Globe Shut-Off or Control V Alve: Series HV, HVR
Globe Shut-Off or Control V Alve: Series HV, HVR
Globe Shut-Off or Control V Alve: Series HV, HVR
Globe Shut-off or
Control V alve
bellows sealed
List of Contents
5 Installation...........................................8
5.1 Flange caps and gaskets......................... 8
5.2 Direction of flow and installation position . 8
5.3 Grounding ................................................ 8
5.4 Test pressure........................................... 8
Relevant documents
Declaration of conformity acc. to the EC Pressure Form for General Safety Certificate
Equipment Directive 97/23/EC QM 0912-16-2001_en
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TM 6128 MPE/Wm Page 2 Edition 04/2005
Installation and Operating Manual
Series HV, HVR
1 Technical data
Manufacturer: Weight:
Richter Chemie-Technik GmbH Nom.
15 20 25 40 50 65 80 100
Otto-Schott-Str. 2 Size
D-47906 Kempen ASME -- -- 1“ 1½“ 2“ --- 3“ 4“
Telephone : +49 (0) 2152 146-0
Fax: +49 (0) 2152 146-190 ca. kg 7 7 12 17 20 22 49 55
E-Mail :
Internet: Installation position:
The direction of flow is marked by an arrow cast into
Designation : the body.
Globe shut-off or control valve with safety stuffing box See Sections 5.2.
and bellows to German Clean Air Regulations (TA-
Luft) as well as interchangeable seat and plug. Dimensions and individual parts:
Series HV version with on-off plug See sectional drawing in Section 9.
HVR version with control plug Wear parts: Seat, plug, bellows
Control characteristics for HVR to DIN EN 60534, Options :
equal percentage, linear, on-off, rangeability 25:1.
Heavy-duty bellows DN 25 - 100 (1" - 4")
V-plug, rangeability 100:1
For permeating media and elevated pres-
Tightness tested to DIN EN 12266-1 sures/temperatures
Face to face alternatively: Hastelloy bellows
EN 558-1 basic series 1, ISO 5752 series 1 For special applications (e.g. extreme permeation)
with flanges DIN EN 1092-2, type B Alarm or flushing connection
(ISO 7005-2 Type B) PN 16 or flanges drilled to For higher safety requirements
ASME (ANSI) B16.5 Class 150
ASME (ANSI) B16.10, column 21, Class 150 with
flanges ASME (ANSI) B16.5 Class 150, raised
face 1.1 Intended use
Testing for valves DIN EN 12266-1, 12266-2. Richter globe shut-off or control valves of the series
HV, HVR are pressure containing components in
Materials : accordance with the Pressure Equipment Directive
Body material: Ductile cast iron EN-JS 1049 to DIN (PED) for the passage and shut-off of fluids. The
EN 1563 (0.7043 DIN 1693) or ASTM A395 valves are suitable for vapours, gases and non-boiling
Lining material: PFA or FEP liquids of group 1 according to the PED and have a
on request : conductive design corrosion-resistant plastic lining.
Solids can lead to increased wear, damage to sealing
Temperature range : surfaces or to a reduction in the service life of the
See pressure-temperature diagram in Section 1.5. valve.
Operating pressure: The operator must carefully examine in the event of
Standard bellows up to 10 bar operating data other than those provided whether the
designs of the valve, accessories and materials are
Heavy-duty bellows up to 16 bar
suitable for the new application (consult the
Hastelloy C-bellows up to 16 bar at 180 °C
Ball valve sizes in mm :
DN 15, 20, 25, 40, 50, 65, 80, 100
1", 1½", 2", 2½", 3" 4" in inch
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TM 6128 MPE/Wm Page 3 Edition 04/2005
Installation and Operating Manual
Series HV, HVR
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Installation and Operating Manual
Series HV, HVR
9520-050-en Revision 01
TM 6128 MPE/Wm Page 5 Edition 04/2005
Installation and Operating Manual
Series HV, HVR
2 Notes on safety
This operating manual contains fundamental 2.1 For the customer / operator
information which is to be observed during installa-
tion, operation and maintenance. It must therefore be When using the valve, it must be ensured that
read before installation and commissioning.
hot or cold valve parts are protected by the
For valves which are used in potentially explosive customer against being touched
areas, see Section 3. the valve has been properly installed in the pipe
Installation and operation are to be performed by system
qualified staff. the usual flow rates are not exceeded in continu-
The area of responsibility, authority and supervision of ous operation.
the staff must be regulated by the customer. This is not the manufacturer's responsibility.
General hazard symbol! Fire protection to DIN EN ISO 10497 is not possible
People may be put at risk. (plastic lining and plastic components).
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Installation and Operating Manual
Series HV, HVR
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Installation and Operating Manual
Series HV, HVR
5 Installation
Examine valve for in-transit damage, damaged globe
shut-off or control valves must not be installed.
5.2 Direction of flow and installa-
Before installation the valve and the connecting pipe tion position
must be carefully cleaned to remove any dirt,
Installation is independent of the direction of flow.
especially hard foreign matter.
Any installation position can be chosen.
During installation, pay attention to the correct
tightening torque, aligned pipes and tension-free Otherwise, it is marked by a direction arrow on the
assembly. ball valve, e.g. in the case of cavity-free ball/stem
It the cover is provided with an alarm units.
connection, it must also be connected or
sealed. Otherwise medium could escape if
the bellows are defective. 5.3 Grounding
The all-round gap between the body and the cover
must remain constant so that a centric position of the If the plant requires grounding the easiest solution is
plug in relation to the seat is guaranteed. to place a toothed lock washer under the nut of a
pipeline bolt of each valve flange.
Otherwise grounding must be ensured by different
measures e.g. a cable link.
5.1 Flange caps and gaskets
Leave protective caps on the flanges until just prior to
installation. 5.4 Test pressure
Where there is a particularly high risk of damage to The test pressure PT of an open valve must not
the plastic sealing surfaces, e.g. if the mating flanges exceed the value of 1.5 x PN/PS as per the identifica-
are made of metal or enamel, PTFE-lined gaskets tion of the valve.
with a metal inlay should be used. These gaskets are
available as special accessories in the ITT Richter
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Installation and Operating Manual
Series HV, HVR
6 Operation
6.1 Initial commissioning Operation with solids leads to increased wear.
Operating during cavitation leads to increased
Normally, the globe shut-off valves have been tested wear.
for leaks with air or water. Prior to initial operation Non-observance of the pressure-temperature
check cover screws. For torques see Section 1.3. diagram can lead to damage.
Unless otherwise agreed, there could be Do not subject the handwheel to heavy loads; the
residual amounts of water in the flow lever or valve may be damaged.
section of the ball valve; this could result in
a possible reaction with the medium.
To prevent leaks, all connection screws should be 6.3 Shutdown
retightened after the initial loading of the valve with
operating pressure and operating temperature. For The local regulations are to be observed when
torques, see Section 1.3. dismantling the valve.
Prior to undoing the flange connection ensure, that
the plant is depressurised and emtied.
6.2 Inadmissible modes of opera- Prior to starting any repair work, the valve
tion and their consequences is to be thoroughly cleaned. Even if the
valve has been properly emtied and rinsed,
Crystallisation may result in damage to the seat residual medium may still be found in the valve,
rings or ball/stem unit. This can be prevented by After dismantling, immediately protect the valve
heating. flanges against mechanical damage with flange
In extreme cases this may cause blocking. caps. See also Section 5.1.
When used in the minus temperature range, the
regulations applicable in the country in question
must be observed.
7 Malfunctions
Flange connection valve/pipe is leaking Alarm connection reports a rise in pressure or a
Retighten the flange screws to a tightening torque leak.
according to Section 1.3. If this does not remedy Replace bellows.
the leak, the recommended torques may be ex- Replace plug and/or seat.
ceeded by 10%. Replace packing rings.
If this also fails to stop the leak, dismantle and
inspect the ball valve. Valve can only be moved with difficulty.
Is the stuffing box tightened too much?
Flange connection main body/cover is leaking
Retighten cover screws. See paragraph "Flange Valve does not seal tight.
connection valve/pipe is leaking". Are there solids between the seat and plug?
Packing is leaking Are the sealing surfaces of the seat or plug dam-
Retighten packing nuts in line with the details in
Section1.3. The flow rate is too high or too low.
Disadvantages: The performance curve is not correct.
The medium can destroy the metallic internals The valve cavitates.
relatively quickly. Do the rated data according to the data sheet or
The hysteresis can be impaired. works certificate match the data of the plant?
Replace bellows. Are the correct seat and plug installed? See mark-
ings on the seat and plug and compare them with
the name plate and the data sheet.
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TM 6128 MPE/Wm Page 9 Edition 04/2005
Installation and Operating Manual
Series HV, HVR
8 Maintenance
To prevent leaks, a regular check of the connection 8.1.2 Replacing packing rings
screws should be made in line with the operating
requirements. Only replace packing rings and thrust ring when
For torques, see Section 1.3. necessary.
Spare parts are to be ordered with all the details in Dismantling and assembly are described in the
acc. with the valve identification. following, once the upper part has already been pulled
Only original spare parts may be installed. out of the body.
The seat is marked with: DN 15 and DN 20
Remove spring-type slotted pin 939/3.
Unscrew handwheel 210.
Unscrew packing nut 404.
Remove thrust ring 405/1.
Turn spindle 802 with guide 801 and, when thread
is free, pull downwards.
Replace packing rings 402/1.
Insert thrust ring 405/1 and packing nut 404.
Push spindle 802 with guide 801 upwards. Make
sure that the round head rivet 565/1 lies in the
The plug is marked with: groove of the cover 106. Then screw spindle/guide
into the cover.
Tighten packing nut 404 slightly.
Screw on handwheel 210.
Force in spring-type slotted pin 939/3.
DN 25 - DN 65 (1" - 2")
Force out spring-type slotted pins 939/2.
Unscrew handwheel hub 230 with handwheel 210.
The plain bearings 300/1, 300/2 and the ring
8.1 Dismantling 500/1 may fall out of the cover 106.
Undo stuffing box screw fittings 902/1, 920/1,
8.1.1 Dismantling plug 554/1.
Force out spring-type slotted pin 939/1.
Move plug 204 into the open position.
Pull out stem 855 downwards.
Remove screw fittings 901/1, 936/1 (with DN 100
902/2, 936/1, 920/3). Remove ring 500/1 and lower plain bearing 300/2.
Pull upper part vertically out of the body 100. Remove packing gland follower 503 and thrust ring
Undo bellows 206 with plug 204 by hand or use a
strap wrench. Right-hand thread. Replace packing rings 402/1.
With the heavy-duty bellows do not remove the Insert thrust ring 405/1 and packing gland follower
support rings 231 and the support disc 232. 503.
Pull out round cord 522 of the plug 204 with pliers. Before pushing up the stem, push plain bearing
300/2 and ring 500/1 over the stem.
Unscrew plug 204 by hand or use a strap wrench.
Right-hand thread. Push up stem 855 and force in spring-type slotted
pin 939/1.
Check whether the seat is still OK.
Tighten packing gland follower 503 slightly.
If not: replace. See Section 8.2.2.
Screw handwheel hub 230 with handwheel 210
into the plain bearings.
Push up ring 500/1 and force in spring-type slotted
pins 939/2.
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Installation and Operating Manual
Series HV, HVR
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Installation and Operating Manual
Series HV, HVR
9 Drawings
9.1 Sectional drawing HV, HVR, with standard bellows
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Installation and Operating Manual
Series HV, HVR
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Safety Information / Declaration of No Objection Concerning the Contamination
of Richter-Pumps, -Valves and Components
Each entrepreneur (operator) carries the responsibility for the health and safety of his
employees. This extends also to the personnel, who implements repairs with the operator or
with the contractor.
Enclosed declaration is for the information of the contractor concerning the possible
contamination of the pumps, valves and component sent in for repair. On the basis of this
information for the contractor is it possible to meet the necessary preventive action during the
execution of the repair.
Before the dispatch of the aggregates the operator must fill in the following declaration
completely and attach it to the shipping documents. The shipping instructions indicated in the
respective manual are to be considered, for example:
The repair and/or maintenance of pumps, valves and components can only be implemented if a completely filled out
declaration is available. If this is not the case, delay of the work will occur. If this declaration is not attached to the
devices, which have to be repaired, the transmission can be rejected.
Every aggregate has to have it’s own declaration.
This declaration may be filled out and signed only by authorized technical personnel of the operator.
D. Mandatory declaration: We assure that the data in this explanation are truthful and complete and as a signatory I am
able to form an opinion about this. We are aware that we are responsible towards the contractor for damages, which results
from incomplete and incorrect data. We commit ourselves to exempt the contractor from claims for damages of thirds
resulting from incomplete or incorrect data. We are aware that we are directly responsible towards thirds, irrespective of this
declaration, which belongs in particularly to the employees of the contractor consigned with the handling repair of the product.
Fax No. ()
Dear Sirs,
The compliance with laws for the industrial safety obligates all commercial enterprises to protect their
employees and/or humans and environment against harmful effects while handling dangerous
The laws are such as: the Health and Safety at Work Act (ArbStättV), the Ordinance on Harzadous
Substances (GefStoffV, BIOSTOFFV), the procedures for the prevention of accidents as well as
regulations to environmental protection, e.g. the Waste Management Law (AbfG) and the Water
Resources Act (WHG)
An inspection/repair of Richter products and parts will only take place, if the attached explanation is
filled out correctly and completely by authorized and qualified technical personnel and is available.
Despite careful draining and cleaning of the devices, safety precautions should be necessary
however, the essential information must be given.
The enclosed declaration of no objection is part of the inspection/repair order. Even if this certificate is
available, we reserve the right to reject the acceptance of this order for other reasons.
Best regards
Landesbank Rheinland-Pfalz, Mainz Kto. 110 145810 (BLZ 550 500 00)
SWIFT: MALA DE 555 50 USt. Id. Nr. DE 811 127054
Sitz der Gesellschaft: Kempen Amtsgericht Krefeld HRB 9635 Geschäftsführer: Dipl.-Ing. Günter Naasner QM-Nr.: 0912-16-2001an_en/4-01