Bushing GOB

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1ZSE 2750-102 en, Rev.

5, 2003-09-15

PowerIT Oil Impregnated Paper Bushings,

Oil to Air, GOB type PTAB-AOA806
Technical guide
This Technical Guide has been produced to allow transformer manufacturers, and their
designers and engineers, access to all the technical information required to assist them in
their selection of the appropriate Transformer Bushing. The Guide should be used in
conjunction with the Selection Guide to allow the optimum selection to be made.
The technical information pertaining to bushings manufactured by ABB has been divided
into separate documents, with one document for each type.
The information provided in this document is intended to be general and does not cover
all possible applications. Any specific application not covered should be referred directly
to ABB, or its authorized representative.
ABB makes no warranty or representation and assumes no liability for the accuracy of the
information in this document or for the use of such information. All information in this
document is subject to change without notice.

Table of Contents
Design _______________________ 4
Shed form __________________________ 4
Test tap ____________________________ 5

Testing _______________________ 5
Test tap adapter _____________________ 5

Common specifications __________ 5

Dimensions ___________________ 6
Bushings without oil level gauge _________ 6

Electrical data _________________ 7

Dimensions ___________________ 8
Bushings with oil level gauge ___________ 8

Electrical data _________________ 9

Connection details______________ 10
Inner terminal _______________________ 10
Solid rod conductor ___________________ 10
Outer terminal assembly _______________ 10
Separate terminal plate with bolts ________ 11
Arcing horns ________________________ 11

Conductor loading ______________ 11

Overloading of bushings _______________ 11
Short-time current ____________________ 11

Ordering particulars ____________ 12

Bushings without oil level gauge _________ 12
Bushings with oil level gauge ___________ 14

Recommendations for positioning _ 16

The bushing is built up around a centre tube on which the
condenser body is wound.
The upper insulator, lower insulator and mounting flange
are held between the end plates by the centre tube. Outer terminal stud
Sealing is accomplished by oil-resistant rubber gaskets in
grooves. Oil filling holes
with sealing plug Top
The annular space between the condenser body and the Expansion space
porcelain is filled with transformer oil. A gas-filled expansion Oil Top
space is left at the top.
For GOB bushings without oil level gauge the oil level can
be checked by means of a dipstick in the oil filling hole. Porcelain insulator
air side
The lower end is shielded by an epoxy resin insulated
aluminium shield.
Test tap
The inner terminal is attached to the centre tube by means
of a through-going resilient pin which becomes locked Mounting flange
when the outer terminal is screwed on. The design with this
special resilient pin has been patented by ABB, and the pin
ensures effective electrical contact between the inner and
Flange extension
outer terminals.
The inner terminal can be chosen for connection to leads Top
Porcelain insulator housing
either by brazing or crimping. oil side
The outer terminal is available in aluminium or copper alloy Condenser body glass
and can be supplemented by terminal plates of
corresponding material. Insulated shield Oil filling
holes with
The upper insulator is made in one piece of high quality sealing plug
electrical porcelain. The mounting flange is manufactured
of corrosion-resistant aluminium alloy.
The mounting flange, the top housing and the top washer
are protected by painting with a two-component primer and Fig. 1. Transformer bushing type GOB
a grey-blue finishing coat of paint. The standard colour is
Munsell 5.5B 55/1.25, environmental class C3.
According to IEC 60815 the creepage factor C.F. is <3.2
The bushings are delivered oil-filled and ready for use. and the profile factor P.F. is >1.1.
If the bushing is mounted with an inclination of more than For special customer demands regarding creepage
45° from the vertical, special measures may have to be distance, other shed forms may be used.
taken to ensure sufficient filling of oil in the bushing.
Further information can be obtained on request.

Shed form
The shed form for all GOB bushings is of the anti-fog type
with alternating long and short sheds. For each pair of
sheds the ratio between nominal creepage distance and
the axial length is 3.43 and the ratio between protected and
nominal creepage distance is 0.40.

Fig. 2. Shed form

Test tap
The outer conducting layer of the condenser body is
connected to an insulated test tap on the flange. During
operation the test tap cover must be screwed on, in order
to earth the outer layer to the flange. The max. test voltage
of the tap is 2 kV, 50 Hz for 1 minute. Max. service voltage
is 600 V.


Fig. 3. Test tap

During the manufacture and on its completion the bushing Type tests have been carried out according to IEC 60137
is subjected to a number of routine tests. A tightness test and IEEE. Type test reports are available on request.
is carried out on the assembled bushing after the final
drying and impregnation. The test is made with an oil Test tap adapter
overpressure of 180 kPa (1.8 bar) for 12 hours at ambient
temperature. No sign of leakage is allowed. For testing, a special test adapter is required for permanent
connection of the test tap to the measuring circuits.
Each bushing is subjected to a final electrical routine test.
The test is made at room temperature with the bushing
submerged in oil. Capacitance and tan δ are measured in
steps up to the power frequency withstand voltage, which
is maintained for one minute.
Capacitance and tan δ are also measured at decreasing
voltage at the same voltage levels as before the one
minute test.
Measurements for detection of internal partial discharge
(PD measurements) are also made. These measurements
are carried out at the same time as the power frequency
withstand test. PD measurements are made in steps up to goh_0011
the full test voltage and down. It is always demonstrated
that the PD value is max. 5 pC at test voltage equal to the
rated system voltage. Fig. 4. Test tap adapter, 2769 531-D.

Common specifications
Application: Transformers
Classification: Oil impregnated paper, capacitance graded, outdoor-immersed bushing
Ambient temperature: +40 to -40 °C, minimum value as per temperature class 2 of IEC 60137
Altitude of site: < 1 000 m
Level of rain and humidity: 1-2 mm rain/min horizontally and vertically, as per IEC 60060-1
Pollution level: According to specified creepage distance and IEC 60815 1
Type of immersion medium: Transformer oil. Maximum daily mean oil temperature 90 °C. Maximum temporary oil temperature 115 °C
Oil level below bushing flange: Maximum 30 mm
Max. pressure of medium: 100 kPa overpressure
Markings: Conforming to IEC/ IEEE

1) IEC 60815 "Guide for selection of insulators with respect to polluted conditions."

Bushings without
oil level gauge
length = Fig. 5.2. Fig. 5.3
Top design Top design

Fig. 5.1. GOB design Fig. 5.4

The bushings can be provided
n1 Holes
with a longer shield L9 + 50 mm,
D = 16
in which case dimensions L, L1
and L5 also increase by 50 mm.

current Top
Rated trans- Net design Dimensions in mm
Type current former mass acc. to
GOB A Cat. No. mm kg Fig. 5. L1 ) L1 1) L2 L3 L4 L5 1) L6 L7 L8 L9 1)

250 800 LF 123 013– – 23 2 998 240 590 65 555 60 – 480 70 15

015– 300 25 2 1258 500 590 555 260
083– 500 27 3 1558 700 690 655 460
250 1250 LF 123 017– – 26 2 1063 255 605 65 580 75 – 480 70 25
019– 300 29 2 1323 515 605 580 260
085– 500 31 3 1623 715 705 680 460
325 800 LF 123 025– – 27 2 1198 295 735 93 700 60 – 625 70 15
027– 300 31 2 1458 555 735 700 260
089– 500 35 3 1758 755 835 800 460

380 800 LF 123 037– – 33 2 1303 345 790 98 755 60 – 680 70 15

039– 300 37 2 1543 585 790 755 240
095– 500 39 3 1843 785 890 855 440
380 1250 LF 123 041– – 37 2 1368 360 805 98 780 75 – 680 70 25
043– 300 39 2 1608 600 805 780 240
097– 500 43 3 1908 800 905 880 440
450 800 LF 123 049– – 42 2 1473 345 960 98 925 60 – 850 70 15
051– 300 45 2 1713 585 960 925 240
053– 500 48 3 2013 785 1060 1025 440

550 800 LF 123 061– 100 70 2 1823 495 1160 60 1125 90 95 1050 60 25
063– 300 73 3 2108 680 1260 1225 280
107– 500 77 3 2308 880 1260 1225 480
550 1250 LF 123 065– 100 105 2 1868 495 1170 68 1145 100 95 1050 60 30
067– 300 109 3 2153 680 1270 1245 280
109– 500 115 3 2353 880 1270 1245 480
650 1250 LF 123 073– 150 116 2 2153 580 1370 60 1345 100 120 1250 60 30
075– 300 122 3 2413 740 1470 1445 280
113– 500 126 3 2613 940 1470 1445 480

750 1250 LF 123 077– 200 180 2 2468 685 1580 70 1555 100 165 1460 60 30
078– 300 190 3 2683 800 1680 1655 280
079– 500 200 3 2883 1000 1680 1655 480

Electrical data
Rating Routine test Design data Nominal capacitances between
conductor and test tap
Rated Phase-to- Dry Wet power Dry C1 ±10 % [pF]
voltage earth voltage lightning frequency 1 min. dry switching Space for current transformer
Type UR UY impulse AC 50 Hz impulse
GOB kV, RMS kV, RMS kV, peak kV, RMS kV, RMS kV, peak - 100 150 200 300 500

250-800 52 52 250 105 120 230 125 205 275

250-1250 52 52 250 105 120 230 165 270 375
325-800 72.5 72.5 350 140 160 300 135 200 260
380-800 100 72.5 380 150 162 330 145 200 245
380-1250 100 72.5 380 150 162 330 185 265 320
450-800 123 90 450 185 195 410 145 200 245
550-800 170 123 550 230 260 470 150 170 210
550-1250 170 123 550 230 260 470 175 195 240
650-1250 170 145 650 275 300 580 190 235 280
750-1250 170 170 750 325 365 670 205 235 275

Wet power frequency values apply to both IEC and ANSI requirements.

Dimensions are subject to modification without notice.

Cantilever load
Max. permitted
Creeepage distance loading
perpendicular 60 s
total protected to the terminal Test
D1 D2 D3 D4 D5 D6 D7 D8 D10 n1 R1 R2 T mm mm N N
86 22 86 115 88 185 225 230 46 6 8 6 16 1500±50 580 1800 2340

101 34 112 120 101 250 290 245 70 8 12 10 16 1500±50 580 3000 4000

95 22 86 115 96 185 225 230 46 6 8 6 16 1980±50 775 1500 1950

95 22 86 115 96 185 225 240 46 6 8 6 16 2210±70 870 1400 1800

112 34 112 120 112 250 290 245 70 8 12 10 16 2210±70 870 2900 3750

95 22 86 115 96 185 225 245 46 6 8 6 16 2720±80 1060 1150 1500

126 22 118 145 150 250 290 280 50 8 12 12 18 3430±100 1350 1300 1700

160 34 140 175 200 290 335 300 70 12 15 15 20 3430±100 1350 2400 3100

160 34 140 175 200 290 335 305 70 12 15 15 20 4080±110 1620 2600 3380

184 34 140 230 184 290 335 350 70 12 15 15 20 4800±150 1700 2600 3350

Bushings with
oil level gauge
length =
Fig. 6.2. Fig. 6.3
Top design Top design

Fig. 6.1. GOB design. Fig. 6.4

n1 Holes
D = 16 The bushings can be provided
with a longer shield L9 + 50 mm,
in which case dimensions L, L1
and L5 also increase by 50 mm.

current Top
Rated trans- Net design Dimensions in mm
Type current former mass acc. to
GOB A Cat. No. mm kg Fig. 6. L 1) L1 1) L2 L3 L4 L5 1) L6 L7 L8 L9 1)
250 800 LF 123 171– – 24 2 1138 240 730 65 695 60 – 480 70 15
173– 300 26 1398 500 260
175– 500 28 1598 700 460
250 1250 LF 123 167– – 28 2 1203 255 745 65 720 75 – 480 70 25
168– 300 30 1463 515 260
169– 500 33 1663 715 460

325 800 LF 123 177– – 28 2 1338 295 875 93 840 60 – 625 70 15

179– 300 32 1598 555 260
181– 500 36 1798 755 460
380 800 LF 123 183– – 34 2 1443 345 930 98 895 60 – 680 70 15
185– 300 38 1683 585 240
187– 500 40 1883 785 440
380 1250 LF 123 101– – 38 2 1508 360 945 98 920 75 – 680 70 25
102– 300 41 1748 600 240
103– 500 44 1948 800 440

450 800 LF 123 145– – 43 2 1613 345 1100 98 1065 60 – 850 70 15

147– 300 46 1853 585 240
149– 500 49 2053 785 440
550 800 LF 123 189– 100 71 2 1963 495 1300 60 1265 90 95 1050 60 25
190– 300 74 2148 680 280
191– 500 78 2348 880 480
550 1250 LF 123 142– 100 106 2 2008 495 1310 68 1285 100 95 1050 60 30
143– 300 110 2193 680 280
144– 500 116 2393 880 480

650 1250 LF 123 192– 150 118 2 2293 580 1510 60 1485 100 120 1250 60 30
193– 300 124 2453 740 280
194– 500 128 2653 940 480
750 1250 LF 123 104– 200 187 3 2718 685 1830 70 1805 100 165 1460 60 30
105– 300 197 2833 800 280
106– 500 207 3033 1000 480

Electrical data
Rating Routine test Design data Nominal capacitances between
conductor and test tap
Rated Phase-to- Dry Wet power Dry C1 ±10 % [pF]
voltage earth voltage lightning frequency 1 min. dry switching Space for current transformer
Type UR UY impulse AC 50 Hz impulse
GOB kV, RMS kV, RMS kV, peak kV, RMS kV, RMS kV, peak - 100 150 200 300 500

250-800 52 52 250 105 120 230 125 205 275

250-1250 52 52 250 105 120 230 165 270 375
325-800 72.5 72.5 350 140 160 300 135 200 260
380-800 100 72.5 380 150 162 330 145 200 245
380-1250 100 72.5 380 150 162 330 185 265 320
450-800 123 90 450 185 195 410 145 200 245
550-800 170 123 550 230 260 470 150 170 210
550-1250 170 123 550 230 260 470 170 195 240
650-1250 170 145 650 275 300 580 205 235 280
750-1250 170 170 750 325 365 670 205 235 275

Wet power frequency values apply to both IEC and ANSI requirements.

Dimensions are subject to modification without notice.

Cantilever load
Max. permitted
Creepage distance loading
perpendicular 60 s
total protected to the terminal Test
D1 D2 D3 D4 D5 D6 D7 D8 D10 n1 R1 R2 T mm mm N N
86 22 86 140 88 185 225 230 46 6 8 6 16 1500±50 580 1800 2340

101 34 112 140 101 250 290 245 70 8 12 10 16 1500±50 580 3000 4000

95 22 86 140 96 185 225 230 46 6 8 6 16 1980±50 775 1500 1950

95 22 86 140 96 185 225 240 46 6 8 6 16 2210±70 870 1400 1800

112 34 112 140 112 250 290 245 70 8 12 10 16 2210±70 870 2900 3750

95 22 86 140 96 185 225 245 46 6 8 6 16 2720±80 1060 1150 1500

126 22 118 200 150 250 290 280 50 8 12 12 18 3430±100 1350 1300 1700

160 34 140 265 200 290 335 300 70 12 15 15 20 3430±100 1350 2400 3100

160 34 140 265 200 290 335 305 70 12 15 15 20 4080±110 1620 2600 3380

184 34 140 265 184 290 335 350 70 12 15 15 20 4800±150 1700 2600 3350

Connection details
Inner terminal Material and Conductor Dimensions (mm) Mass
design area mm² Cat. No. D1 D2 L kg
Stud made of copper for
connection of draw lead. Copper 50 LF 170 010-M 11 14,5 35 0,3
The inner terminal must be for crimping 70 -N 13 17 35 0,3
or brazing 95 -L 15 20 35 0,3
provided with an outer
terminal. Copper < 150 LF 170 011-S 18 20 35 0,3
for brazing undrilled -U 5 20 35 0,3
For crimping, hexagonal or only < 285 -T 29 32 20 0,6
other symmetrical dies shall undrilled -V 5 32 20 0,6
be used. Pressure 200 kN.

Fig. 7. Inner terminal.

Solid rod conductor

The rod is produced from electrolytic copper and is divided
into two parts. For the 800 A conductor the two parts are
held together by a centre bolt with a resilient locking pin.
For the 1250 A conductor the two parts are connected by
counter-sunk screws.
The lower part of the solid rod is designed to enable
connection by brazing.
The solid rod conductor can be divided either:
Alt. 1: 20 mm below the bushing flange, or
Alt. 2: 20 mm below the upper end of the bottom porcelain.
The solid rod conductor must be provided with an outer

Rated current 800 A Rated current 1250 A

LF 170 019- LF 170 052-

Fig. 8. Solid rod conductor.

Outer terminal assembly

Stud made of copper or
aluminium with O-ring and For
locking pin. bushings
Dimensions (mm) Mass with D2
Other types can be provided Material Cat. No. D L N kg mm
on request.
Aluminium LF 170 001-A 30 170 55 0.5 22
-B 30 205 66 0.8 34

Copper LF 170 002-A 30 170 55 1.2 22 Width across flats N

alloy -B 30 205 66 2.3 34

Fig. 9. Outer terminal assembly.

Separate terminal plate with bolts
Material Cat. No.
The separate terminal plate is used for connecting the
bushing to the line conductor. Aluminium LF 170 014-A

Copper alloy LF 170 021-A

Fig. 10. Separate terminal plate with bolts.

Arcing horns
Bushing K C H
Arcing horns of galvanised steel can be mounted on the type mm mm mm
GOB 250 230–440 315 112
The lower rod is fastened onto the flange with one of the GOB 325 320–580 315 112
GOB 380 400–620 315 112
fixing screws and the upper rod by means of a bracket on GOB 450 400–780 315 112
the outer terminal. GOB 550 620–960 315 114
GOB 650 700–1080 380 224
The gap distances for standard arcing horns are shown in GOB 750 820–1290 380 224
the table. Other gap distances on request.
Fig. 11. Gap distances.

Conductor loading
The rated currents listed in this catalogue are the Overloading of bushings
standardised values according to IEC 60137 (1995) which,
with the largest possible conductor, fulfil the temperature If the conductor for the bushing is selected with 120 % of
rise test. the rated current of the transformer, the bushing is
considered to be able to withstand the overload conditions
The GOB bushings fulfil the temperature rise test
stated in IEC 60354 without further clarifications or tests,
requirements according to IEC 60137 (1995) and
according to IEC 60137.
IEEE C57.19.00-1991:

Rated current Permissible current Short-time current

of bushing IEC IEEE
A Conductor A A The rated thermal short-time current (Ith) is calculated
according to IEC 60137 (1995).
800 Solid rod LF 170 019 800 730
1250 Solid rod LF 170 052 1250 1200 For draw-lead of stranded copper values are given for
800, 1250 Stranded cable 50 mm2 165 150 100mm2. For other areas the short-time current is directly
800, 1250 Stranded cable 70 mm2 225 210 proportional to the area.
800, 1250 Stranded cable 95 mm2 300 285
800, 1250 Stranded cable 150 mm2 475 415
1250 Stranded cable 185 mm2 530 460 Rated Short-time current (Ith) Dynamic
1250 Stranded cable 285 mm2 665 570 current Area 1s 2s current (Id)
Conductor A mm2 kA, RMS kA, RMS kA, peak

Solid rod 800 - 30 21 52

Solid rod 1250 - 70 50 125

draw-lead 365 100 9.6 6.8 17

Ordering particulars
Bushings without oil level gauge When ordering, please state:
• Type and Catalogue number for bushings.
• Catalogue number for inner and outer terminal
• Additional accessories or modifications.
• Test required, in addition to the normal routine tests.
• Test tap adapter, if required.

The Cat. No. should have one of the following letters
added to it, to indicate the type of insulator and oil end
–K Normal oil end shield, brown porcelain
–L Normal oil end shield, light grey porcelain
–M Longer oil end shield, brown porcelain
–N Longer oil end shield, light grey porcelain

Oil end

Bushings Connection details

Inner terminal stud: Cat. No. LF 170
Space for Bushing
Rated current tube For crimping or brazing For brazing
Type current transformer (See fig.) Conductor area Conductor area Undrilled with
2 2
GOB A Cat. No. mm D2, mm 50 mm 70 mm 95 mm <150 mm2 <285 mm2 pilot hole

250 800 LF 123 013– – 22 010-M 010-N 010-L 011-S – 011-U

015– 300
083– 500
250 1250 LF 123 017– – 34 – – – – 011-T 011-V
019– 300
085– 500

325 800 LF 123 025– – 22 010-M 010-N 010-L 011-S – 011-U

027– 300
089– 500
380 800 LF 123 037– – 22 010-M 010-N 010-L 011-S – 011-U
039– 300
095– 500
380 1250 LF 123 041– – 34 – – – – 011-T 011-V
043– 300
097– 500

450 800 LF 123 049– – 22 010-M 010-N 010-L 011-S – 011-U

051– 300
053– 500
550 800 LF 123 061– 100 22 010-M 010-N 010-L 011-S – 011-U
063– 300
107– 500
550 1250 LF 123 065– 100 34 – – – – 011-T 011-V
067– 300
109– 500

650 1250 LF 123 073– 150 34 – – – – 011-T 011-V

075– 300
113– 500
750 1250 LF 123 077– 200 34 – – – – 011-T 011-V
078– 300
079– 500

LF 170 019- LF 170 052-
800 A 1250 A

Outer terminal assembly: Cat. No. LF 170

Stud with O-ring Separate terminal Solid rod conductor Arcing
and locking pin plate with bolts Cat. No. LF 170 horns
Cat. No.
Aluminium Copper alloy Aluminium Copper alloy Alt. 1 Alt. 2 Mass kg LF 170

001-A 002-A 014-A 021-A 019 -A – 2.6 004 -A

-D 019 -B 3.3 -A
-E -C 4.2 -B
001-B 002-B 014-A 021-A 052 -A – 6.8 004 -A
-D 052 -B 8.4 -A
-E -C 10.6 -B
001-A 002-A 014-A 021-A 019 -F – 3.1 004 -A
-K 019 -G 3.9 -A
-L -H 4.7 -B

001-A 002-A 014-A 021-A 019 -M – 3.5 004 -A

-R 019 -N 4.2 -A
-S -P 5.0 -B
001-B 002-B 014-A 021-A 052 -V – 8.6 004 -B
-Z 052 -X 10.4 -B
-AA -Y 12.7 -B
001-A 002-A 014-A 021-A 019 -BL – 4.0 004 -B
-BM 019 -BN 4.7 -B
-BP -BR 5.5 -C

001-A 002-A 014-A 021-A 019 -T – 4.9 004 -B

-X 019 -U 5.7 -C
-Y -V 6.3 -C
001-B 002-B 014-A 021-A 052 -AM – 12.0 004 -B
-AN 052 -AP 14.1 -C
-AR -AS 15.5 -C
001-B 002-B 014-A 021-A 052 -F – 14.0 005 -A
-K 052 -G 15.9 -B
-L -H 17.5 -B

001-B 002-B 014-A 021-A 052 -M – 16.3 005 -B

-R 052 -N 18.0 -E
-S -P 19.5 -E

Ordering particulars
Bushings with oil level gauge When ordering, please state:
• Type and Catalogue number for bushings.
• Catalogue number for inner and outer terminal
• Additional accessories or modifications.
• Test required, in addition to the normal routine tests.
• Test tap adapter, if required.

The Cat. No. should have one of the following letters
added to it, to indicate the type of insulator and oil end
–K Normal oil end shield, brown porcelain
–L Normal oil end shield, light grey porcelain
–M Longer oil end shield, brown porcelain
–N Longer oil end shield, light grey porcelain

Oil end

Bushings Connection details

Inner terminal stud: Cat. No. LF 170
Space for Bushing
Rated current tube For crimping or brazing For brazing
Type current transformer (See fig.) Conductor area Conductor area Undrilled with
GOB A Cat. No. mm D2, mm 50 mm2 70 mm2 95 mm2 <150 mm2 <285 mm2 pilot hole

250 800 LF 123 171– – 22 010-M 010-N 010-L 011-S – 011-U

173– 300
175– 500
250 1250 LF 123 167– – 34 – – – – 011-T 011-V
168– 300
169– 500
325 800 LF 123 177– – 22 010-M 010-N 010-L 011-S – 011-U
179– 300
181– 500

380 800 LF 123 183– – 22 010-M 010-N 010-L 011-S – 011-U

185– 300
187– 500
380 1250 LF 123 101– – 34 – – – – 011-T 011-V
102– 300
103– 500
450 800 LF 123 145– – 22 010-M 010-N 010-L 011-S – 011-U
147– 300
149– 500

550 800 LF 123 189– 100 22 010-M 010-N 010-L 011-S – 011-U
190– 300
191– 500
550 1250 LF 123 142– 100 34 – – – – 011-T 011-V
143– 300
144– 500
650 1250 LF 123 192– 150 34 – – – – 011-T 011-V
193– 300
194– 500

750 1250 LF 123 104– 200 34 – – – – 011-T 011-V

105– 300
106– 500

LF 170 019- LF 170 052-
800 A 1250 A

Outer terminal assembly: Cat. No. LF 170

Stud with O-ring Separate terminal Solid rod conductor Arcing
and locking pin plate with bolts Cat. No. LF 170 horns
Cat. No.
Aluminium Copper alloy Aluminium Copper alloy Alt. 1 Alt. 2 Mass kg LF 170

001-A 002-A 014-A 021-A 019 -AM – 3.0 004-B

-AS 019 -AT 3.7 -B
-BB -BC 4.3 -B
001-B 002-B 014-A 021-A 052 -BC – 7.7 004-B
-BF 052 -BD 9.3 -B
-BG -BE 10.8 -B
001-A 002-A 014-A 021-A 019 -AN – 3.5 004-B
-AU 019 -AV 4.3 -B
-BD -BE 4.8 -B

001-A 002-A 014-A 021-A 019 -AP – 3.9 004-B

-AX 019 -AY 4.6 -B
-BF -BG 5.1 -B
001-B 002-B 014-A 021-A 052 -BK – 9.6 004-B
-BN 052 -BL 11.4 -B
-BP -BM 12.6 -B
001-A 002-A 014-A 021-A 019 -BS – 4.4 004-C
-BT 019 -BU 5.1 -C
-BV -BX 5.6 -C

001-A 002-A 014-A 021-A 019 -AR – 5.3 004-C

-AZ 019 -BA 5.8 -C
-BH -BK 6.4 -C
001-B 002-B 014-A 021-A 052 -AT – 13.0 004-C
-AU 052 -AX 14.4 -C
-AV -AY 15.8 -C
001-B 002-B 014-A 021-A 052 -AD – 14.9 005-B
-AE 052 -AF 16.1 -B
-AG -AH 17.7 -B

001-B 002-B 014-A 021-A 052 -AZ – 18.0 005-F

-BA 052 -BB 19.0 -F
-AK -AL 20.5 -F

Recommendations for positioning
The maximum stresses in the oil at the surface of the shield ––––––––––––––––––––––––––––––––––––––––––––––
Type Internal R
insulation must be limited to those values normal for GOB insulation level (mm)
insulated conductors and similar components in the same of transformer
transformer. (kV)
The adjacent recommendations are intended as guide 250/800 170-70 65
lines when complete calculations are not carried out. 250-95 75

250/1250 170-70 75
250-95 85

325/800 250-95 75
325-140 100

380/800 325-140 100

380-150 105

380/1250 325-140 105

380-150 110

450/800 380-150 105

Earthed 450-185 125
550/800 450-185 130
Distance to 550-230 155
uninsulated detail Distance to flat
surface e.g. tank or 550/1250 450-185 140
core clamp 550-230 160

650/1250 550-230 160

650-275 185

750/1250 650-275 185

750-325 210

ABB PTPComponents Ludvika, Sweden

GOB 250 LF 123 013-K
No. 257 007
Ur/Uy 52/52 kV Ir 800 A 50/60 Hz Nameplate with
LI / AC 250/120 kV
M 23 kg L 240 mm 0-90 ° marking example.
C1 128 pF Tan δ 0.33 %
C2 80 pF Tan δ 0.45 %



1ZSE 2750-102 en, Rev. 5, 2003-09-15

ABB Power Technology Products AB

Visiting address: Lyviksv‰gen 10
Postal address: SE-771 80 Ludvika, SWEDEN
Tel.+46 240 78 20 00
Fax +46 240 121 57
E-mail: sales@se.abb.com

Printed in Sweden by Globe, Ludvika, 2003

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