San Beda College of Law: Insurance Code
San Beda College of Law: Insurance Code
San Beda College of Law: Insurance Code
(P.D. No. 1460)
and the interest in the insurance are a. A party knows a fact which he
vested in the same person. (Sec. 20) neglects to communicate or
disclose to the other.
b. Such party concealing is duty
bound to disclose such fact to
EXCEPTIONS: the other.
1. In life, health and accident c. Such party concealing makes no
insurance.(Sec. 20); warranty as to the fact
2. Change in interest in the thing concealed.
insured after occurrence of an d. The other party has not the
injury which results in a loss. means of ascertaining the fact
(Sec. 21); concealed.
3. Change in interest in one or e. Material
more of several distinct things Effects: Entitles insurer to rescind,
separately insured by one policy. even if the death or loss is due to a
(Sec. 22); cause not related to the concealed
4. Change of interest, by will or matter (Sec. 27).
succession, on the death of the Note: Good Faith is not a defense in
insured. (Sec. 23); concealment. Sec. 27 clearly provides
5. Transfer of interest by one of that, the concealment whether
several partners, joint owners, intentional or unintentional entitles the
or owners in common, who are injured party to rescind the contract of
jointly insured, to others. (Sec. insurance.
6. When a policy is so framed that Test of Materiality: Determined not by
it will inure to the benefit of the event, but solely by the probable
whomsoever, during the and reasonable influence of the facts
continuance of the risk, may upon the party to whom the
become the owner of the communication is due, in forming his
interest insured. (Sec. 57); estimate of the advantages of the
7. When there is an express proposed contract, or in making his
prohibition against alienation in inquiries (Sec. 31).
the policy, in case of alienation, Exception to Sec. 31:
the contract of insurance is not a. Incontestability clause
merely suspended but avoided. b. Matters under Sec.110 (marine
(Art. 1306, NCC). insurance)
are untrue. Reason: The insurer cannot that purpose. (Insular Life Assur. Co. vs.
rely on those statements. He must make Feliciano, 74 Phil. 469)
further inquiry. (Philamcare Health
Systems vs. CA, G.R. No. 125678, March 3. Warranties Statement or promise
18, 2002). by the insured set forth in the policy or
by reference incorporated therein, the
2. Representations Factual untruth or non-fulfillment of which in
statements made by the insured at the any respect, and without reference to
time of, or prior to, the issuance of the whether insurer was in fact prejudiced
policy to give information to the insurer by such untruth or non-fulfillment,
and induce him to enter into the renders the policy voidable by the
insurance contract. They are considered insurer.
an active form of concealment. Purpose: To eliminate potentially
Requisites of a false representation increasing hazards which may either be
(misrepresentation): due to the acts of the insured or to the
a. The insured stated a fact which change to the condition of the property.
is untrue. Kinds:
b. Such fact was stated with a. EXPRESS an agreement expressed in
knowledge that it is untrue and a policy whereby the insured stipulates
with intent to deceive or which that certain facts relating to the risk are
he states positively as true or shall be true, or certain acts relating
without knowing it to be true to the same subject have been or shall
and which has a tendency to be done.
mislead. b. IMPLIED - it is deemed included in the
c. Such fact in either case is contract although not expressly
material to the risk. mentioned. Example: In marine
Characteristics: insurance, seaworthiness of the vessel.
a. It is not a part of the contract but Effects of breach of warranty:
merely a collateral inducement to it. a. Material
b. It may be oral or written. GENERAL RULE: Violation of material
c. It is made at the same time of issuing warranty or of a material provision of a
the policy or before but not after. policy will entitle the other party to
d. It may be altered or withdrawn before rescind the contract. (Sec. 74)
the insurance is effected but not EXCEPTIONS:
afterwards. a. Loss occurs before the time of
e. It always refers to the date the performance of the warranty.
contract goes into effect. b. The performances becomes
Kinds: unlawful at the place of the
a. AFFIRMATIVE affirmation of a fact contract.
when the contract begins; and c. Performance becomes
b. PROMISSORY promise to be impossible. (Sec. 73)
performed after policy was issued. b. Immaterial (ex. Other insurance
Effect of Misrepresentation: the clause)
injured party is entitled to rescind from GENERAL RULE: It will not avoid the
the time when the representation policy.
becomes false. EXCEPTION: When the policy expressly
provides or declares that a violation
Test of Materiality: Same as that in thereof will avoid it. (Sec. 75)
Where the insured merely signed the Part of the contract Mere collateral
application form and made the agent of inducement
the insurer fill the same for him, it was Written on the May be written in
held that by doing so, the insured made policy, actually or by the policy or may
the agent of the insurer his own agent reference be oral.
and he was responsible for his acts for
Note: The period of 2 years may be 1. The insurer is bound only to pay to
shortened but it cannot be extended by the extent of the real value of the
stipulation. property lost;
2. The insured is entitled to recover the
amount of premium corresponding to
Incontestability only deprives the the excess in value of the property;
insurer of those defenses which arise in
connection with the formation and B. DOUBLE INSURANCE exists where
operation of the policy prior to loss. same person is insured by several
(Prof. De Leon, p. 173 citing Wyatt and insurers separately in respect to same
Wyatt, p. 878) subject and interest. (Sec. 93)
BARRED DEFENSES NOT 1. Person insured is the same;
DEFENSES BARRED 2. Two or more insurers insuring
OF THE INSURER separately;
1. Policy is 1. That the person 3. Subject matter is the same;
void ab initio taking the insurance 4. Interest insured is also the same;
2. Policy is lacked insurable 5. Risk or peril insured against is
rescindable by interest as required likewise the same.
reason of the by law;
fraudulent 2. That the cause of
Effects: Where double insurance is
concealment or the death of the
misrepresentation of insured is an allowed, but over insurance results:
the insured or his excepted risk; (Sec. 94)
agent 3. That the 1. The insured, unless the policy
premiums have not otherwise provides, may claim
been paid (Secs. 77, payment from the insurers in such
227[b], 228[b], order as he may select, up to the
230[b]); amount for which the insurers are
4. That the severally liable under their
conditions of the
respective contracts;
policy relating to
military or naval 2. Where the policy under which the
service have been insured claims is a valued policy, the
violated (Secs. insured must give credit as against
227[b], 228[b]); the valuation for any sum received
5. That the fraud is by him under any other policy
of a particularly without regard to the actual value of
vicious type; the subject matter insured;
6. That the 3. Where the policy under which the
beneficiary failed to
insured claims is an unvalued policy
furnish proof of
death or to comply he must give credit, as against the
with any condition full insurable value, for any sum
imposed by the received by him under any policy;
policy after the loss 4. Where the insured receives any sum
has happened; or in excess of the valuation in the case
7. That the action of valued policies, or of the
was not brought insurable value in the case of
within the time unvalued policies, he must hold such
sum in trust for the insurers,
according to their right of
XIII. contribution among themselves;
A. OVER-INSURANCE results when the 5. Each insurer is bound, as between
insured insures the same property for an himself and the other insurers, to
amount greater than the value of the contribute ratably to the loss in
property with the same insurance proportion to the amount for which
company. he is liable under his contract.
Effect in case of loss:
It shall commence from the denial of Classes of inland marine insurance:
the claim, not from the resolution of the (Prof. De Leon, p. 325)
motion for reconsideration, otherwise it 1. Property in transit provides
can be used by the insured as a scheme protection to property
or device to waste time until the frequently exposed to loss while
evidence which may be used against him it is transportation form one
is destroyed. (Sun Insurance Office, Ltd. location to another.
v. CA, 195 SCRA) 2. Bailee liability - insurance for
4. In CMVLI, the written notice of claim those who have temporary
must be filed within 6 months from the custody of the goods.
date of the accident otherwise the claim
is deemed waived. The suit for damages
3. Fixed transportation property
they are so insured because they
either with the proper court or with the
are held to be an essential part
Insurance Commissioner should be filed
of the transportation system
within 1 year from the date of the denial
such as bridges, tunnels, etc.
of the claim by the insurer, otherwise
claimants right of action shall prescribe. 4. Floater provides insurance to
(Sec. 384) follow the insured property
wherever it may be located,
PARTICULAR KINDS OF INSURANCE subject always to the territorial
CONTRACTS limits of the contract.
Insurable interest:
Insurance against risks connected with 1. Shipowner
navigation, to which a ship, cargo, a. Over the vessel to the
freightage, profits or other insurable extent of its value, except
interest in movable property, may be that if chartered, the
exposed during a certain voyage or a insurance is only up to the
fixed period of time. (Sec. 99) amount not recoverable
Coverage: from the charterer. (Sec.
A. 100).
1. Vessels, goods, freight, cargo, b. He also has an insurable
merchandise, profits, money, interest on expected
valuable papers, bottomry and freightage. (Sec. 103).
respondentia, and interest in respect c. No insurable interest if he
to all risks or perils of navigation; will be compensated by
2. Persons or property in connection charterer for the value of
with marine insurance; the vessel, in case of loss.
3. Precious stones, jewels, jewelry and 2. Cargo owner
precious metals whether in the Over the cargo and expected
course of transportation or profits (Sec. 105).
otherwise; and 3. Charterer
4. Bridges, tunnels, piers, docks and Over the amount he is liable
other aids to navigation and to the shipowner, if the ship is
transportation. (Sec. 99) lost or damaged during the
Cargo can be the subject of voyage (Sec. 106).
marine insurance, and once it is
entered into, the implied B.
warranty of seaworthiness In loans on bottomry and respondentia
immediately attaches to Repayment of the loan is subject to
whoever is insuring the cargo, the condition that the vessel or goods,
whether he be the shipowner or respectively, given as a security, shall
not. (Roque v. IAC, 139 SCRA arrive safely at the port of destination.
596) 1. Owner/Debtor
B. Marine Protection and Indemnity
CHAIRPERSON: Garny Luisa Alegre ASST. CHAIRPERSON:Jayson OS Ramos EDP: Beatrix I. Ramos SUBJECT
Marichelle De Vera (Negotiable Instruments Law); Jose Fernando Llave (Insurance); Aldrich Del Rosario
(Transportation Laws);
Shirley Mae Tabangcura, Bon Vincent Agustin (Corporation Law); Karl Steven Co (Special Laws); John Lemuel
Gatdula (Banking Laws); Robespierre CU (Law on Intellectual Property)
San Beda College of Law
Insurable interest is based on the of action against the insurer (Sec. 53,
interest of the insured in the safety of Bonifacio Bros. v. Mora, 20 SCRA 261).
persons, and their property, who may
maintain an action against him in case of The insurer is not solidarily liable with
their injury or destruction, respectively. the insured. The insurers liability is
Examples: workmens compensation, based on contract; that of the insured is
motor vehicle liability based on torts. Furthermore, the
In a third party liability (TPL) insurers liability is limited by the
insurance contract, the insurer assumes amount of the insurance coverage (Pan
the obligation by paying the injured third Malayan Insurance Corporation v. CA,
party to whom the insured is liable. Prior 184 SCRA 54).
payment by the insured to the third
person is not necessary in order that the
obligation may arise. The moment the
insured becomes liable to third persons,
the insured acquires an interest in the INTENTIONAL vs. ACCIDENTAL AS
insurance contract which may be USED IN INSURANCE POLICIES
garnished like any other credit. (Perla 1. Intentional Implies the exercise of
Comapnia de Seguro, Inc vs. Ramolete, the reasoning faculties, consciousness
205 SCRA 487) and volition. Where a provision of the
Aside from compulsory motor vehicle policy excludes intentional injury, it is
liability insurance, the Insurance Code the intention of the person inflicting the
contains no other provisions applicable injury that is controlling. If the injuries
to casualty insurance. Therefore, such suffered by the insured clearly resulted
casualty insurance are governed by the from the intentional act of the third
general provisions applicable to all types person, the insurer is relieve from
of insurance, and outside of such liability as stipulated. (Biagtan v. the
statutory provisions, the rights and Insular Life Assurance Co. Ltd., 44 SCRA
obligations of the parties must be 58, 1972)
determined by their contract, taking into 2. Accidental That which happens by
consideration its purpose and always in chance or fortuitously, without intention
accordance with the general principles or design, which is unexpected, unusual
of insurance law. and unforeseen.
owners or operators responsible for the 3. Claim may be made against one motor
accident sustained (Shafer v. Judge, vehicle only
RTC, 167 SCRA 386). 4. Proper insurer from which to claim -
Claimants/victims may be a a. In case of an occupant: Insurer
passenger or a 3rd party of the vehicle in which the occupant is
It applies to all vehicles whether riding, mounting or dismounting from;
public and private vehicles. b. In any other case: Insurer of the
Note: It is the only compulsory insurance directly offending vehicle. (Sec. 378)
coverage under the Insurance Code.
The claimant is not free to choose
from which insurer he will claim the no
fault indemnity as the law makes it
mandatory that the claim shall lie
against the insurer of the vehicle in
which the occupant is riding, mounting
Method of coverage or dismounting from. That said vehicle
1. Insurance policy might not be the one that caused the
2. Surety bond accident is of no moment since the law
3. Cash deposit itself provides that the party paying may
recover against the owner of the vehicle
Passenger Any fare-paying person responsible for the accident. (Perla
being transported and conveyed in and Compania de Seguros, Inc. v. Ancheta,
by a motor vehicle for transportation of 169 SCRA 144)
passengers for compensation, including
persons expressly authorized by law or This no-fault claim does not apply to
by the vehicles operator or his agents to property damage. If the total indemnity
ride without fare. (Sec. 373[b]) claim exceeds P5,000 and there is
controversy in respect thereto, the
Third Party Any person other than the finding of fault may be availed of by the
passenger, excluding a member of the insurer only as to the excess. The first
household or a member of the family P5,000 shall be paid without regard to
within the second degree of fault. (Prof. De Leon, p. 716)
consanguinity or affinity, of a motor
vehicle owner or land transportation The essence of the no-fault indemnity
operator, or his employee in respect of insurance is to provide victims of
death or bodily injury arising out of and vehicular accidents or their heirs
in the course of employment. (Sec. immediate compensation although in
373[c]) limited amount, pending final
determination of who is responsible for
No-Fault Clause the accident and liable for the victims
A clause that allows the victim injuries or death. (Ibid.)
(injured person or heirs of the deceased)
to an option to file a claim for death or SPECIAL CLAUSES
injury without the necessity of proving A. Authorized Driver Clause
fault or negligence of any kind. A clause which aims to indemnify the
Purpose: To guarantee compensation insured owner against loss or damage to
or indemnity to injured persons in motor the car but limits the use of the insured
vehicle accidents. vehicle to the insured himself or any
Rules: person who drives on his order or with
1. Total indemnity - maximum of P5,000 his permission (Villacorta v. Insurance
2. Proofs of loss - Commissioner)
a. Police report of accident; The requirement that the person
b. Death certificate and evidence driving the insured vehicle is permitted
sufficient to establish proper payee; in accordance with the licensing laws or
c. Medical report and evidence of other laws or regulations to drive the
medical or hospital disbursement. motor vehicle (licensed driver) is