2014 CE - Science and Technology Form II Paper I

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NAME: ______________________________ TIME: 90 minutes

SCHOOL: ______________________________ CLASS: _______

INSTRUCTIONS: Answer ALL questions

Section A – TRUE or FALSE. Write True or False next to each of the following

1. The particles of a gas are packed tightly together. ________

2. Solids do not take the shape of the container they are in. ________

3. Iron combines with oxygen in moist air to form iron oxide, or rust. ________

4. Nonmetals are usually good conductors of heat and electricity. ________

5. Electric current is the rate of flow of electrons. ________

6. The length of the wire cannot change the resistance. ________

7. Land and sea breezes are caused by convection currents. ________

8. Sounds of higher frequencies have lower pitch. ________

9. The prescribed lenses to correct long sightedness are convex lenses. ________

10. To be able to see yourself in the mirror is an example of reflection. ________

Section B – FILL in the BLANKS. Use the most appropriate words to complete the
sentences so that they are correct and make sense

1. Electrons are __________________ charged particles.

2. The ammeter is used to measure __________________.

3. When hydro-electricity is produced __________________ energy is converted

to electrical energy.

4. Some materials can become electrically charged by rubbing. They are charged by

5. A metal spoon left in a cup of hot water gets heated by __________________.

6. Our eyes adjust to look at different objects, far or near, bright or dim. The

__________________ controls the size of the __________________ in looking

at bright or dim objects. When we look at a __________________ object, our

__________________ become smaller. Less light will enter our eyes. The

thickness of the __________________ changes for looking at far or near

Section C – MATCHING. Match the statements on the left with the most
appropriate word on the right

1. Transfer of sound energy _____ A current

2. The frequency of musical sounds _____ B echo
3. The difference in a note played on
different instruments _____ C frequency
4. The reflection of sounds _____ D long sightedness
5. Objects blocking the light _____ E luminous source
6. Upside down image is formed _____ F near sightedness
7. Use of concave lens _____ G opaque
8. Burning candle _____ H photo cell
9. Convert light into electrical energy _____ I pitch
10. The flow of electrons _____ J quality
K retina
L transparent
N waves

Section D – MULTIPLE CHOICE. Circle the letter next to the statement that is the

1. Refraction is:
A. bending B. bouncing C. breaking D. wavy

2. The following parts of the eye have the similar function of refracting light onto
the retina:
A. cornea and suspensory ligaments C. lens and cornea
B. iris and pupil D. pupil and cornea

3. A solar eclipse occurs when

A. both the moon and sun come in front of the earth.
B. Earth comes between the sun and the moon.
C. the moon passes between the sun and the earth.
D. the sun comes between the moon and the earth.

4. The moon is a non-luminous source of light. It glows as it

A. absorbs the sun's light.
B. reflects the earth's light.
C. reflects the sun's light.
D. refracts the light that falls on it from the sun.

5. The light beam emitted by a flashlight is

A. parallel B. converging C. converging and diverging D. diverging

6. If a metal is ________ it can be drawn into a wire.

A. conductive B. ductile C. magnetic D. malleable

7. When a gas changes into a liquid, this is called

A. boiling B. condensation C. melting D. solidification

8. Which of these substances is not an element?

A. Aluminum B. Carbon C. Carbon Dioxide D. Helium

9. Which of these substances is an element and also a gas?
A. Aluminum B. Carbon C. Carbon Dioxide D. Helium

10. Which of the following statements is the best definition of an element? An

A. can be a solid, liquid or gas
B. consists of one type of atom
C. is a pure substance
D. makes up natural substances

11. Acid will turn blue litmus paper the colour

A. green B. yellow C. red D. blue

12. The process of adding an acid to a base to produce a salt is called

A. crystallization C. salting
B. fertilization D. neutralization

13. When an acid and a carbonate are mixed it forms salt water and
A. Carbon dioxide B. Hydrogen C. Nitrogen D. Oxygen

14. The chemical name for lime water is

A. Calcium Hydroxide Solution
B. Iron Oxide Solution
C. Magnesium Hydroxide
D. Sodium Hydroxide

15. Which of the following instruments can increase or decrease the resistance?
A. Ammeter B. Rheostat C. Transformer D. Voltmeter

16. This is a safety device that is used to stop the current flowing when it becomes
too large.
A. Fuse B. Resistor C. Switch D. Transformer

17. Any material through which electrons flow easily can be classified as a/an
A. battery B. conductor C. insulator D. resistor

18. Negatively charged particles are called

A. atoms B. electrons C. neutrons D. protons

19. Resistance is measured in

A. Amperes B. Coulombs C. Ohms D. Volts

20. Heat causes objects to do ALL of the following EXCEPT

A. change temperature C. contract
B. change state D. expand

21. What change takes place in the body on a hot day?

A. Goose bumps or pimples develop
B. Less blood flows near the surface of the skin
C. More blood flows near the surface of the skin
D. Shivering

22. The transfer of heat from ONE place to another without the use of particles is
A. conduction B. convection C. radiation D. transpiration

23. A measure of the level of heat in a substance or object is called

A. conduction B. heat transfer C. radiation D. temperature

23. A metal bowl and a plastic bowl are both at room temperature. When you touch
each bowl, the metal bowl feels a little cooler than the plastic bowl. This is because
A. density of the metal bowl is greater
B. metal bowl absorbs more heat
C. metal bowl is a better conductor of heat
D. plastic bowl reflects heat more rapidly

24. When an electric bell under a jar is ringing and all the air is slowly removed from
in the jar, the sound of the bell will
A. get louder C. gradually get higher
B. get softer D. not change

25. On Sports Day, to be accurate, the timers at the finish line look for the gun
smoke to start the clock and not the starters gunshot sound. This is because
A. speed of light is less than that of sound
B. they will not hear the shot with all the noise around
C. the light was given off before the sound
D. the sound from the gun is too soft

26. In which of the following instruments is sound produced by a set of vibrating

A. drum set B. flute C. piano D. trumpet

27. In a stringed instrument the pitch of the note is changed by

A. closing the hole in the box
B. plucking the string harder with finger
C. tightening the string
D. using a pick to play the instrument

28. What is the highest frequency man can hear?

A. 20000 Hz B. 120000 Hz C. 160000 Hz D. 200000 Hz

29. Which structure in the ear does NOT help in hearing?

A. Cochlea B. Ear drum C. Semi-circular canals D. Hammer

30. Which of the following features of a concert hall helps sounds to be heard clearly?
A. The room should be very large
B. The walls covered with curtains
C. The walls should be painted white
D. Very high roofing

End of Exam

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