Corporate Governance 1 Course Outline

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Corporate Governance 1

Course Outline

Suggested book(s): Brian Coyle (2004), ICSA professional development corporate

governance, 2nd edition, ICSA publication

Manual for corporate governance, Security and exchange commission of Pakistan (SECP)

1st Week :

Chapter 1: Introduction

 Definition
 Governance and Management
 What is a Corporate Body?
 Classification of Stakeholders
 Key players
 Scope of Corporate Governance
 Different Board Types:
The Good, Bad, and Ugly
 Responsibilities of the Board
a. The Oversight Function
b. The Directional Functions
c. The Advisory Function
 Responsibilities of CEO & Senior Management

2nd and 3rd Week

Chapter 2: Terms & Concepts CORPORATE GOVERNANCE

 Definition
 Important Issues
 CG in Public Sector
 Dominant Personality Aspect
 Stakeholders
 Key Issues of CG
o Financial Reporting
o Directors Remuneration
o Company-Stakeholders Relations
o Risk Management
o Communication
 Approaches to CG
o Shareholders Approach
o Enlightened Shareholders Approach
o Integrated/Pluralist Approach

4th Week

Chapter 4: Ethics and the Role of CG Officer

1. Reputation
a) Reputational Risk
2. Ethics
a) Code of Ethics
3. Corporate Social Responsibility
4. CSR and Reputation Risk
5. Shades of CSR
6. Formulating CSR Policy
a) CSR Policy
b) Bench Marking in CSR
c) Sustainability Report
7. Whistleblowers
a) WB – Best Practice
b) Disclosure
c) Recommended Guide on WB
 CG Officer

5th, 6th & 7th Week:

Rights & Powers of Shareholders & Directors

 How directors are elected (as per guideline of SECP)
 Powers of Directors
 Sources of Power
 Borrowing Powers
 Duties of Directors
 Statutory Duties
 Test of Fiduciary Duty
 Skill & Care Duty
 Delegation of Duties
 Care & Skill by NEDs
 Directors’ Liability
 Dealings with Directors
 Directors duties to Stakeholders other than shareholders
 Other Issues re directors
 Types of Directors
 Shareholders’ Powers

8th Week
Balance of Power on the Board

 Role of the Board

 Balance of the Board
 Role of C.E.O
 Role of Chairman

9th Week

Non-Executive Directors
 Who is NED
 Why have NED
 Sources of NED
 Types of NED
 Independence and Protection of NEDs
 Guidelines for NEDs

10th Week

The Board & Shareholders Their relationship and attendant issues

 Nature of Relationship
 Types of shareholders
o Institutional shareholders
o Small private shareholders
o Large private shareholders
o Corporate Shareholders
 Communication between shareholders and board

11th & 12th Week

Financial Reporting
 Financial reports
o Functions of Financial reports
o Investors interest in Financial Reports
o Key Issues
 The Board’s Role
 External Audits
o Errors and frauds
o Auditor’s liability
 Non audit work
 Role of Audit committee

13th Week

Director’s Remuneration
 Approaches to remuneration
 Remuneration committee

14th Week

Risk Management & Corporate Governance

 Risk Management Process
 Classification of Risk
 Risk Management technique
 Internal control
 Internal audit
 Risk Management Reporting

15th & 16th Week

Corporate Social Responsibility & The Role of Media in Corporate Governance

 Concern for environment
 Environmental risk management
 Role of Media

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