mix design procedure that:
Asphalt is a visco-elastic material that displays both
. is performance related
elastic and viscous characteristics under load, depend-
. enables the in-service performance of mixes to be
ing on the circumstances. Asphalt's response to load-
ing is both temperature and time dependent.
. is relatively affordable (in terms of new equipment
A simple model of the behaviour of asphalt, illus-
trating both elastic and viscous components of behav-
. is rapid and easy to use.
iour, is given in Figure 4.3.
The design procedure for dense graded mixes is
At low service temperatures and short times of
based on three levels as shown in Figure 4.2.
loading elastic behaviour dominates. Elastic stiffness
The first level involves:
under these conditions is used to calculate the critical
. selection of mix type and component materials
strains and fatigue behaviour of asphalt mixes applica-
likely to satisfy the performance requirements
ble to analytical pavement design.
r mixing of materials and conditioning of the mix
Typically, testing for resilient modulus, flexural stiff-
prior to testing to simulate medium term service
ness and fatigue is undertaken at 20"C or 25'C.
At high temperatures and with long times of load-
. gyratory compaction the gyl. ;tory compactor
enables selection of different compaction levels to
ing viscous behaviour dominates. Resistance to plastic
flow is used to determine deformation characteristics
match service conditions as well as simulation of long
term heavy traffic by compaction to "refusal density"
. determination of volumetric properties and selec-
tion of design binder content. Plastic dashpot
(oilfilled - \
Level two testing involves the application of tests to time & Elastic Spring
define structural performance and, if required, mois- temperature
ture sensitivity of the mix. dependent)
or rutting resistance at high pavement service tempera- 4.3.2 Aggregates
tures and slow rates of loading. Tests involving the
plastic deformation properties of mixes, including Aggregates should be clean, tough, and durable and
stability, dynamic creep or wheel tracking, are gener- have adequate particle shape, strength and polishing
ally performed at either 50"C or 50"C. characteristics to meet the particular asphalt require-
ments. Aggregate shape and texture can also affect
workability and deformation resistance of asphalt
4.3 Selection of Mix Type and mixes.
Component Materials Characteristics of different aggregate rypes are dis-
cussedin Chapter 3.
4.3.1 General
The selection of mix rype and performance application
will largely determine:
4.3.3 Mineral Filler
. aggregate quality and shape requirements Fillers may vary in terms of:
. filler requirements r particle size distribution
r binder type . chemical reaction to other constituent materials.
. volumetric requirements for the mix including, com- AccordinglS not only is the initial selection of a
bined aggregate grading, range of binder content, filler important, the substituting of one type of filler
and voids requirements. for another can have a significant effect on the asphalt
A guide to the selecion of mix type is provided in mix.
Chapter 2. A detailed discussion on filler properties is given in
It is important to appreciate that asphalt mix design Section 3.7.
is generally a compromise between different proper-
ties, for example:
. increasing the stiffness and rutting resistance of the 4.3.4 Binder
mix through the use of coarse gradings, rough tex- The required properties and performance of asphalt
tured aggregates and stiffer binders may reduce significantly affect the choice of binder. The type and
workability and reduce flexibility of thin layers; grade of binder (usually bitumen) depends very largely
. improving the durability of mixes for light traffic on the climate and traffic volume to which the pave-
applications through the use of low air voids, high ment will be subjected.
binder contents or softer binders, increases the risk Basic grades of bitumen for general applications in
of rutting and texture loss under heavy traffic. Australia are Class 170 and Class 320 (B80 and 860
A guide to the influence of binder stiffness, binder in New Zealand).
content, coarse or fine aggregate grading, aggregate Class 600 bitumen (B40) is used in some asphalt
characteristics and design air voids of a dense graded base applications to provide a stiffer mix and reduced
asphalt is shown in Table 4.1. pavement thickness.
Tabll +.r: Relationship Between Binder and Aggregate properties and Air voids
on the Properties of Asphalt
Multigrade bitumen and polymer modified bitumen exponent of 0.5. Further work has determined that an
binders are used in wearing course mixes and some exponent of 0.45 provides the greatest density and
structural applications, primarily where increased lowest VMA. Increasing the exponent to, say 0.6
deformation resistance or increased flexibility are provides an asphalt mix with slightly increased VMA
required. and coarser texture. Decreasing the exponent also
Binder characteristics and selection of binders for increases VMA but results in a finer textured mix.
specific applications are discussed in detail in Chapter 3. Higher exponents such as 0.8 or 0.9 tend towards an
Other additives such as fibres and naturally occur- open graded mix.
ring asphalt residues (e.g. Gilsonite and Trinidad Lake The Fuller equation has proved to give impractical
Asphalt) may also be used to modify the properties of proportions of filler for some mixes. Another equation
bitumen binders. has been developed to adjust for the percentage filler
For cold mix applications, bitumen may be emulsi- content.
fied or softened with a cutter oil or flux oil. P=(100-F)(d'-0.075")
P- +F
(D" - 0.07 5")
4.4 Combining and Proportioning where
of Aggregates F = the percentage of filler
P, d, D and n are as above.
4.4.1 General
The combined grading, which influences the density of Maximising the density of the mix with a particle
the mix and the voids in mineral aggregate, is defined size distribution that closely follows the maximum den-
by the percentage, by mass, of particles passing each sity relationship may result in a VMA that is too low. A
of a series of ASA{ZS sieve sizes. low VMA may not provide enough space for the
Specifications typically limit the minimum and maxi- required air voids and a reasonable volume of binder to
mum percentage of aggregate passing each sieve size. provide cohesion, durabiliry and fatigue resistance in
These limits may be displayed graphically as a com- the mix. Overfilling the VMA with binder in such cir-
bined grading envelope within which the grading of cumstances can lead to mixes with low air voids and
the nominated mix must fall. poor ruffing resistance (see also Section 4.6).
Deviations from the maximum density curve gener-
ally result in higher VMA. Significant deviations from
4.4.2 Maximising Packing Properties of the maximum density curve can, however, result in a
Dense Graded Mixes reduction in mix stability. It can also result in a signifi-
Dense graded asphalt mixes use a continuous grading cant change in finished surface texture by becoming
to facilitate packing of aggregate particles to achieve: "gap" graded. It is desirable, therefore, that changes
. flexibility to the aggregate grading combination to achieve
. durability higher VMA, maintain a continuous distribution and
. structural stiffness interlock of aggregate particle sizes.
. deformationresistance
. low permeability.
4.4.3 Grading Envelopes
The maximum densiry grading gives the theoretical
densest particle packing and minimum voids in the Aggregate grading envelopes (as used in specifications)
mineral aggregate (VMA) condition of the mix (the have been developed through accumulated field
total voids within the mass of compacted aggregate). experience and maximum density relationships to
For a particular maximum aggregate size, the maxi- define the grading limits within which mixes should be
mum density grading may be determined by the Fuller designed.
equation: Mixes designed within grading envelopes can still
vary widely in performance. The target grading should
P = rcoeDy not move widely from one.side of the grading enve-
where lope to the other but maintain a uniform distribution
P = total percentage passing a given sieve of aggregate sizes taking into account the grading of
d = of sieve opening
size available materials and any adjustments necessary to
D = maximum size of aggregate achieve the desired volumetric properties.
n = grading exponent. A rypical grading envelope and target based on a
The original Fuller equation utilised the grading maximum density of n = 0.45 is shown in Figure 4.4.
tttttl Yi I
Glading ehvebpelfor nea{ry dury I I
- - - -r- -- - J - - - - t-- --t- - - _ r_
_ __ l
'lnixes-l I - -t-
tttttl I I
lllllr I I
t') n = 0.4s'maximum densltv curve I I
'6 I I I t' I I I
(g - ---r- rttt-- _l- ___!____t_ ___ ) _ I
o- I I
o drading b-nvelo$ ror -oj I
light traffic mixes
6 )
cq, I
o f - -t-
c) I
(L I
4.4.4 Combining Aggregates to a Target laboratory conditioning step that simulates the binder
Grading hardening that occurs during manufacture and placing
The proportioning of the selected aggregate fractions, of the mix for approximately the first two years of
together with the filler, may be determined by trial and field service. This step is particularly important for
error, graphically, arithmetically, by computer spread mechanical tests such as resilient modulus, creep and
sheet, or by using computer software such as "Cmix" fatigue that are influenced by the stiffness of the
by ARRB TR. binder.
Determining the combined grading of the aggre- Procedures for mixing, quartering and conditioning
gates is achieved arithmetically using the following of laboratory samples are described in AS 2891.2.I.
formula: Methods of compaction of samples for volumetric
and mechanical testing include:
P=Aa+Bb+Ccetc. . Marshall
. Hubbard-Field
P = the percentage of material passing a given sieve for
r gyratory
the combined aggregate fractions A, B, C, etc.
. slab compactor.
Marshall compaction has traditionally been the most
A, B, C etc. - percentage of material passing a given widely used international compaction method for pre-
sieve for each of the aggregates A, B, C, etc. paration of laboratory specimens. This is now being
a, b, c etc. - proportion of aggregates A, B, C, etc. phased out in many countries in favour of gyratory
used in the combination and where the total of a, b, c compaction. The use of Hubbard-Field compaction has
etc. = 1.00. been totally discontinued, both in Australia and over-
Proportioning of aggregates can also be carried out The Austroads mix design procedure uses gyratory
by graphical methods (see Rothfuchs method in compacted specimens. It produces cylindrical samples
Appendix A4.1). suitable for resilient modulus, dynamic creep and
moisture sensitivity resring.
Cylindrical samples are also produced using
4.5 Mixing, Conditioning and Marshall compaction although it is considered that
Compaction of Samples gyratory compaction achieves alignment of aggregate
particles that is more representative of field placement
4.5.1 General
of asphalt and is preferred where performance proper-
An important aim of asphalt mix design procedures is ties are to be measured.
that specimens prepared in the laboratory have proper- Where larger samples are required for wheel track-
ties similar to asphalt placed in the road. ing or fatigue tests, a variety of methods are used
The Austroads mix design procedure includes a involving compaction in rectangular moulds or large
slabs that simulate the field placement of asphalt.
Rectangular samples can also be cored for use in tests
that require cylindrical samples.
Force density is determined by compacting to 350 cycles in
the gyratory compactor.
An alternative measure of refusal density is the
British Percentage Refusal Density (PRD) test (BS 598
Part 104). The test uses a vibratory hammer to com-
pact a heated sample in a cylindrical mould. A split
mould is used to enable testing of field core specimens.
The PRD test was originally developed to establish
a reference density for assessing the effectiveness of
field compaction of asphalt designed to recipe specifi-
Gyratory cations. It was also found that low final voids in the
angle PRD test correlated with mixes prone to rutting, hence
the use of refusal density as a design tool to identify
Figure 4.6 Principle of gyratory compaction mixes with potential for low in-situ voids.
4.6 Volumetric Characteristics also be used as the reference density for determining
relative density of field compaction.
4.6.1 General AS 2891.8 provides three methods of determining
bulk density of compacted asphalt. Each method will
Asphalt mix design is essentially a volumetric process
give slightly different results depending on the surface
although, for convenience of manufacture and process
texture and water permeable voids and this must be
control, it is simpler to measure the mix proportions
considered in both selection of test method and inter-
by mass.
pretation of test results.
Important measures of volumetric properties are:
. bulk density
. maximum densiry Waxing procedure eliminates the influence of water
. permeable voids by sealing the surface with a layer of
Voids in Mineral Aggregate (VMA)
. wax. It is used for dense mixes where it is desirable to
air voids
. absorbed binder
avoid the influence of water permeable voids on the
. measurement of bulk density. An alternative to waxing
effective binder content.
. is the use of silicone to seal the external surface of the
voids filled with binder
. sample against the entry of water. Removal of wax
binder film thickness
and silicone can be difficult for samples that are to be
\Iolumetric relationships are illustrated in Figures
used for further testing.
4.-.4.8 andTable 4.2.
Absorbed bitumen
Water permeable
porosity, not filled
with bitumen
Aggregate volume
(particle density on
a dry basis)
Aggregate volume
(effective density)
Aggregate volume
(apparent particle
Figure 4.8 Schematic diagram showing VMA, air vords and effective bitumen content in compacted asphalt mixtures
By Volume
By Mass
saturating the specimen in water before measuring The VMA affects the performance of the mix as fol-
mass displaced by water and mass in air after removal lows:
of surface water from the specimen.
VMA too low:
Mensuration method refers to determination of the r potential for over-filling of voids with binder result-
volume of the specimen by direct measurement of the ing in flushing or bleeding or instability
external dimensions. It is generally used for open . insufficient binder for cohesion and durability.
graded and other porous mix types.
In dense graded mixes, bulk densiry tends to VMA too high:
increase to a maximum value and then decrease with . high air voids
increasing binder content. . increased binder volume to satisfy air voids require-
ments resulting in a mix that is more costly to pro-
4.6.3 Maximum Density
Increases in VMA may be obtained by:
Maximum density, also termed voids free bulk density, Changing the particle size distribution. Moving
is the density of the mix excluding air voids. away from a maximum density curve or moving to
Testing is performed by determining the volume of a higher exponent of maximum density (see Section
water or methylated spirits displaced by a loose 4.4) will increase VMA. Generally, it is preferable to
sample of mix after removal of all air. maintain a uniform particle size distribution than
Maximum density determined in this manner is also introduce gaps in the grading.
-sometimes referred to as maximum theoretical densitS . Reducing the minus 0.075 mm (filler) fraction. This
i.e. the maximum density to which a mix could be theo- will also increase binder film thickness but reduce
retically compacted if there were no air voids present. stiffness of the mix.
In Australia, the term maximum theoretical density is . Changing one or more of the aggregate fractions for
usually applied to the calculation of density from the one that has different shape and/or surface texture
combined density of all the components, and not the characteristics and hence different packing proper-
measurement of maximum density by test. ties.
The difference between maximum density and bulk Decreases in VMA may be obtained by:
density is the air voids in the mix. . Changing the particle size distribution to move
Maximum density is sometimes used as the refer- closer to a maximum density relationship.
ence density for calculating relative density of field . Increasing the filler content.
compacted samples as an alternative to bulk density. . Changing one or more of the aggregate fractions for
A further use of maximum density testing is in qual- one that has different shape and/or surface texture
ity control of asphalt production. It is a relatively characteristics and hence different packing proper-
simple test that gives warning of changes in propor- ties.
tions of components having different density without
the necessity for complete analysis of the mixture.
4.6.5 Air Voids
The air voids content in a mix is a function of:
4,6.4 Voids in Mineral Aggregate (VMA) r VMA (aggregate particle size distribution)
The voids in mineral aggregate (VMA) is the total . binder content
volume of voids within the mass of compacted aggre- . level of compaction.
gate. It is a function of the particle size distribution, The air voids content of a mix affects the stability
the shape and surface texture and packing characteris- and durability. In general, mixes should be designed to
tics of the aggregate particles. have the lowest practical air voids value in order to
VMA is the combination of air voids in the com- reduce:
pacted mix and the volume occupied by effective . the ageing (oxidation) of the binder
binder (excluding any binder absorbed into the aggre- r the possibility of water penetration, and hence strip-
gate). ping of binder from the aggregate.
It is important that the VMA be large enough to: If the air voids content of asphalt in service is too
. allow space for sufficient binder so that the mix will low (less than 27" to 37"), plastic flow may occur
be durable resulting in flushing, bleeding, shoving or rutting of
. allow sufficient air voids in the compacted mix to the pavement.
ensure the mix is stable. The air voids content also influences other proper-
Typical values of VMA in dense mixes can be 13% ties such as mix stiffness, fatigue strength and worka-
to 20oh, depending on the nominal size of the mix. bility.
4.6.6 Binder Content Binder film thickness may be increased by:
. changing the particle size distribution to increase
In general, the optimum binder content is a balance
the proportion of coarse to fine material;
between being high enough to ensure durability and
. increasing the VMA to allow more binder for the
life for the pavement but not so high that the mix
same air void content.
becomes unstable.
The binder content has a major influence on the
volumetric and mechanical properties of an asphalt 4.7 Mix Stiffness
mix. A small change can significantly affect the perfor-
v / +.1.t General
mance of the
The optimum design binder content is dependent n.,r,
Stiffness indicates the response to load of the mix and
may be used to indicate the load spreading abilitv of
. aggregate type the asphalt pavement'
. aggregate particle size distribution
Modulus is the ratio of applied stress to strain' It is
. compaction level of the mix
used to define the stiffness of a mix and is primarily
. design air void content.
dependent on:
Asphalt performance depends on its effective binder the mix
content, excluding any binder absorbed uy'rrr. :r "!:.nf
gate, and not its total binder contenr.
"t;;;: stiffness of the binder
' volumetric composition' including effective binder
The proportion of binder absorbed by aggregat.
and air voids in the compacted mix
depends on the porosity of the aggre*"* ::1""t
of binder. Typically, the amount of binder
"";fi;-r";; fy ' teTperature
"brorb.j ; of loading
assresate is 0.3 to 0.7 times the water : :]lt
"bt;;;; r degree of compaction'
the aggregate (see sectio n 3.4.4and 3.4.5).
t: fullv elastic material' but displays
Binder absorption is generally determined from rhe , 1:t111 -l:l "
measured maximum density of the mix (4.5.3) ";;; and a :t"t:t:
theoretical maximum density determined il ' a,1 fow temperatures' and/or
combined bulk density of aggregates, filler Jil;;. ' short duration of loading (i'e' high speed traffic);
while displaying increasing viscoelastic characteris-
Accurate measurement of the density .f ;;;.;;; .
and filler is an essenti aI part of estimation of absorbed
. ,
at high temperatures, and/or
binder. r long duration of loading (i.e. low speed traffic).
The stiffness of an asphalt mix may be increased by:
4.6.7 Voids Filled with Binder (VFB) . decreasing the binder content
Voids filled with binder (VFB) is the proportion of increasing the angularity of the aggregate
VMA occupied by effective binder. This is generally in ' adjusting the filler content
the range of 65Y" to 80%.
r uSlng a harder binder.
At low VFB values, approximating 60"h, the mixes Resilient modulus is the ratio of stress to recover-
become dry lacking coh.rio.r, durability and fatigue able (resilient) strain, and is the standard for the
resistance. Mixes with low VFB may also be more per- measurement of modulus'
meable. The resilient modulus is necessary for pavement
When VFB approximates g5% or more, mixes can designers. The Austroads "Guide to the Structural
become unstable and susceptible to rutting. Design of Road Pavements" provides a procedure for
High vFB is generally associated with high vMA estimating stiffness modulus of asphalt, developed by
while a low VFB is an indicator of low VMA. For Shell, using a combination of binder stiffness, esti-
making adiustments to VMA, see section 4.6.4. mated using the Shell Nomographs, and the volumet-
ric properties of the mix. Procedures for estimating
design modulus from laboratory measured modulus
4.6.g Binder Film Thickness have also been developed.
Binder film thickness is calculated as a function of the Typical laboratory values for various Australian
surface area of the aggregates and filler, and the effec- mixes are shown in Table 4.3.
tive binder content. The Australian mix design procedure provides for
A minimum binder film thickness may be specified the measurement of mix stiffness using the resilient
to ensure that there is sufficient binder in the asphalt modulus test. Mix stiffness can also be determined in
mix to ensure adequate cohesion, durability, fatigue the fatigue test (Sectibn 4.9)
resistance, and resistance to the effects of moisture.
for Typical Australian Dense Graded Asphalts
Table 4.3: Modulus Values (MPa)
Determined on Laboratory-Manufactured Samples Using the Indirect Tensile Test
Procedure with Standard Test €onditions' (from APRG, 1997\
cl. 170
'Standard test conditions are 40ms rise time and 25'C test temperature
4.7.2 Resilient Modulus test J two concave loading platens (diametral loading). This
The resilient modulus of asphalt is measured by apply- produces an "indirect tensile" loading pattern in the
ing a dynamic force across the vertical diameter of a specimen, and the resilient modulus may be calculated
cylindrical specimen, positioned on its side between from measurements of the peak applied force and the
resultant peak horizontal diametral displacement. By
varying the rate of loading and temperature, the test
may also be used to determine resilient modulus for
different traffic speeds and climatic conditions.
Indirect tensile test apparatus is shown in Figure
4.9. Testing is undertaken in a temperature controlled
cabinet (Figure 4.10).
4.8 DeformationResistance
4.8.1 General
Permanent deformation in asphalt usually manifests
itself as rutting that results from gradual consolidation
and lateral deformation of the asphalt in the wheel
The worst conditions for rutting are:
. high temperatures
. heavily loaded vehicles
. channelised traffic
. slow moving vehicles.
The deformation of an asphalt layer can be related
to a combination of the following causes:
. densification of the mix
r plastic deformation.
Densification involves a change in volume of the
mix, and can be controlled by:
r aggregate particle size distribution and shape
. binder content
. appropriate field compaction.
Plastic deformation is predominantly a function of the
binder, or the mixture of the mineral filler and binder. It
Figure 4.9 lndrrect tensile testing jig will be largely controlled by the binder properries.
4.8.3 Wheel Tracking Test
tracking has been found to correlate well with
rutting performance in field tests and is widely
accepted internationally. It has been found to be a
more reliable predictor of rutting performance than
the unconfined dynamic creep test.
The test procedure is described in AST 01 and con-
sists of the following:
. Laboratory prepared samples of 300 mm x 300 mm
with thickness of 50 mm or 75 mm depending on
nominal mix size, or thickness of 35 mm to 110
mm from field samples.
Testing consists of repeated application (42 back
and forward motions per minute) of a standardised
wheel (200 mm diameter) under a standard load
(700 N) at a standard temperature of 60"C. A stan-
Figure 4.10 Temperature controlled cabinet for indirect tensile and dard air voids content (5%) is used when compar-
dynamic creep testing ing different mixes.
The test is concluded after 10 000 cycles or when
the rut depth exceeds 15 mm.
Mixes with inappropriate aggregate particle size
Results are interpreted in terms of the steady track-
distribution or rounded particle shape, or very low
ing rate (mm per 1000 load passes after initial 4000
voids content may be unstable resulting in uncon-
passes) and final rut depth or number of passes to
trolled plastic deformation.
reach maximum 15 mm depth.
A large number of devices have been developed for
measurement of deformation characteristics of asphalt
using variations of static and dynamic creep or wheel 4.9 Fatigue
tracking test devices. The Australian mix design proce-
dure provides for two different methods of test. The ,4.9.1 General
dynamic creep test is performed on cylindrical samples
Fatigue is a phenomenon caused by the repeated bend-
in the MATTA apparatus. The wheel tracking test is ing of a material such that tensile stresses are induced
performed on slabs of asphalt using a rolling wheel.
in the material. This process gradually weakens the
Compaction to refusal density (Section 4.5.6) is used
material (i.e. loss of stiffness) to the point where a
as a further criteria for avoiding excessive rutting.
crack develops in the zone of maximum stress.
Table 4.4: Effect on Dynamic Creep r thin layers
(from Austroads, 1gg7) . surface courses and other non-structural applications.
These applications generally require a flexible mix.
A harder grade of binder will decrease fatigue life.
An increase in the fatigue life of thin asphalt layers
may be achieved by using:
lncreased bi nder content Reduce . softer binder
lncreased binder viscosity lncrease
. higher bitumen content
Grading (coarse to fine) Reduce
. polymer modified or multigrade bitumen.
In general, it has been observed that the in-service
lncreased load duration Reduce
fatigue life of the asphalt is dependent on the binder
lncreased compaction level lncrease
content and the density of the mix.
lncreased temperature Reduce The relationship between the stiffness and fatigue
behaviour of asphalt mixes, and the factors affecting
these properties are shown in Table 4.5.
There are basically two different laboratory test con- In the Austroads "Guide to the Structural Design of
ditions for fatigue tests: Road Pavements", fatigue performance is estimated in
. constant stress (constant load) terms of the formula developed by Shell based on mix
. constant strain (constant deflection). stiffness, binder volume and tensile strain in the pave-
Different applications require modification in mix ment. This relationship has been found satisfactory for
design to satisfy fatigue requiremenrs. conventional binders but is not applicable to modified
The constant stress condition is associated with binders and some special mix types. Fatigue perfor-
pavements where the asphalt is the predominant struc- mance determined by laboratory test or the Shell for-
tural layer. Such conditions are met in: mula require the application of a "shift factor" that
r thick base courses takes into account self-healing and other effects influ-
. full depth and deep strength asphalt pavements. encing the in-service behaviour of asphalt.
In these applications a harder grade of binder will
increase the stiffness of the mix, reducing deformation I
Table 4.5: Relationship between Stiffness and Fatigue Life and Factors Affecting
these Properties
' Stiffness and fatigue life reach optimum values at a binder content lower than the optimum binder content for maximum stability.
12.O 4
10_0 Ec
o c
6 I
o 3
8.0 O^
6.0 1
4.O 0
6.5 5.5
10 20
8 18
;6 c16
.:4 >14
2 12
0 '10
4.5 5.5 6.5
Bitumen Bitumen
2.480 100
6 2.460 90
Z 2.440
c a L
?z+zo 70
2.400 60
2.380 50
4.5 5.5 5.5
Bilumen Bitumen
| ,o...
4.12 Modified Hubbard-Field
The Modified Hubbard-Field Method, which was the
basis of RTA NSW specifications used up until the late
1990s, is derived from the method developed by the
Corps of Engineers for airfield pavements.
Samples are compacted as described in Section Test specimen
The prepared specimen is preheated then loaded
axially and forced through a ring using a compression
machine (Figure 4.15). The maximum load resisted is
the Modified Hubbard-Field stabiliry.
Interpretation of stability results and volumetric
relationships is similar to that described for the
Marshall method, above. Figure 4.15 Testing of Hubbard-Field specimen
4.13 Open Graded Asphalt The design of SMA is a combination of recipe and
measured test criteria.
There is no universal rational design system for open
Optimum performance is obtained when the fine
graded (OG) asphalt. Generally a recipe approach is
aggregate just fills the void space in rhe coarse aggre-
used based on an aggregate particle size distribution
gate particles while still retaining inter-particle contact
for texture and voids content and the type and content
of the large particles.
of binder for cohesion and durability.
The particle size distribution may be selected from
Polymer modified binders are frequently used in OG
standard grading envelopes, developed from experi-
mixes to provide greater cohesion and durability. They
ence, or using a rational design procedure that meas-
may also allow high binder contents to be used without
ures the change in density and hence dilation point
drainage of binder from hot asphalt during transport.
obtained by progressively adding increased propor-
Fibres may also be used to inhibit drainage of binder.
tions of fine material.
Generally, the durability of open graded mixes is
There is no procedure for establishing optimum
aided by the use of the highest binder contenr prac-
proportions of filler and binder and these are generally
ticable, but not so high that significant drain-down
selected from standard envelopes. Minor adjustments
and segregation of binder occurs during handling and
may be made to satisfy voids criteria in the mix.
Target design air voids are similar to other dense
AAPA Implementation Guide No.1 ("Open Graded
mixes, i.e. around 4"/o to 5"/".
Asphalt Design Guide") provides advice on the use of
Design of SMA mixes may also incorporate a check
two tests to assist in selecting the type and content of
for binder drain-off (AST 06).
binder in OG asphalt.
The Asphalt Binder Drain-Off Test (AST 06) can be
A guide to SMA mixes is provided in AAPA
Implementation Guide No.4 "Stone Mastic Asphalt
used to establish the maximum amount of binder that -
Design and Application Guide".
can be used without excessive drain-off of binder or to
Typical proportions of components of SMA are
evaluate the influence of different binder types or addi-
shown in Table 4.6.
tives. The test may also be used to establish the maxi-
mum temperature for mixing and transport for a given
binder type and binder content.
4.15 Fine Gap Graded Asphalt
The Asphalt Particle Loss Tesr (AST07) measures Fine gap graded mixes are largely designed on a recipe
the loss of aggregate particles of a sample subject to basis to match grading and binder content targets.
tumbling in a Los Angeles Abrasion Loss test apparu- Volumetric properties should, however, be checked to
tus. It gives an indication of the cohesion of the ensure appropriate air voids.
asphalt mix and hence a guide to the effectiveness of Guidelines for fine gap graded mixes are provided
binder type and content in resisting particle loss dur- in APRG Report No. 18 (see also Section 2.6.4).
ing service.
The coarse aggregate skeleton must be able to contain (plus 4.75 mm)
all the mastic binder while maintaining the stone-to- Fine aggregate 12-18o/o
stone contact essential for rutting resistance. Too (4.75to 0.075 mm)
much mastic will result in flushing, bleeding and loss Filler 8-12o/o
of pavement shear deformation resistance. Too little (minus 0.075 mm)
mastic will result in high air voids, increased perme- Bitumen 6-7%
ability and reduced pavement durability. Fibres 0.3%
Hot asphalt mixes incorporating RAP are designed that lead to poor stability and a possibility of flushing
in the same manner as conventional mixes, using the and bleeding. Generally, medium curing cutback bitu-
same volumetric criteria. The manufacture of recycled men binders provide more rapid curing and improved
asphalt may require RAP to be pre-treated by crushing field performance, but poorer workability and stock-
and screening as well as modifications to the asphalt pile storage life, compared to cold mixes manufac-
plant and mixing procedures. Manufacturing require- tured with binders containing slower curing flux oils.
ments for asphalt mixes incorporating RAP are Bitumen emulsion binders (Section 3.1,3) are an
covered in Chapter 5. alternative to cutback bitumen binders in cold mixes.
The binder in RAP is generally stiffer than that of Different emulsion binder types can be used depending
new, freshly mixed asphalt. Addition of RAP to an on mix type, aggregate condition and whether mixes
asphalt mix will, therefore, generally result in an are intended for stockpiling or immediate use.
increase in mix stiffness leading to increased resilient A guide to cold asphalt mixes suitable for main-
modulus and increased rutting resistance. tenance patching is provided in AS 4283 "Cold mix
The increased stiffness may, however, result in a asphalt for maintenance patching".
decrease in fatigue life in thin surfacing applications. A guide to the design of cold mix materials for bitu-
Compensation for reduction in fatigue life may be men stabilised base applications is provided in AAPA
made by use of a lower viscosity binder in the new
- "Cold Mix Granular
Implementation Guide No.2
mix or addition of a binder rejuvenating agent. Materials Guide".
Addition of RAP in proporrions of up to about
l5To or 20% of the total mix is unlikely to signifi-
cantly change the performance characteristics of the 4.18 Mix Designs for Specialised
asphalt mix and no special requirements or adjustment Applications
to binder grade are generally required.
Above about 20"/", and up to about 30% of RAP, 4.1a.1 Polymer Modified Binders
compensation for stiffening of the binder may be made Asphalt containing polymer modified binders can be
by the use of binder of one viscosity class lower than designed in accordance with the procedures already
that otherwise specified. described for the relevanr mix type.
Adjustment of viscosity class of added binder may When designing dense graded mixes, some designers
be suitable for RAP proportions up ro 50% of the prefer to prepare volumetric designs using conven-
total mix. tional binders and then substitute a polymer modified
Alternative techniques for adjustment to binder binder with the desired performance attributes. This is
grade, or selection of binder rejuvenating agents, to done, partly as conventional binders are easier to
compensate for increased viscosity of RAP are des- work with in the laboratory but also as the presence
cribed in relation to in-situ recycling in Chapter B. of polymers can mask subtle influences of aggregate
Selection of binder grade or rejuvenator for recycled properties on the volumetric properties of the mix and
asphalt needs to consider the application. It needs to make the selection of optimum grading and binder
take into account the appropriate balance between the content more difficult.
effect of increased binder stiffness on mix stiffness, In substituting a polymer modified binder into a
fatigue resistance and rutting resistance and the poten- dense graded asphalt mix designed using conventional
tial decrease in rutting resistance that may occur binder, it is common pracice to add slightly more
through the use of softer binders or rejuvenating binder, typically 03% by mass of the mix, to achieve
agents in order to achieve lower stiffness and higher the same volumetric performance.
fatigue resisrance.
Further details on recycling of asphalt may be
obtained by reference to the Austroads "Recycling 4.14.2 Crumb Rubber Asphalt Mixes
Guide" and the Austroads "Framework Specifications Crumb rubber blended into bitumen provides a binder
for Asphalt Recycling". with performance characteristics similar to other elas-
tomeric PMB types.
Superficially, crumb rubber bitumen, directly substi-
4.17 Cold mixes
tuted for conventional bitumen, will provide improved
Cold mixes are largely designed on a recipe basis and rutting and fatigue resistance. In practice it has been
known field performance. found that substitution of the same volume of binder
The design of cold mixes is often a compromise results in a mix that lacks adequate cohesion, and that
between binders that remain workable at ambient higher binder contents are required for equivalent per-
temperatures and after extended storage, and prob- formance (see also Section 3.12.5 and APRG Technical
lems in service due to presence of cutter and flux oils Note 9).
It has also been found that the total proportion of Austroads, Pavement Research Group Report 18,
binder can be increased substantially without risk of "Selection and design of asphalt mixes: Australian
bleeding or instabiliry provided that the VMA is provisional guide", (1997).
adiusted to achieve a suitable air void content.
This feature has been exploited to manufacture Austroads, "Specification framework for polymer
asphalt mixes with outstanding resistance to reflection modified binders", (2000).
cracking and fatigue through the use of binder con-
tents (combined bitumen and crumb rubber) as high as Austroads, "Guide to Stabilization in Roadworks",
1,1% by mass of the total mix. Sydnes (.999).
Manufacture using the "dry" process whereby the
rubber crumb is added direct to a pugmill mixer has Austroads, "Framework specifications for asphalt
been found to be more effective in these mixes than recycling", (2000).
"wet" processes that pre-blend bitumen and rubber.
Binder requirements are generally established on a Austroads, Pavement Research Group Technical Note
recipe basis using, typically bitumen contents of 7oh 8 Ultra thin asphalt surfacing, (1999).
to 8''/o and crumb rubber contents of 1.8"/" to 2.5"/" -
by mass of the total mix. Austroads, Pavement Research Group Technical Note
10 The use of recycled crumb rubber in asphalt,
4.18.3 Ultra Thin Asphalt
Ultra thin asphalt comprises a range of asphalt mix The Asphalt Institute, "Mix Design Methods for
types used in asphalt layers that are typically less than Asphalt Concrete and Other Hot-Mix Types",
about 20 mm. Maryland, (1984).
These include small nominal size dense graded, fine
gap graded, open graded and stone mastic asphalt Brown, E.R. and Haddock, J.E., Development of a
mixes as well as a range of mixes developed as hybrids Mixture Design Procedure for Stone Matrix Asphalt
of those mix types, or as proprietary products. (SMA). Proc. Association of Asphalt Pavement
The most common type of ultra thin asphalt is a Technologists Meeting, Salt Lake Ciry (March 1,997).
form of open graded mix that contains a greater
amount of graded fine aggregate to assist in shear Cominks, Ronald J., "The Superpave Mix Design
resistance but retains a coarse, open surface texture. Manual for New Construction and Overlays, Strategic
Such mixes are largely designed on a recipe basis. Highway Research Program", Washington, (1,99 4).
Further description of this application is provided in
APRG Technical Note 8 Ultra thin asphalt surfac- European Asphalt Pavement Association, "Heavy
- Duty Surfaces: The Arguments for SMA", (1998).
AAPA,Implementation Guide No.2, "Cold Mix Maccarrone, S., Rebbechi, J. and Ky, A., "Evaluation
Granular Materials Guide", Melbourne, (1997). of Stone Mastic Asphalt Performance". 10th AAPA
International Flexible Pavements Conference, Perth,
AAPA, Implementation Guide No.3, "Asphalt Plant (1.ee7).
Process Control Guide", Melbourne, (1997).
Oliver, J.\f.H., "Developing an Australian Asphalt
AAPA, Implementation Guide No.4, "Stone Mastic Mix Design Method", RTA/AAPA Implementation
Asphalt Design and Application Guide", Melbourne, Workshop for New Asphalt Technology, Sydney,
(2000). (19e3).
ARRB Transport Research, "Selection and Design of Roberts, F,L. et al, "Hot Mix fuphalt Materials, Mixnue
Asphalt Mixes: Australian Provisional Guide" Design, and Construction", NAPA Education Foundation,
Melbourne, (October 1.996). Lanham, Maryland, Ed'1., (L991).
Universiry of Nottingham Department of Civil
Engineering, "Bituminous Pavements: Materials,
Design and Evaluation", (1990).
Australian Standards
AS 2150 Hot mix asphalt
Appendix A4.1 3. The particle size distributions of the component
materials are plotted on the chart to the same
Combined Aggregate Particle Size scales. In general, it will be found that they do not
Distribution (Rothfuchs Method) plot as straight lines.
4. For each of the component materials, draw a
This is a graphical method for proportioning rwo or straight line such that the areas between the distri-
more aggregates to obtain a required particle size dis- bution curve and the straight line are equal on
tribution. either side of the line.
The steps are as follows: The line for the coarsest material should pass
1. Determine the required (target) particle size distri- through 100% passing point for the maximum
bution. aggregate size, and for the finest material, the line
2. Plot the cumulative percentage passing values of the should pass through the origin of the chart.
required particle size distribution. 5. Join the 0o/" point of the line for the coarsest mater-
Use a linear ordinate scale for the percentage pass- ial to the 100% point of the second coarsest mater-
ing, and a varying scale of sieve size such that the ial and so on.
particle size distribution plots as a straight line. This The percentages for mixing can be read from the
is readily done by drawing an inclined straight line points where these joining lines cross the straight
of convenient length and marking off the sieve size Iine of the particle size distribution of the required
along the base at points vertically below the inter- mix.
section of the straight line and the specified percent-
age passing the ordinate corresponding to the sieve (Reference: NAASRA, "Guide to Stabilization in
sizes (in the specification). Roadworks", Sydne5 1986.)
I Eg
ro I 69
60 B3F
c) I
(d I
o *-e 6
I oo) CO
0.075 0.300 1.18 2.36 4.75 6.70 9.50 13.2 19.0 26.5
0.150 0.600
AS Sieve Sizes (mm)
(Scale proportionate to percentage passing sieve)
& Appendix A4.2 Adjustment of Mix Designs
Possible remedies:
. lf percentage of bitumen is near high limit, try increasing percentage of coarse aggregate and reducing
percentage of bitumen
. lf the percentage of bitumen is near low limit, the mineral aggregate may be deficient. Aggregate particles with
rougher textures and less rounded surfaces will provide greater stability while maintaining or increasing the void
content. lf the coarse aggregate is gravel, this may be the cause of low stability.
. Before rejecting either fine or coarse aggregates, trial mixes should be prepared and tested, using both the
maximum and minimum percentages of c.oarse aggregate permitted by the specification.
Table A4.3: lnteraction of Variables Showing Effect on the Voids Filled with
Binder and Any SecondarY Effects
Binder Content Aggregate absorption VMA (Change in Decreased Air voids increased
(%) aggregate particle
size distribution)