EcoPoxy Resin Build Hardener

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EcoPoxy Resin & Build Hardener

o 100% solids
o 100% water proof
o Excellent chemical resistance and hardness
o High Adhesion
o Good clarity and gloss retention
o Low viscosity
o Non Toxic, Low Odor, Low VOC’s

Composites Manufacturing, Wood Lamination, Wood Finishing.
Fiberglass, Wood, Metal, Concrete and Masonry
EcoPoxy Resin and Build Hardener is an advanced 100% solids high performance epoxy
laminating system formulated to manufacture high performance structures with or without post-
curing. The system is suitable for the manufacturing of large structures and composite parts by
wet layup with low viscosity and excellent wetting characteristics. The system is also suitable for
filament winding applications and adaptable to VRTM. Parts can be released from a mold
without post-curing. EcoPoxy Resin and Build Hardener has also been designed for coating
and reinforcing fabric saturation in wood composite boat building.
This system exhibits excellent cured mechanical properties providing stronger, lighter, higher
performance parts that can be sanded, shaped, machined, drilled and tapped. It can be used in
combination with EcoPoxy Gel Coat or to make rigid molds and tooling.
EcoPoxy Resin and Build Hardener is commonly used for structural wood construction. It may
be used for: all woods laminations, coating, scarfing, strip planking, as well as bonding in form
of fillet joints applications when filled with wood flour and silica.
EcoPoxy Resin and Build Hardener should not be applied when surface temperature is above
90 degrees F. or below 60 degrees F.
Mix Ratio: 3:1
Pot Time: 20 minutes depending on ambient temperature
Cure Time: 48 hours @ 70 degrees F. @ 50% RH using spread rate of 200 sf/gall.
Set to Touch: 6-8 hours depending on ambient temperature, humidity and thickness.
Minimum Re-apply Time: 6-8 hours depending on ambient temperature, humidity and
Maximum Re-apply Time: 24 hours
Clean Up: De Natured Alcohol
Storage: 55 degrees F. through 85 degrees F. with tightly sealed lids

EcoPoxy Resin and Build Hardener Application:

The viscosity is adapted for squeegee, brush or roller application and provides a perfect surface
due to its surface tension properties. The mixing ratio must be accurately followed. It is not
possible to change the ratio, it would result in lower mechanical properties. The mixture should
be thoroughly stirred to ensure full homogeneity. It is important to note that epoxy systems tend
to heat up much faster in a pot than as a thin film. It is therefore necessary to only mix the
necessary amount usable within the given pot life. Keeping the mixture in flat open containers
reduces the risks of exothermic reaction
The standard procedure of working with epoxy systems applies to this system. It can be applied
by squeegee, brush, roller, infused or injected. In case of laminating over a cured surface
without peel ply, it is required to deglaze, clean and degrease the support prior to laminating.
It is recommended to have workshop temperature conditions between 60-80 degrees order
to facilitate the mixing and the reinforcement fibers impregnation. A lower temperature will
increase the viscosity of the mix as well as its pot life. On the contrary, a higher temperature will
reduce the viscosity and the pot life of the mix.

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