June 2018 PDF
June 2018 PDF
June 2018 PDF
1. What is the theme of World Milk Day? the benefit of urban poor under Pradhan Mantri Awas
A. Drink Milk Be Strong Yojana (Urban) with an investment of Rs.7,227cr with
B. Drink More Be Strong central assistance of Rs.2,209 cr.
C. Drink Many Be Strong 4. Which of the following country bans Burqa in public
D. Drink Move Be Strong spaces?
E. none of these. A. Barbados
Answer: D B. Denmark
Explanation C. Iraq
Theme of World Milk Day is Drink Move Be Strong. D. Russia
2. In which city The First biannual Indian Air Force E. Nepal
Commanders’ Conference was inaugurated by Defence Answer: B
Minister Nirmala Sitharaman? Explanation
A. New Delhi The Danish(Denmark) Parliament has passed a law
B. Bangalore banning the Islamic full-face veil in public spaces,
C. Mumbai becoming the latest European country to do so.
D. Chennai “Anyone who wears a garment that hides the face in
E. None of these public will be punished with a fine,” says the law, which
Answer: A was passed by 75 votes to 30.
Explanation 5. How much amount did Andhra Pradesh government
The First biannual Indian Air Force Commanders’ had decided to pay a month as unemployment
Conference was inaugurated by Defence Minister allowance to eligible youth?
Nirmala Sitharaman in New Delhi. A. Rs 1,00
3. Under which scheme Ministry of Housing & Urban B. Rs 2,000
Affairs has approved the construction of another 1.5 lakh C. Rs 3,000
affordable houses for the benefit of urban poor? D. Rs 500
A. PMAY(urban) E. Rs 1,000
B. PMAY(rural) Answer: E
C. PMJDY Explanation
D. PMAY The Andhra Pradesh government has decided to pay Rs
E. PMAY(Gramin) 1,000 a month as unemployment allowance to eligible
Answer: A youth. Approximately, 10 lakh graduates/diploma
Explanation holders will benefit, IT Minister Nara Lokesh said. A final
Ministry of Housing & Urban Affairs has approved the decision would be taken after eliciting suggestions from
construction of another 1.5 lakh affordable houses for the youth.
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6. What is the state bird of Andhra Pradesh? Explanation
A. Indian Roller India’s fiscal deficit in the year ended March 2018 came
B. Palapitta in at 3.53% of gross domestic product, in line with the
C. Rose ringed parakeet revised estimates. For the current fiscal year, the
D. Both a and b government estimates to trim the deficit to 3.3% of GDP.
E. All of the above 9. What is India’s fiscal deficit estimated by government
Answer: C for the current Fiscal Year?
Explanation A. 3.53
Four years after the bifurcation of Andhra Pradesh, the B. 3.3
government of the residual state has announced its state C. 3.4
symbols. The notable change is the state bird. The state D. 3.5
bird of undivided Andhra Pradesh was Indian Roller E. None of these.
(coracias benghalensis) or Palapitta. This has been Answer: B
changed to Rama Chiluka (psittacula krameri) or rose Explanation
ringed parakeet. India’s fiscal deficit in the year ended March 2018 came
7. With which state Madhya Pradesh are likely to be the in at 3.53% of gross domestic product, in line with the
next States to start implementing cash transfer for food revised estimates. For the current fiscal year, the
subsidies in certain areas? government estimates to trim the deficit to 3.3% of GDP.
A. Uttarakhand 10. Which of the following PSU has emerged as India's
B. Andhra Pradesh most profitable state-owned company for the second
C. Maharashtra consecutive year?
D. Rajasthan A. BHEL
E. None of these. B. NTPC
Answer: E C. IOC
Explanation D. HPCL
Uttar Pradesh and Madhya Pradesh are likely to be the E. None of These
next States to start implementing cash transfer for food Answer: C
subsidies in certain areas Explanation
8. What is India’s fiscal deficit in the year ended March Indian Oil Corporation has emerged as India’s most
2018? profitable state-owned company for the second
A. 3.53 consecutive year. Indian Oil posted a record profit of
B. 3.3 Rs21,346 crore in 2017-18, followed by ONGC, whose
C. 3.4 profit stood at Rs19,945 crore.
D. 3.5 11. Who won 'Santokba Humanitarian Award'?
E. None of these. A. Kailash Satyarthi
Answer: A B. Thomas Antony
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C. Vijay Goel celebrities will share their experience about Indian
D. Amitabh Bachchan Railways and their journey in a short film.
E. Amit Khare 14. Where did India, Japan and the U.S. will hold the
Answer: A annual Malabar trilateral naval war game?
Explanation A. Malabar
Nobel laureate Kailash Satyarthi was honoured with B. Guam
‘Santokba Humanitarian Award’ by President Ram Nath C. Vizagapattinam
Kovind for his services aimed at the betterment of D. Goa
society. E. None of these
12. Who has conferred FICCI Smart Policing Awards Answer: B
2018? Explanation
A. Kailash Satyarthi India, Japan and the U.S. will hold the annual Malabar
B. Thomas Antony trilateral naval war games off the coast of Guam in the
C. Vijay Goel Philippine Sea from June 6-15.
D. Amitabh Bachchan 15. To which of the following sports Sanjita Chanu is
E. Amit Khare related?
Answer: C A. Cricket
Explanation B. Boxing
Statistics and Programme Implementation Minister Vijay C. Hockey
Goel conferred FICCI Smart Policing Awards 2018 to D. Badminton
police officials of central armed police force and states E. None of these
police in New Delhi. Answer: E
13. Who has become the face of Central Railways` anti- Explanation
trespassing campaign? The Indian Weightlifting Federation’s (IWLF) ‘attempt’ to
A. Kailash Satyarthi make the sport free of doping has received a major
B. Thomas Antony setback with Gold Coast Commonwealth Games gold
C. Vijay Goel medallist K. Sanjita Chanu (53kg) testing positive for a
D. Amitabh Bachchan banned anabolic steroid.
E. Amit Khare 16. Who laid the foundation for India’s First Advanced
Answer: D Forensic Lab in Chandigarh?
Explanation A. Smriti Irani
Veteran actor Amitabh Bachchan has become the face B. Nirmala Sitharaman
of Central Railways` anti-trespassing campaign. C. Maneka Sanjay Gandhi
Trespassing on railway tracks is a major cause of deaths D. Ram Vilas Paswan
on Mumbai suburban rail network. Central Railway has E. None of these
launched an initiative `Ek Safar Rail Ke Saath`, where Answer: C
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Explanation 19. What is the name of the protest which began by
Minister for Women and Child Development, Smt farmers from seven states?
Maneka Sanjay Gandhi laid the foundation of Sakhi A. bharat bandh
Suraksha Advanced DNA Forensic Laboratory in the B. gaon bandh
campus of Central Forensic Science Lab, Chandigarh C. hartal bandh
17. To which country, Pedro Sanchez was sworn as new D. Notable bandh
Prime Minister? E. None of these
A. France Answer: B
B. Portugal Explanation
C. Pakistan Farmers in at least seven States began a ten-day strike
D. Italy or ‘gaon bandh’ on Friday, dumping crates of vegetables
E. Spain and thousands of liters of milk on the roads to draw
Answer: E attention to the agrarian crisis and demand an assured
Explanation minimum income, higher support prices and a complete
Spain’s Parliament ousted Prime Minister Mariano Rajoy loan waiver. The impact of the strike was immediately
in a no-confidence vote sparked by fury over his party’s felt in Punjab, Haryana, Madhya Pradesh, Rajasthan,
corruption woes, with his Socialist arch-rival Pedro Maharashtra and parts of Uttar Pradesh and Chattisgarh,
Sanchez automatically taking over. according to strike leaders.
18. Name the state which launched the health insurance 20. Which system is newly launched by India
scheme for journalists? Meteorological Department (IMD)?
A. Odisha A. Earth Sciences Meteorological Analysation
B. Telangana B. A system of Aerosol Monitoring and Research
C. Uttar Pradesh C. Ensemble Prediction Systems
D. Uttarakhand D. Statistical Ensemble Forecasting system
E. Karnataka E. None of these
Answer: A Answer: C
Explanation Explanation
Odisha Chief Minister Naveen Patnaik on Thursday The India Meteorological Department (IMD) launched a
launched “Gopabandhu Sambadika Swasthya Bima new Ensemble Prediction Systems (EPS) to provide
Yojana” for working journalists. The health insurance probabilistic weather forecasts up to the next 10 days.
scheme for working journalists will be implemented with According to IMD, these new systems shall improve
effect from June 1, 2018. In the first phase, as many as upon deterministic forecasts that are prone to high
3,233 working journalists from across the state will get margins of error.
health insurance coverage up to Rs 2 lakh, according to 21. Who received the Pulitzer Prize in music for his
a statement from the Chief Minister’s Office. album “Damn”?
A. Drake
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B. Kenye West (EV) across its range of passenger and commercial
C. J. Cole vehicles in the State.
D. Kendrick Lamar 24. Who takes oath as Pakistan’s interim Prime Minister
E. None of these for a period of 2 months?
Answer: D A. Syed Sajjad
Explanation B. Anwar Zaheer
Kendrick Lamar received the Pulitzer Prize in music for C. Saqib Nisar
his album “Damn.” Lamar is the first rapper in history to D. Nasirul Mulk
be given the award. Previous recipients included Bob E. None of these
Dylan, Hank Williams and Duke Ellington. Lamar had Answer: D
received this award at Columbia University. Explanation
22. Which of the following country has signed the A former Pakistani Chief Justice Mulk was sworn in on
Mutual Recognition Agreement (MRA) in Nursing with Friday as the caretaker Prime Minister for an interim
Singapore? period of two months, hours after Pakistan’s President
A. Japan dissolved the powerful Lower House of Parliament.
B. China 25. Which of the following bill may have to wait for
C. Pakistan house nod?
D. Nepal A. Citizenship Bill
E. India B. Triple Talaq Bill
Answer: E C. GST Bill
Explanation D. Judgeu2019s Salary Bill
India has signed the Mutual Recognition Agreement E. None of these
(MRA) in Nursing with Singapore. This is the first MRA
being signed by India with any of our FTA partners. Answer: A
23. With which company, Maharashtra signed MoU for Explanation
the promotion of E-Mobility? The Citizenship (Amendment) Bill, 2016, is unlikely to be
A. Ashok Leyland tabled in the monsoon session of Parliament as the Joint
B. Tata Motors Parliamentary Committee (JPC) that is examining the
C. Mahindra & Mahindra legislation intends to have wider consultations.
D. Jaguar Cars 26. Which ministry has introduced a new scheme called
E. Maruti Suzuki ‘Seva Bhoj Yojna’?
Answer: B A. Ministry of Coal
Explanation B. Ministry of AYUSH
Tata Motors (India’s largest automobile company by C. Ministry of Culture
revenues) signed a MoU with the State Government of D. Ministry of Chemicals and Fertilizers
Maharashtra for deployment of 1000 Electric Vehicles E. None of these
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Answer: C Over two years after being carved out of Citrus
Explanation Payments, Cube Services is now looking to leverage the
The Ministry of Culture, Government of India has growing interest in the mutual fund’s space. Over two
introduced a new scheme namely ‘Seva Bhoj Yojna’ with years after carving out of mobile payments service
a total outlay of Rs. 325.00 Crores for Financial Years Citrus, Satyen Kothari’s Cube has re-launched itself as a
2018-19 and 2019-20. The objective of the scheme is to wealth creation and management platform—one could
lessen the financial burden of such Charitable Religious invest in mutual funds, track investment, and get access
Institutions who provide Food/Prasad/Langar to wealth advisors on its revamped mobile app.
(Community Kitchen)/Bhandara free of cost without any 29. Who was sworn in as Italy’s 58th Prime Minister?
discrimination against Public/Devotees A. Francesco Andrea
27. Under which person’s chairpersonship, an executive B. Giuseppe Conte
committee is constituted to celebrate 150th birth C. Leonardo Matteo
anniversary of Mahatma Gandhi? D. David Riccardo
A. Narendra Modi E. None of these
B. Arvind Kejriwal Answer: B
C. Raj Nath Singh Explanation
D. Narendra Singh Tomar Giuseppe Conte is a 53-year-old jurist who has never
E. None of these been elected to parliament. Populist leaders Salvini and
Answer: A Di Maio will be joint deputy prime ministers.
Explanation 30. Which organization has lifted a suspension imposed
An Executive Committee (EC) under the Chairpersonship on Guatemala over its failure to comply with anti-
of Prime Minister, Shri Narendra Modi has been corruption rules?
constituted comprising of Senior Ministers in the A. FIFPro
Cabinet, Leader of Opposition (Rajya Sabha), Renowned B. La Liga
Gandhians, Social Activists and noted public figures to C. UEFA
celebrate the 150th birth anniversary of Mahatma D. FIFA
Gandhi. E. Manchester United F.C
28. What is the name of the app launched by Satyen Answer: D
Kothari? Explanation
A. Citrus Advisor FIFA lifted a suspension imposed on Guatemala 18
B. Money Manager months ago over its failure to comply with anti-
C. Cube Wealth corruption rules.
D. Tech-Savvy 31. Which of the following is the only Indian University
E. None of these that has made it to the list of top 100 in the World
Answer: C Reputation Rankings 2018?
Explanation A. Nalanda University
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B. Indian Institute of Science Bangalore 34. Which State Transport Service has set a new record
C. AIIMS New Delhi in its monthly collection even amidst crisis?
D. IIM Chennai A. Tamilnadu
E. None of these B. Kerala
Answer: B C. Karnataka
Explanation D. Himachal
Bangalore’s Indian Institute of Science (IISc) has made it E. Delhi
to the list of top 100 in the World Reputation Rankings Answer: B
2018. Ranked at 91, Indian Institute of Science is the only Explanation
Indian University to have made it to the prestigious list. KSRTC (Kerala) has set a new record in its monthly
32. In which year NASA targeted to launch of a new collection even amidst crisis. For the first time, the
mission to learn more about the generation of cosmic transport corporation’s monthly earnings crossed Rs 200
rays in the heliosphere? crore riding on efficient service delivery.
A. 2020 35. When does Punjab’s new industrial policy expected
B. 2022 to start?
C. 2024 A. June 1t
D. 2025 B. July 1
E. 2028 C. August 14
Answer: C D. September 28
Explanation E. June 21
NASA is targeting 2024 for the launch of a new mission Answer: B
to learn more about the generation of cosmic rays in the Explanation
heliosphere Punjab’s new industrial policy, along with operational
33. To tribute which leader PM Modi Unveils Plaque at guidelines, is expected to become fully functional by July
Singapore's Clifford Pier? 1.
A. Dr. APJ Abdul Kalam 36. What is the cost of sanitary napkins offer by Haryana
B. Atal Bihari Vajpayee to girls school students?
C. Jawaharlal Nehru A. Rs 1
D. Dr.BR Ambedkar B. Rs 5
E. None of these C. Rs 10
Answer: E D. Rs 15
Explanation E. Rs. 20
Prime Minister Narendra Modi and Singapore’s former Answer: A
premier Goh Chok Tong jointly unveiled a plaque to pay Explanation
tribute to Mahatma Gandhi at the immersion site of his Girl students of government schools in Haryana will get
ashes at the waterfront Clifford pier. sanitary napkins at just Rs. 1 starting August.
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37. Who has appointed as the deputy governor of the Foundation and director of the Rajiv Gandhi Institute of
Reserve Bank of India? Contemporary Studies.
A. MS Sahoo 40. Where does National Health Editors’ Conference on
B. Arundathi Batachariya Yoga held?
C. MK Jain A. Mumbai
D. Adithiya Puri B. Kolkata
E. None of these C. Rajasthan
Answer: C D. New Delhi
Explanation E. Chennai
MK Jain has appointed as the deputy governor of the Answer: D
Reserve Bank of India. Explanation
38. Name the bank that has been recognized with the The Minister of State for AYUSH (Independent Charge),
Champion Security Award at the 14th Visa Asia Pacific Shri Shripad Yesso Naik will inaugurate the 3rd National
Security Summit? Health Editors’ Conference on Yoga at Morarji Desai
A. ICICI National Institute of Yoga (MDNIY) in New Delhi on June
B. AXIS 05, 2018.
C. YES 41. Who is the first Indian cricketer to be throw the
D. Kotak ceremonial first pitch at Safeco Field, home ground of
E. HDFC Seattle Mariners?
Answer: E A. Virat Kholi
Explanation B. Yuvaraj
HDFC Bank has once again been recognized with the C. MS Dhoni
Champion Security Award at the 14th Visa Asia Pacific D. Rohit Sharma
Security Summit. E. Kapil Dev
39. Who is appointed as new CEO for Rajiv Gandhi Answer: D
Foundation? Explanation
A. Vijay Maharajan Rohit Sharma is the first Indian cricketer to be given this
B. Vijay Mittal honour. He will throw the ceremonial first pitch at Safeco
C. Vijay Madavan Field, home ground of Seattle Mariners
D. Vijay Mahajan 42. Who has named South Africa's Cricketer of the Year?
E. None of these A. AB Devilries
Answer: D B. Faf DuPlesis
Explanation C. Dale Stein
Social entrepreneur Vijay Mahajan was appointed as D. Lungi Nigidi
secretary and chief executive officer of the Rajiv Gandhi E. Kagiso Rabada
Answer: E
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Explanation Answer: E
Kagiso Rabada, world’s number one Test bowler, was Explanation
named South Africa’s Cricketer of the Year. The World Bicycle Day is on 3 June. It was approved on
43. To which sports Timothy Pereira is related? 12 April 2018 as an official United Nations day of
A. Cricket awareness about the multiple societal benefits of using
B. Football the bicycle for transport and leisure.
C. Hockey 46. What is the theme of World Environment Day?
D. Tennis A. Beat Smoke Pollution
E. Wrestler B. Beat Pollution Smoke
Answer: B C. Beat Plastic Pollution
Explanation D. Beat Air Pollution
Timothy Pereira, former football international who E. None of these
represented Tata FC, died after a prolonged illness. Answer: C
Pereira was 75. Explanation
44. Which of the following PSU adopts Charminar under “Beat Plastic Pollution” is the theme of World
Swachh Iconic Places Project? Environment Day.
A. IOC 47. Which of the following seas are the cleanest seas on
B. NTPC the planet?
C. BHEL A. Arctic Seas
D. NLC B. Antarctic Seas
E. HAL C. Indian Ocean
Answer: B D. Red Seas
Explanation E. None of these
NTPC Ltd has adopted the iconic Charminar in Answer: A
Hyderabad under the Swachh Iconic Places Projects of Explanation
India.NTPC Ltd and the Greater Hyderabad Municipal According to Murmansk Marine Biology Institute , the
Corporation have signed a memorandum of Arctic’s seas are the cleanest seas on the planet. In 2017,
understanding for implementation of development and the Institute’s scientists organized several big
beautification works under the Charminar expeditions to the Arctic. The institute’s experts worked
Pedestrianization Project in Hyderabad. in the Barents, Norwegian and Greenland Seas.
45. From which year The World Bicycle Day observed? 48. Which of the following State Pollution Control Board
A. 2014 calls for ban on single-use plastics?
B. 2015 A. Kerala
C. 2016 B. Tamil Nadu
D. 2017 C. Karnataka
E. 2018 D. Andhra Pradesh
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E. West Bengal B. Chennai
Answer: E C. New Delhi
Explanation D. Mumbai
West Bengal State Pollution Control Board calls for ban E. Kolkata
on single-use plastics. Answer: A
49. From which date Tamil Nadu government Explanation
announced its decision to ban manufacture and use of Bengalore going to host UN Global Compact Network
several plastic products? India convention.
A. July 1, 2018 52. What is the theme of UN Global Compact Network
B. September 1, 2018 India convention?
C. January 1, 2019 A. Sustainable Development Goals
D. July 1, 2019 B. Sustainable Developed Network
E. April 1, 2019 C. Sustainable Development Network
Answer: C. D. Sustainable Developing Network
Explanation E. None of these
The Tamil Nadu government announced its decision to Answer: A
ban manufacture and use of several plastic products in Explanation
the state from January 1, 2019. Sustainable Development Goals is the theme of UN
50. For which Yojana the Government of India and the Global Compact Network India convention.
World Bank have signed $500 million loan agreement to 53. Who is the author of book Straight Talk?
provide additional financing? A. Vengaiya Naidu
A. PMKSY B. Manmohan Singh
B. PMGSY C. Abhishek Manu Singhvi
C. PMAY D. Chidambaram
D. PMJDY E. None of these
E. None of these Answer: C
Answer: B Explanation
Explanation Book ‘Straight Talk’, authored by Abhishek Manu
The Govt of India and the World Bank have signed $500 Singhvi.
million loan agreement to provide additional financing 54. Which country’s passport ranked 'most powerful' in
for the Pradhan Mantri Gram Sadak Yojana (PMGSY) world?
Rural Roads Project. It will be implemented by Union A. Japan
Ministry of Rural Development. B. China
51. Which city going to host UN Global Compact C. Australia
Network India convention? D. US
A. Bengaluru E. Russia
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Answer: A India’s Sanjana Ramesh Wins MVP Award At Basketball
Explanation Without Borders Asia.
Japanese passport ranked ‘most powerful’ in world. 58. Which of the following former New Zealand cricket
55. What is the rank of India in a list of the world's most captain has returned to play rugby after a gap of 18
powerful passports? years?
A. 60 A. Danial Victory
B. 70 B. Brendon McCullum
C. 76 C. Kane Williams
D. 59 D. Ross Tailor
E. None of these E. None of these
Answer: C Answer: B
Explanation Explanation
India has bagged the 76th position in a list of the world’s Former New Zealand cricket captain Brendon McCullum
most powerful passports, granting its holders visa-free returned to play rugby after a gap of 18 years.
access to 59 countries. 59. Who has become the world's fastest cricketer to
56. Name the latest desktop operating system launched reach 50 wickets in T20I?
by Apple? A. Sanjana Ramesh
A. macOS Mojave B. Vaishnavi Yadav
B. macOS Mojo C. Brendon McCullum
C. macOS Mojas D. Rashid Khan
D. macOS Mojan E. None of these
E. None of these Answer: A
Answer: A Explanation
Explanation Rashid Khan sets world record Khan became the world’s
Apple has introduced the latest version of its desktop fastest cricketer to reach 50 wickets in T20I.
operating system called ‘macOS Mojave’. 60. Which state has launched 'Rythu Bandhu' investment
57. Who was awarded the 'Most Valuable Player' (MVP) support scheme for farmers?
on the fourth and final day of Basketball Without A. Kerala
Borders Asia 2018? B. Tamil Nadu
A. Sanjana Ramesh C. Karnataka
B. Vaishnavi Yadav D. Andhra Pradesh
C. Brendon McCullum E. None of these
D. Rashid Khan Answer: E
E. None of these Explanation
Answer: A The Reserve Bank of India ensured cash availability to
Explanation the extent of 95 per cent( Rs 5,400 crore) in Telangana
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for the newly launched ‘Rythu Bandhu’ investment A. 7.3 %
support scheme for farmers. B. 7.5%
61. Which state government has announced the C. 7.1%
outstanding power bill waiver scheme? D. 7.4%t
E. 7.6%
A. Manipur Answer: A
B. Mizoram Explanation
C. Madhya Pradesh The World Bank has forecast a growth rate of 7.3
D. Haryana percent for India this year and 7.5 percent for the next
E. Nagaland two years, making it the fastest growing country among
Answer: C major emerging economies.
Explanation 64. What is the present repo rate after it is increased by
The Madhya Pradesh government has announced an 25 basis points by RBI?
outstanding power bill waiver scheme for laborers and A. 5.75%
poor families. The state cabinet headed by Chief Minister B. 6.50%
Shivraj Singh Chouhan approved the Bijli Bill Mafi Yojana C. 6.00%
2018 (Power Bill Waiver Scheme) which is expected to D. 6.25%
benefit about 77 lakh people of the state. E. 6.75%
62. Who has become the first visually-challenged Answer: D
woman IAS officer in India? Explanation
A. Beno Zephine The Monetary Policy Committee headed by RBI
B. Priya Jhingan Governor Urjit Patel has unanimously hiked the key
C. Shaya Ram policy repo rate by 25 basis points to 6.25 percent.
D. Pranjal Patil Consequently, the reverse repo rate under the liquidity
E. None of these adjustment facility stands adjusted to 6.0 percent.
Answer: D 65. Name the state which bans single-use plastic water
Explanation bottles in all government offices?
Thirty-year-old Pranjal Patil has become the first visually- A. Andhra Pradesh
challenged woman IAS officer in India as she joined her B. Maharashtra
posting as Assistant Collector in Kerala’s Ernakulam C. Manipur
district. The Maharashtra resident had lost her eyesight D. Nagaland
when she was six-years-old and faced difficulty in her E. Haryana
initial academic years. In 2016, she secured 773 ranks in Answer: E
the UPSC exam in her first attempt. Explanation
63. How much growth percent is forecasted by World The Haryana government has decided to ban single-use
Bank for India in 2018-19 fiscal year? plastic water bottles in all government offices in the
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state. The chief minister stated a five-point programme A. Rana Kapoor
would be implemented in the state for maintaining B. H R Khan
ecological balance. C. Shiksha Sharma
66. With which country, India signed MoU on technical D. S R. Kazeem Pur
cooperation? E. None of these.
A. Germany Answer: B
B. Canada Explanation
C. Denmark Bandhan Bank has appointed H R Khan, a former RBI
D. Russia deputy governor, as non-executive chairman. The board
E. Oman of directors of the bank at its meeting held appointed
Answer: C Harun Rasid Khan as the non-executive, part-time
Explanation chairman of the bank.
Union Cabinet was apprised of the Memorandum of 69. Name the authority which restricts e-wallets from
Understanding (MoU) signed between India and accessing Aadhaar database?
Denmark on technical cooperation in the field of A. RBI
Sustainable and Smart Urban Development in April this B. NABARD
year. It was also apprised of the similar MoUs signed C. UIDAI
between India and United Kingdom and between India D. Finance Ministry
and France. E. None of these.
67. Which state government announced financial aid for Answer: C
tur farmers? Explanation
A. Maharashtra The Unique Identification Authority of India (UIDAI),
B. Kerala which manages the country’s Aadhaar repository, has
C. Karnataka restricted the access of payment companies to its
D. Uttar Pradesh database by classifying them as local authentication user
E. Andhra Pradesh agencies, citing concerns over their security systems. An
Answer: A authentication user agency (AUA) is allowed to capture
Explanation Aadhaar information from a person and submit them to
Maharashtra government will provide the financial grant the Central Identities Data Repository for validation.
of 1,000 rupees per quintal to those farmers whose tur 70. Which country has issued its first driving licenses to
and gram could not be purchased by the administration women?
before the May 31 deadline. The state government had A. Saudi Arabia
set up tur procurement target of 44.6 lakh quintals. B. Canada
68. Who is appointed as non-executive chairman of C. Oman
Bandhan Bank? D. Germany
E. None of these.
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Answer: A A. R K Gupta
Explanation B. Anil Singh
Saudi Arabia has issued its first driving licences for C. Ravi Prasad
women three weeks before it ends the world’s only ban D. M K Jain
on female drivers, though are still in jail. Ten women E. None of these.
who held foreign driving licenses were given a health Answer: D
check and brief test behind the wheel before receiving Explanation
their Saudi permits from the Riydah traffic office. The government has appointed IDBI Bank managing
71. What is the name of the bank which has bagged an director and CEO M K Jain as Deputy Governor of
award instituted by Investor Relations Society India? Reserve Bank of India (RBI) in place of S S Mundra, who
A. City Union Bank had completed his three-year term in July last year.
B. Axis Bank 74. What is the name of the 1st Indian airport to have a
C. Bank of Maharashtra national highway underneath its runway?
D. ICICI Bank A. Cochin International Airport
E. Corporation Bank B. Lal Bahadur Shastri International Airport
Answer: E C. Rajiv Gandhi International Airport
Explanation D. Goa International Airport
Corporation Bank has bagged an award instituted by E. None of these
Investor Relations Society India. The bank was chosen Answer: B
for ‘Investor Relations Awards 2018’ under the category Explanation
‘Best Expectation Management (Mid Cap)’ for 2017-18. The Lal Bahadur Shastri International Airport near
72. Which state has launched a new crop insurance Varanasi is set to become the first Indian airport to have
scheme with effect from Kharif (monsoon) 2018? a national highway underneath its runway. A new
A. Karnataka underpass that will convert the highway into a four-lane
B. Andhra Pradesh road will be constructed, while the current runway will be
C. Kerala expanded from 2,750 metres to 4,075 metres.
D. Bihar 75. Which country has temporarily banned imports from
E. None of these. Kerala after Nipah outbreak?
Answer: D A. Bahrain
Explanation B. Qatar
The Bihar government has launched a new crop C. UAE
insurance scheme with effect from Kharif (monsoon) this D. Saudi Arabia
year. The Bihar State Crop Assistance Scheme replaces E. None of these
the existing system of crop insurance. Answer: D
73. Who has been appointed as new Deputy Governor Explanation
of RBI?
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Saudi Arabia has temporarily banned processed and Answer: B
frozen fruit and vegetable imports from Kerala from Explanation
Sunday amid concerns over Nipah virus outbreak. On IDFC bank had received the RBI’s approval for merger of
May 29, the United Arab Emirates also banned imports Capital First.
from Kerala and had earlier asked its citizens to avoid 79. What is the eligibility limit for a housing loan for
unnecessary travel to Kerala. metropolitan areas?
76. What is the rank of India in Global Peace Index? A. Rs 35 lakh
A. 136 B. Rs.25 lakh
B. 137 C. Rs.30 lakh
C. 138 D. Rs 45 lakh
D. 141 E. Rs 40 lakh
E. 143 Answer: A
Answer: B Explanation
Explanation Metropolitan areas, loan limits have been raised from Rs
India ranked 137 in Global Peace Index 28 lakh to Rs 35 lakh and for other areas, it has been
77. For which scheme India, the government has joined increased from Rs.20 lakh to Rs.25 lakh, provided the
hands with the World Bank to execute a Rs.6,000-crore? overall cost of the home does not exceed Rs.45 lakh and
A. APY Rs.30 lakh respectively.
B. ABHY 80. Which bank Best Expectation Management (Mid
C. APPY Cap)’ award for 2017-18?
D. PMAY A. Canara Bank
E. None of these B. Cooperative Bank
Answer: B C. Corporation Bank
Explanation D. Karnataka Vikas Bank
To address concerns about depleting groundwater E. None of these
reserves in India, the government has joined hands with Answer: B
the World Bank to execute a Rs.6,000-crore scheme Explanation
called the Atal Bhujal Yojana (ABHY). Corporation Bank bags Best Expectation Management
78. Which bank had received the RBI’s approval for (Mid Cap)’ award for 2017-18.
merger of Capital First? 81. What is the theme of Geo-Intelligence Asia – 2018?
A. u2018Geo special: A Force Multiplier for Defence and
A. IDBI Industrial Securityu2019.
B. IDFC B. u2018Geo Spatial: A First Multiplier for Defence and
C. SBI Industrial Securityu2019.
D. Axis bank C. u2018Geo Special: A First Multiplier for Defence and
E. Kotak Mahindra Account Industrial Securityu2019.t
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D. u2018Geo Spatial: A Force Multiplier for Defence and Pippa Harris has appointed as new chairperson of
Industrial Securityu2019. BAFTA.
E. None of these 85. Which beach becomes Asia’s first beach to get the
Answer: D Blue Flag certification?
Explanation A. Marina
‘Geo Spatial: A Force Multiplier for Defence and B. Kovalam
Industrial Security’ is the theme of Geo-Intelligence Asia C. Chandrabhaga
– 2018. D. VGP Goldan Beach
82. Who won the ‘National Gopal Ratna’ award? E. None of these
A. Pippa Harris Answer: C
B. Anupam Kher Explanation
C. Virat Kohli Chandrabhaga beach becomes Asia’s first beach to get
D. Sarthak Yashodhan Deshpande the Blue Flag certification.
E. Dhiraj Ram Krishna 86. Name the only player from India to be featured in
Answer: E the world’s highest-paid athletes, according to a Forbes’
Explanation compilation?
Dhiraj Ram Krishna won the ‘National Gopal Ratna’ A. Pippa Harris
award. B. Anupam Kher
83. In which of the following country IBSA Ministerial C. Virat Kohli
Meet held? D. Sarthak Yashodhan Deshpande
A. India E. Dhiraj Ram Krishna
B. Brazil Answer: C
C. South Africa Explanation
D. Australia Virat Kohli is the only player from India to be featured in
E. None of these the world’s highest-paid athletes, according to a Forbes’
Answer: C compilation
IBSA Ministerial Meet held in South Africa. 87. Who is the head of the group of eminent persons to
84. Who has appointed as new chairperson of BAFTA? study the Special Economic Zones, SEZ Policy of India?
A. Pippa Harris A. Baba Kalyani
B. Anupam Kher B. Sushma Swaraj
C. Virat Kohli C. Lindiwe Sisulu
D. Sarthak Yashodhan Deshpande D. Bezerra Abbott
E. Dhiraj Ram Krishna E. Radha Mohan Singh
Answer: A Answer: A
Explanation Explanation
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Baba Kalyani is the head of the group of eminent Sarthak Yashodhan Deshpande has become the
persons to study the Special Economic Zones, SEZ Policy youngest current rated chess player in the country with
of India. FIDE ratings of 1,064.
88. Who is the world’s highest-paid athlete, according 91. What is the theme of World Ocean Day?
to a Forbes’ compilation? A. Preventing Air pollution and encouraging solutions
A. Virat Kholi for a healthy ocean
B. Neimer B. Preventing plastic pollution and enrich solutions for a
C. Leonal Messi healthy ocean
D. Ronaldo C. Prevent plastic pollution and enrich solutions for a
E. Floyd Mayweather healthy ocean
Answer: E D. Preventing plastic pollution and encouraging
Explanation solutions for a healthy ocean
Floyd Mayweather is the world’s highest-paid athlete, E. Preventing plastic and encouraging solutions for a
according to a Forbes’ compilation. healthy ocean
89. How much amount did Union Ministry of Culture has Answer: D
launched a new scheme, ‘Seva Bhoj Yojna’ for Financial Explanation
Years 2018-19 and 2019-20.? Preventing plastic pollution and encouraging solutions
A. Rs. 320 Crores for a healthy ocean is the theme of World Ocean Day.
B. Rs. 322 Crores 92. Who is the director of the biopic ‘Making of the
C. Rs. 330 Crores Mahatma’?
D. Rs. 325 Crores A. Shyam Prasath
E. Rs. 335 Crores B. Shyam Benegal
Answer: D C. Nithesh Sharma
Explanation D. Neeraj Pandey
The Union Ministry of Culture has launched a new E. None of these
scheme, ‘Seva Bhoj Yojna’ with a total outlay of Rs. 325 Answer: B
Crores for Financial Years 2018-19 and 2019-20. Explanation
90. Who has become the youngest current rated chess The biopic ‘Making of the Mahatma’ is directed by
player in the country with FIDE ratings of 1,064? Shyam Benegal.
A. Pippa Harris 93. From which book the biopic ‘Making of the
B. Anupam Kher Mahatma’ was taken?
C. Virat Kohli A. Apprenticeship of a Mahatma
D. Sarthak Yashodhan Deshpande B. The Story Of My Experiments With Truth.
E. Dhiraj Ram Krishna C. GANDHI - His Relevance for our times
Answer: D D. Do or Die
Explanation E. None of these.
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Answer : A Canara Bank fined in UK for anti-money laundering
Explanation breaches.
The biopic ‘Making of the Mahatma’ was taken from the 97. Who is the head of committee formed for Public
book Apprenticeship of a Mahatma Credit Registry (PCR) as a repository of information
94. What is the state fruit of Tripura? regarding loan information of individuals and corporate
A. Mango borrowers?
B. Papaya A. Y.M. Deosthalee committee.
C. Pineapple B. Ajit Doval
D. Banana C. Urjit Patel
E. Orange D. Arun Jaitley
Answer: C E. None of these.
Explanation Answer: A
Pineapple is the state fruit of Tripura. Explanation
95. Who has awarded Polly Umrigar Award best Y.M. Deosthalee committee is the head of committee
international cricketer(Male) for the 2016-17 and 2017-18 formed for Public Credit Registry (PCR) as a repository of
seasons? information regarding loan information of individuals
A. Virat Kholi and corporate borrowers.
B. Shekar Dawan 98. In which country The Asia-Pacific Regional
C. Rohit Sarma Conference on Early Childhood Development (ECD)
D. Bhuvneshwar Kumar held?
E. Jasprit Bumrah A. India
Answer: A B. Nepal
Explanation C. Srilanka
Virat Kohli will be honoured with the top BCCI award on D. Bangaladesh
June 12 with Polly Umrigar Award for being the best E. China
international cricketer for the 2016-17 and 2017-18 Answer: B
seasons. Explanation
96. Name the Indian bank that has fined in UK for anti- The Asia-Pacific Regional Conference on Early Childhood
money laundering breaches? Development (ECD) and Third Asia- Pacific Regional
A. SBI Policy Forum on Early Childhood Care and Education
B. PNB (ECCE) held in Kathmandu, Nepal.
C. Canara Bank 99. Who has appointed new PM of Jordan?
D. Axis Bank A. Omar Razzaz
E. ICICI Bank B. King Abdullah II
Answer: C C. Hani Mulki
Explanation D. Fernanda Espinosa
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E. Sarita Nayyar A. Harmanpreet
Answer: A B. Mandhana
Explanation C. Mithaliraj
Omar Razzaz has appointed new PM of Jordan. D. Jhulan Nishit Goswami
100. Who has elected as President of the 73rd United E. None of these.
Nations General Assembly (UNGA)? Answer: B
A. Omar Razzaz Mandhana has awarded Polly Umrigar Award best
B. King Abdullah II international cricketer (Female) for the 2017-18.
C. Hani Mulki 104. Name the tech giants that has successfully
D. Fernanda Espinosa completed its public Wi-Fi programme to provide India's
E. Sarita Nayyar railway stations with free internet?
Answer: D A. Google
Explanation B. Jio
Fernanda Espinosa has elected as President of the 73rd C. Airtel
United Nations General Assembly (UNGA). D. Facebook
101. What is the current MCLR rate of HDFC? E. None of these
A. 8.0% Answer: A
B. 8.1% Explanation
C. 8.3% Google has successfully completed its public Wi-Fi
D. 8.4% programme to provide India’s railway stations with free
E. 8.5% internet.
Answer: D 105. Who is the first Indian to score 2,000 T20I runs?
Explanation A. Rohit Sharma
HDFC fetch its MCLR as 8.4% B. Virat Kholi
102. Who has awarded Polly Umrigar Award best C. MS Dhoni
international cricketer (Female) for the 2016-17? D. Shekar Dawan
A. Harmanpreet E. None of these
B. Mandhana Answer: E
C. Mithaliraj Explanation
D. Jhulan Nishit Goswami Mithali Raj is the first Indian to score 2,000 T20I runs.
E. None of these. 106. What is the timeline of Dam Rehabilitation &
Answer: A Improvement Project?
Harmanpreet has awarded Polly Umrigar Award best A. June 2018
international cricketer (Female) for the 2016-17. B. June 2019
103. Who has awarded Polly Umrigar Award best C. June 2020
international cricketer (Female) for the 2017-18? D. June 2021
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E. June 2022 Answer: B
Answer: C Explanation
Explanation Keshari Nath Tripathi, Governor of West Bengal given
Expenditure Finance Committee (EFC) has revised cost the additional charge of Tripura Governor, during the
and deadline of World Bank funded Dam Rehabilitation absence on leave of Tathagata Roy, Governor of Tripura.
& Improvement Project (DRIP) to Rs.3466 Crore till Jun 110. What is the minimum wages of Rajasthan for
2020. unskilled labourers per day?
107. Which of the following country becomes UNSC A. Rs.207
non-permanent member? B. Rs.223
A. Indonesia C. Rs.233
B. Maldives D. Rs.283
C. Saudi Arabia E. None of these
D. Guatemala
E. None of these Answer: A
Answer: A Explanation
Explanation The wages of unskilled labourers have been increased
Indonesia wins UNSC as a non-permanent member vote from Rs.207 to Rs.213 a day. The enhanced daily wages
108. What is the name of Volcano Recently erupt in will be Rs.223 for semi-skilled labourers, Rs.233 for
Guatemala? skilled labourers and Rs.283 for highly skilled labourers.
A. Mount Vesuvius The increased wages will come into effect retrospectively
B. Krakatoa from January 1, 2018.
C. Mount St. Helens 111. From which date Rajasthan increased wages come
D. Mount Tambora into effect?
E. Fuego A. January 1, 2018
Answer: E B. January 1, 2019
Explanation C. June 9, 2018
The Fuego volcano, in Guatemala, has recently erupted D. April 1, 2019
violently and buried several villages on its southern flank E. September 1, 2018
It is an active stratovolcano. The death toll has risen to Answer: A
99 in the Fuego volcano eruption. Explanation
109. Who is the acting governor of Tripura? The wages of unskilled labourers have been increased
A. Tathagata Roy from Rs.207 to Rs.213 a day. The enhanced daily wages
B. Keshari Nath Tripathi will be Rs.223 for semi-skilled labourers, Rs.233 for
C. Kalyan Singh skilled labourers and Rs.283 for highly skilled labourers.
D. V.P. Singh Badnore The increased wages will come into effect retrospectively
E. ESL Narashiman from January 1, 2018.
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112. Which of the following state government launched Andhra Pradesh is the first state to use auto-disable
Punjab Business First Portal? syringes which will be enforced from the World Hepatitis
A. Rajasthan Day.
B. Punjab 115. On which day auto-disable syringes which will be
C. West Bengal enforced?
D. Andhra Pradesh A. World Health Day
E. None of these B. World Hepatitis Day
Answer: B C. World Hemopenia Day
Explanation D. World Hospitality Day
Punjab Govt has launched a “Business First Portal” to E. None of these
give a big push towards the ease of doing business in Answer: B
the state. Andhra Pradesh is the first state to use auto-disable
113. The state which has decided to invest 107 crore syringes which will be enforced from the World Hepatitis
rupees to check erosion at vulnerable areas along the Day.
banks of the Ganga and the Padma? 116. Who will be heading the ARC panel for stressed
A. Rajasthan assets?
B. Punjab A. Sunil Mehta
C. West Bengal B. Anil Mehta
D. Andhra Pradesh C. Rajiv Mehta
E. None of these D. Aravind Mehta
Answer: C E. None of these
Explanation Answer: A
West Bengal Government has decided to invest 107 Sunil Mehta will be heading the ARC panel for stressed
crore rupees to check erosion at vulnerable areas along assets.
the banks of the Ganga and the Padma. 117. What is the minimum wages of Rajasthan for skilled
114. Name the state which is the first to use auto-disable labourers per day?
syringes? A. Rs.207
A. Rajasthan B. Rs.223
B. Punjab C. Rs.233
C. West Bengal D. Rs.283
D. Andhra Pradesh E. None of these
E. None of these Answer: C
Answer: D Explanation
Explanation The wages of unskilled labourers have been increased
from Rs.207 to Rs.213 a day. The enhanced daily wages
will be Rs.223 for semi-skilled labourers, Rs.233 for
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skilled labourers and Rs.283 for highly skilled labourers. 121. How many states have signed MoUs with the Union
The increased wages will come into effect retrospectively Health Ministry to implement the government’s
from January 1, 2018. ambitious national health protection mission Ayushman
118. Which state launched the Kaleshwaram Lift Irrigation Bharat?
Project (KLIP)? A. 5
A. Telangana B. 6
B. Punjab C. 7
C. West Bengal D. 8
D. Andhra Pradesh E. None of these
E. None of these Answer: D
Answer: A Explanation
Explanation Eight States and four Union Territories have signed
Kaleshwaram Lift Irrigation Project (KLIP) in Telangana MoUs with the Union Health Ministry to implement the
has received the approval of Technical Advisory government’s ambitious national health protection
Committee of the Union govt in Delhi. mission Ayushman Bharat.
119. Who has appointed as Independent Director of 122. Where will ITC may unveil the first phase of its
Electronic Payment Services (P) Ltd? integrated food manufacturing and logistics facility?
A. R. Gandhi A. Kerala
B. H R Khan B. Goa
C. Ajith Doval C. Karnataka
D. Manmohan Singh D. Tamilnadu
E. None of these E. None of these
Answer: A Answer: D
Explanation Explanation
Electronic Payment Services (P) Ltd has announced its ITC may unveil the first phase of its integrated food
appointment of Rama Subramaniam Gandhi as manufacturing and logistics facility at Pudukottai in Tamil
Independent Director to its Board of Directors. Nadu by the second quarter of 2018-19.
120. Who has awarded is IOC’s icon of the year? 123. Which of the following bank did Bank gets RBI nod
A. Rohan Bopanna for setting up arm for BFIL merger?
B. Kadambi Srikanth A. Axis
C. Virat Kholi B. IndusInd
D. MS Dhoni C. Yes Bank
E. Rohit Sarma D. ICICI
Answer: A E. HDFC
Explanation Answer: B
Bopanna is IOC’s icon of the year Explanation
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IndusInd Bank gets RBI nod for setting up arm for BFIL E. S Ramesh
merger. Answer: C
124. In which telecom sector Vodafone may invest Explanation
Rs.8,000 cr? Actor Mohanlal is tipped to lead the Association of
A. Airtel Malayalam Movie Artistes.
B. Jio 128. Who has appointed as acting UPSC chief?
C. BSNL A. Rajesh Kumar
D. Idea B. Sharad Kumar
E. None of these C. Mohanlal
Answer: B D. Arvind Saxena
Explanation E. S Ramesh
Vodafone may invest Rs.8,000 cr. in Idea JV. Answer: D
125. Where did G7 summit 2018 held? Explanation
A. India Arvind Saxena appointed acting UPSC chief.
B. China 129. Name the new Chairman of CBIC?
C. Japan A. Rajesh Kumar
D. Canada B. Sharad Kumar
E. USA C. Mohanlal
Answer: D D. Arvind Saxena
Explanation E. S Ramesh
G7 summit 2018 held in Canada Answer: E
126. Who has appointed as vigilance commissioner? Explanation
A. Rajesh Kumar The Appointments Committee of Cabinet (ACC) has
B. Sharad Kumar appointed S Ramesh as the Chairman of Central Board
C. Mohanlal of Indirect Taxes and Customs (CBIC).
D. Arvind Saxena 130. To whom, China awards its first highest state
E. S Rames honour?
Answer: B A. Manmohan singh
Explanation B. Narendra Modi
Sharad Kumar appointed vigilance commissioner. C. Vladimir Putin
127. Name the actor who tipped to lead the Association D. Donald Trump
of Malayalam Movie Artistes? E. None of these
A. Rajesh Kumar Answer: C
B. Sharad Kumar Explanation
C. Mohanlal China awards its first highest state honour to Russian
D. Arvind Saxena President Vladimir Putin.
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131. Who is the author of book ‘Home Fire’? C. Srilanka
A. Kamila Shamsie D. Pakistan
B. Donald Tucker E. Afghanistan
C. S Ramesh
D. Vairamuthu Answer: B
E. None of these Explanation
Answer: A Bangaladesh won women’s Asia Cup T20 2018.
Explanation 135. How many Union Territories have signed MoUs with
Kamila Shamsie’s “Home Fire” wins 2018 Women’s Prize the Union Health Ministry to implement the
for Fiction. government’s ambitious national health protection
132. Name the long-range artillery gun has been mission Ayushman Bharat?
successfully passed its final test at Pokhran, Rajasthan? A. 5
A. M67 B. 6
B. APJ Abdul Kalam C. 7
C. Dhanush D. 8
D. Recoilless E. None of these
E. None of these Answer: E
Answer: C Explanation
Explanation Eight States and four Union Territories have signed
India’s first indigenous, long-range artillery gun Dhanush MoUs with the Union Health Ministry to implement the
has been successfully passed its final test at Pokhran, government’s ambitious national health protection
Rajasthan. mission Ayushman Bharat.
133. Who wins Intercontinental Cup? 136. Where does CSIR’s Central Electro Chemical
A. India Research Institute (CECRI) is located?
B. China A. Karaikudi
C. Japan B. Karaikal
D. Canada C. Chennai
E. USA D. Ramanathapuram
Answer: A E. Coimbatore
Explanation Answer: A
Twin strikes from Sunil Chhetri and two timely blocks Explanation
from Gurpreet Singh were the key as India beat Kenya 2- CSIR’s Central Electro Chemical Research Institute
0 to win the four-nation Intercontinental Cup. (CECRI), Karaikudi, Tamil Nadu.
134. Which team won women’s Asia Cup T20 2018? 137. By how much percentage WHO commends India for
A. India reducing MMR ?
B. Bangaladesh A. 70%
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B. 72% Explanation
C. 75% According to draft guidelines, the RBI has proposed that
D. 77% the loan component of 40% will come into effect from
E. 78% October 1 and will be increased to 60% from April 1,
Answer: D 2019. The loan’s tenure will be minimum seven days.
Explanation 141. From which date RBI proposed the loan component
The World Health Organisation (WHO) commended of 60% will come into effect?
India’s progress in reducing maternal mortality ratio A. October 1, 2018
(MMR) by 77%. B. January 1, 2019
138. Where did Indias first police museum unveiled? C. April 1,2019
A. Mumbai D. June 1, 2019
B. Chennai E. October 1, 2019
C. Kolkata Answer: C
D. Delhi Explanation
E. Bangalore According to draft guidelines, the RBI has proposed that
Answer: D the loan component of 40% will come into effect from
India to have its 1st police museum in Delhi October 1 and will be increased to 60% from April 1,
139. By which year Chandrababu Naidu targets to 2019. The loan’s tenure will be minimum seven days.
complete Polavaram project? 142. How much amount did India gives to Nepal for
A. 2018 installing shallow tube wells?
B. 2019 A. Rs 90 million
C. 2020 B. Rs 95 million
D. 2022 C. Rs 99 million
E. 2025 D. Rs 100 million
Answer: B E. Rs 98 million
Explanation Answer: C
Chandrababu Naidu says Polavaram project to be Explanation
completed by 2019. India has extended a financial aid of Rs 99 million to
140. From which date RBI proposed the loan component Nepal for the construction of 2,700 shallow tube well
of 40% will come into effect? irrigation systems in 12 districts of the country’s southern
A. October 1, 2018 Terai region to boost agricultural productivity.
B. January 1, 2019 143. Which country going to host 11th World Hindi
C. April 1,2019 Conference?
D. June 1, 2019 A. India
E. October 1, 2019 B. Nepal
Answer: A C. Maldives
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D. Mauritius D. Mauritius
E. None of these E. None of these
Answer: D Answer: A
Explanation Explanation
Mauritius will host the 11th World Hindi Conference in its India to host first BIMSTEC war games in September.
capital city Port Lois from Aug 18-20, 2018. 147. How much amount did the government is set to
144. What is the theme of 11th World Hindi Conference? unveil a credit enhancement fund next month to
A. Vaishvik Hindi Aur Bharatiy Hindi facilitate infrastructure investments by insurance and
B. Vaishvik Hindi Aur Bharatiy Tamil pension funds?
C. Vaishvik Hindi Aur Bharatiy Telengu A. Rs.100-crore
D. Vaishvik Hindi Aur Bharatiy Sanskriti B. Rs.200-crore
E. None of these C. Rs.500-crore
Answer: D D. Rs.700-crore
Explanation E. Rs.900-crore
Vaishvik Hindi Aur Bharatiy Sanskriti is the theme of 11th Answer: C
World Hindi Conference Explanation
145. The Union Ministry of Railways has launched Rail The government is set to unveil a Rs.500-crore credit
MADAD, what is the abbreviation of MADAD? enhancement fund next month to facilitate infrastructure
A. Mobile Application for Destination Assistance During investments by insurance and pension funds.
travel 148. Who won 2018 French Open?
B. Mobile Application for Desired Assistance During train A. Serena Williams
C. Mobile Application for Desired Assist During travel B. Angelique Kerber
D. Mobile Application for Desired Assistance During C. Maria Sharapova
travel D. Simona Halep
E. None of these E. Sloane Stephens
Answer: D Answer: D
Explanation Explanation
The Union Ministry of Railways has launched Rail Simona Halep from Romania has won her first Grand
MADAD (Mobile Application for Desired Assistance Slam at the 2018 French Open tennis tournament in
During travel) Application to expedite and streamline Paris.
passenger grievance redressal. 149. Who won Canadian Grand Prix?
146. Which country going to host first BIMSTEC war A.Lewis Hamilton's
games? B. Sebastian Vettel
A. India C. Sunil Chhetri
B. Nepal D. Simona Halep
C. Maldives E. Sloane Stephens
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Answer: B Special Purpose Vehicle (SPV) for delivery of railway
Explanation services?
Sebastian Vettel claimed the 50th win of his career and A. CSO
reclaimed the lead of this year’s World championship at B. CSC
the Canadian Grand Prix. C. CRISEL
150. Name the football player who has become joint D. CISCO
second highest international goal scorer among active E. None of these
players along with Argentine superstar footballer Lionel Answer: B
Messi? Explanation
A. Gurpreet Singh Sandhu Indian Railway Catering and Tourism Corporation
B. Sandesh Jhingan (IRCTC) has signed an MoU with the Common Service
C. Sunil Chhetri Centres (CSCs) Special Purpose Vehicle (SPV) for delivery
D. Subrata Pal of railway services through CSC centres.
E. None of these 153. Till which date Kailash Mansarovar Yatra-2018 will
Answer: C continue?
Explanation A. September 1, 2018
India’s football team captain Sunil Chhetri has become B. October 1, 2018
joint second highest international goal scorer among C. September 8, 2018
active players along with Argentine superstar footballer D. July 10 2018
Lionel Messi. E. None of these
151. Which of the following organisation offering its Answer: C
Battery production technology to Indian industry? Explanation
A. BHEL Minister of State for External Affairs V K Singh has
B. HCL flagged off the 1st batch of three month-long Kailash
C. HAL Mansarovar Yatra-2018 in New Delhi. The Yatra will
D. ISRO continue till the Sept 08.
E. NTPC 154. How many new iconic sites have been taken up
Answer: D under Phase III of the flagship project Swachh Iconic
Explanation Places (SIP) of the Swachh Bharat Mission?
The drive for indigenously made lithium ion batteries on A. 15
a large scale has got a push with the Indian Space B. 10
Research Organisation offering its production C. 13
technology to Indian industry. D. 18
152. With which of the following Indian Railway Catering E. 20
and Tourism Corporation (IRCTC) has signed an MoU for Answer: B
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Ten new iconic sites have been taken up under Phase III E. 43
of the flagship project Swachh Iconic Places (SIP) of the Answer: C
Swachh Bharat Mission. Explanation
155. How many additional ATL has been established by The Haryana government has raised the upper age limit
NITI Aayog’s Atal Innovation Mission (AIM)? for entry into government service from 40 to 42 years.
A. 5000 158. Which of the following state has announces free of
B. 3000 cost medical services at government clinics?
C. 2000 A. Assam
D. 1000 B. Goa
E. 4000 C. Orissa
Answer: B D. Bihar
Explanation E. None of these
NITI Aayog’s Atal Innovation Mission (AIM) has selected Answer: C
3,000 additional schools for the establishment of Atal Explanation
Tinkering Labs (ATLs), bringing the total number of ATL Orissa announces free of cost medical services at
schools to 5,441. government clinics.
156. Who is the panel formed by government to bring in 159. Which of the following bank commands the largest
transparency in the jobs data calculation and value share of mobile banking transactions?
presentation? A. Axis Bank
A. Y S Rajasekara Reddy B. Paytm
B. T.C.A. Anant C. ICICI Bank
C. H R Khan D. SBI
D. Narashimman E. None of these
E. None of these Answer: A
Answer: B Explanation
Explanation Axis Bank commands the largest value share of mobile
The union government has set up a committee headed banking transactions.
by former chief statistician of India T.C.A. Anant to bring 160. Which of the following bank commands the largest
in transparency in the jobs data calculation and volumes of mobile banking transactions?
presentation. A. Axis Bank
157. What is the age limit of age limit for entry into B. Paytm
government service in Haryana? C. ICICI Bank
A. 40 D. SBI
B. 41 E. None of these
C. 42 Answer: B
D. 45 Explanation
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Paytm commands the largest Volume of mobile banking the State of India’s Environment (SoE) 2018 in Figures
transactions. that has been released recently.
161. Where did International ICT conference to be held? 164. How much amount did Centre sanctions for Block
A. India level sports in J&K?
B. Bangaladesh A. Rs 10.30 crore
C. Nepal B. Rs 15.30 crore
D. China C. Rs 16.30 crore
E. Russia D. Rs 12.30 crore
Answer: C E. Rs 14.30 crore
Explanation Answer: E
International ICT conference to be held in Nepal Explanation
162. How much amount did PFRDA seeks to double Centre sanctions Rs 14.30 crore for Block level sports in
pension limit under Atal Pension Yojana? J&K.
A. 2000 165. Where did Umakhanov Memorial Tournament held?
B. 5000 A. India
C. 8000 B. Bangaladesh
D. 10000 C. Nepal
E. None of these D. China
Answer: D E. Russia
Explanation Answer: E
The Pension Fund Regulatory Development Authority Explanation
(PFRDA) has proposed to double the monthly pension Indian boxers bagged one Gold and two Silver medals at
limit to Rs 10,000 from the existing Rs 5,000 under the the Umakhanov Memorial Tournament in the Russian
Atal Pension Yojana. city of Kaspiysk yesterday.
163. What is the rank of India in Global Environment 166. What is the theme of World Blood Donor Day 2018?
Performance Index? A. Be there for everyone else. Give blood. Share life
A. 148 B. Be there for each one else. Give blood. Share life
B. 160 C. Be there for anyone else. Give blood. Share life
C. 170 D. Be there for someone else. Give blood. Share life
D. 177 E. None of these
E. 180 Answer: D
Answer: D Explanation
Explanation Theme of World Blood Donor Day 2018 is Be there for
India has ranked 177 out of 180 countries in the Global someone else. Give blood. Share life
Environment Performance Index (EPI) rankings, as per