DOI: 10.1007/s10021-013-9744-2
Ó 2014 Springer Science+Business Media New York (outside the USA)
U.S. Geological Survey, Nebraska Cooperative Fish & Wildlife Research Unit, University of Nebraska, Lincoln, Nebraska 68583, USA;
Department of Aquatic Sciences and Assessment, Swedish University of Agricultural Sciences, PO Box 7050, 750 07 Uppsala,
Sweden; 3National Risk Management Research Laboratory, U.S. Environmental Protection Agency, 26 W. Martin Luther King Drive,
Cincinnati, Ohio 45268, USA; 4Department of Environmental Studies, Emory University, Atlanta, Georgia 30322, USA; 5Resilience
Center, Vancouver Island, Nanaimo, British Columbia, Canada
The concept of panarchy provides a framework that be useful, and discuss limitations to the broader
characterizes complex systems of people and nature applicability of panarchy theory for research in the
as dynamically organized and structured within ecological and social sciences. Finally, we forward a
and across scales of space and time. It has been set of testable hypotheses to evaluate key proposi-
more than a decade since the introduction of pan- tions that follow from panarchy theory.
archy. Over this period, its invocation in peer-re-
viewed literature has been steadily increasing, but Key words: complex systems; discontinuities;
its use remains primarily descriptive and abstract. novelty; regime; resilience; social–ecological
Here, we discuss the use of the concept in the lit- systems; transformations.
erature to date, highlight where the concept may
Panarchy: Theory and Application 579
and decades); to a forest scale range (kilometers the system because the system becomes more rigid.
and centuries) (Figure 1). At each scale, there is a The X stage of collapse is rapid and unleashes the
characteristic pattern in structure, with different energy accumulated and stored during the k phase.
processes driving different patterns at different The X phase is followed by reorganization during
scales. This interaction between pattern and process the a phase, a relatively rapid period of assembly of
within a given scale is driven by positive feedbacks. system components, and is an opportunity for no-
The interactions between living and non-living vel recombination. Reorganization is thought to
elements of a system within a single domain of become inevitable as capital (for example, biomass
scale, their development, growth and decay, has in ecosystems) builds. During the stage of reorga-
been described as an adaptive cycle (Holling 1986; nization a system may shift to a new regime char-
Gunderson and Holling 2002). In an adaptive cycle acterized by a different set of processes and
(Figure 1), a system proceeds through phases of structures, or the original regime may persist. Thus,
growth (r), conservation (k), release (X), and during reorganization, a system may either follow a
reorganization (a) (Holling 1986). The brief initial generally predictable trajectory (Clements 1916),
stage of development, the r stage, consists of the by simply resetting, or given the right set of cir-
rapid exploitation and sequestering of resources. cumstances, a reorganization may occur as novel
This is followed by a k stage of longer duration, processes or species are incorporated and the sys-
characterized by the accumulation of capital, (sys- tem assumes a structure quite different from that
tem components or energies) which may eventu- which previously existed (and thus the trajectory
ally lead to a loss of resilience and the collapse of would be quite unpredictable).
Figure 1. A conceptual diagram showing the relationship between scales of ecological structure and the nested adaptive
cycles comprising a panarchy for a pine dominated ecosystem. Four adaptive cycles, and scales of structure are shown for
this system (for convenience only). Within-scale structures and processes interact across scales at key phases of the
adaptive cycle. These cross-scale interactions can take place from lower to higher levels in the panarchy and vice versa
(yellow arrows) (Color figure online).
580 C. R. Allen and others
A panarchy is a nested set of adaptive cycles olds, multiple scales and nonlinear dynamics. Pro-
operating at discrete ranges of scale (Holling and cesses are generally scale specific, and a limited
others 2002; Figure 1). The number of levels in a number of processes operating at distinct scales are
panarchy varies, but corresponds to dominant responsible for the characteristic structures in time
scales present in a system. A key component of this and space that define specific systems. This is
model is that cross-scale linkages are related to important for humanity because self-organization
within-scale system position within the adaptive (reinforcement between processes and structures)
cycle. During reorganization at a given scale, con- in complex systems such as ecosystems means they
servative structures at larger scales provide a form are relatively stable, that is, their variability stays
of memory that encourages reorganization around within the systems’ domain of attraction. Thus, we
the same structures and processes rather than a can expect reasonably predictable dynamics and
different set (that is, rather than a new regime). the relatively constant provision of ecosystem
Similarly, during the X phase at a given scale, goods and services. This conservativeness and self-
‘‘destructive’’ processes can affect larger scales organization is due in part to the positive interac-
(sometimes termed ‘‘revolt’’). tions among biotic and abiotic elements. For
Since its publication a decade ago, the book Pan- example, animals interact with the ecological
archy (Gunderson and Holling 2002) has been cited structure that provides a distribution of necessary
more than 2,600 times (Google Scholar, accessed resources such as food and space to exploit in space
August 2013), and the first journal article introduc- and time. In exploiting their environments, ani-
ing the term (Holling 2001) has been cited more than mals often change ecological structures in ways
1,400 times (Google Scholar, accessed August 2013). that are favorable for themselves. Large herbivores
Clearly, the concept has resonated with many, and is can alter the dynamics of succession (and compe-
gaining traction in the scientific community. How- tition among grasses, bushes and trees) such that
ever, a challenge with panarchy theory is that the the habitat is, in some sense of the word, optimal
complexity of processes it emphasizes makes for them (Jones and others 1994). Self-organiza-
empirical testing difficult. This manuscript provides tion involves other biotic system elements as well.
a synthesis of panarchy research and usage over the For example, many grasses are pyrophilic and,
past decade, and reviews the evidence supporting therefore, highly flammable (Brooks and others
the concept in complex systems including ecosys- 2004). In the absence of fire, succession would of-
tems, urban systems and social systems. We outline ten eliminate grasses. However, the presence of
needed avenues of research, highlight where the these grasses encourages fire, which subsequently
concept may be useful, and describe limitations to its favors grasses and excludes competitors (Peterson
broader applicability for ecological and social sci- 2002).
ences. Finally, we suggest ways to better operation- Because complex systems are compartmentalized
alize the concept and offer a framework that makes by scale (Garmestani and others 2009a, b), adaptive
hypothesis testing feasible. cycles and self-organization occur at discrete scales
within a system. Adaptive cycles are separated from
one another by their domain of scale (Gunderson
and Holling 2002). This separation has several
Panarchy has been increasing in importance as a important effects. First, it means that key variables
perspective for understanding ecosystems, linked within systems should be distributed discontinu-
social–ecological systems and governance. The ously. Second, it indicates that self-organizing
concept is intrinsically linked to resilience and fol- interactions and processes, such as community-le-
lows from attempts to characterize and assess vel interactions for organisms (for example, com-
resilience in complex systems. Panarchy can be petition), are compartmentalized by scale.
utilized in both the abstract conceptual sense, and Therefore, similarly sized organisms are more likely
as a model of system dynamics that gives rise to to strongly interact with each other than with
concrete and testable hypotheses regarding the others of grossly different sizes, although excep-
functioning of complex systems. As a heuristic, tions occur (for example, with predation). The
panarchy can help envision the organization of compartmentalization of systems along an axis of
seemingly complicated systems, as has been ex- scale provides rich opportunities for experimenta-
plored by several authors (for example, Fraser tion within levels, in terms of ecological and evo-
2003; Dorren and others 2004). lutionary processes shaping species assemblages.
Ecosystems and social systems are characterized This can also lead to the development of high levels
by bottom-up and top-down controls and thresh- of diversity within systems (O’Neill and others
Panarchy: Theory and Application 581
1986), and results in patterns in the distribution of In urban systems, a line of inquiry explicitly
function whereby functional diversity is high addressing the underlying discontinuous structure
within-scales and the same functional groups are characterizes scale and discontinuities in urban
represented by multiple species at different scales systems (Bessey 2002; Garmestani and others 2005,
(Peterson and others 1998). This pattern adds to 2007, 2008) and regional economic systems (Gar-
the resilience of ecosystems (Peterson and others mestani and others 2006). Using regional city size
1998) and other complex systems (Garmestani and distributions, these empirical analyses reveal that
others 2006; Garcia and others 2011). urban systems are partitioned into discrete scales
Recognizing the suitability of panarchy theory as a separated by thresholds (that is, they are discon-
heuristic of complex systems organization, many tinuously distributed). With respect to urban sys-
authors have investigated the linkages between tems, small cities grew faster than average and large
adaptive cycles in social systems and ecosystems cities grew slower than average, which lends sup-
focusing on cycles of destruction and renewal (Car- port to panarchy theory (Garmestani and others
reiro and Zipperer 2011) and linking environmental 2009b; Garcia and others 2011; Eason and Gar-
change to social phenomenon such as migration mestani 2012). In firm size distributions, the dis-
(Warner 2011). Such analyses have tended to take a tribution of functional diversity within and across
case study approach, determining if the particular scales was associated with indices of resilience
case study corresponded to a panarchy framework (employment volatility; Garmestani and others
(Downey 2010; Moen and Keskitalo 2010). Others 2006).
have explored the link between system organization Legal scholars are assessing the capacity for
in terms of panarchy and the delivery of ecosystem panarchy theory to be integrated into the law, and
services, a link that follows from understanding the have suggested supplementing panarchy with
distributions of function (Mhango and Dick 2011; mechanisms from the social sciences (for example,
Dick and others 2011). Panarchy has been used as a adaptive governance) to foment sound environ-
framework for managing change (Gotts 2007), mental management (Garmestani and others
identifying scales (Petrosillo and Zaccarelli 2010; 2009a). Other legal scholars have suggested both
Zaccarelli and others 2008), and identifying aspects minor (Karkkainen 2005; Benson and Garmestani
of resilience (Angeler and others 2010; Gunderson 2011) and major legal reforms (Ruhl 2012; Gar-
2010; Fraser and Stringer 2009; Fraser and others mestani and Benson 2013) as the means to amal-
2005), including causes of population collapse (Le- gamate the dynamic (panarchy) with the static
uteritz and Ekbia 2008). Others have focused on (law). The current consensus among legal scholars
theoretical aspects of panarchy, the links between is that existing law is too inflexible to accommodate
resilience, regime shifts and thresholds (Angeler and resilience thinking, and therefore panarchy. Thus
others 2011; Garmestani and others 2009a, b) and legal reform and new law will be required to allow
collapse in systems (Kueker and Hall 2011). for resilience-based governance.
Panarchy theory has been assessed in social sys-
tems in a variety of contexts. Social scientists have
evoked panarchy as a framework for understanding
the linkages between social and ecological systems. Panarchy has been used to identify thresholds,
Such an explicit framework helps with general opportunities (Van Apeldoorn and others 2011)
understanding of the institutional and organiza- and transformations (Evans 2008; Walker and
tional change needed to enhance resilience others 2004). Identifying thresholds (Groffman and
(Brunckhorst 2002). For example, Beier and others others 2006), either between regimes in a system or
(2009) apply the adaptive cycle model to the his- between ranges of scale, allows for the identifica-
torical development of the Tongass National Forest, tion of management intervention points, those
Alaska, and the extension of their findings at larger points in the adaptive cycle where a transformation
regional scales. Farrell and Twining-Ward (2004) may most easily be implemented. The identification
use the panarchy model to address the manner in of the scales of structure present in a system
which tourism is conceived of for sustainability. In therefore is non-trivial and has important implica-
the Dutch Northern Frisian Woodlands, an agro- tions for understanding the resilience of systems.
ecosystem dominated by dairy farmers, van Apel- However, most research on resilience and panarchy
doorn and others (2011) applied the panarchy model in complex systems acknowledges scale, and the
and found no alternative states in the system, but importance of cross-scale linkages, but seldom ex-
rather alternative sets of relationships within a tends beyond description. The model of cross-scale
multi-scale system. resilience developed by Peterson and others (1998)
582 C. R. Allen and others
Figure 2. The domains of scale for adaptive cycles are reflected in animal body mass distributions. Body mass distributions
of resident animals manifest panarchy in the form of aggregations in body mass distributions separated by discontinuities.
Aggregations in body mass distributions correspond to the patterns of resource distribution manifest at different scales,
corresponding to the influence of different adaptive cycles. Blue dots represent animal body mass. Representative members
of each body mass aggregation are indicated (Color figure online).
provides a framework for the analysis of functions example, at the edges of body mass aggregations).
within and across scales, and discontinuity analysis These methods are therefore particularly suitable
provides a method for objectively identifying scales for evaluating variability patterns in complex sys-
present in a system and assessing resilience (Allen tems by examining whether species are located in
and others 2005; Allen and Holling 2008). the center or edges of body mass groups.
Currently, there are several methods employed Although body mass is an important trait of animal
in determining discontinuities. For example the species, the lack of sufficient body mass data for other
Gap Rarity Index (Restrepo and others 1997), organism groups (for example, plants) has led to a bias
Cluster Analysis (SAS Institute, Inc. 1999), Bayes- of discontinuity research toward a few taxa. Also,
ian Classification and Regression Tree analyses because body mass integrates processes acting at dis-
(Chipman and others 1998; Bremner and Taplin tinct evolutionary and ecological time scales, our
2004), and kernel density estimation (Havlicek and ability to discern among the relative importance of
Carpenter 2001) have been used to evaluate dis- ultimate factors generating discontinuous body mass
continuities in animal body mass distributions distributions is limited. Therefore, using data inde-
(Figure 2). These methods are useful because they pendent of body mass, such as population variability,
allow identifying the number of dominant scales to identify discontinuities and cross-scale structure
that are present in a complex system (Allen and may increase the robustness of discontinuity analyses
others 2005). As discussed above, variability in (Angeler and others 2010, 2011; Karunanithi and
complex systems may increase near thresholds (for others 2008; Eason and others 2014).
Table 1. Three Core Propositions Related to the Structure of Complex Systems that Follow from Panarchy Theory
Proposition Hypotheses Status References
Complex systems are discon- Key variables are distributed discontinu- Tested for animal body masses, city sizes, Garmestani and others (2005,
tinuously structured ously firm sizes, aquatic communities 2006), Allen and Holling (2008)
Variability increases when regimes Limited tests for lakes, models Carpenter and Brock (2006)
Variability increases with changes in scale Limited tests with animal body mass dis- Wardwell and Allen (2009)
Discontinuities identify dominant scales Limited modeling, empirical evidence Szabó and Meszéna (2006), Angeler
and Johnson (2012), Nash and
others (2013)
Functions should be distributed non-ran- Limited tests, modeling Fischer and others (2008), War-
domly with respect to scale dwell and others (2008), Sund-
strom and others (2012)
Complex systems undergo Cycling is apparent in a wide class of Apparent evidence in diverse systems Odum (1983), Diamond (2005),
cycles of renewal and col- complex systems Angeler and others (2010)
lapse Cycles of renewal and collapse occur at Limited evidence Gunderson and others (2007)
distinct spatial and temporal scales
Cross-scale linkages are Small scale variables should, sometimes, Evidence for contagious processes such as Ludwig and others (1978)
critical to system structure control system dynamics (bottom-up pest outbreaks, fire
Function distribution across scales is crit- Some empirical evidence Nyström and Folke (2001), Sund-
ical to maintaining system dynamics strom and others (2012), Angeler
and resilience and others (2013)
For each proposition we list hypotheses following from the propositions and the status of evidence related to the hypotheses. The references provided are not exhaustive.
Panarchy: Theory and Application
584 C. R. Allen and others
Humans generally define and measure systems at for ecosystem services provisioning to humans,
scales that are tractable to humans. This means we when a system transitions from one regime to an-
are interested in managing and understanding sys- other. Understanding of regime changes and resil-
tems at what we consider to be meso-scales, extents ience comes from studies of many ecosystems,
between tens of meters and thousands of meters, and including freshwater lakes, marine systems, forests,
frequencies between weeks and decades. Time series and wetlands (Folke and others 2004). In all of these
modeling allows us to identify the scales of temporal cases, regimes and regime changes occur within
frequencies in complex systems, and makes it pos- specific scale ranges, but are caused by cross-scale
sible to track the imprints of environmental change interactions. Panarchy theory can therefore be use-
over time (Angeler and others 2009, 2011). How- ful for better understanding such abrupt changes in
ever, the broader application of such promising tools complex systems.
and more rigorous testing of facets of panarchy The management applications of panarchy the-
theory are currently limited by the general lack of ory are evident in the development of early indi-
standardized long-term (centuries, millennia) data. cators of regime shifts. Increasing variance
There is a clear need to create more long-term (Carpenter and Brock 2006) and flickering (Schef-
monitoring efforts, which in combination with fer and others 2009) are related indicators of
paleontological data may allow for a better under- impending ecological transition, as are some
standing of complex system dynamics. seemingly contradictory indicators such as critical
slowing (Dakos and others 2008) and increased
autocorrelation (Scheffer and others 2009). How-
ever, increasing variance can occur with critical
For panarchy theory to develop beyond a concep- slowing; we are unaware of analyses that compare
tual framework for envisioning complex dynamics, the two relative to the temporal span of analysis.
hypotheses that explicitly test the underlying pre- Carpenter and Brock (2006) suggest that certain
mises are required. Panarchy theory covers many key parameters of complex systems become more
facets of complex system dynamics that are variable as they approach thresholds that occur
impossible to frame within a single hypothesis. when for example, lakes change state. It has also
Following from the theory are basic predictions been shown that variability within complex sys-
regarding both the organization and dynamics of tems may be non-random, and is heightened
complex systems that should manifest if the prop- where shifts in scales of process and structure oc-
ositions are true (Table 1). It presents opportunities cur, that is, where discontinuities occur (Allen and
to test specific hypotheses regarding resilience, Holling 2010)—and that these reflect within system
discontinuity, novelty, structuring processes in cross-scale changes in structuring regimes. This
complex systems, cross-scale phenomena, and re- suggests that it is possible to identify those variables
gime shifts, among others (Table 1). Many of these that are most likely to exhibit increased variability
manifestations have been tested empirically, some prior to systemic regime shifts (refer to Novelty,
have been modeled, and some not tested at all below) by identifying those species already subject
because of data constraints. to heightened variability at scale breaks, which
Panarchy theory has implications for two would allow more targeted and effective monitor-
important, interconnecting, but poorly understood ing to determine when there is an increased prob-
phenomena: regime shifts and novelty. Given the ability of changing the state of a system.
importance of these phenomena for understanding At least two types of regime changes are com-
resilience, panarchy theory has great potential to patible with panarchy theory, although almost all
make operationalization of these phenomena ex- emphasis has been placed on understanding sys-
plicit, ultimately improving ways for quantification temic regime changes. This first type of regime
and measurement. change occurs at a fixed spatial scale and changes
the structure of the system in question. The second
type of regime change occurs with changes in scale
Regime Changes
within a system, and does not lead to collapse, but
Regime changes occur when a system’s resilience rather reflects the fact that structuring pro-
threshold is crossed and the processes responsible for cesses—regimes—vary with scale. The first can
a system’s structure and function change and create occur as a system undergoes creative destruction
new self-organized structures. Regime changes have and reorganization. The second type of regime
received much research attention in recent years, change is a cross-scale change, manifest because
motivated by the potentially negative consequences changes in process and structure occur across scales
Panarchy: Theory and Application 585
within a system. We therefore need to distinguish processes that interact to create adaptive cycles are
between regime shifts within the domain of one different, and so changes in scale also bring about a
focal adaptive cycle (generally an ecosystem of change in the structuring regime. Thus this type of
interest) from those that can occur between do- ‘‘regime change’’ does not reflect an active change
mains of adaptive cycles operating at different in the status of the system or phase of an adaptive
scales, because their ecological meaning and po- cycle, but simply reflects the fact that structure and
tential implications for management are different. process changes discontinuously with scale, and
With respect to the first type of regime change, different ‘‘regimes’’ are responsible for structure at
systemic regime changes occur when a reorgani- different scales. This cross-scale structure, with
zation phase of an adaptive cycle leads to a fun- scales separated by discontinuities, provides the
damentally different type of system. A system-level structural underpinnings for cross-scale interac-
regime shift can occur when the top level of a tions and the overall resilience of the system (Pet-
panarchy reorganizes (sometimes, but not always, erson and others 1998), and provides one of the
rapidly) and because of the hierarchical nature of few quantitative approaches available for measur-
structure, the reorganization of an upper level af- ing resilience (Allen and others 2005; Nash and
fects lower levels. Such regime shifts are the ones others 2014).
typically considered in ecology, and occur, for
example, when shallow lakes shift from a clear Novelty
water state dominated by submerged vegetation to
Novelty is the creation of new things, or new combi-
a degraded state with turbid waters and recurring
nations (Allen and Holling 2010) via natural or human
phytoplankton blooms.
process, and innovation is the process whereby hu-
It is not the norm for the destruction cycle within
mans develop novelty. Theory and empirical analyses
an adaptive cycle to result in a regime change. The
have shown heightened variability at the species,
reorganization phase of the adaptive cycle is likely
population and community levels at the discontinu-
to simply reorganize around the same structures
ities separating scaling regimes (Allen and others 1999;
and processes, in which case a change in systemic
Allen and Saunders 2002, 2006; Gunderson and others
structure has not occurred. The role of scale in
2007; Skillen and Maurer 2008; Wardwell and Allen
understanding these dynamics is critical. For
2009). Ecologically dynamic and unusual phenomena
example, within a lake, plankton communities
occur at discontinuities, and these observations may
undergo seasonal replacement of species groups
provide insight into the organization of complex sys-
(Sommer and others 1986), suggesting repeated
tems. Increased variability at transitions between
adaptive cycles of creative destruction within a
scales, measured with discontinuities in animal body
single year at the scale of phytoplankton dynamics.
sizes, has been associated with species invasions and
This pattern is conservative and can be found across
extinctions (Allen and others 1999). That is, successful
lakes with different forms of human impact (Ang-
invaders and species with high extinction risk were
eler and others 2010). This highlights that phyto-
more likely situated close to the edge of body mass
plankton dynamics operate in an adaptive cycle
aggregations (close to scale transitions). This pattern is
that is nested within higher levels of the entire
attributed to an increased variability of resources at
lake’s organization, and this cycling has no nega-
discontinuities between scaling regimes (O’Neill and
tive effect on the dynamics of the lake as a whole.
others 1989; Allen and others 1999). From a complex
With respect to the second type of regime systems perspective, this suggests that although high
change, regime changes that reflect the transition variation in resource abundance and location in space
between domains of adaptive cycles (discontinu- and time is a hardship for some species (see, for
ities in scaling regimes) identify a change in scale, example, the propensity of declining species to have
and occur in every complex adaptive system. As body masses proximate to discontinuities; Allen and
one changes scale to a higher or lower level in a others 1999; Skillen and Maurer 2008), it is an
system one shifts from the influence of one adap- opportunity for other species that successfully invade
tive cycle to another; the adaptive cycles are dis- and exploit these locations/resources. However,
crete and non-overlapping and characterized by invasions and extinctions are not mutually exclusive,
different structuring processes affecting different because invaders can outcompete native species of
spatial scales and occurring at different temporal similar size if they are able to better use resources. Such
frequencies (Allen and others 2005) (Figure 2). The competitive interactions would be less pronounced if
change from one scale to another, from one adap- species differ fundamentally in their size and thus re-
tive cycle to another, means that the structures and source-use patterns; that is, if they operate in different
586 C. R. Allen and others
scaling regimes. It is clear that discontinuities between highlight a wealth of research opportunities that
scaling regimes in panarchies are arenas of ‘‘experi- might contribute to increase our understanding of
mentation,’’ meaning that biodiversity and ecosystem complex system dynamics and resilience. Phe-
processes are exposed to constant innovation and nomena that operate at broad spatial extents
novelty. This has profound implications for resilience. (nomadism and migration) also suggest that not
It also provides confirmation of the characterization of only resources and other niche-based processes but
discontinuities as scale breaks indicating cross-scale also potentially other community structuring forces
change in structuring regimes; individual, species and such as neutral dynamics (for example, stochastic
community turnover in time and space are indicative demographic processes, dispersal, biogeographical
of both high variance and flickering. history) may also be important in generating nov-
Invasive species have subtly, or sometimes elty. These factors will need more explicit consid-
grossly, different ways of interacting with their new eration in future research.
environments relative to native species and their Panarchy provides an alternative framework for
addition may reflect a system in transition (Allen integrating and analyzing data sets over wide ran-
and others 1999). The common belief among con- ges of spatial and temporal domains. It is an alter-
servation biologists is that invasive species are native to current models of scale invariance and
destructive and transformative forces that may re- emergent statistical inference. History has shown
duce the resilience of the ecosystems they invade, that many ecological theories (such as resilience
eventually pushing them toward a novel, unde- theory) require multiple decades to test and eval-
sired state, with reduced provision of ecosystem uate, because that is the appropriate time scale over
services. However, insight from complexity ap- which many of the complex ecosystem dynamics
proaches and panarchy theory suggests that their unfold. In a changing world, in which human ef-
addition in many cases may not alter, but rather fects are now global and rapid, the need to
reinforce existing ecological organization and thus understand the dynamics of complex systems, and
increase resilience (Forys and Allen 2002). Panar- to act upon that knowledge, is pressing. Human-
chy theory clearly has potential to reveal patterns kind’s understanding of complex systems is grow-
of complementarity, synergism and antagonism ing, but whether our understanding and ability to
between invasive species and the ecological orga- manage these systems is outpaced by our trans-
nization and resilience of the ecosystems they in- formation of them will ultimately determine the
vade. In this context, panarchy theory has also longevity of our current regime.
been useful to explain why invasive species can be
difficult to manage. Building resilience and the
creation of novelty can also occur following the
emergence or loss of dominant scales in the eco-
logical system (Allen and Holling 2010). There is Much of the treatment of the concept of panarchy
recent evidence that the regional spread of an currently in the literature is focused on a meta-
invasive species due to regional environmental phorical use of the term, but some core concepts
change can lead to an increased number of scales in have been tested and others are testable with cur-
the landscape at which its biomass occurs, by rent data. Most of the existing empirical tests re-
adding novel structure and processes (adaptive volve around discontinuities and their detection in
cycles) to the invaded system. These ‘‘emergent vertebrate body mass distributions. However, dis-
scales’’ created by the addition of new species/ continuities have been tested for and documented
processes may become self-organizing, which may in other organisms and social systems (Leaper and
increase the resilience of the invasion and compli- others 2001; Garmestani and others 2005, 2006),
cate management interventions (Angeler and oth- and the ideas underlying panarchy related to dis-
ers 2012). continuities, have been sustained. In addition,
Invasions and extinctions are perhaps the cases limited modeling and empirical tests have demon-
that best document the generation of novelty in strated a strong link between discontinuities and
complex systems, but there is also evidence that the grouping of variables they identify, and scale
phenomena like nomadism and migration, with an specific structure in the environment (Szabó and
implicitly high variability of population dynamics Meszéna 2006; Nash and others 2013). Relatively
in space and time, are also associated with scale long-term data sets are becoming available that
transitions (Allen and Holling 2010). The few have allowed for novel approaches to detect dis-
examples dealing with the generation of novelty continuities and scaling in temporal variables.
and innovation from a complex systems perspective These data have revealed discrete groups of species
Panarchy: Theory and Application 587
that exhibit distinct temporal frequencies, with Cooperative Fish and Wildlife Research Unit is
some responding to slow environmental variables jointly supported by a cooperative agreement be-
and others responding to fast variables (Angeler tween the U.S. Geological Survey, the Nebraska
and Johnson 2012; Angeler and others 2013). Time Game and Parks Commission, the University of
series data hold much promise, but the scales of Nebraska–Lincoln, the United States Fish and
pattern and structure that can be discerned have Wildlife Service and the Wildlife Management
upper bounds set by the limit of the temporal ex- Institute. The views expressed herein are those of
tent of the data series, and lower bounds set by the the authors and do not necessarily represent those
frequency of sample collection. of the United States Government or U.S. EPA. We
Hypotheses that support individual components gratefully acknowledge funding from the August T.
of panarchy theory across ecological and social Larsson Foundation of the Swedish University of
systems will ultimately contribute to supporting the Agricultural Sciences, and the U.S. Geological
theory as a whole. It is clear that many of the Survey John Wesley Powell Center for Analysis
propositions and manifestations require a great deal and Synthesis.
of data of sufficient temporal span and spatial ex-
tent. Exceptional data sets from long-term moni-
toring programs have proven very useful to support REFERENCES
predictions of panarchy theory that have been Allen CR, Holling CS, Eds. 2008. Discontinuities in ecosystems
hitherto difficult to test (Angeler and others 2011). and other complex systems. New York: Columbia University
This calls for more long-term monitoring to test for Press.
the generality of the patterns observed so far. Time Allen CR, Holling CS. 2010. Novelty, adaptive capacity, and
series data are present from many sites around the resilience. Ecol Soc 15(3):24. http://www.ecologyandsociety.
world, and can be tested for patterns in temporal org/vol15/iss3/art24/.
frequencies. Body mass and abundance data are Allen CR, Saunders DA. 2002. Variability between scales: pre-
dictors of nomadism in birds of an Australian Mediterranean-
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