0.4 - 33kV Auxiliary Transformer

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Section 6- 6D 170

2.16.2 Auxiliary Transformers & Distribution Transformer

Item Units Required Tendered

1250 kVA, 33/0.4 kV,
(a) General

1. Manufacturer's Name & Address

2. Location of installation

4. Single or three-phase unit Three-phase unit

5. Core or shell type

6. Type of tank

7. Tank fully vacuum proof

8. Number of windings

9. Specification of oil

10. System voltages

- primary kV 33

- secondary kV 0.4

(b) Ratings
1250* and 2500*
1. Rated power kVA

2. Rated symmetrical short circuit kA


3. Rated voltages ( no load)

- primary kV
- secondary kV

4. Vector group symbol Dyn 11

5. Rated frequency Hz

Bidding Document for GPDEEIIP1-2/A Procurement of Plant Single-Stage: Two-Envelope

Section 6- 6D 171

Item Units Required Tendered

(c) Service Conditions

C 40
- Maximum ambient temperature

- Maximum service altitude m 2500

1. Temperature rise limit - oil / K 50/55

windings R2

2. Impedance voltage at rated power % on HV base

5% for
7.5% for

between H.V. and L.V. windings

3. Zero sequence impedance per Ohms

phase (L.V. winding unloaded)

4. Magnetic flux density at rated Tesla

voltage and frequency

5. No-load losses kW <0.5

6. Load losses at full rated power of kW <3.0

L.V. winding

(d) Insulation level and Tests

1. Highest voltage for equipment

- primary winding kV 36

- secondary winding kV 1 R2

2. Routine tests according to IEC

60076 series on each unit

3. Full-wave lightning impulse test

Type test on each unit

- test Voltage / primary kV 170

(e) Operating Details

1. Cooling method ONAN

2. Noise level at measuring distance of dB(A) 60

0.3 m

Bidding Document for GPDEEIIP1-2/A Procurement of Plant Single-Stage: Two-Envelope

Section 6- 6D 172

Item Units Required Tendered

(f) Construction Details

1. Bottom base type

2. Terminations:

- HV Plugging Type

- LV Cable Box

- Neutral Cable Box

(g) Masses, Measures and Drawings

1. Overall dimensions including


- height mm

- depth mm

- width mm

Shipping dimensions

- height mm

- depth mm

- width mm

2. Total mass of transformer complete kg

as in service

3. Transportation mass kg

4. Un-tanking mass kg

5. Mass of insulating liquid kg

6. Minimum space requirements for

transformer bay

- width m

Bidding Document for GPDEEIIP1-2/A Procurement of Plant Single-Stage: Two-Envelope

Section 6- 6D 173

- depth m

Bidding Document for GPDEEIIP1-2/A Procurement of Plant Single-Stage: Two-Envelope

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