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have provided indisputable evidence that proves that the origin of human development is the
product of the ancestral inception of Alien male DNA. The Anti-Christ' father is the devil, he is
called the "Son of Perdition", the offspring of "the father of ALL Lies"
Ancient Biblical history records the existence of "other beings" and their presence and sphere of
influence throughout history on planet Earth. THE "BIG LIE" is that these entities are not "ALIEN"
Hybrids from another planet but rather ANGELS, (fallen angels), who were expelled from the
presence of God in ancient times. These creatures disguise themselves at "beings of light". Isaiah
14:12 / Luke 10:18 / Revelation 12:4.
Biblical History records, that in ancient times, these "fallen beings" bred with some human
women, creating a race of giants known as Nephilim. Nephilim embodied corrupt DNA and
subsequently attempted at various intervals throughout human history, to physically dominate
the Earth and its inhabitants. Both the fallen angels and their offspring the Nephilim, have
wreaked havoc on earth every since the corruption of Adam. Read more:
Adam's corruption ran deep into his DNA. When Adam yielded himself to the Serpent, (Lucifer /
Satan), who is the "commander and chief" of these "beings", the portal of another dimension,
(Hell), literally opened onto the Earth and corruption entered into Adam and damaged the
precious, Divinely designed and exclusive gift of incorruptible human DNA that held the unique
genetic properties, "strands and markers", of life eternal.
Adam's broken relationship with his Creator insured that he, Adam, wound not live in his
corrupted state of being forever. This is the very reason why corrupt man needed a pure
incorruptible God to intervene in this matter and provide a Divine Answer to satisfy the legal
requirements rendering the eternal justice of a perfect God that would release man from the
corruption of death.
Once the DNA was damaged, Satan gained access through man, to the entire Planet Earth, its
world systems and future human race launching the "BIG LIE". Genesis 6:1–6