Test Iniţial 6 l2

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Anul şcolar 2018-2019

Limba engleză
Clasa a VI-a L2

Numele şi prenumele elevului:

Data susţinerii testului:
 Pentru rezolvarea corectă a tuturor cerinţelor din Partea I şi din Partea a II-a se acordă 90 de
puncte. Din oficiu se acordă 10 puncte.
 Timpul efectiv de lucru este de 45 de minute.

Partea I (60 de puncte)

1. Write the correct plural form of the nouns:

a. boy- ……………………
b. door-…………………..
c. mouse- ……………….
d. box- …………………….
e. Watch- ……………….. 5x2=10p
2. Fill in the gaps using the following words: is, can, big, and, basket, man, fish, blue, river.

It ……… a beautiful day. It is hot………. the sun is shining. The sky is ………. . and the birds are singing. A
…………… is sitting next to the ………………. . He ……………… fishing. He wants a ……………. for his
dinner and his ……………… is empty. Look! A …………… fish is swimming in the river. The man
……………….. see it. 10x1=10p

3. Fill in the blanks with adjectives denoting colour:

a. The apple is ………………………
b. The sky is ………………………….
c. The sun is …………………………
d. The grass is ………………………
e. My eyes are …………………… 5x2=10p
4. Answer the following questions:
a. What is your name?
b. How old are you?
c. Where do you live?
d. Where do you go to school?
e. Who is your best friend? 5x2=10p

5. Fill in the text with the correct form of the verb to be (am, are, is) or to have (have, has):
My name ………………. George and I ………….. 10. I …………. a pupil and I ……………. a lot of books. I
……………….. tall and thin. I ………………….. very smart. I ……………. got a big brother, Tom, who
………….. 15, and a little sister, Maria, who ……………. 8.
We ………………. students at Sun Street School. We live in a small town. Our school ……………. big.
My parents ………….. great. My father …………………… a doctor and my mother ………….. a nurse. My
father …………… a tall and a good looking man. My mother …………….. tall and pretty.
I …………… a dog, named Coco. It …………. light brown fur and big brown eyes. Coco ……………. funny
and cute. We ……… good friends. 20x1=20p

PARTEA A II-A (30 de puncte)

Write a letter to James telling him about you. Use the letter above as an example.
Do not use more than 80 words.


 Se punctează oricare alte formulări/ modalităti de rezolvare corectă a cerintelor.

 Nu se acordă punctaje intermediare, altele decât cele precizate explicit prin barem.
 Se acordă 10 puncte din oficiu. Nota finală se calculează prin împărtirea punctajului total acordat
pentru test la 10.

PARTEA I (60 de puncte)

1. Write the correct plural forms of the nouns:
5 x 2p=10 points
a. Boys
b. Doors
c. Mice
d. Boxes
e. Watches
2. Fill in the gaps using the following words:
is, can, big, and, basket, man, fish, blue,
river. (10x1p=10p)

1. is
2. and
3. blue
4. man
5. river
6. is
7. fish
8. basket
9. big
10. can
3. Fill in the blanks witk adjecyives denoting
colour. (5 x 2p = 10p)
1. red
2. blue
3. yellow
4. green
5. blue/black/brown

4. Answer the following questions. (5x2p=10p)

5 points for correct grammar structures and
5 points for the use of appropriate vocabulary
5. Fill in the text with the correct form of
the verb to be (am, are, is) or to have
(have, has):
Is, am, am, have, am, am, have, is, is, is,
are, is, are, is, is, is, is, have, has, is, are
PARTEA a II-a (30 de puncte)

Intelegere scris A1 - A2
 4 points for appropriately beginning and ending letters:
 2 points the beginning/title: (Dear + the friend’s name)
 2 points the ending: (Best wishes / Love / Lots of love /Yours + the sender’s
 6 points for correct grammar structures and connectors
 5 points for the use of appropriate vocabulary
 10 points for covering the aspects demanded by the task
 3 points for a balanced structure (greeting/introduction, content, conclusion)
 2 points for the general impression

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