1. Problem Statement
A three storey building for a residential/commercial purpose has plan dimensions as shown in Figure 1. The building is
located in seismic zone V on a site with medium soil. It is required to design the RCC building for seismic loads as per Nepal
National Building Codes and regulations. However most of the features of NNBC are derived from IS building codes and
NNBC refer IS codes, it is desired to the analysis and design of earthquake resistant RCC building with more or less
conjunction with IS codes.
2. Scope
The main scope of this project is to apply standards of Nepal National building codes which requires the IS- 456, IS-13920,
IS-1893 in designing the building. These building require great extent consideration of earthquake effects on building. This
building is located in seismic zone V therefore the lateral loading of earthquake considered is predominant to the effects of
wind loads. Hence wind loads are not considered. Almost materials and their sizes are so chosen that these are easily
available in the market.
Load calculation is done using the IS 1893:2002 and NBC105: 1994 as code of standards. The exact value of unit weights of
the materials from the code is used in the calculation. The thickness of materials is taken as per design requirements.
For analysis, different software is available during these days. Concerning to the project “CSI-ETABS V-16” integrated
building software is used for analysis, design and detailing of frames using IS-CODE options so available. CSI-SAFE V-14
is used for the analysis, design and detailing of slabs Foundation analysis and design is completed manually with Excel
spread sheet confirming IS456:2000. Manual analysis and design using IS456:2000 carried out with the help of me created
excel-templates made accordingly.
Limit state method is used for design. It uses the concept of probability and based on the application of method of statistics to
the variation that occurs in practice in the loads acting on the structures or in the strength of material. The structures may
reach a condition at which it becomes unfit for use for one of many reasons e.g. collapse, excessive deflection, cracking, etc.
and each of this condition is referred to a limit state condition. The aim of limit state design is to achieve an acceptable
probability that a structure will not become unserviceable in its lifetime for the use for which it has been intended i. e it will
not reach a limit state. It means structures should be able to withstand safely all loads that are liable to act on it throughout its
life and it would satisfy the limitations of deflection and cracking.
Client: Mrs. Mahendra Kumari Bhusal, Devchuli-….., Nawalparasi Engineer: Buddhi Sagar Bastola, NEC7059CIVIL
2|P a g e Earthquake Resistant Analysis and Design
3. General
This report summarizes the structural analysis and design of building of “Mrs. Mahendra Kumari Bhusal” at Devchuli
Municipality ward no …., NawalParasi. It has planned to utilize the building as a residential access aspect. Some of the
general building configurations and features are listed below.
1. The numbering of beams and columns are presented in Annex I.
2. Structural system : RCC Space frame, ductile moment resisting frame without infill wall stiffness.
3. Plinth area covered : 135.87 sq.m. ( 1462.5 sq.ft.)
4. Type of foundation : Isolated footing with footing ties.
5. No. of Storey : Three Storey
6. Total Height : 10.21 m (33.5 feet).
7. Walls : 250 mm exterior & 150 mm interior thick brick masonry (1:5 C/S ratios)
8. Probable Partition : Considered. The building will be used as residential purposes hence owner may add/changes the position of partition walls.
So that the provision for this situation is included by providing 1 KN/m2 dead load along the surfaces
9. Type of Sub-Soil : II (Medium type as per NBC 105). Out of scope of this report but approximate
Safe bearing capacity of soil adopted = 160 KN/m2
10. At ground floor, slabs are not provided and the floor will directly rest on ground. Therefore, only ground beams passing through columns are provided
as tie beams. The floor beams are thus absent in the ground floor.
11. The main beams rest centrally on columns to avoid local eccentricity.
12. For structural elements slabs and beams, M20 grade concrete is used considering the low level skills of our available masons as they will tend to
increase water while working with slabs and beams. M25 grade concrete is strictly applied for columns.
13. All the column sizes are kept same to ascertain simplicity in construction.
14. The floor diaphragms are assumed to be rigid
15. Preliminary sizes of structural components are assumed by experience although confirmation on deflection control and fire resistance of level 2 is done.
16. Tie Beams are provided in connecting the footings at plinth level. This is optional in zones II and III; however, it is mandatory in zones IV and V.
17. Seismic loads will be considered acting in the horizontal direction (along the two principal directions) and not along the vertical direction, since it is not
considered to be significant.
18. The analysis and design has been based on the prevailing codes that are in practice in India and Nepal, the Indian Standard code IS 1893(Part 1):2002
and the NBC (105:1994) code at places if required. This report consists of the design procedures adopted, the assumptions made, the inputs made in the
design and the design output.
19. As per IS 1893(Part 1):2002, the seismic zoning of Nepal can be taken as ZONE IV and ZONE V , most severe zone of India. For our case, we take the
site lies on Zone V. Hence the building is designed with great consideration towards earthquake resistant practices.
Preliminary Data for Structural Elements Owner: Mrs. Mahendra Kumari Bhusal
Client: Mrs. Mahendra Kumari Bhusal, Devchuli-….., Nawalparasi Engineer: Buddhi Sagar Bastola, NEC7059CIVIL
3|P a g e Earthquake Resistant Analysis and Design
16 16 201 ,, *Note : - Brick masonry stiffness properties is used only to support stair landings.Mass/Weight of walls are used as dead loads separately.
20 20 314 ,, *Test Certificate is required for Concrete Strength of Column (20 Mpa and 25 Mpa)
5. Loads on Buildings
4.1 Dead Load: A constant load in a building structure that is due to the weight of the members, the supported structure, and permanent
attachments or accessories. This analysis deals with dead loads to be assumed in the design of buildings and same is given in the-form of
unit weight of materials. The unit weight of other materials that are likely to be stored in a building should be also included for the purpose
of load calculations due to stored materials. These loads are calculated as specified in IS875-1987(part I)
4.2 Live Load : The load assumed to be produced by the intended use or occupancy of a building, including the weight of movable
partitions, distributed, concentrated loads, load due to impact and vibration, and dust load but excluding wind, seismic, snow and other
loads due to temperature changes, creep, shrinkage, differential settlement, etc. This analysis covers imposed loads*(live loads) to be
assumed in the design of buildings. The imposed loads, used in this building analysis, are minimum loads which should be taken into
consideration for the purpose of structural safety of buildings. These loads are calculated as specified in IS875-1987 (part II)
4.3 Seismic Load: The force on a structure caused by acceleration induced on its mass by an earthquake. This load is included in design
to determine the extent of seismic reinforcing. The seismic loads on the structure during an earthquake result from inertia forces which
were created by ground accelerations. The magnitude of these loads is a function of the following factors: mass of the building, the
dynamic properties of the building, the intensity, duration, and frequency content of the ground motion, and soil-structure interaction. The
analysis method and earthquake loads are calculated as specified in IS1893-2002.
4.4 Wind Load: Wind is air in motion relative to the surface of the earth. The primary cause of wind is traced to earth’s rotation and differences in
terrestrial radiation. The radiation effects are primarily responsible for convection either upwards or downwards. The wind generally blows horizontal to
the ground at high wind speeds. Since vertical components of atmospheric motion are relatively small, the term ‘wind’ denotes almost exclusively the
horizontal wind, vertical winds are always identified as such. Wind load on the building would be usually uplift force perpendicular to the roof due to
suction effect of the wind blowing over the roof. The positive or negative force of the wind acting on the structure; wind applies a positive pressure on the
Client: Mrs. Mahendra Kumari Bhusal, Devchuli-….., Nawalparasi Engineer: Buddhi Sagar Bastola, NEC7059CIVIL
4|P a g e Earthquake Resistant Analysis and Design
windward side of the building and a negative suction to the leeward side. This analysis ignored the wind loads as the building is located in seismic zone V
and hence the earthquake loads predominant it and the height of the building is less.
6. Loading Data Assignments
The following considerations are made for the assignment of loads on the structural model:
The loads distributed over the area are imposed on area element and that distributed over length are imposed on line
element whenever possible.
Where such loading is not applicable, equivalent conversion to different loading distribution is carried to load the
model near the real case as far as possible.
The imposed loading of infill walls are considered(as per architectural drawing.) as equivalent UDL with 25% to 30%
deductions for openings, but the actual modelling of infill walls as equivalent Struts are not performed. Hence the stiffness of
infill walls is not considered.
The Plinth Tie – Beams are designed as purely tie members for lateral loads only, not designed as flexural members as
floor beams.
For simplicity of Structural analysis, Modelling of stair case is not performed & no landing beam is considered. The
DL & LL load of stair case is transferred to the floor beam as equivalent UDL.
Loads on Beams supporting Two- ways Slabs: In case of Beams supporting two-way slabs, the load distribution is
trapezoidal on long beams and triangular on short beams with base angle of 45▫ as shown in fig below. However this action
is automatically done by software itself.
Client: Mrs. Mahendra Kumari Bhusal, Devchuli-….., Nawalparasi Engineer: Buddhi Sagar Bastola, NEC7059CIVIL
5|P a g e Earthquake Resistant Analysis and Design
Client: Mrs. Mahendra Kumari Bhusal, Devchuli-….., Nawalparasi Engineer: Buddhi Sagar Bastola, NEC7059CIVIL
6|P a g e Earthquake Resistant Analysis and Design
Load Combinations
The load combinations are based on NBC105:1994, clause 4.4 for Limit state design method. The following load
combinations are used during analysis.
Client: Mrs. Mahendra Kumari Bhusal, Devchuli-….., Nawalparasi Engineer: Buddhi Sagar Bastola, NEC7059CIVIL
7|P a g e Earthquake Resistant Analysis and Design
Direction = Multiple
Base Shear, V
Direction Used C
(sec) (kN) (kN)
X + Ecc. Y 0.2665 0.0792 5729.83 454.00
m kN kN
Client: Mrs. Mahendra Kumari Bhusal, Devchuli-….., Nawalparasi Engineer: Buddhi Sagar Bastola, NEC7059CIVIL
8|P a g e Earthquake Resistant Analysis and Design
Direction = Multiple
Base Shear, V
Direction Used C
(sec) (kN) (kN)
Y + Ecc. X 0.2718 0.0792 5729.83 454.00
m kN kN
SF/Roof (33'-6") 10.2108 0.00 133.00
Client: Mrs. Mahendra Kumari Bhusal, Devchuli-….., Nawalparasi Engineer: Buddhi Sagar Bastola, NEC7059CIVIL
9|P a g e Earthquake Resistant Analysis and Design
8.1 General
A building is subjected to gravity loads such as dead loads & live loads and lateral loads such as wind or earthquake
loads. These loads are transferred to ground through a system of interconnected structural members. Connections between beam
and column may be moment resistant.
A structural system may be of the following system
1. Load bearing wall system: Walls provide support for all gravity and lateral loads. Indian standard of code practice restrict the use of such building to 3
storeys in seismic zone V.
2. Shear wall system: It is wall designed to resist lateral forces acting in its own plane. It also referred as vertical diaphragm or structural wall. Shear walls in
buildings must be symmetrically placed along exterior perimeter of the building to reduce ill-effects of twist in buildings.
3. Moment resisting Frame System: It is a system in which members and joints are capable of resisting vertical and lateral loads primarily by flexure. Frames
may be designed using concept of strong column-weak girder proportions. There are two types of MRF
Ordinary Moment Resisting Frame (OMRF): It is a moment-resisting frame not meeting special detailing requirements for ductile behaviour.
Special Moment Resisting Frame (SMRF): It is a moment-resisting frame specially detailed to provide ductile behaviour and comply with the requirements given
in IS 4326 or IS 13920 or SP6.
4. Dual Frame System: MRF with shear wall also termed as Dual System. The interaction between the frame and the shear wall reduces the lateral deflection of
the structural wall at the top, while the wall helps support the frame near the base. The MRFs are designed to independently resist at least 25% of design base
shear, even if shear walls share more than 75% of the total lateral force. This is to take care of effect of displacement during earthquake.
5. Tube System: A structural system consisting of closely spaced exterior columns tied at each floor level with relatively deep spandrel beams. Such a building
has very high moment of inertia about the two orthogonal axes in plan and very high torsional stiffness about vertical axis and used for tall buildings to limit the
storey lateral displacement.
Among these a structural system SMRF is adopted here while designing the building.
The strength and stiffness of the infill walls are ignored but their equivalent loads/masses are considered while designing bare frames for earthquake load.
It is desirable to provide a 10-20 mm clear gap between the masonry panel and the adjoining beams and columns.
The data and other building features are thoroughly adopted while analysing the SMRF building by software CSI-ETABS.
SF/Roof (33'-6") Storey Drift X or Y 0.002529 Diaph.Rigid X or Y 0.002529 < 0.004 OK ! Checked
PLVL (2'-0") Storey Drift X or Y 0.000845 Diaph.Rigid X or Y 0.000000 < 0.004 OK ! Checked
Client: Mrs. Mahendra Kumari Bhusal, Devchuli-….., Nawalparasi Engineer: Buddhi Sagar Bastola, NEC7059CIVIL
11 | P a g e Earthquake Resistant Analysis and Design
Client: Mrs. Mahendra Kumari Bhusal, Devchuli-….., Nawalparasi Engineer: Buddhi Sagar Bastola, NEC7059CIVIL
12 | P a g e Earthquake Resistant Analysis and Design
Client: Mrs. Mahendra Kumari Bhusal, Devchuli-….., Nawalparasi Engineer: Buddhi Sagar Bastola, NEC7059CIVIL
13 | P a g e Earthquake Resistant Analysis and Design
9.1.1 Introduction
A slab is a flat two dimensional planar structural element having thickness small compared to its other two dimensions. It
provides a working flat surface or a covering shelter in buildings. It primarily transfers the load by bending in one or two
directions. Reinforced concrete slabs are used in floors, roofs and walls of buildings and as the decks of bridges. The floor
system of a structure can take many forms such as in situ solid slab, ribbed slab or pre-cast units. Slabs may be supported on
monolithic concrete beam, steel beams, walls or directly over the columns. Concrete slab behave primarily as flexural
members and the design is similar to that of beams.
Slabs are classified based on many aspects
Client: Mrs. Mahendra Kumari Bhusal, Devchuli-….., Nawalparasi Engineer: Buddhi Sagar Bastola, NEC7059CIVIL
14 | P a g e Earthquake Resistant Analysis and Design
Two-Way Slabs
A rectangular slab supported on four edge supports, which bends in two orthogonal directions and deflects in the form of dish
or a saucer is called two way slabs. For a two way slab the ratio of ly/lx shall be _ 2.0. Since, the slab rest freely on all sides,
due to transverse load the corners tend to curl up and lift up. The slab loses the contact over some region. This is known as
lifting of corner. These slabs are called two way simply supported slabs. If the slabs are cast monolithic with the beams, the
corners of the slab are restrained from lifting. These slabs are called restrained slabs. At corner, the rotation occurs in both
the direction and causes the corners to lift. If the corners of slab are restrained from lifting, downward reaction results at
corner & the end strips gets restrained against rotation. However, when the ends are restrained and the rotation of central
strip still occurs and causing rotation at corner (slab is acting as unit) the end strip is subjected to torsion.
Two way simply supported slabs
The bending moments Mx and My for a rectangular slabs simply supported on all four edges with corners free to lift or the
slabs do not having adequate provisions to prevent lifting of corners are obtained using
Mx = αx W l²x
My = αy W l²x
Where, αx and αy are coefficients given in Table 1 (Table 27, IS 456-2000)
W- Total load /unit area
lx & ly – lengths of shorter and longer span.
Two way restrained slabs
When the two way slabs are supported on beam or when the corners of the slabs are prevented from lifting the bending
moment coefficients are obtained from Table 2 (Table 26, IS456-2000) depending on the type of panel shown in Fig. 3.
These coefficients are obtained using yield line theory. Since, the slabs are restrained; negative moment arises near the
supports. The bending moments are obtained using;
Client: Mrs. Mahendra Kumari Bhusal, Devchuli-….., Nawalparasi Engineer: Buddhi Sagar Bastola, NEC7059CIVIL
15 | P a g e Earthquake Resistant Analysis and Design
Client: Mrs. Mahendra Kumari Bhusal, Devchuli-….., Nawalparasi Engineer: Buddhi Sagar Bastola, NEC7059CIVIL
16 | P a g e Earthquake Resistant Analysis and Design
Client: Mrs. Mahendra Kumari Bhusal, Devchuli-….., Nawalparasi Engineer: Buddhi Sagar Bastola, NEC7059CIVIL
17 | P a g e Earthquake Resistant Analysis and Design
Client: Mrs. Mahendra Kumari Bhusal, Devchuli-….., Nawalparasi Engineer: Buddhi Sagar Bastola, NEC7059CIVIL
18 | P a g e Earthquake Resistant Analysis and Design
Client: Mrs. Mahendra Kumari Bhusal, Devchuli-….., Nawalparasi Engineer: Buddhi Sagar Bastola, NEC7059CIVIL
19 | P a g e Earthquake Resistant Analysis and Design
Fig: 11- Strip Moments and Top/Bottom Reinforcement (Flexural) (Layer-A and Layer-B)
Client: Mrs. Mahendra Kumari Bhusal, Devchuli-….., Nawalparasi Engineer: Buddhi Sagar Bastola, NEC7059CIVIL
20 | P a g e Earthquake Resistant Analysis and Design
Client: Mrs. Mahendra Kumari Bhusal, Devchuli-….., Nawalparasi Engineer: Buddhi Sagar Bastola, NEC7059CIVIL
21 | P a g e Earthquake Resistant Analysis and Design
Client: Mrs. Mahendra Kumari Bhusal, Devchuli-….., Nawalparasi Engineer: Buddhi Sagar Bastola, NEC7059CIVIL
22 | P a g e Earthquake Resistant Analysis and Design
Client: Mrs. Mahendra Kumari Bhusal, Devchuli-….., Nawalparasi Engineer: Buddhi Sagar Bastola, NEC7059CIVIL
23 | P a g e Earthquake Resistant Analysis and Design
Joint labels 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10
F-group F1 F2 F2 F2 F2 F2 F3 F3 F3 F3
Joint labels 11 12 13 14 15 16 0 0 0 0
F-group F3 F3 F3 F3 F3 F3 ……. ……. ……. …….
Fig: 12- Joint Labels and Groups
Client: Mrs. Mahendra Kumari Bhusal, Devchuli-….., Nawalparasi Engineer: Buddhi Sagar Bastola, NEC7059CIVIL
24 | P a g e Earthquake Resistant Analysis and Design
11. Conclusion
The purpose of this building is mainly residential with limited resources. Hence due to high cost of soil investigation
actual borehole site exploration and the determination of bearing capacity of soil is omitted and adopted with the
experience and visual inspection of site and local possibilities. The frame system analysis is made with an well powered
software CSI-ETABS V16.Attempts are made to economise and simplified the construction ensuring earthquake safety
and adopting common materials, common sections, and schedules. Design process is interactive process of selecting
frames and checking for loads considered. Final safe checked and passed model with possible minimum sizes of frame
members and minimum reinforcement is adopted. This design is safe against earthquake no doubly, however more
iteration are avoided in selection of members which make a little costly but not more than 10%.
Slabs are imported to CSI-SAFE V.14 directly from ETABS model which carry the resultant forces and displacements
directly to the SAFE model. Foundations are designed manually with the help of excel- design templates made on the
basis of IS 456:2000.Client is suggested to employ supervisor in the construction periods to ensure the quality control of
works/materials within a limit. All necessary calculations; analysis results; design outputs and structural drawings are
presented in annexes.
Design Recommendation
1. Columns
Column Size Longitudinal Reinforcement Shear Stirrups Column Height
Column Remaining
S.N. Spacing upto 18" Spacing Column
Notation Side face Bars Side face Bars Legs on Legs on part of Column Ended
Lx Ly Corner Bars Dia. from beam/column within Started From
(X-dir) in 2-sides (Y-dir) in 2-sides Face Face Column to Elevation
joint face joint Elevation
(Inch) (Inch) No. No. dia. (mm) No. dia. (mm) (X-dir) (Y-dir) (mm) Inch Inch Inch Natural Ground Level = 0'-0"
1 C1 12 12 4 20 2 16 2 16 3 3 8 4 4 5 Ele. (-5'-0") Ele. (12'-6")
1 C1 12 12 4 16 2 16 2 16 3 3 8 4 4 5 Ele. (12'-6") Ele. (23'-0")
2 C2 12 12 4 20 2 16 2 16 3 3 8 4 4 5 Ele. (-5'-0") Ele. (12'-6")
2 C2 12 12 4 16 2 16 2 16 3 3 8 4 4 5 Ele. (12'-6") Ele. (33'-6")
3 C3 12 12 4 20 2 16 2 16 3 3 8 4 4 5 Ele. (-5'-0") Ele. (23'-0")
3 C3 12 12 4 16 2 16 2 16 3 3 8 4 4 5 Ele. (23'-0") Ele. (33'-6")
Grid Coordinate A 1 A 2 A 3 A 4 B 1 B 2
C-Group C1 C1 C2 C2 C1 C1
Grid Coordinate B 3 B 4 C 1 C 2 C 3 C 4
C-Group C2 C2 C2 C2 C2 C2
Grid Coordinate D 1 D 2 D 3 D 4 __ __ __ __
C-Group C3 C3 C3 C3 __ __
2. Beams
Rectangular Beams (Depth with Slab Depth)
Width Depth Longitudinal Reinforcements
Extra Bars Shear Reinforcements
(Inch) (Inch) (througout)
Beam Group Set
Client: Mrs. Mahendra Kumari Bhusal, Devchuli-….., Nawalparasi Engineer: Buddhi Sagar Bastola, NEC7059CIVIL
25 | P a g e Earthquake Resistant Analysis and Design
3. Foundation
Footing Design Summery Output
Soil Bearing Capacity
160 Cocrete Strength (Mpa) Rebar Type and Strength (N/mm2) 500_TMT
Considered (KN/m2)
Isolated Pad Foundation with
Soil Test Not Carried 20 Type of Footing
Geometry Bottom Rebars Column Size Dowels
Rebars Two Ways
Client: Mrs. Mahendra Kumari Bhusal, Devchuli-….., Nawalparasi Engineer: Buddhi Sagar Bastola, NEC7059CIVIL
26 | P a g e Earthquake Resistant Analysis and Design
4. Floor Slab
Floor Slab@ 20 Mpa, 500 N/mm2
5 inch
Overall Thickness
127 mm
Clear Cover 15.88 mm
Rebar Layer
Outer Layaer Inner Layer
STRIP_A Global_X STRIP_B Global_Y
Top Rebar
Throughout Rebars mm2/m
dia.(mm) Spacing (inch) Total
8 10 Bothway
Cut Piece Rebars
10 10 Across Beam Lines
Bottom Rebar
Throughout Rebars mm2/m
dia.(mm) Spacing (inch) Total
8 10 Bothway
Cut Piece Rebars
10 10 Mid Span Bothway
Client: Mrs. Mahendra Kumari Bhusal, Devchuli-….., Nawalparasi Engineer: Buddhi Sagar Bastola, NEC7059CIVIL
27 | P a g e Earthquake Resistant Analysis and Design
- ETABS is used in the structural design of the Burj Dubai in the United Arab. The Burj Dubai Tower is the world’s tallest structure, passing all
previous height records. The entire building structure was analysed for gravity (including P-Delta analysis), wind, and seismic loadings utilizing ETABS
version 8.4, from Computers and Structures, Inc. (CSI).
- ETABS is used in the design of the new Museum for African Art on Fifth Avenue in New York City
CSI-SAFE V.14 SAFE v14 is the ultimate integrated tool for designing reinforced and post-tensioned concrete floor and foundation systems. This version
introduces versatile 3D object based modelling and visualization tools. Founded in 1975, Computers and Structures, Inc. (CSI) is recognized globally as the
pioneering leader in software tools for structural and earthquake engineering. Software from CSI is used by thousands of engineering firms in over 160
countries for the design of major projects. From framing layout to detail drawing production, SAFE integrates every aspect of the engineering design
process in one easy and intuitive environment. SAFE provides an immensely capable yet easy-to-use program for structural designers, providing the only
tool necessary for the modelling, analysis, design, and detailing of concrete slab systems and foundations. ETABS allows users to import models, loading,
and displacement fields into SAFE for more advanced local assessment of slab systems within larger structures. Punching-shear and drop-panel checks are
automatic. The SAPFire ® Analysis Engine translates the object-based model into an optimal finite-element model by coordinating the tessellation process
with object orientation, observing bounds to establish effective aspect ratios, and connecting mismatched mesh seams where area objects connect. A
sophisticated slab analysis can then proceed with realistic contribution from adjoining systems. Measures may be implemented for deflection control and
import of parameters from dynamic analysis using ETABS. Accurate nonlinear simulation of combined vertical, lateral, and secondary response enables
effective slab design and detailing. SAFE automatically generates drawing sheets for plan, elevation, and section views that detail and dimension framing,
reinforcement, and tendon layout.
Microsoft Office Excel Templates: The Design of Foundations is made with Excel-Template prepared by myself. So prepared design templates are
based on IS 456:2000 - Code of Practice for Plain and Reinforced Concrete.
1. ANNEX-I (Analysis/design)
A) Frames: Beam/column forces; Concrete frame design; Frame sections and their properties; Load cases, pattern and combinations; Beam/column
design; Point reactions and ETABS project report.
B) Slabs: CSI-SAFE V.12 report
C) Foundations: Analysis and design calculations EXCEL-sheet
Client: Mrs. Mahendra Kumari Bhusal, Devchuli-….., Nawalparasi Engineer: Buddhi Sagar Bastola, NEC7059CIVIL
28 | P a g e Earthquake Resistant Analysis and Design
Beam Sizes, Required Longitudinal Reinforcement (mm2) and Shear Reinforcements (mm2/m)
Client: Mrs. Mahendra Kumari Bhusal, Devchuli-….., Nawalparasi Engineer: Buddhi Sagar Bastola, NEC7059CIVIL
29 | P a g e Earthquake Resistant Analysis and Design
Client: Mrs. Mahendra Kumari Bhusal, Devchuli-….., Nawalparasi Engineer: Buddhi Sagar Bastola, NEC7059CIVIL
30 | P a g e Earthquake Resistant Analysis and Design
Client: Mrs. Mahendra Kumari Bhusal, Devchuli-….., Nawalparasi Engineer: Buddhi Sagar Bastola, NEC7059CIVIL
31 | P a g e Earthquake Resistant Analysis and Design
Client: Mrs. Mahendra Kumari Bhusal, Devchuli-….., Nawalparasi Engineer: Buddhi Sagar Bastola, NEC7059CIVIL
32 | P a g e Earthquake Resistant Analysis and Design
Client: Mrs. Mahendra Kumari Bhusal, Devchuli-….., Nawalparasi Engineer: Buddhi Sagar Bastola, NEC7059CIVIL
33 | P a g e Earthquake Resistant Analysis and Design
Client: Mrs. Mahendra Kumari Bhusal, Devchuli-….., Nawalparasi Engineer: Buddhi Sagar Bastola, NEC7059CIVIL