Serv-U DB Integration Guide

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Serv-U File Server

Version 15.1.1

Last Updated: Wednesday, August 16, 2017

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Serv-U File Server Database Integration

Introduction ............................................................................................................................................................3
Integrating With A New Database ......................................................................................................................4
Integrating With An Existing Database..............................................................................................................5
Custom Database Mapping ................................................................................................................................6
Creating an ODBC Connection ..........................................................................................................................7
Basic Database Schema .....................................................................................................................................9
Generating Special Values .............................................................................................................................. 10
Example Code.................................................................................................................................................... 12
Schema Reference............................................................................................................................................ 16
Notices ................................................................................................................................................................ 41

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Serv-U File Server Database Integration

Serv-U ( is a file server that allows end users to transfer files via FTP, FTPS,
SFTP, web browsers, and mobile devices. Serv-U runs on either Windows or Linux and supports both
IPv4 and IPv6 networks. In addition, it runs natively on both 32-bit and 64-bit versions of Windows
and Linux, taking advantage of performance benefits inherent in 64-bit computing.

To authenticate end users Serv-U can use its own user database or an external collection of user and
group information. The two types of external collections supported today are Windows Active
Directory (on Windows-deployed servers only) and relational databases accessible via ODBC. This
paper discusses the latter case: how to use a relational database accessible via ODBC to provide
Serv-U with user and group information.

Serv-U MFT Server supports integration with external database engines like Microsoft SQL Server,
MySQL, PostgreSQL, Oracle, and more. Serv-U requires only an ODBC connection name,
username, and password to an empty database to integrate with any supported database engine.
Windows provides ODBC functionality via the “Data Sources” menu in the Control Panel, while Linux
provides this functionality via the “unixODBC” package, found in standard Linux repositories. Storing
users in an ODBC database can provide much faster response times when user counts grow above
several thousand, and also makes the user list accessible to back-end user provisioning systems.

This manual describes how to authenticate end users with relational databases. Two common
scenarios are covered:

 Serv-U builds a new database for its own use

 Serv-U connects to an existing database shared with other applications or services

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Serv-U File Server Database Integration

Integrating With A New Database

To set up Serv-U to populate an empty database:

1. Create a new empty database on the relational database of your choice. (Refer to your
Microsoft SQL Server, SQL Database, MySQL, or Postgres manual or consult with your local
DBA if you need help doing this.)

2. Create an ODBC connection to your database. For more information, see “Creating an ODBC

3. Navigate to the Domain Details > Database menu in Serv-U.

4. Ensure that the Automatically create required tables and the Automatically create
required columns options are both enabled.

5. Enter the Data Source Name (DSN) (see “Creating an ODBC Connection”), and the user
name and password used to access the database.

6. Click Save.

7. Test the ODBC connection by creating a new user account in the Users > Database Users
menu (or Global Users > Database Users), and see if the user is correctly displayed in the
list. Errors can be reviewed in the Domain Activity > Log menu.

Serv-U will proceed with the setup and create all the necessary tables and columns to begin database
user storage immediately.

Additional Domains

Serv-U supports the setup of multiple Domains, which are collections of Users and Groups bound by
common settings, such as a common Fully Qualified Domain Name or client company. When Serv-U
is set up this way, each Domain in Serv-U should be configured with its own database.

Global Users and Groups

Global Users and Groups, which are special Users and Groups that can access any Serv-U Domain,
can also be stored in a database. Like additional Domains in Serv-U, the Global Users and Groups
should also be configured on their own database.

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Serv-U File Server Database Integration

Integrating With An Existing Database

Serv-U can be tied into an existing database that contains users and groups shared and/or managed
by another application. Since Serv-U's default setting is to generate all the standard tables and
columns when the Save button is clicked, custom deployments must be carried out with more
planning. To initially connect Serv-U to the database:

1. Create an ODBC connection to your existing database. For more information, see “Creating
an ODBC Connection”.

2. Navigate to the Domain Details > Database menu in Serv-U.

3. Disable the Automatically create required tables and the Automatically create required
columns options in Serv-U to prevent unnecessary table creation.

4. Enter the Data Source Name (DSN) (see “Creating an ODBC Connection”) that was created
earlier, the username, and the password to access the database.

5. Click Save.

The actual work to integrate Serv-U with the database begins at this point. Via the User Table
Mappings and Group Table Mappings menus, Serv-U must be configured with the correct table
names with which to integrate with, and which field names to use for its various database attributes.
For a comprehensive list of all attributes and standard labels used by Serv-U, see the accompanying
documentation in Excel spreadsheet format.

Additional Domains

Serv-U supports the setup of multiple Domains, which are collections of Users and Groups bound by
common settings, such as a common Fully Qualified Domain Name or client company. When Serv-U
is set up this way, each Domain in Serv-U should be configured with its own database.

Global Users and Groups

Global Users and Groups, which are special Users and Groups that can access any Serv-U Domain,
can also be stored in a database. Like additional Domains in Serv-U, the Global Users and Groups
should also be configured on their own database.

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Serv-U File Server Database Integration

Custom Database Mapping

For an example of how custom mapping can be accomplished, see the example image of the User
Info Table in Serv-U. This table contains the users and user settings in a Serv-U Domain. For the
purpose of integrating with an existing database, we have renamed the “Login ID” attribute to
“AcmeUserID”, which is the field in our MySQL database that contains Login IDs.

Similarly, in the MySQL Workbench, we can see the field AcmeUserID shown, which can be used by
existing account management systems for user account provisioning.

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Serv-U File Server Database Integration

Creating an ODBC Connection

Serv-U uses ODBC connections on both Windows and Linux to provide connections to your relational
database. Below are directions on creating ODBC connections on both Windows and Linux systems.
Specific directions for creating and managing new databases for specific database engines are not
covered in this document – for directions specific to your database engine, refer to your database
documentation or consult with your local database administrator (DBA).

Creating A New Windows ODBC Connection

To allow Serv-U on Windows to access a database, an ODBC connection must first be established in
Windows. To establish this connection, follow the steps below:

1. Open the Control Panel > Administrative Tools > Data Sources (ODBC) menu.
2. If Serv-U is running as a service, open the System DSN tab. If Serv-U is going to run as an
application (this is uncommon), open the User DSN tab.
3. Click Add, select the data source to be used (most common are "SQL Server" for Microsoft
SQL Server 2000, "SQL Native Client" for Microsoft SQL Server 2005 and SQL Server 2008,
and "MySQL ODBC 3.51 Driver" for MySQL), and then click Next.
4. Specify the username and password for the database server, as well as the specific database
that will be in use (these steps will vary based on database and ODBC driver).

Testing New Windows DSN

To test the new Windows DSN and ensure that it is able to connect to the database, open the ODBC
connection properties in the Data Sources menu. The ability to test will depend on the ODBC driver
for your database, but most database ODBC drivers, like those used by Microsoft SQL Server,
MySQL, and Oracle, support a “Test” button that allows Windows to check if the connection is

Creating A New Linux ODBC Connection

To allow Serv-U on Linux to access a database, the empty database on the database server must
first be created, as with Windows. Then, an ODBC connection can be established in Linux. This
requires that the following packages first be installed on the Linux server:


There are two kinds of Data Source Names (DSNs) - User DSNs, which are available in the user
context only, and System DSNs, which are available for the whole system and for all users.
Precedence is IMPORTANT - if you have identically named DSNs in the User and System levels, the
User DSN takes precedence. User DSNs are created in ~/.odbc.ini. System DSNs are created in
/etc/odbc.ini. Remember that you must be logged in as root to make changes to
/etc/odbc.ini. Since Serv-U will typically be running as a service, creating a System DSN is
recommended. To create your new DSN, use the formats below for MySQL and Postgres:

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Serv-U File Server Database Integration

Description = MySQL test database
Trace = Off
TraceFile = stderr
Driver = MySQL
PORT = 3306

Description = Test to Postgres
Driver = PostgreSQL
Trace = Yes
TraceFile = sql.log
Password = PASSWORD
Port = 5432
Protocol = 6.4
ReadOnly = No
RowVersioning = No
ShowSystemTables = No
ShowOidColumn = No
FakeOidIndex = No
ConnSettings =

The names in brackets should be adjusted to your needed DSN name string.

Testing New Linux DSN

Testing the new DSN can be performed using the "isql" application, using the syntax below.

[rhinosoft@rhinodev ~]$ isql %DSN% -c -v

Be sure to replace %DSN% with the name of your DSN. This will allow you to confirm whether your
DSN is operating. Remember that if you have identically named DSNs in the Root and User levels,
the User level DSN takes precedence.

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Serv-U File Server Database Integration

Basic Database Schema

Serv-U supports a wide range of statistics-gathering and feature-related fields that are not necessary
for basic file transfer functionality. At a very basic level, Serv-U relies on the following fields to be
present to support authentication and file access:

Users Table
Table Name – The name of the table containing users. “SUUsers” by default.
LoginID - String value containing the username of the account.
PasswordChangedOn - Integer value calculated using time_t, showing the last date the password
was change
PasswordEncrypted - If the password is encrypted using the methods described in the following
section, “Generating Encrypted Passwords”, this value must be 1. If the password is stored plaintext,
enter 0.
HomeDir - Enter the full path to the user's home directory
LockInHomeDir - If the user must be locked into their home directory, enter 1. If not, enter 0

UserDirAccess Table
Table Name – The name of the table containing groups. “UserDirAccess” by default.
LoginID – String value containing the username of the account.
SortIndex - The order in which the rule will be processed for the user specified in "LoginID".
Dir - The directory of the Dir Access rule, stored in true format (C:\ftproot\user,
\\servername\files\folder, or /usr/ftproot, no escape characters needed).
Access - The privileges granted, calculated using the directions in the following section, “Generating
Directory Access Values”.
MaxSize - If applicable, the maximum size the directory may reach before no more uploads are

For a comprehensive list of all tables and fields that Serv-U supports as well as the default values,
see the “Schema Reference” section.

Data Concurrency

Information about user accounts is loaded into memory when a user logs into Serv-U. If a change to a
user account is written manually to the database, it can cause this information to be overwritten.
Manually coded mechanisms must be able to wait for a user to log off before writing changes to
ensure they are saved properly.

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Serv-U File Server Database Integration

Generating Special Values

Generating Encrypted Passwords
By default, Serv-U passwords in the database are stored in an encrypted format so that if the
database is compromised, the passwords on the server cannot be stolen. Serv-U uses a one-way
MD5 hash, with salt, to ensure the safety of the password. Encrypted passwords can be disabled if
necessary in the Domain Limits & Settings > Limits > Password menu, in the Password Encrypt
Mode option. However, using encrypted passwords is recommended for maximum security.

To generate a Serv-U compatible encrypted password for insertion into an ODBC user database, two
random characters (the 'salt' - in the range a..z, A..Z) are added to the beginning of the clear-text
password. This is then hashed using MD5 and the resulting hash is hex-encoded. The result of this is
written as plain-text starting with the two salt characters followed by the hex-encoded hash.

The algorithm works as below:

Action Result
Password is established TestPassword
Two salt characters are added to increase cbTestPassword
Result is hashed using MD5 and displayed in 8EA58F0751BAA5AF391253F7DADD3D46
Two salt characters are added to the beginning of cb8EA58F0751BAA5AF391253F7DADD3D46
previous hash

When verifying a user's password, Serv-U will do the same. It parses the salt from the user's stored
password (i.e., "cb" in this case), prepends it the password the user sent to it by the client, MD5
hashes it, and compares the result with the stored hash. If the values are equal, then the entered
password is correct.

Generating Directory Access Rules

When creating users directly in a database it is necessary to tell Serv-U programmatically what
permissions the user will be granted. The permissions must be specified via the method outlined

To calculate the value of a DirAccess entry, the appropriate values (represented in hexadecimal
below) must be added and converted to decimal, then used in the DirAccess column of the CSV file.
Each value represents a specific bit which can be turned on or off by adding or removing that value.
For example, to grant Read/Write/List access, you add:


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This value must then be converted to hex, which can be done by opening the Windows Calculator
(Start > All Programs > Accessories > Calculator), changing it to Scientific Mode (View > Scientific
Mode), selecting Hex, typing in the value, then selecting "Dec" for an automatic conversion. For
example, hexadecimal 103 and decimal 259 are the same value. 259 is the value that should be
entered in the DirAccess column for the appropriate user. The values of all permissions are listed

File Permissions


Directory Permissions


Subdirectory Permissions


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Serv-U File Server Database Integration

Example Code
To aid in the deployment of database integration, we have provided sample code for the special
values used in the Serv-U Database: encrypted passwords, and directory access calculations. The
example are provided in PHP, VB.NET, and C#.NET.

Generating Encrypted Passwords


// MD5 of specified string plus two leading salt characters

// Used in Serv-U's "MD5" hashes
// Provided to the public domain by Rhino Software, Inc.
// INPUT: $strPwdOrig (a string containing a plaintext password)
// OUTPUT: $strDBValue (a string containing the value to insert or check in
the database)
// This is the password to "one way encrypt"
echo "|Original Password:".$strPwdOrig."|"; // REMOVE THIS LINE IN
// This is the set of characters used in the two-character salt (note
hardcoded length)
$strSaltChars =
// Generate and display the salt
$strSalt = substr($strSaltChars, rand(1, 62), 1);
$strSalt = substr($strSaltChars, rand(1, 62), 1).$strSalt;
echo "|Salt:".$strSalt."|"; // REMOVE THIS LINE IN PRODUCTION
$strPwdHash = md5($strSalt.$strPwdOrig);
echo "|Encrypted Password:".$strPwdHash."|"; // REMOVE THIS LINE IN
$strDBValue = $strSalt.$strPwdHash;
echo "|Value in Database:".$strDBValue."|"; // REMOVE THIS LINE IN


' MD5 of specified string plus two leading salt characters

' Used in Serv-U's "MD5" hashes
' Provided to the public domain by Rhino Software, Inc.

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Serv-U File Server Database Integration

' INPUT: $strPwdOrig (a string containing a plaintext password)
' OUTPUT: $strDBValue (a string containing the value to insert or check in
the database)
' This is the password to "one way encrypt"
Dim strPwdOrig as String = "TestPassword" ' MAKE THIS VALUE DYNAMIC IN
Response.Write("|Original Password:" + strPwdOrig + "|") ' REMOVE THIS
' This is the set of characters used in the two-character salt (note
hardcoded length)
Dim strSaltChars as String =
' Generate and display the salt
Dim rand As New Random()
Dim strSalt as String = ""
strSalt = strSaltChars.Substring(rand.Next(62), 1) +
strSaltChars.Substring(rand.Next(62), 1)
Response.Write("|Salt:"+strSalt + "|") ' REMOVE THIS LINE IN PRODUCTION
Dim x As New System.Security.Cryptography.MD5CryptoServiceProvider()
Dim bs() As byte = System.Text.Encoding.UTF8.GetBytes(strSalt + strPwdOrig)
bs = x.ComputeHash(bs)
Dim sbTemp As System.Text.StringBuilder = new System.Text.StringBuilder()
Dim i = -1
Dim strPwdHash as String = ""
For i = 0 To bs.Length - 1
strPwdHash &= bs(i).ToString("x").PadLeft(2, "0")
Next i
Response.Write("|Encrypted Password:"+strPwdHash + "|") ' REMOVE THIS LINE
Dim strDBValue as String = strSalt + strPwdHash
Response.Write("|Value in Database:"+strDBValue + "|") ' REMOVE THIS LINE
End Sub


// MD5 of specified string plus two leading salt characters

// Used in Serv-U's "MD5" hashes
// Provided to the public domain by Rhino Software, Inc.
// INPUT: $strPwdOrig (a string containing a plaintext password)

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Serv-U File Server Database Integration

// OUTPUT: $strDBValue (a string containing the value to insert or check in

the database)
// This is the password to "one way encrypt"
String strPwdOrig = "TestPassword"; // MAKE THIS VALUE DYNAMIC IN
Console.WriteLine("Original Password:" + strPwdOrig); // REMOVE THIS LINE
// This is the set of characters used in the two-character salt (note
hardcoded length)
String strSaltChars =
// Generate and display the salt
Random rand = new Random();
String strSalt = "";
strSalt = strSaltChars.Substring(rand.Next(62), 1) +
strSaltChars.Substring(rand.Next(62), 1);
Console.WriteLine("Salt:"+strSalt); // REMOVE THIS LINE IN PRODUCTION
System.Security.Cryptography.MD5CryptoServiceProvider x = new
byte[] bs = System.Text.Encoding.UTF8.GetBytes(strSalt + strPwdOrig);
bs = x.ComputeHash(bs);
System.Text.StringBuilder sbTemp = new System.Text.StringBuilder();
foreach (byte bTemp in bs)
String strPwdHash = sbTemp.ToString();
Console.WriteLine("Encrypted Password:"+strPwdHash); // REMOVE THIS LINE IN
String strDBValue = strSalt + strPwdHash;
Console.WriteLine("Value in Database:"+strDBValue); // REMOVE THIS LINE IN

Generating Directory Access Rules


// List of all Serv-U file and directory permissions values

$intServUFileRead = 1;
$intServUFileWrite = 2;
$intServUFileAppend = 4;
$intServUFileDelete = 8;
$intServUFileRename = 16;
$intServUFileExecute = 32;
$intServUFolderList = 256;

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Serv-U File Server Database Integration

$intServUFolderCreate = 512;
$intServUFolderRemove = 1024;
$intServUFolderRename = 2048;
$intServUSubfolderInherit = 4096;
// To use these, sum them and apply
$intTestReadWriteList = $intServUFileRead + $intServUFileWrite + $intServUFolderList;
echo "Serv-U Permission Value is ".$intTestReadWriteList;


' List of all Serv-U file and directory permissions values

Dim intServUFileRead as Integer =1
Dim intServUFileWrite as Integer =2
Dim intServUFileAppend as Integer =4
Dim intServUFileDelete as Integer =8
Dim intServUFileRename as Integer = 16
Dim intServUFileExecute as Integer = 32
Dim intServUFolderList as Integer = 256
Dim intServUFolderCreate as Integer = 512
Dim intServUFolderRemove as Integer = 1024
Dim intServUFolderRename as Integer = 2048
Dim intServUSubfolderInherit as Integer = 4096
' To use these, sum them and apply
Dim intTestReadWriteList as Integer = intServUFileRead + intServUFileWrite + intServUFolderList
Response.Write("Serv-U Permission Value is "+intTestReadWriteList.ToString())


// List of all Serv-U file and directory permissions values

int intServUFileRead = 1;
int intServUFileWrite = 2;
int intServUFileAppend = 4;
int intServUFileDelete = 8;
int intServUFileRename = 16;
int intServUFileExecute = 32;
int intServUFolderList = 256;
int intServUFolderCreate = 512;
int intServUFolderRemove = 1024;
int intServUFolderRename = 2048;
int intServUSubfolderInherit = 4096;
// To use these, sum them and apply
int intTestReadWriteList = intServUFileRead + intServUFileWrite + intServUFolderList;
Console.WriteLine("Serv-U Permission Value is "+intTestReadWriteList);

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Serv-U File Server Database Integration

Schema Reference
Programmers and integrators can use this schema to manage Serv-U users and groups, including
their related folder permissions, virtual folders, IP access, events, and other attributes.
Schema Diagram
The two core tables are “SUUsers” and “SUGroups”. The two are tied together in an “N:N”
relationship via the “UserGroupName” table. (I.e., each group may have multiple users as members
and each user may below to multiple groups.) “LoginID” is the primary key of SUUsers and
“GroupName” is the primary key of SUGroups” – values in these fields should be unique.

SUUsers - User Information Table

Every user has a single SUUser record.
Field Name Data Type Default Use
Name of the table containing Serv-
TableName VARCHAR(32) SUUsers U user accounts.
Logging_FileLogging_SystemMessa Whether the logging of system
ges VARCHAR(2) NULL messages is enabled or not.
Logging_FileLogging_SecurityMess Whether the logging of security
ages VARCHAR(2) NULL messages is enabled or not.

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Whether the logging of IP names is

Logging_FileLogging_IPNames VARCHAR(2) NULL enabled or not.
Whether the logging of ODBC calls
Logging_FileLogging_ODBCCalls VARCHAR(2) NULL is enabled or not.
Whether the logging of ODBC
Logging_FileLogging_ODBCErrors VARCHAR(2) NULL errors is enabled or not.
Logging_FileLogging_TriggeredEve Whether the logging of triggered
nts VARCHAR(2) NULL events is enabled or not.
Whether the logging of debug
Logging_FileLogging_Debug VARCHAR(2) NULL information enabled or not.
Whether the logging of socket
Logging_FileLogging_Socket VARCHAR(2) NULL information is enabled or not.
Whether the logging of download
Logging_FileLogging_Downloads VARCHAR(2) NULL information is enabled or not.
Whether the logging of upload
Logging_FileLogging_Uploads VARCHAR(2) NULL information is enabled or not.
Whether the logging of file deletes
Logging_FileLogging_FileDeletes VARCHAR(2) NULL is enabled or not.
Whether the logging of file
Logging_FileLogging_FileDirRenam directory renames is enabled or
es VARCHAR(2) NULL not.
Whether the logging of directory
Logging_FileLogging_DirCreates VARCHAR(2) NULL creations is enabled or not.
Whether the logging of directory
Logging_FileLogging_DirDeletes VARCHAR(2) NULL deletions is enabled or not.
Logging_FileLogging_FTPComman Whether the logging of FTP
ds VARCHAR(2) NULL commands is enabled or not.
Whether the logging of FTP replies
Logging_FileLogging_FTPReplies VARCHAR(2) NULL is enabled or not.
Logging_FileLogging_SSHComman Whether the logging of SSH
ds VARCHAR(2) NULL commands is enabled or not.
Whether the logging of SSH replies
Logging_FileLogging_SSHReplies VARCHAR(2) NULL is enabled or not.
Whether the logging of SSH
Logging_FileLogging_SSHDetailed detailed commands is enabled or
Commands VARCHAR(2) NULL not.
Logging_FileLogging_SSHDetailed Whether the logging of SSH
Replies VARCHAR(2) NULL detailed replies is enabled or not.
Logging_FileLogging_HTTPComma Whether the logging of HTTP
nds VARCHAR(2) NULL commands is enabled or not.
Whether the logging of HTTP
Logging_FileLogging_HTTPReplies VARCHAR(2) NULL replies is enabled or not.
The path to the location where the
Logging_LogFilePath VARCHAR(255) NULL log file is stored.
Whether logging to file is enabled
Logging_LogToFile VARCHAR(2) NULL or not.
Whether archiving the logs in
Logging_LogFileArchiveMode VARCHAR(32) NULL enabled or not.
Logging_MaxLogFilesBytes VARCHAR(32) NULL The maximum size of the log file.
Logging_MaxLogFiles VARCHAR(32) NULL The maximum number of log files.
Number of bytes uploaded by user,
FileTransferStats_BytesUploaded VARCHAR(32) NULL for use with Ratios & Quotas.

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Number of bytes downloaded by

FileTransferStats_BytesDownloaded VARCHAR(32) NULL user, for use with Ratios & Quotas.
Number of files uploaded by user,
FileTransferStats_FilesUploaded VARCHAR(32) NULL for use with Ratios & Quotas.
Number of files downloaded by
FileTransferStats_FilesDownloaded VARCHAR(32) NULL user, for use with Ratios & Quotas.
Start time of statistical tracking of
StatisticsStartTime VARCHAR(32) NULL user, expressed as a time_t value.
Last time the user logged in to
LastLoginTime VARCHAR(32) NULL Serv-U.
Last time the user logged out of
LastLogoutTime VARCHAR(32) NULL Serv-U.
Total number of times account was
Logins VARCHAR(32) NULL used to log in.
Total number of times account was
Logouts VARCHAR(32) NULL used to log out.
Maximum number of concurrent
MostConcurrentLogins VARCHAR(32) NULL sessions recorded for account.
Total number of seconds account
TotalLoginDurationSecs VARCHAR(32) NULL has been logged in.
Total number of seconds of longest
LongestLoginDurationSecs VARCHAR(32) NULL session for account.
Total number of seconds of
ShortestLoginDurationSecs VARCHAR(32) NULL shortest session for account.
RtServerStartTime VARCHAR(32) NULL Internal Serv-U statistics tracking.
RtFilesUploadRateTotal VARCHAR(32) NULL Internal Serv-U statistics tracking.
RtFilesDownloadRateTotal VARCHAR(32) NULL Internal Serv-U statistics tracking.
RtDailyCount VARCHAR(255) NULL Internal Serv-U statistics tracking.
RtPreviousCount VARCHAR(32) NULL Internal Serv-U statistics tracking.
RtPreviousSeconds VARCHAR(32) NULL Internal Serv-U statistics tracking.
RtPreviousMaxSeconds VARCHAR(32) NULL Internal Serv-U statistics tracking.
RtPreviousMaxConcurrent VARCHAR(32) NULL Internal Serv-U statistics tracking.
LoginID VARCHAR(255) Username Username of account.
Date of last password change for
account, expressed as time_t
PasswordChangedOn VARCHAR(32) time_t() value.
Password encryption level. 0 for
unencrypted, 1 for one-way
encryption, 2 for two-way
PasswordEncryptMode VARCHAR(32) NULL encryption.
Whether password is UTF-8
encoded or not. 0 for not encoded,
PasswordUTF8 VARCHAR(32) NULL 1 or NULL for encoded
SKeyIter VARCHAR(32) NULL Internal Serv-U SKEY iterator.
SKeySeed VARCHAR(255) NULL Internal Serv-U SKEY seed.
Whether password change is
required at next login. 0 or NULL
RequirePasswordChange VARCHAR(2) NULL for not required, 1 for required.

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Serv-U File Server Database Integration

Whether event for stale password

has been fired. 0 or NULL for not
PasswordStaleEventFired VARCHAR(2) NULL fired, 1 for fired.
Whether account pre-disable event
has been fired. 0 or NULL for not
PreDisableEventFired VARCHAR(2) NULL fired, 1 for fired.
Whether account pre-delete event
has been fired. 0 or NULL for not
PreDeleteEventFired VARCHAR(2) NULL fired, 1 for fired.
Set to the Organization, or
"Collection", the user belongs to,
Organization VARCHAR(255) NULL for GUI sorting.
Acct By default, encrypt passwords per
Password VARCHAR(255) Password KB1177.
Set to the full name of the user
FullName VARCHAR(255) NULL owning the account.
Set to description of the user
Description VARCHAR(255) NULL account.
Set to the contact email address
EmailAddress VARCHAR(255) NULL for account.
Whether user is set to
automatically disable or delete at a
future date. 0 for permanent
account, 1 for automatically
disable, 2 for automatically delete
Type VARCHAR(32) NULL account in the future.
Time for the user account to
ExpiresOn VARCHAR(32) NULL expire, expressed as time_t value.
Whether user-disabled event has
been fired. 0 or NULL for not fired,
DisabledEventFired VARCHAR(2) NULL 1 for fired.
Number of bytes used by account
QuotaBytes VARCHAR(32) NULL when quotas in place.
The maximum number of files that
AdHocMaxNumOfFilesInRequested can be requested in a single file
Share VARCHAR(32) NULL share request.
The maximum number of files that
AdHocMaxNumOfFilesInSentShare VARCHAR(32) NULL can be sent in a single file share.
Administrative privileges for user, if
applicable. 0 for no privilege, 1 for
Domain Administrator, 2 for Server
Administrator, 3 for Read-Only
Domain Administrator, 4 for Read-
Only System Administrator, 5 for
Group Administrator, 6 for Read-
AdminType VARCHAR(32) NULL Only Group Administrator.
Specifies whether users can edit
their contact information in the file
AllowCustomContactInfo VARCHAR(2) NULL share wizards.

Whether the usage of FTP

AllowFTPVoyagerJV VARCHAR(2) NULL Voyager JV is enabled.

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Whether the usage of File Sharing

AllowFileSharing VARCHAR(2) NULL is enabled.
Whether to allow changes of IP
address during HTTP sessions.
Required for mobile access. 0 for
AllowHTTPIPAddressChange VARCHAR(2) NULL disabled, 1 or NULL for enabled.
Whether to allow media playback
on HTTP sessions. 0 for disabled,
AllowHTTPMediaPlayback VARCHAR(2) NULL 1 or NULL for enabled.
Whether to allow user to delete
files during rename operations
where the target file name exists. 0
to disable rename overwrite, 1 or
AllowRenameOverwrite VARCHAR(2) NULL NULL to enable overwrite.
Whether users can specify to allow
AllowUserDefinedGuestAccess VARCHAR(2) NULL guests to access a file share.
Whether the usage of the Web
AllowWebClient VARCHAR(2) NULL Client is enabled.
Whether to allow Web Client Pro
for Serv-U MFT Server users. 0 for
AllowWebClientPro VARCHAR(2) NULL disabled, 1 or NULL for enabled.
Whether to allow user to log in
regardless of security and IP
Access requirements. 0 or NULL
AlwaysAllowLogin VARCHAR(2) NULL for disabled, 1 for enabled.
Whether to block anti-timeout
operations like NOOP during
sessions, to prevent sessions from
being marked as idle. 0 or NULL
for allow anti-timeout, 1 for do not
BlockAntiTimeout VARCHAR(2) NULL allow anti-timeout.
Whether to check directory sizes
during upload for possible directory
size violations. 0 or NULL for
CheckDirSizePeriodically VARCHAR(2) NULL disabled, 1 for enabled.
Whether to convert URL-encoded
characters like %23 into their
ASCII equivalents during transfers.
0 to not encode, 1 or NULL to
ConvertURLChars VARCHAR(2) NULL encode.
Whether to delete files only
partially uploaded by user. 0 or
NULL for do not delete, 1 for
DeletePartiallyUploaded VARCHAR(2) NULL delete.
DirMessage VARCHAR(255) NULL
Whether the usage of password
DisablePasswordGenerators VARCHAR(2) NULL generators is allowed or not.
EmailAddressSet VARCHAR(2) NULL Email address for user account.
Whether account is allowed to
recover password. 0 or NULL for
EnablePasswordRecovery VARCHAR(2) NULL disabled, 1 for enabled.

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Whether account is enabled for

login access. 0 for disabled, 1 for
Enabled VARCHAR(2) 1 enabled.
Whether to enable FTP/FTPS for
user. 0 for disabled, 1 or NULL for
FTP VARCHAR(2) NULL enabled.
Linux group owner for uploaded
FileGroup VARCHAR(255) NULL files, applies to Linux only.
Linux user owner for uploaded
FileOwner VARCHAR(255) NULL files, applies to Linux only.
Whether to enable HTTP/HTTPS
for login access. 0 for disabled, 1
HTTP VARCHAR(2) NULL or NULL for enabled.
Whether to hide the "Compressed"
fact from file listings. 0 or NULL to
show compression fact, 1 to hide
HideCompressedState VARCHAR(2) NULL compression fact.
Whether to hide the "Encrypted"
fact from file listings. 0 or NULL to
show encryption fact, 1 to hide
HideEncryptedState VARCHAR(2) NULL encryption fact.
Whether to hide "Hidden" files and
folders from Directory Listings. 0 or
NULL to show hidden files/folders,
HideHidden VARCHAR(2) NULL 1 to hide hidden files/folders.
Whether to obfuscate passwords in
Serv-U logs. 0 to show passwords
in clear text, 1 or NULL to hide
HidePasswordInLog VARCHAR(2) NULL passwords.
Home directory for the user
account, as either a Windows local
volume path or a UNC path. May
require escape characters
HomeDir VARCHAR(255) NULL depending on database engine.
How many seconds a session may
perform no actions before it is
considered idle. Interacts with
BlockAntiTimeout limit to determine
whether clients may keep sessions
IdleTimeSeconds VARCHAR(32) NULL alive.
Whether to include response codes
in every line of multi-line message
responses in FTP. 0 or NULL to
IncludeRespCodesInMsgFiles VARCHAR(2) NULL not include, 1 to include.
Whether the password to the file
share is inserted in the email
InsertPasswordInEmailInvite VARCHAR(32) NULL invitation to the share.
Whether to interpret LF (Line Feed)
as an End Of Line (EOL) character
in text files. Useful for interaction
with some mainframe systems. 0
or NULL to not interpret LF as
InterpretLFasEOL VARCHAR(2) NULL EOL, 1 to interpret LF as EOL.

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Whether to lock a user in their

Home Directory, hiding full drive
paths from user. 0 for show full
path, 1 or NULL to lock user in
LockInHomeDir VARCHAR(2) 1 Home Directory.
Whether to force all listings to
lower case, required by some
mainframe clients. 0 or NULL for
use true case, 1 to force lower-
LowerCaseFileNames VARCHAR(2) NULL case listings.
Whether to set modification-time of
files uploaded by HTTP to the
modification-time of the source file.
0 to abandon original time, 1 or
MaintainHTTPUploadTimes VARCHAR(2) NULL NULL to maintain times.
The maximum size of a single file a
MaxGuestUploadFileSize VARCHAR(32) NULL guest user can upload.
Maximum download speed for
MaxSessionDownloadRate VARCHAR(32) NULL sessions initiated by user account.
Maximum upload speed for
MaxSessionUploadRate VARCHAR(32) NULL sessions initiated by user account.
Maximum sessions from a single
MaxSessionsIPPerUser VARCHAR(32) NULL IP address utilizing the account.
Maximum sessions per user
MaxSessionsPerUser VARCHAR(32) NULL account, total.
Maximum size of an individual file
MaxUploadFileSize VARCHAR(32) NULL upload, in bytes.
Maximum download speed for
MaxUserDownloadRate VARCHAR(32) NULL user, total.
Maximum upload speed for user,
MaxUserUploadRate VARCHAR(32) NULL total.
Minimum password length
MinPasswordLen VARCHAR(32) NULL permitted for user account.
Whether to use natural sorting for
directory listings. 0 for using
standard computational listings, 1
NaturalSort VARCHAR(2) NULL or NULL for natural listings.
Specifies whether a notification is
sent after the guest user
NotifyAfterGuestDownload VARCHAR(32) NULL downloads files from a file share.
Specifies whether a notification is
sent after the guest user uploads
NotifyAfterGuestUpload VARCHAR(32) NULL files to a file share.
Tracks upgrades made to the
ODBCVersion VARCHAR(32) NULL database table structure.
Whether to allow user to change
password. 0 or NULL for not
PasswordChange VARCHAR(2) NULL permitted, 1 for permitted.
How many days a password may
PasswordExpiresDays VARCHAR(32) NULL be saved before expiring.
Contents of email to be sent to
users who recover passwords
PasswordRecoveryEmailMessage VARCHAR(255) NULL online.

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Subject of email to be sent to users

PasswordRecoveryEmailSubject VARCHAR(255) NULL who recover passwords online.
How many days a password may
be saved before being considered
PasswordStaleDays VARCHAR(32) NULL stale and due for change.
Specifies the type of password
PasswordType VARCHAR(32) NULL used for FTP connections.
How many days before triggering
PreDeleteDays VARCHAR(32) NULL account pre-delete event.
How many days before triggering
PreDisableDays VARCHAR(32) NULL account pre-disable event.
Total disk quota space allotted to
Quota VARCHAR(32) NULL user, in bytes.
Whether to require secure
passwords, using upper-lower case
and at least one digit. 0 or NULL to
RequireComplexPasswords VARCHAR(2) NULL not require, 1 to require.
Whether to require an email
address for a user account. 0 or
NULL for not required, or 1 for
RequireEmailAddressSet VARCHAR(2) NULL required.
Whether guest users are requested
to provide a password when
RequirePasswordForGuests VARCHAR(32) NULL accessing a file share.
RequireReverseDNSName VARCHAR(2) NULL
Whether to require secure
connection from user before login.
Forces incoming connections to be
routed through FTPS, SFTP, or
HTTPS or Serv-U will drop
RequireSecure VARCHAR(2) NULL connection before
ResetGroupStatsAfterRestart VARCHAR(2) NULL Currently unused.
Whether to reset User statistics
when Serv-U is restarted. 0 or
NULL for do not restart, 1 for
ResetUserStatsAfterRestart VARCHAR(2) NULL restart.
Specifies the restriction on the
number of days guest users can
RestrictGuestAccessDays VARCHAR(32) NULL access a file share.
Allows users who have access to
whole system "/" to list out drives. 0
RootIsDrives VARCHAR(2) NULL or NULL to restrict, 1 to allow.
Maximum version of SFTP enabled
for user account. Valid values are
SFTPMaxVersion VARCHAR(32) NULL 4, 5, 6.
SMTPAccountName VARCHAR(255) NULL Currently unused.
SMTPFromAddress VARCHAR(255) NULL Currently unused.
SMTPFromName VARCHAR(255) NULL Currently unused.
SMTPPassword VARCHAR(255) NULL Currently unused.
SMTPRequiresLogin VARCHAR(2) NULL Currently unused.
SMTPSSL VARCHAR(2) NULL Currently unused.
SMTPServer VARCHAR(255) NULL Currently unused.

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SMTPServerPort VARCHAR(32) NULL Currently unused.

SMTPUseSSLCertificate VARCHAR(2) NULL Currently unused.
Whether to enable SFTP for user.
0 for disabled, 1 or NULL for
SSH VARCHAR(2) NULL enabled.
Authentication type to be used to
for SSH/SFTP connections. 0 for
both public key and password, 1
for public key or password, 2 for
public key only, 3 for password
SSHAuthType VARCHAR(32) NULL only.
Specifies whether the file sharing
link is sent to the recipient of the
SendAccessLinkToRecipients VARCHAR(32) NULL file share.
Specifies whether the file sharing
link is sent to the creator of the file
SendAccessLinkToSender VARCHAR(32) NULL share.
Whether to apply Server/Domain
Directory Access rules before
user/group level rules, used when
global rules are used to ban file
attachments or file types. 0 or
NULL for apply user-level rules
first, 1 for apply Domain/Server
ServerDomainDirAccessFirst VARCHAR(2) NULL rules first.
Number of seconds before
individual session is considered
SessTimeoutSeconds VARCHAR(32) NULL idle.
Text message to be displayed
SignOnMessage VARCHAR(255) NULL upon user login.
Path to text file to be displayed for
SignOnMessageFilePath VARCHAR(255) NULL user login.
SupportLink VARCHAR(255) NULL Currently unused.
Specify number of seconds to lock
TimeoutBlockIPSeconds VARCHAR(32) NULL user out after session timeout.
When enabled, treats Windows
shortcuts as their targets in listings.
TreatWindowsShortCutsAsTarget VARCHAR(2) NULL 0 for disabled, 1 for enabled.
What client to start for
HTTP/HTTPS sessions. 0 to
prompt the user, 1 for Web Client,
WebClientStartupMode VARCHAR(32) NULL 2 for FTP Voyager JV.
When enabled, treats Windows
shortcuts as links. 0 or NULL for
WindowsShortCutsAsLinks VARCHAR(2) NULL disabled, 1 for enabled.
Specifies the directory that can be
used as the source of outgoing file
AdHocAllowedOutgoingSource VARCHAR(32) NULL shares.

UserGroupName - User Groups Table

Each entry in this “N:N” table maps a single user to a single group (using the group name), and vice

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Field Name Data Type Default Use

UserGroupNa The name of the table containing membership
TableName VARCHAR(32) me information for Serv-U Groups.
The name of the LoginID (user account) to which
LoginID VARCHAR(255) the group membership applies.
The order of the group membership in the list for the
SortIndex INT NULL user account.
The name of the group to which membership is
GroupName VARCHAR(255) NULL specified.

UserDirAccess – User Directory Access Table

These entries map permissions to directories using a path name.
Field Name Data Type Default Use
The name of the table containing membership
TableName VARCHAR(32) UserDirAccess information for Serv-U Groups.
LoginID VARCHAR(255) NULL The name of the account to whom the rule applies.
The order of the rule in the user account's list of
SortIndex INT NULL Directory Access rules.
Dir VARCHAR(255) NULL The path or file path to which the rule applies.
The permissions to the directory, in HEX XOR
Access VARCHAR(32) NULL format, see KB1776.
The maximum directory size for the directory
MaxSize VARCHAR(32) NULL (optional).
Windows only - for setting a user account for
NTUser VARCHAR(255) NULL permissions to a specific directory.
Windows only - for setting a user password for
NTPassword VARCHAR(255) NULL permissions to a specific directory.
Windows only - for setting a domain for permissions
NTDomain VARCHAR(255) NULL to a specific directory.

UserVirtualPath - User Virtual Path Table

These entries each define a single virtual path for a single user.
Field Name Data Type Default Use
Name of the table containing Virtual Paths for
TableName VARCHAR(32) UserVirtualPath users.
The name of the account to whom the Virtual
LoginID VARCHAR(255) NULL Path applies.
PhysicalPath VARCHAR(255) NULL The physical path to be mapped.
The virtual path (typically in %HOME%\folder
VirtualPath VARCHAR(255) NULL format).
Whether to include the Virtual Path in "Maximum
directory size" calculations. 0 or NULL to disable,
IncludeInMaxSize VARCHAR(2) NULL 1 to enable.

UserIPAccess - User IP Access Table

These entries each define an IP access rules for a single user.
Field Name Data Type Default Use
Name of the table containing IP Access rules for
TableName VARCHAR(32) UserIPAccess users.
LoginID VARCHAR(255) NULL The name of the account to whom the IP Access rule

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SortIndex INT NULL The order of the IP Access rule for the user account.
The IP Address or range to be permitted or denied.
IP VARCHAR(255) NULL IPv4, IPv6, wildcards, and CIDR blocks permitted.
Description VARCHAR(255) NULL Text description of the rule.
Whether to allow or deny the IP address or range. 0
Allow VARCHAR(2) NULL for deny, 1 for allow.

UserSUEvent - User Event Table

These entries each define an event for a single user.
Field Name Data Type Default Use
TableName VARCHAR(32) UserSUEvent Name of the table containing Events for users.
The name of the account to whom the Event
LoginID VARCHAR(255) NULL applies.
Whether the Event is enabled. 1 for enabled, 0
Enabled VARCHAR(2) NULL for disabled.
EventID VARCHAR(32) NULL The internal Serv-U ID of the event.
EventName VARCHAR(255) NULL The name of the event.
Description VARCHAR(255) NULL The description of the event.
The type of action to be taken. NULL for email,
Action VARCHAR(32) NULL 1 for balloon tip, 2 for execute command.
For emails, the subject of the email. For balloon
Data1 VARCHAR(255) NULL tips, the subject of the balloon tip.
For emails, the body of the email. For balloon
Data2 VARCHAR(255) NULL tips, the text in the balloon tip.
EmailToAddress VARCHAR(255) NULL For emails, the recipients of the email.
EmailToAddressBCC VARCHAR(255) NULL For emails, the BCC recipients of the email.
For execute command events, the path to the
ExeFilePath VARCHAR(255) NULL EXE or binary file to execute.
For execute command events, the number of
seconds to wait after event trigger to run
ExecWaitSecs VARCHAR(32) NULL command.

UserSSHPublicKeyFile – User SSH Public Key Table

Field Name Data Type Default Use
GroupSSHPu Name of the table containing SSH public key
TableName VARCHAR(32) blicKeyFile information for groups.
LoginID VARCHAR(255) NULL Foreign key to the SUUsers table.
Cosmetic name for the SSH public key (e.g.
SSHPublicKeyName VARCHAR(255) NULL John's Work Notebook)
Path to the public key file to be used for the
SSHPublicKeyPath VARCHAR(255) NULL user account in SSH authentication.

User Ratio Configuration and Tracking Tables

These tables all control or store an element of Serv-U’s upload/download transfer ratios.
UserUlDlRatioFreeFile - User Ratio-Free Files Table
Field Name Data Type Default Use
TableName VARCHAR(32) UserUlDlRatioFreeFile Name of the table containing Ratio-free files for

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The name of the account to whom the ratio-free
LoginID VARCHAR(255) NULL file mask applies.
The path or file name of the file or file type
against which upload and download ratios will
Mask VARCHAR(255) NULL not be applied.

UserFilesUlDlRatio - Per User File Ratio Table

Field Name Data Type Default Use
Name of the table containing Ratio file credits
TableName VARCHAR(32) UserFilesUlDlRatio for users, which apply across sessions.
The name of the account to whom the Ratio
LoginID VARCHAR(255) NULL credit applies.
The amount of file credit applied for file
uploads, relative to the number of files
UploadValue VARCHAR(32) NULL uploaded.
The amount of file credit deducted for file
downloads, relative to the number of files
DownloadValue VARCHAR(32) NULL downloaded.
The total amount of transfer credit available to
Credit VARCHAR(32) NULL the user account, in files, regardless of file size.

UserBytesUIDIRatio - Per User Byte Ratio Table

Field Name Data Type Default Use
Name of the table containing Ratio byte credits
TableName VARCHAR(32) UserBytesUlDlRatio for users, which apply across sessions.
The name of the account to whom the Ratio
LoginID VARCHAR(255) NULL credit applies.
The amount of file credit applied for file
uploads, relative to the number of bytes
UploadValue VARCHAR(32) NULL uploaded.
The amount of file credit deducted for file
downloads, relative to the number of bytes
DownloadValue VARCHAR(32) NULL downloaded.
The total amount of transfer credit available to
the user account, in bytes, regardless of the
Credit VARCHAR(32) NULL number of files.

UserSessionFilesUIDIRatio - Per Session Files Ratio Table

Field Name Data Type Default Use
Name of the table containing Ratio file
credits for users, which do not apply
TableName VARCHAR(32) UserSessionFilesUlDlRatio across sessions.
The name of the account to whom the
LoginID VARCHAR(255) NULL Ratio credit applies.
The amount of file credit applied for file
uploads, relative to the number of files
UploadValue VARCHAR(32) NULL uploaded.
The amount of file credit deducted for
file downloads, relative to the number
DownloadValue VARCHAR(32) NULL of files downloaded.

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The total amount of transfer credit

available to the user account, in files,
Credit VARCHAR(32) NULL regardless of file size.

UserSessionBytesUIDIRatio - Per Session Bytes Ratio Table

Field Name Data Type Default Use
Name of the table containing Ratio
byte credits for users, which do not
TableName VARCHAR(32) UserSessionBytesUlDlRatio apply across sessions.
The name of the account to whom the
LoginID VARCHAR(255) NULL Ratio credit applies.
The amount of file credit applied for file
uploads, relative to the number of
UploadValue VARCHAR(32) NULL bytes uploaded.
The amount of file credit deducted for
file downloads, relative to the number
DownloadValue VARCHAR(32) NULL of bytes downloaded.
The total amount of transfer credit
available to the user account, in bytes,
Credit VARCHAR(32) NULL regardless of the number of files.

UserAttributeAvailability - User Attribute Table

This table is used to hold other user-specific attributes.
Field Name Data Type Default Use
The name of the table containing User-
TableName VARCHAR(32) UserAttributeAvailability level attribute availability.
The name of the account to whom the
LoginID VARCHAR(255) NULL attribute availability limit applies.
The attribute ID of the attribute that will
be limited. The attribute ID is equal to
Attribute VARCHAR(32) NULL the text name of the attribute in Serv-U.
Whether to restrict the limit to certain
hours of the day. 0 or NULL for do not
LimitToTimeOfDay VARCHAR(32) NULL limit, 1 to limit.
Start time of the day to begin
restrictions, in milliseconds from the
StartTime VARCHAR(32) NULL start of the day.
End time of day to end restrictions, in
EndTime VARCHAR(32) NULL seconds from start of the day.
1 to enable limit on this day of week, 0
Sunday VARCHAR(32) NULL to disable limit on this day of week.
1 to enable limit on this day of week, 0
Monday VARCHAR(32) NULL to disable limit on this day of week.
1 to enable limit on this day of week, 0
Tuesday VARCHAR(32) NULL to disable limit on this day of week.
1 to enable limit on this day of week, 0
Wednesday VARCHAR(32) NULL to disable limit on this day of week.
1 to enable limit on this day of week, 0
Thursday VARCHAR(32) NULL to disable limit on this day of week.
1 to enable limit on this day of week, 0
Friday VARCHAR(32) NULL to disable limit on this day of week.

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1 to enable limit on this day of week, 0

Saturday VARCHAR(32) NULL to disable limit on this day of week.

SUGroups – Group Info Table

This is the central groups table – one main entry for each group.
Field Name Data Type Default Use
SUGrou Name of the table containing
TableName VARCHAR(32) ps Serv-U groups.
Whether the logging of system
Logging_FileLogging_SystemMessages VARCHAR(2) NULL messages is enabled or not.
Whether the logging of security
Logging_FileLogging_SecurityMessages VARCHAR(2) NULL messages is enabled or not.
Whether the logging of IP
Logging_FileLogging_IPNames VARCHAR(2) NULL names is enabled or not.
Whether the logging of ODBC
Logging_FileLogging_ODBCCalls VARCHAR(2) NULL calls is enabled or not.
Whether the logging of ODBC
Logging_FileLogging_ODBCErrors VARCHAR(2) NULL errors is enabled or not.
Whether the logging of
triggered events is enabled or
Logging_FileLogging_TriggeredEvents VARCHAR(2) NULL not.
Whether the logging of debug
Logging_FileLogging_Debug VARCHAR(2) NULL information enabled or not.
Whether the logging of socket
Logging_FileLogging_Socket VARCHAR(2) NULL information is enabled or not.
Whether the logging of
download information is
Logging_FileLogging_Downloads VARCHAR(2) NULL enabled or not.
Whether the logging of upload
Logging_FileLogging_Uploads VARCHAR(2) NULL information is enabled or not.
Whether the logging of file
Logging_FileLogging_FileDeletes VARCHAR(2) NULL deletes is enabled or not.
Whether the logging of file
directory renames is enabled
Logging_FileLogging_FileDirRenames VARCHAR(2) NULL or not.
Whether the logging of
directory creations is enabled
Logging_FileLogging_DirCreates VARCHAR(2) NULL or not.
Whether the logging of
directory deletions is enabled
Logging_FileLogging_DirDeletes VARCHAR(2) NULL or not.
Whether the logging of FTP
Logging_FileLogging_FTPCommands VARCHAR(2) NULL commands is enabled or not.
Whether the logging of FTP
Logging_FileLogging_FTPReplies VARCHAR(2) NULL replies is enabled or not.
Whether the logging of SSH
Logging_FileLogging_SSHCommands VARCHAR(2) NULL commands is enabled or not.
Whether the logging of SSH
Logging_FileLogging_SSHReplies VARCHAR(2) NULL replies is enabled or not.
Whether the logging of SSH
Logging_FileLogging_SSHDetailedComm detailed commands is enabled
ands VARCHAR(2) NULL or not.

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Whether the logging of SSH

Logging_FileLogging_SSHDetailedReplie detailed replies is enabled or
s VARCHAR(2) NULL not.
Whether the logging of HTTP
Logging_FileLogging_HTTPCommands VARCHAR(2) NULL commands is enabled or not.
Whether the logging of HTTP
Logging_FileLogging_HTTPReplies VARCHAR(2) NULL replies is enabled or not.
The path to the location where
Logging_LogFilePath VARCHAR(255) NULL the log file is stored.
Whether logging to file is
Logging_LogToFile VARCHAR(2) NULL enabled or not.
Whether archiving the logs in
Logging_LogFileArchiveMode VARCHAR(32) NULL enabled or not.
The maximum size of the log
Logging_MaxLogFilesBytes VARCHAR(32) NULL file.
The maximum number of log
Logging_MaxLogFiles VARCHAR(32) NULL files.
Number of bytes uploaded by
group, for use with Ratios &
FileTransferStats_BytesUploaded VARCHAR(32) NULL Quotas.
Number of bytes downloaded
by group, for use with Ratios &
FileTransferStats_BytesDownloaded VARCHAR(32) NULL Quotas.
Number of files uploaded by
group, for use with Ratios &
FileTransferStats_FilesUploaded VARCHAR(32) NULL Quotas.
Number of files downloaded by
group, for use with Ratios &
FileTransferStats_FilesDownloaded VARCHAR(32) NULL Quotas.
Start time of statistical tracking
of group, expressed as a
StatisticsStartTime VARCHAR(32) NULL time_t value.
Last time a user in the group
LastLoginTime VARCHAR(32) NULL logged in to Serv-U.
Last time a user in the group
LastLogoutTime VARCHAR(32) NULL logged out of Serv-U.
Total number of times
members in the group logged
Logins VARCHAR(32) NULL in.
Total number of times
members in the group logged
Logouts VARCHAR(32) NULL out.
Maximum number of
concurrent sessions recorded
MostConcurrentLogins VARCHAR(32) NULL for the group.
Total number of seconds users
in the group have been logged
TotalLoginDurationSecs VARCHAR(32) NULL in.
Total number of seconds of
longest session for a user
LongestLoginDurationSecs VARCHAR(32) NULL within the group.
Total number of seconds of
ShortestLoginDurationSecs VARCHAR(32) NULL shortest session for a user

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within the group.

Internal Serv-U statistics
RtServerStartTime VARCHAR(32) NULL tracking.
Internal Serv-U statistics
RtFilesUploadRateTotal VARCHAR(32) NULL tracking.
Internal Serv-U statistics
RtFilesDownloadRateTotal VARCHAR(32) NULL tracking.
Internal Serv-U statistics
RtDailyCount VARCHAR(255) NULL tracking.
Internal Serv-U statistics
RtPreviousCount VARCHAR(32) NULL tracking.
Internal Serv-U statistics
RtPreviousSeconds VARCHAR(32) NULL tracking.
Internal Serv-U statistics
RtPreviousMaxSeconds VARCHAR(32) NULL tracking.
Internal Serv-U statistics
RtPreviousMaxConcurrent VARCHAR(32) NULL tracking.
GroupName VARCHAR(255) Name Name of the group.
Description VARCHAR(255) NULL Description of the group.
Whether to apply Group-level
rules before User-level
Directory Access rules. 0 or
NULL to apply User-level first,
ApplyDirAccessRulesAboveUser VARCHAR(2) NULL 1 to apply Group-level first.
The maximum number of files
that can be requested in a
AdHocMaxNumOfFilesInRequestedShare VARCHAR(32) NULL single file share request.
The maximum number of files
that can be sent in a single file
AdHocMaxNumOfFilesInSentShare VARCHAR(32) NULL share.
Administrative privileges for
user, if applicable. 0 for no
privilege, 1 for Domain
Administrator, 2 for Server
Administrator, 3 for Read-Only
Domain Administrator, 4 for
Read-Only System
Administrator, 5 for Group
Administrator, 6 for Read-Only
AdminType VARCHAR(32) NULL Group Administrator.
Specifies whether users can
edit their contact information in
AllowCustomContactInfo VARCHAR(2) NULL the file share wizards.

Whether the usage of FTP

AllowFTPVoyagerJV VARCHAR(2) NULL Voyager JV is enabled.

Whether the usage of File

AllowFileSharing VARCHAR(2) NULL Sharing is enabled.

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Whether to allow changes of

IP address during HTTP
sessions. Required for mobile
access. 0 for disabled, 1 or
AllowHTTPIPAddressChange VARCHAR(2) NULL NULL for enabled.
Whether to allow media
playback on HTTP sessions. 0
for disabled, 1 or NULL for
AllowHTTPMediaPlayback VARCHAR(2) NULL enabled.
Whether to allow user to delete
files during rename operations
where the target file name
exists. 0 to disable rename
overwrite, 1 or NULL to enable
AllowRenameOverwrite VARCHAR(2) NULL overwrite.
Whether users can specify to
allow guests to access a file
AllowUserDefinedGuestAccess VARCHAR(2) NULL share.

Whether the usage of the Web

AllowWebClient VARCHAR(2) NULL Client is enabled.
Whether to allow Web Client
Pro for Serv-U MFT Server
users. 0 for disabled, 1 or
AllowWebClientPro VARCHAR(2) NULL NULL for enabled.
Whether to allow user to log in
regardless of security and IP
Access requirements. 0 or
NULL for disabled, 1 for
AlwaysAllowLogin VARCHAR(2) NULL enabled.
Whether to block anti-timeout
operations like NOOP during
sessions, to prevent sessions
from being marked as idle. 0 or
NULL for allow anti-timeout, 1
BlockAntiTimeout VARCHAR(2) NULL for do not allow anti-timeout.
Whether to check directory
sizes during upload for
possible directory size
violations. 0 or NULL for
CheckDirSizePeriodically VARCHAR(2) NULL disabled, 1 for enabled.
Whether to convert URL-
encoded characters like %23
into their ASCII equivalents
during transfers. 0 to not
ConvertURLChars VARCHAR(2) NULL encode, 1 or NULL to encode.
Whether to delete files only
partially uploaded by user. 0 or
NULL for do not delete, 1 for
DeletePartiallyUploaded VARCHAR(2) NULL delete.

DirMessage VARCHAR(255) NULL

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Whether the usage of

password generators is
DisablePasswordGenerators VARCHAR(2) NULL allowed or not.
Email address for user
EmailAddressSet VARCHAR(2) NULL account.
Whether account is allowed to
recover password. 0 or NULL
EnablePasswordRecovery VARCHAR(2) NULL for disabled, 1 for enabled.
Whether account is enabled
for login access. 0 for disabled,
Enabled VARCHAR(2) 1 1 for enabled.
Whether to enable FTP/FTPS
for user. 0 for disabled, 1 or
FTP VARCHAR(2) NULL NULL for enabled.
Linux group owner for
uploaded files, applies to Linux
FileGroup VARCHAR(255) NULL only.
Linux user owner for uploaded
FileOwner VARCHAR(255) NULL files, applies to Linux only.
Whether to enable
HTTP/HTTPS for login access.
0 for disabled, 1 or NULL for
Whether to hide the
"Compressed" fact from file
listings. 0 or NULL to show
compression fact, 1 to hide
HideCompressedState VARCHAR(2) NULL compression fact.
Whether to hide the
"Encrypted" fact from file
listings. 0 or NULL to show
encryption fact, 1 to hide
HideEncryptedState VARCHAR(2) NULL encryption fact.
Whether to hide "Hidden" files
and folders from Directory
Listings. 0 or NULL to show
hidden files/folders, 1 to hide
HideHidden VARCHAR(2) NULL hidden files/folders.
Whether to obfuscate
passwords in Serv-U logs. 0 to
show passwords in clear text,
HidePasswordInLog VARCHAR(2) NULL 1 or NULL to hide passwords.
Home directory for the user
account, as either a Windows
local volume path or a UNC
path. May require escape
characters depending on
HomeDir VARCHAR(255) NULL database engine.
How many seconds a session
may perform no actions before
it is considered idle. Interacts
with BlockAntiTimeout limit to
determine whether clients may
IdleTimeSeconds VARCHAR(32) NULL keep sessions alive.

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Whether to include response

codes in every line of multi-line
message responses in FTP. 0
or NULL to not include, 1 to
IncludeRespCodesInMsgFiles VARCHAR(2) NULL include.
Whether the password to the
file share is inserted in the
InsertPasswordInEmailInvite VARCHAR(32) NULL email invitation to the share.
Whether to interpret LF (Line
Feed) as an End Of Line
(EOL) character in text files.
Useful for interaction with
some mainframe systems. 0 or
NULL to not interpret LF as
InterpretLFasEOL VARCHAR(2) NULL EOL, 1 to interpret LF as EOL.
Whether to lock a user in their
Home Directory, hiding full
drive paths from user. 0 for
show full path, 1 or NULL to
LockInHomeDir VARCHAR(2) 1 lock user in Home Directory.
Whether to force all listings to
lower case, required by some
mainframe clients. 0 or NULL
for use true case, 1 to force
LowerCaseFileNames VARCHAR(2) NULL lower-case listings.
Whether to set modification-
time of files uploaded by HTTP
to the modification-time of the
source file. 0 to abandon
original time, 1 or NULL to
MaintainHTTPUploadTimes VARCHAR(2) NULL maintain times.
Maximum download rate for all
MaxGroupDownloadRate VARCHAR(32) NULL members of group.
Maximum sessions for all
MaxGroupSessions VARCHAR(32) NULL members of group.
Maximum sessions per IP
address for all members of
MaxGroupSessionsIP VARCHAR(32) NULL group.
Maximum upload rate for all
MaxGroupUploadRate VARCHAR(32) NULL members of group.
The maximum size of a single
MaxGuestUploadFileSize VARCHAR(32) NULL file a guest user can upload.
Maximum download speed for
sessions initiated by user
MaxSessionDownloadRate VARCHAR(32) NULL account.
Maximum upload speed for
sessions initiated by user
MaxSessionUploadRate VARCHAR(32) NULL account.
Maximum sessions from a
single IP address utilizing the
MaxSessionsIPPerUser VARCHAR(32) NULL account.
Maximum sessions per user
MaxSessionsPerUser VARCHAR(32) NULL account, total.

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Maximum size of an individual

MaxUploadFileSize VARCHAR(32) NULL file upload, in bytes.
Maximum download speed for
MaxUserDownloadRate VARCHAR(32) NULL user, total.
Maximum upload speed for
MaxUserUploadRate VARCHAR(32) NULL user, total.
Minimum password length
MinPasswordLen VARCHAR(32) NULL permitted for user account.
Whether to use natural sorting
for directory listings. 0 for
using standard computational
listings, 1 or NULL for natural
NaturalSort VARCHAR(2) NULL listings.
Specifies whether a notification
is sent after the guest user
downloads files from a file
NotifyAfterGuestDownload VARCHAR(32) NULL share.
Specifies whether a notification
is sent after the guest user
NotifyAfterGuestUpload VARCHAR(32) NULL uploads files to a file share.
Tracks upgrades made to the
ODBCVersion VARCHAR(32) NULL database table structure.
Whether to allow user to
change password. 0 or NULL
for not permitted, 1 for
PasswordChange VARCHAR(2) NULL permitted.
How many days a password
PasswordExpiresDays VARCHAR(32) NULL may be saved before expiring.
Contents of email to be sent to
users who recover passwords
PasswordRecoveryEmailMessage VARCHAR(255) NULL online.
Subject of email to be sent to
users who recover passwords
PasswordRecoveryEmailSubject VARCHAR(255) NULL online.
How many days a password
may be saved before being
considered stale and due for
PasswordStaleDays VARCHAR(32) NULL change.
Specifies the type of password
PasswordType VARCHAR(32) NULL used for FTP connections.
How many days before
triggering account pre-delete
PreDeleteDays VARCHAR(32) NULL event.
How many days before
triggering account pre-disable
PreDisableDays VARCHAR(32) NULL event.
Total disk quota space allotted
Quota VARCHAR(32) NULL to user, in bytes.
Whether to require secure
passwords, using upper-lower
case and at least one digit. 0
or NULL to not require, 1 to
RequireComplexPassword VARCHAR(2) NULL require.

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Whether to require an email

address for a user account. 0
or NULL for not required, or 1
RequireEmailAddressSet VARCHAR(2) NULL for required.
Whether guest users are
requested to provide a
password when accessing a
RequirePasswordForGuests VARCHAR(32) NULL file share.
RequireReverseDNSName VARCHAR(2) NULL
Whether to require secure
connection from user before
login. Forces incoming
connections to be routed
through FTPS, SFTP, or
HTTPS or Serv-U will drop
RequireSecure VARCHAR(2) NULL connection before
ResetGroupStatsAfterRestart VARCHAR(2) NULL Currently unused.
Whether to reset User
statistics when Serv-U is
restarted. 0 or NULL for do not
ResetUserStatsAfterRestart VARCHAR(2) NULL restart, 1 for restart.
Specifies the restriction on the
number of days guest users
RestrictGuestAccessDays VARCHAR(32) NULL can access a file share.
Allows users who have access
to whole system "/" to list out
drives. 0 or NULL to restrict, 1
RootIsDrives VARCHAR(2) NULL to allow.
Maximum version of SFTP
enabled for user account. Valid
SFTPMaxVersion VARCHAR(32) NULL values are 4, 5, 6.
SMTPAccountName VARCHAR(255) NULL Currently unused.
SMTPFromAddress VARCHAR(255) NULL Currently unused.
SMTPFromName VARCHAR(255) NULL Currently unused.
SMTPPassword VARCHAR(255) NULL Currently unused.
SMTPRequiresLogin VARCHAR(2) NULL Currently unused.
SMTPSSL VARCHAR(2) NULL Currently unused.
SMTPServer VARCHAR(255) NULL Currently unused.
SMTPServerPort VARCHAR(32) NULL Currently unused.
SMTPUseSSLCertificate VARCHAR(2) NULL Currently unused.
Whether to enable SFTP for
user. 0 for disabled, 1 or NULL
SSH VARCHAR(2) NULL for enabled.
Authentication type to be used
to for SSH/SFTP connections.
0 for both public key and
password, 1 for public key or
password, 2 for public key
SSHAuthType VARCHAR(32) NULL only, 3 for password only.
Specifies whether the file
sharing link is sent to the
SendAccessLinkToRecipients VARCHAR(32) NULL recipient of the file share.

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Specifies whether the file

sharing link is sent to the
SendAccessLinkToSender VARCHAR(32) NULL creator of the file share.
Whether to apply
Server/Domain Directory
Access rules before
user/group level rules, used
when global rules are used to
ban file attachments or file
types. 0 or NULL for apply
user-level rules first, 1 for
apply Domain/Server rules
ServerDomainDirAccessFirst VARCHAR(2) NULL first.
Number of seconds before
individual session is
SessTimeoutSeconds VARCHAR(32) NULL considered idle.
Text message to be displayed
SignOnMessage VARCHAR(255) NULL upon user login.
Path to text file to be displayed
SignOnMessageFilePath VARCHAR(255) NULL for user login.
SupportLink VARCHAR(255) NULL Currently unused.
Specify number of seconds to
lock user out after session
TimeoutBlockIPSeconds VARCHAR(32) NULL timeout.
When enabled, treats
Windows shortcuts as their
targets in listings. 0 for
TreatWindowsShortCutsAsTarget VARCHAR(2) NULL disabled, 1 for enabled.
What client to start for
HTTP/HTTPS sessions. 0 to
prompt the user, 1 for Web
WebClientStartupMode VARCHAR(32) NULL Client, 2 for FTP Voyager JV.
When enabled, treats
Windows shortcuts as links. 0
or NULL for disabled, 1 for
WindowsShortCutsAsLinks VARCHAR(2) NULL enabled.
Specifies the directory that can
be used as the source of
AdHocAllowedOutgoingSource VARCHAR(32) NULL outgoing file shares.

GroupDirAccess - Group Directory Access Table

These entries map permissions to directories using a path name.
Field Name Data Type Default Use
The name of the table containing Directory Access
TableName VARCHAR(32) GroupDirAccess information for Serv-U Groups.
GroupName VARCHAR(255) NULL The name of the group to whom the rule applies.
The order of the rule in the group's list of Directory
SortIndex INT NULL Access rules.
Dir VARCHAR(255) NULL The path or file path to which the rule applies.
The permissions to the directory, in HEX XOR
Access VARCHAR(32) NULL format, see KB1776.

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The maximum directory size for the directory

MaxSize VARCHAR(32) NULL (optional).
Windows only - for setting a user account for
NTUser VARCHAR(255) NULL permissions to a specific directory.
Windows only - for setting a user password for
NTPassword VARCHAR(255) NULL permissions to a specific directory.
Windows only - for setting a domain for
NTDomain VARCHAR(255) NULL permissions to a specific directory.

GroupVirtualPath - Group Virtual Path Table

These entries each define a single virtual path for a single group.
Field Name Data Type Default Use
Name of the table containing Virtual Paths for
TableName VARCHAR(32) GroupVirtualPath groups.
The name of the group to which the Virtual
GroupName VARCHAR(255) NULL Path applies.
PhysicalPath VARCHAR(255) NULL The physical path to be mapped.
The virtual path (typically in %HOME%\folder
VirtualPath VARCHAR(255) NULL format).
Whether to include the Virtual Path in
"Maximum directory size" calculations. 0 or
IncludeInMaxSize VARCHAR(2) NULL NULL to disable, 1 to enable.

GroupIPAccess - Group IP Access Table

These entries each define an IP access rules for a single user.
Field Name Data Type Default Use
Name of the table containing IP Access rules for
TableName VARCHAR(32) GroupIPAccess groups.
The name of the account to whom the IP Access
GroupName VARCHAR(255) NULL rule applies.
The order of the IP Access rule for the group
SortIndex INT NULL account.
The IP Address or range to be permitted or denied.
IP VARCHAR(255) NULL IPv4, IPv6, wildcards, and CIDR blocks permitted.
Description VARCHAR(255) NULL Text description of the rule.
Whether to allow or deny the IP address or range. 0
Allow VARCHAR(2) NULL for deny, 1 for allow.

GroupSUEvent - Group Events Table

These entries each define an event for a single group.
Field Name Data Type Default Use
Name of the table containing events for
TableName VARCHAR(32) GroupSUEvent groups.
The name of the group to which the rule
GroupName VARCHAR(255) NULL applies.
Whether the Event is enabled. 1 for enabled,
Enabled VARCHAR(2) NULL 0 for disabled.
EventID VARCHAR(32) NULL The internal Serv-U ID of the event.
EventName VARCHAR(255) NULL The name of the event.

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Description VARCHAR(255) NULL The description of the event.

The type of action to be taken. NULL for
email, 1 for balloon tip, 2 for execute
Action VARCHAR(32) NULL command.
For emails, the subject of the email. For
Data1 VARCHAR(255) NULL balloon tips, the subject of the balloon tip.
For emails, the body of the email. For balloon
Data2 VARCHAR(255) NULL tips, the text in the balloon tip.
EmailToAddress VARCHAR(255) NULL For emails, the recipients of the email.
EmailToAddressBCC VARCHAR(255) NULL For emails, the BCC recipients of the email.
For execute command events, the path to the
ExeFilePath VARCHAR(255) NULL EXE or binary file to execute.
For execute command events, the number of
seconds to wait after event trigger to run
ExecWaitSecs VARCHAR(32) NULL command.

GroupSSHPublicKeyFile – Group SSH Public Key File Table

Field Name Data Type Default Use
GroupSSHPu Name of the table containing SSH public key
TableName VARCHAR(32) blicKeyFile information for groups.
GroupName VARCHAR(255) NULL Foreign key to the SUGroups table.
Cosmetic name for the SSH public key (e.g.
SSHPublicKeyName VARCHAR(255) NULL John's Work Notebook).
Path to the public key file to be used for the
SSHPublicKeyPath VARCHAR(255) NULL user account in SSH authentication.

Group Ratio Configuration Tables

These tables permit inheritable ratio settings for Serv-U’s upload/download transfer ratios. Note that
ratio statistics are NOT tracked at the group level – this only happens at the user level.
Name Data Type Default Use
Name of the table containing Ratio-free files
TableName VARCHAR(32) GroupUlDlRatioFreeFile for groups.
The name of the group to which the ratio-free
LoginID VARCHAR(255) NULL file mask applies.
The path or file name of the file or file type
against which upload and download ratios will
Mask VARCHAR(255) NULL not be applied.

GroupAttributeAvailability - Group Attribute Table

This table is used to hold other group-specific attributes.
Field Name Data Type Default Use
The name of the table containing
TableName VARCHAR(32) GroupAttributeAvailability Group-level attribute availability.
The name of the group to which the
GroupName VARCHAR(255) NULL attribute availability limit applies.
The attribute ID of the attribute that
Attribute VARCHAR(32) NULL will be limited. The attribute ID is

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equal to the text name of the attribute

in Serv-U.
Whether to restrict the limit to certain
hours of the day. 0 or NULL for do not
LimitToTimeOfDay VARCHAR(32) NULL limit, 1 to limit.
Start time of the day to begin
restrictions, in milliseconds from the
StartTime VARCHAR(32) NULL start of the day.
End time of day to end restrictions, in
EndTime VARCHAR(32) NULL milliseconds from start of the day.
1 to enable limit on this day of week, 0
Sunday VARCHAR(32) NULL to disable limit on this day of week.
1 to enable limit on this day of week, 0
Monday VARCHAR(32) NULL to disable limit on this day of week.
1 to enable limit on this day of week, 0
Tuesday VARCHAR(32) NULL to disable limit on this day of week.
1 to enable limit on this day of week, 0
Wednesday VARCHAR(32) NULL to disable limit on this day of week.
1 to enable limit on this day of week, 0
Thursday VARCHAR(32) NULL to disable limit on this day of week.
1 to enable limit on this day of week, 0
Friday VARCHAR(32) NULL to disable limit on this day of week.
1 to enable limit on this day of week, 0
Saturday VARCHAR(32) NULL to disable limit on this day of week.

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This document is provided for use with the setup and maintenance of the Serv-U File Server. This
manual is provided “AS IS” and without warranties as to the accuracy of the information or any other
warranties whether expressed or implied. Because of the various hardware and software
environments into which Serv-U ® may be put, NO WARRANTY OF FITNESS FOR A PARTICULAR

Good data processing practice dictates that any new program should be thoroughly tested by the user
with non-critical data before relying on it. The user must assume the entire risk of using the program.

Serv-U ® is a registered trademark of SolarWinds, Inc.

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