Money and Angels Investments

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Money and angels Investments


Presentado por:

Ardila Bedoya Sandra Beatriz




• Earn
• Need
• Want
• Find
• miss

• I earn money for my company

• I need money for my company
• I want money to create my company
• I find money to finance my house
• I miss money in the company
“Angels investments”

1. Angel investor networks are the bridge between both parties and Colombia is one
of the countries in the region with the greatest offer. Harold Calderón, investment
director of Capitalia, said that this company is one of the four networks that exist
in the country, along with Rnai from the Bavaria Foundation, the HubBog network
and the Angeles del Cesa network. To find an angel Investor is necessary to be
connected with the entrepreneurship ecosystem. Another option is to get in touch
with a network of angels where they are in charge of showing the project to
investors or going to a syndicated network of angels.

2. there are organizations that provide accompaniment and also resources, so it is

not necessary that the entrepreneur is hunting for contests to get money, through
iNNpulsa programs such as Aldea are promoted, a community of entrepreneurs
who connect with experts, mentors, investment advisors and credit entities Several
government entities have programs to support the entrepreneur. For example, the
Aldea de Innpulsa project, which not only helps to manage resources but also
accompanies the process in several stages.

3. The angel investors are people who have generally achieved financial stability and
surplus liquidity that allows them to make this type of movement, the entrepreneur,
must have first of all a project that is attractive to the investor. It must show
commitment and security with the project. And you must have a very clear
business plan with which you can show that it is very convenient for both the
investor and the entrepreneur.

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