16 Tewari
16 Tewari
16 Tewari
Abstract: This paper presents a formulation of Absolute Principles for vacuum-space that enable
revealing the process of creation of a stable electron and its known properties of mass and charge.
Fundamental equations on the electron’s charge and mass are derived from first principles from the
vacuum vortex of the electron’s structure. Also, generation of electrostatic, electromagnetic, and
gravitational fields are shown to arise from the vacuum-vortex structure of the electron. The elec-
tron and positron have been pinpointed to be the fundamental particles of matter. Coulomb’s equa-
tion for electrical attraction, dielectric and permeability constants for vacuum, gravitational
constant, angular momentum, and magnetic moment for the electron are derived from the charge
and mass equations of the electron. It is shown that the mass and charge equations of the electron
are applicable for all stable particles, atoms, and even cosmic bodies such as the planets, sun, and
galaxies. Kepler’s laws are derived from the vacuum space vortex causing axial rotation of the Sun
and orbital rotation of the planets. The Earth and the planets with axial rotation are shown to be
enclosed by their respective vacuum space vortices that cause gravity field on their surfaces, axial
rotation, and generating surface charge. Their masses too can be derived from the tangential vac-
uum velocity field on their surfaces. The vacuum space vortices, spreading far beyond Pluto in the
solar planetary plane, and also those enclosing the galaxy core and rotating the stars, are mistaken
as dark matter, presently. The spin of the galaxy core is calculated to be at the velocity of light,
causing creation of matter continuously, starting with electrons/positrons and assembling into
hydrogen and other atoms. By creation of the electron and its fields and properties from the vacuum
space vortex, it is proved that the primary source of cosmic energy in the universe is the dynamic
state of the vacuum space vortices. The universe, originally, is a sphere of vacuum space, before
creation of matter and fields, existing within an infinite void of nothingness. The radius of the vac-
uum space sphere has to be a minimum of 3.3 1031 cm so as to retain the created matter within
the universal boundary of the vacuum and nothingness (void). The universe has only two constants:
velocity of light relative to the vacuum space c and electron radius re. The ratio c / re is the limiting
velocity gradient in vacuum vortex circulation, at which the vacuum’s flow breaks down into stable
electrons and positrons. VC 2018 Physics Essays Publication.
Résumé: Cet article présente la formulation de Principes Absolus pour le vide spatial qui
permettent de révéler le processus de création d’un électron stable et ses propriétés connues de
masse et de charge. Les équations fondamentales pour la charge et la masse de l’électron sont
dérivées des premiers principes du vortex dans le vide de la structure de l’électron. De plus, la
génération de champs électrostatiques, électromagnétiques et gravitationnels est montre di provenir
de la structure du vortex sous vide de l’électron. L’électron et le positron ont été identifiés comme
étant les particules fondamentales de la matière. L’équation de Coulomb pour l’attraction
électrique, les constantes diélectriques et de perméabilité du vide, la constante gravitationnelle, le
moment angulaire et le moment magnétique pour l’électron sont dérivées des équations de charge
et de masse de l’électron. Il est montré que les équations de masse et de charge de l’électron
peuvent être appliquées à toutes les particules stables, les atomes et même les corps cosmiques
comme les planètes, le soleil et les galaxies. Les lois de Kepler sont dérivées du vortex du vide
spatial entraı̂nant une rotation axiale du soleil et une rotation orbitale des planètes. La Terre et les
planètes à rotation axiale sont montrées comme étant entourées par leurs respectifs vortex du vide
spatial qui provoquent un champ de gravité sur leurs surfaces, une rotation axiale et la génération
de charge de surface. Leurs masses aussi peuvent être dérivées du champ de vitesse tangentielle
dans le vide sur leurs surfaces. Les vortex du vide spatial, qui s’étendent bien au-delà de Pluton
dans le plan planétaire solaire, et aussi ceux qui entourent le noyau de la galaxie et tournent autour
des étoiles, sont présentement confondus avec la matière noire. Le spin du noyau de la galaxie est
Deceased. Address all correspondence to: a_tewari@icloud.com.
ISSN 0836-1398 (Print); 2371-2236 (Online)/2018/31(1)/108/22/$25.00 108 C 2018 Physics Essays Publication
Physics Essays 31, 1 (2018) 109
I. INTRODUCTION that it may have its utility in other physical effects, in addi-
tion to providing a medium for transmission of light. Based
It was Rene Descartes, the French mathematician and
on Faraday’s concepts, Maxwell wrote equations using
philosopher, who, perhaps for the first time in a scientific
hydrodynamics to model ether, postulating it as an incom-
sense, assigned a reality to the medium of space as a fluid-
pressible fluid. Helmholtz conceived the ether vortex fila-
entity, already known at that time as ether. According to
ment as electric current; and, W. Thomson believed2 that
Descartes, large cosmic ether vortices existed throughout the
“the magnetic energy is the kinetic energy of a medium
universe. One such vortex carried the planets around the sun,
occupying the whole space, and that electric energy is the
and countless smaller vortices aggregated into different sizes
energy of strain of the same medium.” Atomic structure as a
of universal matter, filling the whole of space. He explained
vortex motion was also proposed by Thomson and others,
gravity by the pressure and impact of ether on bodies; and,
and after the electron’s discovery (1897), Lamar concluded
framed principles of inertial tendencies of matter for straight
that the electron is a structure in the ether and that all matter
line motion, based on the property of the fluidity of the
consisted of electrons only.
space-substratum filled with ether vortices. The transmission
Problems arose around 1905, as the concepts of the vor-
of the then known magnetic forces and the force of gravity
tex structure of electrons in an incompressible fluid were
between the earth and the planetary bodies found explana-
being researched. One problem was the dissipation of vortex
tions in Cartesian philosophy with physical contacts between
motion, since the streamlines in a vortex may tend to dilate
the interacting entities mediated by the intervening ether.
outward (W. Thomson). Another problem pertained to the
The theory of Descartes at that time was the most convincing
difficulty of the transmission of an electromagnetic field in
natural philosophy, and was based on a single dynamic ether.
this fluid, at the enormous speed of light, for which, if ether
The theory remained in acceptance for almost a century after
properties are considered akin to matter with very low den-
publication of Newton’s Principia.
sity, the elasticity should be near to that of steel. While these
Newton’s laws of motion took into account the principle
difficulties were yet to be overcome, Einstein’s Theory of
of inertia for straight line motion as conceived by Descartes,1
Relativity (1905), proposed around that time, postulated the
and Galileo’s experimental discoveries on freely falling bod-
medium of space as empty extension, meaning that no point
ies and their motion on inclined planes; but, ether was not
of space was to be assigned with a velocity-vector (or
invoked to explain the properties of mass, inertia (which
“velocity field”), thus making the very existence of ether
were introduced in Newton’s laws of motion) and the force
of gravity. Thus, the medium of space, except for its utility
The space-vortex structure of the electron, based on the
as a continuous fluid-substratum for the transmission of light
writer’s works,3,4 referred in this paper, provides solutions to
waves, was again made inert and inactive for transmission of
both the above problems. The high elasticity required for the
forces; and, this led to the reintroduction of the principle of
fluid-ether is avoided by postulating it as a nonmaterial and
“action at a distance.” Based on this principle, R. G. Bosco-
incompressible fluid devoid of any known property of mat-
vich (1711–1787) tried to explain all physical effects and,
ter, such as mass, density, discreteness, viscosity, elasticity,
further, Coulomb and Ampere invoked it in explaining the
or compressibility, etc. Further, if the properties of “mass”
mutual action of forces between charged bodies and electric
and “charge” of an electron are to be derived from first prin-
currents. In contrast, Faraday’s researches led him to the
ciples, then a mass-less and charge-less fluid that, as a vor-
conclusion that electromagnetic induction cannot take place
tex, can form the structure of an electron, must be
without the intervening medium (field). Faraday introduced
postulated. The proof of this postulate—that the universal
the concept of continuously varying electric and magnetic
substratum of space with nonmaterialb) properties has real
fields, signifying space to be a continuous substratum, and
existence—is provided by deriving the basic properties of
“action at a distance” as not the basic principle. He also sug-
gested that an atom could be a structure of fields of forces—
electric, magnetic, and gravitational, existing around its cen- b)
“Nonmaterial” signifies a mass-less, density-less, incompressible, non-
tral point. On the existence of ether, it was Faraday’s belief viscous and continuous fluid.
110 Physics Essays 31, 1 (2018)
FIG. 3. (a) Velocity field on interface—diametrical cross-section. (b) Velocity field on interface.
112 Physics Essays 31, 1 (2018)
created at the vortex center due to the breakdown of the flow structure with a fixed volume of dynamically stable void at
of vacuum space is concluded to be spherical. its center is defined as the fundamental particle of matter.
It is shown below that the void is dynamically stable. The properties of “electric charge” and “mass” of the funda-
The creation of the void reverses the direction of the outward mental particle, and the “energy fields” associated with its
acceleration fieldd) [Eq. (1)] that created the void; because structure are derived in the following pages.
the void (enclosed within the sphere, here referred as the
interface) is an empty volume without any “circulating vac- III. GENERATION OF FIELDS
uum space” or “energy,” it is at zero potential relative to
space surrounding it. Therefore, the acceleration field in The vacuum space in circulation at speed c within the
Fig. 2 is shown inward. As described above, x is the limiting volume of the spherical void prior to its creation is, qualita-
velocity gradient c/re at the point Pz just prior to the creation tively, the basic state of energy.g) At the instant of the crea-
of the void. At each point of the interface circle cut by a dia- tion of the void, this energy is pushed out from within the
metrical plane at right angles to the Y-Z plane (Fig. 3), the void, and distributed in continuous space as gravity and
tangential velocity c produces maximum radial and inward electro-static fields.
acceleration, c2/re. The fields, so created, emanating from the interface of
The acceleration field at P is (xre sin h)2/resin h along the fundamental particle, become integral with the whole of
resin h. Although the interface is constituted of spinning the universal space. On account of the property of the non-
fluid-space, due to the constancy of x 0 on each of its points, viscosity of space, the void enclosed within the dynamically
it rotates like a surface of a rigid spherical shell of negligible stable interface at the center of the vortex, and the above
wall thickness. fields, exist eternally without any loss of strength. The prop-
The stability of the void is due to the following two fac- erties of the fundamental particle described above, and the
tors. Consider the circular section of the interface with the properties derived below, identify it as the electron itself.
diametrical plane (Fig. 2). The radial velocity gradient (x) is
c/re. If the void shrinks to a smaller radius, re decreases, then A. Unit electric charge
x0 will increase proportionately so that x 0 re ¼ c as per
Eq. (2), and also since c is constant; the void thus goes back Electric charge is the effect of space-circulation pro-
to its original size. In the event the void tends to grow to a duced on the interface of the fundamental particle of matter.
larger size, the inward acceleration field c2/re opposes any It is derived as follows. Refer to Fig. 3. Consider an elemen-
increase in re because it decreases the velocity gradient x to tal surface on the interface, which has an area: dA ¼ 2 pre
a lower value, which is no longer sufficient to sustain the sin h re dh. The tangential velocity of vacuum space at each
void. The sphere of the void is thus reduced to its original point of the elemental surface is x re sin h. The electric
size. The other factor is the property of the nonviscosity of charge on the elemental surface is defined from the first prin-
space, which maintains the vacuum space-vortex eternally, ciples as the “surface integral of the tangential velocity of
except for its annihilation on meeting a positron—similar vacuum on each point of the interface”: dq ¼ 2 pre sin hre dh
vortex with an oppositely oriented velocity field (discussed x re sin h. Substituting from Eq. (2), xre ¼ c, in the above
later). Further, the energy-less-void being a region of zero equation: dq ¼ 2pcre2 sin2 hdh. Integrating for the total elec-
potential, the inward acceleration field c2/re on the interface tric charge qe, varying h from 0 to p
prevents dilation of the streamlines, thereby, preventing dis-
sipation of the vacuum space-circulation away from the qe ¼ 2pcre2 sin2 hdh ¼ ðp=4Þ4pre2 c: (4)
interface. Thus, the void maintains its dynamic stability—its
The surface integral of the tangential vacuum velocity on the
volume being regulated due to the constancy of x and,
interface is defined as the unit of electrical charge of the fun-
consequently, the constancy of c and re, dictated by the
damental particle of matter.
absolutee) properties of the vacuum of space.
The dimensions of electric charge from Eq. (4) are:
qe ¼ L3/T. In CGSE system of units
C. Fundamental particles of matter
cm3=s ¼ CGSE unit: (5)
It is seen that the most basic property of the universal
medium of vacuum space is expressed by a single universal Substituting the experimentally determined value of the elec-
constant x that is c/re that limits its angular rotation and tric charge of an electron (4.8 1010 CGSE) and the speed
leads to creation of the fundamental stable vortex. While the of light in absolute vacuum (3 1010 cm/s) in Eq. (4), and
void of a definite volume is enclosed within the space- using the relationship (5), the radius of the interface enclos-
vortex, the vortex itself extends throughout the whole ing the void is calculated as re ¼ 4 1011 cm. A compari-
universal-space through its velocity field.f) The space-vortex son with the classical electron radius, which in modern
textbooks is shown as 2.82 1013 cm, reveals that re should
The acceleration of the vacuum space at a point is termed “acceleration be about 142 times smaller. However, the following quote
field.” supports the results obtained from Eq. (4). “There are several
Properties of space, being non-material in nature, are defined to be abso-
lute; unaffected by various conditions of temperature and pressure as appli-
lengths that might aspire to be characteristic of the
cable to material media.
f) g)
The motion of space leads to the generation of “the velocity field.” The quantitative definition of energy is given later.
Physics Essays 31, 1 (2018) 113
FIG. 4. Attractive and repulsive forces due to velocity fields. The positrons represent 180 —reversed-electrons.
dimensions of the electron. If we proceed from modern theo- dV, within the spherical interface: dV ¼ (pre2 sin2 h)
retical electrodynamics, which has been established better re dh ¼ pre3 sin2 hdh.The tangential velocity of the vacuum
than any other field theory, the conclusion seems to be that space acting at the interface of this element is x
0 re sin h. The
the electron has enormous dimensions, not 1013 cm, as physical process of creation of mass, dm, of this element is
expected from classical physics, but 1011 cm (a hundred due to the volume dV of the vacuum space being pushed out
times greater!).”4 This value of the electron radius at the time of void creation at the speed x resin h tangentially
(1011 cm), and its closeness with the radius of the spherical through the interface. The mass of the elemental void vol-
interface enclosing the void derived above from Eq. (4), sug- ume is defined from first principles below:
gests that the “fundamental particle of matter” described
above is the electron—already discovered by the close of the dm ¼ dVðxre sin hÞ ¼ dVðc sin hÞ:
19th century.
Substituting the value of dV from above, dm ¼ pre3 sin2 hdh)
Substituting in Charge Eq. (4), 4 1011 cm for re,
xre sin h ¼ ð4p=3Þre3 c.
qe ¼ 4.7326 1010 cm3/s against the experimental value of
Integrating for the total mass me, varying h from 0 to p
4.8 1010 CGSE. Nearness of the theoretical value with
the experimental value is striking! me ¼ ð4p=3Þre3 c: (6)
An electron moving away from an observer (electron
axis coinciding with the line of motion) is seen as a positron Fundamental mass
by another observer to whom this electron is approaching. ¼ Fundamental void volume c: (7)
Figure 4 shows, qualitatively, attractive and repulsive forces
between these particles through interaction of their velocity The volume-integral of the vacuum-circulation velocity
fields, while quantitative relationships follow. In (a) of within the void, at the instant of its creation, is the mass of
Fig. 4, the velocity-field u between particles is increased due the fundamental unit of matter (electron).
to the superposition of the fields. From Eq. (2), an increase The void at the electron center is dynamically stable
in u results in a proportionate decrease of r, and hence the with radius re and vacuum circulation at c. This leads to the
particles are brought closer by an attractive force between creation of only one size of stable void. Therefore all the par-
them. In (b) of Fig. 4, due to the decrease of the velocity field ticles of matter, nuclei and atoms will have their masses in
between the particles, r has to increase proportionately, and exact multiples of electron mass. The mass of the electron
this causes a repulsive force between similar particles. Quan- during motion relative to space will remain constant up to
titative relationships are derived in Sec. IV. speed c because the fluid-space ahead of a moving electron
can be displaced up to a maximum speed c only. Thus, the
volume of the void remains constant; therefore, electron
mass, which is proportional to the volume of the void
The property of mass in the fundamental particle of mat- [Eq. (7)], also remains constant. The relativistic increase in
ter (electron) arises due to the breakdown of vacuum circula- electron mass at speeds closer to light speed, as experimen-
tion at the center of the electron, and the consequent creation tally observed, is due to the reaction of the fluid vacuum
of a dynamically stable spherical void, associated with gravi- space against the interface in the electron’s structure, result-
tational as well as electrostatic fields in space. The derivation ing in the production of an additional acceleration field.3 The
of the mass of the electron from the vortex structure is as fol- proportionality of mass to the limiting velocity field c and
lows (refer to Fig. 3). Consider an element of void volume, also to the volume of the central void [Eq. (6)] shows that
114 Physics Essays 31, 1 (2018)
mass is not energy. “Mass is proportional to energy” is a Refer to Fig. 3. Consider, within the interface, an
more accurate statement. elemental “disk of void” of volume dV ¼ ðpr2e sin2 hÞ re
dh ¼ pr3e sin2 hdh, which is created due to the displacement
A. Dimensions and the unit of mass of the vacuum through the interface at the tangential veloc-
ity, xre sin h, or, c sin h [since from Eq. (3) xre ¼ c)] at the
The dimensions of mass from Eq. (6) are: me ¼ L4/T.
instant of the electron’s creation. The mass of this is
Therefore, in the CGS system of units, the unit of mass is:
cm4/s. With the use of the experimentally determined mass
of the electron, the computed mass of a molecule of water, dm ¼ dVðc sin hÞ
and the known numbers of molecules in one cm3 of water, ¼ ðpr3e sin2 hdhÞðc sin hÞ ¼ pcr3e sin3 hdh: (13)
the relationship between “cm4/s” and “gram” is determined,
approximately, as below.
The disk element has an area at the interface equal to
From the charge equation (4), the electron radius is
(2pre sin h) re dh; and has an inward radial acceleration
field at each point on it such that af ¼ x2r2e sin2 h /resin h
re ¼ ðqe =p2 cÞ1=2 : (8)
¼ c2sin h/re.
Consider the process opposite to void creation: the case
The electron charge is experimentally determined as of collapse of the interface to zero radius, when each point at
4.8 1010 CGSE. Expressing CGSE as cm3/s from Eq. (5), the interface of the elemental disk will be displaced along
qe ¼ 4.8 1010 cm3/s, and substituting this value of the radius re sin h with the above inward acceleration field
electron charge and the value of c in Eq. (8), we obtain acting on it. The energy released due to collapse of the void-
disk-element is defined as
ð4:8 1010 cm3 =sÞ
re ¼ ¼ 4 1011 cm: (9)
ðp2 3 1010 cm=sÞ1=2 dE ¼ dmaf ðfield displacementÞ
¼ ðpcr3e sin3 hdhÞ c2 sinh=re re sinh ¼ pc3 r3e sin5 hdh:
With the above radius of the interface enclosing the void, its
volume is Ve ¼ (4p /3)(4 1011 cm)3 ¼ 2.67 1031 cm3.
Integrating, varying h from 0 to p, to obtain the total energy
The mass of the electron, experimentally determined, is
released due to the collapse of the spherical void yields the
9.11 1028 g. Although the concept of density in its struc-
creation energy
ture is not applicable because of the central void, the ratio of
the “electron mass” and the “volume of its void” will be
indicative of the proportionality of the “quantity of mass” E ¼ ð4=5Þð4pr3e c=3Þc2 ¼ ð4=5Þme c2 ; (14)
within a “unit volume of void”. From above, this ratio, me/Ve
is 9.11 1028 g /2.67 1031 cm3 ¼ 3.42 103 g/cm3. And which is close to the mass-energy-equation of relativity the-
gram is ory if (4pre3 c/3) is replaced by me. as per mass equation (6).
The physical reason as to why the speed of light c
Gram ¼ 8:4 106 cm4 =s: (10) appears in Einstein’s mass energy equation is now
explained. It signifies the actual maximum possible vacuum-
Alternatively, the above relationship can also be found as circulation in the structure of fundamental matter, even when
follows. matter is stationary relative to the medium of vacuum-
Substituting the values of electron radius re from Eq. (9) space.5
and the experimentally determined mass in mass equation
(6), we have: 9.11 1028 g ¼ (4p/3) (4 1011 cm)3 A. Angular momentum of electron vortex
(3 1010 cm/s). From which
The intrinsic angular momentum of the spinning inter-
6 4 face of the electron is found as follows, refer to Fig. 3. Con-
Gram ¼ 8:8 10 cm =s: (11)
sider an element of void-volume dV ¼ pr2e sin2 h re dh, which,
at the interface, has the tangential velocity of vacuum space,
The results obtained in Eqs. (10) and (11) are close; from the xre sin h. Its mass from Eq. (6) will be dm ¼ dVxre
average of both sin h ¼ (pre3 sin2 h dh)c sin h ¼ pcre3 sin3 hdh and angular
momentum, dL ¼ dm (xre sin h)re sin h ¼ (p cre3 sin3 h dh)cre
Gram 8:6 106 cm4 =s: (12) sin2 h ¼ pc2re4 sin5 hdh. Integrating, varying h from 0 to p, to
obtain the angular momentum for the whole interface, we
¼ ð4=5Þ½ð4p=3Þre3 ccre ¼ ð4=5Þme cre ; (15)
The circulation of vacuum, forming the electron’s inter-
face and spreading throughout the universal space, is the in which me has been substituted for the quantity within the
structural energy of the electron; it is computed as follows. bracket as per the mass-equation (6).
Physics Essays 31, 1 (2018) 115
The intrinsic angular momentum of the electron is u21 ðcre sin h=rÞ2 c2 re2 sin h
directly proportional to its mass, radius, and the speed of af ¼ ¼ ¼ ; (17)
r sin h r sin h r3
p, tangential to the circle C1, is x re sin h.
B. Spin magnetic moment The component of af along the radius op1 from Eq. (17)
Refer to Fig. 3. Consider an infinitesimal ring-element of is ar ¼ af sin h ¼ c2re2 sin2 h/r3. The electric field E at p1 along
charge dq ¼ dA xre sin h. The Magnetic moment due to this the radius op1 is defined to have the following relationship
charge element is defined as: with the radial space acceleration field ar derived above:
dl ¼ dq (xre sin h) resin h ¼ (2pre sin h re dh) (xre sin h) dE
(xre sin h)re sin h ¼ 2 pc2r3e sin4 hdh. Integrating, varying h ¼ ar
from 0 to p to obtain total magnetic moment of the electron,
c2 re2 sin2 h c2 re2 sin2 h
we obtain ¼ from which E ¼ ; (18)
r3 2r2
l ¼ ð2pc2 re3 Þð3p=8Þ which is an inward field created by the electron (also by a
¼ ð3=4Þðp=4Þð4pr2e cÞcre ¼ ð3=4Þqe cre : (16) positron, if the same is considered) with the minimum value
of r equal to re, because the void is field-less.
The magnitude of E at the interface, along the y-axis,
The magnetic moment of electron is directly proportional to for h ¼ 0, is zero; and in the transverse plane (Etr) for h ¼ p/
its charge, radius, and speed of light.
2, at the point z1 distant r from the origin is
Etr ¼ : (19)
An expression for the electrostatic field of the electron at 2r2
a point in space is derived below from the vortex structure of
The maximum value of E is at the interface in the transverse
the electron, refer to Fig. 5. Consider a sphere of radius r, cut
plane Y-Z for h ¼ p /2, and r ¼ re
by a diametrical plane parallel to the X-Z, containing a circle
C of radius p1y1. The planes of the circles c1 and c are also c2
parallel to X-Z. The radius r (op1) passes through the inter- Emax ¼ : (20)
face of the electron at point p, and meets C at p1. In the dia-
metrical plane Z, the point z at the interface will have a The electric potential ø at z1 from Eq. (19) is given
tangential velocity of vacuum space x re, that is c (down the by dø/dr ¼ Etr, from which, dø ¼ Etr dr ¼ (c2re2 /2r2) dr, and
paper); the tangential velocity of vacuum at the point z1 ø ¼ c2re2 /2 r. In an irrotational vortex, from Eq. (2),
down the paper, from Eq. (2), will be cre/r. The velocity of cre ¼ ur. Substituting this in the above equation, we have
vacuum u2, at p, tangential to the circle C1, is x re sin h,
whereas, at p1 tangential to the circle C, the velocity of space cre ðurÞ cre u
from Eq. (2) is u1 ¼ (x re sin h) re sin h/r sin h ¼ cre sin h/r. ;¼ ¼ : (21)
2 2
The inward acceleration field at p1, along p1 y1 is
From Eq. (21), it is seen that in a vacuum vortex, the velocity
field u, is the most fundamental field in the universe, which
creates the electrostatic potential.
Attraction between an electron and a positron [Fig. 4(a)]
can be calculated by using Coulomb’s equation for interac-
tion between charges with the concept of the electric field
derived above, and also explained through superposition of
velocity fields, as stated earlier.
Coulomb’s law, which was experimentally determined,
can be derived from Eq. (19) as follows.
Multiplying and dividing the right-hand side of Eq. (19)
by (p/4)4p and rearranging terms
Etr ¼ c2re2 (p/4)4p/2r2(p/4)4p ¼ 2 c[4pr2e c(p/4)]/(4pr2).
Replacing the quantity in the brackets by qe from the charge
equation (4), we have
2=p qe
Etr ¼ 4p : (22)
The above equation shows that the electric field, that is,
“force per unit charge,” is directly proportional to the charge,
FIG. 5. Electric field of electron. and inversely proportional to the square of the distance from
116 Physics Essays 31, 1 (2018)
the charge, in agreement with Coulomb’s law. For spheri- VII. ATOMIC STRUCTURE
cally symmetric charge distribution is
A. Basic principles
ð1=4p 20 Þqe The limitation on the creation of only one size of stable
E¼ : (23)
r2 void in the space vortex, that produces stable fundamental
mass and charge as basic units, very much simplifies the the-
A. Dielectric constant, permeability constant, Gauss’
ory of atomic structure. It follows that stable particles will
law possess mass in exact multiple of electron mass—there being
no difference between the rest-mass and the relativistic-
Using Eqs. (20) and (23), and charge equation (4), we mass. Further, no stable particle with mass less than electron
derive the dielectric constant of the vacuum3 as mass shall ever be found, either, naturally, or, created
p through artificial means in a laboratory. The unstable par-
e0 ¼ : (24) ticles with mass larger than the electron mass are the
“intermediate stages” in the formation of stable particles like
The vacuum dielectric constant is inversely proportional to neutron and proton; and do not merit considerations as the
the speed of light. building blocks of stable particles.5
A check can be made for the above equation by The stable particles that show the property of electric
substituting p /2c in Eq. (23) in place of e0, yielding charge, such as proton, alpha particle, etc., are enclosed
E ¼ 1/4p (p/2 c) qe/r2 ¼ (c/2p2) qe/r2. Expressing qe in CGSE within space-vortices, which create stable charges on them.
and inserting the value of c, The unstable particles, showing charge property, may also be
h i enclosed within space vortices of varying strengths, for their
E ¼ 3 1010 cm=s =2 ð3:14Þ2 4:8 lifetime duration. A neutral particle, such as a neutron, does
not possess space vortex around it, and hence, without an
1010 CGSE=r 2 ¼ ð0:73ÞCGSE=r2 : electric charge, it remains neutral.
All stable particles, neutral or charged, will have their
Two CGSE unit charges, located 1 cm apart, require that the
spin-axes of rotation. The charge of a particle, from charge
above computed coefficient, 0.73, should be 1; the difference
equation, will be in direct proportion to its nuclear surface
is negligible.
and the maximum speed of space-circulation in its vortex at
From Maxwell’s equation, it follows that c ¼ 1/(l0 e0)1/2,
the nuclease.
where l0 is the permeability constant of the vacuum. (From
An electron and a positron in close range will undergo
this basic relationship, it was possible to predict that light is
annihilation, unless, the particles are translating relative to
an electromagnetic effect). When e0 is expressed in terms of
vacuum space and, thereby, producing magnetic force of
c as derived in Eq. (24), the above equation becomes
repulsion between them.
c ¼ 1/(l0 p/2 c)1/2; from which we have
Just as an electron is subjected to an “inward accelera-
tion field” on its interface, all charged particles and nuclei,
l0 ¼ 2=pc: (25) with space-circulation around them, will have “inward accel-
eration field” tending to crush the particles. With the above
It is seen that like the dielectric constant, the permeability guiding principles, the possible structure of the nuclear par-
constant of the vacuum is also inversely proportional to the ticles is outlined below.
speed of light.
From Eq. (28), radius of neutron (core of proton), Substituting, qp ¼ 12 qe, from Eq. (30)
rn ¼ 12 re; From Eq. (2) for an irrotational vortex:
ur ¼ constant. Therefore, maximum tangential velocity of lp ¼ ð3=4Þ½12qe ðc=12Þ12re ¼ 9qe cre : (34)
space at the surface of the neutron/proton core in the diamet-
rical plane is found from up rn ¼ c re, where c is the tangen- Equating the magnetic moment of electron (16) with the
tial velocity at the interface of electron of radius re. magnetic moment of the proton (34), in order to achieve neu-
From this trality of the Hydrogen atom
FIG. 10. (a) Gravitational effect: Sphere of void creation and (b) gravitational spherical front.
that, in addition to the alpha particles, neutrons are also inde- VIII. GRAVITATION
pendently present, as required by the atomic masses of the
Gravitational effects arise from the very structure of the
nuclei. The emission of alpha particles from radioactive
electron. As a result of creation of the spherical void at the
nuclei provides solid proof of their existence within nuclei in
electron center due to the limiting speed of space-circulation,
an independent condition. The presence of electrons and
universal space is gravitationally energized [Figs. 10(a) and
positrons in nuclei is confirmed by beta particle radiation.
10(b)] through the transmission of gravitational potential; a
For simplicity in the analysis of the stability of nuclear
process starting from the interface of the electron and
structure, we can assume that protons and neutrons exist
proceeding outward at speed c, the limiting speed for trans-
independently in a dynamic assembly, and each proton exerts
mission of fields/potentials in space. The energy used to cre-
a repulsive force on the rest of the protons in the nucleus,
ate each electron is retained in space as gravitational/
which is enclosed within an outer space-vortex.3 The space-
electrostatic potential, there being no reduction in the overall
vortex enclosing the nucleus creates an inward field acting
content of the universal energy due to creation of electrons.
on the nucleus, and it has a maximum value in the diametri-
The creation of electron voids requires energy (14) of magni-
cal plane at right angles to the axis of rotation of the nucleus;
tude (4/5) me c2 out of which, (p /10) me c2 is distributed in
given by u2n /rn, where un is the tangential velocity of space at
space as electrostatic energy, whereas, the remainder, about
the nuclear surface in the diametrical plane, transverse to the
(1/2) me c2 stays in space as gravitational potential. As
axis of rotation, and rn is the nuclear radius.7
shown in the figure, the gravitational field, g, of the electron
Since from Eq. (2), un varies inversely as rn, the inward
is derived3 as
acceleration field on the nucleus falls inversely as rn1=3 . The
outward electrical repulsive forces within the nucleus trying g ¼ ðk=4pcÞme =r2 ; (36)
to disrupt its structure (due to the presence of protons) fall
inversely as the square of rn. Since the inward acceleration in which k is a “constant of proportionality” with dimensions
field falls faster, nuclei with more protons and a larger radius 1/ T2, so that the dimensions of g from Eq. (36) are: L/T2.
become radioactive. By equating the outward electrical force Since the electron is identified as the fundamental parti-
in the nucleus with the inward force, it is concluded3 that sta- cle of matter, Eq. (36) is the equation of the gravity field
ble nuclei with protons more than 100 cannot exist in nature. applicable to all nuclei, atoms and matter in general.
120 Physics Essays 31, 1 (2018)
Gravitational constant for an atom of average atomic mass cosmic bodies, when summed up mathematically, amount
has been derived.3 to a large volume of void, in proportion to the mass of the
cosmic bodies. This volume of void is enclosed within the
A. Gravitational interaction
vacuum space vortex; just as a single electron’s central void
is enclosed within a vacuum space vortex.6,7
Consider two stationary electrons A and B with an in- High velocity fields in the vortices around the cosmic
between distance R (Fig. 11). Suppose that the electrons are bodies cause their axial rotation perpetually due to zero
not influenced by any external field except their own gravity viscosity of space. The orbital-motion of the satellites,
fields, neglecting for the present their electric field, also. The planets and stars, around their respective primaries, are
superposition of the inward fields between the particles, par- also caused by the velocity fields of cosmic vortices. Tak-
tially nullifies the fields; due to which the outer fields exert ing the example of the solar system, it is explained below
forces (Fa, Fb) which will push the particles closer. Now, that the orderly orbital motion of the planets and satellites
consider a case when the above two particles come into exis- is the result of the regulation by the velocity fields in the
tence at different times. Let A be created at some instant; its solar space vortex.
gravity field will be transmitted across the distance R after a
time R/c, and will continue to traverse further spherically
outward at speed c. If B is now created (later than A), its
gravity field will reach A after a time R/c, and will gravita- OF LIGHT
tionally interact with A, because A, having been created ear-
lier, possesses its gravity field already. Thereafter, as both With the discovery of the positron (1932), a new phe-
the particles now have their fields (starting from their interfa- nomenon of the annihilation of electrons and positrons was
ces and spread-out, permanently, far in space) in contact observed. During this process, the spherical interfaces of the
with each other, they will have continuous gravitational particles, under strong electrical attraction, are brought
attraction between them.6 together, and, at a very close range, the particles superim-
pose on each other; thus stopping the oppositely directed
space-circulations around their interfaces, which leads to a
collapse of their central voids. In this process, mass vanishes
The vacuum vortex structure of the electron repeats in and light is produced. It is evident that the void interiors
identical patterns in the structures of the planets, stars, and within the interfaces of the electron and positron, being
galaxies too. There are vacuum space vortices enclosing, energy-less, cannot emit any kind of energy (such as pho-
individually, all the cosmic bodies with axial rotation. These tons). The energy (velocity and acceleration fields) in the
vortex circulations perform several functions, such as: creat- vortex structure of these particles pervades the whole of uni-
ing surface gravity, causing axial rotation, producing electri- versal space before annihilation. Following annihilation
cal charge on the surface of the cosmic bodies, and also [Fig. 12(a)], the process in which the electromagnetic and
producing electrical charge and electrical forces of attractive gravitational potentials are reduced to zero, a single shell of
and repulsive nature, between them. Another striking simi- light, seen as a pulse, initiates from the superimposed interfa-
larity between the fundamental matter and the planets/stars/ ces [Fig. 12(b)]. When the interfaces of the particles super-
galaxies is in their material structure. The discrete (indepen- impose, there is only one spherical void common to both
dent) volumes of the voids in the structure of the electrons particles; space flows radially at its maximum speed c into
and positrons that constitute nuclei/atoms, and assemble into the void [Fig. 12(b)].
Physics Essays 31, 1 (2018) 121
FIG. 12. (a) Annihilation of electron and (b) following electron’s annihilation.
The duration of collapse is Dt ¼ re/c. During this period, The gravitational field of electron is radial and uniformly
a shell of radial width, Dt c, that is, (re/c) c ¼ re, depleted distributed on its interface. Therefore, the effect of light due
in energy (zero potential) is formed around the interface, and to dying-gravitational-potential will have spherical symme-
transmitted outward at speed c relative to the vacuum space.3 try. Maximum electrostatic fields of these particles are con-
The transmission of the shell is a process that de-energizes fined mostly to the diametrical plane at right angles to the
the vacuum space medium, erasing for all time the gravita- axis of rotation; hence, maximum effect of light produced
tional and electrostatic potentials that were created at the due to dying-electrostatic-potential will be confined within
time of the creation of the now nonexistent electron and this plane.6,7
The spherical shell produced due to dying of potentials,
a process of de-energizing of the space substratum following
the electron/positron annihilation, is the fundamental phe- The wavelength of annihilation light Fig. 12(b) is equal
nomenon known as light. to the electron radius. This light, with a single shell, does not
The wavelength of the annihilation light [Fig. 12(b)] is have the concept of frequency applicable to it. In case there
equal to the electron radius. The interrelationship between are several annihilations taking place at a point, one after the
light and gravity, and derivation of the gravitational and other, without absolutely any time gap between the succes-
Planck constants have been analyzed in Ref. 3. sive annihilations, then the frequency can be defined as nos.
122 Physics Essays 31, 1 (2018)
of shells formed in unit time. Also, if the time for the forma- atoms of a glowing solid-emitter radiated electromagnetic
tion of a single shell is Dt, then frequency f can be defined waves in different quantities; the frequency being deter-
as: f ¼ 1/Dt, keeping in mind, however, that this mathemati- mined by the vibration of the oscillator. The classical picture
cal operation does not mean that the single-shell-light has was revised by Planck based on his observed experimental
the property of frequency as per the conventional definition fact, when he assumed that an oscillator, at any instant, could
of frequency (f ¼ c/k). In case of light produced due to have its total energy (potential, kinetic) only as an integral
atomic vibration (Fig. 13), the frequency of light is deter- multiple of the energy quantity hf, where h is a universal
mined by the nos. of atomic oscillations in unit time, assum- constant (experimentally determined) and f is the frequency
ing that the oscillations are continuous. The shells of light of vibration of the oscillator. Thus, the light energy can
produced in annihilation as well as atomic vibration have be absorbed or emitted in an indivisible quantum of magni-
their centers fixed with the source (assumed stationary rela- tude hf.
tive to space), while the wave front with a fixed radial dis-
tance within each shell (wavelength) transmits at speed c A. Interaction of orbital electrons in an atom with a
relative to space. wave-pulse (shell) of light
With the nuclear structure described earlier, the
nuclear radius of an average atom (120 times proton mass) is
Based on the concepts of Maxwell-Hertz, that electro- computed3 as rn ¼ 2.37 109 cm. The maximum velocity
magnetic (light) energy is given off from electrical oscilla- field at the nuclear interface is un ¼ 5 108 cm/s. In the
tors, Plank believed that the orbiting electrons inside the atomic vortex around the nucleus, this velocity field will fall
Physics Essays 31, 1 (2018) 123
here; therefore, any closer numerical agreement of the values Substituting the known value of G, ma and rn computed
of L and h are not expected. Under these considerations, it is above
defined that at a point in vacuum space, “time varying gravi- 2
tational potential” due to oscillation of the electron, produces U ¼ 6:67 108 g1 cm3 s2 2 1022 g =2:39
energy proportional to the Planck constant.
109 cm ¼ 11:156 1043 erg: (45)
Substituting: h ¼ (4/5) me c re, in Eq. (40), gives the
basic equation on the inter-relationship between gravity and
light Supposing that the average period of oscillation of an atom
as 1015s, the duration (dt) of the change of the gravitational
dU=dt ¼ ð5k=12Þh: (41) potential at the nuclear surface is (1/2) 1015s. Substituting
in Eq. (41) the above value of dt and of U computed in
Eq. (45)
C. Planck constant in thermal radiation
The basic-relationship Eq. (41) can be checked by ana- dU=dt ¼ 11:156 1043 erg=ð1=2Þ1015 s
lyzing the oscillation of a single atom as follows: ¼ 5=12s2 h; (46)
Let us choose an atom of average atomic weight, say
120 times the proton mass. from above, h ¼ 5.36 1027 erg s.
Its mass: ma ¼ 120 (1.67 1024 g) ¼ 2 1022 g, which, The above result, theoretically obtained, compares close
from Eq. (12) converting gram into cm4/s becomes to the experimental value (6.62 1027 erg s) of h, thus
proving that the light-effect at a point in space is produced
ma ¼ 120ð1:67 1024 8:6 106 cm4 =s due to time-varying gravitational potential at that point.
¼ 1:72 1015 cm4 =s: (42)
D. Thermal radiation
The volume of this nucleus is: Vn ¼ (4p/3) r3n , where rn is the
radius of the nucleus of the atom. The velocity field in the vacuum vortex of the average
Mass-equation (6), though applicable to the electron in a atom is: v ¼ 1.2 108 cm/s carrying the orbital electrons.
strict sense, can also be used for the nuclear structure, With this high velocity, atoms behave like hard particles.
because the density of distribution of the electrons and posi- Their to and fro oscillations about the mean position is
trons in all nuclei will be the maximum. Therefore, from shown in Fig. 13. The oscillations are followed by the trail-
above, ing fluid vacuum on either side and in opposite directions,
thus making the vacuum region around the oscillations
Vn ¼ ð4p=3Þ: r3n ¼ ma =c; and; rn ¼ ð3ma =4pcÞ1=3 : highly disturbed. Time varying gravity potential creates
one full light cell for each oscillation. Nuclear radius is
Substituting the value of ma derived in Eq. (42) 2.39 109 cm. Time for one oscillation with maximum
speed of c at which the vacuum can be displaced up to
rn ¼ ½3 1:72 1015 cm4 =s=4p 3 1010 1=3 the length of its diameter is, 2 2.39 109 cm/3 1010
¼ 2:39 109 cm: (43) cm ¼ 1.59 1019 s. During this time one cell of light is
formed with a wavelength of: 1.59 1019 3 1010 cm/
The gravitational potential energy at the surface of the s ¼ 4.77 109 cm. In black body radiation, oscillators will
nucleus almost cease at the above frequency, due to reaction from
the vacuum fluid space, and the luminosity will come to
U ¼ Gm2a =rn : (44) zero.7
Physics Essays 31, 1 (2018) 125
PART—II: A dimensional analysis of solar space vortex Sun and the Earth are shown as circular (Fig. 16) stream-
lines. The planetary plane has been taken disk-shaped, with
XIII. SOLAR SPACE VORTEX its thickness equal to the diameter of the Sun. Consider an
elemental area dA on the rotating surface of the Sun, such
The solar system consisting of the satellites, planets, and
the Sun is a large vacuum space vortex with the Sun at its
center. Figure 15 shows, partially, the solar space vortex, in dA ¼ 2pRs sin h Rs dh: (47)
the equatorial plane of the Sun, and at right angles to the axis
of rotation. The period of axial rotation of the Sun varies from 26 days at
This forms the planetary plane. The velocity field of the the equator to 37 days at the poles. If the average angular
space vortex surrounding the Earth, rotates it axially, velocity of rotation be xs, then the tangential velocity at the
whereas, the planet Mercury has no vortex around it, for its elemental surface will be
axial rotation. For simplicity of the sketch, only two plan-
Vs ¼ xs Rs sin h; (48)
ets—Mercury and Earth–are shown (Fig. 16). The other
planets too have their respective space vortices within which
the satellites are located. The velocity field of the solar vor- where Vs is also the velocity field of space in the immediate
tex carries the planets, and similarly, the satellites are moved vicinity of the surface, and tangential to the elemental area
by the vortices of their respective planets. Neither the plan- dA.
ets, nor the satellites have, normally, relative motion with Due to Vs acting on each point of dA, there will be an
respect to the medium of space in their immediate vicinity, inward acceleration as such that
and hence, their orbital motion does not develop centrifugal
force on them. In simple words, the planets are carried along as ¼ Vs2 =Rs sin h: (49)
by the streamlines of the solar vortex, whereas, the satellites
follow, generally, the stream lines of the planetary vortices. The nuclei of atoms constituting the Sun have independent
When looked at from the top of the planetary plane, the electrons in their structure. Similar to the electron, which,
Sun and the planets rotate anti-clockwise. From this it is due to central void, has inward acceleration field on its inter-
inferred that their space vortices, that impart angular face, the Sun and the planets too have inward acceleration
momentum to them, also have anti-clockwise rotation. From fields on their surfaces. The product dA as is a field flux /s
Fig. 4(a), it is seen that space vortices with opposite rotations d/s ¼ (2pR2s sin hdh) [(xs Rs sin h)2/Rs sin h] where /s is
attract each other electrically. It, therefore, follows that had defined as “space acceleration flux.” Integrating, varying h
there been a planet with axial rotation opposite to the Sun, it from 0 to p
would fall on to it under the electrical force of attraction.
/s ¼ 2pRs ðxRs Þ2 f sin2 hdh ¼ p2 Rs ðxRs Þ2 : (50)
The repulsive electrical force between the Sun and the plan-
ets is calculated.3 However, it can be inferred here that, by
and large, in all the star systems in the universe including From Eq. (49) for h ¼ p/ 2, Vs has a maximum value on the
our own solar system, the axial rotations of the stars and their Sun’s surface in the equatorial (planetary) plane of the Sun:
associated planets have to be in the same direction for the Vsm ¼ xRs. Substituting this relationship in Eq. (50)
stability of these systems. /s ¼ p2 ðVsm Þ2 Rs : (51)
Due to zero-viscosity and continuity of the medium of space,
A. Velocity field distribution in solar space vortex the acceleration flux remains constant at every spherical
Refer to Fig. 15 that shows the Sun’s side view (taken space-surface, concentric with the Sun’s center. Figure 15
spherical for simplicity) with the radius Rs, and the Earth in shows a spherical space surface S.
the planetary plane, which is transverse to the axis of the From Eq. (50),
Sun’s rotation. The velocity fields in the vortices around the ðVsm Þ2 Rs ¼ /s =p2 ¼ constant; Or; Vsm / 1= Rs : (52)
orbital speed of the planets should be inversely proportional an average of 440 km/s (http://soho.nascom.nasa.gov/; 48 h
to the square root of the distance from the Sun’s center, of solar wind data on 10 July 2002). While the Sun rotates
which, in fact, is as per Kepler’s third law axially at a peripheral speed of about 2 km/s at the equator in
the plane at right angles to its axis, the reason for so high a
T 2 / r3 ; (54) wind velocity is briefly explained below. From Eq. (58),
maximum velocity field at the solar surface is 436.7 km/s.
where T is the period of any of the planets of the solar sys- This shows that in the near hood of the Sun’s surface, its
tem, and r is its distance from the Sun’s center. gaseous matter will be subjected to a maximum average
Substituting in the above equation, T ¼ 2pr / V, where V velocity of 436.7 km/s, due to fluid-space circulation around
is the orbital velocity of the planet. From Eq. (54) the Sun in the solar space vortex. The above computed value
is so very close to the recorded data (440 km/s) mentioned
ð2pr=VÞ2 / r3
Or V / 1= r: (55) D. Creation of matter at sun’s center
A theoretical proof to the third law of Kepler (54), which is From solar space vortex, the constant k was determined
supported by astronomical measurements, is provided by Eq. (56) as: k ¼ 11.52 1012 cm3/2/s; and the maximum tan-
deriving this law with the concept of “space acceleration gential velocity of space circulation in the equatorial plane
field” acting on the surface of the Sun in the solar space vor- was determined as: Vsm ¼ 4.367 107 cm/s Eq. (57). Con-
tex. The flux of the acceleration field (Fig. 15) varies spheri- sider the case when the Sun had no matter, and the solar
cally covering all the planets (only partial view of the space-vortex extended all the way up to its center. From the
planetary plane is shown in Fig. 15 to derive the Kepler solar vortex equation (53)
Johannes’ law). The planetary plane is all around the Sun’s p
r ¼ k=vt : (59)
equatorial diameter.
For creation of matter the space circulation speed should
B. Free fall acceleration on the sun’s surface reach c. Substituting the values of k given above, and
Let us consider the innermost planet of the solar system, vt ¼ 3 1010 cm/s in Eq. (59)
Mercury, which has an orbital speed of 47.9 km/s, and the
mean distance from the Sun’s center: 57.9 106 km. With r ¼ ð11:52 1012 cm3=2 =sÞ=3 1010 cm=s:
substitution in Eq. (53)
1=2 or,
k ¼ 47:9 103 m=s 57:9 109 m
¼ 11:52 109 m3=2 =s: (56) r ¼ 1:475 105 cm: (60)
The maximum tangential velocity of space (Vsm) on the In the central zone of the Sun, within a diameter of about
periphery of the Sun in the planetary plane is now found by 2.95 km at the axis of rotation, the medium of space under-
substituting the value of k and the mean- radius of the Sun goes break down, and matter is created starting from the
1=2 electrons/positron continuously. It appears that the created
Vsm ¼ ð11:52 109 m3=2 =sÞ= 6:96 108 m matter accumulated within the Sun over a period of time
¼ 4:367 105 m=s: (57) leads to intermittent solar bursts that should account for the
observed solar flares.
This tangential velocity-field will create on the surface of the The stars, formed initially from galactic matter, create
Sun in the planetary plane an inward space acceleration field their own matter.
of maximum value
G. Earth’s gravity field accepted surface gravity of the Earth: 9.81 m/s2, obtained
from experimental measurements.
Refer to Fig. 17. The Earth is enclosed within a space
The proof on the real existence of space vortices
vortex that imparts axial rotation to it and carries the Moon;
around the Earth and the Sun lies in the above derivations of
the Moon cannot be supposed to have space vortex around it,
free-fall accelerations on the surfaces of these cosmic
since it does not possess axial rotation. The Earth along with
the Moon is carried by the solar space vortex in an elliptical
(assumed circular for simplicity) orbit Fig. 16. The velocity
H. Free fall acceleration on the core of galaxy
field in the Earth vortex carries the Moon around the Earth
with an orbital speed of 1017 m/s (derived from the period of The solar system exists at a distance of about
27.3 days; radius of the orbit: 3.82 105 km) 2.62 1022 cm from the center of the galaxy, revolving
around it at the speed of 220 km/s (2.20 107 cm/s) (Fig. 18).
p p
Vm / 1= r ¼ ke = r; (61) Assuming that similar to the velocity field distribution in the
solar vortex, in the galactic vortex, too, the space-circulation (in
where Vm is the orbital velocity of the Moon; r is its distance the diametrical plane at right angles to the axis) falls inversely
from the Earth center; and ke is a constant pertaining to the as the square root of the distance from the center of the galaxy
Earth’s space-vortex. Substituting the values of Vm and the p
v ¼ kg = r; (65)
radial distance of the Moon’s orbit, given earlier,
1=2 where kg is a constant, and r is the distance from the galactic
ke ¼ ð1017 m=sÞ 3:82 108 m center.
¼ 1:987 107 m3=2 =s: (62) Substituting the values of v and r as given above we get
p 1=2
kg ¼ v r ¼ 220 105 cm=s 2:62 1022 cm
¼ 3:56 1018 cm3=2 =s: (66)
From Eqs. (65) and (66), the distance Rg at which the space
circulation in the galactic vortex reaches the speed of light is
h i2
Rg ¼ 3:56 1018 cm3=2 =s = 3 1010 cm=s
¼ 1:408 1016 cm; (67)
which is about 203 000 times more than the solar radius.
Free fall acceleration at the surface of the galactic core
¼ c2/Rg ¼ (3 10 10)2/(1.408 1016 cm) ¼ 6.392 104 cm/s2
¼ 639.2 m/ s2, which is 2.33 times the free fall acceleration on
the Sun’s surface.
Within the central zone of the galaxy, a nearly spherical
volume of radius 203 000 times the Sun’s radius is the region FIG. 19. (Color online) Infinite extension of void.
of continuous creation of matter starting from the electrons/
positrons. With violent motion of these particles at the atoms constituting the Sun, Vs is less than c and, therefore,
speed of light, the electrons will magnetically attract and Ms is reduced by a factor Vs /c as shown in the above rela-
electrically repel, thus coming to close ranges, and creating tion. Substituting the value of V and Vs in the above equation
neutrons, protons and hydrogen atoms, projected out from
the galaxy’s central zone, as beams of hydrogen at speeds Ms ¼ ð4p=3ÞR3s Vs
approaching light speed. The electrons with opposite spins 3
(positrons) will have chance-encounters with electrons, lead- ¼ ð4p=3Þ 6:96 1010 4:367 107 cm=s
ing to annihilation, and thus producing gamma radiation.
¼ 6:16 1040 cm4 =s ¼ 6:16 1040 g=8:6 106
Therefore, it follows, that all those galactic centers that are
pushing out jets of hydrogen, and are sources of intense ¼ 7:16 1033 g;
gamma radiation, are located in the active region of the uni-
verse, continuously creating matter, and thereby increasing where from Eq. (10), gram ¼ 8.6 106 cm4/s.
the mass of the galaxies, and dispersing matter in the cosmic Presently, accepted mass of the Sun is: Ms
space for the formation of stars. The creation of matter ¼ 1.99 1033 g which is reasonablyi) close.
should be a distinct possibility at the center of stars as well,
as seen in case of the Sun. XIV. UNIVERSE
The mass of matter within the creation zone of the gal-
axy is found as follows. The Universe is a sphere of vacuum space existent in an
The volume of the creation zone, Vg ¼ (4p/ 3) R3g ; and infinite void of nothingness (Fig. 19). It turns into an ellip-
mass of the galaxy, Mg ¼ Vg c, since the entire volume of soid due to the rotation on one of its diametrical axis. Due to
space in the creation zone circulates at c. Substituting the vacuum vortex rotation at c at the axis of rotation in diamet-
value of Rg from Eq. (67), Mg ¼ (4p/3) (1.408 1016 cm)3 rical plane, and other parallel planes, cosmic matter is cre-
(3 1010 cm/s) ¼ 3.5 1059 cm4/s. Converting cm4/s into ated; the process being the transfer of energy from the
gram from Eq. (10), Mg ¼ (3.5 1059) g/8.6 106 vacuum space to matter, till the vortex motion of the vacuum
¼ 3.49 1052 g. space is depleted, and the matter gets annihilated in each unit
of electron and positron. The annihilation age restores back
I. Solar mass the original vacuum energy, and the creation age starts. It is
a cyclical universe, from vacuum energy to matter, and back
The following computation of the solar mass is indepen- to vacuum energy.
dent of the surface gravity of the Sun and also the gravita-
tional constant. From Eq. (6), mass of the electron is A. Conclusion
proportional to its maximum velocity field c, and the volume
of its single void. Similarly, for the Sun, we can write The seat of cosmic energy in the universe is the absolute
dynamic vacuum substratum. This energy is used to create
Ms ¼ V Vs ¼ ðV cÞVs =c; (68) all matter, including the cosmic bodies, and causes their
motion. The creation and annihilation of matter is cyclic, in
which the dynamic vacuum space transfers its energy to
where V is the volume of the sun; Vs: maximum velocity
field in the Sun’s vortex; Ms: mass of the Sun. i)
The Essential Tension—The Function of Measurement in Modern Physical
Since the volume of the Sun is not a total void, and is Science, Thomas S. Kuhn: “In the theoretical study of Stellar magnitudes
composed of multiple electronic voids in the nuclei and agreement to a multiplicative factor of ten is often taken to be reasonable.”
Physics Essays 31, 1 (2018) 129
matter, and retrieves it when matter is annihilated. The cycle G. Yankovsky, Philosophical Problems of Elementary Particles Physics
is eternal. (Progress Publishers, Moscow, 1968).
P. Tewari, Discovering Universal Reality—The Structural Relationship
Planck constant is the angular momentum of the elec- Between Space and Matter (Editions India, Cochin, India, 2008).
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